scrum指南读后感Scrum Guide After-Reading Reflections.Scrum Guide encapsulates the agile framework Scrum. It provides the foundation for effective team collaboration, continuous improvement, and the delivery of valuable products. After thoroughly reading the Scrum Guide, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of its principles, roles, events, and artifacts. Here are some key insights:1. Scrum Values.Scrum is guided by five core values: commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect. These values shape the team's behavior and foster a collaborative and productive environment.2. Scrum Roles.Scrum defines three essential roles: the Product Owner,the Scrum Master, and the Development Team. Each role has distinct responsibilities and works together to achieve the project's goals.3. Scrum Events.The Scrum Guide outlines four time-boxed events: the Sprint, the Sprint Planning, the Daily Scrum, and the Sprint Review. These events provide a structured approach for planning, executing, and inspecting work.4. Scrum Artifacts.Scrum uses three artifacts to track progress and facilitate collaboration: the Product Backlog, the Sprint Backlog, and the Increment. These artifacts ensure that the team maintains alignment and focuses on delivering valuable functionality.5. Sprint Goal.A Sprint is a time-boxed period where the team workstowards a well-defined Sprint Goal. The Sprint Goal provides focus and direction, ensuring that the team delivers cohesive and valuable work.6. Continuous Improvement.Scrum emphasizes continuous improvement through the Sprint Retrospective. This event allows the team to reflect on the previous Sprint, identify areas for improvement, and adapt their process.7. Empirical Process Control.Scrum is based on empirical process control, which involves frequent inspections and adaptations. The team relies on empirical data to make informed decisions and improve their performance.8. Inspect and Adapt.Scrum encourages regular inspection and adaptation. The Sprint Review and Retrospective provide opportunities forthe team to inspect their work and make necessary adjustments.9. Transparency.Scrum values transparency. All relevant information is made available to all stakeholders, fostering collaboration and accountability.10. Iteration and Increment.Scrum embraces an iterative approach. The team consistently delivers increments of working software, allowing for early feedback and rapid adaptation tochanging requirements.Overall Impressions.The Scrum Guide is a concise yet comprehensive guidefor implementing Scrum effectively. It provides a clear framework for team collaboration and continuous improvement. By adhering to the principles outlined in the Scrum Guide,teams can achieve greater agility, productivity, and customer satisfaction.中文回答:Scrum指南读后感。
敏捷与Scrum的中英文专业词汇对照表一、敏捷(Agile)1. 敏捷宣言(Agile Manifesto)2. 敏捷方法(Agile Methodology)3. 敏捷团队(Agile Team)4. 敏捷原则(Agile Principles)5. 敏捷实践(Agile Practices)二、Scrum1. Scrum框架(Scrum Framework)2. 产品待办列表(Product Backlog)3. Sprint待办列表(Sprint Backlog)4. Sprint计划会议(Sprint Planning Meeting)5. 每日站立会议(Daily Standup Meeting)6. Sprint评审会议(Sprint Review Meeting)7. Sprint回顾会议(Sprint Retrospective Meeting)8. 产品负责人(Product Owner)9. Scrum主管(Scrum Master)10. 开发团队(Development Team)11. 用户故事(User Story)12. 任务(Task)13. 故事点(Story Points)14. 燃尽图(Burndown Chart)15. 燃起图(Burnup Chart)16. 定义完成(Definition of Done)17. 定义就绪(Definition of Ready)18. Scrum板(Scrum Board)19. Scrum工具(Scrum Tools)20. 敏捷教练(Agile Coach)21. 敏捷转型(Agile Transformation)22. 敏捷领导力(Agile Leadership)23. 敏捷文化(Agile Culture)24. 敏捷组织(Agile Organization)25. 敏捷产品管理(Agile Product Management)26. 敏捷项目管理(Agile Project Management)27. 敏捷开发(Agile Development)28. 敏捷测试(Agile Testing)29. 敏捷交付(Agile Delivery)30. 敏捷质量(Agile Quality)31. 敏捷持续集成(Agile Continuous Integration)32. 敏捷持续部署(Agile Continuous Deployment)33. 敏捷持续交付(Agile Continuous Delivery)34. 敏捷估算(Agile Estimation)35. 敏捷优先级(Agile Prioritization)36. 敏捷风险管理(Agile Risk Management)37. 敏捷需求管理(Agile Requirements Management)38. 敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Iteration)39. 敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Sprint)40. 敏捷敏捷发布(Agile Release)41. 敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Feedback)42. 敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Collaboration)43. 敏捷敏捷沟通(Agile Communication)44. 敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Learning)45. 敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Adaptation)46. 敏捷敏捷改进(Agile Improvement)47. 敏捷敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Agile Iteration)48. 敏捷敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Agile Sprint)49. 敏捷敏捷敏捷发布(Agile Agile Release)50. 敏捷敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Agile Feedback)51. 敏捷敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Agile Collaboration)52. 敏捷敏捷敏捷沟通(Agile Agile Communication)53. 敏捷敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Agile Learning)54. 敏捷敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Agile Adaptation)55. 敏捷敏捷敏捷改进(Agile Agile Improvement)56. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Agile Agile Iteration)57. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Agile Agile Sprint)58. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷发布(Agile Agile Agile Release)59. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Agile Agile Feedback)60. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Agile Agile Collaboration)61. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷沟通(Agile Agile Agile Communication)62. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Agile Agile Learning)63. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Agile Agile Adaptation)64. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷改进(Agile Agile Agile Improvement)65. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Agile Agile Agile Iteration)66. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Agile Agile Agile Sprint)67. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷发布(Agile Agile Agile Agile Release)68. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Agile Agile Agile Feedback)69. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Agile Agile Agile Collaboration)70. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷沟通(Agile Agile Agile Agile Communication)71. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Agile Agile Agile Learning)72. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Agile Agile Agile Adaptation)73. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷改进(Agile Agile Agile Agile Improvement)74. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Iteration)75. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Sprint)Agile Release)77. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Feedback)78. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Collaboration)79. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷沟通(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Communication)80. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Learning)81. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Adaptation)82. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷改进(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Improvement)83. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Iteration)84. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Sprint)85. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷发布(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Release). 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Feedback)87. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Collaboration)Agile Agile Agile Communication)89. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Learning)90. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Adaptation)91. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷改进(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Improvement)92. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷迭代(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Iteration)93. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷冲刺(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Sprint)94. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷发布(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Release)95. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷反馈(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Feedback)96. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷协作(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Collaboration)97. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷沟通(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Communication)98. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷学习(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Learning)99. 敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷敏捷适应(Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Adaptation)Agile Agile Agile Agile Agile Improvement)三、敏捷与Scrum的核心理念与价值观1. 个体和互动高于流程和工具(Individuals and interactions over processes and tools)3. 客户合作高于合同谈判(Customer collaboration over contract negotiation)4. 响应变化高于遵循计划(Responding to change over following a plan)四、Scrum的角色与职责1. 产品负责人(Product Owner)负责定义产品的愿景和方向管理产品待办列表的优先级确保团队理解用户故事和需求2. Scrum主管(Scrum Master)确保Scrum流程得到遵守移除团队工作中的障碍促进团队自组织和跨职能工作3. 开发团队(Development Team)自组织地计划并完成工作每日站立会议中同步工作进展在Sprint评审会议中展示工作成果五、Scrum的工件1. 产品待办列表(Product Backlog)包含所有可能的产品需求由产品负责人负责维护2. Sprint待办列表(Sprint Backlog)从产品待办列表中选出的任务由开发团队在Sprint计划会议中创建3. 增量(Increment)在每个Sprint结束时完成的工作成果必须符合定义完成(DoD)标准六、Scrum的会议1. Sprint计划会议(Sprint Planning Meeting)决定Sprint目标并选择任务通常为8小时,每Sprint一次2. 每日站立会议(Daily Standup Meeting)每天进行,每个成员分享进展、计划和障碍通常为15分钟3. Sprint评审会议(Sprint Review Meeting)展示Sprint成果给利益相关者收集反馈,调整产品待办列表通常为4小时,每Sprint一次4. Sprint回顾会议(Sprint Retrospective Meeting)团队讨论Sprint过程中的经验和改进点通常为3小时,每Sprint一次七、Scrum的实践1. 时间盒(Timeboxing)为活动设定固定的时间限制确保会议和Sprint按计划进行2. 自组织(Selforganization)团队成员自主决定如何完成工作促进团队成员的责任感和创造力3. 跨职能(Crossfunctional)团队成员拥有完成工作所需的全部技能减少依赖和等待时间4. 持续集成(Continuous Integration)频繁地将代码集成到主分支通过自动化测试保持代码质量5. 持续部署(Continuous Deployment)自动将代码部署到生产环境加速反馈循环,提高交付速度八、敏捷与Scrum的优势1. 提高团队生产力2. 增强产品质量3. 提升客户满意度4. 增强市场响应能力5. 促进团队协作和沟通6. 增强组织的适应性和灵活性九、敏捷与Scrum的挑战1. 变化管理2. 团队协作3. 敏捷文化推广4. 领导力转型5. 敏捷工具的选择和使用6. 敏捷与现有流程的整合7. 敏捷技能的培训和发展8. 敏捷项目的监控和评估十、敏捷与Scrum的未来趋势1. 敏捷与DevOps的融合3. 敏捷在非软件行业的应用4. 敏捷与大数据分析的结合5. 敏捷在教育和培训中的应用6. 敏捷与区块链技术的结合7. 敏捷与虚拟现实和增强现实的应用8. 敏捷在医疗健康行业的应用通过这份对照表,希望能够帮助您更好地理解和应用敏捷与Scrum 的方法论,提升您的团队协作效率和工作质量。
Scrum Guide
Delivering products iteratively and incrementally, maximizing opportunities for feedback.
Incremental deliveries of “Done” product ensure a potentially useful version of working product is always available.
The Scrum Guide
The Definitive Guide to Scrum: The Rules of the Game
Scrum Theory
Scrum is founded on empirical process control theory, or empiricism. It employs an iterative, incremental approach to optimize predictability and control risk.
The Scrum Master is a servant-leader for the Scrum Team, he or she helps those outside the Scrum Team understand which of their interactions with the Scrum Team are helpful and which aren’t. Scrum Master Service to the Product Owner: Finding techniques for effective Product Backlog management Communicating vision, goals, and Product Backlog to the Team Teaching, understanding and practicing agility Facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed
1. 三个角色Scrum框架中的三个角色包括:产品负责人(Product Owner):他/她是负责定义产品或功能的人,确定开发团队的优先事项。
开发团队(Development Team):开发团队是负责实际开发工作的人,包括程序员、测试人员、设计师等。
Scrum主管(Scrum Master):Scrum主管不是项目经理,而是负责协调团队,确保团队遵守Scrum框架的人。
2. 三件艺术品Scrum框架中的三件艺术品指的是:产品待办清单(Product Backlog):产品待办清单是产品负责人维护的需求池,里面包含了产品所有的需求和任务。
迭代计划(Sprint Backlog):迭代计划是开发团队在每个迭代(Sprint)中计划要完成的任务列表。
Scrum Guide - 2011
The Scrum GuideThe Definitive Guide to Scrum:The Rules of the GameJuly 2011 Developed and sustained by Ken Schwaber and Jeff SutherlandTable of ContentsPurpose of the Scrum Guide (3)Scrum Overview (3)Scrum Framework (3)Scrum Theory (4)Scrum (5)The Scrum Team (5)The Product Owner (5)The Development Team (6)The Scrum Master (6)Scrum Events (7)The Sprint (8)Sprint Planning Meeting (9)Daily Scrum (10)Sprint Review (11)Sprint Retrospective (12)Scrum Artifacts (12)Product Backlog (12)Sprint Backlog (14)Increment (15)Definition of “Done” (15)Conclusion (15)Acknowledgements (16)People (16)History (16)Purpose of the Scrum GuideScrum is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products. This Guide contains the definition of Scrum. This definition consists of Scrum’s roles, events, artifacts, and the rules that bind them together. Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland developed Scrum; the Scrum Guide is written and provided by them. Together, they stand behind the Scrum Guide.Scrum OverviewScrum (n): A framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value. Scrum is:∙Lightweight∙Simple to understand∙Extremely difficult to masterScrum is a process framework that has been used to manage complex product development since the early 1990s. Scrum is not a process or a technique for building products; rather, it is a framework within which you can employ various processes and techniques. Scrum makes clear the relative efficacy of your product management and development practices so that you can improve.Scrum FrameworkThe Scrum framework consists of Scrum Teams and their associated roles, events, artifacts, and rules. Each component within the framework serves a specific purpose and is essential to Scrum’s success and usage.Specific strategies for using the Scrum framework vary and are described elsewhere.The rules of Scrum bind together the events, roles, and artifacts, governing the relationships and interaction between them. The rules of Scrum are described throughout the body of this document.Scrum TheoryScrum is founded on empirical process control theory, or empiricism. Empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is known. Scrum employs an iterative, incremental approach to optimize predictability and control risk.Three pillars uphold every implementation of empirical process control: transparency, inspection, and adaptation.TransparencySignificant aspects of the process must be visible to those responsible for the outcome. Transparency requires those aspects be defined by a common standard so observers share a common understanding of what is being seen.For example:∙ A common language referring to the process must be shared by all participants; and,∙ A common definition of “Done”1must be shared by those performing the work and those accepting the work product.InspectionScrum users must frequently inspect Scrum artifacts and progress toward a goal to detect undesirable variances. Their inspection should not be so frequent that inspection gets in the way of the work. Inspections are most beneficial when diligently performed by skilled inspectors at the point of work.AdaptationIf an inspector determines that one or more aspects of a process deviate outside acceptable limits, and that the resulting product will be unacceptable, the process or the material being processed must be adjusted. An adjustment must be made as soon as possible to minimize further deviation.Scrum prescribes four formal opportunities for inspection and adaptation, as described in the Scrum Events section of this document.∙Sprint Planning Meeting∙Daily Scrum∙Sprint Review Meeting∙Sprint Retrospective1See “Definition of “Done”, p. 15.ScrumScrum is a framework structured to support complex product development. Scrum consists of Scrum Teams and their associated roles, events, artifacts, and rules. Each component within the framework serves a specific purpose and is essential to S crum’s success and usage.The rules of Scrum bind together the events, roles, and artifacts, governing the relationships and interaction between them. The rules of Scrum are described throughout the body of this document.The Scrum TeamThe Scrum Team consists of a Product Owner, the Development Team, and a Scrum Master. Scrum Teams are self-organizing and cross-functional. Self-organizing teams choose how best to accomplish their work, rather than being directed by others outside the team. Cross-functional teams have all competencies needed to accomplish the work without depending on others not part of the team. The team model in Scrum is designed to optimize flexibility, creativity, and productivity.Scrum Teams deliver products iteratively and incrementally, maximizing opportunities for feedback. Incremental deliveries of “Done” product ensure a potentially useful version of working product is always available.The Product OwnerThe Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and the work of the Development Team. How this is done may vary widely across organizations, Scrum Teams, and individuals.The Product Owner is the sole person responsible for managing the Product Backlog. Product Backlog management includes:∙Clearly expressing Product Backlog items;∙Ordering the items in the Product Backlog to best achieve goals and missions;∙Ensuring the value of the work the Development Team performs;∙Ensuring that the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, and clear to all, and shows what the Scrum Team will work on next; and,∙Ensuring the Development Team understands items in the Product Backlog to the level needed.The Product Owner may do the above work, or have the Development Team do it. However, the Product Owner remains accountable.The Product Owner is one person, not a committee. The Product Owner may represent the desires of a committee in the Product Backlog, but those wanting to change a backlog item’s priority must convince the Product Owner.For the Product Owner to succeed, the entire organization must respect his or her decisions. The Product Owner’s decisions are visible in the content and ordering of the Product Backlog. No one is allowed to tell the Development Team to work from a different set of requirements, and the Development Team isn’t allowed to act on what anyone else says.The Development TeamThe Development Team consists of professionals who do the work of delivering a potentially releasable Increment of “Done” product at the end of each Sprint. Only members of the Development Team create the Increment.Development Teams are structured and empowered by the organization to organize and manage their own work. The resulting synergy optimizes the Development Team’s overall efficiency and effectiveness. Development Teams have the following characteristics:∙They are self-organizing. No one (not even the Scrum Master) tells the Development Team how to turn Product Backlog into Increments of potentially releasable functionality;∙Development Teams are cross-functional, with all of the skills as a team necessary to createa product Increment;∙Scrum recognizes no titles for Development Team members other than Developer, regardless of the work being performed by the person; there are no exceptions to this rule;∙Individual Development Team members may have specialized skills and areas of focus, but accountability belongs to the Development Team as a whole; and,∙Development Teams do not contain sub-teams dedicated to particular domains like testing or business analysis.Development Team SizeOptimal Development Team size is small enough to remain nimble and large enough to complete significant work. Fewer than three Development Team members decreases interaction and results in smaller productivity gains. Smaller Development Teams may encounter skill constraints during the Sprint, causing the Development Team to be unable to deliver a potentially releasable Increment. Having more than nine members requires too much coordination. Large Development Teams generate too much complexity for an empirical process to manage.The Product Owner and Scrum Master roles are not included in this count unless they are also executing the work of the Sprint Backlog.The Scrum MasterThe Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring Scrum is understood and enacted. Scrum Masters do this by ensuring that the Scrum Team adheres to Scrum theory, practices, and rules. The Scrum Master is a servant-leader for the Scrum Team.The Scrum Master helps those outside the Scrum Team understand which of their interactions with the Scrum Team are helpful and which aren’t. The Scrum Master helps everyone change these interactions to maximize the value created by the Scrum Team.Scrum Master Service to the Product OwnerThe Scrum Master serves the Product Owner in several ways, including:∙Finding techniques for effective Product Backlog management;∙Clearly communicating vision, goals, and Product Backlog items to the Development Team; ∙Teaching the Development Team to create clear and concise Product Backlog items;∙Understanding long-term product planning in an empirical environment;∙Understanding and practicing agility; and,∙Facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed.Scrum Master Service to the Development TeamThe Scrum Master serves the Development Team in several ways, including:∙Coaching the Development Team in self-organization and cross-functionality;∙Teaching and leading the Development Team to create high-value products;∙Removing impediments to the Development Team’s progress;∙Facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed; and,∙Coaching the Development Team in organizational environments in which Scrum is not yet fully adopted and understood.Scrum Master Service to the OrganizationThe Scrum Master serves the organization in several ways, including:∙Leading and coaching the organization in its Scrum adoption;∙Planning Scrum implementations within the organization;∙Helping employees and stakeholders understand and enact Scrum and empirical product development;∙Causing change that increases the productivity of the Scrum Team; and,∙Working with other Scrum Masters to increase the effectiveness of the application of Scrum in the organization.Scrum EventsPrescribed events are used in Scrum to create regularity and to minimize the need for meetings not defined in Scrum. Scrum uses time-boxed events, such that every event has a maximum duration. This ensures an appropriate amount of time is spent planning without allowing waste in the planning process.Other than the Sprint itself, which is a container for all other events, each event in Scrum is an opportunity to inspect and adapt something. These events are specifically designed to enable critical transparency and inspection. Failure to include any of these events results in reduced transparency and is a lost opportunity to insect and adapt.The SprintThe heart of Scrum is a Sprint, a time-box of one month or less during which a “Done”, useable, and potentially releasable product Increment is created. Sprints have consistent durations throughout a development effort. A new Sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint.Sprints contain and consist of the Sprint Planning Meeting, Daily Scrums, the development work, the Sprint Review Meeting, and the Sprint Retrospective.During the Sprint:∙No changes are made that would affect the Sprint Goal;∙Development Team composition and quality goals remain constant; and,∙Scope may be clarified and re-negotiated between the Product Owner and Development Team as more is learned.Each Sprint may be considered a project with no more than a one-month horizon. Like projects, Sprints are used to accomplish something. Each Sprint has a definition of what is to be built, a design and flexible plan that will guide building it, the work, and the resultant product.Sprints are limited to one calendar month. When a Sprint’s horizon is too long the definition of what is being built may change, complexity may rise, and risk may increase.Sprints enable predictability by ensuring inspection and adaptation of progress toward a goal at least every calendar month. Sprints also limit risk to one calendar month of cost.Cancelling a SprintA Sprint can be cancelled before the Sprint time-box is over. Only the Product Owner has the authority to cancel the Sprint, although he or she may do so under influence from the stakeholders, the Development Team, or the Scrum Master.A Sprint would be cancelled if the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete. This might occur if the company changes direction or if market or technology conditions change. In general, a Sprint should be cancelled if it no longer makes sense given the circumstances. But, due to the short duration of Sprints, cancellation rarely makes sense.When a Sprint i s cancelled, any completed and “Done” Product Backlog Items are reviewed. If part of the work is potentially shippable, the Product Owner typically accepts it. All incomplete Product Backlog Items are re-estimated and put back on the Product Backlog. The work done on them depreciates quickly and must be frequently re-estimated.Sprint cancellations consume resources, since everyone has to regroup in another Sprint Planning Meeting to start another Sprint. Sprint cancellations are often traumatic to the Scrum Team, and are very uncommon.Sprint Planning MeetingThe work to be performed in the Sprint is planned at the Sprint Planning Meeting. This plan is created by the collaborative work of the entire Scrum Team.The Sprint Planning Meeting is time-boxed to eight hours for a one-month Sprint. For shorter Sprints, the event is proportionately shorter. For example, two-week Sprints have four-hour Sprint Planning Meetings.The Sprint Planning Meeting consists of two parts, each one being a time-box of one half of the Sprint Planning Meeting duration. The two parts of the Sprint Planning Meeting answer the following questions, respectively:∙What will be delivered in the Increment resulting from the upcoming Sprint?∙How will the work needed to deliver the Increment be achieved?Part One: What will be done this Sprint?In this part, the Development Team works to forecast the functionality that will be developed during the Sprint. The Product Owner presents ordered Product Backlog items to the Development Team and the entire Scrum Team collaborates on understanding the work of the Sprint.The input to this meeting is the Product Backlog, the latest product Increment, projected capacity of the Development Team during the Sprint, and past performance of the Development Team. The number of items selected from the Product Backlog for the Sprint is solely up to the Development Team. Only the Development Team can assess what it can accomplish over the upcoming Sprint.After the Development Team forecasts the Product Backlog items it will deliver in the Sprint, the Scrum Team crafts a Sprint Goal. The Sprint Goal is an objective that will be met within the Sprint through the implementation of the Product Backlog, and it provides guidance to the Development Team on why it is building the Increment.Part Two: How will the chosen work get done?Having selected the work of the Sprint, the Development Team decides how it will build this functionality into a “Done” product Increment during the Sprint. The Product Backlog items selected for this Sprint plus the plan for delivering them is called the Sprint Backlog,The Development Team usually starts by designing the system and the work needed to convert the Product Backlog into a working product increment. Work may be of varying size, or estimated effort. However, enough work is planned during the Sprint Planning meeting for theDevelopment Team to forecast what it believes it can do in the upcoming Sprint. Work planned for the first days of the Sprint by the Development Team is decomposed to units of one day or less by the end of this meeting. The Development Team self-organizes to undertake the work in the Sprint Backlog, both during the Sprint Planning Meeting and as needed throughout the Sprint.The Product Owner may be present during the second part of the Sprint Planning Meeting to clarify the selected Product Backlog items and to help make trade-offs. If the Development Team determines it has too much or too little work, it may renegotiate the Sprint Backlog items with the Product Owner. The Development Team may also invite other people to attend in order to provide technical or domain advice.By the end of the Sprint Planning meeting, the Development Team should be able to explain to the Product Owner and Scrum Master how it intends to work as a self-organizing team to accomplish the Sprint Goal and create the anticipated Increment.Sprint GoalThe Sprint Goal gives the Development Team some flexibility regarding the functionality implemented within the Sprint.As the Development Team works, it keeps this goal in mind. In order to satisfy the Sprint Goal, it implements the functionality and technology. If the work turns out to be different than the Development Team expected, then they collaborate with the Product Owner to negotiate the scope of Sprint Backlog within the Sprint.The Sprint Goal may be a milestone in the larger purpose of the product roadmap.Daily ScrumThe Daily Scrum meeting is a 15-minute time-boxed event for the Development Team to synchronize activities and create a plan for the next 24 hours. This is done by inspecting the work since the last Daily Scrum and forecasting the work that could be done before the next one.The Daily Scrum is held at the same time and place each day to reduce complexity. During the meeting, each Development Team member explains:∙What has been accomplished since the last meeting?∙What will be done before the next meeting?∙What obstacles are in the way?The Development Team uses the Daily Scrum to assess progress toward the Sprint Goal and to assess how progress is trending toward completing the work in the Sprint Backlog. The Daily Scrum optimizes the probability that the Development Team will meet the Sprint Goal. The Development Team often meets immediately after the Daily Scrum to re-plan the rest of theSprint’s work. Every day, the Development Team should be able to explain to the Product Owner and Scrum Master how it intends to work together as a self-organizing team to accomplish the goal and create the anticipated increment in the remainder of the Sprint.The Scrum Master ensures that the Development Team has the meeting, but the Development Team is responsible for conducting the Daily Scrum. The Scrum Master teaches the Development Team to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15-minute time-box.The Scrum Master enforces the rule that only Development Team members participate in the Daily Scrum. The Daily Scrum is not a status meeting, and is for the people transforming the Product Backlog items into an Increment.Daily Scrums improve communications, eliminate other meetings, identify and remove impediments to development, highlight and promote quick decision-making, and improve the Development Team’s level of project knowledge. This is a key inspect and adapt meeting.Sprint ReviewA Sprint Review Meeting is held at the end of the Sprint to inspect the Increment and adapt the Product Backlog if needed. During the Sprint Review, the Scrum Team and stakeholders collaborate about what was done in the Sprint. Based on that and any changes to the Product Backlog during the Sprint, attendees collaborate on the next things that could be done. This is an informal meeting, and the presentation of the Increment is intended to elicit feedback and foster collaboration.This is a four-hour time-boxed meeting for one-month Sprints. Proportionately less time is allocated for shorter Sprints. For example, two week Sprints have two-hour Sprint Reviews.The Sprint Review includes the following elements:∙The Product Owner identifies what has been “Done” and what has not been “Done”;∙The Development Team discusses what went well during the Sprint, what problems it ran into, and how those problems were solved;∙The Development Team demonstrates the work that it has “Done” and answers questions about the Increment;∙The Product Owner discusses the Product Backlog as it stands. He or she projects likely completion dates based on progress to date; and,∙The entire group collaborates on what to do next, so that the Sprint Review provides valuable input to subsequent Sprint Planning Meetings.The result of the Sprint Review is a revised Product Backlog that defines the probable Product Backlog items for the next Sprint. The Product Backlog may also be adjusted overall to meet new opportunities.Sprint RetrospectiveThe Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvements to be enacted during the next Sprint.The Sprint Retrospective occurs after the Sprint Review and prior to the next Sprint Planning Meeting. This is a three-hour time-boxed meeting for one-month Sprints. Proportionately less time is allocated for shorter Sprints.The purpose of the Sprint Retrospective is to:∙Inspect how the last Sprint went with regards to people, relationships, process, and tools; ∙Identify and order the major items that went well and potential improvements; and,∙Create a plan for implementing improvements to the way the Scrum Team does its work.The Scrum Master encourages the Scrum Team to improve, within the Scrum process framework, its development process and practices to make it more effective and enjoyable for the next Sprint. During each Sprint Retrospective, the Scrum Team plans ways to increase product quality by adapting the Definition of “Done” as appropriate.By the end of the Sprint Retrospective, the Scrum Team should have identified improvements that it will implement in the next Sprint. Implementing these improvements in the next Sprint is the adaptation to the inspection of the Scrum Team itself. Although improvements may be implemented at any time, the Sprint Retrospective provides a dedicated event focused on inspection and adaptation.Scrum ArtifactsScrum’s a rtifacts represent work or value in various ways that are useful in providing transparency and opportunities for inspection and adaptation. Artifacts defined by Scrum are specifically designed to maximize transparency of key information needed to ensure Scrum Teams are successful in delivering a “Done” Increment.Product BacklogThe Product Backlog is an ordered list of everything that might be needed in the product and is the single source of requirements for any changes to be made to the product. The Product Owner is responsible for the Product Backlog, including its content, availability, and ordering.A Product Backlog is never complete. The earliest development of it only lays out the initially known and best-understood requirements. The Product Backlog evolves as the product and the environment in which it will be used evolves. The Product Backlog is dynamic; it constantly changes to identify what the product needs to be appropriate, competitive, and useful. As long as a product exists, a Product Backlog also exists.The Product Backlog lists all features, functions, requirements, enhancements, and fixes that constitute the changes to be made to the product in future releases. Product Backlog items have the attributes of a description, order, and estimate.The Product Backlog is often ordered by value, risk, priority, and necessity. Top-ordered Product Backlog items drive immediate development activities. The higher the order, the more a Product Backlog item has been considered, and the more consensus exists regarding it and its value.Higher ordered Product Backlog items are clearer and more detailed than lower ordered ones. More precise estimates are made based on the greater clarity and increased detail; the lower the order, the less detail. Product Backlog items that will occupy the Development Team for the upcoming Sprint are fine-grained, having been decomposed so that any one item can be “Done”within the Sprint time-box. Product Backlog items that can be “Done” by the Development Team within one Sprint are deemed “ready”or “actionable” for selection in a Sprint Planning meeting.As a product is used and gains value, and the marketplace provides feedback, the Product Backlog becomes a larger and more exhaustive list. Requirements never stop changing, so a Product Backlog is a living artifact. Changes in business requirements, market conditions, or technology may cause changes in the Product Backlog.Multiple Scrum Teams often work together on the same product. One Product Backlog is used to describe the upcoming work on the product. A Product Backlog attribute that groups items is then employed.Product backlog grooming is the act of adding detail, estimates, and order to items in the Product Backlog. This is an ongoing process in which the Product Owner and the Development Team collaborate on the details of Product Backlog items. During Product Backlog grooming, items are reviewed and revised. However, they can be updated at any time by the Product Owner or at the Product Owner’s discretion.Grooming is a part-time activity during a Sprint between the Product Owner and the Development Team. Often the Development Team has the domain knowledge to perform grooming itself. How and when grooming is done is decided by the Scrum Team. Grooming usually consumes no more than 10% of the capacity of the Development Team.The Development Team is responsible for all estimates. The Product Owner may influence the Team by helping understand and select trade-offs, but the people who will perform the work make the final estimate.Monitoring Progress Toward a GoalAt any point in time, the total work remaining to reach a goal can be summed. The Product Owner tracks this total work remaining at least for every Sprint Review. The Product Owner compares this amount with work remaining at previous Sprint Reviews to assess progresstoward completing projected work by the desired time for the goal. This information is made transparent to all stakeholders.Scrum does not consider the time spent working on Product Backlog Items. The work remaining and date are the only variables of interest.Various trend burndown, burnup and other projective practices have been used to forecast progress. These have proven useful. However, these do not replace the importance of empiricism. In complex environments, what will happen is unknown. Only what has happened may be used for forward-looking decision-making.Sprint BacklogThe Sprint Backlog is the set of Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint plus a plan for delivering the product Increment and realizing the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Backlog is a forecast by the Development Team about what functionality will be in the next Increment and the work needed to deliver that functionality.The Sprint Backlog defines the work the Development Team will perform to turn Product Backlog item s into a “Done” Increment. The Sprint Backlog makes visible all of the work that the Development Team identifies as necessary to meet the Sprint Goal.The Sprint Backlog is a plan with enough detail that changes in progress can be understood in the Daily Scrum. The Development Team modifies Sprint Backlog throughout the Sprint, and the Sprint Backlog emerges during the Sprint. This emergence occurs as the Development Team works through the plan and learns more about the work needed to achieve the Sprint Goal.As new work is required, the Development Team adds it to the Sprint Backlog. As work is performed or completed, the estimated remaining work is updated. When elements of the plan are deemed unnecessary, they are removed. Only the Development Team can change its Sprint Backlog during a Sprint. The Sprint Backlog is a highly visible, real-time picture of the work that the Development Team plans to accomplish during the Sprint, and it belongs solely to the Development Team.Monitoring Sprint ProgressAt any point in time in a Sprint, the total work remaining in the Sprint Backlog items can be summed. The Development Team tracks this total work remaining at least for every Daily Scrum. The Development Team tracks these sums daily and projects the likelihood of achieving the Sprint Goal. By tracking the remaining work throughout the Sprint, the Development Team can manage its progress.Scrum does not consider the time spent working on Sprint Backlog Items. The work remaining and date are the only variables of interest.。
Scrum 权威指南:游戏规则2017 年11 月由Scrum 创始人Ken Schwaber 和Jeff Sutherland 开发并维护目录Scrum 指南的目的 (4)Scrum 的定义 (4)Scrum 的应用 (5)Scrum 理论 (5)Scrum 价值观 (6)Scrum 团队 (7)产品负责人 (7)开发团队 (8)Scrum Master (8)Scrum 事件 (10)Sprint (10)Sprint 计划会议 (11)每日Scrum 站会 (12)Sprint 评审会议 (14)Sprint 回顾会议 (15)Scrum 工件 (15)产品待办列表 (16)Sprint 待办列表 (17)增量 (18)工件透明 (18)“完成”的定义 (19)结束语 (20)致谢 (20)人们 (20)历史 (20)致谢简体中文译者 (20)2016版与2017版Scrum指南之间的变更 (21)1.增加一节“ Scrum 的应用”: (21)©2017Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland. Offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative2.在“Scrum Master”一节中更改了措辞,以提供更清晰的角色说明。
现文如下: (21)3.在“Scrum Master 服务于产品负责人”一节中,新增: (21)4.更新“每日Scrum 站会”的第一段,如下: (22)5.更新“每日Scrum 站会”一节,以提供更为清晰的每日Scrum 站会的目标,包括如下内容: (22)6.更为清晰地表述时间盒含义 (22)7.在“Sprint 待办列表”一节中,新增: (22)8.为更清晰表述“增量”,在“增量”一节中,新增: (22)©2017Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland. Offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of CreativeScrum 指南的目的Scrum 是用于开发、交付和持续支持复杂产品的一个框架。
• Handheld software
• Mobile phones • Network switching applications • ISV applications • Some of the largest applications in use
迭代 vs.增量
迭代:在实现软件的每一功能时反复求精的过程,是 提升软件质量的过程,是从模糊到清晰的过程;
并且最终产品是不合格的,那么检查员就必须对过程进行调整。调整 工作必须尽快实施以减少进一步的偏差。
Scrum规定了一个非常简单的开发流程。 Scrum是现有设计流程的总结。
Scrum以团队为基础,是一种在需求迅速变化情况下迭代地、增量地开发 系统和产品的方法。
5. 工作的软件是首要的进度度量标准。
6. 敏捷过程提倡可持续的开发进度。责任人、开发 者和用户应保持一个长期恒定的开发速度。 9. 不断关注优秀的技能和好的设计会增强敏捷能力 10. 简单——使未完成的工作最大化的艺术——是根 本的。 11. 最好的构架、需求和设计出自于自组织的团队。
1. 我们最优先要做的是通过尽早的、持续的交付有价值的软 件来使客户满意。
2. 即使到了开发的后期,也欢迎改变需求。敏捷过程利用变 化来为客户创造竞争优势。
3. 经常性的交付可以工作的软件,交付的间隔可以从几个星 期到几个月,交付的时间间隔越短越好。 4. 在整个项目开发期间,业务人员和开发人员必须天天都在 一起工作。 5. 围绕被激励起来的个体来构建项目。给他们提供所需的环 境和支持,并且信任他们能够完成工作。 6. 在团队内部,最具有效果并且富有效率的传递信息的方法 ,就是面对面的交谈。
Scrum实践指南:一个可运行的 Scrum是怎样的
Scrum实践指南:一个可运行的 Scrum是怎样的Scrum需要实践和专注,只有持续不断地付出努力,才能达到新的状态。
采用敏捷开发的方法也有很多,主要包括极限编程(XP)、Scrum、水晶方法(Crystal Methods)、自适应软件开发(ASD)、特性驱动开发(FDD)、动态系统开发(DSDM)、轻量级RUP、测试驱动开发(TDD)等等。
结合我的Scrum实践,本文主要从Scrum的认识,Scrum的实施过程以及实施Scrum带来的变化几个方面进行分享,解读一个可运行的 Scrum是怎样的。
Scrum 是一个用于开发和维护复杂产品的框架,是一个增量的、迭代的开发过程。
挑选的需求在Sprint计划会议上经过讨论、分析和估算得到相应的任务列表,称它为Sprint backlog。
当Scrum团队完成Sprint backlog列表中的所有任务时,本次Sprint结束,进入下一个Sprint迭代周期。
Scrum 指南中文版
Scrum指南Scrum的权威指南:游戏规则2013年7月由Ken Schwaber和Jeff Sutherland开发并维护目录Scrum指南的目的 (3)Scrum的定义 (3)Scrum理论 (3)透明性 (3)检视 (4)调整 (4)Scrum团队 (4)产品负责人 (4)开发团队 (5)Scrum Master (5)Scrum事件 (6)Sprint (7)Sprint计划会议 (8)每日Scrum站会 (9)Sprint评审会议 (9)Sprint回顾会议 (10)Scrum工件 (11)产品待办列表 (11)Sprint待办列表 (12)增量 (12)工件的透明性 (12)“完成”的定义 (13)结束语 (13)致谢 (13)人们 (13)历史 (14)翻译 (14)Scrum指南的目的Scrum是用于开发和支持复杂产品的框架。
Ken Schwaber和Jeff Sutherland创造了Scrum,Scrum指南也由他们撰写提供。
Scrum的定义Scrum: Scrum是一个框架,在这个框架中人们可以解决复杂的自适应问题,同时也能高效并有创造性地交付尽可能高价值的产品。
Scrum能使产品管理和开发实践的相对功效(relative efficacy)显现出来,以便进行改进。
Scrum Team的Kanban指南说明书
面向 Scrum Team 的 Kanban 指南2021年1月本文档由 , Daniel Vacanti, and Yuval Yeret 编制和维护目录目的 (3)与《Scrum 指南》的关系 (3)Kanban 的定义 (3)基于Scrum 理论的Kanban (3)Flow 与经验主义 (3)Flow 的基本度量指标 (3)Kanban 实践 (4)Workflow的可视化 -- Kanban面板 (5)限制在制品 (5)主动管理进行中的工作项 (6)检视并调整DoW (6)基于Flow 的事件 (7)Sprint (7)Sprint Planning (7)Daily Scrum (7)Sprint Review (8)Sprint Retrospective (8)Increment (9)结束语 (9)历史与致谢 (9)致谢中文译者 (9)版本历史 (10)中文版本历史 (10)术语表 (10)© 2021 . Offered for license under the Attribution Share‐Alike license of Creative Commons, accessible at /licenses/by‐sa/4.0/legalcode and also described in summary form at /licenses/by‐sa/4.0/. By utilizing this Kanban Guide for Scrum Team,目的Kanban基于Flow的视角可以增强和补充Scrum框架及其实施过程。
该份《面向 Scrum Team 的 Kanban 指南》是社区成员和Kanban 社区领导人共同合作的成果。
中⽂版Scrum指南2020Scrum 定义 (definition)是⼀个轻量级的框架,通过针对复杂问题的⾃适应解决⽅案帮助⼈员、团队和组织创造价值。
简⽽⾔之,Scrum 需要 Scrum ⼤师 () 来营造⼀个环境::1. 产品所有者 () 将复杂问题的⼯作订购到产品积压中。
2. Scrum 团队 () 在冲刺期间将作品的选择转化为价值增量。
3. Scrum 团队及其利益相关者 (Stakeholders) 检查结果并调整为下⼀个冲刺。
4. 重复Scrum 很简单。
Scrum 框架故意不完整,仅定义实施 Scrum 理论所需的部分。
Scrum 是由使⽤它的⼈的集体智慧建⽴起来的。
Scrum 规则不是向⼈们提供详细的说明,⽽是指导他们的关系和互动。
Scrum 围绕现有实践进⾏包装,或使其变得没有必要。
Scrum 可显著显⽰当前管理、环境和⼯作技术的相对有效性,以便进⾏改进。
Scrum 理论Scrum 建⽴在经验主义和精益思维的基础上。
Scrum 采⽤迭次 () 增量 () ⽅法来优化可预测性和控制风险。
Scrum 与⼀群拥有所有技能和专业知识的⼈进⾏接触,以完成⼯作,并根据需要分享或获得此类技能。
Scrum 结合了四个正式事件,⽤于在包含的事件"冲刺"内进⾏检查和适应。
这些事件之所以有效,是因为它们实现了透明度、检查和适应的经验 Scrum ⽀柱 (the )。
透明度 (Transparency)紧急过程和⼯作必须向执⾏⼯作的⼈以及接受⼯作的⼈可见。
对于Scrum,重要的决策基于其三个正式⽂物 (Artifacts) 的感知状态。
Scrum实施指南编制:项目管理中心审核:____________批准:1.总则 (3)1.1.目的 (3)2.2.适用范围 (3)2.准入标准 (3)3.输入项 (3)4.角色与职责 (3)5.敏捷过程 (5)5.1发布R ELEASE计划 (5)5. 2分析 (5)5. 3构建 (5)5. 3.1 冲刺计戈ij会议(S PRINT................................ P LANNING M EETING) 6 5. 3. 2 每日站会(D AILY S TAND-U P) (6)5. 3. 3 冲刺演示(S PRINT R EVIEW) (7)5. 3. 4 冲刺回顾会(S PRINT R ETROSPECTIVE) (7)5.4 R ELEASE集成测试与发布 (7)5. 5生产部署 (8)6.输出项 (8)7.准出标准 (8)1.总则1.1.目的本文描述了在敏捷项目管理过程中的各项过程及流程,公司内部敏捷项目可参照本制度根据项目需要进行裁剪,实施项目敏捷管理。
1.2.适用范品本管理过程适用于公司内部信息类应用敏捷Scrum框架的项目o2. 准入标准已获取研发需求。
3.输入项•需求,期望•产品待办列表•每个Release或Sprint的验收标准4.角色与职责团队的下一步工作• 确保开发团队对产品待办列表项有足够的理解 • 想改变某项的优先级必须先经过产品负责人 • 为保证产品负责人的工作顺利进行,组织中的所有人员都必须尊 重他的决定。
产品负责人所作的决定通过产品待办列表的内容和 排序来表达。
• 维护冲刺列表sprint backlog • 帮助团队利用看板对每日工作进行监控,促使团队每天报告和更 新用户故事的状态 • 与团队成员一起在整个开发过程中识别问题与风险,并且与团队 成员共同商讨解决 • 确保每日站立会召开以评审sprint 状态 • 编辑或评审每周状态报告 • 促进与团队和产品所有者的冲刺评审会议,以评审sprint 中构 建的功能 • 帮助移除开发团队工作中的障碍 • 引导和检查开发进度;约束不规范的行为 • 帮助团队成长,提交开发效率 • 激励团队了解项目的方向,目的和重要性 • 分析需求并与P0进行确认 • 建立设计文档• 构建功能• 执行评审活动• 执行测试工作• 参加四个会议。
在基于敏捷的软件开发项目中,团队合作很重要,没有“ I”的概念。
迭代目 标
迭代 计划
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Mountain Goat Software, LLC
决定如何实现迭代目标 从产品的backlog中选择一些创 建迭代backlog(任务) 以小时为单位评估迭代任务工 作量
迭代 backlog
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团队自己从产品的backlog中选择一些他们能够完成的 任务作为迭代的backlog 迭代backlog被创建
Mountain Goat Software, LLC
混乱的 需求数量 复杂度
图片源于 /scrum
Mountain Goat Software, LLC
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典型的迭代周期为2-4周或者最多一个自然月 一个固定的周期能够创造出项目的更优美的节奏 感 产品的设计,开发,测试全部都在一个迭代内完 成
Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka, “The New New Product Development Game”, Harvard Business Review, January 1986.
Scrum Team Kanban指南2021年1月说明书
Kanban 指南2021 年1 月本文件由、Daniel Vacanti 和Yuval Yeret 開發與維護目錄目的 (3)與Scrum 指南的關係 (3)Kanban 定義 (3)結合Scrum 理論的Kanban (3)f low 與經驗主義 (3)flow 的基本指標 (4)利特爾法則–支配flow 的關鍵 (4)Kanban 實務 (4)Workflow 視覺化– Kanban 板 (5)限制未完成工作(WIP) (5)積極管理未完成工作項目 (6)檢視並調適Definition of Workflow (6)以flow 為主的事件 (7)Sprint (7)Sprint Planning (7)Daily Scrum (7)Sprint Review (8)Sprint Retrospective (8)Increment (8)文末註解 (9)開發歷史與致謝 (9)關於翻譯 (9)術語表 (10)© 2021 . Offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons, accessible at /licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode and also described in summary form at /licenses/by-sa/4.0/. By utilizing this Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams,目的Kanban 採取以flow 為主的觀點,可以強化並補充Scrum 架構及其實施情形。
無論團隊是剛開始或持續使用Scrum,都能新增Kanban 補充實務。
Scrum Team Kanban 指南(The Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams) 是 社群成員和Kanban 社群領導者的協作成果,並由他們共同支援Scrum Team Kanban 指南。
Scrum-Scrum Artifacts教程手册说明书
Backlog emerges during the Sprint. This emergence occurs as the Team works through the plan and learns more about the work needed to achieve the Sprint Goal.As new work is required, the Team adds it to the Sprint Backlog. As work is performed or completed, the estimated remaining work is updated. When elements of the plan are deemed unnecessary, they are removed. Only the Team can change its Sprint Backlog during a Sprint. The Sprint Backlog is a highly visible, real-time picture of the work that the Team plans to accomplish during the Sprint, and it belongs solely to the Team.IncrementThe Increment is the sum of all the Product Backlog items completed during a Sprint combined with the increments of all previous Sprints. At the end of a Sprint, the new Increment must be a working product, which means it must be in a useable condition. It must be in working condition regardless of whether the Product Owner decides to actually release it.The Scrum Team needs to have consensus on what is considered to be an Increment. This varies significantly per Scrum Team, but, team members must have a shared understanding of what it means for work to be complete. This is used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment.The same understanding guides the Team in knowing how many Product Backlog items it can select during a Sprint Planning. The purpose of each Sprint is to deliver Increments of potentially releasable functionality.Teams deliver an Increment of product functionality every Sprint. This Increment is useable, so a Product Owner may choose to release it immediately. If the understanding of an increment is part of the conventions, standards, or guidelines of the development organization, all Scrum Teams must follow it as a minimum. If it is not a convention of the development organization, the Scrum Team must define a definition of Increment appropriate for the product.Each Increment is additive to all prior Increments and thoroughly tested, ensuring that all Increments work together.As Scrum Teams mature, it is expected that their definitions of Increments expands to include more stringent criteria for higher quality. Any one product should have a definition of Increment that is a standard for any work done on it.Sprint Burn-Down ChartAt any point in time in a Sprint, the total work remaining in the Sprint Backlog can be summed. The Team tracks this total work remaining for every Daily Scrum to project the likelihood of achieving the Sprint Goal. By tracking the remaining work throughout the Sprint, the Team can manage its progress.Sprint Burn-Down Chart is a practice for trending the work expended by the Scrum Team. This has been proven to be a useful technique in monitoring the Sprint progress towards the Sprint Goal. The Product Owner tracks this total work remaining at least every Sprint Review. The Product Owner compares this amount with work remaining at previous Sprint Reviews to assess progress toward completing the projected work by the desired time for the goal. This information is shared with all stakeholders.ConclusionScrum’s roles, events, artifacts, and rules are inevitable. If only some parts of Scrum are implemented, the result is not Scrum. Scrum needs to be implemented in its entirety and functions well if aligned with other techniques, methodologies, and practices.ReferenceScrum Guide © 1991-2013 Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, All Rights Reserved.。
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指南ScrumScrum指南2010年2月Scrum由Ken Schwaber和Jeff Sutherland开发并维护版权说明:本文由社区志愿者翻译,版权归原著者所有,Scrum中文网仅对其中的用词进行了统一和部分错误进行了更正。
正如Jim Coplien一次对Jeff所说:“每个人都会喜欢Scrum;因为这是当我们被逼到墙角时的自然反应。
首先,要提到Jeff Sutherland及与之工作的Jeff McKenna,Ken Schwaber和Mike Smith 还有Chris Martin。
在之后5年中,Mike Beedle和Martine Devos做出了重大贡献。
我们对首批尝试和提炼Scrum的公司:Individual,Inc.,、Fidelity Investments和IDX(现在的GE医疗)表示致敬。
被时间箱限定的Scrum要素有:发布计划会议、Sprint 计划会议、Sprint、每日站会、Sprint评审会议和Sprint回顾会议。
采用Scrum 的企业可能发现这样会对他们制定优先级和需求的方法产生影响。