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从A.B.C.D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分相同的选项。1.Achieve A. pie B. quiet C. niece D. tie

2.appear A. heart B. fear C. heard D. earn

3.laugh A. bright B. daughter C. although D. enough

4.rise A. praise B. else C. purse D. mouse

5.match A. separate B. marry C. machine D. many



6.It‟s not ____ good idea to go for a picnic in such ____ weather.

A.a; the B.the; a C.a; / D.the; /

7.---Were you caught in the rain yesterday?

---Good luck.No sooner ______ home that it poured down.

A.I had reached B.had I reached C.did I reach D.I have reached 8.Every year, a great many visitors come to visit the temple_____ the 12th century, _____ has brought a large income.

A.dating from; which B.dated from; which

C.which dates from; that D.which is dated from; which

9.Brandon worked for hours after school _____ money for her education.

A.making B.made C.having made D.to make

10.Last winter, many places of southern China were struck by heavy snowstorms, _____ more than 120 people were killed.

A.from which B.in which C.at which D.for which

11.---Tom, you didn‟t come to the party last night?

---I ______, but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do.

A.had to B.didn‟t C.was going to D.wouldn‟t 12.Nobody but doctors and those ______ by Dr Zhang ______ to enter the patient‟s room.

A.invited; is allowed B.are invited; are allowed

C.being invited; is allowed D.being invited; are allowed

13.Little Franz had hoped to get to school on time but found at the last minute that he couldn‟t _____.

A.help it B.make it C.hope for that D.get that

14.This kind of car is not so expensive that it is _____ the reach of those with average income.

A.over B.in C.below D.within

15.---It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand?


A. No, thanks

B. Yes, my pleasure

C. No, never mind

D. Yes, I do

16.---I hope you‟re enjoying your stay here.

---If it ______ for the climate, I would like it here very much.

A.isn‟t B.hasn‟t been C.weren‟t D.hadn‟t been

17.It is said that the thief was fined five times _____ that he should have paid.

A.as more money as B.as much money than

C.much money than D.the amount of money

18.---Did you call on any of your old friends when you returned to your hometown?

---_____ of them.They were all very busy.

A.None B.Nobody C.Both D.Neither

19.Don‟t leave the water ______ w hile you wash the dishes.

A.run B.running C.being run D.to run

20 ---What do you expect your son to succeed in?

---_____ the entrance exam.

A.To pass B.Past the exam C.Get past D.Passing


Why did I come today? I wondered. My Christmas 21 contained several people that claimed they wanted nothing but I knew their feelings would be hurt 22 I didn‟t buy them anything, so buying gifts was 23 but fun.

Hurriedly, I finished shopping and 24 the long checkout lines. In front of me were a boy of about 5 and a younger girl. She carried a beautiful pair of 25 slippers. When we finally 26 the checkout register, the girl 27 placed the shoes on the counter. She treated them as though they were a 28 .

……That will be $6.09,‟‟ the cashier said. The boy 29 all his pockets. He finally came up with $3.12. ……I guess we will have to put them back,‟‟ he said. ……We will come back some 30 time, maybe tomorrow.‟‟ 31 that statement, a soft sob(抽泣)broke fr om the little girl. ……But Jesus would have loved these shoes,‟‟ she cried.

……Well, we‟ll go home and work some more. Don‟t cry. We‟ll surely 32 ,‟‟ he said. Quickly I handed $3.00 to the cashier. These children had waited in line for a long time. And, 33 , it was Christmas. Suddenly a pair of arms came around me and the girl said 34 , ……Thank you, lady.‟‟ ……What did you 35 when you said Jesus would like the shoes?‟‟ I asked. The boy answered, ……Our mommy is sick and going to 36 . Daddy said she migh t go before Christmas to be with Jesus.‟‟ The girl spoke, ……My Sunday school teacher said the streets in heaven are shiny gold, just like these shoes. Won‟t mommy be 37 walking on those streets in these shoes?‟‟

My eyes 38 as I looked into her tear --- streaked face. ……Yes,‟‟ I answered, ……I am 39 she will.‟‟ Silently I thanked God for using these children to 40 me of the true spirit of giving. 21.A.plan B.list C.goods D.purchases

22.A.if B.because C.unless D.since 23.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything 24.A.waited B.joined C.attended D.gathered 25.A.cotton B.leather C.gold D.silver 26.A.approached B.passed C.checked D.found 27.A.immediately B.hesitantly C.shyly D.carefully

28.A.gift B.treasure C.life D.prize 29.A.opened B.touched C.tore D.searched 30.A.other B.more C.any D.another 31.A.Without B.With C.In D.For

32.A.leave B.come C.return D.arrive
