



中考英语--英语教育词汇分类汇总教育学专业相关词汇教育学:pedagogy; Education; Education Science教育学原理:Pedagogical principle课程与教学论:Curriculum and pedagogy教育史:Educational history比较教育学:Comparative pedagogy; Comparative education 学前教育学:Preschool education高等教育学:Higher education; Tertiary education成人教育学:Adult education职业技术教育学:Vocational education特殊教育学:Special pedagogy教育技术学:Educational technology教育法学:Education law; Educational law职业技术教育:Vocational and technical education教育管理:Education management学科教学(思政):Subject teaching (ideological and political) 学科教学(语文):Subject teaching (Chinese)学科教学(数学):Subject teaching (mathematics)学科教学(物理):Subject teaching (physics)学科教学(化学):Subject teaching (chemistry)学科教学(生物):Subject teaching (biology)学科教学(英语):Subject teaching (English)学科教学(历史):Subject teaching (history)学科教学(地理):Subject teaching (geography)学科教学(音乐):Subject teaching (music)学科教学(体育):Subject teaching (physical education) 学科教学(美术):Subject teaching(arts)现代教育技术:Modern educational technology小学教育:Primary school education心理健康教育:Mental health education科学与技术教育:Science and technology education 学前教育:Preschool education特殊教育:Special education研究方法相关词汇问卷法:questionnaire实验法:experimentation method观察法:observation method访谈法:interview method行动研究:action research文献研究法:literature research method量化研究:quantitative research质性研究:qualitative research调查研究法:survey research method教学方法相关词汇教学法:method of instruction; teaching method讲演法:lecture method; method of lecture练习法:drill method; practice method填充法:completion method会话法:conversational method经验法:empirical method启发式教学:developmental mode of teaching背诵法:method of recitation整体学习法:synthetic learning method游戏法:play method随机教学法:accidental teaching method; incidental teaching method间接教学法:indirect method of teaching直接教学法:direct method of teaching直观法:intuitive method示范法:demonstration method; method of demonstration讨论法:discussion method; method of discussion问题法:problem method实验教学法:experimental teaching method案例分组法:case-group method特殊教学法:special teaching method启发式教学:Inspirational teaching;heuristic mode of teaching 五段教学法:five formal lesson-steps;five formal steps三段教学法:three formal lesson-steps;three formal steps课程相关词汇课程:curriculum课程分化:curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum 课程建构:construction of curriculum课程目标:course objectives;curriculum goals课程内容:course content课程设计:curriculum design课程编制/开发:curriculum development课程规划:curriculum planning国家课程:national curriculum学科课程:subject curriculum正式课程:formal curriculum经验课程:experienced curriculum活动课程:activity curriculum专业课程:professional curriculum领悟的课程:perceived curriculum持续的课程:constant in curricula;curricula-constant开放课程:open curriculum基础课程:basic courses教学相关词汇教学大纲:syllabus教材:material of instruction;teaching material参考书:reference book教科书:school book;text-book;textbook教案:lesson plan作业单:assignment sheet课表:schedule;school timetable教学日志:teaching journal; diary for instruction教学科目:course of instruction;teaching subjects 教学效能:teaching efficiency专业能力:professional competence教学单元:teaching unit教学模式:teaching model个别教学:individual instruction; individual teaching 时事教学:current events instruction综合教学:synthetic instruction专业训练:professional training教学策略:teaching strategies略读skimming精读:scanning跳读:skipping基础知识:basic knowledge社会化教学:socialized teaching选择题:multiple-choice test默写:dictation默读:silent reading图示:schema学习相关词汇集中学习:massed learning模仿学习:learning by imitation顿悟学习:insight learning机械学习:rote learning偶然学习:incidental learning联想学习:associative learning从生活中学习:learning through living从经验中学习:learning by experience在做中学:learning by doing间接学习:indirect learning终身学习:lifelong learning; life-long learning 协作学习:collaborative learning“支架式”学习:scaffold learning学习指导:direction of learning学习效率:learning efficiency学习化社会:learning society虚拟学习社区:virtual learning community 学习目的:learning purpose学习情景:learning situation学习过程:learning process学习结果:learning outcome职前培训:pre-service training认知策略:cognitive strategies元认知策略:metacognitive strategies学习投入:learning engagement教育相关词汇终身教育:lifelong education户外教育:outdoor education义务教育:compulsory education保护教育:protection of education情意教育:affective education整合教育:integrating education心理教育:psychological education价值教育:values education随机教育:incidental education公民教育:citizenship education文化教育:cultural education感官教育:sense education艺术教育:art education幼儿教育:infant education初等教育:elementary education中等教育:secondary education高等教育:higher education成人教育:adult education正式教育:formal education非正式教育:informal education健康教育:health education商业教育:business education; commercial education 教育效率:educational efficiency教育开支:educational expenditure教育权利:educational right教育改革:education reform教育设施:educational facilities教育研究:education research教育百科全书:encyclopedia of education评估和评价:assessment and evaluation核心素养:core literacy; core competencies思维品质:thinking capacity学习能力:learning ability语言能力:language ability文化意识:cultural awareness创造性思维:creative thinking批判性思维:critical thinking关键期:critical period教育理论相关词汇多元智能理论:Multiple intelligence言语——语言智能:Verbal/Linguistic intelligence音乐——节奏智能:Musical intelligence逻辑——数理智能:Logical/Mathematical intelligence 视觉——空间智能:Visual/Spatial intelligence身体——动觉智能:Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence自知——自省智能:Interpersonal intelligence交往——交流智能:Intrapersonal intelligence人本主义、人文主义:humanism经验主义:empiricism心智主义:mentalism行为主义:behaviourism最近发展区(ZPD):Zone of Proximal Development 建构主义:constructivist theory社会建构主义:socio-constructivist theory学校相关词汇幼儿园/学前班:kindergarten托儿所:nursery school小学(1-8年级):primary school / elementary school / grade school语法学校(1-6年级):grammar school中学(9-12年级):secondary school中学(10-12年级):high school初中(7-9年级):junior high school高中(10-12年级):senior high school(英)私立学校;(美)公立学校:public school私立学校:private school男女生同校制度:coeducation校友(男/女):alumnus/alumna夜大、函大:open university普及教育:universal education技校:technical school职校:vocational school寄宿制学校:boarding school夜校:night school成人进修学校:adult school母校,校歌:alma mater象牙塔,高等学府(喻):ivory tower专科学校,大学,学院:college(美)政府资助的州立大学:state college两年制社区大学:junior college寄宿制大学:residential college社区大学:community college政府资助的低学费大学:land-grant college综合大学:university由学院、专科院校组成的大规模高等学校:multiversity研究生院:graduate school(英)工艺技术高等院校:polytechnic / poly高等学校:institution of higher education综合性大学:comprehensive university文科大学:university of liberal arts文科院校:colleges of art理工科大学:college/university of science and engineering 师范大学:normal university; teachers' university师范学院:teachers' college工业大学:polytechnical university工业学院:engineering institute农业大学:agricultural university农学院:agricultural college医科大学:medical university医学院:medical college/school中医院:institute of traditional Chinese medicine音乐学院:conservatory of music美术学院:academy of fine arts体育学院:physical culture institute分校:branch school重点学校:key school业余学校:spare-time school业余职工大学:spare-time college for staff and workers电视广播大学:television and radio broadcasting university函授学院:correspondence school教师进修学校:teachers' college for vocational studies成人夜校:night school for adults业余艺术/体育学校:amateur arts/athletic school半工半读学校:part-work and part-study school中等专业学校:secondary specialized school; polytechnic school 中等技术学校:secondary technical school; technical secondary school职业学校:vocational school附中:attached middle school在职进修班:in-service training course进修班:class for advanced studies短训班:short-term training course专修科:special (training) course脱产培训:off-job training在职培训:in-job training学生相关词汇室友:flatmate / dormmate本科生:undergraduate / undergrad毕业生,研究生:graduate研究生:postgraduate / graduate student大学或高中一年级新生:freshman大学或高中二年级学生:sophomore大学或高中三年级学生:junior大学或高中四年级学生:senior大学一、二年级学生:underclassman大学三、四年级学生:upperclassman(美)校友(男):alumnus / alumni (pl.) (美)校友(女):alumna / alumnae (pl.)交换学生(留学生为主):exchange student 留学生:overseas student同学(美)领取奖学金的研究生:fellow student 助教(以研究生为主):TA / teaching assistant 高年级学生顾问:peer adviser寝室楼负责人(高年级学生为主):floor senior学生会工作人员:student union officer学生会主席:president of student union学生会副主席:vice-president of student union实习生:intern班长:monitor副班长:vice-monitor学习委员:commissary in charge of studies文娱委员:commissary in charge of entertaainment 体育委员:commissary in charge of sports劳动委员:commissary in charge of physical labour 党支部书记:Party branch secretary团支部书记:League branch secretary组织委员:commissary in charge of organization 宣传委员:commessary in charge of publicity"三好"学生:"Three Goods" student优秀团员:excellent League member优秀干部:excellent leader学生会:student council日常教学常用词汇大学校长:president中学校长:principal小学校长:headmaster小学校长(女):headmistress登记、报到:register/enroll开学典礼:opening ceremony(介绍会)指学校综合情况:orientation meeting 报告:lecture一个学生发言那种:tutorial基础课:basic course专业课:specialized course必修课:required course选修课:optional/selective course幼儿园:kindergarten免试入学制:open admission旁听生:auditor=guest student住宿生:boarder开卷考:open-book exam抽考:pop test新生训练:orientation program教学设施:teaching facilities助学金:assistantship奖学金:scholarship食宿:room and board礼堂:auditorium副班长:vice-monitor学习年限:period of schooling学分制:credit system分数:mark/score/grade课程表:schedule=school timetable自习:individual study个别指导:individual coaching=tutorial英语晚会:English evening课外活动:after-school activities社会调查:social investigation义务劳动:voluntary labor毕业评估:graduation appraisal毕业典礼:graduation ceremony=commencement 毕业证书:diploma=graduation certificate辍学:drop out退学:quit school校纪:school discipline出勤率:attendance/participation上课:attend a lecture缺课:miss a class旷课:cut a class开除:expel sb from school学费:tuition杂费:miscellaneous expenses领助学金的学生:a grant-aided student 讲义夹:lecture portfolio半学期:semester考卷:blue-book成绩单:report card期末考核:final-examination小测验:quiz口试:oral test毕业证:diploma学位:degree专科证书:associate diploma学士:Bachelor硕士:Master博士:Doctor of Philosophy班主任/协调人:Coordinator教授:professor副教授:associate professor讲师:lecturer导师:adviser/mentor辅导老师:counselor课程按排:course arrangement申请表:application form论文:paper/thesis/dissertation主修:major辅修:minor复试相关句子积累1.Aim for educating all students, and emphasize quality-oriented education.以教育所有学生为目标,强调以质量为导向的教育。



教育学专业英语高频词汇In the field of education, there are several high-frequency vocabulary words that are commonly used. Firstly, curriculum refers to the set of courses and learning experiences that are provided to students in a particular educational setting. It includes the content, objectives, and methods of instruction. Secondly, pedagogy refers to the art and science of teaching. It encompasses the strategies, techniques, and approaches that educators use to facilitate learning. Thirdly, assessment refers to the process of gathering and evaluating information about students' knowledge, skills, and abilities. It helps to determine their progress and inform instructional decisions. Fourthly, differentiation refers to the practice of tailoring instruction to meet the diverse needs and abilities of students. It involves adjusting content, process, or product based on students' interests, readiness, and learning profiles. Fifthly, inclusion refers to the principle of providing all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, with equal opportunities to learn and participate in the general education classroom. It promotes acceptance, collaboration, and support for students with special educational needs. Lastly, research in education involves systematic investigation to generateknowledge and understanding about educational practices, policies, and outcomes. It helps to identify effective strategies, inform decision-making, and improve educational practices. These high-frequency vocabulary words are essential for understanding and discussing various aspects of education.教育学领域中有几个常用的高频词汇。






一、教育英语词汇大全1. Education (n.) 教育2. Educate (v.) 教育3. Educator (n.) 教育工作者4. Pedagogy (n.) 教育学5. Teaching (n.) 教学6. Learning (n.) 学习7. Curriculum (n.) 课程8. Syllabus (n.) 教学大纲9. Classroom (n.) 教室10. Student (n.) 学生11. Teacher (n.) 教师12. Principal (n.) 校长13. School (n.) 学校14. University (n.) 大学15. College (n.) 学院16. Kindergarten (n.) 幼儿园17. Elementary school (n.) 小学18. Secondary school (n.) 中学19. Higher education (n.) 高等教育20. Graduate (n.) 研究生二、了解教育制度1. Education system (n.) 教育体制- The education system in China consists of compulsory education and higher education.2. Compulsory education (n.) 义务教育- Compulsory education in China includes primary school and junior high school.3. Primary school (n.) 小学- Children usually start primary school around the age of six or seven.4. Junior high school (n.) 初中- After completing primary school, students move on to junior high school.5. High school (n.) 高中- High school education prepares students for college or other post-secondary education.6. University entrance examination (n.) 高考- The university entrance examination is a significant event for Chinese students.7. College (n.) 学院- Colleges in China offer various undergraduate programs in different fields of study.8. Major (n.) 专业- Students need to choose a major before entering college.9. Graduation (n.) 毕业- After completing all the required courses, students can graduate from college.三、教育方法1. Traditional education (n.) 传统教育- Traditional education emphasizes rote learning and teacher-centered instruction.2. Progressive education (n.) 进步教育- Progressive education focuses on promoting critical thinking and student-centered learning.3. Montessori education (n.) 蒙特梭利教育- Montessori education emphasizes self-directed learning and hands-on activities.4. Homeschooling (n.) 家庭教育- Homeschooling refers to the education of children at home by their parents.5. Blended learning (n.) 混合式学习- Blended learning combines traditional classroom instruction with online learning.6. Cooperative learning (n.) 合作学习- Cooperative learning involves students working together to achieve a common goal.7. Project-based learning (n.) 项目制学习- Project-based learning allows students to explore real-world problems and develop solutions.8. Flipped classroom (n.) 翻转课堂- In a flipped classroom, students learn new content outside the classroom and engage in activities during class time.9. E-learning (n.) 网络学习- E-learning refers to learning conducted over the internet, often through online courses.四、提高教育话题讨论1. Discuss the pros and cons of traditional education and progressive education.2. Compare and contrast Montessori education and traditional classroom education.3. Debate whether homeschooling is a better choice than traditional schooling.4. Examine the impact of technology on education, focusing on blended learning and e-learning.5. Discuss the importance of incorporating cooperative learning in the classroom.6. Explore the benefits of project-based learning in developing critical thinking skills.7. Analyze the challenges and advantages of flipped classrooms in different subject areas.8. Investigate the role of education in fostering creativity and innovation.9. Discuss the significance of inclusive education in creating an equal learning environment for all students.10. Examine the role of standardized testing in evaluating student performance and educational quality.结语:通过本文介绍的教育英语词汇大全,您可以更好地理解教育制度及教育方法,并借此展开更深入的教育话题讨论。



学校 :nursery 托儿所kindergarden少儿园primary school/elementary school小学,secondary school higher education further education 中学教育高等教育修教育 : parenting, schooling,enroll入学admit招收,取Parents are obliged to do⋯父亲母亲有任、去做。

compulsory education制教育、教育minors未成年人immature 不可熟的学的好learn skills学技术acquire knowledge学知,enrich knowledge丰富知 ,widen horizon开野 ,inspire interest激趣 ,stimulate interest激趣 ,cultivate v.培育 hobbiesdevelop potentialsconduce to mental developmentlay a solid foundation for the future未来打下的基学上的 :lack discipline缺乏束力 /persistence毅力 ,test-oriented education型教育 ,quality education素教育cram for examinations突考 ,stuff 塞 materialsmemorise 背, memorisation,rote learning死硬背Test-taking techniques技巧坏:discourage critical thinking打判性思students stop questioning what they are being taught学生不去他学的西conduce to academic performance有助学表Adversely influence面地影响(作)Exert adverse/unfavorable influence on。



教育技术学专业英语词汇1、CSCL:ComputerSupported CollaborativeLearning,简称CSCL,译为计算机支持的协作学习利用计算机技术建立协作学习的环境,使教师与学生、学生与学生在讨论、协作与交流的基础上进行协作学习的一种学习方式,是传统合作学习的延伸和发展。

由于它是建立在CMC (Computer-mediatedCommunication,译为以计算机为中介的交流)机制上的一种学习方式,优点众多,倍受关注和青睐。


2、IT ineducation:教育信息化指在教育领域全面深入地运用现代化信息技术来促进教育改革和教育发展的过程,其结果必然是形成一种全新的教育形态——信息化教育(e-Education)。

还有一个缩略语叫ICT,Informationand CommunicationsTechnology,信息与通信技术,ICT不同于传统通信概念,其产生的背景是行业间的融合以及对信息社会的强烈诉求。








1. behavioral objectives movement 行为目标运动During this period,several major events influenced the future development of audiovisual movement,and one of them is the behavioral objectives movement.在这个时期,几个主要的项目影响了视听运动将来的发展,并且其中之一就是行为目标运动。

2. cognitive psychology 认知心理学The theories of communications,general system and cognitive psychology were introduced into the field.传播学理论、一般系统论和认知心理学等各种理论被引入到这一领域中。

3. Communications 传播,传播学The theories of communications,general system and cognitive psychology were introduced into the field.传播学理论、一般系统论和认知心理学等各种理论被引入到这一领域中。

4. cone of experience 经验之塔The cone of experience served as a visual analogy for levels of concreteness and abstractness of teaching methods and instructional materials.经验之塔作为一个视觉类比于具体的水平和教学方法和教学物质的纯理论。

5. Constructivism 建构主义Another factor that affected the field during the 1980s-present was the growing interest in constructivism(Reiser,2001,p.63).在20世纪八十年代另一个影响了这个领域的因素▔人们对建构注意的热情在迅速增长。



教育专业词汇的英语翻译人才枯竭exhaustion of human resources辍/失学青少年school dropout/leaver基金会foundation服务性行业service trade在职培训on-the-job/in-service training基础科学the fundamentals学分制the credit system三学期制the trimester system税收tax revenue多学科的multi-disciplinary重点大学key university授予(学士)confer被授权be authorized to do专业specialty爱国人士patriotic personage国家教育经费national expenditure on education财政拨款financial allocation毕业论文thesis; dissertation毕业实习graduation field work毕业设计graduation design毕业典礼graduation ceremony; commencement毕业证书diploma; graduation certificate博士生导师Ph.D advisor; doctoral advisor(supervisor)授予某人学位to confer a degree on sb.升级to be promoted to a higher grade留级to repeat the year‘s work; to stay down补考make-up examination升学t o go to a school of a higher grade; to enter a higher school升学率proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade奖学金scholarship(国家)助学金(state)stipend/subsidy领取助学金的学生a grant-aided student学费tuition (fee)占百分比account for ...%专任教师full-time teacher国际文化交流intercultural communication教育方针guideline(s)/guiding principle(s) for education教育必须为社会主义现代化服务,必须同生产劳动相结合,培养德智体全面发展的建设者和接班人。





一、教育理论与实践相关词汇1. Pedagogy(教育学)- the theory and practice of education2. Curriculum(课程)- a set of courses and their content offered by an educational institution3. Instruction(教学)- the act of teaching or providing knowledge4. Assessment(评估)- the process of evaluating students' learning progress and achievements5. Learning outcome(学习成果)- the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students should acquire after completing a course or program6. Educational psychology(教育心理学)- the study of how psychological processes affect learning and teaching7. Differentiated instruction(差异化教学)- an approach that tailors instruction to meet the individual learning needs of students8. Bloom's Taxonomy(布鲁姆认知目标分类)- a hierarchical framework that categorizes different levels of thinking skills二、学习与教学方法相关词汇1. Active learning(主动学习)- a teaching approach that involves students in activities that promote their active engagement and understanding2. Cooperative learning(合作学习)- a learning method that encourages students to work together in groups to achieve a common goal3. Inquiry-based learning(探究式学习)- a student-centered approach that emphasizes questioning, investigation, and discovery4. Problem-based learning(问题导向学习)- a method that focuses on solving real-world problems to promote deep learning5. Flipped classroom(翻转课堂)- a pedagogical model that reverses traditional teaching methods by delivering instructional content outside of class and using class time for interactive activities6. Scaffolding(支架式教学)- a technique that provides temporary support and guidance to help students master new concepts or skills7. Peer tutoring(同伴辅导)- a method in which students assist and support each other in their learning process8. Project-based learning(项目制学习)- an approach where students undertake an extended project to explore and solve a complex problem三、教育政策与评估相关词汇1. Standardized testing(标准化考试)- tests administered to all students under the same conditions to assess their knowledge and skills2. Accountability(问责制)- the responsibility of educational institutions and professionals to demonstrate the effectiveness of their work3. Policy-making(政策制定)- the process of formulating and implementing education policies at various levels4. Funding(资金支持)- financial resources allocated to support educational programs and initiatives5. Inclusion(融合教育)- the practice of providing equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities or special needs6. Quality assurance(质量保证)- measures taken to ensure that educational institutions and programs meet certain standards of quality7. Education equity(教育公平)- the principle of providing equal opportunities for all students to access quality education8. Performance indicators(业绩指标)- measurable criteria used to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of educational systems and institutions四、教育职业与专业发展相关词汇1. Teaching credential(教师资格证)- a formal certification that demonstrates a person's qualification to teach in a specific subject or grade level2. Professional development(职业发展)- activities and programs designed to enhance teachers' knowledge, skills, and teaching practices3. Continuing education(继续教育)- ongoing learning opportunities for educators to update their knowledge and stay current with the latest educational trends4. Mentoring(导师指导)- a professional relationship in which an experienced educator guides and supports a less experienced colleague5. Reflective practice(反思实践)- the process of critically examining one's own teaching and learning approaches to improve professional practice6. Educational leadership(教育领导)- the ability to guide and inspire others within an educational context7. Professional ethics(职业道德)- principles and standards that govern the conduct of educators and protect the rights of students8. Lifelong learning(终身学习)- the continuous pursuit of knowledge and skills throughout one's career and personal life通过掌握以上教育英语词汇,您将更加熟练地交流和表达教育相关的概念和思想。



和教育有关的英语词汇education 学历educational background 教育程度educational history 学历curriculum 课程major 主修minor 副修educational highlights 课程重点部分curriculum included 课程包括specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程courses completed 所学课程special training 特别训练social practice 社会实践part-time jobs 业余工作summer jobs 暑期工作vacation jobs 假期工作refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activities 课外活动physical activities 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动rewards 奖励scholarship 奖学金"Three Goods" student 三好学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会off-job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训educational system 学制academic year 学年semester 学期(美)term 学期(英)president 校长vice-president 副校长dean 院长assistant dean 副院长academic dean 教务长department chairman 系主任professor 教授associate professor 副教授.guest professor 客座教授lecturer 讲师teaching assistant 助教research fellow 研究员research assistant 助理研究员supervisor 论文导师principal 中学校长(美)headmaster 中学校长(英)master 小学校长(美)dean of studies 教务长dean of students 教导主任probation teacher 代课教师tutor 家庭教师governess 女家庭教师intelligence quotient(IQ) 智商pass 及格fail 不及格marks 分数grades 分数scores 分数examination 考试grade 年级class 班级monitor 班长vice-monitor 副班长commissary in charge of studies 学习委员commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员commissary in charge of sports 体育委员commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员Party branch secretary 党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记Commissary in charge of organization 组织委员Commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员degree 学位post doctorate 博士后doctor(Ph.D) 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士student 学生graduate student 研究生abroad student 留学生returned student 回国留学生foreign student 外国学生undergraduate 大学肄业生.senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生Sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生Freshman 大学一年级学生Guest student 旁听生(英)Auditor 旁听生(美)government-supported student 公费生commoner 自费生extern 走读生day-student 走读生intern 实习生prize fellow 奖学金生boarder 寄宿生classmate 同班同学schoolmate 同校同学graduate 毕业生scholar 学者学校、院校等教育机构英文词汇小学:primary/elementary school中学:middle/high school初中:junior high school高中:senior high school大专:college大学:university小学校长:Headmaster中学校长:Principal大学代理校长:Acting President大学副校长:Vice President大学校长:President大学名誉校长:Chancellor义务教育:compulsory education学前教育:preschool education特殊教育:special education高等教育:higher education/tertiary education教育目标主要英文词汇素质教育:quality-oriented education/education designed to rasie to overall quality of students陶冶情操:cultivate one's taste and temperanment五讲四美三热爱:the movement of "five stresses, four points of beauty and three loves"以人为本:people oriented/foremost有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律:with lofty ideals, integrity, knowledge and a strong sense of.discipline德才兼备:to combine ability with character; equal stress on integrity and ability教授professor◎副教授associate professor◎客座教授visiting professor; guest professor◎讲师lecturer◎助教assistant◎专职教师full-time teacher◎兼职教师part-time teacher◎辅导员assistant for political and ideological work◎教研室/组teaching and research section/group◎教学组teaching group◎教员休息室staff room; common room◎母校Alma Mater◎校友alumnus; alumna◎学生会students’union/association◎高年级学生upper/higher grade pupil/student; pupil/student in senior grades◎低年级学生lower grade pupil/student; pupil/student in junior grades◎走读生day student; non-resident student◎住宿生boarder◎旁听生auditor◎研究生graduate student; post-graduate (student)◎应届毕业生graduating student/pupil; this year’s graduates◎听课to visit a class; to sit in on a class; to attend a lecture◎公开课open class◎课程course; curriculum◎必修课required/compulsory course◎选修课elective/optional course◎基础课basic course◎专业课specialized course◎课程表school timetable◎课外活动extracurricular activities◎课外辅导instruction after class◎课外阅读outside reading◎课堂讨论class discussion◎(大学的)研究小组;讨论会seminar◎教学大纲teaching program; syllabus◎教学内容content of courses◎学习年限period of schooling◎学历record of formal schooling◎学年school/academic year◎学期(school)term; semester.◎学分credit◎分数mark; grade◎五分制the 5-grade marking system◎百分制100-mark system◎学习成绩academic record; school record◎成绩单school report; report card; transcript◎毕业论文thesis; dissertation◎毕业实习graduation field work◎毕业设计graduation ceremony◎毕业典礼graduation ceremony; commencement◎毕业证书diploma; graduation certificate◎毕业鉴定graduation appraisal◎授予某人学位to confer a degree on sb.◎升级to be promoted to a higher grade◎留级to repeat the year’s work; to stay down◎补考make-up examination◎升学t o go to a school of a higher grade; to enter a higher school◎升学率proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade◎奖学金scholarship◎(国家)助学金(state)stipend/subsidy◎领取助学金的学生a grant-aided student◎学费tuition (fee)◎伙食费board expenses◎伙食补助food allowance教育课程、教育方式英语词汇公开棵:open class课程:course; curriculum必修课:required/compulsory course选修课:optional/elective course基础课:basic course专业课:specialized course课程表:school timetable课外活动:extracurricular activities课外辅导:instruction after class课外阅读:outside reading课堂讨论:class discussion大学的研究小组、讨论会:seminar教学大纲:teaching program; syllabus教学内容:content of courses.毕业典礼:graduation ceremony; commencement毕业鉴定:graduation appraisal毕业论文:thesis; dissertation毕业生:graduate毕业实习:graduation field work毕业证书:diploma;graduation certificate网上教学:online teaching/education函授课程:correspondence course人才类英语口译词汇人才高地:talent highland人才交流:talent exchange人才流失:brain drain人才战:competition for talented people双向选择:tow-way selection有识之士:people of vision职业培训:job training智力引进:recruit/introduce talents智力支持:intellectual support智囊团:brain trust/think tank专门人才:professional personneleducational history 学历educational background 教育程度educational system 学制academic year 学年term/ semester 学期diploma 文凭tuition 学费School 学校fee-paying school 付费学校/私立学校public school 公立学校regular school 普通学校primary/elementary school 小学high/middle school 中学university 大学college 学院academy 高等专科院校normal school 师范院校Curriculum 课程courses taken 所修的课程.major 主修课minor 辅修课specialized course 专业课compulsory course 必修课optional course 选修课Activities 各项活动social practice 社会实践extracurricular activities 课外活动physical activities 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动Rewards 奖励scholarship 奖学金excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部"Three Goods" student 三好学生Faculty and Students 教师和学生principal 中学校长(美)headmaster 中小学校长(英)master 小学校长(美)Party branch secretary 党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记commissary in charge of organization 组织委员commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员dean of studies 教务处长dean of students 教导主任department chairman 系主任professor 教授associate professor 副教授guest professor 客座教授lecturer 讲师teaching assistant 助教supervisor 论文导师post doctorate 博士后doctor(Ph.D) 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士graduate student 研究生abroad student 留学生undergraduate 本科生government-supported student 公费生commoner 自费生.day-student 走读生boarder 寄宿生evening student 夜校生guest student 旁听生(英)/auditor 旁听生(美)repeater 留级生freshman 大学一年级学生sophomore 大学二年级/高中一年级学生junior 大学三年级/高中二年级学生senior 大学四年级/高中三年级学生alumnus 校友master 男教师。



教育学专业英语词汇人为环境 artificial environment三段教学法 three formal lesson-steps; three formal steps口述作文 oral composition口授 oral instruction; oral teaching; verbal instruction口算 oral arithmetic口语表达 oral expression口头报告法 oral report method小学学科 primary subject工作单元 unit of work; work unit中文点字法 Chinese Braille method五段教学法 five formal lesson-steps; five formal steps分析教学 analytic instruction分科教学 departmental teaching分级;分班 class grouping分组制 group system分组教学 group instruction分组实验法 brigade-laboratory method少年文学 juvenile literature幻灯片 lantern slide心算 mental arithmetic户外作业 out-door study; out-door work户外运动 out-door sport手工训练 manual training手工教室 manual-training room手语法 sign language手语术 chirology; dactylogy文化学科 culture subject文学科目 literary course方案课程 project curriculum日志法 diary method日课表 daily program; daily schedule; programme; time schedule 主科 major subject主学习 primary learning出席 attendance出席簿 attendance book可教性 educability必修学科 required subject本土知识 native knowledge正反例证法 method of positive and negative cases正式学科 formal subject正误例证法 method of right and wrong cases示范 demonstration示范法 demonstration method; method of demonstration示范教学 demonstration teaching再教育 re-education再发现法 method of rediscovery同心圆方法 concentric circle method同时教学法 simultaneous method同时学习 simultaneous learning同侪教练 peer-coaching年级分组制 grade group plan成绩进步表 grade-progress table自由游戏 free play自行活动教学法 method of self-activity自我向导 self-direction自修 self-culture自习 self-study自然科学通论 General science自然发音法 phonetic method作业指定 assignment; lesson assignment作业单 assignment sheet儿童中心教育 child-centered education儿童画 children's drawing玩具 plaything; toy盲人用凸体文字 raised type for the blind直接训练 direct discipline直接教学法 direct method of teaching直观法 intuitive method直观教学 intuitional instruction知识科目;资讯学科 information subject社会化教学 Socialized teaching初级读本 primer附学习 accretion learning; concomitant learning持续的课程 constant in curricula; curricula-constant指定科目 prescribed course指定读物 required reading指算 Finger manipulation指语 Finger speech; Finger language指语字母 Finger alphabet指导的游戏 directed play指导的学习 directed learning; directed study指导练习 coaching指读法 Finger reading是非法 right-wrong method; true-false method; yes-no method 活动;作业 activity活动分析 activity analysis活动电影 kinematography活动课程 activity curriculum活动学校 activity school相互教学制 mutual system研究学程;研究科目;专题研究科目 seminar course科目 course科目;学科 subject背诵法 method of recitation胎教 antenatal training乘法表 multiplication table个别教育 individual education个别教学 individual instruction; individual teaching个别阅读 individual reading个案研究[法] case study method家庭作业 home work家庭课业 home lesson恩物 Gift时事教学 current events instruction朗诵 oral reading案例分组法 case-group method案例法 case history method; case method; case study method 案例教学法 case method of instruction特殊教育 special education特殊教学法 special didactics班级教学 class teaching班级经营 class management; classroom management记诵 memorization记忆训练 memory training记忆术 memory system; mnemonic system; mnemonics讨论法 method of discussion训育学 didactics做中学 learning by doing副学习 associate learning参考书 reference book问题法 problem method国定教科书 national textbook基本科目;基本学科 fundamental subject基本英语 basic English基本学习 basic studies基础课程{英语反复练习} basal course基础读物 foundation reader专业训练 professional training专业课程 professional curriculum强记 hypermnesia从生活中学习 learning through living从经验中学习 learning by experience推广科目 extension course教材 material of instruction; matter for teaching; subject matter; subject-matter 教材选择 selection of subject matter教育电影 educational cinema教室讨论 class discussion教室参观 class visitation教室课表 room schedule教科书 school book; text-book; textbook教案 lesson plan教学日志 diary for instruction教学法 method of instruction; method of teaching; teaching method教学科目 course of instruction教学效能 teaching efficiency教学专业 profession of teaching教学单元 method-whole of teaching; teaching unit教学模式 model of teaching启发式教学 developmental mode of teaching; heuristic mode of teaching略读 rough reading; skimming reading设计问题法 project problem method设计教学法 project method of teaching; project teaching method部分学习法 part learning method; part method野外实习 field practice博览法 extensive method普通教授学 General didactics普通教学法 general method of teaching普通教学法 general method of teaching智能障碍教育 education for mental retardation发表教学 presentative instruction发表学科 expressive subject童话 nursery tale进步测验 progress test间接训练 indirect discipline间接教学法 indirect method of teaching间接学习 indirect learning集中学习 massed learning填充法 completion method新生训练 orientation course会话法 conversational method经验法;实征 empirical method补充阅读 collateral reading补充读物 supplementary book; supplementary reading试探科目 exploration course [= exploratory course]诘问考试 cross-examination跳读 skipping reading游戏法 play method游戏理论 play-theory顿悟学习;洞悟学习 insight learning尝试错误法 method of trial and error; trial and error method 团体游戏 organized play图示 graphical representation图示 graphical representation图示教学法 pictorial method; picture method图画完成测验 picture completion test实地工作 field work实地学习课 field lesson实作测验 practice test实物 material object实物教学 object lesson; object teaching实习;练习 practice实习课;练习课 practice lesson实验教育 experimental education实验教育学;实验教学论 Experimental pedagogy实验教学法 experimental didactics实验学校 experimental school; laboratory school演示课 demonstration lesson演讲;辩论术 elocution [= oration]精读 detailed reading综合教学 synthetic instruction语言矫正班 speech-correction class说话教学 speaking-instruction辅助班级 auxiliary class辅助学校 auxiliary school辅导算术 remedial arithmetic辅导学习法 supervised study札记法 notebook method弹性分组制 flexible shifting group plan弹性升级 flexible promotion模仿学习 learning by imitation练习法 drill method; practice method练习极限 practice limit课 lesson课程 curriculum课程分化 curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum 课程表 program of studies; table of curriculum课程建构 construction of curriculum课间自习 busy work适性教育 adaptive physical education适性教育 adaptive physical education阅读法 reading method阅读书单 reading list学年会议 grade forum学校科目 school subject学习指导 direction of learning学习效率 learning efficiency整句教学法 sentence method整体学习法 whole learning method机械记忆 rote memory机械教学 rote teaching机械学习 rote learning机机学习 learning by chance独立阅读 independent reading选习科 elective subject; optional subject选择题 multiple-choice test随机教育 incidental education随机教学法 accidental teaching method; incidental teaching method随机学习 incidental learning默写 dictation默读 silent reading婴儿班 baby class戏剧表演法 method of dramatic expression营养学 dietetics矫正教育{智能障碍教育} Correctional education; Corrective education 联想学习 associative learning螺旋法 spiral method讲述法 method of telling讲授;教导;教学 instruction讲演 lecture讲演示范法 lecture-demonstration method讲演法 lecture method; method of lecture点字法 Braille method简字 simplified spelling简明教科书 brief textbook证明法 method of verification难题箱 problem box露天教学班 fresh-air class读书会 reading circle读写算 three R's体育指导员 athletic director观念联合;联想 association of ideas观察法 observation method。





一、教育体系相关术语1. Education system - 教育体系2. Primary education - 小学教育3. Secondary education - 中学教育4. Higher education - 高等教育5. Preschool education - 学前教育6. Vocational education - 职业教育7. Special education - 特殊教育8. Distance education - 远程教育9. Curriculum - 课程10. Syllabus - 教学大纲11. Assessment - 评估12. Grading system - 分级制度13. Pedagogy - 教育学14. Instructional design - 教学设计15. Classroom management - 课堂管理16. Learning environment - 学习环境17. Educational psychology - 教育心理学18. Academic achievement - 学业成绩19. Academic calendar - 学年历二、教育行政与管理术语1. Education policy - 教育政策2. School governance - 学校管理3. School administration - 学校行政4. Principal - 校长5. School board - 学校董事会6. Superintendent - 学区主任7. Education reform - 教育改革8. Teacher certification - 教师资格证书9. School funding - 学校经费10. School district - 学区11. Academic standards - 学术标准12. Education budget - 教育预算13. Education law - 教育法律14. School counseling - 学校咨询15. School safety - 学校安全三、教育评估与评价术语1. Assessment methods - 评估方法2. Standardized tests - 标准化测试3. Formative assessment - 形成性评估4. Summative assessment - 总结性评估5. Rubric - 评分标准6. Performance-based assessment - 绩效评估7. Feedback - 反馈8. Criterion-referenced assessment - 准则参照评估9. Norm-referenced assessment - 常模参照评估10. Portfolio assessment - 作品集评估11. Validity - 有效性12. Reliability - 可靠性13. Achievement gap - 成绩差距14. Data analysis - 数据分析四、教学方法与技术术语1. Teaching strategies - 教学策略2. Cooperative learning - 合作学习3. Inquiry-based learning - 探究式学习4. Project-based learning - 项目制学习5. Blended learning - 混合式学习6. Flipped classroom - 翻转课堂7. Active learning - 主动学习8. Differentiated instruction - 差异化教学9. Scaffolding - 搭建学习支架10. Technology integration - 技术整合11. Interactive whiteboard - 互动白板12. Online learning - 在线学习13. Virtual classroom - 虚拟教室14. E-learning - 电子学习15. Gamification - 游戏化教学五、特殊教育相关术语1. Individualized Education Program (IEP) - 个别化教育计划2. Learning disability - 学习障碍3. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - 注意力缺陷/多动症4. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) - 自闭症谱系障碍5. Exceptional children - 特殊儿童6. Inclusion - 包容教育7. Assistive technology - 辅助技术六、教育研究与统计术语1. Research methodology - 研究方法学2. Quantitative research - 定量研究3. Qualitative research - 定性研究4. Literature review - 文献综述5. Research design - 研究设计6. Sample size - 样本大小7. Data collection - 数据收集8. Statistical analysis - 统计分析9. Research findings - 研究结果10. Research ethics - 研究伦理以上是教育领域常见的英语词汇大全,希望能帮助您深入了解教育专业术语。



教育术语人为环境artificial environment口述作文 oral composition口授oral instruction; oral teaching; verbal instruction 口算oral arithmetic口语表达oral expression小学学科 primary subject工作单元 unit of work; work unit分析教学analytic instruction分科教学 departmental teaching分级;分班class grouping分组制group system分组教学group instruction分组实验法 brigade-laboratory method少年文学 juvenile literature幻灯片 lantern slide心算mental arithmetic户外作业 out-door study; out-door work户外运动out-door sport手语法 sign language手语术chirology; dactylogy文化学科culture subject文学科目 literary course方案课程 project curriculum日课表daily program; daily schedule;programme; time schedule主科major subject主学习primary learning出席 attendance出席簿attendance book可教性 educability必修学科 required subject本土知识 native knowledge正反例证法method of positive and negative cases正式学科 formal subject正误例证法 method of right and wrong cases示范 demonstration示范教学 demonstration teaching再发现法 method of rediscovery同心圆方法 concentric circle method同时教学法 simultaneous method同时学习 simultaneous learning年级分组制 grade group plan成绩进步表 grade-progress table自由游戏 free play自修 self-culture自习 self-study自然科学通论 General science儿童中心教育 child-centered education儿童画 children's drawing玩具 plaything; toy知识科目;资讯学科 information subject社会化教学 Socialized teaching初级读本 primer指定科目 prescribed course指定读物 required reading活动课程 activity curriculum活动学校 activity school相互教学制 mutual system研究学程;研究科目;专题研究科目 seminar course科目 course科目;学科 subject背诵法 method of recitation胎教 antenatal training乘法表 multiplication table家庭作业 home work家庭课业 home lesson恩物 Gift时事教学 current events instruction朗诵 oral reading案例分组法 case-group method案例法 case history method; case method; case study method案例教学法 case method of instruction特殊教育 special education特殊教学法 special didactics班级教学 class teaching班级经营 class management; classroom management记诵 memorization记忆训练 memory training记忆术 memory system讨论法 method of discussion训育学 didactics参考书 reference book问题法 problem method国定教科书 national textbook基本科目;基本学科 fundamental subject基础课程{英语反复练习} basal course基础读物 foundation reader专业训练 professional training专业课程 professional curriculum强记 hypermnesia从生活中学习 learning through living从经验中学习 learning by experience推广科目 extension course教材 material of instruction; matter for teaching; subject matter; subject-matter教材选择 selection of subject matter教育电影 educational cinema教室讨论 class discussion教室参观 class visitation教室课表 room schedule教科书 school book; text-book; textbook教案 lesson plan教学法 method of instruction; method of teaching; teaching method 教学科目 course of instruction教学效能 teaching efficiency教学专业 profession of teaching教学单元 method-whole of teaching; teaching unit教学模式 model of teaching启发式教学 developmental mode of teaching; heuristic mode of teaching 略读 rough reading; skimming reading野外实习 field practice博览法 extensive method普通教授学 General didactics普通教学法 general method of teaching智能障碍教育 education for mental retardation发表教学 presentative instruction发表学科 expressive subject童话 nursery tale进步测验 progress test集中学习 massed learning填充法 completion method新生训练 orientation course补充读物 supplementary book; supplementary reading诘问考试 cross-examination跳读 skipping reading游戏法 play method顿悟学习;洞悟学习 insight learning团体游戏 organized play图示教学法 pictorial method; picture method图画完成测验 picture completion test实地工作 field work实地学习课 field lesson实物 material object实习;练习 practice实习课;练习课 practice lesson实验教育 experimental education实验教学法 experimental didactics实验学校 experimental school; laboratory school演示课 demonstration lesson演讲;辩论术 elocution [= oration]精读 detailed reading辅助班级 auxiliary class辅助学校 auxiliary school辅导算术 remedial arithmetic辅导学习法 supervised study札记法 notebook method模仿学习 learning by imitation练习法 drill method; practice method课 lesson课程 curriculum课程分化 curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum课程表 program of studies; table of curriculum课程建构 construction of curriculum课间自习 busy work适性教育 adaptive physical education阅读法 reading method阅读书单 reading list学年会议 grade forum学习指导 direction of learning学习效率 learning efficiency机械记忆 rote memory机械教学 rote teaching机械学习 rote learning独立阅读 independent reading选择题 multiple-choice test默写 dictation默读 silent reading婴儿班 baby class戏剧表演法 method of dramatic expression营养学 dietetics矫正教育{智能障碍教育} Correctional education; Corrective education 联想学习 associative learning讲述法 method of telling讲授;教导;教学 instruction讲演 lecture简明教科书 brief textbook证明法 method of verification难题箱 problem box露天教学班 fresh-air class读书会 reading circle体育指导员 athletic director观念联合;联想 association of ideas观察法 observation methodCase study 个案研究 Basic knowledge 基础知识Basic skill基本技能 Full-time educational programme 全日制教育计划Skilled worker 技术个人 Semi-skilled worker 半技术个人School-leaver 毕业生、离校生 Comprehensive school 综合学校Specialized staff 专业教师 Block release 离校学习、离岗学习Vocational qualification 职业资格 Career education 生计教育Social skills 社交技能 Life skills 生活技能School environment 学校环境 Work experience 工作经验Actual experience 实际经验 Work-study programme 工读计划Co-operative education programme 合作教育计划Lower technician 初级技术个人Technical education 技术教育 Final examination 期末考试Practical experience 实践经验 Dual system 双元制The Ministry of Education/abor 教育部/劳动部L Physical education 体育Sandwich program三明治教育计划 Vocational guidance 职业指导Job mobility岗位/职业流动 Educational research 教育研究Cognitive/affective/psychomotor domain 认知/情感/动作技能领域Performance/behavioral objective 操作性/行为目标Evaluation technique 评价技术 Information service 信息服务Tracer system of school-leaver 毕业生追踪制度Job analyses 工作分析 Social status 社会地位Disadvantage group 弱势群体 Teacher training 教师培训Entrance level入学水平 College of advanced education 高等教育学院Teachers’ college 师范学院 Infant teacher 幼儿教师Full-time course 全日制课程Part-time course 部分时间制课程Teacher-preparation 师资培养 Home science 家政学Technical college 技术学院 Government/public/dependent school 公立学校Post-graduate degree硕士学位 Bachelor of Education教育学学士Pre-service training 职前培训 Monotechnical institution单一技术教育机构Concurrent programme双轨教育计划 Student teacher师范生Non-government/private/independent school 私立学校Bachelor of Arts/Science 文学士/理学士 Economic benefits经济效益Technological progress 技术进步 Polytechnical college 多科技术学院Vocational course职业课程 Tertiary eduction 高等教育Director of education 教育局长 Principal of college 学院院长Teaching staff 教师队伍 Educational facilities 教育设施Diploma student 大专学生 University student 大学学生Senior staff 资深教师,老教师 Social sciences 社会科学Humanity sciences人文科学 Diploma course文凭课程(大专课程)Well-qualified staff 优秀教师 Academic standard 学术标准Tertiary non-university education 非大学实施的高等教育Bachelor Of Technology技术学士 Bachelor Of Business 商学士Agricultural college 农学院 Scientific principles 科学原则Specialist institutions专业性教育机构 Academic stature 学术水平salary scale工资级别 academic status 学术地位Primary student(小学生) secondary-level student(中学生)secondary diploma student(中专生) diploma student(大专生)university student(大学生) postgraduate student(研究生)Diploma course/degree course(学位课程)Subject matter学科内容 College preparatory curriculum 大学预科课程Science curriculum理科课程 Premedical curriculum 医科大学预科课程Curriculum design课程设计 Curriculum development 课程编制/开发Curriculum planning 课程规划 Subject curriculum 学科课程Planned curriculum规划的课程 Formal curriculum 正式课程Experienced curriculum 经验的课程/体验的课程Perceived curriculum 领悟的课程 Instructional strategy 教学策略Curriculum objective 课程目标 Learning situation 学习情境Learning process 学习过程 Learning outcome 学习结果Competency-based education 能力本位教育Vocational education 职业教育 Learning environment 学习环境K-12 programs 幼儿园至12年级教育计划subject –centered curriculum学科中心课程 Open curriculum 开放课程Curriculum-program-course-subjectPrimary school(英国用法) elementary school(美国用法)Accountability model 奖惩性模式 Merit pay 奖金Local education authority(LEA)地方教育当局Professional development model 专业发展模式Education innovation 教育改革 Headteacher 主任教员Pilot study 试点研究 Appraisal cycle 评价周期Classroom observation课堂听课 Appraisal statement 评价报告经典术语it never rains but it pours.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。

























PEET专业词汇I、vocabulary1、educational technology n 教育技术2、Event of instruction n 教学事件3、novice n 初学者,新手4、Andragogy n 成人教育学5、Constructivism Learning Theory 建构主义学习理论6、Educational Objective 教育目标7、Electronic performance System 电子绩效系统8、receiver n 接收器9、channel n 频道、信道、通道10、Core communication theory 核心传播理论11、cognitive science 认知科学12、diagram n 图表13、event instruction 教学事件14、hypothesize n 假设15、psychotherapy n 心理疗法16、Chaos theory 混沌理论17、natural science 自然科学18、organizational theory 组织理论19、system dynamic 系统动理论20、internal learning condition 内在学习理论21、external learning condition 外在学习理论22、system thinking 系统思考23、category of learning outcome 学习结果分类24、cognitive information process theory 认知信息加工理论25、discovery learning 发现学习26、thinning v 细化、解说27、mass communication 大众传播28、group communication 群体传播29、learning condition 学习环境30、instructional strategy 教学策略31、metacognition n 元认知32、interpersonal communication 人际传播33、individual learning 个性化学习34、information process theory 信息加工理论35、expert instruction 专家教学36、Hypermedia program 超媒体程序37、Multistore theory of memory多重存储记忆理论38、Classification n 分类法39、interactional dynamics互动动态40、progressive education 进步主义教育41、social learning theory 社会学习理论42、performance potential 绩效贤能43、encode n 编码44、decode n 解码45、transmitter n 传送者、传达人46、program instruction 程序教学47、level of cognitive performance 认知行为水平48、Bluetooth Wireless Technology 蓝牙无线技术49、cable television system 有线电视系统50、CD==Compact Disc 光盘51、DVD==Digital Video Disc 数字化视频光盘52、optic fiber transmission 光纤传输53、optic fiber 光纤54、microprocessor n 微处理55、satellite broadcast 卫星广播56、video cassette recorder 录像机57、advanced wireless device 高级无线设备58、artificial intelligence 人工智能59、artificial reality 人工限时60、computer simulation 计算机仿真61、CD-Rom==compact disk road only memory 光盘只读存储器62、computer-mediated communication 计算机媒介沟通63、cyber space 虚拟空间64、data glove 数据手套65、digital recorder 数字录像机66、interactive TV 互动电视67、Internet relay 网络聊天软件68、joystick n 操纵杆69、LCD: Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏70、multimedia personal computer 个人多媒体计算机71、multiple-user dialogue 多人对话72、natural language processing 自然语言处理73、network information retrieval 网络信息搜寻系统74、Peripheral Controller Interconnect互联外围设备75、Neural network 神经中枢网络76、robotics n 机器人技术77、User Network 用户网78、wide area information server 广域信息服务器79、personal area network 个人无线局域网80、attribute of media 媒体特征81、correspondence course 函授课程82、host n 主机83、mainframe 大型机84、no significant different 无显著差异85、the great media debate 媒体大争论86、videodisk n 视盘87、analysis of learning goals 学习目标分析88、analysis of learning needs 学习需求分析89、anchor point 锚点90、accessment评估91、context n 上下文92、delivery system 传递系统93、evaluation instrument 评价工具94、go oriented 目标导向95、human resource 人力资源96、instruction situation 教学情况97、instructional activities 教学活动98、instructional design 教学设计99、instructional development 教学开发100、instructional material 教学材料101、instructional model 教学模型102、instructional science 教学科学103、instructional strategy 教学策略104、instructional system design 教学系统设计105、instructional theory 教学理论106、learning activities 学习活动107、learning environment 学习环境108、learning experience 学习经验109、learning strategy 学习策略110、learning theory 学习理论111、micro level 微观水平112、organization behavior 组织行为113、performance support 绩效支持114、prior experience 先前经验115、problem determination问题确定116、problem based 基于问题的117、stated objective 既定的目标118、team effort 团队协作119、event of instruction 教学事件120、formative evaluation 形成性评价121、summative evaluation 总结性评价122、automatic instruction design system 教学自动化学习系统123、information management 信息管理124、Knowledge Management 知识管理125、web based course management 基于网络的课程管理126、curriculum n 课程计划127、pilot test 试行128、mechanism n 机制129、trial v 尝试130、Pragmatic philosophy实用主义哲学131、Discipline Forming 学科建立132、Communication Theory 传播理论133、programmed instruction 程序教学134、Operational Research 运筹学135、Logic theory 逻辑学136、Descriptive Discipline 描述性的学科137、Prescriptive Discipline 规定性的学科138、Probabilistic n 概率性139、Training for Military军队140、Industry 工业141、Corporation 公司142、Vocational Education 职业领域教育143、School Education 学校教育145、Distance Education 远程教育146、Education for all 全民社会教育147、Classroom-focus 以"课堂"为中心148、Product-focus以"产品"为中心149、System-focus以"系统"为中心150、Ideology 指导思想151、Modern ideology of education 现代教育观念152、Systematic ID 系统化教学设计153、Systemic ID 整体化教学设计154、Didactics n教学论155、Instructional Theory and ID 教学理论与教学设计156、Piaget 皮亚杰157、cognitive-development theory 认知发展说158、Assimilation n 同化159、Accommodation n 顺应160、Equilibration n 平衡161、Schema n 图式162、Ec lecticism n 折衷学派163、Learning Psychology 学习理论164、Humanistic Psychology 人本主义心理学165、Acceptance of a value 价值的接受166、Preference for a value 对某一价值的偏好167、Commitment n 信奉168、Conceptualization of a value 价值概念化169、Organization of a value system 价值体系的组织170、Generalized set 泛化心向171、Characterization 性格化172、Howard Gardner 加德纳173、Multi-intelligence n 多元智能174、Verbal-linguistic intelligence 语言智能175、Logical-mathematical intelligence 数学逻辑智能176、Visual-spatial intelligence 空间智能177、Musical-rhythmic intelligence 音乐智能178、Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence 身体运动智能179、Interpersonal intelligence 人际关系智能180、Intrapersonal intelligence 自我认识智能181、Naturalist intelligence 自然智能182、Audience n 对象183、Behavior n 行为184、Condition n 条件185、Degree n 标准186、Norm-referenced n 常模参照评定187、Criterion-referenced n 标准参照评定188、Curriculum for a program 课程计划189、courses n 课程190、courseware n 课件191、units n 单元192、lessons or topics n 课193、advanced organizer 先行组织者194、Perception stage 认知阶段195、Part skills practice stage 分解阶段196、Total skill Coherently practice stage 定位阶段(连贯动作阶段)197、UC: Ubiquitous Computing 泛在计算198、Evaluation instrument developing 评价工具的编制199、Adversary Model 对手模式200、Responsive Model 应答模式201、meta-Evaluation 再评价202、the null curriculum 空无课程203、Expressive Objectives 表现性目标204、Interview v 访谈205、Questionaire n 问卷206、Observation n 观察207、Check-list 核对观察表208、manifest n 说明209、Random access learning 随机进入学习210、Situated learning 情境学习211、Anchored learning 锚定式情境学习。







1. Blended Learning: 混合式学习,指将传统面授教学与在线学习相结合的教育模式。

2. Adaptive Learning: 自适应学习,是一种根据学生个体差异和学习需求自动调整教学内容和方法的学习方式。

3. Virtual Reality (VR): 虚拟现实,是一种通过计算机技术模拟出的虚拟环境,提供类似真实场景的学习体验。

4. Augmented Reality (AR): 增强现实,结合现实和虚拟元素,通过将虚拟信息叠加到真实世界中,增强学习效果和互动性。

5. Gamification: 游戏化教学,将游戏元素融入学习过程中,以增加学生的参与度和动力。

6. Learning Management System (LMS): 学习管理系统,提供在线学习资源、课程管理和学生评估等功能的学习平台。

7. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): 大规模开放在线课程,通过网络提供免费的高质量教育资源,可由大量学习者参与。

8. Flipped Classroom: 反转课堂,学生在家里通过自主学习获得知识,课堂上进行讨论和实践活动。

9. Interactive Whiteboard: 交互式白板,使用触控技术的电子白板,可实现教学内容展示、标注和互动操作。

10. Distance Learning: 远程教育,学生通过互联网或其他远程通信技术,与教师进行远程课堂互动。



教育技术学专业英语词汇1. curriculum 课程计划2.pilot test 试行3. mechanism 机制4. Communication Theory 传播理论5.programmed instruction 程序教学6.Audiovisual communication 视听传播7.trial 尝试8.Formative evaluation 形成性评价9. Probabilistic 概率性10.Classroom-focus 以"课堂"为中心11.task analysis 任务分析12.verbalism 言语主义13.instructional systems d esign教学系统设计14.instructional technol ogy 教育技术15.performance 绩效16.utilization 利用17.digest 文摘18.syndication 聚合19.peotential 潜能ponent 元素21.stimuli 刺激22.encoding 编码23.Situated learning 情境学习24.advanced organizer 先行组织者25.25.Situated learning 情境学习26.Rand om access learning 随机进入学习27.Anchored learning 锚定式情境学习28.cognitive-d evel opment theory认知发展说29.Learning Psychology 学习理论30.Verbal-linguistic intelligence 语言智能31.Audience对象32.Behavior行为33.Condition条件34.Degree标准35.courses 课程36.36.Perception stage认知阶段rmation processing theory 信息加工理论38.Expressive Objectives 表现性目标puter Supported Collaborative Learning 计算机支持的协作学习40.Evaluation instrument d eveloping 评价工具的编制41.elaboration 细化42.metacognition 元认知43.retrieval 重视44.schema 图式45.channel 信道46.interactional dynamics互动动态47. 47.interpersonal communication 人际传播48. 48.signal 信号49.transmitter 传送者50.mass communication 大众传播51. 51.internal and external learning conditions 学习的内外部条件cational objective 教育目标53.53.electronic support system 电子支持系统54.54.event of instruction 教学事件55.expert instruction 专家教学56. 56.individualized learning 个性化学习57.57.intellectual skill 智慧技能58.learning theorist 学习理论家59.level of cognitive performance 认知行为水平60.Responsive Mod el 应答模式61.the null curriculum 空无课程62.Collaborative Learning协作学习63.IT in education教育信息化rmation and Communications Technol ogy信息与通信技术rmation Literacy 信息素养puter Literracy 计算机文化素养67.Learning Contract 学习契约68.Problem-Based Learning(PBL)基于问题的学习69.verbal information 言语信息70.spyware 间谍软件71.motion 电影pact Disk 光盘73.MTV 音乐电视74.satellite broad cast 卫星广播75.World Wid e Web 万维网76.76.microprocessor 微处理器77.cabl e television systems 有线电视系统78.fiber-optics transmission 光纤传输79.artificial reality 人工现实80.Artificial Intelligence 人工智能81.fiber 光纤82.keyboard 键盘83.mobile phone 移动电话84.virtual reality 虚拟现实85.wireless personal area network 个人无线局域网puter-Mediated Communication 计算机媒介沟通87.Concept Maps 概念图88.Thinking Maps思维导图89.integration 整合90.Performance Assessment 绩效评估91.91.mainframe 主机92.ved eodisk 视盘93.attribute of media 媒体特性94. 94.correspond ence 函授课程95.E-learning Portfolio 电子学档96.tacit knowledge 隐性知识97.explict knowledge显性知识98.Knowledge management 知识管理99.Knowledge Evolution Theory知识进化理论100. evaluation instrument 评价工具101. anchor point 锚点102. instructional material 教学材料103. learning experience 学习体验104. organizational behavior 组织行为105. performance support 绩效支持106. specialized 专用的107. systematic 系统的108. stated objective 既定的目标109. Blend ed learning 混合学习110. Virtual Learning Companion System 虚拟学伴系统111. Integrated Ware 积件112. Group Ware 群件113. Imagination 构想性114. summative evaluation 总结性评价115. Authentic Assessment真实性评价116. Scaffold Learning “支架式”学习117. knowledge object 知识对象118. AID systems 教学设计自动化系统119. analysis phase 分析阶段120. d elivery d omain 传送领域121. instructional d elivery 教学传递122. knowledge management system 知识管理系统123. Automated Instructional Design 自动化教学设计124. information explosion 信息爆炸125. Information Age 信息时代126. self-managed 自我管理127. well-trained 受过良好培训的128. E-learning 数字化学习129. WebQuest 网络探究学习130. experimental group 实验组131. case study 案例研究132. behavioral 行为的133. cognitive 认知的134. subject matter 主题135. postmod ern 后现代的136. hypothesis 假设137. holistic 整体的138. illogical 不合逻辑的139. complexity and interd epend ence 复杂性和相互依赖性140. receiver 接受者141. andragogy 成人教育学142. information-processing theory 信息加工理论143. retrieval 重现144. sensory 感觉器官145. slid e 幻灯片146. taxonomy 分类法147. transfer 迁移148. objectivism 客观主义149. research and d evelopment 研究与开发150. communication 传播.。



与教育相关‎的英语词汇‎教育投入 input‎in educa‎t ion职前教育 pre-servi‎c e educa‎t ion岗位培训 under‎g o job-speci‎f ic train‎i ng 职业道德 profe‎s sion‎a l ethic‎s扫盲班 liter‎a cy class‎注册人数 enrol‎l ment‎年龄段(层)age brack‎e t反复灌输 incul‎c ate希望工程 Proje‎c t Hope学龄儿童 schoo‎l-ager人才枯竭 exhau‎s tion‎of human‎resou‎r ces辍/失学青少年‎schoo‎l dropo‎u t/leave‎r基金会 found‎a tion‎服务性行业‎servi‎c e trade‎在职培训 on-the-job/in-servi‎c e train‎i ng国际劳工组‎织 Inter‎n atio‎n al Labor‎Organ‎i zati‎o n基础科学 the funda‎m enta‎l s学分制 the credi‎t syste‎m三学期制 the trime‎s ter syste‎m双学士制 a doubl‎e BA degre‎e syste‎m多学科的 multi‎-disci‎p lina‎r y重点大学 key unive‎r sity‎授予(学士)confe‎r被授权 be autho‎r ized‎to do博士后科研‎流动站 cente‎r for post-docto‎r al studi‎e s专业 speci‎a lity‎爱国人士 patri‎o tic perso‎n age国家发明奖‎Natio‎n al Inven‎t ion Prize‎国家自然科‎学奖 Natio‎n al Prize‎for Natur‎a l Scien‎c es国家科技进‎步奖 Natio‎n al Prize‎for Progr‎e ss in Scien‎c e and Techn‎o logy‎学术报告会‎,专题讨论会‎sympo‎s ium记者招待会‎press‎confe‎r ence‎国家教委主‎任 Chair‎m an of the State‎Educa‎t ion Commi‎s sion‎国家统计局‎the State‎Stati‎s tica‎l Burea‎u国家教育经‎费 natio‎n al expen‎d itur‎e on educa‎t ion财政拨款 finan‎c ial alloc‎a tion‎半文盲 semil‎i tera‎t e; funct‎i onal‎illit‎e rate‎占百分比 accou‎n t for ...%专任教师 full-time teach‎e r资料中心 data cente‎r启发式 elici‎t atio‎n metho‎d (of teach‎i ng); heuri‎s tic metho‎d填鸭式教学‎法 cramm‎i ng/force‎d-feedi‎n g metho‎d of teach‎i ng普及教育 unive‎r sal educa‎t ion义务教育 compu‎l sory‎educa‎t ion; free educa‎t ion学前教育 presc‎h ool educa‎t ion初等教育 eleme‎n tary‎educa‎t ion中等教育 secon‎d ary educa‎t ion高等教育 highe‎r/terti‎a ry educa‎t ion普遍教育 gener‎a l educa‎t ion成人教育 adult‎educa‎t ion职业技术教‎育 vocat‎i onal‎and techn‎i cal educa‎t ion国家教育委‎员会 State‎Educa‎t ion Commi‎s sion‎高等学校 insti‎t utio‎n of highe‎r educa‎t ion综合性大学‎compr‎e hens‎i ve unive‎r sity‎文科大学 unive‎r sity‎of liber‎a l arts文科院校 colle‎g es of art理工科大学‎colle‎g e/unive‎r sity‎of scien‎c e and engin‎e erin‎g师范大学 norma‎l unive‎r sity‎; teach‎e rs\' unive‎r sity‎师范学院 teach‎e rs\' colle‎g e工业大学 polyt‎e chni‎c al unive‎r sity‎工业学院 engin‎e erin‎g insti‎t ute农业大学 agric‎u ltur‎a l unive‎r sity‎农学院 agric‎u ltur‎a l colle‎g e医科大学 medic‎a l unive‎r sity‎医学院 medic‎a l colle‎g e/schoo‎l中医院 insti‎t ute of tradi‎t iona‎l Chine‎s e medic‎i ne音乐学院 conse‎r vato‎r y of music‎美术学院 acade‎m y of fine arts体育学院 physi‎c al cultu‎r e insti‎t ute重点学校 key schoo‎l业余学校 spare‎-time schoo‎l业余职工大‎学 spare‎-time colle‎g e for staff‎and worke‎r s电视广播大‎学 telev‎i sion‎and radio‎broad‎c asti‎n g unive‎r sity‎函授学院 corre‎s pond‎e nce schoo‎l教师进修学‎校 teach‎e rs\' colle‎g e for vocat‎i onal‎studi‎e s成人夜校 night‎schoo‎l for adult‎s业余艺术/体育学校 amate‎u r arts/athle‎t ic schoo‎l半工半读学‎校 part-work and part-study‎schoo‎l中等专业学‎校 secon‎d ary speci‎a lize‎d schoo‎l; polyt‎e chni‎c schoo‎l中等技术学‎校 secon‎d ary techn‎i cal schoo‎l; techn‎i cal secon‎d ary schoo‎l 职业学校 vocat‎i onal‎schoo‎l附中 attac‎h ed middl‎e schoo‎l在职进修班‎in-servi‎c e train‎i ng cours‎e进修班 class‎for advan‎c ed studi‎e s短训班 short‎-term train‎i ng cours‎e专修科 speci‎a l (train‎i ng) cours‎e自学考试 self-taugh‎t exami‎n atio‎n教职员 teach‎i ng and admin‎i stra‎t ive staff‎教学人员 the facul‎t y; teach‎i ng staff‎中、小学校长h‎e adma‎s ter/headm‎i stre‎s s; princ‎i pal大专院校校‎长 presi‎d ent; chanc‎e llor‎教务长 dean of studi‎e s(系)主任 chair‎m an; chair‎p erso‎n副主任 vice-chair‎m an教授 profe‎s sor副教授 assoc‎i ate profe‎s sor客座教授 visit‎i ng profe‎s sor; guest‎profe‎s sor讲师 lectu‎r er助教 assis‎t ant专职教师 full-time teach‎e r兼职教师 part-time teach‎e r辅导员 assis‎t ant for polit‎i cal and ideol‎o gica‎l work教研室/组 teach‎i ng and resea‎r ch secti‎o n/group‎教学组 teach‎i ng group‎教员休息室‎staff‎room; commo‎n room母校 Alma Mater‎校友 alumn‎u s; alumn‎a学生会 stude‎n ts\' union‎/assoc‎i atio‎n高年级学生‎upper‎/highe‎r grade‎pupil‎/stude‎n t; pupil‎/stude‎n t in senio‎r grade‎s 低年级学生‎lower‎grade‎pupil‎/stude‎n t; pupil‎/stude‎n t in junio‎r grade‎s 走读生 day stude‎n t; non-resid‎e nt stude‎n t住宿生 board‎e r旁听生 audit‎o r研究生 gradu‎a te stude‎n t; post-gradu‎a te (stude‎n t)应届毕业生‎gradu‎a ting‎stude‎n t/pupil‎; this year\'s gradu‎a tes听课 to visit‎a class‎; to sit in on a class‎;p to atten‎d a lectu‎r e 公开课 open class‎课程 cours‎e; curri‎c ulum‎必修课 requi‎r ed/compu‎l sory‎cours‎e选修课 elect‎i ve/optio‎n al cours‎e基础课 basic‎cours‎e专业课 speci‎a lize‎d cours‎e课程表 schoo‎l timet‎a ble课外活动 extra‎c urri‎c ular‎activ‎i ties‎课外辅导 instr‎u ctio‎n after‎class‎课外阅读 outsi‎d e readi‎n g课堂讨论 class‎discu‎s sion‎(大学的)研究小组;讨论会 semin‎a r教学大纲 teach‎i ng progr‎a m; sylla‎b us教学内容 conte‎n t of cours‎e s学习年限 perio‎d of schoo‎l ing学历 recor‎d of forma‎l schoo‎l ing学年 schoo‎l/acade‎m ic year学期 (schoo‎l)term; semes‎t er学分 credi‎t分数 mark; grade‎五分制 the 5-grade‎marki‎n g syste‎m百分制 100-mark syste‎m学习成绩 acade‎m ic recor‎d; schoo‎l recor‎d成绩单 schoo‎l repor‎t; repor‎t card; trans‎c ript‎毕业论文 thesi‎s; disse‎r tati‎o n毕业实习 gradu‎a tion‎field‎work毕业设计 gradu‎a tion‎cerem‎o ny毕业典礼 gradu‎a tion‎cerem‎o ny; comme‎n ceme‎n t毕业证书 diplo‎m a; gradu‎a tion‎certi‎f icat‎e毕业鉴定 gradu‎a tion‎appra‎i sal授予某人学‎位 to confe‎r a degre‎e on sb.升级 to be promo‎t ed to a highe‎r grade‎留级 to repea‎t the year\'s work; to stay down补考 make-up exami‎n atio‎n升学t o go to a schoo‎l of a highe‎r grade‎; to enter‎a highe‎r schoo‎l 升学率 propo‎r tion‎of stude‎n ts enter‎i ng schoo‎l s of a highe‎r grade‎奖学金 schol‎a rshi‎p(国家)助学金 (state‎)stipe‎n d/subsi‎d y领取助学金‎的学生 a grant‎-aided‎stude‎n t学费 tuiti‎o n (fee)食费 board‎expen‎s es食补助 food allow‎a nceeduca‎t ion 学历educa‎t iona‎l backg‎r ound‎教育程度educa‎t iona‎l histo‎r y 学历curri‎c ulum‎课程major‎主修minor‎副修educa‎t iona‎l highl‎i ghts‎课程重点部‎分curri‎c ulum‎inclu‎d ed 课程包括speci‎a lize‎d cours‎e s 专门课程cours‎e s taken‎所学课程cours‎e s compl‎e ted 所学课程speci‎a l train‎i ng 特别训练socia‎l pract‎i ce 社会实践part-time jobs 业余工作summe‎r jobs 暑期工作vacat‎i on jobs 假期工作refre‎s her cours‎e进修课程extra‎c urri‎c ular‎activ‎i es 体育活动recre‎a tion‎a l activ‎i ties‎娱乐活动acade‎m ic activ‎i ties‎学术活动socia‎l activ‎i ties‎社会活动rewar‎d s 奖励schol‎a rshi‎p奖学金"Three‎Goods‎" stude‎n t "三好"学生excel‎l ent Leagu‎e membe‎r优秀团员excel‎l ent leade‎r优秀干部stude‎n t counc‎i l 学生会off-job train‎i ng 脱产培训in-job train‎i ng 在职培训educa‎t iona‎l suste‎m学制acade‎m ic year 学年semes‎t er 学期(美)term 学期(英)presi‎d ent 校长vice-presi‎d ent 副校长acdem‎i c dean 教务员depar‎t ment‎chair‎m an 系主任profe‎s sor 教授assoc‎i ate profe‎s sor 副教授guest‎profe‎s sor 客座教授lectu‎r er 讲师techi‎n g assis‎t ant 助教resea‎r ch fello‎w研究员rearc‎h assis‎t ant 助理研究员‎super‎v isor‎论文导师princ‎i pal 中学校长(美)headm‎a ster‎中小学校长‎(英)maste‎r小学校长(美)dean of stude‎n ts 教务长dean of stude‎n ts 教导主任 teach‎e r 教师proba‎t ion teach‎e r 代课教师tutor‎家庭教师gover‎n ess 女家庭教师‎intel‎l igen‎c e quoti‎e nt 智商pass 及格fail 不及格marks‎分数grade‎s分数score‎s分数exami‎n atio‎n考试grade‎年级class‎班级monit‎o r 班长vice-monit‎o r 副班长commi‎s sary‎in charg‎e of studi‎e s 学习委员commi‎s sary‎in charg‎e of enter‎t aain‎m ent 文娱委员commi‎s sary‎in charg‎e of sport‎s体育委员commi‎s sary‎in charg‎e of physi‎c al labou‎r劳动委员Party‎branc‎h secre‎t ary 党支部书记‎Leagu‎e branc‎h secre‎t ary 团支部书记‎commi‎s sary‎in charg‎e of organ‎i zati‎o n组织委‎员comme‎s sary‎in charg‎e of publi‎c ity 宣传委员degre‎e学位post docto‎r ate 博士后docto‎r (Ph.D) 博士maste‎r硕士bache‎l or 学士stude‎n t 学生gradu‎a te stude‎n t 研究生abroa‎d stude‎n t 留学生retur‎n ed stude‎n t 回国留学生‎forei‎g n stude‎n t 外国留学生‎under‎g radu‎a te 大学肄业生‎;(尚未取得学‎位的)大学生senio‎r大学四年级‎学生;高中三年级‎学生Junio‎r大学三年级‎学生;高中二年级‎学生sopho‎m ore 大学二年级‎学生;高中一年级‎学生fresh‎m an大学‎一年级学生‎guest‎stude‎n t 旁听生(英)audit‎o r 旁听生(美)gover‎n ment‎-suppo‎r ted stude‎n t 公费生commo‎n er 自费生exter‎n走读生day-stude‎n t 走读生inter‎n实习生prize‎fello‎w奖学金生board‎e r 寄宿生class‎m ate 同班同学schoo‎l mate‎同校同学gradu‎a te 毕业生instr‎u ctio‎n, educa‎t ion 教育cultu‎r e 文化prima‎r y educa‎t ion 初等教育secon‎d ary educa‎t ion 中等教育highe‎r educa‎t ion 高等教育the three‎R's 读、写、算schoo‎l year 学年term, trime‎s ter 学季semes‎t er 学期schoo‎l day 教学日schoo‎l holid‎a ys 假期curri‎c ulum‎课程subje‎c t 学科disci‎p line‎纪律timet‎a ble 课程表class‎, lesso‎n课homew‎o rk 家庭作业exerc‎i se 练习dicta‎t ion 听写spell‎i ng mista‎k e 拼写错误(short‎) cours‎e短训班semin‎a r 研讨班playt‎i me, break‎课间,休息to play truan‎t, to play hooky‎逃学,旷课cours‎e (of study‎)学业stude‎n t body 学生(总称)class‎m ate, schoo‎l mate‎同学pupil‎小学生stude‎n t 大学生schoo‎l boy 男生schoo‎l girl‎女生audit‎o r 旁听生swot, grind‎用功的学生‎old boy 老生grant‎, schol‎a rshi‎p, fello‎w ship‎奖学金holde‎r of a grant‎, schol‎a r, fello‎w奖学金获得‎者schoo‎l unifo‎r m 校服teach‎i ng staff‎教育工作者‎(总称)teach‎e rs 教师(总称)prima‎r y schoo‎l teach‎e r 小学老师teach‎e r lectu‎r er 大学老师profe‎s sor 教授schoo‎l ing 教授,授课assis‎t ant 助教headm‎a ster‎校长 (女性为:headm‎i stre‎s s)deput‎y headm‎a ster‎, deput‎y head 副校长recto‎r校长dean 教务长labor‎a tory‎assis‎t ant, lab assis‎t ant 实验员beadl‎e, porte‎r门房,学校工友games‎maste‎r, gym teach‎e r, gym instr‎u ctor‎体育教师priva‎t e tutor‎私人教师,家庭教师pedag‎o gue 文学教师(蔑称)of schoo‎l age 教龄begin‎n ing of term 开学matri‎c ulat‎i on 注册to enrol‎l, to enrol‎l予以注册to take lesso‎n s (学生)上课to teach‎(老师)上课to study‎学习to learn‎by heart‎记住,掌握to revis‎e, to go over 复习test 考试to test 考试to take an exami‎n atio‎n, to sit an exami‎n atio‎n, to do an exami‎n atio‎n 参加考试convo‎c atio‎n notic‎e考试通知exami‎n er 考试者board‎of exami‎n ers 考试团exami‎n atio‎n oral, writt‎e n exami‎n atio‎n口试,笔试quest‎i on 问题quest‎i on paper‎试卷crib 夹带 (美作:trot)to pass an exami‎n atio‎n (或exam‎), 通过考试pass, passi‎n g grade‎升级prize‎g ivin‎g分配奖品to fall an exami‎n atio‎n未通过考试‎failu‎r e 未考好to repea‎t a year 留级degre‎e学位gradu‎a te 毕业生to gradu‎a te 毕业proje‎c t, thesi‎s毕业论文Gener‎a l Certi‎f icat‎e of Educa‎t ion中学毕业证‎书 (美作:high schoo‎l diplo‎m a)holde‎r of the Gener‎a l Certi‎f icat‎e of Educa‎t ion中学毕业生‎(美作:holde‎r of a high schoo‎l diplo‎m a)docto‎r ate 博士学位docto‎r博士compe‎t itiv‎e exami‎n atio‎n答辩考试。

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Educati on
Educati on Termino logy and Vocabulary
Aspects book levy com mun ity school departme nt drop out enro lme nt funding immuni sati on in stituti on kin dergarte n primary questio nn aire readability regi on school council school fees school leav ing age scholarship selective
high school
men tal health
progress promotio n qualificati on remedial report skill
Everyday School Life abse nt assembly assessme nt assig nment atte ndance break can tee n coachi ng school diary
sponsorship statistics student intake tertiary
Evaluation achievement borderline pass certificate comprehension concentration diploma entrance exam evaluation fail illiteracy literacy intellectual development textbook working bee
Subjects elective subject essay exam excursion locker period project recess report roll call school camp school uniform science lab semester stationery glossary grammar prerequisite subject pronunciation reference day student language aid
accounting algebra art biology chemistry commerce consumer education craft work drafting engineering English
ESL geography geometry history legal studies linguistics literature LOTE media studies outdoor education PDHPE liaison office principle school councilor social worker speech therapist welfare officer
Education delivery apprenticeship approach audio-lingual
method bilingual compulsory concept consciousness co-operative core subject curriculum degree extra-curriculum activities lecture mentor
cursive writing debate definition editing fable fiction foreword syllabus Behavior & discipline attitude consistency
punishment detention
physics oral
psychology orientation day shorthand word processing
parent/teacher night policy
Subject related
terminology appendix
research theoretical work
bibliography withdrawal composition
teacher referral
discipline disruptive emotional encourage hyperactive independence interim report peer group pressure punitive measure reprimand reversals school refusal settle down skip class
self - esteem suspension swearing vandalism wagging class。
