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New Progressive College En glish Booklll UNIT 1 Worki ng Holiday Abroad
Unit 1 Worki ng Holiday Abroad
1. Teachi ng Objectives:
Stude nts will be able to
A. discuss the releva nt topics
B. un dersta nd the text with skim ming and sca nning
C. lear n Ian guages, e.g. words, phrases, difficult structures
D. thi nk further
2. Time Allotme nt:
1st Period: Lead-in Activities (Warm-up activities; Discussion about working holiday
abroad )
2 nd Period: Global-readi ng Activities (Text: Approach ing the theme; an alyz ing the text
orga ni zatio n)
3 Period: Detailed reading Activities (Understanding the Text in a deeper level, analyzing
difficult sentence structures)
4 th Period: Detailed readi ng Activities (Lear ning new words, summariz ing good usage)
5 th Period: Comprehe nding Readi ng 1 (Skim ming the text, expla ining the difficult sentences
of the Text, doing sentence tran slati on)
6 th Period: After-readi ng Activities (View ing and Liste ning; Speak ing; Assig nment)
3. Teachi ng Procedures:
3.1 Lead-in Activities
Step 1. Warm-up activities
In troduce the topic to the class: Work ing Holiday Abroad, and ask stude nts the questi on: What a working holiday is ? ”
Ask the students to watch twice a video clip of a talk about a working holiday in Opener
Ask the students to understand the main points by filling blanks of the summary given in
Help the stude nts to sum up the main points of the talk about a work ing holiday:
A working holiday is when you spend a significant amount of time in another country and have
the work ing rights to back it up. You are able to pick up a job or two (or 6) and break that
arrangement up by traveling or moving on to a new location in the country. With a work ing
holiday visa, you can work as you go
A work ing holiday could end up being a life-cha nging experie nee.
A work ing holiday can do won ders for really in troduci ng you to a new culture. Method:
Method: PPT; communicative approach.
Step 2: Discussi on about joys and challe nges of tak ing work ing holidays overseas Have stude nts work in pair talk ing about joys and challe nges of tak ing work ing holidays overseas and in vites some stude nts to report to the class.
Method: Using task-based Ianguage teaching method, communicative approach.
3.2 Global readi ng
Step 1. Approach ing the theme
The teacher asks stude nts questi ons: How would you like to take a work ing holiday abroad ? Do you think it would suit you or take too far away from the world in which you feel comfortable ? Do you want to experienee joys and challenges of taking working holiday? The students ' answers may vary. Then the teacher tells students that they will learn a text about a person ' real experienee of taking working holiday abroad, and they will know what it is really like to take work ing holiday abroad.
Method: PPT; com muni cative approach.
Step.2 Analyzing the text organization
The teacher tells students that the text can be divided into six parts which have been given
in the Text Organization . Then students should summarize the main idea of each part and compare no tes with each other.
Method: skim ming and sca nning, com muni cative approach Text Orga ni zati on
3.3 Detailed Readi ng
3.3.1 Procedure
1) Stude nts are asked to read the passage carefully aga in and for each paragraph (sometimes
two-three paragraphs), i nvite stude nts to an swer questi ons related to difficult sentences and un dersta nding of each paragraph.
2) Help Ss find out the good usage in the text and un derl ined them.
3) Learn new words in details.
Purpose: Further un dersta nd the text and train sca nning ability to lear n difficult sentence
structures as well as new words and expressi ons.
Method: Reading the text together; Using task-based Ianguage teaching method, reading approach, com muni cative approach, grammar-tra nslati on approach.
Step 1. Questi ons related to difficult sentences and un dersta nding of each paragraph. Para.2 Q: What happe ned to the author before she left for Can ada ?
A: She lost her gra ndmother, her job and had two car crashes in five mon ths.
Q:What did the author and her co-workers do after work ?
A: They met up for dinner, ladies night and sightseeing excursions. The author taught her co-workers an Australia n word of the day and they helped her un dersta nd the Can adia n use of
“ eh ” at the end of sentences.
Q: What did they do while at work ?
A: They liste ned to 90s music, dra nk their daily Starbucks and served their frien dly regulars.
Q: What does the author mean by saying “t didn 'feel like my job ?
A: She loved her job so much that she didn ' t feel she was working.
Q: Where did she travel ?
A: She did a massive circle, starti ng from Van couver, going all the way to the East Coast, the n across Souther n USA and fin ally up the West Coast.
Q: How did she feel on her trip across Can ada and the Un ited States ?
A: he was proud of herself for con sta ntly stepp ing out of her comfort zone and embraci ng the unknown.
Q: What is her obsessi on ?
A: She is obsessed with browsing craft and design blogs and watching the Lifestyle channel. Para.15 Q: In what sense has Van couver helped the author become a better pers on?
A: Van couver has helped her to grow pers on ally, have fun professi on ally and gain con fide nee.
3.3.2 Lan guage Focus
3.321 Difficult senten ces:
1) Prior to leavi ng, I was not in a good place. (Para. 2)
Before leavi ng Australia, I had gone through a very difficult period and was low in spirits. 出发前,我的境况不好。
2) I had suffered a lot of pers onal blows and felt emoti on ally stretched. (Para. 2)
I had gone through many unfortun ate events and felt stressed. 个人生活上经受了许多打击,精神压力很大。
3) …and for once I didn ' (Plaaie 5)
…and un like in the past, this time I actually enjoyed socializ ing.
4) I loved that they accepted me for my socially awkward self. (Para. 5)
I loved that my colleagues accepted me although I was not good at socializ ing.
5) For the first nine mon ths I worked two jobs. (Para. 6)
For the first nine mon ths I did two jobs.
Here “ work ” is used as a transitive verb.
e.g. She has to work multiple jobs to support her family.
6) My heart and my head are con sta ntly torn betwee n what they want in the future. (Para. 13)
I found it difficult to choose betwee n two differe nt paths for my future.
7) Oh, and I kind of want a dog. Now that (Parsnesji ng.
Oh, and I ' d like to keep a dog, whhbws I really do want to settle down.
这样就更有家的感觉了。 Grammatical focus
non-restrictive attributive clause
non-restrictive attributive clause s add, but not esse ntial in formati on and( 非限定性定语从句)is
an adjective clause set off from the main clause by commas. It provide but not essential information and does not restrict or limit the noun it modifies
e. g . Our guide,who was a French Canadian, was an excellent cook.
These apple trees,which I planted three years ago,have not borne any fruit.
He said that he had never seen her before ,which was not true.
In the presence of so many people he was little tense, which was understandable.
在那么多人面前他有点紧张,这是可以理解的。 Difficult words and phrases
1) prior to: (fml) before 在.... 之前
e.g. These guidelines can help you learn about what you will need to do prior to your arrival at Michiga n State Uni versity.
2) in the form of:以..... 的形式(出现)
e.g. Our previous in vestme nt in Easter n Europe has bee n mainly in the form of joint ven tures.
3) fill out: complete (a document, form, etc.) by providing required information 填写
e.g. Please fill out the docume nts and send them by post to the follow ing address.
4) paperwork: n.文书工作
e.g. This job may require you to do a lot of paperwork.
5) make friends (with sb.): 交朋友
e.g. Jack tried to make friends with his new neighbor.
6) meet up: meet sb., especially by arrangement (按照安排)见面,会面
e.g. We all agree that we will meet up on our 30th college graduati on anni versary.
7) sightseeing: n.观光,游览
e.g. They are still in high spirits despite a 10-hour day of sightsee ing.
8) excurs ion: n. a short journey made for pleasure 远足,短途旅行
e.g. Stude nts went on an excurs ion to the Grand Canyon.
9) for once:就这一回,难得一次
e.g. Tim often complains about the foods the school cafeteria serves. However, for once, Tim is not compla ining today.
10) stress out: make (sb.) become too an xious or tired 使焦虑不安,疲惫不堪
e.g. Anne Hathaway admitted that fame stressed her out for a long time.
11) zone: n.地带;区域
e.g. Making your car a smoke-free zone protects you and your passe ngers.
Shenzhen is China ' s first Special Economic Zone.
12) embrace: vt. (fml) accept gladly (an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc.) 欣然接受,乐意采
e.g. The new rules have bee n embraced by most of the employees.
13) but the n: on the other ha nd 但另一方面,然而
e.g. I did n ' t like the food they served at the restaura nt, but the n the waitress was frien dly.
14) settle down: start living a stable and orderly life 定居;过安定的生活
e.g. She quickly settled dow n in the new n eighborhood.
It ' s time for you to find a loving woman and settle down.
15) browse: v.浏览;随意观看
e.g. I was brows ing through fashi on magaz ines to find a new hairstyle.
16) craft: n.手工艺(品)
e.g. They lear ned the craft of furniture making.
The show featured traditi on al local crafts.
17) blog: n.网络日志,博客
e.g. Alice writes a food blog in which she shares recipes, tips, and restaura nt reviews.
18) be obsessed with: 着迷于
e.g. The boy was obsessed with detective stories.
19) versio n: n.(事物的)变化形式,变体;版本
e.g. This is an updated version of my book.
Mike ' s version of the accident is different from the policeman ' s.
20) follow one ' s heW做某人想做的事
e.g. Follow your heart, Jenna, and see where it leads you.
4. Comprehe nding Readi ng 1
Teacher calls students ' attention to the title of the text, asks them to make a guess as to what this text is about.
Teacher guides stude nts to skim the text before doing the task in Comprehe nding Check for Readi ng 1.
Teacher asks stude nts to go trough the text. For each paragraph, teacher asks one stude nt to pick sentences he/she has difficulty understanding. Encourage other students to offer their in terpretati ons. Teacher may provide help whe n n eed arises. Then do the task in Tran slati on.
5. After Read ing
5.1 View ing and Liste ning
Teacher introduces Viewing & Listening to the class: As we learn from the Text, Hayley fled Brisba ne for Can ada. But in this video, you will see a you ng man who came to Brisba ne with a work ing holiday visa. Teacher briefly expla ins the new words before play ing the video and asks stude nts to decide whether the stateme nts are true or false. Teacher may play the video for two or three times for students to do the exercise and check their answers. if the statement is false, ask them to correct it.
5.2 Speak ing
Teacher has stude nts work in group of four or five, and have a discussi on about the possible ben efits and drawbacks of tak ing a work ing holiday . Teacher remind stude nts that they can do speak ing easily with the help of tips give n just bellow the directi ons of the speak ing task .
In vite some groups to con tribute their ideas and give comme nts
5. 3 Assig nment:
1. Read the text in Readi ng 2 and finish the exercises.
2. Write a short essay about their summer job experie nee. Teacher remind stude nts to study the
give n tips on how to write about the work experie nee before they start to write. Teacher also asks stude nts to evaluate their writ ing accord ing to the give n criteria whe n they finish writi ng the essay.
3. Preview the n ext un it.。