第6章(6)-3)Section 3 Operation and Control of Power Systems 第3节操作和控制的电力系统The purpose of a power system is to deliver the power the customers require in real time, on demand, within acceptable voltage and frequency limits, and in a reliable and economic manner. 该系统的目的,权力是为客户提供电力的时间为客户需要实际需求,对,在可接受的电压和频率的限制,在一个可靠和经济的方式。
In normal operation of a power system, the total power generation is balanced by the total load and transmission losses. 在电力系统正常运行的,总发电是平衡的总负荷和传输的损失。
The system frequency and voltages on all the buses are within the required limits, while no overloads on lines or equipment are resulted. 该系统的频率和电压的所有公共汽车都在规定的限额,而没有超载或设备上线造成的。
However, loads are constantly changed in small or large extents, so some control actions must be applied to maintain the power system in the normal and economic operation state. 但是,负载不断变化幅度小或大,所以一些控制行动必须适用于维持在正常和经济运行状态的电力系统。
自动化专业英语unit 3 A
3. component [kəm'pəunənt] n.成分,元件组件 adj. 组成的,构成的
4. principle ['prinsəpl] n.原理,原则;道义; 本义;根源,源泉
5. metallic [mi'tælik, me-] adj. 金属的,含金属的 n. 金属纤维
adv. 锐利地 n. 内行;尖头
Technical Terms
electronic counter 电子计数器 frequency synthesizer 频率合成器
digital instrument 数字仪器
Language points
1.Integrated circuit,or IC is a combination...to perform definite function involved in converting information.
Language points
4.Each set contains all the components such as transistors,diodes,and resistors which are interconnected with short fine metallБайду номын сангаасc stripes deposited on the wafer surface.
Language points
2. intend to打算做……,倾向于……,想要…… e.g. 1) I intend to work in the information services (service) industry, or market sectors. 我意向从事信息服务行业,或者市场销售行业。 2)I intend to give up my present post in order to get a more challenging opportunity. 为了获得一个更有挑战性的工作机会,本人打算放弃目前的职 位。 3)I intend to become the master of my own body level dream. 我意愿成为精通我自己身体水平梦想的大师。
Semiconductor switches are very important and crucial components in power electronic systems.these switches are meant to be the substitutions of the mechanical switches,but they are severely limited by the properties of the semiconductor materials and process of manufacturing. 在电力电子系统,中半导体开关是非常重要和关键部件。
Switching losses开关损耗Power losses in the power eletronic converters are comprised of the Switching losses and parasitic losses. 电力电子转换器的功率损耗分为开关损耗和寄生损耗the parasitic losses account for the losses due to the winding resistances of the inductors and transformers,the dielectric losses of capacitors,the eddy and the hysteresis losses. 寄生损失的绕组电感器、变压器的阻力、介电损耗的电容器,涡流和磁滞损耗the switching losses are significant and can be managed. 这个开关损耗是非常重要的,可以被处理。
they can be further divided into three components:(a)the on-state losses,(b)the off-state losses and the losses in the transition states. 他们可以分为三个部分: 通态损耗,断态损耗和转换过程中产生的损耗。
• The exciting or magnetizing current (励磁电流)can thus be very small. Further, the proportion of the total flux which is linked mutually by the two coils is greatly increased.
of two coils in close proximity. One coil of N1 turns is excited with
alternating current and therefore establishes a flux φ11 which alternates with the current (随时间交变). The other coil is linked
• the applied voltage 外施电压
• zero-power-factor 零功率因数
• the no-load power factor 空载功率因数
• formulate 用公式表示,系统地阐述
• saturation 饱和
Unit 11 The Transformer on No Load
a result (因此), is called the secondary winding.
• It should not be difficult to realize that the two functions are interchangeable: if coil 2 were excited instead, a mutual e.m.f. would be induced in coil 1 which would then become the secondary winding(二次绕组).
电气自动化专业英语全文翻译第一部分:电子技术第一章电子测量仪表电子技术人员使用许多不同类型的测量仪器.一些工作需要精确测量面另一些工作只需粗略估计rough estimates.有些仪器被使用be used to仅仅solely是确定线路是否完整.最常用的测量测试仪表有:电压测试仪voltage testers,电压表voltmeters,欧姆表ammeters, ohmmeters 连续性测试仪continuity testers,兆欧表megohmmeters,瓦特表wattmeters还有瓦特小时表所有测量电值的表基本上都是电流表. 他们测量或是比较通过他们的电流值. 这些仪表可以被校准calibrate并且设计了不同的量程scale,以便to读出期望的数值.1.1 安全预防safety precaution仪表的正确连接对于使用者的安全预防和仪表的正确维护是非常重要的. 仪表的结构construction和操作的基本知识能帮助使用者按安全工作程序safe working order来对他们正确连接和维护.许多仪表被设计的只能用于直流或只能用于交流,而其它的则可交替使用interchangeably.注意:每种仪表只能用来测量符合设计要求的电流类型. 如果用在不正确的电流类型中可能对仪表有危险并且可能对使用者引起伤害.许多仪表被设计成are constructed to只能测量很低的数值,还有些能测量非常大的数值.警告: 仪表不允许超过它的额定rated最大值maximum limit. 不允许被测的实际数值超过exceed仪表最大允许值的要求再强调也不过分overemphasized.超过最大值对指针indicating needle有伤害,有害于interfere正确校准proper calibration,并且在某种情况下and in some instances 能引起仪表爆炸explode造成result in对作用者的伤害.许多仪表装备了are equippedwith过载保护over correct protection.然而,通常情况下电流大于仪表设计的限定仍然是危险的hazardous.1.2 基本仪表的结构和操作许多仪表是根据电磁相互作用electromagnetic interaction的原理动作的.这种相互作用是通过流过导体的电流引起的(导体放置在永久磁铁permanent magnet的磁极poles之间) .这种类型的仪表专门适合于is suit for直流电direct current.不管什么时候电流流过导体, 磁力magnetic force总会围绕导体形成is developed. 磁力是由在永久磁铁力的作用下起反应react的电流引起.这就引起指针的移动.导体可以制成线圈coil,放置在永久磁铁磁极之间的枢钮(pivot 中心)上.线圈通过两个螺旋型spiral弹簧springs连在仪器的端子上.这些弹簧提供了与偏差成正比proportional的恢复力deflection.当没有电流通过时,弹簧使指针回复到零.表的量程被设计来指明被测量的电流值.线圈的移动(或者是指针的偏移)与线圈的电流值成正比.如果必须要测量一个大于线圈能安全负载的电流,仪表要包含旁路bypass circuit 或者分流器shunt.分流器被容纳在仪表盒内或者连接到外部.例子一个仪表被设计成最大量程scale是10A.线圈能安全负载0.001A,那分流器必须被设计成能负载9.999A.当时.001A 流过线圈时指针指示10A.图1.1(A)说明了一个永久磁铁类型仪表.图1.1(B)显示了一个外部分流器连接到仪表端子上. 永久磁铁类型仪表可以被用作安培表或者电压表. 当量程被设计成指示电流并且内阻internal resistance保持最小时, 这个表可以作为安培表用. 当量程被设计成指示电压, 内阻相对relatively高一些时, 这个表可以用来测量电压值.注意:不管如何设计,指针移动的距离取决于线圈的电流值.为了让这类表用在交流电中,在设计时必须作微小的改动.整流器rectifier可以把交流变成直流电. 整流器合并incorporate进仪表中并且量程要指示出正确的交流电压值. 整流器类型的仪表不能用于直流电中并且它一般被设计成电压表.如图1.2,电测力计electrodynamometer是另一种能用于交流电alternating current的既能作安培表也能作电压表的仪器.它由两个固定线圈stationary coils和一个移动线圈movable coil构成consist of. 这三个线圈通过两个螺旋型spiral弹簧串联in series with在一起. 这个弹簧支撑住移动线圈.当电流流行性过线圈时移动线圈顺时针方向in clockwise direction移动.电测力计因为属永久磁铁型仪表it is in permanent magnet-type meters, 量程不是均匀分布的the scale is not divided uniformly. 作用在动线圈上的力根据流过该线圈的电流平方the square of the current flowing through the coil来变化vary with.有必要在量程开始比量程结束分割的密一点.分割点之间距离越大, 仪表的读数越精确.争取strive for 精确的读值an accurate reading是重要的.移动叶片moving-vane结构是仪表的另一种类型.电流流过线圈引起cause两个铁片iron stripes(叶片)磁化to become magnetized.一个叶片是可动的,另一个是固定的sationary.在两个叶片间的磁的作用引起可动叶片扭转turn.移动的数值取决于线圈的电流值.警告:所有描述的取决于磁力作用的仪器,都不要放置在另一个磁性物质附近.它的磁力可能对引起仪表故障或者导致测量值不准确.1.3 测量仪器的使用电压表a voltmeter是设计来is designed to测量measure电路applied a current的电压electrical pressure或者通过元器件across a component的压降voltage drop. 电压表必须与被测量的电路或元器件并联in parallel with.1.3.1 压力检验计(电压检测计)交-直流电压检验计是一种相当粗糙crude但对电工electrician来说很有用的仪器.这种仪器指示电压的近似值.更常见类型指示的电压值如下:AC,110,220,440,550V,DC,125,250,600V. 许多这种仪器也指示indicate直流电的极性polarity.那就是说(i.e=that is)电路中的导体是阳性positively(正)的还是阴性negatively(负) .电压检验计通常用来检验check公共电压common voltages,识别identify接地导体grounded conductor,检查to check for被炸毁的保险丝blown fuses,区分distinguish AC 和DC. 电压检验计很小很坚固rugged,比一般的电压表average voltmeter容易携带和保存.图1.31.4 描述了depict用电压检验计检查保险丝的用法methods.为了确定电路或系统中的导体接地, 把测试仪连接在导体和已建立的地之间. 如果测试仪指示了一个电压值,导体没有接地.对每一个导体重复这个步骤continue this procedure直到until零电压zero voltage出现is indicated(见图1.5) .为了确定任意两个导体间的近似电压值,把测试仪连接在导体之间.警告:要认真读并遵守电压检验计提供supplied的说明书instructions.1.3.2 电压表电压表比电压检验计测量更精确. 因为电压表与被测量的电路或元件并联, 必须有相对高一点的电阻. 内阻要保证通过仪表的电流最小. 流过仪表的电流越小, 对电路特性electrical characteristics的影响effect越小.仪表的灵敏度sensitivity用符号O/V 表示is stated.这个数值越高仪表的质量越好.高灵敏度可使电路特性的改变减到最小.电工使用的仪表精确度在95%到98%之间.这个精确度范围对大多数应用是满意的.然而, 电力工作者力求strive to obtain最精确的可能读数是重要的. 一个精确读数可以在仪表盘上显示standing directly in front of the meter face也可以直接读出来.如果在指针后面有镜子,调整视线的角度直到指针在镜子中看不到映象.如要更精确可以使用数字表.电压表有与电压检验计同样的应用. 电压表比电压检验计更精确. 因而, 也支持更多的应用. 例如,如果一个建筑物的供电电压低于正常值slightly below normal,电压表能指示出这个问题.电压表也用来确定馈电线on feeder和支线电路导体branch circuit conductors的压降值voltage drop.电压表有时有不只一个量程. 选择一个能更精确测量的量程很重要. 选择器开关范围达到这个目的.注意:开始用一个适当的高一点的量程,然后逐渐降低到在限定范围之内的最低量程.设定选择器开关在可用的最低量程上能使读数达到最精确.使用仪表之前,要检查仪表确保指针指在零上.在仪表盘下面有一个调整螺钉an adjustment screw.一个轻微的扭动就能使指针偏移.扭转调整螺钉使指针对准零线.当在DC 中使用电压表时,保持maintain正确proper的极性是很重要的.大多数的直流电源和仪表都用颜色标记color coded极性polarity.红色指示阳极,黑色指示阴极.如果电路和元件的极性未知,触一下端子的导线leads观察observing指针indicating needle.如果指针犹豫着试图attempts to摆动,仪表导线连接就要颠倒一下be reversed.警告:不要让仪表连接反的极性polarity reversed.1.3.3 安培表安培表是用来测量电路或部分电路的电流数量的. 他与被测电路元件串联连接. 仪表的电阻必须非常低这样不会影响restrict流过电路的电流. 当测量很灵敏的设备的电流, 安培表电流的轻微改变可能会引起设备的故障.安培表象电压表一样, 也有一个调零的调整螺钉. 许多仪表也有镜子帮助assist使用者保证读数精确in obtaining an accurate reading.安培表常用来找出过载或者开路.他们也用来平衡线路的负荷loads on multiwire circuits 和确定故障位置malfunctions.安培表总是与被测电路或元件串联连接.如果使用在DC 下要检查极性.图 1.6(A)显示了安培表测量电路的电流.图 1.6(B)显示的是AC 安培表.Chap2 固体功率器件的基本原理2.1 引言(绪论) 本章将集中讨论固态功率器件或功率半导体器件,并且只研究它们在采用相控(电压控制) 或频率控制(速度控制)的三相交流鼠笼式感应电机的功率电路中的应用.2.2 固态功率器件有五种用于固体交流电机控制中的功率元器件: (1) 二极管(2) 晶闸管(例如:可控硅整流器SCR) (3) 电子晶体管(4) 门极可关断晶闸管(GTO) (5) 双向可控硅晶闸管SCR 和双向可控硅一般用于相位控制(相控) .各种二极管,晶闸管SCR,电子晶体管,门极可关断晶闸管的联合体用于频控.这些器件的共性是:利用硅晶体形成的薄片构成P-N 结的各种组合.对二极管,SCR, GTO 一般P 结叫正极N 结叫负极;相应的电子晶体管叫集电极和发射极.这些器件的区别在于导通和关断的方法及电流和电压的容量. 让我们根据他们的参数简单看一下这些元器件. 2.2.1 二极管图 2.1 显示了一个二极管,左边部分显示的是在硅晶体中的一个PN 结,右边显示的是二极管的原理图符号. 当P 相对于N 是正时,由于节上有一个相当低的压降,前向电流开始流动.当极性相反时, 只有一个极小的反向漏电流流动.这些用图 2.2 阐明.前向电压通常大约有1V,不受电流额定值的影响. 二极管正向导通电流的额定值取决于其尺寸和设计, 而这二者是根据器件散热的要求来确定的,以保证器件不超过最大结温(通常为200C) . 反向击穿电压是二极管的另一个重要参数. 它的值更取决于二极管的内部设计而不是它的物理尺寸. 注意:一个二极管只有当加上正向电压时才会正向导通.它没有任何固有(内在的)的方法控制导通的电流和电压值. 二极管主要用在交流电路中作整流器,这意味着它们把AC 整流成DC,同时产生的直流电流和电压值没有固有的控制方法.单二极管可用额定值到4800A 和最大反向电压1200V, 2000A 最大反向电压4400V. 2.2.2 晶闸管图 2.3 显示了晶闸管(一般也叫可控硅)的PN 结排列和它的原理图符号.注意这不同的结从正到负是PNPN,还有一个门极连到了内部的P 层. 如果没有连门极,并且阳极加反向电压,从正极到负极就没有电流通过.这是因为内部P 结由于未通电而工作在阻断电路.这种情况对于正向阻断状态也是正确的.然而,当阳极是正的并且正信号作用到门上,则电流将从正极一直流向负极即使门极没有正信号. 换言之, 门极能打开晶闸管但不能关断它. 关断晶闸管的唯一方法是通过外部方式在正极强加上一个零电流. 因此在前向导通只能通过强加零电流停止方面, 晶闸管与二极管是相似的.然而,晶闸管与二极管在如何启动前向导通方面是不同的. (1)阳极是正(2)门时刻是正.这个特性暗指了术语"可控硅" . 图 2.4 阐明了晶闸管的稳态伏安特性.注意反向电压和反向泄漏电流的形状与二极管的很相似.反向电压导通时比二极管的高,通常有 1.4V.阻断状态也有一个极小的前向泄漏电流. 在二极管中,稳态电流值是由器件的性能和底座(散热器)散发的热量确定的.晶闸管的最大结温比二极管要低,大约在125C.这意味着在同样的额定电流下,加上 1.4V 的前向压降,晶闸管比二极管的前向压降大的多.单晶闸管可用额定值在最大反向电压2200V 超过2000A,在在最大反向电压4000V 超过1400A. 2.2.3 电子晶体管(电子管) 图2.5 列出了一个典型功率电子管的结排列,原理符号图和伏安特性.如果集电极为正, 除非在基电极和发射极间有电流才有电流从集电极到发射极. 与晶闸管比较, 只有在基极有电流时, 电子管没有从集电极到发射极的自锁电流. 基极开路, 集电极到发射极将阻断电流. 功率电子管与晶闸管在控制前向导通的启动时相似. 它与晶闸管不同的地方在于它能控制关断和交流电机频率控制所必需的换向. 注意伏安特性没有显示反向特性.一般的,一个反向分流二极管连在发射极和集电极之间, 以保护电子管受反向电压伤害.功率电子管的可用额定值是最高反向电压1000V400A. 2.2.4 门极可关断晶闸管GTO 图 2.6 显示了GTO 的原理符号.GTO 与晶闸管的相似处在于PNPN 结的排列和前向电流的操作.如果阳极是正的,导体的启动是通过作用在门上的正脉冲.然而硅片和结是利用特殊特性设计的,所以即使阳极保持正值,加到门上的强负电流作用迫使前向电流阻断.GTO 常用的瞬间额定值是PRV1200V2400A.2.2.5 双向可控硅图2.7 显示了双向可控硅的原理符号图.一个双向可控硅由一个特殊的晶闸管包(包含前向和反向晶闸管)组成,它的操作由一个门极控制.他们常用在调光器电路中或者作为继电器的开关, 这样截止态下很小的泄漏电流不会引起其它控制器的误操作. 随着增加电流容量可控硅的可用性使他们用于交流电机的相位控制中. 2.3 功率半导体容量功率器件在稳态交流电机马力范围大于600V 时如何用,用在哪里摘要显示在表 2.1 中. 马力额定值基于没有并联的器件. 2.4 功率半导体的物理特性在物理特性条件下,有三类最常用的功率半导体: (1)栓接式(2)薄片或冰球式(3)绝缘散热器类型.他们的共同特征是需要与其它器件有物理联系.这器件叫散热器,为了保持结温在设计值内把内部热量散发出去.散热器吸收结的热量通过散热片,轮片(螺旋桨叶片) 或者液体冷却剂发散出去.液体冷却剂几乎从不用于600V 级的固态交流电动机控制中,而且也不包含在我们的讨论中. 这三类功率半导体的不同在于它们如何安装, 他们如何与散热器连接. 2.4.1 栓接式螺纹部分可能是PN 结的一部分,或者是与有源电子部分电子绝缘.在任一种情况下,螺纹部分常常插入散热器的螺纹孔. 栓接式器件在小马力额定值下常用来作为直接功率控制器件, 在大马力额定值下常用来作为辅助保护器件.在后一种情况下,它们常直接安装在较大器件使用的散热器上,如冰球式设计. 2.4.2 冰球式器件典型冰球式功率器件可能是二极管, 可控硅或GTO. 尺寸范围直径从近似25MM 到100MM. 每一个平坦的面即不是P 也不是N 结.热传递和导电从这表面产生.冰球式器件典型安装是联接铝型材的散热器.特别的箝位电路,联接绝缘混合剂和扭矩扳手都是需要的,用来确定光热传递和电导率. 由于栓接式和冰球式器件的散热器都能传递电流, 他们必须与机械底托电子绝缘. 轮片能加到散热器上增加热量排放并且增大固定负荷状态的完成. 由于散热器能在同样电压水平下作为功率器件, 冰球式和栓接式的固态AC 电动机控制必须通过附件(外壳)供给.附件(外壳)必须有合适的通风口或热交换器使得热量能散发.它不会用在放在安全封套中的用法,例如象NEMA12 的密封盒或相似的外围物. 2.4.3 绝缘散热器件绝缘散热器功率器件可能是二极管,可控硅,GTO,三极管或双向可控硅.单个的包包含器件的联合体,在内部以线加固.区别的特征是术语"绝缘散热器" .有一个铝底盘在每个包下面.这个底板与功率器件之间是导热并绝缘的.结的大部分热量传给了铝盘.这个底板依次安装在第二个更大的散热底板上.这个更大的散热底板在对面有鳍状表面. 绝缘散热器的设计使它自己是个完全封闭的设计. 他们也有经过预包装的已经内部加固过的复合器件的优点. 他们的缺点是通过底部安装的底板散热的能力有限, 所以固定负荷状态必须小于开放的散热器—安装在冰球式器件上. 尽管如此, 绝缘散热器在一般应用和器件容量的使用上迅速增长. 在较高的左上角的排列是唯一的, 同样它联合了有所有封闭设计的绝缘散热器概念的冰球式的优点(例如,易替换,易互换) .它也被恰当的称为"开放块状"模式. 2.5 换流在深入的讨论实际的固态交流电机的控制之前, 将换流的概念和种类阐述清楚是必要的. 换流的不同类型指所有讨论的固态电动机控制. 换流是功率半导体器件中负载电流被截止或停止流动或转换到另一回路的过程. 有以下三种换流方式: (1)自然或线电压换流(2)负载换流和(3)强制换流. 2.5.1 自然或线换流图 2.8 显示了功率半导体电路把AC 转换成DC.这个列举chap 3 模拟电子3.1 介绍3.1.1 模拟和数字电子的对比我们已经研究了晶体管和二极管作为开关设备怎样处理被以数字形式描述的信息(数字信息) .数字电子象用电力控制开关那样使用晶体管: 晶体管被饱和或者切断.动态区域只是从一个状态到另一个状态的过渡. 对比起来, 模拟电子取决于晶体管和其他类型放大器的动态区域. 希腊词根"analog" 意味着" 以一定的比例" ,在这里表示信息被编码成与被描述的量(被表达量) 成正比的电信号. 在图 3.1 中我们的信息是某种音乐,是乐器的激励和回响自然发起(引起) .被传播出的声音在于空气分子的有规则的运动并且被最好作为声波理解. 在话筒(扩音器)的振动膜里的这些产生的运动,依次产生一个电信号.电信号的变化与声波成比例(在电信号方面的变化是声波的成比例表现) .电信号被通过电子放大,即利用输入放大器的交流电能将信号的功率放大. 放大器的输出驱动一个录音磁头并且在磁盘上产生波浪状的槽沟. 如果整个系统是好的,空气的一切声变将被记录在磁盘上,当记录被通过一个相似的系统播放时,信号通过一个扬声器作为声音能量再传播出来,结果原始音乐被如实的再现了. 基于模拟原则的电子系统形成一类重要的电子仪器. 收音机和电视的广播是模拟系统的典型例子,许多电子仪器也是模拟系统,它们的应用包括偏差检测(应变计量器) ,运动控制(测速机)和温度测量(热电耦) .许多电子仪器---电压表,欧姆表,安培表和示波器利用了模拟技术,至少部分利用了模拟技术. 在数字电子计算机被发展之前,模拟计算机一直使用.在模拟计算机中,微分方程里的未知量被用电信号来模拟. 这些信号被用电子的方法积分,比例变换和求和以获得方程的解,比起解析或数值运算的求解方法要容易一些. 3.1.2 本章的主要内容模拟技术广泛地运用频域的观点.我们首先扩大我们的频域的概念包括周期,非周期和随机信号. 我们将看到大多数模拟信号和过程可以被表示为频域. 我们将介绍频谱的概念, 也就是,用同时存在的很多频率来表达一个信号.带宽(频宽)(频谱的宽度) 在频域上将与时间域上的信息率有关. 频域的这个被阐述的概念也帮助我们区分线和非线性的模拟设备的影响. 线性电路被显示有"滤波器" 的能力而不需要频率组件.对比起来,新频率可以被象二极管和晶体管那样的非线性的设备产生.这种性能允许我们通过调幅和调频调制技术在频域上转换模拟信号, 这种调制技术已被公开广泛地使用公用和私人通信系统. 作为一个例子我们将描述一台调幅收音机的操作. 下面我们研究一下反馈的概念, 在模拟系统中通过反馈可以交换到象线性或者更宽的带宽那样合乎需要的质量. 如果没有反馈, 象音频放大器或者电视接收机那样的模拟系统最多提供了一个糟糕的性能. 理解反馈的好处可以提供正确评价模拟电子中运算放大器的很多用途的基础(提高对模拟电子中运算放大器的很多用途的认识) . 运算放大器(简写OP amps) 是模拟电路的基本组成部分,正如NOR 或非和NAND 与非门电路是数字电路的基本单元一样. 我们将介绍一些运算放大器一般应用, 以在模拟计算机里的他们的用途来结束. 3.2 运算放大器电路3.2.1 介绍(1) 运算放大器的重要性.运算放大器是一个在受负反馈控制的高增益的电子放大器,用来在模拟电路中完成很多运算功能.这样的放大器最初被发展完成运算,例如在模拟计算机里为微分方程的求解的积分和求和. 运算放大器的应用被增加了, 直到目前为止, 大多数模拟电子电路基于运算放大器技术.例如,你需要一个放大器获得10 倍的增益,便利, 可靠性, 费用考虑将确定使用一个运算放大器. 因此, 运算放大器形成模拟电路的基本构件, 正如NOR 或非和NAND 与非门电路是数字电路的基本单元一样. (2) 运算放大器模型典型的特性.典型的运算放大器是利用十多个晶体管,几个二极管和很多电阻器的一个复杂的晶体管放大器. 这样的放大器被在半导体芯片上批量生产并且售价少于 1 美元一个.这些部件是可靠,耐用的,并且在他们的电子特性接近理想. 图 3.2 显示一台运算放大器的基本特性和符号.有两个输入电压u+和u _ ,用大的电压增益差分放大, 通常达105 - 106. 输入电阻R 也很大, K -100 M 欧. 100 输出电阻Ro 很小, 10-100 欧. 放大器经常用正极(+ Ucc) 和负极(-Ucc) 电源提供直流电源. 对这个情况来说,输出电压在供电电压之间,- Ucc<Uo<+ Ucc. 有时一个电源接地( 即,"-Ucc" =0). 这样的话输出电压在0<Uo<+ Ucc 之间.电源连接很少被画进电路图,可以认为运算放大器和合适的电源连结起来.因此运算放大器接近一个理想的电压放大器,有高的输入电阻,低的输出抵抗和高的增益. 高增益通过使用强大的负反馈变为其他有用的特征.负反馈的全部好处被运算放大器电路利用了. 对那些早在这章里列举, 我们将为运算放大器电路还增加 3 个好处: 低扩张性, 便于设计,和简单的构造. (3) 这节的内容.我们首先分析两个普通运算放大器应用,反相和同相放大器.我们通过一个简单而有效对任何运算放大器电路使用的一种方法,推导出这些放大器的增益. 我们然后讨论有源滤波器.这是有(带了)增加了频率响应的电容器的运算放大器.然后我们简单讨论模拟计算机,以讨论运算放大器的一些非线性的应用来结束. 3.2.2 运算放大器(1) 反相放大器. 反相放大器,用图 3.3 显示,使用一个运算放大器和两个电阻. 运算放大器的输入是地(零信号) ; 负(-) 电源连接输入信号(通过Ri) 并且(通过RF) 反馈到输出信号.在下列讨论中容易混淆的是我们必须同时谈到两个放大器.运算放大器是在负反馈放大器里形成放大要素的一种放大器, 负反馈放大器包含运算放大器加上相关电阻. 为了减少混乱,我们保留术语" 放大器" 只用在反馈放大器的总体上.运算放大器绝不是一个放大器;而被叫为运算放大器.例如,如果我们对放大器提及输入电流,我们指通过R1 的电流,并非进运算放大器的电流. 我们在图里能求出 3.3 反相放大器的增益,通过求解基本的电路法则(KCL 和KVL) 或者通过试图把电路分成主要放大器和反馈系统模块.不过,我们将提出另一方法,这种方法基于运算放大器增益很高,接近无限.在如下内容里,我们将给一般的假设,这可提供给任何运算放大器电路;然后我们将把特定假设用于目前的电路.因此,我们将建立反相放大器的增益和输入电阻. (1) 我们假定输出表现良好不试图达到无限.因此我们假定负反馈使放大器稳定, 因此适度的输入电压产生适度的输出电压.如果电源是+ 10 和-10 V,例如,那些输出必须位于这些有限值之间. (2)因此,运算放大器的输入电压非常小,基本上零,因为它是输出电压除以运算放大器的大的电压增益U+-U _ =0 = 》U+= U _ 例如,如果lUol<10 V 并且A= l05, 然后我u+ u _ l<10 /lOs = 100 UV. 因此对任何运算放大器电路通常u + 和u _ 在100 uV 或更少内相等. 对在图3.3 的反相放大器来说, u+接地; 因此,u _ =0. 从而,放大器的输入电流将为Ui-u _ Ui 见(3.1) il = Ri ~ R 1 (3) 因为u+=u _ 并且Ri 很大,进入放大器的+极和-极的运算放大器的输入电流将非常小,基本上零见(3.2) 例如, Ri = 100 k, {i _ }<10-4 /lOs = 10-9 A. 对于反相放大器,公式(3.2) 暗示输入端的电流I 流过RF, 如图。
resistance Rc) URC +UCE =UCC, the supply voltage shown as 6V If UCE could fall to 0 (perfect closed switch) then IC could go no higher than UCC/Rc , even with higher base voltage and current. The transistor is then said to be saturated. Hence, values of input voltage can be chosen such that the output is either completely off, or completely on. The transistor is acting as a switch, and this type of operation is common in digital circuits where only "on" and "off" values are relevant.
Unit3 Transistor
Transistor as a switch Transistors are commonly used as electronic switches, for both high power applications including switched-mode power supplies and low power applications such as logic gates. In a grounded-emitter transistor circuit, such as the light-switch circuit shown, as the base voltage rises the base and collector current rise exponentially, and the collector voltage drops because of the collector load resistor. The relevant equations:
原句中没有行为主体,可适当添加, 原句中没有行为主体,可适当添加,如“人 有人” 我们” 们”、“有人”、“我们”等 。 A few years ago it was thought unbelievable that the computer could have so high speed as well so small volume. 几年前,人们还认为计算机具有如此高的运行 几年前,人们还认为计算机具有如此高的运行 速度和如此小的体积是一件难以置信的事。 速度和如此小的体积是一件难以置信的事。 不需要或无法讲出动作发出者,译成无主句。 不需要或无法讲出动作发出者,译成无主句。 What kind of device is needed to make the control system simple? 需要什么装置使控制系统简化? 需要什么装置使控制系统简化?
我要指出一点,这种模型的寻找、 我要指出一点,这种模型的寻找、行为特征及行为 特征与他们试图表示的实际环境间的关系的研究, 特征与他们试图表示的实际环境间的关系的研究, 以及为获得可靠的预测连同接下来采取行动而进行 的重要的修正, 的重要的修正,如果没有计算机及技术人员为研究 人员的帮助是不可能的, 人员的帮助是不可能的,这些技术人员已经成功地 把科学创意转化为稳定、可靠、经济的电子装置。 把科学创意转化为稳定、可靠、经济的电子装置。 我要指出一点,模型的建立、 我要指出一点,模型的建立、对行为特征及其所表 示的实际情形之间关系的研究, 示的实际情形之间关系的研究,以及一些重要的修 其目的是为了获得可靠预测以及制定决策, 正,其目的是为了获得可靠预测以及制定决策,这 一切如果没有计算机及技术人员为研究人员提供帮 一切如果没有计算机及技术人员为研究人员提供帮 助是不可能的, 助是不可能的,这些技术人员把科学创意成功地转 化为稳定、可靠、经济的电子装置。 化为稳定、可靠、经济的电子装置。
电气自动化专业英语第三单元专业英语第三单元3 Analog Electronics3.1 INTRODUCTION3.1.1 The Contrast between Analog and Digital ElectronicsWe have already explored how transistors and diodes are used as switching devices to process information which is represented in digital form. Digital electronics uses transistors as electrically controlled switches: transistors are either saturated or cut off. The active region is used only in transition from one state to the other.By contrast, analog electronics depends on the active region of tran sistors and other types of amplifiers. The Greek roots of “analog” mean “in due ratio”, signifying in this usage that information is encoded into an electrical signal which is proportional to the quantity being represented.713宿舍In Fig.3.1 our information is some sort of music, originating physically in the excitation and resonance’s of a musical instrument. The radiated sound consists in the ordered movement of air molecules and is best understood ad acoustic waves. These produce motion in the diaphragm of a microphone, which in turn produces an electrical signal. The variation in the electrical signal are a proportional representation of the sound waves. The electrical signal is amplifiedelectronically, with an increase in signal power occurring at the expense of the input AC power to the amplifier. The amplifier output drives a recording head and produces a wavy groove on a disk. If the entire system is good, every acoustic variation of the air will be recorded on the disk and, when the record is playedback through a similar system and the signal reradiated ad sound energy be a loudspeaker, the resulting sound should faithfully reproduce the original music.Electronic systems based on analog principles form an important class of electronic devices. Radio and TV broadcasting are common examples of analog systems, as are many electrical instruments used in monitoring deflection(strain gages, for example), motion (tachometers), and temperature (thermocouples).Many electrical instruments-voltmeters, ohmmeters, ammeters, and oscilloscopes-utilize analog techniques, at least in part.Analog computers existed before digital computers were developed. In an analog computer, the unknowns in a differential equation are modeled with electrical signals. Such signals are integrated, scaled, and summed electrically to yield solutions with modes effort compared with analytical or numerical techniques.3.1.2 The Contents Of This ChapterAnalog techniques employ the frequency-domain viewpoint extensively. We begin by expanding our concept of the frequency domain to include periodic, nonperiodic, and random signals. We will see that most analog signals and processes can be represented in the frequency domain. We shall introduce the concept of a spectrum, that is, the representation of a signal as the simultaneous existence of many frequencies. Bandwidth (the width of a spectrum) in the frequency domain will be related to information rate in the time domain.714宿舍This expanded concept of the frequency domain also helps us distinguish the effects of linear and nonlinear analog devices. Linear circuits are shown to be capable of“filtering” out unwanted frequency components. By contrast, new frequencies can be created by nonlinear devices such as diodes and transistors. This property allows us to shift analog signals in the frequency domain through AM and FM modulation techniques, which are widely used in public and private communication systems. As an example we shall describe the operation of an AM radio.Next we study the concept of feedback, a technique by which gain in analog systems is exchanged for other desirable qualities such as audio amplifiers or TV receivers would at best offer poor performance. Understanding of the benefits of feedback provides the foundation for appreciating the many uses of operational amplifiers in analog electronics.Operational amplifiers (op amps, for short) provide basic building blocks for analog circuits in the same way that NOR and NAND gates are basic building blocks for digital circuits. We will present some of the more common applications of op amps, concluding with their use in analog computers.3.3.2 OPERATIONAL-AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS3.2.1 Introduction(1) The Importance of OP Amps. An operational amplifier isa high-gain electronic amplifier which is controlled by negative feedback to accomplish many functions or “operations” in analog circuits. Such amplifiers were developed originally to accomplish operations such as integration and summation in analog computers for the solving of differential equations. Applications of op amps have increased until, at the present time, most analog electronic circuits are based on op amp techniques. If, for example, you required an amplifier with of 10, convenience, reliability, and cost considerations would dictate the use of an opamp. Thus op amp from the basic building blocks of analog circuits much as NAND and NOR gates provide the basic building blocks of digital circuits.(2) An OP-Amp Model Typical Properties. The typical op amp is a sophisticated transistor amplifier utilizing a dozen or more transistors,several diodes, and many resistors. Such amplifiers are mass produced on semiconductor chips and sell for less than $1 each. These parts are reliable, rugged, and approach the ideal in their electronic properties.Fig.3.2 shows the symbol and the basic properties of op amp. The two input voltages, u+and u-, are subtracted and amplified with a large voltage gain, A, typically 105~106. The input resistance, Ri, is large, 100KΩ~100MΩ. The output resistance, Ro, is small, 10~100Ω. The amplifier is often supplied with DC power from positive (+Ucc)and negative(﹣Ucc) power supplies. For this case, the output voltage lies between the power supply voltages, ﹣Ucc﹤Uo﹤+Ucc. Sometimes one power connection is grounded (i.e., “﹣Ucc”=0). In this case the output lies in the range, 0﹤Uo﹤+Ucc. The power connections are seldom drawn in circuit diagrams; it is assumed that one connects the op amp to the appropriate power source. Thus the op amp approximates an ideal voltage amplifier, having high input resistance, low output resistance, and high gain.The high gain is converted to other useful features through the use of strong negative feedback.All the benefits of negative feedback are utilized by op-amp circuits. To those listed earlier in this chapter, we would for op-amp circuits add three more: low expanse, ease of design, and simple construction.(3)The Contents of This Section. We begin by analyzing twocommonop-amp applications, the inverting and uninverting amplifiers. We derive the gain of these amplifiers by a method that may be applied simple and effectively to any op-amp circuit. We then discuss active filters, which are op amp amplifiers with capacitors added to shape their frequency response. We then deal briefly with analog computers and conclude by discussing some nonlinear application of op-amp.3.2.2 Op-amp Amplifiers712宿舍(1) The Inverting Amplifier. The inverting amplifier, show in Fig.3.3, use an op-amp plus two resistors. The positive (+)input to the op-amp is grounded (zero signal); the negative (﹣)input is)and to the feedback signal from the connected to the input signal (via R1output (via R). One potential source of confusion in the followingFdiscussion is that we must speak of two amplifiers simultaneously. The op amp is an amplifier which forms the amplifying element in a feedback amplifier which contains the op amp plus associated resistors. To lessen confusion, we shall reserve the term “amplifier”to apply only to the overall, feedback amplifier. The op-amp will never be call ed an amplifier; it will be called the op-amp. For example, if we refer to the input current to the amplifier, we are referring to the current through Ri, not the current into the op-amp.We could solve for the gain of the inverting amplifier in Fig.3.3 either by solving the basic circuit laws (KCL and KVL) or byattempting to divide the circuit into main amplifier and feedback system blocks. We shall, however, present another approach based on the assumption that the op-amp gain is very high, effectively infinite. In the following, we shall give a general assumption, which may be applied to any op-amp circuit; then we will apply this assumption specifically to the present circuit. As a result, we will establish and input resistance of the inverting amplifier.We assume that the output is well behaved and does not try to go to infinity. Thus we assume that the negative feedback stabilizes the amplifier such that moderate input voltages produce moderate output voltages. If the power supplies are +10 and﹣10V, for example, the output would have to lie between these limits.Therefore, the input voltage to the op-amp is very small, essentially zero, because it is the output voltage divided by the large voltage gain of the op-ampu+﹣u_≈0?u+≈u_For example, if ∣Uo∣﹤10V and A=105, then ∣u+﹣u_∣﹤10\105=1+and u_ are equal with 100μV or less,for any op-amp circuit. For the inverting amplifier in Fig.3.3, u+is ground;therefore, u_≈0. Consequently, the current at the input to the amplifierwould bei 1= 1_R u Ui - ≈1R Ui (3.1) Because u +≈u_ and Ri is large, the current into the + and – op-ampinputs will be very small, essentially zero∣i +∣=∣i -∣=||RiU U +--≈0 (3.2) For example, for Ri =100KΩ, |i_|﹤104-/105=109-A.For the inverting amplifier, Eq. (3.2) implies that the current at the input, i i , flows through R f , as shown in Fig.3.4. This allows us to compute the output voltage. The voltage across R F would be i i R F and, because one end of R F is connected to u_≈0 Uo=-i i R F =-1R U i R F Thus the voltage gain would beA u =Ui Uo =1R R F - (3.3) The minus sign in the gain expression means that the output will be inverted relative to the input: a positive signal at the input: a positive signal at the input will produce a negative signal at the output, Eq. (3.3) shows the gain to depend o the ratio R F to R 1. This would imply that onlythe ratio and not the individual values of R F to R 1 matter. This would betrue if the input resistance to the amplifier were unimportant, but the input resistance to an amplifier is often critical. The input resistance to the inverting amplifier would follow from Eq. (3.1);R i =i i i U ≈R 1 (3.4)For a voltage amplifier, the input resistance is an importantfactor, for if R i were too low the signal source (of U i ) could be loaded down by R i . Thus in a design, R 1 must be sufficiently high to avoid his loadingproblem. Once R 1 is fixed, R F may be selected to achieve the requiredgain. Thus the values of individual resistors become important because they affect the input resistance to the amplifier.Let us design an inverting amplifier to have a gain of ﹣8. The input signal is to come from a voltage source having an output resistance of 100Ω. To reduce loading, the input resistor, R 1, must be much larger than100Ω. For a 5﹪loading reduction, we would set R 1=2000Ω. To achievea gain of -8(actually 95﹪of -8, considering loading ), we require that R F =8×2000=16KΩ.Feedback effects dominate the characteristics of the amplifier. When an input voltage is applied, the value of u_ will increase. This will cause U 0 to increase rapidly in the negative direction . This negative voltagewill increase to the value where the effect of U 0 on the –input via R F cancels the effect of U i through R 1. Put another way, the output willadjust itself to withdraw through R F any current that U i injects through R 1, since the input current to the op-amp is extremely small. In this waythe output depends only R F and R 1.711宿舍 The Noninverting Amplifier. For thenoninverting amplifier show in Fig.3.5 the input is connected to the +input. The feedback from the output connects still to the– op amp input, as required for negative feedback. T o determine the gain, we apply the assumptions outlined above.①Because u +≈u_, it follows thatu_ ≈U i (3.5)②Because i ≈0, R F and R 1 carry the same current. Hence U0 is related to u_ through a voltage-divider relationshipu i =U 0 FR R R +11(3.6) Combining Eqs. (3.5) and (3.6), we establish the gain to beU i =U 0F R R R +11=A u =+(1+1R R F ) (3.7) The + sign before the gain expression emphasize that the output of the amplifier has the same polarity as the input: a positive input signal produces a positive output signal. Again we see that the ratio of R F and R 1 determines the gain of the amplifier.When a voltage is applied to the amplifier, the output voltage increase rapidly and will continue to rise until the voltage across R 1 reaches theinput voltage. Thus little input current will flow into the amplifier, and the gain depends only on R F and R 1. The input resistance to the noninvertingamplifier will be very high because the input current to the amplifier is also the input current to the op-amp, i +, which must be extremely small.Input resistance values exceeding 1 000 MΩ are easily achieved with this circuit. This feature of high input resistance is an important virtue of the noninverting amplifier.3.2.3 Active Filters(1)What Are Active Filters? An active filter combines amplification with filtering. The RC filters we investigated earlierare called passive filters because they provide only filtering. An active filter uses an op-amp to furnish gain but has capacitors added to the input and feedback circuits to shape the filter characteristics.We derived earlier the gain characteristics of an inverting amplifier in the time domain. In Fig.3.6 we show the frequency-do-main version. We may easily translate the earlier derivation into the frequency domainU i ?U i (ω) U 0?U 0(ω)A u =﹣1R R F ?F u (ω)=﹣)()(1ωωZ Z F The filter function, F u (ω), is thus the ratio of the two impedances,and in general with give gain as well as filtering. We could have written the minus sign a s 180°, for in the frequency domain the inversion is equivalent to a phase shift of 180°.(2) Low-pass Filter. Placing a capacitor in parallel with R F (seeFig.3.7) will at high frequencies tend to lower Z and hence the gain of the amplifier; consequently, this capacitor an inverting amplifier into a low-pass filter with gain. We may writeF Z (ω)=R F ∣∣F C j ω1=F F C j R ω+)/1(1=FF F C R j R ω+1(3.8) Thus the gain would be)/(11111c u F F F u j A C R j R R F ωωω+=+-=(3.9) Where 1/R R Au F -=, the gain without the capacitor, andF C C R R /1=ωwould be the cutoff frequency. The gain of the amplifier isapproximately constant until the frequency exceeds C ω, after which thegain decreases with increasing ω. The Bode plot of this filter function is shown in Fig.3.8 for the case where R F =10K ωΩ, R1=1KΩ, and C F =1μF.(3) High-pass filter. The high-pass filter show in Fig.3.9 usesa capacitor in series with R 1 to reduce the gain at low frequencies. Thedetails of the analysis will be left to a problem. The gain of this filter isu c c F u A j j R R F =+-=)/(1)/()(1ωωωωω)/(1)/(c c j j ωωωω+ Where 1/R R Au F -= is the gain without the capacitor and 11/1C R c =ω is the cutoff frequency, below which the amplifier gain is reduced. The Bode plot of this filter characteristic is show in Fig.3.10.(4) Other Active Filter. By using more advanced techniques, one can simulate RLC narrowband filters and, by using additional op-amps, many sophisticated filter characteristics can be achieved. Discussion of such applications lies beyond the scope of this text, but there exist many handbooks showing circuits and giving design information about active filters.3. 2. 4 Analog ComputerOften a differential equation is Fig.3.10 solved by integration. The integration may be accomplished by analytical methods or by numerical methods on a digital computer. Integration may also be performed electronically with an op-amp circuit. Indeed, op-amps were developed initially for electronic integration of differential equations.⑴ An Integ rator . The op-amp circuit in Fig.3.11 uses negative feedback through a capacitor to perform integration.We have charge the capacitor in the feedback path to an initial value of U 1, and then removed this prebias(预偏置)voltage at t=0. Let usexamine the initial state of the circuit before investigatingwhat will happen after the switch is opened. Since +u is approximately zero, sowill be _u , and hence the output voltage is fixed at ﹣1U . The inputcurrent to amplifier, R U i /, will flow through the 1U voltage will remainat ﹣1U until the switch is opened.After the switch is opened at t=0, the input current will flow through the capacitor and hence the U C will be,0,0)()0()(dt RC t U U t Uc ti ?+= Thus the output voltage of the circuit is0)(1)()(,,010≥--=-=?t dt t U RC U t U t U ti c (3.10)Except for the minus sign, the output is the integral of U i scaled by1/RC, which may be made equal to any value we wish by proper choiceof R and C.⑵ Scaling and Summing . We need two other circuits to solve simple differential equations by analog computer methods. Scaling refers to multiplication by a constant, such as 12KU U ±=Where K is a constant. This is the equation of an amplifier, and hence we would use the inverting amplifier in Fig.3.5 for the – sign or the noninverting amplifier in Fig.3.5 for the + sign.A summer produces the weighted sum of two or more signals.Fig.3.12 shows a summer with two inputs. We may understand the operation of the circuit by applying the same reasoning we used earlier to understand the inverting amplifier. Since 0≈-u , the sum of the currents through 1R and 2R is22111R U R U i +=(3.11) The output voltage will adjust itself to draw this current through RF, and hence the output voltage will be)(221110R R U R R U R i U F F F ?+?-=-= The output will thus be sum of 1U and 2U , weighted by the gainfactors, 1/F R R and 2F R R , respectively. If the inversion produced by thesummer is unwanted, the summer can followed by an inverted, a scalier with a gain of -1. Clearly, we could add other inputs in parallel withR R and 21. In the example to follow, we shall sum three signals to solve a second order differential equation.(3) Solving a DE. Let us design an analog computer circuit tosolve the differential equation t u dt du dtu d 10cos 65222=++ t>0 U(0)=﹣2 and at dtdu 3+= t=0 (3.12) Moving everything except the highest-order derivative to the right side yields t u dt du dtu d 10cos 32222+--=(3.13)女生宿舍The circuit which solves Eq. (3.12) is shown in Fig.3.13. The circuit consists of two integrators to integrate the left side of Eq. (3.13), a summer to represent the right side, and two inverts to correct the signs. The noninverting inputs are grounded, and the inputs and feedback are connected to the inverting input of the op-amps. Hence we have shown only the inverting inputs. With 22/dt u d the input to the integrators, the output of the first integrator will be-du/dt [with the battery giving the initial condition of 3V , as in Eq. (3.13)], and hence the output of the second integrator will be +u (withan initial condition of -2 V ). This output is fed into the summer, along with du/dt after inversion, and the driving function cos10 t, which must also be inverted to cancel the inversion in the summer. The input resistors connecting the three signals into the summer produce the weighting factors in Eq. (3.13), and hence the output of the summer represents the right side of Eq. ( 3.13 ). Wetherefor e connect that output to our “input” of 22/dtd to satisfy Eq.u(3.12 ). To observe the solution to Eq. (3.12 ), we merely open the switches at t=0.Clearly, these techniques can be applied to higher-order equations. Sophisticated use of analog computer requires a variety of refinements. Often, the equations being solved are scaled in time (time is sped up or slowed down on the computer) to accommodate realistic resistor and capacitor values. Also, voltage and current values can be scaled to bring the unknowns within the allowable range of the computer. In the next section we show how nonlinear operations can be introduced to solve nonlinear differential equations by analog methods.3. 2. 5 Nonlinear Applications of Op-ampsOp-amps can be combined with nonlinear circuit elements such as diodes and transistors to produce a variety of useful circuits. Below we discuss a few such applications. Many more circuits are detailed in standard handbooks and manufacturers’ application literature for their products.An Improved Half-Wave Rectifier. The op-amp in Fig 3.14 drives a half-wave rectifier. When the input voltage is negativethe output of the op-amp will be OFF; hence the output will be zero. When the output is positive the diode will turn ON and the output will be identical to the input, because the circuit will perform as a non-inverting amplifier shownin Fig.3.5 with R F=0. Use of the op-amp effectively reduces the diode turn-on voltage. If the input voltage is greater than 0.7/A, where A is the voltage gain of the op-amp, the output voltage exceed 0.7V and turn on the diode. Hence the turn-on voltage is effectively reduced from 0.7~0.7/A.This circuit would not be used in a power supply circuit; rather, it would be used in a detector or other circuit processing small signals, where the turn-on voltage of the diode would be a problem.。
time-invariant 时不变的
self-(or mutual-)induction 自(互)感
displacement current 位移电流 conductance 电导
voltage drop 电压降 volt-ampere characteristics 伏安特性
metal-filament lamp 金属丝灯泡
seen, increase of current from zero to
I≈I1 causes the terminal voltage of the source to decrease linearly
In other words, the voltage drop VS across the source resistance rises in proportion to the current. This goes on until
电气工程及其自动化专业英语 Chapter 3 Power Electronic Technology
Section 1 Semiconductor Switches
over, the diode Vl begins to conduct and the voltage on the switch is clamped at Uo, and the current through the switch ramps linearly (again an assumption) down to zero. When the switch is closed, the current begins to build up linearly to IS while the diode V1 is still on. The voltage on the switch remains clamped at UO. After the switch current reaches IS, the diode turns off and the voltage on the switch begins to ramp down to zero.
Semiconductor switches are very important and crucial components in power electronic systems. These switches are meant to be the substitutions of the mechanical switches, but they are severely limited by the properties of the semiconductor materials and the process of manufacturing.
Section 1 Semiconductor Switches
Section 2 The DC-DC Converters
Text New Words and Expressions Transition of part of speech Exercises End
Section 2 The DC-DC Converters
Section 2 The DC-DC Converters
If the duty ratio D is made a linear function of uC, a control voltage
D = ku C
U o = (kU S )u C
The output voltage is then a linear function of the control voltage. This is also the principle of switchmode linear amplifier. The gain of this amplifier is determined by the input dc source voltage. Neglecting the power losses in the circuit elements, we could use the equation of the balance of power
Section 2 The DC-DC Converters
US I S = Uo Io
− −
where IS is the average current from the DC source. Hence,
电气工程及其自动化专业英语Section I basic electric circuitChapter 1 Introduction to electric circuitsNew Words and Expressions1. electrical circuit n. 电路2. voltage n. 电压,伏特3. curre nt n. 电流,通用的,流通的,现在的4. curre nt flow n. 电流5. resistor n. 电阻,电阻器6. battery n. 电池7. load n. 负载,负荷8. performa nee n. 性能9. circuit diagram n. 电路图10. idealized model n. 理想模型Introduction*A simple circuit and its components.idealized model of the circuit*Model can be cha nged if n ecessary.*summarizeIn elementary physics classes you undoubtedly have been introduced to the fun dame ntal con cepts of electricity and how real comp onen ts can be put together to form an electrical circuit. A very simple circuit, for example, might consist of a battery, some wire, a switch, and an incandescent light bulb as shown in Fig.1-1. The battery supplies the en ergy required to force electro ns around the loop, heati ng the filame nt of the bulb and caus ing the bulb to radiate a lot of heat and some light.Energy is transferred from a source, the battery, to a load, the bulb———You probably already know that the voltage of the battery and the electrical resista nee of the bulb have something to do with the amount of curre nt that will flowin the circuit. From your own practical experienee you also know that no current will flow until the switch is closed. That is, for a circuit to do anything, the loop has to be completed so that electro ns can flow from the battery to the bulb and the n back aga in to the battery. And fin ally, you probably realize that it doesn t much matter, whether there is on e foot or two feet of wire connecting the battery to the bulb, but that it probably would matter if there is a mile of wire between it and the bulb.Also shown in Fig. 1-1 is a model made up of idealized components. The batteryis modeled as an ideal source that puts out a constant voltage, VB, no matter what amount of curre nt, i, is draw n. The wires are con sidered to be perfect con ductors that offer no resista nee to curre nt flow. The switch is assumed to be ope n or closed. There is no arcing of curre nt across the gap whe n the switch is ope ned, nor is there any bounce to the switch as it makes con tact on closure. The light bulb is modeled as a simple resistor, R, that never changes its value, no matter how hot it becomes or how much curre nt is flow ing through it.Fig. 1-1 (a) A simple circuit(b) An idealized represe ntati on of thecircuitFor most purposes, the idealized model shown in Fig. 1-1b is an adequate represe ntati on of the circuit; that is, our prediction of the current that will flow through the bulb whenever the switch is closed will be sufficiently accurate that we can consider the problem solved. There may be times, however, when the model is in adequate. The battery voltage, for example, may drop as more and more curre nt is drawn, or as the battery ages. --------------------------------- T he light bulb' s resistance may change as it heats up, and the filame nt may have a bit of inductance and capacitance associated with it as well as resistance so that when the switch is closed, the current may not jump in sta ntan eously from zero to some fin al, steady state value. The wires may beundersized, and some of the power delivered by the battery may be lost in the wires before it reaches the load. These subtle effects may or may not be important, depending on what we are trying to find out and how accurately we must be able to predict the performa nee of the circuit. If we decide they are importa nt, we can always cha nge the model as n ecessary and then proceed with the an alysis. The point here is simple. The comb in ati ons of resistors, capacitors, in ductors, voltage sources, curre nt sources, and so forth, that you see in a circuit diagram are merely models of real comp onents that comprise a real circuit, and a certa in amount of judgme nt is required to decide how complicated the model must be before sufficie ntly accurate results can be obta in ed. For our purposes, we will be using very simple models in general, leav ing many of the complicati ons to more adva need textbooks.Chapter 2Definitions of key electrical quantitiesNew Words and Expressionscharge n. vt.电荷;充电nu cleus n.原子核(pl.); nuclear adj.n egative n.否定,负数,底片adj.否定的,消极的,负的,阴性的positive adj.[数]正的adj.[电]阳的in gen eral 通常,大体上,一般而言,总的说来algebraic adj.代数的,关于代数学的soluti on to the circuit problem n.关于电路问题的解法the un its of power n.功率的单位direct curre nt (dc) n 直流电alter nat ing curre nt(ac) n.交流电sinu soidally adv.正弦地tran sistor n.晶体管Part 1 Charge and CurrentAn atom con sists of a positively charged nu cleus surro un ded by a swarm of n egativelycharged electr ons. The charge associated with one electr on has bee n found to be 1.602 x 10- 19 coulombs; or, stated the other way around, one coulomb can be defined as the charge on 6.242 x 1018 electro ns. While most of the electr ons associated with an atom are tightly bound to the nu cleus, good con ductors, like copper, have free electrons that are sufficie ntly dista nt from their nu clei that their attract ion to any particular n ucleus is easily overcome. These con ducti on electr ons are free to wan der from atom to atom, and their moveme nt con stitutes an electric curre nt.In a wire, when one coulomb ' s worth of charge passes a given spot in one second, the current is defined to be one ampere (abbreviated A), named after the nineteenth-century physicist Andr ' e Marie Amp'ere. That is, curre nt i is the net rate of flow of charge q past a point, or through an area:i=d q/d t (1.1)In general, charges can be negative or positive. For example, in a neon light, positive ions move in one direct ion and n egative electr ons move in the other. Each con tributes to curre nt, and the total curre nt is their sum. By conven ti on, the direct ion of curre nt flow is take n to be the direct ion that positive charges would move, whether or not positive charges happen to be in the picture. Thus, in a wire, electrons moving to the right constitute a current that flows to the left, as shown in Fig.1-2.(〉)dq--- / =—dtFig. 1-2 By conven tio n, n egative charges movi ng in one direct ion con stitute a positive curre ntflow in the opposite direct ionW/hen charge flows at a steady rate in one direction only, the current is said to be direct current, or 血A battery, for example, supplies direct curre nt. When charge flows back and forth sinusoidally, it is said to be alternating current, or ac. In the United States the ac electricity delivered by tes of ac and dc are show n in Fig.1-3.Time ―(a)Fig. 1-3 (a) Steady-state direct curre nt (de) (b) Alter nat ing curre nt(ac)Part 2 Kirchhoff' s Current LawTwo of the most fun dame ntal properties of circuits were established experime ntally a cen tury and a half ago by a Germa n professor, Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824 - 1887). The first property, known as Kirchhoff ' s current law (abbreviated KCL), states that at every instant of time the sum of the curre nts flow ing into any node of a circuit must equal the sum of the curre nts leavi ng the no de, where a node is any spot where two or more wires are join ed. This is a very simple, but powerful con cept. It is in tuitively obvious once you assert that curre nt is the flow of charge, and that charge is con servative—n either being created nor destroyed as it en ters a no de. Uni ess charge somehow builds up at a no de, which it does not, the n the rate at which charge en ters a node must equal the rate at which charge leaves the no de.There are several alter native ways to state Kirchhoff ' s curre nt law. The most com monly used stateme nt says that the sum of the curre nts flow ing into a node is zero as show n in Fig. 1-4a, in which case some of those curre nts must have n egative values while some have positive values. Equally valid would be the stateme nt that the sum of the curre nts leav ing a node must be zero as show n in Fig. 1-4b(aga in some of these curre nts n eed to have positive values and some n egative). Fin ally, we could say that the sum of the curre nts en teri ng a node equals the sum of the curre nts leav ing a node (Fig. 1-4c). These are all equivale nt as long as we un dersta nd what is meant about the directi on of curre nt flow whe n we in dicate it with an arrow on a circuit diagram. Curre nt that actually flows in the directi on show n by the arrow is give n a positive sig n. Curre nts that actuallyflow in the opposite direct ion have n egative values.(a) The sum of the curre nts into a node equals zero(b) The sum of the curre nts leav ing the node is zero(c) The sum of the curre nts en teri ng a node equals the sum of the curre nts leavi ng the node Note that you can draw curre nt arrows in any directio n that you want — that much is arbitrary — but once havi ng draw n the arrows, you must the n write Kirchhoff ' s curre nt law in a manner that is con siste nt with your arrows, as has bee n done in Fig.1-4. The algebraic soluti on to the circuit problem will automatically determ ine whether or not your arbitrarily determ ined direct ions for curre nts were correct.Example 1.1 Using Kirchhoff ' s Current LawA node of a circuit is shown with current direction arrows chosen arbitrarily. Havingpicked those directi on s, i1 = - 5 A, i2 = 3 A, and i3 = - 1 A. Write an expressi on for Kirchhoff ' s current law and solve for i4.Solution. By Kirchhoff ' s current law,i1 + i2 = i3 + i4 so thatThat is, i4is actually 1 A flowi ng into the no de. Note that i2, i3, and i4 are all en teri ng the no de, and i1 is the only curre nt that is leavi ng the no de.Part 3 Kirchhoff ' s Voltage LawElectr ons won ' t flow through a circuit uni ess they are give n some en ergy to help send them on their way. That “ push ” is measured in volts, where voltage is defi ned to be the amount nodenodenode1 + i4 i4 = - 1 AFig. 1-4 lllustrating various ways that Kirchhoff ' s current law can be statedof en ergy (w, joules) give n to a un it of charge,v=dw/dq A 12-V battery therefore gives 12 joules of en ergy to each coulomb of charge that it stores. Note that the charge does not actually have to move for voltage to have meaning. Voltage describes the potential for charge to do work.While curre nts are measured through a circuit comp onent, voltages are measured across componen ts. Thus, for example, it is correct to say that curre nt through a battery is 10 A, while the voltage across that battery is 12 V. Other ways to describe the voltage across a comp onent in clude whether the voltage rises across the comp onent or drops. Thus, for example, for the simple circuit in Fig. 1-1, there is a voltage rise across the battery and voltage drop across the light bulb. Voltages are always measured with respect to someth ing. That is, the voltage of the positive terminal of the battery is“ so many volts ” with respect to the negative terminal; or, the voltage at a point in a circuit is some amount with respect to some other poin t. In Fig. 1-5, curre nt through a resistor results in a voltage drop from point A to point B of VAB volts. V A and VB arethe voltages at each end of the resistor, measured with respect to some other point.The reference point for voltages in a circuit is usually desig nated with a ground symbol. While many circuits are actually groun ded — that is, there is a path for curre nt to flow directly into the earth —some are not (such as the battery, wires, switch, and bulb in a flashlight). When a ground symbol is show n on a circuit diagram, you should con sider it to be merely a reference point at which thevoltage is defi ned to be zero. Fig.1-6 points out how cha nging the node labeled as ground cha nges the voltages at each node in the circuit, but does not cha nge the voltage drop across each comp onent.(1-2)Fig. 1-5 The voltage drop from point A to point B is V AB, where VAB = VA - VBThe sec ond of Kirchhoff ' s fun dame ntal laws states that the sum of the voltages around any loop of a circuit at any instant is zero. This is known as Kirchhoff ' s voltage law (KVL). Just as was the case for Kirchhoff ' s curre nt law, there are alter native, but equivale nt, ways of stat ing KVL. We can, for example, say that the sum of the voltage rises in any loop equals the sum of the voltagedrops around the loop. Thus in Fig. 1-6, there is a voltage rise of 12 V across the battery and avoltage drop of 3 V across R1 and a drop of 9 V across R2. ------------- Notice that it doesn' t matterwhich node was labeled ground for this to be true. Just as was the case with Kirchhoff ' s current law, we must be careful about labeli ng and in terpret ing the sig ns of voltages in a circuit diagram in order to write the proper vers ion of KVL. A plus (+) sig n on a circuit comp onent in dicates a reference direct ion un der the assumpti on that the pote ntial at that end of the comp onent is higher than the voltage at the other end. Aga in, as long as we are con siste nt in writi ng Kirchhoff ' s voltage law, the algebraic soluti on for the circuit will automatically take care of sig ns.Part 5 Summary of Principal Electrical QuantitiesThe key electrical qua ntities already in troduced and the releva nt relati on ships betwee n these quantities are summarized in Table 1-1.Since electrical quantities vary over such a large range of magnitudes, you will often find yourself work ing with very small qua ntities or very large qua ntities. For example, the voltage created by your TV antenna may be measured in millionths of a volt (microvolts, 卩V), while the power gen erated by a large power stati on may be measured in billi ons of watts, or gigawatts (GW). To describe quantities that may take on such extreme values, it is useful to have a system of prefixes that accompany the units. The most commonly used prefixes in electrical engineering are give n in Table 1-2.Part 6 Ideal Voltage Source and Ideal Current SourceElectric circuits are made up of a relatively small nu mber of differe nt kinds of circuiteleme nts, or comp onen ts, which can be in terc onn ected in an extraord in arily large nu mber of ways.At this point in our discussion, we will concentrate on idealized characteristics of these circuit eleme nts, realiz ing that real comp onents resemble, but do not exactly duplicate, the characteristics that we describe here.An ideal voltage source is one that provides a give n, known voltage vs, no matter what sort ofload it is conn ected to. That is, regardless of the curre nt draw n from the ideal voltage source, it will always provide the same voltage. Note that an ideal voltage source does not have to deliver a con sta nt voltage; for example, it may produce a sinu soidally vary ing voltage —the key is that voltage is not a fun ctio n of the amount of curre nt draw n. A symbol for an ideal voltage source is show n in Fig. 1-7.A special case of an ideal voltage source is an ideal battery that provides a con sta nt dc output, as show n in Fig. 1-8. A real battery approximates the ideal source; but as curre nt in creases, the output drops somewhat. To acco unt for that drop, quite ofte n the model used for a real battery is an ideal voltage source in series with the internal resista nee of the battery.An ideal curre nt source produces a give n amount of curre nt is no matter what load it sees. As show n in Fig. 1-9, a commo nly used symbol for such a device is circle with an arrow in dicati ng the directi on of curre nt flow. While a battery is a good approximati on to an ideal voltage source, there is nothing quite so familiar that approximates an ideal curre nt source. Some tran sistor circuits come close to this ideal and are ofte n modeled with idealized curre nt sources.Section II The electric power systemChapter 1 Brief Introduction to The Electric Power SystemNew Words and ExpressionsMinimum a 最小prime mover n 原动机gen erator n 发电机load n 负载furn ace n 炉膛boiler n 锅炉fissi on able n 可裂变的fissi on able material 核燃料Part 1 Minimum Power systemelevatio n n 高度,海拔internal combusti on engine 内燃机 steam-drive n turbi ne 汽轮机hydraulic turbi ne 水轮机convert v 变换,转换 shaft n 传动轴,轴 torquen 力矩servomecha nism n 伺服机构* Elements of a minimum electric power system *Types of energy source *Types of prime mover *Types of electrical load*Functions of the control systemA minimum electric power system is shown in Fig.1-1, the system consists of an energy source, a prime mover, a generator, and a load.The en ergy source may be coal, gas, or oil burned in a furnace to heat water and gen erate steam in a boiler; it may be fissi on able material which, in a nu clear reactor, will heat water to produce steam; it may be water in a pond at an elevatio n above the gen erat ing stati on; or it may be oil or gas burned in an internal combusti on engine.The prime mover may be a steam-driven turbine, a hydraulic turbine or water wheel, or aninternal combustion engine. Each one of these prime movers has the ability to convert energy in the form of heat, falling water, or fuel into rotation of a shaft, which in turn will drive theEnergy source Prime nioverGenerator Lx>adContjolFig* 1-1 The tninfnmm electric power systemgen erator.The electrical load on the gen erator may be lights, motors, heaters, or other devices, alone or in comb in ati on. Probably the load will vary from mi nute to min ute as differe nt dema nds occur. The control system functions (are ) to keep the speed of the machines substantially constant and the voltage within prescribed limits, even though the load may cha nge. To meet these load con diti on s, it is n ecessary for fuel in put to cha nge, for the prime mover in put to vary, and for the torque on the shaft from the prime mover to cha nge in order that the gen erator may be kept at con sta nt speed. In additi on, the field curre nt to the gen erator must be adjusted to maintain con sta nt output voltage. The con trol system may in clude a man stati oned in the power pla nt who watches a set of meters on the gen erator output term in als and makes the n ecessary adjustme nts manu ally .In a moder n stati on, the con trol system is a servomecha nism that sen ses gen erator-output con diti ons and automatically makes the n ecessary cha nges in en ergy in put and field curre nt to hold the electrical output with in certa in specificati ons.Part 2 More Complicated Systems*Foreword*Cases of power system with out circuit breaker *Power system with circuit breakerNew Words and Expressions1. associated2. circuit3. circuit breaker4. dee nergize5. dee nergized6. outage n7. diagram8. switch out of9. switch offIn most situati ons the load is not directly conn ected to the gen erator term in als. More com monlya 联接的 n 电路n 断路器 vt 切断,断电 adj 不带电的停电 n 简图退出来,断开 v 切断,关闭the load is some distanee from the generator, requiring a power line connecting them. It is desirable to keep the electric power supply at the load with in specificati ons. However, the con trols are near the generator, which may be in another building, perhaps several miles away.If the dista nce from the gen erator to the load is con siderable, it may be desirable to in stall transformers at the generator and at the load end, and to transmit the power over a high-voltage line (Fig.1-2). For the same power, the higher-voltage line carries less current, has lower losses for the same wire size, and provides more stable voltage., TransformerTransformerPrime 〔Mover Generator f C High-voltage line—Fig- 1-2 A generator connected through transformers anda high-voltage line to a distant loadIn some cases an overhead line may be un acceptable. In stead it may be adva ntageous to use an un dergro und cable. With the power systems talked above, the power supply to the load must be in terrupted if, for any reas on, any comp onent of the system must be moved from service for maintenance or repair.Additi onal system load may require more power tha n the gen erator can supply. Ano ther gen erator with its associated tran sformers and high-voltage line might be added.It can be shown that there are some advantages in making ties between the generators (1) and at the end of the high-voltage lines (2 and 3), as shown in Fig.1-3. This system will operate satisfactorily as long as no trouble develops or no equipment needs to be taken out of service.Kig. 1-3 A system with para)lei operation or the generators t of the transformers andof the transmission lintsThe above system may be vastly improved by the in troducti on of circuit breakers, which may be ope ned and closed as n eeded. Circuit breakers added to the system, Fig.1-4, permit selected piece of equipme nt to switch out of service without disturb ing the rema in der of system. With this arran geme nt any eleme nt of the system may be dee nergized for maintenance or repair by operati on of circuit breakers. Of course, if any piece of equipme nt is take n out of service, the n the total load must be carried by the remaining equipment. Attention must be given to avoid overloads duri ng such circumsta nces. If possible, outages of equipme nt are scheduled at times when load requireme nts are below no rmal.Low-voltageo=^GeneratorsFig.1-5 shows a system in which three gen erators and three loads are tied together by threeFig* 1-4 A system with necessary circuit breakerstran smissi on lin es. No circuit breakers are show n in this diagram, although many would berequired in such a system.Fis- 1-S Three generators supplying threeloads over hlgh-voltnge trAnsmlsston linesChapter 2 Faults on Power SystemNew Words and Expressions1. fault2. in terfere neen 干扰,防碍6. feed (fed)给。
《自动化专业英语教程》-王宏文-全文翻译PART 1Electrical and Electronic Engineering BasicsUNIT 1A Electrical Networks ————————————3B Three-phase CircuitsUNIT 2A The Operational Amplifier ———————————5B TransistorsUNIT 3A Logical Variables and Flip-flop ——————————8B Binary Number SystemUNIT 4A Power Semiconductor Devices ——————————11B Power Electronic ConvertersUNIT 5A Types of DC Motors —————————————15B Closed-loop Control of DC DriversUNIT 6A AC Machines ———————————————19B Induction Motor DriveUNIT 7A Electric Power System ————————————22B Power System AutomationPART 2Control TheoryUNIT 1A The World of Control ————————————27B The Transfer Function and the Laplace Transformation —————29 UNIT 2A Stability and the Time Response —————————30B Steady State—————————————————31 UNIT 3A The Root Locus —————————————32B The Frequency Response Methods: Nyquist Diagrams —————33 UNIT 4A The Frequency Response Methods: Bode Piots —————34B Nonlinear Control System 37UNIT 5 A Introduction to Modern Control Theory 38B State Equations 40UNIT 6 A Controllability, Observability, and StabilityB Optimum Control SystemsUNIT 7 A Conventional and Intelligent ControlB Artificial Neural NetworkPART 3 Computer Control TechnologyUNIT 1 A Computer Structure and Function 42B Fundamentals of Computer and Networks 43UNIT 2 A Interfaces to External Signals and Devices 44B The Applications of Computers 46UNIT 3 A PLC OverviewB PACs for Industrial Control, the Future of ControlUNIT 4 A Fundamentals of Single-chip Microcomputer 49B Understanding DSP and Its UsesUNIT 5 A A First Look at Embedded SystemsB Embedded Systems DesignPART 4 Process ControlUNIT 1 A A Process Control System 50B Fundamentals of Process Control 52UNIT 2 A Sensors and Transmitters 53B Final Control Elements and ControllersUNIT 3 A P Controllers and PI ControllersB PID Controllers and Other ControllersUNIT 4 A Indicating InstrumentsB Control PanelsPART 5 Control Based on Network and InformationUNIT 1 A Automation Networking Application AreasB Evolution of Control System ArchitectureUNIT 2 A Fundamental Issues in Networked Control SystemsB Stability of NCSs with Network-induced DelayUNIT 3 A Fundamentals of the Database SystemB Virtual Manufacturing—A Growing Trend in AutomationUNIT 4 A Concepts of Computer Integrated ManufacturingB Enterprise Resources Planning and BeyondPART 6 Synthetic Applications of Automatic TechnologyUNIT 1 A Recent Advances and Future Trends in Electrical Machine DriversB System Evolution in Intelligent BuildingsUNIT 2 A Industrial RobotB A General Introduction to Pattern RecognitionUNIT 3 A Renewable EnergyB Electric VehiclesUNIT 1A 电路电路或电网络由以某种方式连接的电阻器、电感器和电容器等元件组成。
电气工程及其自动化专业英语介绍第一篇:电气工程及其自动化专业英语介绍Electrical Engineering and AutomationElectrical Engineering and Automation was created at forty years ago.AS a new subject, it is relating to many walks of life, small to a switch designed to study aerospace aircraft, has its shadow.Electrical Engineering and Automation of electrical information professional is an emerging field of science, but because of people's daily lives and industrial production is closely related to the extraordinarily rapid development of relatively more mature now.High-tech industry has become an important component of the widely used in industry, agriculture, national defense and other fields, in the national economy is playing an increasingly important role.Worse more, Electrical Engineering and Automation is very hard to learn.The graduate should obtain much knowledge and ability.Such as natural science foundations include more sturdy mathematics, physics, etc, better Humanity, social science basic for sum foreign language for integration capability.Besides the essential technological basic theory knowledge of the originally professional field, mainly include circuit, electric magnetic field theory, electronic technology, information place in system Paying attention to, control theory, computer software andhardware basic theories.And so on.Control theory and electrical network theory is a professional electrical engineering and automation of the base, power electronics technology, computer technology is its main technical means, but also includes a system analysis, system design, system development and system management and decision-making research.Thereare some characteristics of the profession, that is, combining the strength of power, electrical and electronic technology, software and hardware combined with a cross-disciplinary nature, electricity, electronics, control, computer integrated multi-disciplinary, so that graduates with strong adaptation capacity.电气10-3班魏学军25号第二篇:电气工程及其自动化专业英语induction machine 感应式电机 horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁magnetic field 磁场eddy current 涡流right-hand rule 右手定则left-hand rule 左手定则slip 转差率induction motor 感应电动机rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场 winding 绕组 stator 定子 rotor 转子 induced current 感生电流 time-phase 时间相位 exciting voltage 励磁电压 solt 槽 lamination 叠片 laminated core 叠片铁芯 short-circuiting ring 短路环 squirrel cage 鼠笼 rotor core 转子铁芯 cast-aluminum rotor 铸铝转子 bronze 青铜 horsepower 马力 random-wound 散绕 insulation 绝缘 ac motor 交流环电动机 end ring 端环alloy 合金 coil winding 线圈绕组 form-wound 模绕 performance characteristic 工作特性 frequency 频率revolutions per minute 转/分分motoring 电动机驱动generating 发电 per-unit value 标么值 breakdown torque 极限转矩breakaway force 起步阻力overhauling 检修wind-driven generator 风动发电机 revolutions per second 转/秒秒 number of poles 极数 speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线 plugging 反向制动 synchronous speed 同步转速 percentage 百分数 locked-rotor torque 锁定转子转矩 full-load torque 满载转矩 prime mover 原动机inrush current 涌流magnetizing reacance 磁化电抗line-to-neutral 线与中性点间的 staor winding 定子绕组 leakage reactance 漏磁电抗no-load 空载full load 满载多相(的Polyphase 多相的)iron-loss 铁损 complex impedance 复数阻抗 rotor resistance 转子电阻 leakage flux 漏磁通 locked-rotor 锁定转子 chopper circuit 斩波电路 separately excited 他励的 compounded 复励 dc motor 直流电动机 de machine 直流电机 speed regulation 速度调节 shunt 并励series 串励armature circuit 电枢电路optical fiber 光纤interoffice 局间的wave guide 波导波导管bandwidth 带宽light emitting diode 发光二极管silica 硅石二氧化硅 regeneration 再生后反馈放大再生, coaxial 共轴的同轴的共轴的,同轴的 high-performance 高性能的 carrier 载波 mature 成熟的 Single Side Band(SSB)单边带 coupling capacitor 结合电容 propagate 传导传播 modulator 调制器 demodulator 解调器 line trap 限波器 shunt 分路器 Amplitude Modulation(AM 调幅 Frequency Shift Keying(FSK)移频键控 tuner 调谐器 attenuate 衰减incident 入射的two-way configuration 二线制generator voltage 发电机电压 dc generator 直流发电机 polyphase rectifier 多相整流器boost 增压time constant 时间常数forward transfer function 正向传递函数error signal 误差信号regulator 调节器stabilizing transformer 稳定变压器time delay 延时direct axis transient time constant 直轴瞬变时间常数 transient response 瞬态响应 solid state 固体 buck 补偿 operational calculus 算符演算 gain 增益 pole 极点 feedback signal 反馈信号 dynamic response 动态响应voltage control system 电压控制系统mismatch 失配error detector 误差检测器 excitation system 励磁系统 field current 励磁电流transistor 晶体管high-gain 高增益boost-buck 升压去磁feedback system 反馈系统 reactive power 无功功率 feedback loop 反馈回路 automatic Voltage regulator(AVR)自动电压调整器自动电压调整器 reference Voltage 基准电压 magnetic amplifier 磁放大器amplidyne 微场扩流发电机self-exciting 自励的limiter 限幅器manual control 手动控制 block diagram 方框图 linear zone 线性区potential transformer 电压互感器stabilization network 稳定网络stabilizer 稳定器 air-gap flux 气隙磁通 saturation effect 饱和效应saturation curve 饱和曲线 flux linkage 磁链 per unit value 标么值shunt field 并励磁场 magnetic circuit 磁路 load-saturation curve 负载饱和曲线 air-gap line 气隙磁化线 polyphase rectifier 多相整流器circuit components 电路元件circuit parameters 电路参数electrical device 电气设备 electric energy 电能 primary cell 原生电池电能转换器energy converter 电能转换器conductor 导体heating appliance 电热器 direct-current 直流 time invariant 时不变的 self-inductor 自感 mutual-inductor 互感 the dielectric 电介质storage battery 蓄电池 e.m.f = electromotive force电动势 generator 发电机 gas insulated substation GIS 气体绝缘变电站气体绝缘变电站 turbogenerator 汽轮发电机 neutral point 中性点hydrogenerator 水轮发电机 moving contact 动触头 hydraulic turbine 水轮机fixed contact 静触头steam turbine 汽轮机arc-extinguishing chamber 灭弧室dynamo 直流发电机stray capacitance 杂散电容motor 电动机stray inductance 杂散电感stator 定子sphere gap 球隙rotor 转子bushing tap grounding wire 套管末屏接地线power transformer 电力变压器electrostatic voltmeter 静电电压表 variable transformer 调压变压器 ammeter 电流表 taped transformer 多级变压器 grounding capacitance 对地电容 step up(down)transformer 升(降)压变压器 voltage divider 分压器降压变压器 circuit breaker CB 断路器 surge impedance 波阻抗dead tank oil circuit breaker 多油断路器 Schering bridge 西林电桥live tank oil circuit breaker 少油断路器 Rogowski coil 罗可夫斯基线圈 vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器 oscilloscope 示波器 sulphur hexafluoride breaker SF6 断路器 peak voltmeter 峰值电压表峰值电压表potential transformer PT 电压互感器conductor 导线current transformer CT 电流互感器 cascade transformer 串级变压器disconnector 隔离开关coupling capacitor 耦合电容earthingswitch 接地开关 test object 被试品 synchronous generator 同步发电机 detection impedance 检测阻抗 asynchronous machine 异步电机 substation 变电站 Insulator 绝缘子 hydro power station 水力发电站 lightning arrester 避雷器 thermal power station 火力发电站metal oxide arrester MOA 氧化锌避雷器 nuclear power station 核电站bus bar 母线oil-filled power cable 充油电力电缆overhead line 架空线mixed divider(阻容混合分压器阻容)混合分压器阻容transmission line 传输线XLPE cable 交链聚乙烯电缆(coaxial)cable(同轴电缆 relay 继电器同轴)电缆同轴 iron core 铁芯tuned circuit 调谐电路 winding 绕组 suspension insulator 悬式绝缘子bushing 套管porcelain insulator 陶瓷绝缘子波头(尾电阻front(tail)resistance 波头尾)电阻glass insulator 玻璃绝缘子inverter station 换流站 flash counter 雷电计数器 steel-reinforced aluminum conductor 充电(阻尼阻尼)电阻钢芯铝绞线charging(damping)resistor 充电阻尼电阻 tank 箱体 point plane gap 针板间隙 earth(ground)wire 接地线 exciting winding 激磁绕组grading ring 均压环trigger electrode 触发电极highvoltage engineering 高电压工程glow discharge 辉光放电highvoltage testing technology 高电压试验技术harmonic 谐波Power electronics 电力电子Automatic control 自动控制Principles of electric circuits 电路原理 Digital signal processing 数字信号处理电气工程专业英语词汇表2 power system 电力系统impulse current 冲击电流 power network 电力网络 impulse flashover 冲击闪络 insulation 绝缘 inhomogenous field 不均匀场 overvoltage 过电压insulation coordination 绝缘配合aging 老化internal discharge 内部放电 alternating current 交流电 lightning stroke 雷电波 AC transmission system 交流输电系统 lightning overvoltage 雷电过电压介质)损耗角 arc discharge 电弧放电 loss angle(介质损耗角介质attachment coefficient 附着系数magnetic field 磁场attenuation factor 衰减系数mean free path 平均自由行程anode(cathode)阳极阴极 mean molecular velocity 平均分子速度阳极(阴极阴极)breakdown(电)击穿negative ions 负离子电击穿bubble breakdown 气泡击穿 non-destructive testing 非破坏性试验cathode ray oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器 non-uniform field 不均匀场 cavity 空穴腔 partial discharge 局部放电空穴,腔 corona 电晕peak reverse voltage 反向峰值电压 composite insulation 组合绝缘photoelectric emission 光电发射 critical breakdown voltage 临界击穿电压 photon 光子 Discharge 放电 phase-to-phase voltage 线电压 Dielectric 电介质绝缘体 polarity effect 极性效应电介质,绝缘体 dielectric constant 介质常数 power capacitor 电力电容 dielectric loss 介质损耗quasi-uniform field 稍不均匀场direct current 直流电radio interference 无线干扰divider ratio 分压器分压比rating of equipment 设备额定值grounding 接地routing testing 常规试验electric field 电场 residual capacitance 残余电容 electrochemical deterioration 电化学腐蚀 shielding 屏蔽 electron avalanche 电子崩short circuit testing 短路试验electronegative gas 电负性气体space charge 空间电荷 epoxy resin 环氧树脂 streamer breakdown 流注击穿expulsion gap 灭弧间隙surface breakdown 表面击穿field strength 场强 sustained discharge 自持放电 field stress 电场力switching overvoltage 操作过电压field distortion 场畸变thermal breakdown 热击穿 field gradient 场梯度 treeing 树枝放电field emission 场致发射 uniform field 均匀场 flashover 闪络 wave front(tail)波头尾)波头(尾gaseous insulation 气体绝缘withstand voltage 耐受电压Prime mover 原动机Power factor 功率因数Torque 力矩Distribution automation system 配电网自动化系统Servomechanism 伺服系统Automatic meter reading 自动抄表Boiler 锅炉Armature 电枢Internal combustion engine 内燃机Brush 电刷Deenergize 断电 Commutator 换向器 Underground cable 地下电缆Counter emf 反电势电气工程专业英语词汇表3 退磁,去磁Loop system 环网系统Demagnetization 退磁去磁Distribution system 配电系统 Relay panel 继电器屏 Trip circuit 跳闸电路 Tertiary winding 第三绕组 Switchboard 配电盘开关屏 Eddy current 涡流配电盘,开关屏Instrument transducer 测量互感器Copper loss 铜损Oil-impregnated paper 油浸纸绝缘 Iron loss 铁损 Bare conductor 裸导线 Leakage flux 漏磁通 Reclosing 重合闸 Autotransformer 自耦变压器 Distribution dispatch center 配电调度中心 Zero sequence current 零序电流 Pulverizer 磨煤机 Series(shunt)compensation 串(并)联补偿并联补偿汽包,炉筒 Drum 汽包炉筒 Restriking 电弧重燃Superheater 过热器 Automatic oscillograph 自动录波仪 Peak-load 峰荷 Tidal current 潮流 Prime grid substation 主网变电站 Trip coil 跳闸线圈 Reactive power` 无功功率 Synchronous condenser 同步调相机 Active power 有功功率 Main and transfer busbar 单母线带旁路 Shunt reactor 并联电抗器 Feeder 馈电线 Blackout 断电、停电Skin effect 集肤效应断电、Extra-high voltage(EHV)超高压Potential stress 电位应力电场强度电位应力(电场强度电场强度)Ultra-high voltage(UHV)特高压Capacitor bank 电容器组Domestic load 民用电crusher 碎煤机Reserve capacity 备用容量pulverizer 磨煤机 Fossil-fired power plant 火电厂 baghouse 集尘室 Combustion turbine 燃气轮机 Stationary(moving)blade 固定可动叶片固定(可动可动)叶片Right-of-way 线路走廊Shaft 转轴Rectifier 整流器Kinetic(potential)energy 动(势)能Inductive(Capacitive)电势能感的(电容的电容的)感的电容的Pumped storage power station 抽水蓄能电站Reactance(impedance)电抗阻抗Synchronous condenser 同步调相机电抗(阻抗阻抗)Reactor 电抗器 Light(boiling)-water reactor 轻(沸)水反应堆沸水反应堆电抗的,无功的Reactive 电抗的无功的Stator(rotor)定(转)子Phase displacement(shift)相移转子Armature 电枢Surge 冲击过电压Salient-pole 凸极冲击,过电压Retaining ring 护环Slip ring 滑环Carbon brush 炭刷Arc suppression coil 消弧线圈Short-circuit ratio 短路比Primary(backup)relaying 主(后备继电保护后备)继电保护后备Induction 感应 Phase shifter 移相器 Autotransformer 自藕变压器Power line carrier(PLC)电力线载波器)电力线载波(器 Bushing 套管Line trap 线路限波器 Turn(turn ratio)匝(匝比变比 Uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源匝比,变比匝比变比)Power factor 功率因数 Spot power price 实时电价分时(电价电价)Tap 分接头 Time-of-use(tariff)分时电价Recovery voltage 恢复电压 XLPE(Cross Linked Polyethylene)交联聚乙烯(电缆电缆)交联聚乙烯电缆Arc reignition 电弧重燃Rms(root mean square)均方根值 Operationmechanism 操动机构 RF(radio frequency)射频电气工程专业英语词汇表4 Pneumatic(hydraulic)气动(液压)Rpm(revolution per minute)转/ 分Nameplate 铭牌LAN(local area network)局域网Independent pole operation 分相操作 LED(light emitting diode)发光二极管 Malfunction 失灵 Single(dual, ring)bus 单(双,环形母线环形)母线双环形 Shield wire 避雷线 IC(integrated circuit)集成电路Creep distance 爬电距离 FFT(fast Fourier transform)快速傅立叶变换 Silicon rubber 硅橡胶 Telemeter 遥测 Composite insulator 合成绝缘子Load shedding 甩负荷Converter(inverter)换流器逆变器Lateral 支线换流器(逆变器逆变器)Bus tie breaker 母联断路器Power-flow current 工频续流Protective relaying 继电保护sparkover 放电 Transfer switching 倒闸操作 Silicon carbide 碳化硅Outgoing(incoming)line 出(进)线 Zinc oxide 氧化锌进线相位超前(滞后滞后)Phase Lead(lag)相位超前滞后 Withstand test 耐压试验Static var compensation(SVC)静止无功补偿Dispatcher 调度员Flexible AC transmission system(FACTS)灵活交流输电系统Supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA)监控与数据采集EMC(electromagnetic compatibility)电磁兼容ISO(internationalstandardization organization)国际标准化组织GIS(gas insulated substation, geographic information system)气体绝缘变电站地理信息系统 IEC(international Electrotechnical Commission)国际电工(技术技术)委员会国际电工技术委员会 IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)电气与电子工程师学会(美)美IEE(Institution of Electrical Engineers)电气工程师学会(英电气工程师学会英)scale 刻度量程 calibrate 校准刻度,量程 rated 额定的 terminal 接线端子保险丝,熔丝 fuse 保险丝熔丝 humidity 湿度 resonance 谐振共振 moisture 潮湿湿气谐振,共振潮湿,湿气 analytical 解析的 operation amplifier 运算放大器numerical 数字的amplitude modulation(AM)调幅frequency-domain 频域frequency modulation(FM)调频time-domain 时域binary 二进制 operation amplifier 运算放大器 octal 八进制 active filter 有源滤波器decimal 十进制passive filter 无源滤波器hexadecimal 十第三篇:电气工程及其自动化专业英语电气工程及其自动化专业英语老师:学生:专业:电气工程及其自动化学院:学号:Automatic Control system自动控制系统When a specific systemis proposed for a given application,it mustsatisfy certain requirements.This may involve the system response or optimization of the system in a specified way.These requirements that a control system must meet are generally called performance specifications.当一个精细的系统被推引入一个给定的应用程序的时候,它必须满足这个特定的要求。
(电气工程与自动化专业英语)Chapter 3 Signals and Systems
3.3 Discrete-Time Signals
1 The basic definition signals
The fundamental results of signal theory : Analog signal can be converted into a discrete-time one and retrieved without error. This result is important because discrete-time signals can be manipulated by systems instantiated as computer programs. Subsequent modules describe how virtually all analog signal processing can be performed with software.
3.2 Signal Decomposition
As an example of signal complexity, we can express the pulse as a sum of delayed unit steps.
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专业英语第三单元3 Analog Electronics3.1 INTRODUCTION3.1.1 The Contrast between Analog and Digital ElectronicsWe have already explored how transistors and diodes are used as switching devices to process information which is represented in digital form. Digital electronics uses transistors as electrically controlled switches: transistors are either saturated or cut off. The active region is used only in transition from one state to the other.By contrast, analog electronics depends on the active region of tran sistors and other types of amplifiers. The Greek roots of “analog” mean “in due ratio”, signifying in this usage that information is encoded into an electrical signal which is proportional to the quantity being represented.713宿舍In Fig.3.1 our information is some sort of music, originating physically in the excitation and resonance’s of a musical instrument. The radiated sound consists in the ordered movement of air molecules and is best understood ad acoustic waves. These produce motion in the diaphragm of a microphone, which in turn produces an electrical signal. The variation in the electrical signal are a proportional representation of the sound waves. The electrical signal is amplifiedelectronically, with an increase in signal power occurring at the expense of the input AC power to the amplifier. The amplifier output drives a recording head and produces a wavy groove on a disk. If the entire system is good, every acoustic variation of the air will be recorded on the disk and, when the record is played back through a similar system and the signal reradiated ad sound energy be a loudspeaker, the resulting sound should faithfully reproduce the original music.Electronic systems based on analog principles form an important class of electronic devices. Radio and TV broadcasting are common examples of analog systems, as are many electrical instruments used in monitoring deflection(strain gages, for example), motion (tachometers), and temperature (thermocouples).Many electrical instruments-voltmeters, ohmmeters, ammeters, and oscilloscopes-utilize analog techniques, at least in part.Analog computers existed before digital computers were developed. In an analog computer, the unknowns in a differential equation are modeled with electrical signals. Such signals are integrated, scaled, and summed electrically to yield solutions with modes effort compared with analytical or numerical techniques.3.1.2 The Contents Of This ChapterAnalog techniques employ the frequency-domain viewpointextensively. We begin by expanding our concept of the frequency domain to include periodic, nonperiodic, and random signals. We will see that most analog signals and processes can be represented in the frequency domain. We shall introduce the concept of a spectrum, that is, the representation of a signal as the simultaneous existence of many frequencies. Bandwidth (the width of a spectrum) in the frequency domain will be related to information rate in the time domain.714宿舍This expanded concept of the frequency domain also helps us distinguish the effects of linear and nonlinear analog devices. Linear circuits are shown to be capable of “filtering” out unwanted frequency components. By contrast, new frequencies can be created by nonlinear devices such as diodes and transistors. This property allows us to shift analog signals in the frequency domain through AM and FM modulation techniques, which are widely used in public and private communication systems. As an example we shall describe the operation of an AM radio.Next we study the concept of feedback, a technique by which gain in analog systems is exchanged for other desirable qualities such as audio amplifiers or TV receivers would at best offer poor performance. Understanding of the benefits of feedback provides the foundation for appreciating the many uses of operational amplifiers in analog electronics.Operational amplifiers (op amps, for short) provide basic building blocks for analog circuits in the same way that NOR and NAND gates are basic building blocks for digital circuits. We will present some of the more common applications of op amps, concluding with their use in analog computers.3.3.2 OPERATIONAL-AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS3.2.1 Introduction(1) The Importance of OP Amps. An operational amplifier is a high-gain electronic amplifier which is controlled by negative feedback to accomplish many functions or “operations” in analog circuits. Such amplifiers were developed originally to accomplish operations such as integration and summation in analog computers for the solving of differential equations. Applications of op amps have increased until, at the present time, most analog electronic circuits are based on op amp techniques. If, for example, you required an amplifier with of 10, convenience, reliability, and cost considerations would dictate the use of an op amp. Thus op amp from the basic building blocks of analog circuits much as NAND and NOR gates provide the basic building blocks of digital circuits.(2) An OP-Amp Model Typical Properties. The typical op amp is a sophisticated transistor amplifier utilizing a dozen or more transistors,several diodes, and many resistors. Such amplifiers are mass produced on semiconductor chips and sell for less than $1 each. These parts are reliable, rugged, and approach the ideal in their electronic properties.Fig.3.2 shows the symbol and the basic properties of op amp. The two input voltages, u+and u-, are subtracted and amplified with a large voltage gain, A, typically 105~106. The input resistance, Ri, is large, 100KΩ~100MΩ. The output resistance, Ro, is small, 10~100Ω. The amplifier is often supplied with DC power from positive (+Ucc)and negative(﹣Ucc) power supplies. For this case, the output voltage lies between the power supply voltages, ﹣Ucc﹤Uo﹤+Ucc. Sometimes one power connection is grounded (i.e., “﹣Ucc”=0). In this case the output lies in the range, 0﹤Uo﹤+Ucc. The power connections are seldom drawn in circuit diagrams; it is assumed that one connects the op amp to the appropriate power source. Thus the op amp approximates an ideal voltage amplifier, having high input resistance, low output resistance, and high gain.The high gain is converted to other useful features through the use of strong negative feedback.All the benefits of negative feedback are utilized by op-amp circuits. To those listed earlier in this chapter, we would for op-amp circuits add three more: low expanse, ease of design, and simple construction.(3)The Contents of This Section. We begin by analyzing two commonop-amp applications, the inverting and uninverting amplifiers. We derive the gain of these amplifiers by a method that may be applied simple and effectively to any op-amp circuit. We then discuss active filters, which are op amp amplifiers with capacitors added to shape their frequency response. We then deal briefly with analog computers and conclude by discussing some nonlinear application of op-amp.3.2.2 Op-amp Amplifiers712宿舍(1) The Inverting Amplifier. The inverting amplifier, show in Fig.3.3, use an op-amp plus two resistors. The positive (+)input to the op-amp is grounded (zero signal); the negative (﹣)input is)and to the feedback signal from the connected to the input signal (via R1output (via R). One potential source of confusion in the followingFdiscussion is that we must speak of two amplifiers simultaneously. The op amp is an amplifier which forms the amplifying element in a feedback amplifier which contains the op amp plus associated resistors. To lessen confusion, we shall reserve the term “amplifier”to apply only to the overall, feedback amplifier. The op-amp will never be call ed an amplifier; it will be called the op-amp. For example, if we refer to the input current to the amplifier, we are referring to the current through Ri, not the current into the op-amp.We could solve for the gain of the inverting amplifier in Fig.3.3 either by solving the basic circuit laws (KCL and KVL) or byattempting to divide the circuit into main amplifier and feedback system blocks. We shall, however, present another approach based on the assumption that the op-amp gain is very high, effectively infinite. In the following, we shall give a general assumption, which may be applied to any op-amp circuit; then we will apply this assumption specifically to the present circuit. As a result, we will establish and input resistance of the inverting amplifier.We assume that the output is well behaved and does not try to go to infinity. Thus we assume that the negative feedback stabilizes the amplifier such that moderate input voltages produce moderate output voltages. If the power supplies are +10 and﹣10V, for example, the output would have to lie between these limits.Therefore, the input voltage to the op-amp is very small, essentially zero, because it is the output voltage divided by the large voltage gain of the op-ampu+﹣u_≈0⇒u+≈u_For example, if ∣Uo∣﹤10V and A=105, then ∣u+﹣u_∣﹤10\105=1+and u_ are equal with 100μV or less,for any op-amp circuit. For the inverting amplifier in Fig.3.3, u+is ground;therefore, u_≈0. Consequently, the current at the input to the amplifierwould bei 1= 1_R u Ui - ≈1R Ui (3.1) Because u +≈u_ and Ri is large, the current into the + and – op-ampinputs will be very small, essentially zero∣i +∣=∣i -∣=||RiU U +--≈0 (3.2) For example, for Ri =100KΩ, |i_|﹤104-/105=109-A.For the inverting amplifier, Eq. (3.2) implies that the current at the input, i i , flows through R f , as shown in Fig.3.4. This allows us to compute the output voltage. The voltage across R F would be i i R F and, because one end of R F is connected to u_≈0Uo=-i i R F =-1R U i R F Thus the voltage gain would beA u =Ui Uo =1R R F - (3.3) The minus sign in the gain expression means that the output will be inverted relative to the input: a positive signal at the input: a positive signal at the input will produce a negative signal at the output, Eq. (3.3) shows the gain to depend o the ratio R F to R 1. This would imply that onlythe ratio and not the individual values of R F to R 1 matter. This would betrue if the input resistance to the amplifier were unimportant, but the input resistance to an amplifier is often critical. The input resistance to the inverting amplifier would follow from Eq. (3.1);R i =i i i U ≈R 1 (3.4)For a voltage amplifier, the input resistance is an important factor, for if R i were too low the signal source (of U i ) could be loaded down by R i . Thus in a design, R 1 must be sufficiently high to avoid his loadingproblem. Once R 1 is fixed, R F may be selected to achieve the requiredgain. Thus the values of individual resistors become important because they affect the input resistance to the amplifier.Let us design an inverting amplifier to have a gain of ﹣8. The input signal is to come from a voltage source having an output resistance of 100Ω. To reduce loading, the input resistor, R 1, must be much larger than100Ω. For a 5﹪ loading reduction, we would set R 1=2000Ω. To achievea gain of -8(actually 95﹪ of -8, considering loading ), we require that R F =8×2000=16KΩ.Feedback effects dominate the characteristics of the amplifier. When an input voltage is applied, the value of u_ will increase. This will cause U 0 to increase rapidly in the negative direction . This negative voltagewill increase to the value where the effect of U 0 on the – input via R F cancels the effect of U i through R 1. Put another way, the output willadjust itself to withdraw through R F any current that U i injects through R 1, since the input current to the op-amp is extremely small. In this waythe output depends only R F and R 1.711宿舍 The Noninverting Amplifier. For thenoninverting amplifier show in Fig.3.5 the input is connected to the +input. The feedback from the output connects still to the – op amp input, as required for negative feedback. To determine the gain, we apply the assumptions outlined above.①Because u +≈u_, it follows thatu_ ≈U i (3.5)②Because i ≈0, R F and R 1 carry the same current. Hence U 0 is related to u_ through a voltage-divider relationshipu i =U 0 FR R R +11(3.6) Combining Eqs. (3.5) and (3.6), we establish the gain to beU i =U 0F R R R +11=A u =+(1+1R R F ) (3.7) The + sign before the gain expression emphasize that the output of the amplifier has the same polarity as the input: a positive input signal produces a positive output signal. Again we see that the ratio of R F and R 1 determines the gain of the amplifier.When a voltage is applied to the amplifier, the output voltage increase rapidly and will continue to rise until the voltage across R 1 reaches theinput voltage. Thus little input current will flow into the amplifier, and the gain depends only on R F and R 1. The input resistance to the noninvertingamplifier will be very high because the input current to the amplifier is also the input current to the op-amp, i +, which must be extremely small.Input resistance values exceeding 1 000 MΩ are easily achieved with this circuit. This feature of high input resistance is an important virtue of the noninverting amplifier.3.2.3 Active Filters(1)What Are Active Filters? An active filter combines amplification with filtering. The RC filters we investigated earlier are called passive filters because they provide only filtering. An active filter uses an op-amp to furnish gain but has capacitors added to the input and feedback circuits to shape the filter characteristics.We derived earlier the gain characteristics of an inverting amplifier in the time domain. In Fig.3.6 we show the frequency-do-main version. We may easily translate the earlier derivation into the frequency domainU i ⇒U i (ω) U 0⇒U 0(ω)A u =﹣1R R F ⇒F u (ω)=﹣)()(1ωωZ Z F The filter function, F u (ω), is thus the ratio of the two impedances,and in general with give gain as well as filtering. We could have written the minus sign as 180°, for in the frequency domain the inversion is equivalent to a phase shift of 180°.(2) Low-pass Filter. Placing a capacitor in parallel with R F (seeFig.3.7) will at high frequencies tend to lower Z and hence the gain of the amplifier; consequently, this capacitor an inverting amplifier into a low-pass filter with gain. We may writeF Z (ω)=R F ∣∣F C j ω1=F F C j R ω+)/1(1=FF F C R j R ω+1(3.8) Thus the gain would be)/(11111c u F F F u j A C R j R R F ωωω+=+-=(3.9) Where 1/R R Au F -=, the gain without the capacitor, andF C C R R /1=ωwould be the cutoff frequency. The gain of the amplifier isapproximately constant until the frequency exceeds C ω, after which thegain decreases with increasing ω. The Bode plot of this filter function is shown in Fig.3.8 for the case where R F =10K ωΩ, R 1=1KΩ, and C F =1μF.(3) High-pass filter. The high-pass filter show in Fig.3.9 uses a capacitor in series with R 1 to reduce the gain at low frequencies. Thedetails of the analysis will be left to a problem. The gain of this filter isu c c F u A j j R R F =+-=)/(1)/()(1ωωωωω)/(1)/(c c j j ωωωω+ Where 1/R R Au F -= is the gain without the capacitor and 11/1C R c =ω is the cutoff frequency, below which the amplifier gain is reduced. The Bode plot of this filter characteristic is show in Fig.3.10.(4) Other Active Filter. By using more advanced techniques, one can simulate RLC narrowband filters and, by using additional op-amps, many sophisticated filter characteristics can be achieved. Discussion of such applications lies beyond the scope of this text, but there exist many handbooks showing circuits and giving design information about active filters.3. 2. 4 Analog ComputerOften a differential equation is Fig.3.10 solved by integration. The integration may be accomplished by analytical methods or by numerical methods on a digital computer. Integration may also be performed electronically with an op-amp circuit. Indeed, op-amps were developed initially for electronic integration of differential equations.⑴ An Integrator . The op-amp circuit in Fig.3.11 uses negative feedback through a capacitor to perform integration.We have charge the capacitor in the feedback path to an initial value of U 1, and then removed this prebias(预偏置)voltage at t=0. Let usexamine the initial state of the circuit before investigating what will happen after the switch is opened. Since +u is approximately zero, sowill be _u , and hence the output voltage is fixed at ﹣1U . The inputcurrent to amplifier, R U i /, will flow through the 1U voltage will remainat ﹣1U until the switch is opened.After the switch is opened at t=0, the input current will flow through the capacitor and hence the U C will be,0,0)()0()(dt RC t U U t Uc ti ⎰+= Thus the output voltage of the circuit is0)(1)()(,,010≥--=-=⎰t dt t U RC U t U t U ti c (3.10) Except for the minus sign, the output is the integral of U i scaled by1/RC, which may be made equal to any value we wish by proper choiceof R and C.⑵ Scaling and Summing . We need two other circuits to solve simple differential equations by analog computer methods. Scaling refers to multiplication by a constant, such as12KU U ±=Where K is a constant. This is the equation of an amplifier, and hence we would use the inverting amplifier in Fig.3.5 for the – sign or the noninverting amplifier in Fig.3.5 for the + sign.A summer produces the weighted sum of two or more signals.Fig.3.12 shows a summer with two inputs. We may understand the operation of the circuit by applying the same reasoning we used earlier to understand the inverting amplifier. Since 0≈-u , the sum of the currents through 1R and 2R is22111R U R U i +=(3.11) The output voltage will adjust itself to draw this current through RF, and hence the output voltage will be)(221110R R U R R U R i U F F F ∙+∙-=-= The output will thus be sum of 1U and 2U , weighted by the gainfactors, 1/F R R and 2F R R , respectively. If the inversion produced by thesummer is unwanted, the summer can followed by an inverted, a scalier with a gain of -1. Clearly, we could add other inputs in parallel withR R and 21. In the example to follow, we shall sum three signals to solve a second order differential equation.(3) Solving a DE. Let us design an analog computer circuit tosolve the differential equation t u dt du dtu d 10cos 65222=++ t>0 U(0)=﹣2 and at dtdu 3+= t=0 (3.12) Moving everything except the highest-order derivative to the right side yields t u dt du dtu d 10cos 32222+--=(3.13) 女生宿舍The circuit which solves Eq. (3.12) is shown in Fig.3.13. The circuit consists of two integrators to integrate the left side of Eq. (3.13), a summer to represent the right side, and two inverts to correct the signs. The noninverting inputs are grounded, and the inputs and feedback are connected to the inverting input of the op-amps. Hence we have shown only the inverting inputs. With 22/dt u d the input to the integrators, the output of the first integrator will be-du/dt [with the battery giving the initial condition of 3V , as in Eq. (3.13)], and hence the output of the second integrator will be +u (with an initial condition of -2 V ). This output is fed into the summer, along with du/dt after inversion, and the driving function cos10 t, which must also be inverted to cancel the inversion in the summer. The input resistors connecting the three signals into the summer produce the weighting factors in Eq. (3.13), and hence the output of the summer represents the right side of Eq. ( 3.13 ). Wetherefor e connect that output to our “input” of 22/dtd to satisfy Eq.u(3.12 ). To observe the solution to Eq. (3.12 ), we merely open the switches at t=0.Clearly, these techniques can be applied to higher-order equations. Sophisticated use of analog computer requires a variety of refinements. Often, the equations being solved are scaled in time (time is sped up or slowed down on the computer) to accommodate realistic resistor and capacitor values. Also, voltage and current values can be scaled to bring the unknowns within the allowable range of the computer. In the next section we show how nonlinear operations can be introduced to solve nonlinear differential equations by analog methods.3. 2. 5 Nonlinear Applications of Op-ampsOp-amps can be combined with nonlinear circuit elements such as diodes and transistors to produce a variety of useful circuits. Below we discuss a few such applications. Many more circuits are detailed in standard handbooks and manufacturers’ application literature for their products.An Improved Half-Wave Rectifier. The op-amp in Fig 3.14 drives a half-wave rectifier. When the input voltage is negative the output of the op-amp will be OFF; hence the output will be zero. When the output is positive the diode will turn ON and the output will be identical to the input, because the circuit will perform as a non-inverting amplifier shownin Fig.3.5 with R F=0. Use of the op-amp effectively reduces the diode turn-on voltage. If the input voltage is greater than 0.7/A, where A is the voltage gain of the op-amp, the output voltage exceed 0.7V and turn on the diode. Hence the turn-on voltage is effectively reduced from 0.7~0.7/A.This circuit would not be used in a power supply circuit; rather, it would be used in a detector or other circuit processing small signals, where the turn-on voltage of the diode would be a problem.。