



Out of Africa(BOOK TASKS)Here is a list of book tasks that you can do.Book Tasks with little writing:1.Write a song or a poem about the book.2.Draw a map showing where the story takes place and write what happened in eachspot.3.Make a time-line of the story.4.You are a teacher asked to give a test on the book. Write up the test and answerthe questions.5.Write a letter to one of the characters.6.Write an imaginary letter or diary entry from one of the characters.7.Write up an interview with one of the characters discussing the events of the story.8.Write a letter to the author of the book.pare or contrast the book to another book you have read.10.If the book has a movie version, compare the book to the movie version.11.Write a continuation of the story.12.Make up a different ending to the story.13.Does the story have any conflicts? Tell how the conflict was resolved.14.Put yourself in the place of one of the characters and say how you would haveacted under similar circumstances.15.Write a newspaper article based on the book, or on an event from the book.16.Write a short play based on an event in the book.17.Describe which characters you liked best and which you liked least and why.18.Was the book "educational"? Was it trying to teach certain values? Was it criticizinganything about society?19.Did you agree or disagree with the message that the author was trying to convey?20.Write a book review of the book for a newspaper.21.Write about things in the story that could/could not happen in real life.22.Put yourself in the place of one of the characters and write about how you wouldhave acted.23.Do some research related to the subject of the book - for example, somethingabout the period of time or the country in which the story takes place?。










《走出非洲》经典台词《走出非洲》经典台词1. Karen Blixen: Perhaps he knew, as I did not, that the Earth was made round so that we would not see too far down the road. 凯伦·布利森:可能他知道,但是我不知道,地球之所以是圆的是为了不让我们在路上看得更远。

2. Baron Bror Blixen: You could have asked, Denys. Denys: I did. She said yes. 布利森男爵:你应该问问的,丹尼斯。


3. Karen Blixen: I had a farm in Africa. 凯伦·布利森:我在非洲有一个农场。

4. Denys: You've ruined it for me, you know. Karen Blixen: Ruined what? Denys: Being alone. 丹尼斯:你毁了我,你知道吗? 凯伦·布利森:毁了什么? 丹尼斯:我的'独处。

5. Denys: Think of it: never a man-made sound... and then Mozart! 丹尼斯:想想看,从没有一个男人发出这样的声音……莫扎特能!6. Karen Blixen: He even took the gramophone on safari. Three rifles, supplies for a month, and Mozart. 凯伦·布利森:他竟然在旅途中带了留声机,三支步枪,一个月的给养,还有莫扎特。

7. “我毕业了!没学到任何东西,倒是十分纯洁”8. “你有时候会喜欢动物比人多一些吗9. 有时候会,因为它们做什么事都是全心全意的,每件事都像是第一次,猎食,工作,求偶,只有人类做的最差,只有人类会感到厌倦,他会说:听着,我了解你对我的感觉,并且你也了解我对你的感觉,我们互相了解,所以让我们躺下来开始做吧10. 马赛人非常独特,你以为你驯服他们了其实没有,如果你将他们关进监牢,他们会死,因为他们只活在现在,不会想到未来,他们无法了解有一天会被释放出来,他们以为这是永久的,所以他们会死,他们也是唯一不在乎我们这一族的人,这也是他们灭亡的原因。









Out of African(走出非洲)

Out of African(走出非洲)

1、KAREN: You don't think they should learn to read?DENYS: I think you might ask them.KAREN: Did you ask to learn when you were a child? How can stories possibly harm them? DENYS: They have their own stories. They just didn't write them down.KAREN: And what is that, you have to keep them ignorant.DENYS: They're not ignorant, I just don't think they should be turned into little Englishmen. You do like change things, don't you?KAREN: For the better I hope. I want my Kikooee to learn to read.DENYS: My Kikooee, my lamouche, my farm, that is not what we own, isn't it?KAREN: I've paid price for everything I own.DENYS: And what is it exactly that is yours? We're not owners here, Karen. We're just passing through.KAREN: Was life really so damned simple for you, Pinch Haton?DENYS: Perhaps I want less.KAREN: I don't believe that at all.凯伦:你不认为他们应该学会阅读?丹尼:我想你可能会问他们。

走出非洲经典语录 -回复

走出非洲经典语录 -回复

走出非洲经典语录-回复1. “希望之光永远照耀着非洲。

”- 阿米尔·塔尔十明2. “非洲的成就取决于非洲人自己的努力。

”- 纳尔逊·曼德拉3. “如果你想快速前进,就要一个人走;如果你想走得更远,就要和别人一起走。

”- 奥古斯丁·尚戈4. “不要只关注问题,更要寻找解决问题的方法。

”- 乔治·韦斯利5. “宽容是非洲团结和和平的基石。

”- 哈伦·麦尔6. “教育是非洲儿童改变命运的钥匙。

”- 马里雅姆·马迪博7. “我们不能改变过去,但可以改变我们的未来。

”- 约翰·卡拉尼8. “勇敢面对挑战,无论结果如何,都是对自己的尊重。

”- 乔伊斯·巴塔伊9. “非洲的繁荣取决于我们尊重自然资源和环境。

”- 约瑟夫·卡布拉10. “掌握知识是非洲人民摆脱贫穷的最佳途径。

”- 肯尼思·卡玛马11. “信任和合作是非洲人民的力量源泉。

”- 塞内加尔谚语12. “只有通过团结和合作,我们才能实现非洲的经济独立。

”- 加里·梅奥13. “成功是每个人都可以实现的梦想。

”- 焦琳·卡尔14. “富有同情心和关爱他人,是非洲社会温暖的基石。

”- 伊南加·冯特曼15. “只有通过艺术和文化表达,我们才能真正展示非洲的独特之美。

”- 安吉拉·菲迪16. “自豪和尊严是非洲人的传统精神。

”- 内尔逊·穆特17. “不要迷失在过去的阴影中,非洲的未来在我们手中。

”- 在迪·等巴鲁18. “保护动物和环境是我们对后代的责任。

”- 班吉尔·马克路姆19. “每个人都有责任为非洲的发展贡献自己的力量。

”- 艾丽丝·史密斯20. “非洲的实力来自于我们对自然界的理解和尊重。

”- 多格拉斯·穆赫兰诺德。



1[Soft instrumental music]2[Groans]3KAREN: He even took the gramophoneon safari.4Three rifles, supplies for a month (5)and Mozart.6He began our friendship with a gift. 7And later, not long before Tsavo...8he gave me another. An incredible gift.9A glimpse of the world through God's eye...10and I thought.11"Yes, I see.12"This is the way it was intended." 13I've written about all the others,not because I loved them less...14but because they were clearer, easier.15He was waiting for me there.16But I've gone ahead of my story.He'd have hated that.17Denys loved to hear a story told well.18You see...19I had a farm in Africaat the foot of the Ngong Hills. 20But it began before that.21It really began in Denmark.22[Gunshots firing]23KAREN: And there I knew twobrothers.24One was my lover, and one was myfriend.25- It's too cold for champagne.- It's too cold for anything but.26- You said you'd be at Klampenborg.- I thought I'd come, but then Ididn't.27Was it fun?28Tanne.29Tanne, come on.30It's not as though you loved him.31You'd like to be a baroness, that's all.32- He lied to me.- Of course.33Would you be in bed with himotherwise?34My brother's only dull, but notstupid.35Pretend it's Hans.36 [Gunshot fires]37BROR: Where would you go?KAREN: Anywhere.38KAREN: America. Ceylon.I would even go to Australia.39Perhaps not Australia.But I've got to be away from here.40I'll give you all I've got.That should get you into town.41God, it was fun. Money.42You could marry me.43I have to marry a virgin.I can't stand criticism.44For the money, I mean.45Probably.46Listen to me. I've got no life at all.47They wouldn't teach me anythinguseful,and now I've failed to marry.48You know the punishment for that."Miss Dinesen's at home."4900:03:58,118 --> 00:04:00,279And you've gone through all yourmoney.5000:04:00,354 --> 00:04:04,290You're off seducing the servant girls.We're a pair, you and I.5100:04:05,092 --> 00:04:08,755I mean, at least we're friends.We might be all right...5200:04:08,829 --> 00:04:12,321and if we weren't,at least we'd have been somewhere.5300:04:12,933 --> 00:04:15,766You don't think you're being too romantic?5400:04:23,477 --> 00:04:26,071 BROR: Am I supposed to thinkyou're serious?5500:04:29,549 --> 00:04:31,847 KAREN: I had a farm in Africa.5600:04:36,757 --> 00:04:40,193I had a farm in Africaat the foot of the Ngong Hills.5700:04:54,508 --> 00:04:57,568 [Dramatic instrumental music]5800:05:57,137 --> 00:06:00,163 [Sweeping instrumental music]5900:07:39,773 --> 00:07:41,035 Good morning.6000:07:41,107 --> 00:07:44,201 KAREN: Have you had trouble? DENYS: Now and then. Have you?6100:07:44,578 --> 00:07:48,275- I'm traveling to Nairobi.- You caught the right train then.6200:07:51,117 --> 00:07:53,085Get away from there!6300:07:53,153 --> 00:07:54,313 Shoo!6400:07:55,322 --> 00:07:57,790 That's all my crystal, my Limoges.6500:07:57,958 --> 00:07:59,084 [Exclaims knowingly]6600:07:59,259 --> 00:08:00,954 They didn't know it was Limoges. 6700:08:01,061 --> 00:08:03,120 [Denys speaks in African language]6800:08:04,831 --> 00:08:06,560You plan to stay then?6900:08:06,633 --> 00:08:10,000I've come out to marry BaronBlixen.Do you know him?7000:08:10,103 --> 00:08:11,400Bror? Yes.7100:08:11,471 --> 00:08:13,462We plan to start a dairy.7200:08:14,808 --> 00:08:17,800Are you quite famous?They stopped the train for you.7300:08:17,911 --> 00:08:19,776DENYS: It's rude not to here.7400:08:20,347 --> 00:08:23,839A dairy? Isn't it a bit soon for that?Milk at the door?7500:08:23,984 --> 00:08:25,952[Train whistle blowing]7600:08:26,987 --> 00:08:29,421- Aren't you boarding?- I'm going on.7700:08:29,489 --> 00:08:30,956On? To where?7800:08:31,124 --> 00:08:34,355Mention the ivory to Berkeley Cole.Bror knows him.7900:08:35,161 --> 00:08:37,994- I'm Baroness Blixen!- Not yet.8000:08:39,432 --> 00:08:41,161Finch Hatton, Denys!8100:08:48,274 --> 00:08:50,970I am Farah Aden. We can go now.8200:08:51,044 --> 00:08:54,946- Where is Baron Blixen?- He is at Muthaiga. Please come.8300:09:00,153 --> 00:09:02,883[Farah speaking African language]8400:09:05,158 --> 00:09:06,819KAREN: Where is Muthaiga?8500:09:07,394 --> 00:09:11,125Muthaiga is a clubwhere British go for drinking.Please.8600:09:15,635 --> 00:09:17,967[Farah speaking African language]8700:09:19,739 --> 00:09:23,971Listen, on the train are my crateswith china and crystal.8800:09:24,544 --> 00:09:28,742- Do you know china?- Yes. China, it can break.8900:09:29,082 --> 00:09:31,949[Tribal instrumental music]9000:10:13,893 --> 00:10:15,087KAREN: Stay.9100:10:29,109 --> 00:10:32,510Excuse me, I'm looking for BaronBlixen.9200:10:32,679 --> 00:10:33,941Rajiv.9300:10:41,421 --> 00:10:45,357- I wondered if you might tell me...- Memsahibs must not be here.9400:10:46,126 --> 00:10:49,687- I'm simply looking for someone...- Memsahibs must not be here.9500:10:58,138 --> 00:10:59,196 BROR: Tanne.9600:10:59,305 --> 00:11:01,705 BROR: Where have you been? KAREN: Where have you been?9700:11:01,775 --> 00:11:05,404 Arranging things. How was the trip? You can tell me later.9800:11:06,713 --> 00:11:08,180 Would you like to change?9900:11:08,281 --> 00:11:11,717- My luggage is still on the train.- Room "D." Head of the stairs.10000:11:11,818 --> 00:11:13,786I haven't gotten a ring. Do you care? 10100:11:13,853 --> 00:11:15,514 KAREN: Did you think I wouldn't come?10200:11:15,588 --> 00:11:17,818I thought you wouldn't want to spend the money.10300:11:17,891 --> 00:11:20,257 BROR: You will love it here.The servants are great.10400:11:20,360 --> 00:11:21,452 BROR: Shall we get a drink?10500:11:21,528 --> 00:11:23,723 BROR: We've got almost one hour before the wedding.10600:11:23,797 --> 00:11:24,855One hour?10700:11:25,165 --> 00:11:27,326 [Traditional instrumentalwedding music playing]108 00:11:36,075 --> 00:11:39,203- Is this all right?- I wondered what color you'dchoose.10900:11:39,712 --> 00:11:44,046- It's ivory. God, I've got this man'sivory.- Whose ivory?11000:11:46,753 --> 00:11:49,017[People cheering excitedly]11100:12:03,369 --> 00:12:06,896I'm Sarah, Lady Belfield.Shall I stand up for you?11200:12:07,440 --> 00:12:08,737Short or long, Blix?11300:12:08,808 --> 00:12:11,538Long, please. Give me time to adjustto it.11400:12:13,246 --> 00:12:14,873Settle down, all.11500:12:15,381 --> 00:12:18,248By the authority of His Majesty'sGovernment vested in me...11600:12:18,318 --> 00:12:22,982I declare that the Baron Bror V onBlixen,citizen of Sweden and...11700:12:24,624 --> 00:12:27,991- What's your name, my dear?- Damn it, Henry, I told you hername.11800:12:28,094 --> 00:12:30,119Karen Christentze Dinesen.11900:12:30,330 --> 00:12:34,289Karen Christentze Dinesen,a female subject of the King ofDenmark...12000:12:34,367 --> 00:12:36,597are henceforth united man and wife.12100:12:36,769 --> 00:12:37,827[All cheering]12200:12:38,238 --> 00:12:41,298God save this company, God savethe King.12300:12:41,741 --> 00:12:43,402ALL: God save the King!12400:12:46,846 --> 00:12:48,609Thank you for this.12500:12:50,450 --> 00:12:52,748DELAMERE: "Did you hearabout Shuttleworth?" "No," I said.12600:12:52,819 --> 00:12:56,346"He's living up country," he says,"in a tree with a baboon."12700:12:56,422 --> 00:13:00,256"Male or female?" I said to him."Female, of course," he says.12800:13:00,326 --> 00:13:03,295There's nothing queerabout old Shuttleworth.12900:13:03,429 --> 00:13:04,691[All laughing]13000:13:04,864 --> 00:13:06,798Where's your muddleheadedhusband?13100:13:06,866 --> 00:13:10,802The Governor's at the punch bowl,thank you, hoping to avoid you.13200:13:10,870 --> 00:13:14,601Would you like to meet the bride?Or did you come just for thewhiskey?13300:13:14,774 --> 00:13:17,038Not for the company, God knows.13400:13:17,543 --> 00:13:20,535 Lord Delamere,may I present Baroness Blixen.13500:13:20,780 --> 00:13:24,716 Baroness Blixen, Lord Delamere, such as he is.13600:13:26,119 --> 00:13:30,112- Baroness. A Swede, are you?- No, Danish, actually.13700:13:30,556 --> 00:13:33,047The little country next to Germany. 13800:13:33,726 --> 00:13:36,991If it comes to war,where will Denmark stand?13900:13:38,164 --> 00:13:41,964On its own, I hope. We do have that history.14000:13:42,969 --> 00:13:46,200Is there something we can call you that gets round this Baroness?14100:13:46,272 --> 00:13:50,140- What do they call you?- D, if I'm lucky.14200:13:50,343 --> 00:13:52,675 [People cheering excitedly]14300:14:01,888 --> 00:14:05,221My stupid name's Felicity,but I do like your dress.14400:14:06,225 --> 00:14:07,385 Thank you.14500:14:07,760 --> 00:14:11,856- It's not much of a hat.- It's meant to be stunning.14600:14:12,932 --> 00:14:17,835- We die of sunstroke here.- At least I'm safe from the mosquitoes.14700:14:18,571 --> 00:14:20,038The big ones.14800:14:23,843 --> 00:14:26,903- You nervous?- Should I be?14900:14:28,214 --> 00:14:31,581You know, wedding night and allthat.15000:14:33,319 --> 00:14:35,651[People cheering excitedly]15100:14:47,834 --> 00:14:51,292So they're both of them nakedand not a shrub in sight.15200:14:52,839 --> 00:14:57,503- Have you met Vicky Gresham?- Hello, Baroness, I'd curtsy but I'mdrunk.15300:14:59,512 --> 00:15:01,844- May I see you, please?- Excuse me.15400:15:04,350 --> 00:15:08,411If you want any friends, Tanne,I'd make them here. There is no oneelse.15500:15:08,821 --> 00:15:10,755I want to see my house.15600:15:12,592 --> 00:15:16,426You may want to change.It's a two-hour ride.15700:15:27,673 --> 00:15:28,697KAREN: Excuse me.15800:15:41,054 --> 00:15:43,955COLE: My God, these people drink.15900:15:44,657 --> 00:15:46,625I'm sorry, I was just...16000:15:48,227 --> 00:15:51,390- It's all right.- I'm afraid you've caught mesnooping.16100:15:51,497 --> 00:15:54,557It's not my room, it's Denys',and Denys won't mind.16200:15:54,667 --> 00:15:56,862It's a thing about Denys, he doesn'tmind.16300:15:56,936 --> 00:15:59,666Are you Cole?16400:15:59,739 --> 00:16:00,728Berkeley Cole.16500:16:00,807 --> 00:16:04,504- I brought the ivory with me on thetrain.- Well, thank you.16600:16:07,246 --> 00:16:09,874- Are you taking your quinine?- Oh, yes.16700:16:11,184 --> 00:16:14,984He has got lovely books.Does he lend them?16800:16:15,855 --> 00:16:17,880We had a friend, Hopworth.16900:16:19,258 --> 00:16:22,523He got a book and didn't return it.Denys was furious.17000:16:22,595 --> 00:16:25,894I said, "Denys, you wouldn'tlose a friend over a book, wouldyou?"17100:16:25,965 --> 00:16:27,626And he said, "No!17200:16:28,267 --> 00:16:30,201"But he has, hasn't he?"17300:16:30,736 --> 00:16:32,226 [Laughing]17400:16:33,906 --> 00:16:37,740 COLE: Did you come out through London?KAREN: From Rome actually.17500:16:37,944 --> 00:16:40,435I thought you might have a newspaper.17600:16:40,546 --> 00:16:42,707 KAREN: No, sorry.17700:16:43,049 --> 00:16:44,949 Nothing in them anyway.17800:16:46,886 --> 00:16:50,788I had a friend who I used to taketo the dances at Oxford.17900:16:50,890 --> 00:16:53,222 They were in June by the river.18000:16:53,559 --> 00:16:57,461She always wore a new silk dress. 18100:16:57,730 --> 00:17:00,221I think you're wearing her perfume. 18200:17:08,808 --> 00:17:12,642 No, it's very nice, but it's not the same.18300:17:15,148 --> 00:17:16,513We can go now.18400:17:31,297 --> 00:17:34,698 [Natives singing tribal song]18500:17:58,357 --> 00:18:01,292 [Bror speaking African language] 18600:18:02,895 --> 00:18:04,726 [All speak African language] 18700:18:15,241 --> 00:18:18,176This is Belknap. He runs the farm.18800:18:19,078 --> 00:18:20,807Good evening, ma'am.18900:18:26,986 --> 00:18:29,682This is your cook. Name is Esa.19000:18:30,590 --> 00:18:31,750Esa.19100:18:36,662 --> 00:18:39,222And this is Juma. Houseboy.19200:18:41,200 --> 00:18:42,428Juma.19300:18:43,502 --> 00:18:45,231[Speaking African language]19400:18:45,871 --> 00:18:48,032Come, see your house.19500:18:49,342 --> 00:18:52,539KAREN: When you leave me,I'm going to marry Berkeley Cole.19600:18:52,612 --> 00:18:54,102BROR: A man in trade.19700:18:54,447 --> 00:18:56,074Is that what he does?19800:18:56,182 --> 00:18:59,743He is thick with the Somalis.There's a crowd of them up on hisland...19900:18:59,819 --> 00:19:03,949who think he's some sort of prince.He sells Finch Hatton's ivory.20000:19:04,790 --> 00:19:07,258Belknap is a cheery sort.20100:19:07,460 --> 00:19:11,089Had a place of his own.Went belly up trying to grow flax.20200:19:12,932 --> 00:19:14,695KAREN: Does he know cattle?20300:19:15,034 --> 00:19:19,403I didn't buy cattle.We're going to grow coffee instead.20400:19:27,480 --> 00:19:29,573That's not what we planned.20500:19:29,982 --> 00:19:32,610BROR: You were in Denmark, I hadto decide.20600:19:32,885 --> 00:19:34,819We made a decision.20700:19:35,788 --> 00:19:39,224KAREN: We don't know a thingabout coffee.BROR: You plant it, it grows.20800:19:39,292 --> 00:19:41,522My mother put her money up to do adairy.20900:19:41,627 --> 00:19:45,620She doesn't care whetherit's cows or coffee as long as it pays.21000:19:45,698 --> 00:19:47,757You must be with a herdor things go wrong.21100:19:47,833 --> 00:19:50,893I didn't come to Africa to sit withsilly cows.21200:19:50,970 --> 00:19:53,461Just tell her we changed our minds.21300:19:53,873 --> 00:19:58,207Next time you change your mind,you do it with your money.21400:20:00,446 --> 00:20:03,540 They bought you a title. They didn't buy me.21500:20:04,984 --> 00:20:06,178 Juma.21600:20:07,019 --> 00:20:10,352 Fetch some wine for my lover's brother.21700:20:15,961 --> 00:20:17,724I think you're tired.21800:20:24,570 --> 00:20:25,969 [Whispering] Be careful.21900:20:31,711 --> 00:20:34,475Did I tell you Hans came to say goodbye?22000:20:47,393 --> 00:20:50,021 [Farah instructing in African language]22100:20:53,899 --> 00:20:57,164 KAREN: Where is Baron Blixen? FARAH: He's gone to hunt.22200:20:58,270 --> 00:21:02,673- Did he say when he would be back?- He says he can come before the rain.22300:21:04,377 --> 00:21:06,402Is it going to rain today?22400:21:07,713 --> 00:21:10,273It can be many days before the rains. 22500:21:39,745 --> 00:21:41,736 [Baboons screeching]22600:21:43,048 --> 00:21:45,949 BELKNAP: In Ohio we put up scarecrowsto keep the birds away.227 00:21:46,051 --> 00:21:49,179Here you hope there're enoughleopardsto keep down the baboons.22800:21:49,255 --> 00:21:51,723'Course they'll take your dog, too.That's Africa.22900:21:51,791 --> 00:21:54,726KAREN: How much will we plant?BELKNAP: 1,000 acres, the Baronsays.23000:21:54,794 --> 00:21:56,455How long will that take?23100:21:56,562 --> 00:22:00,225That depends on Kinanjui.He's the chief of the Kikuyu.23200:22:00,299 --> 00:22:04,668BELKNAP: Got a deal with him toget help.KAREN: When will be our firstharvest?23300:22:05,004 --> 00:22:08,838These are seedlings.It'll be three, maybe four years.23400:22:09,775 --> 00:22:11,037Four years!23500:22:11,210 --> 00:22:14,839If they bear at all.No one's ever tried coffee this high.23600:22:15,781 --> 00:22:19,012And what are we going to live onfor four years?23700:22:19,118 --> 00:22:22,713I'm working to get home.Now, if you haven't got it...23800:22:22,822 --> 00:22:25,791it'd be good if you could tell meright now.23900:22:27,193 --> 00:22:29,024We will plant 500.24000:22:31,730 --> 00:22:35,826Chief Kinanjui, I have heardthat you are a wise chief...24100:22:35,901 --> 00:22:40,031Not now, please.And I look forward to our dealings.24200:22:41,207 --> 00:22:43,402Your Kikuyu are good workers.24300:22:43,576 --> 00:22:48,343I look forward to dealingwith them honestly, and fairly.24400:22:48,547 --> 00:22:51,414This chief has no British.24500:22:54,687 --> 00:22:58,418- Tell him that I am Baroness Blixen.- This chief knows that.24600:23:01,527 --> 00:23:03,358Tell him what I said.24700:23:03,562 --> 00:23:05,996[Farah translating in Africanlanguage]24800:23:14,006 --> 00:23:16,406[Speaking African language]24900:23:36,695 --> 00:23:40,756- What did he say?- He says these Kikuyu can do thiswork.25000:23:45,237 --> 00:23:47,205KAREN: Farah, what else did he...25100:24:08,761 --> 00:24:10,626Your leg is very sick.25200:24:13,566 --> 00:24:16,296You must come to the house formedicine.25300:24:18,237 --> 00:24:20,330- Does he understand me?- Yes.25400:24:24,777 --> 00:24:28,338If you don't come,the other boys will say you are afraid.25500:24:32,685 --> 00:24:35,347I myself will think only that you are foolish.25600:24:36,455 --> 00:24:40,789This boy must come to my housefor treatment. See that he does.25700:24:44,063 --> 00:24:46,156 What else did Kinanjui say?25800:24:46,966 --> 00:24:49,662He says coffee must not grow this high.25900:24:51,036 --> 00:24:54,005 Never mind. He's a chief, but he's a Kikuyu.26000:25:11,924 --> 00:25:14,757 [Clock cuckooing]26100:25:17,329 --> 00:25:19,923 [Natives singing tribal song]26200:25:27,840 --> 00:25:32,709If you put a dam here to stop the waterthen I can make a pond here.26300:25:32,911 --> 00:25:34,469Do you know how to make a pond? 26400:25:34,546 --> 00:25:39,040- This water must go home to Mombasa.- It can go home after we make a pond.265 00:25:39,918 --> 00:25:42,045This water lives at Mombasa.26600:25:42,121 --> 00:25:43,713[Bell ringing]26700:25:47,793 --> 00:25:49,192KAREN: Come, then.26800:25:50,529 --> 00:25:53,020[Melancholic instrumental music]26900:26:35,974 --> 00:26:37,999[Horse neighing softly]27000:26:41,947 --> 00:26:44,745[Horse neighing loudly]27100:26:47,152 --> 00:26:48,585[Exclaiming in annoyance]27200:26:48,654 --> 00:26:50,281[Growling]27300:26:58,831 --> 00:27:00,321DENYS: I wouldn't run.27400:27:02,134 --> 00:27:05,467DENYS: If you do,she'll think you're something good toeat.27500:27:05,537 --> 00:27:06,834[Growling menacingly]27600:27:08,373 --> 00:27:12,002- Do you have a gun?- She won't like the smell of you.27700:27:12,845 --> 00:27:15,712KAREN: Shoot it.DENYS: She's had breakfast.27800:27:17,683 --> 00:27:20,151[Exclaiming fearfully]27900:27:21,086 --> 00:27:22,713Please shoot her.28000:27:23,422 --> 00:27:25,390Let's give her a moment.28100:27:26,492 --> 00:27:28,357Oh, my God, shoot her!28200:27:38,370 --> 00:27:41,771Just how much closerdid you expect to let her come?28300:27:42,040 --> 00:27:46,272A bit. She wanted to see if you'd run.That's how they decide.28400:27:46,378 --> 00:27:49,211DENYS: A lot like people.KAREN: She almost had me forlunch.28500:27:49,281 --> 00:27:52,512- It wasn't her fault. She's a lion.- It wasn't mine.28600:27:52,584 --> 00:27:55,246Doesn't that outfit come with a rifle?28700:27:55,454 --> 00:27:57,513It's on my saddle.28800:27:57,689 --> 00:28:00,749Better keep it with you.Your horse isn't much of a shot.28900:28:01,560 --> 00:28:03,858For Berkeley. He's brought youpresents.29000:28:04,496 --> 00:28:06,691DENYS: We stopped by your house,then came looking.29100:28:06,765 --> 00:28:08,926Good Lord, you are sweet.29200:28:09,802 --> 00:28:13,203You're on the road actually.We're off to Magadi to shoot someivory.29300:28:13,272 --> 00:28:16,298At least I have something good to offer you.29400:28:17,376 --> 00:28:20,573Did you intend to tell Berkeley what a fool I was?29500:28:20,813 --> 00:28:22,804She had a lion a bit interested.29600:28:22,915 --> 00:28:26,316A bit? A bit, but not enough to bite. 29700:28:26,618 --> 00:28:30,714It's all right to take a chanceas long as you're the only one who'll pay.29800:28:30,789 --> 00:28:31,983 Wouldn't you say so?29900:28:32,057 --> 00:28:34,617I'd say that it soundsmore like something you'd say.30000:28:34,693 --> 00:28:35,921- Thank you.- Not at all.30100:28:35,994 --> 00:28:37,894- Where's Blix?- Hunting.30200:28:38,163 --> 00:28:40,597- Has he been out long?- Yes.30300:28:42,634 --> 00:28:45,398You'll need a good chat then.Shall we stay for supper?30400:28:45,470 --> 00:28:47,267Blix will have jackets we can use. 30500:28:47,339 --> 00:28:51,275- Do I have anything to say in this? - Not really, but we'll hear you out. 30600:28:51,510 --> 00:28:54,104- Then I would like you to stay.- Good.30700:28:55,280 --> 00:28:56,508Denys.30800:28:56,782 --> 00:28:58,773I don't know. Do you sing?30900:29:01,186 --> 00:29:02,517Never.31000:29:02,621 --> 00:29:06,819- Can you tell a story then?- I happen to be very good at stories.31100:29:08,760 --> 00:29:10,022I believe that.31200:29:10,596 --> 00:29:12,962[Pleasant instrumental music]31300:29:13,365 --> 00:29:15,595DENYS: What's happened to thecows?For the dairy?31400:29:15,667 --> 00:29:19,159KAREN: We changed our minds.We'll grow coffee instead.31500:29:19,271 --> 00:29:22,104DENYS: A bit risky, this high.KAREN: So I've been told.31600:29:22,274 --> 00:29:25,971DENYS: Didn't seem to bother you.KAREN: I think they just haven'ttried.31700:29:26,044 --> 00:29:29,275KAREN: Every time I turn my back,it wants to go wild again.31800:29:29,615 --> 00:29:31,173It will go wild.31900:29:36,355 --> 00:29:38,346- Your man...- Kanuthia.32000:29:39,358 --> 00:29:41,485- He's not Kikuyu?- No.32100:29:43,962 --> 00:29:45,930Shall I see that he's given supper?32200:29:45,998 --> 00:29:48,592Don't do anything for him,thank you, Baroness.32300:29:50,035 --> 00:29:53,095COLE: It's true of Somalis.The only tribe that knows horses.32400:29:53,205 --> 00:29:57,198And they don't drink, chargeinterest,or chase other men's wives.32500:30:00,245 --> 00:30:01,769Got to go to town for that.32600:30:05,751 --> 00:30:10,711Did you know that in all of literaturethere is no poem celebrating thefoot?32700:30:11,256 --> 00:30:15,955There's lips, there's eyes, hands,face, hair, breasts...32800:30:16,228 --> 00:30:20,562legs, arms, even the knees,but not one verse for the poor oldfoot.32900:30:23,135 --> 00:30:24,727Why do you think that is?33000:30:25,070 --> 00:30:28,562Priorities, I suppose.Did you think you would make one?33100:30:29,141 --> 00:30:31,439The problem is,there's nothing to rhyme it with. 33200:30:31,543 --> 00:30:32,805- Put.- It's not a noun.33300:30:32,878 --> 00:30:33,970 Doesn't matter.33400:30:34,079 --> 00:30:38,209 "Along he came and he did put upon my farm his clumsy foot"33500:30:38,417 --> 00:30:40,044 [Chuckling]33600:30:44,323 --> 00:30:46,416We should have a story now.33700:30:50,996 --> 00:30:53,965 When I tell a story to my nieces at home...33800:30:54,132 --> 00:30:57,067one of them always providesthe first sentence.33900:30:59,137 --> 00:31:01,469- Anything?- Absolutely anything.34000:31:05,344 --> 00:31:10,008 There was a wandering Chinese named Cheng Huan...34100:31:12,851 --> 00:31:15,012 living in Limehouse...34200:31:15,454 --> 00:31:18,651and a girl named Shirley.34300:31:21,326 --> 00:31:23,920 Who spoke perfect Chinese...34400:31:24,296 --> 00:31:27,265 which she learnedfrom her missionary parents. 34500:31:28,300 --> 00:31:32,031Cheng Huan lived alonein a room on Formosa Street...34600:31:32,838 --> 00:31:34,863above the Blue Lantern.34700:31:35,040 --> 00:31:37,201[Soft instrumental music]34800:31:37,342 --> 00:31:39,276He sat at his window...34900:31:41,513 --> 00:31:44,482and in his poor listening heart...35000:31:45,384 --> 00:31:48,615strange echoes of his home andcountry...35100:31:57,029 --> 00:32:00,658[Soft instrumental music continues]35200:32:17,349 --> 00:32:19,749KAREN: They found them therethe next morning...35300:32:19,851 --> 00:32:22,012in their room above the BlueLantern.35400:32:22,521 --> 00:32:24,921The dead child and the warlord...35500:32:25,857 --> 00:32:29,850with Cheng Huan's love giftcoiled about his neck.35600:32:36,268 --> 00:32:38,463Had you been to those places?35700:32:38,804 --> 00:32:42,137I have been a mental traveler.35800:32:43,075 --> 00:32:44,702COLE: Till now.KAREN: Yes.35900:32:44,876 --> 00:32:48,039Wasn't this England? Excuse me,Denmark?36000:32:49,448 --> 00:32:51,075I like my things.36100:32:51,917 --> 00:32:54,886And when you traveled before,in your mind...36200:32:55,320 --> 00:32:57,550did you carry so much luggage?36300:32:57,956 --> 00:33:01,119A mental travelerhasn't the need to eat or sleep...36400:33:01,726 --> 00:33:03,591or entertain.36500:33:07,065 --> 00:33:08,396You're right.36600:33:09,101 --> 00:33:12,434Anyway, aren't you pleasedthat I brought my crystal and mychina?36700:33:13,138 --> 00:33:14,765And your stories, yes.36800:33:15,107 --> 00:33:19,237COLE AND DENYS: [Singing]The conquering heroes come36900:33:20,145 --> 00:33:25,014Sound the trumpetsBeat the drums37000:33:26,418 --> 00:33:28,648[Cole and Denys humming]37100:33:35,660 --> 00:33:39,596KAREN: But I want you to comeoften.COLE: I'd like that very much.372。

走出非洲 小说语录

走出非洲 小说语录


























1. The Shawshank Redemption 《肖申克的救赎》- 'Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.' (希望是一件好事,也许是最好的事情,而且没有任何好的事情会死亡。

)- 'Get busy living, or get busy dying.' (要么开始忙着生活,要么忙着死亡。

)- 'Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.' (记住,雷德,希望是一件好事,也许是最好的事情,而且没有任何好的事情会死亡。

)2. Dead Poets Society 《死亡诗社》- 'Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.' (抓住今天。



)- 'We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion.' (我们不会读写诗歌,只是因为它看起来可爱。



)- 'No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas canchange the world.' (无论任何人告诉你什么,文字和想法可以改变世界。

out of africa 名言

out of africa 名言

out of africa 名言- Toss and turn in bed. 辗转难眠。

- This is the way it was intended. 天意如此。

- I've got no life at all. 我觉得没劲透了。

- Milk at door. 送牛奶上门。

- Hearty laughter. 开怀大笑。

- You wouldn't lose a friend for the sake of a silly book, would you? 别为了一本书就失去一个朋友,好吗?No. But he has, hasn't he? 不,是他失去我,难道不是吗?- Men go off to be tested for courage and if we're tested at all, it's for patience or doing without. Perhaps for how well we can endure loneliness. 男人们外出接受勇气的考验,如果说女人们也有考验,考验的是耐性和无所事事,或者是忍受寂寞。

- I'll bear that in mind. 我会牢牢记住的。

- I've a price for everything I own. 我拥有的一切的付出代价换来的。

- They feel themselves melted in the grand sight. 他们深深陶醉在这壮丽的景色中。

- What matters to me is that you tried so hard. 我在乎的是你曾经那么努力尝试过。

- Reading is a valuable thing. 读书是难能可贵的。
































走出非洲 Out of Africa(中英双语)(双语译林

走出非洲 Out of Africa(中英双语)(双语译林
0 5
The Iguana
0 6
Farah and the Merchant of Venice
Of Pride
The Elite of Bournemouth
The Oxen
A War-time Safari
Of the Two Races
The Swaheli Numeral System
“I will not let Thee go except
一本平实的散文随笔的书,描绘的是百多年前的非洲众生相,那里的人,动物,植物。可以说电影的改编是 少有的成功,梅姨的加持更为电影锦上添花。
恩贡农场 一个原住民男孩
原住民在我家 一头瞪羚
在野生动物保护区 驭马而行
一位基库尤 酋长
这是《走出非洲 Out of 彩内容摘录。
5 The
Giraffes go to Hamburg
In the Menagerie
The Naturalist and the Monkeys
A Strange Happening
Pooran Singh
有关千禧年 基托希事件
有关原住民与 1
在动物展览会里 旅伴
博物学家与猴子 卡罗门亚

Out of Africa 走出非洲-影片介绍+影评

Out of Africa 走出非洲-影片介绍+影评

பைடு நூலகம்



Out-of-Africa走出非洲电影台词摘录《Out-of-Africa》是一部根据卡伦·布莱克(Karen Blixen)的小说《丘比特之翼》改编的电影。


























曼德拉语录英文版曼德拉,南非人民心目中的神,世界的总统,灵魂的导师,我一生最崇拜的人!下面是曼德拉语录英文版,欢迎参考阅读!曼德拉语录英文版一1、When I walked out of the prison cell towards the door leading to freedom, I have made it clear his own pain and resentment if not able to stay behind, so in fact I still in prison.当我走出囚室迈向通往自由的大门时,我已经清楚,自己若不能把痛苦与怨恨留在身后,那么其实我人在狱中。

2、A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.精明的头脑和善良的心灵往往是个不可思议的组合。

3、After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.登上高峰后,你会发现还有更多的山峰要翻越。

4、Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.教育是最强有力的武器,你能用它来改变世界。

5、For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.自由不仅仅意味着摆脱自身的枷锁,还意味着以一种尊重并增加他人自由的方式生活。

6、I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man.我痛恨种族主义,不管是来自黑人或是来自白人的种族主义,在我看来,都是野蛮未开化的。



































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Out of Africa
You’ve got the right train
I’am going on
On?to where?
Do you know china?
Yes china,it’s gonna break
Stay here
Excuse me,i am looking for ...
Would you like to change?
My baggage is on the train
Are you Swedish?
No,Danish actually
Are you nervous?
Should i be?
Ivory 象牙
It’s very nice,but not the same.
He runs the farm
Bullamacow 牲口
Next time you change your mind,do with your money
And i look forward to deal with them honestly and finely
Oh,my god shoot her
My story is free,and your present much too dear wages
Get away ox
I had a campus from Dennis to stare by. But later it came to me that we negate different play.Perhaps he knew as i did not. The earth was made round so w.e would not see too far down the road
The war went on and i fought my own war against the enemy i never saw.I stayed in the room where i was born and tried to remember the colors of Africa.There was only the medicine and walks with my mother along the desert beach and this room in my mum’s house.And Denmark has become a stranger to me.But i knew i would come back to Africa,sick or well,sane or mad someday.
Who won the match?
It is absurd.
What is the nonsense i heard about school? Give me work
We have got the peace,where is the economy goodnight
Do you really prefer them to people?Sometimes,they don’t do anything half heartily. Everything as the first time,hunting, working,mating.So the man does it badly,so the man feel tough going through it.
Syphilis 梅毒
Supper Good size but ...
Back up,slowly...
I like to do that
If you say anything now,i will believe it.
I need to know how do you think about this I got myself in real trouble now.
Are you packed?yes
I remember that quiet well
One day the time
You have choice,i won’t be close to you because
a piece of paper.
Why is your freedom more important than mine All gone
Is it far?where you are going
This wasn’t a very good idea
Will it be alright?of course
Come to dance with me then
Why did they send you?
Because i know i should
Laurel 月桂
If i know a song of Africa,of the giraffe,of African new moon,of the plow in the fields and the sweety face of the coffee pickers,dose Africa know the song of me?
