英语专业辅修资料-Simile 1

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•It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic (特性)in common. dissimilar objects •To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other.

•Similes compare two dissimilar objects, concepts (in most respects these two things are totally unlike, but actually are alike in some significant way) in order to suggest an unexpected likeness between the two.

What is a simile: A simile is a comparison of two different things that uses “like”or “as”

Four characteristics

• A simile is based on association and usually has four characteristics:

• 1 ) introduced by such comparative/ connecting/collective words as " like " , " as " , " as if " , " as though" , "be likened" ," similar to" , " be something of" , etc. and sometimes "than" ;

•2) involving two things, one of which being the primary term or tenor, the other secondary term or vehicle;

• 3 ) the two things involved should be completely different (across domains);

•4) the two things should be similar in at least one characteristic.

•The criterion of effectiveness of similes varies from person to person.

The quality that similes must possess:





(本体):subject、Primary term or tenor


•Secondary term


喻词Instrument\ comparative word \indicator of resemblance\ Acknowledging word connecting/collective words\ Simile marker


•Like, as, as...as, as if , as though, what


•Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit.


•Education is like the life-giving spring breeze and rain.


•sell like hot cakes畅销

•like a fish out of water很不自在, 格格不入

•like a donkey between two bundles of hay优柔寡断, 打不定主意

•like a drowned rat象落汤鸡

•like a rat in a hole瓮中之鳖一般

•like a hen on a hot girdle极不舒服

•like a cat on hot bricks

•like a hot knife through butter[口]非常容易地

•like a lamb驯顺地, 怯弱地, 天真地

•Like rats leave a sinking ship树倒猢狲散


•Sweat like a pig

•like flies大量[批]

•like hot cakes争先恐后地

•like a fish out of water

•如鱼离水, 不适应

•Like a duck to water


•She has taken to teaching like a duck to water.



•Love goes towards love, as schoolboys from their books; but love from love, towards school with heavy looks. Shakespeare

赴情人的约会,像学童抛开书本一样;和情人分别,像学童板着脸上学堂。•She and her mother are as like as two peas. 她和她母亲长得一模一样.

•He is as blind as a beetle. 他的眼睛近视的很厉害。

•The boy was as cool as a cucumber throughout the action.


•Choose an author as you choose a friend.


•Mary is as proud as a peacock. She doesn’t talk with anybody.

