
HUNAN UNIVERSITY 毕业论文论文题目一种类人机器人的语音交互与软件设计学生姓名陈明学生学号201208070103专业班级智能科学与技术1班学院名称信息科学与工程学院指导老师李仁发学院院长李仁发2016年 6月1日一种类人机器人的语音交互与软件设计摘要本文阐述了利用NAO机器人进行语音识别研究并涉及了机器人相关的常见行为交互。
多任务并行的舞蹈的设计实际上是把多种任务聚合在behavior层,这些任务包括:头、足、手臂的分帧运动设计,LEDs灯组的颜色变化以及根据Aldebaran Robotics公司的官方文档中QiChat Syntax部分进行给定话题下的对话设计。

的声源定位——基于NAO的声源定位——基于NAO一、引言1.1 背景的定位能力是实现智能感知环境的重要一项能力。
1.2 目的本文档旨在介绍如何利用NAO进行声源定位的方法和步骤,以帮助开发人员和研究者在实际应用中实现声源定位功能。
二、NAO概述2.1 特点NAO是一种人形,具有人类的身体结构和一定的交互能力。
2.2 硬件要求进行声源定位任务,需要具备以下硬件设备:- NAO- 麦克风阵列- 电脑或服务器三、声源定位原理3.1 声源定位方法声源定位可以通过多种方法实现,常用的方法包括:- 声音强度差(Interaural Level Difference,ILD)法- 声音时间差(Interaural Time Difference,ITD)法- 声学波束成形(Acoustic Beamforming)法3.2 NAO的声源定位原理NAO通过麦克风阵列采集周围环境中的声音,并利用声音的强度差和时间差来判断声音的来源方向。
四、NAO声源定位的实现步骤4.1 准备工作在进行声源定位任务之前,需要进行以下准备工作:- 搭建NAO的开发环境- 连接麦克风阵列至NAO- 安装和配置声源定位算法库4.2 数据采集使用NAO的麦克风阵列采集周围环境中的声音数据,并记录下采样时刻和对应的音频信号。
4.3 数据处理对于采集到的音频数据,需要进行预处理,包括噪声去除、数据滤波等。
4.4 声源定位结果显示将声源定位的结果显示在NAO的屏幕上,或通过语音输出或其他形式告知用户。
五、附录本文档涉及的附件有:1: NAO开发环境安装指南2:麦克风阵列连接和配置指南3:声源定位算法库安装和配置指南六、法律名词及注释1: NAO:一种由法国软银公司(SoftBank Robotics)开发的可人,广泛应用于教育、娱乐和服务等领域。

文章基于NAOqi API实现人脸图像识别与简单的触觉感知,借助讯飞语音云和图灵机器人进行语音识别与理解,结合NAO机器人视觉、听觉、触觉等开发多种通道人机交互案例,为基于NAO机器人的多通道交互应用研究奠定基础。
关键词:人机交互;NAO机器人;NAOqi API;多通道中图分类号:R749.94;TP242 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-9416(2018)04-0078-031 引言人机交互是实现人与计算机对话的技术[1]。
2 NAO机器人的人机交互通道2.1 视觉在NAO机器人头部有两个摄像头,其分辨率都为640×480,图像的有效像素为920万,系统可提供30帧/秒的图像帧率[6]。
2.2 听觉NAO机器人内安装有四个麦克风,通过利用NAOqi中ALAudioRecorder模块,实现NAO 听觉功能。
2.3 触觉NAO共提供了13个触觉传感器,其中头顶三个,左右手各三个,左右脚各两个。

Heni Ben Amor / David Vogt / Erik Berger Institute of Computer Science / T.U. Bergakademie Freiberg Freiberg (Germany)The Institute of Computer S cience at the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg performs research on various aspects of humanoid and android robotics, virtual reality and computer networks. Research topics include the imitation of human behavior, physical human-robot interaction and the integration of physical robots in virtual reality environments. The institute runs Master’s programs in Applied Computer Science and Network Computing in which several robotics related lectures are taught. S tate-of-the-art research at the international level is ensured through collaborations with Universities in Japan, e.g. the Intelligent Robotics Lab (Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro) at the University of Osaka. We acquired the NAO robots in the beginning of 2011 for research on interaction learning methods. Currently, one Postdoc and two Master’s students are working with NAO. The objective of this research project is to capture the way humans interact with each other during conversations or during physical interaction, for example when a person hands a bottle over to a second person. Using machine learning techniques we extract information about the interaction that allows the NAO robot to engage in a similar interaction with a human being, e.g. hand over a bottle to a human partner.Imitation learning enables a robot to copy a human behavior seen through some camera or motion capture device. In this way, we think that robots will become more autonomous and this will also reduce the need for programming or coding. We want to capture the interaction between two humans and would like to replicate this situation afterwards with a robot and a human. In this way, we can make the interaction capabilities of robots more natural and lifelike.We are also developing simulation and optimization techniques, which allow us to evaluate a new behavior in a virtual environment before using it on the real robot. Using dimensionality reduction algorithms in conjunction with evolutionary algorithms, we are able to optimize each new behavior in the NaoSim simulator. For example, we are currently working on optimizing the walking gait for stability. To initialize this process (the so called bootstrapping stage) we record a walking gait from a human demonstrator. The walking gait is then applied in simulation on the NAO robot and is then further optimized in the NaoSim simulator. Once a stable variant of the walking gait is found, we replay it using the realNAO robot. HUMAN ROBOT INTERACTIONS USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES“ The objective of this research project is to capture the way humans interact with each other during conversations or during physical interaction. ” “ We are also developing simulation and optimization techniques, which allow us to evaluate a new behavior in a virtual environment beforeusing it on the real robot. ”At this point, we are trying to learn an interaction model from previously recorded motions. Then the idea is to find the robot posture that is suitable for a human posture depending on the current situation.Another focus of our research is to increase the vividness of a robot motion; or change the visual appeal.For that, we are using mostly Disney’s principles of animation. For example, you can have the robot play back animations in an exaggerated style or you can have it play back the animation witha different mood like sadness or happiness.To visualize this process we use a CAVE virtual reality installation. The CAVE allows us to easily embed NAO in a wide variety of different environments. We can put the robot in this environment and try out different situations and see how the robot would respond to this situation.In our motion tracking approach, we are using the Microsoft Kinect camera to get a 3D depth picture of our scene. Based on this information, we detect up to two users and extract their body postures over time. The resulting motions and interactions get optimized for the NAO’s body configuration within simulation. Optimized motions can then be replayed on the NAO. This allows us to easily create new behaviors.The NAO robot is an ideal platform for our research. It is probably the most sophisticated available commercial humanoid robot. NAO can perform difficult movements (standing on one leg, dancing, etc.), recognize objects and faces and comes with high-quality speech synthesis algorithms. For our research it has proven crucial, that NAO has an appealing design. The cute appearance along with the speech synthesis capabilities allow us to easily initiate conversations and human-robot interactions.Although we have acquired our NAO robots only five months ago, we have been very productive. This is mainly due to the great SDK and the …Choregraphe“ software which are included. Using choregraphe helps (especially students) to make the first steps with NAO and to learn about its capabilities.In our lab programming is done using the NAO API in C++. Choregraphe and the NaoSim simulator are then used to assess the quality of a newly developed behavior. Additionally, we use a set of in-house and open-source tools for machine learning and motion capturing. This also includes middleware for interfacing the Microsoft Kinect camera.So far we have developed the main components of our interaction learning method, such as the imitation of the users movements. Our next goal is to evaluate the approach by performing human-robot interaction study with a number of human test subjects. The results will be presented at the ICML 2011 Workshop on New Developments in Imitation Learning. We also hope to create a rich set of interactive behaviors for NAO, which would allow him to react in a natural way to different situations.“ Although we have acquired our NAO robots only five months ago, we have been very productive. This is mainly due to the great SDK and the “Choregraphe” software which are included. Using choregraphe helps (especially students) to make the first steps with NAO and to learn about its capabilities. ”/AldebaranRobotics。

机器人的触碰传感器功能——基于NAO人型机器人AbstractNatural and intuitive interaction is an important part of successful robotics. Most of this interaction is made possible by the robot’s sensors –cameras for identifying people and objects; microphones for recognizing words and other sounds; etc.. In this paper we will discuss some of the interaction modes that are specific to NAO: the tactile capacitative sensors on his head and hands, his chest button, and the bumpers on his feet.Related workCapacitative sensors have many uses, but one of their most common applications is in touch-screens such as those of smart-phones.PrinciplesNAO’s chest button has several functions. For starters, pressing it once turns NAO on; if the button is held for five seconds then NAO will shut down. When NAO is up and running, one press on the chest button will make him introduce himself and give his current IP address, while two consecutive pushes will stop his motor control loop. The “two-push” function should be used with caution and preferably while holding NAO, as otherwise removing stiffness may cause the robot to fall. One-push, two-push, and three-push can be overridden to trigger other events by using the ALSentinel module, for example if you want to personalize the way your robot says its IP address.NAO’s foot bumper s are simple on/off type buttons. They only have two states: pressed or not pressed.NAO also has several tactile sensors: three on his head, which cover three clearly marked zones (front, center, and back) andsurrounded by LEDs; and three more discreet tactile sensors on the back of each hand. These sensors work by detecting the changes in surface capacitance caused by contact with a conductor, such as a finger.All of these sensors can be programmed to trigger a variety of events.KEY FEATURE TACTILE SENSORSPerformancesNAO can not only determine which sensors have been activated, but also – in the case of capacitative sensors – the exact zone that has been touched, allowing for complex interactions and commands.Limitations● On/off sensors offer a more limited range of interaction.● Capacitative sensors only react to the touch of conductive objects such as a hand or a finger (but not a pen, for example).How does it work?NAO’s foot bumpers and the capacitative sensors on his head and hands can be programmed in two ways:● In C++ or Python, by creating an event to detect changes to the sensor state, and using this to launch the desired action● Or simply by using the dedicated boxes in Choregraphe.NAO’s reactions to presses of his chest button can be changed through the ALSentinel module only. This module is in charge of NAO’s “vital functions”, including checking battery levels and making sure NAOqi is running and motors aren’t overheating.FIGURE 1Hhead sensorsFIGURE 2Close-up of hand ADD LABELSHow are people using it?NAO’s buttons and sensors are an important interface for interacting with humans and NAO’s environment.Here are a few examples:● NAO’s foot bumpers can be used to detect collisions with low objects.● I f high levels of background noise make voice-recognition impractical, NAO’s head sensors can be used to navigate in a menu by touching the back or front sensors to move through themenu, then the central panel to select an option.● Using NAO’s hand sensor s, we can easily detect if someone takes one of NAO’s hands. This can be used in order to lead the robot by the hand, or to enable NAO to react to assistance in getting up from a sitting position, for example.As mentioned above, NAO can be programmed to trigger almost any kind of action or processing upon receiving a signal from one or more of these sensors – yourimagination is the only limit!FIGURE 3Dedicated Choregraphe boxes for NAO’s sensors。

基于NAO机器人视觉识别科教创新实验设计作者:王可欣卫九蓉杨嘉融李程王晨石玉强宁来源:《科技创新导报》2021年第19期摘要:依托高校人工智能课程,结合垃圾分类这一重要民生问题,本文设计了基于NAO 机器人的垃圾识别与目标抓取创新实验。
基于NAO的实验开发平台Choregraphe,使用视频监视器进行图像数据的学习,建立图像数据库,进而使用Vision Reco.指令盒进行视觉识别。
关键词:NAO机器人视觉识别机器人运动控制垃圾分类中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2021)07(a)-0178-06Innovative Experimental Design Based on NAO Robot Visual RecognitionWANG Kexin WEI Jiurong YANG Jiarong LI Cheng WANG Chen SHI Yu QIANG Ning*(School of Physics and Information Technology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an,Shaanxi Province, 710062 China)Abstract: Relying on the artificial intelligence course in colleges and universities, combined with the important livelihood problem of garbage classification, this paper designs an innovative experiment of waste identification and target capture based on NAO robot. The experimental development platform Chorepache based on NAO uses video monitor to learn image data, establish image database, and then use Vision Reco. Instruction box for visual recognition. According to the robot kinematics theory, the grasping action design of NAO to the target is realized, and NAOMarks is used to process the positioning information to ensure that NAO can correctly locate the trash can. Through teaching practice, it is found that students have a high interest in this mode of teaching method, cultivate students' practical ability, and have a positive significance in promoting the cultivation of students' innovative practical thinking.Key Words: NAO robot; Visual recognition; Robot motion control; Garbage classification仿人型机器人具备与人类相似的外观,可以适应人类的生活和工作环境,代替人类完成各种作业,其中Aldebaran Robotics公司研制的NAO是目前世界上应用最广泛的人形机器人[1]。

NAO的运动模型基于一个普遍的逆运动学( Generalized Inverse Kinematics),当要求NAO 伸出手臂时,它会同时弯下躯干。这是因为它的 手臂和腿部关节都被考虑在内。而且NAO会停止移 动,以保持平衡。
摔倒管理器(Fall Manager)可在机器 人摔倒时起到保护作用。它的主要功能 在于探测机器人的重心(CoM)是否超出 支持多边形的范围。该支持多边形根据 接触地面的双足 的位置来确定。当摔倒 管理器探测到机器人要摔倒时,所有的 运动任务都会被终止,机器人的双臂会 根据情况处于自我保护的位置,而且机 器人重心降低,电机的刚 度也会降为零 。
声源定位 让机器人与人类互动是研制仿人机器
人的主要目的之一。声源定位功能用 于确定声音来自何方。当NAO附近的 某个声源发出声音时,NAO身上的四 个麦克风在接收声波的时间上会略有 差异。例如,当有人在NAO左侧说话 时,相应的信号会首先到达机器人左 侧的麦克风,几毫秒之后到达位于前 额与脑后的麦克风,最后到达右侧的 麦克风。 这种时间差名为“双耳时间差”( interaural time differences,简称ITD )。在这些时间差的基础上,通过数 学运算可获得声源的当前位置。
全方位行走 摔倒管理器 声源定位
音频 触觉传感器
NAO机器人拥有着讨人喜欢的外形。并具备有一定程 度的人工智能和约一定程度的情感智商并能够和人亲 切的互动。该机器人还如同真正的人类婴儿一般拥有 学习能力。
NAO机器人还可以通过学习身体语言和表情来推断出 人的情感变化,并且随着时间的推移“认识”更多的 人,并能够分辨这些人不同的行为及面孔。

NAO机器人NAO 是谁?NAO是一个 58 厘米高的仿人机器人,身体小巧圆润,人见人爱!NAO 立志成为人类理想的家居伙伴。
它可以行走,会认人,能听人说话,甚至还可以与人交谈!自 2006 年诞生以来,NAO 一直在不断进步,变得越发讨人喜欢,会帮人消遣散心,还越来越了解、热爱人类,有朝一日将会成为人类真正的朋友。
Aldebaran 公司研制 NAO 的主要目的在于创造出一个会在人们日常生活中伴随其左右的伙伴。
NAO 这个人造小精灵会让人们的生活变得更加美好。
NAO 的成长历程NAO虽然目前还尚未进入家庭,但已在教育界成为一颗耀眼的明星。
在 70 多个国家里,它走入中学和大学的信息技术和科技专业课堂。
许多大学生借助 NAO,以寓教于乐、学以致用的方式学习编程。
他们编写程序,让NAO 走路、抓取小物体,甚至翩翩起舞!随后,NAO 又征服了一大批程序开发人员。
在他们眼里,NAO 是一个功能强大、具有惊人表现力的应用程序创建平台,可以让大量设想变为现实,由此开辟出程序开发的新天地,也为日后创作出面向大众的机器人铺平了道路。
NAO 有望在不久的将来出现在千家万户!NAO,即将进入您的家庭!对NAO 讲话,他会回应您!无论您要NAO 做什么,他都会遵命照办!例如,您可以让NAO 教孩子念乘法口诀、早上叫您起床、在您外出时看家护院、告诉您最新消息等。
这些例子看似不足为奇,但其间的特别之处在于您不再需要键盘、电脑或鼠标,而只需把指令说出来,NAO 就会做出回应。
家庭新成员试想一下,NAO 会察言观色、嘘寒问暖,可以认出您的家庭成员并叫出他们的名字,熟知您喜欢的音乐曲目、菜式或电影……这就是Aldebaran公司目前定下的开发目标,即把 NAO 塑造成生动有趣并可互动的亲密伙伴。

长期以来,人们一直在研究声源定位的问题,并提出了大量解决方法。这些方法 建筑在相同的基本原理之上,但采用了不同的执行方式,所需的CPU负荷 也各有差异。考虑到NAO的CPU及记忆能力,为了生成鲁棒的有用输出信 息,我们在“到达时间差法”(Time Difference of Arrival)的基础上,开发 出机器人NAO的声源定位性能。
NAO声源定位的效果受声音清晰度的影响。如果背景噪音较大,自然会降 低模块输出的可靠性。 机器人可探测并定位任何“响亮的声音”,但无法自己过滤区分人声与非人 声。 此外,机器人每次只能定位一个声源。如果NAO同时面对数个响亮的声 音,声源定位模块可能无法准确运作。机器人可能只会确定出声音最大的 声源的方位。
仿人机器人的一个主要用途是与人类互动。这无疑是一个高难度的研究项 目,需要机器人具备多种性能。诚然,听懂他人的言谈并正确予以回答是 机器人应该掌握的重要能力,但是在完成这些任务之前,机器人往往首先 需要处于正确的位置,以充分发挥其传感器的功能,并将头部转向相应的 方向,向谈话对象表示它正在倾听或在讲话。为了解决这个问题,机器人 NAO具有“声源定位”功能。只要听到的声音足够响亮,它就可以确定声源 的方位。
该 功 能 作 为 一 个 NaoQi模 块 供 用 户 使 用 。 模 块 名 为“ALAudioSourceLocalization”,并提供一个C++和Python语言API(应用 程序编程接口),可保证Python脚本或NaoQi模块准确互动。 此外,Choregraphe中包含两个指令盒,可帮助用户轻松地在自行设计的 行为中加入声源定位: ● “Sound Loc.”指令盒提供声源定位模块的输出信息(角度及可信度), 但不会让机器人做出任何其它动作。 ● “Sound Tracker”指令盒则可运用这些输出信息让NAO把头转向发出声音 的地方。


AbstractOne of the main purposes of having a humanoid robot is to have it interact with people. This is undoubtedly a tough task that implies a fair amount of features. Being able to understand what is being said and to answer accordingly is certainly critical but in many situations, these tasks will require that the robot is first in the appropriate position to make the most out of its sensors and to let the considered person know that the robot is actually listening/talking to him by orienting the head in the relevant direction. The “Sound Localization” feature addresses this issue by identifying the direction of any “loud enough” sound heard by NAO.Related workSound source localization has long been investigated and a large number of approaches have been proposed. These methods are based on the same basic principles but perform differently and require varying CPU loads. To produce robust and useful outputs while meeting the CPU and memory requirements of our robot, the NAO’s sound source localization feature is based on an approach known as “Time Difference of Arrival”.PrinciplesThe sound wave emitted by a source close to NAO is received at slightly different times on each of its four microphones. For example, if someone talks to the robot on his left side, the corresponding signal will first hit the left microphones, few milli-seconds later the front and the rear ones and finally the signal will be sensed on the right microphone (FIGURE 1).These differences, known as ITD standing for “interaural time differences”, can then be mathematically related to the current location of the emitting source. By solving this equation every time a noise is heard the robot is eventually able to retrieve the direction of the emitting source (azimutal and elevation angles) from ITDs measuredon the 4 microphones.FIGURE 1Schematic view of the dependency between the position of the sound source (a human in this example) and the different distances that the sound wave need to travel to reach the four NAO’s micro-phones. These different distances induce times differences of arrival that are measured and used to compute the current position of the source.KEY FEATURE SOUND SOURCE LOCALIZATIONPerformancesThe angles provided by the NAO’s sound source localization engine match the real position of the source with an average accuracy of 20 degrees, which is satisfactoryin many practical situations. Note that the maximum theoretical accuracy dependson the microphones’ spatial configuration and on the sample rate of the measured signal, and is about 10 degrees on NAO.The distance separating NAO and a sound source successfully located can reachseveral meters depending on the situation (reverberation, background noise, etc…).Once launched, this feature uses 10% of the CPU constantly and up to 20% for few milliseconds when the location of a sound is being computed.LimitationsThe performance of NAO’s sound source localization is limited by how clearly thesound source can be heard with respect to background noise. Noisy environments naturally tend to decrease the reliability of the module outputs.It will also detect and locate any “loud sounds” without being able by itself to filterout sound source that are not humans.Finally, only one sound source can be located at a time. The module can behave in aless reliable manner if NAO faces several loud noises at the same time. He will likelyonly output the direction of the loudest source.How does it work?This feature is available as a NaoQi module named “ALAudioSourceLocalization”which provides a C++ and Python API (application programming interface) thatallows precise interactions from a python script or a NaoQi module.Two boxes in Choregraphe are also available that allow an easy use of the featureinside a behavior:● The box “Sound Loc.” provides the output (angles and level of confidence) of thesound localization module without taking any further actions.● The box “Sound Tracker” uses these outputs to make NAO’s head turn in the appropriate direction.FIGURE 2An example of a behavior usingthe «Sound Tracker» box toorientate NAO’s head so thatthe «Face Recognition» box canactually perform its recognition.How are people using it?Here are some possible applications (from the simplest to the more ambitious ones) that can be built from NAO’s ability to locate sound sources.- Using the “Sound Source Localization” to have a person enter the camera field of view (as shown in the above example). This allows subsequent vision based features to work on relevant images (images showing a person for example). This is consequently of interest for these specific tasks:● Human Detection, Tracking and Recognition● Noisy Objects Detection, Tracking and Recognition- “Sound Source Localization” can be used to strengthen the Signal/Noise ratio in a specific direction - this is known as Audio Source Separation – and can critically enhance subsequent audio based algorithms such as:● Speech Recognition in a specific direction● Speaker Recognition in a specific direction- Theses possible applications can also be mixed together making NAO’s sound source localization the basic block for sophisticated applications such as:● Remote Monitoring / Security applications (NAO’s could track noises in an empty flat, take pictures and record sounds in relevant directions, etc…)● Entertainment applications (by knowing who speaks and understanding what is being said, NAO could easily take part in a great variety of games with humans.)。

其关键组件如下:· 拥有25个自由度(DOF)的身体,其关键部件为电机与致动器。
· 一系列传感器:2个摄像头、4个麦克风、1个超声波距离传感器、2个红外线发射器和接收器、1个惯性板、9个触觉传感器及8个压力传感器。
· 用于自我表达的器件:语音合成器、LED灯及2个高品质扬声器。
· 一个CPU(位于机器人头部),运行一个Linux内核,并支持ALDEBARAN公司自行研制的专有中间件(NAOqi)。
· 第二个CPU(位于机器人躯干内)。
· 一个55瓦时电池,根据使用方式的不同,可为NAO提供1.5小时、甚至更长的自主时间。
嵌入式软件NAOqi包含一个跨平台的分布式机器人框架,快速、安全、可靠,为开发人员提供了一个全面的基础,以提高、改进NAO 的各项功能。
运动全方位行走NAO行走使用的是一个简单动态模型(线性倒摆,LIPM)及二次规划(Quadratic programming)。

关键词:Choregraphe; 图形编辑; 人工智能机器人; 专业教学中图分类号:TP249 ; ; ; 文献标识码:A; ; ; 文章编号:1006-3315(2019)04-126-001Aldebaran Robotics公司出来的NAO是目前世界上最为人熟知且是最广泛地应用于教育和研究上的人形机器人。
NAO机器人具有丰富、强大的函数库,在Linux,Windows,Mac OS等操作系统下,均可利用C++,MATLAB,Python语言、以及基于图形接口编程的Choregraphe对其编程操作。

基于 NAO 机器人的定位算法需要依照其
息。NAO 机器人是根据对图像信息分析进行
参考文献 [1] 黄朝美 , 杨马英 . 基于信息融合的移动机
器人目标识别与定位 [J]. 计算机测量与 控制 ,2016,24(11):192-195. [2] 李 鹤 喜 , 张 长 亮 . 基 于 单 目立体视觉的 NAO 机器人的目标定位与抓取 [J]. 五邑大 学学报 ( 自然科学版 ),2017,31(02):2026. [3] 杨 杰 .NAO 机 器 人 对 目 标 红 球 识 别 与 视 野 中 心 追 踪 策 略 [J]. 科 教 导 刊 : 电 子 版 ,2017,24(16):159-160.
• 电子技术 Electronic Technology
基于 NAO 机器人的定位算法与目标识别
文/舒军 李志魁 杨露 蒋明威 吴柯
NAO 机器人对未知环境的探寻
是现代研究领域中较前沿的课题, 要 精确目标识别与定位算法则是未
知 环 境 探 寻 的 重 要 技 术 之 一。 基
于 NAO 机器人,深入分析仿人机
类别 目标识别 传统方法
识别率(%) 95.5 89.3
时间(ms) 12 675
敛致使无法获取机器人的位置,许多中外研究 人员对这种方法做了大量改进。蒙特卡罗粒子 滤波定位算法最关键的部分就是对样本中每一 个点的概率计算,其公式如下。
(2) 其中 wk-1 表示先验概率,Lmx 表示为位移, qXm 表示空间概率。并根据此公式获得 NAO 机器人的定位识别算法。

1.RoboCup标准平台NAO机器人目标识别与自定位研究 [J], 许恒飞;李龙澍
2.基于NAO机器人的目标识别方法 [J], 梁付新;刘洪彬;张福雷;常发亮
3.基于单目立体视觉的NAO机器人的目标定位与抓取 [J], 李鹤喜;张长亮
4.基于NAO机器人的定位算法与目标识别 [J], 舒军;李志魁;杨露;蒋明威;吴柯;
5.基于NAO机器人的红球识别与定位算法 [J], 褚光耀;陈中;徐佳妮;郑涛涛;唐智科

后,可以通过广义_甄相关法来获得在嗓音环境中麦克风之 冈的时蜒[引.
是h2《f)=l sl(1)是(1一r)dt
忒 矽酽过 ”
}铺 艚 √●●。
…1 1I。
图5 广义相关函数曲线
Davenport J W B.Probability and random processes【M J.
New York:McGraw-Hill,1970.
b ]1J SoIlg K,Chen J.Sound di/℃ctioll recognition using a con‘
回声的影响[4一纠.彼定位系统中,当通过扫描脉冲能激确 定声音的触发点聪,可以通过EE(eliminating-echo)算法米处 瑾数据。羧设耸(£)(蠢覆声纛瓣声缝残)秀凌克燕采集鹅戆 信号,阐声e<t)可通过下列式(3)计算.
案掣 堕磷 ^J鞋 丛《 么r=45一a1"ctaatn

数据采集系统 ,通过控制NAO机器人的 双目 摄像 头 和麦克风进行音视频数据的收 集 ,包括 :音频 收集模块 ,用于控制机器人进行音频数据的收 集 ,选择声道 ,并 将收 集到的 数据传输到PC端进 行可选路径的 保存 ;视频收 集模块 ,用于控 制机 器人进行视频数据的收集,实时显示摄像头图像 并将收集到的数据传输到PC端进行可选路径的 保存 ;音视频收 集模块 ,用于控 制机器人同时 进 行音视频数据的收 集 ,选择声道 ,实时 显示摄像 头的图像,并将收集到的数据传输到PC端进行可 选路径的 保存 ;音频播放模块 ,用于选择已 录 制 保存的 音频文件进行播放 ,供使 用者查看 ;视频 播放模块,用于选择已录制保存的视频文件进行 播放,供使用者查看。
( 19 )中华人民 共和国国家知识产权局
( 12 )发明专利申请
(21)申请号 201910088821 .8
(22)申请日 2019 .01 .30
(71)申请人 天津大学 地址 300072 天津市南开区卫津路92号
(72)发明人 罗韬 魏一凡 赵满坤 高洁 于健 喻梅 于瑞国 应翔 高钟烨
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AbstractOne of the main purposes of having a humanoid robot is to have it interact with people. This is undoubtedly a tough task that implies a fair amount of features. Being able to understand what is being said and to answer accordingly is certainly critical but in many situations, these tasks will require that the robot is first in the appropriate position to make the most out of its sensors and to let the considered person know that the robot is actually listening/talking to him by orienting the head in the relevant direction. The “Sound Localization” feature addresses this issue by identifying the direction of any “loud enough” sound heard by NAO.Related workSound source localization has long been investigated and a large number of approaches have been proposed. These methods are based on the same basic principles but perform differently and require varying CPU loads. To produce robust and useful outputs while meeting the CPU and memory requirements of our robot, the NAO’s sound source localization feature is based on an approach known as “Time Difference of Arrival”.PrinciplesThe sound wave emitted by a source close to NAO is received at slightly different times on each of its four microphones. For example, if someone talks to the robot on his left side, the corresponding signal will first hit the left microphones, few milli-seconds later the front and the rear ones and finally the signal will be sensed on the right microphone (FIGURE 1).These differences, known as ITD standing for “interaural time differences”, can then be mathematically related to the current location of the emitting source. By solving this equation every time a noise is heard the robot is eventually able to retrieve the direction of the emitting source (azimutal and elevation angles) from ITDs measuredon the 4 microphones.FIGURE 1Schematic view of the dependency between the position of the sound source (a human in this example) and the different distances that the sound wave need to travel to reach the four NAO’s micro-phones. These different distances induce times differences of arrival that are measured and used to compute the current position of the source.KEY FEATURE SOUND SOURCE LOCALIZATIONPerformancesThe angles provided by the NAO’s sound source localization engine match the real position of the source with an average accuracy of 20 degrees, which is satisfactoryin many practical situations. Note that the maximum theoretical accuracy dependson the microphones’ spatial configuration and on the sample rate of the measured signal, and is about 10 degrees on NAO.The distance separating NAO and a sound source successfully located can reachseveral meters depending on the situation (reverberation, background noise, etc…).Once launched, this feature uses 10% of the CPU constantly and up to 20% for few milliseconds when the location of a sound is being computed.LimitationsThe performance of NAO’s sound source localization is limited by how clearly thesound source can be heard with respect to background noise. Noisy environments naturally tend to decrease the reliability of the module outputs.It will also detect and locate any “loud sounds” without being able by itself to filterout sound source that are not humans.Finally, only one sound source can be located at a time. The module can behave in aless reliable manner if NAO faces several loud noises at the same time. He will likelyonly output the direction of the loudest source.How does it work?This feature is available as a NaoQi module named “ALAudioSourceLocalization”which provides a C++ and Python API (application programming interface) thatallows precise interactions from a python script or a NaoQi module.Two boxes in Choregraphe are also available that allow an easy use of the featureinside a behavior:● The box “Sound Loc.” provides the output (angles and level of confidence) of thesound localization module without taking any further actions.● The box “Sound Tracker” uses these outputs to make NAO’s head turn in the appropriate direction.FIGURE 2An example of a behavior usingthe «Sound Tracker» box toorientate NAO’s head so thatthe «Face Recognition» box canactually perform its recognition.How are people using it?Here are some possible applications (from the simplest to the more ambitious ones) that can be built from NAO’s ability to locate sound sources.- Using the “Sound Source Localization” to have a person enter the camera field of view (as shown in the above example). This allows subsequent vision based features to work on relevant images (images showing a person for example). This is consequently of interest for these specific tasks:● Human Detection, Tracking and Recognition● Noisy Objects Detection, Tracking and Recognition- “Sound Source Localization” can be used to strengthen the Signal/Noise ratio in a specific direction - this is known as Audio Source Separation – and can critically enhance subsequent audio based algorithms such as:● Speech Recognition in a specific direction● Speaker Recognition in a specific direction- Theses possible applications can also be mixed together making NAO’s sound source localization the basic block for sophisticated applications such as:● Remote Monitoring / Security applications (NAO’s could track noises in an empty flat, take pictures and record sounds in relevant directions, etc…)● Entertainment applications (by knowing who speaks and understanding what is being said, NAO could easily take part in a great variety of games with humans.)。