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1. 如果有人给我那个机会,我就不会让它溜走。

If I the chance, I let it go.

2. 如果你投入更多的时间学习,你就不会考不及格了。

If you more time to your lessons, you the exam.

3. 如果我明天有空的话,我会给花园里的花浇浇水。

If I free tomorrow, I the flowers in my garden.

4. 如果那个男孩早点被送到医院,他可能会被救活。

If the boy to the hospital earlier, he brought back to life.

5. 别跟着我,不然的话,我就打110了。

Don’t follow me. Otherwise, I 110.

6. 我多么希望我能够拿出更多的钱帮助得了重病的西尔斯啊!

How I wish I more money to help Sears, who is suffering a serious disease.

7. 人们强烈建议尽快加宽这条路。

It is strongly suggested that the road as soon as p ossible.

8. 经理要求我们时刻保持微笑。

The manager demands that we smiling all the time.

9. 没有你的理解和支持,我就执行不了那个计划了。

I the plan without your understanding and support.

10. 我们早就该认真讨论一下这个问题了。

It is high time that we the problem carefully.


1. Clinton graduated from Cambridge and has become a famous lawyer.


2. John chose teaching as his lifelong career.


3. I happened to find the letter in a box when I was looking for my watch.


4. I can’t atte nd your wedding party because I will be on duty that day.


5. I envy them their youth and strength.


6. He didn’t get relaxed until everything settled down.

(not until的强调句式)


1. Some trees stand on the top of the hill.

→On the top of the hill .

2. I can hardly hear you with the machine running.

→I hear you with the machine running.

3. Employees will try their best only if they are satisfied with their job.

→Only if they ar e satisfied with their job their best.

4. The m an rushed out, leaving the door unlocked.

→, leaving the door unlocked.

5. If I were free, I would go travelling with you to the beautiful and romantic place.

→, I would go travelling with you to the beautiful and romantic place.

6. I love the book so much that I could hardly bear to put it down.

→So much the book that I could hardly bear to put it down.


1. —In no way allow him to take the risk.

—I tried my best to persuade him, but he didn’t listen to me.

A. you should

B. should you

C. shouldn’t you

D. you shouldn’t

2. Not until alone in the house no longer keep back his tears.

A. he was; could he

B. he was; he could

C. was he; could he

D. was he; he could

3. In the forest , who is regarded as the m ost lov ely and friendly animal.

A. does a baby rabbit live

B. a baby rabbit lives

C. lives a baby rabbit

D. lived a baby rabbit

4. The couple had lived on the hill for half a century, and hardly the world outside.

A. they saw

B. do they see

C. they have seen

D. did they see

5. —Spring is approaching! Would you like to go outing this weekend?

—, but I have a report to finish.

A. I’d love to have

B. I’d love

C. I’d love going

D. I’d love to

6. —How are you getting along with your project?

—Well, things aren’t going so well as .

A. plans

B. planning

C. planned

D. to plan

7. While to their arguments, I hit upon a good idea.

A. I listened

B. I listening

C. listening

D. listened

8. Cold is a common disease, but , it could lead to more serious problems.

A. if not treated

B. if it not treated

C. if it doesn’t treated

D. if treated not

9. The man looked through every mail as if something.

A. he searching

B. searching for

C. searching

D. he searching for

10. You may meet with Mr. Johnson at the meeting. , please give my regards to him.

A. If any

B. If not

C. If ever

D. If so


一、1. were given; wouldn’t 2. had devoted; wouldn’t have failed 3. were; would water

4. had been sent; would have been

5. would dial

6. would/could spare

7. should be broadened

8. should keep 9. wouldn’t have carried out 10. discussed

二、1. It was Clin ton that/ who gradua ted from Cambridge and has become a famous lawye r.

2. It was teaching that John chose as his lifelong career.
