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陈述句 + 逗号 + 省略问句 + 问号

You are from America, aren’t you?


Jim isn’t in Class Four, is he?


Mr Zhang has been here for four years, hasn’t he?

1. this 或that改it,无论是否指人

This is your brother, isn’t it?

2. these或those改they

Those are books ,aren’t they?

3. 不定代词one改he

One can’t be always y oung, can he?

4. something、anything、everything和nothing改it

Nothing is serious, is it? (注意为什么后面用is it而不是isn’t it?)

Everything seems all right, doesn’t it?

5. everybody、everyone、somebody、someone、anybody、anyone、nobody改they或he(任选,但选定后注意单复数形式)

Everyone knows this, don’t they / doesn’t he?

Nobody likes to lose money, does he? (这里最好用he)

6.each of改he或they

Each of the boys had an apple, didn’t he / they?

7. no one, none, neither, either改they 或he

No one came, did they?

8. some of…、none of …改it、they或you(联系上下文或句子)

None of the food was delicious, was it?

Some of the dustmen have come back, haven’t they?

9. 由neither…nor…、not only…but also、both…and…、either…or…、not…but…、…or…、…and…等连接的并列主语,改复数代词

Neither you nor I am wrong, are we?

Both Tom and Jack came, didn’t the y?

10. 由动词不定式、动名词、从句或词组构成的主语,改it

To learn English well isn’t easy, is it?

Swimming is great fun, isn’t it?

11. the + 形容词表示一类人,改复数代词

The poor had no right (权力) to speak at the time, did they?

12. there 引起的句子(There be句型等),仍用there

There sta nds a house and a lot of trees, doesn’t there?

There are many children in the park, aren’t there?12. “must be”


must表示“必须”,反意疑问句部分为mustn’t…? / needn’t…?

He must study hard at English, mustn’t he? / needn’t he?

You must go home now, needn’t you? / mustn’t you?


①must be 对现在情况进行推测

You must be joking, aren’t you?

He must be ill, isn’t he ?

②must have done (对过去推测)有过去时间状语

He must have come yesterday, didn’t he ?

③must have done (由过去延续到现在)

He must have lived here at least 10 years , hasn’t he ?

④must have been(对过去状态的推测)

He must have been a policeman, wasn’t he?


1. I am…改aren’t I

I am your friend, aren’t I?

2. I wish to do sth或I wish I …改may I

I wish to go home, may I?

I wish I were you, may I?

3、当陈述句中含有have to时,附加疑问句用“don’t+主语”;陈述句中含有

had to时,则附加疑问句用“did’t +主语”

We have to study hard ,don’t we?

Tom had to stop smoking,did’t he?

4. 主从复合句,与主句的主谓语保持一致(对从句进行删除)

He says that I did it, does n’t he?

David wouldn’t go there if it rained, would he?

4. 并列句,与邻近的分句保持一致(就近原则)

Mary is a nice girl, but she had one short-coming, hadn’t she?

5. 表示邀请,请求的祈使句,附加疑问部分用will you或won’t you或would

you等,一般只要记住will you就可以了,不遵循前否定后肯定或前肯定后否定的原则

Come here, will you?

Turn off the light, will you?

Do sit down, will you?

6. 表示告诉别人做某事的祈使句,用will you、can you、would you或can’t

you、won’t you

Stop talking, can you?

Write down the new words, will you / won’t you?
