



英汉习语对比及其翻译【Abstract】Idioms are the essence of a language, which have strong national colors and distinctive cultural connotations. So it is difficult for both English and Chinese readers to understand the idiom translation thoroughly and exactly. This thesis first analyzes the similarity of English and Chinese idioms from the aspect of rhetorical means, such as alliteration, rhyme, repetition, antithesis and so on. Then it probes into the causes of the differences in English and Chinese idioms from the aspects of different living circumstances, different cognitions of things, different religions and beliefs, and different historical allusions and myths, etc. After that, it talks about the three typical problems in English-Chinese idiom translation, such as interpreting the English idioms too literally, copying Chinese customary sayings mechanically, and lacking in necessary explanatory notes. Finally, it summarizes five idiom translation methods, including literal translation with explanation, literal translation with association, transformation of meanings, application of Chinese couplet and equal consideration of both images and meanings. All the significance of this thesis is to convey the idioms‟ cultural information as much as possible, which is very useful for the language learning.【Key Words】idiom; comparison; translation【摘要】习语通常包括成语、俗语、格言、歇后语、谚语、俚语、行话等。








1.1 比喻临沂方言俗语在使用明喻时,会有明显的喻词,例如“好像”、“如”、“似”等。


也有一些使用暗喻的俗语方言,在本体和喻体中没有明显的喻词,但两者之间存在比喻的关系,如“当天井”意指“院子”,把院子比作了“井”; “雾露毛子”意指“小雨”等。

英语俚语中明喻的使用十分普遍,如“third wheel”比喻“电灯泡”,又如“We are like peas and carrots”,“peas and carrots”是“形影不离”的意思。

也有大量结构为“as+形容词+as+名词”运用明喻的俚語,如“as firm as a rock(坚如磐石)”、“as mute as a fish(噤若寒蝉)”等等。

1.2 夸张临沂方言俗语“脸皮子比地屋子墙还厚”、“蹬不着天,打不着地”、“兄弟心连心,黄土变成金”等都运用了夸张的修辞手法,强调了俗语中所表现出来的哲理或者表现出了更强烈的思想感情,给人以深刻印象。

英语俚语中,“you are killing me”不是说“我被你杀死了”,而是通过“killing”来夸大对方的幽默感,表达“我快被你笑死了/你太幽默了”的意思。






Disclaimer: This article may contain language that would provoke negative feeling towards the reader. The writer will not take any responsibility in relation with this article.A-OAce = brilliant(brill).多用于利物浦。

Aggro– aggravation 愤怒或者时激愤,常见于球赛中.(英国球迷,汗颜中)trouble 意思相近! There is sometimes aggro in the cities after the pubs shut!All right?–南方常用词, 意思等同于"Hello, how are you"? 另一种方式用于比较熟的人"all right mate"? 年轻人常用。

回答方式也是All right?Anti-clockwise–逆时针,美式用法counter-clockwise。

尽量不要在英国适应美式用法,会让人误解为和顺时针作战的!Any road= anyway, 常见于英国北部,不是全英通用。

Derby, York, Newcastle 常见.Arse = ass 美语中没有或者不用这个词。

常见短语 "pain in the arse" 翻译为相当硌应或者相当烦人, I "can't be arsed" =I can't be bothered 没工夫理(它)。

"a half arsed attempt" 可以理解为没有尽力做。




由于中美两国文化、风俗、思想、习惯的差异,如果照字直译,或把单字「堆在一起」,老外听了,也许就会「满头雾水」、「迷迷糊糊」,成了他们所说的「只有你们中国人听得懂」的「中国英文」(Chinese English)。


1. 人山人海:有人直译为:People mountain people sea.这就是「中国英文」,老外很难理解。

他们指「人多」时,通常只说:「There is a large crowd of people.」如果看到电影院门前大排长龙,也只说:「There is (was) a long movie line.」不过在诗词用语(poetic expression) 里,老外也有使用:「a (the) sea of faces」,颇有咱们「人山人海」的味道。

例如:Looking out upon the sea of faces, Mr. A delivered a touching speech.(望着一片人山人海的听众,A先生发表一篇动人的演说。

)Standing at his podium, President Clinton saw a sea of faces waving at him.(柯林顿总统站在讲台上看到人山人海的人群挥手向他致意。


因此,可以说:I saw a sea of faces from the top of the building. 但在平地的人群中,就不说:「I saw the sea of faces.」也不说:「There is a sea of faces.」只说:「I saw a large crowd of people.」2. 家家有本难念的经:有人译成:Every family cooking -pot has a black spot. (意思是:每个家庭的锅子都有黑色的污点)这样说法,老外恐怕不能充分了解。



最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 论《红字》中的清教主义思想2 英语毕业论文)从利益最大化的角度分析商务谈判中的报价策略3 英语专业学生语音学习中的问题4 Analysis of Conrad’s Ambivalence In Heart of Darkness5 埃德娜的觉醒——对《觉醒》的心理女性主义分析6 从文化角度探析中英基本颜色词的比较和翻译7 广告的翻译原则和方法8 文化负载词的交际翻译论——以《吾国与吾民》为例9 以《新时代汉英大辞典》为例析中文谚语英译10 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。

原创Q 799 75 79 3811 论后现代写作技巧在白雪公主中的运用12 浅谈国际商务谈判礼仪13 英语专业听力课程教学效率的调查与分析14 合作原则在小说《傲慢与偏见》对话分析中的应用15 浅谈《欲望号街车》所阐述的欲望16 Awakening of the Black Women’s Self-consciousness—A Study of Four Major Female Images in Beloved17 商务英语中的缩略词研究18 On the Dramatic Conflicts Contributing to Eliza Doolittle’s Pursuit of Self-identity in Pygmalion19 论《一个温和的建议》中的黑色幽默20 A Journey through Harsh Reality: Reflections on Gulliver’s Travels21 论《紫色》中西莉的精神意识的创建22 汉语邀请行为的语用分析23 The Comparison of the Two Mai n Characters in Daniel Defoe’s Roxana and Emily Zola’s Nana24 浅析《飘》中女性主义的萌发25 肯德基在中国成功的本土化营销策略26 初中英语词汇教学法研究综述27 从女性意识的角度解读《荆棘鸟》中的女性形象28 宗教在世界战争史中扮演的角色29 论《第二十二条军规》的写作手法30 初中学生听力理解障碍简析及应对策略31 量词“片”与“piece”的语法化对比研究32 Application of Cooperative Learning in English Reading Class of Senior High School33 培根《论读书》多种译本的比较34 从"龙"一词的文化内涵看汉英文化的差异35 路易莎•梅•奥尔科特《小妇人》中的女性话语36 跨文化因素对字幕翻译的影响37 英语文化中身势语的性别差异38 中英思维模式比较分析39 功能对等理论在汉英广告翻译中的应用40 从《在路上》分析“垮掉的一代”的文化内涵41 目的论视角下《了不起的盖茨比》两个译本对比研究42 浅谈《旧约》中女性的形象和地位43 与身体器官有关的中英文习语对比研究44 浅析中西习俗文化“冲突”45 汉语语速性别对比研究46 从涉外婚姻分析中西方文化差异47 顺应论视角中电影字幕汉英翻译研究——以李安电影作品字幕翻译为例48 对比哈利•波特与蜘蛛侠浅析英美英雄文化差异49 Situational Approach to Grammar Teaching in Senior High English Classes50 初中英语课堂教学师生互动有效性研究51 《美国丽人》中折射出的父母对青少年行为和心理的影响52 Psychological Analysis of Holden in The Catcher in the Rye53 试析《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中主人公冲破种族主义桎梏追求自由的精神54 广告英语的文体特征研究55 Tentative Strategies for Improving Chinese Students’Oral English56 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响57 Thackeray’s Ambivalent Attitude towards the Women i n Vanity Fair58 浅析以学生为中心的中学英语口语教学59 浅析不同文化中的身势语60 从《去吧,摩西》中的“熊”看福克纳对人性的探讨61 从异化和归化角度对《爱玛》两个中文译本的比较研究62 试析英语广告中双关语的翻译63 师生关系与学生英语学习积极性之关联性探析64 Who Was to Blame:The Influence of Community on Pecola65 浅析英语粘着词素及其在词汇教学中的实用价值66 Harmony is Everything: an Ecological Analysis of The Grapes of Wrath67 论中学英语课堂师生互动教学68 苔丝的反叛精神69 《野性的呼唤》中巴克形象分析70 日用品广告语言中中西方价值观差异比较研究71 从摩尔•弗兰德斯看世纪英国女性地位72 从接受美学视角看中式菜肴的英译73 文化差异对跨国公司在华本土化战略的影响74 论英汉数字习语的差异及翻译75 詹姆士•费•库伯《最后的莫希干人》中的殖民主义76 概念隐喻在英语汽车广告中的应用77 林语堂翻译思想探究——以《浮生六记》英译本为例78 英汉广告文化和翻译79 国际商务英语合同翻译策略研究80 《赫索格》中玛德琳的性格81 《美国悲剧》中的对比手法运用研究82 天鹅的涅槃——以跨文化交际的角度解读《喜福会》中母女关系83 美国俚语中所折射出的美国亚文化现象84 论性别歧视85 从弗吉尼亚伍尔夫到多丽丝莱辛:论女性主义的发展——对比两位作家笔下塑造的女性形象86 小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的精神力量分析87 汤姆索亚历险记中汤姆的成长88 《威尼斯商人》中的人物夏洛克性格分析89 差异、对立与和谐——浅析伍尔夫的双性同体观90 英汉基本姿势动词(立、坐、躺)的语义实证比较研究91 论现实主义在《野性的呼唤》中的体现92 《宠儿》中塞斯的性格分析93 非语言行为在小学外教英语教学中的运用94 隐喻视角下的政治新闻语篇分析95 英美小说《傲慢与偏见》和《飘》中的女性主体意识比较分析96 The Lost Generation—“Nada” in Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place”97 《红楼梦》两个英译本(杨译本和霍译本)诗词翻译对比赏析98 侦探小说的发展99 关于爱伦坡诗歌死亡主题的探讨100 从文化差异的角度看中文颜色词的英译101 功能对等理论透视下的影视片名翻译102 世纪年代的摇滚乐对美国传统价值观的影响研究103 《爱玛》中身份和同辈的压力104 论《看不见的人》的主人公的心理成长历程105 从《河东狮吼》与《套礼服》的对比中分析中美婚礼的差异106 从《老人与海》中看海明威的人生哲学107 浅析《黑暗的心》女性形象的作用108 从中英婚俗看两国文化差异109 从电影《刮痧》看中西文化冲突110 《阿甘正传》承载的美国青年价值观111 中美立法语言的模糊性研究112 英汉诗歌中“月”意象的认知解读113 英语非作格动词语义特征和句法属性研究114 网络英语对汉语词汇的影响研究115 英语学习中语法的功能116 从词汇对等角度看《红楼梦》中“笑”一词的英译117 浅析商务英语的语言特点及翻译118 《爱玛》中的女权思想解读119 口语语篇中责任情态的人际意义研究120 爱伦坡哥特式小说探析121 海明威在《永别了,武器》中的反战情绪122 从《达罗卫夫人》看弗吉妮娅伍尔夫的个性123 试论《出狱》中“房子”的意象124 英汉“拉”类动词的语义成分和词化模式的对比分析125 从动画片《喜羊羊与灰太狼》和《猫和老鼠》对比中美儿童教育的差异126 《乞力马扎罗山上的雪》中的生与死127 肯德基在中国成功的本土化营销策略128 DOTA游戏英雄名称汉译策略129 An Analysis on Cultural Differences in Translation130 论双性同体理论下的《达洛卫夫人》131 Application of Politeness Principle in Top Talk132 英汉称谓语对比分析133 欧•亨利短篇小说中幽默的翻译134 福克纳的《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂的悲剧成因分析135 从目的论看《长腿叔叔》的中译136 An Analysis on the Differences of Dietetic Culture between the East and the West from English Translation of Chinese Menu137 论《呼啸山庄》中的叙述技巧138 浅谈商务函电的写作139 Translation of the Implied Meaning in Communication140 中西方文化差异对广告翻译的影响141 中西方礼仪差异142 浅析焦虑对英语专业学生英语口语的影响143 扬•马特尔《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》中的空间叙事与空间形式144 汉语中外来词的使用现状及原因145 从美学角度浅析许渊冲《汉英对照唐诗三首》——“意音形”三美论146 场独立-场依存性与第二语言习得147 从思维模式看中西方文化差异148 论英汉植物词语的文化附加义149 “冰山理论”在海明威小说创作中的运用研究150 《抽彩》和《蝇王》的艺术魅力比较151 英语介词的翻译152 以国际商务谈判为视角分析中西文化差异153 《恋爱中的女人》人物及其人物关系的象征分析154155 An Analysis of Daphne du Maurier’s Female Identity Anxiety Reflected in Rebecca156 浅析《远大前程》中主人公皮普性格发展的形成因素157 Lost Generation Writers and Chinese After-s Writers158 教师在农村初中英语游戏教学中的角色分析--以某中学为例159 跨文化交际背景下英语禁忌语探析160 论《双城记》中的现实主义风格161 从语域理论角度分析商务发盘函的翻译策略162 图式理论在高中英语阅读中的运用163 莎士比亚《仲夏夜之梦》中的男性探究164 《太阳照样升起》中杰克•巴恩斯的形象165 中国英语与中式英语的对比研究——从英汉民族思维差异的角度166 从功能翻译理论视角看《破产姐妹》的字幕翻译167 论《蝇王》中戈尔丁对人性之恶的解析168 《蝇王》中神话元素的象征意义169 浅析苔丝之死170 从电影《国王的演讲》看平民情结171 杰克•伦敦《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义分析172 英语商务信函中礼貌策略的应用173 英语谚语中关系分句之先行词he高频使用之探析174 中西礼貌用语的语用对比研究175 论中国特色时政新词的英译176 论电影片名翻译的“忠实性”177 分析《绯闻女孩》中的美国社会文化特征178 英汉爱情隐喻对比研究179 英语环境公示语翻译中的问题以及解决方法180 《哈利•波特》系列作品中颜色的象征意义181 初探法律英语用词的准确性与模糊性182 论《老人与海》中圣地亚哥性格的双重性183 A Study of English Reading Strategies in the High School184 从认知角度看隐喻在英语词汇习得中应用185 通过阅读提高大学生的英语写作能力186 从校园官方网站角度对比研究中美校园文化187 高中英语互动式课堂教学模式研究188 从文化差异比较研究中美家庭教育189 The Similarities and Differences between Chinese and Occidental Classical Gardens 190 何以苦难——《荆棘鸟》中女性悲剧的缘由191 《墙上的斑点》中的意识流技巧分析192 浅谈企业形象广告设计193 英汉社交称谓语的对比研究194 论苔丝悲剧的成因195 “垮掉的一代”与中国“后”比较研究——以摇滚音乐为分析视角196 Analysis of the Distorted Love between Mother and Son in Sons and Lovers197 青少年的危机时刻——短篇小说集《最初的爱情,最后的仪式》初探198 中英文隐喻对比研究199 《红楼梦》两英译本中习语翻译的比较200 浅析《老人与海》和《海上扁舟》中人与自然的关系。















例如:1、to go to sleep环球博思论文网:长眠2、to be no more 没了,不在了3、to close one’s eyes 闭眼,合眼4、to lay down one’s life 献身5、to pass away 去世,与世长辞英语中p regnant和汉语的“怀孕”的概念常常跟sex (性)的概念有联系,因此,人们往往用委婉的方式来表达这一概念。


比如:1、She is five months gone. 她已有五个月的喜了。


”)2、to wear the ap ron high. (如译成“围兜系的高高的”,肯定没几个中国读者联想到“怀孕”。

)3、to be a delicate condition (妇女怀孕,的确是处于“碰不起的状态”,可汉语不这么说。



最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 A Study of Nonverbal Communication2 高中英语词汇课堂教学策略3 对比分析英式英语和美式英语的区别4 关于《哈利波特》中对种族主义批判的研究5 Negative Transfer and the Errors Committed by Chinese English Learners6 浅析科技英语翻译中的逻辑错误7 海明威笔下的另类反英雄——评《艾略特夫妇》和《雨中的猫》中的男性形象8 从接受美学浅谈英文电影片名的汉译9 汉英“眼”概念隐喻的对比研究10 汽车商标词的翻译特征和方法11 对公共演讲课堂中大学生课堂表现的心理分析12 英汉动物习语中隐喻用法的对比分析13 《飘》中郝思嘉性格特征透析14 中美企业招聘广告文化对比分析15 中式菜谱的翻译16 Vague Language and Its Pragmatic Functions in Diplomatic Language17 功能翻译理论关照下的新闻英语标题翻译18 论伍尔夫《到灯塔去》女权主义主题思想及对中国女性文学之影响19 A Lonely but Strong-willed Soul A Character Analysis of Ellen Weatherall in The Jilting of Granny Weatherall20 分析《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的二元性21 论《纯真年代》的女性意识22 Linguistic Communication Skills in Business Negotiations23 英汉动物习语对比研究24 The Study of Humor in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle25 论英语习语的语言和文化功用26 文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响27 A Comparative Study of Feminism in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights28 探析《玛莎•奎斯特》中玛莎性格的根源29 从模因论视角看年度流行语“给力”(开题报告+论文+文献综述)30 A Study on the Cross-Cultural Management in the Sino-American Joint-Venture Enterprises --With Special Reference to Changan & Ford Motor Company31 Culture Teaching in College English Listening Classrooms32 对《一小时的故事》的批评分析33 英汉拒绝言语对比研究34 从莎翁作品透视伊丽莎白时期女性社会地位35 The Heroism in The Old Man and the Sea36 从目的论看《红楼梦》中成语的翻译37 从女权主义视角分析《德伯家的苔丝》38 浅析法律英语的词汇特点及其翻译39 浅析美国传奇总统的共性40 艺术与现实之间的冲突--解读毛姆的《月亮和六便士》41 从电影《国王的演讲》看平民情结42 Harmony is Everything: an Ecological Analysis of The Grapes of Wrath43 《老人与海》中的孤独44 身势语在英语教学中的应用45 浅谈《永别了,武器》中的感伤主义46 浅谈商务英语合同的翻译47 论《简爱》中的经济意识48 浅析中世纪欧洲基督教婚姻伦理观49 从语用学角度看广告英语中的模糊表达50 接受美学指导下的电影字幕翻译——以《冰河世纪II》为例51 中英道歉策略对比研究52 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中女性人物的认知局限53 完美管家还是他者—浅析《长日留痕》中的管家形象(开题报告+论)54 浅谈商标的特点及其翻译55 从合作原则角度简要分析《老友记》中乔伊的性格特征56 女性模糊语在交际中的运用及分析57 《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》三个中文译本的对比赏析58 Euphemistic Expressions in Business Correspondences59 试析《儿子与情人》中保罗畸形的爱情观60 《西风颂》两个汉译版本的文体分析61 论小学英语教学中的语法教学62 To Obey or Rebel –A Study of Female Characters in Moment in Peking63 浅论中文商标的翻译64 从中西方文化差异看餐桌礼仪65 从迈克尔杰克逊看美国梦66 Strategies of Translating Chinese Proper Nouns in Tourism Texts67 忠实与变通策略在科技翻译中的运用68 析《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔顿的人生选择69 英汉典故及文化内涵的比较分析70 Sexism in English Language71 An Analysis of the Pragmatic Functions of English Euphemism72 广告翻译策略初探73 透过七夕和情人节看中西文化差异74 从电影《姐姐的守护者》分析人的自私性75 如何用英语作精彩演讲76 论《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂康普生的悲剧77 衔接理论在科技语篇英译汉中的应用78 从《一个干净明亮的地方》解析海明威的冰山理论79 黑人社区的替罪羊--论托尼•莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》中的黑人小女孩佩科拉80 中西建筑文化差异及其形成背景分析81 《等待野蛮人》中的寓言式写作手法82 小议非英语专业大学生英语口语能力的培养83 从中美文化差异看中国人创新能力的缺失与培养84 伊丽莎白.贝内特与简.爱的婚姻观之比较85 从民族文化心理差异角度看功能对等论在商标翻译中的运用86 约翰•斯坦贝克女性观流变初探87 从句法模式论英语公益广告语气系统的人际意义88 “一只陷入囹圄的小鸟”——苔丝的悲剧命运分析89 The Alternation of Language: A Study of Microblogging V ocabulary90 多媒体中学英语教学的优缺点91 广告中的熟语模因探析92 On Loss of Fidelity in Translation93 中西婚礼风俗对比94 从中美管理方式的不同透析中西方文化差异与整合95 浅析《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中的自由96 人性的扭曲,堕落与回归——希刺克厉夫的人性简析97 唐诗中比喻修辞格的翻译——以许渊冲英译本为例98 论初中英语教学中的教师角色扮演99 An Analysis of the Images in The Catcher in the Rye100 论埃德加•爱伦•坡短篇小说的创作风格101 功能目的论视角下的企业外宣资料的英译研究102 分析嘉丽妹妹性格变化的原因103 “美国梦”的幻灭——论《人与鼠》的社会悲剧104 《哈姆雷特》与《夜宴》中人物塑造的比较研究105 功能翻译理论关照下的英汉商标翻译106 论《荆棘鸟》中人性和宗教信仰的矛盾冲突107 任务型教学法在高中英语阅读教学中的应用108 论修辞格在英语广告中的运用109 论《瓦尔登湖》的生态伦理意蕴110 从关联理论看中国电影名称的翻译111 英汉语篇衔接手段对比研究——以《荷塘月色》英译本为例112 高中学生英语课堂口语交际活动的错误分析113 视角转换理论在英文电影字幕中汉译的应用114 从常见的中英文名字比较中英两国命名文化差异115 浅析中式菜名的英译116 英汉被动结构对比研究117 Analysis of Love Tragedy in The Apple Tree in Light of Realism118 救赎之旅—浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿考菲尔德的成长经历119 浅析《警察与赞美诗》中欧•亨利的写作风格120 第二次世界大战中的温斯顿丘吉尔121 论翻译单位122 《动物农庄》的极权主义的研究123 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征主义124 从会话含义角度解读《老友记》的言语幽默效果125 从宗教建筑看中西文化差异126 英语词汇的语境意义分析127 商务英语中的缩略词研究128 中国和新加坡的双语教育差异比较129 美国总统面面观130 An Analysis of Space in In the Heart of the Country131 A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Taboos in the Context of Intercultural Communication132 论圣经诗篇的修辞特点133 鲁滨逊荒岛生存技能的分析134 《绝望的主妇》中的中产阶级女性独立意识的研究135 《紫色》女主人公性格分析136 Mother Tongue Influence on the Learning of a Foreign Language137 跨文化交际中的体态语138 论斯嘉丽的形象特征分析139 从跨文化的角度研究中英幽默140 商务英语函电的语言特征及翻译策略141 A Brief Study of British Women’s Rising Status142 《乱世佳人》主人公斯嘉丽形象浅析143 “美国梦”的破灭——《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征144 从美学角度评张培基先生所译散文“巷”145 从自然主义视角解读德莱赛《珍妮姑娘》中珍妮的形象146 钱钟书翻译研究147 论英语新课标下高中生跨文化意识的培养148 浅析《麦田守望者》主人公霍尔顿149 运用言语行为理论分析哈佛校长德鲁•福斯特的演说词150 《可以吃的女人》女性主义解读151 Who Is Ishmael: Kantian Philosophy in Moby Dick152 《人鼠之间》中两主人公乔治和雷尼的对比分析153 从依恋理论看《呼啸山庄》主人公希斯克利夫悲剧性格的形成154 浅析达洛卫夫人的自我追寻155 歧义视角下的英语言语幽默研究156 论美国文学中的自然主义产生的社会文化根源157 英语演讲语篇中的parallelism及其汉译策略—以奥巴马就职演说稿为例158 从英汉习语看中西方文化差异159 中美商务谈判风格差异160 生存危机和渴求改变——黑色幽默小说的主体研究161 英语报刊标题的词汇特点和修辞特点162 中外英语教师的优劣势比较:从中学生视角163 On the Anti-traditional Factors of Feminism Translation164 从《尼克亚当斯故事》中探析父亲情结对海明威人生观的影响165 模因论视角下的中国网络新词翻译策略166 Language Features and Translation Skills of Business English Contract167 Analysis of Tony’s Tragedy in A Handful of Dust168 中国皮钦语的产生和发展169 从《红字》看霍桑的政治观170 张培基翻译个案研究之背影171 从心理学角度试析简爱性格的对立性172 曹禺与尤金奥尼尔作品中的悲剧观比较173 The Influence of The New Policy of Export Tax Rebates174 高中英语新课标在xx中实施情况调查与分析175 动物词在中英文化中的喻义及其翻译176 战争、归乡、爱情—《冷山》的多元主题研究177 Cultural Differences Between Chinese and American Social Etiquettes178 论接受理论对儿童文学作品的影响——以《快乐王子》中译本为例179 《名利场》的女性主义解读180 论隐喻的本质与功能181 浅析“翻译文学”的本体认知与功用价值182 《吉檀迦利》中的泛神论思想183 英汉委婉语中体现的文化异同184 An Analysis of Imprisonment and Liberation in Great Expectations185 从《卡斯特桥市长》看哈代作品中的宿命论色彩186 中西方空间观对比研究187 On Wo manism in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple188 Characteristics of English Slang and Their Social Functions189 基于中西文化差异的翻译策略研究190 An Interpretation to The Characters in Nella Larsen’s Novel—Passing191 英汉动物习语中隐喻用法的对比分析192 英文姓名的起源和文化内涵193 中西方祭祀文化之异同194 浅谈中美饮食文化差异195 从文化角度谈美国俚语的汉译196 A Study on the Principles and Strategies of Note-taking in Consecutive Interpretation 197 中西文化差异在家庭教育中的体现198 旅游景点名翻译的异化与归化199 中西方身体语言的差异的研究200 《好人难寻》中哥特手法运用的分析。

















比方说,funny money (钱的替代物)Wear and tear(折磨)等。


比如从词法上看,美国俚语有很多是首字母缩略或者是词汇重复组成的,比方说SOS表示求救,而在俚语当中被Same old shit,表示老一套的含义。



中西文化差异对英语俚语翻译的影响第一篇:中西文化差异对英语俚语翻译的影响英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作567从文化差异角度论商标词的翻译麦当劳法则及其在美国社会的影响浅谈中西婚俗的文化差异基于马斯诺需求层次理论的《老人与海》主人公人物分析A Comparison of Western and Eastern Privacy Concepts 字幕中的幽默翻译—以《老友记》为例探究中西方委婉语产生的文化背景浅析《格列佛游记》中的乌托邦主题追求女性自我意识的孤独灵魂——评《觉醒》中的爱德娜马克•吐温悲观主义及其产生原因初探高中英语阅读教学中学生自主学习能力的培养论《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的基督式人物塑造浅论英汉翻译中词的转译英汉语言中的性别歧视现象15从跨文化交际角度看中西方商务谈判从理解文化角度翻译英语习语《红楼梦》两英译版本中姓名翻译的对比研究简析《呼啸山庄》中男女主人公爱情悲剧的原因2122论《呼啸山庄》中的叙述技巧高级英语课堂中教师角色研究现实主义和唯美主义的水乳交融—评茨威格《一个陌生女人的来信》论《红字》中海斯特的抗争与命运An Analysis of the Different Meanings of Color Words between Western and Eastern Cultures 从电影《弱点》看美国的家庭教育29The Research of the Idea of Contradiction in Songs of Innocence and Experience 初中英语读写技能综合教学模式研究从就餐细节看中美儿童个性能力的差异《简•爱》的简和《德伯家的苔丝》的苔丝的比较研究A Study of Nonverbal CommunicationExploring How to Increase Students' Interest in EnglishA Study of the Characters and Their Influence on the Hero of The Catcher in the Rye 34 《小镇畸人》中的空间形式分析Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby英语专业本科毕业论文摘要的体裁分析中餐菜谱翻译的错误分析从二十世纪英国女装造型看女性主义思想对女性地位的影响开放式教学理念在中学英语教学中的模式探索从中美管理方式的不同透析中西方文化差异与整合41 A Glimpse of Intercultural Marriage between China and Western Countries 目的论视角下旅游景区公示语误译的研究445杰克•伦敦《热爱生命》中天气描写的作用从接受美学角度看儿童文学的翻译试比较中美中学历史教育中历史思维的培养以名词动用为例分析英语词汇学习中的隐喻维多利亚时期英国女性文学作品的三个男性形象分析An Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Mary Turner in The Grass Is SingingA Feminist Analysis of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen英语中称谓语的性别歧视现象论摇滚音乐在西方文化之中的地位中美学校教育和家庭教育之比较从功能对等理论的角度看英语新闻标题中修辞的翻译浅析商务英语的语言特点及翻译从《红字》看霍桑的政治观海明威的“冰山原则”与其短篇小说的人物对话跨文化交际在宝洁公司营销战略中的应用浅析《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中渐渐消失的玫瑰模糊语在国际商务谈判中的语用功能研究Comparative Studies on Metaphors with Animal Images inChinese and English论《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的女性意识浅析英语拟声词的功能《远大前程》中的幽默与讽刺分析从《鲁宾逊漂流记》看性格对命运的影响从许渊冲“三美论”评析《声声慢》三个译本论环境和社会制度对人的行为和品格的影响——以《雾都孤儿》中南希的形象分析为例 67 英汉“悲”、“喜”情感隐喻的认知比较研究由《麦琪的礼物》看欧亨利写作特色小议非语言交际中的身体语言英语中的性别歧视儒家文化与和谐世界的构建英汉禁忌语对比分析Maternal Love in The Millstone从《远眺》看翁达杰的立体主义叙事形式广告英语的特色与翻译技巧从自然主义视角解读德莱赛《珍妮姑娘》中珍妮的形象Cultural Differences on West-Eastern Business Negotiations Jude the Obscure and Hardy’s World View浅析当代美国跨种族领养的现状从《汤姆叔叔的小屋》分析当时美国黑人的命运选择《论语》中“孝”的英译——基于《论语》两个英译本的对比研究《呼啸山庄》男主人公希斯克里夫的性格分析英汉“走类”动词短语概念隐喻的对比研究浅析欧洲中世纪骑士和中国侠士精神的差异─西欧中世纪初期骑士和中国秦汉游侠 85 探析《霍乱时期的爱情》的悲剧美《爱玛》女主角爱玛伍德豪斯人物分析从儿童心理角度看儿童文学中的对话翻译浅析焦虑对英语专业学生英语口语的影响中学英语写作中的中介语错误分析从意象的角度看劳伦斯短篇小说中女性的婚姻爱情观浅析中国企业的国际化模式和策略刘易斯小说《巴比特》中的都市景观和人物描写分析任务型教学的真实性原则在我国现行初中英语教材中的应用体现《荷塘月色》的两个英译版本的比较研究对狄金森诗歌中四个主题的分析从广交会现场洽谈角度论英语委婉语在国际商务谈判中的功能与应用英雄还是魔鬼-论亚哈船长的双重性格论《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂康普生的悲剧浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中黑奴的命运机器翻译回顾--案例分析谷歌Effects of Globalization on Translation–An Analysis of Domestication and Foreignization 102 荒岛主义在《蝇王》中的映射呼啸山庄之人性的泯灭从《生活大爆炸》中看中西幽默的差异Cross-cultural Differences in Business Etiquette Between China and America从归化角度分析英文广告的汉译影响英语词汇发展的言外因素跨文化视角中中英颜色词的对比及翻译An Analysis of the Religious Elements in Robinson CrusoeSino-American Business Negotiations:An Intercultural Communication Perspective 111 英国贵族精神和绅士教育研究解读《小镇畸人》中三位畸形女性A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Cohesiveness合作学习在小学英语词汇教学中的应用研究从《老友记》看美国幽默功能目的论视角下的仿拟翻译的应用分析英语报刊标题的词汇特点和修辞特点爱米丽的悲剧成因—评福克纳的小说《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》《达洛维夫人》中的生死观初探从中美送礼习俗分析两国文化价值观的差异从关联理论看中国电影名称的翻译On the Application of Polysystem Theory In the Two Versions of Hamlet《好人难寻》的冷漠主题分析从《竞选州长》看马克•吐温的幽默艺术《了不起的盖茨比》:盖茨比的性格对其一生的影响及其对当代中国青年的现实意义 126 从功能对等理论谈中国小吃名英译英语学习能力与风格的性别差异研究从关联理论看《博物馆奇妙夜》的字幕翻译英语教学中如何提高学生的跨文化交际能力浅谈经济全球化背景下的商务英语从功能派目的论角度看商品说明书的英汉翻译A Comparison of the English Color Terms从生态女性主义角度解读《苔丝》英语课堂中的教师提问策略论《推销员之死》中威利的死因《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的艺术特色分析论广告英语的用词特点析《道林格雷》中王尔德用来揭示生活与艺术冲突的方法浅析《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中造成苔丝悲剧的因素道德与归属地的一致性--《曼斯菲尔德庄园》空间维度分析从《胎记》看霍桑对科学的态度从功能分析的角度试析广告英语中语言的性别差异广播英语的语言学分析浅析广告英语中修辞的魅力《基督山伯爵》中等待和希望的哲学On the Main Practice of the Corporate Social Responsibilityof the Multinational Corporations探索《小王子》中主人公的性格浅谈文化差异与英汉翻译浅谈商务合同从女性主义角度看《觉醒》中爱德娜的女性主体意识觉醒151 交际法在初中英语教学中的应用152 济慈六大颂诗的意象153 威廉•麦克佩斯•萨克雷《名利场》的道德研究154 文化视角下的品牌名翻译研究155 Analysis of American Culture in Friends156 《时时刻刻》中女性自我构建的研究157 英语语言中的性别差异研究158 论英汉植物词语的文化附加义159 中西方茶文化对比研究——以红茶为例160161 臻于完美的人物魅力——对简•奥斯丁《劝导》中的女主人公的分析162 从认知语境的角度解读《一个干净明亮的地方》的隐含意义163 英汉称谓的文化差异研究164 自救或被救: 小说《红字》分析165 论希斯克利夫出走的必然性166 《喜福会》体现的中美家庭观念冲突解析167 浅析MSN交谈中的话语标记语168 从生态和消费的角度解读《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的思想169 经典英语电影台词的语言特征和文化态度170 词组词汇学习方法171 Cultural Factors in the Translation of English Idioms172 中西方创世神话文化的比较173 动物习语翻译中的归化和异化174 The Comparison of Marriage Traditions between Chinaand America175两种文化中不同的生存希望——以电影《肖申克的救赎》和《活着》人物命运分析为例176 试析广告英语中语言的性别差异——从功能分析的角度着手177 从跨文化的视角分析美国动画“辛普森一家”中的习语现象178 论狄更斯《雾都孤儿》中的批判现实主义179 《咏水仙》两个翻译版本的文体分析180 《弗朗西斯麦康伯短促的幸福生活》中麦康伯个性转变之分析181 肢体语言在商务谈判中的应用分析182 试析杰克伦敦的《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义183 A Psychological Analysis of Mary in The Grass is Singing 184 Influence of Cross-Cultural Differences on the Translation of Chinese and English Idioms 185 A Comparative Study on the Celebrations of Traditional Chinese and Western Festivals 186 论《家》和《儿女一箩筐》中的中美家庭文化差异187 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响188 电影《暮色》中人物对白的言语行为分析189 旅游资料翻译中文化因素的处理190 《屋顶上的女人》和A & P 中的人物比较及分析191 析《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔顿的人生选择192 《厄舍古屋的倒塌》中哥特式文学特点分析193 An Analysis of Symbolic Metaphor in To the Lighthouse 194 浅谈英语教学中的”合作学习法”195 Jane Austen’s Opinion towards Marriage in Pride and Prejudice196 从合作性原则看品牌代言中广告语的使用197 论中英情感隐喻的异同点198 An Analysis of the Religious Elements in Robinson Crusoe199 从新闻用语特点对比中西方文化差异200 中西文化差异对英语俚语翻译的影响第二篇:中西文化差异对英语俚语翻译的影响英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作从文化差异角度论商标词的翻译麦当劳法则及其在美国社会的影响浅谈中西婚俗的文化差异基于马斯诺需求层次理论的《老人与海》主人公人物分析A Comparison of Western and Eastern Privacy Concepts 字幕中的幽默翻译—以《老友记》为例探究中西方委婉语产生的文化背景浅析《格列佛游记》中的乌托邦主题追求女性自我意识的孤独灵魂——评《觉醒》中的爱德娜马克•吐温悲观主义及其产生原因初探 11 高中英语阅读教学中学生自主学习能力的培养 12 论《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的基督式人物塑造 13 浅论英汉翻译中词的转译14 英汉语言中的性别歧视现象从跨文化交际角度看中西方商务谈判17 从理解文化角度翻译英语习语《红楼梦》两英译版本中姓名翻译的对比研究 19 简析《呼啸山庄》中男女主人公爱情悲剧的原因 20 21 22 23 论《呼啸山庄》中的叙述技巧高级英语课堂中教师角色研究现实主义和唯美主义的水乳交融—评茨威格《一个陌生女人的来信》论《红字》中海斯特的抗争与命运 An Analysis of the Different Meanings of Color Words between Western and Eastern Cultures 25 从电影《弱点》看美国的家庭教育 26 27 28 29The Research of the Idea of Contradiction in Songs of Innocence and Experience 初中英语读写技能综合教学模式研究从就餐细节看中美儿童个性能力的差异《简•爱》的简和《德伯家的苔丝》的苔丝的比较研究31 A Study of Nonverbal Communication 32 Exploring How to Increase Students' Interest in English 33 A Study of the Characters and Their Influence on the Hero of TheCatcher in the Rye 34 《小镇畸人》中的空间形式分析Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby 36 英语专业本科毕业论文摘要的体裁分析中餐菜谱翻译的错误分析从二十世纪英国女装造型看女性主义思想对女性地位的影响 39 开放式教学理念在中学英语教学中的模式探索从中美管理方式的不同透析中西方文化差异与整合A Glimpse of Intercultural Marriage between China and Western Countries 英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考目的论视角下旅游景区公示语误译的研究 43 44 45 46 杰克•伦敦《热爱生命》中天气描写的作用从接受美学角度看儿童文学的翻译试比较中美中学历史教育中历史思维的培养以名词动用为例分析英语词汇学习中的隐喻维多利亚时期英国女性文学作品的三个男性形象分析An Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Mary Turner in The Grass Is Singing 49 A Feminist Analysis of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 50 英语中称谓语的性别歧视现象 51 论摇滚音乐在西方文化之中的地位 52 中美学校教育和家庭教育之比较从功能对等理论的角度看英语新闻标题中修辞的翻译 54 浅析商务英语的语言特点及翻译 55 从《红字》看霍桑的政治观海明威的“冰山原则”与其短篇小说的人物对话 57 跨文化交际在宝洁公司营销战略中的应用 58 浅析《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中渐渐消失的玫瑰 59 模糊语在国际商务谈判中的语用功能研究Comparative Studies on Metaphors with Animal Images in Chinese and English 61 论《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的女性意识 62 浅析英语拟声词的功能 63 64 65 66 《远大前程》中的幽默与讽刺分析从《鲁宾逊漂流记》看性格对命运的影响从许渊冲“三美论”评析《声声慢》三个译本论环境和社会制度对人的行为和品格的影响——以《雾都孤儿》中南希的形象分析为例英汉“悲”、“喜”情感隐喻的认知比较研究 68 由《麦琪的礼物》看欧亨利写作特色 69 小议非语言交际中的身体语言 70 英语中的性别歧视儒家文化与和谐世界的构建 72 英汉禁忌语对比分析Maternal Love in The Millstone 74 从《远眺》看翁达杰的立体主义叙事形式 75 广告英语的特色与翻译技巧从自然主义视角解读德莱赛《珍妮姑娘》中珍妮的形象77 Cultural Differences on West-Eastern Business Negotiations 78 Jude the Obscure and Hardy’s World View 79 浅析当代美国跨种族领养的现状从《汤姆叔叔的小屋》分析当时美国黑人的命运选择《论语》中“孝”的英译——基于《论语》两个英译本的对比研究 82 《呼啸山庄》男主人公希斯克里夫的性格分析英汉“走类”动词短语概念隐喻的对比研究浅析欧洲中世纪骑士和中国侠士精神的差异─西欧中世纪初期骑士和中国秦汉游侠85 探析《霍乱时期的爱情》的悲剧美英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考《爱玛》女主角爱玛伍德豪斯人物分析 87 88 89 90 从儿童心理角度看儿童文学中的对话翻译浅析焦虑对英语专业学生英语口语的影响中学英语写作中的中介语错误分析从意象的角度看劳伦斯短篇小说中女性的婚姻爱情观浅析中国企业的国际化模式和策略刘易斯小说《巴比特》中的都市景观和人物描写分析任务型教学的真实性原则在我国现行初中英语教材中的应用体现94 《荷塘月色》的两个英译版本的比较研究95 对狄金森诗歌中四个主题的分析从广交会现场洽谈角度论英语委婉语在国际商务谈判中的功能与应用 97 英雄还是魔鬼-论亚哈船长的双重性格 98 论《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂康普生的悲剧99 浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中黑奴的命运100 机器翻译回顾--案例分析谷歌Effects of Globalization on Translation–An Analysis of Domestication and Foreignization 102 荒岛主义在《蝇王》中的映射 103 呼啸山庄之人性的泯灭从《生活大爆炸》中看中西幽默的差异Cross-cultural Differences in Business Etiquette Between China and America 106 从归化角度分析英文广告的汉译 107 影响英语词汇发展的言外因素跨文化视角中中英颜色词的对比及翻译An Analysis of the Religious Elements in Robinson Crusoe 110 Sino-American Business Negotiations:An Intercultural Communication Perspective 111 英国贵族精神和绅士教育研究解读《小镇畸人》中三位畸形女性A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Cohesiveness 114 合作学习在小学英语词汇教学中的应用研究115 从《老友记》看美国幽默功能目的论视角下的仿拟翻译的应用分析117 英语报刊标题的词汇特点和修辞特点爱米丽的悲剧成因—评福克纳的小说《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》119 《达洛维夫人》中的生死观初探从中美送礼习俗分析两国文化价值观的差异121 从关联理论看中国电影名称的翻译On the Application of Polysystem Theory In the Two Versions of Hamlet 123 《好人难寻》的冷漠主题分析从《竞选州长》看马克•吐温的幽默艺术《了不起的盖茨比》:盖茨比的性格对其一生的影响及其对当代中国青年的现实意义 126 从功能对等理论谈中国小吃名英译英语学习能力与风格的性别差异研究从关联理论看《博物馆奇妙夜》的字幕翻译129 英语教学中如何提高学生的跨文化交际能力英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考浅谈经济全球化背景下的商务英语从功能派目的论角度看商品说明书的英汉翻译132 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 133 从生态女性主义角度解读《苔丝》 134 英语课堂中的教师提问策略论《推销员之死》中威利的死因《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的艺术特色分析论广告英语的用词特点析《道林格雷》中王尔德用来揭示生活与艺术冲突的方法139 浅析《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中造成苔丝悲剧的因素道德与归属地的一致性--《曼斯菲尔德庄园》空间维度分析141 从《胎记》看霍桑对科学的态度从功能分析的角度试析广告英语中语言的性别差异143 广播英语的语言学分析浅析广告英语中修辞的魅力《基督山伯爵》中等待和希望的哲学On the Main Practice of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Multinational Corporations 147 探索《小王子》中主人公的性格 148 浅谈文化差异与英汉翻译 149 浅谈商务合同从女性主义角度看《觉醒》中爱德娜的女性主体意识觉醒151 交际法在初中英语教学中的应用 152 济慈六大颂诗的意象153 威廉•麦克佩斯•萨克雷《名利场》的道德研究154 文化视角下的品牌名翻译研究 155 Analysis of American Culture in Friends 156 《时时刻刻》中女性自我构建的研究 157 英语语言中的性别差异研究 158 论英汉植物词语的文化附加义159 中西方茶文化对比研究——以红茶为例160161 臻于完美的人物魅力——对简•奥斯丁《劝导》中的女主人公的分析162 从认知语境的角度解读《一个干净明亮的地方》的隐含意义 163 英汉称谓的文化差异研究164 自救或被救: 小说《红字》分析 165 论希斯克利夫出走的必然性166 《喜福会》体现的中美家庭观念冲突解析167 浅析MSN交谈中的话语标记语168 从生态和消费的角度解读《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的思想 169 经典英语电影台词的语言特征和文化态度 170 词组词汇学习方法171 Cultural Factors in the Translation of English Idioms 172 中西方创世神话文化的比较英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考173 动物习语翻译中的归化和异化174 The Comparison of Marriage Traditions between China and America 175 两种文化中不同的生存希望——以电影《肖申克的救赎》和《活着》人物命运分析为例176 试析广告英语中语言的性别差异——从功能分析的角度着手177 从跨文化的视角分析美国动画“辛普森一家”中的习语现象178 论狄更斯《雾都孤儿》中的批判现实主义179 《咏水仙》两个翻译版本的文体分析180 《弗朗西斯麦康伯短促的幸福生活》中麦康伯个性转变之分析 181 肢体语言在商务谈判中的应用分析182 试析杰克伦敦的《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义183 A Psychological Analysis of Mary in The Grass is Singing 184 Influence of Cross-Cultural Differences on the Translation of Chinese and English Idioms 185 A Comparative Study on the Celebrations of Traditional Chinese and Western Festivals 186 论《家》和《儿女一箩筐》中的中美家庭文化差异187 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响188 电影《暮色》中人物对白的言语行为分析 189 旅游资料翻译中文化因素的处理190 《屋顶上的女人》和A & P 中的人物比较及分析 191 析《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔顿的人生选择192 《厄舍古屋的倒塌》中哥特式文学特点分析 193 An Analysis of Symbolic Metaphor in T o the Lighthouse 194 浅谈英语教学中的”合作学习法”195 Jane Austen’s Opinion towards Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 196 从合作性原则看品牌代言中广告语的使用197 论中英情感隐喻的异同点198 An Analysis of the Religious Elements in Robinson Crusoe 199 从新闻用语特点对比中西方文化差异200 中西文化差异对英语俚语翻译的影响第三篇:中西文化差异对翻译的影响中西文化差异对翻译的影响【摘要】:语言与文化密不可分,任何语言的生存发展都离不开其赖以生存的社会文化环境,社会文化又在一定程度上制约着语言使用者的思维方式和表达能力。



1、proverb 英['prɒvɜːb]美['prɑvɝb] n. 谚语,格言;众所周知的人或事例句If you want to gofast, go alone; if you want to go far, go with others,” says an African proverb. 非洲一个谚语说:“如果你想走得快,自己独行;如果你想走得远,与人同行。

”2、idiom 英['ɪdɪəm]美['ɪdɪəm] n. 成语,习语;土话;熟语熟语是固定词组的总和,它包括成语、谚语、歇后语和惯用语。


3、slang 英[slæŋ]美[slæŋ] n. 俚语;行话英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式的场合文化的载体是语言,语言又是文化的一部分。








总的说来,文化可以分为风俗文化,制度文化和心理文化三个层次, 而习语又是这三个层次的精髓。




当外国人来到中国时,面对“三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮”、“刻舟求剑”、“茶壶里煮饺子”等中国的习语时,真是有种“刘姥姥进了大观园”的感觉, 不仅迷惑不解,简直是瞠目结舌。

















例如:Cmon,you are going out withthe guy!Thers gotta be something wrong with him!这里的Cmon 是口语中应用十分广泛的一个短语,用来表示鼓励、欢呼或表示不相信、不满。




























1620年,乘坐“五月花号”(the Mayflower)来到北美大陆的清教徒们把英语俚语带入了美国。









英汉俚语分析 (The Analysis on the Differences between Chinese and English Slang

英汉俚语分析 (The Analysis on the Differences between Chinese and English Slang

山西师范大学研究生 应用语言学 课程考试试题(卷)2011 ———— 2012 学年第 1 学期院 (所): 外国语学院 专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学 年 级: 2011级学 号: 211407040姓 名: 王慧婷 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------平时成绩 考试成绩课程总成绩The Analysis on the Differences between Chinese andEnglish SlangAbstract:The diversity of the world is embodied in slang. The cultural differences between the West and the East are also reflected in slang. This thesis tries to analyze the differences between Chinese and English slang from different aspects. This thesis first introduces the background and definition of slang. Then it analyses the differences between Chinese and English slang from various perspective, such as geographical environment, religious beliefs, lifestyle, and historical events. Through this thesis people may have an in-depth understanding of the differences between Chinese and English slang. To learn the differences between Chinese and English slang will be of great help to language and culture acquisition.Key words: language; slang; Chinese slang; English slangContents1. Introduction1.1 A Brief Introduction of Slang1.2 The Definition of Slang2. Literature Review3. The Analysis on Chinese and English Slang3.1 The Difference between Chinese and English slang in Geographical Environment3.1.1 Geographical Environment Reflected in English Slang3.1.2 Geographical Environment Reflected in Chinese Slang3.2 The Difference between Chinese and English slang in Lifestyle3.2.1 Lifestyle Reflected in English Slang3.2.2 Lifestyle Reflected in Chinese Slang3.3 The Difference between Chinese and English Slang in Religious Beliefs3.3.1 Religious Beliefs Reflected in English Slang3.3.2 Religious Beliefs Reflected in Chinese Slang3.4 The Difference between Chinese and English slang in Historical Events3.4.1 Historical Events Reflected in English Slang3.4.2 Historical Events Reflected in Chinese Slang3.5 The Difference between Chinese and English Slang in Animals3.5.1 Animals Reflected in English Slang3.5.2 Animals reflected in Chinese Slang4.ConclusionsBibliography1. IntroductionSlang, as opposite to single words or novel expressions, considered as low, vulgar language. (邓,1989). Slang is defined as “language of a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words employed in some special sense ” in the Oxford English Dictionary.1.1 A Brief Introduction of SlangGenerally speaking, slang is a culture-related item which particularly has cultural connotations and associations. Therefore one cannot ignore the cultural background of slang when exploring English and Chinese slang. To master slang of a language may seek certain help from origins and characteristics of the culture.Through many studies on the slang, a conclusion can be made that English and Chinese slangs’contrastive study may include various aspects such as: definition, origin, characteristics. Slangs’cultural connotations have been greatly talked about in the realm of translation in China. But it is a hard nut to crack as to how to properly render slang and their cultural differences between English and Chinese. The analysis on the differences between Chinese and English slang can help us to achieve a better understanding of culture and society.This paper intends to have an analysis on the differences between Chinese and English slang. The study of the differences can hopefully enhance our cultural awareness in English teaching and learning so as to help us avoid pragmatic failure and misunderstanding in communication.1.2 The Definition of SlangSlang is the language of a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words employed in some special sense. (王, 2009)Slang is the very informal words, phrases commonly used in speech, especially between from the same social group or who work together, not considered suitable for formal contextsand often not in use for long. (赵, 2009)Based on these definitions offered in the Oxford English Dictionary, my interpretation to the definition of slang is that, first of all, slang is any special vocabulary used by the people who were born in the lower class community; secondly, slang is a kind of language form that is much vulgar and coarse; thirdly, slang is language used within a certain class and during a certain period; finally, slang is a lower colloquial language compared with the common used language mastered by the educated people, considering either of new words or of current words employed in some special sense. We can see from the definitions that the prejudice once people adopted has long since been removed. This resulted from the more and more widely use of slang.2. Literature ReviewSince slang is germs of languages; they are certainly worth studying. In order to teach and help the language learners to acquire the English language or Chinese language more efficiently and to help promote cross-cultural communication between English-speaking people and Chinese, some linguistic scholars, especially Chinese scholars, have made some researches in this field. The research can be divided into two phrases: the past research and the present research.In 1893 came Brand Matthew’s The Function of Slang in which he proposes “Now it is the duty of slang is to provide substitute for the good words and true which are worn out by hard service”. Liu Xiaopei and Zeng Yutao mentioned that it was showed that slang began as early as the Roman time.(刘, 1989). In the 19th century, the influence coming from middle class and lower class people enlarged. Many scholars had made some significant researches on English and Chinese slang.Some other scholars have also probed into this study in recent years. In addition, some articles which are related to cultural sources of English and Chinese slang only probe several specific cultural phenomena. Such as, Zhao Lianzhi's article, a research of religious culture presented the influence of religion to culture; (赵, 2008) Liang Xiaohong analyzed Chinese slang derived from Buddhism in which the writer focuses on Chinese Cheng yu fromhistorical factor to cultural influence (陆, 1993); Lian Shuneng has discussed different ways of thinking in Chinese and English slang. In the book of Introducing English Slang and Culture, the writer only mentions the English slang which culture is reflected.(刘, 2004)The scholars' works on English and Chinese slang provide valuable data for the present study. With all these good works, English learners in China can have a general view of both English and Chinese slang and can benefit greatly from them. In view of the present inadequate and incomprehensive researches, it is still needed to make more and profound studies of English and Chinese slang.3.The Analysis on Chinese and English SlangMany scholars had made great contribution on the differences between Chinese and English slang. Slang is a part of language; it may reflect the cultural differences between East and West country. This thesis tries to make an analysis on the differences between Chinese and English slang from the perspective of culture.3.1 The Differences between Chinese and English Slang in Geographical EnvironmentDifferent cultures and national features are mostly determined by different geographical environment. Though geographical environment doesn’t belong to the field of culture, they do exert influence on culture to a great extent. For example, people living in different environments will form different principle of conduct, which can be reflected in people's speech. The names of place may display typical culture features of geographical environment. They are not only the symbols of different places, but also the carriers of different cultural connotation. In both languages, there is slang indicating the striking features of the natural environment.3.1.1 Geographical Environment Reflected in English SlangBritain is an island country with the deeply indented coastline. This offers a good number of splendid harbors for ships. So it has a long history of navigation. Because of shape of the country it has made the English a sea-loving people. Therefore, people who live alongseacoast and whose livelihood depends on sea will have a great number of slang connected with sea, sailing and fish. The life and labor of the English are closely concerned with oceans.A lot of English slangs have derived from the sea shipping and relevant experience and lessons. Such as sea donkey which means unattractive, ugly girls; sea dog means a sailor; float your boat means make you happy; be all in the same boat means to be in a bad situation along with others. The more popular English slangs are in the same boat; paddle one’s own canoe; miss the boat. The climate of Britain is influenced by Atlantic Gulf Stream, so it is temperate and much milder than those in many places in the same latitude,for example Alaska in the US and Heilongjiang province in China. As we all know, the Englishmen love to talk about the weather. There may have two reasons. One is the uncertainty of the weather. In Britain the weather is constantly changing. Some people even say: “One can experience four seasons in the course of a single day!”So you may laugh when you see in London that the Englishmen are wearing raincoats or carrying umbrellas on a bright sunny day. Typically there is much rain in Britain every month, so there are much slang connected with weather, such as shit storm means a terrible mess literally; make it rain means to display wealth; rain or shine means no matter what; steal one’s thunder means to take attention that rightfully belong to other. The weather in Britain is changing. British looks like have only two weather-rainy day and fine day which are reflected in English slang, while the four clear-cut seasons climate reflected in Chinese slang. So this is the important difference of cultural sources between English and Chinese slang.3.1.2 Geographical Environment Reflected in Chinese SlangChina is one of the largest countries in the world. It possesses vast plains, high mountains,various plateaus and etc. That is to say, the topography is complicated. There is so much Chinese slang connected with it. Such as, “阿木林(a mu lin)refers to wooden-headed person; 林子里的斑鸠—一对儿. .Bamboo is a common plant in the south of China. it is widely used as both utensils and construction material. In China, bamboo is attached with a lot of slang. Such as 竹篮打水一场空(zhu lan da yi chang kong) to draw water in a bamboo basket; 竹竿做枕头—空想”and so on. However, it is hard for the British people tounderstand the Chinese slang with bamboo, because there is no bamboo in Britain. Therefore, the British people use a different image to express the same idea, such as, springing up like mushrooms.In China, there is much Chinese slang about climate and weather. For example, “雷声大雨点小—虚张声势;雷公喝了酒—胡劈乱打”and so on. According to Cheng Yuzhen (1998:25), the geographical environment exerts great influence on the forming and growing of Chinese culture which cannot be separated from each other. Chinese slang fully manifests this diversity. Based on the above analysis, it can be found that different geographical condition lead to the reflection in slang. The contents of slang contain cultural differences.3.2 The Differences between Chinese and English Slang in LifestyleFrom the above analysis we can draw a conclusion that geographical environment of a country determines its culture to a certain extent. So, the way of producing and the way of living of ordinary people is limited and determined by the living geographical environment. People could only use what they could find around them as a metaphor when they are expressing. Therefore, the lifestyle of people can be known from the ordinary words in their language. For example, sailors have created so many lively phrases about sea, farmers have invented a lot of expressions concerning farm work, and workers have produced words from all kinds of occupations .In addition, the fisherman use terms of fishing in his speech, the hunter often talks of his hunting or his dogs, the sportsman makes use of slang of sports in the communication and etc. The slang is the mirror of the daily life of the people.3.2.1 Lifestyle Reflected in English Slanga. Slang from Cooking and FoodIn Britain, bread is usually eaten together with butter which makes it more delicious, and butter is made from milk, and thus appears. Such as pickles and milk usually used to describe the nasty combination of things; to take people's bread out of his mouth and to bite off more than one can chew. Fish, bread, butter, egg, milk, wine and cake are the main food for the British and Americans. So it is easy for these people to take them as metaphors in theirexpression. The following are the slang concerning with food in English. Baby cakes mean affectionate form of address for a loved one; beef cake means a muscle man; piece of cake means something easy.b. Slang from Sailors and FishermenIn the English language, there is a great number of slang about the sea, for England is an island country on the Atlantic Ocean, it is rich in natural resources of fish, and fishing plays an important role in their economy, so sea culture is reflected in a large number of slang. Drink like a fish means to drink alcohol to excess; fish fry means a party with far more females than males; salty fish means a poor sport and so on.c. Slang from LivestockEnglish people regard dogs as their close friends; this word is included in English slang. Big dog means the best at something; road-dog means a close friend, sick as a dog means to be extremely sick or could be used for any illness; work like a dog means to work extremely hard; little dog refers to a person who is slight in stature as having a short temper and something to prove, they are often loud and fronting.d. Slang from Entertainment and Sports ActivitiesAs one part of national culture, Entertainment and sports activities are quite different in Britain and China. Horse racing, boxing and cricket which are ancient and traditional sports are very popular in England. The English love to take part in these sports in the daily life. So in English, there are idioms like neck and neck; down and out; not cricket; straight from the shoulder and have a good innings and so on.3.2.2 Lifestyle Reflected in Chinese Slanga. Slang from Cooking and FoodChina has a long history of cooking. The Chinese are known as the most critical and causal eaters. Because they pay more attention to food than any other people, this is reflected in the Chinese sayings like: Such as “饭盒里盛稀饭—装糊涂,饭桌上的盘子—没把柄,these kinds of idioms are quite common in the Chinese language. In the daily life, there are some slang reflecting the philosophy of the Chinese .Such as吃人的嘴软,欠人理短(chi rende zui duan,qian ren li duan)-Who receives a gift, sells his bribery or after eating the mouth is sealed”and so on. This is why some problems can be solved at the dinner table, which surprises the westerners very much.b. Slang from Farmers and FishermenChina is a country belonging to a farming nation. The 80%of the population are the farmers. So there are rich slang with the farming which describe the farmers' farming activities, their philosophy and value. “种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆(Zhong gua de gua,zhong dou de dou)-Growing melons one harvests melons or growing peas, one harvests peas is one of them. Literally it means if you plant melons and you get melons; originally it may suggest that the farm will not cheat the people's work. Actually it means that a person has to be responsible naturally for what he has done. The lifestyle of people is reflected in this slang. 瓜熟蒂落,水到渠成(gua shu di luo,Shui dao qu cheng)-When a melon is ripe, it falls off its stem; 日头从西边出—不可能and so on. The eastern China lies to the Pacific Ocean, so it has a long coast line. Both Britain and China are rich in natural resources of fish. Fish is one of the major dishes in the daily life of the Chinese people along the coastline. Therefore there is a large number of slang concerning fish in Chinese language. For instance, 炒鱿鱼;鱼游锅中—好景不长”.c. Slang from LivestockThe ancient Chinese were good at taming animals and engaging them in farming or kept them as domestic fowl. Horse is an example, which was mostly used for a means of improving transportation. The meanings related to horse have been greatly used “马车过险路—全凭执鞭的了;马槽边上的苍蝇混饭吃; 君子一言,驷马难追(jun zi yi yan,si ma nan zhui)-A swift steed needs only one lash of the rider’s whip” and so on. In the Chinese culture, horse was used for a means of transportation but in British culture it was used for a means of farming. So, the same word as metaphor owns different extension or cultural association in Chinese slang and English slang.d. Slang from Entertainment and Sports ActivitiesEntertainment and sports activities are a part of national culture. They are quite different in Britain and China. Chinese people preferred hunting and chess which produce much slangwith them: “棋逢对手,将遇良才(qi feng dui shou,jiang yu liang cai)-a chess-player meeting his match, a general coming up against a worthy foe. 棋盘里的老将—出不了格;明枪易躲,暗箭难防(ming qiang yi duo,an jian nan fang)-easy to parry a spear-thrust in the open”, but hard to evade an arrow shot in the dark and so on.3.3 The Differences between Chinese and English Slang in Religious BeliefsReligion is the predominant element of culture which manifests worldview. As Lamb states," It is clear that religion and culture are inextricable entwined. (Grand Rapid. MI. Eerdmans, 1982). Study of religion offers insight into the social aspects of a culture. Religion is also an important part of the culture. Great Britain is a Christian country, so the English idioms and Christian culture have an inherent connection. Religious slang reflects the importance of religions in social life. In Great Britain Christianity is dominant in all religions. On the contrary, Chinese idioms reflecting religions show a variety of religions in China, in which Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are the three major religions and play a major role in Chinese social life.3.3.1 Religious Beliefs Reflected in English SlangIn English, there is a saying that a man without religion is a horse without a bridle. The importance of religion in English-native countries can be seen from their festivals. Almost all the important traditional festivals are closely connected to Christianity. The importance of religion is vividly displayed in the following slang: a good faith, beyond belief; the fond of belief; pass one's belief; lead somebody to believe and If one believes that, one will believe anything. In most English-speaking countries, the great majority of people believes in Christianity and regards the Bible as the holy book in their life. In Victorian Age almost every family had a Bible. The Bible is not only a classic in religion but also an important supporter of British culture. So, the Bible has contributed greatly to English slang. The following are examples: The Salt of the Earth; as poor as Job’s turkey; cast pearls before swine..Here are more examples with God: Holy Mary mother of God, one’s hour has come; return to dust; return to one’s vomit; as poor as a church mouse; The devil knows many thingsbecause he is old; play devil’s advocate. Let the dead bury their dead; a bad conscience is a snake in one’s heart.According to Christianity, People were born with sins. They should be devout to the God and expiate sins for the end of the world. On the other hand, Christianity focuses on the life after death. Therefore, for Chinese, it is difficult to understand such English slang, because most of us had little knowledge on Bible or Christianity.3.3.2 Religious Beliefs Reflected in Chinese SlangReligion is also a great contribution to slang in Chinese. China is a multi-religious country. Generally speaking, Buddhism has a greater influence on Chinese culture. In the first century AD, Buddhism was first introduced into China, and then affected the Chinese language, diet, arts, etc., and also greatly stimulated the development of Chinese literature. There is a great number of slang derived from Buddhism which presents its influence. The following are some idioms related to Buddhism “放下屠刀,立地成佛( fang xia tu dao,li di cheng fo)-to lay down one’s butcher knife and suddenly become a Buddha;临时抱佛脚(lin shi bao fo jiao)-to clasp the feet of Buddha when in distress-to express impossible immediate effect;道高一尺,魔高一丈(dao gao yi chi,mo gao yi zhang)-When spiritually one progresses a foot, the cunning of the demons increases by a time; 佛多香少—供不应求;佛面刮金子—无中生有;佛爷的桌子—碰不得; 秃子当和尚—不费手脚;菩萨的眼睛—动不了;庙里的木鱼—天生是挨揍的;老和尚拜丈人—怪事. Confucianism and Taoism have also functioned like religions in China and directed daily behaviors of Chinese people. They have exercised deep influence on the values or moral standard of Chinese people. There are Chinese slang derived with Confucianism and Taoism, for example: 道士念经—照本宣科;道士遭雷打—作弊;道士舞大钳—少见(剑)” .3.4 The Differences between Chinese and English Slang in Historical EventsHistory is one of the most important parts in culture and has great influence on the forming and developing tendency of culture. The historical figures and the historical events are frequently used as the images in both English and Chinese slang. Both English andChinese have made much slang out of their history.3.4.1 Historical Events Reflected in English SlangBritish history is the history of invasion, so the origins of historical events in the English slang is comparatively complicated, which can be traced back to the history of Greece, Roman, France, Holland and so on. Trojan horse(It is said that a hollow wooden horse has been used by the water gate—水门事件Dunkirk evacuation—敦刻尔克撤退;Meet one’s waterloo( waterloo, a village in Belgium, where Napoleon was finally defeated in 1815.). In history, the British army conquered many territories in the other parts of the world. So the British had been called “an Empire on which the sun does not set.”Because of religious persecution, some puritans went to America and experienced countless difficulties which formed the people’s characters such as brave,independent, self-reliant, self-made, adventurous, and innovate. These characters embodied in many English idioms. Such as, talks like a Dutch uncle; Dutch courage; Dutch uncle take a French leave. In the history of Great Britain, Wars happened between the British and the Dutch, there were also a lot of wars between the British and the French, so the British people had bad relations with Dutch and French. Therefore, history is very important to culture, the developing tendency of culture was determined by it.3.4.2 Historical Events Reflected in Chinese SlangCompared with other countries in the world, China is a civilized country and has a five thousand years history. There are so many historical events and historical figures which have strongly influenced the people. For example, “说曹操曹操到,周瑜打黄盖—一个愿打一个愿挨, 白娘子喝雄黄酒—现了原形,诸葛亮吊孝—光哭不掉泪,吕太后的宴席—难吃,慈禧太后听政—专出鬼点子,崇祯皇帝上吊—盼谁谁不来,想谁谁不到. 穿小鞋,眼中钉” are also derived from the historical events. In a word, history is very closely related to the slang. Chinese and English peoples have taken much slang from their own history, so sometimes slang may summarize a historical event .Furthermore, owing to the different historical backgrounds, Chinese slang and the English counterparts are quite different fromeach other.3.5 The Differences between Chinese and English Slang in AnimalsAs we know, English people and Chinese have different opinions on the same events. Their preferences in animals reflect the differences between Chinese and English culture. The people in western countries advocate liberty, privacy, pioneering, and creativity etc. But all those are quite different from those in China.3.5.1 Animals Reflected in English SlangThe use of animals in English slang reflects the cultural differences between Chinese and English. The following are examples: as busy as a bee; a good dog deserves a good bone; a sly dog; black sheep; as cunning as a fox. In English slang, different animals represent different kinds of people. Larks represent happy persons. Owls represent clever persons and so on.3.5.2 Animals reflected in Chinese SlangWe can also find many animal words used in C hinese slang. Such as “狗吃豆腐脑—闲不着;狗带来的肉猫吃了—坐享其成;马放南山,刀枪入库—天下太平;马鞍套在驴背上—对不上号;马槽里伸出个驴头—多嘴多舌”.4. ConclusionsSlangs reflect the origins and the characteristics of a nation’s culture. The vocabulary of a language directly relates with culture of a language, while slangs of vocabulary are the most sensitive to the change and development of a nation’s culture. Therefore, people have come to the realization that a language has at least two sets of rules: the structural rules such as phonetics, vocabulary and grammar, the pragmatic rules which determine the appropriation of language use. The key to learning English and Chinese slangs lies within their frame of culture.English and Chinese slangs are culture-bound expressions which are packed withabundant cultural information. So learning slangs can be one of the channels to learn culture. Most of slangs of English and Chinese are figurative expressions which can be quoted in different context to reinforce expressive strength of a language. Y et the attribute s of slangs appear universal in natural language, and picking up slangs can be a means of acquisition of language. Slang’s cultural connotation has been has been greatly talked about in the realm of translation in China. But it is a hard nut to crack as to how to properly render slangs and their cultural implications between Chinese and English.To learn the differences between Chinese and English slangs will be of great help to language and culture acquisition. However, at the end of the research, several limitations should be mentioned. First, owing to the size of this thesis and the limitations of the author's present knowledge and references, this topic is not exhaustive. Second, this thesis has only concentrated on some major aspects and did not cover the other aspects. Third, some important English and Chinese slang with cultural meanings were not included in this thesis. BibliographyBrander, M. 1893. The Function of Slang . Beijing: The World Book Press.Rose, W. 1978. A Study on Chinese Idiomatic Usages. Hong Kong: Hong Kong-The Commercial Press.Summers, M. 1995. Longman Contemporary English-Chinese Dictionary. Beijing: The Modern Press.Fuming & Guo Sanlian.1999. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Idioms. Shanghai: The Shanghai Jiao tong University Press.邓炎昌、刘润清, 1989. 《语言与文化一英汉语言文化对比》. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社.侯柏琼、杨林, 2005.《歇后语小词典》. 北京:中国大百科全书出版社陆国强,1983. 《现代英语词汇学》. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社.陆振勋、赵志方,2001. 歇后语和脑筋急转弯功能及类型的语言学透视, 《广西大学学报》, (哲社版) 4,420-427.王玉章、赵玉莲,2009. 《牛津高阶英汉词典》. 北京: 商务印书馆.英汉俚语对比分析姓名:王慧婷指导教师: 师艳芳摘要:世界的多样性在俚语中得到体现。











这种翻译方法在电影在《功夫熊猫Ⅱ》里十分常见,单从角色名的翻译上就可窥见其一二,如 Lord Shen(沈王爷), Soothsayer(羊仙姑), Tigeress(虎娇娘)等,这些角色名的翻译都十分具有中国风,在中国古代的文化中也是较为常见的称呼,这样的翻译方式使中国观众在收看时能够产生共鸣。

以Lord和Soothsayer为例,如果采用直译的方法直接翻译,那么按照 Lord和Soothsayer的字面意思,Lord Shen就需要翻译成“沈主人”“沈地主”“沈贵族”之类的称呼,Soothsayer就需要翻译为“预言者”“占卜者“之类的称呼。


而译文在Lord 的含义(有爵位的贵族)基础上延伸至在中国古代封建社会中王爷这一身份等级上,并用“王爷”一词来替换。








1 俚语的定义俚语是语言中最有争议的概念之一,国内外对于俚语都没有统一的定义。




也有学者强调了俚语所具有的粗俗性文化差异视域下的英语俚语汉译研究□ 陈悦礼 朱义华江南大学外国语学院[摘 要] 俚语被各行各业的人们广泛使用。




[关键词] 文化差异;英语俚语;翻译策略[中图分类号] H059 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1009-6167(2021)07-0024-03(Mattiello ,2008)。
























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当代俚语进入20 世纪后飞速发展,1.(20世纪初)吸纳社会、经济、生活文化的新现象。

一些俚语的主要来源是无业游民、大兵、水手、警察、吸毒者、赌徒、牛仔、各层次的学生、娱乐从业人员、爵士乐和乐迷, 运动人员及其崇拜者、铁路和运输人员、移民等。

例:cop 源于警察制服上的铜纽扣copper button ;由意大利商人用的“coppo”所加强; cop a heel 指逃避警察。

再如,jazz 指爵士音乐,这种音乐的节拍根源于部分非洲歌曲,奴隶们的野外歌曲等,后来很快在游乐区的沙龙酒店流行。

这个时期两次世界大战、越南战争、朝鲜战争等,又产生了大量俚语,如,grease (牛油) 。

2.(20 世纪八十年代),摇滚、布鲁斯、城市黑人等通俗音乐使俚语方兴未艾。


如,hacker (黑客) , ankle bicer (跛后脚跟的人) ,在IT 领域现指“半瓶醋”的电脑专家,他们喜欢操作电脑,想做个黑客一类的人物,但他们的电脑知识和工作技能有限,所以称之为ankle bicer ; much - racker 指专门刺探个人隐私和政界丑闻的人; paper - pushers 指办事拖拉的成员;kegger 啤酒舞会等。


如,hotline (热线) ,fall out(放射性尘埃) ,rock and roll (摇滚乐) ,hiphop (街舞) ,gay (男同性恋) 等等二、中美俚语翻译(一) 直译两国俚语中有基本对应的俚语,也就是美国俚语与其对应汉语俚语之间的意义和用法基本一致,这就可以互译,尽可能达到语义对等。

例如汉语“露马脚”,其对应的俚语即“tolet the cat out of the bag”。







而“to let thecat out of the bag”源于旧时农贸市场,农民把猪放在口袋里来卖,但也有人把不值钱的猫放在里面冒充,有些粗心买主就会上当,有些买主会打开来验货,藏在里面的猫就露了出来,因此无意中泄露的秘密便会成为“to let the ca t out of the bag”。

还有许多类似的俚语,如”at wit’s end”译为“江郎才尽”“, cat’s paw”译为“火中取栗”等等。

再如“, The emperor has no clothes on .”[7 ]这句话直译为“裸体的皇帝”。

这句话出自安徒生童话《皇帝的新装》,但是当有上下文时,就需要考虑语境了,如经典喜剧《老友记》中,Chandler 向Monica 求婚。

六个朋友去庆祝他们的订婚,这时Monica 看到分手已久的Rachel 跟Ross 和好了,正在一起亲吻,这可真是大新闻。

Monica : You are not gonna steel my thunder tonight !Rachel : I’m not stealing anything ,Mon ,tonight is yournight .译文:Monica : 今晚,你不会抢我风头吧。

Rachel : 不会的,你放心吧,今晚的主角是你。

[8 ]“thunder”作为名词有两种解释,雷声和雷鸣般的掌声,如果我们在考虑一下“, 偷了别人的掌声”有点不通,再看上下文,Monicar 看到旧日男友又有了女朋友,心里难免会产生醋意。




(二) 意译1.有些俚语与本国文化有很深的关系,翻译的时候需要字斟句酌,根据文化推敲其真实含义。

如“他红得发紫”,如果直译就是“He was red to p urple”,不懂中国文化的外国读者肯定不会明白这句话究竟是说什么。





这与西方是截然不同的,于是“红得发紫”就意译为“to enjoy great popularity”。


再如,“Birds of a feather flock togher. ”如果我们直译就是“一样羽毛的鸟聚在一起”表达就不明确,给人的感觉就是不知所云。

a feather 指“同类羽毛”;flock 则为动词,指“结成群”。

如果我们用fly(飞) 或laugh (笑) 与其他动词代替flock (结成群) ,就是“指兴趣相投的人”,思维相近的人很自然的聚在一起。



这句俚语还可表达为“Birds of a feather”,来表示有共同志趣。


Tom: Lucy ,how do you like the movie Hero ?Lucy :Wow ,the movie is really bad ! I want to watch it a2gain.我们看了这句话,怎么也不明白,Lucy 觉得电影是好还是不好呢? 既然不好为什么还想看? 其实“bad”在这里并不是“糟透了”,在俚语里指“太棒了”。




”译文:“My naught girl had been at her classmate’s home all daylong ,now she is watching TV programs. she is really forgot2ten her homework. ”这是一位母亲与邻居聊天是说的一句话。

句中“死”是个粗俗俚语,但一位母亲用这个词形容女儿饱含深情图关心疼爱之情,所以用naughty 较为妥帖。
