


沃泰斯脚踏式注脂枪QS-1800A-K联系:郑-工15 260 822 709 Q 72 827 45 85沃泰斯val-tex阀门润滑密封脂80-H-J沃泰斯val-tex清洗剂VF-CTN沃泰斯val-tex含硫化钼润滑剂2000-S-PV AL-TEX QS-2200A 电池RB12VVal-Tex阀门清洗液VF-CTNVal-Tex密封脂80-H-JVal-Tex脚踏式注脂枪QS-1800A-KVal-tex液压润滑泵1400Val-tex润滑脂2000-S-PSEALWELD 超级手动注脂枪G-SGUN-CSEALWELD 简易填装桶G-EZLOADERSEALWELD 80 润滑脂S-EQ-10P 一桶(注:该型号是用于注脂机非注脂枪)SEALWELD 80 润滑脂S-EQ-SGC 一箱SEALWELD 注脂机G-A8GUN-C(配桶装的润滑脂)SEALWELD润滑脂2000-S-CT12SEALWELD 清洗剂VCPLUSSEALWELD 清洗剂S-V AP-SGCSEALWELD 密封脂5050#SEALWELD 密封脂X5050#SEALWELD 润滑剂911DNH室外防爆扬声器DNH\HS-15 EEXMNTDNH 防爆喇叭MODEL:DSP-25EEXMN(T)DNH 喇叭BK-560TDNH 扬声器型号为:HP-6CT/100V/500-7500HZ/6W防水号角扬声器:DST-100/DH-50(最大功率100W)DNH 扬声器DSP-15(T)DST-100/DH-50(最大功率100W)室外防爆扬声器HS-8EEXMNT室外防爆扬声器DSP-15EEXMNT室内扬声器HP-15T挪威DNH水下扬声器AQUA-30室外25W防爆扬声器型号:DSP-25EExmNT; 品牌:DNH室内壁挂扬声器型号:SAFE-10P; 品牌:DNH室内吸顶防水扬声器型号:HPS-6C; 品牌:DNHDNH 喇叭BF-620TDNH 喇叭HPS-6CTDNH 喇叭BIVEP-6TDNH 喇叭SAFE-10PTDNH 喇叭H-60EExeNTDNH 喇叭HS-8EExmNTDNH 喇叭DSP-25EExmNTDNH室外防爆扬声器(15W)DNH-15EexmNT(防爆等级为IP56)现场房间室内防爆扬声器(8W)DNH HS-8EexmNT(防爆等级为IP56 室内吸顶式扬声器(3W)HSP-1081扬声器丝堵DNH专用防爆接线盒一进两出壁挂式扬声器(5W)SAFE-10PTDNH DPS25EExmNT DNH HS-15EEmNT DNH SAFE-10P DNH HPS-6CDNH H-60EEXMN(T)。



INDUSTRONIC室外防爆遥控站16DT003资料苏-工T189 60 40 5467 Q14 6722 9908 INDUSTRONIC室外防爆遥控站6DA004/25INDUSTRONIC广播扬声器KL15-2UEINDUSTRONIC音达斯音达斯INDUSTRONIC室内遥控站16DT003INDUSTRONIC音达斯室外防爆遥控站6DX003INDUSTRONIC音达斯防爆话站6DA004/25INDUSTRONIC音达斯桌面IP对讲站AP701数字桌面对讲站12DT002数字桌面对讲站45/60010-DTMINDUSTRONIC嵌入式话站301-442-200数字齐平安装对讲站DE003INDUSTRONIC起重机电台4FKUH10INDUSTRONIC音达斯双壁挂式扬声器LWD12UINDUSTRONIC吸顶式扬声器LD6X/119音达斯INDUSTRONIC室外防爆遥控站DX013-ATEX音达斯室外防爆遥控站DAX004INDUSTRONIC新的室外防爆电话站DX/DXE0X5音达斯INDUSTRONIC DX005/T6的室外防爆电话站INDUSTRONIC数字户外对讲站DA015音达斯户外对讲站DAZ005音达斯INDUSTRONIC防爆电话站9/18/27DA005 INDUSTRONIC防爆闪光警告信号灯XB9 60V-ATEX音达斯INDUSTRONIC CWB-ATEX 60V防爆闪光警告信号灯音达斯INDUSTRONIC防水声罩SSH03音达斯INDUSTRONIC防水声罩易爆区域SSHX01音达斯INDUSTRONIC易爆区域的声罩SSH15音达斯INDUSTRONIC易爆区域的声罩SSH11GAI-TRONICS防爆电话256-001GAI-TRONICS电话机701-302GTC防爆话站7805-001GTC话站(无扬声器)400-002NSGTC安全栅麦克风组件10438-001GTC防爆脚踏开关51052-003Gai-tronics品牌RIGCOM STATION MODEL400-001GAI-TRONICS远程传输模块,含光端机 LE200-FLR GAI-TRONICS12V直流电源TRIO-PS/1AC/12DC/5GAI-TRONICS台式话站7265-202GAI-TRONICS壁挂扬声器B406-8GAI-TRONICS 110V交流变压器KZTA-1KVAGAI-TRONICS喇叭HP15-8GAI-TRONICS转接盒COPR 7245-002GAI-TRONICS室内话站主机型号COPR 7005-102 GAI-TRONICS扬声器801AGAI-TRONICS有线通信装置701-307,DC24VGAI-TRONICS有线通信装置箱体702-002Gai-tronics品牌RIGCOM STATION MODEL400-001 GAI-TRONICS远程传输模块,含光端机 LE200-FLR GAI-TRONICS12V直流电源TRIO-PS/1AC/12DC/5 GTC台式话站7265-202GAI-TRONICS壁挂扬声器B406-8GAI-TRONICS 110V交流变压器KZTA-1KVAGAI-TRONICS喇叭HP15-8GAI-TRONICS转接盒COPR 7245-002GTC室内话站主机型号COPR 7005-102Rectifier Control (115V/60Hz) 225484-AGai-tronics 铝制喇叭13306-101GAI-TRONICS喇叭扬声器13305-001GAI-TRONICS工业号角喇叭13328-001GAI-TRONICS喇叭型号13328-001Gai-tronics电话机喇叭13328-001GAI-TRONICS工业号角喇叭13306-101GAI-TRONICS工业喇叭扬声器HP15-8GAI-TRONICS工业扬声器13304-002GAI-TRONICS工业喇叭HP15-8GTC工业喇叭扬声器HP15-8GAI-TRONICS隔音棚6866-001GAI-TRONICS MODEL 351-001GAI-TRONICS自动拨号键盘226-001GAI-TRONICS Model 226-001GAI-TRONICS工业室内电话246-001GAI-TRONICS 工业室内自动拨号电话 247-001GTC工业室外电话256-001GAI-TRONICS Model: 256-001GAI-TRONICS业室外标准自动拨号电话 257-001GAI-TRONICS业室外标准自动拨号电话 257-001GAI-TRONICS Model: 257-001GAI-TRONICS 工业室外电话 257-001GAI-TRONICS工业嵌入式电话276-001GAI-TRONICS标准键盘电话276-001GAI-TRONICS工业电话276-001GAI-TRONICS自动拨号电话277-001GAI-TRONICS工业嵌入式电话277-001GAI-TRONICS自动拨号电话277-001GAI-TRONICS 电话 Model: 277-001GAI-TRONICS 标准的工业电话机277-001GAI-TRONICS电话机230-001GAI-TRONICS安装支架231-001GAI-TRONICS电话机350-001GAI-TRONICS表面安装支架 4115GAI-TRONICS Model 234WM-202GAI-TRONICS 墙装支柱234WM-202GAI-TRONICS 可视电话GTE04047DNH是我们的优势产品,在国内贸易公司中我们处于领先位置,为客户提供价格信息,还为客户提供专业的技术信息,为客户解决生产和销售方面的问题。



DNH水下扬声器AQUA-30联系:郑-工15 260 822 709 Q 72 827 45 85壁挂箱式扬声器B-406(T)壁挂箱式扬声器CAU-4(T)壁挂箱式扬声器CW-4(T)壁挂箱式扬声器SAFE-10P(T)壁挂箱式扬声器SAFE-15(T)壁挂箱式扬声器SAFE-M6(T)防爆号角金属扬声器H-60EEN(T)防爆号角金属扬声器HS-8EEXMN(T)防爆号角金属扬声器HS-15EEXIIN(T)防爆号角金属扬声器HS-15EEXMN(T)防爆号角非金属扬声器DHP DST-40EEXEN(T)防爆号角非金属扬声器DHP DST-40EEXEN(T)防爆号角非金属扬声器DSP-15EEXMN(T)防爆号角非金属扬声器DSP-15EEXMN(T)SL 防爆号角非金属扬声器DSP-25EEXMN(T)防爆号角非金属扬声器HP20 EEXIIN(T)广角号角扬声器DH-30广角号角扬声器DH-50广角号角扬声器DS(T)-100 DH30广角号角扬声器DS(T)-100 DH50广角号角扬声器DUP-40(T)广角号角扬声器HPA-60广角号角扬声器隧道专用TUNNEL-500金属吸顶扬声器B-620(T)金属吸顶扬声器BF-620(T)金属吸顶扬声器BK-560(T)金属吸顶扬声器BS-560(T)金属吸顶扬声器HP-6C(T)1金属吸顶扬声器HP-6C(T)非金属吸顶扬声器B-650(T)非金属吸顶扬声器BP-560(T)非金属吸顶扬声器BP-660(T)非金属吸顶扬声器BP-860(T)非金属吸顶扬声器BPF-560(T)非金属吸顶扬声器BPF-660(T)非金属吸顶扬声器BPF-860(T)大功率吸顶扬声器BMD-60(T)大功率吸顶扬声器PROB-560(T)大功率吸顶扬声器PROB-620(T)大功率吸顶扬声器PROB-635(T)大功率吸顶扬声器PROBF-560(T)大功率吸顶扬声器PROBF-620(T)其他壁挂扬声器BLC-550(T)CP-6(T)1CP-6(T)CP-66(T)PROSPUND-300(T)PS-6L(T)防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器BA-56EEXEN(T)X2 BA-56EEXN(T)BAREEX-36(T)CAPEEX-6(T)CAREEX36(T)CAREEX-6(T)CAREEX-6(T)X2微型号角扬声器A-45微型号角扬声器H-44(T)微型号角扬声器HP-6微型号角扬声器HP-6C(T)微型号角扬声器HP-8(T)微型号角扬声器HPS-6C(T) 常规号角扬声器DSP-15(T)常规号角扬声器DSP-15SL(T) 常规号角扬声器HP-10(T)常规号角扬声器HP-15(T)常规号角扬声器HP-20(T)常规号角扬声器HP-30(T)常规号角扬声器HS-15(T)常规号角扬声器HSS-15(T)广域宽频号角扬声器MH-15(T)广域宽频号角扬声器MH-30(T)广域宽频号角扬声器MH-50(T)英国MEDC自动火警报警器配件PX99901463英国MEDC自动火警报警器配件PX99901464英国MEDC消防喇叭DB3英国MEDC防爆配件XB13-230GYNR英国MEDC单调状态灯SL15EXDIIC英国MEDC报警器DB3 24VDC英国MEDC警戒灯FB15 24VVDC英国MEDC报警器DB8-D-240-N-IB-N-NMEDC原装防爆平台状态灯SL5E3G2Y2R2B0242D8DDTR MEDC英国防爆平台状态灯SL5E3G2Y2R2B0242D8DDTR MEDC防爆平台状态灯SL5E3G2Y2R2B0242D8DDTR英国MEDC报警器配件PBEB5B4DSA7X英国MEDC氙气警示灯XB11UL02406RYDNNNR红色英国MEDC防爆平台状态灯SL5E3G2Y2R2B0242D8DDTR英国MEDC防爆平台状态灯P/N:SL5E3G2Y2R2B0242D8DDTR。



DNH防水号角扬声器DST-100DH-50DNH防水号角扬声器DST-100/DH-50DNH 100W号筒式扬声器定压建议240V磁式扬声器范工DNH 189++598++187++58 挪威品牌挪威DNH扬声器,广泛应用于中海油、中石油、化工、公共场所、炼油厂、工业等各个领域,并深受广大用户的信赖。


1、DNH室外防爆扬声器HS-15EEXMNT2、DNH 防爆喇叭DSP-25EEXMN(T)3、DNH 喇叭 BK-560T4、DNH 扬声器HP-6CT5、DNH防水号角扬声器DST-100/DH-506、DNH 扬声器DSP-15(T)7、DNH室外防爆扬声器 HS-8EEXMNT8、DNH室外防爆扬声器 DSP-15EEXMNT9、DNH室内扬声器 HP-15T10、DNH水下扬声器AQUA-3011、DNH室外防爆扬声器DSP-25EExmNT12、DNH室内壁挂扬声器SAFE-10P13、DNH室内吸顶防水扬声器HPS-6C14、DNH 喇叭BF-620T15、DNH 喇叭 HPS-6CT16、DNH 喇叭 BIVEP-6T17、DNH 喇叭 SAFE-10PT18、DNH 喇叭H-60EExeNT19、DNH 喇叭HS-8EExmNT20、DNH 喇叭 DSP-25EExmNT21、DNH室外防爆扬声器(15W)DNH-15EexmNT22、DNH现场房间室内防爆扬声器(8W)HS-8EexmNT23、DNH室内吸顶式扬声器(3W)HSP-108124、DNH壁挂式扬声器(5W)SAFE-10PT25、DNH吸顶式扬声器5W 型号 BPF-660IPT26、DNH吊顶式扬声器3W 型号BPF-660IPT27、DNH壁挂式扬声器5W 型号HP-10T28、DNH 全天侯定压式号筒扬声器 DST-10029、DNH防爆扬声器DSP-15EEXMMN30、DNH防爆扬声器HS-15EEXMN31、DNH VES-561T32、DNH微型号角扬声器HP-6C(T)33、DNH微型号角扬声器HPS-6C(T)34、DNH微型号角扬声器HP-8(T)35、DNH微型号角扬声器HP-636、DNH微型号角扬声器A-4537、DNH微型号角扬声器H-44(T)38、DNH常规号角扬声器HP-10(T)39、DNH常规号角扬声器HP-15(T)40、DNH常规号角扬声器HP-20(T)41、DNH常规号角扬声器HP-30(T)42、DNH常规号角扬声器DSP-15(T)43、DNH常规号角扬声器DSP-15SL(T)44、DNH常规号角扬声器HS-15(T)45、DNH常规号角扬声器HSS-15(T)46、DNH广域宽频号角扬声器MH-15(T)47、DNH广域宽频号角扬声器MH-30(T)48、DNH广域宽频号角扬声器MH-50(T)49、DNH广角号角扬声器DS(T)-100/DH3050、DNH广角号角扬声器DS(T)-100/DH5051、DNH广角号角扬声器DUP-40(T)52、DNH广角号角扬声器DH-3053、DNH广角号角扬声器DH-5054、DNH广角号角扬声器TUNNEL-500隧道专用55、DNH广角号角扬声器HPA-6056、DNH防爆号角扬声器(非金属)DSP-15EEXMN(T)57、DNH防爆号角扬声器(非金属)DSP-15EEXMN(T)-25W58、DNH防爆号角扬声器(非金属)DSP-15EEXMN(T)SL59、DNH防爆号角扬声器(非金属)DSP-25EEXMN(T)60、DNH防爆号角扬声器(非金属)DHP/DST-40EEXEN(T)61、DNH防爆号角扬声器(非金属)HP20EEXIIN(T)62、DNH防爆号角扬声器(金属)HS-8EEXMN(T)63、DNH防爆号角扬声器(金属)HS-15EEXMN(T)64、DNH防爆号角扬声器(金属)H-60EEN(T)65、DNH防爆号角扬声器(金属)HS-15EEXIIN(T)66、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器CAREEX-6(T)67、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器CAPEEX-6(T)68、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器CAREEX36(T)69、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器CAREEX-6(T)X270、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器BA-56EEXN(T)71、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器BAREEX-36(T)72、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器BA-56EEXEN(T)X273、DNH金属吸顶扬声器HP-6C(T)74、DNH金属吸顶扬声器HP-6C(T)75、DNH金属吸顶扬声器BS-560(T)76、DNH金属吸顶扬声器BK-560(T)77、DNH金属吸顶扬声器B-620(T)78、DNH金属吸顶扬声器BF-620(T)79、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器B-650(T)80、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器BP-560(T)81、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器BPF-560(T)82、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器BP-660(T)83、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器BPF-660(T)84、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器BP-860(T)85、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器BPF-860(T)86、DNH大功率吸顶扬声器PROB-560(T)87、DNH大功率吸顶扬声器PROBF-560(T)88、DNH大功率吸顶扬声器PROB-635(T)89、DNH大功率吸顶扬声器PROB-620(T)90、DNH大功率吸顶扬声器PROBF-620(T)91、DNH大功率吸顶扬声器BMD-60(T)92、DNH室内壁挂箱式扬声器B-406(T)93、DNH室内壁挂箱式扬声器CAU-4(T)94、DNH室内壁挂箱式扬声器CW-4(T)95、DNH室内壁挂箱式扬声器SAFE-M6(T)96、DNH室内壁挂箱式扬声器SAFE-10P(T)97、DNH室内壁挂箱式扬声器SAFE-15(T)98、DNH其他壁挂扬声器BLC-550(T)99、DNH其他壁挂扬声器PROSOUND-300(T) 100、DNH其他壁挂扬声器PS-6L(T)101、DNH其他壁挂扬声器CP-6(T)102、DNH其他壁挂扬声器CP-66(T)103、DNH其他壁挂扬声器CP-6(T)。

PRS-M1 10寸内置3分频全频扬声器 产品说明书

PRS-M1 10寸内置3分频全频扬声器 产品说明书

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PSI Audio UANPA10 V5.1 使用手册说明书

PSI Audio UANPA10 V5.1 使用手册说明书

PSI Audio User Manual1 INTRODUCTION (3)2 SAFETY INSTRUCTION (3)2.1 W ARNINGS (3)2.2 S ERVICE (4)3 GENERAL OVERVIEW (4)3.1 B EFORE YOU START (4)3.2 F RONT P ANEL D ESCRIPTION (5)3.3 R EAR P ANEL D ESCRIPTION (5)4 QUICK START (6)5 OPERATION (6)5.1 P OWER ON LED(G REEN) (6)5.2 O VERLOAD /O VERHEAT LED(R ED) (6)5.3 A UDIO S IGNAL I NPUT C ONNECTOR (7)5.4 PSC C OMMAND PRINCIPLE (7)5.5 L EVEL /I NPUT S ENSITIVITY P OTENTIOMETER (7)5.6 R OLL-O FF P OTENTIOMETER (7)5.7 V OLTAGE S ELECTOR /M AINS F USE (7)6 INSTALLATION (7)6.1 E NVIRONMENT (7)6.2 R OLL-O FF SIMPLIFIED THEORETICAL VIEW : (7)6.3 R OLL-O FF PRACTICAL VIEW : (8)6.4 M OUNTING (9)6.5 S TEREO O PERATION (9)6.6 S TEREO +S UB O PERATION (9)6.7 M ULTI CHANNEL 5+1O PERATION (11)7 TROUBLESHOOTING (11)7.1 P OWER ON LED DOES NOT LIGHT UP. (11)7.2 P OOR AUDIO QUALITY (12)7.3 U NEVEN FREQUENCY RESPONSE (12)8 C.E. & ROHS CONFORMITIES (12)9 WARRANTY (12)1 IntroductionThank you very much, and congratulations on your decision to purchase a professional monitoring system from PSI Audio.Carefully following the instructions in this manual will ensure that your loudspeaker system will give you many years of reliable and trouble free operation.For the latest information, help or advice, please contact your local PSI Audio representative or PSI Audio directly.Relec S.A.Rue des Petits Champs 11 a+b CH-1400 YVERDON (Switzerland) Tel : +41 (0)24 426 0420 Tel : +41 (0)24 426 0451 E *****************W 2 Safety Instruction2.1 Warnings• Please read and follow the instructions carefully prior to operation of the loudspeaker.• Loudspeakers positioned above floor level represent a fall hazard. Please make sure your loudspeakers are always securely positioned or mounted in a stable position and can’t fall. In particular make sure no child can make them fall.• Please do not open the loudspeaker - risk of electric shock.• Make sure not to expose the loudspeaker to any form of liquids. For cleaning purposes use only a dry cloth. In order to prevent spills, do not place any containers containing liquid on the loudspeaker. Do not use the speaker close to water as this may create a shock hazard.• Only use three wire mains cables and connectors with earthing (grounding) according to your country standard.• Check your AC voltage and make sure that the voltage setting and fuse on the rear of the chassis are set correctly.This symbol alerts the user to the presence of electrical power within the product that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock.•Do not operate the speaker in a confined environment (i.e. in a flight case) The rear panel of the speaker should be open and permit appropriate circulation and ventilation of air for cooling purposes. Make sure all ventilation openings are free of any obstacles.•Do not operate or install this speaker near any kind of heat source.•Only operate this speaker with accessories specified by PSI Audio.•For maximum operating safety, the loudspeaker should be used with a three-wire AC power system. Two-wire operation may cause a potential hazard.2.2 ServiceThe loudspeaker contains no user-serviceable parts. Service must be performed byqualified personnel. The primary fuse must be replaced by exactly the same type andrating. The unit must not be opened by the user – risk of a severe electric shock.Servicing is required when :•the speaker has been damaged in some way, such as when the power-supply cord or plug is damaged,•the loudspeaker has suffered from exposure to rain or moisture,•liquid has been spilled into the loudspeaker,•objects have been dropped into the loudspeaker,•the loudspeaker does not work correctly.Spare part supply :•For ordering, please contact your authorized dealer, mentioning your loudspeaker model and serial number (see point 3.3.).3 General Overview3.1 Before you startSpecial care has been taken in the packaging of your PSI Audio equipment. Before you start to install it, please check that the following parts are included :•Loudspeaker•Individual frequency response diagram•Data sheet•PSI AUDIO User Manual (this manual)•Additional stickers according to model3.2 Front Panel Description4 Quick StartWe recommend that you spend some time setting up your monitoring speaker system.Setting up naturally takes a certain amount of time. However, in case you need to get started quickly, please follow the quick set up guide. The rest of this manual will assist you in setting up your loudspeaker system and calibrate it according to your listening environment.•Check that the voltage value on the AC power selector is set correctly (according to your local AC power supply). If this is not the case, it will be necessary to adjust the main power supply with the following procedure. Carefully squeeze the two latches on either side of the fuse plug and pull the fuse holder out of its socket. Now replace the fuse for the different voltage setting with the correct value fuse according to the required voltage. The correct value of the fuse is printed next to the On-Off switch of your loudspeaker. Pull out the grey plastic cap which holds the fuse and turn it 180° so it shows the correct voltage setting through the outer window when placed back in its position.Now you can carefully push the complete fuse holder back into its place above the mains connector.•Connect the live cable whilst paying attention to the warnings mentioned under the chapter safety instructions.•Verify that no audio signal is being sent to the loudspeaker and turn the power switch to ON. The green led on the front panel will now illuminate.•Connect the audio source (line signal) from your mixer, preamplifier or other equipment to the XLR connector at the rear.•Turn the Level (input sensitivity) potentiometer fully clockwise.•Verify that the Roll-Off potentiometer is turned fully clockwise in order to provide a flat frequency response to start with.•Set the loudspeaker level potentiometer to the CAL position (CALIBRATED) and fade in the signal source as required.•Normal operating conditions will cause the red led to flash occasionally on peaks. We draw your attention to the fact that this loudspeaker can produce pressure levels which may be harmful. PSI Audio declines all responsibility for eventual hearing loss caused by the use of their loudspeakers.5 Operation5.1 Power ON LED (Green)The green LED on the front panel shows that the loudspeaker is operational. In the event that this LED does not light up, verify that the loudspeaker is connected to the AC power outlet and/or check the fuse.5.2 Overload / Overheat LED (Red)The red LED indicates the operation of the internal limiter and during normal operation, the light flashes when the modulation peak has reached a modulation peak of 1dB. If the LED flashes regularly, this means that overload conditions are met and you should reduce the input level.If the red LED stays continuously illuminated, this means that the amplifier is in overheated conditions, and the components are at risk of being damaged. Turn off the AC power immediately.Typical causes of overheat are lack of ventilation. Check that sufficient air flow is available around your loudspeaker. Close proximity of overheated sources may also cause overheating.5.3 Audio Signal Input ConnectorThe female XLR connector on the rear panel provides a balanced analogue input with the following wiring conventions :1 = Chassis (Ground)2 = + Hot3 = - ColdWhen using the loudspeaker with unbalanced sources, the following wiring conventions may be used5.4 PSC Command principlePSC enables to control the standby mode of your loudspeakers through the signal cable. This command is generated by pulling up simultaneously the voltage of the entries (2) and (3) of the XLR. A voltage of +5 to 25V DC referenced to the ground is necessary to control the standby mode.The front panel LED is slightly lit in red during the standby mode.For more information about the PSC principle, please refer to our website directly : , section Technologies.5.5 Level / Input Sensitivity PotentiometerThe level is continuously variable, the potentiometer controls the logarithmic converter whose precision is greater than 1 dB.5.6 Roll-Off PotentiometerSee installation section 65.7 Voltage Selector / Mains FuseSee point 1 in the Quick Start section 4.6 Installation6.1 EnvironmentPSI Audio loudspeakers are calibrated to give a flat response under free field conditions. The acoustic environment will naturally influence the overall performances of the loudspeakers.When using the loudspeaker in a studio environment, the Roll-Off control allows the low frequency response to be tailored according to the position of the loudspeaker. Placing a speaker in a corner or near a wall will affect the bass response and this can be compensated by the use of the calibration controller.6.2 Roll-Off simplified theoretical view :If a sound source is omni-directional and incorporated into a wall, it radiates into a half space. The generated acoustic pressure is doubled (+ 6 dB) in comparison to free field radiation.For high frequencies, the wavelengths are shorter than the dimension of the loudspeaker. Therefore, the enclosure determinates the radiation pattern.For low frequencies, the wavelengths are longer than the dimension of the loudspeaker. The position and the material of room partitions which determinates the radiation pattern.When a loudspeaker is not used in free field mode, the « Roll Off » calibration must be applied.6.3 Roll-Off practical view :Even at very low frequencies, a monitor is not really omni-directional, and it cannot be completely incorporated into a partition. Consequently, the acoustic pressure level will not be entirely doubled by the partition.Roll Off Calibration Simplified theory Practical adjustmentFull space (free standing) 0 dB Cal Figure 1 Half space (wall mounting) -6 dB ∼ - 4 dB Figure 2 Quart space (corner mounting) -12 dB ∼ - 7 dB Figure 3Fig1–Fullspace:*****************Fig 2 – Half-space : Roll off @ ~ - 4dBFig 3 – Quart-space : Roll off @ ~ - 7dB6.4 MountingPlease respect the instructions given in the “Technical Data Sheet” of each product.Remember that any loudspeaker positioned above floor level represents a fall hazard. Make sure your loudspeakers are always securely positioned or mounted in a stable position and can’t fall. In particular make sure no child can make them fall.6.5 Stereo OperationPosition the loudspeakers so that the position between the listener, the left and right loudspeakers determine an equilateral triangle. The acoustic axis (see the Technical datasheet of your PSI audio monitor) should be at ear height or slightly higher. This is valid for any music listening mode (stereo, multichanel, etc..).6.6 Stereo + Sub OperationFor music listening, the role of the subwoofer is to extend the low frequency response and themaximum sound pressure level in a linear fashion. The placement of a subwoofer, especially in a small control room, can be critical. It is recommended that the user takes some time to find theoptimum position.Calibration procedureThe monitor Roll Off is positioned at –10dB.The subwoofer is placed on the floor.The distance from the subwoofer to the listener is equal to the distance from the monitor to thelistener (± 0.5m).Because of its complementary response, the largest part of very low frequencies are spread by the subwoofer.•Subwoofer level calibration:The first monitor is temporarily positioned in free standing, and the signal is directly applied.Level : CalRoll Off : CalThe second monitor and the subwoofer are placed at their normal positions, and the signal is applied through the subwoofer.Level : CalRoll Off : -10dBSignal : between 70 to 150 Hz (i.e. cello low note)•When commuting the first direct monitor or the second together with the subwoofer, the sound level hearing comparison allows a reliable and objective adjustment (±0.5 dB). When adjusting the subwoofer level, the two systems should provide the same sound impression.Stereo & sub system calibration•The sub level being now calibrated, the signal from the first monitor should go through the sub and its Roll-Off adjusted @ -10dBStereo & sub system in practice6.7 Multi channel 5+1 Operation Installation in multichannel covers a wide field of applications and different requirements have their own criteria.• Music & Home Cinema playback5+1 for music:Acoustical centerAngle Height C0° 1.2m L,R±30° 1.2m LS,RS±100-120° ≥1.2m SUB±10° 0mOptimum subwoofer performance may be obtained by the use of two subwoofers• AV Applications (film & video)The standard Left / Right angle for film and TV is 45°. If your loudspeakers have to be installed behind a perforated screen, a 45° angle positioning will give the best results. For sound for picture applications, you may also consider a surround array of 4 (or more) surround speakers.Recommended calibration levels are the following :Left/right/Center : 75 dBC per channelSurround Speaker : 72 dBC eachSubwoofer : for film mixing, the subwoofer level has an extra 10dB of headroom. This means that the subwoofer level should be calibrated accordingly i.e. 85 dB in band.7 Troubleshooting7.1 Power on LED does not light up.Please check that the power switch is set on the ON position and that the mains cable is properly connected to the mains. If the problem persists, check the fuse, the voltage selector and the AC power voltage. If this still not solve the problem, contact PSI Audio or a PSI Audio authorised dealer. LRC+SUBLS RS30°110°30°7.2 Poor audio qualityCheck the audio cabling to the speaker from the audio source and power cable, for poor wiring or broken connections.Problems can occur with incorrect cabling and especially when converting unbalanced signal tobalanced signal. Please refer to chapter 5.3 for details.7.3 Uneven frequency responseIn the case of uneven frequency response, please check the performance of the loudspeaker with a known reference source (i.e. your favourite CD).Loss of low frequencies• Wrong phase or wiring• Incorrect “Roll Off” calibration• Wrong positioning in the room.If performance still does not meet your expectations, please read the section about installation and calibration of your loudspeaker system to the acoustic environment.8 C.E. & RoHS ConformitiesPSI Audio products have been tested and calibrated according to the highest quality standards.An individual frequency response diagram is provided with each loudspeaker.The PSI Audio products have been tested according to EU directives and amendments:Low voltage directive (LVD), 2006/95/ECElectromagnetic compatibility directive (EMC), 2004/108/ECThe relevant technical standards are:EN 60065: 1998 Audio, video and similar apparatus – Safety requirements (Class 1) EN 55103-1/E1: 1996 Product Standard – EmissionAudio, Video and audio-visual apparatus for professional useEN 55103-2/E1: 1996 Product Standard – ImmunityAudio, Video and audio-visual apparatus for professional useThis product is manufactured according to the European directive 2002/95/EC9 WarrantyOur loudspeakers undergo several steps of quality control to ensure they leave our factory in perfect condition. We offer a warranty against any manufacturing or material defect for a period of 5 years on all electronics and transducers and 2 years on the wooden cabinets. Only Relec SA is able to qualify a manufacturing or material defect and its eligibility to be covered by the warranty. Wear and tear are not covered by the warranty.Please contact your reseller for any query about warranty or servicing.We kindly remind the user that unauthorised servicing can void the warranty. In order to provide a quality service, we ask the user to always include the warranty card at each service.If goods need to be returned to the manufacturer (Relec SA), the symptoms must be clearly mentioned. In case of warranty, the parts and labour costs are at the charge of the manufacturer. If no defect in workmanship is detected, the warranty is considered invalid. A quote for the repair will be sent and the relative cost charged to the customer.For services (covered or not by warranty), the expenses and the risks of the transports both ways between the customer and his supplier are the responsibility and at the charge of the customer.For any other provision, the Swiss code of obligations, Articles 197 to 210 will apply.For any legal action, reference will apply to the Court of Yverdon (Switzerland) only.。



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挪威DNH扬声器防爆喇叭DNH扬声器 MH-15T, 15W, 100Volt, IP-55DNH扬声器 MH-30T, 30W, 100Volt, IP-55DNH扬声器 MH-50T, 50W, 100 Volt, IP-55DNH扬声器 Mastbefestigung Edelstahl, V2ADNH扬声器 HP-6, 8 Ohm, MP-6, 6W, Polyamide UL 94 V0, RAL 7035, IP-67, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-6CT, 6W, MP-6, 70/100 Volt, Polyamide UL 94 V0, RAL 7035, IP-67, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HPS-6, 8 Ohm, MP-6, 6W, Polyamide V0, RAL 7035, IP-67DNH扬声器 HPS-6CT, 6W, MP-6, 100 Volt, Polyamide V0, RAL 7035, IP-67DNH扬声器 HP-8, 8 Ohm, MP-2,5, 8W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67DNH扬声器 HP-8T, 8W, MP-2,5, 100 Volt, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67DNH扬声器 A-45, 8 OHM. MP-2,5, 6 W, RAL-7035, IP-67DNH扬声器 H-44, 8 Ohm,MP-2,5, 6 W, IP 67, RAL 7035DNH扬声器 H-44T, MP-2,5, 6 W, IP 67, RAL 7035,100 VoltDNH扬声器 HP-10, 8 Ohm, 10W, ASA, IP-56, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-10, 8 Ohm, 10W, ASA, IP-56, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 HP-10, 20 Ohm, 10W, ASA, IP-56 , KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-10, 20 Ohm, 10W, ASA, IP-56 , StahlbügelDNH扬声器 HP-10T, 10W, 70/100 Volt, ASA, IP-56, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-10T, 10W, 70/100 Volt, ASA, IP-56, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 HP-15, 8 Ohm, 15W, ASA, IP-56, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-15, 8 Ohm, 15W, ASA, IP-56, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 HP-15, 20 Ohm, 15W, ASA, IP-56, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-15T, 15W, 70/100 Volt, ASA, IP-56, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-15T, 15W, 70/100 Volt, ASA, IP-56, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 HP-20, 8 Ohm, 20W, Polyamide, IP-67, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-20, 8 Ohm, 20W, Polyamide, IP-67, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 HP-20, 20 Ohm, 20W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-20, 20 Ohm, 20W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 HP-20T, 20W, 70/100 Volt, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, Kunststoffbügel DNH扬声器 HP-20T, 20W, 70/100 Volt, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 HP-30, 8 Ohm, 30W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-30, 8 Ohm, 30W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 HP-30, 20 Ohm, 30W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-30, 20 Ohm, 30W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 HP-30T, 30W, 70/100 Volt, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, Kunststoffbügel DNH扬声器 HP-30T, 30W, 70/100 Volt, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-15, 15W, 8 Ohm, ASA, RAL-7035, IP-67 mit KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-15, 15W, 8 Ohm, ASA, RAL-7035, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-15T, 15W, 70/100Volt, ASA, RAL-7035, IP-67 mit Kunststoffbügel DNH扬声器 DSP-15T, 15W, 70/100Volt, ASA, RAL-7035, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-15L, 25W, 8 Ohm, ASA, RAL -7035, IP-67 mit KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-15L, 25W, 8 Ohm, ASA, RAL -7035, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-15T L, 25W, 70/100 Volt, ASA, RAL -7035, IP-67 mit Kunststoffbügel DNH扬声器 DSP-15T L, 25W, 70/100 Volt, ASA, RAL -7035, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDNH扬声器 Zuschlag für Stahlbügel HP und DSPDNH扬声器 Mastbefestigung H?rner, V2ADNH扬声器 HS-8, 8 OhmDNH扬声器 HS-8, 20 OhmDNH扬声器 HS-8T, 100 VoltDNH扬声器 HS-15, 8 Ohm, 15W, Aluminium, IP-67DNH扬声器 HS-15, 20 Ohm, 15W, Aluminium, IP-67DNH扬声器 H-66, 8 OhmDNH扬声器 H-66, 20 OhmDNH扬声器 H-66T, 70/100 VoltDNH扬声器 HS-15 S, 8 Ohm, 15W, IP-55DNH扬声器 HS-15 S, 20 Ohm, 15W, IP-55DNH扬声器 HS-15ST, 15W, 70/100 Volt, IP-55DNH扬声器 H-62S, 8 OhmDNH扬声器 H-62ST, 70/100 VoltDNH扬声器 SAFE-15, 20 Ohm, wei?, 15W, IP-67DNH扬声器 SAFE-15T, rot, 15W, 70/100 Volt, IP-67DNH扬声器 SAFE-15T, wei?, 15W, 70/100 Volt, IP-67DNH扬声器 HSS-15, 8 Ohm, 15W, IP-76DNH扬声器 HSS-15T, 15W, 700/100 Volt, IP-67DNH扬声器 DS-100, 8 Ohm, 100W, RAL 7035, IP-67DNH扬声器 DST-100, 100W, 100Volt, RAL 7035, IP-67DNH扬声器 DH-50, 500mm, RAL 7035, IP-67DNH扬声器 DHP, schwarzDNH扬声器 DUP-40, 8 Ohm, 40W, schwarzDNH扬声器 DUP-40T, 40W, 70/100 Volt. schwarzDNH扬声器 Tunnel-500, schwarzDNH扬声器 HPA-60, 8 Ohm, 60W, Polyamid, RAL 7035, IP-67. Stahlbügel DNH扬声器 HPA-60, 8 Ohm, 60W, Polyamid, RAL 7035, IP-67. Kunststoffbügel DNH扬声器 Zuschlag für Edelstahlbügel HPADNH扬声器 HS-8EExmN, IIB, 20 Ohm, IP-67DNH扬声器 HS-8EExmN, IIB, 8 Ohm, IP-67DNH扬声器 HS-8EExmNT, IIB, 100 Volt, IP-67DNH扬声器 HS-8EExmNT, IIC, 100 Volt, IP-67DNH扬声器 HS-15EExmN, 20 Ohm, 15W, IP-67DNH扬声器 HS-15EExmN, 8Ohm, 15W, IP-67DNH扬声器 HS-15EExmNT, IIC, 15W, 100Volt, IP-67DNH扬声器 HS-15EExdN, 15W, IP-67DNH扬声器 HS-15 EExdNT, 15W, 100Volt, IP-67DNH扬声器 H-60EExeN, IIB, 8 OhmDNH扬声器 H-60EExeN, IIB, 20 OhmDNH扬声器 H-60EExeNT, IIB, 100 VoltDNH扬声器 H-60EExeNT, IIC, 100 VoltDNH扬声器 DST-40EExeN, 8 Ohm, 40W, IP-67, schwarzDNH扬声器 DST-40EEXeNT, 40W, 100 Volt, IIB, IP-67, schwarzDNH扬声器 DST-40EEXeNT, 40W, 100 Volt, IIC, IP-67, schwarzDNH扬声器 DHA-50, 500mm, schwarzDNH扬声器 DHP, schwarzDNH扬声器 DSP-15EExmN, 20 Ohm, IIB, 15W, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-15EExeN, 8 Ohm, IIB, 15W, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-15EExmNT, 25W, 100 Volt, IIB, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-15EExmNT, 25W, 100 Volt, IIC, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-15EExmN L, 8 Ohm, IIB, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-15EExmN LT, 25W, 100 Volt, IIB, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-15EExmN LT, 25W, 100 Volt, IIC, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-25EExmN, 20 Ohm, IIB, 25W, IP-66, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-25EExmNT, IIB, 25W, 100 Volt, IP-66, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-25EExmNT, IIB, 25W, 100 Volt, IP-66, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-25EExmNT, IIC, 25W, 100 Volt, IP-66, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-25EExmNT, IIC, 25W, 100 Volt, IP-66, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-25EExdN, 25W, IP-66, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 DSP-25EExdNT, 25W, 100 Volt, IP-66, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 Zuschlag für Stahlbügel DSP-15/ DSP-25DNH扬声器 CM-6EExmN, 8 Ohm, 20W, Antistatisches Polyamide, schwarz, IP-67 DNH扬声器 CM-6EExmNT, 20W, 100 Volt, Antistatisches Polyamide, schwarz, IP-67DNH扬声器 CAREEX-6T, 6W, 100 Volt, Befestigung mit Montageplatte, aluminium, eloxal, IP-54 DNH扬声器 CAREEX-6x2, 8 Ohm, eloxalDNH扬声器 CAREEX-6Tx2, 100V, eloxalDNH扬声器 CAREEX-36, 6W, 8 Ohm, IP-54, eloxalDNH扬声器 BA-56EExeN, 6W, IP-54DNH扬声器 BA-56EExeNT, 6W, 100 Volt, IP-54DNH扬声器 BA-56EExeNx2, 8 OhmDNH扬声器 BA-56EExeNTx2DNH扬声器 BAREEX-36, 6W, 8 Ohm, IP-54DNH扬声器 BAREEX-36T, 6W, 100 Volt, IP-54DNH扬声器 HS-15EEXIIN, 15W, IP-67DNH扬声器 HS-15EExIINT, 15W, 70/100 Volt, IP-67DNH扬声器 HP-20EExIIN, 8 Ohm, 20W, IP-67, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-20EExIINT, 20W, 70/100 Volt, IP-67, KunststoffbügelDNH扬声器 HP-20EExIINT, 20W, 70/100 Volt, IP-67, StahlbügelDNH扬声器 Zuschlag für Stahlbügel HPDNH扬声器 MD-40, 40/60W, 8 Ohm, schwarzDNH扬声器 MD-40, 40/60W, 8 Ohm, weissDNH扬声器 MD-40, IP-54, 40/60W, 8 Ohm, weissDNH扬声器 MD-40T, IP-54, 40/60W, 100V, weissDNH扬声器 MD-40T, 40W, 100 volt, schwarzDNH扬声器 MD-40T, 40W, 100 volt, weissDNH扬声器 MD-60, 8 Ohm, 100W, weissDNH扬声器 MD-60, 8 Ohm, 100W, schwarzDNH扬声器 MD-60T, 60W, 100 Volt, schwarzDNH扬声器 MD-60T, 60W, 100 Volt, weissDNH扬声器 MD-120, 120/150W, 8 Ohm, inklusive HaltebügelDNH扬声器 MD-120T, 120W, 100 volt, inklusive HaltebügelDNH扬声器 MD-200, 200W, 8 Ohm, IP-54DNH扬声器 Mastbefestigung, V2A für MD-200DNH扬声器 Bügel für MD-200DNH扬声器 Schraub?sen - 3 Stück für MD-200DNH扬声器 BMD-60, 8 Ohm, weiss, 60W, 4 Schraubklammern DNH扬声器 BMD-60T, weiss, 60W, 4 SchraubklammernDNH扬声器 CW-4, 20 Ohm, 6W, nu?DNH扬声器 CW-4T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, nu?DNH扬声器 B-406, 8 Ohm, 6W,DNH扬声器 B-406, 20 Ohm, 6W,DNH扬声器 B-406T, 6W, 70/100 Volt,DNH扬声器 BLC-550, 6W, 20 OhmDNH扬声器 BLC-550, 8 Ohm, 6W 到DNH扬声器 BLC-550T, 6W, 70/100 VoltDNH扬声器 CP-6, 8 Ohm, 6WDNH扬声器 CP-6, 20 Ohm, 6WDNH扬声器 CP-6T, 6W, 70/100 VoltDNH扬声器 CP-66, 6W, 8 OhmDNH扬声器 CP-66T, 6W, 70/100 VoltDNH扬声器 TRIC-6, 6W, 8 OhmDNH扬声器 TRIC-6T, 6W, 70/100 VoltDNH扬声器 SAFE-10P, 8 Ohm, 10W, IP-44DNH扬声器 SAFE-10PT, 10W, 70/100 Volt, IP-44DNH扬声器 SAFE-m6, 8 Ohm, 6W, rot, IP-56DNH扬声器 SAFE-m6, 8 Ohm, 6W, wei?, IP-56DNH扬声器 SAFE-m6T, 6W, 70/100 Volt rot, IP-56DNH扬声器 SAFE-m6T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, wei?, IP-56DNH扬声器 CAS-6, 8 Ohm, 6W, eloxalDNH扬声器 CAS-6, 8 Ohm, 6W, weissDNH扬声器 CAS-6T,6W, 70/100 Volt, eloxalDNH扬声器 CAS-15, 8 Ohm, 15W, weiss DB-ZulassungDNH扬声器 CAS-15T,15W, 70/100 Volt, eloxal DB-Zulassung DNH扬声器 CAS-15T, 15W, 70/100 Volt, weiss, DB-Zulassung DNH扬声器 CAS-30, 8 Ohm, 30W, eloxalDNH扬声器 CAS-30, 8 Ohm, 30W, weissDNH扬声器 CAS-30T, 30W, 70/100 Volt, weissDNH扬声器 CAS-30T, 30W, 70/100 Volt, eloxalDNH扬声器 CAU-4, 20 Ohm, 4WDNH扬声器 CAU-4T, 4W, 70/100 VoltDNH扬声器 CAP-15W, 8 Ohm, 15W, wei?, IP-55DNH扬声器 CAP-15W, 20 Ohm, 15W, wei?, IP-55DNH扬声器 CAP-15WT, 15W, 70/100 Volt, wei?, IP-55DNH扬声器 CAP-15WT, 15W, 70/100 Volt, eloxal, IP-55DNH扬声器 CAR-4, 8 Ohm, 4W, weiss, MontageplatteDNH扬声器 CAR-4, 8 Ohm, 4W, eloxal MontageplatteDNH扬声器 CAR-4, 20 Ohm, 4W, weiss, MontageplatteDNH扬声器 CAR-4, 20 Ohm, 4W, eloxal MontageplatteDNH扬声器 CAR-4T, 4W, 100 Volt, wei?, MontageplatteDNH扬声器 CAR-4T, 4W, 100 Volt, eloxal, Montageplatte DNH扬声器 CAR-6, 8 Ohm, 6W, wei?, MontageplateDNH扬声器 CAR-6, 8 Ohm, 6W, eloxal MontageplateDNH扬声器 CAR-6, 20 Ohm, 6W, weiss MontageplateDNH扬声器 CAR-6, 20 Ohm, 6W, eloxal, MontageplateDNH扬声器 CAR-6T, 6W, 100 Volt, weiss MontageplateDNH扬声器 CAR-6T, 6W, 100 Volt, eloxal MontageplateDNH扬声器 CAR-6F, 6W, 8 Ohm, eloxal oder weissDNH扬声器 CAR-6FT, 6W, 100 Volt, wei?DNH扬声器 CAR-6FT, 6W, 100 Volt, eloxalDNH扬声器 Prosound-300LT, 30W, 100 Volt, wei? DNH扬声器 Prosound-300LT, 30W, 100 Volt, schwarz DNH扬声器 Bügel, wei?DNH扬声器 Bügel, schwarzDNH扬声器 Schwenkfu?, schwarzDNH扬声器 Schwenkfu?, wei?DNH扬声器 BaldachinDNH扬声器 PS-6LT, 6W, 100 Volt, weissDNH扬声器 Bügel, wei?DNH扬声器 Bügel, schwarzDNH扬声器 Schwenkfu?, schwarzDNH扬声器 Schwenkfu?, wei?DNH扬声器 BaldachinDNH扬声器 DP-10T, 10W, 70/100 Volt, IP-55DNH扬声器 DP-30T, 30W, 70/100 Volt, IP-55DNH扬声器 DPD-10T, 10W, 70/100 Volt, IP-55DNH扬声器 DPD-30T, 30W, 70/100 Volt, IP-55DNH扬声器 Mastbefestigung, V2ADNH扬声器 BP-560, 6W, 8 Ohm, ABS, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 BP-560T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, ABS, RAL 9010 DNH扬声器 BP-660, 8 Ohm, 6W, ABS, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 BP-660T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, ABS, RAL 9010 DNH扬声器 BP-860, 8 Ohm, 6W, ABS, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 PB-860T, 70/100 Volt, ABS, RAL 9010 DNH扬声器 BPF-560, 8 Ohm, 6W, ABS, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 BPF-560T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, ABS, RAL 9010 DNH扬声器 BPF-660, 8 Ohm, 6W, ABS, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 BPF-660T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, ABS, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 BPF-660IPT mit IP-54, 6W, 70/100 Volt, ABS, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 BPF-860, 8 Ohm, 6W, ABS, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 BPF-860T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, ABS, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 BK-560, 8 Ohm, 6W, stahl, RAL 9010, FedermontageDNH扬声器 BK-560T (P), 6W, 70/100 Volt, PA, stahl, RAL 9010, Federmontage DNH扬声器 BS-560, 8 Ohm, Aluminium, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 BS-560, 20 Ohm, 6W, Aluminium, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 BS-560T, 70/100 Volt, Aluminium, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 B-560, 8 Ohm, 6W, PA, Aluminium, RAL 9010, 3 SchraubenDNH扬声器 B-560T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, PA, Aluminium, RAL 9010, 3 SchraubenDNH扬声器 B-620, 8 Ohm, 6W, PA, Aluminium, RAL 9010, 4 SchraubenDNH扬声器 B-620T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, PA, Aluminium, RAL 9010, 4 SchraubenDNH扬声器 B-650, 8 Ohm, 6W, ABS/Polystyrene Box, RAL 9010, 3 SchraubenDNH扬声器 B-650T, 70/100 Volt, 6W, ABS/Polystyrene Box, RAL 9010, 3 Schrauben DNH扬声器 BKF-560, 6W, 8 Ohm, PA, FedernDNH扬声器 BKF-560T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, PA, FedernDNH扬声器 BF-560, 8 Ohm, PA, 6W, 3 SchraubenDNH扬声器 BF-560, 20 Ohm, 6W, 3 SchraubenDNH扬声器 BF-560T, 6W, PA, 100 Volt, 3 SchraubenDNH扬声器 BF-620, 6W, 8 Ohm, 4 Schrauben, IP-42DNH扬声器 BF-620, 6W, 20 Ohm, 4 Schrauben, IP-42DNH扬声器 BF-620T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, PA, 4 Schrauben, IP-42DNH扬声器 PROB-560, 8 Ohm, PA, 30W, 3 SchraubenDNH扬声器 PROB-560T, 30W, 70/100 Volt, PA, 3 SchraubenDNH扬声器 PROB-620, 8 Ohm, PA, 30W, 4 SchraubenDNH扬声器 PROB-620T, 30W, 70/100 Volt, PA, 4 SchraubenDNH扬声器 PROBF-560, 8 Ohm, PA, 30W, 3 Schrauben, IP-42DNH扬声器 PROBF-560T, 30W, 70/100 Volt, PA, 3 Schrauben, IP-42DNH扬声器 PROBF-620, 8 Ohm, PA, 30W, 4 Schrauben, IP-42DNH扬声器 Feuerfeste - Gerpüft. H?lt Flammen für mehr als 30 Minuten und 150°C für mehr als 24 Stunden DNH扬声器 BF-620F, 8 Ohm, 6W, Aluminium, RAL 9010, 4 Schrauben, IP-42DNH扬声器 BF-620FT, 6W, 70/100 Volt, Aluminium, RAL 9010, 4 Schrauben, IP-42DNH扬声器 Safe-561-54, 8 Ohm, 6W, Stahl / weiss RAL 9010, 4 SchraubenDNH扬声器 Safe-561-54T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, Stahl / weiss RAL 9010, 4 SchraubenDNH扬声器 VES-561-54, 8 Ohm, 6W, Stahl /Alum RAL 9010DNH扬声器 VES-561-54T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, Stahl /Alum RAL 9010DNH扬声器 DP-10-54T, 6W, 70/100 VoltDNH扬声器 DPD-10-54T, 6W, 70/100 VoltDNH扬声器 P3x2-54T, 70/100 Volt, 15WDNH扬声器 VES-561T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, Stahl / Alu, RAL 9010, 4 (2 + 2) SchraubenDNH扬声器 VES-360T, 6W, 70/100Volt, Stahl / Alu, RAL 9010, 4 (2 + 2) SchraubenDNH扬声器 VES-661, 8 Ohm, 6W, Stahl/Alu, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 VES-661T, 6W, 70/100Volt, Stahl/Alu, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 Safe-561, 6W, 8Ohm, Stahl / weiss RAL 9010, 4 SchraubenDNH扬声器 Safe-561T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, Stahl / weiss RAL 9010, 4 SchraubenDNH扬声器 Safe-561IPT, 70/100 Volt, IP-55DNH扬声器 VEP-15, 15W, 8 Ohm, ABS / RAL 7035 , IP-54DNH扬声器 VEP-15T, 15W, 70/100 volt, ABS / RAL 7035 , IP-54DNH扬声器 VEP-6, 8 Ohm, 6W, ABS / RAL 7035, Polyamide Bügel, IP-42DNH扬声器 VEP-6T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, ABS / RAL 7035, Polyamide Bügel, IP-42DNH扬声器 BiVEP-6, 6W, 8Ohm, ABS / RAL 7035, Fu?platte, IP-42 - NEU!!!DNH扬声器 BiVEP-6T, 6W, 70/100 Volt, ABS / RAL 7035, Fu?platte, IP-42 - NEU!!!DNH扬声器 BK-560CR, 8 Ohm, 6W, Aluminium, RAL 9010, FedernDNH扬声器 BK-560CRT, 6W, 70/100 Volt, Aluminium, RAL 9010, FedernDNH扬声器 BP-560CR, 8 OhmDNH扬声器 BP-560CRT, 6W, 70/100 Volt, PA/ABS, RAL 9010DNH扬声器 BLC-550CR, 8 Ohm, 6W, ABS, RAL 9010, Schrauben (max ?5mm)DNH扬声器 BLC-550CR, 20 Ohm, 6W, ABS, RAL 9010, Schrauben (max ?5mm)DNH扬声器 CAP-15WCR, 8 Ohm, 15W, Alu/PA, RAL 9010 oder eloxal, BügelDNH扬声器 CAP-15WCRT, 15W, 70/100 Volt, Alu/PA, eloxal, BügelDNH扬声器 CR-6, 8 Ohm, ABS, RAL 9010, 4 Schrauben, Bügel, 1m Kabel, IP-67DNH扬声器 CR-6T, 6W, 100 Volt, ABS, RAL 9010, 4 Schrauben, Bügel, 1m Kabel, IP-67DNH扬声器 BKF-560CR, 8 Ohm, 6W, Metallfront, 2 FedernDNH扬声器 BKF-560CRT, 70/100 Volt, 6W, Metallfront, 2 FedernDNH扬声器 Aqua-30, 8Ohm, NCS 1070-B (blau), IP-68DNH扬声器 P-3x2T, 15W, 100 Volt, Edelstahl V 2A/ silber, 2 L-WinkelDNH扬声器 CL-15, 8 Ohm, weissDNH扬声器 CL-15, 8 Ohm, schwarzDNH扬声器 CL-15T, 15W, 100 Volt, UL94, schwarz, IP-53DNH扬声器 CL-15T, 15W, 100 Volt, UL94, weiss, IP-53DNH扬声器 JBP-120, Junction Box für eine verbündelte Verkabelung1、DNH室外防爆扬声器HS-15EEXMNT2、DNH 防爆喇叭DSP-25EEXMN(T)3、DNH 喇叭BK-560T4、DNH 扬声器HP-6CT5、DNH防水号角扬声器DST-100/DH-506、DNH 扬声器DSP-15(T)7、DNH室外防爆扬声器HS-8EEXMNT8、DNH室外防爆扬声器DSP-15EEXMNT9、DNH室内扬声器HP-15T10、DNH水下扬声器AQUA-3011、DNH室外防爆扬声器DSP-25EExmNT12、DNH室内壁挂扬声器SAFE-10P13、DNH室内吸顶防水扬声器HPS-6C14、DNH 喇叭BF-620T15、DNH 喇叭HPS-6CT16、DNH 喇叭BIVEP-6T17、DNH 喇叭SAFE-10PT18、DNH 喇叭H-60EExeNT19、DNH 喇叭HS-8EExmNT20、DNH 喇叭DSP-25EExmNT21、DNH室外防爆扬声器(15W)DNH-15EexmNT22、DNH现场房间室内防爆扬声器(8W)HS-8EexmNT23、DNH室内吸顶式扬声器(3W)HSP-108124、DNH壁挂式扬声器(5W)SAFE-10PT25、DNH吸顶式扬声器5W 型号BPF-660IPT26、DNH吊顶式扬声器3W 型号BPF-660IPT27、DNH壁挂式扬声器5W 型号HP-10T28、DNH 全天侯定压式号筒扬声器DST-10029、DNH防爆扬声器DSP-15EEXMMN30、DNH防爆扬声器HS-15EEXMN31、DNH VES-561T32、DNH微型号角扬声器HP-6C(T)33、DNH微型号角扬声器HPS-6C(T)34、DNH微型号角扬声器HP-8(T)35、DNH微型号角扬声器HP-636、DNH微型号角扬声器A-4537、DNH微型号角扬声器H-44(T)38、DNH常规号角扬声器HP-10(T)39、DNH常规号角扬声器HP-15(T)40、DNH常规号角扬声器HP-20(T)41、DNH常规号角扬声器HP-30(T)42、DNH常规号角扬声器DSP-15(T)43、DNH常规号角扬声器DSP-15SL(T)44、DNH常规号角扬声器HS-15(T)45、DNH常规号角扬声器HSS-15(T)46、DNH广域宽频号角扬声器MH-15(T)47、DNH广域宽频号角扬声器MH-30(T)48、DNH广域宽频号角扬声器MH-50(T)49、DNH广角号角扬声器DS(T)-100/DH3050、DNH广角号角扬声器DS(T)-100/DH5051、DNH广角号角扬声器DUP-40(T)52、DNH广角号角扬声器DH-3053、DNH广角号角扬声器DH-5054、DNH广角号角扬声器TUNNEL-500隧道专用55、DNH广角号角扬声器HPA-6056、DNH防爆号角扬声器(非金属)DSP-15EEXMN(T)57、DNH防爆号角扬声器(非金属)DSP-15EEXMN(T)-25W58、DNH防爆号角扬声器(非金属)DSP-15EEXMN(T)SL59、DNH防爆号角扬声器(非金属)DSP-25EEXMN(T)60、DNH防爆号角扬声器(非金属)DHP/DST-40EEXEN(T)61、DNH防爆号角扬声器(非金属)HP20EEXIIN(T)62、DNH防爆号角扬声器(金属)HS-8EEXMN(T)63、DNH防爆号角扬声器(金属)HS-15EEXMN(T)64、DNH防爆号角扬声器(金属)H-60EEN(T)65、DNH防爆号角扬声器(金属)HS-15EEXIIN(T)66、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器CAREEX-6(T)67、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器CAPEEX-6(T)68、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器CAREEX36(T)69、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器CAREEX-6(T)X270、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器BA-56EEXN(T)71、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器BAREEX-36(T)72、DNH防爆吸顶及箱式扬声器BA-56EEXEN(T)X273、DNH金属吸顶扬声器HP-6C(T)74、DNH金属吸顶扬声器HP-6C(T)75、DNH金属吸顶扬声器BS-560(T)76、DNH金属吸顶扬声器BK-560(T)77、DNH金属吸顶扬声器B-620(T)78、DNH金属吸顶扬声器BF-620(T)79、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器B-650(T)80、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器BP-560(T)81、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器BPF-560(T)82、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器BP-660(T)83、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器BPF-660(T)84、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器BP-860(T)85、DNH非金属吸顶扬声器BPF-860(T)86、DNH大功率吸顶扬声器PROB-560(T)87、DNH大功率吸顶扬声器PROBF-560(T)88、DNH大功率吸顶扬声器PROB-635(T)89、DNH大功率吸顶扬声器PROB-620(T)90、DNH大功率吸顶扬声器PROBF-620(T)91、DNH大功率吸顶扬声器BMD-60(T)92、DNH室内壁挂箱式扬声器B-406(T)93、DNH室内壁挂箱式扬声器CAU-4(T)94、DNH室内壁挂箱式扬声器CW-4(T)95、DNH室内壁挂箱式扬声器SAFE-M6(T)96、DNH室内壁挂箱式扬声器SAFE-10P(T)97、DNH室内壁挂箱式扬声器SAFE-15(T)98、DNH其他壁挂扬声器BLC-550(T)99、DNH其他壁挂扬声器PROSOUND-300(T) 100、DNH其他壁挂扬声器PS-6L(T)101、DNH其他壁挂扬声器CP-6(T)102、DNH其他壁挂扬声器CP-66(T)103、DNH其他壁挂扬声器CP-6(T)1、DNH BP-5602、DNH BS-5603、DNH DSP-25 EExmN(T) 功率:25瓦频率范围:370 –7000 Hz 防爆等级:IP664、DNH扬声器HP-6CT。



HIMA黑马F35 01Type(询价:158 0 50 6 1213-李工)Part no. Description/Function F35 01 98 2200416 HIMatrix F35, 24 digital and 8 analog inputs,2 counter inputs, 8 digital outputs, add. 4 port-switch100 Base-T with safeethernet, 3 FB Interfaces,SIL 3/Cat.4/PLeF31 02 98 2200420 HIMatrix F31, 20 digital inputs configurablewith line control, 8 digital outputs, add. 4 port-switch100 Base-Tx with safeethernet, SIL 3/Cat.4/PLeF30 01 98 2200415 HIMatrix F30, 20 digital inputs configurablewith line control, 8 digital outputs, add. 4 port-switch100 Base-Tx with safeethernet, 3 FB Interfaces,SIL 3/Cat.4/PLeF20 01 98 2200417 HIMatrix F20, 4 digital Outputs for line control,8 connectors free configurable as digital in- or output,integrated 2 port-switch 100 Base-Tx and safeethernet,2 FB Interfaces, SIL 3/Cat.4/PLeF3 DIO 20/8 02 98 2200404 Remote I/O device, 20 digital inputs configurablewith line control, 8 digital outputs, add. 2 port-switch100 Base-Tx with safeethernet, SIL 3/Cat.4/PLeF3 DIO 16/8 01 98 2200423 Remote I/O device, 16 digital Inputs configurablewith line control, 8 digital 2 pole Outputs, add. 2 port-switch 100 base-Tx withsafeethernet, SIL 3/Cat.4/PLeF3 DIO 8/8 01 98 2200425 Remote I/O device, 8 digital Inputs configurablewith line control, 6 digital Outputs, 2 digital 2 poleOutputs, add. 2 port-switch 100 base-Txwith safeethernet, SIL 3/Cat.4/PLeF3 AIO 8/4 01 98 2200409 Remote I/O device, 8 analog inputs (0...10 V),4 analog not safety-related outputs (0...20 mA),add. 2 port-switch 100 Base-Tx with safeethernet,SIL 3/Cat.4/PLeF2 DO 16 02 98 2200422 Remote I/O device, 16 relay outputs to30 V AC/ 60 VDC, add. 2 port-switch 100 Base-Txwith safeethernet, SIL 3/Cat.4/PLeF2 DO 16 01 98 2200406 Remote I/O device, 16 digital outputs 24 VDC with1 A, add.2 port-switch, 100 Base-Txwith safeethernet, SIL 3/Cat.4/PLeF2 DO 8 01 98 2200407 Remote I/O device, 8 relay outputs to250 V AC/ DC, add. 2 port-switch 100 Base-Txwith safeethernet, SIL 3/Cat.4/PLeF2 DO 4 01 98 2200408 Remote I/O device, 4 digital power outputs24 VDC with 5 A, add. 2 port-switch 100 Base-Txwith safeethernet, SIL 3/Cat.4/PLeF1 DI 16 01 98 2200405 Remote I/O device, 16 digital inputs configurablewith line control, 4 clock outputs for input line control,add. 2 port-switch 100Base-Tx with safeethernet,SIL 3/Cat.4/PleDYNISCO传感器 TPT4634-35MPA-6/18-TC6DYNISCO传感器 PT4624-35MPA-6/18威乐水泵 MHI 204-1/E/1-220-50-2SENSUS减压阀 461REG,SERIAL NO:16190690摩菲温度开关20TE-250-10-1/2SIEMENS 1900336-001ADI R271-FT-GB2-L日本渡边 HNE30-600H-3FACBETTIS密封圈维修包 62830kitSC047RMetso球阀 5H36HBRT,1寸ALLEGRO ALL2000 14 IN X 16 IN美卓电气阀门定位器 ND9106HXIT REV2.3 VAL-TEX脚踏式注脂泵 QS-1800A-K Allergro P/N2050-01DEWALT手套DPG20L LDEWALT手套DPG20L XLDEWALT 手套DPG20MELECTROLYZER SEG-II 020A01 MARITIME PROTECTION AS 475VARCO 30122112VARCO 50108-14-C液压油滤清器30173216液压油滤 30173216-1/114416齿轮油滤清器30111013RADIUM GFRMANY 航行灯泡230V ZPD1103 泰科报警器 3000-9017-F泰科手动报警按钮 3000-9006-F泰科探测器 3000-9009-F泰科底座 3000-9011-F泰科输出模块 9000-9005-F泰科输入模块 3000-9001-F泰科隔离器 3000-9004-FNational油封 415867AROX MOTOR 2955MOTXS 80BOSCH主机喷油嘴调校泵 0681200502 CAT 卡特增压器102-0290SKF轴承 20098GRACO高压清洗泵软管 247878GRACO高压清洗泵喷嘴 805422GRACO高压清洗泵喷嘴 805433GRACO高压清洗泵喷嘴 805446GRACO高压清洗泵喷嘴 805450GRACO高压清洗泵喷嘴 805459VAL-TEX脚踏式注脂泵 QS-1800A-K哈威泵 R8.3-8.3-8.3-8.3A日本东空蘑菇头砂轮机 MG-1B气动日本思博电位计 SCP22C丹佛斯压力开关 KP15马兰士对讲机电池 FNB-V57AIS马兰士对讲机天线 HX370SASORGA灯泡 CC8 S11DERRICK配件 3660-05-30DERRICK振动筛液压缸 G0005084派克滤芯 G04276派克滤芯 937844QABB智能定位器 TZIDC V18345 1027120001唐纳森 P550425REGO安全阀 PRV9434TP230PAMPHENOL SCPT06JF10-6S MFG SpacecraftAMPHENOL MS3110F10-6P MFG SouriauAMPHENOL MS3181-10C MFG SpacecraftAMPHENOL MS3110F10-6S MFG Souriau本迪克斯调压阍 T293975-LWALKER风向风速仪转子 P297WALKER风向风速仪转子 P298西门子泥浆池液位传感器 7ML1201-1EK00DERRICK配件G0005466马丁戴克接近式泵冲传感器232389马丁戴克 212450-101222573-001POW-R-QUIK气动马达 LS-8RH5XTHORN SECURITY UK配件 IP67 MODEL CP520,COLOR:RED Val-tex 润滑泵1400VAL-TEX电动注脂枪 QS-2200ANUFLO 8寸流量计9A-100012094NUFLO传感器9A-100002077BEI配电器(1入1出) ZNA201-PA 24VDC供电GESSMANN 司钻房操作杆 V61RB3-01Z-A010P024-******* GESSMANN 司钻房操作杆 BVV81LB3MK-3ZP-X-A050P184EU03 胜凡 SCP056VDL4L35SOS000E2S按钮 GNEXCP6A-PB-D-N-D-N-RD-24VE2S按钮 GNEXCP6A-PT-D-N-D-N-YB-24V日本渡边 HNE30-600H-3FACColeman Stearns 救生衣1223型venplast fan风机 PC252RUTHLEE人体模型 NATO stock number-0472-99-7837372 卡特机油滤芯 7W-2326卡特柴油滤芯 299-8229卡特油水分离器 308-7298唐纳森滤芯 C105004Derric除泥器10523-00MMC半封闭式油水界面仪 D-2401-2MMC探头 A-2615-17猫牌 43508猫牌44071猫牌泵660配件 14762猫牌泵660配件 43515猫牌泵660配件 44607猫牌泵660配件 43249猫牌泵660配件 17617摩菲压力传感器 es2p-100NOV互感器 0100-3600-38K60N-064RDNTURBINES流量计580-477-3067 TM0600SIEGER探测器 2110B2150,FOR APEXfriedrich空调SH20M30AALLEGRO ALL2000 14 IN X 16 IN马丁戴克大钳抗回器24747MISSION 配件P/N:20613-21G-7A马丁戴克 E-40 M/DBEI配电器(1入1出) ZNA201-PA 24VDC供电AMERON RP-60B玻璃钢专用粘胶Hydac 1283050-0060 D 003 BH4HC /-V-SS-S0361滤芯Hydac 1295226-0110 D 003 ECON2 /-V-S0361滤芯德科瑞美启动马达 1115665唐纳森滤芯 P556916(P550916)DERRICK启动器,SQD-2510-MC03SC056R康士廉感烟探头 N1115 DOS3德科瑞美磁吸索制 1115665OTECO阀门 P/N:130350ALLEGRO 袋子respirator storage bag,16558REECE SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD球阀 BALL VALVE BS17REECE SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD球阀 BALL VALVE LOCKOUT BS16 LSI主吊车大钩/小钩限位传感器 GS050-ATEX-CE唐纳森滤芯P181082唐纳森滤芯P124047BOSCH继电器0332002250Tyco测试站 592.001.016Tyco适配器 592.001.014Tyco镍镉电池和充电器 592.001.010Tyco延长杆 517.001.226Tyco适配器接管 517.001.224DNH喇叭 HS-15EExmNTFLOW SAFE安全阀 F84-4 CVAL-TEX电动注脂枪 QS-2200A猫牌泵 291doorcloser NSK820,body Size No.5,KingHammer H2O Hydrostatic release unit,SOLAS modelwl walker 1896201, 100MLMARITIME PROTECTION VALVE,VACUUM,MARTIME PROTECTION AS,15089 barcontrol压力检测开关 PDS-1-008-M-2-1西门子变频风扇 CNDC24B7雷泰红外测温仪 RAYMX4PC里奇台虎钳 F-60里奇管虎钳 40100里奇管虎钳 40110DWYER风压开关 Cat.no1823-1VAL-TEX配件P/N:VF-CTNVal-tex密封脂80-H-J型天马接头 IF2510天马接头 IF2520泰科感温探测器601P-M泰科感烟探头 601H-R-MVAL-TEX配件P/N:VF-CTNmarine lantern闪光灯 FA-249HABENDIX调压阀 K025894VDO表 301040001FRIEDRICH空调 SL36N30ASCO电磁阀 EF8320G202ASCO电磁阀 EV8327G42fisher压力调节器 67CFR-239fisher压力调节器 67CFR-237Domnick造氮机电路板 P/N:276500049 Rev.Serial No.S2S1353 domnick造氮机先导电磁阀组 606500009domnick造氮机显示屏电路板 276500037domnick造氮机氧气检测仪 276500031诺冠电磁阀 B72G-3GK-ST3-RMN诺冠电磁阀 B74G-4AK-AD3-RMG伊顿接头 2021-4-4S伊顿接头 2081-8-4S恩派克软管 H-7210DELTA 金属检测器 Z3-JC-SP摩菲液位计 L129CK1马丁戴克仪表油 W15-1SUNFAB 泵 SCP047RH-L4-ZTF S10DERRICK启动器,SQD-2510-MC03本迪克斯 AD-2 Air Dryer干燥器美卓开关阀定位盒 SR33B5HDN法雷奥启动马达 D9E51 KMOTORFABRIKEN BUKH A/SAUTRONICA烟感探头 BH-500EXAUTRONICA温感探头 BD-500EX威创传感器威创传感器510BPST25ANUFLO脉冲输出板 P/N 9A-1000005121HITE PRODUCTS AS NORWAY外壳 PK300/4/13HITE PRODUCTS AS NORWAY柔性耦合 28¢20-¢38HITE PRODUCTS AS NORWAY阻尼环 DT 300/1哈威液压泵 R11.6ACE减震器 CA 2X10-F-2Coleman Stearns 救生衣1223型BROOKSHIRE WINDSOCK,18"X 5',W18601,BROOKSHIRE风向标SUNFAB 泵 SCP047RH-L4-ZTF S10PLT抛绳器枪头 7004Val-tex 润滑泵1400HANCHANG皮带 RECMF8435SUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666OBSERVATOR温度传感器OMC-406天马接头 T2510CR油封 43764派克蓄能器 A2N0029E1K雨刮臂 3398100475德科瑞美磁吸索制 1115665GARLOCK KLOURE油封 24799-0109GARLOCK KLOURE油封 24799-0111胜凡泵SCP-034L-H-I42-W30-ZIM-300-008英格索兰阀 50275英格索兰阀 51756英格索兰 push button按钮 12695英格索兰 boot(black) 防护罩 54612英格索兰空气过滤器 F35-0B-C28英格索兰刹车带 382-31948英格索兰刹车带 382-29303NOV安全阀 34000-02-01NOV修理包 34005SEALWELD 80润滑脂S-EQ-SGCNordstrom阀门注脂枪 400-DMETSO定位器 ND9106HNT/K05GARLOCK 油封 53X8630 R2 (22627-8630)德瑞克筛网Th48-30*0.1MTTurbines流量计 TM0150博世电源开关0341003004VDO 表 350040005ROBINAIR 制冷鉴别仪16910INDUSTRONIC室内遥控站 16DT003INDUSTRONIC室外防爆遥控站 6DX003猫牌泵 PUMP2520德瑞克振动筛手压泵 PN:SYB-2Reflex Marine F-01-131DEWALT手套DPG20L XLTILLMAN 手套1489,MsizeTILLMAN手套 1489,LsizeTILLMAN手套,1470,MsizeTILLMAN手套,1470,Lsize德瑞克除泥器PN:10523-12AL-TEK点火传感器 70085-1010-002Viatran机油压力传感器 245AMGDHWQViatran进气压力传感器 245AFGTUWQViatran排气压力传感器 245AMGTUWQ威创航空插头 10MSPT1106 标配泰科感温探测器 601H-R泰科感烟探测器 601PHSKF油封 SKF19763威创压力传感器 2476AMGX1456F威创压力传感器 2476APGX1196E威创压力传感器 2476ACGX1456E威创压力传感器 2476APGX1456H泰科感烟探头 516.800.507.811PH泰科感温探头 516.800.509.811H泰科火焰探头 516.800.007.811F泰科热探头 516.800.532.801HEX泰科光/热探头 516.800.530,801PHEX泰科手动报警器玻璃 515.001.015,PK5泰科测试气体 517.001.256泰科接点输入模块 CIM800,555.800.032泰科可寻址通讯处理器 CP840ex,514.800.513 ROSEMOUNT 3051CD3A02A1JM6E5S5带阀组 0301RC32B11B4 卡特彼勒转速表197-7347马丁戴克光缆 0000-6982-84马丁戴克模块 0402-0043-00马丁戴克直流输入 0000-6980-01versa气控阀 VSP-3301-316SUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666SC064RHDI电池 E260SC047RPCB振动传感器 J353B04PCB噪音传感器 378B02OPTRIS红外温度传感器 OPTCTLT20CB15摩菲温度开关20TE-250-10-1/2NWG轴承 3206C2a88001曼滤芯 C25710/3 CF710VAL-TEX配件P/N:VF-CTNMoxa以太网交换机 EDS-308-MM-STCurrier Rozer断路器 CRI-APBM-15-ACGP:50变送器 311AIBRM7CFWEIDMULLER电子电路保护器 6720005388Wandfluh电磁阀 AEXd4J60-L12Wandfluh电磁阀 AEXd4D62-L12Wandfluh电磁阀线圈 MKY 45/18x60HDI压力传感器 2400000-0640-02AAAHDI压力传感器 2400000344002AAAHDI压力表和传感器组件 2000P P/N#20B6A50104002AAA HDI压力表和传感器组件 2000P P/N#20B7A50124002ACSA HDI压力表 20S6B1000000000BDHDI压力表 20S7A1000000000BDHDI计数器 2114000000000AAHDI位置指示器 2200 P/N#2204021R011601AAHDI温度表 3300 P/N3300000064602AAAHDI电源组件 HDIBATT-E260-DOT-AANOVO型圈 40023-427A.O. Smith风机电机 F48H83B81捷斯曼绞车控制手柄 2-3-2-2松下继电器 DS2E-M-DC24AUXITROL传感器 32868-4DRAGER气体检测器 6810100SPECK小型离心泵 MLY-04-0001哈威安全阀 MVX64C-266SC047R马丁戴克胶杯 PN:E40westinghouse配件 5303279394westinghouse配件 134936801博克雷骏750GAI-Tronics电话机 MODEL701-302BLADOR电机CA955229 CAT NO:EM7047T-1SKF油封 27269松下继电器 DS2E-M-DC24SPM润滑脂 P13336AB连接器 1490-N8Val-tex 润滑泵1400JOTRON电池 80060唐纳森滤芯 P550367威尔顿隔膜泵 P.025/PPPPP/WPS/TP/PWFBURKERT电磁阀 00456898英格索兰空压机密封圈 35328244SMC电磁阀 VQD1121-5G-X47DZF感应开关 0501314265泰科火焰探头 811F-M(W.T)TURBINES流量计580-477-3067 TM0600NUFLO 8寸流量计9A-100012094FRICK 滤芯531B0065H01AKRON多功能消防炮喷头 style 1747AKRON阿密龙消防炮 3523+5051KIDDE消防软管站泡沫吸入管 SLP-6A-200 P/N:1233-1370-3 OBSERVATOR温度传感器OMC-406OBSERVATOR温湿度传感器 OMC-422汉森接头P430S25HDEL-TRONICS可燃气体传感器 CGSS1A6V2R1X泰科探头811PHTYCO感热探测器 811H 516.800.507TYCO烟温探测器 811PHEX 516-800.530TYCO室内手动报警装置 MCP820MTYCO室外手动报警装置 MCP830MTYCO室外手动报警装置 MCP840EXSPM润滑脂 P13336CIGWELD压力调节器 301563猫牌泵 2SF05SEELCAT安全阀 HXS6111CAT 蓄能器HXS0.075/20CAT 接头2SF05SEELCAT 压力表004-150kg/c㎡CAT 油6100Dynalco传感器 M134CONGSILIUM烟感探头 EV-PP/RDO2/OA100CONGSILIUM火警按钮 MCP-A IP67 5200031-01ASUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666SUNFAB配件活塞组成 50281SC047R配件 20032PDF 派克水封GC/14*21*5SUNFAB 泵 SCP047RH-L4-ZTF S10VICKERS 调压阀DGMPC 3ABK BAK41VICKERS 背压阀DGMFN 3XA2W B2W41卡特彼勒压缩机皮带9L-6639Tyco测试站 592.001.016SEATRAX 4520,4521AEATRAX MARINE CRANES, TN1015SEATRAX MARINE CRANES,31481SEATRAX INC,30134SEATRAX INC,40308OK,2PAIRSSEATRAX INC,31178,HEAVY DUTY,ORANGE,18IN DEI耦合器 SSD-2/2-5.0-100VAL-TEX电动注脂枪 QS-2200A马丁戴克接近传感器 932814-005马丁戴克调制器219916-001马丁戴克通信板 40219497马丁戴克调制器 219916马丁戴克电源模块220251-006马丁戴克仪表配件220251-005马丁戴克 AC保护器935676-006马丁戴克保险938203-021马丁戴克开关接触器932312-410马丁戴克线路板 H12010A马丁戴克显示PCB板、带背光PCB287A-01马丁戴克控制板PCB295A/324218马丁戴克小键盘集成:H11062A :42TDP马丁戴克调制器40219916-001马丁戴克 SIF PCB通讯板221034-002马丁戴克 EDMS PCB仪表配件40219770-001 马丁戴克电池组PN:40219908MDTOTCO E80死绳固定器传感器总成MDTOTCO 传感器传压管线 J234-30马丁戴克快拔接头 J10900A-20马丁戴克快拔接头 J10900A-02马丁戴克固井泵传压管线40222809-00240马丁戴克立管压力传感器单流阀F10021A马丁戴克指重表WA71-42马丁戴克立管压力表GA113-74马丁戴克吊钳扭矩表GA114-100马丁戴克 E-40 M/D马丁戴克液压管线J234-75马丁戴克压力传感器管线J234-100 DERRICK \6066-51\10"\除砂器冠军火花塞RL86CMEDC手动报警按钮 SM87PBLSD1B1R3NNR Nordstrom阀门注脂枪 400-DDelco-Remy起动马达 10478998KOOMEY修理包P/N:2100-0199库美阀 1390-1100库美气囊817100库美连接杆3500-2101库美校准器1111-8600webtec流量计 CT150-MA-B-B-6webtec流量计 CT15-MA-B-B-6webtec流量计 MPT400BBMASOLO 充电器725HSI Fire & safety group烟雾测试体 MODEL NO.25S KLINGER气动球阀 KHA-FL25-XC-KFC-LA-BYDN25 PN16MPA 力士乐 Z2S 6-1-6X力士乐 Z2FS 6-2-4X/2QV得力限位开关LX918-11LGRACOL隔膜泵 D53211摩菲压力传感器 es2p-100NOV阀 H33001TNOV底座 SEAT,INSERT,TITAN B,C,RX 32524Coleman Stearns救生衣 I233EBRO ARMATUREN气动阀 EB5.1 SYDFESTO到位开关 SMT-8M-ZS-24V-K-5,0-OE-EX马丁戴克大钳拉力器 212371-1000ELECTRO-FLEX加热器 DH-15-230-TS。




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威世应变片/CEA-13-062UR-350VISHAY威世PDT-1VISHAY威世PCT-2MVISHAY威世应变片/C2A-06-062LW-350VISHAY威世应变片/C2A-06-062LT-350VISHAY威世应变片/C2A-13-062LW-350VISHAY威世应变片/CEA-06-062UW-350VISHAY威世应变片/CEA-13-062UW-350VISHAY威世应变片/CEA-06-062UR-350VISHAY威世CPF-50VISHAY威世CPF-75VISHAY威世应变片/EA-13-125BZ-350/WVISHAY威世CPF-ASTVISHAY威世应变片/C2A-13-062LR-350VISHAY威世应变片/CEA-06-015UW-120VISHAY威世应变片/EA-06-062TZ-350/WVISHAY威世应变片/EA-06-125BZ-350/WDMIC 压力计C25BGSB16SDMIC 压力计C25BGSB14SDMIC 三向球阀BV3H-0750-SA-1111DMIC 球阀BVH-0750S-1111AZZADMIC 压力计C25BGSB09SDMIC 压力计C25BGSB16SDMIC 压力计C25BGSB14SDMIC 压力计C25BGSB14SDMIC 压力计C25BGSB14SDMIC 压力计C25BGAB03SDMIC 压力计C25BGSB05NDMIC 压力计C25BGSB06NDMIC 止回阀CVH05-0500S-22DMIC 止回阀CVH05-1250N-21DMIC 压力计C25BGSB04SDMIC 球阀BVAL-0500S-4321DMIC 压力计C25BGSB09SDMIC 压力计C25BGSB14SDMIC 止回阀CVH135-750SDMIC 球阀BVAL-0500S-4321DMIC 球阀BVAL-1000S-4321DMIC 压力计C25BGSB03SDMIC 球阀BVAL-0375S-4321DMIC 压力计C25BGSB09SDMIC 法兰FL4SU4000NSKDMIC 止回阀CVH65-750SDMIC 压力计C25BGSB04SDMIC 压力计C25BGSB14SDMIC 压力计C25BGSB09N德国A VITEQ静电植砂机振动器MVD50-4 400V 3000R/MA VITEQ振动马达*1000rpm*380V/UV G21W 序列号:0 A VITEQ 系列号K3503848-0电磁振动控制器VIBTRONIC/SCE-EN50-2A VITEQ 振捣电机MVC 50-4A VITEQ .德国A VITEQ振动器MV1/100-4 K2038288-08A VITEQ SCE-CN50-2,Nr:G德国A VITEQ振动电机6VUF18-x UVF 18 德国A VITEQ振动电机MVD50-4A VITEQ电机UVF 18 品牌:A VITEQ振动电机型号:uvf 18 德国A VITEQ电磁振动器MVC50-4 配带专用带制器A VITEQ振动电机型号uvf 18 电机SU-B50-1 A VITEQ MV1/100-4 SRA-C100/01-1-1 A VITEQ A VITEQ控制器VIBTRONIC SCE-CN50-2电磁振动器MVC 50-4 德国A VITEQ静电植砂机振动器MVD50-4 400V 3000R/M A VITEQ 振动马达*1000rpm*380V/UV G21W 序列号:0,A VITEQ 震动电机A VITEQ振动电机UVC 2,1 X - 230/400V-50HZA VITEQ电机UVC 1,5 X - 230/400V-50HZTracker数字信号显示器211-D-B-1-R力士乐油泵PVV4-1X/098RA15UMC力士乐油泵PVV4-1X/098RA15DMCSPECK斯贝克高压泵NP10/15-140SSPECK斯贝克高压泵P11/13-100 SPECK斯贝克调压阀UL221/100H MCDANIEL 压力表K6KP-K-GF MCDANIEL 压力表KEP-K-GF 小巨人水泵TE-3-MD-HC小巨人泵TE-5-MD-HCPidion 通讯器BM170-L5日本东邦VVH-2702AF 50A日本东邦VRH6-223CEF 50A BILLY吊笼用救生衣WVO-50 BILLYBILLY三片式救生衣wvo-50瑞典SUNFAB胜凡SC 047RSC 108RSC 084R5066650669现货供应,派克马达:F11-005-MB-CN-K-000-000-0F12-080-MF-IV-D-000-000-0F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-000-0OMFB液压手动泵PM70 OMFB泵DARK 60 ISOOMFB液压油泵DARK48-ISO OMFB 手动泵OMFB 2PAK-80泵OMFB柱塞泵2PAK80-ISO OMFB 泵2PAK-80OMFB液压泵NPH 61 S130 OMFB油泵意大利OMFB欧禹PM70-J OMFB 齿轮泵LTMH-112()DNH 扬声器HP-15DNH 扬声器DS(T)-100 / DH-50 DNH喇叭SAFE-10PTDNH扬声器HSP-6CTDNH 喇叭DSP-15EExmNL(T) DNH 扬声器HS-8EEXMNT DNH 扬声器HP-30(T)DNH 扬声器DSP-15EExmN(T)挪威DNH 全天侯定压式号筒扬声器DST-100DNH 防爆喇叭MODEL:DSP-25EEXMN(T)DNH 扬声器DSP-15(T)挪威DNH 5W室内壁挂扬声器SAFE-10P(T)DNH 100W号筒式扬声器DNH扬声器HS-8EEXMN(T)DNH 3W室内吸顶扬声器-BK-560T挪威DNH 全天侯定压式号筒扬声器DST-100DNH室外广播用喇叭\HS-15EEXMNT\15W/100V挪威DNH水下扬声器AQUA-30DNH 防爆扬声器5W DSP-15EExmNTDNH 扬声器壁挂式扬声器3W 型号HP-6CTDNH 扬声器防爆扬声器15W 型号DSP-15EExmNT DNH 扬声器壁挂式扬声器5W 型号HP-10TDNH 扬声器吊顶式扬声器3W 型号BPF-660IPT DNH 扬声器吸顶式扬声器5W 型号BPF-660IPT DNH 扬声器防水号角扬声器:DST-100/DH-50室外防爆扬声器\PAGA系统\DNH\HS-15 EEXMNT DNH 防爆的H-60EEXMN(T)DNH 扬声器3W室内吸顶扬声器BK-560(T)DNH 喇叭H-60EEXENTDNH 扬声器5W室内壁挂扬声器HP-6C(T)DNH的防爆扬声器HS-15EEXMNDNH 扬声器5W室外防爆扬声器HS-8 EExmN(T) DNH 扬声器DNH的防爆扬声器DSP-15EEXMMN DNH 扬声器25W室外防爆扬声器DSP25 EExmN(T) DNH 扬声器HS-15EExmNTDNH 扬声器15W室外防爆扬声器-HS15EExmNT DNH 扬声器5W室内防爆扬声器-HS8EExmNT DNH 扬声器3W室内吸顶扬声器-BK-560TDNH 扬声器5W室内壁挂扬声器-SAFE-10PTDNH 扬声器3W防水壁挂扬声器-HP-6CTDNH 扬声器5W防水吸顶扬声器-HPS-6CTDNH 扬声器3W室内吸顶扬声器-BK-560TDNH防爆扬声器,型号:HS-15EExmN(T)DNH 室内壁挂扬声器HS-15EEXMNTDNH 室内壁挂扬声器DSP-25EEXMNTDNH 室内壁挂扬声器BK56OTDNH 室内壁挂扬声器BF-620TDNH 室内壁挂扬声器HS-8EEXMNTDNH 室内壁挂扬声器SAFE-10PTDNH 室内壁挂扬声器CP-6TDNH 扬声器HS-15EExmNTDNH 扬声器HS-8EExmNTDNH 扬声器BK-560TDNH喇叭HS-15EExmNTDNH喇叭HS15 EEX11NTDNH 扬声器DSP25 EEXMNT DNH 扬声器DSP-15EExmNT DNH 室内广播喇叭型号:CP-66T DNH 扬声器CP-6TDNH 扬声器SAFE-10PT\DNH 扬声器HS-8 EEXMNT DNH 扬声器BF-620TDNH 扬声器BK560TDNH 扬声器DSP-25DNH 扬声器HS-15 EEXMNTMETSO美卓定位器ND9103HN美卓METSO 定位器ND9106HXIT Metso美卓球阀5H36HBRT美卓阀门定位器ND9103HXT/I02美卓阀门定位器ND9103HX美卓阀门定位器ND9103HXT美卓阀门定位器ND9106HX美卓阀门定位器ND9106HXT美卓SR33B5HDNMETSO美卓阀门定位器NE724/S1美卓Mesto QX14B02SDM美卓METSO定位器ND9106HNT/K05 美卓定位器ND9102HNTMesto美卓位置开关QX2VK05HDM Mesto美卓限位开关SR33B5HDN Mesto美卓限位开关EN33A05DM美卓定位器ND9102HN美卓膜片RKQ-59美卓膜片RKQ-60美卓膜片RKQ-61美卓膜片RKQ-63美卓膜片RKQ-57美卓ND9102FX1美卓定位器NE724/S1-CE01美卓B1TAU8/25美卓定位器ND7103HX美卓定位器ND9103HX美卓定位器ND9106HX美卓定位器ND9106HNT/K05美卓气缸B1JU12/55美卓自控阀M1KA080AP-B1CU9-ND9102HN/I56-K1 美卓球阀5H36HBRT K02美卓限位开关EN44A02DM美卓球阀1"5H36HBRT美卓限位开关EN44A02DM美卓ND9106HX2\I02美卓VG8568XS\NI01美卓B1CU6/15美卓EN44A05DM美卓限位开关QX2VB02HDM美卓EN33A05DM美卓限位开关QX2VB02HDN美卓定位器ND9102HN阀门RAA200AS-B1CU11-NE724-S1-K阀门RAA150AS-B1CU11-NE724-S1-K阀门RAA080AS-B1CU6-NE724-S1-KRAA065AS-B1CU6-NE724-S1-K美卓ND9206HE1T美卓调节阀RAA080AS-B1CU6-ND9103HN-K1美卓ND9106HXT美卓智能阀门定位器ND9103HNT IP66/NEMA 4X美卓METESO调节阀Q-RAA080ASMETESO阀门定位器ND9102HU1TMETESO执行器B1CU6美卓V型球阀REMA150AJJST+B1CU11+ND9103HN 美卓NE724/S1L12A150AA -B1CU6-ND9103HXTL12A250AA -B1CU11-ND9103HXT美卓EN33A05DM美卓定位器NE729S/XS1A美卓定位器NE729S/S1A美卓定位器NE724/S1-CE01美卓定位器NE724/S1美卓,B1CU9/35L美卓ND9106HU2T阀门定位器美卓,行程开关HK3077SG美卓ND9106HNT/K05美卓定位器ND9106/K05美卓阀门定位器NE726/S1美卓限位开关EN44A02DMMETSO气源过滤调压阀51FR 960-173-500 METSO QX2VK02HDM定位器SR2VB5HDN METSOMETSO限位开关EN33A05DM多林格滤芯RDC03065 95-188多林格滤芯RDC11425 95-190美国多林格(DOLLINGER)滤芯49-22N204多林格49-153K5滤芯Dollinger多林格滤芯95-188Dollinger多林格滤芯95-189Dollinger多林格滤芯95-190Dollinger多林格滤芯94-154Dollinger多林格滤芯95-121Dollinger多林格滤芯95-151Dollinger多林格滤芯95-102Dollinger多林格滤芯95-154多林格滤芯3508094多林格滤芯3507603MCDANIEL 压力表K6KP-K-GF MCDANIEL 压力表KEP-K-GFMCDANIEL 压力表KPP-K-GFMCDANIEL 压力表K6kBMCDANIEL 压力表KPP-GFMCDANIEL 压力表KFL-GFTracker数字信号显示器211-D-B-1-RTracker 系统是是一套专业化的工装及刀具、夹具和量具智能数据库管理系统,它能对企业生产过程中的工装、刀具、夹具和量具进行整体的流程化管理,通过实时跟踪工装及刀夹量具的采购、出入库、修磨、报废、校准等过程,帮助库管员、工艺员、制造工程师和工装及刀夹量具主管等更有效地改善刀具管理过程,降低生产成本。

Fugoo GO 蓝牙扬声器型号FSNA3用户手册说明书

Fugoo GO 蓝牙扬声器型号FSNA3用户手册说明书

)Power LED indicator Mounting Cord Hook2 13 456 8710 9 11 1213POWERING UP AND CONNECTIONSPower On / Off .................... Hold1 secondBattery status ..................................... ClickPair with a device ............... Hold 3 seconds Disconnect device ..............Hold 3 seconds Clear all paired devices ..... Hold 8 secondsPLAYBACK CONTROLPlay / Pause ....................................... Click O Volume up ........................................... C lick + Volume down ...................................... C lick – Previous track .......................... C lick O and – Next track ................................. C lick O and +SPEAKER SETTINGSTo change settings on the speaker, hold the following buttons while powering on the speaker:Normal / Outdoor mode .............. Hold O and Power Save On / Off .................... Hold - and Voice prompts level: ........... Hold + and - andPAIR TWO SPEAKERS TOGETHERPlace 1stunit in Pairing Mode ... ...Click and + Place 2nd unit in Pairing Mode.......Clickand +Toggle between Double/Stereo Mode...Click and –• CAUTION : Never connect a cable to any of the connectors on the speaker if they arewet, or are at risk of getting wet.Powering on your speaker• Click the (Power) button momentarily to power the speaker on.•When the speaker runs from battery power, it will power itself off after a period of inactivity, unless the Power Save feature is Off. (See the Power Save Mode section for further detail.)• Hold the (Power) button for one second to turn the speaker off.Connecting your speaker to smartphones and other devices You can connect to your Fugoo GO Bluetooth Speaker either through its audio inputjack (if your model includes this feature) or through a Bluetooth wireless link. Onlyone of these inputs can be active at a time.Connecting through an audio cable to the audio input jack • Connect one end of a 3.5 mm audio cable to your Fugoo Bluetooth Speaker's audio input jack, then connect the other end to the headphones jack of your audio sourcedevice. Your Fugoo Bluetooth Speaker will automatically switch to playing from thesource connected by the audio cable. To return to Bluetooth operation, remove theaudio cable from the speaker.• Plugging an audio cable into the speaker's audio input jack turns off the Bluetooth wireless link, to save power and maximize battery life.Pairing and connecting with another Bluetooth device1. Make sure that a 3.5 mm audio cable is not connected to the speaker's audio input.2. Place your Fugoo GO Bluetooth Speaker and your other Bluetooth devicewithin 33 feet (10 meters) of each other.3. Turn the speaker and the other device on.4. Hold the (Bluetooth) button for three seconds. The LED blinks bluerepeatedly. If voice prompts are enabled, the speaker says, “Pairing mode.Use the Bluetooth settings of your device to connect.” The speaker willremain in pairing mode for three minutes, or until it pairs with your device.5. On your other Bluetooth device, turn on Bluetooth, which will allow it to discoverthe speaker. (See the Bluetooth settings information for your device.)6. Select 'Fugoo GO” on your Bluetooth device.7. Wait briefly for the speaker to discover your Bluetooth device. If voice promptsare enabled, the speaker will say, "Pairing successful” and “Connected”.If you hear "Pairing is unsuccessful. Please try again." Try pairing again.If you are using an iPhone or an iPad that has been previously paired to the speaker, and all Bluetooth pairings have been cleared, it may be necessaryto 'Forget this Device', as follows:1. Tap Settings.2. Tap Bluetooth.3. Tap the icon to the right of 'Fugoo GO Speaker'.4. Tap 'Forget this Device'.5. Tap 'Forget Device'.As long as the speaker is in pairing mode, the iPhone should find the speaker again, and pair with it.Disconnecting from another Bluetooth deviceTo disconnect your Fugoo GO Bluetooth Speaker from a Bluetooth source device, you can:• Hold the (Bluetooth) button on your speaker for 3 seconds• Move your speaker and the Bluetooth source device apart until they disconnect.• Turn off your speaker.• Turn off the Bluetooth source device.• Turn off Bluetooth on your Bluetooth source device.• Plug an audio cable into the speaker’s audio input jack.• Disconnecting temporarily interrupts the Bluetooth wireless link between the speaker and the currently paired source device, which permits the speaker to re-connect with another source device to which it has been previously paired. The disconnecteddevice will still be paired with the speaker, allowing them to automatically reconnect at another time.Reconnecting• To reconnect to a Bluetooth source device to which you have previously paired, just turn on the speaker and the source device, and place them within 33 feet (10meters) of each other. It’s also necessary that no cable be plugged into the audioinput jack. Typically, speaker and the source device will reconnect automatically.• If voice prompts are enabled, the speaker says "Connected".Clearing all Bluetooth source device pairings• To clear all of the Bluetooth pairings with source devices, turn the speaker on, andthen hold the (Bluetooth) button for eight seconds, until the speaker says "AllBluetooth pairings cleared. Pairing mode. Please use the Bluetooth settings of your device to connect.”Audio playbackAdjusting the volume•Click the + (Volume up) or – (Volume down) buttons to raise or lower the volume•On any audio device that supports the AVRCP protocol, adjusting the audio volume on the audio source device will also change the volume on your speaker.Playback• Play / pause: Press O (Action Button) to toggle playing and pausing your audio.• Next track: Press O and + to skip to the next track of the recording you're listening to.• Previous track: Press O and – to skip to the previous track of the recording you're listening to.Customization / other functionsNormal and Loud modes• There are two loudness modes for your Fugoo GO Bluetooth Speaker. Normal mode is the default, and is designed for best overall sound with most types of music.Outdoor mode boosts the maximum loudness level, and is ideal for playing musicoutdoors, and in large rooms. Both modes employ dynamic real-time equalization toboost the loudness of songs that have been recorded at lower volume levels.• To switch from one mode to the other, start with the speaker powered on, then press and hold the Action (O) button for three seconds. The speaker will turn play a beeptone:§ 1 Beep indicates normal mode§ 2 Beeps indicates outdoor modeVoice prompts level• There are three voice prompt levels: Normal, Low and Off. Normal is the default volume level – the level for voice prompts you will hear when you first turn on yourFugoo Bluetooth Speaker. The Low level is about 20% lower than the Normal level.• To change the voice prompt level from Normal to Low, start with the speaker off, then press and hold the – (volume down) and + (volume up) buttons, then alsopress the (Power) button for one second. The speaker will turn on, and announcethat voice prompts have been set to Low.• Follow the same steps as above to change the voice prompt level from Low to Off.• Follow the same steps again to change the voice prompt level from Off to Normal.Power Save mode On / OffThe speaker can shut itself off to conserve power after a period of inactivity. Power Save mode can be toggled on and off by holding the – (volume down) button while turning the speaker on with the (Power) button.If Power Save mode is on, then the speaker will shut itself off as follows…•If the speaker is not connected to a source deviceand is not charging, the speaker turns off after 15 minutes of inactivity.•If the speaker is not connected to a source deviceand is charging, the speaker turns off after 30 minutes of inactivity.•If the speaker is connected to a source deviceand is not charging, the speaker turns off after 1 hour of inactivity.•If the speaker is connected to a source deviceand is charging, the speaker will not shut off automatically.If Power Save mode is off, then the speaker will remain on until you turn it off by pressing the (Power) button for one second or until the battery is depleted.Care and maintenanceCleaning the unitNote: When the speaker is being used outdoors or when cleaning with water, pleaseinsure the waterproof/dustproof port door is closed.After a day at the sandy beach or the muddy trail, rinse your speaker off with warm water from a sink faucet. Don't use soap, detergents, or any chemical cleaning products. Don't use a garden hose, compressed air, or any other high-pressure stream to clean it, as this may damage the speaker drivers. Don't use a brush of any kind, for the same reasonFor a thorough cleaning, remove the fabric cover by pulling on the cover removal tab(see page 2). With the fabric cover removed, be careful not to damage the speakerdriversIt is recommended that any time the unit is exposed to salt water, chlorine or othercorrosive chemicals that the unit be rinsed with clean water. This will help minimize the chance for corrosion on the unit.SpecificationsAudio• Four proprietary, custom-designed acoustic drivers:• Two 52 mm full range drivers• Two 62 mm x 37 mm passive radiators• 12W (6W per channel)• Full-range frequency response: 100Hz - 20KHzConnectivity• Bluetooth 4.2 for wireless connectivity up to 100 feet• Bluetooth Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP 1.5) enables control from your audio device and the optional Remote Control.• Other Bluetooth profiles: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) 1.3,• 3.5mm stereo input for wired connection (if your model includes this feature)• Micro USB for power and battery charging.Power• Built-in lithium-Ion rechargeable battery• Charged by 5VDC from any USB charging port• Battery life displayed on devices running iOS 6 and higher• Fully charging the battery will take 4-5.5 hours depending on the current state of the battery and the charger used. To charge as quickly as possible, use a chargercapable of 2 A output at 5 VDC.Environmental• Operating Temp, not connected to charger: 14° to 104° F (-10° to 40° C)• Operating Temp, connected to charger: 32° to 10-4° F (0° to 40° C)• Storage Temp: -4° to 140° F (-20° to 60° C)• IP67 rated: Dustproof and waterproof to 1 meter for 30 minutesLegal noticesFCC StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Caution!Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. IC StatementThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme audio CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables audio appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée audio deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillageradioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.The device meets the exemption from the routine evaluation limits in section 2.5 of RSS 102 and compliance with RSS-102 RF exposure, users can obtain Canadian information on RF exposure and compliance.Le dispositif rencontre l'exemption des limites courantes d'évaluation dans la section 2.5 de RSS 102 et la conformité à l'exposition de RSS-102 rf, utilisateurs peut obtenir l'information canadienne sur l'exposition et la conformité de rf.C OFE TELLa operación de este equipo está sujeta a las siguien t es dos condiciones: (1) es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no cause interferencia perjudicial y (2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier in t er f er encia,incluyendo la que pueda causar su operación no deseada.Safety Instruction for CB and CE-LVD1. Do not install this equipment in a confined or building-in space such as a book case or similar unit, and remain a well ventilation conditions. The ventilation should not be impeded by covering the ventilation openings with items such as newspaper, table-cloths, curtains etc2. WARNING:To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock; do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and that objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall not be placed on apparatus. 3.CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type.4.The battery (battery or batteries of battery pack)shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.5.Correct Disposal of this product. This marking indicates that this product should not be disposed with other household wastes throughout the EU. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. To return your used device, please use the return and collection systems or contact the retailer where the product was purchased. They can take this product for environmental safe recycling. Frequency: 2.402GHz-2.48GHzThe Max. transmit power: 4 mW。

博斯Panaray 502 A扬声器技术数据表说明书

博斯Panaray 502 A扬声器技术数据表说明书

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Key Features•Articulated Array ® design provides wide 120° x 70° pattern optimized for smooth band to band coverage•Five Bose ® 4.5" (114 mm) full-range drivers for unsurpassed natural sound quality. Elimination of tweeters and crossover provides lifelike vocal and instrument reinforcement•Mid/high configuration allows bass management and design e with the Panaray 502® B loudspeaker, or the MB4, MB12 or MB24modular base loudspeakers for full-range reinforcement •Sleek, elegant design for architectural compatibility. Modular components for system design flexibility•Full line of Bose-designed accessories for easy installation •Requires active equalization for best performance Product OverviewThe Bose ® Panaray ® 502 A is a mid/high-frequency loudspeaker designed for indoor permanent installations that require a small form factor for aesthetic and audience sight line considerations. Its Articulated Array ® design provides a wide 120° x 70° pattern to effectively cover many smaller venues with a single loudspeaker.Technical SpecificationsSystem PerformanceFrequency Response (+/-3 dB)1150 Hz - 17 kHz Frequency Range (-10 dB)1110 Hz - 20 kHz Nominal Dispersion120° H x 70° V Loudspeaker EQRequired Overload Protection4-ampre AGC 4 (Buss) or 3AG (Littlefuse)Long-Term Power Handling 2150 W (600 W peak) Sensitivity (SPL / 1 W @ 1 m)390 dB SPL Maximum SPL @ 1 m 4112 dB SPL (118 dB SPL peak) Nominal Impedance8 ΩTransformer Taps (70/100 V)CVT-5 70V/100V transformer available Transducers Driver Compliment Five (5) 4.5" (114 mm) helical voice coil drivers Physical EnclosureMica-reinforced structural foam, textured GrillePowder-coated steel grille EnvironmentalIndoor use only ConnectorsTwo (2) parallel-wired NL4 Neutrik® Speakon® connectors Two (2) parallel-wired barrier strips Suspension / MountingFour (4) 8 mm threaded inserts (back)Dimensions23.8" H x 5.8" W x 7.1" D (603 mm x 146 mm x 179 mm) Net Weight15 lb (6.8 kg) Shipping Weight 18 lb (8.3 kg) Product Code Grey040170White040171Footnotes:1Frequency response and range measured on-axis with recommended active EQ in an anechoic environment.2Power handling tested using pink noise filtered to meet IEC 268-5, 6 dB crest factor, 100 hours, with recommended EQ.3Sensitivity measured in free field (no boundary-loading gain) with recommended active EQ, referenced to 1W/1m.4Maximum SPL calculated from sensitivity and power handling specifications, exclusive of power compression.TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Directivity Index and QBeamwidthImpedanceOn-Axis ResponseTECHNICAL DATA SHEET Wiring DiagramMechanical DiagramsTECHNICAL DATA SHEETHorizontal PlotsTECHNICAL DATA SHEETVertical PlotsTECHNICAL DATA SHEETAll information subject to change without notice.® 2012 Bose Corporation All trademarks are those of their respective owners.Architects’ and Engineers’SpecificationsThe mid-to-high-frequency device shall be a multiple-driver system with matched active equalization as follows:The transducer complement shall consist of five (5) high-sensitivity drivers of 4.5 inches (114 mm) diameter, mounted vertically on a single baffle assembly such that directional characteristics are optimized for smooth response.The input connector, located on the rear of the array enclosure,shall consist of two parallel-wired NL4 Neutrik ® Speakon ®connectors and two parallel-wired barrier strips.The array enclosure shall be composed of copolymer materials,with outer dimensions of 23.8" x 5.8" x 7.1" (603 mm x 146 mm x 179 mm); its weight shall be 15 lb (6.8 kg).The array maximum continuous acoustic output shall be 112 dB SPL from 150 Hz to 17 kHz, with measurements referenced to full-bandwidth pink-noise input at 1 meter at the array’s rated power. Its power-handling capacity shall be 150 watts continuous referenced to IEC noise for 100 hours. The nominal horizontal beamwidth shall be 120 degrees. The nominal vertical beamwidth shall be 70 degrees.The loudspeaker shall be the Bose ® Panaray ® 502® A loudspeaker.。

布伦赛安全系统B.V. LH3-UC25X短长筒型号Ex-proof涛喇叭说明书

布伦赛安全系统B.V. LH3-UC25X短长筒型号Ex-proof涛喇叭说明书

Safety Water and dust protected
acc. to EN 60065 acc. to EN 60529 IP 66/67
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
Installation note
2019.03 | V1.3 |
6 en | Technical data
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
Horn loudspeaker, Ex-proof, short/long flare
Technical data | en 7
LH3-UC25XL | LH3-UC25XL-1: Technical Specifications Electrical*
Operating temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Certification and Approvals
-50 ºC to +60 ºC (-58 ºF to +140 ºF) -40 ºC to +70 ºC (-40 ºF to +158 ºF) <95%
Horn loudspeaker, Ex-proof, short/long flare
1 2
1 2
100 100
Figure 1.9
Figure 1.10
100 V X10
LBB4441/00 X11
1 2 3 4
100 V
Figure 1.11
1 2 25 W
2 3 15 W
3 4 6,5 W

WB86T 70 25V 封闭墙壁扬声器商品说明说明书

WB86T 70 25V 封闭墙壁扬声器商品说明说明书

WB86T – 70/25V Enclosed Wall Baffle SpeakerCongratulations on your purchase of Speco Technologies’ 70/25 VoltWall Baffle Speaker!The WB86T continues Speco Technologies’ heritage of more than 60 years ofproviding the highest quality of performance and reliability for residential andcommercial sound applications. Speco Technologies’ 70/25V wall bafflespeaker was designed with the focus of making the contractor’s work as easyand time-efficient as possible. With a beautiful wood design, these unitsconverge strong specifications and installer-friendly features to bring soundseamlessly into a commercial outdoor environment without sacrificing anyaesthetic beauty. Constructed of the finest materials, coupled with a fine-mesh,integrated grille, these speakers will provide countless years of performance andsound enjoyment to your listening environment for all occasions.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:1. It is important that before making any wire connections with your speaker that your powersource, amplifier and/or receiver, is completely off!2. First, determine whether your speaker will be used in a 70 Volt, 25 Volt or 8 ohm application.3. There is a slider switch to select between 70V and 25V on the side of the speaker.4. The transformer dial is also on the side of the speaker. Determine which wattage tap best meets the sound need of theenvironment the speaker will be utilized in. A choice of 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 5 and 10 watts is provided, with the higher wattage settings made available for louder sound environments. Upon making your selection, carefully turn thetransformer dial to the proper setting. The transformer dial can be removed once the selection has been made. Simply pull it outwards.5. For an 8 ohm speaker requirement, turn the transformer dial to the 8 ohm indication. This automatically overrides thetransformer within the unit and the Voltage Selector switch.6. Once the wattage tap is determined for the speaker, the speaker must be wired.7. Connect the positive wire coming from your amplification source into the red push terminal on the back of the speaker.8. Likewise, connect the black common push terminal with the common wire running back to your amplification source.9. For a commercial application where multiple speakers are required, the speaker wire must utilize a parallel run. Neveruse a series run with commercial speakers.10. This speaker is hung using the traditional “teardrop” style hook on the back. Simply drill a screw into the wall whereyou wish to install the speaker, leaving at least ¼” room. Then, slide the wide portion of the teardrop over the head of the screw, and gently lower it.Speco Technologies is constantly developing and improving products.We reserve the right to modify product design and specifications without notice and without incurring any obligation.Speco Technologies . 200 New Highway . Amityville . NY . 11701 . Rev. 05/06/20。



D N H室外15W防爆扬声器H S-15E E x m N TDNH室外15W防爆扬声器HS-15EExmNT联系:郑工15 260 822 709 Q 72 827 45 85挪威DNH 公司是全球最大的工业和商用的扬声器生产商。

从1946 年设立以来,DNH以生产高质量多用途的产品而享誉全球。

常用型号:Lichtgrau (RAL 7035), mit kombiniertem 8 Ohm und 100V-übertrager MH-15T, 15W, 100Volt, IP-55MH-30T, 30W, 100Volt, IP-55MH-50T, 50W, 100 Volt, IP-55Mastbefestigung Edelstahl, V2AHP-6, 8 Ohm, MP-6, 6W, Polyamide UL 94 V0, RAL 7035, IP-67, KunststoffbügelHP-6CT, 6W, MP-6, 70/100 Volt, Polyamide UL 94 V0, RAL 7035, IP-67, KunststoffbügelHPS-6, 8 Ohm, MP-6, 6W, Polyamide V0, RAL 7035, IP-67HPS-6CT, 6W, MP-6, 100 Volt, Polyamide V0, RAL 7035, IP-67HP-8, 8 Ohm, MP-2,5, 8W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67HP-8T, 8W, MP-2,5, 100 Volt, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67A-45, 8 OHM. MP-2,5, 6 W, RAL-7035, IP-67H-44, 8 Ohm,MP-2,5, 6 W, IP 67, RAL 7035H-44T, MP-2,5, 6 W, IP 67, RAL 7035,100 VoltHP-10, 8 Ohm, 10W, ASA, IP-56, KunststoffbügelHP-10, 8 Ohm, 10W, ASA, IP-56, StahlbügelHP-10, 20 Ohm, 10W, ASA, IP-56 , KunststoffbügelHP-10, 20 Ohm, 10W, ASA, IP-56 , StahlbügelHP-10T, 10W, 70/100 Volt, ASA, IP-56, KunststoffbügelHP-10T, 10W, 70/100 Volt, ASA, IP-56, StahlbügelHP-15, 8 Ohm, 15W, ASA, IP-56, KunststoffbügelHP-15, 8 Ohm, 15W, ASA, IP-56, StahlbügelHP-15, 20 Ohm, 15W, ASA, IP-56, KunststoffbügelHP-15, 20 Ohm, 15W, ASA, IP-56, StahlbügelHP-15T, 15W, 70/100 Volt, ASA, IP-56, KunststoffbügelHP-15T, 15W, 70/100 Volt, ASA, IP-56, StahlbügelHP-20, 8 Ohm, 20W, Polyamide, IP-67, KunststoffbügelHP-20, 8 Ohm, 20W, Polyamide, IP-67, StahlbügelHP-20, 20 Ohm, 20W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, Kunststoffbügel HP-20, 20 Ohm, 20W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, StahlbügelHP-20T, 20W, 70/100 Volt, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, KunststoffbügelHP-20T, 20W, 70/100 Volt, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, Stahlbügel HP-30, 8 Ohm, 30W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, KunststoffbügelHP-30, 8 Ohm, 30W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, StahlbügelHP-30, 20 Ohm, 30W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, Kunststoffbügel HP-30, 20 Ohm, 30W, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, StahlbügelHP-30T, 30W, 70/100 Volt, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, KunststoffbügelHP-30T, 30W, 70/100 Volt, Polyamide, RAL 7035, IP-67, Stahlbügel DSP-15, 15W, 8 Ohm, ASA, RAL-7035, IP-67 mit Kunststoffbügel DSP-15, 15W, 8 Ohm, ASA, RAL-7035, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDSP-15T, 15W, 70/100Volt, ASA, RAL-7035, IP-67 mit KunststoffbügelDSP-15T, 15W, 70/100Volt, ASA, RAL-7035, IP-67 mit Stahlbügel DSP-15L, 25W, 8 Ohm, ASA, RAL -7035, IP-67 mit Kunststoffbügel DSP-15L, 25W, 8 Ohm, ASA, RAL -7035, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDSP-15T L, 25W, 70/100 Volt, ASA, RAL -7035, IP-67 mit Kunststoffb ügelDSP-15T L, 25W, 70/100 Volt, ASA, RAL -7035, IP-67 mit StahlbügelHS-8, 8 OhmHS-8, 20 OhmHS-8T, 100 VoltHS-15, 8 Ohm, 15W, Aluminium, IP-67HS-15, 20 Ohm, 15W, Aluminium, IP-67HS-15T, 15W, 70/100 Volt, Aluminium, IP-67H-66, 8 OhmH-66, 20 OhmH-66T, 70/100 VoltHS-15 S, 8 Ohm, 15W, IP-55HS-15 S, 20 Ohm, 15W, IP-55HS-15ST, 15W, 70/100 Volt, IP-55H-62S, 8 OhmH-62ST, 70/100 VoltSafe-15, aluminium, reinwei? (RAL 9010) oder feuerrot (RAL 3000) SAFE-15, 20 Ohm, wei?, 15W, IP-67SAFE-15T, rot, 15W, 70/100 Volt, IP-67SAFE-15T, wei?, 15W, 70/100 Volt, IP-67H?rner in EdelstahlHSS-15, 8 Ohm, 15W, IP-76HSS-15T, 15W, 700/100 Volt, IP-67AlarmlautsprecherTreibersystemeDS-100, 8 Ohm, 100W, RAL 7035, IP-67DST-100, 100W, 100Volt, RAL 7035, IP-67H?rner für TreibersystemeDH-50, 500mm, RAL 7035, IP-67DHP, schwarzDie H?rner und Treibersysteme k?nnen gem?? Ihren Spezifikationen kombiniert werden.TUNNELLAUTSPRECHERDUP-40, 8 Ohm, 40W, schwarzDUP-40T, 40W, 70/100 Volt. schwarzTunnel-500, schwarzNebelh?rnerHPA-60, 8 Ohm, 60W, Polyamid, RAL 7035, IP-67. Stahlbügel HPA-60, 8 Ohm, 60W, Polyamid, RAL 7035, IP-67. Kunststoffbügel Zuschlag für Edelstahlbügel HPAEX-/ EEX- DRUCKKAMMERLAUTSPRECHEREEx-ZertifisiertATEX Druckkammer- aluminiumlegierung, RAL 7035HS-8EExmN, IIB, 20 Ohm, IP-67HS-8EExmN, IIB, 8 Ohm, IP-67HS-8EExmNT, IIB, 100 Volt, IP-67HS-8EExmNT, IIC, 100 Volt, IP-67HS-15EExmN, 20 Ohm, 15W, IP-67HS-15EExmN, 8Ohm, 15W, IP-67HS-15EExmNT, IIB, 15W, 100Volt, IP-67HS-15EExmNT, IIC, 15W, 100Volt, IP-67HS-15EExdN, 15W, IP-67HS-15 EExdNT, 15W, 100Volt, IP-67H-60EExeN, IIB, 8 OhmH-60EExeN, IIB, 20 OhmH-60EExeNT, IIB, 100 VoltH-60EExeNT, IIC, 100 VoltDST-40EExeN, 8 Ohm, 40W, IP-67, schwarzDST-40EEXeNT, 40W, 100 Volt, IIB, IP-67, schwarzDST-40EEXeNT, 40W, 100 Volt, IIC, IP-67, schwarzDHA-50, 500mm, schwarzDHP, schwarzATEX Druckkammer- Antistatisches Polyamid, schwarz DSP-15EExmN, 20 Ohm, IIB, 15W, IP-67 mit Stahlbügel DSP-15EExeN, 8 Ohm, IIB, 15W, IP-67 mit Stahlbügel DSP-15EExmNT, 25W, 100 Volt, IIB, IP-67 mit Stahlbügel DSP-15EExmNT, 25W, 100 Volt, IIC, IP-67 mit Stahlbügel DSP-15EExmN L, 8 Ohm, IIB, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDSP-15EExmN LT, 25W, 100 Volt, IIB, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDSP-15EExmN LT, 25W, 100 Volt, IIC, IP-67 mit StahlbügelDSP-25EExmN, 20 Ohm, IIB, 25W, IP-66, StahlbügelDSP-25EExmNT, IIB, 25W, 100 Volt, IP-66, KunststoffbügelDSP-25EExmNT, IIB, 25W, 100 Volt, IP-66, StahlbügelDSP-25EExmNT, IIC, 25W, 100 Volt, IP-66, KunststoffbügelDSP-25EExmNT, IIC, 25W, 100 Volt, IP-66, StahlbügelDSP-25EExdN, 25W, IP-66, StahlbügelDSP-25EExdNT, 25W, 100 Volt, IP-66, StahlbügelZuschlag für Stahlbügel DSP-15/ DSP-25ATEX ReinraumCM-6EExmN, 8 Ohm, 20W, Antistatisches Polyamide, schwarz, IP-67 CM-6EExmNT, 20W, 100 Volt, Antistatisches Polyamide, schwarz, IP-67ATEX WandaufbauCAREEX-6, 6W, 8 Ohm, Befestigung mit Montageplatte, aluminium, eloxal, IP-54CAREEX-6T, 6W, 100 Volt, Befestigung mit Montageplatte, aluminium, eloxal, IP-54CAREEX-6x2, 8 Ohm, eloxalCAREEX-6Tx2, 100V, eloxalCAPEEX-6, 6W, 8 Ohm, Befestigung mit Bügel, aluminium, eloxal, IP-54CAPEEX-6T, 6W, 100 Volt, Befestigung mit Bügel, aluminium, eloxal, IP-54CAPEEX-6x2, 8 Ohm, eloxalCAPEEX-6Tx2, 100V, eloxalCAREEX-36, 6W, 8 Ohm, IP-54, eloxalCAREEX-36T, 6W, 100 Volt, IP-54, eloxalATEX Deckeneinbaulautsprecher, aluminium, RAL 9010BA-56EExeN, 6W, IP-54BA-56EExeNT, 6W, 100 Volt, IP-54BA-56EExeNx2, 8 OhmBA-56EExeNTx2BAREEX-36, 6W, 8 Ohm, IP-54BAREEX-36T, 6W, 100 Volt, IP-54EEx-Lautsprecher für Zone 2NEMKO-zertifiziertAluminiumlegierung (LM-6), RAL 7035HS-15EEXIIN, 15W, IP-67HS-15EExIINT, 15W, 70/100 Volt, IP-67精品资料Antistat. PA, SchwarzHP-20EExIIN, 8 Ohm, 20W, IP-67, KunststoffbügelHP-20EExIINT, 20W, 70/100 Volt, IP-67, Kunststoffbügel HP-20EExIINT, 20W, 70/100 Volt, IP-67, Stahlbügel Zuschlag für Stahlbügel HP仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢11。






DNH室外广播用喇叭\HS-15EEXMNT\15W/100VDNH HP-6CTDNH吊顶式扬声器3W 型号BPF-660IPTDNH吸顶式扬声器5W 型号 BPF-660IPT挪威DNH水下扬声器AQUA-30DNH防水号角扬声器:DST-100/DH-50(最大功率100W)DNH H-60EEXMN(T)防爆的DNH DSP-25EExmNTDNH室外广播用喇叭\HS-15EEXMNT\15W/100VDNH HS-15EExmNTDNH SAFE-10PDNH HPS-6CTDNH HPS-6CDNH SAFE-10PDNH HS-15EEmNTDNH HP-6CTDNH室外25W防爆扬声器 DSP-25EExmNTDNH 防爆喇叭 DSP-25EEXMN(T)DNH 扬声器 HS-8EEXM NT防爆接线盒一进两出壁挂式扬声器(5W)SAFE-10PTDNH喇叭SAFE-10PT挪威DNH 全天侯定压式号筒扬声器 DST-100DNH 防爆喇叭 MODEL:DSP-25EEXMN(T)DNH:HP-30(T)vDNH室外广播用喇叭\HS-15EEXMNT\15W/100VDNH 防爆喇叭 DSP-25EEXMN(T)挪威DNH防爆扬声器MH-30T 30WDNH 扬声器 HS-8EEXM NT挪威DNH防爆扬声器MH-50T 50WDNH DSP-25 EEXMNT/25W 防爆壁挂扬声器DNH NORWAY防爆壁挂扬声器DSP-25 EEXMNT/25W; IP66DNH 防爆喇叭 DSP-25EEXMN(T)DNH工业扬声器,挪威DNH防爆扬声器,挪威DNH水下扬声器,挪威DNH喇叭,挪威DNH汽笛。



DNH喇叭SAFE-10PT联系:郑-工15 260 822 709 Q 72 827 45 85DNH 常见型号DNH室外防爆扬声器DNH\HS-15 EEXMNTDNH 防爆喇叭MODEL:DSP-25EEXMN(T)DNH 喇叭BK-560TDNH 扬声器型号为:HP-6CT/100V/500-7500HZ/6W 防水号角扬声器:DST-100/DH-50(最大功率100W)DNH 扬声器DSP-15(T)DST-100/DH-50(最大功率100W)室外防爆扬声器HS-8EEXMNT室外防爆扬声器DSP-15EEXMNT室内扬声器HP-15T挪威DNH水下扬声器AQUA-30室外25W防爆扬声器型号:DSP-25EExmNT; 品牌:DNH室内壁挂扬声器型号:SAFE-10P; 品牌:DNH室内吸顶防水扬声器型号:HPS-6C; 品牌:DNHDNH喇叭BF-620TDNH喇叭HPS-6CTDNH喇叭BIVEP-6TDNH喇叭SAFE-10PTDNH喇叭H-60EExeNTDNH喇叭HS-8EExmNTDNH喇叭DSP-25EExmNTLichtgrau (RAL 7035), mit kombiniertem 8 Ohm und 100V-übertrager MH-15T, 15W, 100V olt, IP-55MH-30T, 30W, 100V olt, IP-55MH-50T, 50W, 100 V olt, IP-55泵冲传感器MUD PUMP STROKE SENSOR 232389DAQ电源transformer 220251-005(+5/+15/-15 Vdc)DAQ电源transformer 220251-006马丁模拟板ANALOG BOARD 220442-001马丁数字板DIGITAL BOARD 40219493-012SIF/通讯电路板SPECTRUM I/F BOARD 221034-002电脑通讯板USB/DCM 40224369-001本质安全调制解调器INTRINISICALLY SAFE MODEM 40219916马丁戴克环压力传感器胶杯E10031B记录仪用纸Y45A Y45A, CHART, CIRC 0-15000PSI (100 pcs/box) 马丁戴克935705-011M/D大钳拉力器P10130A-01 Tongs Rally sensor马丁指重表总成WE4-15 M/D Weight Indicator马丁泥浆罐接线盒220364-011 mud tank connection box马丁超声波液面传感器222573-001 pvt sensor 马马丁出口流量传感器270700-111 flow sensor马丁泵冲传感器232389 pump stroke sensor马丁注油单向阀F10021A Valve,Check,1/4"NPT,SST W/Cap马丁戴克GA-26B-12马丁戴克泥浆罐接线盒220364-011马丁戴克出口流量传感器270700-111马丁戴克24747+20M/D Totco马丁戴克通讯电缆949921-043 马丁戴克滤波器NY13901马丁戴克F10021A马丁戴克210367马丁戴克J808-21B马丁戴克J197A马丁戴克H12010AM/D TOTCO sensor 40224300-004。

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联系:郑-工15 260 822 709 Q 72 827 45 85
DNH 常见型号
DNH 喇叭BK-560T
DNH 扬声器型号为:HP-6CT/100V/500-7500HZ/6W 防水号角扬声器:DST-100/DH-50(最大功率100W)DNH 扬声器DSP-15(T)
室外25W防爆扬声器型号:DSP-25EExmNT; 品牌:DNH
室内壁挂扬声器型号:SAFE-10P; 品牌:DNH
室内吸顶防水扬声器型号:HPS-6C; 品牌:DNH
Lichtgrau (RAL 7035), mit kombiniertem 8 Ohm und 100V-übertrager MH-15T, 15W, 100V olt, IP-55
MH-30T, 30W, 100V olt, IP-55
MH-50T, 50W, 100 V olt, IP-55
DAQ电源transformer 220251-005(+5/+15/-15 Vdc)
DAQ电源transformer 220251-006
马丁模拟板ANALOG BOARD 220442-001
马丁数字板DIGITAL BOARD 40219493-012
SIF/通讯电路板SPECTRUM I/F BOARD 221034-002
电脑通讯板USB/DCM 40224369-001
记录仪用纸Y45A Y45A, CHART, CIRC 0-15000PSI (100 pcs/box) 马丁戴克935705-011
M/D大钳拉力器P10130A-01 Tongs Rally sensor
马丁指重表总成WE4-15 M/D Weight Indicator
马丁泥浆罐接线盒220364-011 mud tank connection box
马丁超声波液面传感器222573-001 pvt sensor 马
马丁出口流量传感器270700-111 flow sensor
马丁泵冲传感器232389 pump stroke sensor
马丁注油单向阀F10021A Valve,Check,1/4"NPT,SST W/Cap
M/D Totco马丁戴克通讯电缆949921-043 马丁戴克滤波器NY13901
M/D TOTCO sensor 40224300-004。
