

航海英语听说与会话 11规则英语评估1-6章标准答案

航海英语听说与会话 11规则英语评估1-6章标准答案

Unit 1 Familiarisation on boardI W arming-updeck, bridge, galley, hospital, cabin, office, corridorII Reading Aloud1.What is the captain doing?----He is making an announcement to the passengers.2.How should the passengers do in case of emergency?----They should obey the orders given on the public address system.3. Can you memorise all the spaces that safety regulations do not permit passengers to enter?----Y es, I can. Such as navigating bridge, engine room, maneuvering areas, cargo rooms and compartments, service rooms, all areas and spaces marked “crew only”, all closed ,sealed or roped off areas, spaces and rooms and car decks.IV SpeakingPart A Read and LearnFine, like my new job, vessel, Chief Officer, a list of jobs, play chess, read a book, another cadet, listen to musicGet up, 0700, breakfast, 0730, bridge, take over the watch from the Chief, 0750, drink coffee, 1030, hand over to the 2nd Officer, noon, lunch, 1215,listen to music, 1300, sleep, 1400, everything, finePart BPrompt card 11. What’s your date of birth?----My date of birth is August 1st, 1992.2. What’s your seaman’s book number?----My seaman’s book number is L 396767.3.How many members are there in your family?What are their occupations (What do they do?)----3.They are my father, my mother and I. (They are my wife, my son/daughter and I.)----My father and my mother are farmers/ workers. My wife is a teacher. I am a seaman.4. What’s your daily work?----There are many works, such as keep the watch, check the equipment on the bridge, take charge of the life-saving and fire-fighting equipment and so on.5. What are your spare time activities?----Play basketball, play chess, listen to the music and so on.Prompt card21.What’s your favorite port you have ever called at?----My favorite port is Dalian/I like Dalian best.2.What’s your favorite TV program?----My favorite TV program is CCTV-news.3.What’s your favorite website?----My favorite website is / .4.What’s your favorite sport?----My favorite sport is playing basketball.5.What’s your favorite food?----My favorite food is bread/rice/meat.Part C Presentationfive decks, engine room below first deck, first deck, laundry, galley, storeroom, second deck, hospital, ratings’messroom, office, third deck, pilot’s cabin, Chief Officer’s cabin, officer’s messroom, fouth deck, radio room,master’s cabin, Chief Engineer’s cabinUnit 2 Ship OrdersI W arming-up1.Can you list some ship orders?----Y es, I can. Such as the wheel orders, engine orders, anchoring orders, mooring orders and so on.2.What should you do when you are given a specific ship’s order?----Firstly, repeat the order. Secondly, carry out the order correctly. Thirdly, report.3. Describe briefly the following pictures in relation to ship’s various orders.----In the first picture we can see an officer giving the wheel order; the second picture shows the telegraph order; The third picture is the anchor order and the fourth is the mooring order.II Reading Aloud1.What is the main idea of this short passage?----How to respond and carry out the wheel orders correctly.2.What should be the helmsman do if the vessel does not answer the wheel?----He should report immediately.IV SpeakingPart A Listening—Based Speaking TasksTask 1: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below:1.What is this dialogue about?----It is about anchoring operation.2.What did the captain ask the chief officer to do in the beginning of thedialogue?----Go with the bosun to the forward station and standby the port anchor for letting go.3.How is the cable leading in the end of the dialogue?----Ten o’clock.Task 2: Listen again, note down the main idea and then role play with your partner either in pair or group work.----The procedures of anchoring are as following:1) Standby the port anchor for letting go.2) Walk back the anchor to just above the water and hold it on the brake.3) Use engine.4) Take the sounding.5) Let go port anchor.6) Lead the cable to ten o’clock, medium weight.7) Five shackles in the water.8) Bring it up.9) Hoist anchor signal.Task 3:Suppose you were the captain or chief mate, retell the dialogue in the form of a monologue.同上Part B W ork-place Communication TaskPrompt card 1----Midships.----Midships. Wheel’s amidships.(Wheel’s port five. Wheel’s port twenty. Wheel hard- a-port. Course steady. Engine full ahead. Engine half ahead. Engine slow ahead. Port engine dead slow ahead. Engines stopped. Engine standby.)Prompt card2同上Part C Topic Presentation TasksTask1: Ship’s ordersA.the basic ship’s ordersmon ship’s orders in each categoryC.caution in executing the ordersThere are four kinds of ship’s orders, such as wheel orders, engine orders, anchoring orders, mooring orders.Wheel orders involve Midships, Port five, Steady and so on. Engine orders involve Full ahead, Stop engines, Standby engine and so on. Anchoring orders involve Standby port anchor for letting go, Let go port anchor, How is the cable leading and so on. Mooring orders involve Heave on headline, Stop heaving, Let go headline and so on.Please note: All these ship’s orders should be repeated, carried out and reported correctly and immediately.Task 2:Ship’s Anchoring Operation6.responsibilities of the crew involved7.basic anchoring orders and meaningsC any other relevant information pertaining to anchoringIn anchoring operation the captain gives the orders. The chief officer and carpenter carry out the orders on the spot and report accordingly.There are many anchoring orders, for example, Stand by port/starboard/both anchors for letting go. It means stand by relevant anchors for letting go. Let go port/starboard/both anchors. It means “Drop the relevant anchors accordingly.” Stand by for heaving up. It means “Get ready to pick up the anchor.”The length of the anchor cable should be five to seven times the depth of water. The operators should hoist the anchor signals according to the COLREG.Task3:Ship’s Mooring and Unmooring OperationA.responsibilities of the crew involvedB.basic mooring and unmooring ordersC.safety and other relevant information relating to mooring and unmooringoperationThe captain gives the order. The chief officer and the second officer carry out the orders and report accordingly.There are many mooring and unmooring orders, for example, Send out the headlines; Make fast fore and aft ; Stop heaving; and so on.The operators should check the lines regularly and ensure that they are in good condition. The crew members should put on the gloves, helmet, safety shoes and so on.Unit 3 PilotageI W arming-up1. Can you describe the details of the construction of Pilot Ladder according to the following diagram?----The pilot ladder consists of 3 parts: steps, spreaders, side ropes. The length of each step is 48cms and its thickness is 11.5cms. The space between the steps is 30-38cms. The minimum length of the spreader is 180cms.The diameter of the side rope is 18mms. The pilot ladder is always used with a manrope. The diameter of the manropeis 28mms.2. What equipment should be ready when pilot is boarding?----The pilot ladder and manropes.II Reading Aloud1. What is the main idea of the passage?----It is about the preparations of entering a port and receving the pilot.2. What should you prepare when your vessel is ready to receive pilot?----The pilot ladder, manropes, boat rope, heaving line and lights.IV SpeakingPart A Listening—Based Speaking TasksDialogue 1 Entering Port (1)Task 1: Listen carefully and answer the following questions:1.How has the pilot ladder been rigged?----It has been rigged on the starboard side, one meter above the waterline.2.What time will the pilot arrive?----The pilot will arrive at 0920.Task 2: Listen again, note down the main idea and then role play with your partner either in pair or group work.----This is a dialogue between Pilot Station and officers on ship. They were speaking on Channel 06. The pilot would be on station 0920 and ask the vessel to rig the pilot ladder on starboard side, one meter above the waterline.Dialogue 2 Entering Port (2)Task 1: Listen carefully and answer the following questions:1.What did the captain tell the pilot?----He told the pilot the engine speed and ship’s course..2.What did the pilot hope?----The pilot hoped the fishing boats wouldn’t cross the route.3.What berthing information will the Third Mate inform the Chief Mate of?----Bring the ship to berth on starboard side and prepare the flags.Task 2: Listen again, note down the main idea and then role play with yourpartner either in pair or group work.----This is a dialogue between pilot and captain. The vessel was entering port under pilot’s order.There were many fishing boats around. The pilot asked the vessel to hoist flags and berth on the starboard alongside.Dialogue 3 Station on the Bridge for Leaving PortTask 1: Listen carefully and answer the following questions:1.Why should the anchor be prepared according to the pilot’s order?----Because it can be dropped to slacken the speed in case of emergency.2.Please describe the details of unmooring operation according to the dialogue. ----First, fore and aft, single up with the head line and stern line. Then, let go all lines. Task 2: Listen again, note down the main idea and then role play with your partner either in pair or group work.----The captain asked officers to single up with headline and stern line under pilot’s order. The officers carried out the orders given and stood by starboard anchor in case of emergency.Part B W ork-place Communication Task1.----What is your ship’s name, call sign, type, flag, gross tonnage and LOA?----My ship’s name is Dahlia, call sign VRCP7, type container ship, flag Hongkong, gross tonnage 28927 tons and LOA 220ms.2.----Which VHF Channel do you work on?----CH 12.3.----What is your ETA at Singapore Pilot Station?----24/05/2011 1230 LT.4.----What is your draught fore and aft?----My draft is 11.5m forward 12.0m aft.5.----What is your last port and next port of call?----Hong Kong, Jeddah.6.----How is the pilot ladder rigged?----It is rigged on starboard side, 2 meters above water.7.----Which side will the pilot boat get alongside?----Port side.Part C Topic Presentation TasksTask1: Describe the procedures of pilotage.A.the general procedures for pilot requestB.the preparations for receiving the pilotC.the general rules for pilotageBefore arrival at a port, contact the pilot station directly or through your agent in advance, making sure about the embarking time and embarkation place of the pilot.prepare the pilot ladder or gangway and take some safety measures. Get the throwing line and life buoy ready and put them beside the pilot ladder, andensure to have sufficient lights at nightWhen the pilot arrives at the boarding place, you will make a lee side for the pilot boat. The duty officer should wait for receiving the pilot on board. The captain should tell the ship’s particulars to the pilot.Task 2:Describe the proper way of using VHFA How to operate VHF set properB general rules of using VHFC rules of using VHF Channel 16First you will pick up the receiver and set the calling channel, and then press the button on the receiver handle and speak. If the channel is not chosen when VHF is turned on, it will automatically turn to channel 16. VHF should be used correctly and properly, and according to the Radio Regulations the following should be avoided:1)Non-essential transmissions.2)Transmitting without correct identification.3)Use of offensive language etc.Y ou must remember that Channel 16 is publicly used for calling by all the relative parties. If there is an emergency, all other uses of channel 16 must stop. Before calling on channel 16 you should make a careful check that no Mayday emergency exists.In short, VHF procedure at sea always be conducted as follows:1) keep a listeningwatch at all times on channel 16; 2) Use a dual-watch facility to listen on any other required channel. 3) Use channel 16 to establish contact only and as soon as the contact is established, turn to another channel as requested at once.Unit 4 Berthing and UnberthingI W arming-upCan you tell your partner about all the lines shown below?And write down in full the orders that match with the diagrams A-D.----Y es,I can. They are headlines, fore to aft spring, breast line, aft to fore spring and stern lines.A. single up fore and aftB. Let go forward.C. Single up aft to stern line.D. Let go all lines.II Reading Aloud1. What is the main idea of the passage?----It is about the importance of proper use of VHF channels and limitation factors in determining range.2. What can cause the transmission and receiving range of VHF signals greater? ----High pressure and increased humidity.IV SpeakingPart A Listening—Based Speaking TasksDialogue 1 Talking in the VHF Radio before Entering PortTask 1: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below:1.Why did MV. Shinzan Maru reduce her speed?---Due to traffic.2.How long will it take to enter the Uraga Traffic Route entrance at the speedof 10 knots?----Two hours.Task 2: Listen again, note down the main idea and then role play with yourpartner either in pair or group work.----The vessel reduces her speed from 12 knots to 10 knots because she will arrive earlier than her ETA. An hour later, the vessel calls Tokyo MARTIS on VHF , her present position is 10 miles from No.1 buoy, her ETA is 0930.Dialogue 2 Preparing the Mooring LinesTask 1: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below:1.Who was responsible for operating winches?----Sailor Ramos.2.Who was directing the operation of preparing the mooring lines?----Bosun.Task 2: Listen again, note down the main idea and then role play with your partner either in pair or group work.----Bosun was directing the operation of preparing the mooring lines. Sailor Ramos was standing by the winch. The rest of the sailors, Avarro and Perez were manning the ropes.Dialogue 3 Station on the Bridge for Leaving PortTask 1: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below:1.What did the pilot want to check on the bridge?----The engine.2.What should the officer on watch pay attention to before testing engine in harbour?----The gangway should be clear.3.What details should be included in the pilot card?----Task 2: Listen again, note down the main idea and then role play with your partner either in pair or group work.----The officers on the bridge tested the engine for leaving port. The pilot came to the bridge to show how to unmoor and unberth.Part B W ork-place Communication TaskChief:Which side is alongside?Captain:Port side.Chief:Which is the first line to be made fast?Captain:Spring.Chief:Where will the tug be made fast?Captain:Starboard bow.Chief:Is the ship positioned?Captain:No,please shift 5 meters forward.Chief:Heave/Slack away forward line?Captain: Heave/Slack.Part C Topic Presentation TasksTask1: Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor.A.Regular operations for anchor watch.B.Emergency handling in case of draggingC.conclusionAs regular operations , someone is arranged on anchor watch.At night the watchman will check up on the anchoring situation every hour,and we post someone on anchor watch in bad weather.the watchman will conduct the duties as followHave visual inspections to see if the vessel is dragging.If dragging occur immediate action the following:1) Turn on the GPS, VHF channel 16 ,the electronic depth sounder, wind instruments, boat speed indicator, the radar and take EBL and Range on two landmarks and write them down2) Get some fenders ready for use and check up on the ground tackle. Stand by engine and steer out of the anchorage if necessary.In general, keep a sharp lookout for other vessels’ positions in the vicinity of our vessel; and keep an eye on the depth, wind speed and direction as well as speed indicators. If any dragging situations occur, alert everyone on board the vessel andtake immediate action efficiently.Task 2:Describe the proper way of using VHFA. How to operate VHF set properB. general rules of using VHFC. rules of using VHF Channel 16(重题)Task3: Describe the procedures before arrival at a port.A. the preparations from the bridge.B. the preparations from the engine roomC. the preparations from the deckBefore arrival at a port, the captain should inform every department to do the preparatory work for entering port, such as arranging relative persons to check and test the navigation equipment, emergency equipment, anchor and steering gear etc. Autopilot should be changed to manual pilot, and a listening watch should kept on VHF channel 16.For the engine room, everything must also be well prepared for standing by engine.The deck crew members should stand by anchor and get heaving line and mooring lines ready for berthing, and also get ready for the pilot ladder and life buoy for th e pilot’s safe embarkation. Meanwhile hoist the flags and signals as required.Unit 5 Loading and UnloadingI W arming-upII Reading Aloud1.What equipment is used to load and discharge cargo?----Cranes on the quay or the ship’s derricks.2.Can you draw a sketch according to the passage?----Y es, I can.The main structure of the ship is the hull, within the hull are the tween decks or platform. The derricks are fitted to masts. The front part of a ship is calledthe bow and the rear part is called the stern. The engine is fitted near the bottom of the ship. The right side of a ship facing the bow is called the starboard side and the other side is the port side.IV SpeakingPart A Listening—Based Speaking TasksDialogue 1 Talk with the Foreman on DeckTask 1: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below:1.What’s the matter with the No.6 hold as the foreman said?----Seawater is leaking from the topside tank in Hold No.6.2.How does the third mate go down into the hold?----He will use aft spiral ladder to go down inside.3.What damage happened to the hold?----The bottom part of the spiral ladder is broken.Task 2: Listen again, note down the main idea and then role play with your partner either in pair or group work.----Foreman told the third officer that seawater was leaking from the topside in Hold No.6. It didn’t seem to be leaking very much. The third officer would use aft spiral ladder to go down inside. He found the bottom part of the spiral ladder was broken. Dialogue 2Complaining to the Driver of the Cargo LoaderTask 1: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below:1.What is the matter with the ship?----The ship is listing to starboard side.2.How would the driver deal with the matter?----He will load on the port side..3.What would the third officer do if he finds the driver does not do a good job?----He will have the Chief Officer file a complaint.Task 2: Listen again, note down the main idea and then role play with your partner either in pair or group work.----The ship was listing to starboard because No.3 hatch was overloaded by the driver. So the third officer asked the foreman to warn the driver. The driver would load on theport side. Otherwise, the third officer would have the Chief officer file a complaint. Dialogue 3 Lashing down the cargo on a Container shipTask 1: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below:1.What ‘s the matter in Bay No.3?----The lashing bars in Bay No.3 were loose.2.Why didn’t the worker want to do the job?----Because he didn’t think it was his job.3.What would the worker do?----He would tighten up the lashing bars.Task 2: Listen again, note down the main idea and then role play with your partner either in pair or group work.---- The lashing bars in Bay No.3 were loose.The third officer asked the worker to tighten them up, but he didn’t think it was his job.After disputing, the worker had to do it according to third officer’s order.Part B W ork-place Communication TaskDuty officer:What is this reefer container location?Foreman:It is 220282.Duty officer:Is reefer motor aft or forward/Foreman:Aft.Duty officer:How about lashing condition?Foreman:Some lashing bars are loosened. Some twistlocks are unlocked.Unit 6 NavigationI W arming-up3 13 1 114 15 8 7 12 9 16 5 14 6 2 10II Reading Aloud4)What is the main idea of this passage?----The officer orders the helmsman to turn the wheel and the helmsman should repeat all orders given to him.Then,the helmsman should report the course and counter the swing of the ship.2.What should the helmsman do when he completed his turn at the wheel?----He should state clearly the course to be steered to the relieving helmsman and repeats the course to the officer of the watch when reporting that he has been relieved.3.what can cause the ship heading to change when the ship is on voyage?----The wind and waves, as well as the action of the propeller, tend to cause the ship heading to change.IV SpeakingPart A Listening—Based Speaking TasksDialogue 1 Navigation in a Narrow ChannelTask 1: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below:8.Why did the ship reduce her speed?----Because she was getting closer to the ship ahead.9.What should the Master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge?----the course and speed of the ship ahead.10.What is the original course and speed?----The course is 236 degrees, the speed is 12 knots.Task 2: Listen again, note down the main idea and then role play with your partner either in pair or group work.----Our ship reduced speed because the ship ahead reduced hers and we are getting closer.The driftwood was found by port bow.The boat safely passed it according to the captain’s wheel orders.Dialogue 2Bad visibilityTask 1: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below:1.What condition is it around the ship?----In poor visibility there is a vessel ahead off our starboard bow with the same speed as us.2.Why is it important to sound fog signals?----Give warning of her position.Task 2: Listen again and discuss with your partner the following topics:3.When should an OOW notify the master immediately to the bridge? Pleaselist some.----Bad visibility, other ships in the vicinity, a ship approaching and so on.4.What action should be taken by OOW in poor visibility?----Reduce speed, Sound fog signals, Watching the radar and so on.Dialogue 3 An engine problemTask 1: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below:1.What problem has happened in the engine room?----The main engine has a slight problem.2.Why did the master come up to the bridge?----He directed the third officer to stop engine to repair the fuel valves.Task 2: Listen again and discuss with your partner the following topics:1.What signals should be displayed in day time and in night time when your ship is not under command?---- Two black balls in day time,two red lights in night time.Part B W ork-place Communication TaskA.We had been warned about these waters and soon found out that we deviate from steering course: we went aground.B. We had been warned about these waters and soon found out that present tide height is below prediction: we went aground.C. We had been warned about these waters and soon found out that the depth indicated in the chart were by no means to be trusted: we went aground.D. We had been warned about these waters and soon found out that the chart we used is obsolete: we went aground.E. We had been warned about these waters and soon found out that we are running into shoals: we went aground.F. We had been warned about these waters and soon found out that we misread the echo-sounder data: we went aground.G. We had been warned about these waters and soon found out that the draught of our vessel is too deep: we went aground.H. We had been warned about these waters and soon found out that the echo-sounderis not functioning: we went aground.I. We had been warned about these waters and soon found out that we are lack of local knowledge: we went aground.J. We had been warned about these waters and soon found out that sea state,swell and wind are too strong: we went aground.Part C Topic Presentation tasksTask 1: Describe the duties of watch-keeping when underway.A General rules as to watch-keepingB Items to be checked and monitored each watch.C Special attention for bridge watch-keepingThe officer in charge of the navigational watch shall:1) keep the watch on the bridge2)in no circumstances leave the bridge until properly relieved3) continue to be responsible for the safe navigation of the ship, despite the presence of the master on the bridge, until informed specifically that the master has assumed that responsibility and this is mutually understood; and4) notify the master when in any doubt as to what action to take in the interest of safety.During the watch the course steered, position and speed shall be checked at sufficiently frequent intervals, using any available navigational aids necessary, to ensure that the ship follows the planed course.The officer in charge of navigational watch shall have full knowledge of the safety and navigational equipment on board and make effective use of them. A proper lookout and security watch shall be kept and a record shall be maintained.Task 2: Describe the bridge shift change.A The conditions which must be satisfied before taking over a bridge watch.B The procedures for shift change.C Special attention for shift change.The officer in charge of the bridge watch shall not hand over the watch to the relieving officer if there is reason to believe that the latter is not capable of carrying out the watch-keeping duties effectively, in which case the master shall be notified.The relieving officer shall ensure that the members of the relieving watch are fully capable of performing their duties, particularly as regards their adjustment to night vision. Reliving officers shall not take over the watch until their vision is fully adjusted to the light condition.Prior to taking over the watch relieving officers shall satisfy themselves as to the ship’s estimated or true position and confirm its intended track, course and speed, and UMS controls as appropriate and shall note any dangers to navigation expected to be encountered during their watch.If at any time the officer in charge of bridge watch is to be relieved when a manoeuvre or other action to avoid any hazard is taking place, the relief of that officer shall be deferred until such action has been completed.Task 3: Describe the differences between navigating in a narrow channel and in a traffic separation scheme.A The rules in navigating in a narrow channel.B The rules in navigating in a traffic separation scheme.C The major differences in terms of technical navigationa.) A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel which lies on her starboard side as is safe and practicable.b.) A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic flow for that lane and so far as practicable keep clear of a traffic separation line or separation zone.c.) Navigating in narrow channel requires great skill. Since it might be crowded with heavy traffic, a sharp look-out shall always be kept. Before entering the narrow channel, duty officer shall familiarize themselves by consulting relevant sailing directions and other nautical publications.。





第一部分图片大风浪、恶劣海况international shore connection第二部分单句----------------01----------------请打开你的手提包.please open your handbag.谐音:普利斯欧喷幺喊得摆个----------------02----------------打扰了,我能见一下大副吗?Excuse me,may I see your chief officer?谐音:一克思克有自米,每啊衣谁幺吃诶服奥飞色----------------03----------------请出示你的海员证.please show me your seafarer’s passport.谐音:普利斯收米幺谁服爱热’思帕斯泡特----------------04----------------请问最近的医院在哪儿?where is the nearest hospital?谐音:外额A之泽捏瑞思特号思培涛----------------05----------------沿着这条路向前走,在第二个路口向右转弯.go along the street and turn right at the second corner.谐音:够饿狼泽思追特安得特恩入爱特艾特泽晒肯的靠呢----------------06----------------你是大管轮吗?are you the second engineer?谐音:啊有泽晒肯的恩摘捏----------------07----------------这位是木匠this is carpenter.谐音:贼思A之卡喷特----------------08----------------你好,我是我们船上的接班大厨hello,I am the relieving chief cook of our vessel.谐音:哈喽,啊爱爱慕泽瑞离屋婴吃诶服库克额屋啊屋额外少----------------09----------------这是我们船上的机工this is the motorman of our vessel.谐音:贼思A之泽某特曼额屋啊屋额外少----------------10----------------这是我们船上的机工长this is the chief motorman of our vessel.谐音:贼思A之泽吃诶服某特曼额屋啊屋额外少----------------11----------------这是船长房间this is the master’s cabin.谐音:贼思A之泽吗思特’思开宾----------------12----------------请在访客记录簿上签字please sign your name on the visitor log.谐音:普利斯塞恩幺内幕昂泽为贼特捞哥----------------13----------------值班驾驶员,供应商上船了duty officer,the ship chandler is coming on board.谐音:丢忒奥飞色,泽谁普产的了A之卡名昂报的----------------14----------------引航员上船了the pilot is coming on board.谐音:泽排了特A之卡名昂报的----------------15----------------我是港口国检察官,我想见你们船长I am the PSC officer,I want to see your captain.谐音:啊爱爱慕泽PSC 奥飞色,啊爱王特图思A 幺开扑特恩----------------16----------------我船左舷船尾有艘追越船an overtaking vessel is on our port quarter谐音:安哦屋额忒K婴外少A之昂阿屋额泡特苦熬特----------------17----------------我船正横可见他船绿灯a ship green light is on our beam.谐音:额谁普格润莱特A之昂阿屋额闭幕----------------18----------------我船前方有艘渔船fishing boat ahead of us.谐音:费事婴波欧特额害的额屋啊思----------------19----------------我船左舷有不明物体an unknown object is at our port side.谐音:安安No恩奥波摘克特A之艾特阿屋额泡特塞得----------------20----------------有船自左舷穿越a vessel is crossing from port side.谐音:额外少A之克绕思婴服绕木泡特塞得----------------21----------------在引航员软梯上安放照明灯put lights on at the pilot ladder.谐音:普特莱吃昂艾特泽派乐特来的----------------22----------------引航员软梯和舷梯合装rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder.谐音:瑞哥泽额考么得深来的因考木北内深位子泽派乐特来的----------------23----------------在引航员软梯处准备好救生圈have a lifebuoy ready at the pilot ladder.谐音:还无额来福报A 入爱得艾特泽派乐特来的----------------24----------------陀螺罗经航向035gyro compass course is 035谐音:债肉科目怕死考斯A之贼鹅肉思诶发爱屋----------------25----------------磁罗经航向035magnetic compass course is 035谐音:买个耐忒克科目怕死考斯A之贼鹅肉思诶发爱屋----------------26----------------操纵模式是什么what is the steering mode.谐音:沃特A之泽思底额润某得----------------27----------------船尾吃水是10.8米the draft aft is 10.8meters.谐音:泽抓福特啊福特A之特恩跑恩特诶特米特斯----------------28----------------现在能见度很差visibility is poor now.谐音:维泽背了忒A之泡闹----------------29----------------右舵5starboard 5谐音:四大包的发爱屋----------------30----------------左满舵!左满舵,先生!hard a port.wheel hard a port,sir.谐音:哈的额泡特,外奥哈的额泡特,涩----------------31----------------右满舵!右满舵,先生!hard a starboard.wheel hard a starboard,sir.谐音:哈的额四大包的,外奥哈的额四大包的,涩----------------32----------------回舵到10ease to 10谐音:一思图忒恩----------------33----------------航向复原course again.谐音:考斯额根----------------34----------------航向120course 120谐音:考斯玩图贼鹅肉----------------35----------------把定航向150steady on 150谐音:丝带得昂玩发爱屋贼鹅肉----------------36----------------使航标处于左舷keep the mark on port side.谐音:尅普泽马克昂泡特塞得----------------37----------------如果舵没有反应要报告report if she does not answer the wheel.谐音:瑞泡特诶服谁大之闹特昂色泽外奥----------------38----------------完舵,不要继续操舵finished with wheel,no more steering.谐音:菲内斯的位子外奥,No 毛思底额润----------------39-------------泊位上有碰垫fenders are on the berth.谐音:分的思啊昂泽波思----------------40-------------船首尾准备好碰垫have fenders ready forward and aft.谐音:还无分的思日吾爱得服奥我的安得阿福特----------------41--------------船首尾准备好撇缆have the heaving lines ready forward and aft.谐音:还无泽黑无影来恩思日吾爱得服奥我的安得阿福特----------------42----------------把首尾解成单绑single up forward and aft.谐音:星高阿噗服奥我的安得阿福特----------------43----------------解掉拖缆let go towing line.谐音:莱特够偷婴莱恩----------------44----------------使用巴拿马导缆孔use the panama lead.谐音:油思泽拍呢吗里的----------------45----------------船首到岸的距离是50米the forward distance to the shore is 50 meters.谐音:泽服奥我的得思特恩思图泽少A之费服忒米特斯----------------46----------------准备好左锚stand by port anchor.谐音:斯但的拜泡特安可----------------47----------------升锚球hoist the anchor ball.谐音:好诶斯特泽安可报----------------48----------------打开锚灯switch on the anchor lights.谐音:思维吃昂泽安可来吃----------------49----------------合上锚机离合器put the windlass in gear.谐音:普特泽问的了思因给额----------------50----------------绞起左锚heave up port anchor.谐音:黑屋阿噗泡特安可----------------51----------------松出锚链slack out the cable.谐音:斯莱克奥特泽尅宝----------------52----------------刹住左锚链hold on the port cable.谐音:后的昂泽泡特尅宝----------------53----------------准备好绞锚stand by for heaving up.谐音:斯丹德拜服奥黑屋婴阿噗----------------54----------------锚链走向是什么how is the cable leading.谐音:号A之泽尅宝里丁----------------55----------------锚离底了the anchor is aweigh.谐音:泽安可A之额位----------------56----------------打开电源,启动马达switch on the power and start the motor.谐音:思维吃昂泽泡窝安得斯达特泽某特----------------57----------------打开第一舱舱盖open the hatch covers of hatch NO.1谐音:欧喷泽还吃卡窝思额屋还吃男宝玩----------------58----------------打开舱盖以后插上制动销after opening the covers,set the stopper pins.谐音:啊福特欧喷宁泽卡窝思,赛特泽死道破拼思----------------59----------------打开货舱灯switch on the hold light.谐音:思维吃昂泽后的莱特----------------60----------------下雨时关舱close the hatches of rain.谐音:科楼丝泽还彻思额屋润----------------61----------------首先松速动螺栓releasing all the quick-acting cleats first.谐音:瑞里思婴奥泽奎克-爱客厅克里吃佛斯特----------------62----------------检查并清理导轨check and clean the guide rails.谐音:柴可安得科林泽盖的瑞奥斯----------------63----------------你应该在卸货开始前完成解绑工作you should finish the unlashing work before discharging.谐音:油收的菲内斯泽安莱斯婴沃克比服奥得思查之婴----------------64----------------我们使用钢丝绳,链条,和绑扎杆来绑扎货物we use wires,chains and lashing bars to lash the cargo.谐音:位有丝外额思,产思安得莱市婴吧思图莱斯泽卡够----------------65----------------卸扣,花篮螺丝和夹子都是很有用的系固工具shackles,turnbuckles and clips are very useful securing tools.谐音:晒口思,特恩吧扣思安得科力普思啊外瑞有丝服奥思科油润图奥斯----------------66----------------准备好绑扎和系固甲板货物get ready for lashing and securing the cargo on deck.谐音:盖特日吾爱得服奥来是婴安得思科油润泽卡够昂代课----------------67----------------请准备好垫舱材料please get dunnage ready.谐音:普利斯盖特搭内置日吾爱得----------------68----------------烟雾报警器状况不好the smoke alarms are in bad condition.谐音:泽思谋可额拉姆思啊因白的肯得深----------------69----------------防火挡板破损the fire damper is broken.谐音:泽服爱额代木破A之不揉肯----------------70----------------4号箱中的消防水枪不见了the fire nozzle in NO.4 fire box is missing.谐音:泽服爱额闹照因男宝服奥服爱额宝克斯A之米星----------------71----------------检查消防总管并报告check the fire mains and report谐音:柴可泽服爱额门思安得瑞泡特----------------72----------------厨房起火了!拿灭火器fire in the galley!get a fire extinguisher.谐音:服爱额因泽盖类,盖特额服爱额诶克斯丁桂设----------------73----------------用水给舱壁降温cool down the bulkhead with water.谐音:酷奥当泽报课害的位子沃奥特----------------74----------------关闭防火挡板shut off the fire damper.谐音:沙特奥夫泽服爱额代木破----------------75----------------火势得到控制fire under control.谐音:服爱额安的抗戳奥----------------76----------------我们在进行消防演习we are having a fire fighting drill.谐音:位啊还屋婴额服爱额发爱听追奥----------------77----------------一个救生圈的烟雾信号过期the smoking signal of one lifebuoy is expired.谐音:泽思某克婴谁个闹额屋来福报A A之伊克斯拜额的----------------78----------------所有浸水服随时可用all immersion suits are ready for use.谐音:奥一么深苏吃啊日吾爱得服奥有丝----------------79----------------救生筏处于良好状态the life rafts are in good condition.谐音:泽来福日屋啊服吃啊因够的肯得深----------------80----------------穿上救生衣put on your life jacket谐音:普特昂幺来福债尅特----------------81----------------所有人员上救生艇all get down the boat谐音:奥盖特当泽不欧特----------------82----------------检查救生衣及携带的物品check your lifejackets and belongings谐音:柴可幺来福债尅吃安得比浪婴思----------------83----------------准备好放艇get ready for lowering the boat.谐音:盖特日吾爱得服奥漏额润泽不欧特----------------84----------------同时脱开前后吊艇钩detach the fore and aft hooks at the same time谐音:得太吃泽服奥安得阿福特后克思艾特泽谁木他爱木----------------85----------------人员落水.保持落水人员在视野范围内man overboard,keep the man in sight.谐音:满欧屋额报的,尅普泽满因撒爱特----------------86----------------我们在进行弃船演习we are having an abandon ship drill.谐音:位啊还屋婴安额办得恩谁普追奥----------------87----------------报告落水人员的方位和距离report bearing and distance of person in water.谐音:瑞泡特拜瑞婴安的得思特恩思额屋破申因屋奥特----------------88----------------淡水应该装在艏尖舱中the fresh water should be stowed in the fore peak tank.谐音:泽服日吾爱是屋奥特收的比思到的因泽服奥匹克坦克----------------89----------------压载水装在双层底舱the ballast water is stowed in the double bottom tank.谐音:泽拜了思特屋奥特A之思到的因泽打包宝特姆坦克----------------90----------------除锈后用钢丝刷清理船壳板use the wire brush to clean the hull plate after derusting.谐音:有丝泽外额不日屋啊是图科林泽胡奥普雷特啊福特得日屋啊思听----------------91----------------把绳子放入物料间put the ropes into the storeroom谐音:普特泽肉普斯音图泽丝倒入木----------------92----------------凿子,扳手,钳子和剪刀是船上非常有用的工具chisel,wrench,pliers and scissors are very useful tools on board.谐音:吃A照,润吃,扑来额思安的谁这思啊外瑞有丝服奥图奥思昂报的----------------93----------------导缆孔可以改变系泊缆绳的方向fair leads can change the direction of the mooring lines.谐音:服爱额里自看趁之泽得入爱克深额屋泽毛润莱恩思----------------94----------------我们把系泊缆绳系在缆桩上we put the mooring lines on the bitts.谐音:位普特泽毛润莱恩斯昂泽比吃----------------95----------------甲板克令吊用于装卸货物deck cranes are used to load or discharge cargoes.谐音:代课科润思啊有丝的图漏的噢得思差之卡够思----------------96----------------吊货钩可用cargo hooks are available.谐音:卡够后克斯啊额位了报----------------97----------------3号舱吊货钢丝磨损the cargo wire at NO.3 hatch is worn out.谐音:泽卡够外额艾特男宝思锐还吃A之屋奥恩奥特----------------98----------------应该定期给支索加滑油the stays should be greased at regular intervals.谐音:泽思得思收的比哥瑞思的艾特日吾爱个也了因特屋奥思----------------99----------------检查滑车以备立即使用check the blocks for immediate use.谐音:柴可泽不唠嗑思服奥一米底额特有丝----------------100----------------非随动舵Non-follow-up谐音:No恩-服奥漏-阿普----------------101----------------把定当前航向Steady as she goes谐音:丝带得爱之谁够之第三部分场景----------------01---------------S1:what time is it?现在是几点?沃特他艾母诶子诶特S2:It’s 7 o’clock.现在是七点整.诶次塞文鹅克劳克Q:what the time.几点了?A:7 o’clock.七点整.----------------02---------------S1:Excuse me,may I have your passport?打扰一下,我可以看一下你的护照吗?艾克斯克柚子米,美I 海雾要帕斯泡特?S2:here you are. 给你嘿鹅又啊Q:what was checked?他们在检查什么沃特沃司柴可的?A:the passport.护照则帕斯泡特----------------03---------------S1:please open your baggage?请打开你的行李普利斯欧喷要白给之S2:OK.好的Q:what should the second speaker do?第二个人应该做什么沃特数的则塞肯德斯必克度A:open the baggage.打开行李----------------04---------------S1:which is your ship?哪艘是你的船?未吃A子要谁普S2:my ship is ‘HuangHe’.我的船是’黄河’马艾谁普A子黄河Q:what is the ships name?船的名字是什么?沃特A子则谁普司内木A:HuangHe.黄河----------------05---------------S1:what is the date today?今天星期几?沃特A子则得特特得S2:it's the 2nd of may.今天五月二号.A特司则塞肯德鹅夫枚Q:what is the date they are talking?他们谈话的日期是什么时候?沃特A子则得特贼啊淘客英A:2nd of may.五月二号.----------------06---------------S1: what day is today?今天星期几?沃特得A子特得S2:it’s Thursday.今天星期四.A子色司得Q:What day are they talking?他们在哪天谈话?沃特得啊贼淘客英A:Thursday.星期四.----------------07---------------S1:excuse me,may I see your chief officer?打扰一下,我可以见大副吗艾克斯克柚子米,美I 西要吃A夫奥飞色S2:OK,follow me.可以,跟我来佛奥楼米Q:who does the first speaker want to see?第一个说话的人想要见谁沃特大子则佛斯特斯必克忘特吐西A:chief officer.大副----------------08---------------S1:excuse me,may I see your second officer?打扰一下,我可以见二副吗艾克斯克柚子米,美I 西要塞肯德奥飞色S2:OK I will call him for you.可以,我帮你叫他啊艾为奥考黑木佛奥又Q:who does the first speaker want to see?第一个说话的人想要见谁胡达子则佛斯特斯必克忘特吐西A:second officer.二副----------------09---------------S1:excuse me may I see your third officer?打扰一下,我可以见三副吗艾克斯克柚子米,美I 西要色的奥飞色S2:OK, I will call him for you.可以,我帮你叫他啊艾为奥考黑木佛奥又Q:who does the first speaker want to see?第一个说话的人想要见谁?胡达子则佛斯特斯必克忘特吐西A:third officer.三副----------------10---------------S1:Are you the chief engineer?你是轮机长吗?啊又则吃A夫恩之A捏S2:No, I am the second engineer.不,我是大管轮.啊艾木则塞肯德恩之A捏Q :who is the second speaker?第二个说话的人是谁?胡A子则塞肯德斯必克A:he is the second engineer.大管轮.黑A子则塞肯德恩之A捏----------------11---------------S1:Are you the second engineer?你是大管轮吗?啊又则塞肯德恩之A捏S2:No,I am the chief engineer.不是,我是轮机长。





第一部分图片大风浪、恶劣海况international shore connection第二部分单句----------------01----------------请打开你的手提包.please open your handbag.谐音:普利斯欧喷幺喊得摆个----------------02----------------打扰了,我能见一下大副吗?Excuse me,may I see your chief officer?谐音:一克思克有自米,每啊衣谁幺吃诶服奥飞色----------------03----------------请出示你的海员证.please show me your seafarer’s passport.谐音:普利斯收米幺谁服爱热’思帕斯泡特----------------04----------------请问最近的医院在哪儿?where is the nearest hospital?谐音:外额A之泽捏瑞思特号思培涛----------------05----------------沿着这条路向前走,在第二个路口向右转弯.go along the street and turn right at the second corner.谐音:够饿狼泽思追特安得特恩入爱特艾特泽晒肯的靠呢----------------06----------------你是大管轮吗?are you the second engineer?谐音:啊有泽晒肯的恩摘捏----------------07----------------这位是木匠this is carpenter.谐音:贼思A之卡喷特----------------08----------------你好,我是我们船上的接班大厨hello,I am the relieving chief cook of our vessel.谐音:哈喽,啊爱爱慕泽瑞离屋婴吃诶服库克额屋啊屋额外少----------------09----------------这是我们船上的机工this is the motorman of our vessel.谐音:贼思A之泽某特曼额屋啊屋额外少----------------10----------------这是我们船上的机工长this is the chief motorman of our vessel.谐音:贼思A之泽吃诶服某特曼额屋啊屋额外少----------------11----------------这是船长房间this is the master’s cabin.谐音:贼思A之泽吗思特’思开宾----------------12----------------请在访客记录簿上签字please sign your name on the visitor log.谐音:普利斯塞恩幺内幕昂泽为贼特捞哥----------------13----------------值班驾驶员,供应商上船了duty officer,the ship chandler is coming on board.谐音:丢忒奥飞色,泽谁普产的了A之卡名昂报的----------------14----------------引航员上船了the pilot is coming on board.谐音:泽排了特A之卡名昂报的----------------15----------------我是港口国检察官,我想见你们船长I am the PSC officer,I want to see your captain.谐音:啊爱爱慕泽PSC 奥飞色,啊爱王特图思A 幺开扑特恩----------------16----------------我船左舷船尾有艘追越船an overtaking vessel is on our port quarter谐音:安哦屋额忒K婴外少A之昂阿屋额泡特苦熬特----------------17----------------我船正横可见他船绿灯a ship green light is on our beam.谐音:额谁普格润莱特A之昂阿屋额闭幕----------------18----------------我船前方有艘渔船fishing boat ahead of us.谐音:费事婴波欧特额害的额屋啊思----------------19----------------我船左舷有不明物体an unknown object is at our port side.谐音:安安No恩奥波摘克特A之艾特阿屋额泡特塞得----------------20----------------有船自左舷穿越a vessel is crossing from port side.谐音:额外少A之克绕思婴服绕木泡特塞得----------------21----------------在引航员软梯上安放照明灯put lights on at the pilot ladder.谐音:普特莱吃昂艾特泽派乐特来的----------------22----------------引航员软梯和舷梯合装rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder.谐音:瑞哥泽额考么得深来的因考木北内深位子泽派乐特来的----------------23----------------在引航员软梯处准备好救生圈have a lifebuoy ready at the pilot ladder.谐音:还无额来福报A 入爱得艾特泽派乐特来的----------------24----------------陀螺罗经航向035gyro compass course is 035谐音:债肉科目怕死考斯A之贼鹅肉思诶发爱屋----------------25----------------磁罗经航向035magnetic compass course is 035谐音:买个耐忒克科目怕死考斯A之贼鹅肉思诶发爱屋----------------26----------------操纵模式是什么what is the steering mode.谐音:沃特A之泽思底额润某得----------------27----------------船尾吃水是10.8米the draft aft is 10.8meters.谐音:泽抓福特啊福特A之特恩跑恩特诶特米特斯----------------28----------------现在能见度很差visibility is poor now.谐音:维泽背了忒A之泡闹----------------29----------------右舵5starboard 5谐音:四大包的发爱屋----------------30----------------左满舵!左满舵,先生!hard a port.wheel hard a port,sir.谐音:哈的额泡特,外奥哈的额泡特,涩----------------31----------------右满舵!右满舵,先生!hard a starboard.wheel hard a starboard,sir.谐音:哈的额四大包的,外奥哈的额四大包的,涩----------------32----------------回舵到10ease to 10谐音:一思图忒恩----------------33----------------航向复原course again.谐音:考斯额根----------------34----------------航向120course 120谐音:考斯玩图贼鹅肉----------------35----------------把定航向150steady on 150谐音:丝带得昂玩发爱屋贼鹅肉----------------36----------------使航标处于左舷keep the mark on port side.谐音:尅普泽马克昂泡特塞得----------------37----------------如果舵没有反应要报告report if she does not answer the wheel.谐音:瑞泡特诶服谁大之闹特昂色泽外奥----------------38----------------完舵,不要继续操舵finished with wheel,no more steering.谐音:菲内斯的位子外奥,No 毛思底额润----------------39-------------泊位上有碰垫fenders are on the berth.谐音:分的思啊昂泽波思----------------40-------------船首尾准备好碰垫have fenders ready forward and aft.谐音:还无分的思日吾爱得服奥我的安得阿福特----------------41--------------船首尾准备好撇缆have the heaving lines ready forward and aft.谐音:还无泽黑无影来恩思日吾爱得服奥我的安得阿福特----------------42----------------把首尾解成单绑single up forward and aft.谐音:星高阿噗服奥我的安得阿福特----------------43----------------解掉拖缆let go towing line.谐音:莱特够偷婴莱恩----------------44----------------使用巴拿马导缆孔use the panama lead.谐音:油思泽拍呢吗里的----------------45----------------船首到岸的距离是50米the forward distance to the shore is 50 meters.谐音:泽服奥我的得思特恩思图泽少A之费服忒米特斯----------------46----------------准备好左锚stand by port anchor.谐音:斯但的拜泡特安可----------------47----------------升锚球hoist the anchor ball.谐音:好诶斯特泽安可报----------------48----------------打开锚灯switch on the anchor lights.谐音:思维吃昂泽安可来吃----------------49----------------合上锚机离合器put the windlass in gear.谐音:普特泽问的了思因给额----------------50----------------绞起左锚heave up port anchor.谐音:黑屋阿噗泡特安可----------------51----------------松出锚链slack out the cable.谐音:斯莱克奥特泽尅宝----------------52----------------刹住左锚链hold on the port cable.谐音:后的昂泽泡特尅宝----------------53----------------准备好绞锚stand by for heaving up.谐音:斯丹德拜服奥黑屋婴阿噗----------------54----------------锚链走向是什么how is the cable leading.谐音:号A之泽尅宝里丁----------------55----------------锚离底了the anchor is aweigh.谐音:泽安可A之额位----------------56----------------打开电源,启动马达switch on the power and start the motor.谐音:思维吃昂泽泡窝安得斯达特泽某特----------------57----------------打开第一舱舱盖open the hatch covers of hatch NO.1谐音:欧喷泽还吃卡窝思额屋还吃男宝玩----------------58----------------打开舱盖以后插上制动销after opening the covers,set the stopper pins.谐音:啊福特欧喷宁泽卡窝思,赛特泽死道破拼思----------------59----------------打开货舱灯switch on the hold light.谐音:思维吃昂泽后的莱特----------------60----------------下雨时关舱close the hatches of rain.谐音:科楼丝泽还彻思额屋润----------------61----------------首先松速动螺栓releasing all the quick-acting cleats first.谐音:瑞里思婴奥泽奎克-爱客厅克里吃佛斯特----------------62----------------检查并清理导轨check and clean the guide rails.谐音:柴可安得科林泽盖的瑞奥斯----------------63----------------你应该在卸货开始前完成解绑工作you should finish the unlashing work before discharging.谐音:油收的菲内斯泽安莱斯婴沃克比服奥得思查之婴----------------64----------------我们使用钢丝绳,链条,和绑扎杆来绑扎货物we use wires,chains and lashing bars to lash the cargo.谐音:位有丝外额思,产思安得莱市婴吧思图莱斯泽卡够----------------65----------------卸扣,花篮螺丝和夹子都是很有用的系固工具shackles,turnbuckles and clips are very useful securing tools.谐音:晒口思,特恩吧扣思安得科力普思啊外瑞有丝服奥思科油润图奥斯----------------66----------------准备好绑扎和系固甲板货物get ready for lashing and securing the cargo on deck.谐音:盖特日吾爱得服奥来是婴安得思科油润泽卡够昂代课----------------67----------------请准备好垫舱材料please get dunnage ready.谐音:普利斯盖特搭内置日吾爱得----------------68----------------烟雾报警器状况不好the smoke alarms are in bad condition.谐音:泽思谋可额拉姆思啊因白的肯得深----------------69----------------防火挡板破损the fire damper is broken.谐音:泽服爱额代木破A之不揉肯----------------70----------------4号箱中的消防水枪不见了the fire nozzle in NO.4 fire box is missing.谐音:泽服爱额闹照因男宝服奥服爱额宝克斯A之米星----------------71----------------检查消防总管并报告check the fire mains and report谐音:柴可泽服爱额门思安得瑞泡特----------------72----------------厨房起火了!拿灭火器fire in the galley!get a fire extinguisher.谐音:服爱额因泽盖类,盖特额服爱额诶克斯丁桂设----------------73----------------用水给舱壁降温cool down the bulkhead with water.谐音:酷奥当泽报课害的位子沃奥特----------------74----------------关闭防火挡板shut off the fire damper.谐音:沙特奥夫泽服爱额代木破----------------75----------------火势得到控制fire under control.谐音:服爱额安的抗戳奥----------------76----------------我们在进行消防演习we are having a fire fighting drill.谐音:位啊还屋婴额服爱额发爱听追奥----------------77----------------一个救生圈的烟雾信号过期the smoking signal of one lifebuoy is expired.谐音:泽思某克婴谁个闹额屋来福报A A之伊克斯拜额的----------------78----------------所有浸水服随时可用all immersion suits are ready for use.谐音:奥一么深苏吃啊日吾爱得服奥有丝----------------79----------------救生筏处于良好状态the life rafts are in good condition.谐音:泽来福日屋啊服吃啊因够的肯得深----------------80----------------穿上救生衣put on your life jacket谐音:普特昂幺来福债尅特----------------81----------------所有人员上救生艇all get down the boat谐音:奥盖特当泽不欧特----------------82----------------检查救生衣及携带的物品check your lifejackets and belongings谐音:柴可幺来福债尅吃安得比浪婴思----------------83----------------准备好放艇get ready for lowering the boat.谐音:盖特日吾爱得服奥漏额润泽不欧特----------------84----------------同时脱开前后吊艇钩detach the fore and aft hooks at the same time谐音:得太吃泽服奥安得阿福特后克思艾特泽谁木他爱木----------------85----------------人员落水.保持落水人员在视野范围内man overboard,keep the man in sight.谐音:满欧屋额报的,尅普泽满因撒爱特----------------86----------------我们在进行弃船演习we are having an abandon ship drill.谐音:位啊还屋婴安额办得恩谁普追奥----------------87----------------报告落水人员的方位和距离report bearing and distance of person in water.谐音:瑞泡特拜瑞婴安的得思特恩思额屋破申因屋奥特----------------88----------------淡水应该装在艏尖舱中the fresh water should be stowed in the fore peak tank.谐音:泽服日吾爱是屋奥特收的比思到的因泽服奥匹克坦克----------------89----------------压载水装在双层底舱the ballast water is stowed in the double bottom tank.谐音:泽拜了思特屋奥特A之思到的因泽打包宝特姆坦克----------------90----------------除锈后用钢丝刷清理船壳板use the wire brush to clean the hull plate after derusting.谐音:有丝泽外额不日屋啊是图科林泽胡奥普雷特啊福特得日屋啊思听----------------91----------------把绳子放入物料间put the ropes into the storeroom谐音:普特泽肉普斯音图泽丝倒入木----------------92----------------凿子,扳手,钳子和剪刀是船上非常有用的工具chisel,wrench,pliers and scissors are very useful tools on board.谐音:吃A照,润吃,扑来额思安的谁这思啊外瑞有丝服奥图奥思昂报的----------------93----------------导缆孔可以改变系泊缆绳的方向fair leads can change the direction of the mooring lines.谐音:服爱额里自看趁之泽得入爱克深额屋泽毛润莱恩思----------------94----------------我们把系泊缆绳系在缆桩上we put the mooring lines on the bitts.谐音:位普特泽毛润莱恩斯昂泽比吃----------------95----------------甲板克令吊用于装卸货物deck cranes are used to load or discharge cargoes.谐音:代课科润思啊有丝的图漏的噢得思差之卡够思----------------96----------------吊货钩可用cargo hooks are available.谐音:卡够后克斯啊额位了报----------------97----------------3号舱吊货钢丝磨损the cargo wire at NO.3 hatch is worn out.谐音:泽卡够外额艾特男宝思锐还吃A之屋奥恩奥特----------------98----------------应该定期给支索加滑油the stays should be greased at regular intervals.谐音:泽思得思收的比哥瑞思的艾特日吾爱个也了因特屋奥思----------------99----------------检查滑车以备立即使用check the blocks for immediate use.谐音:柴可泽不唠嗑思服奥一米底额特有丝----------------100----------------非随动舵Non-follow-up谐音:No恩-服奥漏-阿普----------------101----------------把定当前航向Steady as she goes谐音:丝带得爱之谁够之第三部分场景----------------01---------------S1:what time is it?现在是几点?沃特他艾母诶子诶特S2:It’s 7 o’clock.现在是七点整.诶次塞文鹅克劳克Q:what the time.几点了?A:7 o’clock.七点整.----------------02---------------S1:Excuse me,may I have your passport?打扰一下,我可以看一下你的护照吗?艾克斯克柚子米,美I 海雾要帕斯泡特?S2:here you are. 给你嘿鹅又啊Q:what was checked?他们在检查什么沃特沃司柴可的?A:the passport.护照则帕斯泡特----------------03---------------S1:please open your baggage?请打开你的行李普利斯欧喷要白给之S2:OK.好的Q:what should the second speaker do?第二个人应该做什么沃特数的则塞肯德斯必克度A:open the baggage.打开行李----------------04---------------S1:which is your ship?哪艘是你的船?未吃A子要谁普S2:my ship is ‘HuangHe’.我的船是’黄河’马艾谁普A子黄河Q:what is the ships name?船的名字是什么?沃特A子则谁普司内木A:HuangHe.黄河----------------05---------------S1:what is the date today?今天星期几?沃特A子则得特特得S2:it's the 2nd of may.今天五月二号.A特司则塞肯德鹅夫枚Q:what is the date they are talking?他们谈话的日期是什么时候?沃特A子则得特贼啊淘客英A:2nd of may.五月二号.----------------06---------------S1: what day is today?今天星期几?沃特得A子特得S2:it’s Thursday.今天星期四.A子色司得Q:What day are they talking?他们在哪天谈话?沃特得啊贼淘客英A:Thursday.星期四.----------------07---------------S1:excuse me,may I see your chief officer?打扰一下,我可以见大副吗艾克斯克柚子米,美I 西要吃A夫奥飞色S2:OK,follow me.可以,跟我来佛奥楼米Q:who does the first speaker want to see?第一个说话的人想要见谁沃特大子则佛斯特斯必克忘特吐西A:chief officer.大副----------------08---------------S1:excuse me,may I see your second officer?打扰一下,我可以见二副吗艾克斯克柚子米,美I 西要塞肯德奥飞色S2:OK I will call him for you.可以,我帮你叫他啊艾为奥考黑木佛奥又Q:who does the first speaker want to see?第一个说话的人想要见谁胡达子则佛斯特斯必克忘特吐西A:second officer.二副----------------09---------------S1:excuse me may I see your third officer?打扰一下,我可以见三副吗艾克斯克柚子米,美I 西要色的奥飞色S2:OK, I will call him for you.可以,我帮你叫他啊艾为奥考黑木佛奥又Q:who does the first speaker want to see?第一个说话的人想要见谁?胡达子则佛斯特斯必克忘特吐西A:third officer.三副----------------10---------------S1:Are you the chief engineer?你是轮机长吗?啊又则吃A夫恩之A捏S2:No, I am the second engineer.不,我是大管轮.啊艾木则塞肯德恩之A捏Q :who is the second speaker?第二个说话的人是谁?胡A子则塞肯德斯必克A:he is the second engineer.大管轮.黑A子则塞肯德恩之A捏----------------11---------------S1:Are you the second engineer?你是大管轮吗?啊又则塞肯德恩之A捏S2:No,I am the chief engineer.不是,我是轮机长。













值班机工英语听力与会话Lesson 1 Daily English:1.What is your name?My name is _______.2.How old are you?I am XXX.3.What is your marital status?I am XXX.4.How many people are there in your family? There are four people in my family.5.How long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for two years.6.How many countries have you ever been to?I have been to two countries.7.Do you like your job?Yes。

I like my job.8.What is your favorite color?XXX blue.9.Which season do you like best?I like spring the best.10.What kind of music do you like?I like pop music.Lesson 2 XXX:1.How many departments are there on board? There are two XXX.2.What is the difference een port and starboard?Port is the left side of the ship and starboard is the right side.3.What is the meaning of bow?Bow is the front part of the ship.4.What is the meaning of stern?XXX is the back part of the ship.5.What is the meaning of deck?Deck is the floor of the ship.The n of clarifier is to remove solid impurities from oil。




1.What are the responsibilities (duties) as Oiler No.1?机工长的职责是什么?The Oiler No.1 shall follow the orders of the Chief Engineer or the 1st Engineer, instruct and supervise the personnel under his control and engage in the ship service under the management of the Engine Department. Unless otherwise specified, the Oiler No.1 shall engage in the duties listed below:(1) Shall give order to the personnel under his control, be well aware of the conduct and skills of such personnel, arrange the job allocation, offer opinions to the Chief Engineer and thus try to improve the safety and efficiency of work;(2) Shall inspect the tools and staging well before beginning of the work, pay attention to the surrounding area during work and try to prevent danger and accidents;(3) Shall inspect the areas under the management of Engine Department and assist to maintain the main engines, auxiliary engines and machiney.(4) The handling of ship’s consumable stores.(5) Shall arrange complete circulation of orders, notificationsand various rules to the personnel under his control;(6) Other duties designated by chief engineer or other engineer.机工长应在轮机长或大管轮的领导下,安排和管理普通机工的工作,并做应该由本人承担的工作。






3.以现行大纲为基础,充分考虑履行《STCW 公约》2010马尼拉修正案的要求以及不同职务船员,即轮机长,大管轮和二、三管轮,在实际工作中履行其职责时在英语听力理解,口语表达方面的英语交流能力适任需求4.划分考核知识点细目,以指导命题。

三、基本要求听力与会话评估要求:听力理解能力:能够听懂并理解《STCW 公约》对无限航区的各级别海员职务要求的船舶内部日常生活和及听懂通过VHF和其他无线电和电子通信设备所进行的业务英语交流内容,包括机舱日常业务,应急情况下用语,安全和保安等行为过程中的英语口语交际内容。


口语表述能力:能够进行《STCW 公约》对无限航区的各级别海员职务要求的有效的面对面的口语沟通,包括日常生活交流,船上业务工作交流,以及安全和保安等场景中的英语口语交流内容。


轮机英语听力与会话评估纲要适用对象891 892 893无限航区750KW及以上船舶轮机长无限航区750KW及以上船舶大管轮无限航区750KW及以上船舶二/三管轮1公共用语1.1 日常用语√√√1.2日常对外业务用语√√√1.3 船东面试时用语√√√2机舱日常业务2.1主机系统2.1.1轮机设备部件名称√√√2.1.2主机燃油系统操作与管理√√√2.1.3主机冷却水系统操作与管理√√√2.1.4主机润滑油系统操作与管理√√√2.1.5主机起动空气系统操作与管理√√√2.1.6主机运行工况监测√√√2.1.7主机换气、增压系统操作与管理√√√2.1.8主机故障排除√√√2.1.9主机维护保养√√√2.1.10主机智能设备操作√√√2.2辅助设备2.2.1锅炉的操作与管理√√√2.2.2发电柴油机的操作与管理√√√2.2.3空调和制冷系统的操作与管理√√√2.2.4空压机的操作与管理√√√2.2.5造水机的操作与管理√√√2.2.6分油机的操作与管理√√√2.2.7油水分离器的操作与管理√√√2.2.8焚烧炉的操作与管理√√√2.2.9生活污水处理装置的操作与管理√√√2.2.10舵机的操作与管理√√√2.2.11压载水系统操作与管理√√√2.2.12舱底水系统操作与管理√√√2.2.13甲板机械的维护与管理√√√2.2.14电气设备的操作与管理√√√2.2.15电气设备的安全注意事项√√√2.2.16消防水系统的操作与管理√√√2.2.17生活日用水系统的操作与管理√√√3 与驾驶台联系3.1值班人员交流√√√3.2备车√√√3.3试车√√√3.4完车√√√3.5对车钟√√√3.6对时√√√3.7试舵√√√3.8轮机长与船长的对话√4 应急情况下的用语4.1主机故障应急用语√√√4.2失电应急用语√√√4.3船舶消防应急用语√√√4.4碰撞应急用语√√√4.5机舱进水应急用语√√√4.6撤离现场与弃船应急用语√√√4.7溢油应急用语√√√4.8人员伤亡与救护应急用语√√√5对外业务联系用语5.1加油5.1.1加油程序用语√√√5.1.2加油前的准备用语√√√5.1.3加油中的注意事项用语√√√5.1.4加油数量的核对及争议的处理用语√√√5.2修船、监造、交接船5.2.1核对修理项目√√√5.2.2确定修理要求与标准√√√5.2.3修理质量与争议的处理√√√5.2.4坞修√√√5.2.5修理设备的调试√√√5.2.6造船规范讨论√√5.2.7船舶交接√√√5.3机损报告、机损检查与各项检验√√√5.4物料和备件5.4.1物料和备件的申请√√√5.4.2物料和备件接收√√√6 PSC\ISM检查用语6.1 PSC一般性检查6.1.1各种证书的名称及内容√√6.1.2油类记录簿的记录与内容√√√6.2 PSC详细检查6.2.1机器、设备操作性检查√√√6.2.2救生与消防演习现场检查√√√6.2.3职务规则用语√√√6.3 ISM检查用语6.3.1 ISM体系文件的检查√√√6.3.2与体系文件相关的记录的检查√√√6.3.3与ISM审核官员的会话√√√6.3.4 ISM条款问答√√√四、轮机英语听力与会话评估考试说明听力评估考试总时间:20-30分钟满分:100分;及格分:60分题型:听力单句单选题,听力对话单选题,听力短文理解题各职级题型分数比例分布如下:无限航区职位听力单句理解比例听力对话理解比例听力短文理解比例轮机长20% 30% 50%大管轮30% 30% 40%二、三管轮40% 40% 20%会话评估考试总时间:15-30分钟满分:100分;及格分:60分题型:听力单选题,短文朗读,回答问题,口述题,听力短文理解题各职级题型分数比例分布如下:无限航区职位短文朗读话题口述问题回答轮机长20% 20% 60%大管轮20% 20% 60%二、三管轮20% 20% 60%。


3. Who is responsible[riˈspɔnsəbl]for the engine['endʒin]department[di'pɑːtmənt]?
The Chief[tʃi:f]engineer[ˌendʒiˈniə].轮机长/老轨。
5.What pump will you use/totransferbilge water/fromslop tank[slɔp][tæŋk]to the oily water separator?
Screw pump.螺杆泵。
6. What valve[vælv]is used to/supply[sə'plai]sea water/for the fire['faiə]main directly[di'rektli]?什么阀直接给消防总管供应海水?
2. What anti-pollution equipment do you know?你知道哪些防污染设备?
Oily water separator, incinerator, sewagetreatmentplant/unit.
4. Who is responsible for the deck department?谁负责甲板部?
The Chief officer.大副。
5. What does UMS stand for?UMS代表什么?
Unattended[ʌnə'tendid]Machinery Space.无人机舱。



Task 4: Describe advantages of various tools or technologies for proper lookout. 任务4:描述的各种工具和技术优势为适当的事。

a)The features of radar observation.b)雷达观测的特点。

c)The advantages of visual lookout.d)的视觉注意的优点。

e)The correct uses of various tools or technologies.f)的各种工具和技术的正确使用。

a.) If radar is fitted and operational, including long-range scanning, we can obtain early warning of risk of collision and radar plotting or equivalent systematic observation of detected objects. Though it is very efficient, it does have such limitations as: 1) the constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use; 2) the possibility that small vessels, ice and other floating objects may not be detected; 3) the effect on radar of sea state, weather and other sources of interference, etc.a)如果雷达安装和操作,包括远程扫描,我们可以获得碰撞雷达标绘或与其相当的系统观察风险预警。


高级值班机工英语听力与会话Lesson 11 Port State Control Inspection

高级值班机工英语听力与会话Lesson 11 Port State Control Inspection
高级值班机工 英语听力与会话
Unit 6 PSC Inspection
Lesson 11 Port State Control Inspection
Part Ⅰ Warm-up Activities
Useful Expressions
1. Your certificate for the generator has expired. 2. I’ll do the renewal work after reaching our homeport. 3. Please operate the steering gear. 4. There is a large oil leakage at the bottom of the separator. 5. Your IOPP certificate should be extended at the end of this year. 6. Please tell me the capacity of your incinerator. 7. Your ship has serious deficiencies, it will be detained. 8. You can not discharge sewage directly overboard. 9. The life boat equipment is not complete and operational. 10. You didn’t put these tools in place.
Task 2 Sentence listening

19版水手英语听力与会话第二章第一节航行值班 驾驶台设备

19版水手英语听力与会话第二章第一节航行值班 驾驶台设备

Z07试题1 答案:A ______应为其领土内的港口设施和进入其港口前的船舶或在其港口内的船舶规定保安等级并确保向它们提供保安等级方面的信息。

A.缔约国政府B.指定当局C.主管机关2 答案:C 船到船活动,是指涉及物品或人员从一船向另一船转移的任何______的行为。

A.与锚地、候泊区等区域有关B.与港口设施有关C.与港口设施不相关3 答案:C ISPS规则A部分是______。

A.任意性的B.建议性的C.强制性的4 答案:A ISPS规则A、B两部分内容在编排格式上______。

A.相互对应B.完全不同C.部分相同5 答案:B 根据ISPS规则的规定,船公司应为公司指定______公司保安员。

A.一名B.一名或数名C.两名6 答案:A 根据ISPS规则的规定,船公司应为其每一艘船舶指定______船舶保安员。

A.一名B.一名或数名C.两名7 答案:A ISPS规则不适用于______。

A.缔约国政府的非营业性公务船B.从事国际航行的500总吨及以上的货船C.服务于国际航行船舶的港口设施8 答案:C ISPS规则不适用______。

A.从事国际航行的高速客船B.移动式海上钻井装置C.军舰和海军辅助船9 答案:C ______是指为确保采取旨在保护港口设施和港口设施内的船舶、人员、货物、货物运输单元和船上物料免受保安事件危胁的措施而制订的计划。

A.SSAB.SSPC.PFSP10 答案:C 根据ISPS规则,以下哪些是缔约国政府的责任______?①规定保安等级;②确定一个指定当局;③设立中央或地区联络点;④指定港口设施保安员。

A.①②④B.①③④C.①~③11 答案:B ______应向有权登船或进入港口设施履行其官方职责的政府官员签发相应的身份证件,并设立可能对这些证件的真实性进行核实的程序。

A.RSOB.缔约国政府C.指定当局12 答案:B 当一艘从事国际航行的大型散货船与另一艘不要求具有和实施经批准的船舶保安计划的船舶进行船到船活动时,船舶可视具体情况决定是否提交并签署保安声明。



9. What other methods do you know to treat bilge water besides the oily water separator?
沃特 啊嘚儿 卖豆子 都 由 NO 吐 吹特 毕欧之 沃特儿 比萨艾子 的 奥由累
除了油水分离器之外,还可以 用什么方法来处理舱底水?
Pump oil. 怕木破 奥由
10. Which type of boiler does“D”type boiler belong to, water-tube
boiler or fire-tube boiler?
为次 太破 奥夫 爆儿乐 大子“D”太破 爆儿乐 比浪 吐,沃特儿-吐波 锅炉还是火管(烟管)锅炉?
吐 波恩 的 奥由 斯拉之 安得 骚雷特 为斯特
5. Where should you treat sewage? 外儿 树的 由 吹特 秀A子
In the sewage treatment plant[plɑ:nt]. 因 的 秀A子 吹特门特 破兰特
shree people. 斯瑞 P剖
5. How long have you worked on board [bɔ:d]? 好 浪 害儿 由 沃尔德 安 博尔的
2 years. 吐 叶儿斯
6. How many countries have you ever been to? 好 迈内 砍吹斯 害儿 由 艾沃 宾 吐


















What are materials for oil pollution prevention?
What is the alarm signal for oil spill? What is the alarm signal for a man falling over board? What can be used to prevent spilt oil from spreading out in the event of oil spill?
. Q. . Q . Q. . Q . Q . Q . Q . Q . Q . Q . Q . Q . Q . Q . Q . Q . Q . Q . What is the IOPP? How long is it valid. What is the oil content limit when pumping out bilge water? When handling oil, what is an important consideration in order to ensure safety? What is PSC? What sort of documentation is involved with bunkering? Why are communications important during bunkering? What should you do after bunkering? What should you do during bunkering? How do you evacuate from the engine room upon abandon ship order? In which cases must bunkering be stopped? Who is in charge of bunkering? What should you do before bunkering? What life-saving devices are equipped on board your ship?




听力技巧- 提高听力技巧对于理解外国乘客的问题和需求至关重要。

- 练听懂常见的交通指示词汇和常用问题的表达方式。

- 注重细节,如乘客的目的地、所携带的行李等。

常用会话以下是与外国乘客进行交流时可能用到的常用会话内容:1. 问候与欢迎:- How can I assist you today? 今天需要帮助吗?- Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。

2. 询问目的地:- Where are you heading to? 你要去哪里?- Could you please tell me your destination? 请告诉我你要去的地方。

3. 提供信息:- The next stop is [stop name]. 下一站是[站名]。

- We will arrive at your destination in approximately [time]. 大约[时间]后我们将抵达你的目的地。

- You need to transfer at [transfer point]. 你需要在[换乘点]换成其他车辆。

4. 回答常见问题:- How much is the fare? 票价多少?- Is this the right bus for [destination]? 这辆车可到达[目的地]吗?5. 提供帮助:- If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 如果你有任何问题,请随时提问。

- Let me know if you need any assistance. 如果需要帮助,请告诉我。



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