

AXIS D8208-R工业PoE++交换机用户手册说明书

AXIS D8208-R工业PoE++交换机用户手册说明书

AXIS D8208-R Industrial PoE++Switch User manualAbout this documentAbout this documentNoteThe product is intended for use by network administrators who are responsible for operating and maintaining networkequipment.Basic working knowledge of general switch functions,security,the Internet Protocol(IP),and Simple NetworkManagement Protocol(SNMP)is assumed.This user manual will give you information on how you:•access the product•access connected IP devices in the product’s topology view•configure selected setup examples•perform maintenance on the productProduct features and their settings are covered in more detail in the product’s context-sensitive built-in help.For more information, see Get to know your product’s built-in help on page5.Solution overviewSolution overviewGet startedGet startedAccess the product from a browserNoteInstall,connect and power up the product as specified in its Installation Guide.e AXIS IP Utility or AXIS Device Manager to find the product on the network.For information on how to discover andassign an IP address,go to /support2.Enter the username and password provided on the product label.3.Follow the steps in the setup wizard to:-Change the password(recommended for security reasons)-Set the IP address via DHCP or manually-Configure the DHCP server-Set the date&time information-Set the system information4.Click Apply.5.Relogin using the new password.You will now enter the product’s web page,and will be able to configure and manage the product.Get startedGet to know your product’s web page1Basic features2Advanced features3Toggle button-switch between windowed and full screens4RJ45port(PoE+)status indicators5RJ45port(non-PoE)status indicators6SFP port status indicators7Content area for basic/advanced features8Save button-save the start-up configuration9Help button-access the context-sensitive built-in help10Log out button11Menu pathGet to know your product’s built-in helpYour product has a context-sensitive built-in help.The help provides more detailed information on the product’s basic and advanced features and their settings.To access the help content for any given view,click.Some help content also includes clickable terms and acronyms that are explained in more detail in the built-in glossary.Access devices in your product's networkAccess devices in your product's networkTopology viewThe topology view allows you to remotely access,manage and monitor all discovered IP devices in your product’s network,for example via a tablet or a smart phone.To display the discovered IP devices in a graphical network,go to Basic>Topology View.1Arrow button to move the view in four directions2Zoom in and zoom out buttons3Drop-down button to access and change device information to be displayed in the view4Content area for devices discovered in the network5Settings button to access and change device,group and configuration informationWhen you click a device icon in the topology view,a device console is opened to allow you access to:•dashboard console with device information and available device-specific actions,such as login,diagnostics,find switch, PoE configuration and reboot•notification console with information on alarms and logs triggered by events•monitor console with information on device trafficSetup examplesSetup examplesSet up access VLANsVLANS are typically used on large networks to create multiple broadcast domains,but they can also be used to segregate network traffic.For example,video traffic can be part of one VLAN,and other network traffic can be part of another.1.Go to Advanced>VLANs>Configuration.2.Under Global VLAN Configuration,enter the VLANs you want to create to the Allowed Access VLANs field.For example,ifyou enter,1,10-13,200,300,the following VLAN IDs will be created:1,10,11,12,13,200and300.3.To assign a created VLAN ID to a given port under Port VLAN Configuration,enter the ID to the Port VLAN field.4.Click Apply.Reserve an IP address based on MAC address1.Go to Advanced>DHCP Server>Configuration>Pool.2.Click Add New Pool.3.Enter a name for the pool,for example00:01:02:03:04:05,and click Apply.No spaces are allowed in the name.4.To access the pool settings,click the added name.5.In the Type drop-down menu,select Host.6.Enter other required settings,such as IP address,Subnet Mask and Default Router.7.In the Client Identifier drop-down menu,select MAC.8.In the Hardware Address field,enter F8-16-54-B2-35-63.9.Click Apply.To save the start-up configuration,click on the product’s web page.See Get to know your product’s web page on page4.Set a PoE scheduleIf you have a certain time frame where you want the switch to provide PoE,for example,to your cameras,it can be useful to create a PoE schedule and assign it to one or more PoE ports.You can create up to16PoE schedule profiles.To create a PoE schedule:1.Go to Advanced>PoE>Configuration>Schedule Profile.2.In the Profile drop-down menu,select a number for the profile.3.Change the default profile name as needed.4.To specify when you want PoE to switch on,select hours(HH)and minutes(MM)in the Start Time drop-down menu.5.To specify when you want PoE to switch off,select hours(HH)and minutes(MM)in the End Time drop-down menu.-If you want to use the same schedule for all days of the week,select the start and end times on the Week Day row marked with an asterisk(*).-If you want to use the same schedule for certain days of the week only,select the start and end times for selected days on the respective Week Day rows.Setup examples6.Click Apply.To assign the created PoE schedule to one or more PoE ports:1.Go to Basic>Basic Settings>PoE>Power Management.2.Under PoE Port Configuration in the PoE Schedule drop-down menu,select the number of the specified PoE scheduleprofile.-If you want to assign the same profile for all ports,select the profile number on the Port row marked with an asterisk(*).-If you want to assign the same profile for certain ports only,select the profile numbers for selected ports on the respective Port number rows.3.Click Apply.Check connection status via PoE auto checkingYou can use PoE auto checking if you want to periodically check the connection status between your switch and the PoE enabled network device connected to it.If,during auto checking,the network device does not respond to the switch,the switch will automatically restart the PoE port the network device is connected to.To enable auto checking via the topology view:1.Go to Basic>Topology View.2.To open the Dashboard console of your switch,click the switch icon.3.Click PoE Config.4.In the PoE Auto Checking drop-down menu,select Enable.To configure the auto checking parameters:1.Go to Advanced>PoE>Configuration>Auto Checking.2.In the Ping IP Address field,enter the IP address of the device that is connected to the port you want to assign autochecking for.3.Enter the other needed parameters,for example:-Port:1-Ping IP Address: Time:60-Interval Time(sec):30-Retry Time:3-Failure Action:Reboot Remote PD-Reboot time(sec):154.Click Apply.How to connect a mode B cameraFor the following camera models,you need to change the PoE settings:•AXIS Q6010-E Network CameraSetup examples•AXIS Q6000-E PTZ Dome Network Camera•AXIS Q6100-E Network Camera1.Go to Basic>Basic Settings>PoE>Power Management.2.For the port that your camera is connected to,set PoE Mode to force90w.3.For the port that your camera is connected to,set LLDP to Disabled.How to use the console portThe switch has a serial console port that allows you to manage the switch through the command-line interface.1.Connect the supplied console cable to the console connector on the switch.2.Connect the console cable to the COM-port on your computer.3.On your computer,open a teminal emulator to manage the switch.Use these COM port settings:-Baud rate:115200-Stop bits:1-Data bits:8-Parity:N-Flow control:NoneCreate Rapid Ring links for network redundancyIf network redundancy is required,you can create redundant links between switches using Rapid Ring.In this example,there are3switches connected by a redundant link and no extra VLANS.If any of the uplinks between the switches should fail,the redundant link is activated and provides network connectivity.Device Name Model NameSwitch-01AXIS D8208-RSwitch-02AXIS D8208-RSwitch-03AXIS D8208-RSetup examplesFor the switch you want to use as master:1.Go to Advanced>Rapid Ring.2.Under Role,select Master.3.Click Apply.For all the other switches:1.Go to Advanced>Rapid Ring.2.Under Role,select Member.3.Click Apply.Setup examplesTo save the start-up configuration,clickon the product’s web page.See Get to know your product’s web page on page4.Switch ports on/off using VAPIXUse the following command in VAPIX:•To switch the port on:http://[IP address of the switch]/axis-cgi/nvr/poe/setportmode.cgi?port=[numberof the port on the switch]enabled=yes&schemaversion=1•To switch the port off:Setup exampleshttp://[IP address of the switch]/axis-cgi/nvr/poe/setportmode.cgi?port=[numberof the port on the switch]enabled=no&schemaversion=1Connect a1Gbps SFP module1.Go to Advanced>Port Management>Port Configuration.2.For the port that you connected the module to(9or10),set Configured to1Gbps FDX.NoteIf you set the port to Auto,both SFP and SFP+will work.MaintenanceMaintenanceRestart the productNoteAny configuration files or scripts you have saved in the product are available after restart.1.Go to Advanced>Maintenance>Restart Device.2.If you want to simulate a power-on(cold restart),select Force Cool Restart.This will impact the traffic routed throughthe product.3.Click Yes.After restart,the product will boot normally.Set a reboot scheduleNoteAny configuration files or scripts you have saved in the product are available after reboot.1.Go to Advanced>Maintenance>Reboot Schedule.2.Set Mode to Enabled.3.Select the weekday and time for reboot.4.Click Apply.Restore the product to factory default valuesImportantAny configuration files or scripts you have saved in the product are restored to factory default values.1.Go to Advanced>Maintenance>Factory Defaults.2.If you want to keep the current IP settings,select Keep IP setup.3.Click Yes.NoteFor more information on how to restore the product to factory default values using the mode/reset button,see Buttonson page15.Upgrade the product firmwareImportantThe firmware upgrade takes up to10minutes.Do not restart or power off the device during this time.1.Go to Advanced>Maintenance>Firmware>Firmware Upgrade.2.To select the firmware file from a specified location,click Browse.3.If you want to simulate a power-on(cold restart)after firmware upgrade,select Force Cool Restart.This will impact thetraffic routed through the product.Maintenance4.Click Upload.After firmware upgrade,the product will restart normally.Revert to alternate firmware imageYou can choose to use the alternate(backup)firmware image instead of the active(primary)firmware image in the product.Information tables on both images are shown under Advanced>Maintenance>Firmware>Firmware Selection.Note•If the active image is already set as the alternate image,only the Active Image table is shown,and the Activate AlternateImage button is disabled.•If the alternate image is already set as the active image(either manually or due to corrupted primary image),and a newfirmware image is uploaded to the product,the new image will automatically be set as the active image.•Firmware version and date information may be empty for older firmware releases.This is normal.To set the alternate image as the active image:1.Go to Advanced>Maintenance>Firmware>Firmware Selection.2.Click Activate Alternate Image.SpecificationsSpecificationsProduct overview1RJ45ports(PoE++)10M/100M/1G x42LEDs(front panel)3Power connectors x24RJ45ports(PoE++)10M/100M/1G x25RJ45ports(PoE++)100M/1G/2.5G x26Console connector7DIP switch8Control button9Grounding screw10SFP+ports x211Product labelButtonsReset buttonTo reset the switch to factory default:1.Start the switch.2.Press and hold the reset button.3.When the LEDs light up,release the button.SpecificationsLED indicatorsPower LEDLED Color IndicationPower1Green(lit)The switch is powered ON.N/A The switch is not receiving power frompower1.Power2Green(lit)The switch is powered ON.N/A The switch is not receiving power frompower2.System LEDLED Color IndicationSystemGreen(lit)The switch is ready.N/A The switch is not ready.Alarm LEDLED Color IndicationAlarmRed(lit)The switch has detected an abnormalstate,for example temperature or voltageout of range.N/A The system is normal.Ring master LEDLED Color IndicationRMGreen(lit)Ring Master has been detected in theswitch.Amber(lit)Ring Member has been detected in theswitch.N/A Ring master disabled.Rapid chain LEDLED Color IndicationRCGreen(lit)Rapid Chain has been detected in theswitch(active path).Amber(lit)Rapid Chain has been detected in theswitch(backup path).Amber(blink)Error:There is no corresponding rapidchain switch found.N/A Rapid chain disabled.Port status LEDsSpecificationsLED Color IndicationRJ45ports(1–6)Green(lit)The port is enabled and established a linkto connected device,and the connectionspeed is1000Mbps.Green(blink)The port is transmitting/receiving packets,and the connection speed is1000Mbps.Amber(lit)The port is enabled and established a linkto connected device,and the connectionspeed is10/100Mbps.Amber(blink)The port is transmitting/receiving packets,and the connection speed is10/100Mbps.N/A The port has no active network cableconnected,or it is not established a linkto connected device.Otherwise,the portmay have been disabled through theproduct user interface.Green(lit)The port is enabled and established a link RJ45ports(7–8)to connected device,and the connectionspeed is2500Mbps.Green(blink)The port is transmitting/receiving packets,and the connection speed is2500Mbps.Amber(lit)The port is enabled and established a linkto connected device,and the connectionspeed is100/1000Mbps.Amber(blink)The port is transmitting/receivingpackets,and the connection speed is100/1000Mbps.N/A The port has no active network cableconnected,or it is not established a linkto connected device.Otherwise,the portmay have been disabled through theproduct user interface.Green(lit)PoE is on.PoE ports(1–8)Amber(lit)PoE is abnormal.N/A PoE is off.SFP+ports(9–10)Green(lit)The port is enabled and established a linkto connected device,and the connectionspeed is1000Mbps.Green(blink)The port is transmitting/receiving packets,and the connection speed is1000Mbps.Blue(lit)The port is enabled and established a linkto connected device,and the connectionspeed is10Gbps.Blue(blink)The port is transmitting/receiving packets,and the connection speed is10Gbps.N/A The port has no active network cableconnected,or it is not established a linkto connected device.Otherwise,the portSpecificationsmay have been disabled through theproduct user interface.User manual Ver.M2.2 AXIS D8208-R Industrial PoE++Switch Date:April2023©Axis Communications AB,2022-2023Part no.T10180700。



光隔离器教学环境光隔离器(最全)word资料光耦隔离的输入输出信号分析1.Source Input 多功能控制端子与开发射极的PLC 及外部电源相连﹙1﹚外部电源为12.4V 时输出波形平滑,如下图可见:输出电压幅值为5.04,如下图所示:﹙2﹚当输入电压降为10.2V 时, 输出波形出现失真, 其输入输出波形如下:2.Source Input 多功能控制端子与开发射极的PLC 直接相连,此时我们没有加外部电源,因此只有内部固定电源的作用,我们可以看输出输入电压为24.4V , 输出电压为 5.04V ,其输入输出电压示意图如下:3.Sink Input 多功能控制端子与开发射极的PLC 及外部电源相连其中外加电源为24V ,输出为5.2V , 其输入输出电压幅值图如下:4.Sink Input 多功能控制端子与开发射极的PLC 相连,我们可以测得输入电压为8V ,输出电压为5.2V ,其波形示意图如下:光隔离器的基本原理偏振无关光纤隔离器(Polarization Insensitive Fiber Isolator光纤隔离器根据偏振特性可分为偏振无关型(Polarization Insensitive和偏振相关型(Polarization Sensitive两种。





这种结构只用到四个主要元件:磁环(Magnetic Tube、法拉第旋转器(Faraday Rotator、两片LiNbO3 楔角片(LN Wedge,配合一对光纤准直器(Fiber Collimator,可以做成一种在线式(In-line的光纤隔离器。

2 基本工作原理下面具体分析光纤隔离器中光信号正向和反向传输的两种情况。

UT-2204 四口RS-485智能数据 转换器说明书

UT-2204 四口RS-485智能数据 转换器说明书

123UT-2204RS-485四口智能数据转换器说明书一、产品概述:UT-2204RS-485RS-485(HUB)115.2KBPS RS-485RS -485RS-4851200UT-2204RS-485HUB RS-485RS-485RS-485UT-2204RS-485HUB RS-485是一款专为解决复杂环境下系统要求而设计的总线分割集线器。









延二、性能参数:1EIA/TIA RS-232C RS-485、接口特性:接口兼容的、标准2RS-232C DB9/F RS-485、电气接口:接口为插座接口为接线端子345(PWR )(TXD1)(TXD2)(RXD1)(RXD2)(E1-E4)61200BPS-115.2KBPS7RS-23215KV ESD RS-4851500W 80-1.2115200-1200BPS 9DC9-30V 1A 10210mm 140mm 32mm11-40855%95%、传输介质:双绞线或屏蔽线、工作方式:异步半双工、信号指示:九个信号指示灯电源、发送、、接收、、故障、传输速率:、保护等级:接口±保护接口雷击浪涌保护、传输距离:公里()、工作电源:、尺寸:××、使用环境:℃到℃,相对湿度为到三、产品面板及信号指示:UT -2204RS-232Setup SIGNAL OUT DC9-30V RS-485INPUT RS-485OUTPUT 的前面板共有九个指示灯,后面板有接线端子和插座,口为设置波特率用(详见软件设置说明书),为报警继电器输出,电源输入插座及接线端子,和为数据通信接口。


38.4K BPS 到 600M 9600 BPS 到 1.2KM 9、外 形 尺 寸 :97mmX65mmX26mm 10、使用环境:-25℃ 到 70℃,相对湿度为5%到95% 11、传 输 距 离 :0-1,200米(115200bps-9600bps)
三 、连 接 器 和 信 号:
RS-232C 引脚分配
RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 UT-2016 商 业 级 高 性 能 光 隔 离 型
一 、概 述
UT-2016光电隔离型接口转换器、兼容RS-232C、RS-422、RS-485 标准,能够将单端的RS-232信号转换为平衡差分的RS-422或RS-485 信号,内置的光电隔离器,能 够 提 供 高 达2500Vrms的 隔 离 电 压 ,快 速的瞬态电压抑制保护器,此保护器被设计用来保护RS-422/RS-485 接口,采用当今先进的TVS(TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPERSSOR) 瞬 态 电 压 抑 制 器 , 正 常 情 况 下TVS管 呈 高 阻 状 态 ,当TVS管 两 端 经 受瞬间的高能量冲击时,它能以极高的速度将其两端的阻抗降低, 吸收一个大电流,从而把其两端的电压钳制在一个预定的数值上, 保护后面的电路元件不因瞬态高压冲击而损坏。此保护器可以有 效地抑制闪电 (LIGHTNING),提供每线600W的雷击浪涌保护 功率,以及各种原因在线路上产生的浪涌电压和瞬态过压,并且 极小的极间电容保证了RS-422/RS-485接口的高速传输。 RS-232 接口端通过一个D B 9母 头 的 连 接 器 与 兼 容RS-232C标 准 接 口 相 连, RS-422、RS-485端通过DB9公头的连接器连接。转换器内部带有 零延时自动收发转换, 独有的I/O电路自动控制数据流方向,而不 需任何握手信号(如RTS、DTR等),无需跳线设置实现全双工(RS-422) 、 半双工(RS-485)模式转换,即插即用. 确保适合一切现有的通信软 件和接口硬件,不需要对以前的基于RS-232的工作方式任何软件 的修改。

捷瑞 2103A B C 双重防雷、光电隔离型 RS-232 RS422 485 接口转换器 使用说

捷瑞 2103A B C 双重防雷、光电隔离型 RS-232 RS422 485 接口转换器 使用说

JaRa® MODEL 2103A/B/C双重防雷、光电隔离型RS-232ÙRS422/485接口转换器使用说明书1.产品简介捷瑞2103系列产品是专门针对工业应用而设计的高性能双向转换器,在232端、422/485端和电源端进行三端隔离保护,并增加了浪涌保护功能。






2.2103A/B/C外形及引脚定义注意:2103A/B/C的RS422与RS485共用同一个信号地(SG)3.性能参数接口标准 兼容EIA/TIA的RS232C 、RS422/485标准传输介质 普通双绞线传输距离 0---1.2Km通信速率 300---115.2Kbps挂接点数 32个标准节点隔离电压 连续2500V 瞬间7500V 浪涌防雷 600W供电方式 在接线柱的VPP 和GND 之间接+9VDC~+24VDC直流电源 信号RS-232: RXD、TXD、GND RS-485:A、B、SG(可选)RS-422:T+、T-、R+、R-、SG(可选) 工作方式 RS-485 时为半双工,RS-422方式时全双工, 通信协议 透明流控 无须RTS/CTS 硬件流控和软件控制,智能转换(自动流控) 环境工作温度-10℃---50℃ 相对湿度5%---95%备注:2103A/B/C 的RS232信号DTR 与DSR, RTS 和CTS 已经内部短接,DCD 和RI 内部悬空未用2103A/B/C 具有RS422和RS485自动识别功能。


Model:UT-712 PCI/RS-485/RS-422 2Port
工业级光电隔离型 接口转换卡
一、概 述
UT-712光 电 隔 离 型PCI转 换 卡 、 兼容RS-422、RS-485标准 , 能 够 将 单 端 的 P C I信 号 转 换 为 平 衡 差 分 的 RS-422/RS-485信号, 内置的光电隔离器,能够提供高达2500Vrms的隔离电压,带有快 速 的 瞬 态 电 压 抑 制 保 护 器 , 此 保 护 器 被 设 计 用 来 保 护RS-422/ RS-485接口,采用当今先进的TVS(TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPERSSOR)瞬态电压抑制器,正常情况下TVS管呈高阻状 态,当TVS管两端经受瞬间的高能量冲击时 ,它能以极高的速 度将其两端的阻抗降低,吸收一个大电流,从而把其两端的电 压钳制在一个预定的数值上,保护后面的电路元件 不 因 瞬 态 高压冲击而损坏 。此保护器可以有效地抑制闪电(LIGHTNING) 和E S D, 提 供 每 线6 0 0 W的 雷 击 浪 涌 保 护 功 率 , 以及各种原因 在线路上产生的浪涌电压和瞬态过压,并且极小的极间电容保 证了RS-422/RS-485接口的高速传输。
2、数 据 丢 失 或 错 误 A、检查数据通信设备两端数据速率、 格式是否一致
硬件接口 连接类型:DB9公 针 2个 总 线:32 bit Universal PCI
信号 RS-422:T/R+、T/R-、RXD+、RXD-、GND RS-485:Data+(A) Data-(B) GND
传输速率:300bps-115.2kbps 数据位 :5、6、7、8 停止位 :1、1.5、2 校验位 :None、Even、odd、Space、Mark 流控制 :RTS/CTS XON/XOFF 工 作 温 度 : 0~ 70℃ 光电隔离: 隔离电压2500Vrms 500DC连续专用DC/DC模 块 接口保护:RS-422、RS-485接 口 每 线600W的浪涌保护、

JetCon 3701GP-U 工业级千兆 PoE 媒体转换器 用户手册说明书

JetCon 3701GP-U 工业级千兆 PoE 媒体转换器 用户手册说明书

JetCon 3701GP-U Industrial Gigabit PoE Media ConverterUser’s ManualVersion: 1.0Date: April 2019Declaration of CEThis product has passed the CE certification for environmental specifications. Test conditions for passing included the equipment being operated within an industrial enclosure. In order to protect the product from being damaged by ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) and EMI leakage, we strongly recommend the use of CE-compliant industrial enclosure products. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his expense.The user is cautioned that changes and modifications made to the equipment without approval of the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate this equipmentIndex1. Introduction (1)1-1. Features (2)1-2. Package Checklist (2)2. Hardware Description (3)2-1. Dimensions (3)2-2. Front Panel (4)2-3. Bottom View (5)2-4. Wiring the DC Power Inputs (6)2-5. Connect the Dry Relay Output (7)2-6. LED Indicators (7)2-7. Ports (8)3. Mounting Installation (10)3-1. DIN-Rail Mounting (10)4. System Configuration (11)4-1. Quality of Service (11)4-2. Packet Filtering (13)4-3. Link Loss Forwarding (L.L.F.) (13)4-4. Event Alarm Relay Configuration (14)5. System Installation (16)5-1. Installation and Testing (16)6. Troubles shooting (19)1. IntroductionThis document describes the method of how to use the Korenix JetCon3701GP-U Industrial Gigabit PoE media converter, includes installationthe specifications that it has. Following this user manual, you can get fully imagination about JetCon 3701GP-U and all information to help youconstruct the network infrastructure. The following are brief introduction of JetCon 3701GP-U.Real Industrial Gigabit Ethernet Media ConverterThe JetCon 3701GP-U industrial Gigabit PoE media converter equipped a rugged aluminum alloy case with thirty-one grade ingress protection toagainst damaged solid objects or dust; With the excellent characteristics of heat dissipation, JetCon 3701GP-U has better survive ability than ordinary Gigabit PoE media converter which is enclosure by steel metal with various of heat dissipation holes. Not only single power input, the functionality of real time redundant power backup results in a real Industrial Gigabit PoE Media Converter with a non-stop transmission.Flexible Optical adopt abilityAs the trend of fiber interface, JetCon 3701GP-U combines a hot-swappable socket for Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) fiber transceiver.To adopt different type of fiber optical cable or enlarge fiber networkcampus, the JetCon 3701GP-U just need replace new fiber transceiver to meet the specification of optical fiber cable and achieve best inventoryperformance.Activate Fault AlarmMost of Gigabit PoE Media converter features Link Loss Forwardingfunction (L.L.F.) to forward link status change to alert remote or centralmanagement system. However, this is only for the cable event and is not enough for industrial network application. The JetCon 3701GP-U provides an alarm relay to trigger out a real alarm signal for power event. The alarm mechanism can be triggered by an external alarm equipment to informmaintenance I.T. engineers. It makes a result of maintenance time saving.Excellent Traffic HandlingThe JetCon 3701GP-U supports graceful traffic management ability. All of traffic will be forwarded by the packet precedence or priority ID and result as different service priority. Besides, it also filter unnecessary broadcast packet by broadcast storm control and drop abnormal packet to enlarge network performance1-1. Features⏹One 10/100/1000Base-T RJ-45 and one 100/1000 SFP socket⏹IEEE802.3, 802.3u, 802.3z and 802.3ab Compliance⏹Auto detection Gigabit Transmission Media⏹Flexible Gigabit Fiber Link Distance⏹IEEE802.3af/ IEEE802.3at/IEEE 802.3bt compliance⏹Supports Auto MID/MDI-X with Flow control⏹IEEE802.1p for Quality of Service (QoS)⏹Power redundancy with wide range input⏹Rigid IP-31 grade Aluminum Case⏹-40~75℃ Wide Operating Temperature1-2. Package ChecklistJetCon 3701GP-U package includes the following items:⏹JetCon 3701GP-U x1⏹One DIN-Rail clip (already screwed on the back of JetCon 3701GP-U) x1JetCon 3701GP-U Quick Installation GuideContact your sales representative if any item is missing or damaged.2. Hardware Description2-1. DimensionsThe dimension of JetCon 3701G is 120 mm(H) x 30 mm (W) x99 mm (D) ( with DIN rail clip2-2. Front PanelThe Front Panel of the JetCon 3701GP-U Industrial Gigabit PoE Media Converter is shown in Figure AFigure APower LEDLink LossForwarding LEDHot Swappable SFP sociketGigabit RJ-45 for 10/100/1000 Mbps Alarm Relay IndicatorLED for SFP port LED for PoE2-3. Bottom ViewThe bottom side of the JetCon 3701GP-U includes one 6-pin removable terminal block connector.Terminal BlockThe power range of JetCon 3701GP-U is from DC 44~57V with redundancy and polarity reverse function.To prevent interference and get better performance, it is stronglysuggest make a well earth grounding by the “Earth Ground Screw”.2-4. Wiring the DC Power InputsFollow the steps below to wire JetCon 3701GP-U redundant DC power inputs.[Note] The suitable electric wire ranges from 12 to 23 AWG.1. Insert the positive and negative wires into the V+ and V- contacts respectivelyof the terminal block connector2. Tighten the wire-clamp screws to prevent the DC wires from being loosened.3. The Power 1 and Power 2 support power redundancy and polarity reverseprotection functions.4. It accepts positive or negative power system input, but Power 1 and Power 2have to apply the same mode.2-5. Connect the Dry Relay OutputJetCon 3701GP-U provides one dry relay output for fault power event.The relay conductor ability is 24W when it connects with a DC 24V power source and maximum current is 1A. In the following diagram shows how to make an alarm circuit.About the relay function, please refer section 4-42-6. LED IndicatorsThe front panel of JetCon 3701GP-U includes 2 Power LEDs, 1 LED forAlarm Relay ,1 LED for Link Loss Forwarding status and 1 LED for port linkstatus. Following table gives descriptions of the function for each LEDindicator.2-7. PortsThe JetCon 3701GP-U supports IEEE 802.3 10Base-T, IEEE 802.3u 100Base-T, IEEE 802.3ab 1000Base-T and IEEE 802.3z for Gigabit Fiber. This section will introduce how to wiring, install the Ethernet Cable for RJ-45 connector and SFP ports.Gigabit TX ( RJ-45 connector)All of RJ-45 ports will auto detect 10Base-T and 100Base-TX or 1000Base-T(Gigabit RJ45 only) connections. Auto MDI/MDIX allows users to connect another switch or workstation without changing straight through or crossover cabling. See Figure A, B, C and D for the schematic diagram of straight through and crossover cabling.Fig A. Straight through Cabling Schematic for 10/100MbpsFig. C Straight through cable schematic for 1000Mbps Fig B. Cross Over Cabling Schematic for 10/100Mbps Fig. D Cross over cableschematic for 1000MbpsThe RJ-45 ports of JetCon 3701GP-U supports auto-MDI/MDI-X function without any cable change when you use an Ethernet cable to connect other devices, such as computers, switches or hubs.Gigabit SFP portThe SFP port supports hot swappable function a and user can change SFP fiber transceiver without system power off. This feature is useful for field site install if the fiber signal cannot attach the other end device, just change the different SFP transceiver type which with large power launch power budget. SFP port support 100/1000Mbps.The Korenix provides various type of SFP transceiver for your application. Please refer the order information.3. Mounting Installation3-1. DIN-Rail MountingThe DIN-Rail clip is already attached on the rear side of JetCon 3701GP-U. JetCon 3701GP-U supports EN 50022 standard DIN Rail, in the following diagram includes the dimension of EN 55022 DIN Rail for your reference.The DIN rail should behind thespring when install the JetCon3701GP-U onto the standard DINRail.Follow the steps below to mountthe JetCon 3701GP-U to theDIN-Rail track.1. Insert the upper end of theDIN-Rail clip into the back ofthe DIN-Rail track from itsupper side2. Lightly push the bottom of theDIN-Rail clip into the track.3. Check if the DIN-Rail clip istightly attached to the track.4. To remove the JetCon3701GP-U from the track,reverse the steps above.4. System ConfigurationThe JetCon 3701GP-U provides Ethernet signal transfer function fromelectrical to optical and various packet handling and cable diagnostic features.In this chapter, we will introduce how to configure those functions and benefits as following topics.4-1. Quality of Service (QoS)4-2. Packet filtering4-2. Link Loss Forwarding (LLF)4-3. Event Alarm Relay Configuration4-1. Quality of ServiceThe JetCon 3701GP-U supports 2 types of priority mechanisms - IEEE802.1Q priority tag based CoS and ToS of IPv4. All the packets will be examined andforwarding into high or low priority queues. The Quality of Service function is pre-configured as enabled.The weight round robin (WRR) ratio of high/low queue is 8:1. After 8 high priority packets were progressed then 1 low priority packets.IEEE 802.1Q tag-based CoSThe JetCon 3701GP-U will examine the 3 bits of priority field carried by a VLAN tag and map it to the corresponding priority. A packet with priority field ranging from 0 to 3 will be treated as a low priority packet and will be stored in low priority queue. A packet with priority field ranging from 4 to 7 will be treated as a high priority packet, and will be stored in high priority queryIEEE 802.1Q Type of Service for IPv4 /IPv6 packetJetCon 3701GP-U provides the IP layer ToS function by recognizing the priority octet and mapping it to the corresponding priority. For an IPv4 packet, it is embedded in the TOS (type of Service) Octet. For an IPv6 data packet, the Traffic Class Octet is used to differentiate the Class of Service. When this function is enabled, the JetCon 3701GP-U will automatically recognize the IP version and capture the either the TOS field (IPv4) or Traffic Class field (IPv6).4-2. Packet FilteringTo prevent broadcast packet flooding on the network, the JetCon 3701GP-U have implemented broadcast packet control function. The port begins to drop incoming broadcast packets if the received broadcast packet counts reach the threshold as different link speed – 25Mbps at link speed 1000Mbps, 10Mbps at link speed100Mbps and 1Mbps at link speed 10Mbps.4-3. Link Loss Forwarding (L.L.F.)The Link Loss Forwarding provides a real time hardware-based network activated diagnostics mechanism. In usually, the Gigabit Media Converter on the end offiber cable should be equipped LLF function to provide better networkperformance and reduce the maintenance cost.The JetCon 3701GP-U provides 2-way Link Loss Forwarding function. Aboutthe Link Loss Forwarding behaviors are described in following, please refer it.Gigabit FiberGigabit Copper Gigabit Copper Node A Node BIn the above diagram includes node A, B and converter A,B. Both of converters linked with Gigabit fiber. In traditional fiber network architecture; if the Gigabitcopper of node A link down, the node B will not have any information, just packet can’t forward between A and B.With the Link Loss Forwarding feature, the link down event of node A will forward to converter A and B. Therefore, converter A will turn off the fiber signal andconverter B will turn off Gigabit copper signal to inform node B that port link down event occurred until the node A port recovery. In some application, you also can obtain an event alarm signal by enable the port event alarm function. Please refer to the section 4-4.The following procedures will introduce how to configure LLF function.Step 1: power on the device A, B and connect the fiber and copper ports.Step 2: Ensure the port link LEDs is working exactly.Step 3: if the port link event occurred, the other port will be trigger and turn off by the LLF mechanism.Step 4: To start the transmission and retrieve the L.L.F. function, the LLFDipswitch should be reset again.4-4. Event Alarm Relay ConfigurationThe connection of Event Alarm Relay already described in section 2-5 Connect the Dry Relay output and this section will introduce how to enable it5. System Installation.5-1. Installation and Testing1. Take out your JetCon 3701GP-U Industrial Gigabit Media Converterfrom the package box.2. Check if the DIN-Rail clip is attached to the JetCon 3701GP-U. If the DIN-Railclip is not attached to the JetCon 3701GP-U, refer to DIN-Rail Mounting section for DIN-Rail installation.3. To place the JetCon 3701GP-U on the DIN-Rail track or wall, refer to theMounting Installation section.4. Pull the terminal blocks off the JetCon 3701GP-U and wire the power lines.Refer to the Wiring the DC Power Inputs section for how to wire the power inputs.5. PWR1 and PWR2 dual power inputs can be connected to power sourcessimultaneously. When the primary power source fails (the default setting is PWR1), the system will automatically switch to the secondary power source (PWR2), preventing any power interruption.Both of Power 1 and Power 2 support positive electricity electricity powersystem. Please notice the power system for power 1 and power 2 only acceptpositive electricity power system at one time6. Check the LEDs of PWR1 and PWR2 to make sure that JetCon 3710GP-U isoperating normally.7. Use Category 5e straight through Ethernet cables with RJ-45 connectors toconnect network devices.8. Connect one side of an Ethernet cable with a RJ-45 connector to the JetCon3701GP-U’s Ethernet port (RJ-45 port), and the other side of the fiber cable to the n etwork device’s Gigabit fiber port.If you want to connect with Gigabit Fiber, please install appropriate SFP fiber transceiver and fiber cable. To ensure the connection is working, please notice the type of fiber transceiver of JetCon 3701GP-U’s and the other end ofdevice.9. Check the LED indicator of port status (blinking green) on the JetCon 3701GP-U to see if the network connection is successfully established. Power on the PC host, activate the Command Line mode, and ping the connected Ethernet device to see if it responds.9.1 To enable the “Command Line mode”, click Run in the Start menu, typeCommand, and click OK to continue.10.10.1 T ype ping command to check the connection. Here we use IPaddress as an example. Before the testing, be sure your PChost and target device are in the same subnet.11. Power on the host, activate the Command Line mode, and ping the connectedEthernet device by typing “ping –t” command to see if it willrespond.12. The parameter-”t” allow you to continue to ping the network device, as shownin the figure below.Before you continue, make sure that both PWR1 and PWR2 are successfullyconnected to power sources. When PWR1 fails, the LED for PWR1 will go out. At that moment, if the ping command is still replying, then it proves that redundant power input function works normally.13. Exit the Command Line mode, and connect PWR1 power input. At this stage,your JetCon 3701GP-U has been tested and the installation is completed.6. Troubles shooting⏹Make sure you are using the correct DC power suppliers (DC44~57 V) orpower adapters.⏹Select Ethernet cables with specifications suitable for your applications to setup your systems. Ethernet cables a re categorized into unshielded twisted-pair(UTP) and shielded twisted-pair (STP) cables. Category 3, 4, 5 Ethernet cablesare suitable for systems with 10 Mbps transmission speed. For systems with100/1000 Mbps transmission speed, Category 5, 5e, 6 Ethernet cables are thesuitable specifications for this environment. Also make sure that the distancebetween each node cannot be longer than 100 meters (328 feet).⏹If the power LEDs goes off as the power cord plugged in, a power failure mightoccur. Check the power output connection to see if there is any error at thepower source. If you still cannot solve the problem, contact your local dealerfor assistance7. Technical SpecificationsStandardIEEE802.3u 100BaseTX/FXIEEE802.3ab 1000Base-TIEEE802.3z Gigabit Ethernet FiberIEEE802.3x flow control and back-pressureIEEE802.1p Class of ServiceIEEE802.1Q Quality of ServiceIEEE 802.3af Power Over EthernetIEEE 802.3at High Power PoE+IEEE 802.3bt(draft 2.0) HighForwarding Technology Store and Forward technology with 64~10K bytes packet forwarding abilitySystem Throughput 1.49 MppsPacket buffer 1 MbitsMAC Address8kLink Loss Forwarding Two-way loss-signature auto forwardingEvent Alarm relay alarm output for power eventsClass of Service Compliance with IEEE802.1p with WRR 8:4:2:1 for 4 queues - Highest/High/Low/Lowest.Packets are classified as Highest(6,7), High(4,5), Low(0,3), Lowest(1,2), default Low(0). Quality of Service Supports IPv4/IPv6 packet priority, DSCP and ToS.DSCP/ToS tag is prior to CoS tag if both exist in a frame.Broadcast filtering Default enabledTraffic threshold:25Mbps @ 1000Mbps;10Mbps @ 100Mbps;1Mbps @ 10 MbpsPoE forwarding conductor RJ-45: V-(1,2,7,8), V+ (3,6,4,5)PoE forwarding capability PoE Port: 15W/IEEE802.3af, 30W/IEEE 802.3at.60W/IEEE802.3bt,90W/IEEE802.3btPoE System Power Budget: 90W at 75C Ambient temperatureEnclosure Port 1 x 100/1000 Base-TX with Auto MDI/MDI-X function, Auto-Negotiation1 x SFP socket with hot-swappable function for 100/1000 Ethernet SFP Transceiver Alarm Contact 1 relay output with current carrying capacity of 1 A @ 24 VDCTerminal block: 4-Pin for redundant power input; 2-Pin for alarm relay output.Cables RJ-45 Connector: 4 pairs of Cat-5e UTP/STP cableArrangement for 1000Base-T. Maximum link distance is 100meters.Diagnostic LEDs System:- 2 x Power (Green): On (Power On), Off (Power Off)- 1 x Link Loss Forwarding (Red): On (Link Loss), Off (Data Transfer)- 1 x Alarm (Red): On (Disconnect), Off (Connected)- 1 x Power over Ethernet (Green): On (PD Detect), Off (None-Detect) Ethernet port:- Link/Activity (Green): On (Link), Blinking (Activity)- Speed (Amber): On (Speed 1000), Off (Speed 10/100) SFP port:–Link/Activity (Green): On (Link), Fast Blinking (Speed 1000), Slow Blinking (Speed 100) Power Connector Removable Terminal Block: 44-57V power InputLink Loss Forwarding Default EnablePower RequirementPower Removable Terminal Block: 44-57V power InputIEEE 802.3bt 90W PoE application: DC 52-57VIEEE 802.3bt 60W PoE application: DC 52-57VIEEE 802.3at 30W PoE application: DC 50-57VIEEE 802.3af 15.4W PoE application: DC 44-57VPower input with polarity reverse correction and over current protection.Power Consumption3Watts/ DC 48V (without PoE loading)MechanicalEnclosure Protection Ingress Protection code – 31Case Slim metal caseMounting DIN RailDimension99(D) x30(W)x 120(H) mm (Without Din-rail kit)Weight0.6kg with package0.9kg without packageEnvironmentalOperating Temperature-40℃~75℃Operating Humidity0% ~ 95% non-condensingStorage Temperature-40℃~80℃Storage Humidity0%~ 95% non-condensingApprovalsEMI CE/EN 55032 class A, FCC Class A, EN 61000-3-2 :2014, EN 61000-3-3, EN 61000-6-4,EN50121-4 (Compliance)EMS CE/ EN 55024, EN 61000-6-2, IEC 61000-4-2,IEC 61000-4-3, IEC 61000-4-4,IEC 61000-4-5, IEC 61000-4-6, IEC 61000-4-8, IEC 61000-4-11Shock IEC60068-2-27 (Compliance)Vibration IEC60068-2-6 (Compliance)Free Fall IEC60068-2-32 (Compliance)Warranty 5 yearsOrdering InformationJetCon 3701GP-U Industrial Gigabit PoE Ethernet Media ConverterIncludes1x JetCon 3701GP-U Industrial Gigabit PoE Ethernet Media Converter1x Quick Installation GuideOptional AccessoriesFiber Transceiver Gigabit Multi-Mode SFP TransceiverGigabit Single-Mode SFP TransceiverGigabit BIDI/WDM Single-Mode SFP Transceiver100Base Multi-Mode SFP Transceiver100Base Single-Mode SFP Transceiver100Base BIDI/WDM Single-Mode SFP TransceiverRevision HistoryEdition Date Modifications V1.0 05-Jun,2019 New edition。

ODU-8200-HDMI TV-OUT用户操作手册

ODU-8200-HDMI TV-OUT用户操作手册

台湾无线城Wifly-CityODU-8200-HDMI高清宽视界TVOUT用户操作手册Ver:目录一.包装清单 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------二.硬件安装 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------三.在个人电脑上安装软件 ------------------------------------------------------------------四.首次运行ODU-8200-HDMI 软件 ----------------------------------------------------1.效能测试 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.网络安装向导 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.1有线(使用网线) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------2.2无线设置 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.3暂时不连接网络 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------五.ODU-8200-HDMI 软件基本功能 -------------------------------------------------------1.软件按钮功能 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.功能菜单 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.WEB 管理页面菜单 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------附:在个人电脑上使用ODU-8200-HDMI 的常见问题(Q&A )---------------------六.在苹果手持设备上使用ODU-8200-HDMI 的输出功能 ----------------------------附:在苹果手持设备上使用ODU-8200-HDMI 的常见问题(Q&A )----------------七.在Android 手持设备上使用ODU-8200-HDMI 的输出功能 ---------------------附:在Android 手持设备上使用ODU-8200-HDMI 的常见问题(Q&A )---------334991111 12 13 141414141718242528一.包装清单请先确认ODU-8200-HDMI包装内包含以下配件:ODU-8200-HDMI主机电源适配器7db全向天线两组安装光盘快速安装手册保修卡可选配件:HDMI高清输出电缆二.硬件安装1. 将包装盒内配置的2根天线旋紧至ODU-8200-HDMI的天线接口上。


2 网络规划.............................................................................................................2-1 2.1 交换的概念 .................................................................................................2-1 2.2 应用举例 .....................................................................................................2-1
2.4.1 单个光分离器拓扑结构 ............................................................................. 2-4 2.4.2 多个光分离器拓扑结构 ............................................................................. 2-4 2.4.3 交换机连接拓扑结构 ................................................................................. 2-5
1.1.1 交换机体系结构 ........................................................................................ 1-1 1.1.2 网络管理方案 ........................................................................................... 1-2





3 I/PRS-232 口
4 5
I/PRS-485 口
( UT-1208 )
RS-485设备 A RS-485设备 B RS-485设备 C RS-485设备 D RS-485设备 E RS-485设备 F RS-485设备 G
3 4
I/PRS-485 口 口2
( UT-1208 )
口4 口5
RS-485设备 A RS-485设备 B RS-485设备 C RS-485设备 D RS-485设备 E RS-485设备 F RS-485设备 G RS-485设备 H
3、 主控机串口 (RS-232C)至多个高可靠性的 RS-485接口 的应用。或 已 有 RS-485总 线 扩 展 至 多 个 高 可 靠 性 的RS-485 接 口的应用, 在RS-485总线上可同时并连128个RS-485集线器。
1、接口特性:接口兼容 EIA/TIA 的RS-232C、RS-485 标准
2、电气接口:RS-232C 接口为 5PIN接线端子1-3脚 RS-485 接口为 5PIN接线端子4-5脚
3、传输介质:双绞线或屏蔽线 4、工作方式:异步半双工 5、信号指示:十一个信号指示灯电源(PWR)、发送
UT-1208的前面板共有11个指示灯,后面板有 1 个 5PIN接线端子为RS-485、 RS-232输入端, 8个 3PIN接线端子共八个口为光电隔离输出端。



R S - 4 8 5半 双 工 接 线
RS-485 (A+) RS-485 (B-) 空 空 地线 电 源10-30VDC输 入/ 9VDC输 出
安装UT-209光电隔离数据中继器前请先仔细阅读产品 说明书, 电源变换器接入插口,本产品采用DB-9/DB-9通 用连接器 为输入/输出接口,无需跳线设置自动实现RS-485 或RS-422通信方式,可使用双绞线或屏蔽线,连接、拆卸 非常方便。T/R+T/R-代表发射、接收A+/B-,RXD+/RXD代表接收A+/B-,VCC 代表输入或输出电源, GND 代表 公共地线,半双工通信接两根线T/R+、T/R-,全双工通信 接四根线T/R+、T/R-、RXD+、 RXD-。
RS-485/RS-422 UT-209 工业级高性能光电隔离
UT-209光电隔离型中继器 、兼容RS-422、RS-485标 准, 能够延长RS-422/RS-485总线网络的通信距离,增 加RS-422/ RS- 485网络设备的个数,内置的光电隔离器及DC/DC隔离模 块,能够提供高达2500Vrms的隔离电压 ,接口两端带有快速 的瞬态电压抑制保护器 ,此保护器被设计用来保护RS-422/ RS-485接口, 采用当今先进的TVS(TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPERSSOR) 瞬 态 电 压 抑 制 器 ,正 常 情 况 下TVS管 呈 高 阻 状 态 , 当TVS管 两 端 经 受 瞬 间 的 高 能 量 冲 击 时, 它 能 以 极 高 的 速 度 将 其 两 端 的 阻 抗 降 低 , 吸 收 一 个 大 电 流,从 而 把 其 两 端 的 电 压 钳 制 在 一 个 预 定 的 数 值 上, 保 护 后 面 的 电 路元件不因瞬态高压冲击而损坏。此保护器可以有效地抑 制闪电 (LIGHTNING)和ESD,提 供 每 线600W的 雷 击 浪 涌 保护功率, 以及各种原因在线路上产生的浪涌电压和瞬态 过 压, 并 且 极 小 的 极 间 电 容 保 证 了RS-422/RS-485接 口 的 高 速 传 输 。RS-422、RS-485输 入 端 通 过DB9母 头 的 连 接 器 连 接。RS-422、RS-485输 出 端 通 过DB9公头的连接器连接 。 转 换 器 内 部 带 有 零 延 时 自 动 收 发 转 换, 独有的I/O电路自动 控 制 数 据 流 方 向 , 而 不 需 任 何 握 手 信 号( 如RTS、DTR等 ), 无需跳线设置实现全双工(RS-422) 、半双工(RS-485)模式转 换 ,即 插 即 用。



RS-232/RS-485UT-2218光电隔离型接口转换器使用说明书U T -2218R S -232C RS-485RS-232RS-4852500Vrms RS-485TVS TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPERSSOR TVS TVS LIGHTNING ESD 600W RS-485RS-232DB9RS-232C RS-485RJ45,I/O ,(RTS DTR )(RS-485).RS-232光电隔离型接口转换器、兼容、标准,能够将单端的信号转换为平衡差分的信号,内置的光电隔离器,能够提供高达的隔离电压,带有快速的瞬态电压抑制保护器,此保护器被设计用来保护接口,采用当今先进的()瞬态电压抑制器,正常情况下管呈高阻状态,当管两端经受瞬间的高能量冲击时,它能以极高的速度将其两端的阻抗降低,吸收一个大电流,从而把其两端的电压钳制在一个预定的数值上,保护后面的电路元件不因瞬态高压冲击而损坏。




UT-221832RS-485300-115.2KBPS 光电隔离型接口转换器可以为点到点、点到多点的通信提供可靠的连接,点到多点每台转换器可允许连接个接口设备,数据通讯速率,带有电源指示灯及数据流量指示灯可指示故障情况、支持的通讯方式有RS-232RS-485到转换。

一、概述、接口特性:接口兼容的、标准、电气接口:接口输入母头的连接器,接口及四、保护等级:接口保护,接口每线的浪涌保护、隔离度:隔离电压连续、工作方式:异步半双工或异步全双工、信号指示:三个信号指示灯电源()、发送()、接收()、传输介质:双绞线或屏蔽线、传输速率:到到到、外形尺寸:、使用环境:℃到℃,相对湿度为到1EIA/TIA RS-232C RS-485/2RS-232DB9RS-485RJ453RS-232+/-15KV ESD RS-485600W .42500Vrms 500DC 56PWR TXD RXD 78115.2K B PS 300M38.4K BPS 600M 9600BPS 1.2KM993mmX74mmX22mm10-25705%95%位接线柱为输出端雷击二、性能参数三、连接器和信号:安装UT-2218光电隔离接口转换器前请先仔细阅读产品说明书,将产品所配的通信电缆接入RS-232接选择口端,相应的电源接入电源端口,本产品采用DB9通用连接器为输入端,RJ45及四位接线柱为输出端,无需跳线设置自动实现RS-485通信方式,可使用双绞线或屏蔽线,连接、拆卸非常方便。



Model:UT-861USB/RS-485/RS-4224Port 工业级光电隔离型接口转换器使用说明书硬件安装及应用连接器和信号通信连接示意图故障及排除产品外形图安装驱动程序步骤一、概述PC ,USB PC RS-485/RS-422USB RS-485/RS-422PC RS 随着产业的不断发展接口正在逐渐替代老式的各种低速外围接口,然而目前工业环境中许多重要的设备仍然使用接口界面设计,因此许多用户使用到转换器来实现机与-485/RS-422设备之间的数据传输。

UT-861USB/RS-485/422,DC/DC USB RS-422RS-485USB RS-422RS-4852500Vrms RS-422/RS-485TVS TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPERSSOR TVS TVS LIGHTNING ESD 600W RS-422/RS-485RS-422RS-485DB9,I/O ,(RTS DTR )(RS-422)(RS-485).是一款通用的转换器无需外加电源、内置光电隔离器及电源隔离模块。



转换器内部带有零延时自动收发转换独有的电路自动控制数据流方向而不需任何握手信号如、等无需跳线设置实现全双工、半双工模式转换,即插即用确保适合一切现有的通UT-861Port 128RS-422RS-485300-128000bps USB RS-422USB RS-485光电隔离型接口转换器可以为点到点、点到多点的通信提供可靠的连接,点到多点每个口可允许连接个或接口设备,数据通讯速率,带有电源指示灯及数据流量指示灯可指示故障情况、支持的通讯方式有到、到转换。



With Total Galvanic IsolationES-571 INDUSTRIAL ISOLATED ETHERNET TO SERIAL + SWITCH• Integrated 2 port Ethernet Switch• 1 Serial port, Multiple Electronic InterfaceSoftware Selectable as RS232, RS422 or RS485 Full/Half Duplex• Max 1 MegaBaud, any Custom Baud Rate • Total Galvanic Isolation• -40oC to +80oC/-40ºF to +176ºF Temperature rangeES-571Prevent Electromagnetic Interference ProblemsThis device has 4 galvanically isolated power domains each with a minimum of 1,000 VDC isolation, ensuring data communications and power lines are protected from damaging electromagnetic interference.There is no direct conducting path between the 4 isolated domains. Physically breaking the current path in this way offers the highest grade of protection possible preventing damaging high voltage transient surges that would effect devices downstream. Users and devices are protected from possible differences in ground potentials.Redundant Dual Power Supply80MHz 32bit ARM MicroHighPerformanceUARTsEthernet SwitchSerial Port Transceivers1000 VDC IsolationSerial #1Ethernet #11500 VDC IsolationRJ45 #1V IN A V IN BEthernet #2 (ES-571 only)1500 VDC IsolationRJ45 #2Ethernet ports have mag jacks with isolationtransformersPower supply domain is totally isolated from all data portsLatest generation digital isolators and an isolated DC/DC convertor on theserial portExtended Temperature Range:-40oC to +80oC/-40ºF to +176ºF operating range copes with changing temperatures for harsh environments. Monitor CPU temperature via the web interface.Brainboxes’ Easy Wire Feature:Removable screw terminal blocks make installation easier and quicker Colour coded blocks and ports prevents incorrect connection Numbered Pins simplifies wiring and removes confusionSerial Port selectable as RS-232/422/485Ethernet SwitchLED Status IndicationIntegral DIN rail mount+5V to +30V Power SupplyEasy to use Interface:Great features for remote monitoringSlim Shape:Small foot print for when DIN rail space is a premium Only 22.6mm wide100m100m100m100m100mDaisy chain devices using the two Ethernet portsGrounding:Correctly wired grounds help cut down on electromagnetic interference 5 pin terminals allow a ground on the 5th pin of each block Functional earth connection to the DIN railLifetime Warranty and Support:We can help with every aspect of your project, from getting you up and running to custom application.Signed Drivers and Rigorous testing:We use continuous automated testing of our in-house drivers and software to ensure when you install one of our devices ‘it just works’. Our software allows hassle free installation, configuration and monitoring via our easy to use webpage. The software gives local COM ports that are backwardscompatible enabling legacy applications and the device to work with a myriad of different 3rd party software. We make all our software versions available to download from our website.Can use 5 Volt power from any computer USB port via optional accessorycable PW-650 - Useful for configuring the device from a laptop in the field.Wide Range Redundant Dual Power Input:+5VDC to +30VDC accommodates variation in the +24VDC factory floor and allows alternative power sources. A second power supply can be fitted as a back-up to prevent down time should one power source fail.Total Galvanic Isolation and Grounding:The power supply, Serial port and Ethernet ports are all mutually isolated. Prevents electromagnetic interference problems, this is useful for applications in electromagnetically noisy environments such as processes involving powergenerators, motors, arc furnaces, induction heaters etc. Correctly wired grounds help cut down on electromagnetic interference. The 5 pin terminals allow a ground on the 5th pin of each block and a Functional earth connectionto the DIN rail.ES-571 Factory Floor ApplicationFactory floors can be harsh environments. Extreme temperatures can be gen-erated in the manufacturing process, machinery can be noisy and generateelectromagnetic interference and space is a premium. But engineers still needto be able to access and maintain equipment safely and without downtime. Asfactories expand and modernise older equipment and remote devices need tobe networked, but cabling can be expensive and impractical, especially overlarger areas.The ES-571 with total galvanic isolation has 1 serial port that is softwareselectable as either RS232, RS422 or RS485 and 2 Ethernet ports. The ‘EasyWire’ removable colour coded Screw T erminals Blocks are individually numberedfor simple fast, error free wiring. The slim ‘end on’ case with integral mount clipsstraight on to a DIN Rail. The ES-571 has an operating temperature range of-40ºC to +80ºC and +5VDC to +30VDC Dual input reverse polarity protectedpower supply. The two port 10/100Mbps unmanaged Ethernet Switch assuresfast packet delivery by utilising a 1k MAC address lookup table and a store andforward architecture.Once your Serial equipment is connected to a Brainboxes Ethernet to Serialdevice you have the option of accessing it over a local network or connectingit to the internet. The inbuilt Ethernet Switch allows daisy-chaining of deviceswithout extra cabling or external Ethernet Switch being required for an instanteconomic upgrade. Manufacturing process and performance across a largesite can be monitored and potential faults detected before they cause seriousdowntime costs. The total galvanic isolation prevents problems from sources ofelectromagnetic interference. Use two devices back to back for serial tunnellingover Ethernet, for when you need to extend the reach of your serial cables.HousingIP-20 rated non-conducting polyamide case with integrated DIN rail mountPower SupplyPower Consumption 2.5 Watt MaxPower Supply input unregulated +5V to +30Volts DC, reverse polarity protection Isolation1500V RMS Magnetic isolation from EthernetLED InformationStatus LEDGreen Device Ready Flashing YellowChanging Settings Flashing between Red & Green Querying IPFlashing Green/RedUser performing Hard Reset Flashing between Green & Red/Yellow IP address diagnostic Flashing between Green & YellowInitialization diagnostic Serial Port LEDs Green light on Port Open Flashing Green Data RX/TX Network LEDGreen light on Link Established Flashing GreenData RX/TXActivityFlashing Green Output set / Input Read Flashing RedOutput overloadConnectorsScrew Terminals 3.5mm pitch, #22 - #14, 0.5mm 2-2.5mm 2 pin power supplyWire Thickness0.150 inch, 3.81mm, 20 pins, 12+8 screw terminals, #26 - #16 AWG, 0.14mm 2-1.3mm 2EnvironmentalOperating Temperature -40o C to +80oC, -40ºF to +176ºFStorage Temperature -40o C to +85oC, -40ºF to +185ºF Ambient Relative Humidity5 to 95% (non-condensing)EthernetEthernet Port 2 x RJ45 jack, 10/100Mhz autosensing, crossover auto sensing (Auto MDIX) Protection1,500Volts magnetic isolation between I/O ports and networkData Rate 10/100 Mega bits/secondCablingNormal / AUTO MDI/MDIX and IEEE Auto crossover supportIEEE802.1q VLAN support for up to 128 VLAN groups. Broadcast storm protection. IEEE 802.1d rapid span-ning tree protocol RSTP support.SoftwareNetwork Protocols ICMP , IP , TCP , UDP , DHCP , BOOTP , Telnet, HTTP , RFC2217 Connection to Network Ethernet 10BaseT / 100BaseTX Configuration Options Windows Utility, Web InterfaceOS CompatibilityMicrosoft Windows 8 32 bit & 64 bit Editions / Microsoft Windows 7 32 bit & 64 bit Editions / Windows Server 2008 32 bit & 64 bit Editions / Windows Server 2008 & Windows 2000 / Windows Vista 32 bit & 64 bit Editions / Windows Server 2003 32 bit & 64 bit Editions /Fully RFC2217 compliant / Interface for other OS’s & LinuxPort - SerialPorts 1 port Software Selectable as RS232, RS422/485 Full Duplex, or RS485 Half Duplex Connector Removable Screw terminal block connector - 3.5 mm pitchPower Input Redundant DC Dual Power Inputs, reverse polarity protected +5 VDC to +30VDC Power Consumption ********************************* Conductor Wire28 to 16 AWG, 0.14mm to 1.5mm MaxPort Settings - Software Selectable as RS232, RS422/485 Full Duplex, or RS485 Half DuplexBaud Rate Any custom Baud rate between 60 - 1,000,000 (1 MegaBaud) can be selected Data Bits 5,6,7 or 8Parity Odd, Even, None, Mark or Space Stop Bits 1, 1.5 or 2Flow Control RTS/CTS, DSR/DTR, XON/XOFFTx/Rx ModesRS232 Standard: RS232 allows point to point communication between 2 devices.RS422 Standard: RS422 allows one transmitter and up to 10 receivers with data transmitter rates up to 10 megabits per second for distances up to 40 feet and up to 100 Kilobits per second for distances up to 4,000 feet (1219 metres). To achieve good long distance noise immunity, 2 wires are used to carry each signal, configured as a twisted pair of cables. The TXD pair and RXD pair are used to carry the data whilst the RTS pair and CTS pair lines are used for handshaking. Thus 2 twisted pairs are used without handshaking and 4 twisted pair cable is used with handshaking both these schemes allow full duplex data communications.RS485 Standard: RS485, based on the RS422 standard allows up to 32 driver/receivers pairs on a standard load or 128 low load devices per port can be connected. Whilst only one of these should be transmitting data at any time, the rest can all simultaneously listen to the data. Handshaking is performed by software protocol. Two twisted pairs form a full duplex system. Often only one twisted pair cable is used as the TXD and RXD lines are tied together; this is known as half duplex mode. Brainboxes RS422/485 products implement a state of the art hardware autogating circuit ensuring error free communications in half duplex configurations.Industrial Ethernet to Serial RS485: recievers are 1/8th load allowing upto 256 nodes on the bus. Fail safe open circuit and short circuit protection, protects the Industrial Ethernet to Serial against wiring faults.Line Terminating Resistor: On board RS485 line termination resistor can be enabled by a user selectable jumper. The RS422/485 line terminating resister prevents signal reflections when the ES device is at the end of transmission line.Bias Resistors: On board RS485 Half Duplex fail safe bias resistors enabled by user selectable jumpers. The fail safe biasing resistors pull the line to a known good state during idle times preventing phantom character detection.Product SupportWarranty Lifetime - online registration requiredSupportLifetime Web, Email and Phone Support from fully qualified, friendly staff who work in and alongside the Product Development TeamAdditional InformationOEM option Available for bulk buy OEMMade In Manufactured in the UK by Brainboxes Winner 2005 European Electronics Industry Awards ‘Manufacturer of the Year’CustomisableBrainboxes operate a ‘Perfect Fit Custom Design’ policy for volume users. More info:********************ApprovalsIndustry Approvals CCC-Mark, C-Tick, Microsoft Certified Gold Partner, WEEE, RoHS, METL Microsoft Approvals AEO (C-TPAT)Microsoft Signed DriversWindows 8 32 bit & 64 bit Editions Windows 7 32 bit & 64 bit EditionsWindows Server 2008 32 bit & 64 bit Editions Windows Server 2008 & Windows 2000Windows Vista 32 bit & 64 bit editionsBrowser InterfaceWebserver Interface Configure IP address, monitor state of i/o lines, set the Watchdog Timers Output Reset Value, Set Power on digital output valueProgramming Interface No device driver needed, just open a TCP connection and send simple ASCII commands.Software drivers give local COM Port interface for configuration Utility ProgramsFind device, configure IP addressPackaging InformationPackaging Installation CD including manual, Microsoft signed drivers & utilities, Quick Start Guide DeviceEthernet 8 DI + 8 DO Packaged Weight 0.211 kg, 7.44 ouncesPackaged Dims 160x145x45 mm, 6.3x5.7x1.8 inches GTIN Universal Code837324002904GB AEOF 00031/11PerformanceIndustry leading PerformanceThroughput guaranteed minimum of 95% of theoretical bi-direction full duplex band width at 1 MBaudInputCTS False to Transmitter stop: 3 characters max, 1.5 typical XOFF recieved to Transmitter stop: 3 characters max, 1.5 typical RS485 Autogating Turn around time: <1 bit timeIsolationPower supply to Serial Port 2500V RMS, P ower Supply to Ethernet 1500V RMS, Serial Port to Ethernet 2500V RMSOptional Accessory Items Power supply with connectors for UK, USA, EU and AUS mains socket. ‘Tails’ are suitable for connecting to screw terminal blocksPW-600Global Power supplyUSB connector fits any standard USB port, such as on a laptop or desktop PC, providing 5V power to a prewired screw terminal block useful for when you are configuring your ED devicePW-6505V from USB Power supply。



开拓者(KITOZER)KTR-8520工业级RS232转485串口隔离转换器是一款专为工业设计的带隔离的RS-232与RS-485双向转换器, 将RS-232信号透明的转换成RS-485信号,它可以延长RS-232的传输距离,而且通过485总线可以轻松把多个串口或485设备连成一个网络。


传输距离:1.2 km (9600 bps)
传输速率:300---115200 bps
工作湿度:5-- 95%
体积:110*72*25 (mm)



WDR-820系列微机电容器保护测控装置技术及使用说明书(Version 2.5)许继集团股份有限公司XJ GROUP CORPORATION CO.,LTD.WDR-820系列微机电容器保护测控装置应用范围适用于66kV及以下电压等级所装设的并联电容器的保护及测控。


采用32位浮点DSP处理器,大容量的RAM和Flash Memory;数据处理、逻辑运算和信息存储能力强,运行速度快,可靠性高。









1装置简介 1 1.1 功能配置 1 1.2 主要特点 12技术指标 2 2.1 额定数据 2 2.2 装置功耗 2 2.3 环境条件 2 2.4 抗干扰性能 2 2.5 绝缘性能 3 2.6 机械性能 3 2.7 各元件工作范围及误差 4 2.8 测量精度 43装置硬件 4 3.1 机箱结构 4 3.2 主要插件 5 4保护原理 6 4.1 二段过流保护 6 4.2 过电压保护 6 4.3 低电压保护 7 4.4 不平衡电流保护(WDR-821) 7 4.5 不平衡电压保护(WDR-821) 7 4.6 桥差电流保护(WDR-822) 8 4.7 差电压保护(WDR-823) 8 4.8 零序电流保护/小电流接地选线 8 4.9 TV断线告警 8 4.10 控制回路异常告警 9 4.11 装置故障告警 9 4.12 遥测、遥信、遥控及遥脉 9 4.13 录波 9 4.14 G P S对时 94.15 打印功能 9 4.16 网络通信 95 定值范围及动作告警信息 10 5.1 定值范围及说明 10 5.2 WDR-821定值 10 5.3 WDR-821压板 10 5.4 WDR-822定值 11 5.5 WDR-822压板 11 5.6 WDR-823定值 11 5.7 WDR-823压板 12 5.8 动作告警信息及说明 126 装置对外接线 13 6.1 背面端子图 13 6.2 装置辅助电源 13 6.3 交流电流输入 13 6.4 交流电压输入 13 6.5 开入及开入电源 14 6.6 中央信号输入 14 6.7 位置触点 14 6.8 跳合闸回路 14 6.9 通信端子 147 人机界面说明 15 7.1 浏览 15 7.2 定值 15 7.3 报告 16 7.4 传动 16 7.5 开入 17 7.6 通信 17 7.7 设置 17 7.8 打印 18 7.9 版本 18 7.10 自动信息显示 188 调试及异常处理 198.1 调试说明 19 8.2 程序检查 19 8.3 开关量输入检查 19 8.4 继电器开出回路检查 19 8.5 模拟量输入检查 19 8.6 相序检查 19 8.7 整组试验 20 8.8 异常处理 209 投运说明及注意事项 2010 贮存及保修 2011 供应成套性 2012 订货须知2113 附录1:装置背面端子图2214 附录2:装置端子接线示意图2515 附录3:装置操作回路原理图281.装置简介适用于66kV及以下电压等级所装设的并联电容器的保护及测控。

天方光电技术 使用说明书 RS-232 64Kb 同向接口转换器(TF600)

天方光电技术 使用说明书 RS-232 64Kb 同向接口转换器(TF600)

武汉天方光电技术有限公司使用说明书RS-232/64Kb同向接口转换器(TF600)一、简介TF600实现异步 RS-232与64Kb同向数据接口隔离转换,透明传输,无需改动用户协议,实现PC复接PCM,全双工使用,工业级设计。

二、产品特性金属外壳 96×66×25(mm),可壁挂DB9孔/四位接线端子采用G.703 HDB3标准码型信号隔离,透明传输,波特率自适应,无需改动用户协议外加DC5V供电,工业级设计避免回路电压、浪涌、感应雷击、静电、热插拔损伤设备三、技术指标工作电压: 5V工作电流:<300mA64Kb/s同向接口:·阻抗: 120Ω·幅值:±1.0V ±10%·频偏: ±100PPMRS-232接口:·速率: 异步0~19.2k·幅值:±9V隔离电压: 5000V工作温度: -45℃~85℃四、使用方法1. 指示灯POWER: 5V工作电源给装置正常供电时该灯亮。

ERROR:(1) RS232S数据接口告警:接收不到RS232数据(2)PCM链路告警:RX+、RX-端接收不到信号或接收到不正确的编码信号或PCM设备内系统时钟信号不正常时该灯亮(3)TX、RX:收发数据正常时灯闪烁。


2. RS232接口该装置可通过标准的DB9孔/DB9针转接线与PC机相连2 35TX RX GND3. 64Kb同向数据接口端子TX+、TX-、RX+、RX-与PCM设备连接,实现数据收发。


1 234TX+ TX-RX+RX-五、质量保证和售后服务我公司所有产品实行一年包换,5年免费保修电话:027-******** 87586609 87586676 87586679传真:************邮编:430074地址:武汉市东湖开发区关东园路2-2号光谷国际大厦A座807室E-mail:***************。



信号隔离器的使用方法1.引言1.1 概述信号隔离器是一种应用广泛的电子设备,用于处理电路中的信号传输和隔离问题。

















1.2 文章结构文章结构部分:文章将从三个部分进行展开,即引言、正文和结论。





WBH-820系列微机变压器保护测控装置技术及使用说明书(Ver-2.5)许继集团股份有限公司XJ GROUP CORPORATION CO.,LTD.WBH-820系列微机变压器保护测控装置应用范围适用于66kV及以下各级电压等级的两圈变压器的成套保护及测控。


采用32位浮点DSP处理器,大容量的RAM和Flash Memory;数据处理、逻辑运算和信息存储能力强,运行速度快,可靠性高。












2004.3 第二版印刷1装置简介 1 1.1 功能配置 1 1.2 主要特点 12技术指标 2 2.1 额定数据 2 2.2 装置功耗 2 2.3 环境条件 2 2.4 抗干扰性能 2 2.5 绝缘性能 3 2.6 机械性能 3 2.7 各元件工作范围 3 2.8 各元件误差 3 2.9 测量精度 43装置硬件 4 3.1 机箱结构 4 3.2 主要插件 5 4保护原理 7 4.1 比率差动保护(WBH-821) 7 4.2 差流速断保护(WBH-821) 8 4.3 差流越限告警(WBH-821) 8 4.4 T A断线判别(WBH-821) 8 4.5 遥控调压(WBH-821) 11 4.6 复合电压 12 4.7 两段式高压侧过流(WBH-822) 12 4.8 两段式低压侧过流(WBH-822) 14 4.9 高压侧负序过流(WBH-822) 16 4.10 低压侧负序过流(WBH-822) 16 4.11 零序电压保护 16 4.12 T V断线及复合电压 17 4.13 高压侧过负荷(WBH-822) 17 4.14 低压侧过负荷(WBH-822) 18 4.15 闭锁调压(WBH-822) 18 4.16 启动通风(WBH-822) 184.17 控制回路异常 184.18 非电量保护(WBH-822) 194.19 测量(WBH-822) 194.20 装置故障告警 194.21 遥测、遥信、遥控及遥脉功能 194.22 录波 194.23 G P S对时 194.24 打印功能 204.25 网络通信 205 定值范围及动作告警信息 205.1 定值整定信息 20 5.2 压板整定信息 225.3 动作告警及说明 236 装置对外接线 246.1 背面端子图 246.2 装置辅助电源 246.3 交流电流输入 246.4 交流电压输入 246.5 开入及开入电源 246.6 中央信号输入 256.7 位置触点 256.8 跳合闸回路 256.9 通信端子 257 人机界面说明 267.1 浏览 267.2 定值 267.3 报告 277.4 传动 287.5 开入 287.6 通信 297.7 设置 297.8 打印 297.9 版本 297.10 自动信息显示 308 调试及异常处理 30 8.1 调试说明 30 8.2 程序检查 30 8.3 开关量输入检查 30 8.4 继电器回路检查 30 8.5 模拟量输入检查 31 8.6 相序检查 31 8.7 整组试验 31 8.8 异常处理 319 投运说明及注意事项 3210 贮存及保修 3211 供应成套性 3212 订货须知3213 附图331.装置简介WBH-820系列微机变压器保护测控装置适用于66kV及以下各级电压等级的两圈变压器的成套保护装置。

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三 、连接器和信号: RJ-45插座引脚分配图
USB/RS-485/RS-422 UT-820 工 业 级 光 隔 离 型 接 口 转换器使用说明书
一 、ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 述
随 着PC 产业的不断发展 ,USB接 口 正 在 逐 渐 替 代 老 式 PC的 各 种 低 速 外 围 接 口, 然 而 目 前 工 业 环 境 中 许 多 重 要 的 设 备 仍 然 使 用 RS-485/RS-422接口界面设计, 因 此 许 多 用 户 使 用USB到 RS-485/RS-422 转 换 器 来 实 现PC机与 RS -485/RS-422设备之间的数据传输 。 UT-820是 一 款 通 用 的USB/RS-485/422转换器 ,无需外 加 电 源 、 内 置 光 电 隔 离 器 及 DC/DC 电 源 隔 离 模 块 。 兼 容 USB、RS-422、RS-485标 准 , 能 够 将 单 端 的USB信 号 转 换 为平衡差分的RS-422或RS-485 信号,内置的光电隔离器,能 够提供高达2500Vrms的隔离电压, 带有快速的瞬态电压抑 制保护器及放电管,此保护器被设计用来保护RS-422/RS-485 接 口 , 采 用 当 今 先 进 的 TVS( TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPERSSOR)瞬态电压抑制器及放电管,正常情况下TVS 管及放电管呈高阻状态, 当TVS管及放电管两端经受瞬间 的高能量冲击时,它能以极高的速度将其两端的阻抗降低, 吸收一个大电流 ,从而把其两端的电压钳制在一个预定的 数 值 上 , 保 护 后 面 的 电 路 元 件 不 因 瞬 态 高 压 冲 击 而 损 坏。 此保护器可以有效地抑制闪电 (LIGHTNING)和ESD, 提 供每线1500W的 雷 击 、浪 涌 保 护 功 率, 以及各种原因在线 路上产生的浪涌电压和瞬态过压, 并且极小的极间电容保 证了RS-422/RS-485接口的高速传输, RS-422、RS-485端 通 过RJ-45及DB9公头的连接器连接。 转换器内部带有零延时 自 动 收 发 转 换, 独有的I/O电路自动控制数据流方向, 而不 需任何握手信号(如RTS、DTR等 )无需跳线设置实现全双工 (RS-422) 、 半双 工(RS-485)模式转换 ,即 插 即 用。 确 保 适 合一切现有 的 通 信 软 件 和 接 口 硬 件。 UT-820光 电 隔 离 型 接 口 转 换 器 可 以 为 点 到 点、 点到 多 点 的 通 信 提 供 可 靠 的 连 接, 点到多点每台转换器可允 许 连 接128 个 RS-422 或 RS-485接 口 设 备, 数 据 通 讯 速 率 300-128000bps, 带有电源指示灯及数据流量指示灯可指 示故障情况 、支 持 的 通 讯 方 式 有USB到 RS-422、USB到
1、 标 准 :符 合 USBV1.1、1.0标 准EIA RS-485、RS-422标 准, 向前兼容 2.0 2、USB信 号 :VCC、DATA+、DATA-、GND、FG 3、RS-485信 号: T+、T-、GND 4、RS-422信 号:T+、T-、R+、R-、GND 5、 工 作 方 式 : 异 步 工 作 、 点 对 点 或 多 点、 2线半双工 、 4线 全 双 工 6、 方 向 控 制 : 采用数据流向自动控制技术 ,自 动 判 别 和控制数据传输方向 7、 波 特 率 :300-128000bps ,自 动 侦 测 串 口 信 号 速 率 8、 负 载 能 力 :支 持 点 到 多 点 每 台 转 换 器 可 允 许 连 接1 2 8 个RS-4 2 2或R S-4 8 5接 口 设 备 9、 传 输 距 离 :RS-485/422端5000米(9600bps时),USB口 不 超 过5 米 10 、接 口 保 护 :1500W雷击 、浪 涌 保 护 、 ± 15KV静 电 保护 11、 接口形式 :USB端A类 接 口 母 头 ,RJ-45及DB9公 头 的 连接器连接 12 、信 号 指 示 : 三 个 信 号 指 示 灯 电 源 (PWR) 发 送(TXD )接 收(RXD) 13 、传 输 介 质 : 双 绞 线 或 屏 蔽 线 14 、传 输 速 率 :128000bps到 300M 38400bps到2.4KM 9600bps到5KM 15 、外 形 尺 寸 :96mmX64mmX26mm 16 、 使 用 环 境 :-40℃ 到 80℃ , 相 对 湿 度 为5%到95% 17 、传输距离 :0-5,000米( 128000bps-9600bps) 18 、支 持Windows95/98/2000/xp、 IMAG
二 、性能参数
四、 硬 件 安 装 及 应 用:
安 装 UT-820光电隔离接口转换器前请先仔细阅读产品说 明书, 将产品所配的通信电缆接入 USB接口端,本产品采用 USB/DB-9、 RJ-45通用连接器为输入 /输出接口, 无需跳线设 置自动实现 RS-485或 RS-422通信方式,可使用双绞线或屏蔽 线,连接、拆卸非常方便。 T/R+T/R-代表发射、接收A+/B RXD+/RXD-代表接收A +/B -, GND 代表公共地线,点到点、 点到多点、半双工通信接两根线T/R+、 T/R, 点到点、点到多 点 、 全 双 工 通 信 接 四 根 线 T/R+、 T/R-、 RXD+、 RXD-。 UT-820 接 口 转 换 器 支 持 以 下 四 种 通 信 方 式: 1、点 到 点/ 四线全双工 2、点 到 多 点/四 线 全 双 工 3、点 到 点/ 两线半双工 4、点 到 多 点/两 线 半 双 工 转 换 器 作 为 全 双 工 或 半 双 工 接 线 时, 为了防止信号 的 反 射 和 干 扰, 需在线路的终端接一个匹配电阻( 参 数 为120 欧姆1/4W)