



第18组:足够adequate 常含有“充分但刚好足够之程度”的意思,比下面两个弱enough 指数量、份量或程度能满足一种愿望,特别是物质上的需要sufficient 指数量上尤指程度上多能满足或叨叨某种特殊需要,特别是精神上的需求词汇搭配第18组:all (下)all the more 更加all the same 都一样in all 总共not at all 一点也不第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。

adequate, enough, sufficientMore co ffee? No, thanks. I’ve had ___1___.The pension is not ___2___ for living expenses.I hope you will prove ___3___ to the job.第二题:请用以下词组造句all the more, in all参考答案:第一题:1. enough2. sufficient3. adequate第二题:all the more: She’s become beautiful al l the more.in all: There are 34 students in all.第19组:崇敬admire 常用语,指对优秀人物的崇敬钦佩,并含有欣赏爱慕之情adore 原指“崇拜”,现作“敬爱、爱慕”解,口语中常解释为“喜欢”worship 带有宗教色彩,指怀有虔诚的感情,对自己可望而不可及的人物的强烈崇拜。

词汇搭配第19组:alongall along 始终,一直along with 随同……一起get along 进展,相处第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。

admire, adore, worshipI ___1___ him for his courage.Leave him alone. He is now ___2___ the ground she treads on. My mother ___3___ the cinema.第二题:请用以下词组造句all along, along with, get along参考答案:第一题:1. admire2. worshiping3. adores第二题:all along: The dog live with the old lady all along.along with: He came in along with his parentsget along: The twins are always getting along well with each other.词汇辨析第20组:装饰adorn 指原本很美的东西饰以它物使其更美decorate 指用各种各样的图案、色彩、物品等使被装饰的东西焕然一新,以增加节日气氛ornament 指以附属物衬托某物,使其更美丽词汇搭配第20组:angryangry at/with sb. 生某人的气angry at/about sth. 因某事生气第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。



中考语文词性练习题一、选择题1. 下列词语中,属于名词的是:A. 快乐B. 跑步C. 研究D. 美丽2. 下列词语中,属于动词的是:A. 勇敢B. 飞翔C. 平静D. 绿色3. 下列词语中,属于形容词的是:A. 讲述B. 喜悦C. 行走D. 高兴4. 下列词语中,属于副词的是:A. 整天B. 轻轻C. 热烈D. 美好二、填空题1. 请在下列句子中,填入适当的名词:______是一种交通工具。

(答案:自行车)2. 请在下列句子中,填入适当的动词:他______在操场上跑步。

(答案:正在)3. 请在下列句子中,填入适当的形容词:这座山非常______。

(答案:高)4. 请在下列句子中,填入适当的副词:她______地完成了老师布置的任务。

(答案:认真)三、改错题1. 将下列句子中的错误词性改正:他(名词)跑得很快。


)2. 将下列句子中的错误词性改正:这个苹果非常(动词)甜。


)3. 将下列句子中的错误词性改正:他们(动词)在讨论问题。


)4. 将下列句子中的错误词性改正:这个花园真(名词)漂亮。


)四、词性归类题请将下列词语归类到相应的词性:勇敢、快乐、美丽、高兴、喜悦、热烈、美好、轻轻、整天、讲述、行走、研究、飞翔、自行车、操场、山、任务、讨论、花园名词:______、______、______、______、______动词:______、______、______、______、______形容词:______、______、______、______、______副词:______、______、______、______、______(答案略)五、词性转换题请将下列名词转换为相应的形容词:1. 幸福→ _______2. 和平→ _______3. 阳光→ _______4. 知识→ _______5. 青春→ _______六、同义词辨析题请从下列选项中选择与括号内词语词性相同且意义相近的词语:1. 他的(形容词)成绩优异,可以用(名词)______来形容。


2、能根据语境,恰当地使用同义词、 近义词和反义词。
3、能根据语境,准确地理解词语的特 定意义和临时意义。 4、能正确地运用虚词,特别是“关联 词语”。
理解掌握词义是辨析近义词的根本途径, 语言感悟能力和领会能力是其重要资本。
1、分清词义的轻重: 例如:“轻视”和“蔑视” “失望”和“绝望”

A、 演讲反应强烈,掌声经久不息,振聋发聩。
B、 这支球队连遭败绩,广大球迷大跌眼镜,对这支球
C、 彩电发展业虽然酝酿着种种新技术的突破,但根本
D、 随着《焦点访谈》节目的开播,“焦青天”这个名字
问题。 A.退化 改善 自制 C.蜕化 改变 自治
B.蜕化 D.退化
改变 改善
自制 自治
*依次填入下面括号里的词语,恰当的一组是: B
的犯罪。 2.真诚的(
)是建立在互相理解、互相帮助的 )事实,矢口否认 情谊 情意 歪曲 歪曲
基础之上的。 3.日本军国主义分子肆意( 对中国的侵略历史。 A.迁就 C.姑息 情谊 情意 曲解 曲解 B.姑息 D.迁就
*依次填入下面括号里的词语,恰当的一组是: C 1.北京奥运会组委会宣布从2004年开始将先后( ) 新的会徽和吉祥物标志。 2.如果没有( )过人生的酸甜苦辣,又怎么能 真正懂得长辈们创业的艰难呢? 3.父亲虽然不是科班出身,但他在外国文学方面的 造诣足以使专业人士( )。 A.起用 体味 侧目 B.起用 体验 刮目 C.启用 体味 刮目 D.启用 体验 侧目





A.必须抑止防治 B.必须抑制防止C. 必需抑止防治D.必需抑制防止2、(重庆)依次填入下边一段文字横线处的关联词语,衔接最恰当的一组是()当你还是一棵幼苗的时候,别人不容易在远处看到你。



A. 虽然甚至因为如果B. 虽然或者除非只有C. 即使或者除非只有D. 即使甚至因为如果3、(天津)3.下列各句横线处应填入的词语,最恰当的一组是()(1)比起秋天的枫林来,夏天的枫林没有那么撩人的红韵,但那生机盎然的绿,着的却是一股青春的朝气。


(3)我们相隔的不是几小时的车程,而是一整块大陆,就像歌里所唱的,用我的晚安陪你吃早餐,但是也隔不断彼此的思念A.萌动调剂地久天长B.涌动调节地久天长C.萌动调节山长水远D.涌动调剂山长水远4、(江苏)在下面一段话空缺处依次填入成语,最恰当的一组是(3 分) ()笔名满天下而原名湮没无闻者,事实上等于。




A. 改名换姓大名鼎鼎弄巧成拙B. 移花接木如雷贯耳弄巧成拙C. 改名换姓如雷贯耳弄假成真D. 移花接木大名鼎鼎弄假成真5、(湖北)依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的是()说到底,世上风景闲流水,端的还是要人慢下来。



名词同义词辨析1.approach; method; way; means1)approach指待人接物或思考问题的方式、方法、态度,常用approach to sth./ doing sth.2)method指有条理的,系统的办法,特别指新的办法。

常用method of doing sth.前面接with。


常用way of doing / way to do前面接in.4)means 指实现目的的任何手段,或使用某种交通工具的方式。

常用by means of. 例句:1)This money wasn't earned by honest .2)Children should learn the proper of brushing teeth,3)I like her to the problem.4)What is the best to make tea?2.area; region; field; district1)area 是这组词中用得最广的,表示的地区可大可小,但通常不指行政分区。




如:an oil region, a forest region.3)field:田地;活动场地;领域4)district指相对于region稍小的地区,通常指一个国家或城市的行政分区.例句:1)Italy is divided into 20 .2)The busiest shopping in Beijing is around Wangfujing Street.3)I find the people in this very friendly.4)He was famous in the of science.3.argument; quarrel; debate1)argument:争论,不一定能得到解决。
















然、、(4)苹果核( )像一颗五角星!(5)被烈火焚烧的蚂蚁( )迅速扭成一团。

(6)小华做了两次实验,( )就成功了。






秀丽壮丽美丽(1)祖国大西北山河( ),特产丰富。

(2)黄山景色( ),值得一游。

(3)一走进花园,只见到处都盛开着( )的鲜花。

温顺温和(4)黄老师常常面带微笑,说起话来低声细语,显得十分( )。

(5)我家的小猫,只要一呼唤,它就会过来舔我的脚,很( )。

【答案】(1)壮丽 (2)秀丽 (3)美丽 (4)温和 (5)温顺【解析】略6.比一比,选一选。


































































同义词辨析练习题1.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ( )①随着社会的发展, 教育越来越引起人们的关注。

②分别二十多年后,同学们再相聚时,我已经很难 出小学时的同桌了。

③这里出产的绿茶久负盛名,要仔细 才能领略到它的妙处。

A.终身 辨认 品尝 B.终身 辨别 品评 C.终生 辨别 品尝 D.终生 辨认 品评2.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是() ①只有养成了习惯,才是_______的、自觉的行为,道德建设才会见到实效。



A、稳固 明显/鲜明 虽然/但是B、稳固 鲜明/明显 既/又C、稳定 明显/鲜明 虽然/但是D、稳定 鲜明/明显 既/又3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ( ) ①有人说日本汽车比德国汽车更舒适,也有人说德国汽车比日本汽车更稳重,但这______只是个人的不同感受,购车人还是要亲自驾驶一下才能作出判断。



A.毕竟 沿用 鉴赏 B.毕竟 采用 鉴别C.究竟 沿用 鉴别 D.究竟 采用 鉴赏4.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ( ) ①北京奥运会组委会宣布从2004年开始将先后新的会徽和吉祥物标志。

②如果没有过人生的酸甜苦辣,又怎么能真正懂得长辈们创业的艰难呢? ③父亲虽然不是科班出身,但他在外国文学方面的造诣足以使专业人士。

A.起用体味侧目 B.起用体验刮目 C.启用体味刮目 D.启用体验侧目5.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ( )①岗位培训改变了旨在学校接受教育的状况,一个人离开学校并不意味着学习的______。








练习一:选择最合适的同义词1. 快乐与欢乐:- 我今天非常()。

- 节日的晚上,人们沉浸在()之中。

练习二:填空- 他()地接受了这个任务。



练习一:写出下列词的反义词- 高:()- 快乐:()练习二:反义词填空- 这个房间很(),外面很冷。



练习一:选择最合适的近义词- 聪明与智慧:- 他是一个()的孩子。

练习二:近义词填空- 这个问题很(),需要仔细思考。



练习一:根据上下文选择正确的词义- 他把书放在桌子上。

(放:放置/放弃)练习二:多义词填空- 他()了这个机会。



练习一:区分易混淆词- 站(zhan4)与占(zhan4):- 请在()上排队。

()练习二:易混淆词填空- 他()了第一名。



练习一:词义扩展填空- 他()了这个问题。

(解决/处理)练习二:根据语境选择词义- 他()了这个项目。




第一节同义词辨析、形近词辨析训练A. adapt—adopt effective—efficient pause—pursue empty—vacant –hollow in case/in case of/in the case of1. We (adapted/adopted) ourselves to the hot weather.2. Circumstances will force us finally to (adapt/adopt) this policy.3. The German telephone system is highly (effective/efficient).4. My headache's much better. Those tablets are (effective/efficient)5. After graduating, she hopes to (pause/pursue) a career in the theatre.6. It was very light to carry, being (empty/vacant /hollow) except for two shirts.7. They always leave (empty/vacant/hollow) seats to whoever comes first.8. (In case/In case of/In the case of) learning English, we must practise a lot.9. He doesn't dare to leave the house (in case/in case of/in the case of) he is recognized.10. (In case/In case of/In the case of) my not being there, ask my brother to help you.B. except/except for considerate /considerableformally /formerly respectable/respectful/respective11. (Except/Except for) an old lady, the bus was empty.12. It was very (considerate /considerable) of you to remember my birthday.13. There was a (considerate/considerable) growth of the light industries during the war.14. Begun in 1801, the road was (formally/formerly) opened in 1902.15. This man, (formally /formerly) the possessor of much wealth, is now poor.16. No educational system is perfect. Each one has its (limits/limitations).17. The teacher is poor but (respectable/respectful/respective). I wish you would be more (respectable/respectful) to him.18. The three men were given work according to their (respectable /respectful /respective) abilities.C. practical /practicable live/alive/lively aches/soreache/pain/sore/painful temporary/permanent19. It sounds like a good idea, but there are some (practical /practicable) difficulties.20. Is it (practical/practicable) to try to grow crops in deserts?21. I wish your mother was (live/alive/lively) to hear you!22. The cat was playing with a (live/alive/lively) mouse.23. He told a very (live/alive/lively) story about his life in Africa.24. The Olympic Games in Mexico City and in Munich were telecast (live/alive/lively).25. My knee (pains/aches/sore) me on damp days.26. My leg (ached/pained/sore) and I was tired.27. I have just had a tooth pulled out and my mouth is very (ache/pain/sore/painful).28. He was such a wanderer that he never had a (temporary/permanent) address.29. The pioneer life is (temporary/contemporary) and soon replaced by other forms of life.D. model/medal recommend/introduceengage/marry/divorce fell/felled principal/principle30. This is the athlete who everyone says will win the gold (model/medal) at the winter Olympic Games.31. The person who was (recommended/introduced) for the position did not fulfill the (maximum /minimum) requirements.32. Officer ! I've been (stolen/robbed)33. Officer My dog's been (stolen /robbed).34. My aunt took me over at the age of three when my parents got (engaged/married/divorced)35. Her head sank down, and two great tears (fell/felled) on his hand.36. What's your (principal/principle) reason for wanting to be a doctor?37. If you want a free day you'll have to ask the (principal/principle).E. sensible/sensitive bleed/breed successive/excessiveexclusive/inclusive define/confine compel /repel38. Our counselor offered a (sensible/sensitive) approach to the problem.39. A (sensible/sensitive) instrument is one that will measure very small quantities.40. Earthworms stop (bleeding/breeding) some time before they die.41. The football team celebrated its fourth (successive/excessive) victory.42. (Successive /Excessive) spending can lead to bankruptcy.43. There are twenty-eight days in that month, (exclusive/inclusive) of Sundays.44. The real-estate agent has the (exclusive/inclusive) right to sell the house.45. I wish you would (confine/define) yourself to the matter under discussion.46. The Constitution (defines/confines) the powers of the president.47. Water and oil (compel /repel) each other.48. The rain (compelled/repelled) us to stay in doors.F.substitute/constitute access/assess/excesscrash /crush discourage/encourage contract/contact/contrast49. If you cannot go yourself; please find someone to (substitute/constitute) you.50. They are modern buildings with (distinct/extinct) national style.51. Switzerland has (access/assess/excess) to the sea via the River Rhine.52. The (access/excess) of losses over profits will ruin the business.53. We saw the aircraft (crash /crush) and burst into flames.54. Don't let one failure (discourage/encourage) you; try again.55. When the .synthetic is (contracted/contacted/contrasted) with the natural one, the difference is very apparent.56. Air expands when heated, and it (contracts/contacts/contrasts) when cooled.G. charged/accuse emerge/submerge attach/detachconstruct/instruct permit/permission/allowance57. The police (charged/accused) him with breaking the law.58. We saw the submarine (emerge/submerge) from the water.59. He (attached/detached) his watch from the chain.60. There was a nice little present for everyone, with a suitable poem (attached /detached).61. A private tutor (constructed/instructed) the prince and princess.62. You must obtain (permit/permission/allowance) from the landowner to fish in this river.63. When he was a student, his father gave him a monthly (salary/permission/allowance) towards his expenses.H. reward/prize/price/praise travel/voyage/journeyask/enquire/question job/post/work march/wonder/wander64. When he was at school, he won first (reward/prize/price/praise) for good behaviour.65. When he makes a (travel/voyage/journey) by car, he takes his family with him.66. Police officers working on the murder haves (asked/enquired/questioned) hundreds of families.67. After the Cabinet reshuffle, the Minister wasn't very happy at his new (job/post/work).68. She (marched/wondered/wandered) along the path glad to be able to take her time.I. desire/ambition/intention assure/ensure/insureoutline/outlook/layout extinguish/diminish/distinguish69. She had clearly no (desire/ambition/intention) of doing any work, although she was very well paid.70. I (assure/ensure/insure) you that this medicine cannot harm you.71. This medicine will (assure/ensure/insure) you a good night's sleep.72. I tried to (assure/ensure/insure) that everybody understood the instructions.73. The only way to (assure/ensure/insure) success is to work hard.74. This book gives a brief (outline/outlook/layout) of the history of the castle and details of the art collection in the main hall.75. The (layout/outline/outlook) of the book, with the text on the left and the notes on the right, makes it a pleasure to use.76. The firemen managed to (extinguish/diminish/distinguish) the fire in time.77. I can hardly (distinguish/extinguish) her from her sister, they are so much alike.J. sufficient/efficient/inefficient carry/fetch/bring/takedull/awkward/tedious attract/abstract/contract/subtract78. I believe reserves of coal here are (sufficient/efficient/inefficient) to last for fifty years.79. If there is not enough lime in soil, it is (efficient/sufficient/deficient) in lime.80. A good manager is both competent and (efficient/sufficient/deficient).81. When she saw the clouds she went back to the house to (carry/fetch/bring/take) her umbrella.82. Jim isn't (dull/awkward/tedious), but he did badly in the final exams last semester.83. Teaching as a career (attracts/abstracts/contracts/subtracts) many people because of long holidays.84. In their first year at school, most children learn to add and (distract/contract/subtract).85. My attentions were (extracted/abstracted/distracted) from my study.86. (Abstract /Contract /Extract) ideas may lead to concrete plans.K. conversation /conservation /reservation /conversion nuisance/nonsensespecific/special/particular trip/trap87. I'd like to check in, please. I didn't make a (conversation /conservation /reservation /conversion).88. The guest who arrives an hour ahead of time is the greatest (nuisance/nonsense).89. The speaker did not mention many facts, so we asked him to be more (specific/special/particular).90. The police set a (trip/trap) to catch the thieves.L. spat/span/split/spilt served/deserved/observed/preserveexpected/inspected/respected/suspect91. The waitress (spat/span/split/spilt) coffee on the floor and had to wipe it up.92.The spider has (spat/split/spilt/spun) a web.93. Translations must be done carefully so that the accuracy of the original manuscripts is (served/deserved/observed/preserved).94. It's lucky for us that we have (reserved/deserved /observed) seats.95. I said I had no doubt that he (served/deserved /reserved) his glory.96. When the owner of the disco (expected/inspected/respected/suspected) that their identification was not valid, he refused to serve them.97. However dim the (respects/aspects/prospects) may be today, we intend to continue our efforts.98. The dentist (expects/suspects/inspects) the pupil's teeth twice a year.M. conference/inference/preference/referenceimpose/oppose/propose/suppose/compose/purpose/dispose/expose99. Adam likes all fruit, but he has a (conference/inference/preference/reference) for apples.100. That (inference/reference/interference) has been warranted by the facts.101. In some Muslim countries women do not (compose/purpose/dispose/expose) their faces in public.102. Don't try to (impose/oppose/propose/suppose) your will on others.103. Man (proposes/composes) and God (disposes/supposes).N. assign/resign/design/sign set/settle/offset/upsetprecede/proceed/exceed/succeed conclude/exclude/include104. Let's (assign/resign/design/sign) a day in July for the performance.105. All the other ministers are intending to (assign /design /resign) as well.106. To (set/settle/offset/upset) the loss on his apples, the shopkeeper charged more for the cabbages.107. The boat was overloaded and was (offset/set/upset).108. Cars must not (precede/proceed/exceed/succeed) fifteen miles in certain areas.109. Agricultural development simply must (precede /proceed) economic development.110. The examination is (proceeding/preceding) as planned.101. We will (conclude/exclude/include) Our concert with the National Anthem.102. A good book ought to (include/exclude/conclude) a good cover.103. The writer (included/excluded/concluded) certain passages from the original book in the new edition.。













A. 截至B.截止本次大赛报名在昨天已经。





A. 授权B. 受权外交部新闻司发表公告。
































A. 年轻以至踌躇满志B. 年青以致踌躇满志C. 年轻以致自鸣得意D. 年青以至自鸣得意[答案] A 【解析】①中应选“年轻”。












词法讲座: 同义词词组辨析例题2 12 18 (高三第六周,高二第三周)

词法讲座: 同义词词组辨析例题2 12 18 (高三第六周,高二第三周)

词法讲座:同义词词组辨析例题2 &作文讲座12 18 (高三第六周,高二第三周)1. --- How about John?--- My uncle ____ a good student.A. believes JohnB. suggest JohnC. considers JohnD. knows John2. --- Is dinner ready?--- No. Mother is ____ it ready now.A. doingB. cookingC. gettingD. preparing3. --- What happened?--- As you know, my schoolmates never ____ their clothes well.A. hangingB. hangedC. hungD. hang4. What size shoes do you ____?A. wearB. dressC. put onD. have on5. What he said ____ me and I got angry.A. brokeB. hurtC. woundedD. damaged6. The bad cold ____ me awake the whole night.A. madeB. causedC. keptD. let7. At the meeting, the monitor ____ a good suggestion.A. saidB. showedC. madeD. put8. Will you ____ me the favor to take down the pictures?A. giveB. doC. makeD. bring9. The expression on her face ____ that she was disappointed.A. toldB. saidC. expressedD. suggested10. Many parts of the country were ____ by the floods in the summer of 1991.A. affectedB. effectC. sufferedD. irrigated11. On the way back, he was ____ in a storm and got all wet.A. gotB. caughtC. heldD. grasped12. The ship ____ a rock and slowly it began to go down.A. hitB. knockedC. beatD. broke13. He often tells us that he doesn't ____ in his room.A. promise drinkingB. permit drinkingC. allow to drinkD. let drinking14. Would you be kind enough to ____ me a few minutes?A. saveB. shareC. spendD. spare15. I found them ____ at a desk writing.A. seatB. satC. seatedD. seating16. The newly-built cinema ____ the beauty of the town.A. adds toB. adds upC. adds up toD. are added up to17. They have eaten all the oranges on the table and ____ was left for me.A. noneB. nothingC. no one C. not anything18. Only when all the facts have been ____, can we draw a conclusion.A. madeB. found outC. discoveredD. invented19. If you like, ____ at any time.A. call onB. drop inC. visitD. pay a visit to20. When they arrived at the crossroads, they went in the wrong ____.A. directionB. waysC. roadD. path21. I ____ live in the countryside than in the city.A. like toB. had betterC. would ratherD. prefer22. The clock ____ twelve and I realized it was late.A. hitB. rangC. struckD. beat23. This science book ____ me a great amount of money.A. tookB. costC. usedD. spent24. I ____ you the best luck in the exam. A. wish B. hope C. expect D. want25. He was too excited to ____.A. go to bedB. sleepC. be asleepD. fall asleep26. We are ____ making a plan for the meeting.A. planningB. consideringC. thinkingD. supposing27. What a nice ____ his coat is!A. clothesB. suitC. fitD. dress28. My trousers are too long. You'd better buy me a shorter ____.A. oneB. trouserC. setD. pair29. He's so well-educated that he will certainly be offered a good ____.A. serviceB. positionC. businessD. work30. Green vegetables are ____ in winter and cost a lot.A. scarceB. rareC. fewD. little31. You can't judge him by his ____. He might be a good boy.A. faceB. looksC. beautyD. expression32. What's your ____ sport, swimming or skating?A. fitB. bestC. popularD. favorite33. I really have no ____ when they will arrive.A. mindB. thoughtC. knowledgeD. idea34. The price of foreign oil is much ____ than ever.A. cheaperB. expensiveC. higherD. more35. The furniture takes up a lot of ____.A. placesB. roomC. spotsD. spaces36. The racers are ____ old people in their sixties.A. mostB. mostlyC. almostD. at the most37. The piece of ____ music made me forget my worries.A. merryB. gladC. fondD. pleased38. In which year did the Labor Party come into ____ in that country?A. changeB. powerC. forceD. control39. The enemy soldiers were beaten. They had no ____ but to give in.A. possibilityB. wayC. selectionD. choice40. Lying in bed, he was ____ awake with his eyes fixed on the ceiling.A. wideB. openC. deepD. clearly41. From the same fact we drew different ____.A. ideasB. theoriesC. resultsD. conclusions42. Do you know how many basic ____ of blood there are in all?A. kindsB. sortsC. typesD. forms43. He was so tired that as soon as he lay down he fell ____ asleep.A. fastB. veryC. muchD. deep44. The ____ of oil under the land made the people richer.A. foundingB. inventionC. discoveryD. existence45. I had hoped that Henry would answer my question, but he remained ____.A. quietB. stillC. readyD. silent46. Father often turns to the doctor for ____ about his heart trouble.A. helpB. adviceC. moneyD. support47. He has such a poorly-paid job that twenty dollars a week was the ____ of his income.A. allB. wholeC. totalsD. entire48. It makes no ____ whether you go today or tomorrow.A. meansB. suggestionC. differenceD. idea49. Thoughts are expressed by ____ of words.A. wayB. methodC. meansD. forms50. The book is so instructive that it is ____ worth reading twice.A. veryB. quiteC. ratherD. well练习二:作文讲座:高考英语作文场景词汇话题一:中学生的爱好与兴趣Spare time(业余时间), favorite(最喜欢的), Interest(兴趣), hobby(爱好), appetite(嗜好),taste(口味), read novels(也小说), play football/basketball(打足球/篮球), surf the internet(上网), chat online(在线聊天), play games(玩游戏), collect stamps(集邮), make e-friends(交网友), climb mountains(爬山), watch TV(看电视), enjoy popular music(喜欢流行音乐),be interested in(对…感兴趣), develop an interest in(在…方面发展兴趣), be fond of(喜欢…),be keen on(喜欢…), have love for(喜爱…), have a taste in(对…有兴趣) 等。




X为大家整理的,欢迎大家来查阅!1.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )①上海世博会是第一个正式提出“低碳世博”理念的世博会,中国在过程中也在全力实践这一理念。




A.筹措启用利益B.筹办启动利害C.筹措启动利害D.筹办启用利益2.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是( )①为了弄清这句话的出处,判断对方说法的真伪,老先生跑了许多图书馆,________了大量的文献资料。



A.批阅处事终止B.批阅处世中止C.披阅处世中止D.披阅处事终止3.依次填入下列各句中横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )(1)国务院发表声明称,必须采取更为严格、更为有力的措施,认真落实中央确定的房地产市场调控政策,坚决____部分城市房价过快上涨。



A.遏止锐减乃至B.遏制骤降甚至C.遏止骤降甚至D.遏制锐减乃至4. 依次填入下列横线处的词语,恰当的一组是( )①鲁迅先生说话时态度镇静,而又从容,使听的人心情舒畅,真个有“如坐春风”的感觉。


③云南有着美丽的风景,山清水秀,月色朦胧;风摇叶展,山路 ;九转十八弯,山雨雾中行。



管见 高见
叨扰 光临
犬子 令郎
翻开蓝本P22 ,细读第八点。
沐彬中学 高三语文组
有些词语已有特定的含义,在选择时需要注意考虑意 义与原句的重复与否。 如“凯旋”就等于“胜利归来”, 如果原句中已有“胜利”之意,那么选词时就不能选择 “凯旋”。
“勾通”是暗中串连、勾结之意,是贬义词;“沟通”, 使两方能连通,如“沟通思想”、“沟通两国文化”等, 是中性词。很明显A项为“沟通”,B项为“勾通”。
词语的色彩主要指感情色彩和语体色彩,感情色彩分 褒、贬、中三种。语体色体分书面语和口头语。熟悉词语 的不同色彩,便于我们准确使用词语。
在近义词中,不同的词往往有自己的使用对象和场合。 比如“聆听”与“倾听”,“聆听”的使用对象为长辈、 师长,如“聆听教诲” 等等,而“倾听”的对象多为晚辈、 下级,如“倾听民声” 等等。
罪恶 罪孽
沐彬中学 高三语文组
5、依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是 (1)水乡小镇,一条百来步的小街,九曲连环,倒有十 来座__的小桥相衔。 (2)我们的方针是统筹兼顾,__安排。 (3)把朋友送上火车,直到火车开动了,他才__地转 身离去。 A 精巧 适当 若有所失 B 奇巧 适当 若有所思 C 奇巧 适度 若有所失 D 精巧 适度 若有所思
沐彬中学 高三语文组
在一组同义词中,不同的词往往在搭配对象上有差异, 比如“充足”与“充沛”,“充足”的搭配对象大多为实 在的东西,如“弹药充足”、“食品充足”等等,而“充 沛”的搭配对象多为较抽象的东西,如“体力充沛”、 “感情充沛”等等。



英语名词同义词辨析练习题一、选择题1. The ___________ (option/alternative) to take the bus or walk to work depends on the weather.2. The teacher praised Jack for his ___________ (effort/attempt) to improve his grades.3. Lisa made a ___________ (decision/choice) to quit her job and start her own business.4. The football team celebrated their ___________ (triumph/victory) with a parade in the city.5. The ___________ (evidence/proof) presented in court convinced the jury of the defendant's guilt.6. We need to find a ___________ (solution/answer) to the problem before it gets worse.7. His parents were proud of his ___________(achievement/accomplishment) in winning the science fair.8. The newspaper reported the ___________ (event/incident) accurately, providing all the necessary details.9. The company's ___________ (capital/funds) is invested in various stocks and bonds.10. The students' ___________ (behavior/conduct) during the field trip was impeccable.二、填空题11. The doctor recommended that she take a ___________(vacation/holiday) to reduce stress.12. The teacher asked the students to write a ___________ (composition/essay) about their favorite book.13. The company's ___________ (income/revenue) has increased significantly over the past year.14. He was known for his ___________ (generosity/charity) and willingness to help those in need.15. The ___________ (speed/velocity) of the car was measured by a radar gun.16. The scientist conducted an ___________ (experiment/trial) to test his hypothesis.17. She received a ___________ (scholarship/grant) to study abroad fora year.18. The Olympic Games are a major ___________ (event/occasion) that brings together athletes from around the world.19. The ___________ (environment/habitat) of the rainforest is home toa diverse range of wildlife.20. The new library will provide a ___________ (resource/facility) for students to study and access books.三、解释题21. Define the terms "promotion" and "advancement" and explain the difference between them.22. Compare and contrast the meanings of "evidence" and "proof" in a legal context.23. Discuss the nuances between the words "observation" and "witness" when referring to a crime scene.24. Illustrate the distinction between "salary" and "wage" in terms of employment compensation.25. Elaborate on the similarities and differences between the terms "talent" and "skill" in relation to personal abilities.四、根据上下文选择合适的同义词26. The building was severely damaged in the ___________ (hurricane/typhoon).27. The artist's paintings are known for their ___________ (originality/uniqueness) and creativity.28. The employee was given a ___________ (raise/promotion) for his outstanding performance.29. She received a ___________ (diploma/degree) in psychology from a prestigious university.30. The ___________ (audience/crowd) applauded the performer's exceptional talent.五、句子改错31. The scientist conducted a experiment to test his hypothesis.改为:The scientist conducted an experiment to test his hypothesis.32. They were impressed by the selection of chooses available at the store.改为:They were impressed by the selection of choices available at the store.33. The company's chief executive officer announced a new strategy for increasing income.改为:The company's chief executive officer announced a new strategy for increasing revenue.34. She decided it was time to make a important decision about her future.改为:She decided it was time to make an important decision about her future.35. The success of the project was attributed to the collective effort and achievement of the team members.改为:The success of the project was attributed to the collective effort and accomplishment of the team members.六、完形填空Throughout history, humans have made great advancements 36 various fields. These __37__ have brought about significant __38__ in technology,medicine, and communication. However, these __39__ have also posed challenges and __40__ ethical dilemmas.One of the __41__ areas of development is artificial intelligence (AI). AI is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of __42__ tasks that usually require human __43__. AI has already __44__ great progress in areas such as speech recognition and natural language processing. However, the __45__ of AI raises concerns regarding job__46__, privacy, and even the __47__ of humanity.Another __48__ domain of advancement is genetic engineering. Scientists are now able to __49__ genes to enhance desirable traits and eliminate __50__ diseases. While the potential __51__ of genetic engineering are immense, there are also __52__ associated with the __53__ of nature and the __54__ of genetic manipulation.In the realm of communication, the __55__ of social media has revolutionized the way people interact and share information. __56__ platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have __57__ individuals to connect and __58__ with each other on a global scale. However, the__59__ of personal data and the __60__ of misinformation have become major concerns in the digital age.36. A. across B. among C. within D. over37. A. advancements B. progresses C. investments D. experiments38. A. improvements B. problems C. implications D. consequences39. A. achievements B. developments C. discoveries D. inventions40. A. brought about B. faced C. dealt with D. created41. A. stimulating B. challenging C. promising D. flourishing42. A. completing B. performing C. inventing D. solving43. A. skills B. tools C. efforts D. inputs44. A. made B. taken C. conducted D. reached45. A. emergence B. advancement C. implementation D. growth46. A. security B. losses C. opportunities D. replacements47. A. preservation B. extinction C. improvement D. adaptation48. A. significant B. innovative C. potential D. practical49. A. alter B. mutate C. switch D. transform50. A. common B. rare C. chronic D. infectious51. A. consequences B. benefits C. problems D. outcomes52. A. risks B. consequences C. challenges D. rewards53. A. modification B. preservation C. destruction D. investigation54. A. consequences B. feasibility C. morality D. complexity55. A. appearance B. rise C. growth D. dominance56. A. Social B. Virtual C. Digital D. Online57. A. enabled B. encouraged C. prohibited D. hindered58. A. collaborate B. communicate C. isolate D. segregate59. A. protection B. exposure C. collection D. misuse60. A. manipulation B. circulation C. fabrication D. elimination 答案:1. alternative2. effort3. decision4. victory5. evidence6. solution7. achievement8. event9. capital10. behavior11. vacation12. composition13. revenue14. generosity15. speed16. experiment17. scholarship18. event19. environment20. resource21. Promotion refers to the advancement in a person's rank or position within a company or organization, usually as a result of their outstanding performance, skills, or experience. Advancement, on the other hand, refersto progress or development in a person's career or personal life, often associated with achieving higher goals or acquiring new skills or knowledge. The main difference between promotion and advancement is that promotion focuses on the change in status or position, while advancement encompasses a broader sense of progress in different aspects of life.22. Evidence and proof are two terms often used interchangeably in everyday language, but they have distinct meanings in a legal context. Evidence refers to any material or information presented in a court of law to support or prove a fact or point in a case. It can include documents, testimony, or physical objects. Proof, however, refers to the level of certainty or convincingness that evidence provides. It is the establishment or demonstration of the truth or validity of a claim beyond a reasonable doubt. In other words, evidence is the material presented, while proof is the resultor outcome of that evidence being evaluated and accepted as valid.23. Observation and witness are two terms commonly associated with crime scenes and investigations. Observation refers to the act of looking at, perceiving, or noticing something through one's senses. It can involve seeing,hearing, smelling, or feeling something firsthand. A witness, on the other hand, refers to a person who has observed or has knowledge of an event or incident and can provide testimony or information about it. While observation can be done by anyone, a witness is specifically someone who can provide relevant details or evidence related to a specific event, such as a crime.24. Salary and wage are both terms used to refer to the payment or compensation received by an individual for their work or services. However, they have different connotations and applicability. Salary is usually associated with professional or managerial positions and is paid on a monthly or yearly basis. It is often fixed and predetermined, regardless of the number of hours worked. Wage, on the other hand, is more commonly used for hourly or waged positions, where the payment is based on the number of hours worked or the amount of output produced. Wages are typically paid on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and can vary depending on factors such as overtime or productivity.25. Talent and skill are often used interchangeably to describe personal abilities or aptitudes. However, they have distinct meanings and nuances. Talent refers to a natural, innate ability or aptitude for a particular activity or field. It is something that comes naturally or effortlessly to a person. Skill, on the other hand, refers to knowledge, expertise, or competence acquired through practice, training, or experience. It is something that is developed or honed over time. While talent can provide a foundation or advantage in acquiring a skill, skill is the result of effort, dedication, and learning.。

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