有关铁路信号的英文翻译资料Railroad station interconnectionUsing the machinery,the electrical automatic control and remote control's technology and the equipment,cause in the station scope on the semaphore,the admission passage and the admission passage rail switch have the restriction relations mutually,this kind of relations are called the railroad station interconnection。
The outline railroad station interconnection is the railway signal important component。
in 1843 Britain first used the mechanical interlocking interconnection;in 1887 Japan developed successfully the interconnection box equipment;in 1904 the US started to use all-electric interlocking interconnection;in 1929 the US started to use following the electricity centralized interconnection。
Along with electronic accounting machine's development and the popularization,some countries started to use the computer interconnection at present。
智能控制系统中英文资料对照外文翻译文献附录一:外文摘要The development and application of Intelligence controlsystemModern electronic products change rapidly is increasingly profound impact on people's lives, to people's life and working way to bring more convenience to our daily lives, all aspects of electronic products in the shadow, single chip as one of the most important applications, in many ways it has the inestimable role. Intelligent control is a single chip, intelligent control of applications and prospects are very broad, the use of modern technology tools to develop an intelligent, relatively complete functional software to achieve intelligent control system has become an imminent task. Especially in today with MCU based intelligent control technology in the era, to establish their own practical control system has a far-reaching significance so well on the subject later more fully understanding of SCM are of great help to.The so-called intelligent monitoring technology is that:" the automatic analysis and processing of the information of the monitored device". If the monitored object as one's field of vision, and intelligent monitoring equipment can be regarded as the human brain. Intelligent monitoring with the aid of computer data processing capacity of the powerful, to get information in the mass data to carry on the analysis, some filtering of irrelevant information, only provide some key information. Intelligent control to digital, intelligent basis, timely detection system in the abnormal condition, and can be the fastest and best way to sound the alarm and provide usefulinformation, which can more effectively assist the security personnel to deal with the crisis, and minimize the damage and loss, it has great practical significance, some risk homework, or artificial unable to complete the operation, can be used to realize intelligent device, which solves a lot of artificial can not solve the problem, I think, with the development of the society, intelligent load in all aspects of social life play an important reuse.Single chip microcomputer as the core of control and monitoring systems, the system structure, design thought, design method and the traditional control system has essential distinction. In the traditional control or monitoring system, control or monitoring parameters of circuit, through the mechanical device directly to the monitored parameters to regulate and control, in the single-chip microcomputer as the core of the control system, the control parameters and controlled parameters are not directly change, but the control parameter is transformed into a digital signal input to the microcontroller, the microcontroller according to its output signal to control the controlled object, as intelligent load monitoring test, is the use of single-chip I / O port output signal of relay control, then the load to control or monitor, thus similar to any one single chip control system structure, often simplified to input part, an output part and an electronic control unit ( ECU )Intelligent monitoring system design principle function as follows: the power supply module is 0~220V AC voltage into a0 ~ 5V DC low voltage, as each module to provide normal working voltage, another set of ADC module work limit voltage of 5V, if the input voltage is greater than 5V, it can not work normally ( but the design is provided for the load voltage in the 0~ 5V, so it will not be considered ), at the same time transformer on load current is sampled on the accused, the load current into a voltage signal, and then through the current - voltage conversion, and passes through the bridge rectification into stable voltage value, will realize the load the current value is converted to a single chip can handle0 ~ 5V voltage value, then the D2diode cutoff, power supply module only plays the role of power supply. Signal to the analog-to-digital conversion module, through quantization, coding, the analog voltage value into8bits of the digital voltage value, repeatedly to the analog voltage16AD conversion, and the16the digital voltage value and, to calculate the average value, the average value through a data bus to send AT89C51P0, accepted AT89C51 read, AT89C51will read the digital signal and software setting load normal working voltage reference range [VMIN, VMAX] compared with the reference voltage range, if not consistent, then the P1.0 output low level, close the relay, cut off the load on the fault source, to stop its sampling, while P1.1 output high level fault light, i.e., P1.3 output low level, namely normal lights. The relay is disconnected after about 2minutes, theAT89C51P1.0outputs high level ( software design), automatic closing relay, then to load the current regular sampling, AD conversion, to accept the AT89C51read, comparison, if consistent, then the P1.1 output low level, namely fault lights out, while P1.3 output high level, i.e. normal lamp ( software set ); if you are still inconsistent, then the need to manually switch S1toss to" repair" the slip, disconnect the relay control, load adjusting the resistance value is: the load detection and repair, and then close the S1repeatedly to the load current sampling, until the normal lamp bright, repeated this process, constantly on the load testing to ensure the load problems timely repair, make it work.In the intelligent load monitoring system, using the monolithic integrated circuit to the load ( voltage too high or too small ) intelligent detection and control, is achieved by controlling the relay and transformer sampling to achieve, in fact direct control of single-chip is the working state of the relay and the alarm circuit working state, the system should achieve technical features of this thesis are as follows (1) according to the load current changes to control relays, the control parameter is the load current, is the control parameter is the relay switch on-off and led the state; (2) the set current reference voltage range ( load normal working voltage range ), by AT89C51 chip the design of the software section, provide a basis for comparison; (3) the use of single-chip microcomputer to control the light-emitting diode to display the current state of change ( normal / fault / repair ); specific summary: Transformer on load current is sampled, a current / voltage converter, filter, regulator, through the analog-digital conversion, to accept the AT89C51chip to read, AT89C51 to read data is compared with the reference voltage, if normal, the normal light, the output port P.0high level, the relay is closed, is provided to the load voltage fault light; otherwise, P1.0 output low level, The disconnecting relay to disconnect the load, the voltage on the sampling, stop. Two minutes after closing relay, timing sampling.System through the expansion of improved, can be used for temperature alarm circuit, alarm circuit, traffic monitoring, can also be used to monitor a system works, in the intelligent high-speed development today, the use of modern technology tools, the development of an intelligent, function relatively complete software to realize intelligent control system, has become an imminent task, establish their own practical control system has a far-reaching significance. Micro controller in the industry design and application, no industry like intelligent automation and control field develop so fast. Since China and the Asian region the main manufacturing plant intelligence to improve the degree of automation, new technology to improve efficiency, have important influence on the product cost. Although the centralized control can be improved in any particular manufacturing process of the overall visual, but not for those response and processingdelay caused by fault of some key application.Intelligent control technology as computer technology is an important technology, widely used in industrial control, intelligent control, instrument, household appliances, electronic toys and other fields, it has small, multiple functions, low price, convenient use, the advantages of a flexible system design. Therefore, more and more engineering staff of all ages, so this graduate design is of great significance to the design of various things, I have great interest in design, this has brought me a lot of things, let me from unsuspectingly to have a clear train of thought, since both design something, I will be there a how to design thinking, this is very important, I think this job will give me a lot of valuable things.中文翻译:智能控制系统的开发应用现代社会电子产品日新月异正在越来越深远的影响着人们的生活,给人们的生活和工作方式带来越来越大的方便,我们的日常生活各个方面都有电子产品的影子,单片机作为其中一个最重要的应用,在很多方面都有着不可估量的作用。
3.1 信号控制车站联锁系统中的一个重要功能是控制信号灯的显示。
3.2 道岔控制除了信号控制外,联锁系统还负责控制道岔机械的动作。
以下是几个关键的发展趋势:4.1 自动化现代的车站联锁系统趋向于自动化。
4.2 数据共享随着智能化技术的应用,车站联锁系统可以与其他铁路控制系统进行数据共享。
4.3 人机交互现代车站联锁系统越来越注重人机交互的设计。
4.4 安全性车站联锁系统的安全性是最重要的考虑因素之一。
关键词:铁路运输联锁技术发展趋势0 引言联锁发展至今一百多年的历史中,经历了机械联锁、电机联锁、电气联锁、电气集中联锁、计算机联锁的发展过程。
1 概述联锁是铁路车站信号联锁的简称,是铁路信号设备的重要组成部分。
2 联锁设备联锁发展至今已有100多年的历史,经历了机械联锁、电机联锁、电气联锁、电气集中联锁、计算机联锁的发展过程。
1856年英格兰的布列克勒叶.阿姆斯(Brickloyer Arms)车站装设由萨克斯倍(Saxby)首创萨式联锁机是机械联锁的开始,机械联锁是最古老的联锁方式。
铁路信号计算机联锁系统(毕业论文)西安理工大学继续教育学院毕业设计(论文)继续教育学院毕业设计(论文)题目:铁路信号计算机联锁系统概述分析院系(站):西安机电信息技师学院学科专业: 机电一体化学生: 大专五班学号:指导教师: 杨军良西安理工大学继续教育学院毕业设计(论文)2016年9月毕西安理工大学继续教育学院毕业设计(论文)任务书院系或教学站点:学生姓名:专业班级:批准日期:一、毕业设计(论文)课题二、毕业设计(论文)工作自年月日起至年月日止三、毕业设计(论文)进行地点:四、毕业设计(论文)的内容:西安理工大学继续教育学院毕业设计(论文)负责指导教师:指导教师:接受设计(论文)任务开始执行日期:学生签名:摘要计算机联锁系统是实现铁路现代化和自动化的基础设施之一,是一种高效、安全的车站联锁设备,是提高车站通过能力的基础。
关键词:铁路信号;计算机联锁;故障探讨西安理工大学继续教育学院毕业设计(论文)西安理工大学继续教育学院毕业设计(论文)information acquisition circuit and control circuit and interlock machine interface. Key words : railway signal;computer interlocking;;investigate malfunction目录1计算机联锁系统基础 (1)1.1计算机联锁概述 (1)1.2计算机联锁的功能 (1)1.3计算机联锁主要技术条件 (2)1.4计算机联锁的应用现状 (3)2计算机联锁工作原理 (5)2.1计算机联锁系统硬件组成 (5)2.2计算机联锁系统基本原理 (6)2.3计算机联锁系统可靠性及安全设计 (7)西安理工大学继续教育学院毕业设计(论文)3计算机联锁系统故障维护及探讨 (11)3.1联锁设备常见故障分析处理 (11)3.2故障种类 (11)4计算机联锁系统的发展前景 (13)4.1计算机联锁系统的必要性 (13)4.2计算机联锁系统的发展 (14)谢辞 (17)参考文献 (18)西安理工大学继续教育学院毕业设计(论文)第1章计算机联锁系统基础1.1计算机联锁概述为了保证行车安全和必要的通过能力,信号、道岔与进路之间必须以必要的技术手段保持一定的制约关系和操作顺序,称这种制约关系和操作顺序为联锁,用计算机技术来实现的系统成为计算机联锁系统。
1 通信信号 communication and signal2 信号工程 signal engineering3 信号设计 signal design4 信号 signal5 信号理论 signal theory6 信号系统 signalling system7 信号配线 signal wiring8 信号电路 signal circuit9 点灯电路 lighting circuit10 报警电路 warning circuit11 接口电路 interface circuit12 测试电路 testiing circuit13 方向电路 directional circuit14 电路设计 circuit design15 电路分析 circuit analysis16 延续进路 succesiveroute;succesisve route17 信号楼 signal box;signal tower18 控制中心 control center19 继电器室 relay house;relay room20 电源室 power supply roon;power supply room21 区间 section22 信号施工 signal construction23 信号厂 signal shop24 工厂化施工 industrial construction25 电缆接续 cable connecting26 电缆敷设 cable laying27 电缆敷设机 cable laying machine28 铁路信号 ;铁道信号 railway signalling29 固定信号 fixed signal30 移动信号 movable signal31 视觉信号 vision signal;visual signal32 闪光信号 flashing light signal;flashsignal;flashing signal33 音响信号 acoustic signal;whistle signal34 手信号 hand signal35 防护信号 protecting signal;protection signal36 机车信号 cab signalling37 驼峰信号 hump signal;humping signal38 区间信号 section signaling;wayside signaling39 行车信号 running signal;train signal40 调车信号 shunting signal41 引导信号 calling-on signal42 地面信号 trackside signal;ground signal43 进站信号 home signal44 车站信号 station signal;signaling at stations45 出站信号 starting signal46 报警信号 alarming signal47 事故信号 accident signal48 色灯信号 colour light signal49 信号色度 signal colour fidelity50 信号标志 signal indicator51 信号显示 signal visibility;signal aspect and indication52 道口信号 crossing signal53 道口自动信号 crossing automatic signal;automatic level crossing signal54 道口通知设备 crossing announcing signal;highway level crossing announcing device55 道口控制器 crossing controller56 道口栏木 crossing barrier;cross barrier at grade crossing57 道口防护 crossing protection58 道口遥信遥测设备 remote control crossing;remote surveillance and telemetering for highway l59 道口安全 crossing safety60 道口事故 level crossing accidents61 轨道电路 track circuit62 交流轨道电路 a.c.trackcircuit;ac track circuit63 脉冲轨道电路 pulse track circuit64 无绝缘轨道电路 jointless track circuit65 阀式轨道电路 value-type track circuit;valve type track circuit66 音频轨道电路 audio frequency track circuit67 极频轨道电路 polar freguency coded trackcircuit;polar-frequency pulse track circuit68 移频轨道电路 frequency shift trackcircuit;frequency-shift modulated track circuit69 长轨道电路 long track circuit70 轨道电路区段 track circuit district71 轨道电路测试 track circuit testing72 轨道传感器 track sensor73 计轴器 axle counter74 钢轨阻抗 rail impedance75 轨道绝缘 ;绝缘节 rail insulation;insulation section76 极性交叉 polar reversal;polar transposition77 钢轨接续线 rail bond78 钢轨导接线 ;钢轨接续线 rail bond;rail bond79 断轨保障 broken rail protection80 断轨防护 ;断轨保障 broken rail protection;broken rail protection 轨道占用 track occupied82 分路效应 shunting effect83 调整状态 normal state84 联锁 interlocking85 集中联锁 centralized interlocking86 继电集中联锁 relay system interlocking87 电气集中联锁 electric interlocking88 电子集中联锁 electronic concentration interlocking89 微机集中联锁 microcomputer-based interlocking90 非集中联锁 non-centralized interlocking91 电锁器联锁 interlocking with electric lock;interlocking by electric locks92 色灯电锁器联锁colour light interlocking system with electriclock;interlocking by electric locks with color light-si93 臂板电锁器联锁 interlocking system ofsemaphore signal;interlocking by electric locks with semaphore94 联锁设备 interlocking equipment95 电锁器 electric lock96 转辙器 switch97 导管装置 pipe installation98 锁闭设备 locking device99 表示设备 indication panel;display board100 信号表示 signal indication101 锁闭 locking102 解锁 release103 闭塞 blocking;block system104 人工闭塞 manual block105 区间闭塞 section block;section blocked106 半自动闭塞 semi-automatic block;semi-automatic block system107 继电半自动闭塞 all-relay semiautomaticblock;all-relay semi-automatic block system108 自动闭塞 automatic block;automatic block system109 移频自动闭塞 frequency shift modulated automatic block;automatic block with audio frequency shift modulat110 脉冲自动闭塞 pulse automatic block;automatic block with impulse track circuit111 极频自动闭塞 polar frequency coded automaticblock;automatic block with polar frequency impulse track112 交流计数自动闭塞 a.c.counting code automatic block113 计轴闭塞 axle counter permissive block114 单线闭塞 single line block115 移动闭塞 movable block116 无线闭塞 wireless blocking117 电子闭塞 electronic blocking118 列车接近通知 train approach announcement119 区间占用 block occupancy;section occupied120 区间占用位置检测 location detecting of occupied section 121 移频机车信号 frequency shift cab signal122 点式机车信号 intermittent type cabsignalling;intermittent type cab signaling123 连续式机车信号 continuous cab signal;continuous type cab signaling124 无线机车信号 radio cab signalling125 机车信号设备 cab signallingequipment;cab signaling equipment126 车上信号设备 cab signal device127 地面信号设备 trackside signal facility128 感应器 inductor129 点式自动停车 intermitent type automatic train stop130 自动停车装置 automatic stopping device;automatic train stop equipment131 列车自动控制 automatic train control132 列车自动控制系统 automatic train control system133 列车自动控制装置 automatic train control device134 列车自动防护 automatic train protection135 列车自动防护系统 automatic train protection system136 列车自动运行 automatic train operation137 列车自动减速 automatic train deceleration138 列车速度自动监督 automatic train speed supervision139 超速防护 train overspeed protection140 测速装置 speedometer141 列车运行监测 train running monitoring142 车次表示 train number display;train number indication 143 车次自动表示 ;车次自动显示 automatic train number display144 车辆抄号设备 wagon number checking eguipment145 车辆识别装置 vehicle identifier146 监视装置 monitor device147 监视系统 monitor system;supervision system148 跟踪系统 tracing system149 卫星监测 satellite monitoring150 卫星定位 satellite localization151 列车位置表示 train location indication;train position indication152 行车指挥自动化 running command automation;automation of traffic control153 调度集中 centralized traffic control;ctc;centrallized traffic control154 调度集中装置 centralized traffic contol installation 155 计算机辅助调度 computer-aided dispatching156 遥控 remote control157 遥信装置 remote-signal equipment158 调度监督 dispatchers supervision;dispatchers supervision system159 调度监督设备 dispatchers supervision equipment160 进路控制 route control161 进路控制装置 routing control equipment162 编组站自动化 automation of marshalling station163 自动化编组站 automatic marshalling station164 自动化驼峰 automatic hump yard165 驼峰溜放调速 humping governing166 编组站测速 yard speed measurement167 编组站测长 yard distance-to-coupling measurement168 编组站测阻 yard rollability measurement169 编组站测重 yard weight sensing170 驼峰机车信号 hump cab signalling171 驼峰电气集中联锁 electric interlocking for hump yard 172 车辆加减速器 car accelerator/retarder173 车辆减速器 car retarder174 车辆缓行器 ;车辆减速器 wagon retarder;wagon retarder 175 减速顶 retarder;dowty retarder176 溜放速度 free rolling speed177 进路存储器 route storage178 制动位 retarder location179 目的制动 objective breaking;target braking180 自动摘钩设备 automatic uncoupling equipment181 牵引小车 pushing trolley182 铁鞋 skate;cast brake shoe183 信号设备 signal facility;signal device184 信号机 signal185 色灯信号机 colour light signal;color-light signal 186 透镜式色灯信号机 multi-lens colour lightsignal;multi-lenses signal187 探照式色灯信号机 colour searchlight signal188 臂板信号机 semaphore signal189 信号灯 signal lamp;signal light190 信号灯泡 signal light bulb191 信号玻璃 signal glass192 灯丝转换 filament transfer193 信号电缆 signal cable194 信号表示器 signal repeater195 应答器 transponder196 信号继电器 indicating relay197 电码继电器 code relay198 插入式继电器 plug-in relay;plug-in type relay199 安全型继电器 safety relay200 时间继电器 ;延时继电器 time relay;time delay relay 201 电磁继电器 electromagnetic relay202 座式继电器 desk type relay;shelf-type relay203 轨道继电器 track relay204 返还系数 release factor205 继电器接点 relay contact206 继电器线圈 relay coil207 接点 contact point208 转辙机 switch machine209 电动转辙机 electric point machine;electric switch machine210 电空转辙机 electropneumatic pointmachine;electropneumatic switch machine211 液压转辙机 hydraulic switch machine212 转辙机部件 switch machine part213 道岔转换 switch setting;switch in transition214 道岔锁闭 switch locking;switch point locking215 道岔密贴调整 switch adjustment216 挤岔 splitting of point tongue;forcing open of the point 217 信号电源 signal power supply218 电源屏 power supply panel219 电源转接屏 power switch board220 备用电源 stand-by power supply221 不间断电源 uninterrupted supply222 电池 battery;cell223 太阳能电池 solar cell224 太阳能电源 solar power supply225 充电 battery charging226 信号供电 singal feeding227 自动转换 automatic transition228 信号维修 signal maintenance229 测试 test230 信号测试台 signal test board231 检修 repair232 检测器 detector。
automatic controlAutomatic control is relatively artificial control terms ,which refers to correlate with no people directly involved in conditions, the additional equipments or devices to make the machine, equipment or the production process of a certain job of state or parameters automatically set to run the rule.Automatic control technology research will benefit mankind from complicated, risky, tedious work environment free of control and greatly improve the efficiency. Automatic control is a branch of engineering science. It involves using a feedback of dynamic system of the principle of automatic influence, in order to make the output value close with that we set value. From the theory of methods, the mathematical theory is a foundation of Automatic control. As we known today, as automatic control is in the middle of the twentieth century from the control of a branch. The conclusion is based by Norbert wiener, Rudolf kalman proposes.1.The first generation process Control System(PCS)The first generation process Control System is based on 5-13 psi Pneumaticrebefo signal standard ( Pneumatic Control System) PCS before 150 years ,which includes simple on-site operation mode, control theory preliminary form. There does not has been the concept of the control room.2.The second generation process Control System(ACS)The second generation process Control System (ACS or Analog Control System) Analog to produce stats are based on 0-10 mA or 4-20 mA's current Analog signals, the obvious progress of the Control System is that to rule the whole firmly automatic Control field in the whole 25 years. It represents the arrival of the era of electrical automatic control. Control theory has the significant development, the establishment of the three big cybernetics laid the foundation of modern control; The establishment of control function, control room separate model has been used today.3.The third generation of process Control System(CCS)The third generation of process Control System, Computer Control System (CCS) began in t he 70’s ,the application of digital Computer has a great technical advantage, people in measurement, simulation and logic Control field, whichpioneered the use of the third generation process Control System, Computer Control System (CCS). This is called the third generation process control system is automatic control a revolution in the field, it give full play to the computer specialty, so it is widely acknowledged that computer can do all things, naturally produced is called "the centralized control" of the central control computer system, it should be pointed out that the signal transmission system is still the most used with 4-20 mA analog signals, but soon after that, as people focus and reliability of the control aspects of the problem, the out of control risk also focused on, a little wrong will make the whole system to paralysis. So it was quickly developed into the distributed control system (DCS).4.The fourth generation process Control System(DCS)With the rapid development of semiconductor manufacturing technology, the microprocessor to the widespread use of computer technology greatly increased, the reliability of the currently used is the fourth generation process Control System (DCS, or Distributed digital Control System), it is the main features of the whole Control System that there is no longer only a computer, it is a Control System by a computer and some intelligent instruments and intelligent components comprise. So the way of distributed control became the most important characteristic. Another important development exception is the signal transmission among of them are not based on 4-20 mA analog signals, and gradually digital signal to replace analog signals.5.The fifth generation process Control System (FCS)The development of FCS from the DCS, like DCS from CCS over the development as, there is a qualitative leap, that is "Distributed control" developed to " focused control". The way of data transmission is "bus" way. The so-called field-bus is intelligent measurement and control equipment conect all the digital, two-way transmission, with many node of the structure of the branch communications link. Say simply traditional control is a loop, and FCS technology is modules such as controller, actuators, detector etc on a bus to hang up realize communication, of course, transmission is the digital signal. The main bus has Profibus, LonWorks, etc. But the real with DCS FCS difference is to have a more FCS wide development space. Because the traditional DCS technical level while continuously improved, but themost low-end only communication network to the control station level, the control station and the field measurement instrument, the contact between the actuators are still used one-to-one transmission of 4-20 mA analog signals, high cost, low efficiency, maintenance difficulties, can't play the field instruments, to realize the potential of the intelligent field device the work state of comprehensive monitoring and deep management..In the modern science and technology in many fields, automatic control technology is playing a more and more important role. Automatic control theory is the study of the automatic control of common laws technology science. Its initial development stage, is based on the theory of the feedback of automatic adjustment principle, mainly for industrial control, during world war two, in order to design and manufacture the plane and Marine autopilot, gun positioning system, radar tracking system based on feedback and other military equipment, the principle of further promote and perfect the development of the theory of automatic control. After the war, in order to form the full automatic control theory system, which is the transfer function is the foundation of classical control theory, it mainly studies single input and single output, the linear system analysis and set constant design problem.Automatic control of the development, from the start of the happen to form a control theory, the whole that process. Speak Automatic control is refers to such feedback control system, this is a controller object with a control of the control object, the output signal get it back, after come back for measuring with the signal are compared. According to the error tell controller, which is within the machine work. Let the controller to complete the control effect, make the deviation eliminate or make the controlled objects output tracking what I need to be requirements of the signal. The controlled objects output in general is a physical quantities, for example say me to control a machine speed, is need to come out, to measure the speed control.Saying to hear I have to mention is the "engineering cybernetics qian xuesen". Qian xuesen, written in 1954, when his book in the United States, we wrote the book here also can't get in English, but the former Soviet union very seriously, the former Soviet union immediately translate it into Russian. We see of the former Soviet union was in 1956 put his Russian, translation come out, we see at that time is the Russianversion of, this is in about twenty s the formation process of the main process, the experience is concluded.The robust leaves (Lurie) in the former Soviet union in 1944 about him out to everybody now make nonlinear may know, out to a robust leaves in question, this problem has been not solve, he later to write a book, is to keep the problem. The problem, start to when? I said something about this here two style, British and American of just everybody has to come out, make the person is engineering in make control, the former Soviet union is the application with mechanics in make home mathematician control, so two played the role is not the same. His 1951 book at that time is very hard to understand, hard to read. This work, he brought out the robust, Lurie), (until 1960, someone out to solve a solution, we may know, is that the absolute Popov) Popov (stability. Then out of the stability and is robust to solve this problem, Lurie (in). That is the book was 20 s, twenty century in the late '40 s, 50 s, some of the work has been influence of the twentieth century, but also affects the 60 s to present some nonlinear theory, is his work for the foundation. The twentieth century is in the 40 s, front of the development of the technology is a process, slowly forms a theory. I'm used to in such a schedule to said 50 s, most of the time, call classical control theory; 60 s call the state space method, is actually state space method, but you know, at that time, the name of the called it the modern control theory; Then in the 70 s is the modern the frequency domain method, such a process.The next now is to explain the state space method, finished that modern control theory. The state space method who first brought out? The third book is just of the former Soviet union, these scholars. They make applied mathematics and mechanics, they never get the is used is the state space method. In 1960, it introduced to kalman English world, so the world it is spending in English, that means the country want English country, because it was all don't know, kalman is a Slavic name. In 1960, he, he put the state space method introduced to the United States. But add people to this hype, modern control theory to hype seem very much as gods, was also some people expected is relatively large. This is the development of the ten years later, he found too, like the expected only so! Some problem you didn't also solved. So the time, and some people back to the frequency domain method, is the earliest 50 s is thefrequency domain method, 60 s, 70 s state space and back to the frequency domain method.Of course, this is the spiral, this time the frequency domain method and then add a name, so that the modern the frequency domain method. Think frequency domain to consider the design problems or more appropriate, consider some of the design requirements, I just have this frequency domain method. Just in the modern the frequency domain method development on this momentum, 1981, and wrote you this no said robust, we now everyone make control theory know to robust design. Say you this modern the frequency domain method not robustness, when people do not believe, after the 80 s, the arguments that dispute slowly forms. By 1991, is now of course is that you may be someone the term does not necessarily unification, someone called it the modern control theory, Postmodern after keep control. We now have to go back to see, why do you say that no robustness? One will say, we from the many variable system, it is actually much more variable system into the system. Many variables don't appropriate, there is a lot of input, output a. Many avariable a problem, called the coupling, is between input and output coupling each other. Control, intuitive request was for decoupling control, decoupling control later! Is this the 1 to 1 can form output feedback system, the 2! with the 2 of output can form feedback systems, and the design will be easier.自动控制自动控制(automatic control)是相对人工控制概念而言的,指的是在没有人直接参与的情况下,利用外加的设备或装置,使机器、设备或生产过程的某个工作状态或参数自动地按照预定的规律运行。
一、计算机联锁控制系统的特点和优势1.1 高度智能计算机联锁控制系统与传统的机械控制系统相比,具有高度智能的特点。
1.2 稳定可靠计算机联锁控制系统的稳定性和可靠性得到了极大提升。
1.3 系统化和模块化计算机联锁控制系统是一种高度系统化和模块化的技术,这意味着系统的各个控制单元可以被分成不同的模块,在系统设计和维护中也更加便捷和简化。
1.4 省时省力计算机联锁控制系统在实际应用中能够大大节省人力资源和时间成本,这是因为它可以实现自动控制和自动反馈调整,减少了人工干预的需要。
二、计算机联锁控制系统在企业中的应用情况2.1 交通系统交通系统是计算机联锁控制系统的一个重要应用领域,它能够使公交、火车、地铁等交通工具间的整体协调更加顺畅。
2.2 电力系统电力系统也是计算机联锁控制系统的一个应用领域。
自动控制原理中英文对照Automatic Control Principles 自动控制原理Introduction 简介Automatic control principles refer to the principles and theories that govern the design, development, and implementation of automated control systems. These systems are used in a variety of fields, including manufacturing, transportation, aerospace, and more. The goal of automatic control principles is to create systems that can operate independently and make decisions based on the input they receive.自动控制原理是指掌握设计、开发和实现自动控制系统的原理和理论。
Types of Control Systems 控制系统的类型There are two main types of control systems: open-loop and closed-loop. Open-loop systems are those that operate without any feedback, meaningthat they do not adjust their output based on the input they receive. Closed-loop systems, on the other hand, use feedback to adjust their output based on the input they receive.控制系统主要有两种类型:开环和闭环。
自动控制专业英语write english equivalents of the following key words
![自动控制专业英语write english equivalents of the following key words](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5fbb8c245a8102d276a22ff1.png)
第一单元open-loop 开环dynamic system 动态系统multivariable / single variable system 多/单变量reference input 参考输入mathematical model 数学模型description(representation)描述optimization 最优化characteristic 特性subsystem 子系统steady state 稳态nonlinear 非线性superposition theorem 叠加定理closed-loop 闭环feedback 反馈plant 被控对象disturbance input 开环输入synthesis 系统综合optimal control 最优控制adaptive 适应dynamic behavior 动态特性excitation 激励controller 控制器equilibrium position 平衡位置damping 阻尼linearity 线性operational method 算法第二单元增益gain增量incremental value拉式变换laplace transform静态工作点quiescent point of operation传递函数transfer function静态工作点accuracy相乘multiply有源函数active network线性化linearization机械平动系统mechanical translational system 机械转动系统mechanical rotational system节点node 回路loop 质量mass加速度acceleration动量momentum 力force位移displacement动能kinetic energy势能potential energy重力gravity摩擦friction力矩torque 自由度degree of freedom牛顿定律Newton’s law零初始条件zero initial condition齿轮gear 输入阻抗input impedance功率放大器power amplifier 电位计potentiometer 偏移 departure 不连续的discontinuous分辨率resolution线性差动变压器linear variable differential transformer原边绕组primary winding副边绕组secondary winding铁芯core相位phase同步器synchro测速机tachometer直流(交流)控制电机d-c(a-c) control motor 堵转力矩stall torque空载转矩no-load speed额定电压rated voltage第三单元方块图化简 block diagram reduction信号流图 signal flow graph串联连接 series connection并联连接 parallel connection加法器 summer减法器 subtractor前向通道 forward path反馈通道 feedback path单位反馈、unity feedback梅逊增益公式 Manson’s gain formular支路 branch节点node垂直轴 orthogonal axis水平轴 horizontal axis第四单元多项式pdynomial特征方程characteristic equation部分分式partial fraction留数定理 residue theorem时间频率 timeL frequenay domain拉氏反变换 inverse laplace transform主导极点 dominant poles复共厄极点lonjugate complex poles重极点multiple Poles不同极点distinct poles零点zero瞬态响应transient response稳态响应steady state respaise强迫响应forced response冲激响应impulse respaise分子,分母mumerator ,denomjnator阶越输入jtep input斜坡输入ramp input抛物线输入parabolic input加速度输入acceleration input非周期输入aperiotic input单位阶跃unit step二阶系统second-order system自然频率natural system阻尼比damping ratio过阻尼overdamp system欠阻尼underdamping system超调量overshoot左半s平面left half s-plane稳定性判据stability criterion指数衰减to decay exponentially卷积积分convolution integral稳态误差steady state error位置误差系数position error constant速度误差系数velocity error constant加速度误差系数acceleration error constant 第五单元虚轴imaginary axis实轴real axis 倒数reciprocal性能指标performance specification带宽bandwidth 滞后时间delay time上升时间rise time 调节时间settling time峰值超调peak overshoot振荡次数number of oscillations一对复数主导极点 a dominant pair of complexpoles 灵敏度函数sensitivity function系统类型system type参数变化parameter variation性能指数performance index比例控制proportional control微分控制derivative control积分控制integral control稳定余量margin of stability第六单元相对稳定性 absolute stability正弦输入 sinusoidal input解析法 analytical method图解法graphical method频率响应法frequency response method波特图Bode plot幅值magnitude相角phase angle相移phase shift对数幅值log magnitude特征值eigenvalueS的有理函数rational function of s谐振频率resonant frequency分贝decibel十倍频程decade渐近线的斜率slope of asymptote转角频率corner frequency二次项quadratic term最小相位系统minimum phase system对称于实轴symmetrical about the real axis临界点the critical point奈奎斯特图Nyquist plot奈奎斯特判据Nyquist criterion尼克尔斯图Nichol’s chart根轨迹图root locus幅值条件magnitude condition相角条件angle condition突破点breakaway point增益穿越频率gain crossover frequency增益余量gain margin相角穿越频率angle crossover frequency相角余量angle margin第一单元open-loop 开环dynamic system 动态系统multivariable / single variable system 多/单变量reference input 参考输入mathematical model 数学模型description(representation)描述optimization 最优化characteristic 特性subsystem 子系统steady state 稳态nonlinear 非线性superposition theorem 叠加定理closed-loop 闭环feedback 反馈plant 被控对象disturbance input 开环输入synthesis 系统综合optimal control 最优控制adaptive 适应dynamic behavior 动态特性excitation 激励controller 控制器equilibrium position 平衡位置damping 阻尼linearity 线性operational method 算法第二单元增益gain增量incremental value拉式变换laplace transform静态工作点quiescent point of operation传递函数transfer function静态工作点accuracy相乘multiply有源函数active network线性化linearization机械平动系统mechanical translational system机械转动系统mechanical rotational system节点node 回路loop 质量mass加速度acceleration动量momentum 力force位移displacement动能kinetic energy势能potential energy重力gravity摩擦friction力矩torque 自由度degree of freedom牛顿定律Newton’s law零初始条件zero initial condition齿轮gear 输入阻抗input impedance功率放大器power amplifier 电位计potentiometer偏移 departure 不连续的discontinuous分辨率resolution线性差动变压器linear variable differentialtransformer原边绕组primary winding副边绕组secondary winding铁芯core相位phase同步器synchro测速机tachometer直流(交流)控制电机d-c(a-c) control motor堵转力矩stall torque空载转矩no-load speed额定电压rated voltage第三单元方块图化简 block diagram reduction信号流图 signal flow graph串联连接 series connection并联连接 parallel connection加法器 summer减法器 subtractor前向通道 forward path反馈通道 feedback path单位反馈、unity feedback梅逊增益公式 Manson’s gain formular支路 branch节点node垂直轴 orthogonal axis水平轴 horizontal axis第四单元多项式pdynomial特征方程characteristic equation部分分式partial fraction留数定理 residue theorem时间频率 timeL frequenay domain拉氏反变换 inverse laplace transform主导极点 dominant poles复共厄极点lonjugate complex poles重极点multiple Poles不同极点distinct poles零点zero瞬态响应transient response稳态响应steady state respaise强迫响应forced response冲激响应impulse respaise分子,分母mumerator ,denomjnator阶越输入jtep input斜坡输入ramp input抛物线输入parabolic input加速度输入acceleration input非周期输入aperiotic input单位阶跃unit step二阶系统second-order system自然频率natural system阻尼比damping ratio过阻尼overdamp system欠阻尼underdamping system超调量overshoot左半s平面left half s-plane稳定性判据stability criterion指数衰减to decay exponentially卷积积分convolution integral稳态误差steady state error位置误差系数position error constant速度误差系数velocity error constant加速度误差系数acceleration error constant第五单元虚轴imaginary axis实轴real axis 倒数reciprocal性能指标performance specification带宽bandwidth 滞后时间delay time上升时间rise time 调节时间settling time峰值超调peak overshoot振荡次数number of oscillations一对复数主导极点 a dominant pair of complexpoles 灵敏度函数sensitivity function系统类型system type参数变化parameter variation性能指数performance index比例控制proportional control微分控制derivative control积分控制integral control稳定余量margin of stability第六单元相对稳定性 absolute stability正弦输入 sinusoidal input解析法 analytical method图解法graphical method频率响应法frequency response method波特图Bode plot幅值magnitude相角phase angle相移phase shift对数幅值log magnitude特征值eigenvalueS的有理函数rational function of s谐振频率resonant frequency分贝decibel十倍频程decade渐近线的斜率slope of asymptote转角频率corner frequency二次项quadratic term最小相位系统minimum phase system对称于实轴symmetrical about the real axis临界点the critical point奈奎斯特图Nyquist plot奈奎斯特判据Nyquist criterion尼克尔斯图Nichol’s chart根轨迹图root locus幅值条件magnitude condition相角条件angle condition突破点breakaway point增益穿越频率gain crossover frequency增益余量gain margin相角穿越频率angle crossover frequency相角余量angle margin。
PLC控制系统一、PLC概述可编程控制器是60年代末在美国首先出现的,当时叫可编程逻辑控制器PLC (Programmable Logic Controller),目的是用来取代继电器。
①可靠性高,抗干扰能力强;②编程直观、简单;③适应性好;④功能完善,接口功能强二、PLC的历史1968年,Richard E. Morley创造出了新一代工业控制装置可编程逻辑控制器(PLC),现在,PLC已经被广泛应用于工业领域,包括机械制造也、运输系统、化学过程设备、等许多其他领域。
自动控制系统英文介绍全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Automatic Control System IntroductionIn conclusion, automatic control systems play a crucial role in regulating the operation of machines and processes in various applications. They help improve efficiency, accuracy, and safety, making them essential in modern industrial and technological systems. The continuous advancement in automation technology will further enhance the capabilities of automatic control systems, leading to more efficient and intelligent systems in the future.第二篇示例:Automatic Control System IntroductionAn automatic control system is a system designed to control and regulate processes or systems without human intervention. It is an essential technology in various fields, including manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, and other industries.第三篇示例:There are several key components to an automatic control system. The first is the control algorithm, which is the set of rules that determine how the system should respond to changes in the input variables. This algorithm is often implemented using a computer program that runs on a microcontroller or a PLC (programmable logic controller).第四篇示例:Automatic control system is a technology that enables the control of machines, processes, and systems without human intervention. It relies on the use of sensors, actuators, controllers, and communication devices to monitor and adjust the operation of a system in real time. The goal of an automatic control system is to ensure the system operates efficiently, safely, and reliably without the need for constant human intervention.。
附录附录A外文Technology Features Reasearch of Japanese Railway Signal SystemThis paper begins with the developing history and technical classification of railway transportation, introduces the railway control system used in Japan, analyzes its technology features respectively from the aspects of electronic, computer and communication technology, and at last proposes the technical developing direction of future train control system.1、IntroductionIn the early days of railways, there was no signaling system. A station attendant showed the signal of go or stop by gestures. But people would make some mistakes which caused accidents.Signaling system prevents the accidents efficiently. Early signal system in Japan was Automatic Traffic Stop (ATS) devices. This device could automatically stop the train when it received the stop signal. Even if the driver ignored the alarm of the train-borne stop device, the device on the track could stop the train automatically.ATS-P (Automatic Train Stop Protection) was developed to raise efficiency. Using the responder to send a receive data signal, ATS-P system transmits information of the distance about the next stop to the train via the track, and then the system generates a train speed-checking pattern with these information.ATC (Automatic Train Control) system is developed to resolve problems of ATS-P. In ATC system, safety operation procedure will be activated to guarantee the safe performance of the train when the train operator made mistakes.To meet the needs of the modern massive high-efficient transportation, new traffic control systems are emerging such as ATACS (Advanced Train Administration Communication System), CBTC (Communication Based Train Control), etc. With the integration of railway signal and communication technology, track structure of new pattern and additional train-borne functions.This paper proposes the features of the current railway control system in Japan with the development history of the railway signal system as background, and thenshows its key technology and developments in future.2、Railway Signal SystemsThe first railway transportation system began to operate in 1830 between Liverpool and Manchester. Signal system was introduced to improve safety and to cope with the increase of traffic volume.In 1841, the signal technology was used at the two ends of the North Midland tunnel at the first time. The track circuit for the train detecting was invented in 1872.The following will analyze typical railway signal system developed by Japan National Railways (JNR) and East Japan Railway. For these systems, the level is determined by fixed block or moving block system. Train position locating is taken by the track circuit or onboard train locating device. The information is transmitted through the track circuit or radio.(ATS-S)system (Kera, 2000 is automatic train stop device which was introduced into JNR to prevent train collision. In a block section where a train is present, a track circuit detects the train position information, and the control device turns the signal for the section to Red. This status indicates that no other train can go into this block section. All of the other trains must stop before the section. Signals of other sections, into which a train can go, are Green or Yellow. Permitted speed is determined according to the distance to the section with the red signal. There is important relationship between the signal status of a section and the train position. The block system used in ATS which is consisted of the track circuit and signal device is based on the fixed block section. ATS-P improved to correct a weakness of ATS-S. By using digital information from a transponder, ATS-P transmits information about signal aspects and the distance to the next stop signal from the trackside to the train and uses this information to generate the train speed checking pattern. Then the computer compares the actual speed and this pattern. If the actual speed exceeds the pattern speed, the braking system will start. Different from ATS-S, ATS-P won t require the driver verify. When the train speed approaches the danger pattern, it will alarm the driver. The system engages the service brake at maximum power automatically when the speed pattern approaches the danger pattern.D (Decentralized)-ATC is an intelligent on-board system. Every train calculates its appropriate permitted speed according to the stop position information from the ATC central logic system. In high traffic density braking on time can be realized by pattern control. The cost of ground devices is reduced by using generalinformation equipment and a decentralized system. The system contains the flexibility of be able to shorten the train headway without changing ground equipment when rolling stock performance is improved. Operability is improved by indicating the train usage on routes to drivers.Along with information technology develops so rapidly, a new railway traffic control system appears. The system can make trains know its own position information and the distance with others. The developing system is called ATACS (advanced train administer and communication system).ATACS is a new rail control system based on information technology and ADS technology.3、Technology Features of Japanese Railway Signal SystemDecentralized Technology FeatureAt first ATC was used for supporting the safety supers-peed system of the Japanese Shinkansen, and then was introduced to traditional rail system to shorten the distance between trains. But it can’t work effectively because of the ATC technology limit. In this background D-ATC (data decentralized ATC) based on ADS (autonomous and decentralized system) developed as the level 2 system. In D-ATC system every train is allowed to calculate its own speed. JR East developed a kind of Shinkansen D-ATC, in which data communication was used. The D-ATC is officially called DS-ATC. The system is used on Keihin-Tohoku line called D-ATC, while in Shinkansen called DS-ATC.In the ATC system the speed signal is in the drivers cab, which received permitted speed information from the ground equipment continuously. ATC s central logic system transmits ATC signals to track circuit. ATC signals are about speed information, while they are used as train detection signals. The logic device can determine the section on which a train is present by monitoring the level of received ATC signal power because the wheels of the train short the track circuits. To set the rack circuit boundary and speed pattern is to sustain train s headway, which is necessary for train traffic control. In the ATC system the central logic system undertakes the most train interval control. The on-board system controls the braking system according to the instructions from the central logic system.Distance between trains is an important concept in railway transportation control. In this control method the system recognizes the distance between two consecutive trains firstly. Then the system controls their speed to insure a safe distance. In order to realize this distance control, various new functions are required,such as positioning exactly,high speed communication between trains and ground devices.The major difference between D-ATC and traditional ATC lies on that D-ATC is an intelligent on-board system. Every train calculates its appropriate permitted speed according to the stop position information from the ATC central logic system. Administer and Communication Technology FeatureThere is one point to stop one train before it crashes the preceding train. That is just to control critical stop distance. And the key information is the exact train position and where the train should stop. We know the ATC service purpose so that the basic functions of new ATC are clear. In another word equipment on the ground only transmits the train stop information, and then the train itself confirms its position and calculates the distance between it and the stop position. After that the train takes the radian and gradient into account and brakes at the proper moment.Ideal distance control model consists of trains which know each others positions. The model realized because of wireless communication technology development.In railway an area is divided into several control areas, in which ground devices and radio base stations are set up. Ground devices in every control area have many functions, such as train positioning, distance control, switching control, level crossing control and security for maintenance. Radio base stations and on-board equipment exchange information. As the appropriate interval between stations is determined according to the service area covered by radio transmissions, every base station is connected with corresponding ground control devices.The on-board computer controls brakes according to the control information from the ground devices, while it sends out the train position information to the ground equipment through on-board mobile radio base station. The first step of the control procedure is to determine the accurate train position as measured by the on-board computer. When a train enters or gets out of the boundary of a section, its original position will be recorded. Then on-board computers detect the trains speed and deal with the speed information. So the train s position track is obtained. However, when a train passes a position device on the ground, its position information will be corrected.The position detected by the system is structured into the identification numbers of the ground controller in the relevant control area, the virtual blocks into which thecontrol area is divided, and the position within the relevant track block, and these data are processed both by the wayside and on-board computer.According to the transmitting distance restricts of radio signals, generally two base stations are constructed three miles apart. Four different frequencies are used alternately to prevent two neighbor base stations signals from interfering. For on-board system operation the practically used frequency is the most proper one of all ground radio base station in every area. Every base station must connect with trains passing it. Generally we presume that the base station communicates each train in one-second cycle. Accordingly, one-second is divided into several time slots. Because there will be mistakes in communication, space difference system and Reed-Solomoncode are adopted. Reed-Solomon code can correct early errors.ATACS is based on ADS (Autonomous Decentralized System) technology. In ATACS system ground devices are decentralized and connected by a network. According to the information from ground equipment the permitted speed is generated. Every trainson-board equipment can control the braking system automatically. Ground system is composed of central control system and train control system. The system is provided to devices autonomously. The advantage is that it reduces disable devices influence to whole system. What s more, it makes it possible to set up a system step by step. If one base station is out of work, an adjacent base station takes charge of its work. So the whole system can go on working.4、ConclusionThe results of the research shows that new train control systems will be developed by applying the latest information and control technology in place of the conventional signaling system applied for over 100 years. The future autonomous train control systems will consist of an on-board system only, without a ground system, because of the application of the ADS technology. ADS technology information technology and communication technology is the key to realize the future train control system.中文译文日本铁路信号系统的技术特点考索本文从铁路运输的历史发展和技术的分类,介绍了日本的铁路控制系统,分别从电子技术、计算机技术和通信技术分析其工艺特点等方面的研究进展,最后提出了技术开发未来方向的列车控制系统。
2.计算机联锁设备的故障类型与处理原则2.1 故障类型计算机联锁系统的故障按性质,可分为硬件故障和软件故障。
自动控制系统500作文英文回答:Automatic control systems are an essential part of modern technology, playing a crucial role in various industries and everyday life. These systems are designed to automatically regulate and control processes, reducing human intervention and improving efficiency.One of the key benefits of automatic control systems is their ability to enhance precision and accuracy. By continuously monitoring and adjusting parameters, these systems can maintain optimal conditions and ensure consistent performance. This is particularly important in industries such as manufacturing and transportation, where even minor deviations can lead to significant issues.Furthermore, automatic control systems contribute to increased safety and reliability. In critical applications such as aerospace and nuclear power plants, these systemsare designed to respond to emergencies and prevent catastrophic failures. By implementing redundant controls and fail-safe mechanisms, the risk of accidents and human errors can be significantly reduced.In addition to industrial applications, automaticcontrol systems are also widely used in everyday devicesand appliances. From thermostats and ovens to automobiles and smartphones, these systems simplify tasks and improve user experience. For example, cruise control in vehicles automatically adjusts speed to maintain a constant velocity, reducing driver fatigue and improving fuel efficiency.Overall, automatic control systems play a vital role in modern society, offering numerous benefits in terms of efficiency, safety, and convenience.中文回答:自动控制系统是现代技术的重要组成部分,在各个行业和日常生活中发挥着关键作用。
附录英文资料及其译文CHAPTER 1 Basis of the automatic control1. 1. Out lineThis device is temperature control experimental device of temperature, lever, pressure , that are the most common control subject for water treatment plants, chemical factories and power plants.At the experiment of automatic control, it is very important to keep the balance of system. Automatic control system is composed of control subjects and to keep control device. Especially process control has many control subjects to keep self-balance, so the experimental results is conducted with balance condition.This experimental device experiments about the relation of input signal and output signal to keep the balance (System characteristics) at the cascade experiment and fixed command control, also experiments on dynamic characteristic (Balance condition without time variation),static characteristic (Balance condition considerating time variation).And you record the change of control amount which was input handling amount or establishment of characteristic experiment. These typical response can be thought step response . Y ou experiment optimum control experiment , fixing P . I. D constant of control device, relating this step response.2. Process controlProcess control keeps the balance of the system, automatically correcting toward deviation, and compares every variable to operating toward deviation, and compares every variable to operation condition of industrial process of flux, temperature, surface, pressure, etc with the established goal. Process control is decided into closed loop and Open loop control.3. Kinds of automatic controlControl is composed of detection (measurement), comparison, judgment, operation and manual control is done by man’s hand and automatic control is done by measure or adjuster or other machinery. At present, automatic control is taken at the many plants .Moreover , we cannot think plant control without automatic control.Kinds of automatic control is decided like below.Automatic control Open loop controlSequential controlClosed loop control Feedback control3-1 .Feed back controlFeed back control detects (measure) compares , judges ,operates ,automatically. And it measures the results every moment , and corrects automatically if there is any differential between the desired value (set value).Feed back control is one of the main process control .This is the control that detecting (measuring) the results (Control amount: tank water lever ) with differential transmitter, and comparing the value with the set water lever and correct the deviation(Opening operation flow control of the control value)Like the above, feed back control automatically does the movement of measurement(detection) comparison calculation modernfication. Feed back system has the element of doing these functions.At the diagram 3-1 block line diagram it is the closed loop and it transmitted the correcting signal of the opposition toward the process flow.Diagram 3—1 Block line diagram of feed back control corollaryBlock line diagram: Indicating the constructing element of control system in block , and connecting the line expressing the signal flow.Signal :The amount being used for transmit the information3-2.Feed forward controlFeed forward control is the control method doing necessary correct movement before the influence appears to the control system , when disturbance enters into the control system.At feed back control, it starts correct movement to erase the deviation after the influence by disturbance appears, so in case of sudden change of disturbance or set value, then control disorders transiently and arises many problems.Feed forward control breaks down this weak point.At feed forward control, results of the controller is not done feedback and becomes open-loop control, not being close-loop control. Accordingly, in case of feed back control, the relation between cause and effect of disturbance and the results of control must be understood well. That is ,relation of influence to the control amount toward load change, and operating amount needed to compensate it should be clear.But it is generally difficult. In many cases it is difficult that all the disturbance is detected, andto get the perfect process model in actual process.Moreover it is difficult to avoid constant deviation, so it is used combined with feed back control.3-3 Sequence controlSequence control processes the fixed process in advance step by step. This sequence control is used in neon signs, vending machines, or electric washing machines. On the other hand, it is needed in the producing process at chemical factory, automobile factory, conveyer, automatic warehouse as automation.3.4 Classification of control methodsProduction method by continuous process is employed, when scale of process industry gets bigger and larger production amount id requested.You need to make proper use of the control method on some different condition of operation. To classfy automatic control system is difficult strictly because their control system has correlation. But general method of cassification will be like below.4-1 Classification by desired valueAutomatic control Fixed command controlFollowing control Follow up controlProgram control4-1-1 Fixed command controlMost of the controls belong to this control when desired value is constant.4-1-2 Following command controlServo mechanism composed to follow the change belongs to this control when desired value changes optionally.4-1-3 Program controlIt is used for the control in which desired value changes according to fixed time schedule. Normally , it is well used to temp. Control of fever process of metal or batch process at the chemical industry.4-2. Classification by control methodAutomatic control Unity control loopRatio controlCascade control4-2-1 ratio controlIt is well used to flow control of 2 fluid when desired value keeps with other fluid (other amount) constantly.You compare and measure if special ratio keeps toward basic fluid (B), then maintain the ratio as the purpose.4-2-2 Cascade controlIt is the control method that more than 2 automatic control systems control by output of other control device. In short, control circuit is combined in series.You change the desired value of flow by output of flux adjuster. If you control the desired value of flow control to fix water level in water tank, then you can prevent the influence to the level such as main pressure change of flow itself.The purpose of cascade control method is to absorb disturbance at first control, also to make easy the next step control, and to progress the control on the whole.3.5 Control actionAt control action, movement to reduce control deviation, giving operating amount in accordance with a movement signal is called control action.The following is this classification.5-1 Continuous controlIt does constantly correct movement toward deviation with desired value,measuring continuously toward controlled variable change.5-1-1 Proportional actionIt is the movement that operating amount Y is in proportion to movement signal and deviation. Suppose you make deviation as e, gain as kp,3.6 Automatic control apparatusFollowing apparatus are necessary for each part, like a block diagram( See diagram 3-2) of feedback control.◇ Primary Detecting element◇ Final control element◇ Controlling means6-1 Primary Detecting elementThis is the part to take out necessary signals from controlling object , and transmit on control devece.(1)Expanding thermometer (Bimetal type)Bimetal is the joined two metal boards which have different thermal expansion coefficient. It curves by temp.change.(2)Pressure type thermometer ( Vapor pressure )You put vaporlizableliquied like propane or ether into thermal sensitivity part.These liquid has certain vapor pressure, by contact surface with gas, and it deflects the needle, by changing pressure measuring mechanism.(3)Resistance thermometerIt is well known that in thermometry resistor (Rt). Its resistance increases as electric resistance changes by temp. and temp. rises.You build a bridge with thermometry resistor, and when its resistance value changes by temp., unbalanced current generates at the bridge. From this, you will know the temperature.(4) Thermoelectric thermometer (Thermocouple)Zeebesk effect is employed. You connect different kinds of metal. And make one connecting point temp.(Thermometry contact point) higher than another connecting point (Standard contact point) . Then thermoelectromotive force is generated between both connecting points.(5) Radiant thermometerSolid emits radiant energy in proportion to the square of four of absolute temp., like Stefan-Boltzmann’s formula.(6) Thermocouple and thermometry resistorDetecting part (Temp.sensor) of temp.control experimental device (SPC-201) is mostly used in industrial tem.measurement.And it employs thermocouple and thermometry resistor with which you can measure in high accuracy and easily.6-2. Final control element ( Control valve)Control valve receives output of adjuster and converts it into process variable Control valve isthe element to feedback to the process. So decides valve specifications. Understanding each controlled objects.6-2-1 Control valve feature(1) Flow feature( Proper feature)Relation of lift of control valve. That is , valve operation signal, with flux is called flow feature,equal percentage feature and on-off feature represent.1、near feature2、queral percentage feature3、On-off feature①Linear featureValve opening degree and flow are in proportion. Accordingly, flux changes 10% linearly,as opening degree changes 10%.②Equal percentage featureFlow increasing modulus becomes constant toward unit change of valve lift . Suppose there is flow increasing modulus at 10%, toward n% change of lift. Then flow will be.When 10 L/min weighting is 10*0.1=1 L/minWhen 50 L/min weighting is 50*0.1=1 L/minWhen 90 L/min weighting is 90*0.1=1 L/minEven if the same n% lift change, flow change is small, if flow is small. And it becomes big if flow is big. So, it has fine adjustment feature over wide flow range.③ On-off featureFlow soon reaches to the max.value, when a valve shift starts to move. It is usually used for 2-positioning control.It is called on-off feature or quick open feature.7.Relation of PID value and disturbance and control response toward setting change.Collect the relationship of PID value and control response toward disturbance, from experimental results, acquired at experiments.(1)proportional (P) action effect••••••••••••To increase proportional gain•To decrease off set amount (In case of no-integral action)•To become oscillative ,and be hunting condition•To get shouter the period of oscillation(2)Integral (I) action resultsFollowing things are conducted in aexperiment ,changed only integral time T I and shortening T I.•To lose off set amount•The first mountain gets smaller•To become oscillative. Amplitude damping ratio gets bigger to finally exhale•Returning time initially to setting value is shortened.(3)Differential (D) action effectFollowing thing is conducted in aexperiment ,changing only differential time and making T D longer.•Off set amount does not change (In case of no-integral action)•The first mountain gets smaller•Oscillation i s restrained. Amplitude damping ratio gets smaller. But ,if differential time is too long ,it becomes oscillative again.•Oscillaion period is shortened.8. P.I.D adjustment procedureYou shall understand PID feature and nature from experiments you did ,however, have difficulty in finding true value ,despite the adjustment .(1)Adjust P-I-D in order. Make step change toward desirable value, changing each constant.Then confirm and record the results.(2)Change proportional (P) band from large number to small number. Stop it when measuringvalue causes hunting.(3)Change integral time (T I) from large number to small number, too. Stop it when measuringvalue causes hunting, and bring a little back larger.(4)Change differential time (T D) from small number to large number. Stop it when measuringvalue causes hunting, and bring a little back smaller.(5)When you wish to shorten setting time, make P much smaller, and check the change ofmeasuring value.9. Optimum adjustmentTo arrange the control purpose based on the former experiments.(1)When you change desirable value, make measuring value and desirable value agree, as soonas possible. (Desirable value change, step response)(2)If measuring value deviates from desirable value, owing to changes of surrounded conditiontemporarily, put it back as soon as possible. (Disturbance response)As for (1) , time passage to make them agree is the problem. Measuring value change on PID value, in case of desirable value change, will be normally like diagram 9-1.At this diagram, temporarily it gets over desirable value. This is called overshoot. To decrease this over amount, and to shorted time to settle down measuring value (Setting time) do not normally coexist. In short, adjusting not to get over makes the setting time longer.Also, control process may have some trouble, if you shorten the setting time, ignoring over amount. On the other hand, it may be better to reach the desirable value sooner in spite of over amount. So, establishing guideline of overshoot, and you have and adjusting method, making time minimum within the range. It is called optimum adjustment, to adjust PID constant.自动控制基础1、提纲这套设备是用来测量温度、流量、液位、压力的实验设备中的温度的设备。
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中文2570字外文文献翻译院、部:电气与信息工程学院学生姓名:指导教师:职称讲师专业:自动化班级: 09级01班完成时间: 2013.06.06出处:Computing, Communication, Control, and Management, 2008. CCCM'08. ISECS International Colloquium on. IEEE, 2008, 1: 538-541Component-based Safety Computer of Railway SignalInterlocking System1 IntroductionSignal Interlocking System is the critical equipment which can guarantee traffic safety and enhance operational efficiency in railway transportation. For a long time, the core control computer adopts in interlocking system is the special customized high-grade safety computer, for example, the SIMIS of Siemens, the EI32 of Nippon Signal, and so on. Along with the rapid development of electronic technology, the customized safety computer is facing severe challenges, for instance, the high development costs, poor usability, weak expansibility and slow technology update. To overcome the flaws of the high-grade special customized computer, the U.S. Department of Defense has put forward the concept:we should adopt commercial standards to replace military norms and standards for meeting consumers’demand [1]. In the meantime, there are several explorations and practices about adopting open system architecture in avionics. The United Stated and Europe have do much research about utilizing cost-effective fault-tolerant computer to replace the dedicated computer in aerospace and other safety-critical fields. In recent years, it is gradually becoming a new trend that the utilization of standardized components in aerospace, industry, transportation and other safety-critical fields.2 Railways signal interlocking system2.1 Functions of signal interlocking systemThe basic function of signal interlocking system is to protect train safety by controlling signal equipments, such as switch points, signals and track units in a station, and it handles routes via a certain interlocking regulation.Since the birth of the railway transportation, signal interlocking system has gone through manual signal, mechanical signal, relay-based interlocking, and the modern computer-based Interlocking System.2.2 Architecture of signal interlocking systemGenerally, the Interlocking System has a hierarchical structure. According to the function of equipments, the system can be divided to the function of equipments; the system can be divided into three layers as shown in figure1.Man-Machine Interface layerInterlocking safety layerImplementation layerOutdoorequiptmentsFigure 1 Architecture of Signal Interlocking System3 Component-based safety computer design3.1 Design strategyThe design concept of component-based safety critical computer is different from that of special customized computer. Our design strategy of SIC is on a base of fault-tolerance and system integration. We separate the SIC into three layers, the standardized component unit layer, safety software layer and the system layer. Different safety functions are allocated for each layer, and the final integration of the three layers ensures the predefined safety integrity level of the whole SIC. The three layers can be described as follows:(1) Component unit layer includes four independent standardized CPU modules. A hardware “SAFETY AND” logic is implemented in this year.(2) Safety software layer mainly utilizes fail-safe strategy and fault-tolerant management. The interlocking safety computing of the whole system adopts two outputs from different CPU, it can mostly ensure the diversity of software to hold with design errors of signal version and remove hidden risks.(3) System layer aims to improve reliability, availability and maintainability by means of redundancy.3.2 Design of hardware fault-tolerant structureAs shown in figure 2, the SIC of four independent component units (C11, C12, C21, C22). The fault-tolerant architecture adopts dual 2 vote 2 (2v2×2) structure, and a kind of high-performance standardized module has been selected as computing unit which adopts Intel X Scale kernel, 533 MHZ.The operation of SIC is based on a dual two-layer data buses. The high bus adopts thestandard Ethernet and TCP/IP communication protocol, and the low bus is Controller Area Network (CAN). C11、C12 and C21、C22 respectively make up of two safety computing components IC1 and IC2, which are of 2v2 structure. And each component has an external dynamic circuit watchdog that is set for computing supervision and switching.Diagnosis terminal C12C21C22&&Watchdog driverFail-safe switch Input modle Output Modle InterfaceConsole C11High bus(Ether NET)Low bus (CAN)Figure 2 Hardware structure of SIC3.3 Standardized component unitAfter component module is made certain, according to the safety-critical requirements of railway signal interlocking system, we have to do a secondary development on the module. The design includes power supply, interfaces and other embedded circuits.The fault-tolerant processing, synchronized computing, and fault diagnosis of SIC mostly depend on the safety software. Here the safety software design method is differing from that of the special computer too. For dedicated computer, the software is often specially designed based on the bare hardware. As restricted by computing ability and application object, a special scheduling program is commonly designed as safety software for the computer, and not a universal operating system. The fault-tolerant processing and fault diagnosis of the dedicated computer are tightly hardware-coupled. However, the safety software for SIC is exoteric and loosely hardware-coupled, and it is based on a standard Linux OS.The safety software is vital element of secondary development. It includes Linux OS adjustment, fail-safe process, fault-tolerance management, and safety interlocking logic. The hierarchy relations between them are shown in Figure 4.Safety Interlock LogicFail-safe processFault-tolerance managementLinux OS adjustmentFigure 4 Safety software hierarchy of SIC3.4 Fault-tolerant model and safety computation3.4.1 Fault-tolerant modelThe Fault-tolerant computation of SIC is of a multilevel model:SIC=F1002D(F2002(S c11,S c12),F2002(S c21,S c22))Firstly, basic computing unit Ci1 adopts one algorithm to complete the S Ci1, and Ci2 finishes the S Ci2via a different algorithm, secondly 2 out of 2 (2oo2) safety computing component of SIC executes 2oo2 calculation and gets F SICi from the calculation results of S Ci1 S Ci2, and thirdly, according the states of watchdog and switch unit block, the result of SIC is gotten via a 1 out of 2 with diagnostics (1oo2D) calculation, which is based on F SIC1 and F SIC2.The flow of calculations is as follows:(1) S ci1=F ci1 (D net1,D net2,D di,D fss)(2) S ci2=F ci2 (D net1,D net2,D di,D fss)(3) F SICi=F2oo2 (S ci1, S ci2 ),(i=1,2)(4) SIC_OutPut=F1oo2D (F SIC1, F SIC2)3.4.2 Safety computationAs interlocking system consists of a fixed set of task, the computational model of SIC is task-based. In general, applications may conform to a time-triggered, event-triggered or mixed computational model. Here the time-triggered mode is selected, tasks are executed cyclically. The consistency of computing states between the two units is the foundation of SIC for ensuring safety and credibility. As SIC works under a loosely coupled mode, it is different from that of dedicated hardware-coupled computer. So a specialized synchronization algorithm is necessary for SIC.SIC can be considered as a multiprocessor distributed system, and its computational model is essentially based on data comparing via high bus communication. First, an analytical approach is used to confirm the worst-case response time of each task. To guarantee the deadline of tasks that communicate across the network, the access time and delay of communication medium is set to a fixed possible value. Moreover, the computational model must meets the real time requirements of railway interlocking system, within the system computing cycle, we set many check points P i(i=1,2,... n) , which are small enough for synchronization, and computation result voting is executed at each point. The safetycomputation flow of SIC is shown in Figure 5.S t a r tS t a r t0τ1τ2τ1P2P0τ1τ2τ1P2P0T0TC1i Ci 21T2T1T2T…………………n+1τn+1τn Pn Pn τn τclockclockS a f e t y f u n c t i o n s T a s k s o f i n t e r l o c k i n g l o g i c i :p:c h e c k p o i n t I n i t i a l i z e S y n c h r o n i z a t i o n G u a r a n t e e S y n c h r o n o u s T i m e t r i g g e rFigure 5 Safety computational model of SIC4. Hardware safety integrity level evaluation4.1 Safety IntegrityAs an authoritative international standard for safety-related system, IEC 61508 presents a definition of safety integrity: probability of a safety-related system satisfactorily performing the required safety functions under all the stated conditions within a stated period of time. In IEC 61508, there are four levels of safety integrity are prescribe, SIL1~SIL4. The SIL1 is the lowest, and SIL4 highest.According to IEC 61508, the SIC belongs to safety-related systems in high demand or continuous mode of operation. The SIL of SIC can be evaluated via the probability of dangerous per hour. The provision of SIL about such system in IEC 61508, see table 1.Table 1-Safety Integrity levels: target failure measures for a safety function operating in high demand orcontinuous mode of operationSafety Integrity levelHigh demand or continuous mode of Operation (Probability of a dangerous Failure per hour)4 ≥10-9 to <10-83 ≥10-8 to <10-72 ≥10-7 to <10-61 ≥10-6 to <10-54.2 Reliability block diagram of SICAfter analyzing the structure and working principle of the SIC, we get the bock diagram of reliability, as figure 6.2002200220022002NET1NET2NET1NET2λ=1×10-7DC=99%Voting=1002D λ=1×10-7DC=99%Voting=1002D λ=1×10Β=2%βD =1%DC=99%Voting=1002D High busLogic subsystem Low busFigure 6 Block diagram of SIC reliability5. ConclusionsIn this paper, we proposed an available standardized component-based computer SIC. Railway signal interlocking is a fail-safe system with a required probability of less than 10-9 safety critical failures per hour. In order to meet the critical constraints, fault-tolerant architecture and safety tactics are used in SIC. Although the computational model and implementation techniques are rather complex, the philosophy of SIC provides a cheerful prospect to safety critical applications, it renders in a simpler style of hardware, furthermore, it can shorten development cycle and reduce cost. SIC has been put into practical application, and high performance of reliability and safety has been proven.模块化安全铁路信号计算机联锁系统1概述信号联锁系统是保证交通安全、提高铁路运输效率的关键设备。