
功夫熊猫故事梗概Title: Kung Fu Panda Story SynopsisIntroduction:Kung Fu Panda is an animated film that tells the story of a clumsy but lovable panda named Po who dreams of becoming a kung fu master. Directed by Mark Osborne and John Stevenson, the film takes place in ancient China and explores themes of self-discovery, friendship, and perseverance. In this synopsis, we will delve into the main plot points and character developments that make this film an entertaining and heartwarming adventure.Act 1:The story begins in the Valley of Peace, a tranquil place where the legendary Furious Five protect their village from any threats. Meanwhile, Po, a big-hearted and perpetually hungry panda, dreams of becoming a kung fu master like his idols. Po works at his family's noodle shop, but his passion lies in the art of kung fu. Despite his dreams, Po's father, Mr. Ping, believes that the life of a noodle shop owner is where Po belongs.One day, it is announced that the revered kung fu master, Oogway, will choose the Dragon Warrior, the one who will inherit the power of the Dragon Scroll and become the next protector of the Valley. Po, along with countless other aspiring warriors, eagerly attends the ceremony. However, through a series of comical mishaps, Po finds himself accidentally chosen as the Dragon Warrior, much to the disbelief of Master Shifu, the kung fu master who trained the Furious Five.Act 2:At the Jade Palace, the prestigious kung fu training facility, Po struggles to fit in with the disciplined and agile Furious Five. While his new companions dismiss Po as a joke, Shifu reluctantly agrees to train him in the hopes of humbling him. Po's lack of skill and physical prowess make him an unlikely candidate for the role of Dragon Warrior, causing doubt and frustration to consume both Po and Shifu.However, as time progresses, Po’s unwavering determination and spirit begin to win over both his fellow students and Shifu. Through their training, Po discovers his hidden potential and the importance of finding his inner strength. Meanwhile, a power-hungry snow leopard named Tai Lung escapes from prison, threatening the Valley of Peaceand forcing the Furious Five and Po to confront their fears head-on.Act 3:As the climactic battle between Tai Lung and the kung fu warriors unfolds, Po's true potential as the Dragon Warrior shines through. With his unorthodox fighting style and unique personality, he unlocks the power of the Dragon Scroll, realizing that the secret to kung fu lies within oneself. Po's ability to believe in himself inspires his friends and Master Shifu to confront their own insecurities and embrace their individual strengths.In a thrilling showdown, Po faces Tai Lung and uses his newfound skills to defeat him, saving the Valley of Peace from destruction. Po's triumph not only proves his worth as the Dragon Warrior but also teaches everyone the value of self-acceptance and the limitless nature of determination and friendship.Conclusion:Kung Fu Panda is a heartwarming story that teaches valuable life lessons through its endearing characters and beautifully animated sequences. Po's journey from an underestimated panda to a respected kung fu warrior captivates audiences ofall ages. The film's message about embracing one's unique qualities and believing in oneself resonates deeply, reminding viewers that anyone can achieve greatness if they have the courage to pursue their dreams.。

1.功夫熊猫第一季第 18 集的故事背景和主要角色
《功夫熊猫》是一部由美国梦工厂动画公司制作的动画片,其中第一季第 18 集的故事梗概如下:
在本集故事中,主人公阿宝(Po)和他的朋友们在和平谷(Valley of Peace)遇到了一个新的挑战。
为了保护家园,阿宝必须联合他的朋友们,以及他的导师“师父”(Master Shifu)和功夫大师“龙战士”(Tigress)等人,一起对抗破晓者。

沈王爷想要改变自己的命运,率领手下捣 毁了熊猫的村庄。后来沈王爷造出了火 炮,扬言可以毁灭天下功夫。
于是,阿宝和“盖世五侠”潜入凤凰城,结果遭 遇沈王爷军队的追击,历经一番坎坷后,阿宝等 人最终击败了沈王爷;最后,阿宝不仅了解到了 自己到身世,还在对亲人对痛苦中领悟到了和平 对真谛,还收获了来自悍娇虎对爱情。
凤凰城自古以来由孔雀一族掌管,因为他们发明 了美丽的烟火,给人们带来了快乐。然而凤凰城 的继承人沈王爷却不满足与这一些,他发现了烟 火可怕阴暗的一面,并且野心勃勃。
她的父母得知后,十分担忧,来羊仙姑沈王爷算上一卦。羊 仙姑预言:如果再这样下去,沈王爷迟早会惹下大祸,而在 那时,会有一名黑白相间的武士打败他。
小时候的他体弱多病,连父母看着他病怏怏的样子都 已绝望。沈王爷便立下誓言,从此不再让人瞧不起自 己,自此沈王爷开始无情的攫取权力。凭借坚定的毅 力以及旁门左道般的聪明,多年后他终于建造出了一 件最具毁灭性的武器。就将沈王爷即将大获全胜时, 他发现有东西在阻挡他——一件他认为自己20年前就 已经搞定的东西。
阿宝,最初他只不过是一只心地善良、憨态可 掬的大熊猫,白天和父亲平先生经营着一家面馆, 晚上则沉浸在自己与盖世五侠并肩作战的美梦中。 在师傅(Master Shifu)的指导下,由此阿宝 开始了和盖世五侠的生活。起初他们对这样一只笨 手笨脚的熊猫都很失望和无奈,但随着阿宝证明了 他的能力,并逐渐形成自己的流派,大家也开始对 他产生了敬意,成为人们心中的“神龙大侠”
• 片中经典的一句话是“静下心来”。而他正是静下来才打 败了敌人。在生活中同样是这样,不论遭遇怎样的危险与 不幸,不论处势如何危急,不论事务多么繁重,唯有沉着 冷静,才能想出应对之策。而还有让我铭记的一句台词富 有哲理,其大概意思是说过去的事都过去了,无论发生过 什么,都不及现在重要,要把握住现在。其实这能给我们 很大启迪:过去的成败,过去的悲喜,已成过眼云烟。记 住,可以使我们多留一段成长经历;遗忘,可以使我们再 抹去一道伤痕。而现在才是最重要的,把握好现在,就等 于在创造美好未来。若停滞与以往以致荒废现在和未来, 是人生中吃得最大的一次亏。

功夫熊猫的英语作文概括英文:Kung Fu Panda is a movie that tells the story of a clumsy panda named Po who dreams of becoming a kung fu master. However, he works in a noodle shop with his father and has no training in martial arts. One day, Po is unexpectedly chosen as the Dragon Warrior to fight against the evil Tai Lung, who has escaped from prison and is seeking revenge against his former master, Master Shifu.Throughout the movie, Po struggles to find his inner strength and overcome his insecurities. He learns valuable lessons about perseverance, dedication, and the importance of believing in oneself. With the help of his friends, the Furious Five, Po ultimately defeats Tai Lung and becomes the hero he always wanted to be.I love this movie because it has a great message about following your dreams and never giving up, no matter howdifficult the journey may be. Po's journey is relatable to many people, as we all have our own insecurities and doubts. However, by pushing through these struggles and believingin ourselves, we can achieve great things.中文:《功夫熊猫》是一部讲述一个笨拙的熊猫Po梦想成为功夫大师的电影。

《功夫熊猫》中文片名:《功夫熊猫》英文片名:Kung Fu Pannda原名:熊猫阿宝国家:中国类型:动画、喜剧、动作、家庭片长:92分钟上映时间:2008年6月6日一、剧情简介:故事发生在很久以前的古代中国,从一只喜欢滚来滚去的大熊猫的身上说起,熊猫阿宝是鸭子父亲一直以来的期望,这个血液里都流淌着面条的家族,自从祖先从一头猪手里赢来面馆后,就靠它发家致富。


功夫熊猫主要内容如何⽤英语介绍 《功夫熊猫》是⼀部以中国功夫为主题的美国动作喜剧电影!⾄于这部电影要如何⽤电影去介绍呢?下⾯就不妨和店铺⼀起来欣赏下功夫熊猫主要内容英语介绍,希望对各位有帮助! 功夫熊猫主要内容英语介绍 In the quiet and peaceful Valley of Peace, a group of leisurely lovely Dongwu. qizhong, fat panda Awa ( jack black voice ) as a waiter in the noodle shop, he also often gets people's xiai. raner, a fierce evil snow leopard Stallone, the residents of Valley of Peace are prepared to call the most intrepid men in the form of conference to including master 功夫熊猫主要内容中⽂介绍 在宁静祥和的和平⾕⾥,⽣活着⼀群悠闲可爱的动物.其中,胖胖的熊猫阿波(杰克·布莱克配⾳)作为⾯馆⾥的服务⽣,⼀向以好吃懒做⽽闻名,但他也是天底下最热⾎的中国功夫迷.不过,善良诚实的他倒也常得到⼈们的喜爱.然⽽,⼀只凶猛邪恶的雪豹泰龙(伊恩·麦克肖恩配⾳)的闯⼊,使得和平⾕⾥的⼈们遭遇了前所未有的威胁.为了,尽早铲除恶豹,和平⾕的居民们准备召集各路好汉,以⽐武⼤会的形式推选出最强悍之⼈前去迎敌.熊猫波爱凑热闹的⽑病,竟让包括浣熊师⽗(达斯汀·霍夫曼配⾳)、猴⼦⼤师(成龙配⾳)、毒蛇⼤师(刘⽟玲配⾳)、丹顶鹤⼤师(戴维·克罗斯配⾳)、⽼虎⼤师(安吉莉娜·朱莉配⾳)、螳螂⼤师(塞斯·罗根配⾳)等⼏位⾝怀绝技的⾼⼿,认定熊猫波是上天安排的拯救和平⾕之⼈. 于是,慵懒贪吃的⽇⼦被整⽇习武练功的苦差所取代.胖熊猫能最终功成名就,打败强敌! 功夫熊猫的影评 和平⾕是⼀个中国⼈⼼中的理想社会,居民安居乐业,受到翡翠宫的保护。


计算机特技全新境界,超阔银幕史诗般 气势。 这次制作功夫动画,令计算机特技亦进 入全新境界,为了做到各动物高手快、狠、 准的招式,动画人员采用最先进的计算机技 术,加强角色身上的操控点,令动作更顺畅 流丽和紧凑,为观众带来前所未见的视觉刺 激! 为了展示武侠电影的磅礴气魄,通常这 类型电影都会采用2.35:1的超阔银幕形式 (CinemaScope),这次《功夫熊猫》亦沿 用这传统,以更广阔的视野,带出史诗般的 电影感,成就一部别有风格的CG动画巨制。
全Байду номын сангаас中充满笑料,幽默,但也充满了人生哲理。我 从中感悟到:做任何事最重要的就是两个字“坚持”,希 望是永存的,只要不放弃,敢于去实现自己的梦想,最终 必能实现;成功没有秘密,秘密就在于选择相信;面对困 难,要乐观,要敢于面对,勇于战胜。
在最先进的计算机特技,以及精心设计 的角色、场景和美术配合下,《功夫熊猫》 的精彩场面一幕接一幕,其中最惊心动魄的 是反派雪豹上演的一幕“越狱”戏。为了要 做好那场戏,导演特别请来《夺宝奇兵4: 水晶骷髅王国》《X战警3:最后一战》的视 觉特技专家,设计场面和预视效果,令这段 动画片仿如真人动作片般精彩刺激! 而囚禁雪豹的监狱亦设计得别具心思, 一座深约3,000英尺的垂直式监狱,灵感源 自中国长城和18世纪意大利画家Piranesi的 画作,加上一重重仿如电子游戏的过关式挑 战,以及动用1,000名守卫来对付1个囚犯, 令整个越狱过程惊险万分,亦带出了雪豹令 人畏惧的惊人力量,为故事埋下引人入胜的 伏笔!
《功夫熊猫》除了功夫以外, 《功夫熊猫》的故事以中国为背 景,由景观、布景、服装以至道 具均充满中国元素。美术总监 Raymond Zibach为此花了8年时 间,钻研中国文化、艺术、建筑、 山水风光,务求做好动画中每个 细节,忠实反映中国特色。《卧 虎藏龙》和《英雄》亦是美术人 员的重要参考材料,难怪片中的 宏伟建筑如 “英雄宝殿” 和 “翡翠宫” 均带有这些大制作 的影子。而故事背景所在的 “太平谷” ,就以桂林和漓江 为蓝本,山光水色大有 “甲天 下” 的水平,让观众看得格外 有亲切感。

《功夫熊猫》是一部由美国梦工厂制作的动画电影,其英语介绍如下:"Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American computer-animated action comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It stars the voices of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, and Angelina Jolie, with Alessandro Barrera, Dan Fogler, Jackie Chan, Seth Rogen, Lucy Liu, and David Cross in supporting roles. The film was directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne, and written by Osborne, Jeffrey Bushell, and Michael J. Wilson. Set in a traditional Chinese-inspired world, the story follows the adventures of Po, a panda who dreams of becoming a kung fu master and ends up learning the ways of kung fu."主要内容:在一个古老的中国世界里,熊猫阿宝(Po)一直梦想成为一名功夫高手。
一天,乌龟大师(Master Oogway)预见到邪恶的雪豹太郎(Tai Lung)将逃离监狱并威胁和平谷。

kungfu panda
熊猫阿波是小面馆里的小伙计,是和平谷里公 认的最懒的动物。虽然天天做梦都相当功夫皇 帝,可性格决定命运:他阿波就是个一无是处 的无名之辈。时逢强敌入侵,谷中动物合议举 办武林大会选出一位武林高手带领大家抗击外 敌。阿波也无意中闯入了比武大会场地,先知 一语惊倒在场所有高手,这个超懒熊猫,竟然 就是肩负拯救整个和平谷使命的“救世熊”! 谷中的功夫大师可有得头疼了,要想让阿波成 为旷世武林高手,那是一定肯定以及非常确 定……万分不容易!原本懒洋洋的大熊猫阿波 开始加紧学习古老的中华武术。功夫不负有心 人,阿波在众位师父的悉心调教下终于击溃入 侵者,成为一代武林宗师。
除了信念,阿宝的善良、宽容,既承载 了硬功夫,也凝聚正气、人气,成为一 种软实力和软功夫。特别是阿宝甘为五 大高手下厨,调制可口的汤面,做无私 奉献时,这种境界得到了生动体现。所 谓厚德载物,阿宝之厚德,换来了亲和 力、信任和期望啊。一旦伙伴们成了知 己,士便要为知己者慷慨赴死了。看看 大伙后来配合默契,并肩作战,救民水 火,便知一斑。
人生没有意外。这话龟大仙说了数次。 偶然中蕴藏必然,一切早已注定。阿宝 和我们一样,不知道命运所在,只有坚 持理想,不懈追求。如果说是宿命,那 也是阿宝的痴迷与执着,让他心无旁鹜、 勇往直前。 勇气是前提,担当是内 核,还必须要有“硬”功夫。敌人不会 与你坐而论道,一定要兵戎相见。大敌 当前,危如累卵。龟大仙托浣熊师傅以 重任,浣熊师傅亦托阿宝以重任。此托 付重于泰山,此担当重于泰山啊。
3.退出,不退出。做面条,不做面条。 Quit n’t quit. Noodles don’t noodles. 4.俗语说,过去的,已经过去了未来的,还 未可知现在,却是上苍的礼赠那就是为什 么今天是present(现在/礼物)There is a saying,Yesterday is historyTomorrow is a mysteryBut today is a giftThat is why it’s called the present (the gift)

小时候的他体弱多病,连父母看着他病怏怏的样子都 已绝望。沈王爷便立下誓言,从此不再让人瞧不起自 己,自此沈王爷开始无情的攫取权力。凭借坚定的毅 力以及旁门左道般的聪明,多年后他终于建造出了一 件最具毁灭性的武器。就将沈王爷即将大获全胜时, 他发现有东西在阻挡他——一件他认为自己20年前就 已经搞定的东西。
• 片中经典的一句话是“静下心来”。而他正是静下来才打 败了敌人。在生活中同样是这样,不论遭遇怎样的危险与 不幸,不论处势如何危急,不论事务多么繁重,唯有沉着 冷静,才能想出应对之策。而还有让我铭记的一句台词富 有哲理,其大概意思是说过去的事都过去了,无论发生过 什么,都不及现在重要,要把握住现在。其实这能给我们 很大启迪:过去的成败,过去的悲喜,已成过眼云烟。记 住,可以使我们多留一段成长经历;遗忘,可以使我们再 抹去一道伤痕。而现在才是最重要的,把握好现在,就等 于在创造美好未来。若停滞与以往以致荒废现在和未来, 是人生中吃得最大的一次亏。
沈王爷想要改变自己的命运,率领手下捣 毁了熊猫的村庄。后来沈王爷造出了火 炮,扬言可以毁灭天下功夫。
于是,阿宝和“盖世五侠”潜入凤凰城,结果遭 遇沈王爷军队的追击,历经一番坎坷后,阿宝等 人最终击败了沈王爷;最后,阿宝不仅了解到了 自己到身世,还在对亲人对痛苦中领悟到了和平 对真谛,还收获了来自悍娇虎对爱情。

中文名:功夫熊猫外文名:Kung Fu Panda其它译名:Panda do Kung Fu,OPortugal出品时间:2008年出品公司:梦工厂动画制片地区:美国导演:马克·奥斯本约翰·斯蒂文森编剧:乔纳森·阿贝尔格伦·伯杰类型:动画,动作,喜剧,家庭主演:杰克·布莱克,达斯汀·霍夫曼,成龙,安吉丽娜·朱莉,刘玉玲,塞斯·罗根片长:90分上映时间:2008年5月分级:美国PG对白语言:英语、中文色彩:彩色角色介绍阿宝(Po)阿宝本是一家面馆的学徒,但是他却梦想着能打遍天下无敌手。


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Critics of Kung fu Panda2Plot SummaryThe film Kung Fu Panda2was released on May 28, 2011, directed by Jennifer ·Yuh. The main roles in the film are Master Po, Master Shifu, Master Tigress, Master Monkey, Master Crane, Master Viper, Master Mantis, Mr. Ping, Lord Shen, The Soothsayer, Master Croc, Master Thundering Rhino, Master Storming Ox, Wolf Boss.Role analysisPo (Jack Black) is a panda who works in a noodle restaurant owned by his goose father Mr. Ping (James Hong). He is a kung fu fanatic with secret dreams of becoming a great master in the discipline, however his weight and clumsiness seem to make his goal unattainable; Mr. Ping hopes instead that Po will one day take over the restaurant, and waits for the perfect opportunity to disclose the secret ingredient to his family's noodle recipe.The tortoise Master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim) has a premonition that the evil snow leopard warrior Tai Lung (Ian McShane), the former student of his own protégé, the red panda Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman), will escape from prison and return to threaten the Valley of Peace. While Shifu sends Zeng (Dan Fogler), a messenger goose, to Chorh-Gom Prison to have the security increased, Oogway orders a formal ceremony to choose the mighty Dragon Warrior who can defeat Tai Lung. Everyone assumes that one of the Furious Five —Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Monkey (Jackie Chan), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy Liu), and Crane (David Cross) — a quintet of supremely skilled martial artists trained by Shifu,[4] will be chosen for this honor.While the Five demonstrate their skills at the ceremony, Po arrives too late and finds himself locked outside the walled palace square. As a last-ditch attempt to get in, he ties several fireworks to a chair and ignites them, which sends him crashing into the center of the arena. Inspired by this sudden appearance, Oogway designates Po the Dragon Warrior. Despite Po's protests and Shifu's pleas to reconsider, Oogway stands by his decision.Revolted at having Po under his tutelage, Shifu attempts to make him quit by berating and humiliating him. The Five similarly dismiss Po as a worthless interloper. Although he becomes aware of Shifu's true intentions and is deeply hurt by his heroes' disdain for him, Po endures their abuse willingly for the dream to become something more than the failure he thinks he is. Master Oogway, still certain that Po is the right choice, gives him sage advice to believe in himself. Eventually, Po endears himself to the Five (except for Tigress) with his tenacity, good cooking, and sense of humor. At this time Tigress reveals to Po how Tai Lung came to be so evil. Shifu raised him from a cub and treated him like a son. When Oogway refused to make Tai Lung the Dragon Warrior, he became enraged and laid waste to the Valley. He then tried to take the dragon scroll. Shifu tried to stop him, but could not bear to destroy what he had created. Tai Lung was defeated by Master Oogway and imprisoned. Tigress ends her story by saying that Shifu loved Tai Lung like he never had before, or since.Meanwhile, Zeng's errand backfires when a tour of the prison given to him by the overly confident head of security, Commander Vachir (Michael Clarke Duncan), inadvertently enables Tai Lung to escape. Tai Lung orders Zeng to send word of his arrival to Shifu. In the Valley of Peace, Oogway passes away and ascends to the heavens, leaving his final wish that Shifu train Po. However, upon learning of Tai Lung's return, and realizing that he has to face the evil warrior, Po attempts to flee. Shifu stops the panda and promises to train him if he is truly destined to be the Dragon Warrior. When Po confesses his belief that he may never be a match for Tai Lung, Shifu is at a loss for a solution. Overhearing this argument, Tigress takes it upon herself to intercept Tai Lung, and the rest of The Five follow her to assist. The following morning, Shifu discovers that Po is capable of impressive physical feats when motivated by food. He leads Po to the countryside for an intensive training regime in which Po is offered food as a reward for learning his lessons. As Shifu hopes, Po swiftly becomes a skilled combatant.The Five battle Tai Lung but are eventually defeated with a specialized nerve-striking technique, and they retreat to the valley. When they return, Shifu decides Po is ready to face the villain and gives him the sacred Dragon Scroll, which promises great power to the possessor. When Po opens it, he finds nothing but a blank reflective surface. Stricken with despair at the scroll's apparent worthlessness, Shifu orders his students to lead the villagers to safety while he stays to delay Tai Lung for as long as he can.As Po participates in the evacuation, he meets his father, who tries to cheer him up by telling him the secret ingredient of the family's noodle soup: nothing. Things become special, he explains, because people believe them to be special. Realizing that is the very point of the Dragon Scroll, Po rushes off to help Shifu. At this time, Tai Lung arrives at the palace. He blames Shifu for not granting him the title of Dragon Warrior just because Master Oogway did not choose him, and the two begin to fight. For his part, Shifu is crippled by his profound feelings of guilt and responsibility for his former protégé, whom he loved and raised like a son, turning to darkness.When Tai Lung discovers that the Dragon Scroll is gone, he attempts to kill Shifu in his anger. But before he can, Po finally arrives and challenges him. Although Tai Lung scoffs at Po's abilities, the ensuing fight proves Po to be a formidable opponent. Despite Po's skill, Tai Lung temporarily stuns him and gains the Dragon Scroll, but is unable to understand its symbolism. Po tries to explain the wisdom of the scroll to Tai Lung, but the frustrated leopard tries to subdue Po with his nerve strikes. The attack proves useless on the panda, as his nerves are difficult to find due to his body fat. Emboldened, Po counter-attacks with an improvised combat style that takes advantage of his girth to absorb and deflect the force from Tai Lung's attacks back at him. In the end, Po uses the Wuxi Finger Hold on Tai Lung (a technique Shifu had previously threatened to use on Po), destroying him in a large explosion of golden light that ripples through the valley.The Five return to the valley to investigate and find a slightly dazed but triumphant Po. Deeply impressed at Po's victory, Tigress leads the Five to acknowledge the panda as a Kung Fu master. The villagers, including Po's father, hailPo as a hero. Po suddenly remembers that his teacher is badly wounded, and rushes back to Shifu. At first the master appears to be dying, and Po panics. But it turns out that he is only resting after such a terrible battle with Tai Lung. Relieved, Po rests on the floor with Shifu. After a few seconds, Po suggests that they get something to eat and Shifu agrees.At the end of the credits, Shifu and Po are seen eating together by the sacred peach tree. A peach seed planted by Shifu before Oogway's passing has sprouted into a new plant.Master Shifu is the student of Oogway and the (at first) extremely militaristic trainer of the Furious Five. He is at first very unwilling to train Po, not believing he has what it takes to defeat Tai Lung; he therefore tries to make the training unbearable to force Po to give up. As such, Shifu is greatly annoyed at how Po embraces and endures all his attempts. At first, Shifu voices his contempt of Po by referring to him as "Panda" rather than his name. After much convincing from Oogway as well as his new responsibility as the guardian of the Valley of Peace after Oogway's ascension into the Heavens, Shifu trains Po until he is ready to face Tai Lung.Shifu once loved Tai Lung like a son after he was abandoned at his doorstep as a very young cub. He tried to subdue him after Tai Lung attacked the Valley and made a bid to take the Dragon Scroll by force, but froze, unable to destroy what he created through love, and failed. In Secrets of the Furious Five, it is revealed that he is Tigress' adoptive father as well. He taught her how to control her own fury by playing a game of dominoes with her and later adopted her as his own daughter from an orphanage despite all the other adults' fear of adopting her. His experience with Tai Lung otherwise stiffened him, unfortunately, causing him to train Tigress and the Furious Five in a harsher and more critical manner than he used with Tai Lung or uses with Po. When Tai Lung returns to the Valley to enact his revenge, Shifu is nearly killed in the battle that ensues until Po arrives to save him. Shifu admits to Tai Lung that his pride and love for him turned into complacency and Tai Lung angrily rants that Shifu drove him to training until his bones cracked, implying that Shifu had always been strict even when Tai Lung was a cub. Po's defeat of Tai Lung fulfills Master Oogway's prophecy, bringing him inner peace and forever breaking down the barriers over his heart. Since then, Shifu continues to be surprised by Po, such as being a more effective teacher than he expected in Secrets of the Furious Five, and underestimating Po's loyalty and compassion in Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special. In the latter, Shifu confesses to Po, "What goes on in your head I really don't always understand, but what goes on in your heart will never let us down."His sense of humor, before being cynical and sarcastic, is also shown returning during the end credits when he is seen laughing at Tigress, who has apparently tried some of Po's noodles, with one hanging above her lips in the same comical fashion as Po's earlier in the film. He enjoys playing his bamboo flute and is also able to use it as a striking and throwing weapon.Despite his age and limping on his left leg, which Tai Lung broke in their first battle, Shifu can move faster than any opponent. He is so strong and powerful that one or even all of the Furious Five combined cannot make him break a sweat.Master Oogway is an aged tortoise and the senior master of the Jade Palace.[2] He is extremely wise and possesses considerable physical skill - to defeat Tai Lung, Oogway instantly subdued him with a series of lightning fast nerve strikes. Also, he proved skillful in his battle with Monkey, and encouraged him to use compassion towards others after deducing why Monkey played tricks on everyone. His selection of Po as the Dragon Warrior is strongly doubted by all, especially Po himself, but he stands by his decision, which proves to be the correct one. After convincing Shifu to train Po, Oogway ascends to the Heavens in the midst of dozens of peach blossom petals floating away in the cold night breeze as he dies. Among all the proverbs he recites, his most recurring is "There are no accidents."My feelingsMy feelings about the whole film can be divided into two parts, one is about the good.“The most important element” in any film will vary according to its genre. For a film like Kung Fu Panda clearly the most important element it needed to pull off was comedy. If a film like this one doesn’t make you laugh… then there isn’t much left to fall back on. Thankfully the movie succeeds quite well on this level. I can’t recall any more than 1 hard belly laugh (usually a decent comedy needs much more than that), but it felt like it at least always had me smiling or giggling through the run time. Almost none of the jokes were home runs… but then did all work. The end result was I found myself entertained almost all the way through.Coming up with a good villain in a kids film is no easy task. The character has to be menacing, but at the same time you can’t give kids nightmaris h visions and make them crap themselves. I mean come on… it’s Kung Fu Panda… you can’t exactly have Violator (from the Spawn comics) showing up can causing kids across the nation to spontaneously crap themselves in their theater seats… then requiring thera py for the next 3 years to make the nightmares go away! It is a fine and delicate balance… and the villain in Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung, was perfect. He was certainly menacing… but at the same time easy enough for the kids to handle without needing pampers. I think the presence of such a villain really helped the film work.Doing good action in an animated film is also no easy task. I mean, it’s easy enough to do… just not so easy to do well. However, Kung Fu Panda and the folks at Dreamworks really did pull of some beautiful animation with complex yet extremely smooth kung fu fighting that was a treat to watch. It was also a lot of fun seeing how each character had a totally different fighting style in keeping with which animal they were. I mean come on… how on earth do you animate a snake doing Kung Fu and have it look cool? Well… they found a way!The other one is about the bad.There isn’t a lot to complain about in this movie, but I will raise a couple of issues. First of all, some of the voice casting felt completely wrong. I worship the ground Dustin Hoffman walks on… but him as the voice of the sage Chinese Kung Fu master that trains the furious 5 and Po??? It just didn’t fit. Seth Rogen as one of the furious 5? I hope I’m not just being picky… but whene ver these guys spoke (especially Rogen) it just kinda pulled me out of the movie. It was just reallyconspicuous.I would have liked to have seen more about the furious 5 characters (the tiger, crane, monkey, viper and the mantis. I think Jackie Chan had l ike 2 lines… but I mean more in the sense of seeing even just a 2 minute segment of where they each came from and how they ended up at the temple in the first place. Not a major complaint… but it did keep popping into my head as I was watching it.Contrary to my initial impressions, Kung Fu Panda ends up being a funny (not outright hilarious), exciting, well animated and beautiful to look at movie that both kids and yes, even adults will enjoy. Some poor voice casting and a few character left without be ing fleshed out much didn’t become major distractions to enjoying the movie. Could have taken or left Jack Black as the lead voice, but he didn’t detract from the fil m in anyway. It’s no Pixar film, but very good nonetheless.。