1. 准备工作在使用Matlab进行最优化问题求解之前,需要先定义目标函数和约束条件。
2. 选择合适的算法Matlab提供了多个最优化算法,根据问题的特点选择合适的算法是非常重要的。
3. 调用相应的函数根据选择的算法,调用相应的函数进行求解。
以fmincon函数为例,其调用方式为:```[x, fval] = fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options)```其中,fun为目标函数,x0为变量的初值,A、b为不等式约束矩阵和向量,Aeq、beq为等式约束矩阵和向量,lb、ub为变量的下界和上界,nonlcon为非线性约束函数,options为求解选项。
4. 解析结果求解完成后,可以通过解析结果来评估求解器的性能。
应用MATLAB 优化工具箱求解规划问题如今,规划类问题是常见的数学建模问题,离散系统的优化问题一般都可以通过规划模型来求解。
用MATLAB 求解规划问题,可以避免手工的烦琐计算,大大提高工作效率和结果的准确性。
MA TLAB 是一种应用于数学计算及计算结果可视化处理的面向对象的高性能计算机语言,它以矩阵和向量为基本数据单位,从而提高程序的向量化程度,提高计算效率,尤其适合于线性规划、整数规划、多元规划、二元规划类问题的算法编写,以及数据拟合、参数估计、插值等数据处理法。
利用MA TLAB 提供的强大的规划模型求解命令,可以简单快速地得到所要的结果。
本文主要对线性规划、非线性规划、整数规划、单目标约束规划以及多目标规划等规划问题在MATLAB 中的实现做比较详细的讲解.线性规划问题线性规划是一种优化方法,MA TLAB 优化工具箱中有现成函数linprog 对标准型LP 问题求解。
线性规划问题是目标函数和约束条件均为线性函数的问题,MATLAB 中线性规划的标准型为:Min f ’x..A x b s t Aeq x beq lb x ub ⋅≤⎧⎪⋅=⎨⎪≤≤⎩其中f 、x 、b 、beq 、lb 、ub 为向量,A 、Aeq 为矩阵。
线性规划是一种优化方法,MATLAB 优化工具箱中有现成函数linprog 对标准型LP 问题求解。
在MATLAB 指令窗口运行help linprog 可以看到所有的函数调用形式,如下:x = linprog(f,A,b) %求min f’x ;s.t. b x A ≤⋅线性规划的最优解x = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq) %等式约束beq x Aeq =⋅,若没有不等式约束,则A=[],b=[]。
若没有等式约束,则Aeq=[],beq=[]x = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub) %指定x 的范围ub x lb ≤≤x = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0) %设置初值x0x = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0,options) % options 为指定优化参数进行最小化[x,fval] = linprog(...) %返回目标函数最优值,即fval= f’x[x,lambda,exitflag] = linprog(...) % lambda 为解x 的Lagrange 乘子[x,lambda,exitflag,output] = linprog(...) % exitflag 为终止迭代的条件[x,fval,exitflag,output,lambda] = linprog(...) % output 为输出优化信息exitflag 描述函数计算的退出条件:若exitflag>0表示函数收敛于解x ,exitflag=0表示目标达到函数估值或迭代的最大次数,exitflag<0表示函数不收敛于解x ;lambda 返回x 处的拉个朗日乘子:lambda.lower 表示下界lb ,lambda.upper 表示上界ub ,lambda.ineqlin 表示线性不等式约束,lambda.eqlin 表示线性等式约束,lambda 中的非0元素表示对应的约束是有效约束;output 返回优化信息:output.iterations 表示迭代次数,output.algorithm 表示使用的运算规则,output.cgiterations 表示PCG 迭代次数。
fgoalattainSolve multiobjective goal attainment problemsEquationFinds the minimum of a problem specified byx, weight, goal, b, beq, lb, and ub are vectors, A and Aeq are matrices, and c(x), ceq(x), and F(x) are functions that return vectors. F(x), c(x), and ceq(x) can be nonlinear functions.Syntaxx = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight)x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b)x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq)x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub)x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon)x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,... options)x = fgoalattain(problem)[x,fval] = fgoalattain(...)[x,fval,attainfactor] = fgoalattain(...)[x,fval,attainfactor,exitflag] = fgoalattain(...)[x,fval,attainfactor,exitflag,output] = fgoalattain(...)[x,fval,attainfactor,exitflag,output,lambda] = fgoalattain(...)Descriptionfgoalattain solves the goal attainment problem, which is one formulation for minimizing a multiobjective optimization problem.x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight) tries to make the objective functions supplied by fun attain the goals specified by goal by varying x, starting at x0, with weight specified by weight.x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b) solves the goal attainment problem subject to the linear inequalities A*x ≤ b.x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq) solves the goal attainment problem subject to the linear equalities Aeq*x = beq as well. Set A = [] and b = [] if no inequalities exist.x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub) defines a set of lower and upper bounds on the design variables in x, so that the solution is always in the range lb ≤ x ≤ ub.x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon) subjects the goal attainment problem to the nonlinear inequalities c(x) or nonlinear equality constraints ceq(x) defined in nonlcon. fgoalattain optimizes such that c(x) ≤ 0 and ceq(x) = 0. Set lb = [] and/or ub = [] if no bounds exist.x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,... options) minimizes with the optimization options specified in the structure options. Use optimset to set these options.x = fgoalattain(problem) finds the minimum for problem, where problem is a structure described in Input Arguments.Create the structure problem by exporting a problem from Optimization Tool, as described in Exporting to the MATLAB Workspace.[x,fval] = fgoalattain(...) returns the values of the objective functions computed in fun at the solution x.[x,fval,attainfactor] = fgoalattain(...) returns the attainment factor at the solution x.[x,fval,attainfactor,exitflag] = fgoalattain(...) returns a value exitflag that describes the exit condition of fgoalattain.[x,fval,attainfactor,exitflag,output] = fgoalattain(...) returns a structure output that contains information about the optimization.[x,fval,attainfactor,exitflag,output,lambda] = fgoalattain(...) returns a structure lambda whose fields contain the Lagrange multipliers at the solution x.Input ArgumentsFunction Arguments contains general descriptions of arguments passed into fgoalattain. This section provides function-specific details for fun, goal, nonlcon, options, weight, and problem:fun The function to be minimized. fun is a function that acceptsa vector x and returns a vector F, the objective functionsevaluated at x. The function fun can be specified as a functionhandle for a function file:x = fgoalattain(@myfun,x0,goal,weight)where myfun is a MATLAB function such asfunction F = myfun(x)F = ... % Compute function values at x.fun can also be a function handle for an anonymous function.x = fgoalattain(@(x)sin(x.*x),x0,goal,weight);If the user-defined values for x and F are matrices, they areconverted to a vector using linear indexing.To make an objective function as near as possible to a goalvalue, (i.e., neither greater than nor less than) use optimsetto set the GoalsExactAchieve option to the number of objectivesrequired to be in the neighborhood of the goal values. Suchobjectives must be partitioned into the first elements of thevector F returned by fun.If the gradient of the objective function can also be computedand the GradObj option is 'on', as set byoptions = optimset('GradObj','on')then the function fun must return, in the second outputargument, the gradient value G, a matrix, at x. The gradientconsists of the partial derivative dF/dx of each F at the pointx. If F is a vector of length m and x has length n, where n isthe length of x0, then the gradient G of F(x) is an n-by-m matrixwhere G(i,j) is the partial derivative of F(j) with respect tox(i) (i.e., the jth column of G is the gradient of the jthobjective function F(j)).goal Vector of values that the objectives attempt to attain. The vector is the same length as the number of objectives F returnedby fun. fgoalattain attempts to minimize the values in thevector F to attain the goal values given by goal.nonlcon The function that computes the nonlinear inequality constraints c(x) ≤ 0 and the nonlinear equality constraintsceq(x) = 0. The function nonlcon accepts a vector x and returnstwo vectors c and ceq. The vector c contains the nonlinearinequalities evaluated at x, and ceq contains the nonlinearequalities evaluated at x. The function nonlcon can bespecified as a function handle.x = fgoalattain(@myfun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq,...lb,ub,@mycon)where mycon is a MATLAB function such asfunction [c,ceq] = mycon(x)c = ... % compute nonlinear inequalities at x.ceq = ... % compute nonlinear equalities at x.If the gradients of the constraints can also be computed andthe GradConstr option is 'on', as set byoptions = optimset('GradConstr','on')then the function nonlcon must also return, in the third andfourth output arguments, GC, the gradient of c(x), and GCeq,the gradient of ceq(x). Nonlinear Constraints explains how to"conditionalize" the gradients for use in solvers that do notaccept supplied gradients.If nonlcon returns a vector c of m components and x has lengthn, where n is the length of x0, then the gradient GC of c(x)is an n-by-m matrix, where GC(i,j) is the partial derivativeof c(j) with respect to x(i) (i.e., the jth column of GC is thegradient of the jth inequality constraint c(j)). Likewise, ifceq has p components, the gradient GCeq of ceq(x) is an n-by-pmatrix, where GCeq(i,j) is the partial derivative of ceq(j)with respect to x(i) (i.e., the jth column of GCeq is thegradient of the jth equality constraint ceq(j)).Passing Extra Parameters explains how to parameterize thenonlinear constraint function nonlcon, if necessary.options Options provides the function-specific details for the options values.weight A weighting vector to control the relative underattainment or overattainment of the objectives in fgoalattain. When thevalues of goal are all nonzero, to ensure the same percentageof under- or overattainment of the active objectives, set theweighting function to abs(goal). (The active objectives are theset of objectives that are barriers to further improvement ofthe goals at the solution.)When the weighting function weight is positive, fgoalattainattempts to make the objectives less than the goal values. Tomake the objective functions greater than the goal values, setweight to be negative rather than positive. To make an objectivefunction as near as possible to a goal value, use theGoalsExactAchieve option and put that objective as the firstelement of the vector returned by fun (see the precedingdescription of fun and options).problem objective Vector of objective functionsx0 Initial point for xgoal Goals to attainweight Relative importance factors of goalsAineq Matrix for linear inequality constraintsbineq Vector for linear inequality constraintsAeq Matrix for linear equality constraintsbeq Vector for linear equality constraintslb Vector of lower boundsub Vector of upper boundsnonlcon Nonlinear constraint functionsolver 'fgoalattain'options Options structure created with optimset Output ArgumentsFunction Arguments contains general descriptions of arguments returned by fgoalattain. This section provides function-specific details for attainfactor, exitflag, lambda, and output:attainfactor The amount of over- or underachievement of the goals. If attainfactor is negative, the goals have been overachieved;if attainfactor is positive, the goals have beenunderachieved.attainfactor contains the value of γ at the solution. Anegative value of γindicates overattainment in the goals.exitflag Integer identifying the reason the algorithm terminated.The following lists the values of exitflag and thecorresponding reasons the algorithm terminated.1 Function converged to a solutions x.4 Magnitude of the search direction lessthan the specified tolerance andconstraint violation less thanoptions.TolCon5 Magnitude of directional derivative lessthan the specified tolerance andconstraint violation less thanoptions.TolCon0 Number of iterations exceededoptions.MaxIter or number of functionevaluations exceeded options.FunEvals-1 Algorithm was terminated by the outputfunction.-2 No feasible point was found.lambda Structure containing the Lagrange multipliers at the solution x (separated by constraint type). The fields of thestructure arelower Lower bounds lbupper Upper bounds ubineqlin Linear inequalitieseqlin Linear equalitiesineqnonlin Nonlinear inequalitieseqnonlin Nonlinear equalitiesoutput Structure containing information about the optimization.The fields of the structure areiterations Number of iterations takenfuncCount Number of function evaluationslssteplength Size of line search step relative tosearch directionstepsize Final displacement in xalgorithm Optimization algorithm usedfirstorderopt Measure of first-order optimalityconstrviolation Maximum of constraint functionsmessage Exit messageOptionsOptimization options used by fgoalattain. You can use optimset to set or change the values of these fields in the options structure options. See Optimization Options for detailed information.DerivativeCheck Compare user-supplied derivatives (gradients ofobjective or constraints) to finite-differencingderivatives. The choices are 'on' or the default,'off'.Diagnostics Display diagnostic information about the functionto be minimized or solved. The choices are 'on' orthe default, 'off'.DiffMaxChange Maximum change in variables for finite-differencegradients (a positive scalar). The default is 0.1.DiffMinChange Minimum change in variables for finite-differencegradients (a positive scalar). The default is 1e-8. Display Level of display.∙'off' displays no output.∙'iter' displays output at each iteration, andgives the default exit message.∙'iter-detailed' displays output at eachiteration, and gives the technical exitmessage.∙'notify' displays output only if the functiondoes not converge, and gives the default exitmessage.∙'notify-detailed' displays output only if thefunction does not converge, and gives thetechnical exit message.∙'final' (default) displays just the finaloutput, and gives the default exit message.∙'final-detailed' displays just the finaloutput, and gives the technical exit message.FinDiffType Finite differences, used to estimate gradients, areeither 'forward' (default), or 'central'(centered). 'central' takes twice as many functionevaluations, but should be more accurate.The algorithm is careful to obey bounds whenestimating both types of finite differences. So, forexample, it could take a backward, rather than aforward, difference to avoid evaluating at a pointoutside bounds.FunValCheck Check whether objective function and constraintsvalues are valid. 'on' displays an error when theobjective function or constraints return a valuethat is complex, Inf, or NaN. The default, 'off',displays no error.GoalsExactAchieve Specifies the number of objectives for which it isrequired for the objective fun to equal the goal goal(a nonnegative integer). Such objectives should bepartitioned into the first few elements of F. Thedefault is 0.GradConstr Gradient for nonlinear constraint functions definedby the user. When set to 'on', fgoalattain expectsthe constraint function to have four outputs, asdescribed in nonlcon in the Input Arguments section.When set to the default, 'off', gradients of thenonlinear constraints are estimated by finitedifferences.GradObj Gradient for the objective function defined by theuser. See the preceding description of fun to seehow to define the gradient in fun. Set to 'on' tohave fgoalattain use a user-defined gradient of theobjective function. The default, 'off',causesfgoalattain to estimate gradients usingfinite differences.MaxFunEvals Maximum number of function evaluations allowed (apositive integer). The default is100*numberOfVariables.MaxIter Maximum number of iterations allowed (a positiveinteger). The default is 400.MaxSQPIter Maximum number of SQP iterations allowed (a positiveinteger). The default is 10*max(numberOfVariables,numberOfInequalities + numberOfBounds)MeritFunction Use goal attainment/minimax merit function if setto 'multiobj', the default. Use fmincon meritfunction if set to 'singleobj'.OutputFcn Specify one or more user-defined functions that anoptimization function calls at each iteration,either as a function handle or as a cell array offunction handles. The default is none ([]). SeeOutput Function.PlotFcns Plots various measures of progress while thealgorithm executes, select from predefined plots orwrite your own. Pass a function handle or a cellarray of function handles. The default is none ([]).∙@optimplotx plots the current point∙@optimplotfunccount plots the function count∙@optimplotfval plots the function value∙@optimplotconstrviolation plots the maximumconstraint violation∙@optimplotstepsize plots the step sizeFor information on writing a custom plot function,see Plot Functions.RelLineSrchBnd Relative bound (a real nonnegative scalar value) onthe line search step length such that the totaldisplacement in x satisfies|Δx(i)| ≤relLineSrchBnd· max(|x(i)|,|typicalx(i)|). This option provides control over themagnitude of the displacements in x for cases inwhich the solver takes steps that are considered toolarge. The default is none ([]).RelLineSrchBndDurat ion Number of iterations for which the bound specified in RelLineSrchBnd should be active (default is 1).TolCon Termination tolerance on the constraint violation,a positive scalar. The default is 1e-6.TolConSQP Termination tolerance on inner iteration SQPconstraint violation, a positive scalar. Thedefault is 1e-6.TolFun Termination tolerance on the function value, apositive scalar. The default is 1e-6.TolX Termination tolerance on x, a positive scalar. Thedefault is 1e-6.TypicalX Typical x values. The number of elements in TypicalXis equal to the number of elements in x0, thestarting point. The default value isones(numberofvariables,1). fgoalattain usesTypicalX for scaling finite differences forgradient estimation.UseParallel When 'always', estimate gradients in parallel.Disable by setting to the default, 'never'. ExamplesConsider a linear system of differential equations.An output feedback controller, K, is designed producing a closed loop systemThe eigenvalues of the closed loop system are determined from the matrices A, B, C, and K using the command eig(A+B*K*C). Closed loop eigenvalues must lie on the real axis in the complex plane to the left of the points [-5,-3,-1]. In order not to saturate the inputs, no element in K can be greater than 4 or be less than -4.The system is a two-input, two-output, open loop, unstable system, with state-space matrices.The set of goal values for the closed loop eigenvalues is initialized as goal = [-5,-3,-1];To ensure the same percentage of under- or overattainment in the active objectives at the solution, the weighting matrix, weight, is set to abs(goal).Starting with a controller, K = [-1,-1; -1,-1], first write a function file, eigfun.m.function F = eigfun(K,A,B,C)F = sort(eig(A+B*K*C)); % Evaluate objectivesNext, enter system matrices and invoke an optimization routine.A = [-0.5 0 0; 0 -2 10; 0 1 -2];B = [1 0; -2 2; 0 1];C = [1 0 0; 0 0 1];K0 = [-1 -1; -1 -1]; % Initialize controller matrixgoal = [-5 -3 -1]; % Set goal values for the eigenvalues weight = abs(goal); % Set weight for same percentagelb = -4*ones(size(K0)); % Set lower bounds on the controllerub = 4*ones(size(K0)); % Set upper bounds on the controller options = optimset('Display','iter'); % Set display parameter[K,fval,attainfactor] = fgoalattain(@(K)eigfun(K,A,B,C),...K0,goal,weight,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,[],options)You can run this example by using the demonstration script goaldemo. (From the MATLAB Help browser or the MathWorks™ Web site documentation, you can click the demo name to display the demo.) After about 11 iterations, a solution isActive inequalities (to within options.TolCon = 1e-006):lower upper ineqlinineqnonlin1 12 24K =-4.0000 -0.2564-4.0000 -4.0000fval =-6.9313-4.1588-1.4099attainfactor =-0.3863DiscussionThe attainment factor indicates that each of the objectives has been overachieved by at least 38.63% over the original design goals. The active constraints, in this case constraints 1 and 2, are the objectives that are barriers to further improvement and for which the percentage of overattainment is met exactly. Three of the lower bound constraints are also active.In the preceding design, the optimizer tries to make the objectives less than the goals. For a worst-case problem where the objectives must be as near to the goals as possible, use optimset to set the GoalsExactAchieve option to the number of objectives for which this is required.Consider the preceding problem when you want all the eigenvalues to be equal to the goal values. A solution to this problem is found by invoking fgoalattain with the GoalsExactAchieve option set to 3.options = optimset('GoalsExactAchieve',3);[K,fval,attainfactor] = fgoalattain(...@(K)eigfun(K,A,B,C),K0,goal,weight,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,[],... options)After about seven iterations, a solution isK =-1.5954 1.2040-0.4201 -2.9046fval =-5.0000-3.0000-1.0000attainfactor =1.0859e-20In this case the optimizer has tried to match the objectives to the goals. The attainment factor (of 1.0859e-20) indicates that the goals have been matched almost exactly.NotesThis problem has discontinuities when the eigenvalues become complex; this explains why the convergence is slow. Although the underlying methods assume the functions are continuous, the method is able to make stepstoward the solution because the discontinuities do not occur at the solution point. When the objectives and goals are complex, fgoalattain tries to achieve the goals in a least-squares sense.AlgorithmMultiobjective optimization concerns the minimization of a set of objectives simultaneously. One formulation for this problem, and implemented in fgoalattain, is the goal attainment problem of Gembicki[3]. This entails the construction of a set of goal values for the objective functions. Multiobjective optimization is discussed in Multiobjective Optimization.In this implementation, the slack variable γis used as a dummy argument to minimize the vector of objectives F(x) simultaneously; goal is a set of values that the objectives attain. Generally, prior to the optimization, it is not known whether the objectives will reach the goals (under attainment) or be minimized less than the goals (overattainment). A weighting vector, weight, controls the relative underattainment or overattainment of the objectives.fgoalattain uses a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method, which is described in Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP). Modifications are made to the line search and Hessian. In the line search an exact merit function (see [1] and [4]) is used together with the merit function proposed by [5]and [6]. The line search is terminated when either merit function shows improvement. A modified Hessian, which takes advantage of the special structure of the problem, is also used (see [1] and [4]). A full description of the modifications used is found in Goal Attainment Method in "Introduction to Algorithms." Setting the MeritFunction option to 'singleobj' withoptions = optimset(options,'MeritFunction','singleobj')uses the merit function and Hessian used in fmincon.See also SQP Implementation for more details on the algorithm used and the types of procedures displayed under the Procedures heading when the Display option is set to 'iter'.LimitationsThe objectives must be continuous. fgoalattain might give only local solutions.。
它可以用于解决多目标优化问题,提供了多个 Pareto 前沿近似解。
例3 生产计划问题
某工厂生产 A1、A2 和 A3 三种产品以满足市场的需要,该厂每周生产的时间为 40h, 且规定每周的能耗都不得超过 20t 标准煤,其数据表如表 8-1 所示。现在的问题时, 每周生产三种产品各多少小时,才能使得该厂的利润最多,而能源消耗最少?
f1 x 500x1 400x2 600x3 f2 x 0.48x1 0.65x2 0.42x3
x1 x2 x3 40 0.48x1 0.65x2 0.42x3 20 20x1 700 25x2 800 15x3 500 x1, x2 , x3 0
x1 60 又考虑到购买的数量必须要满足非负的条件,由于对 x1 已经有相应的约束条件,故只 需添加对 x2 的非负约束即可。 综合以上分析,得到最优化数学模型如下:
min max
f1 x 2x1 1.5x2 f2 x x1 x2
x1 x2 120 2x1 1.5x2 300 x1 60 x2 0
f1 x的同时极小化 f2 x 。
再由约束条件,该厂每周的生产时间为 40h,故: x1 x2 x3 40 且需要满足能耗不得超过 20t 标准煤: 0.48x1 0.65x2 0.42x3 20 上面是对生产过程的约束,再考虑销售过程,由于数据表中给出了三种产品每周
qA1 20x1 700; qA2 25x2 800; qA3 15x3 500
同时考虑到生产时间的Leabharlann 负性,总结得到该问题的数学模型为:
多目标决策的基本概念 多目标决策的数学模型及其非劣解 多目标决策建模的应用实例
1. 求解方法概述
• LINGO(或LINDO)不能直接求解目标规 划问题,但可以通过逐级求解线性规划的 方法,求得目标规划问题的满意解。
2. 示例
• 例1 用LINGO求解目标规划问题
需要预先确定各个目标的期望值 fi* ,同时给每一个目标 赋予一个优先因子和权系数,假定有K个目标,L个优先级
多目标决策问题有两个共同的特点,即各目 标的不可公度性和相互之间的矛盾性。所谓目标 的不可公度性指各目标之间没有统一的量纲,因 此难以作相互比较。
目标之间的矛盾性是指,如果改进某 一目标的值,可能会使另一个或一些目标 变差。正因为各目标的不可公度性和相互 之间的矛盾性,多目标决策问题不能简单 的作为单目标问题来处理。必须深入研究 其特征,特别是解的性质。单目标决策一 般有最优解,且往往是唯一的,有时可能 存在无限多个解。但是这里的“最优”往 往带有片面性,不能全而准确的反映决策 者的偏好信息。多目标决策问题不存在所 谓的“最优”解,只存在满意解。满意解 指决策者对于有关的所有目标值都认为满 意。
Z=F(X) 是k维函数向量, (X)是m维函数向量; G是m维常数向量;
多目标规划问题的求解不能只追求一个目标的最优化(最大或 最小),而不顾其它目标。 对于上述多目标规划问题,求解就意味着需要做出如下的复合 选择:
每一个目标函数取什么值,原问题可以得到最满意的解决? 每一个决策变量取什么值,原问题可以得到最满意的解决 ?
max(min) fk ( X )
1( X )
优化与决策——多目标线性规划的若干解法及MATLAB 实现摘要:求解多目标线性规划的基本思想大都是将多目标问题转化为单目标规划,本文介绍了理想点法、线性加权和法、最大最小法、目标规划法,然后给出多目标线性规划的模糊数学解法,最后举例进行说明,并用Matlab 软件加以实现。
关键词:多目标线性规划 Matlab 模糊数学。
二.多目标线性规划模型多目标线性规划有着两个和两个以上的目标函数,且目标函数和约束条件全是线性函数,其数学模型表示为:11111221221122221122max n n n nr r r rn nz c x c x c x z c x c x c x z c x c x c x =+++⎧⎪=+++⎪⎨ ⎪⎪=+++⎩ (1)约束条件为:1111221121122222112212,,,0n n n n m m mn n mn a x a x a x b a x a x a x b a x a x a x bx x x +++≤⎧⎪+++≤⎪⎪ ⎨⎪+++≤⎪≥⎪⎩ (2) 若(1)式中只有一个1122i i i in n z c x c x c x =+++ ,则该问题为典型的单目标线性规划。
我们记:()ij m n A a ⨯=,()ij r n C c ⨯=,12(,,,)T m b b b b = ,12(,,,)T n x x x x = ,12(,,,)T r Z Z Z Z = .则上述多目标线性规划可用矩阵形式表示为:max Z Cx =约束条件:0Ax bx ≤⎧⎨≥⎩(3)三.MATLAB 优化工具箱常用函数[3]在MA TLAB 软件中,有几个专门求解最优化问题的函数,如求线性规划问题的linprog 、求有约束非线性函数的fmincon 、求最大最小化问题的fminimax 、求多目标达到问题的fgoalattain 等,它们的调用形式分别为:①.[x,fval]=linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub)f 为目标函数系数,A,b 为不等式约束的系数, Aeq,beq 为等式约束系数, lb,ub 为x 的下限和上限, fval 求解的x 所对应的值。
§10.2 多目旳规划问题旳求解
optF ( X ) ( f1 ( X ), f2 ( X ),...., f p ( X ))T
2. 过程:无妨设其顺序为 f1, f2,, f p
min ( P1 )s.t.
f1 ( x) xS
min (P2 )s.t.
f2 ( x) x S1
得最优值 f1*
* 2
,记 S1 x f1(x) f1* S
* 2
(Pp )ms.ti.n
f p (x) x
f p (x)
* p
S p1
* pa
* pa
F(y) F(x)
即至少有一种j0 ,使
f j ( y) f j (x), j 1,, j0 1,
可靠性 一般 低
敏捷 高 性
多目标非线性规划程序M a t l a bDocument serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】f u n c t i o n[e r r m s g,Z,X,t,c,f a i l]=BNB18(fun,x0,xstat,xl,xu,A,B,Aeq,Beq,nonlcon,setts,options1,options2,maxSQPit,varargin );%·Dêy1£Díóa·§¨μü′ú·¨£úDê1ó£DèOptimization toolbox §3% Minimize F(x)%subject to: xlb <= x <=xub% A*x <= B% Aeq*x=Beq% C(x)<=0% Ceq(x)=0%% x(i)éaáD±á£êy£ò1ì¨μ% ê1óê%[errmsg,Z,X]=BNB18('fun',x0,xstat,xl,xu,A,B,Aeq,Beq,'nonlcon',setts)%fun£o Mt£±íê×Dˉ±êoˉêyf=fun(x)%x0: áDòᣱíê±á3μ%xstat£o áDòá£xstat(i)=0±íêx(i)aáD±á£1±íêêy£2±íê1ì¨μ%xl£o áDòᣱíê±á%xu: áDòᣱíê±áé%A: ó, ±íêD2μèêêμêy%B: áDòá, ±íêD2μèêêé%Aeq: ó, ±íêDμèêêμêy%Beg: áDòá, ±íêD2μèêêóòμ%nonlcon: Mt£±íê·Dêoˉêy[C,Ceq]=nonlin(x),DC(x)a2μèêê,% Ceq(x)aμèêê%setts: ·¨éè%errmsq: ·μ′íóìáê%Z: ·μ±êoˉêy×Dμ%X: ·μ×óa%%àyìa% max x1*x2*x3% -x1+2*x2+2*x3>=0% x1+2*x2+2*x3<=72% 10<=x2<=20% x1-x2=10% èD′ Moˉêy% function f=discfun(x)% f=-x(1)*x(2)*x(3);%óa% clear;x0=[25,15,10]';xstat=[1 1 1]';% xl=[20 10 -10]';xu=[30 20 20]';% A=[1 -2 -2;1 2 2];B=[0 72]';Aeq=[1 -1 0];Beq=10;% [err,Z,X]=BNB18('discfun',x0,xstat,xl,xu,A,B,Aeq,Beq);% XMAX=X',ZMAX=-Z%% BNB18 Finds the constrained minimum of a function of several possibly integer variables.% Usage: [errmsg,Z,X,t,c,fail] =%BNB18(fun,x0,xstatus,xlb,xub,A,B,Aeq,Beq,nonlcon,settings,options1,options2,maxSQPiter ,P1,P2,...)%% BNB solves problems of the form:% Minimize F(x) subject to: xlb <= x0 <=xub% A*x <= B Aeq*x=Beq% C(x)<=0 Ceq(x)=0% x(i) is continuous for xstatus(i)=0% x(i) integer for xstatus(i)= 1% x(i) fixed for xstatus(i)=2%% BNB uses:% Optimization Toolbox Version (R11) 09-Oct-1998% From this toolbox is called. For more info type help fmincon.%% fun is the function to be minimized and should return a scalar. F(x)=feval(fun,x).% x0 is the starting point for x. x0 should be a column vector.% xstatus is a column vector describing the status of every variable x(i).% xlb and xub are column vectors with lower and upper bounds for x.% A and Aeq are matrices for the linear constrains.% B and Beq are column vectors for the linear constrains.% nonlcon is the function for the nonlinear constrains.% [C(x);Ceq(x)]=feval(nonlcon,x). Both C(x) and Ceq(x) should be column vectors.%% errmsg is a string containing an error message if BNB found an error in the input.% Z is the scalar result of the minimization, X the values of the accompanying variables.% t is the time elapsed while the algorithm BNB has run, c is the number of BNB cycles and% fail is the number of unsolved leaf sub-problems.%% settings is a row vector with settings for BNB:% settings(1) (standard 0) if 1: use phase 1 by relaxation. This sometimes makes the algorithm% faster, because phase 1 means the algorithm first checks if there is a feasible solution% for a sub-problem before trying to find a best solution. If there is no feasible solution BNB% will not try to find a best solution.% settings(2) (standard 0) if 1: if the sub-problem did not converge do not branch. If a sub-% problem did not converge this means BNB did not find a solution for it. Normally BNB will% branch the problem so it can try again to find a solution.% A sub-problem that is a leaf of the branch-and-bound-three can not be branched. If such% a problem does not converge it will be considered unfeasible and the parameter fail will be% raised by one.% settings(3) (standard 0) if 1: if 1 a sub-problem that did not converge but did return a feasible% point will be considered convergent. This might be useful if fmincon is having a hard time with% a certain problem but you do want some results.% options1 and options2 are options structures for phase 1 and phase 2.% For details about the options structure type help optimset.% maxSQPiter is a global variable used by fmincon (if modified as described in .% maxSQPiter is 1000 by default.% P1,P2,... are parameters to be passed to fun and nonlcon.% F(x)=feval(fun,x,P1,P2,...). [C(x);Ceq(x)]=feval(nonlcon,x,P1,P2,...).% Type edit BNB18 for more info.% . Kuipers% e-mail% FI-Lab% Applied Physics% Rijksuniversiteit Groningen% To get rid of bugs and to stop fmincon from hanging make the following chances:%% In optim/private/ ($Revision: $ $Date: 1998/08/24 13:46:15 $):% Get EXITFLAG independent of verbosity.% After the lines: disp(' less than 2* but constraints are not satisfied.')% end% EXITFLAG = -1;% end% end% status=1;% add the line: if (strncmp(howqp, 'i',1) & mg > 0), EXITFLAG = -1; end;%% In optim/private/ ($Revision: $ $Date: 1998/09/01 21:37:56 $):% Stop qpsub from hanging.% After the line: % Andy Grace 7-9-90. Mary Ann Branch 9-30-96.% add the line: global maxSQPiter;% and changed the line: maxSQPiters = Inf;% to the line: if exist('maxSQPiter','var'), maxSQPiters = maxSQPiter; else maxSQPiters=inf; end;% I guess there was a reason to put maxSQPiters at infinity, but this works fine for me.global maxSQPiter;% STEP 0 CHECKING INPUTZ=[]; X=[]; t=0; c=0; fail=0;if nargin<2, errmsg='BNB needs at least 2 input arguments.'; return; end;if isempty(fun), errmsg='No fun found.'; return; end;if isempty(x0), errmsg='No x0 found.'; return;elseif size(x0,2)>1, errmsg='x0 must be a column vector.'; return; end;xstatus=zeros(size(x0));if nargin>2 & ~isempty(xstat)if all(size(xstat)<=size(x0))xstatus(1:size(xstat))=xstat;else errmsg='xstatus must be a column vector the same size as x0.'; return;end;if any(xstatus~=round(xstatus) | xstatus<0 | 2<xstatus)errmsg='xstatus must consist of the integers 0,1 en 2.'; return;end;end;xlb=zeros(size(x0));xlb(find(xstatus==0))=-inf;if nargin>3 & ~isempty(xl)if all(size(xl)<=size(x0))xlb(1:size(xl,1))=xl;else errmsg='xlb must be a column vector the same size as x0.'; return;end;end;if any(x0<xlb)errmsg='x0 must be in the range xlb <= x0.'; return;elseif any(xstatus==1 & (~isfinite(xlb) | xlb~=round(xlb)))errmsg='xlb(i) must be an integer if x(i) is an integer variabele.'; return;end;xlb(find(xstatus==2))=x0(find(xstatus==2));xub=ones(size(x0));xub(find(xstatus==0))=inf;if nargin>4 & ~isempty(xu)if all(size(xu)<=size(x0))xub(1:size(xu,1))=xu;else errmsg='xub must be a column vector the same size as x0.'; return;end;end;if any(x0>xub)errmsg='x0 must be in the range x0 <=xub.'; return;elseif any(xstatus==1 & (~isfinite(xub) | xub~=round(xub)))errmsg='xub(i) must be an integer if x(i) is an integer variabale.'; return;end;xub(find(xstatus==2))=x0(find(xstatus==2));if nargin>5if ~isempty(A) & size(A,2)~=size(x0,1), errmsg='Matrix A not correct.'; return; end; else A=[]; end;if nargin>6if ~isempty(B) & any(size(B)~=[size(A,1) 1]), errmsg='Column vector B not correct.'; return; end;else B=[]; end;if isempty(A) & ~isempty(B), errmsg='A and B should only be nonempty together.'; return; end;if isempty(B) & ~isempty(A), B=zeros(size(A,1),1); end;if nargin>7 & ~isempty(Aeq)if size(Aeq,2)~=size(x0,1), errmsg='Matrix Aeq not correct.'; return; end;else Aeq=[]; end;if nargin>8if ~isempty(Beq) & any(size(Beq)~=[size(Aeq,1) 1]), errmsg='Column vector Beq not correct.'; return; end;else Beq=[]; end;if isempty(Aeq) & ~isempty(Beq), errmsg='Aeq and Beq should only be nonempty together'; return; end;if isempty(Beq) & ~isempty(Aeq), Beq=zeros(size(Aeq,1),1); end;if nargin<10, nonlcon=''; end;settings = [0 0 0];if nargin>10 & ~isempty(setts)if all(size(setts)<=size(settings))settings(setts~=0)=setts(setts~=0);else errmsg='settings should be a row vector of length 3.'; return; end;end;if nargin<12, options1=[]; end;options1=optimset(optimset('fmincon'),options1);if nargin<13, options2=[]; end;options2=optimset(optimset('fmincon'),options2);if nargin<14, maxSQPiter=1000;elseif isnumeric(maxSQPit) & all(size(maxSQPit))==1 & maxSQPit>0 &round(maxSQPit)==maxSQPitmaxSQPiter=maxSQPit;else errmsg='maxSQPiter must be an integer >0'; return; end;eval(['z=',fun,'(x0,varargin{:});'],'errmsg=''fun caused error.''; return;');if ~isempty(nonlcon)eval(['[C, Ceq]=',nonlcon,'(x0,varargin{:});'],'errmsg=''nonlcon caused error.''; return;');if size(C,2)>1 | size(Ceq,2)>1, errmsg='C en Ceq must be column vectors.'; return; end;end;% STEP 1 INITIALISATIONcurrentwarningstate=warning;warning off;tic;lx = size(x0,1);z_incumbent=inf;x_incumbent=inf*ones(size(x0));I = ceil(sum(log2(xub(find(xstatus==1))-xlb(find(xstatus==1))+1))+size(find(xstatus==1),1)+1);stackx0=zeros(lx,I);stackx0(:,1)=x0;stackxlb=zeros(lx,I);stackxlb(:,1)=xlb;stackxub=zeros(lx,I);stackxub(:,1)=xub;stacksize=1;xchoice=zeros(size(x0));if ~isempty(Aeq)j=0;for i=1:size(Aeq,1)if Beq(i)==1 & all(Aeq(i,:)==0 | Aeq(i,:)==1)J=find(Aeq(i,:)==1);if all(xstatus(J)~=0 & xchoice(J)==0 & xlb(J)==0 & xub(J)==1) if all(xstatus(J)~=2) | all(x0(J(find(xstatus(J)==2)))==0)j=j+1;xchoice(J)=j;if sum(x0(J))==0, errmsg='x0 not correct.'; return; end;end;end;end;end;end;errx=optimget(options2,'TolX');errcon=optimget(options2,'TolCon');fail=0;c=0;% STEP 2 TERMINIATIONwhile stacksize>0c=c+1;% STEP 3 LOADING OF CSPx0=stackx0(:,stacksize);xlb=stackxlb(:,stacksize);xub=stackxub(:,stacksize);x0(find(x0<xlb))=xlb(find(x0<xlb));x0(find(x0>xub))=xub(find(x0>xub));stacksize=stacksize-1;% STEP 4 RELAXATION% PHASE 1con=BNBCON(x0,A,B,Aeq,Beq,xlb,xub,nonlcon,varargin{:});if abs(con)>errcon & settings(1)~=0[x1 dummyfeasflag]=fmincon('0',x0,A,B,Aeq,Beq,xlb,xub,nonlcon,options1,varargin{:});if settings(3) & feasflag==0con=BNBCON(x1,A,B,Aeq,Beq,xlb,xub,nonlcon,varargin{:});if con<errcon, feasflag=1; end;end;else x1=x0; feasflag=1; end;% PHASE 2if feasflag>0[x z convflag]=fmincon(fun,x1,A,B,Aeq,Beq,xlb,xub,nonlcon,options2,varargin{:});if settings(3) & convflag==0con=BNBCON(x,A,B,Aeq,Beq,xlb,xub,nonlcon,varargin{:});if con<errcon, convflag=1; end;end;else convflag=feasflag; end;% STEP 5 FATHOMINGK = find(xstatus==1 & xlb~=xub);separation=1;if convflag<0 | (convflag==0 & settings(2))% FC 1separation=0;elseif z>=z_incumbent & convflag>0% FC 2separation=0;elseif all(abs(round(x(K))-x(K))<errx) & convflag>0% FC 3z_incumbent = z;x_incumbent = x;separation = 0;end;% STEP 6 SELECTIONif separation == 1 & ~isempty(K)dzsep=-1;for i=1:size(K,1)dxsepc = abs(round(x(K(i)))-x(K(i)));if dxsepc>=errx | convflag==0xsepc = x; xsepc(K(i))=round(x(K(i)));dzsepc = abs(feval(fun,xsepc,varargin{:})-z);if dzsepc>dzsepdzsep=dzsepc;ixsep=K(i);end;end;end;% STEP 7 SEPARATIONif xchoice(ixsep)==0% XCHOICE==0branch=1;domain=[xlb(ixsep) xub(ixsep)];while branch==1xboundary=(domain(1)+domain(2))/2;if x(ixsep)<xboundarydomainA=[domain(1) floor(xboundary)];domainB=[floor(xboundary+1) domain(2)];elsedomainA=[floor(xboundary+1) domain(2)];domainB=[domain(1) floor(xboundary)];end;stacksize=stacksize+1;stackx0(:,stacksize)=x;stackxlb(:,stacksize)=xlb;stackxlb(ixsep,stacksize)=domainB(1);stackxub(:,stacksize)=xub;stackxub(ixsep,stacksize)=domainB(2);if domainA(1)==domainA(2)stacksize=stacksize+1;stackx0(:,stacksize)=x;stackxlb(:,stacksize)=xlb;stackxlb(ixsep,stacksize)=domainA(1);stackxub(:,stacksize)=xub;stackxub(ixsep,stacksize)=domainA(2);branch=0;elsedomain=domainA;branch=1;end;end;else% XCHOICE~=0L=find(xchoice==xchoice(ixsep));M=intersect(K,L);[dummy,N]=sort(x(M));part1=M(N(1:floor(size(N)/2))); part2=M(N(floor(size(N)/2)+1:size(N))); stacksize=stacksize+1;stackx0(:,stacksize)=x;O = (1-sum(stackx0(part1,stacksize)))/size(part1,1);stackx0(part1,stacksize)=stackx0(part1,stacksize)+O;stackxlb(:,stacksize)=xlb;stackxub(:,stacksize)=xub;stackxub(part2,stacksize)=0;stacksize=stacksize+1;stackx0(:,stacksize)=x;O = (1-sum(stackx0(part2,stacksize)))/size(part2,1);stackx0(part2,stacksize)=stackx0(part2,stacksize)+O;stackxlb(:,stacksize)=xlb;stackxub(:,stacksize)=xub;stackxub(part1,stacksize)=0;if size(part2,1)==1, stackxlb(part2,stacksize)=1; end;end;elseif separation==1 & isempty(K)fail=fail+1;end;end;% STEP 8 OUTPUTt=toc;Z = z_incumbent;X = x_incumbent;errmsg='';eval(['warning ',currentwarningstate]);function CON=BNBCON(x,A,B,Aeq,Beq,xlb,xub,nonlcon,varargin); if isempty(A), CON1=[]; else CON1 = max(A*x-B,0); end;if isempty(Aeq), CON2=[]; else CON2 = abs(Aeq*x-Beq); end; CON3 = max(xlb-x,0);CON4 = max(x-xub,0);if isempty(nonlcon)CON5=[]; CON6=[];else[C Ceq]=feval(nonlcon,x,varargin{:});CON5 = max(C,0);CON6 = abs(Ceq);end;CON = max([CON1; CON2; CON3; CON4; CON5; CON6]);。
算法: 多目标优化同时涉及到一系列对象。fgoalattain函数求解 该问题的基本算法是目标达到法。该法为目标函数建立起目 标值。 实现过程中,使用了松弛变量γ作为模糊变量同时最小化 目标向量F(x);goal参数是一系列目标达到值。在进行优化 之前,通常不知道对象是否会达到目标。使用权向量weight 可以控制是没有达到还是溢出。 attainfactor参数包含解处的γ值。γ取负值时表示目标溢出。
(3)给出约束条件的系数 A=[2 1;-1 –1;-1 0]; b=[200 -100 -50]; lb=zeros(2,1); (4)调用工具箱 [x,fval,attainfactor,exitflag] = … fgoபைடு நூலகம்lattain(@opt26_4o,x0,goal,weight,A,b,[],[],lb,[]) 输出计算结果 x= 50 50 fval = 150 -100 -50 attainfactor = 1.3235e-023 exitflag = 1
min Z ai ( f i f i ) 2
i 1 k
Φi ( x1, x2 ,, xn ) gi (i 1,2,, m)
min Z ( F F )T A( F F )
Φ( X ) G
式中: a i 是与第i个目标函数相关的权重;
A是由 ai (i 1,2,, k )组成的m×m对 角矩阵。
理论依据 :若规划问题的某一目标可 以给出一个可供选择的范围,则该目标就 可以作为约束条件而被排除出目标组,进 入约束条件组中。 假如,除第一个目标外,其余目标都 可以提出一个可供选择的范围,则该多目 标规划问题就可以转化为单目标规划问题
Matlab中的多目标优化算法与应用Matlab 中的多目标优化算法与应用多目标优化问题是实际生活中普遍存在的一类问题,它们涉及到多个冲突的目标函数。
Matlab 作为一个功能强大的数学软件,提供了众多优化算法和工具箱,可以帮助我们解决多目标优化问题。
本文将介绍 Matlab 中的多目标优化算法以及它们在实际应用中的应用。
1. 多目标优化问题简介多目标优化问题是在给定约束下找到多个目标函数的最优解。
2. Matlab 中的多目标优化算法在Matlab 中,有多种多目标优化算法可供选择。
(1) 遗传算法 (Genetic Algorithm)遗传算法是一种模拟自然优化过程的优化算法。
在 Matlab 中,可以使用 "gamultiobj" 函数实现遗传算法。
(2) 粒子群算法 (Particle Swarm Optimization)粒子群算法是一种基于鸟群觅食行为的优化算法。
在 Matlab 中,可以使用"particleswarm" 函数实现粒子群算法。
(3) 差分进化算法 (Differential Evolution)差分进化算法是一种基于种群的优化算法。
在 Matlab 中,可以使用 "multiobjective" 函数实现差分进化算法。
(4) NSGA-II 算法NSGA-II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II) 是一种经典的多目标优化算法。
其中一种常用的方法是帕累托前沿方法(Pareto Front)。
Ceq(X)=0 (非线性等式约束)
Lb ≤X ≤Ub (边界约束条件)
6.1 函数fgoalattain
返回目标函数的最优解 返回目标函数的最优值 返回算法的终止标志 优化算法信息的一个数据结构
[x,fval,exitflag,output, grad,hessian]=
alpha=180-180*x(1)*(i-1)/pi/a; %小带轮包角
Kalp=alpha/(0.549636*alpha+80.396114); %包角系数
g(3)=120-180*(1-x(1)*(i-1)/a/pi); %小带轮包角>=alpmin
6.1 函数fgoalattain
1. 多目标优化问题的建模在进行多目标优化之前,首先需要将问题转化为数学模型。
2. 多目标优化的解决方法在解决多目标优化问题时,常用的方法有多目标遗传算法、粒子群优化和模拟退火等。
3. 多目标优化问题的可视化分析对于多目标优化问题,在求解过程中通常会得到一个解集,即非劣解集。
4. 多目标优化问题的决策方法在多目标优化问题中,决策方法用于选择最优的解决方案。
二、多目标优化算法的分类在Matlab中,多目标优化算法可以分为以下几类:1. 基于加权的方法:将多个目标函数加权求和,然后将多目标优化问题转化为单目标优化问题。
2. 遗传算法:通过模拟进化的过程,搜索出多目标优化问题的解集。
3. 粒子群优化算法:通过模拟鸟群觅食行为,搜索出多目标优化问题的解集。
4. 差分进化算法:通过模拟物种进化的过程,搜索出多目标优化问题的解集。
5. 支配排序算法:通过定义支配关系,将多目标优化问题的解集划分为不同的非支配解等级。
以下是几个常见的应用场景:1. 工程优化:在设计工程中,常常需要在多个目标之间进行权衡。
2. 金融投资:在金融投资领域,投资者通常需要考虑多个指标,如收益率、风险和流动性等。
基于MATLAB的多目标规划问题的理想点法求解杨伍梅;刘陶文【摘要】针对生产、经济活动等实际中常见的多目标规划问题,在对现有的多目标优化方法进行一些比较的基础上,重点对理想点法的基本思想、特点及发展过程进行了探究,并就工厂采购这类多目标规划的实际问题采用理想点法进行模型的构建、转化和求解,然后用MATLAB软件对此问题进行了具体计算和结果分析.结果表明这类方法具有非常简单、实用、高效的特点,在实际应用中具有一定的优越性.【期刊名称】《湖南城市学院学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(026)004【总页数】4页(P60-63)【关键词】多目标规划;评价函数法;理想点法;MATLAB【作者】杨伍梅;刘陶文【作者单位】益阳职业技术学院基础课部,湖南益阳 413049;湖南大学数学与计量经济学院,长沙 410012【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O1在生产、经济活动、工程设计和科学实验中,往往需要同时考察多个指标才能判断某种决策(计划、方案、配方)的优劣,这些问题可归结为多目标规划问题[1]﹒最初,关于多目标问题中如何协调矛盾是由Franklin于1772年提出的,而第一次从数学角度提出多目标规划问题并且给出Pareto最优解的概念的是Pareto﹒同时Kuhn等人也给出了向量极值问题具备有效解的必要条件﹒后来,A.Charnes等人做了许多工作,出现了如加权和法、目标规划法、ε-约束法等多目标优化方法[2]﹒我国对于多目标规划问题的研究主要是从20世纪70年代开始的,且研究的人越来越多,已逐步迈向世界先进水平[3]﹒当前,关于多目标规划问题的研究,主要着重于其解的概念与性质、求解方法、对偶问题、不可微等4个方面,其中研究最多的是关于多目标规划的求解方法问题﹒近年来引用次数较多,涉及知识面较广的方法有最小偏差指标赋权法、加权偏差平方和最小化方法、线性加权法和灰色关联分析法的集成法等﹒本文暂时先不考虑所研究的各个目标函数的具体形式,可把与此相关的这些目标函数分别记作,可能有些是求目标函数的最小值,而有些是求目标函数的最大值,注意到极大化目标函数往往可以转化为极小化目标函数的相反数,所以经过调整,总是可以把这些目标函数进行统一化,都化为求目标函数的最大值或最小值,不妨假设全都化为求目标函数的最小值﹒若所研究的实际问题本身含有几个不等式约束条件和几个等式约束件﹒那么多目标规划问题可归结的标准形式为对上述多目标规划问题的求解目前主要有约束法、功效系数法和评价函数法等方法﹒约束法要根据决策者的经验让次要目标在某一确定的范围内取值,所以其结果受人为因素影响较大[4]﹒功效系数法能较好的求解多目标规划问题,但往往会因为信息的非完备性和主观判断等因素导致功效系数不是很准确,从而影响求解结果[5]﹒因此这里主要采用评价函数法来求解多目标规划问题,它的基本思想是由多目标规划问题的目标函数构造出某一个单目标规划问题的目标函数,并称之为评价函数[6],从而将求解多目标规划问题化为求解单目标规划问题﹒由于构造评价函数时可用多种不同的方法,因此就有多种不同的评价函数法,其中最常见的评价函数法有理想点法、平方和加权法、线性加权和法和乘除法等[7]﹒文献[8]采用平方和加权法和线性加权和法、乘除法对采矿法多目标优选进行了探讨,取得了较好的效果,但该方法需要根据各个目标的重要程度给予一组适当的权重,而在实际应用中要选取这样一组权重往往存在一定的困难,所以只能假设在某种权重下进行计算,这样会因所假设权重的不同而导致结果与实际问题存在一定偏差﹒为了避免个人选取权重的片面性,往往采用老手法选取权重,但这项工作量比较大﹒乘除法原理简单,计算方便,不需要考虑各个目标的权重受人为因素的影响较小,但它要求目标函数在已有条件下的函数值都具有非负性,且要分为目标函数值越小越好与目标函数值越大越好两组,因此在实际应用中具有一定的局限性[9]﹒在文献[10]中郭惠昕等人将理想点法用到多目标模糊优化设计中,由正、负理想点与可行解之间的距离构造出模糊判决,并由此提出了基于理想点的求解算法,但此法在工厂采购问题方面未见有关研究,本文主要采用理想点法对工厂采购问题进行一些探讨﹒理想点法是指根据决策者的先验信息构造出理想点,再在指定条件下去寻求与此理想点最为接近的可行解[11]﹒在实际情况中,问题本身可能含有多个不等式约束条件和多个等式约束条件,但在实际问题中刚好满足等式约束条件的问题局限性较大﹒因此,本文只针对式(2)的仅含有不等式约束的多目标优化问题进行探讨﹒根据评价函数法的基本思想,理想点法的主要思路是在多目标规划问题(见式(2))中,首先将多目标规划问题分解为P个单目标规划问题,可得表达式(3)﹒求解式(3),得P个最优解为﹒一般说来,不可能所有的最优解均相等,所以它的P个最优解所组成的向量并不刚好属于多目标规划问题的象集,也就是说理想点是几乎不可能达到的﹒因此只能在多目标规划的可行域中找到一个点,使之对应的与理想点的欧氏距离尽可能小,因此建立如式(4)的单目标规划问题﹒求解单目标规划问题(见式(4))就可以得到兼顾多个目标的满意解﹒某工厂需要采购某种生产原料,该原料市场上有A、B、C三种,单价分别为3元/kg、2元/kg、4元/kg﹒现要求所花的总费用不超过400元,所购得的原料总质量不少于150 kg,其中A原料不得少于40 kg,B原料不得少于50 kg,C原料不得少于20 kg﹒问如何确定最佳采购方案,花最少的钱采购最多数量的原料﹒分析:设3种原材料A、B、C分别采购、、 kg,于是得到此次采购原材料所需花费的总费用为:,原材料总质量为:,则求解的目标是花最少的钱采购最多数量的原材料,即:使最小化的同时使最大化﹒而且要满足条件:所花的总费用不超过400元,即;所购得的原料总质量不少于150 kg,即;A原料不少于40 kg,B原料不少于50 kg,C原料不少于20 kg,即,,,于是得约束条件见式(5)﹒综合以上分析得最优化数学模型见式(6)﹒注意到在多目标规划问题中极大化目标函数是极小化目标函数的相反数,因此,上述最优化数学模型式(6)可以转化为标准形式式(7)﹒很明显,这是一个多目标规划问题,可以采用约束法、功效系数法和评价函数法等方法进行求解﹒本文采用评价函数法进行求解,即根据理想点法的求解思路,可将上述问题分解为两个单目标规划问题(P1)和(P2)进行求解,见式(8)﹒由模型(P1)可以看出,它的评价函数为一个线性函数,且约束条件也为线性函数,所以可以利用MATLAB优化工具箱中所提供的linprog函数进行求解,其运行代码和结果如下:>>f=[3;2;4];A=[2,3,4;-1,-1,-1];b=[400;-150];lb=[40;50;20];>>[x,fval]=linprog(f,A,b,[],[],lb);Optimization terminated.(P1),(P2). (8)=70.000 060.000 020.000 0fval=410.000 0由此可知,当时,单目标规划问题(P1)的最优函数值为,即所需花费的总费用最少的目标函数的理想值为410元﹒采用类似方法可求解单目标规划问题(P2),利用MATLAB软件求解,其运行代码和结果如下:>>f=[-1;-1;-1];A=[2,3,4;-1,-1,-1];b=[400;-150];lb=[40;50;20];>>[x,fval]=linprog(f,A,b,[],[],lb);Optimization terminated.=85.000 050.000 020.000 0fval=-155.000 0由此可知,当时,单目标规划问题(P2)的最优函数值为﹒即原材料总质量最大的目标函数的理想值为155 kg﹒利用MATLAB软件求解,其运行结果如下:=70.576 959.615 420.000 0由运行结果可以看出,在该评价函数标准之下,关于多目标规划问题的工厂采购问题的最优解为﹒此时,对于两个目标函数的实际取值分别为和﹒单独来看,第一个目标函数,即关于求所需花费的总费用最少的函数,其实际数值为410.961 5,它与理想数值410非常接近,其绝对偏差为0.961 5,相对偏差为0.234 5%,这在实际问题中完全可以忽略不计;第二个目标函数,即求原材料总质量最大的函数,其实际数值为150.192 3,它与理想数值155相差也不大,绝对偏差为4.807 7,相对偏差也只有3.101 7%,这也是在偏差允许范围之内﹒而从整体来看,即同时考虑需花费的总费用最少和原材料总质量最大这两个目标函数时,其实际数值为(410.961 5,150.192 3),它与理想点值在评价函数式(9)标准下的最小距离为4.902 9,这在求解实际问题时是较为理想的结果,这说明理想点法能有效的求解多目标规划问题中的工厂采购问题﹒多目标规划在生产、经济活动、科学实验和工程设计中有着非常广泛的运用,但多目标规划在实际应用过程中,由于存在多个目标,要求各目标同时取得较优的值,从而使得求解的方法与过程都相对复杂﹒利用理想点法将多目标规划问题化为单目标规划问题,借助MATLAB软件计算可以达到对多目标规划问题求解更为简便、高效、准确的目标,从而可将此问题推广到更高维的情形,也可以将此方法推广到更多领域,更好地利用多目标规划解决实际问题﹒【相关文献】[1]刘文奇, 余高锋, 胥楚贵. 多目标决策的激励策略可行解[J]. 控制与决策, 2013, 28(06): 957-960.[2]艾正海. 关于多目标决策问题的理想点法研究[D]. 成都: 西南交通大学, 2007.[3]杨桂元, 郑亚豪. 多目标决策问题及其求解方法研究[J]. 数学的实践与认识, 2012, 42(2): 108-115.[4]万嘉滢, 张雯, 单莹. 一种改进多目标规划逐步Stem与妥协约束法及应用[J]. 统计与决策, 2013(14): 79-81.[5]罗晓光, 刘飞虎. 基于功效系数法的商业银行财务风险评价研究[J]. 科技与管理, 2012, 14(05):93-98.[6]郭丽暄. 关于多目标规划的评价函数法[J]. 漳州职业技术学院学报, 2006, 8(04): 12-15.[7]陈国华, 廖小莲. 多目标投资组合模型的理想点解法[J]. 湖南工业大学学报, 2010, 24(1): 47-49.[8]陈灿. 基于组合赋权-理想点法的顶底柱开采方案优选研究[J].矿业工程, 2015, 23(03): 15-18.[9]郭金维, 蒲绪强, 高祥, 等. 一种改进的多目标决策指标权重计算方法[J]. 西安电子科技大学学报: 自然科学版, 2014, 41(06): 118-125.[10]郭惠昕, 张龙庭, 罗佑新, 等. 多目标模糊优化设计的理想点法[J]. 机械设计, 2001, 18(8): 18-20.[11]杨伍梅, 刘权. 基于MATLAB的多目标规划最优投资组合方法的探讨[J]. 长沙大学学报, 2014, 28(05): 9-11.。
另一种常见的多目标优化方法是非支配排序遗传算法(Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm,NSGA)。
除了NSGA算法,Matlab还提供了其他多目标优化算法,如多目标粒子群算法(Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization,MOPSO)、多目标遗传算法(Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm,MOGA)等。
where mycon is a MATLAB function such as
function [c,ceq] = mycon(x) c = ... % compute nonlinear inequalities at x. ceq = ... % compute nonlinear equalities at
v attainfactor = v -0.3863
如果至少保证38.63%的目标精确匹配,设置‘GoalsExactAchieve’参数值为3 voptions = optimset('GoalsExactAchieve',3); v[K,fval,attainfactor] = fgoalattain(... v @(K)eigfun(K,A,B,C),K0,goal,weight,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,[],...options) vAfter about seven iterations, a solution is vK = v -1.5954 1.2040 v -0.4201 -2.9046 vfval = v -5.0000 v -3.0000 v -1.0000 vattainfactor = v 1.0859e-20表明目标已完全匹配
x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight)
x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b)
x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq)
1. 线性规划建模
该例8.1是一个线性规划问题,直接考虑它的线性规划模型 设甲、乙产品的产量分别为x1, x2,建立线性规划模型:
程序运行说明,分三次求解: 在做第一级目标计算时,P(1),P(2)和P(3)分别输入1,0和0,Goal(1) 和Goal(2)输入两个较大的数,表示这两项约束不起作用; 在做第二级目标计算时,P(1),P(2)和P(3)分别输入0,1和0,由于第 一级的偏差为0,因此Goal(1)为0,Goal(2)输入一个较大的数; 在做第三级计算时,P(1),P(2)和P(3)分别输入0,0和1,由于第一级、 第二级的偏差为0,因此Goal(1)和Goal(2)的输入值也为0。
析结果, x1为2, x2为4, DPLUS1 为100,因此目标规划的 最优解为x *=(2,4),最优利润为1600.
例8.5 (继例8.4) 用算法8.1求解例8. 3的LINGO程序
由于在例8.4中虽然给出了目标规划问题的最优解,但需 要连续编几个LINDO程序,在使用时不方便,下面使用 LINGO软件,编写一个通用程序。 解 按照算法8.1和例8.3目标规划模型编写LINGO求解程 序,列出其LINGO程序, 程序名:exam0805.lg4
例8.3 用目标规划方法求解例8. 1 m z P in d P ( d d ) P ( 3 d 3 d 4 d ) 1 2 2 2 33 3 4
解 在例8.1中设备A是刚性约 s . t .2 x 2 x 12 , 1 2 束,其于是柔性约束.首先,最 200 x 300 x d d 重要的指标是企业的利润,将它 1 2 1 1 1500 , 的优先级列为第一级;其次,甲、 2 x1 x 2 d 2 d 2 0, 乙两种产品的产量保持1:2的比 4 x d d 例,列为第二级;再次,设备 B 1 3 3 16 , 和C的工作时间要有所控制,列 5 x d d 15 , 2 4 4 为第三级,设备B的重要性是设 备C的三倍,因此它们的权重不 x1 , x 2 , d i , d i 0 , i 1, 2 ,3, 4 . 一样。由此可以得到相应的目标 规划模型。
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x = fgoalattain(@myfun,x0,goal,weight) where myfun is a MATLAB function such as function F = myfun(x) F = ... % Compute function values at x.
ceq = ...
% Nonlinear equalities at x
if nargout > 2 % Nonlcon called with 4 outputs
GC = ...
% Gradients of the inequalities
GCeq = ... % Gradients of the equalities
注意:一般 weight=abs(goal)
1)循环系统的特征值(由命令eig(A+B*K*C)确定)的目标为goal = [-5,-3,-1] 2)K中元素均在[-4,4]中; 设特征值的weight= abs(goal),定义目标函数F如下: function F = eigfun(K,A,B,C) F = sort(eig(A+B*K*C)); % Evaluate objectives,由小到大排列
if nargout > 1 % Two output arguments
G = ... % Gradients evaluated at x
The gradient consists of the partial derivative dF/dx of each F at the point x.
数学模型:MIN f’x S.T. Ax<=b Aeqx=beq x=0,1
命令格式:x = bintprog(f) x = bintprog(f, A, b) x = bintprog(f, A, b, Aeq, beq) x = bintprog(f, A, b, Aeq, beq, x0) x = bintprog(f, A, b, Aeq, beq, x0, options) [x, fval] = bintprog(...) [x,fval, exitflag] = bintprog(...) [x, fval, exitflag, output] = bintprog(...)
x = fgoalattain(@myfun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq,... lb,ub,@mycon)
where mycon is a MATLAB function such as
function [c,ceq] = mycon(x) c = ... % compute nonlinear inequalities at x. ceq = ... % compute nonlinear equalities at
v 有关优化参数设置:
v options = optimset(‘GradConstr’,‘on’)约束条件的 梯度方向参数设置为‘on’时,用下列函数定义:
function [c,ceq,GC,GCeq] = mycon(x)
c = ...
% Nonlinear inequalities at x
lb,ub,nonlcon,options) [x,fval] = fgoalattain(...) [x,fval,attainfactor] = fgoalattain(...) [x,fval,attainfactor,exitflag] = fgoalattain(...) [x,fval,attainfactor,exitflag,output] = fgoalattain(...) [x,fval,attainfactor,exitflag,output,lambda] = fgoalattain(...)
x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight) x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b) x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq) x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub) x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon) x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq,...
x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight)
x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,gtain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq)
x = fgoalattain(fun,x0,goal,weight,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub)
数学模型:MIN lambda S.T. F(x)-weight* lambda <=goal(达到目标) Ax<=b(线性不等式约束) Aeqx=beq(线性等式约束) C(x)<=0(非线性不等式约束) Ceq(x)=0(非线性等式约束)
lb<=x<=ub F=[f1(x),f2(x),…]为多目标的目标函数; F与[C(x),Ceq(x)]都是通过function来定义; 命令格式:
❖ 有关优化参数设置:
❖options = optimset(‘GradObj’,‘on’)目标函数的梯度 方向参数设置为‘on’时,用下列函数定义:
function [F,G] = myfun(x)
F = ...
% Compute the function values at x