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1.What are they talking about?

2.Which sign did the woman see?

3.How did the woman use to go to work?

4.How is the weather?

5.Where are they?

A.In the library.B.In the book store.C.In the bedroom.

6.Where is Jane hurrying?

A.To the airport.B.To the station.C.To Beijing.

7.Has Kevin finished his report yet?

A.Yes,he has.B.No,he hasn’t.C.It’s hard to say.

8.What does Mum mean?

A.Jack can’t play the computer games.

B.Jack must finish his homework first.

C.Jack must do some housework first.

9.What is Julia going to do after supper?

A.She’s going to give a talk on environment.

B.She’s going to take a walk with the man.

C.She’s going to get ready for her talk.

10.What are they doing?

A.Having Chinese food.B.Learning to use chopsticks.C.Talking about table manners.第二部分听对话和短文回答问题



11.What is the boy doing?

A.Planting trees.B.Talking about his future.C.Reading a book.

12.What will cities b e like in the future?

A.There will be too many people and too much pollution.

B.There will be fewer people and less pollution.

C.There will be fewer people but more pollution.


13.A.Greet each other B.Take off the shoes C.Knock at the door 14.A.England B.Japan C.China

15.A.Finish B.Taste C.Enjoy


16.Who is answering the phone?

A.An office lady.B.The head of the office.C.No one.

17.Where is Sunshine Travel Office now?

A.In another part of the town.B.1n the centre of the town.C.Out of the town.18.What is the new telephone number of the office?

A.88748696 B.88478696 C.88479686

19.How long will the office be open?

A.For 7 hours.B.For 9 hours.C.For 10 hours.20.Which of the following is true?

A.The new office hasn’t been open for business yet.

B.You will get a travel bag for free if you telephone the office.

C.The office is between the park and the Bank of China.



21.—I’m interested in history of China.

—Me,too.Like ours,China is a country with long history.

A.the;/ B. /;/ C. the;a D.the;the 22.—I hear you are going to the UK for further education next year.

—That’s right.So my main now is improving my English.

A.task B.purpose C.point D.subject 23.The twins look the same,but are quite different in personality.A.mostly B.exactly C.clearly D.closely 24.—Jack,how are you feeling today?

—Much .But I don’t think I can go to school tomorrow.

A.warmer B.happier C.worse D.better 25.—Who would like to read the story the whole class?

—Let me try.

A.for B.to C.with D.of 26.—Hello! This is Suzhou Hotel.Can I help you?

—I a room for tonight,but I’m afraid I can’t be checked in.

A.booked B.am booking C.will book D.book

27.—I really don’t know about my problem.

—I’ll be a good listener.I think.

A.what to talk B.who to talk C.whom to talk to D.how to talk 28.—Dear,please get some fruit before it .

—OK.I’ll go to the supermarket at once.

A.runs out B.is run out C.is running out D.will be run out 29.—My grandpa began to learn to use We Chat in his sixties.

—That’s great.As the saying goes,“It’s never to learn.”

A.too young B.too old C.old enough D.young enough 30.—You’ll have to move—you are .

—I’m sorry.

A.on my way B.in this way C.by the way D.in my way 31.—I see your ID card, sir? We check your information.—Here you are.

A.Must;should B.Can;may C.May;have to D.Shall;must 32.—He has some trouble himself in English.

—He should do more practice.

A.explaining B.expressing C.expecting D.exchanging 33.—How long ?

—Let me see.We in 2008,that is,for 7 years.

A.have you been married;have married B.have you got married;got married

C.have you been married;got married D.did you get married;married 34.—Would you mind hel ping me with the box?

—.Anything else I can carry for you?
