

量子场论习题解答.quantum field theory,problem book.By (Homer Reid)

量子场论习题解答.quantum field theory,problem book.By (Homer Reid)

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量子力学习题及解答第一章 量子理论基础1.1 由黑体辐射公式导出维恩位移定律:能量密度极大值所对应的波长m λ与温度T 成反比,即m λ T=b (常量);并近似计算b 的数值,准确到二位有效数字。

解 根据普朗克的黑体辐射公式dv e chv d kThv v v 11833-⋅=πρ, (1)以及 c v =λ, (2)λρρd dv v v -=, (3)有,118)()(5-⋅=⋅=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=-=kThc v v ehc cd c d d dv λλλπλλρλλλρλρρ这里的λρ的物理意义是黑体内波长介于λ与λ+d λ之间的辐射能量密度。

本题关注的是λ取何值时,λρ取得极大值,因此,就得要求λρ 对λ的一阶导数为零,由此可求得相应的λ的值,记作m λ。

但要注意的是,还需要验证λρ对λ的二阶导数在m λ处的取值是否小于零,如果小于零,那么前面求得的m λ就是要求的,具体如下:01151186'=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-⋅+--⋅=-kT hc kThce kT hc ehcλλλλλπρ⇒ 0115=-⋅+--kThc ekThcλλ⇒ kThcekThc λλ=--)1(5 如果令x=kThcλ ,则上述方程为 x e x =--)1(5这是一个超越方程。

首先,易知此方程有解:x=0,但经过验证,此解是平庸的;另外的一个解可以通过逐步近似法或者数值计算法获得:x=4.97,经过验证,此解正是所要求的,这样则有xkhc T m =λ 把x 以及三个物理常量代入到上式便知K m T m ⋅⨯=-3109.2λ这便是维恩位移定律。


1.2 在0K 附近,钠的价电子能量约为3eV ,求其德布罗意波长。

解 根据德布罗意波粒二象性的关系,可知E=hv ,λh P =如果所考虑的粒子是非相对论性的电子(2c E e μ<<动),那么ep E μ22= 如果我们考察的是相对性的光子,那么E=pc注意到本题所考虑的钠的价电子的动能仅为3eV ,远远小于电子的质量与光速平方的乘积,即eV 61051.0⨯,因此利用非相对论性的电子的能量——动量关系式,这样,便有ph=λnmm m E c hc E h e e 71.01071.031051.021024.1229662=⨯=⨯⨯⨯⨯===--μμ在这里,利用了m eV hc ⋅⨯=-61024.1以及eV c e 621051.0⨯=μ最后,对Ec hc e 22μλ=作一点讨论,从上式可以看出,当粒子的质量越大时,这个粒子的波长就越短,因而这个粒子的波动性较弱,而粒子性较强;同样的,当粒子的动能越大时,这个粒子的波长就越短,因而这个粒子的波动性较弱,而粒子性较强,由于宏观世界的物体质量普遍很大,因而波动性极弱,显现出来的都是粒子性,这种波粒二象性,从某种子意义来说,只有在微观世界才能显现。





故此、我们可以展望在未来数年,格点QCD会随着计算机之计算效能与价格比performance/price 之迅速提升而对高能物理现象学及实验作出重要的贡献,例如、计算出B介子之衰变常数(decay constants) , 及混合参数 , 等。




因为费米行列式变成复数,故此我们不能用传统的Monte Carlo simulation来计算观察量。





故此、如何计算出超对称模型之非微扰(数值) 解是一项重要的研究课题。

虽然,最近已有一系列在各维度格点上之超对称模型[7],然而、其数值解之可行性要视乎我们是否可以解决因费米行列式所产生之难题:(i)如何计算出包括动态费米场之有效作用量;及(ii)如何对非正实数之机率分布进行Monte Carlo simulation。


参考数据:[1]关于量子场论之基本概念,读者可参阅教科书 A. Zee,"Quantum Field Theory"(Princeton University Press, 2003)[2] S. Weinberg, "Dreams of a Final Theory" (Pantheon Books, 1992)[3] 关于格点规范场论之基本原理及方法,读者可参阅: H.J. Rothe,"Lattice Gauge Field Theories, An Introduction", Second edition (World Scientific, 1997); 及I. Montvay and G. Munster,"QuantumFields on a Lattice"(Cambridge University Press, 1994).[4] Ting-Wai Chiu (赵挺伟), Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 071601 (2003); Phys. Lett. B 552, 97 (2003); hep-lat/0303008.[5] 关于格点费米场之最近回顾,读者可参阅:Ting-Wai Chiu (赵挺伟),"Recent Development of Domain-Wall/Overlap Fermions for Lattice QCD", Plenary talk at Lattice 2003, hep-lat/0310043.[6] 关于有限温度及化学能之格点QCD的最近回顾,读者可参阅: S.D. Katz, "Lattice QCD atfinite T and μ", Plenary talk at Lattice 2003, hep-lat/0310051.[7] 关于格点超对称之最近回顾,读者可参阅: David B. Kaplan, "Recent Developments in Lattice Supersymmetry", Plenary talk at Lattice 2003, hep-lat/0309099.量子场论是量子力学和经典场论相结合的物理理论,已被广泛的应用于粒子物理学和凝聚态物理学中。

量子力学第二章习题 答案

量子力学第二章习题 答案


证:对于定态,可令)]r ()r ()r ()r ([m 2i ]e )r (e )r (e )r (e )r ([m2i )(m 2i J e)r ( )t (f )r ()t r (**Et iEt i **Et i Et i **Etiψψψψψψψψψψψψψψψ∇-∇=∇-∇=∇-∇===-----)()(,可见t J 与无关。

2.2 由下列定态波函数计算几率流密度:ikr ikr e re r -==1)2( 1)1(21ψψ从所得结果说明1ψ表示向外传播的球面波,2ψ表示向内(即向原点) 传播的球面波。

解:分量只有和r J J 21在球坐标中 ϕθθϕθ∂∂+∂∂+∂∂=∇sin r 1e r 1e r r 0r mrk r mr k r r ik r r r ik r r m i r e rr e r e r r e r m i mi J ikr ikr ikr ikr30202201*1*111 )]11(1)11(1[2 )]1(1)1(1[2 )(2 )1(==+----=∂∂-∂∂=∇-∇=--ψψψψ r J 1与同向。


rmrk r mr k r )]r 1ik r 1(r 1)r 1ik r 1(r 1[m 2i r )]e r 1(r e r 1)e r 1(r e r 1[m 2i )(m2i J )2(3020220ik r ik r ik r ik r *2*222-=-=---+-=∂∂-∂∂=∇-∇=--ψψψψ可见,r J与2反向。

表示向内(即向原点) 传播的球面波。

补充:设ikx e x =)(ψ,粒子的位置几率分布如何?这个波函数能否归一化?∞==⎰⎰∞∞dx dx ψψ*∴波函数不能按1)(2=⎰∞dx x ψ方式归一化。

其相对位置几率分布函数为 12==ψω表示粒子在空间各处出现的几率相同。



(3) 纳蒸汽为什么会发射黄光,即有标志谱线 (4) 重核会发生α衰变。
普朗克能量量子化假说 爱因斯坦光子假说 康普顿效应 玻尔的氢原子理论
德布罗意实物粒子波粒二象性 薛定谔方程 波恩的物质波统计解释 海森伯的测不准关系
狄拉克把量子力学与 狭义相对论相结合
1 1 实验规律 R 2 2 T (m) T (n) m n m 1, 2,3, 4,5 R 1.096776 107 m1 1 n m 1, m 2, m 3 经典解释 原子核模型
A.定态假设。 C.跃迁条件。
1887年的迈克耳孙—莫雷实验否定了绝对参考 系的存在; 1900年瑞利和金斯用经典的能量均分定理说明 黑体辐射问题,出现了所谓“紫外灾难”; 1896年贝克勒尔发现放射性现象,说明原子不 是物质的基本单元,原子是可分的。
3、原子和分子领域的困难 而一旦深入到分子、原子领域,一些实验事实和 经典理论发生矛盾或无法理解。 (1) 为什么原子不坍塌;
证明在康普顿散射实验中,波长为0的一个光子与质量为m0的 静止电子碰撞后,电子的反冲角与光子散射角之间的关系为:
h tg (1 )tg ( ) m0 c0 2

mv sin
mv cos h

2)维恩位移定律 之间满足关系
5.67051108W / m2 K 4



量子考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 量子力学的创始人是:A. 牛顿B. 爱因斯坦C. 普朗克D. 薛定谔答案:C2. 量子力学中,粒子的状态由什么描述?A. 位置B. 动量C. 波函数D. 能量答案:C3. 海森堡不确定性原理表明:A. 粒子的位置和动量可以同时准确测量B. 粒子的位置和动量不能同时准确测量C. 粒子的位置和能量可以同时准确测量D. 粒子的动量和能量可以同时准确测量答案:B4. 量子力学中的泡利不相容原理适用于:A. 电子B. 质子C. 中子D. 所有基本粒子答案:A5. 量子纠缠是指:A. 两个粒子之间的经典相互作用B. 两个粒子之间的量子相互作用C. 两个粒子之间的引力相互作用D. 两个粒子之间的电磁相互作用答案:B6. 量子力学中的薛定谔方程是一个:A. 线性方程B. 非线性方程C. 微分方程D. 代数方程答案:C7. 量子力学中的隧道效应是:A. 粒子通过势垒的概率不为零B. 粒子通过势垒的概率为零C. 粒子通过势垒的概率为一D. 粒子通过势垒的概率为负答案:A8. 量子力学中的叠加态是指:A. 粒子同时处于多个状态B. 粒子只处于一个状态C. 粒子处于确定的状态D. 粒子处于随机的状态答案:A9. 量子力学中的测量问题涉及:A. 粒子的测量结果B. 粒子的测量过程C. 粒子的测量设备D. 粒子的测量结果和过程答案:D10. 量子力学中的退相干是指:A. 量子态的相干性消失B. 量子态的相干性增强C. 量子态的相干性不变D. 量子态的相干性随机变化答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 量子力学中的波粒二象性表明,粒子既表现出______的性质,也表现出______的性质。

答案:波动;粒子2. 量子力学中的德布罗意波长公式为:λ = ______ / p,其中λ表示波长,p表示动量。

答案:h / p3. 量子力学中的能级是______的,这是由量子力学的______决定的。



量子场论笔记WangHongyuJune22,20111Why Quantum Field Theory is So Difficult?The key point对于量子场论有两种比较容易的理解,一是标准量子力学的相对论形式:传统量子力学是非相对论的,为了处理高能量粒子的运动,必须引入相对论效应,将量子力学改写成协变形式;然而在这修改过程中必然出现反粒子问题和粒子对的产生过程,于是原来针对单粒子的量子力学转变成了粒子数可变(随时增减)体系的量子力学,为了处理粒子数的改变,需要使用将原来的波函数改写成算符,这就是所谓“二次量子化”过程,完成了二次量子化的量子理论被看作量子场论。













peskin量子场论答案以下是关于Peskin量子场论的一些答案,希望对你有所帮助:1. Peskin量子场论是什么?Peskin量子场论是关于粒子物理学的重要教材之一,是研究现代粒子物理学的基础。


2. Peskin量子场论的主要内容(1)量子力学基础知识:薛定谔方程、量子态、量子测量等。






3. Peskin量子场论的重要性Peskin量子场论全面且深入地探讨了量子场论的理论基础以及实现方法,是理解现代粒子物理学的重要教材。



4. 学习Peskin量子场论需要什么基础?学习Peskin量子场论需要先掌握高等数学、微积分、线性代数等数学工具,然后再学习量子力学和基本物理概念,同时了解粒子物理学的基本知识。


5. Peskin量子场论的发展趋势随着科技的发展和人类对物质本质的认识不断深入,粒子物理学的研究也在不断发展。




量子力学习题-2答案1. 设t=0时,粒子的状态为]cos [sin )(212kx kx A x +=ψ求此时粒子的平均动量和平均动能。

解:]cos )2cos 1([]cos [sin )(2121212kx kx A kx kx A x +-=+=ψ]cos 2cos 1[2kx kx A +-= )]()(1[2212221ikx ikx kx i kx i e e e e A --++--=ηηππ21][2221212212210⋅++--=--ikx ikx kx i kx i x i e e e e e A 可见,动量n p 的可能值为ηηηηk k k k -- 2 2 0动能μ22n p 的可能值为μμμμ2 2 2 2 022222222ηηηηk k k k 对应的几率n ω应为: ηπ2)1616 16 16 4(22222⋅A A A A A ηπ2)81 81 81 81 21(A ⋅ 上述的A 为归一化常数,可由归一化条件,得ηηππω222)1644(1222⋅=⋅⨯+==∑A A A nn ∴ ηπ/1=A∴ 动量p 的平均值为02162162162216202222=⋅⨯-⋅⨯+⋅⨯-⋅⨯+==∑ηηηηηηηηππππωA k A k A k A k p p nnn∑==n n n p p T ωμμ22222812281202222⨯⨯+⨯⋅+=μμηηk k μ8522ηk =2. 证明在分立的能量本征态下动量平均值为0。

证:设定态波函数的空间部分为ψ,则有为求的平均值,我们注意到坐标算符与的对易关系: 。

这里已用到最基本的对易关系,由此3. 在z σ表象中,求x σ的本征态。

解:在z σ表象中,x σ的矩阵表示为ψψE H =p ϖi x H []()μμi j j j i i p i xV p p x H x ηϖ=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+=∑2,,[]ij j i i p x δη=,[]()()0,=-=-===ψψψψμψψψψμψψμψψi ii i i i i Ex E x i Hx H x i H x i p p ηηηx σ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=0110设x σ的本征矢(在z σ表象中)为,则有可得, 所以则 ; 则 。






第一章预备知识§1 粒子和场以现有的实验水平,确认能够以自由状态存在的各种最小物质,统称为粒子.电子、光子、中子、质子等是最早认识的一批粒子,陆续发现了大量的粒子、介子和共振态,粒子的数目达数百种,它们是物质存在的一种形式。



1. 四种相互作用目前已确定的粒子之间的相互作用有四种,即在经典物理中人们早已认识到了的引力相互作用和电磁相互作用,以及在原子核物理的研究中才逐步了解的强相互作用和弱相互作用。


1 四种相互作用的比较电磁相互作用的强度是以精确结构常数2317.2973104137.036e cαπ-===⨯来表征的,可以同时参与四种相互作用的粒子(例如质子p )为代表,通过典型的反应过程的比较研究,确定各种作用强度的大小.2. 粒子的属性不同粒子有不同的内禀属性,这些属性不因粒子产生的来源和运动状态而改变. 最重要的属性有:质量m ,粒子的质量是指静止质量,以能量为单位,它和能量E 和动量→P 的关系为42222c m c p E =-电量Q ,粒子的电荷是量子化的,电荷的最小单位是质子的电荷。



∫ =
1 2π
e imx2 / 2ℏt
+∞ −∞
dkϕ (k
⎡ exp⎢−
ℏt 2m
⎜⎛ ⎝

mx ℏt
⎞ ⎟ ⎠

⎥ ⎥⎦
当时间足够长后(所谓 t → ∞ ) ,上式被积函数中的指数函数具有δ 函数的性质,取
α = ℏt 2m ,
⎜⎛ k ⎝

mx ℏt
⎟⎞ ⎠

∫ ψ (x,t) ≈
1 e ⋅ imx2 2ℏt 2π
2πm e −iπ ℏt
ϕ (k )δ
⎜⎛ ⎝

mx ℏt
⎟⎞d ⎠
m ℏt
imx 2
⎛ ⎜ ⎝
mx ℏt
⎞ ⎟ ⎠
(x,t) 2

m ℏt
⎛ ⎜

mx ℏt
⎞ ⎟ ⎠
物理意义:在足够长时间后,各不同 k 值的分波已经互相分离,波群在 x 处的主要成分为 k = mx ℏt ,即
∫∫∫d 3rV2 (ψ

( ) ∫∫ ∫∫∫ ℏ
=− 2im S
ψ *∇ψ −ψ∇ψ *

� dS
2 ℏ
d 3rV2ψ *ψ



量子力学习题及答案1. 简答题a) 什么是量子力学?量子力学是一门研究微观领域中原子和基本粒子行为的物理学理论。


b) 什么是波函数?波函数是描述量子体系的数学函数。



c) 什么是量子态?量子态是描述量子系统的状态。



d) 什么是量子叠加态?量子叠加态是指量子系统处于多个不同态的线性叠加。


2. 选择题a) 下列哪个物理量在量子力学中具有不确定性?1.速度2.质量3.位置4.电荷答案:3. 位置b) 关于波函数的哪个说法是正确的?1.波函数只能描述单个粒子的行为2.波函数可以表示粒子的位置和动量的确定值3.波函数的模的平方表示粒子的位置概率分布4.波函数只适用于经典力学体系答案:3. 波函数的模的平方表示粒子的位置概率分布c) 下列哪个原理是量子力学的基本假设?1.宏观世界的实在性2.新托尼克力学3.不确定性原理4.不可分割性原理答案:4. 不可分割性原理3. 计算题a) 计算氢原子的基态能级氢原子的基态能级可以通过解氢原子的薛定谔方程得到。


基态能级的能量公式为: E = -13.6 eV / n^2代入n=1,可以计算得到氢原子的基态能级为:-13.6 eVb) 简述量子力学中的双缝干涉实验双缝干涉实验是一种经典的量子力学实验,用于研究光和物质粒子的波粒二象性。





量子力学 第二章习题与解答1

量子力学 第二章习题与解答1


证:对于定态,可令)]r ()r ()r ()r ([m 2i ]e )r (e )r (e )r (e )r ([m2i )(m 2i J e)r ( )t (f )r ()t r (**Et iEt i **Et i Et i **Etiψψψψψψψψψψψψψψψ∇-∇=∇-∇=∇-∇===-----)()(,可见t J 与无关。

2.2 由下列定态波函数计算几率流密度:ikr ikr e re r -==1)2( 1)1(21ψψ从所得结果说明1ψ表示向外传播的球面波,2ψ表示向内(即向原点) 传播的球面波。

解:分量只有和r J J 21在球坐标中 ϕθθϕθ∂∂+∂∂+∂∂=∇sin r 1e r 1e r r 0r mrk r mr k r r ik r r r ik r r m i r e rr e r e r r e r m i mi J ikr ikr ikr ikr30202201*1*111 )]11(1)11(1[2 )]1(1)1(1[2 )(2 )1(==+----=∂∂-∂∂=∇-∇=--ψψψψ r J 1与同向。


rmrk r mr k r )]r 1ik r 1(r 1)r 1ik r 1(r 1[m 2i r )]e r 1(r e r 1)e r 1(r e r 1[m 2i )(m2i J )2(3020220ik r ik r ik r ik r *2*222-=-=---+-=∂∂-∂∂=∇-∇=--ψψψψ可见,r J与2反向。

表示向内(即向原点) 传播的球面波。

补充:设ikx e x =)(ψ,粒子的位置几率分布如何?这个波函数能否归一化?∞==⎰⎰∞∞dx dx ψψ*∴波函数不能按1)(2=⎰dx x ψ方式归一化。




1. 什么是量子场论?它与经典场论有何不同?
2. 请解释希格斯机制及其在粒子物理中的作用。

3. 请描述量子电动力学(QED)的基本原理和主要方程。

4. 请解释量子色动力学(QCD)的基本原理和主要方程。

5. 请描述强子、介子和轻子等粒子的基本性质和分类。

6. 请解释标准模型中的夸克和轻子如何通过相互作用产生质量。

7. 请描述规范场论的基本概念,包括阿贝尔群、李代数和路径积分。

8. 请解释量子场论中的重整化群流和重整化不变性。

9. 请描述量子场论中的对称性破缺现象,如希格斯机制导致的弱电对称性破缺。

10. 请解释量子场论中的真空涨落现象,以及它对粒子质量和相互作用的影响。

吴济民_05 量子场论课堂笔记

吴济民_05 量子场论课堂笔记

1.特殊⾣阵 是⼀个⾏列式为 1 的复⽅阵, 其厄米共轭即其逆阵. 特别地, 若 为实矩阵, 则称之为正交矩阵.2.⼀个集合到自身的双射称为其置换. 对称群 是有限 元集合 上的全体 置换构成的群, 其合成法则为函数的复合, 即的基本性质: ① ② 中单位元 是 到自身的恒等映射, 即 ③ 设 的逆 为其反函数, 即 注: 为⽅便表示, 我们常记3.置换的循环记号设 其中置换 表示的是, 将 中已被标记为 1 ⾄ 6 号的六个不同元素依次映到 3, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2 号元素. 其他表达与之类似, 但注意置换表达式中未标明的映射代表保持元素不动.形如 的置换称为循环. 某循环若除不动操作外指定了 个映射, 则称该循环长度为 称该循环为 循环. 注意: ① 2-循环又称对换. ② 由于 1-循环又表示 “不动”, 故有时不把它看作循环. ③ 循环记号可以不唯⼀.若某置换可表示为若⼲不相交的循环之积, 则乘积称为该置换的循环记号. 如 的循环记号为:SU n ()SU n ()S n n X αβx ()=αβx ()(),∀α,β∈S n ,x ∈X .S n S n =n !.S n e X e x ()=x ,∀x ∈X .α∈S n ,αα−1αx ()=y ⇔αy ()=x .X =1,2,...,n {}.p ,q ,x ,y ,z ∈S 6X (),p =123456365412⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟,q =123456214563⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟;x =135351⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟,y =2662⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟,z =44⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟.p X x ,y ,z n n ,n −p4.考虑⼀个 其群元素 (注意泰勒展开 ) 为 其中 是⼀个任意的⽮量, 的三个分量是泡利矩阵:由于 等等, 故上述 群具有旋转对称性. 5.More generally, we consider a ! whose element can be written as:where the ! generators ! are hermitian and traceless. They form the basis of aLie algebra with commutation relations:where ! are antisymmetric and structure constants of the ! For ! the antisymmetric structure constants ! and symmetric symbols ! for the group ! are in Table 1 (the values for the remaining indices are obtained via permutation). The Jacobi identity for these generators is:p =xyz =135()26()4()=135()26()=351()26().SU 2(),e x =1+11!x +12!x 2+....M =exp i !τ2i !θ⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟,!θ=θ1,θ2,θ3()!τ=τ1,τ2,τ3()τ1=0110⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟,τ2=0−i i 0⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟,τ3=100−1⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟.τ12,τ22⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥=i τ32,τ22,τ32⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥=i τ12SU 2()SU n (),U =exp i t a i !θa a =1n 2−1∑⎛⎝⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟=e i !θ,n 2−1t a t a ,t b []=if abc t c ,f abc SU n ().SU 2(),f abc =εabc ;f abc d abc SU 3()t a ,t b ,t c []⎡⎣⎤⎦+t c ,t a ,t b []⎡⎣⎤⎦+t b ,t c ,t a []⎡⎣⎤⎦=0,Table 1implies for the structure constants the relation !In the case of ! they are proportional to the Pauli matrices, ! For they are given by the Gell-Mann matrices, ! where 6.李代数是⼀类非结合代数. 记 为域 上的线性空间, 若 中除了加法和 标量积外还有第三种代数运算: 记为 运算满⾜: ①② ③ 则此时称 为域 上的李代数.f abe f cde +f bce f ade +f cae f bde =0.SU 2(),t a =!τa 2;SU 3(),t a =!λa 2,λ1=010100000⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟,λ2=0−i 0i 00000⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟,λ3=1000−10000⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟,λ4=001000100⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟,λ5=00−i 000i 00⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟,λ6=000001010⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟,λ7=00000−i 0i 0⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟,λ8=1310001000−2⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟.L F L L ×L →L ,x ,y [],∀x ,y ∈L .x ,x []=0,∀x ∈L .λx +µy ,z []=λx ,z []+µy ,z [],∀λ,µ∈F ∀x ,y ,z ∈L .x ,y ,z []⎡⎣⎤⎦+z ,x ,y []⎡⎣⎤⎦+y ,z ,x []⎡⎣⎤⎦=0,∀x ,y ,z ∈L .L F7.Heisenberg's contribution was to note that the mathematical formulation ofthis symmetry was in certain respects similar to the mathematical formulation of spin, whence the name “isospin” derives. To be precise, the isospin symmetry is given by the invariance of the Hamiltonian of the strong interactions under the action of the Lie group ! The neutron and the proton are assigned to the doublet (the spin- 2, or fundamental representation) of ! The pions are assigned to the triplet (the spin-! 3, or adjoint representation) of ! Though, there is a difference from the theory of spin: the group action does not preserve flavor.Like the case for regular spin, the isospin operator ! is vector-valued: it has three components ! which are coordinates in the same 3-dimensional vectorspace where the 3 representation acts. Note that it has nothing to do with the physical space, except similar mathematical formalism. Isospin is described by two quantum numbers: ! the total isospin, and ! an eigenvalue of the ! projection for whichflavor states are eigenstates and each ! state specifies certain flavor state of amultiplet. The third coordinate (z), to which the “3” subscript refers, is chosen due to notational conventions which relate bases in 2 and 3 representation spaces. Namely, for the spin- case, components of ! are equal to Pauli matrices divided by 2 and where ! While the forms of these matrices are the isomorphic to those of spin, these Pauli matrices only acts within the Hilbert space of isospin, not that of spin, and therefore is common to denote them with τ rather than σ to avoid confusion.The power of isospin symmetry and related methods such as the Eightfold Way come from the observation that families of particles with similar masses tend to correspond to the invariant subspaces associated with the irreducible representations of the Lie algebra. In this context, an invariant subspace is spanned by basisSU 2().12,SU 2().1,SU 2().I I x ,I y ,I z I ,I 3,I z I 312I I z =τ32,τ3=100−1⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟.vectors which correspond to particles in a family . Under the action of the Lie algebra , which generates rotations in isospin space, elements corresponding to definite particle states or superpositions of states can be rotated into each other, but can never leave the space (since the subspace is in fact invariant). This is reflective of the symmetry present. The fact that unitary matrices will commute with theHamiltonian means that the physical quantities calculated do not change even under unitary transformation. In the case of isospin, this machinery is used to reflect the fact that the strong force behaves the same under the exchange of the up and down quark (and by extension the exchange of the proton and the neutron).8.The relationship between isospin symmetry and flavorThe concept of isospin symmetry could be broadened to an even largersymmetry group, which was named the Eightfold Way and was promptly recognized to correspond to the adjoint representation of ! To better understand the origin of this symmetry, Gell-Mann proposed the existence of up, down and strange quarks which would belong to the fundamental representation of the ! flavor symmetry. Although isospin symmetry is very slightly broken, ! symmetry is more badly broken, due to the much higher mass of the strange quark compared to the up and down. The discovery of charm, bottomness and topness could lead to further expansions up to !flavour symmetry, but the very large masses of these quarks make such symmetries almost useless. In modern applications, such as lattice QCD, isospin symmetry is often treated as exact while the heavier quarks must be treated separately.9.The NNG (Gell-Mann–Nishijima ) formula relates the baryon number ! the strangeness ! the isospin ! of hadrons to the charge ! It relates all flavour quantum numbers (isospin up and down, strangeness, charm, bottomness, and topness) with the baryon number and the electric charge. For a particle, we have:SU 3().SU 3()SU 3()SU 6()B ,S ,I 3Q .Q =I 3+12Y +C +ʹB +T (),where ! is the charge, ! the hypercharge, and ! are the strangeness, charm, bottomness and topness numbers. Expressed in terms of quark content, these would become:By convention, the flavor quantum numbers (strangeness, charm, bottomness, and topness) carry the same sign as the electric charge of the particle. So, since the strange and bottom quarks have a negative charge, they have flavor quantum numbers equal to ! And since the charm and top quarks have positive electric charge, their flavor quantum numbers are !10.The deep inelastic scattering , a process used to probe the insides of hadrons (particularly the baryons, such as protons and neutrons), using electrons, muons and neutrinos. It provided the first convincing evidence of the reality of quarks, which up until then had been considered by many to be a purely mathematical phenomenon. The “inelastic” here means that the target absorbs some kinetic energy. And the“deep” refers to the high energy of the lepton, which gives it a very short wavelength and hence the ability to probe the target hadron. The classification of particle states and the deep inelastic scattering are both evidence for the existence of quarks.11.The measurements of structure are made by measuring form factors . For the scattering of electrons on protons by exchange of one photon the cross section is:Q Y =B +C C ,ʹB ,T Q =23n u −n u ()+n c −n c ()+n t −n t ()⎡⎣⎤⎦−13n d −n d ()+n s −n s ()+n b −n b ()⎡⎣⎤⎦,B =13n u −n u ()+n c −n c ()+n t −n t ()+n d −n d ()+n s −n s ()+n b −n b ()⎡⎣⎤⎦,I 3=12n u −n u ()−n d −n d ()⎡⎣⎤⎦,S =−n s −n s (),C =n c −n c ,ʹB =−n b −n b (),T =n t −n t ().−1.+1.d σd Ω=d σd Ω⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟Mott G E 2+τG M 21+τ+2τG M 2tan 2θ2⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟,τ=q 24M 2.where ! is given by the Mott formula appropriate for the scattering of electrons off point-like protons, ! and ! are the electric and magnetic form factors, ! is the square of the photon 4-momentum ! ! is the angle through which the electron is scattered in the laboratory frame, and ! is the proton mass. Measurement of ! and comparison with ! at varying ! allows a determination of the form factors ! and ! which turn out to have a dipole formwhere the constant ! Now we do the Fourier transform and obtain the exponential charge distribution:where ! is a 3-momentum. Noted that it does not become singular as !indicating that there is no hard core to the proton . (Compared with the Yukawa potential ! which is single at !.)12.Now we tum to inelastic scattering: ! We have:where ! is the invariant mass of the final hadronic state, ! is the photon 4-momentum, ! is the energy lost by the electron, and ! is the proton mass. In the elastic case, ! while in the inelastic one, ! is effectively an independent variable, and the form factors ! have to be replaced by so-called structure factors The differential scattering cross section is given by:d σd Ω⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟MottG E 2q 2()G M 2q 2()q 2q ,θM d σd Ωd σd Ω⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟Mott θG E 2q 2()G M 2q 2(),G q 2()=11+q 2/M q 2⎛⎝⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟2,M q =0.71GeV /c 2()2.ρr ()=e −i q i r G q 2()d 3q ∫≈exp −M q r (),q r →0,ρr ()=exp −M q r (),r =0e −+p →e −+an arbitrary hadronic state ().q 2=M 2−M *2+2M ν=4EE 0sin 2θ2,M *q ν=E 0−E M M *=M ,M *F q 2()W q 2,ν().If we Introduce a dimensionless variable ! we could find that at high ! and but ! finite, ! and ! turn out to be functions of ! only. This phenomenon is called Bjorken scaling. Accepting this interpretation, we haveExperimentally, this ratio tends to zero, so the partons have spin ! and are thusidentified with quarks.d 2σd Ωd ν=d σd Ω⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟Mott W 2+2W 1tan 2θ2⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟.ω=2M νq 2,νq 2,ωW 1νW 2ω2ν2/q 2()W 2−W 12W 2q 2,ν→∞⎯→⎯⎯⎯0if parton spin =12,→∞if parton spin=0.12。

吴济民_03 量子场论课堂笔记

吴济民_03 量子场论课堂笔记

1. 共振: 某些微观过程中, 常有在某⼀条件下, 过程发⽣的概率 (截面) 比条件 稍有不同时的概率急剧增⼤的情况. 这往往是微观粒⼦内部结构和固有性质的反应. 注意其与声学中的共振概念不同. 后者指振动系统作受迫振动时, 外界频率与其频率接近或相等时, 振幅急剧增⼤的现象.2.In particle physics, a resonance is the peak located around a certain energy found in differential cross sections of scattering experiments. These peaks are associated with subatomic particles (such as nucleons, delta baryons, upsilon mesons) and their excitations. The width of the resonance (?) is related to the lifetime (?) of the particle (or its excited state) by the relation ?3.Fano resonance: In physics, a Fano resonance is a type of resonant scattering phenomenon that gives rise to an asymmetric line-shape. Interference between a background and a resonant scattering process produces the asymmetric line-shape. The energy of the resonant state must lie in the energy range of the continuum (background) states for the effect to occur. 法诺证明了全散射截面其中 是线宽的共振能量, q 是法诺系数; 系数⽆穷⼤时有洛伦兹公式: 4.1952 年, Fermi 发现反应 的截面有特征峰 (共振), 故推测反应 有中间粒⼦ (following the usual Breit-Wigner theory ):5.由测不准原理估算 强⼦寿命 ( ) 可知6.The strong force causing strongly-interacting particles to decay with lifetimes on the order of ? Particles which decay electromagnetically have lifetimes of about (note that longer lifetimes mean weaker forces), and the telltale signature is the emission of a photon, though this is not required. Finally, particles decaying by the weak force have the longest lifetimes, about ? and the telltale signature is the emission of a neutrino, though once again this is not always present.7.共振态粒⼦有确定的自旋, 宇称, 质量和电荷等, 应与其他基本粒⼦⼀齐被同 等对待.8.The “stable” particles, i.e. those decaying by weak or electromagneticΓτΓ=!τ.σ≈q Γres/2+E −E res ()2Γres /2()2+E −E res ()2,Γres Γres /2()2Γres /2()2+E −E res ()2.π±+p →π±+p π±+p →Δ++→π±+p .Δ++Γ≈110MeV τ∼"Γ≈10−23s .10−23s .10−16−10−18s 10−10−10−8s ,interactions, are simply the lightest members of a set of particles with given values of isospin, strangeness, charm, etc. In order for 'stable' particles to decay, these quantum numbers must change, therefore they decay only through the weak (orelectromagnetic) interaction.9. 维欧⽒空间是由 个数所构成的数组 的全体所得到的空间,其中两点 和 间距定义为10.线性空间 (向量空间) 是这样的元素 (通称 “向量”) 的集: 其间有加法运算, 又 有数 (实数, 复数或⼀般数域中的数) 与向量的乘法运算, 这两种运算还满⾜加法的交换律及结合律, 乘法对加法的分配率, 此外还存在零向量, 每个向量有负向量. 例如在平面上向量的全体是⼀个线性空间, 又如在某⼀区间上连续函数的全体, 某⼀齐次线性微分⽅程的解的全体等, 都构成线性空间.11.线性变换: 设代数空间中的⼀个变换将向量 变换为向量 若其将任意两 向量 的线性组合 变为 (此处 为任意数), 就称它为 “线性变换”. 例如普通三维空间中的向量到某⼀坐标系的垂直投影是线性变换.12.⾣空间是⼀种复线性空间. 设 是复数域上的⼀个线性空间, 若在 上定 义了⼀个⼆元复值函数 则对任意的 及复数 都具有如下性质: (1) 其中 为 的共轭复数; (2)(3) (4) 当且仅当 时, 则称 为向量 和 的内积, 称 为关于这个内积的⼀个⾣空间. 它是欧⽒空间在复数域上的推⼴. 在⾣空间中也有 “向量长度” (为⼀非负数) 的概念.13.⾣变换: 在⾣空间中向量内积不变的线性变换. ⾣变换在标准正交基 (⼀个内 积空间的正交基是元素两两正交的基. 基中元素称为基向量. 若⼀正交基的基向量的模都是单位长度 1, 则该基称为标准正交基) 下的矩阵是⾣矩阵.14.⾣群: 维⾣空间 上全体⾣变换在变换的合成运算下组成的群记为 在 的⼀个标准正交基下, ⾣变换可用⾣矩阵表示, 因此全体 阶⾣矩阵关于矩阵乘法组成的群也成为⾣群, 记为 ⾏列式为 1 的⾣变换 (或⾣矩阵) 组成的群称为 “特殊⾣群”, 记为 (或 ).15.同构: ⼀个代数系统 (如群, 环, 模, 线性空间等) 到另⼀个同类型的代数系统 n n x =x 1,...,x 2()x =x 1,...,x 2()y =y 1,...,y 2()ρx ,y ()=x i−y i 2i =1n ∑.x ʹx ,x ,y ax +by a ʹx +b ʹy a ,b V V α,β(),α,β,γ∈V k ,α,β()=β,α(),β,α()α,β()α+β,γ()=α,γ()+β,γ();k α,β()=k α,β();α,α()≥0,α=0α,α()=0;α,β()αβV n V U V ().V n U n .SU V ()SU n V ()上保持代数运算的⼀⼀映射. 如果这两个系统为拓扑空间, 则还要求此映射及其逆映射都连续, 即为同胚映射. ⼀个代数系统到自身的同构称为 “自同构”. 同构的逆映射仍为同构.16.同态: ⼀个代数系统到另⼀个同类型的代数系统上保持代数运算(如加法, 乘 法等) 的映射. 例如 是环 到环 的同态, 为 中的元素, 则有如果这两个代数系统为拓扑空间, 则要求此映射为连续. ⼀个代数系统到自身的同态, 称为 “自同态”. ⼀对⼀的同态就是同构.17.量⼦⼒学中, 表征微观粒⼦运动状态的某些物理量只能不连续地变化. 量⼦数即是用于确定它们可能的具体数值的数字.18.同位旋: 最初因中⼦和质⼦质量以及它们在原⼦核中的性质都⼗分接近, 故把它们看作同⼀粒⼦, 即 “核⼦” 的两个不同荷电状态, 以不同的同位旋量⼦数相区别. 核⼦的同位旋规定为 其两个不同的状态—中⼦和质⼦, 则分别用同位旋的两个不同取向 和 表示. 后来这种概念又推⼴到 介⼦等其他粒⼦, 并建立了⼀条 “同位旋守恒定律”, 即微观粒⼦系在强相互作用中, 其同位旋量⼦数之⽮量和不变.19.Flavour symmetryWe first take a look at an abstract three-dimensional vector space:The laws of physics are approximately invariant when applying a determinant-1 unitary transformation to this space (sometimes called a flavour rotation):where ? is in ? For example, the flavour rotation, ? is a transformation that simultaneously turns all the up quarks in the universe into down quarks and vice versa. More specifically, these flavour rotations are exact symmetries if you only look at strong force interactions, but they are not truly exact symmetries of the universe because the three quarks have different masses and differentϕA B x ,y A ϕx +y ()=ϕx ()+ϕy (),ϕxy ()=ϕx ()ϕy ().I =1/2,I Z =1/2−1/2πup quark →100⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟,down quark →010⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟,strange quark →001⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟.x y z ⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟!A x y z ⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟,A SU 3().A =010−100001⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟electroweak interactions. This approximate symmetry is called flavour symmetry , or more specifically flavour SU(3) symmetry. (This is a slightly over-simplified description of flavour rotations, ignoring anti-quarks etc.)Assume we have a certain particle—for example, a proton—in a quantum state If we apply one of the flavour rotations ? to our particle, it enters a new quantum state which we can call ? Depending on ? this new state might be a proton, or a neutron, or a superposition of a proton and a neutron, or various other possibilities. The set of all possible quantum states spans a vector space.Representation theory is a mathematical theory that describes the situation where elements of a group (here, the flavour rotations ? in the group ?) are automorphisms of a vector space (here, the set of all possible quantum states that you get from flavour-rotating a proton). Therefore, by studying the representation theory of ? we can learn the possibilities for what the vector space is and how it is affected by flavour symmetry. Since the flavour rotations ? are approximate, not exact, symmetries, each orthogonal state in the vector space corresponds to a different particle species. In the example above, when a proton is transformed by every possible flavour rotation ? it turns out that it moves around an 8-dimensional vector space. Those 8 dimensions correspond to the 8 particles in the so-called “baryon octet” (proton, neutron, ?). This corresponds to an 8-dimensional (“octet”) representation of the group ? Since ? is an approximate symmetry, all the particles in this octet have similar mass.20.强⼦分为重⼦ (由三个夸克或三个反夸克组成), 介⼦ (由⼀个夸克和⼀个反 夸克组成) 和奇异强⼦ (exotic hadrons, 由⾄少四个夸克构成). 价夸克 (valence quarks) 指的是强⼦内的夸克和反夸克,它们是强⼦量⼦数的源头. 这些量⼦数是识别强⼦的标签, 可分为两种. ⼀种由庞加莱对称 ⽽来, 其中 和 分别代表总角动量, 宇称和电荷共轭对称; 其余的则是味量⼦数, 如同位旋, 奇异数和粲数等等. ψ.A A ψ.A ,A SU 3()SU 3(),A A ,Σ±,Σ0,Ξ−,Ξ0,ΛSU 3().A J PC J ,P C。



简答题1 •什么是光电效应?光电效应有什么规律?爱因斯坦是如何解释光电效应的?答:光照射到某些物质上,引起物质的电性质发生变化,也就是光能量转换成电能。













逸出电子的动能、光子能量和逸出功之间的关系可以表示成:1 2h A -mv2这就是爱因斯坦光电效应方程。


2. 写出德布罗意假设和德布罗意公式。


h德布罗意公式:E h P k3. 简述波函数的统计解释,为什么说波函数可以完全描述微观体系的状态。





4. 以微观粒子的双缝干涉实验为例,说明态的叠加原理。



Physics 332–Problem Set #2(due Wednesday,April 26)1.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 11.1.2.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 11.2.3.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 11.3.1Physics 332–Problem Set #3(due Wednesday,May 3)1.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 12.1.2.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 12.2.You should show that,with this βfunction,the mass m ψof the ψfield satisfies the Callan-Symanzik equation M ∂∂M +∂g m 12(4π)4+(4π)4+Physics 332–Problem Set #4(due Wednesday,May 10)1.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 12.3.2.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 13.1.1Physics 332–Problem Set #5(due Wednesday,May 17)1.Consider scalar electrodynamics:L =−14(F 6(φ48π224π2(5λ6λ(ϕ 2.Apply the methods of this problem to the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg model of weak interactions.(a)Compute the effective potential for the Higgs field to 1-loop order,ignoring all effects of quark masses but including the contributions of gauge fields.(b)Show that the theory has a first-order phase transition as a function of the renor-malized Higgs mass parameter μ2.(c)Show that this result implies a lower bound on the physical mass of the Higgs boson (the ‘Linde-Weinberg bound’).Compute the bound to leading order in coupling constants.(d)Now add in the contribution of the top quark.Show that,when the top quark mass is sufficiently heavy,the symmetry-breaking effect found in part (b)goes away.However,another pathology develops,in which,when m t is sufficiently large,the effective potential becomes negative at very large field values and causes an instability of the model.Estimate the value of the top quark mass,as a function of the Higgs boson and W boson masses,at which this instability takes place.2Physics 332–Problem Set #6(due Wednesday,May 24)1.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 17.1.2.In class,I sketched the derivation of the βfunction of a non-Abeliangauge theory from the renormalization counterterms δ1,δ2,and δ3.Work through this calculation in full e the Feynman-‘t Hooft gauge.3.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 16.3.Please note:This is a long calculation.The solution set for this problem set is 50pages long,of which 35pages are devoted to this problem.I do assure you that you will learn a considerable amount about how to calculation in gauge theories by doing this problem to the end.(Of course,it might be true that these are things that you never wanted to know ...)1。

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教材:M.E.Peskin ,D.V .Schroeder ,An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory参考书:L.H.Ryder,Quantum Field TheoryA Brife Review and Introduction Ⅰ、Review 1、经典力学)x (x212V m L -=其中:),(q q L L =;x∂∂=Lp ⇒ L p xH -= 其中:),(q p H H = 正则框架:],[],[H p qH p H q pHq=∂∂-==∂∂=2、量子力学ij j i i p q δ=],[3、相对论量子力学 过渡理论① K-G Eq : ()022=+∂φm 描述spin-zero ② Dirac Eq :()0=-∂ψγμμm i 描述 spin-1/2 ③ Maxwell Eq :0=∂μνμF 描述 spin-14、量子场论基础Action :⎰⎰==L x d dtL S 4 其中:),(φφμ∂=L L222121φφφμμm scalarreal -∂∂=-L0=S δ ⇒ Euler-Lagrange Eq :()0=∂∂-∂∂∂∂φφμμL LMomentum Density Conjugate :)()(x x φπ ∂∂=L Hamiltonian :L H -=)()(x x φπ ;正则量子化:)()](),([)3(y x i y x -=δπφ Real Scalar Field :()[])exp()exp(2)(p p 33ipx a ipx a p d x ++-=⎰πφ ; 其中:())'p p (2],[)3(3p'p -=+δπa a ;Hamiltonian :())(2p p p 33零点能C a a E p d +=⎰+πH>+0|p a 场粒子性5、量子电动力学Int Maxwell Dirac QEDL L L L++= ⇒ ()μμμνμνμμψγψψγψA e F F m p QED---=41LDef :the Gauge Derivative :μμμieA D +∂=()μνμνμμψγψF F m D QED 41--=L Local Gauge Transformation :()ψαψ)(ex p x i → and )(1x eA A αμμμ∂-→5、微扰量子场论IHH H +=0;I H 为弱耦合Feynman Diagram:Feynman Rule for QED:S-Matrix:>-=<⎰∞∞-i x d i T f S I if |}exp{|4H iT S +=1 1=+SS()M i p k k k k iT p p i i ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-+>=<∑21)4(421212,||...,δπQED 过程:(1) -+-+→μμe e(2)Compton ScatteringSpin Sums :∑∑==-⋅=+⋅=2,12,1)()()()(s ss s s s mp p vp v m p p u p u γγ)()()(221*k k k g k k +-→∑μνλλνλμεε Wald Identity :⇒ 0)(=k k μμMⅡ、Introductions7、圈图()⎰24412~p p d π 发散 ⇒ 重整化8、非阿贝尔规范场理论Weak Interactions and Strong InteractionsWeak Interactions :Beta Decay :e e p n ν++→- → Four Fermion Theoryψψψψ~IL不可重整Strong Interactions :π介子理论:(Yukawa Theory)弱电统一理论(Weinberg-Salam Model ):)1()2(U SU ⨯0≠w mWNπ整理与2011-2-26Chapter 6 Functional MethodsPath Intergral Methods (1-dimensional))x (2p 2V mH +=时间演化算符:>>=<-=<a a b b a b b a t x t x x iH x T x x U ,|,|)/ex p(|);,( 满足:HU U Ti =∂∂⎰∑⋅=⋅=)](exp[)]([)](exp[);,(phase i t x phase i T x x U pathAllb a DClassical Path :0=S δ 猜想:⎰=)/exp()]([);,( iS t x T x x U b a D 双缝实验:x bDetectorPath 1:T mv S 21121= ;TDv =1 ;T mD S 221=Path 1:T mv S 22221= ;TdD v +=2 ;T d D m S 2)(22+=联立两式,D d << ⇒ 21v v ≅ 可得德布罗意关系: d T mDd p = ⇒ λh=p验证:⎰=)/exp()]([);,( iS t x T x x U b a D 计算积分:⎰-=TV m dt S 02))x (x 21( 离散化 ∑⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+--++k k k k k x x V x x m )2()(2121εεεεkk x x dt T -=≅→+1x0 ;;∏⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰∞∞--=⋯⋯=k k n C dx C C dx C dx C dx C t x D )()(1)()()()(1)]([121εεεεεε ),',()]2'(2)'(exp[)(' )]2(2)(exp[)()(1),,(22εεεεεεεε-+--=+--=⎰∏⎰∞∞-∞∞-T x x U x x V ix x m i C dx x x V ix x m i C dx C T x x U a b b k k b k b k b a展开:);(])'(21)'(1[ ])(1][2)(exp[)('),,(2222εεεε-⋯⋯∂∂-+∂∂-+⨯⋯⋯+--=⎰∞∞-T x x U x x x x x x x V ix x m i C dx T x x U b a bb b b b k b b a利用积分公式:b b d πξξ=-⎰)ex p(2;0)exp(2=-⎰ξξξb d ;bb b d πξξξ21)ex p(22=-⎰ εim b -= ; im b-=πεπ2 ; mi b ε=21);,()](2)(1[2)(1);,(222εεεεεπε-+∂∂+-⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=T x x U x m i x V i im C T x x U b a b b b a O 得:imC -=επε 2)(),,()](2[),,(),,(222T x x U x V x m i T x x U T x x U b a b bb a b a +∂∂-=--⇒εε 取极限:0→ε ⇒ ),,(),,(T x x HU T x x U Ti b a b a =∂∂故而:⎰=)/exp()]([);,( iS t x T x x U b a D 可使之满足同样的方程和初始条件,因此:⎰=)/exp()]([);,( iS t x T x x U b a D整理于2011-3-1推广到多自由度的情况:}{i q q = ;}{i p p =>-=<a b b a q iHT q T q q U |)ex p(|);,(;插入中间态:1||=><⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∏⎰k k i i k q q dq 分析两种情况: ①:)(q f H =])(exp[22)()(|)(|1111∑∏⎰∏-⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=->=<++++i ik i k i k i i k i k i k ii k ikk k k q q p i dp q q f qq q f q q f q πδ②:)(p f H =])(exp[)(2|)(|11∑∏⎰-⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛>=<++i i k i k i k k iikk k q q p i p f dp q p f q π⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+--⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=∑∑∏⎰⎰++k i k k k ik i k i k ki ik ik b a p q q H q q p i dp dq T q q U ),2()(exp 2);,(11,επFunctional Quantization of Scalar Field)()()(x x p x q ii φπφ∂∂=→→L)()(2121)(2122φφπφπφφφμμV V +∇+=-=-∂∂=L HL⎰⎰⎰⎰⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-∇-->=-<T T a b x d i V x d i iHT x 04224exp )()(2121exp |)exp(|)(L D D D φφφπφππφφφCorrelation Functions :Consider the functional formula :⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡>ΩΩ<⎰⎰-T TH H x d i x x x x T LD 42121exp )()(~|)()(|φφφφφ ⎰⎰⎰⎰===)x ()x ,()x ()x ,(21202101)x ()x ()x ()(φφφφφφφφx x x D D D DIf 0201x x < then we have :[][][]>+-<⨯>--><--<⎰⎰a b T x iH x x iH x T iH D D φφφφφφφφφφ|)(ex p ||)(ex p ||)(ex p |)x ()x ()x ()x (011101022202221121With the completeness relation :1||=><⎰i i i D φφφ:[][][]{}>--=<>+-----<a H H b a s s b iHT x x T iHT T x iH x x iH x T iH φφφφφφφφ|)exp()()()exp(||)(exp )x ()(exp )x ()(exp |210110102202Thus we obtain the simple formula :{}⎰⎰⎰⎰⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡>=ΩΩ<---∞→T T T T i T H H x d i x d i x x x x T L D L D 4421)1(21exp exp )()(|)()(|limφφφφφφεT-T01x 02x整理于2011-3-6Functional Derivatives and Generating FunctionalThe functional derivative obeys the basic axiom (In four dimensions):i j j j i ij j ik k x x x x =∂∂=∑δδδ⇒ )()()()()()()(4)4(x y y yJ d x J y x y J x J φφδδδδδ=-=⎰Example :[][])()()()()()(exp )()()(exp )(444x V y V y J y d x J y y yJ d i x i y y yJ d i x J μμμμδδφφφδδ-∂=∂=⎰⎰⎰ (表面项相当于变分常数)Generationg Functional of correlation :Def :()[]⎰⎰+=)()(exp ][4x x J x d J Z φφL D So that :()[]⎰⎰+=-φφφφδδδδJ x d i x x J Z x J x J i L D 421212ex p )()(][)()()(Therefore the two-point function is :21021][)()(10|)()(|0=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛->=<J J Z x J i x J i Z x x T δδδδφφFor free scalar field :222121φφφμμm -∂∂=L⇒ ⎰⎰⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--∂==φφ)(212244m x d x d S L Therefore :()()⎰⎰⎰+⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-+-∂-=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡++-∂-)()()()()(2121)4(2244224x x J y x x i m x y d x d J i m x d x φδφεφφφεφWith the Gaussian intergration formulae :)2exp(2)exp(22aJ a Jx axdx π=+-⎰∞∞- ⇒ ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⋅+⋅⋅--∞∞-∞∞-⎰⎰J JA A x J x A x dx dx dx nT n 1212121exp det )2(21exp ......πWhere x A J are matrixes. Therefore the two-point function ][J Z should be :⎰⎰⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-=)()()()()(21exp ][4x x J y y x K x x d J Z φφφφDWhere :def :())()()4(22y x i m y x K -+-∂-=-δεWe can check these :)()()()()()()()()())(()()()()()4(22)4()4(224)4()4(224)4(4y x i y x D i m y x i z y y x D i m y d z x i z y i m y x yD d z x z y K y x D i y d F x F xx F F -=-+--∂⇒-=--+--∂⇒-=-+--∂-⇒-=---⎰⎰⎰δεδδεδδεδ)(y x D F - is nothing but the the Green Function of the Klein-Gordon operator.In another way,we can complete the square by introducing a shifted field :)()()()('4y J y x D y d i x x F --≡⎰φφUsing these we have :()()()[]⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡--⨯=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---+-∂-=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++-∂-=)()()(21exp )(exp ' )()()(21''21exp ' )()()()(21exp ][440444224224y J y x D x yJ xd d x d i y J y x iD x J y xd d i i m x d x x J x i m x x d J Z F F φφφεφφφφεφφL D D DFree Field :)( )()()(21exp )()(21)()(21)( )()()(21exp )()(0|)()(|0214424241442121x x D y J y x D x yJ xd d x x D x yJ d y J y x yD d x J y J y x D x yJ xd d x J x J x x T F F F F F -=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡--⨯⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-----=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡--->=<⎰⎰⎰⎰δδδδδδφφFor 4φ theory :44φλ!-=I L⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-∂∂⨯⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-+=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-∂∂⨯⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-∂∂⨯⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+--∂∂=φφφφφδδλφφφφφδδλφφφφφφφλφφφλφφφφμμμμμμμμJ m x d i x J i x d J m x d i x J i x d i J m x d i x d i J m x d i J Z 2244442244442244442242121exp ......)(!41 2121exp )(!4exp 2121exp !4exp !42121exp ][~D D D D D D Where we make :[]⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-→⎰⎰⎰4444)(!4exp )(exp )(exp x J i x d i x J i x d i x d i I I δδλδδφL L For the vertex :()()()()()()⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰-=-----=----⨯----⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-===xd i x x D x x D x x D x x xD d i y J y x yD dy J y x yD d y J y x yD d y J y x yD d x d i J Z x J x J x J x J F F F F F FF F J 4432144444404321)()()()()()()()( )()()()(!4!4][~)()()()(λλλδδδδδδδδ整理于2011-3-71x 2x 3x 4xQuantization of the Electromagnetic Field ﹡The difficutlies of questing gauge fieldTransformation of the gauge field μA :)(1x eA A αμμμ∂+→Lagrangian of electromagnetic :μνμνF F 41-=LTherefore the conjugate momentum :μμπA ∂∂=L However :00=π so we cannot write down the commutation relations like :)y x ()]y (),x ([)3(-=δπμννμig APath intergral formula :()[]⎰⎰∂∂-∂=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-=)()(2141244x A g x A x d F F x d S ννμμνμμνμνFourier Transformation : ⇓()()[]⎰-+-=)(~)(~221244k A k k g k k A k d S ννμμνμπ However if we define :2kk k gνμμνμν-=∆⇒ μνλνμν∆=∆∆ That means :3=∆μνμνg Therefore :μν∆ 不可逆。
