
滙丰银行和利星行都给过我OFFER 用这个简历哦,也祝你好运。
YOUR NAMEContact InfoMobile No. : XXXXXXXXXEmail : XXXXXX@gmail.Personal Particulars(snapshot)Date of Birth : 08 Dec 1982GenderHeight : Female: 168cm Marital Status : SingleApplication ObjectiveInternational Aounting or Public RelationEmployment HistoryXX HEAVY MACHINERY SHANGHAI PANYxx/09 – presentFinance Department | Finance Analyst1. In charge of pany budget planning and banking processes2. Perform budget planning checking, contract checking3. Part of Aount debit and credit process4. Generate finance and aount management reports5. Finance analysisXX HEAVY MACHINERY BEIJING PANYxx/03 -- xx/08Finance Department | Banking CashierIn charge of pany banking processes with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China and China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd.Educational BackgroundXX University BEIJING xx—xxMajor: Aouting B.AMinors: Marketing, International Trade, Financial Analysis Economic, etc.XX University BEIJING xx—xxMajor: International AoutingMinors: College English, Advanced maths, Fanancial Management, Financial,Class Standing: Top Quartor, Dean’s ListQUALIFICATIONSCertificate of Aounting ProfessionalCertificate of College English Band4&6 Computer Skill Certificate Examination 2nd classSKILLGood mand of English in speaking and writingGood knowledge of EXCEL/WORD/POWERPOINT/ERP/SAP etc. office software LANGUAGESMandarin, fluent English as well as daily-use GermanPersonal SkillsPassionateGood at analysis and problem identificationStrong team skillsGood in English both oral and writingCharacter:Open minded, humble, self control and self confidence你的名字___手机 : XXXXXXEmail : XXXX@gmail.个人简介YOUR SANPSHOT出生日期 : 1982年12月8日性别身高 : 女: 168cm婚姻状况现居住地 : 未婚: 北京求职意向国际财会或公共关系工作经历xx/09 -- 至今XX重机有限公司 | 财务部 | 财务分析员1.负责公司资金计划及银行与公司间的一切贷款结算等事宜办理2.预算审核、合同审核、日常费用审核、入账3.收入确认、入账4.管理报表和财务报表的编制5.财务分析xx/03 -- xx/08XX重机有限公司 | 财务部 | 银行出纳负责公司与中国工商银行, 中国农业银行, 和中国民生银行的各项银行业务, 如电汇, 支票汇票开立支取, 信用证开立, 银行承兑汇票开立, 开/销户, 网上银行支付等.教育背景xx.9 — xx.6 XX大学会计学专业主修课程:大学英语、会计学原理、财务会计实务、高级会计学、财务管理、财务分析、管理会计、审计、国际金融、国际贸易、会计专业英语、管理信息系统、税务会计xx.9 — xx.6 XX大学国际会计专业专业水平会计从业资格证书外语水平英语基本技能: 听、说、读、写能力良好,口语交流能力突出标准测试: 通过大学英语四、六级德语日常交流,普通德语出版物阅读计算机水平基本技能:熟练掌握WINDOWS操作、并能熟练运用WORD.EXCEL.ERP.SAP等office软件等进行计算机软件应用,具有较好的计算机网络知识与技能。

特长及兴趣爱好除了有专业的英语方面知识外,我在校生活部工作一年, 在系宣传部和秘书处各工作一年。
奖励情况:2021-2010 优秀学生会干部2011/07 师生合唱比赛一等奖普通话水平测试等级证书英语专业四级证书自我评价本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚。
英语专业求职简历模板二:名: 范小姐别: 女族: 汉族出生年月: 1987年5月婚姻状况: 未婚高: 155cm重: 47kg籍: 福建龙岩现所在地: 福建龙岩毕业学校: 福建省龙岩市闽西职业技术学院历: 专科专业名称: 商务英语毕业年份: 2009年联系电话:159****9999求职意向职位性质: 全职职位类别: 贸易-外贸/贸易专员/助理/贸易-助理业务跟单/贸易-其它职位职位名称: 外贸业务员,外贸单证员 ;工作地区: 厦门市区 ; 厦门思明区 ; 厦门湖里区待遇要求: (面谈)元/月不需要提供住房到职时间: 可随时到岗技能专长语言能力: 英语 cet4 ; 英语国际商务英语一级 ; 普通话标准电脑水平: 熟悉办公自动化,word,excel,powerpoint 学过网页设计教育培训教育背景:时间所在学校学历2006年9月 - 2009年6月福建省龙岩市闽西职业技术学院专科2003年9月 - 2006年6月云南省弥勒县第二中学高中2001年9月 - 2003年6月云南省弥勒县新哨第一中学初中培训经历:时间培训机构培训主题2008年2月 - 2008年4月福建省龙岩市闽西职业技术学院国际外贸单证员2008年5月 - 2008年6月福建省龙岩市闽西职业技术学院国际商务英语工作经历所在公司: 福建和诚鞋业有限公司时间范围: 2008年7月 - 2008年9月公司性质: 股份制企业所属行业: 贸易、商务、进出口担任职位: 生产部员工工作描述: 主要负责产品数量的清点以及熟悉鞋子生产过程中的各道工序.自我评价:个人优势:熟整个外贸流程,通过国际单证员考试并获得其证书, 能熟练制作各种外贸单据.获得国际商务英语考试一级证书,并通过cet4.注重商务口语与听力的不断提高和完善.工作能力:在校期间,积极参加各种社会实践.在寒暑假时,做过推销员,在泉州和诚鞋业有限公司打过工.我是一个很外向的女孩,性格开朗,热情,能吃苦耐劳.有很强的组织协调能力和团队合作精神.能不断接受新事物,勇于挑战.英语专业求职简历模板三:敬的领导:您好! 感谢您在百忙之中审阅我的求职申请。

下面就是小编给大家带来的英文版个人简历范本,希望能帮助到大家!英文个人简历模板_英文版个人简历范本(一)Personal InformationName: Wang BinSe__: MaleDate of Birth: July 12, 1971Address: Room301, Dormitory20, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, 730000, ChinaTelephone: +86-931-8912______; +86-136931________E-mail: Education9/2005 - present Lanzhou UniversityCandidate for Master in Economics in June, 2009Major in Corporate Finance, School of EconomicsRanked 2/45 in class, Core GPA: 3.3/49/2001 - 6/2005 Lanzhou UniversityBachelor in EconomicsAwarded National E__cellent Undergraduate Student ScholarshipE__perience7/ - 11/2006 Summer Team: E__pand Job Channels for StudentsGot in touch with 10 companies, visited 4 companies and found their talent demandsMade agreements with 4 companies that they would recruitgraduates in Lanzhou University10/2006 –1/2007 Volunteer Teacher for the Hongshan School in LanzhouTaught the course of English for the rural workers ’ children in the schoolAcademic CapabilityFluent in English. CET-6 : 85.5; TOEFL ( IBT ) : 98; GRE: 1380 Graded 2 of Gansu Computer Rank E__amination for University StudentsBe Proficient in Office Automation ( Microsoft E__cel, PowerPoint ) and Web SurfingPublicationsThe Influence of Economic Densities of City Propers on the Infrastructure Investment by Local Governments published in Science and Engineering Research, 2005, 2英文个人简历模板_英文版个人简历范本(二)Mr.Hujiangjiang1008 Sand Five RoadMishawaka,IN 46540TEL:(+86)138-5400-1298E-mail:****************Dateof Birth:February.1984 Politi Status: Member of Communist Party of ChinaEducation Graduation: 2015 .06Georgia Institute of Technology 09 /2013- 06 / 2014Study abroad, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology______ UniversityBachelor of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Biological Science and Technology1.CSC Scholarship 06 / 20132.Scholarship for Outstanding Students 12 / 20073.Project Management Intensive Track. Attended part-time project management certification course during nights and weekends. E__celled in team business simulations, winning two out of three rounds.4.Hult Action Project with Evonik Industries. Si__-week business project. Provided recommendations to increase sales, gain marketshare, and create sustainable impact. Ranked 2nd of 7 teams.5.Social Entrepreneurship Club President. Managed club profit and loss, directed fundraising and social entrepreneurship event production. Grew corporate sponsorship network from 3 to 20 in one yearResearch ProjectsResearch on Antigen Presenting with Phage Display 04 / 2013- 06 / 20151.Conduct survey of literature and liaise with other labs2.Coordinate upkeep and sterility of laboratory glasswaremunicated findings and draft weekly progress reports to Professor Smith04/2012-02/2013Research AchievementsDefect recombination induced by density-activated carrier diffusion in nonpolar InGaN quantum wells journal paper Appl. Phys. Lett, 103, 123506(2013)Reducing the efficiency droop by lateral carrier confinement in InGaN/GaN quantum-well nanorods journal paper Opt. E__press 22, A370 (2014)Skills and CertificatesGood knowledge of cell culture and antigenic stimulation;Skilled in MACS, FACSSkilled in biochemical tests: protein e__pression, purification, Western BlotGood command of Origin, Vector NTI, Primer Premier, FCS E__pressIELTS: 6.5; Proficiency in EnglishPractice E__perienceMarketing InternProduced events for a series of international marketing campaigns generating over 3,000 prospective clients in one month. Main events included GA’s annual career development seminar and a series of video production webinars. International team of 6 members representing 4 nationalities.Career Development Seminar. Assisted in the logistics of General Assembly’s largest annual marketing event, welcoming 400 national and international guests to Los Angeles for the 3-day seminar.Video Production Webinar. Sourced 4 contract teachers, setup online web forum, and invited over 2,600 participants to a 4-week video production webinar series.Conversion Planning Team. Before end of internship period, led team of three interns to create a proposal to convert 4% of the 3,000 new prospects into paying customers by the end of 2013.______ University AssistantGuided undergraduates to attend SITP projects______ University PresidentParticipated in the gold trade qualification trainingInterestBasketball英文个人简历模板_英文版个人简历范本(三)John T. Bray464 St George StreetVancouver,BC V5T 1Z7Phone no.- 604-708-1342***********************************OBJECTIVE:To obtain a challenging position as a Web Designer within a large e__citing company.E__PERIENCE:Bryer Computer Services, Cambridge, MA2000 - 2002Web DesignerMet and corresponded with clients to determine client needs for company sites.Created corporate web sites, portals and large-scale web applications.Developed and designed new web interfaces, layouts and site graphics.Created and Designed test web sites for sales as well as demonstration purposes.Comprehensive technical knowledge of HTML programming and JavaScript coding.Responsible for quality assurance of finished websites including the validation of web forms and linksDesigned trained users and templates on development of future pages.Massachusetts Healthcare Co. Inc., Boston MA1998 - 2000Web DesignerDeveloped and maintained intranet and Internet for Company Websites utilizing Dream weaver, HTML, Flash and PhotoShop.Performed validation of completed sites including the debugging and testing of code.Developed and designed user-friendly interface for on-line programmes like multi-media systems and web-driven e-mail.Created graphics including icons and logos using Fireworks and PhotoShop.Facilitated training on the use of programmes such as Fireworks and Dream Weaver.Installed shopping carts by use of CGI scripts for business client websites.EDUCATION:Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Boston, MA1994 - 1998 BS in Computer ScienceTECHNICAL SKILLS:Languages: C, HTML and JA.Proficient with HTML, Macromedia Dream weaver, Fireworks, Allaire Home Site, Microsoft Office Professional Edition, Adobe Acrobat, WebPosition Gold, Top Dog, Search Engine Optimiser (SEO)Familiarity with Adobe Go Live, Microsoft FrontPage, Adobe PhotoShop, Jasc Paint Shop Pro, Macromedia FlashADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Hobbies include Horse Riding, Music and Basket Ball.英文个人简历模板_英文版个人简历范本(四)Mary TomDate of Birth:10/1992Address: 655 Dollas Street, New York 65408Tel. No: 246-947-3431EmailID:******************Objective: Sales AdministratorEDUCATION:Diploma of College, ________ADMINISTRATION/SALES E__PERIENCE:hujiang Company 2013. 01 - 2013 .06Intern1.Acted as the main contact person on HR services and support for general staff in the LO, such as compensation and benefit administration, employee movements, employee relations, etc.2.Coordinated, maintained and recorded personnel data such as employment contract commence/termination, compensation, benefits, ta__ data, attendance, performance reviews, etc.Jobs Enterprise Development Co., Ltd 2012. 09 - 2012. 12Sales Intern1.Maintained and utilize all kinds e-T ools, Personnel systems like: Career Scout (Internal Job Boards), ePRF approval process, Training Scorecard, e-Room, e-Training Platform, E__ternal Job Boards2.Worked closely with project leader on desk study, onsite observation and face to face interviewSales Representative1.Maintained strong customer relations with e__isting retail customers2.Developed new business contacts in various countries in the Middle East and Europe leading to improved producer and supplier relationships3.Developed and marketed two new product lines that increased revenue by 20%COMMUNICATION/COORDINATION E__PERIENCEShanghai Library Volunteer Activity 2011.10 - 2011.12Manager Provided Interpreter service on seminar, management meetings, business negotiations and key media interviewSeller Provided Assistance on some relevant administration workCollege Students Eloquence AssociationMinister of Training DepartmentListened attentively to caller needs to ensure a positive customer e__perience.Recommended solutions and proactively followed up with all leads.SKILLS: CET-4NCRE Certificate, Grade 2 (Database)Proficiency in MS Office application, such as Word, E__cel, PowerpointMandarin Proficiency Test Certificate, 2nd Grade, A LevelEfficient to work in different teams and handle different projects at a single timeCapable of understanding the business dynamics of the organization and planning the marketing strategies for the organization accordinglyAbility to handle a client's project individually and provide a top-level service to the clientE__cellent communication and coordinating skillsBrilliant awareness of work related computer applications and programsVolunteer: Senior Citizens Services –delivered meals to seniors in metro Atlanta; raised $500 by soliciting donations Organizations: Operations Research Club (VP-Membership); Phi Phi Phi Sorority (Treasurer)HONORS :1.Outstanding Young Volunteer2.Second-Class Scolarship For E__ecllent StudentsSELF ASSESSMENT:____-year e__perience of ______, major in ______Proficient in ____, skilled in ____, a passion for ____Responsible and diligent in work, cooperative in teamwork HOBBIES:Enjoy playing table tennis and achieve the second in the Table Tennis MatchSwimming and tourism英文个人简历模板_英文版个人简历范本(五)Hu jiang*******************(+86) 138-________ -________Gender: MaleDate of Birth:February. 1987EDUCATION:Shanghai Hu Jiang Normal University2007.09-2011.06Bachelor of Foreign Language ProfessionalRank: Top 20%Third-prize Scholarship 2 times, Top 10 in class, RMB1,000 Kerry Oils & Grains Scholarship, No.1 of major, RMB5,000IPA international Chinese teacher certificateTEACHING PRACTICE:10/2011 - 08/2012 Bilingual instructor ____ Chinese Learning CenterParticipated in the "How to be an English Instructor" training activitiesI teached American students Chinese four hours by bilingual education weekly, which e__ercised my communication skills and presentation skills greatly.09/2010 - 04/2011 English teaching assistant of CET4 ______ schoolAssisted chief instructor to lead the students in reading in the morning, practice, teach the usage of words and organized fun activities.Teaching language courses by the students affirmed and loved. The course covered ancient Chinese literature, Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature and Foreign Literature.Serious preparation, completion of the lesson’s plans. In imparting basic knowledge, focus on teaching the students about humanities interest and improving literary accomplishment.2009.09-2010.04 Hu jiang Language training institutionsChinese as a foreign language teaching assistantAssisted students come from British, France and Spain, Philippines, and other foreigns in China learning Chinese, including the elementary and intermediate ChineseAssisted lecturers prepare lessons, and made PPTResponsible for the records when in the classroomDuring the teaching assistant, obtained the lecturer of the praise and affirmation of the studentsIntensive English class2007.10-2009.08Teaching assistantAssisted chief lecturer teaching, morning reading, students practice, teaching the word usage, fun activitiesPrepared a lesson earnestly, to complete the lesson planOTHER E__PERIENCE:Chen Shan Shanghai Botanical Garden2010.03-2010.06VolunteerBotanical garden orchid e__hibition obligations commentatorResponsible for the interpretation of the workSKILLSCET-6 (586)Shanghai advanced interpretation testMandarin Proficiency Test Certificate, 2nd Grade, A LevelHOBBIESBasketball, literature books。

大学生英文个人简历模板英文简历写得好,大学生求职者就有望得到用人单位的青睐,那你知道大学生求职者的英文简历该怎么写吗?大学生英文个人简历模板(一)Sex: maleDate of Birth: July 27,1955Ways of munications:Mobile phone:E-mail:Education:July 1971 graduated from Middle School of Jilin Province of .China Sep 1971 entered No. 1 Senior Middle School of Jilin Province of .China July 1974 graduated from Senior Middle School of Jilin Province of .ChinaAug 1974 became an intellectual youth and began to do farm work in my home village (such was the case for all middle school graduates during the Cultural Revolution)March1978 entered English Faculty of Foreign Languages Dept. of Northeast Normal University of .China through the first college entrance exam after the Cultural RevolutionWorking Experience:Feb 1982 became a teacher in English Teaching Office of Foreign Languages Dept. of Harbin University of Science and Technology of China; at the same time, working as a part-time translator in Language Translation Center of Heilongjiang Province and many other translation panies, with millions of characters of translation works covering many fields in such languages as English,French,German,Japanese, Chinese,Spanish, Italian,Russian, Arabic,Latin,etc. published both home and abroad.May 1998 went to Tokyo, Japan, and began to work as a Chinese lecturer at Japanese- Chinese College of Tokyo and some small-scaled Chinese classes in the society. Sometimes, did some translation jobs at home. Sep 20xx returned to China and started teaching English at Tsinghua University of Beijing and doing part-time translation jobs for various panies.Degrees and Qualifications:BA of Northeastern Normal University of ChinaMay1992 TOEFL, score: 630 (position score: )June1994 English Associate Professor of Harbin University of Science and Technology of China大学生英文个人简历模板(二)Name:Sex:National: HanProfession: Business AdministrationContact Tel:Phone:Contact Address:Email Address:BUSINESS SKILLS:Word processing: Microsoft WordOther applications: PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, QuarkExpress, PhotoShop, Excel, Access, File Maker Pro, Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, Reference ManagerWriting ability (proposals, newsletters, presentations, resumes, cover letters)Internet skillsEvent coordination: trade shows, seminars, user conferencesSTRENGTHS:Interpersonal skills - ability to put people at ease; Dependable, organized, efficient ;Team player; Self-starterBUSINESS EXPERIENCE:The Health Institute, Division of Clinical Care Research, New England Medical Center, Boston, MANovember 20xx - Present, Executive Assistant to Director and to Research ScientistCreated prepress drafts for flyers, catalogs, order forms, and price listsManaged digital image libraryFormatted digital images for WebsiteCoordinated co-op program and produced credit memosWrote memos, presentations, and correspondence for Vice President Maintained Excel sheets for budget, brand ID program, and retail mailer programMonitored invoicesHealth Dialog, Inc., Boston, MASept. 1998-April 1999 Administrative Assistant for healthcare management firmEdited and produced pany newsletterMaintained pany databasePerformed Internet research on health topics and petitionReviewed and analyzed health videosCreated PowerPoint presentationsFulfilled orders for videotapesTEACHING EXPERIENCE:Taught in nursery school for 5 years and kindergarten for two years MUNITY SERVICE:Prescription Parents, Inc. (a parent support group for parents ofchildren with cleft lip)Member (1981-present), President (1995-present, 1985-87), Secretary (1984-85), Newsletter Editor (1982-84, 1987-89), Corresponding Secretary (1989-1995)Office for Children, Southern District Council, Former Member of Board of DirectorsEDUCATION:1992-93 Katharine Gibbs School, Boston, MA. Entree Business Program, Dean\s List1971-75 Boston State College, Boston, MA. . Early Childhood Education, Dean\s List1967-71 Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT. ., major in English 大学生英文个人简历模板(三)Personal DetailsName:Sex : MaleAge:Marital Status: SingleDate of Birth:Nationality: AmericanLanguages Known: English and SpanishHobbies: Programming and Web DesigningReferencesDesignation: ManagerOrganization Name:Telephone Number:Email Id:Career ObjectiveSeeking a high position in enterprise planning area, which will allowme to utilize my knowledge and skills to prepare efficient and effective budget plans for the pany, thereby improving their profitability.Skills and ProficienciesKnowledge of Cognos software tools and applicationsProven track record of implementing enterprise planning and business intelligence strategies and solutions successfullyExperience in working with data warehousing toolsTranslate business requirements into processes and make effective decisions to achieve business objectivesmunicate fluently and effectively with domestic and international clients and associatesUse easy techniques and solutions to solve plex problems without using plicated languages and scriptingAbility to explore information or data from the right source at the right timeAbreast with latest technologies, applications and processes in the Cognos enterprise planning environmentTechnical Skills and KnowledgeCognos tool - Cognos 8 Planning application, Administrator, Author, Framework Manager, Report Studio, etc.Business intelligence tools, Data stage, Informatica and Abinitio Software languages including SQL, Java, XML, PL, C, C++, etc.HTML, DHTMLOperating System and Windows XP, 20xx, Unix, MS-DOSMicrosoft suiteTOAD, Enterprise manager, Quality SQAEducational QualificationsMBA with specialization in Financial Management (major) and Information Technology (minor) from XYZ University, NY, 20xxDiploma in puting and Programming from Hightech Institute, NY, 1999 Bachelor of Engineering Degree in puter Science from ABC College, NY, 1998High School Diploma from XYZ High School, OK, 1996Professional Trainingpleted one year technical training program from IBM Software Group Training and Certification with specialization in Cognos suite.Professional Experiencepany- IT Corporation Ltd., NYDesignation: Sr. Cognos Enterprise Planing ConsultantDuration- May 20xx to June 20xxJob responsibilities:Provide support to enterprise planning requirements through the use of Cognos Planing software of all versionsPlan, analyze and evaluate solutions for Cognos enterprise planning environment by using the appropriate version of the softwareTake quick decisions and prepare financial budget and forecast plans in line with the available resources and pany objectivesEnsure optimum utilization of resources and plan the overall design solution for the enterpriseDesign and deploy plicated software methodologiespare past records and the present performance status to build a framework for the futureInvolve in identification of drawbacks in the application process and take effective corrective actionsMaintain, develop and upgrade the ETL and data warehousing tools Apply knowledge and solutions by using latest and updated technologies pany- XYZ Inc , NYDesignation: Cognos Enterprise Planning ConsultantDuration- Sept 20xx to May 20xxJob Responsibilities:Develop enterprise planning applications for the pany through the use of Cognos planning softwareBuild new models by paring with the present and past modelsApply and use the latest version of Cognos Planning tool to the old models/ applications to increase more efficiencyApply Cognos TM1 and Enterprise to install, configure and maintain the serverOptimize and improve the solutions and applications according to the best industry practicesMaintain cordial relations with the client, colleagues and stakeholders to ensure continuity of information flow, as and when requiredMaintain reports and documentation related to Cognos enterprise planningMake necessary changes to the report, as and when requiredEnsure delivery of project within the deadlineEvaluated the performance of the project and analyze the effect of Cognos enterprise planning applicationImprove the financial performance of the pany and clientsHandle more than one project involving separate applications。

大学生英文个人简历模板大学生英文个人简历模板1Name: 某某Sex : MaleAge:Marital Status: SingleDate of Birth:Nationality: AmericanLanguages Known: English and SpanishHobbies: Programming and Web DesigningReferencesDesignation: ManagerOrganization Name:Telephone Number:Email Id:某某Career ObjectiveSeeking a high position in enterprise planning area, which will allow me to utilize my knowledge and skills to prepare efficient and effective budget plans for the company, thereby improving their profitability.Skills and ProficienciesKnowledge of Cognos software tools and applicationsProven track record of implementing enterprise planning and business intelligence strategies and solutions successfullyExperience in working with data warehousing toolsTranslate business requirements into processes and make effective decisions to achieve business/project objectivesCommunicate fluently and effectively with domestic andinternational clients and associatesUse easy techniques and solutions to solve complex problems without using complicated languages and scriptingAbility to explore information or data from the right source at the right timeAbreast with latest technologies, applications and processes in the Cognos enterprise planning environmentTechnical Skills and KnowledgeCognos tool - Cognos 8 Planning application, Administrator, Author, Framework Manager, Report Studio, etc.Business intelligence/OLAP tools, Data stage, Informatica and AbinitioSoftware languages including SQL, Java, XML, PL, C, C++, etc.HTML, DHTMLOperating System and Windows XP, 20某某, Unix, MS-DOSMicrosoft suiteTOAD, Enterprise manager, Quality SQAEducational QualificationsMBA with specialization in Financial Management (major) and Information Technology (minor) from XYZ University, NY, 20某某Diploma in Computing and Programming from Hightech Institute, NY, 20某某Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Science from ABC College, NY, 20某某High School Diploma from XYZ High School, OK, 20某某Professional TrainingCompleted one year technical training program from IBM Software Group Training and Certification with specialization in Cognos suite.Professional ExperienceCompany- IT Corporation Ltd., NYDesignation: Sr. Cognos Enterprise Planing ConsultantDuration- May 20某某 to June 20某某Job responsibilities:Provide support to enterprise planning requirements through the use of Cognos Planing software of all versionsPlan, analyze and evaluate solutions for Cognos enterprise planning environment by using the appropriate version of the software Take quick decisions and prepare financial budget and forecast plans in line with the available resources and company objectivesEnsure optimum utilization of resources and plan the overall design solution for the enterpriseDesign and deploy complicated software methodologiesCompare past records and the present performance status to builda framework for the futureInvolve in identification of drawbacks in the application process and take effective corrective actionsMaintain, develop and upgrade the ETL and data warehousing tools Apply knowledge and solutions by using latest and updated technologiesCompany- XYZ Inc , NYDesignation: Cognos Enterprise Planning ConsultantDuration- Sept 20某某 to May 20某某Job Responsibilities:Develop enterprise planning applications for the company through the use of Cognos planning softwareBuild new models by comparing with the present and past modelsApply and use the latest version of Cognos Planning tool to the old models/ applications to increase more efficiencyApply Cognos TM1 and Enterprise to install, configure and maintain the serverOptimize and improve the solutions and applications according to the best industry practicesMaintain cordial relations with the client, colleagues and stakeholders to ensure continuity of information flow, as and when requiredMaintain reports and documentation related to Cognos enterprise planningMake necessary changes to the report, as and when requiredEnsure delivery of project within the deadlineEvaluated the performance of the project and analyze the effect of Cognos enterprise planning applicationImprove the financial performance of the company and clientsHandle more than one project involving separate applications 大学生英文个人简历模板2Name:某某Sex: maleDate of Birth: July 27,1955Ways of Communications:Mobile phone:E-mail:某某Education:July 20某某 graduated from No.1Junior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.ChinaSep 20某某 entered No. 1 Senior Middle School of Jilin Provinceof P.R.ChinaJuly 20某某 graduated from No.1 Senior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.ChinaAug 20某某 became an "intellectual youth" and began to do farm work in my home village (such was the case for all middle school graduates during the "Cultural Revolution")March20某某 entered English Faculty of Foreign Languages Dept.of Northeast Normal University of P.R.China through the first college entrance exam after the "Cultural Revolution"Working Experience:Feb 20某某 became a teacher in English Teaching Office of Foreign Languages Dept. of Harbin University of Science and Technology of China; at the same time, working as a part-time translator in Language Translation Center of Heilongjiang Province and many other translation companies, with millions of characters of translation works covering many fields in such languages as English,French,German,Japanese, Chinese,Spanish, Italian,Russian,Arabic,Latin,etc. published both home and abroad.May 20某某 went to Tokyo, Japan, and began to work as a Chinese lecturer at Japanese- Chinese College of Tokyo and some small-scaled Chinese classes in the society. Sometimes, did some translation jobs at home.Sep 20某某 returned to China and started teaching English at Tsinghua University of Beijing and doing part-time translation jobs for various companies.Degrees and Qualifications:Jan.20某某 BA of Northeastern Normal University of ChinaMay20某某 TOEFL, score: 630 (composition score: 5.5)June20某某 English Associate Professor of Harbin University of Science and Technology of China大学生英文个人简历模板3Name: 某某Sex:National: HanProfession: Business AdministrationContact Tel:Phone:Contact Address:Email Address: 某某S SKILLS:Word processing: Microsoft WordOther applications: PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, QuarkExpress, PhotoShop, Excel, Access, File Maker Pro, Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, Reference ManagerWriting ability (proposals, newsletters, presentations, resumes, cover letters)Internet skillsEvent coordination: trade shows, seminars, user conferencesHS:Interpersonal skills - ability to put people at ease; Dependable, organized, efficient ;Team player; Self-starterS NCE:The Health Institute, Division of Clinical Care Research, New England Medical Center, Boston, MANovember 20某某 - Present, Executive Assistant to Director andto Research ScientistCreated prepress drafts for flyers, catalogs, order forms, and price listsManaged digital image libraryFormatted digital images for WebsiteCoordinated co-op program and produced credit memosWrote memos, presentations, and correspondence for Vice President Maintained Excel sheets for budget, brand ID program, and retail mailer programMonitored invoicesHealth Dialog, Inc., Boston, MASept. 20某某-April 20某某 Administrative Assistant forhealthcare management firmEdited and produced company newsletterMaintained company databasePerformed Internet research on health topics and competitionReviewed and analyzed health videosCreated PowerPoint presentationsFulfilled orders for videotapesG NCE:Taught in nursery school for 5 years and kindergarten for two yearsTY :Prescription Parents, Inc. (a parent support group for parents of children with cleft lip/palate)Member (20某某-present), President (20某某-present, 20某某-87), Secretary (20某某-85), Newsletter Editor (20某某-84, 20某某-89), Corresponding Secretary (20某某-20某某)Office for Children, Southern District Council, Former Member ofBoard of DirectorsON:20某某-93 Katharine Gibbs School, Boston, MA. "Entree" Business Program, Deans List20某某-75 Boston State College, Boston, MA. M.Ed. Early Childhood Education, Deans List20某某-71 Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT. B.A., major in English。

大学生个人简历英文版(精选5篇)大学生英文版篇1ResumeName: Mr. MU Gender: MaleWedlock: Single Nation: HanResidence: Guangdong-Jieyang Age: 29Location: Guangdong-Dongguan Height: 170cmTarget Locations: Guangdong、 Other-Other、 Other-Other Target Positions: Mechanism/Instrument-Machine Engineer Target Jobs:Desired Salary: NegotiableWhen Can Start: after 20xx-7-1 laterEducation1999-9 ~20xx-7 Guangdong University of Technology Machine Design and Manufacturing automation Technical School 1996-9 ~ 1999-7 MianhuHighSchool High SchoolSpecial SkillsProfessional Title:Computer Level: juniorComputer Skills: Basic Microsoft Office system operationStrengths: anything about EnglishLanguage SkillsChinese: Cantonese:English Level: Majored in English TEM-4English: Skilled Japanese: GeneralCareer ObjectiveCareer Direction: Becoming a engineer about mechanism is my will !!First ,my english of course needs to be fully developed by hard training.and then ,i plan change my direction to someother majores like trading and fiancing.Requirements:CertificationsCertificate1 20xx-04-09Self Assessment:There is the ability of the structure and the homework bad problem of the analysis product, can investigate a reason of bad problem to combine in time to in correspond a counterplan to handle in time, certainly begin an ability, such as.(hand plank creation, the work packs a tongs design)Acquaint with molding tool structure and the method of manufacturing, , acquaint with a plastics molding tool structure and product structure, material, process a craft and examine a method Can make use of the manufacturing software, pro/e of the machine design masterly, the AutoCAD different edition.Can give to produce in time the spot the row pull, adjusting the spot the craft of the hardware equipments produce ability.. 大学生个人简历英文版篇2Name:Guan Jian Wei English Name :WINPersonal Data:Sex:male Age:23 Height: 183 cm Weight: 75kg Blood Type: B Arital Status :Single Native Place: Xingtai city of Hebei province , ChinaEmail:. Mobil Tel:Educational BackgroundMajor: Business AdministrationGraduate school: Hebei UniversityDegree: BachelorEducation:20xx.9--20xx.6 HEBEI QIHUANGDAO EDUCATION COLLEGELearning english20xx0.9—20xx.09 , Hebei University . Learning company adminstration knowledge by myself mainly.Academic Main Courses:Management of Human Resources/Production andBusiness Administration Operation Management/Strategic Management/Quality Management/Marketing/International Trade/Principles of Management/Groundwork of Accounting/Economic Law and so onEnglish Skills:Have a good command of both spoken and written English.Computer Abilities:Skilled in use of Windows / Office20xxSelf Assessment:a energetic, adaptable and able man, is cooperative . and honest to othersEmployment Experience :20xx/6--20xx/10 sale car accessories kits to abroad in WENZHOU QISHIJIAYIN CAR ACCESSORIES CO.,LTD20xx/10--20xx/3 General Manager Assistantassist the manager to open a good market to sale car accessories in Southeast Asia ,2 million RMB per month now,and it will be added month by month.Position Wanted:To obtain a challenging position as an assistant for a manage,especially in Human Resource Management/ Sale Part. 大学生个人简历英文版篇3ResumeName: Ms. Xiao Gender: FemaleWedlock: Single Nation: baiResidence: Hunan-Zhangjiajie Age: 23Location: Guangdong-Guangzhou Height: 166cmTarget Locations: Guangdong-GuangzhouTarget Positions: Trading-ShipmanTrading-Export commissionerTrading-Foreign Trade Commissioner/AssistantTarget Jobs: Manager、 supervisor、EngineerDesired Salary: 3500 RMB/month Negotiable Apartment neededWhen Can Start: immediatelyEducation20xx-09 ~20xx-06 hunan jishou univisty International Economics and Trade Bachelor Degree20xx-09 ~ 20xx-07 Xiaogan College Application of electronic technology Junior CollegeWork Experience0 years 2 months work experience,and served on 1 Companies.Company Type: Private Enterprise Company Category: Apparatus,Electric DevicesJob Title: Quality Controller Positions: QA/QC Manager/SupervisorJob Description: Check the correctness of the learning materialsTraining20xx-02 ~20xx-02 Benjamin Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd., Shenzhe ISO14001:20xx The qualifications of the internal auditor20xx-01 ~20xx-01 Benjamin Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd., Shenzhe ISO9001:20xx The qualifications of the internal auditor20xx-10 ~20xx-11 Measuring and testing of high-Service Center Electrical three tables Within school qualification certificateLanguage SkillsChinese: Good Cantonese: Very BadEnglish Level: cet-4 Spoken GoodEnglish: GoodComputer Level: intermediateCareer Direction:ODM manufacturing and electronic production with their own brand of the electronics industry, manufacturing industry, quality management personnel.Requirements: The full benefits of the national legal and learn moreRewardsThe 20xx outstanding League members 20xx-09-08CertificationsForeign trade salesman license 20xx-07-29大学生个人简历英文版篇4RESUMEBasic information:Name: oushaomeiSex :FemaleDate of birth :1992.05Nationality through: Jiangsu XuzhouPolitical affiliation :probationary member of the partyMajor: metallic materials(anti corrosion field)Contact address: Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Mengxi road zip code:Contact telephone:Electronic mailbox :Certificate of honor:English level six;The national computer grade two ( VC++ ), Jiangsu province computer grade two ( outstanding );20xx~20xx Jiangsu University of Science and Technology two scholarships;20xx ~20xx Jiangsu University of Science and Technology three scholarships;20xx ~20xx Jiangsu University of Science and Technology three scholarshipsFrom 20xx to 20xx, Jiangsu University of Science & Technology "three good" student ;20xx ~20xx Jiangsu University of Science and Technology excellent League member;20xx river of fifth welding competition three prize 20xx Jiangsu University of Science and Technology advanced individual in social practicePersonal experience:The purpose of the winter vacation of 20xx as a college student volunteers in Zhenjiang intercity high-speed rail station served as a conductor, by Zhenjiang railway station, and passengers.The purpose of the 20xx December in the world's largest retail chain enterprise Wal-Mart Store as a student staff, adhere to the corporate culture of " Our people make the difference ".The purpose of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology in 20xx and practice base of metalworking practice, on a lathe, milling machine, planer, casting, CNC, fitter and other basic skills.The purpose of the 20xx August ~ September in Shanghaiprofessional visit practice, learning enterprise in the flag of Shanghai Waigaoqiao shipyard, Hudong Zhonghua shipyard and Chinese iron and steel enterprises in Shanghai Baosteel Group, in-depth understanding of ship outfitting and painting and shipbuilding process, recognize domestic shipbuilding market.The purpose of 20xx~20xx as the Jiangsu science and Technology University Psychological Association vice president, planning organizations involved in psychological knowledge contest, psychological film festivals and other activities.The purpose of 20xx~20xx served as class vice monitor, positive for the class service, striving for the good style of class.The purpose of the 20xx as " deep sea wind turbine structure design of the floating platform " a representative to attend the sixth session of China ( Shanghai) International Wind Energy Exhibition and conference and learning.Professional skills:The purpose of major in painting process, chemical coatings, metal materials, electrochemical corrosion, corrosion resistant metal materials, material protection, polymer design master course, corrosion monitoring, detection of coating and coating film and basic method.Familiar with basic computer operation, and skilled use of Word, Excl and other Office series of office software.Familiar with PS, CAD, MS Modeling, Samtech cartography software use.Personal characteristics:The purpose of work hard, do not be afraid of bear hardships, be good at cooperation, strong team spirit;The purpose of distress when they are good put forward solutions, " do what you can do today ".Hobbies;Long table tennis, badminton, jogging.大学生个人简历英文版篇5Ms. ResumeName: Ms. C Gender: FemaleWedlock: Single Nation: HanResidence: Hunan-Yueyang Age: 26Location: Guangdong-Dongguan Height: 160cmTarget Locations: Guangdong-DongguanTarget Positions: T extile and clothing/Shoes/Leather-Other Target Jobs: sales representative、 merchandiser、 purchase Desired Salary: 5000 RMB/month Negotiable Apartment neededWhen Can Start: immediatelyEducation20xx-09 ~20xx-01 Hunan huanpu foreign language economic of english Junior CollegeWork Experience0 years 0 months work experience,and served on 0 Companies.(20xx-11 ~ 20xx-05)Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Textile industryJob Title: general managerl assistant and merchandiser Positions: OtherJob Description: The company mainly customers come from Italy, usually my main work is to help the Italian general manager of everyday things processing, translate meeting records, supplier visit and the communication between colleagues with general manager .Each week have two Italian customer come over, need to receive customer and discuss about samples, At thesome time needed to handle some other customer order and follow up the samples.(There is short time left because the work place out of the way result in happened accident related the life safety) Special SkillsProfessional Title:Computer Level: intermediateComputer Skills: Familiar with computerStrengths: familiar with foreign capital enterprise management and operation process, export business to have certain knowledge. With international trade and foreign trade business of documentary work experience. To the clothing have some knowledge and understanding.Language SkillsChinese: Good Cantonese: GeneralEnglish Level: Majored in English Spoken GoodEnglish: GoodCareer ObjectiveCareer Direction: sales representative,merchandiser,purchase Requirements: To be honestly,i haven,t get the cet-4,i just participated in the exam of the cet-4 on 19th june,but i sure that i can get the certificate,for i studied english by myself for 4months,eventhough my friends thought that was ridiculous,but i known what was i want to do.Self Info.Self Assessment: Easy-going, work hard, the hobby is widespread, strong ability to adapt.Hobbies: urfing on internet,reading comic。

下边是我产生的有关经典的英文个人简历免费模板下载的內容,热烈欢迎阅读文章!经典的英文个人简历免费模板下载(一) curriculum vitaecandidate: waynegender: maledate of birth: 1978.05subject: ehs supervisor/ managerwork experience: >3 yearshukou :home tel:mobile:e-mail:self assessmentwith the bachelor of safety engineering, have rich experience of setting up ehs system and be familiar with fireproof system and ehs related laws, regulations and requirements. good relationship with local authorities.be familiar with iso14000, ohsas18000, and get a through understanding of ts16949.self-motivated, respond well in high pressure, team work spirit, high liability and attribution, nice characters.current package gross rmb: 80,005k per annumexpectation package gross rmb : 100,005k -120,005k per annumworking experienceXX.04 - present shanghai meridian magnesium products co.,ltd.safety/health/environment engineercompany profile:-shanghai meridian magnesium products co.,ltd is committed to being the leading full-service supplier of innovative magnesium die casting components and assemblies in the global automotive market.-customers are sgm, volkswagen, ford, daimler chrysler, etc.responsibilities:-establish and implement the hse management system according to saic & meridian corporation's requirements, monitor its compliance.-efficiently coordinate and maintain good relationship with relevant local authorities, and plan and manage hse permitting activities.-establish and maintain the new employee hse training & certification program, organize regular hse trainings (various subject, such as loto,msds, manual handling, forklift safety) for both shop floor operator & office staff.-inspect & maintain the fireproof system (abcd fire extinguishers/sprinkler/ fm200...) and qualified contractor regularly.-lead the housekeeping team(4 shifts), and implement, develop the 6s audit, assessment and publish.-conduct regular walk around audit and give recommendation on site.-establish the employee’s exposure protection system. monitor the chemical management process (chemicals purchase, transportation, storage, use and disposal), and ensure all the waste(water, air emission, solid) meet to the environmental regulation.-establish and improve the risk management.(maintain, update and exercise the emergency response plan regularly, support the business sustainability plan). assist the contractor to maintain emergency equipment (monitor/scba…)-assist the purchaser to qualify and select the proper ppe, supervise the distribution of ppe, record and summary the use status.-establish and improve the occupation health management system.achievements:-successfully establish comprehensive ehs system for the plant from blank.经典的英文个人简历免费模板下载(二) VineNo.67, Lane123, Hope RoadGender: MaleEthnicity: HanJob District, Shanghai, China( 86) 138-xxxx-xxxxJob intentions and work experienceTalent Type: General JobPosition: Vocational education / training / tutor: teacher, business / management classes, advertising design / planning:Work ExperienceJob type: Full-time Date Available: anytimeSalary requirements: 20xx - 3500 hope that the Working Area: Shanghai Personal Work Experience: Company Name: Public International Cultural Communication Center, beginning and ending Clear :20XX-09 ~ 20XX-05Company nature: private-owned business: advertising, planning, marketing,Positions: AE and ProgramJob Description: The company main business advertising, public relations, event planning mainly during employment I was responsible for business development and customer service. One successful pioneeringproject in Guangzhou Mangu Silver's 20xx annual investment projects, and the Guangzhou software industry association of software and animation training base for personnel training awarding ceremony. There is a wealth of customer service experience, familiar with the operation of the advertising process, have a stronger ability to copy writing and proposals. And full-service business development in the pioneering project in the service process to accurately determine customer needs, and guide customers and established good customer relationships, so that the overall quality of their public relations capacity in particular, has been improved.Reason for leaving:Company Name: Hangzhou excellent Ace Network Technology Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Office of the beginning and ending Clear :20XX-03 ~ 20XX-08 Company nature: the private sector by sector: E-commercePositions: Customer Service in charge ofJob Description: Responsible for customer service and employee motivation training. Working diligently in the company, innovative thinking once again provided me with an opportunity to show, have suggested and organize staff training, so that the company's after-sales service capacity and professionalism have been greatly improved, the company has won a good reputation, won the recognition of bosses and colleagues!Through these exercises and learning, let me have a good management capability and capacity of communication and coordination, enhance service awareness and public relations skills.Reason for leaving:Company Name: Hubei entrepreneurial technical schools beginning and ending Clear :20XX-09 ~ 20XX-01Company nature: institution-owned Industry: educationPositions: the class teacher and computer science teacherJob Description: The secret secretarial school serving 507 business classes taught by professional computer class teacher and the office software programs, to teach school during the active part in the organization of the various teaching and research activities, and consciously cultivating all aspects of the capacity of school leaders and colleagues deeply consistent well received and won many outstanding class teacher, advanced workers, the honorary title.Students during the school a good professional skills and practical ability of society to form an education and social development, integration, I propose an innovative teaching methods, gain my colleagues to emulate, while also continue to temper themselves and upgrade their professional skills and speaking ability the same time, his own management and coordination capacity has been a great improvement.Reason for leaving:EducationGraduate institutions: Hubei Radio & TVSupreme Education: College Degree obtained: No access to graduation date: 20xx-07-01A learned profession: Computer science education learned profession 2: AccountingBy the education and training experience: the termination of Clear Start Clear School (institutional) professional to obtain the certificate Certificate No.20XX-09 20XX-07 Hubei Radio and Television University computer science education diploma 514003420XX-04 Psychology, Peking University, Guangzhou Station Zikao undergraduate psychology readingLanguageLanguage: English GeneralMandarin level: fluent in Cantonese level: GeneralThe ability to work and other expertise:Computer Science Education, a four-year vocational education, classroom management and teaching experience, a good image, good temperament, strong verbal and written communication skills, good management and coordination capacity; a corporate employee training and management experience and experience in advertising copy and AE ! Want to get your favor!经典的英文个人简历免费模板下载(三) Brian Hudson2109 West End Avenue,Nashville, TN 37240Telephone No: 615-322-4632Email id: brian_Academic BackgroundAchieved Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and Finance from the Campbell College, Bules Creek, NC in the year 20xx.Achieved Diploma in Accounting from Oxford University, Oxford, England, in the year 1999.Computer Programming SkillsKnowing Office Package: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook Express.Knowing Operating Systems: Windows9X, Windows20xx, Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows Vista.Knowing IBM PC, Lotus 1-2-3, Comchea, LAN and ManagisticsProfessional Excellence SummaryBrokerage certificate, series 8 & 64.More than 4 years of progressive, practice in matters related to finance.Excellent interpersonal skills and abilities.Self-motivated; capable of achieving urgent and long-term objectives and goals and meet procedural deadlines.Counter well in high-stress environment.Professional BackgroundSince 20xx working as a Fund Accountant in the Copperd Ash Associates, Nashville, TN and is responsibly handling the following duties and responsibilities:Detailing directly to Portfolio Administrator, Businessmen and Traders on investment and the availability of cash.Purchasing business paper and documents for confidential accounts.Keeping a track on the inventory situation and bonds; taking records of dividend and interest payouts to clients.Monitoring and maintaining report of portfolio security changes.Communicating and coming to terms with Brokers and Banks in regard to business settlements.Analyzing and prepare presentation and reports by utilizing day to day market invoices for the Board of Directors and Shareholders.Making business comparisons.Assisting Public Accountants and organizing audit papers, price out on a daily basis net value for NASD, recording accounting transactions (shares, debentures, securities, mutual funds, expenditures, incomes, disbursements and dividends).Analyzing present market situation; predict dividend and interest and fund payouts.。

Name: xxx Han(xxx)Sex: MaleFolk: HanHeight: 160cmWeight: 50kgMarital Status: MarriedHealth: ExcellentClan: the Communist Youth LeagueBirthday: Sep. 14, 1976_在读大学生个人简历用英语怎么写。
language skills: cet-4Computer Skills: PerfectEducation School: Dalian Railway UniversityMajor: Electronic Automatic_在读大学生个人简历用英语怎么写。
max. degree: undergraduate course、bachelors degreeGraduate Time: July 1998Home Phone: 022-xxxxCell Phone:E-mail: xxx@Resident: Hedong, Tian ___, ChinaTechnical skills: Electronic、MCU、Computer、Network、EnglishEducation Experience: Aug. 1994-Aug. 1998 Dalian Ranlway UniversityWork Experience:Oct. 1998-Jan. xx Tian ___ Sent Hi-Tech Company Electronic EngineerJan. xx-Feb. xx Electricity Company of Ghana Technic in PublicFeb. xx-Feb. xx Tian ___ Sent Hi-Tech Company Project DirectorMember in Family: Wife Jinghua ZhangRewards Events:1 Dalian Bangchuidao High-Math Competition First Class 19952 China College Math-Modeling Competition Second Class 19963 China College Electronic-Design Competition Third Class 19974 Dalian Railway University Excellent Student 19955 Dalian Railway University First Class Bursary 1994-19986 Dalian Railway University Excellent Communist Youth League 1995Work Projects:(Sent Hi-Tech Company)7 Three phase meter for expose Ghana 19998 Three phase meter for Tian ___ 19999 3 in 1 Read/Write machine 199910 Single phase electronic meter xx11 Simple multi charge meter xx12 Technic service and train for Ghana xx13 Three phase electronic meter for Tian ___ xx14 Limited energy meter for Ghana xx15 Distribute energy and inspect machine (GSM/GPRS) xx16 All type of three phase electronic multi charge meter xx17 GPRS street lamp inspect munication module xx18 Single phase multi charge meter xx19 Single phase electronic meter carrier wave in power line xx20 High class three phase electronic pre-payment meter xx21 RS485 collect control system xxParticipant Projects:(Sent Hi-Tech Company)22 Infrared multi charge meter xx23 Three phase Actor-Reactor time meter xx24 Single phase time meter xx25 Logic encrypt smart card project xx26 GPRS three phase multi function meter xx27 Pre-payment money system xxPosition Wanted:Project Director MCU Engineer Electronic Engineer bsp;Appraisal:I have active idea, high responsible and aggressive, working steady, stated abilityof organizing managing cooperating, careful and creative in working. Self-confidence,self-respect, self-strive!制作英文简历首先应该尽量了解外企文化,美资、英资、其他欧美国家、日本、韩国、台湾、香港企业的简历英文要求不尽相同,通常情况下本书内的美国英文标准会被绝大多数外资(包括非美资)企业接受,但是你最好还是先搞清楚目标企业要求什么,搞清楚简历是什么不是什么,把写简历的基础打牢,才能写出完美的英文简历。

简洁明了的英语简历免费模板一份简洁明了的英语简历是外企个人求职者向用人单位介绍自己、推销自己的敲门砖,以下是要与大家分享的简洁明了的英语简历免费模板,供大家参考!简洁明了的英语简历免费模板(一) basic information name: fan xx sex: femaledate of birth: nationality: chineseaccount is located: current guangzhou: guangzhougraduate institutions: the political landscape of the south china institute of business and technology: members highest level of education: post-secondary repair by a professional: tourism managementpersonnel types: ordinary job graduation date: 20xx.6.27 job intentionsjob type: full-time or part-timeposition: guideshope location: guangzhouwish to pay: negotiableeducation and training experiencefrom september 20xx to june 20xx the south china institute of business and technology management college school language proficiencyenglish familiar with thejapanese generalputonghua proficiencyproficient in cantonesecomputer capacitywindows operating system to proficiency, word.excel.ppt office software, such as office. typing speed up to 60 words per minutepractical experiencecampus practice20xx/09: publicity ban was elected member of20xx/09: join the propaganda department of the hospital young volunteers association20xx/09: to join the department of propaganda department of the communist youth league20xx/06: department of organized to participate in a full-house evening make-up was the best they can get married award20xx/09: received new20xx/12: to participate in the department's 竹竿舞competition20xx/12: to participate in the department's englishdrama performancework experience20xx/10: the economic center of guangdong television group tourism internship program20xx/09: league20xx/08: cool cell phone sales20xx/01: guangzhou baiyun international conference center, chinese ministry of food & beverage attendant 20xx/12: asus computer to send a single guide20xx/11: league20xx/10: wahaha sales20xx/06-09: the li bai marketing data entry clerk20xx/09: mead johnson staffreceived awards20xx was rated outstanding memberin 20xx was named outstanding young volunteers20xx was rated outstanding student leaders20xx was named three goods studentin 20xx the department of masquerade held were the best partner award20xx was rated outstanding graduatesover the past had access to many national, city, schoolawards, such as chinese calligraphy competitionself-evaluation1, the work of a conscientious and responsible, loving learning, continuous learning and mastering new technologies.2, dare to practice, pioneering and innovative, self-learning ability. a positive attitude to the face of success and setbacks.3, act calm, careful, prudent, responsible, there are affinity and loyalty.简洁明了的英语简历免费模板(二) OBJECTIVE:To contribute developed customer relations and administrative skills to a challenging in a hotel.SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS:Developed interpersonal skills,having dealt with a diversity of clients,professionals and staff members.Detail-and goal-oriented.Function well in high-stress atmosphere.Knowledgeable on both EECO and APTEC computers systems.CAREER HISTORY1992-Present THE OLIVER HOTEL,Whitewater,KSHotel ClerkResolved guests needs.Controlled reservation inpututilizing EECO computer system.Handled incoming calls.Maintained daily reports involving return guests,corporate accounts,and suite rentals.Inspected rooms.1988-1991 WALDEN HOTEL,Walton,KSHotel ClerkTrained personnel.Handled telephone,international fax and telex bookings.Maintained daily and monthly reports tracking demands and guaranteed no-show billing.Utilized APTEC computer for inputting group booking and lists.1986-1987 WALDEN HOTEL,Walton,KSSales AssociateAssisted customers.Maintained stock.Opened/closed shop.Tracked best selling novels,and made recommendations to customers.1983-1985 BETHEL COLLEGE,North Newton,KSSecretaryResponsible for general clerical duties.Resolved inquiries.Assisted in locating guest speakers.EDUCATIONBETHANY COLLEGE,Lindsborg,KSBachelor of Science;Sociology,1983PREFERENCESFurnished upon request.Candidates customer relations and administrative skills,essential in the hotel/hospitality field,are emphasized throughout the resume.Education is de-emphasized because candidates work history is strong.简洁明了的英语简历免费模板(三) Name:Sex don't: femaleMarital status:Date of birth: in October 1979People race: the han nationality body high: 160 cmLearn the calendar: bachelorHouseholds record: hebei tangshanComputer power: the primaryTechnical titles: physicianGraduate school: the north China coal medical schoolSpecial industry: clinical medicineNow region: henan hebiobjectiveSeek work types: full-timeHope jobs type: health medical/hairdressing health care class-the dentistLanguage: English (skilled) mandarin (skilled)Education/trainingName/training institutions, colleges professional/course card book1999.9-20xx.7 north China coal medical school clinical medicineSkills/expertiseComputer skills:Through the national level of computer exam, proficient in the basic operation of the computerWork experienceJuly 20xx to August 20xx, hebi city general hospital in henan province, as a physician.Work experience detailing:Bishop industry in henan province city to namely after hebi coal group in general internal medicine crane clinical work today.。

●Proficient in International Trade Practice and Business Writing●Mastering Office Automatic Software (Word, Excel and Power Point).个人简历英文模板范文第2篇求职者的个人简历就直接决定了求职的成败。
个人信息yjbys性别:女民族:汉族年龄:保密婚姻状况:已婚专业名称:实用英语主修专业:外语类政治面貌:群众毕业院校:浙江科技学院毕业时间: 2 月最高学历:本科电脑水平:精通工作经验:五年以上身高: 153 cm 体重:0公斤现所在地:新罗区户籍:新罗区求职意向期望从事职业:助理。
微商保险公司勿扰,谢谢!自期望薪水: -3000期望工作地区:新罗区期望工作性质:全职最快到岗时间:三天内需提供住房:不需要教育/培训教育背景:学校名称:浙江科技学院 ( 2月 - 202月 )专业名称:英语学历:本科学校名称:龙岩学院 ( 9月 - 7月 )专业名称:实用英语学历:大专培训经历:工作经验公司名称:家和天下客服中心 ( 8月 - 12月 )所属行业:其他公司性质:私营.民营企业公司规模: 50~200人工作地点:职位名称:办公内勤/管理员工作描述:1.维护日常办公秩序和办公环境,维护公司固定资产及业主信息资料档案和各类工程图纸档案等;2.楼层日常巡检,对业主报修或投诉进行跟踪解决并及时回访;每季度催收物业费并及时录入台账;3.处理客服中心日常的文书工作,完成领导交办的其他辅助工作。
公司名称:浙江巴贝纺织有限公司 ( 11月 - 12月 )所属行业:印刷·包装·造纸公司性质:中外合营(合资.合作)公司规模: 500~1000人工作地点:浙江职位名称:跟单员,业务助理工作描述:主要客户是美国的Coach1.辅助部门经理完成相关业务;2.每月接收客户订单,明确订单合同的的各项要求,特别是内外质量的标准要求和交期,进行采购订单的下达、跟踪、安排;3.负责跟进大货的生产情况,跟踪生产情况:质量及验货期和交期;4.大货检验OK,方可发货,按公司程序要求发至客户的相关工厂;5.负责出口所需单证、物流、以及跟单工作中涉及的各项内容,协调出口运输及与货代,船公司之间的联络;6.同时做好与客户之间的\'业务联系沟通,及时反馈给相关部门处理;7.月底配合财务做好核销,对帐工作。

下列是在校大学生PDF 英语个人简历模板,热烈欢迎阅读文章!在校大学生PDF英语个人简历模板一Basic personal informationName:Sex: FemaleDate of Birth: October 1986National: HanHeight: 168Account where: GuangxiCurrent: GuangzhouGraduate institutions: the Chinese Communist party membersPolitical landscape: the Chinese Communist party membersHighest level of education: collegeRepair by a professional: Physical EducationTalent type: fresh graduatesJob seekers intent type: Full-timePosition: teacher,clerks, civil servants,Hope Location: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Zhaoqing, QingyuanWish to pay: To be negotiated through education and training in September 1991 - July 1993 students in Baise City in Guangxi Province civilization primarySeptember 1994 - July 1996 students in Baise City, Guangxi Province, the fifth secondarySeptember 1996 - July 2002 high school students in Baise, Guangxi ProvinceSince September 2002, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education students003-2005 years in a row won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education for three years, "Miyoshi model" titleWon the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2003, Shenzhen Branch of "learning from Lei Feng activists" title.Communist Youth League in 2004 won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education Committee "outstanding member" title.In Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2003-2004, "a first 评先54 activities" in the "excellent komsomolets" title.Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005, "the teachers and students singing contest," second prizeWon the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2005 Physical Education, the second "Ten OK karaoke singer competition" second prize.Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education 2004 Physical Education, "speech and the election of cadres," the first prize.Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education was the first "healthy vitality Aerobics Routine" competition first prize.Participating in "National Aerobics Competition" get good results.Practice in 2005 by the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education "outstanding trainee" titleWon the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in 2005 Aerobics Course Group II Open women's singles first1 to participate in social practice and experience. During the life lesson at the university on several occasions to perform out-of-school performances (aerobics, gymnastics-based Salala). Such as synchronized as the United States Basketball Harlem Guangzhou line performances performances performances Salala speaking guests. Shenzhen also held by Pepsi-Cola soccer star Thierry Henry fans Shenzhen line interaction and so on will be the guest performers.2. To participate in the Tianhe District, Guangzhou City long-distance running team, and actively participate in running theactivities of species health.3. Shennongjia in Hubei Province has participated in the movie "Love Story days" of the film, the role of woman as lizards.4. To the Guangdong Television to participate in "God of Cookery hegemony" of the interactive programs.5. Had a number of units outside help and guidance for exercise, such as Dongshan District, Guangzhou City "wuyang secondary" and other units.6.2005-year in November to 12 months to practice Shenzhen Mission Hills Middle School, an "outstanding trainee title."Incentives received by the physical education level language Putonghua Proficiency Test conducted by the Guangdong Provincial Second Class Certificate BBy "institutions of higher learning English Test" (B level) certificateAerobics II permit athletes, is now ready to participate in "an aerobics class athletes race pass."II People's Republic of China gymnastics judgeII People's Republic of China track and field refereeII People's Republic of China swimming refereesPeople's Republic of China three referees volleyball itemsThe capacity of national institutions of higher learning computer non-computer professional level of computer proficiency testI am self-evaluation and good humor, others warm and sincere. Proactive work to treat seriously the responsibility and the spirit of innovation, but also hard. Academic excellence for three consecutive years was named "Miyoshi model." Have a stronger organizational capacity, the actual practical ability and group spirit of collaboration in the school to carry out a wide range of activities during the planning and organization of a member of the group is the backbone of the main cadres. To quickly adapt to the environment, and integration of them. Smiling is my favorite moves, and enthusiasm to help students, so good interpersonal skills. I love a broad and active participation in various extra-curricular activities such as singing, dancing, sports, speech teachers and students have access to the affirmative. New strength, new energy, hope that their new environment to become a member of the creation of better results.在校大学生PDF英语个人简历模板二654, Plains boroughEast Hanover, NJ-94342Phone: 034***9342E-mail:Objective:To seek a position of a web designer in a company where my skills and abilities will be used and nurtured.EXPERIENCE:Copley Web Designers, Boston MA2000 - PresentWeb DesignerResponsible for the design and development of Internet, Intranet, web sites and web applications through the use of Macromedia Dream weaver, Front Page and Adobe Photo Shop 5.0.Developed page layout, navigation, copy, animation, buttons and icons.Presented designs and concepts to Clients and the Management for review.Installed Shopping Carts, Automatic Response mailers and Online Forms.Assisted help desk staff in streamlining the process.Brighton Web Design Studio, Boston MA1998 - 2000Web DesignerResponsible for the design of client websites right from conceptualization stage to its implementation.Worked with digital graphical design tools including Adobe PhotoShop,Fireworks, Flash and Illustrator.Created animations using flash for an on-line multimedia store.Responsible for web hosting and the installation of e-mail and forms.Developed access database and web interface suitable for client needs.Perform the validation and testing of the finished web sites.EDUCATION:Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)Boston MA1994 - 1998BS in Computer ScienceTECHNICAL SKILLS:Windows 95/98/2000 MS DOSJava HTMLJavaScript ShellVisual Basic 4.0 Microm RbaseMacromedia Dream Weaver FireworksAdobe PhotoShop MS AccessMicrosoft Front Page OracleCorel Paradox Visual CAdobe Photo MillADDITIONAL INFORMATION:In my spare time I enjoy athletics and have participated in both the Boston and New York marathons. I also enjoy reading and traveling to different places.。

大学生个人简历英文大学生个人简历英文模板1RESUMEPersonal Information:Family Name:Wang Given Name:BinDate of Birth:July 12, 1971 Birth Place: BeijingSex: Male Marital Status: UnmarriedTelephone:E-mail:Work Experience:Nov. 1998- present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing nized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) .Summer of 1997BIT Company as a technician ,designed various web sites . Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well ;Education:1991 - August 1996 Automation, Tsinghua University, B.E.Achievements GRE: 2213Others:Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment. Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.大学生个人简历英文模板2Personal InformationName: xxxGender: maleDate of Birth: xxxx/xx/xxResidency: HuangShiZip Code: 435002Career Objective:English TeacherHome Tel: 086-xxxx-xxxxxxxMobile: 0714-xxxxxxxxxxxEmail:Political Background:probationary party memberLeadership Position:the chair of league memberAddress: HuBei province HuangShi City Ma Fang villageWork Experience20xx/07-20xx/9:commended by dean to be an English private tutor in BeiJing20xx/03--20xx/05:QiHui private tutor Center as an English Tutor in XianNing20xx/06-20xx/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in HuangShi20xx/10-20xx/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies20xx/08-20xx/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. Huang Shi BranchEducation20xx/09--20xx/06 XianNing University English Education Associate20xx/09--20xx/06 HuBei Normal Univercity English BachelorTraining20xx/10--20xx/12 No 14 Middle School in HuangShi city English cadet teacherLanguage SkillsEnglish excellent Japanese averageCertifications20xx/03 TEM Level 8 EVIII 081004523620xx/04 TEM Level 4 EIV 071007508820xx/06 CET-6 06124206600180020xx/12 provincial Computer Level Test Band1 20xx12114134520xx/12 Mandarin Chinese Rating CertificateX114043078720xx/7 Teacher qualification certificate20xx4210730000459Honors/Awardsnational scholarshipthe first ranking scholarshipthe second ranking scholarship3 good’s studentoutstanding student leader9 f2 m: |# H,excellent League Memberthe second price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal Universitythe first price in normal students’ teaching lesson the third price in students’acqierementthe outstanding price in first term in Telecommunications Cup Resume Competition Self Assessmentself-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion for education。

下列是我用心强烈推荐的一些大学生英文个人简历模板,一起来学习培训一下吧!大学生英文个人简历模板(一) Name: xxx Gender: MaleDate of Birth: 1988/08/28 Mobile: 0139.....Function: Planning & International Direct Shipments 010-57960*** Current Salary: 30,000-40,000(RMB)/Year Work Experience: 5 Years Email:Keyword SummaryAn honest boy with strong time idea, carefulness, patience, seriousness and hard-working, be willing to study and take up any challenge, always trying my best to complete everything successfully.Career ObjectiveType of Employment: Full-Time Desired Salary: RMB3,500-5,000/Month Desired Position: Logistics (shipping), overseas customer service, production managementWork Experience20xx/07-- SUNLANDA (QING YUAN) TOYS & PLASTICS CO., LTD. [AMERICA ENTERPRISE]PLANNING DEPARTMENT Planning & International Direct ShipmentsThis company is specialized in PVC vinyl zipper bags, I’m responsible for all international direct shipments, including customer service, production schedule, logistics (shipping), preparing all necessary export documents. Beginning from March, 20xx, I’m also responsible for all subcontract business. I have some acknowledgement on MRP system and ISO9001: 20xx too.Education1997/09--20xx/06 HUNAN LIGHT INDUSTRY COLLEGECHINESE & ENGLISH SECRETARY AssociateDuring my college life, I have learned Secretary, English, International business, OA, Administration Management, File, Statistics, Sales & Marketing, Western Economic etc. As a result of my hard working, I gained scholarship more than once, passed national college English test (CET) band-4, and have gained qualification certificate of intermediate secretary. Also, I joined in some campus clubs such as English club, communism volunteer organization etc.; lived a part-work and part-study life for years; was given the honors “HUNAN LIGHT INDUSTRY COLLEGE 20xxTH EXCELLENT GRADUATE” & “HUNLAN PROVINCE 20xxTH EXCELLENT COLLEGE GRADUATE”.Training20xx/5 SUNLANDA (QING YUAN) TOYS & PLASTIC CO., LTD. Designing Product Spec.20xx/2 Gateway Language Village (Zhuhai city) I spend my Spring Festival holiday on its’ one week special English course.Computer SkillsI am familiar with OFFICE family systems and INTERNET and INTRANET.Language SkillsEnglish, very Good; Chinese (Mandarin), fluent; Cantonese, good Certifications1999/12 QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATE OF INTERMEDIATE SECRETARY1999/09 CET4大学生英文个人简历模板(二) Personal Data:Name: xxxSex: MaleBorn: 6/12/77Height: 175 cm.Weight: 65kgHome Address:Telephone:Email:School:Major: MarketingJob Objective:A Position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing.Education:1995-1999 _________ College Of CommerceGraduating in July with a B. S. degree in Marketing.Fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies.1989-1995 The No.2 Middle School of ________.Social Activities:1995-1999 Secretary of the Class League Branch.1989-1995 Class monitor.Rewards:Good Student Award in 1989, 1990 and 1994.Execllent Student Leader in 1996,1997.Summer Jobs:1997 Administrative Assistant in Sales Department of ____________ Factory. Responsible for public relations, correspondence, expense reports, record keeping, inventory catalog.1998 Provisional employee of Sales Department of ________ Medical Instruments & Equipment (Holdings) Company. Responsible for sorting orders, shipping arrangemeents, deliveries.Hobbies:Internet-surfing, tennis, travel.English Proficiency:College English Test-Band Six.大学生英文个人简历模板(三) Michael J. Graham1812 Elsie DriveMount Vernon,SD 57363Phone no.- 605-236-3276Email address-Academic BackgroundObtained Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Allegheny University, Allegheny in the year of 1988 at Art Education as the major.Areas of ExcellenceHave an experience as the craft instructor and worked in this sector for last few years.Have exclusive knowledge as a program coordinator.Have training and teaching capability and very much capacitated with the curriculum developmental skills.Professional QualificationsObtained Fundamental Education Certificate from the Northeastern University, California.Obtained Basic and Secondary Education Certificate in Art Education from the Indiana University.Professional Background1998- Present date: Work as an art instructor at Murray Regional School, Honolulu with the following work responsibilities Provide necessary procedures for updated the study syllabus or study curriculum.Provide essential training for guiding towards aesthetic study.Supply students the necessary knowledge of history of arts and appreciation.Supervise the entire studio environment and works.Provide proper management for preparing and controlling budget and due inventory works.Initiated and executed the entire curriculum of gifted arts study.1992- 1995: Acted as the Arts and Crafts program Instructor at the Osborne Educational and Recreational Association with following responsibilitiesInitiated and executed various activity programs with various methods of sewing, knitting, sculpting, weaving, enameling, drawing as well aspainting.Provided essential control for departmental budget and purchased and managed different delivers.Approved school tours with the members for graffiti arts in that time.1990- 1991: Acted as the Fundamental Skills Teacher in the Bloomington Educational Program with the following work responsibilities Initiated and executed various methods for life skill education and enhancing career expertise.Provided necessary teaching classes in reading, math and other oral subjects.。

英语作文--个人简历(五篇)第一篇:英语作文--个人简历英语作文(三)个人简历通知RESUMELi MingP.O.Box 237, Beijing University5, Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100871Tel:62768888Email:**************Career Objective: A position with management potential in the banking business specializing in international corporate financingEducational Background:Sept 2003 to Beijing UniversityJuly 2007 Major in International Business ManagementMain courses include English, Computer, BusinessManagement, Accounting, International Commercial LawWork Experience:July 2006 to Bank of ChinaJune 2007 Internship, Secretary to Deputy Manager of MarketingDraft business correspondenceSchedule deputy manager’s appointme ntsQualifications: University graduation certificate and bachelor degree to be conferred upon graduation(2007)College English Test Band 4 June 2005Honors & Awards: Twice awarded scholarship by Beijing University2005& 2006Special Skills: Familiarity with Microsoft Word, ExcelAbility to work independentlyOutstanding Organizational skillsExperience: President of Student Union 2003-presentPersonal Data: Date of Birth: 9/17/1984第二篇:英语个人简历(范文模版)【导语】个人简历一般很少单独寄出,它总是作为自荐信的附件,呈送用人单位。

下面就是小编给大家带来的英文个人简历模板大学生,希望能帮助到大家!英文个人简历模板大学生(一)ersonal DataName:Gender:**Objective:To exercise work in companyTime:XX.02.01—XX.03.15Education:XX.07—now Studying in Commercial College in Guangxi University for Nationalities, major is International Economic and Trade;XX.06—now Studying Thai language in Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University.Personal: Nationalities: ChineseAge: **Address: **********Tel: *************E-mail:*************Language: Thai Language: Excellence English: wellComputer: WindowXX, Window OfficeXX, Photoshop CS etc.Activities:Writing, reading ,photographing;liking play football, tennis, ping-pong etc;Be interested in research and survey, had ever organized a team and gone to several villages to survey about the Building a new socialist countryside twice in Wuming County, Guangxi Province.Experience:XX.09-XX.07 I was a director of the Club of Computer and Internet, was an excellence reporter in university, and had ever published more than 40 pieces of news and other articles thought websites and newspapers of Guangxi University for Nationalities;XX.07-XX.09 Once organized a team went to several villages twice in summer holiday and awarded “Provincial Excellent Person” of “culture, science and sanity” summer social practice sponsored by junior and senior college students in Guangxi Province ;XX.03-XX.03 Once was the chief of the reporter team in Commercial College of Guangxi University for Nationalities;XX.03-XX.06 Once joined the 10th National Challenge Cup Competition for Academic and Scientific Achievements among University Students, and awarded the Second Class in Guangxi Province.英文个人简历模板大学生(二)basic informationName:Gender: MaleWedlock: SingleNation: HanResidence: Henan-ZhumadianAge: 29Location: Guangdong-ZhuhaiHeight: 180cmTarget Locations: Guangdong-Dongguan、Guangdong-Guangzhou、 Guangdong-ShenzhenTarget Positions: Financing/Audit/Stat.-CostManager/SupervisorFinancing/Audit/Stat.-Cost Accounting SpecialistFinancing/Audit/Stat.-Finance AnalysisTarget Jobs: Sr cost accountant、 Cost supervisorEducation20xx-09 ~20xx-07 Anyang Institute of Technology Accounting Bachelor Degree【company name】 (20xx-10 ~ Present)Company Type: Multinational Enterprise Company Category: Electrical,Micro-electronicsJob Title: cost accountant Positions: Cost Accounting SpecialistJob Description: 1.Collect annual revenue FCST (supported by S&M) and MCOS (from BAAN) status, to prepare annual sales VAM% FCST report;2.Base on sit’s actual operation expense trend, annual Capital investment FCST and sales VAM% FCST, to prepare annual profit budget report and submit to Top management for approval.3.Timely and accurately input approved annual profit budget data into OLS system before deadline, ensure all segments OP% have over 1%;pare,analyze and comment on big gap btw current and last FCST;pare and analyze current DL,IDL,MOH cost depend on history level;6.Prepare site weekly sales VAM and actual P&L report,timely analyze and find the gap reason for actual VS last FCST;7.Monitor daily inventory movement in BAAN,reduce inventory risk by timely write off the abnormal;8.Monitor STD system movement in BAAN,manual adjustment PPV to inventory account when monthly closing;9.Calculate supplier rebate,claim notice,order cancellation case base on cost sheet when necessary;10.Paticipate Lean saving project,in charge of site's Lean,PE,Operation saving report;11.Prepare internal and external audit report when need;Reason for Leaving: Seek better development【company name】 (20xx-12 ~ 20xx-09)Company Type: Private Enterprise Company Category: Furniture,Household appliances,Handicrafts,ToysJob Title: cost accountant/supervisor Positions: Cost Accounting SpecialistJob Description: ***as cost accountant1.Mornitor BOM and STD material movement in ERP system;2.Validate and confirm material issue note in ERP system,prepare monthly material consumption report by production and non-production category;3.Collect monthly output and DL cost from PMC and GL,to compute unit product cost;4.Prepare monthly sales VAM report;5.Take part in monthly or annual inventory blind count activity;***as cost supervisor1.Collect,compare and analyze monthly report from cost accountant,prepare and issue monthly final costing report;2.In charge of monthly or annual inventory count activity,issue final cycle count report with improvement suggestion when need;3.Issue sample and new product quotation with full investedcost and VAM to general manager for approval;4.Prepare sales VAM report on FG promption scheme launched by S&M to general manager for approval;Reason for Leaving: Seek better developmentProject ExperienceMultek_zhuhai_costing team (20xx-06 ~ Present)Job Title: site cost accountantProject Description: Every site of Multek_zhuhai will assign a cost account to organize a costing team,its purpose to correct current costing calculation and control method,keep it align with the parent-Flex,aim to costing resource sharing between Multek_zhuhai.Responsibility: 1.Prepare reasonable costing calculatiotn way and sample report to management for apporval base on site's production actual;2.Reduce production variance and enhance production line cost control by narrow BOM and enlarge EDM material field;3.Enhance prior cost control to operation by preparing P&L FCST report base on revenue status what S&M provides;4.Enhance current cost control to operation by preparing and analysis the gap between weekly sales VAM & actual P&L report and last FCST;5.Reduce inventory hold risk by enlarge inventory field and timly write off the idle;unching Lean saving activity in Multek, site's cost accountant in charge of site saving project's mornitor and validation respectively.Special SkillsProfessional Title: skilledComputer Level: national computer exam. grade 2Computer Skills: Passed visual fox pro 7.0 examination at junior.Strengths: Familar with BAAN,SAP,other ERP system,good at MS_Excel Function and Chart.Language SkillsChinese: Good Cantonese: GeneralEnglish Level: CET-4 Spoken GoodCareer ObjectiveCareer Direction: Desired Industry: PCB manufacture,Electronics,or other multinational company.Requirements:Self Info.Self Assessment: 5 years costing work experience,2 years in multinational coporation.good at finance accounting field.Hobbies: Basketball(PF),cinema,China history.CertificationsCertificate of Bachelor's Degree(***) 20xx-xx-xxCET-4 20xx-xx-xxNational Computer Rank Examination Level 2 20xx-xx-xxCertificate of Accounting Professional 20xx-xx-xx。

简历英文模板范文大全一、个人信息(Personal Information)Name: [Your Name] Address: [Your Address] Phone: [Your Phone Number] Email: [Your Email]二、目标(Objective)To obtain a challenging position where I can utilize my skills and experience to contribute to the success of the organization.三、教育背景(Education)•Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University of XYZ, 20XX - 20XX四、工作经验(Work Experience)•Software Engineer ABC Company, 20XX - Present Responsibilities: –Developed and maintained software applications–Collaborated with team members to meet project deadlines五、技能(Skills)•Programming Languages: C++, Java, Python•Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript•Database Management: SQL•Problem-Solving Skills六、项目经验(Projects)•Online Shopping Website Developed an online shopping website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Implemented user authentication and paymentprocessing features.七、荣誉与奖项(Honors and Awards)•Dean’s List, Un iversity of XYZ•Outstanding Performance Award, ABC Company八、志愿活动(Volunteer Experience)•Volunteer at Local Animal Shelter Assisted in feeding and caring for shelter animals.九、兴趣爱好(Interests)•Reading•Hiking•Cooking十、推荐人(References)Available upon request.以上是简历的英文模板范文大全,欢迎参考使用。

英文简历免费模板:英语秘书English Name: xxxGender: FemaleDate of Birth: January 17th, 1991Major: English ( about business )Address: Room 513 Building C7Telephone: 123456789Email:Job Objective:A Position referring English translation, import and export, secretaryEducational background:20xx to 20xx, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology 20xx to 20xx,No.1 Middle School of BiyangHonors and Certificates:In the year of 20xx, won The Third Prize of English Contest of our collegeIn the summer of 20xx, won the Advanced individual of summer social practice In the year of 20xx, won the Third LevelScholarshipof our schoolCertificate of Written and Oral of TEM4Certificate of CET6 and CET4Social Activities:In the period 20xx - 20xx, as a Deputy Minister of Quality Development Association , organizing several activities of the quality of development in ordre to let students understand the importance of teamwork in physical exercise.In the period 20xx - 20xx, participating in the campus culture section of the speech contest.During the summer of 20xx, having a part time job in a production and packaging of the private company, fully aware of the basic production and packaging procedures, and proficiency in operating .During the four years constantly serving as a tutor, not only improving the students' English scores but also enhancing my English basic skills.Self-evaluation:Taking a serious and responsible attitude to work, diligent, steadfast, having a strong learning ability.Highly skilled in translating materials in many fields such as trade, culture, tourism, science and technology, politicaland diplomatic.Capable of performing the interpretation of the general formal meeting or business negotiations.Skilled using of Office software (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.)英文简历免费模板:金融学专业PERSONAL INFORMATION Name:Junjun DuGender:MaleBirthdate:May 25, 19xxBirthplace:HarbinMarried :No marriedPhone:(8610)6201-1234Fax:(8610)6201-7895E-mail:Address:No.29, Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100029, ChinaOBJECTIVEAn accounting position offering the opportunity to utilize my professional financial expertise,extensive business experience, and ability on a worldwide basis.SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS*Accountant and Administrative Manager of mediun-sizedmotor components manufacturing and distribution company serving national and international markets.*Hands-on experience with firm of certified public accountants and auditors.*Certified public accountant and auditor.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE1998 LISMORE SHIPPING CO.,LTD.,Loretta,PAAccountant*Managed,developed,and maintained all aspects of finance,accounting,foreign exchange dealings,marketing,and data processing of company and its overseas offices in London and New York *Controlled budget,cash flow,and capital expenditure*Reviewed, analyzed, and evaluated finances and securities pertaining to advances and shipping for client base of about 200.*Established and maintained close relationships with bank executives,auditors,and attorneys,ensuring compliance with all regulatory bodies.1985-1988 RABINO PRODUCTS, Meadville, PAAccountant*Developed and implemented corporate and project-orientedfinancial strategies.*Provided financial overview and leadership for all major operating considerations and activities, including development of business and profit plans.*Controlled line management for all accounting,production costing,EDP,and financial functions.1981-1983 MANNINGS,DAWE,AND BOND,Pittsburgh,PAAuditor*Auditor private companies,listed companies,partnerships,and individual businesses.*Prepared financial statements and schedules.EDUCATIONUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia,PABachelor’s Degree,with major in Accountancy,Marketing, and Business Finance,1981Summary of qualifications highlight candidate’s strengths.英文简历免费模板:软件开发工程师RESUMEPersonal Information:Family Name: Zhang Given Name: BinDate of Birth: July 12, 1971 Birth Place: BeijingSex: Male Marital Status: UnmarriedTelephone: (010)62771234 Pager: 99900-1234567E-mail:Work Experience:Nov. 1998- present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .Organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) .Summer of 1997 BIT Company as a technician ,designed various web sites . Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well ;Education:1991 - August 1996 Dept.of Automation, Tsinghua University, B.E.Achievements & Activities:President and Founder of the Costumer CommitteeEstablished the organization as a member of BITPresident of Communications for the Marketing Association Representative in the Student AssociationComputer Abilities:Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, JavaBeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, DistributedObjects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL software English Skills:Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL: 623; GRE: 2213Others:Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment. Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.。

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大学生的英语简历免费模板(一) basic cvname: **nationality: chinesecurrent location: guangzhou national: hanexit and entry: hainan is:162cm47kgmarital status: single age:27years oldtraining certification: integrity badge:job search intention and work experiencepersonnel types: ordinary jobposition: construction / real estate / property management categories: administrative clerical, sales administrative / personnel type of administrative assistant, clerical assistant sales of other types of business with a singlework experience:4title: juniorjob type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any timemonthly requirements:1500 - xx hope that the working area: guangzhou, shenzhenpersonal experience: lee & man paper co., ltd. hainan assistant (with one) seeking to developgreat south east home chief secretary transferredgreat south east home sales co., ltd. is seeking to developjob search intention and work experienceposition: assistant business, real estate sales, administrativeclerical, sales assistantwork experience:4years title: nonejob type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any timemonthly requirements: negotiable hope that the working area:personal experience: xx/05xx/12grand southeast qionghai properties limitedsales job duties:any sales consultants and personal banking customers responsible for mortgage business, property registration for the work of clients, files and drawings of the classified management; familiar with the process of real estate sales.大学生的英语简历免费模板(二) basic cvname: miss **national: hanage:22years oldcurrent location: guangzhouexit and entry: hunansize:157cm 50 kgmarital status: unmarriedjob intentionstalent type: graduatesposition: advertising production / graphic design and production: designer, packaging designers, secondary school teachers:work experience: 0 title: no titlejob type: full-timereported for duty to date: at any timemonthly requirements:1500 - xxhope that the working area: guangzhou, hunanwork experiencecompany name: guangzhou carnival limited beginning and ending date :xx-12xx-04company nature: the private sector in their respective professions: advertising, planning, marketingpositions: designerjob description: the graphic design company, advertising, vi, packaging designcompany name: guangzhou printing co., -plus-one beginning and ending date :xx-07~ xx-09company nature: the private sector in their respective professions: advertising, planning, marketingpositions: designerjob description: the graphic design company, image processingeducational backgroundgraduate institutions: institute of sichuan province, yibinhighest level of education: undergraduatedegree: bachelors degreegraduation date: xx-07-01specialties: visual arts communication designcertificate of awardxx-09xx-07bachelors degree certificate106414xx001850xx-09xx-07graduation certificate106411xx05000468school xx-09xx-12yibin third second prize essay competition with prizes third-class scholarship certificate xx-09xx-05xx-09xx-11certificate of quality development of college studentsxx-09xx-07national high school teacher certification xx510574xx143 xx-09xx-12vocational teachers certificates 08030373xx-10 xx-12certificate party xx1175third-class scholarship certificate xx-09xx-05xx-10 xx-10 a national computer certificate xx12230573third-class scholarship certificate xx-05xx-12xx-06xx-06upper secondary level national certificate in putonghua b0812020145xx-12xx-12national university certificate in english40824xx-12xx-06second-class scholarship certificatexx-12xx-06yibin college graduate outstanding collection of card designs language abilityforeign languages: english wellmandarin level: the level of fine cantonese: poorthe ability to worki can hold hands photoshop coreldraw flash dreamweaver fireworks design software such as operating, as well as the office of office software.the work of a conscientious and responsible, a strong sense of responsibility, do something practical to success as the goal, to facilitate the acceptance of a new thing. have good interpersonal skills, ability to better harmonization, oral expression, and have a stronger team spirit. honest and trustworthy, strong-minded and to bear a strong ability to continue to hone their self-life, self, and enhance their psychological qualities.personal autobiography"no best, only better." a high degree of responsibility, time conception and self-motivated, to work free from anxiety ken dry, with strongleadership and organizational skills, have a stronger team spirit, good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, have good interpersonal skills. things to do for their dedication to fulfill their duties will be to do our best! please give me a chance, i will be pragmatic, dry ground feedback of your company!contactaddress:phone:大学生的英语简历免费模板(三) RICHARD ANDERSON1234, West 67 Street,Carlisle, MA 01741,13xxxxxxxxxxEDUCATIONJ.D. Degree (Or Juris Doctor Degree–never Juris Doctorate) anticipated or expected May, 2020, West Virginia University College of Law, Morgantown, WV.GPA 2.9/4.3 Class Rank: 45/160. Top one/third.B.S. in Civil Engineering, summa cum laude, May 2020, West Virginia University College of Engineering, Morgantown, WVGPA 3.98/4.0. Class Rank: Second in class of 500.EXPERIENCESummer Associate, Dewey Cheatham And Howe, Pittsburgh, PA. May- August 2020Rotated between Real Estate and Corporate Departments. Research and drafted memoranda in areas of antitrust and trade regulation, electronic commerce, and land use planning.Volunteer Legal Clerk, Hometown Legal Firm, Anywhere USA May-August 2020Researched property records at courthouse and prepared memoranda for attorneys; delivered and picked up various legal documents as assigned. Helped with document sorting.Student Intern, WVU College of Engineering, Morgantown, WV. June 2020-May 2020Performed legal research and analysis to assess the statutory, regulatory and case law ramifications of innovative underground storage tank remedial technology.Summer Worker, 1999-2020.Various jobs to provide part of educational experiences including: Laborer Convex Eagle Glass, Clarksburg, WV. Counter person, Wendy’s International, Morgantown.HONORS AND ACTIVITIESWVU College of LawStudent Member, American Bar Association; Member, Patent Law Student Association; Member, Volunteer Law Clerks, student organization which researches legal questions assigned by WV Circuit Judges; Member, International Law Society; Phi Alpha Delta, International Legal Fraternity.West Virginia UniversityMember, Mountain Honorary, highest honor society for WVU undergraduate students; Mortar Board National Honor Society; Captain, (two years) Varsity Tennis Team.SKILLS AND INTERESTSFluent in spoken and written German, reading knowledge of Spanish and French. Certified in LEXIS and West Law. Excellent ability in WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, GroupWise and Quicken. Captain, tennis team, 4 years undergraduate.。