
Why Did Jay Chou Become Famous?
• His lyrics are often about love and loss, themes that are universal and resonate with many people.
Why Did Jay Chou Become Famous?
Jay and Fang Wenshan
• Fang Wenshan is best known for his collaborations with Jay Chou, writing many of the lyrics for his songs. His lyrics are known for their poetic and cultural depth, which adds another dimension to Jay Chou's music.
Jay Chou's Classic Works
• Here are some of his classic music works: • 《Jay》 (2000): This was Jay Chou's debut album, which showcased his
unique blend of西方音乐 with traditional Chinese elements.
• Additionally, Jay Chou is a multi-talented artist who not only sings, but also composes and produces his own music, giving it a personal touch that is rare in the industry.

Exclamation points
• 周杰伦2011年的11月11日推出第11张专辑《惊叹号》, 同名主打歌「惊叹号」由方文山与周杰伦连手打造,以周 式重摇滚曲风-来势汹汹!
• Jay on November 11 of 2011 11th album of the exclamation point, main song of the same name "exclamation point" by Jay Chou and Fang Wenshan
• 周杰伦,中国台湾人,祖籍福建泉州,华 语流行歌手、著名音乐人,2000年后亚洲 流行乐坛最具革命性创作歌手,唱片亚洲 总销量超过3100万张,有“亚洲流行天王” 之称。
• Jay Chou, China Taiwan people, native of Quanzhou, Fujian province, famous Chinese pop singer, musician, after 2000 Asian pop singer the most revolutionary creation, more than 31 million record sales in Asia, Asia "King of pop" said.
பைடு நூலகம்

《叶惠美》 10
我的地盘 My Territory
借口 Excuse
外婆Maternal grandmother
夜曲 Nocturne 蓝色风暴 Blue Storm 发如雪 Hair Like Snow 黑色毛衣Black Sweater 四面楚歌 Besieged
半兽人 半岛铁盒Iron Box Of An Island 暗号 龙拳 Dragon Fist 火车叨位去 分裂(内地名离开)Split 爷爷泡的茶 回到过去 米兰的小铁匠 最后的战役 The Last Campaign
以父之名 懦夫 Coward 晴天 Fine Day 三年二班 东风破 你听得到 同一种调调 她的睫毛 爱情悬崖 梯田 Terrace fields 双刀
From All Sides 枫 浪漫手机 逆鳞 Reverse Scales 麦芽糖 Maltose Candy 珊瑚海Coral Sea 飘移
夜的第七章Twilight's Chapter Seven 听妈妈的话 Listen To Mother's Words 千里之外 Faraway 本草纲目Herbalist's Manual 退后 红模仿 Red Imitation 心雨 白色风车White Windmills 迷迭香Rosemary 菊花台 Chrysanthemum Terrace
Thinking In Other People‘S Speeches,Growing Up In Your Own Story

周杰伦的音乐风格十分多样。包括传统的中国风、欧 洲古典音乐曲风、美国的乡村曲风等等;尤其擅长节 奏蓝调(R&B)和饶舌(Rap),加上他独特的音乐素 材、歌唱技巧、议题和方文山的歌词,并形成一种强 烈的个人风格。英国流行乐明星克雷格·大卫(Craig David)曾于2003年表示:“周杰伦的音乐已经主宰、甚 至可能改变亚洲音乐。
culture is living in your life, I suppose that Jay and Fang make it, Jay Insist on making Chinese wind songs, there is a transfer out of classical value, a kind of cultural deconstruction." 宣扬儒学国学大师于丹这样评价他“周杰伦,一个时代的声音, 有一种古典就活在你的生命里,我认为周杰伦和方文山就做到 了,周杰伦主打中国风歌曲,那里面传递出来的是一种古典价 值,一种文化解构。”
A gold partner –Fang Wenshan
When it comes to Jay Chou, We must mentioned another Chinese music poet, a poet who Specifically write the lyrics for Jay . Fang Wenshan’ lyrics match with Jay’s tunes ,forming a gold partner, which can benefit from each other.

NO.7.-依然范特西 《still fantasy 》
• 想像依然无限大、 感觉依然说不完、 音乐依然范特西 • Imagination is still infinity, you feeling still says no, music is still fantasy life Listen to mama don't let her hurt, want to grow up quickly to protect her.
《十一月的肖邦》 ——《November Chopin 》
• Play Chopin's nocturne for you, I love to commemorate the dead, with the same voice, heart good to hear..."
为你弹奏萧邦的夜曲, 纪念我死去的爱情, 跟夜风一样的声音, 心碎的很好听…”
incomparabl e
w e l v e n e w
十 二 新 作
When light strikes twelfth soundJay Chou
主要电影 Main movie
2005《头文字 D》 Initial d
This is his first film, and achieved great success
Yes, he is
• 周杰伦,中国台湾人,祖籍福建泉州,华 语流行歌手、著名音乐人,2000年后亚洲 流行乐坛最具革命性创作歌手,唱片亚洲 总销量超过3100万张,有“亚洲流行天王” 之称。 • Jay Chou, China Taiwan people, native of Quanzhou, Fujian province, famous Chinese pop singer, musician, after 2000 Asian pop singer the most revolutionary creation, more than 31 million record sales in Asia, Asia "King of pop" said.

much,he is my idol1.7
He is a very talented singer, can write songs,can sing, can play the piano and cello(大提琴), he also do business on himself, the most important thing is listening to his songs very comfortable, no pressure, let a person cannot resist(无法抗拒), passed a lot of positive energy back to us
became a singer.
He became famous for his special traditional chinese style R&B.The lyrics(歌 词) of his songs are written by his long term partner Fangwenshan(方 文山)It is really refreshing to listen to his songs at first time.Now he stepped his feet into movie field.He lead-roled the famous movie"Initial D" (头文字D) which got nationwide good review.So he is a superstar,and15 I love him very
an instant hit. It gained great attention

•English name :Jay Chou •Birthday: 1979-01-18 •Height: 173 cm •Weight: 60KG •Hobby: make songs,see films, play computer…•He began learning to play the piano at the age of 3.When he was 16,he starts writing songs for popular artists.In 2000 jay Chou releasedhis first album, titled Jay ,then hebecame an overnight success .•Since he has released one album per year except in 2009, selling several million copies each.Jay’s albumJay ( 2000 ) ▪范特西( 2001 ) ▪八度空间( 2002 ) ▪叶惠美( 2003 ) ▪七里香( 2004 ) ▪十一月的萧邦( 2005 ) ▪依然范特西( 2006 ) ▪我很忙( 2007 )魔杰座( 2008 ) ▪跨时代( 2010 ) ▪惊叹号( 2011 )Jay’s《蜗牛》is my favorite song, at once as a charity advertising theme song ,let’s listen to this song.•In February 2007, Chou directed his first movie 《can’t say the secret》(不能说的秘密), and this movie is my favorite movie of chou .•Jay’s favorite sport is basketball•He appears in the《Kong fu slam basket》(大灌篮)•The film around an orphaned(孤儿的)boy who grew up in a kung fu university and becomes a talented basketball player.•Since his parents divorced when he was 14 , Jay love his mother very much.•Because his mother’s love he produce a song named 《听妈妈的话》, he used the name of mother to name the album.•From Jay who we learn that a person can casually succeed, he needs to make unremitting efforts, the ability of individual, as well as opportunities.•Let’s expect Jay to get a better result.。

Jay Chou as the embodiment (化
身)of computer chief designer, personally involved in N3 ASUS notebook computer special edition new designs, this series of products in the famous bel traits into the rich Jay style, to create the most personal independence of conduct in the summer of 2011 the incomparable(无与伦比的) .
English name: Jay Chou
Birthday: 1979-01-18
Birth place: Taipei
High: 173cm
Body weight: 60kg
Blood type: O
Star City: Capricorn
favorite color:blue
1、JAY 2000-11-07
2、Fantasy 2001-09-18
3、Eight Dimensions 2002-07-19
4、 Ye Hui Mei 2003-07-31
5、Common Jasmin Orange 2004-08-03
6、November's Chopin 2005-11-01
The secret
Curse of the Golden Flower

只 为 中 国 风 话
传 唱 千 里
Jay and fang is talking about details in the workspartner
In 2004, Jay firstly performed on CCTV1 stage, deduce "dragon fist " which is aimed at Publicize Chinese martial arts.
A gold partner –the man hidden behind Jay Chou –Fang Wenshan
Ten years ago, a strange sound like a flood rushed into the Chinese music. Jay always give person a kind of unclear feeling. Because Jay brings new weapon - R&B to Chinese music world. In fact, When it comes to Jay Chou, We must mentioned another Chinese music poet, a poet who Specifically write the lyrics for Jay . Fang Wenshan’ lyrics match with Jay’s tunes ,forming a gold partner, which can benefit from each other.
about more excellent works. In the same time ,we hope that it can well up more talents in the Chinese music field.

“ Can't say the 《secret》 done by a director of the virgin works, it's music scene, including every aspect is very splendid —Zhang Yi Mo
They all love me(*^__^*)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
“ Jay Chou, to a certain extent,do as I do is all rivers run into the sea —Yu Dan
They all love me(*^__^*)
“ The most appreciate Chinese singer is jay Chou expect and cooperat with him.
“ He broke the Chinese music stagnant停滞 situation, the achievement in today's Asian pop music without a second person. —YangLan
They all love me(*^__^*)
《Jay》 《Fantasy》 《Eight Dimension》 请加入标题 《Ye Hui Mei》 《Pungent》 《November‘s Chopin》 《Still Fantasy》 《I'm Busy》 《Capricorn》 《Cross-generation》 《Exclamation Point》 《?》

• (5.看到妈妈、外婆都有,周杰伦爸爸开始对儿子说:“你有哪部MV,我也想 来演一下。”周杰伦直接开玩笑的说,“可能有一天我要拍“黑道大哥”的时 候请你来演一下吧!”)
He issued a total of 11 albums
• 周杰伦(Jay Chou),歌手、演员、词曲创作家、MV及电影导演、编 剧及制作人。四届世界音乐大奖最畅销亚洲艺人[1],02年举办首场 《The One》世界巡回演唱会,03荣登美国《时代》封面人物,被称 赞为The New King of Asian Pop—新一代的亚洲流行天王[2],其音 乐开创多元化音乐先河,为亚洲乐坛翻开了新的一页。09年、11年凭 借《魔杰座》《跨时代》两张专辑二度获得台湾金曲奖最佳国语男歌 手。10年入选美国《Fast Company》百大创意人,成为唯一入选华 人歌手[3]。 • 05年以《头文字D》涉足电影,荣获台湾金马奖及香港金像奖最佳新 人;07年成立JVR有限公司,自编自导自演电影《不能说的秘密》, 荣获台湾金马奖杰出电影;11年以《青蜂侠》跻身好莱坞进军国际, 获美国MTV电影大奖最佳新人提名[4]。13年自编自导自演第二部影 片《天台爱情》登陆北美,获选美国纽约电影节闭幕片[5]。

Chapter 2 Achievement
• The traditional master, Yu Dan has a good evaluation of Jay, an voice of times, she said the reason that I like Jay, this kind of classical culture is living in your life, I suppose that Jay and Fang make it, Jay Insist on making Chinese wind songs, there is a transfer out of classical value, a kind of cultural deconstruction." He speak highly of Jay, they insist on making Chinese wind songs is similar to the way that she publicizes Confucian culture with modern way ,which aims to have influence on mordent children with traditional culture.
it was his co-star in all of the film
Chapter 2 Achievement
• In 2004, Jay firstly performed on CCTV stage, deduce "dragon fist " which is aimed at Publicize Chinese martial arts.

Eleventh album《惊叹号》
• 周董亲自构思封面和内页,自己化身钓鱼时被狡猾大章鱼捉弄的水手, 充满创意幽默。Chou personally design cover and inside pages, his incarnation fishing was sly big octopus on sailor, creative sense of humor. • -
Third album《八度空间》
• 2002年7月19日又一次展现他惊人的音乐狂想力, On July 19, 2002, and again his amazing music freak,
Fourth album《叶惠美》
2003年7月31日周杰伦一改街头风,造型越发华丽高端。专辑无论其完整度还是丰富程 度都是周杰伦专辑中最到位的一张。从周杰伦的丹凤眼中,传递出的意思不再是害羞, 而是自信,十足的自信On July 31, 2003 jay change street
Eighth album《我很忙 》
• 2007年11月1日 07年底周杰伦化身美国牛仔,童心未泯 可爱十足。At the end of November 1, 2007, 07 jay incarnation American cowboy, young and lovely.
Ninth album《魔杰座 》
• • •
2008年10月14日08年周杰伦情迷魔术 ,音乐融入全新爱好。On October 14, 2008, 08 enchanted magic, jay Chou music into a new hobby. -
Tenth album《跨时代》
2010年周杰伦扮演吸血鬼王子,自信跨入下一个十年。-2010, jay played a vampire prince, confidence into the next decade.
英语PPT(人物介绍 Jay)

Dandelion„s Promise
在走廊上罚站打手 心,我们却注意窗 边的蜻蜓,我去到 哪里你都跟很紧, 很多的梦在等待着 进行。 一起长大的约定, 那样真心,与你聊 不完的曾经,而我 已经分不清,你是 友情, 还是错过的 爱情…
Promise grown in my heart. Sincere as we are. Chat the past with you without end.Yet what I can't tell is whether it‟s friendship or through my fingers your
In fact ,every song is a story, and it can Remind you of past events, give you a vision or a feeling of happiness. Sometimes, it also give people the power of encouragement, such as snails
手牵手一步两 步三步四步望着 天 看星星一颗 两颗三颗四颗连 成线 背着背默 默许下心愿 看 远方的星是否听 的见 手牵手一步两步 三步四步望着天 看星星一颗两颗 三颗四颗连成线 背着背默默许下 心愿 看远方的 星如果听的见 它一定实现。
Hand in hand, step by step looking at the sky One two three four stars into line Making a wish, To see distant stars is audible. Hand in hand, step by step looking at the sky One two three four stars into line Promise silently back to back.If the distant star can

宣扬儒学国学大师于丹这样评价他“周杰伦,一个时代的声音, 我之所以喜欢周杰伦,这种古典就活在你的生命里,我认为周 杰伦和方文山就做到了,周杰伦主打中国风歌曲,那里面传递 出来的是一种古典价值,一种文化解构。”他认为周杰伦主打 中国风歌曲跟她用现代方式宣扬儒学文化其实是殊途同归的, 都是用传统文化的核心价值去影响现在的孩子。
Song appreciation
<Blue Porcelain>
Yu Dan’ evaluation to Jay
This classical living in your life.
The traditional master, Yu Dan has a good evaluation of Jay, an voice of times, she said the reason that I like Jay, this kind of classical culture is living in your life, I suppose that Jay and Fang make it, Jay Insist on making Chinese wind songs, there is a transfer out of classical value, a kind of cultural deconstruction." He speak highly of Jay, they insist on making Chinese wind songs is similar to the
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Jay Chou and his mother
周杰伦4岁的时候,母亲见他在音乐方面很有天赋,就 毫不犹豫地取出家里所有的积蓄,给他买了一架钢琴。于 是,童年的周杰伦被剥夺了玩的权利,所有的日子都是在 钢琴旁边度过的。
可每次练琴的时候,一听到窗外同伴的嬉闹声,他就 总是弹得心不在焉。于是,他母亲就拿着一根棍子,站在 他后面,一直盯着他练完琴。
周杰伦的父亲周耀中是淡江中学的物 理老师,母亲叶惠美是淡江中学的美 术老师。周杰伦跟母亲之间的关系就 像弟弟跟姐姐。他也多次写歌给母亲, 比如《听妈妈的话》,甚至还把母亲 的名字叶惠美作为专辑的名称。由于 父母离异,因此周杰伦很少提及父亲 周耀中,后来在母亲和外婆的劝导下,
1 Jay Chou and his wife
2015年1月17日, 昆凌与周杰伦 举行基督教结 婚仪式,正式成为 夫妻。7月12日,昆凌为周杰伦产下 女儿。2017年2月14日,周杰伦宣
布妻子昆凌怀上二胎,6月21日 周杰伦发文证实生子喜讯。
1 Jay Chou's daughter and wife
2 musical career
为符合《十一月的萧邦》专辑,富有浪漫时期味道的感觉, 杰伦特别选择俯拾即是艺术的“水都”威尼斯拍摄专辑照, 在没落贵族的城堡当中取景,希望呈现出独特的视觉感受给 喜爱他的朋友;而已经自己做了几张专辑造型的周杰伦,这 次还冒着行李超重的危险,特别准备高达二十几套的服装, 期望在专辑照当中扮演萧邦的角色[2] 。专辑中还收录周杰 伦为电影《头文字D》所创作的《飘移》及《一路向北》两 首歌曲,一共十二首歌曲.
BMG/Alfa Music
方文山、徐 若瑄等
2001台湾 金曲最佳
2 musical career
《范特西》是周杰伦2001年发行的专辑 ,共收录10首歌曲。该专辑的制作人由 周杰伦担任。 2002年,该专辑获得第十三届金曲奖颁 奖礼最佳流行音乐专辑奖、新加坡金曲奖 年度最畅销专辑等奖项[1-2] 。周杰伦 凭借该专辑获得第十三届金曲奖颁奖最佳 专辑制作人奖、第二届全球华语歌曲排行 榜颁奖礼最佳制作人等奖项。
2015年7月10日 ,周杰伦与昆凌的女儿出生。2015年10月14
When Jay Chou was 4 years old, his mother saw that he was very talented in music and did not hesitate to take out all his savings and buy him a piano. As a result, Jay Chou of childhood was deprived of the right to play. All the days were spent by the piano. But every time practicing, a window to hear the peer shouts, he always played absent-minded. So his mother took a stick, stood behind him, and stared at him all 4
Jay Chou
1 Family background
2 Career as a singer
3 Personal hobby
Jay Chou's father Zhou Yaozhong is a physics teacher, middle school, mother Ye Huimei is Tamkang middle school art teacher. Jay Chou's relationship with her mother is like a brother and a sister. He also wrote songs to his mother many times, such as "listening to mother's words", and even the name of the mother's name, Ye Huimei. As his parents divorced, Jay Chou rarely referred to his father, Zhou Yaozhong, and later, under the advice of his mother and grandmother, he accepted his father again.
2 musical career
专辑曲目 ·可爱女人 ·完美主义 ·星晴 ·娘子 ·斗牛 ·黑色幽默 ·龙卷风 ·反向的钟 ·伊斯坦堡 ·2印01第9/1安1/2老 斑 鸠
2000年发行首张个人专辑《Jay》 。专辑中周杰伦一手包办了10首歌的作曲、合声编写、3首歌的编曲以及2首
歌的作词。整体曲风充斥着他对音乐的超高技术创作,以R&B和New Hip-Hop 的新曲为主,加上古典巴洛克式弦乐伴奏及Band的加入,形成一种英国式的 复古风格。最特别的是尝试了西班牙式风格的弦乐演奏,表现在专辑歌曲中, 意境却出忽意料的极度逼近电影配乐。 主打歌“可爱女人”的Music Video邝 盛执导,徐若宣出任女主角,导演巧妙地安排给两人一段有想象空间的剧情 桥段。