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Paper ⅡVocabulary and Grammar ( 第二卷词汇和语法)

Ⅵ. Chose the best answer. (20%)

31. Uncle Wang has been here _____ ten years ago.

A. for

B. since

C. in

D. at

32. You may go fishing if your work _____ done.

A. is

B. will be

C. has

D. have

33.Cotton ___ nice and soft.

A. is felt

B. is feeling

C. feel

D. feels

34. Someone is knocking at the door. It ____my mother. It’s time for her to be back.

A. can be

B. may not be

C. must be

D. mustn’t

35. If you miss so many lessons, you must fall behind _____ .

A. another

B. the others

C. others

D. the other

36. Mr. Li knows little English, _____ he can’t understand the instructions on the

bottle of the pills.

A. so

B. or

C. but

D. for

37. The population of Shanghai is _____ than that of Hangzhou..

A. small

B. larger

C. less

D. more

38. She said that she would do _____ she could _____ her daughter laugh.

A. what, make

B. that, make

C. what, to make

D. that, to make

39. Do you know where _____ from?

A. he come

B. he comes

C. did he come

D. doe she came

40. Tom, please help me _____ the picture on the wall.

A. put up

B. put on

C. put off

D. put into

41. “ _____ do you write to your parents ?”“ Once a month.”

A. How long

B. How much

C. How far

D. How often

42 How long _____ it _____ to go there by train?

A. do, take

B. does, take

C. does, spend

D. does, play

43. What _____ just now?

A. was happened

B. were happened

C. happened

D. happens

44. If you don’t feel well, you may just _____ .

A. stopped reading

B. stop reading

C. stopped to read

D. stop to read

45. When she was 22 years old, her dream _____.

A. came true

B. come true

C. came real

D. come real

46. I forgot Tom’s address. But I found his telephone number in the _____.

A. phone books

B. book of phone

C. phone’s book

D. phone book

47. “Where can we get a football?”“Let’s _____ .”

A. lend Jim one

B. lend one to Jim

C. borrow one from Jim

D. borrow one of Jim

48. We should help her when she is _____.

A. in trouble

B. in a trouble

C. in the trouble

D. in troubles

49. Look! How heavy the rain is! You’d better _____.

A. stay here when it stops

B. don’t go now

C. not leave until it stops

D. not to leave at once

50. “Will you please tell Jim to come to my office?”“_____”

A. Yes, I do.

B. I’ll be glad.

C. Thank you.

D. I’ll be glad to. ⅦCloze. (choose the words and expressions to complete the passages) (20 %)


A schoolboy’s life prepares him for the real battle of life, It is also 51 of differences and interests. One of the 52 important parts of a schoolboy’s life is to get 53 knowledge and good training as he can . His 54 business in school is to learn. He has to go over what he is 55 in classes. He has to do the 56 given by his teachers. 57 part that forms a school boy’s life is the school discipline(纪律). At school there are 58 rules to be kept. This strict discipline is very 59 for him when he 60 society to make a living. It teaches him some very necessary virtues(美德)on the road to a successful life.

51. A. full B. fond C. sure D. filled

52. A. large B. greater C. different D. most

53. A. more B. as many C. as much D. little

54. A. best B. main C. almost D. partly

55. A. taught B. learned C. studied D. examined

56. A. housework B. homework C. duty D. wrong

57. A. Another B. Other C. The other D. Great

58. A. enough B. kind C. hard D. bad

59. A. common B. useful C. bad D. pleasant

60.A. leaves B. comes C. enters D. stands


Many Chinese students find it difficult to learn English , but not Chinese, because Chinese is their mother tongue. Actually, Chinese is much more difficult to 61 than English.

Still, some foreign students can speak Chinese so well that if you didn’t see them, you would 62 them for Chinese. What makes them 63 ?

“For me, conversation is most helpful. I grasp every chance to speak 64 Chinese. If you only listen to what others 65 you’ll improve your listening ability,
