
临床实践指南:分泌性中耳炎(更新版)刘娅(译);李磊;于浩然;陈敏;刘薇;杨军(译);张杰(译);刁明芳(译);孙建军(审校);肖红俊(审校);蒋涛(审校);李晓雨;何晓琳【期刊名称】《听力学及言语疾病杂志》【年(卷),期】2016(024)005【摘要】目标本指南是在美国耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科基金学会、美国儿科学会和美国家庭医生学会2004年共同制定的分泌性中耳炎(OME)诊疗指南的基础上进行的更新,指南所涉及的 OME 为不伴急性中耳感染的中耳积液。
与原指南相比,本指南增加了消费者利益维护,并依据4项新临床实践指南、20项新的系统性回顾和49个随机对照试验,重点强调患者教育和共同决策,阐明临床决策之间的关系,并对 OME 的诊断与治疗做出新的延伸性建议。
目的本项多学科指南旨在提高OME 的诊治水平,并对临床实践提出明确可行的建议,特别是提高诊断的精确性、鉴别在生长发育方面可能受 OME 影响的儿童,并教育医生和家长关注大多数OME 的自然病程以及药物治疗的临床效益(例如类固醇激素、抗组胺药、减充血剂)。
本指南的目的还包括对 OME 进行监测、听力及言语评估以及对新生儿筛查发现的 OME 患儿进行处理,适用的患者年龄范围为2个月到12岁,伴或不伴发育障碍或其他易导致 OME 及其后遗症的潜在因素。
本指南专为致力于儿童 OME 诊治的医生而设计,它适用于 OME 的确诊、监测以及处理的任何医疗场所。
临床决策本指南对医生的强烈推荐如下:①诊断儿童 OME 时,应记录经鼓气耳镜观察到的中耳积液;②对出现耳痛和/或听力下降的儿童应该使用鼓气耳镜评估 OME;③对于鼓气耳镜检查不成功或通过鼓气耳镜检查不能明确诊断为 OME 的儿童应行声导抗测试;④对于没有危险因素的 OME 患儿应该给予3个月的等待观察,具体时间应从发现中耳积液开始计算(如果可以明确积液的起始时间)或者从诊断之日开始计算(如果不能明确积液的起始时间);⑤不推荐鼻腔或全身使用类固醇激素治疗 OME;⑥不推荐全身使用抗生素治疗OME;⑦不推荐使用抗组胺药和/或减充血剂治疗OME。


一、定义 以中耳积液(包括浆液、黏液、浆-黏液)及听力下降为主 要特征的中耳非化脓性炎性疾病。 二、诊断要点 1.鼓气耳镜检查见中耳积液征。 2.声导抗测试呈“B,,或“c”型曲线,6个月以下患儿 1000 Hz探测音检测无正峰。 3.行为听力测试或听性脑干反应(ABR)骨气导阈值检 查多存在骨气导差。 三、治疗原则 1.保守治疗:发病3个月内的需要密切观察。建议2~ 4周随诊1次,酌情对症处理。 2.外科治疗指征:①病程持续3个月以上;②伴有高危 因素(腭裂,永久性听力下降,言语发育迟缓或障碍,自闭症, 与遗传有关的综合征、颅面发育异常等所引起的认知和言语 表达障碍等)的患儿宜尽早手术;③观察期间较好耳的听力 水平为40 dB或更差;④反复发作的分泌性中耳炎伴腺样体 肥大。 3.手术治疗:采用鼓膜穿刺、切开或置管术。腺样体肥 大或慢性腺样体炎时行腺样体切除术。 4.再次手术:鼓膜置管脱出或取管后复发,可再次手 术。再次置管时,可同时行腺样体切除术(腭裂或黏膜下腭 裂除外)。
疗包括:①病因治疗和对症治疗;②诊断明确、没有并发症、 随诊有保障的患儿可以不用抗生素,采用观察疗法;③需用 抗生素者,可根据病情选用敏感抗生素;(1)48~72 h的初期 治疗效果不佳或无效,应重新评估并排除其他疾病的可能。
2.急性化脓性中耳炎:①局部治疗:清洁耳道,引流脓 液,应用抗生素滴耳剂(如氧氟沙星滴耳剂),禁用耳毒性药 物;②全身治疗:酌情使用抗.

头孢曲松单次治疗儿童急性中耳炎疗效和安全性的Meta分析姚莉莉;徐锦龙【摘要】目的评价头孢曲松单次治疗儿童急性中耳炎的疗效和安全性,为临床应用提供证据.方法检索头孢曲松单次治疗与阿莫西林口服治疗儿童急性中耳炎对比的随机对照研究(randomized controlled trial,RCTs),2位研究者独立进行文献筛选、关键数据提取并对纳入研究进行质量评价,而后行Meta分析.结果纳入4项研究,共502例患者.头孢曲松单次治疗与阿莫西林口服治疗相比,其治愈率(P=0.33)、有效率(P=0.73)、药品不良反应发生率(P=0.84)均相当,而显效率明显较高(P=0.0007).结论从本次系统评价来看,头孢曲松单次治疗儿童急性中耳炎疗效略优于阿莫西林口服治疗.【期刊名称】《健康研究》【年(卷),期】2019(039)001【总页数】4页(P71-74)【关键词】头孢曲松;阿莫西林;儿童;急性中耳炎;Meta分析【作者】姚莉莉;徐锦龙【作者单位】宁波市鄞州区福明街道社区卫生服务中心,浙江宁波,312400;宁波市鄞州区第二医院,药剂科,浙江宁波,312400【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R473.2儿童急性中耳炎是指细菌或/和病毒等病原体经咽鼓管直接进入鼓室引起中耳腔黏膜感染,具有一定的季节性[1],通常继发于普通感冒,在48~72 h内发病,病程不超过12周[2-3]。

1 资料与方法1.1一般资料共计100例急性中耳炎患儿,随机选自我院2015年5月-2017年5月间,符合纳入及排除标准,采用数字表法将其随机分为以下两组,即对照组50例,男性42例,女性58例,年龄4-12(8.0±1.3)岁。

继则在 2014 年 7 月和 9 月集中两次在烟台市和武 汉市由 6 位儿童耳鼻咽喉科资深专家对“指南”进 行了充分讨论。会议特邀上海交通大学附属儿童 医院呼吸科陆权教授参与,对指南的初稿提出了 宝贵的指导性建议与意见。2014 年 11 月 23 日,专 家委员会在上海组织最终定稿会,成员有来自于 国内不同地域的儿童耳鼻咽喉科专家,以及陆权 教授等儿科呼吸病专家,共同对定稿指南进行切 磋和深入讨论,并达成了一致共识。
4 疗效评估
药物保守治疗是否有效,需要进行系统的评 估,提出进一步处理方案,但儿童受年龄限制,描 述症状及感受可能存在不确定性,因此要根据患 儿和(或)监护人的主诉,结合鼻镜检查所见进行 综合评估。疗效评估参照国内外文献及国内资深 专家临床实践经验,进行制定和选择,每 2~4 周评 估 1 次,不少于 3 个月。 4 . 1 主观评估 儿童症状量化评估推荐使用视 觉模拟量表(visual analogue scale,VAS)[14],将其病
本“指南”参考国内外的相关文献,根据“循证 医学”的原则,并汲取国内资深专家的临床实践经 验编写而成[1-3]。“指南”适用于 18 岁以下的儿童, 以期指导各级医疗机构对儿童急性感染性鼻-鼻 窦炎的规范诊治。“指南”在《中国实用儿科杂志》 刊出,冀望能对儿科跨学科疾病的临床实践有指 导意义,更能对各级医院从事儿童耳鼻咽喉科专 业的医师及儿内科医师都有所帮助。
鼻窦感染部位组织浓度高、疗程短、作用时间较长、 依从性好,其也适用于青霉素类药物过敏者。一线 药物耐药者,可选用第 2 代或第 3 代头孢菌素[9]。
有效和安全是选择抗菌药物的首要原则,鼻-鼻 窦炎有使用抗菌药物指征者应以口服给药为主要途 径,不强调抗菌药物联合使用。高热、有中毒症状、 合并眶内或局部软组织脓肿、呕吐造成药物摄入困 难者等可选择静脉途径使用上述抗菌药物。 3 . 4 . 2 鼻用糖皮质激素 鼻用糖皮质激素具有 抗炎、抗水肿作用,特别是对于症状较严重的急性 期鼻-鼻窦炎可缓解症状,鼻用糖皮质激素的应用 以晨起喷药为好,疗程 2~4 周 。 [10] 3 . 4 . 3 鼻腔冲洗 使用生理盐水或高渗盐水或生 理性海水冲洗鼻腔,可有效缓解鼻黏膜急性期水肿、 刺激鼻黏膜纤毛活性、增加鼻腔分泌物清除速率, 并可以缓解临床症状,提高患儿生活质量[11-12]。根 据不同年龄患者的依从性,可以选择冲洗、滴注或 雾化的方式。其用法为每日 3~4 次,持续 2 周。 3 . 4 . 4 抗组胺药及白三烯受体拮抗剂 相当一部 分急性感染性鼻-鼻窦炎患儿存在明确的变态反应 因素,特别是伴有变应性鼻炎者,可全身或鼻腔局 部使用第 2 代抗组胺药物,以鼻用抗组胺药物为好, 也可口服白三烯受体拮抗剂,疗程一般不少于2 周。 对于伴有哮喘的患者,首选口服白三烯受体拮抗剂。 3 . 4 . 5 黏液促排剂 黏液促排剂可稀化呼吸道 黏液并改善纤毛活性,主要应用在慢性期,但对急 性期也有效,予推荐使用,疗程至少 4 周 。 [13] 3 . 4 . 6 鼻用减充血剂 对急性严重的鼻阻塞者, 可适当间断、短时间(7 d 以内)使用低浓度鼻黏膜减 充血剂,有利于解除鼻窦引流通道的阻塞,改善鼻 腔通气和引流[14]。推荐使用低浓度麻黄碱(0.5%)或 盐酸羟甲唑啉,禁止使用盐酸萘甲唑啉(滴鼻净)。
儿童常见呼吸道疾病雾化吸入治疗专家共识 (2)精选全文完整版

可编辑修改精选全文完整版儿童常见呼吸道疾病雾化吸入治疗专家共识篇一:儿科指南目录(中文)1. 儿童支气管哮喘诊断与防治指南(2022年版)2. 小儿神经源性膀胱诊断和治疗指南20223. 儿童骨髓增生异常综合征诊断与治疗中国专家共识(2022年版)4. 儿童流感诊断与治疗专家共识(2022年版)5. 中国儿科超说明书用药专家共识(2022年)6. 新生儿窒息诊断的专家共识7. 儿童过敏性紫癜循证诊治建议8. 儿童肺炎支原体肺炎诊治专家共识(2022年版)9. 2022国际小儿急性呼吸窘迫综合征专家共识解读10. 儿童急性中耳炎诊疗——临床实践指南(2022年制定)11. 流行性感冒抗病毒药物治疗与预防应用中国专家共识 12. 手足口病诊疗指南(2022 年版)13. 性早熟诊疗指南( 试行)14. 儿童高铅血症和铅中毒预防指南15. 儿童高铅血症和铅中毒分级和处理原则16. 中国儿童普通感冒规范诊治专家共识(2022年)17. 中国0至5岁儿童病因不明急性发热诊断和处理若干问题循证指南(标准版)2022年18. 中国0至5岁儿童病因不明急性发热诊断和处理若干问题循证指南(简化版)2022年19. 新诊断儿童癫痫的初始单药治疗专家共识(2022年)20. 免疫异常儿童疫苗接种 ( 上海 ) 专家共识21. 新生儿高胆红素血症诊断和治疗专家共识(2022年)22. 中国新生儿复苏指南(2022 年北京修订)23. 足月儿缺氧缺血性脑病循证治疗指南(2022-标准版)24. 儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病诊疗建议(第三次修订草案)25. 儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病诊疗建议(第四次修订)26. 儿童缺铁和缺铁性贫血防治建议27. 儿童血友病诊疗建议28. 儿童获得性再生障碍性贫血诊疗建议29. 儿童非霍奇金淋巴瘤诊疗建议30. 尿路感染诊断与治疗中国专家共识(2022版)31. 尿路感染诊断与治疗中国专家共识(2022版)-复杂性尿路感染医脉通LOGO32. 尿路感染诊断与治疗中国专家共识(2022版)-尿路感染抗菌药物选择策略及特殊类型尿路感染的治疗建议 33. 儿童夜间遗尿症诊治指南34. 2022年中国儿童单症状性夜遗尿疾病管理专家共识35. 儿童脓毒性休克(感染性休克)诊治专家共识(2022版)36. 免疫功能异常患儿的预防接种专家共识(试行稿):原发性免疫缺陷病37. 儿童晕厥诊断指南(2022年修订版)38. 儿科支气管镜术指南(2022年版)39. 儿童常见肾脏疾病诊治循证指南(一)_激素敏感、复发_依赖肾病综合征诊治循证指南(试行)40. 2022 中国儿童常见肾脏疾病诊治循证指南(二):紫癜性肾炎的诊治循证指南(试行)41. 2022 中国儿童常见肾脏疾病诊治循证指南(试行)(三):激素耐药型肾病综合征诊治指南42. 2022 中国儿童常见肾脏疾病诊治循证指南(试行)(四):原发性IgA肾病诊断治疗指南43. 2022 中国儿童常见肾脏疾病诊治循证指南(试行)(五):儿童乙型肝炎病毒相关性肾炎诊疗指南44. 2022 中国儿童常见肾脏疾病诊治循证指南(试行)(六):狼疮性肾炎诊断治疗指南45. 2022 中国儿童常见肾脏疾病诊治循证指南(试行)(七):泌尿系感染诊断治疗指南46. 中国儿科肠内肠外营养支持临床应用指南(2022年)47. 2022 儿童微量营养素缺乏防治建议48. 2022 儿童风湿病诊断及治疗专家共识(一) 49. 2022 儿童风湿病诊断及治疗专家共识(二)50. 2022 儿童风湿病诊断及治疗专家共识(三)51. 2022 儿童巨细胞病毒性疾病诊断和防治的建议52. 糖皮质激素雾化吸入疗法在儿科应用的专家共识(2022年修订版)53. 儿童常见呼吸道疾病雾化吸入治疗专家共识54. 白三烯受体拮抗剂在儿童常见呼吸系统疾病中的临床应用专家共识55. 重组人干扰素-α1b在儿科的临床应用专家共识56. 维生素矿物质补充剂改善儿童健康成长的应用:专家共识57. 维生素矿物质补充剂在疾病防治中的临床应用:专家共识-维生素B158. 维生素矿物质补充剂在疾病防治中的临床应用-专家共识—维生素B259. 维生素矿物质补充剂在疾病防治中的临床应用-专家共识—维生素B660. 维生素矿物质补充剂在疾病防治中的临床应用-专家共识—烟酸61. 我国早产儿视网膜病变筛查指南(2022年)62. 2022 儿童感染性心内膜炎的诊断标准建议63. 新生儿窒息多器官损害的临床诊断标准64. 儿童肺功能系列指南(一) :概述65. 儿童肺功能系列指南(二):肺容积和通气功能66. 儿童肺功能系列指南(三):脉冲振荡67. 新生儿重度窒息濒死儿复苏方法的建议68. 先天性心脏病患儿营养支持专家共识69. 早产、低出生体重儿出院后喂养建议70. 中国儿童体格生长评价建议71. 细胞移植治疗小儿严重脑损伤及神经残疾专家共识 72. 胎儿先天性心脏病诊断及围产期管理专家共识73. 儿童治疗性药物监测专家共识74. 儿童流感诊断与治疗专家共识(2022年版)75. 儿童幽门螺杆菌感染诊治专家共识76. 中枢性性早熟诊断与治疗共识(2022)77. 中国Prader-Willi综合征诊治专家共识(2022)78. 2022 支气管舒张剂在儿童呼吸道常见疾病中应用的专家共识79. 毛细支气管炎诊断、治疗与预防专家共识(2022年版)80. 2022年先天性心脏病相关性肺动脉高压诊治中国专家共识81. 2022 高苯丙氨酸血症的诊治共识82. 中国儿童慢性咳嗽诊断与治疗指南(2022年修订)83. 早产儿视网膜病变和足月新生儿眼病筛查指南84. 2022 儿童原发性免疫性血小板减少症诊疗建议85. 2022 基因重组人生长激素儿科临床规范应用的建议86. 2022 儿童心肌病遗传代谢性病因的诊断建议87. 2022 中国婴幼儿牛奶蛋白过敏诊治循证建议88. 2022 非惊厥性癫痫持续状态的治疗专家共识89. 2022 儿童肺间质疾病诊断程序专家共识90. 2022 中国新生儿转运指南91. 2022 儿童抽动障碍的诊断与治疗建议92. 2022 肺炎链球菌性疾病相关疫苗应用技术指南93. 2022 川崎病冠状动脉病变的临床处理建议94. 2022 儿童闭塞性细支气管炎的诊断与治疗建议95. 肺炎链球菌性疾病相关疫苗应用技术指南(2022版)96. 2022 婴儿急性腹泻的临床营养干预路径97. 2022 中国儿童功能性消化不良诊断和治疗共识98. 2022 儿童心肺复苏指南99. 2022 幼年特发性关节炎(多/少关节型)诊疗建议 100.卫生部儿童孤独症诊疗康复指南 2022 中国儿童系统性红斑狼疮诊疗建议学龄儿童膳食指南 6月龄内婴儿母乳喂养指南 7 ~ 24 月龄婴幼儿喂养指南儿童急性中耳炎诊疗_临床实践指南(2022年制定)2022 儿童肺高血压诊断与治疗专家共识儿童急性感染性鼻-鼻窦炎诊疗临床实践指南(2022年制订) 2022 儿童常见先天性心脏病介入治疗专家共识篇二:2022版成人慢性气道疾病雾化吸入治疗专家共识成人慢性气道疾病雾化吸入治疗专家共识发表者:徐大林(访问人次:1562)Chinese Expert Consensus on Nebulization Inhalation Therapy in ChronicRespiratory Disorders吸入疗法是治疗呼吸系统疾病的常用方法,包括气雾吸入、经储雾罐气雾吸入、干粉吸入以及雾化吸入等,而以雾化吸入疗效最确切,适应证也最广泛。

2.3 指南质量的AGREEⅡ评价结果2.3.1 ICC结果3名研究者评定各指南结果一致性较高,ICC 值均到达0.75以上。
2.3.2 各领域得分及评价10篇指南总体质量不高,其中1篇为A级,4篇[8-9,11-12]为B级,5篇[13-17]为C级。
英国NICE指南在附件中1/ 3详细阐述证据检索策略。
3 討论纳入的10部指南各领域得分中,除了“范围与目的”“清晰性”得分相对较高些,其他4个领域得分均不高。

听力测试是诊断急 性中耳炎的重要手 段之一
听力测试包括纯音 听力测试、言语识 别率测试等
听力测试可以帮助 医生了解患者的听 力损失程度和类型
听力测试结果可以 帮助医生制定治疗 方案和评估治疗效 果
白细胞计数:急性中耳炎患者白细胞计 数通常升高
血红蛋白:急性中耳炎患者血红蛋白可 能降低
血小板计数:急性中耳炎患者血小板计 数可能降低
血清学检查:急性中耳炎患者血清学检 查可能显示细菌感染或病毒感染
血液培养:急性中耳炎患者血液培养可 能显示细菌感染或病毒感染
听力测试:评估听力损失程 度
耳镜检查:观察耳道、鼓膜 情况
影像学检查:CT、MRI等, 观察中耳结构及病变情况
实验室检查:血常规、C反应 蛋白等,评估炎症程度及感染
过度用力擤鼻涕可能导致中耳炎 正确擤鼻涕的方法:轻轻擤鼻涕,避免用力过猛 保持鼻腔清洁,避免细菌感染 避免感冒,减少中耳炎的发生
保持良好的生活习惯,如勤洗 手、保持室内空气流通等
避免接触感冒患者,减少感染 风险
保持良好的生活习惯,如保持充足的睡眠、避免过度劳累等 避免接触刺激性物质,如香烟、酒精等 保持良好的口腔卫生,如定期刷牙、使用牙线等 避免过度使用抗生素,以防止细菌耐药性的产生
定期复查:按照医生的建议定期进行复 查,以便及时了解病情变化
药物治疗:按照医生的处方按时服药, 不要随意停药或更改剂量
生活习惯:保持良好的生活习惯,如避 免熬夜、过度劳累等
饮食调理:注意饮食清淡,避免辛辣刺 激性食物,多吃蔬菜水果
心理调适:保持良好的心态,避免过度 紧张和焦虑

AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS AND AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANSC LINICAL P RACTICE G UIDELINESubcommittee on Management of Acute Otitis Media Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis MediaABSTRACT.This evidence-based clinical practice guideline provides recommendations to primary care cli-nicians for the management of children from2months through12years of age with uncomplicated acute otitis media(AOM).The American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Family Physicians convened a committee composed of primary care physicians and experts in the fields of otolaryngology,epidemiology,and infectious disease.The subcommittee partnered with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Southern California Evidence-Based Practice Center to develop a comprehensive review of the evidence-based literature related to AOM.The resulting evidence report and other sources of data were used to formulate the practice guide-line recommendations.The focus of this practice guide-line is the appropriate diagnosis and initial treatment of a child presenting with AOM.The guideline provides a specific definition of AOM. It addresses pain management,initial observation versus antibacterial treatment,appropriate choices of antibacte-rials,and preventive measures.Decisions were made based on a systematic grading of the quality of evidence and strength of recommendations,as well as expert con-sensus when definitive data were not available.The prac-tice guideline underwent comprehensive peer review be-fore formal approval by the partnering organizations. This clinical practice guideline is not intended as a sole source of guidance in the management of children with AOM.Rather,it is intended to assist primary care clini-cians by providing a framework for clinical decision-making.It is not intended to replace clinical judgment or establish a protocol for all children with this condition. These recommendations may not provide the only appro-priate approach to the management of this problem.ABBREVIATIONS.AOM,acute otitis media;OME,otitis media with effusion;AAP,American Academy of Pediatrics;AAFP, American Academy of Family Physicians;AHRQ,Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality;MEE,middle-ear effusion; CAM,complementary and alternative medicine.A cute otitis media(AOM)is the most commoninfection for which antibacterial agents areprescribed for children in the United States. As such,the diagnosis and management of AOM has a significant impact on the health of children,cost of providing care,and overall use of antibacterial agents.The illness also generates a significant social burden and indirect cost due to time lost from school and work.The estimated direct cost of AOM was $1.96billion in1995.In addition,the indirect cost was estimated to be$1.02billion.1During1990there were almost25million visits made to office-based physicians in the United States for otitis media,with 809antibacterial prescriptions per1000visits,for a total of more than20million prescriptions for otitis media–related antibacterials.Although the total number of office visits for otitis media decreased to 16million in2000,the rate of antibacterial prescrib-ing was approximately the same(802antibacterial prescriptions per1000visits for a total of more than 13million prescriptions).2–4An individual course of antibacterial therapy can range in cost from$10to more than$100.There has been much discussion recently as to the necessity for the use of antibacterial agents at the time of diagnosis in children with uncomplicated AOM.Although in the United States the use of an-tibacterial agents in the management of AOM has been routine,in some countries in Europe it is com-mon practice to treat the symptoms of AOM initially and only institute antibacterial therapy if clinical im-provement does not occur.For the clinician,the choice of a specific antibacterial agent has become a key aspect of management.Concerns about the ris-ing rates of antibacterial resistance and the growing costs of antibacterial prescriptions have focused the attention of the medical community and the general public on the need for judicious use of antibacterial agents.Greater resistance among many of the patho-gens that cause AOM has fueled an increase in the use of broader-spectrum and generally more expen-sive antibacterial agents.It is the intent of this guideline to evaluate the published evidence on the natural history and man-agement of uncomplicated AOM and to make rec-ommendations based on that evidence to primary care clinicians including pediatricians,family physi-cians,physician assistants,nurse practitioners,and emergency department physicians as well as otolar-yngologists.The scope of the guideline is the diag-nosis and management of uncomplicated AOM in children from2months through12years of age without signs or symptoms of systemic illness unre-The recommendations in this guideline do not indicate an exclusive courseof treatment or serve as a standard of medical care.Variations,taking intoaccount individual circumstances,may be appropriate.PEDIATRICS(ISSN00314005).Copyright©2004by the American Acad-emy of Pediatrics.PEDIATRICS Vol.113No.5May20041451lated to the middle ear.It applies only to the other-wise healthy child without underlying conditions that may alter the natural course of AOM.These conditions include,but are not limited to,anatomic abnormalities such as cleft palate,genetic conditions such as Down syndrome,immunodeficiencies,and the presence of cochlear implants.Also excluded are children with a clinical recurrence of AOM within30 days or AOM with underlying chronic otitis media with effusion(OME).METHODSTo develop the clinical practice guideline on the management of AOM,the American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP)and Amer-ican Academy of Family Physicians(AAFP)convened the Sub-committee on Management of Acute Otitis Media,a working panel composed of primary care and subspecialty physicians.The subcommittee was cochaired by a primary care pediatrician and a family physician and included experts in the fields of general pediatrics,family medicine,otolaryngology,epidemiology,infec-tious disease,and medical informatics.All panel members re-viewed the AAP policy on conflict of interest and voluntary dis-closure and were given an opportunity to present any potential conflicts with the subcommittee’s work.The AAP and AAFP partnered with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality(AHRQ)and the Southern California Evi-dence-Based Practice Center to develop the evidence report,which served as a major source of data for these practice guideline recommendations.1Specific clinical issues addressed in the AHRQ evidence report were the1)definition of AOM,2)natural history of AOM without antibacterial treatment,3)effectiveness of anti-bacterial agents in preventing clinical failure,and4)relative ef-fectiveness of specific antibacterial regimens.The AHRQ report focused on children between4weeks and18years of age with uncomplicated AOM seeking initial treatment.Outcomes in-cluded the presence or absence of signs and symptoms within48 hours,at3to7days,8to14days,15days to3months,and more than3months and the presence of adverse effects from antibac-terial treatment.Southern California Evidence-Based Practice Cen-ter project staff searched Medline(1966through March1999),the Cochrane Library(through March1999),HealthSTAR(1975 through March1999),International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (1970through March1999),CINAHL(1982through March1999), BIOSIS(1970through March1999),and Embase(1980through March1999).Additional articles were identified by review of reference lists in proceedings,published articles,reports,and guidelines.Studies relevant to treatment questions were limited to randomized,controlled trials.For natural history,prospective and retrospective comparative cohort studies were included also.A total of3461titles were identified initially for additional review. Of these,2701were excluded,and760required article review. Finally,72English-language and2foreign-language articles were reviewed fully.Results of the literature review were presented in evidence tables and published in the final evidence report.New literature about otitis media is being published constantly. Although the systematic review done by the AHRQ could not be replicated with new literature,members of the Subcommittee on Management of Acute Otitis Media reviewed additional articles published through September2003.Articles were nonsystemati-cally evaluated for quality of methodology and importance of results.Articles used in the AHRQ review also were reevaluated for their quality.Conclusions were based on the consensus of the subcommittee after the review of newer literature and reevalua-tion of the AHRQ evidence.Of significance is that the literature includes relatively few cases of uncomplicated AOM in children older than12years.The subcommittee therefore limited this guideline to children from2months through12years of age.The evidence-based approach to guideline development re-quires that the evidence in support of a policy be identified, appraised,and summarized and that an explicit link between evidence and recommendations be defined.Evidence-based rec-ommendations reflect the quality of evidence and the balance of benefit and harm that is anticipated when the recommendation is followed.The AAP definitions of evidence-based recommenda-tions are shown in Table1.A draft version of this practice guideline underwent extensive peer review by committees and sections within the AAP,review-ers appointed by the AAFP,outside organizations,and other individuals identified by the subcommittee as experts in the field. Members of the subcommittee were invited to distribute the draft to other representatives and committees within their specialty organizations.The resulting comments were reviewed by the sub-committee and,when appropriate,incorporated into the guide-line.RECOMMENDATION1To diagnose AOM the clinician should confirm a his-tory of acute onset,identify signs of middle-ear effusion (MEE),and evaluate for the presence of signs and symp-toms of middle-ear inflammation.(This recommendation is based on observational studies and a preponderance of benefit over risk;see Table2.)TABLE1.Guideline Definitions for Evidence-Based StatementsStatement Definition ImplicationStrong recommendation A strong recommendation in favor of a particular action ismade when the anticipated benefits of therecommended intervention clearly exceed the harms(asa strong recommendation against an action is madewhen the anticipated harms clearly exceed the benefits)and the quality of the supporting evidence is excellent.In some clearly identified circumstances,strongrecommendations may be made when high-qualityevidence is impossible to obtain and the anticipatedbenefits strongly outweigh the harms.Clinicians should follow a strong recommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale for an alternative approach is present.Recommendation A recommendation in favor of a particular action is madewhen the anticipated benefits exceed the harms,but thequality of evidence is not as strong.Again,in someclearly identified circumstances,recommendations maybe made when high-quality evidence is impossible toobtain but the anticipated benefits outweigh the harms.Clinicians would be prudent to follow a recommendation but should remain alert to new information and sensitive to patient preferences.Option Options define courses that may be taken when either thequality of evidence is suspect or carefully performedstudies have shown little clear advantage to oneapproach over another.Clinicians should consider the option in their decision-making,and patient preference may play a substantial role.No recommendation No recommendation indicates that there is a lack ofpertinent published evidence and that the anticipatedbalance of benefits and harms is unclear.Clinicians should be alert to new published evidence that clarifies the balance of benefit versus harm.1452DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE OTITIS MEDIAChildren with AOM usually present with a history of rapid onset of signs and symptoms such as otalgia (or pulling of the ear in an infant),irritability in an infant or toddler,otorrhea,and/or fever.These find-ings,other than otorrhea,are nonspecific and fre-quently overlap those of an uncomplicated viral up-per respiratory infection.5,6In a prospective survey among354children who visited a physician for acute respiratory illness,fever,earache,and excessive cry-ing were present frequently(90%)in those with AOM.However,these symptoms also were promi-nent among children without AOM(72%).Other symptoms of a viral upper respiratory infection,such as cough and nasal discharge or stuffiness,often precede or accompany AOM and are nonspecific also.Accordingly,clinical history alone is poorly predictive of the presence of AOM,especially in younger children.5The presence of MEE is commonly confirmed with the use of pneumatic otoscopy7but can be supple-mented by tympanometry8and/or acoustic reflec-tometry.9–12MEE also can be demonstrated directly by tympanocentesis or the presence of fluid in the external auditory canal as a result of tympanic mem-brane perforation.Visualization of the tympanic membrane with identification of an MEE and inflammatory changes is necessary to establish the diagnosis with certainty. To visualize the tympanic membrane adequately it is essential that cerumen obscuring the tympanic mem-brane be removed and that lighting is adequate.For pneumatic otoscopy,a speculum of proper shape and diameter must be selected to permit a seal in the external auditory canal.Appropriate restraint of the child to permit adequate examination may be neces-sary also.The findings on otoscopy indicating the presence of MEE and inflammation associated with AOM have been well defined.Fullness or bulging of the tympanic membrane is often present and has the highest predictive value for the presence of MEE. When combined with color and mobility,bulging is also the best predictor of AOM.7,13,14Reduced or absent mobility of the tympanic membrane during performance of pneumatic otoscopy is additional ev-idence of fluid in the middle ear.Opacification or cloudiness,other than that caused by scarring,is also a consistent finding and is caused by edema of the tympanic membrane.Redness of the tympanic mem-brane caused by inflammation may be present and must be distinguished from the pink erythematous flush evoked by crying or high fever,which is usu-ally less intense and remits as the child quiets down. In bullous myringitis,blisters may be seen on the tympanic membrane.15When the presence of mid-dle-ear fluid is difficult to determine,the use of tym-panometry or acoustic reflectometry16can be helpful in establishing a diagnosis.A major challenge for the practitioner is to discrim-inate between OME and AOM.17,18OME is more common than AOM.OME may accompany viral upper respiratory infections,be a prelude to AOM, or be a sequela of AOM.19When OME is identified mistakenly as AOM,antibacterial agents may be pre-scribed unnecessarily.20,21Clinicians should strive to avoid a false-positive diagnosis in children with mid-dle-ear discomfort caused by eustachian tube dys-function and retraction of the tympanic membrane or when acute viral respiratory infection is superim-posed on chronic preexisting MEE.The diagnosis of AOM,particularly in infants and young children,is often made with a degree of mon factors that may increase uncer-tainty include the inability to sufficiently clear the external auditory canal of cerumen,a narrow ear canal,or inability to maintain an adequate seal for successful pneumatic otoscopy or tympanometry. An uncertain diagnosis of AOM is caused most often by inability to confirm the presence of MEE.22Acous-tic reflectometry can be helpful,because it requires no seal of the canal and can determine the presence of middle-ear fluid through only a small opening in the cerumen.10,11When the presence of middle-ear fluid is questionable or uncertain,a diagnosis of AOM may be considered but cannot be confirmed. Although every effort should be made by the clini-cian to differentiate AOM from OME or a normal ear, it must be acknowledged that,using all available tools,uncertainty will remain in some cases.Efforts to improve clinician education must be increased to improve diagnostic skills and thereby decrease the frequency of an uncertain diagnosis.Ideally,instruc-tion in the proper examination of the child’s ear should begin with the first pediatric rotation in med-ical school and continue throughout postgraduate training.18Continuing medical education should re-inforce the importance of and retrain the clinician in the use of pneumatic otoscopy.By including the degree of certainty into the formation of a manage-ment plan,the everyday challenge of pediatric exam-inations is incorporated into decision-making.A certain diagnosis of AOM meets all3of the criteria:rapid onset,presence of MEE,and signs and symptoms of middle-ear inflammation.The clinician should maximize diagnostic strategies,particularly to establish the presence of MEE,and should con-sider the certainty of diagnosis in determining man-agement.Clinicians may wish to discuss the degree of diagnostic certainty with parents/caregivers at the time of initial AOM management.TABLE2.Definition of AOMA diagnosis of AOM requires1)a history of acute onset of signsand symptoms,2)the presence of MEE,and3)signs andsymptoms of middle-ear inflammation.Elements of the definition of AOM are all of the following:1.Recent,usually abrupt,onset of signs and symptoms ofmiddle-ear inflammation and MEE2.The presence of MEE that is indicated by any of thefollowing:a.Bulging of the tympanic membraneb.Limited or absent mobility of the tympanic membranec.Air-fluid level behind the tympanic membraned.Otorrhea3.Signs or symptoms of middle-ear inflammation asindicated by eithera.Distinct erythema of the tympanic membrane orb.Distinct otalgia(discomfort clearly referable to the ear[s]that results in interference with or precludes normalactivity or sleep)AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS1453RECOMMENDATION 2The management of AOM should include an as-sessment of pain.If pain is present,the clinician should recommend treatment to reduce pain .(This is a strong recommendation based on randomized,clinical trials with limitations and a preponderance of benefit over risk .)Many episodes of AOM are associated with pain.23Although pain is an integral part of the illness,clini-cians often see otalgia as a peripheral concern not requiring direct attention.24The AAP published the policy statement “The Assessment and Management of Acute Pain in Infants,Children,and Adoles-cents ”25to assist the clinician in addressing pain in the context of illness.The management of pain,es-pecially during the first 24hours of an episode of AOM,should be addressed regardless of the use of antibacterial agents.Various treatments of otalgia have been used,but none has been well studied.The clinician should select a treatment based on a consideration of bene-fits and risks and,wherever possible,incorporate parent/caregiver and patient preference (Table 3).RECOMMENDATION 3AObservation without use of antibacterial agents in a child with uncomplicated AOM is an option for selected children based on diagnostic certainty,age,illness sever-ity,and assurance of follow-up .(This option is based on randomized,controlled trials with limitations and a rela-tive balance of benefit and risk .)The “observation option ”for AOM refers to defer-ring antibacterial treatment of selected children for 48to 72hours and limiting management to symp-tomatic relief.The decision to observe or treat is based on the child ’s age,diagnostic certainty,and illness severity.To observe a child without initial antibacterial therapy,it is important that the parent/caregiver has a ready means of communicating with the clinician.There also must be a system in place that permits reevaluation of the child.If necessary,the parent/caregiver also must be able to obtain medication conveniently.This option should be limited to otherwise healthychildren 6months to 2years of age with nonsevere illness at presentation and an uncertain diagnosis and to children 2years of age and older without severe symptoms at presentation or with an uncertain diag-nosis.In these situations,observation provides an opportunity for the patient to improve without anti-bacterial treatment.The association of age younger than 2years with increased risk of failure of watchful waiting and the concern for serious infection among children younger than 6months influence the deci-sion for immediate antibacterial therapy.Conse-quently,the panel recommends an age-stratified ap-proach that incorporates these clinical considerations along with the certainty of diagnosis (Table 4).Placebo-controlled trials of AOM over the past 30years have shown consistently that most children do well,without adverse sequelae,even without anti-bacterial therapy.Between 7and 20children must be treated with antibacterial agents for 1child to derive benefit.34–36By 24hours,61%of children have de-creased symptoms whether they receive placebo orTABLE 3.Treatments for Otalgia in AOMModalityCommentsAcetaminophen,ibuprofen 26Effective analgesia for mild to moderate pain,readily available,mainstay of pain management for AOMHome remedies (no controlled studies thatdirectly address effectiveness)May have limited effectivenessDistractionExternal application of heat or cold OilTopical agentsBenzocaine (Auralgan,Americaine Otic)27Additional but brief benefit over acetaminophen in patients Ͼ5yNaturopathic agents (Otikon Otic Solution)28Comparable with ametocaine/phenazone drops (Anaesthetic)in patients Ͼ6yHomeopathic agents 29,30No controlled studies that directly address pain Narcotic analgesia with codeine or analogsEffective for moderate or severe pain;requires prescription;risk of respiratory depression,altered mental status,gastrointestinal upset,and constipationTympanostomy/myringotomy 31Requires skill and entails potential riskTABLE 4.Criteria for Initial Antibacterial-Agent Treatment or Observation in Children With AOMAge Certain Diagnosis Uncertain Diagnosis Ͻ6moAntibacterial therapy Antibacterial therapy 6mo to 2yAntibacterial therapyAntibacterial therapy if severe illness;observation option*ifnonsevere illness Ն2yAntibacterial therapy if severe illness;observation option*if nonsevere illnessObservation option*This table was modified with permission from the New York State Department of Health and the New York Region Otitis Project Committee.32,33*Observation is an appropriate option only when follow-up can be ensured and antibacterial agents started if symptoms persist or worsen.Nonsevere illness is mild otalgia and fever Ͻ39°C in the past 24hours.Severe illness is moderate to severe otalgia or fever Ն39°C.A certain diagnosis of AOM meets all 3criteria:1)rapid onset,2)signs of MEE,and 3)signs and symptoms of middle-ear inflammation.1454DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE OTITIS MEDIAantibacterial agents.By7days,approximately75%of children have resolution of symptoms.37The AHRQ evidence-report meta-analysis showed a12.3%re-duction in the clinical failure rate within2to7days of diagnosis when ampicillin or amoxicillin was pre-scribed,compared with initial use of placebo or ob-servation(number needed to treat:8).1In1990the Dutch College of General Practitioners adopted a guideline for the management of AOM that recommended treating symptoms without anti-bacterial agents for24hours(for those6–24months old)or72hours(for those more than24months)and adding antibacterial agents if no improvement is ev-ident at reassessment.A1999revision to this early guideline does not distinguish the younger age group for special consideration.38Although this guideline has been widely adopted in The Nether-lands,its use in other countries requires consider-ation of the availability of access to care for follow-up and the presence of an adult who can adequately monitor the child’s course.Although there are no controlled studies that address the question of whether the Dutch guideline has resulted in more complications after AOM,van Buchem et al39,136 found that only2.7%of4860Dutch children older than2years given only symptomatic treatment de-veloped severe illness,defined by persistent fever, pain,or discharge after3to4days.Only2children developed mastoiditis.One case of mastoiditis was present at initial assessment,and the other devel-oped within the first week and resolved promptly with oral antibacterial agents.Randomized trials of observation with symptom-atic treatment have been few.A recent randomized trial in general practice in the United Kingdom com-pared providing immediate antibacterial therapy with delaying antibacterial agents for72hours in children aged6months to10years.40Seventy-six percent of children in the delayed-treatment group never required antibacterial agents.Seventy percent of the delayed-antibacterial group were symptomat-ically better at3days,whereas86%of the immedi-ate-treatment group were better.Immediate use of antibacterial agents was associated with approxi-mately1-day-shorter illness and one-half teaspoon a day less acetaminophen consumption but no differ-ence in school absence,pain,or distress scores. Among children with fever or vomiting on day1, those receiving immediate antibacterial agents were 21%less likely to have distress on day3.In children without fever or vomiting,immediate antibacterial agents decreased distress on day3by only4%.41This study,however,was limited because of the use of imprecise criteria for the diagnosis of AOM and the use of low doses of amoxicillin(125mg,3times a day,for7days for all patients regardless of weight) in the treatment group.The likelihood of recovery without antibacterial therapy differs depending on the severity of signs and symptoms at initial examination.Kaleida et al42 divided patients into severe and nonsevere groups based on degree of fever,a scoring system based on duration and severity of pain or apparent discom-fort,and estimated parental anxiety.In the nonse-vere group,initial treatment failure occurred in3.8% more children who received placebo rather than amoxicillin.In the severe group of children,the ini-tial failure rate on placebo plus myringotomy was 23.5%versus an initial failure rate of9.6%on amoxi-cillin alone(a difference of13.9%).Several investigators report poorer outcomes in younger children.A greater number of penicillin-resistant strains of pneumococci are isolated in those younger than18months,compared with older chil-dren,43and are associated with an increased bacteri-ologic failure rate in children younger than2 years.44–47The study by Kaleida et al42also shows a greater initial clinical failure rate(9.8%)in children younger than2years than in those older than2years (5.5%)who were in the placebo group.Routine antibacterial therapy for AOM is often cited as the main reason for the decrease in the incidence of mastoiditis in the antibacterial era.48,49 By the1950s,mastoiditis(frequent in the pre–anti-bacterial-agent era48)had decreased dramatically. Although some have expressed concern about a pos-sible resurgence,50,51such concern is not supported by published data.The AHRQ evidence report on AOM concluded that mastoiditis is not increased with initial observa-tion,provided that children are followed closely and antibacterial therapy is initiated in those who do not improve.Pooled data from6randomized trials and2 cohort studies showed comparable rates of mastoid-itis in children(0.59%)who received initial antibac-terial therapy and children(0.17%)who received placebo or observation(Pϭ.212).External validity might be limited,however,because some trials ex-cluded very young children or those with severe illness.1Recently published case series of pediatric mas-toiditis show that acute mastoiditis is most common in infants and young children and can be the pre-senting sign of AOM in a patient with no prior middle-ear disease.50–60Routine antibacterial ther-apy of AOM is not an absolute safeguard against mastoiditis and other complications,because most cases(36%–87%)have received prior antibacterial-agent therapy.50,53,57–59,61–63Van Zuijlen et al64compared national differences in acute mastoiditis rates from1991to1998for chil-dren14years of age or younger.Incidence rates were higher in The Netherlands,Norway,and Denmark (in which antibacterial agents are not necessarily given on initial diagnosis of AOM)than in the United Kingdom,Canada,Australia,and the United States(in which antibacterial agents are prescribed in more than96%of cases).However,despite initial use of antibacterial agents more than twice as often in Norway and Denmark than in The Netherlands, mastoiditis rates in all3countries were comparable. Thus current evidence does not suggest a clinically important increased risk of mastoiditis in children when AOM is managed only with initial symptom-atic treatment without antibacterial agents.Clini-cians should remain aware that antibacterial-agent treatment might mask mastoiditis signs and symp-AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS1455。

(更新版)2022年儿童急性中耳炎的诊断与治疗指南1. 概述儿童急性中耳炎(Acute Otitis Media, AOM)是指由多种病原微生物引起的耳咽管炎症,进而导致中耳积液、中耳黏膜炎症及鼓膜充血等临床症状。
2. 诊断2.1 临床表现急性中耳炎常见的临床表现包括:- 耳痛:为主要症状,多为搏动性跳痛,咳嗽或吞咽时加剧。
- 发热:约30%-40%的患者可出现发热,体温多在38℃以上。
- 耳道分泌物:少数患者可有耳道分泌物,初期为黏液性,后期可能变为脓性。
- 全身症状:如恶心、呕吐、腹泻等。
2.2 体格检查体格检查时应注意以下几点:- 耳部检查:观察鼓膜的色泽、紧张度及穿孔情况。
- 鼻腔检查:观察鼻腔黏膜的充血、肿胀及分泌物情况。
- 颈部淋巴结检查:注意颈部淋巴结是否有肿大、触痛等情况。
2.3 辅助检查- 血常规:可见白细胞总数和中性粒细胞比例升高。
- 耳镜检查:可见鼓膜充血、肿胀,甚至穿孔。
- 影像学检查:如超声、CT等,有助于了解中耳积液情况。
3. 治疗3.1 一般治疗- 休息:保证充足的休息,避免剧烈运动。
- 保持鼻腔通畅:使用生理盐水冲洗鼻腔,必要时使用鼻腔扩张剂。
- 退热:如有发热,可使用退热药物,如布洛芬、对乙酰氨基酚等。
3.2 抗感染治疗- 抗生素:根据病原体类型及药物敏感试验选择合适的抗生素。
- 用药时间:一般持续用药3-5天,根据病情及药物敏感试验结果调整用药时间。
3.3 对症治疗- 耳痛:可使用耳部热敷、外用消炎止痛药物等缓解耳痛。
- 抗过敏:如有过敏体质,可使用抗过敏药物,如西替利嗪、氯雷他定等。
4. 预防- 增强体质:保持良好的生活习惯,加强锻炼,提高免疫力。
- 手卫生:教育儿童养成勤洗手的习惯。
- 避免接触呼吸道感染者:呼吸道感染为中耳炎的重要诱因,应尽量避免接触。

由于 儿童的咽 鼓管较短 , 宽而直 , 水平位 置, 呈 外加 儿童 自身抵抗力较
差, 因此当患急性化脓性中耳炎后极易引发上呼吸道感染。 此外, 若儿童患 流行性感 冒等疾病后导致鼻腔分泌物增多, 或者是吐奶 、 咳嗽或拧鼻涕用 力过大导致细菌很容易通过咽鼓管到达中耳, 引发化脓性中耳炎。 另外。 如 果在掏耳垢时不小心将外耳道粘膜或鼓膜损坏后, 引发细菌感染 , 也可能 会蔓延到中耳腔 , 从而引发中耳炎。 临床上常见的引发中耳炎的致病菌主 要为: 溶血型链球菌金黄色葡萄球菌、 第m型肺炎球菌和变形杆菌等 。 简单、 有效的护理措施: 第一: 卧床休息。 要为患儿营造一种安静的休
预 防A 0M的 目的。
【 杨涓. 1 】 许志雄. 超短波对小儿急性中 耳炎的治疗作用【. J 井冈山医专学 】
报 ,08( I. 20, ) 0 【】 迟放鲁. 2 中耳炎的分型及各类型特 点【】中国医学文摘( ( J. 耳 转下页 )
《 求医问药 》 下半月刊 Se ekMe i l n dc A dAs h Me in 2 1 年 第 l a kT e d ie 02 c O卷 第 3 期
道, 采用低聚糖(l oac a ie或木糖醇(y tD 0i sch -r ) g d x no 对AO M进行预防。 此
类药物主要是用于阻止和影响肺炎链球菌粘附于呼吸道 匕 皮细胞表面。 目 前, 市面上可以买到木糖醇咀嚼口香糖和糖浆。4采用外科进行干预。缶 () I I 床上可采取鼓膜刺穿术或者鼓膜切开术, 局部注人抗生素以及植入气管保
o ii da i h l e sn y t mi n o ia n i itc .o hsb ss lsC ie eh rs T ec i ia y t m mp oe i nfc n l, tt sme i nc idrn ui gss e ca d t p c la t b o is nt i a i,pu h ns e b . h lnc lsmp o si rv ds g i ia ty t es c e srt f 9 .3 C n ls o h r vso ft e te t e t o hid e i ha u e o ii di a e u ec id e u f rn u h u c s a eo 33 %,o cu i nT e p oi in o h r a m n f c l r nw t c t tt sme ac n r d c h lr n s f e i gb t a s a e t ec s ft e t o .1 sw r h p o o ig los v h ot o r a in t i o t r m t n .

3%过氧化氢溶液(双氧水)30ml,2~3 滴,滴入耳内,每日3次。

• 急性(腭)扁桃体炎是指腭扁桃体的急性非特异性炎症,通常简 称急性扁桃体炎,是上呼吸道感染的一种类型,多同时伴有程度 不等的咽部黏膜和淋巴组织的急性炎症。该病在春、秋两季及气 温变化时容易发病,可发生在任何年龄,多见于学龄前期和学龄 期儿童。4分类根据病理分类:
• 急性卡他性扁桃体炎:病变较轻,炎症局限于黏膜表面,表现为 扁桃体表面黏膜充血无明显渗出物,隐窝内及扁桃体实质无明显 炎症改变。
• 复发性急性扁桃体炎(recurrent acute tonsillitis,RAT),是 指急性咽痛症状、扁桃体炎的反复发作,而在发作间歇期内不存 在或者没有显著主诉症状的一种状态,国外学者建议用RAT 此概 念代替“慢性扁桃体炎”的诊断,本文仅予提及,不做进一步论 述。
• 卧床休息、清淡饮食、多饮水、加强营养及保持排便通畅;咽痛 剧烈或高热时,可口服退热药及镇痛药。
• A 群β溶血性链球菌为本病的主要致病细菌,对于有细菌感染证据的急性扁 桃体炎患儿, β内酰胺类为抗菌药物治疗的一线首选药物, 抗菌治疗应以清 除病灶致病菌为目的, 疗程至少10 d, 根据病情轻重, 决定给药途径。青 霉素类, 如: 阿莫西林、阿莫西林+克拉维酸制剂等口服为推荐药物。头孢 类抗菌药物由于抗菌谱更广, 也可以作为一线药物治疗。对青霉素过敏的 患儿或考虑为肺炎支原体感染者, 建议使用阿奇霉素等大环内酯类抗菌药 物治疗,阿奇霉素剂量为每日1 次给药,推荐使用剂量是10 mg/(kg·d), 连续使用3 d 为1 个疗程; 也有使用5 d 疗程的用法: 首剂10 mg/(kg·d), 第2~5天5 mg/(kg·d)。或者12 mg/(kg·d),连续使用5 d 为1 个疗程。
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1 前言
2014年末,中国医师协会儿科医师分会儿童耳鼻咽喉专业委员会提出了制定《儿童急性中耳炎诊疗——临床实践指南》(以下简称《指南》)的设想,由两位儿童耳鼻咽喉科专家起草初稿,并于2015年初在昆明由6位儿童耳鼻咽喉科资深专家对《指南》初稿进行了充分讨论;同年7月,由儿童耳鼻咽喉科与呼吸科共计16位专家在成都进行了第2稿的讨论,会议期间,与会专家提出了宝贵建议,在此基础上又进一步修改;经过充分的讨论、修改,《指南》于2015-12 -12在珠海定稿,在定稿会上共有19位儿童耳鼻咽喉科与呼吸科资深专家参加讨论,并达成了一致共识。
2 定义
3 急性中耳炎的病原学与分型
3.1 病原学
3.2 分型
3.2.1 急性非化脓性中耳炎指在急性上呼吸道感染之后,使得咽鼓管咽口及软骨段黏膜炎性充血、肿胀而发生阻塞,同时可能伴有细菌或病毒经咽鼓管直接进入中耳腔,从而造成中耳黏膜包括鼓膜炎性反应,早期呈急性炎症表现,其后期中耳腔有炎性浆液性或黏液性渗出变化。
3.2.2 急性化脓性中耳炎指其病理变化是由前期中耳负压形成中耳大量渗出液,成为细菌的培养基,使得化脓性细菌继续经咽鼓管侵入,导致大量繁殖,使得毒素吸收,引起全身发热症状;其病理表现为中耳黏膜充血、肿胀、脓性分泌增多、鼓膜充血外凸,甚至穿孔流脓。
4 诊断
4.1 症状
4.1.1 急性非化脓性中耳炎主要表现为局部症状,即耳痛呈持续性;婴幼儿的耳痛特点可表现为易烦躁,有时表现为捂耳朵和拽耳朵[11],甚至影响睡眠,仅早期伴上呼吸道感染者可有发热。
4.1.2 急性化脓性中耳炎除主诉为局部持续性较重耳痛症状及婴幼儿耳痛特点之外,还可伴有高热、哭闹、恶心、呕吐等全身症状,其症状直到耳流脓后缓解。
4.2 体征
4.2.1 急性非化脓性中耳炎早期呈鼓膜轻度充血、凹陷,光锥变形的体征表现[8]。
4.2.2 急性化脓性中耳炎鼓膜充血区扩大、外凸,鼓膜标志消失、紧张部破溃,形成穿孔,有脓溢出,甚至有时耳后红肿。
4.3 检查
4.3.1 耳窥镜检查见鼓膜炎性充血、用鼓气的耳窥镜检查观察中耳积液状况,鼓膜穿孔后见脓性分泌物。
4.3.2 听力学检测根据患儿的主诉和自身状况,选择性地做如下听力学检测:(1)声导抗检查:急性非化脓性中耳炎早期无积液,鼓室压图呈C型负压曲线,积液时呈平台无峰B型负压曲线,化脓性中耳炎鼓膜穿孔时不能引出鼓室压图(>6个月患儿采用226Hz纯音刺激声)。
(3)纯音测听检查:主要针对于一些有主诉听力下降患儿,其年龄通常≥5周岁,并能配合完成此主观检测,检查结果表现为传导性听力障碍即平均言语频率(500~2000Hz)气-骨导听阈之差≥2 0dBHL。
4.3.3 CT检查不建议常规行颞骨CT扫描,但疑有颅内和颅外并发症者需做颞骨CT检查。
4.3.4 病原体检测对于急性非化脓性中耳炎的中耳积液细菌培养阳性率不高,不作为常规检测手段,但对于化脓性中耳炎的脓性分泌物检测是必要的,可明确病原菌。
4.3.5 血常规检查细菌性感染者常伴有白细胞总数升高,特别是中性粒细胞占优势,C反应蛋白>10mg/L,血沉加快。
5 治疗
5.1 抗菌药物
5.1.1 抗菌药物应用适应证儿童急性中耳炎疑为细菌感染引起的非化脓性和化脓性中耳炎症,特别是对于重症(耳流脓或伴高热≥39℃),以及年幼患儿,应及时积极采用抗菌药物治疗。
具体应用抗菌药物治疗情况如下:(1) 6个月至2岁年幼儿童:①对于急性中耳炎伴耳漏或伴高热≥39℃者,或双侧急性中耳炎不伴耳漏者,应及时予以抗菌药物治疗;②对于单侧急性中耳炎不伴耳漏者或密切随访48~72h症状无改善者,应给予抗菌药物治疗。
5.1.2 抗菌药物的选择儿童急性中耳炎常见的3种致病菌包括肺炎链球菌、未分型流感嗜血杆菌和卡他莫拉杆菌。
5.1.3 抗菌药物治疗的疗程 (1)对于<2岁和临床症状严重的患儿,口服抗菌药物标准疗程为10d。
5.2 局部治疗
5.2.1 1%酚甘油滴耳剂主要针对急性非化脓性中耳炎的早期耳痛症状。
5.2.2 3%双氧水清洗加局部采用非耳毒性抗菌药物滴耳剂主要针对化脓性中耳炎的耳流脓。
5.2.3 鼻腔局部用药减充血剂(使用不能超过7d),以及抗组胺药或鼻用激素,可缓解咽鼓管咽口炎性黏膜的肿胀,降低中耳腔负压,减少渗出,缓减疼痛。
5.3 手术治疗
5.3.1 鼓膜切开引流术主要针对急性化脓性中耳炎引起的并发症如耳后脓肿、急性化脓性乳突炎等。
5.3.2 鼓膜切开中耳置管术是治疗复发性急性非化脓性中耳炎积液的有效手段,其指征为(半年内发作3次,1年内发作4次)[19-20]。
6 疗效评估
1分偶尔>25~35dB <38.5 中央紧张部<2mm
2分持续>35~45dB 38.5~39.5 全鼓膜2~4mm 3分不能耐受>45~60dB >39.5 累及外耳道>4mm