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1.(1分)A.Nice to see you!

B.Come on,Lily!

C.Good morning,Alice!

2.(1分)A.Is it an orange?

B.Is it easy for you?

C.Does it take two hours?

3.(1分)A.She isn't singing a song.

B.I'm not sleeping.

C.We aren't drinking tea.

4.(1分)A.How much is this bag?

B.What would you like?

C.Where's my ruler?

5.(1分)A.We are having a good time!

B.They have lunch at twelve.

C.She shops very often.









11.A.Monday.B.Thursday.C.Saturday.12.A.Music.B.Art C.P.E.13.A.Basketball.B.Soccer.C.Volleyball.14.A.A soccer player.B.A basketball player.C.A P.E.teacher.

15.A.By watching games.B.By practicing every

day.C.By joining the school team.



16.A.Tina's relatives and friends.B.Some of Jack's


C.Jack's friends and


17.A.By letter.B.By email.C.By phone.18.A.In the house.B.In a small restaurant.C.In a hotel.19.A.Surprised.B.Sad.C.Crazy.20.A.35. B.40. C.46.


21.(1分)My sister bought me a /hæt/last winter.()

A.hat B.hide C.hit D.has

22.(1分)Jerry's bedroom is always /kli:n/.()

A.clear B.clean C.clever D.class

23.(1分)I heard the /nju:z/on the radio this morning.That was too bad.()

A.now B.news C.nose D.neck

24.(1分)We have a Chinese /′lesn/on Monday morning.()A.like B.lunch C.lesson D.listen

25.(1分)You need to keep /′sailənt/when you are in the library.()A.silly B.smile C.smart D.silent


26.(1分)﹣What's your dream job,Lucy?

﹣I want to be doctor.()

A.a B.an C.the D./

27.(1分)﹣Dave,where is Mr.Black?

﹣I saw in the classroom ten minutes ago.()

A.he B.him C.she D.her

28.(1分)﹣Xi'an is a very old city.

﹣Sure.It has a history.()

A.big B.small C.short D.long

29.(1分)﹣Mike,what club do you want to join?

﹣Well,I want to join the club.I love painting.()

A.chess B.sports C.art D.English

30.(1分)﹣Jill,who that in the white coat?

﹣It's my brother,Joe.()

A.did B.does C.are D.is

31.(1分)I often go to the bookstore Quancheng Road although it's crowded.()

A.on B.for C.fromD.between

32.(1分)﹣did you visit Taiwan with,Sarah?

﹣My parents.We had a good time there.()

A.What B.Who C.Where D.When

33.(1分)﹣I like rain it makes me feel cool and relaxed.

﹣So do I.()

A.or B.so C.but D.because

34.(1分)﹣How many hours do you sleep every night?

﹣About hours.From 9:00 p.m.to 6:00 a.m.()

A.nine B.nineteen C.ninth D.ninety

35.(1分)﹣Excuse me.Is there a near here?I want to buy some drinks.﹣Yes.Go along the street,and it's on your left.()

A.zoo B.school C.supermarket D.museum

36.(1分)﹣When is the time to visit Brazil?

﹣In August and September,I think.Not too cold,not too hot.()A.hottest B.hotter C.best D.better

37.(1分)﹣Sir,called you just now.I told him to phone again 20 minutes later.


A.someone B.nobody C.anyone D.everyone

38.(1分)﹣The black T﹣shirt is very good on you.And it's only 30 yuan.


A.It looks bad B.It's too expensive

C.I don't like it D.I'll take it

39.(1分)﹣Helen,who fix up the computer in our class?

﹣I think Jeff can.()

A.should B.would C.must D.can

40.(1分)﹣Eric hurt his leg playing tennis yesterday.I hope he will get better soon.﹣.()
