



初中英语试讲逐字稿——写作课I.记叙文narration六要素:when, where, who, what, why, how发展顺序:develop by time, develop by space设计思路:①引导学生发现结构(共有几部分)②学生回答表达观点③教师总结讲解记叙文模板①Structure: how many elements/parts are there?②找学生回答6 elements/parts.③The first one is when, it’s about the time. The second is where, it’s about location. The third one is who, it’s about the main character. Then is what, the events. And why, the reason. The last one is how. So, all together six parts. This is the structure.可根据具体内容调整。

II.议论文argumentation基础版•论点:point of view, argument, idea.• 论据:evidence, supporting ideas, reasons.•总结观点:conclusion设计思路:①引导学生发现结构(共有几部分)②学生回答表达观点③教师总结讲解议论文模板①Structure: how many elements/parts are there?②找学生回答3 elements/parts.③The first part is topic of discussion. The second part is your point of view, and the writer will list many detailed information to support his view here. The third part is conclusion. The writer will present his/her ideas again. So, all together three parts.可根据具体内容调整III. 应用文Practical writing书信-letter•称呼:Salutation•正文:Body•敬语:Complimentary Close/Wishes•签名:Signature设计思路:①引导学生发现结构(共有几部分)②学生回答表达观点③教师总结讲解书信模板①Structure: how many elements/parts are there?②找学生回答elements/parts.③The first part is salutation. It’s about the person you write to. And the second part is the body of the letter. You can write whatever you want to say. For example, you can write something about ... When you finish writing, you should add complementary close. For example, ‘Best wishes’, ‘Yours’, ‘Sincerely’ and so on. This is the third part. And at last, signature. That’s your name.可根据具体内容调整通知-notice1.标题:首字母大写(NOTICE 或者Notice)2.正文:主体部分,时间地点、事情内容、通知对象要求等,(精炼、明确)3.署名:靠右对齐,署名个人或者单位4.日期:通常可放右下角。



中学英语写作课试讲稿Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. My name is Caroline and I will be your teacher for this writing class today. In this class, we will be discussing the basics of writing in English and some tips on how you can improve your writing skills. So, let's get started.Part 1: The Basics of Writing in EnglishWriting in English can be a bit overwhelming, especially if English is not your first language. However, there are some basic rules that you can easily learn and follow to improve your writing skills. Here are some tips for writing in English:1. Start with an outlineBefore you start writing, it's important to have a clear understanding of what you want to write about. This is where an outline comes in handy. An outline is a basic structure of your writing that includes the main ideas and supporting details. It helps you stay focused and ensure that your writing is well-organized. 2. Write in simple sentencesWriting in simple sentences can help you avoid confusion and ensure that your writing is easy to read and understand. Use short, clear sentences to express your thoughts and ideas. Avoid using complex sentences and fancy vocabulary unless it is absolutely necessary.3. Use proper grammar and punctuationGrammar and punctuation are important in writing. Using proper grammar and punctuation helps readers understand what you aretrying to say and avoid misunderstandings. Make sure to use the right tense, subject-verb agreement, and proper punctuation marks.4. Edit and proofread your workAfter you finish writing, take the time to edit and proofread your work. This helps you spot errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It also helps you improve the overall structure of your writing and ensure that your ideas are well-organized.Part 2: Tips on How to Improve Your Writing SkillsWriting is a skill that requires practice and patience. Here are some tips on how you can improve your writing skills:1. Read a lotOne of the best ways to improve your writing skills is to read a lot. Read books, articles, blogs, and other materials in English. This will help you develop your vocabulary, learn new writing styles and techniques, and understand how different writers express their ideas.2. Write regularlyWriting regularly is also important for improving your writing skills. Try writing a paragraph or two every day about any topic that interests you. This will help you develop your writing skills, improve your grammar and punctuation, and develop your own writing style.3. Get feedbackGetting feedback on your writing is another important way to improve your writing skills. Ask someone you trust to read yourwriting and give you feedback on what you did well and what you can improve. Take their feedback seriously and use it to improve your writing.4. Attend writing workshops or classesAttending writing workshops or classes is a great way to improve your writing skills. These workshops and classes will give you the opportunity to practice your writing, get feedback from other writers, and learn new techniques and strategies for improving your writing.ConclusionIn conclusion, writing in English is a skill that takes practice, patience, and perseverance. By following the basic rules of writing in English and using the tips we discussed, you can improve your writing skills and become a better writer. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep writing and never give up. Thank you for attending this class, and I wish you all the best in your writing journey.。






根据新课程标准的指导,英语写作课的基本教学过程是:(一) 热身和导入Warming-up and Lead in(二) 写前Pre-writing写作前,一般应激活学生的写作动机。




(三) 写中 While-writing写中,这一步骤包含一个主要活动:初稿( drafting)。



参考案例 Example写作初稿 DraftingT: Just now we have discussed how to describe one person. Let us write a draft about one of friends. You should write it according to the words and the outline on the blackboard.Ss: ok…(四) 写后 Post-writing写后,这一步骤是要让学生进行修改( editing)及作文展读分享、修改润色文( revising)。





初中阶段对于英语写作的要求,实际上是“有指导的写作”(guided writing)。









教师旨在通过和学生谈论他们熟悉的话题“making friends”, 搜索学生头脑中有关朋友的消息,通过阅读两则e-pal广告,获取e-pals的一些信息,指导如何写e-mail ,从而达到给e-pals 写信的目的。


1.warm-up活动:通过听一首英语歌:“the more we get together, the happier we’ll be.”目的是活跃气氛,为引出今天的话题做准备。

2.revision ①使用大脑风暴法(brainstorm)让学生想出一些和friends 有关的单词短语和句子,目的是激活学生头脑中和写作话题make friends 相关的东西,如想法、概念、形象等酝酿写作的思路,供拟稿阶段(drafting stage)选择有写的价值和意义的东西时参考。

] ②根据下列所给提示介绍你的朋友(四人一小组活动)。

⑴name and age. ⑵where he / she comes from subject? ⑶what he is? ⑷what his / her friend? ⑸looks(外貌)⑹personality(性格)⑺his / her dream ⑻??3.pre-reading 通过提问,how can you know your friends, if you haven’t seen each other for a long time? 联系朋友有很多方法,但是 one of the best ways is sending e-mails to them. doyou know why?过渡今天话题的材料,快速看完两则e-pal广告,找出答案。





初中英语写作教案篇1Good morning ladies and gentlemen,尊敬的各位评委老师上午好!今天我要说课的内容是新目标七年级上册英语Unit8 when is your birthday Section A部分。


一、教材分析1、Section A是本单元的重点部分,也是核心教学。


它上承Unit7的数字教学,下接Section B与以后有关日期的英语教学。



因此我把本课的教学目标定为以下几个方面:(1)、知识目标①词汇掌握1-12月份,序数词1-31的表达②日常交际用语when is your birthdayMy birthday is ….③语法掌握日期表达法(2)、能力目标在连贯的听说读写活动中,训练学生的逻辑思维,快速反应能力和实践能力,使学生能熟练应用:when is your birthday句型及其回答。

(3)、情感目标热爱生命,孝敬父母的思想教育3、本课的重点难点及其理论依据根据《课程标准》,重点是掌握句型when is your birthday 及其回答.难点是日期表达中月份和序数词的正确使用。


2.交际功能法通过集体,分组,两人,个人操练等形式,达到交初中英语写作教案篇2各位评委、老师们:我今天说课的内容是仁爱教材七年级下册Unit7 Topic3 SectionA下面我就教材分析、教学方法与学法指导、教学过程等几点对本课进行说明。



初中英文作文写作讲解教案教学目标:1. 学生能够理解英文作文的基本结构和要素。

2. 学生能够运用基本的英语句型和词汇进行作文创作。

3. 学生能够通过作文表达自己的观点和感受。

教学内容:1. 作文的基本结构:引入段、主体段和结尾段。

2. 作文的要素:主题、观点、论据和结论。

3. 基本的英语句型和词汇。

教学步骤:Step 1: 引入(5分钟)1. 向学生问候,并简要介绍本节课的内容。

2. 提问学生:“你们写过英文作文吗?”,让学生分享他们的经验和困难。

Step 2: 讲解作文的基本结构(15分钟)1. 向学生介绍作文的基本结构:引入段、主体段和结尾段。

2. 解释每个部分的作用和重要性。

Step 3: 讲解作文的要素(20分钟)1. 向学生介绍作文的要素:主题、观点、论据和结论。

2. 举例说明每个要素在作文中的运用。

Step 4: 讲解基本的英语句型和词汇(15分钟)1. 向学生介绍一些基本的英语句型和词汇,如:主语+谓语+宾语、定语从句、同位语从句等。

2. 举例说明这些句型和词汇在作文中的运用。

Step 5: 练习写作(20分钟)1. 给学生发放写作练习题目,要求学生根据题目要求写一篇英文作文。

2. 学生在课堂上完成作文,教师巡回指导并提供帮助。

Step 6: 展示和评价(10分钟)1. 学生展示自己的作文,并分享自己的观点和感受。

2. 教师对学生的作文进行评价,给出建议和鼓励。

Step 7: 总结和作业(5分钟)1. 总结本节课的内容,并强调重点和难点。

2. 布置作业:要求学生根据本节课学到的知识和技巧,写一篇英文作文。

教学评价:1. 观察学生在课堂上的参与程度和理解程度。

2. 评估学生的作文质量和表达能力。

3. 收集学生的反馈意见,以便改进教学方法和内容。

教学资源:1. 教学PPT或黑板。

2. 写作练习题目。

3. 参考资料和例句。

教学建议:1. 在课堂上鼓励学生积极参与和提问。

2. 针对不同学生的水平和需求,给予个别指导和帮助。
























教学目标:1. 学生能够掌握英文作文的基本结构和写作技巧。

2. 学生能够运用所学词汇和语法知识进行写作。

3. 培养学生的英语思维能力和表达能力。

教学对象:初一学生教学时间:1课时教学准备:1. 多媒体课件,包括作文范文、写作技巧展示、词汇和语法例句。

2. 课后作业纸,用于学生练习。

3. 黑板和粉笔。

教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 利用图片或视频展示与学生生活相关的主题,激发学生的写作兴趣。

2. 提问学生关于图片或视频的内容,引导学生思考。

二、写作技巧讲解(10分钟)1. 展示一篇优秀的英文作文范文,分析其结构和写作技巧。

2. 讲解英文作文的基本结构:引言、正文、结尾。

3. 强调引言部分的重要性,如何用引人入胜的开头吸引读者。

4. 讲解正文部分的写作技巧,包括段落结构、过渡词的使用等。

5. 讲解结尾部分的重要性,如何用总结性的句子结束作文。

三、词汇和语法讲解(10分钟)1. 展示与作文主题相关的词汇和语法点。

2. 通过例句讲解词汇和语法点的用法。

3. 让学生跟读例句,加强记忆。

四、写作练习(20分钟)1. 给学生分配写作任务,如描述一幅画、写一篇日记等。

2. 学生根据所给主题进行写作练习。

3. 教师巡视指导,解答学生在写作过程中遇到的问题。

五、学生展示和点评(10分钟)1. 邀请几位学生展示自己的作文。

2. 学生之间互相点评作文,指出优点和需要改进的地方。

3. 教师总结学生的写作情况,提出改进建议。

六、总结和作业布置(5分钟)1. 总结本节课所学内容,强调写作技巧和注意事项。

2. 布置课后作业,要求学生根据所学知识写一篇英文作文。

七、课后反思1. 教师反思本节课的教学效果,分析学生的写作水平。

2. 根据学生的反馈调整教学方法和内容。

教学评价:1. 课后收集学生的作文,评估学生的写作水平。

2. 观察学生在课堂上的参与度和进步情况。

3. 通过学生的反馈了解教学效果。

注意事项:1. 教师应鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,提高学生的英语写作兴趣。



初中作文英语讲解教案范文课时安排:2课时教学目标:1. 学生能够理解并运用本课所学的词汇和句型。

2. 学生能够根据所给的题目,独立完成一篇完整的英语作文。

3. 学生能够通过教师的讲解,提高自己的英语写作技巧。

教学内容:1. 词汇和句型的讲解。

2. 作文题目的讲解。

3. 写作技巧的讲解。

教学步骤:第一课时:一、热身活动(5分钟)1. 教师与学生进行简单的英语对话,活跃课堂气氛。

2. 学生进行一些简单的英语游戏,如“单词接龙”等。

二、新课内容讲解(20分钟)1. 教师讲解本课所学的词汇和句型,让学生进行实际操作,确保他们能够理解和掌握。

2. 教师给出一些例子,让学生进行模仿和练习。

三、作文题目讲解(15分钟)1. 教师给出作文题目,并解释题目的要求。

2. 教师可以给出一些写作思路,帮助学生进行思考。

四、课堂小结(5分钟)1. 教师对本课的内容进行总结,确保学生已经理解和掌握。

2. 学生进行一些简单的英语练习,巩固所学的内容。

第二课时:一、作文批改和讲解(20分钟)1. 教师对学生上节课所写的作文进行批改,并找出一些常见的错误。

2. 教师对学生进行讲解,帮助他们改正错误,提高写作水平。

二、写作技巧讲解(15分钟)1. 教师讲解一些写作技巧,如如何进行开头和结尾,如何进行过渡等。

2. 教师可以给出一些例子,让学生进行模仿和练习。

三、课堂小结(5分钟)1. 教师对本课的内容进行总结,确保学生已经理解和掌握。

2. 学生进行一些简单的英语练习,巩固所学的内容。

教学评价:1. 学生对本课所学的词汇和句型的掌握程度。

2. 学生对作文题目的理解和完成情况。

3. 学生对写作技巧的掌握程度。



中考作文英文作文讲解教案英文:As a teacher, I believe that teaching a language should be an interactive and engaging process. When it comes to teaching English writing, I always encourage my students to express themselves freely and use a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures. In this teaching plan, I will explain how to teach a middle school English writing composition for the entrance exam.Firstly, I will start by introducing the topic of the composition. I usually choose a topic that is relevant to the students' lives and interests, such as "My Favorite Hobby" or "The Most Memorable Experience". This helps to engage the students and make the writing process more enjoyable for them.Next, I will guide the students through the process of brainstorming and organizing their ideas. I will encouragethem to write down all the ideas that come to mind and then choose the most relevant ones to include in their composition. I will also teach them how to create anoutline to organize their thoughts and ensure that their composition has a clear structure.After that, I will focus on teaching the students howto write an engaging introduction and a strong conclusion.I will emphasize the importance of grabbing the reader's attention in the introduction and leaving a lasting impression in the conclusion. I will provide examples and guide the students through the process of writing these important parts of the composition.Then, I will teach the students how to develop their ideas and provide supporting details in the body paragraphs.I will encourage them to use descriptive language and provide specific examples to make their writing more vivid and engaging. I will also teach them how to use transition words to connect their ideas and create a smooth flow in their writing.Finally, I will emphasize the importance of revising and editing their composition. I will teach them how to look for errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as how to improve the clarity and coherence of their writing. I will encourage them to peer review each other's compositions and provide constructive feedback to help each other improve.Overall, my goal is to create a supportive and interactive learning environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves in writing. I believethat by providing guidance and encouragement, I can help my students develop their English writing skills and succeed in their entrance exam.中文:作为一名教师,我相信教授语言应该是一个互动和引人入胜的过程。



初中英语教师面试《写作》试讲教案初中英语《写作》教案Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Students can consolidate the sentencestructure “Where were you doing when…”“I was doing…”Ability aims:Students can express what they were doing when something important happened.Students’writing abilities will be improved. Emotional aims:Students will be willing to share their feelings with their classmates.Students will learn to work with their partners and their cooperative awareness will be aroused.Teaching key points and difficult points:Key points:Difficult Points:Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warm-up and Lead-in1.Daily greeting.2.Sing a songLet students enjoy a beautiful song named “yesterday once more”, telling them it’s a song about something happened in the past. Before they listen, I will ask them to pay attention to the lyrics.When I was young I'd listen to the radioWaiting for my favorite songs…Ask them “What did the author do when he was young?”“What come to your mind when you think of the past?”Lead out the topic by telling them that today we are going to talking about what we were doing when some event happened.Step 2 Pre-writing1.Play a short video of the news that Typhoon Mangkhut hit She Zhen Then ask them how they feel about this news and what they did them this event happened.2. Ask students to finish the table which describe the event on their own with the help of the mind map.3. Ask students to work in groups and finish the task:Think of one event and talk about it according to the aspects given in the chart above, then finish the chart.4.Ask students to read 3 B of the textbook. Ask them to try to fill in the blanks orally.5.Write an outline on the black board telling them the structure of this article.Step 3 While-writingStudents will be given 15 minutes to finish a article according to the chart they have finished and article of 3B. They need to pay attention to the usage of the sentence pattern “I was doing …when …”.Spelling of words, punctuations and grammar are what they need to pay attention to and they are encouraged to use some transitional sentences.Step 4 post-writingAsk them to exchange their essays with their classmates and help each other to correct the mistakes.Choose a volunteer to stand on the stage to read their article loudly and infectiously.As their instructor, I’ll help correct their mistakes if they mispronounce, and raise them for their good performance.Step 5 Summary & HomeworkAt the end of my class, I’ll invite one of the students to review what we have learned and others make a supplement together so that they can review the lesson. And as for homework: I’ll ask my students to make a survey asking their family members what they were doing when something important happened considering they can keeping learning at home in this way.Black board design:。



初中英文作文写作讲解教案教案:英文:Today, I'm going to talk about how to write an English composition for middle school students. Writing a good composition requires a clear structure, good language skills, and the ability to express ideas effectively. Here are some tips and steps for writing a great English composition.First, it's important to choose a good topic. You can write about your personal experiences, a book you've read, a movie you've watched, or a current event. It's best to choose a topic that you are passionate about and have a lot to say on.Next, you need to organize your ideas. Start with an introduction that grabs the reader's attention andintroduces the topic. Then, write the body paragraphs where you present your main ideas and support them with examples and evidence. Finally, end with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.When writing, it's important to use a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures. Avoid using the same words and phrases repeatedly. Instead, try to use synonyms and different sentence patterns to make your composition more interesting and engaging.In addition, pay attention to grammar and punctuation. Make sure to use correct tenses, subject-verb agreement, and punctuation marks. Also, be mindful of your spelling and use a dictionary or spell-checker to avoid mistakes.Finally, don't forget to revise and edit your composition. Read it aloud to yourself or ask a friend to read it and give you feedback. Look for any errors or areas where you can improve and make the necessary changes.Now, let's move on to the Chinese version of the teaching plan.中文:今天,我要讲一下如何给初中生写作英语作文。



一、教学目标1. 知识目标:- 学生能够正确理解和运用本节课所学的英语词汇和句型。

- 学生能够理解并掌握英语语法规则。

2. 能力目标:- 学生能够通过本节课的学习,提高听、说、读、写四项基本技能。

- 学生能够运用所学知识进行简单的英语对话和写作。

3. 情感目标:- 学生能够增强学习英语的兴趣,树立学习英语的自信心。

- 学生能够在英语学习中培养良好的学习习惯和合作精神。

二、教学内容1. 单元主题:根据教材内容,确定本节课的主题。

2. 课文内容:选取课文中的关键句型、词汇和语法点。

3. 课后作业:布置相关的课后作业,巩固所学知识。

三、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟)- 引入话题:通过图片、视频、歌曲等形式,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生进入英语学习状态。

2. 预习(5分钟)- 学生预习课文,找出课文中的生词、短语和句型,尝试翻译。

3. 课文讲解(15分钟)- 教师讲解课文中的生词、短语和句型,解释语法规则。

- 通过提问、回答等方式,引导学生理解和掌握课文内容。

4. 练习(15分钟)- 学生进行听、说、读、写四项基本技能的练习。

- 教师通过小组合作、角色扮演等形式,提高学生的实际运用能力。

5. 课堂小结(5分钟)- 教师对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调重点和难点。

- 学生回顾所学内容,巩固记忆。

6. 课后作业布置(5分钟)- 教师布置课后作业,要求学生在课后完成。

四、教学评价1. 学生课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的积极参与程度、合作精神、遵守纪律等方面。

2. 学生作业完成情况:检查学生的课后作业,了解学生对所学知识的掌握程度。

3. 学生成绩:通过单元测试、期中考试、期末考试等,评估学生的学习效果。

五、教学反思1. 教学过程中遇到的问题及解决方法。

2. 学生在学习过程中遇到的困难及帮助。

3. 教学效果评价,对教学方法的改进建议。

以下为一份具体的初中英语试讲中文教案示例:课题:《My Family》一、教学目标1. 知识目标:- 学生能够掌握家庭成员的英文表达方式。




1. 掌握两种对比连接词even though和although的用法。

2. 能够运用对比连接词even though和although写出连贯的句子。

3. 培养学生的逻辑思维能力和英语表达能力。


对比连接词even though和although的用法。


运用对比连接词even though和although写出连贯的句子。



1. 展示两幅图片,一幅是晴天的图片,一幅是雨天的图片。

2. 提问学生,What's the weather like in the pictures?英文回答,The weather in the first picture is sunny. The weather in the second picture is rainy.中文回答,第一张图片的天气是晴天。


3. 引出话题,今天我们学习两种对比连接词,even though和although,它们可以用来连接两个相反或对比的信息。


1. even though。

英文解释,Even though means "although" or "despite the fact that". It is used to introduce a contrasting clause that contradicts the main clause.中文解释,虽然,尽管。


例句,Even though it was raining, we still went for a walk.虽然下雨,但我们仍然去散步。

2. although。

英文解释,Although is similar to even though. It is also used to introduce a contrasting clause. However, although is more formal than even though.中文解释,虽然,尽管。



初中英语万能试讲教案教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读本节课的生词和重点句子。

2. 能用英语进行简单的自我介绍。

3. 能通过图片和情景,正确使用一般现在时描述人物特征。

教学内容:1. 生词:name, family, friend, teacher, student, like, has, got, hair, eyes, nose, mouth.2. 重点句子:- My name's Gina. I'm a teacher.- This is my family. They are my parents and my sister.- I like reading books.- She has long hair and big eyes.教学步骤:Step 1: warm-up1. 让学生自由交谈,询问他们对自己的家人和朋友的了解。

2. 引导学生谈论他们的兴趣爱好。

Step 2: presentation1. 展示图片,引导学生说出人物的名称和特征。

2. 引入生词和句子,让学生听录音并模仿发音。

Step 3: practice1. 分组活动,让学生互相介绍自己的家人和朋友。

2. 让学生用一般现在时描述人物的特征。

Step 4: consolidation1. 让学生编写一个小故事,用上所学的生词和句子。

2. 学生互相交换故事,并进行角色扮演。

教学评价:1. 课后收集学生的练习册,检查他们对生词和句子的掌握情况。

2. 在课堂上观察学生的参与度和发音准确性。




初中英语《写作教学 教案+试讲稿

初中英语《写作教学 教案+试讲稿

写作教学1.Teaching aims1)Knowledge aimStudents will be able to master the format of letter.2)Ability aimStudents can train their ability of writing,and apply what they learned to practice.3)Emotional aimStudents can be encouraged to cherish friendship and express their opinions politely.2.Important and difficult points1)Important pointStudents will be guided to get to know the format of letter.2)Difficult pointStudents will use the format to write a letter.3.Teaching and learning methodsSituational teaching method;communicative teaching method; task-based teaching method;group work method;cooperation study method;independent study method4.Teaching proceduresStep1:Greeting and lead inI will show the students an interesting video about their old friendPeppa pig to see whether she has a busy week or not.Then I will read Sonia’s letter for the students.And they are supposed to answer two questions.The first one,What Sonia is going to do on Tuesday?The second one,Does Sonia want Henry to join them to watch a movie?Then one student will be invited to answer.Step2:pre-writingBefore writing.I will show the format of letter and write it down on the blackboard.Step3:while-writing1)Writing.The students write the letter by themselves.2)PolishingThe students exchange their work with their group members,and help each other to find out their mistakes,such as spelling,grammar,format and errors in logic.Step4:post-writingI will invite some students to read their letters in front of the class. And I will give assessment.Step5:Summary and homeworkI will invite one of them to summarize what they have learned in this class.Homework:1.Read Sonia's letter for three times2.Polish their writing and show us next class.5.Blackboard design写作教学2018年1月6日GreetingClass begins!Good Morning,boys and girls!How are you today? Great?Yep,I am pretty good,too!Are you ready for today’s English journey?OK,Let’s go!1.Warming-upBefore starting our topic today,I will divide you into three teams, here,you are team strawberry.Here,you are team watermelon,and here you are team grape,and so if you answer my question positively and correctly,you will get one point for your team,the team who got most points is the winner,understand?Good!2.Lead inHey guys,I want to show you an interesting video about our old friend Peppa pig.Let’s see whether she has a busy week or not.OK,so she has a really busy week,because she has so many things to do.Yes.I wonder what you usually do during the week,what you are going to do this week?Amanda,please.You will go to a natural park and take quite a few photos.Great,you got one point for your team, congratulations,sit down.Frank,wow,you are going to cook some delicious food with your classmates,really?It’s amazing that you can cook.Wonderful.One point for your team,too.So guys,our old friendSonia will have a very busy week,so she has to turn down Henry’s invitation and she writes a letter to Henry,let’s find out what she gonna do,OK?3.Pre-writingI am going to read it for you,please listen carefully and answer two questions on the PPT.The first one,What Sonia is going to do on Tuesday?The second one,Does Sonia want Henry to join them to watch a movie?3minutes,let’s go!Time is up,who’d like to show your answer?John please.Sonia is going to go to the dentist on Tuesday.You are right.And the second question?Yes,she does.Do you think so?Yes,excellent,one point for your team.Sit down.So guys,you have read the passage once,can you tell me what it is,a diary?Or a......,yes!It is a letter.A letter from Sonia to Henry,right?Yes, so suppose that we are Henry,how about writing back to Sonia?(老师睁大眼睛做惊喜期待状)4.While-writingLet’s go!But,before writing,we need to know the format of letters, right?Do you know?Don’t worry,let me help you.Actually,it is quite easy.A letter contains four parts,look at the blackboard.First,it is the salutation.--The name of the one who you are writingfor,we can say,Dear Tom,Hi Henry,Dear teacher,understand?OK,next,it comes to the body of our letter,you can start your letter withI have received your letter of July1st.I have the pleasure to tell you that...or I am very much delighted to receive your letter.then you can write down what you want to say here.Next,it is the complimentary close.Here are some useful examples, Yours sincerely,Yours truly,Yours faithfully,Most sincerely.And last step is the signature--your name.Understand?Now we have known the format,shall we begin to write?OK,ten minutes for you.I notice that most of you have already finished writing,now please exchange your work with your group members,and try to help your partner to find out their mistakes,such as spelling,grammar,format and errors in logic,let’go!(停顿两秒)5.Post-writing叮咚,time’s up.I noticed that all of you did that so carefully and seriously,so who’d like to show your work to us?Wow,so many hands, Vivian,please,you put up your hand so high,come here.Do you like her work,yes me too.I'm so glad to see that you have made such a great progress in your exercises,but please pay attention,please useam going to,not go,because you are describing a event which will happen in the future,clear?Thank you,one point for your team.Anyone else?OK,Tracy,please.Wow,perfect work,and I found your handwriting is better than before.I am so proud of you. One point.6.Summary and homeworkHow time flies,Who can show your harvest today?Bob,you please.Yes,we learned the format of letters.And we also wr ote a letter to Sonia.A good friend is just like a light in the dark.Let's cherish our friendship.Let's look at the points,who is the winner today?yes,it is the team s trawberry,Congratulations!And others,I believe that you can do better.Your homework today.1.Read Sonia's letter for three times2.Polish your writing and show us next class.Okay,you did a really good job today,I am so proud of you,so class is over.Bye everyone~7.Blackboard design。



教案:初中面试英语写作教学目标:1. 让学生掌握面试场景下的常用英语表达和句型。

2. 培养学生运用英语进行自我介绍和回答问题的能力。

3. 提高学生书写英语作文的能力和语言组织能力。

教学内容:1. 面试场景下的常用英语表达和句型。

2. 自我介绍的常用句型和表达。

3. 回答问题的常用句型和表达。

教学步骤:Step 1: 引入话题1. 向学生介绍面试的重要性,以及面试中使用英语的必要性。

2. 引导学生思考面试中可能会遇到的问题和如何用英语回答。

Step 2: 讲解面试场景下的常用英语表达和句型1. 讲解自我介绍的常用句型和表达,如:Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is... I am 14 years old. I come from... I like... etc.2. 讲解回答问题的常用句型和表达,如:Yes, I do./No, I don't./That's a good question./I think... etc.Step 3: 练习自我介绍和回答问题1. 让学生分成小组,互相练习自我介绍和回答问题。

2. 鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,注意语音语调的准确性。

Step 4: 写作练习1. 让学生根据之前学习的自我介绍和回答问题的句型和表达,写一篇关于面试的英语作文。

2. 引导学生注意作文的结构和语言组织,以及避免语法和拼写错误。

Step 5: 展示和评价1. 让学生展示自己的作文,并互相评价。

2. 教师对学生的作文进行点评,指出优点和需要改进的地方。

教学评价:1. 观察学生在面试场景下的英语表达和自我介绍的能力。

2. 评估学生的英语作文,看是否能够正确运用所学知识和句型。






教学内容Part 1 - 题型分析对于初中英语写作面试,常见的题型有:1.个人介绍:让学生通过写作的方式向面试官介绍自己的基本情况;2.日常生活:以某个话题为出发点,提出有关日常生活的问题,要求学生回答应对;3.邮件或申请信:让学生模拟写邮件或申请信等正式文书;4.写作指南:要求学生写作指南,向读者指导如何完成某项任务或解决某个问题;5.英语演讲稿:给学生提供演讲主题,要求学生准备一份演讲稿。


Part 2 - 写作技巧在备考初中英语写作面试时,同学们需要注意一些基本的写作技巧,以确保自己能够写出流畅、有逻辑性、无语病的英语作品,这些技巧包括:1.阅读题目要求,理解主题和内容;2.进行头脑风暴,列出写作要点、关键词、短语,确定写作方向;3.运用适当的句式、语法和词汇,表达自己的意思;4.避免中式英语,避免语法错误、拼写错误;5.对草稿进行反复修改,检查语法、拼写和句子结构是否正确。


Part 3 - 面试实践实践是检验学生实际能力的关键,为此我们为同学们准备了以下实践环节:1.练习题型:教师出题,为同学们提供一个题目,要求学生在规定的时间内撰写文章;2.交流:同学们互相交流彼此的写作,并进行讨论、提出意见和建议;3.写作自我检查:要求学生自己检查自己的作品,对语法、拼写、标点进行检查,准确传达自己的意思;4.教师点评:教师指出各篇作文中存在的问题,并提供相关的建议和修正方法。


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初中英语写作试讲教案【篇一:英语试讲教案模板】模板:teaching aims (教学目标)1 knowledge objects: make students read the important words and sentences2 ability objects: make students master the grammar in the text________3 moral objects:improve the interests in studying english and_________teaching important points(教学重点)words:_________________________________sentences:_______________________________________________________________________________teaching difficult points(教学难点)master the grammaruse the words in their lives____________________teaching aids(教具)cards、 projectors _________ __________ ________teaching procedure:(教学过程)step1 leading-instep 2 __________........step n homeworkblackboard design (板书设计)(一)形式教案是教学设计的文字体现,有相对的格式与要求。




























1.一般现在时 the present tense2.一般过去时 the past tense3.一般将来时 the future tense4.一般过去将来时 the past future tense5.现在进行时 the present continuous tense6.过去进行时 the past continuous tense7.将来进行时 the future continuous tense8.过去将来进行时 the past future continuous tense9.现在完成时 the present perfect tense10.过去完成时 the past perfect tense11.将来完成时 the future perfect tense12.过去将来完成时 the past future perfect tense13.现在完成进行时 the present perfect continuous tense14.过去完成进行时 the past perfect continuous tense15.将来完成进行时 the future perfect continuous tense16.过去将来完成进行时 the past future perfect continuoustense ⅰ.warm-up1.classbegins!goodmorning,boysandgirls!sitdown,please!2.boysandgirl,areyouhappytoday?imhappy,too.letssinganengli shsongtogether,ok?whatsyourfavouriteseason?clapyourhands ,please.wow!wonderful!ⅱ.presentation letslearn1.nowboysandgirls,pleaselookatthispicture.whatseasonisitnow yes,itssummer.whybecauseicanswim.readafterme.thisline,pl easereadthiswordonebyone.great!2.lookatthispicture!whatseasonisit?why?becauseicanmakeasn owman.readafterme.thisline,readit.verygood!3.insummer,icanswim.inwinter,icanmakeasnowman.andinwinte r,icanskate,too.followme,please.3.somuchforthisclass.classisover.goodbye,everyone!thankyouforlistening【篇二:英语试讲教案】小学四年级下册unit 1 our school 教案教师:周建华对象:四年级课时:40 minutes课题:unit 1 our school 第二课时教学目标:让学生熟练掌握单词art room, computer room, music room, tv room, wash room.教学重点、难点、:掌握part b部分的五个单词,以及这几个单词中room的构词功能。


教学过程:一:课堂导入(2分钟)t: hello, kids! nice to meet you again! last time, we have learned the part a of unit1 our school. now ,let’s go over what we learn. 二:复习(5分钟)guess, where am i?1. t: look at me. i am playing basketball. where am i ?s: playground.t: good! playground. (教师出示卡片)2. t: ok, listen carefully! wow ,the flowers are so beautiful. where am i?s: garden.t: garden?(教师怀疑的表情)t: yes, you are right. garden.3. t: be quiet! many students are reading books. where am i? who knows? hands up, please!s: library.t: is she right?t: you are so clever.4. t: now, class is over. i’m so hungry, where should i go to have dinner?s: canteen.t: very good!5. t: this is my homework. i must hand it in to teacher. where should i go? put up your hand, please.s: teacher’s office.t: oh! wonderful. let’s clap for her.教师总结上节课的单词,带读。

三:呈现新课(12分钟)1、过渡(2分钟)t: well done! you do a good job. today, we continue our lesson, unit1 our school, part b. open your book, turn to page7. let’s chant. read the context and do the action. do as i do.let’s chant:school days, school days. what a lot of fun!read in the library.water flowers in the garden.eat in the canteen.play in the playground.school days, school days. what a lot of fun!2、呈现新单词(2分钟)t: well done. please look at the picture.(1) t: what are they doing ?s: 画画t: yes, we can say it art. (教师板书art)t: they draw pictures in a room. so it is an art room. 教师板书art room,带读。
