
ParagrapBiblioteka sMain ideasPart one
Today’s twenty-somethings seem like a whole new breed
Part Two
Five typical features of emerging adulthood
Part Three
Advan. and disadvan. Of the rise of emerging adulthood
3.Teaching courseware(上海外语教育出版社)
Step One
Pair work:Talk about the graph on Page 89 based on the following questions and using the expressions below
1.To preview & memorize the new words;
2.To preview the text.
Through studying this unit, students can learn language on the base of the understanding of the spirits of the passages in this unit. At the same time they can master more than 20 words, several phrases and expressions. And they also master the correct ways of language expressions. Meanwhile they strengthen the understanding of the language of English and review the knowledge learned before through doing exercises.

Getting Prepared
Warm-up Video
DJ mixer
A mixer is a device for merging input signals to produce a combined output in the form of sounds or pictures. Most DJ mixers have far fewer channels than a mixer used by a record producer or audio engineer.
Qian Xuesen: a Chinese scientist, father of China’s space programs
Steve Jobs: an American businessman, co-founder of Apple Inc.
Pair Work
1. Can you say a few words about the two people in the pictures? 2. What dream did each of them have and work hard to achieve? 3. What difficulties did they come across when pursuing their dreams?
通常指在娱乐场所播放、调试音乐产生强劲效果引 导大家热辣跳舞的人,也可以是在酒吧主持与音乐有关 的节目(或广播)的主持人,俗称唱片骑士或打碟师。

UNIT 3 FASCINATING PARKS课时练(一) Listening and Speaking & Reading andThinking (1)基础知识夯实进阶训练第一层Ⅰ.单词拼写1.I don't want another guy moving in on my ________ (领域), you know?2.We were on a hill, right on the ________ (边缘) of town.3.You can stay at my ________ (村舍) in the country whenever you like.4.This gives you the opportunity to pray for and ________ (祝福) the other.5.She took a ________ (布) and wiped down the kitchen table.6.She li ves in a 3bedroomed home with five dogs she ________ (收养) from an animal shelter last year.7.The rain had stopped and a star or two was ________ (可见的) over the mountains.8.The town is in a beautiful situation in a wide green ________ (山谷).9.At lunchtime, there's a choice between the ________ (自助餐) or the set menu.10.The apple tasted just as I remembered—________ (酸的), yet sweet.Ⅱ.单句语法填空1.Country ________ (boundary) are shown on this map as dotted lines.2.I certainly think there should be a ban ________ tobacco advertising.3.This volume of essays was designed ________ (accompany) an exhibition in Seattle.4.Several suggestions have been offered for ________ (adopt) by the specialist.5.The quality of the training has ________ (vast) improved.6.________ (take) care of a baby is hard work.7.No sooner had he got to the laboratory than he set out ________ (do) the experiment.8.Rivers are a ________ (bless) for an agricultural country.9.He ________ (edge) closer to the telephone, and was ready to grab it.Ⅲ.短语运用(一)默写核心短语1.________________ 在行进中;在移动中2.________________ 出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作3.________________ 依靠……生活;以吃……为生4.wake up ________________5.leave behind ________________6.apart from ________________7.feed on ________________8.pick up ________________9.be full of ________________10.all the way ________________(二)选词填空,从上面默写核心短语中选择合适的完成下列句子。

Cultural Notes:
Talk about Culture Notes“Emerging Adulthood”on Page 92, giving Ss a very basic idea about what is means before going through the context; also, a poem on Page 111 can be talked about to raise Ss’interest.
Almost half of the participants said that...
Only a small number of respondents indicated that....
From the graph it can be seen/concluded that ..
3.Teaching courseware(上海外语教育出版社)
Step One
Pair work:Talk about the graph on Page 89 based on the following questions and using the expressions below
pare American and Chinese views on emerging adulthood;
2.Write an essay about graph
Warming-up Activities

《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U3-01Opener:Pair work: The pictures below compare Westerners (marked in blue) and Chinese (marked in pink) in their way of looking at children and the family, travelling, and the role of the boss in an organization. Look at the pictures an work with your part ner to an swer the questio ns that follow.Helpful Expressi ons接送孩子 drop off and pick up the child 风土人情 local customs and culture 至吐匕一游 been here, done that 高高在上 superiority 有权有势 powerfulQuestio ns:1 In what way does the role of grandparents in Chinese families differ from that in Western families?2 In what way do Western tourists and Chin ese tourists behave differe ntly?3 In what way do Western and Chinese employees differ in the way they look upon their boss?Tips in this part:1. In troduce the topic to the class by ask ing if they can give any example of how Chinese and non-Chinese behave or think differently in life.2. Explai n the pictures in Opener that illustrate the differe nces betwee n the Westerners and Chin ese in their perspective on differe nt issues.3. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and discuss the differences in pairs with the aid of the questi ons that follow.4. To sum up, have differe nt pairs report to the class their discussi on on the pictures, one pair for one picture.Video watchi ng:After watch ing a video clip about an in terview with three foreig n wome n marrying Chinese husbands, discuss the following questions with yourSteps(步骤)教学组织1.whe n what is the differe nee Trave^llfiMg■SiStep One(步骤一)Step Two(步骤二)part ner.《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:Comprehe nsion check1. Text Orga ni zati onPair work: This text is organized around the cultural shock the authorexperieneed after the birth of her daughter and her mother-in-law ' fulltime presenee in her family. It can roughly be divided into six parts. Now complete the follow ing table by writ ing dow n the main idea of each part. The first one has been done for you. When you finish, compare notes with your partner.Steps(步骤)教学组织Step One (步骤一)2 Comprehe nsion Check Pair work: With the teacher as guide, you and your partner work on the follow ing comprehe nsion check exercises. 2.1 Diggi ng into detailAn swer the follow ing questi ons to better un dersta nd the text. You may wantto write dow n some key words in the space provided before you do so. (Para. 6) 1 What made the author so mad about her husba nd that they bega n to fight over childcare duties?The fact that he wasn ' t tak ing on half of the childcare duties, and he thought it was more important to spend time on his work than on his daughter, and his expectation that his mother would do all the housework he was supposed to do.(Para. 8) 2 How did her mother-i n-law explai n her role in the family?Her mother-in-law explained that her role in the family was to lighten the burde n of her son, allow ing him to keep his former way of life, and to help her daughter- in-law out with pare nti ng and household man ageme nt.(Para. 9) 3 What did the author think of her mother-in-aw ' s explanation?She thought it was absolutely un acceptable, because, in her view, her husband is one of two parents, and therefore their daughter should be half his responsibility; and she married her husband, not her mother-in-law.(Para. 13) 4 How come her husband, unlike the author, failed to adopt daily habits around the schedule of their daughter?He obviously believed that mothers are the primary caregiver of childre n and this was the no rmal differe nee betwee n mothers and fathers.(Para. 16) 5 How did the author react whe n she was told that, now that her mother-in-law helped her out by taking care of her daughter, it was her resp on sibility to take care of her mother-i n-law whe n she was old?She totally rejected the idea, because she thought what her mother-in-law did was fulfillingthe parenting responsibility of her husband, therefore it was her husband ' s responsibility to take care of his own mother when she was old. 2.2 Un dersta nding difficult senten cesTips in this part :1. Before moving onto the author ' s explou n ttp Ss the text can rough divided into six parts.2. Guide Ss to explore the text by asking them to work on the table in Orga ni zati on and do the task in Digg ing into detail.3. Ask Ss to sum up the differences of views between the author and her mother- in-law on matters described in the text.4. Check Ss' understanding by guiding them through the tasks in Un dersta nding difficult senten ces. Text An alysisThe author ' r eflections on childcare are skilfully framed between the con versati ons with other wives that ope n and close the text. The ope ning sets the scene and introduces her husband and herself. Next comes her mother-in-law, whose strong senseof duty is expressed in a shift to short, emphatic senten ces:“ Her role isclear. She has to be here. ”What follows is part factual account, part persuasive argument. The author does not simply give a neutral description of the differences between her husba nd and herself. She clearly wishes to persuade us that she is right and he is wrong. As a con seque nceher writ ing contains much in com mon with other pieces of persuasive writing. There are therhetorical questions : “lam expected …but he is relieved of his fatherly duties …?” “ Why does he getout of the datasks …?T here is the emotive Ianguage. She is "incensed a f what she sees as hisStep Two(步骤二)“ laz in ess ” ; he “ was n' t honouring ” his role as a father.Towards the end she admits that he has made an effort to compromise, though eve n here she is quick to add “ in resp onse to my growli ngwith the impression of an uneasy truce rather than a meeting of minds.Step Three (步骤三)II. Lan guage FocusWords and expressi ons1. negotiation: n.磋商;谈判e.g. The 6-month negotiations between the two countries ended fruitlessly. 两国谈判半年一无所获。

Title: The Evolution of Learning in the DigitalAgeIn the modern era, the landscape of education has undergone profound transformations, thanks to the advent of digital technology. The traditional classroom setting, where students passively listened to lectures, has given way to a more interactive and dynamic learning environment. This shift towards digital learning not only enhances the student experience but also prepares them for the challenges of the future workforce.Firstly, digital learning provides access to a vast repository of knowledge. The internet is a boundless ocean of information, and with the help of digital tools, students can explore topics beyond the confines of their textbooks. This expanded knowledge base allows them to delve deeper into subjects, fostering a culture ofcuriosity and exploration.Secondly, digital learning is highly interactive. With the use of online platforms and multimedia content, students can engage with their learning materials in a more engaging way. This interactivity not only makes learningmore fun but also helps in retention of information. For instance, interactive quizzes and games can help students revise their lessons in a more effective manner.Moreover, digital learning fosters collaboration and teamwork. Online platforms allow students to work togetherin real-time, sharing ideas and collaborating on projects. This collaborative learning experience prepares them forthe collaborative work environment they will encounter in their professional lives.However, while the benefits of digital learning are numerous, it is important to strike a balance. The human touch and personal connection provided by teachers cannotbe replaced by technology. Teachers play a crucial role in guiding students, motivating them, and addressing their individual needs. Therefore, a blended learning approach, where digital tools are used to enhance traditionalteaching methods, is perhaps the most effective way forward. In conclusion, the evolution of learning in the digital age has opened up new horizons for education. By harnessing the power of technology, we can create a more engaging, interactive, and collaborative learning environment thatprepares students for the challenges of the future. However, we must also remember that technology is merely a tool, and it is the human element that truly makes education shine.**数字化时代的学习演变**在现代社会,随着数字技术的出现,教育景观已经发生了深刻的变化。
全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程第3册--Unit 1 文本

Unit 1 FamilyPart II LISTENING AND SPEAKINGLesson A A Famous FamilySCRIPTTrack 1-1Jacques Cousteau was born in 1910 in France. Cousteau loved the water, and for almost sixty years, he studied the world’s oceans. In 1943, he and a partner invented scuba diving equipment, and later he invented special cameras to film life underwater.Cousteau taught people about the oceans. In 1968, he started a TV show called The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau. On the show, he traveled with his son, Philippe, around the world. They taught people about sea animals and protecting Earth’s waters. In 1973, he started the Cousteau Society, an international organization which works to protect Earth’s waters. Before h e died in 1997, Cousteau won many awards for his films and his work as an environmentalist.Jacques’family have continued his work. Jacques’ son, Philippe had two children, Alexandra and Philippe Junior. They are both famous ocean conservationists.Like her grandfather, Alexandra Cousteau, who was born in 1976, also cares about the world’s seas. In 2000, she started a company with her brother called Earth Echo International. It teaches children and teenagers about keeping Earth’s oceans clean. Later, in 2008, Alexandra started another company called Blue Legacy. It works to protect Earth’s oceans. As the head of this company, she travels around the world, working on important water problems. In 2011, she got an award for her work as an environmentalist.1. scuba diving equipment:水肺型潜水器2. to film life underwater:拍摄海底生物3. The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau:法国著名海洋探险家雅克·库斯托(JacquesCousteau)所创办的电视节目——《雅克·库斯托的海底世界》4. Cousteau Society:库斯托社,雅克·库斯托创办于1973年的环保组织,倡导人们保护海洋生态系统5. care about:关心;对∙∙∙感兴趣6. Earth Echo International:地球回音国际组织,原名为“菲利普·库斯托基金会”(PhilippeCousteau Foundation),是库斯托家族创办的环保及海洋教育组织。
高职国际进阶英语综合教程1 unit1课文原文和译文

高职国际进阶英语综合教程1 unit1课文原文和译文Text AYou are hereRead the text and find out why Max went the wrong way.It was easy for Max to get to Liverpool Station. He enjoyed the 300-mile train journey through the countryside, but now came the difficult bit. How could he find the youth hostel? The guidebook said it was in an old warehouse down by the docks. The address was Tabley Street with the postcode L18EE.He asked at the tourist information office opposite the station. The woman behind the counter gave him a map of the city and said it was only a 10-minute walk. He could see the station on the map and River Mersey with the docks. It looked easy enough to find. He started to walk, but then it began to rain.After half an hour he decided to ask somebody for directions. He stopped a man in the street.“Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the youth hostel?”But the man answered, “Sorry, I’m a stranger here myself.”He then asked a policeman, “Excuse me, do you know where the youth hostel is?”“Well, the easiest way is if you go to the station. It is only a 10-minute walk from there. Ah, you have a map. Let’s see. We are here. The railway station is there on the corner of Station Road and Main Street. Go straight down Station Road past the cinema. Then you will come to a crossing with traffic lights. Turn left at the traffic lights and straight on at the roundabout. The youth hostel is in front of you. You really can’t miss it.”“Thanks a lot for your help.”“Don’t mention it,” said the policeman.Max looked at the map and realised that he had looked at it upside down. He hadn’t turned left at the traffic lights; he had turned right! And instead of going straight on at the roundabout, he had turned left.A very wet Max went back to the station and this time he was very careful not to take a wrong way. Five minutes later he was standing in front of the youth hostel.课文译文麦克斯轻而易举就到了利物浦车站。
Unit 1 The Pursuit of Dreams

The Pursuit of Dreams
Unit Goals
Part One Opener Pair Work
Part Two Reading & Interacting Getting Prepared Text Study Focusing on Language in Context
与大多数针对普通消费者的音乐播放软件不同,DJ 软件可以同时播放至少两个音频文件,并在屏幕上显示 文件的波形,DJ能够聆听任何 一个音源,能够通过软件上的 波形看到接下来的音乐是什 么,以及不同乐曲的节奏如何 搭配。
Text Study
Understanding the Text Text Analysis Questions for Discussion
通常指在娱乐场所播放、调试音乐产生强劲效果引 导大家热辣跳舞的人,也可以是在酒吧主持与音乐有关 的节目(或广播)的主持人,俗称唱片骑士或打碟师。
Getting Prepared
Warm-up Video
A turntable is a circular revolving plate supporting a record as it is played. By adjusting the speed of the turntable, either by adjusting the speed knob, or by manipulating the plate (e.g. by slowing down the plate by putting a finger gently along the side), DJs can match the tempos of different records so their rhythms can be played together at the same time without clashing or make a smooth, seamless transition from one song to another.
全新版大学进阶英语unit1 语言点

Language Focus一、Text生词slow down:减速;放慢生活节奏.The doctor has told him to slow down or he’ll risk a heart attack.医生要他放慢生活节奏,不然会有心脏病突发之虞。
property:n. possession(s); land and buildings 财产;房地产.Yes, I’ve bought my own house —I’m now a man/woman of proper ty!对,我买房了——如今我也是有房产的人了!self-sufficient:a. able to provide everything one needs by oneself, without help from other people 自给自足的.I don’t be lieve/think that that country, due to the climate, could ever be self-sufficient in food. 在我看来,由于气候因素,那个国家不可能实现粮食自足。
accomplish:vt. complete successfully; achieve 完成;实现. The new coach told the press that he believed his team could accomplish great things.新教练向媒体表示,他相信该队会取得优秀成绩。
set about: start (doing sth.) esp. in a determined way 开始;着手. It would be much better to admit the problem openly and set about tackling it.如果公开承认问题并着手解决,那就要好多了。
新进阶3 综合Unit 1(精编文档).doc

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】New Progressive College English Book IIIUNIT 1 Working Holiday Abroad1. Teaching Objectives:Students will be able toA. discuss the relevant topicsB. understand the text with skimming and scanningC. learn languages, e.g. words, phrases, difficult structuresD. think further2. Time Allotment:1st Period: Lead-in Activities (Warm-up activities; Discussion about working holiday abroad )2nd Period: Global-reading Activities (Text: Approaching the theme; analyzing the text organization)3rd Period: Detailed reading Activities (Understanding the Textin a deeper level, analyzing difficult sentencestructures)4th Period: Detailed reading Activities (Learning new words, summarizing good usage)5th Period: Comprehending Reading 1 (Skimming the text, explaining the difficult sentences of the Text, doingsentence translation)6th Period: After-reading Activities (Viewing and Listening; Speaking; Assignment)3. Teaching Procedures:3.1 Lead-in ActivitiesStep 1. Warm-up activitiesIntroduce the topic to the class: Working Holiday Abroad, and ask students the question:“What a working holiday is ?”Ask the students to watch twice a video clip of a talk about a working holiday in OpenerAsk the students to understand the main points by filling blanks of the summary given inOpenerHelp the students to sum up the main points of the talk about a working holiday:♦ A working holiday is when you spend a significant amount of time in another country and have the working rights to back itup. You are able to pick up a job or two (or 6) and break thatarrangement up by traveling or moving on to a new location inthe country.♦With a working holiday visa, you can work as you go♦ A working holiday could end up being a life-changing experience.♦ A working holiday can do wonders for really introducing you toa new culture.Method:Method: PPT; communicative approach.Step 2:Discussion about joys and challenges of taking working holidays overseasHave students work in pair talking about joys and challenges of taking working holidaysoverseas and invites some students to report to the class. Method:Using task-based language teaching method, communicative approach.3.2 Global readingStep 1. Approaching the themeThe teacher asks students questions: How would you like to take a working holiday abroad ? Do you think it would suit you or take too far away from the world in which you feel comfortable ? Do you want to experience joys and challenges of taking working holiday? The students’ answers may vary. Then the teacher tells students that theywill learn a text about a person’s real experience of taking working holiday abroad, and they will know what it is really like to take working holiday abroad.Method: PPT; communicative approach.Step.2 Analyzing the text organizationThe teacher tells students that the text can be divided into six parts which have been given in the Text Organization. Then students should summarize the main idea of each part and compare notes with each other.Method: skimming and scanning, communicative approachText Organization3.3 Detailed Reading3.3.1 Procedure1) Students are asked to read the passage carefully again and foreach paragraph (sometimes two-three paragraphs), invite students to answer questions related to difficult sentences and understanding of each paragraph.2) Help Ss find out the good usage in the text and underlined them.3) Learn new words in details.Purpose: Further understand the text and train scanning ability to learn difficult sentence structures as well as new words and expressions.Method:Reading the text together; Using task-based language teaching method, readingapproach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach.Step 1. Questions related to difficult sentences and understanding of each paragraph.Para.2Q: What happened to the author before she left for Canada ?A: She lost her grandmother, her job and had two car crashes in five months.Para.4Q:What did the author and her co-workers do after work ?A: They met up for dinner, ladies night and sightseeing excursions. The author taught her co-workers an Australian word of the day and they helped her understand the Canadian use of “eh” at the end of sentences.Para.7Q: What did they do while at work ?A: They listened to 90s music, drank their daily Starbucks and served their friendly regulars.Para.8Q: What does the author mean by saying “it didn’t feel like my job ?A: She loved her job so much that she didn’t feel she was working. Para.11Q: Where did she travel ?A: She did a massive circle, starting from Vancouver, going all the way to the East Coast, then across Southern USA and finally up the West Coast.Para.12Q: How did she feel on her trip across Canada and the United States ? A: he was proud of herself for constantly stepping out of her comfort zone and embracing the unknown.Para.14Q: What is her obsession ?A: She is obsessed with browsing craft and design blogs and watching the Lifestyle channel.Para.15Q: In what sense has Vancouver helped the author become a better person?A: Vancouver has helped her to grow personally, have fun professionally and gain confidence.3.3.2 Language Focus3.3.2.1 Difficult sentences:1) Prior to leaving, I was not in a good place. (Para. 2)Before leaving Australia, I had gone through a very difficult period and was low in spirits.出发前,我的境况不好。

《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)Steps(步骤)教学组织Step One (步骤一)Lead-in:Here is a song that once made Billboard’s Top 5 ‘Hot Country Singles’(美国Billboard乡村音乐单曲榜TOP 5).Listen to it two or three times, go over the lyrics printed below and fill in the missing words.Then answer the questions that follow.Before you start, reading the culture notes about “keeping up with the Joneses”on page 41 and getting to know the following new words and expressions might be helpful.Keeping up with the JonesesHelpful Expressionsmake the rounds 四处走动fall apart 崩溃;破裂trial n.审判file /fail/ n.纵列Notes:1.’Cause conj.(colloq) = because2.…going out on the town: Here it means they began to goto expensive places they probably couldn’t afford.3.trial: Here it refers to a divorce (离婚) trial in court.4.in single file: one by one, as opposed to hand in hand.“Guess we’ll follow them in single file” implies that we,like the Joneses, will not be a couple anymore.Video watching:Watch the video clip and answer the questions.After watching the video clip, discuss the following questions with your classmates.《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号: U2-02《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号: U2-03《新视野大学英语(第三版)》Book 3课程单元教学设计(教案)。

Language Focus一、Text生词slow down:减速;放慢生活节奏.The doctor has told him to slow down or he’ll risk a heart attack.医生要他放慢生活节奏,不然会有心脏病突发之虞。
property:n. possession(s); land and buildings 财产;房地产.Yes, I’ve bought my own house —I’m now a man/woman of proper ty!对,我买房了——如今我也是有房产的人了!self-sufficient:a. able to provide everything one needs by oneself, without help from other people 自给自足的.I don’t be lieve/think that that country, due to the climate, could ever be self-sufficient in food.在我看来,由于气候因素,那个国家不可能实现粮食自足。
accomplish:vt. complete successfully; achieve 完成;实现. The new coach told the press that he believed his team could accomplish great things.新教练向媒体表示,他相信该队会取得优秀成绩。
set about: start (doing sth.) esp. in a determined way 开始;着手. It would be much better to admit the problem openly and set about tackling it.如果公开承认问题并着手解决,那就要好多了。
《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》Unit 1教案

《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U1-01Steps(步骤)教学组织Step One (步骤一)Lead-in:Pair work: You are going to hear a talk about a working holiday. Listen to it twice and complete the following summary according to what you have heard. Compare your answers with your partner. Before you start, getting to know the following new words and expressions might be helpful.Going on a working holiday has many advantages:A working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longer period of time than a standard tourist visa.The travel is sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment .You can try different types of jobs , even the ones that you normally wouldn’t do when at home . And in this sense, a working holiday could be a life-changing experience.You are more likely to meet and make friends with the locals, not just other tourists . They can introduce you to a new culture .A working holiday makes a good break. A popular time to sign up for a working holiday is the break between high school and college or the break after college and before entering the real working world .Video watching:After watching the video, discuss the following questions with your partner:1. What is the girl’s identity?A. a young employeeB. a waitress《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U1-02《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U1-03《新视野大学英语(第三版)》Book 3课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U1-04。

1,我们将一起学习什么教材?2,新进阶英语一共多少个单元?3,从新进阶英语这本书中我们可以认识到哪些好朋友?如何介绍朋友T his is ...f a th er m o th erbroth er sist ergrand father/grand pagrand mother/grand ma_______._______.This is my ...u ncle叔叔This is my uncle.au nt阿姨婶婶This is my aunt.c ou s i nbrotherThis is my cousin.T his is my aunt .This is my ...This is not my ... be妈妈有三个娃:am is are变成否定句时直接在娃娃后面not加This is my_______.uncleIs this your uncle?Yes,he is. No, he isn't.aunt This is my _______. Is this your aunt?Yes,she is. No, she isn't.This is my cousin. Is this your cousin?Yes,he is. No, he isn't.This is my sister.Is this your sister? Yes,she is. No, she isn't.grandpa This is my_______. Is this your grandpa? Yes,he is. No, he isn't.grandma This is my_______. Is this your grandma?Yes,she is. No, she isn't.一句子里有be动词is和are时,怎么变成一般疑问句。
英语专业 综合教程三3 Unit 1 Fresh start 课件 课后答案

Part two: Para 2-9 The author recalls a few incidents during her first days of college– narration of the events Part three: Para 10-14 Concluding part-- reflections
1. Words and expressions 2. Listen to the audio and divide the passage into some parts. 3. Try to retell the story. (after class)
Structure of the text (1)
Lead in
Do you remember your first days at college? What impressed you most? How do you tell a sophomore or a junior from a freshman?
Have you ever made mistakes that cause embarrassment? How do you react to them?
What are the essential elements of a narrative?
a clear context well-chosen details a logical, often chronological organization an appropriate and consistent point of view

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程1答案Unit 1Language Quiz1-5 BDABB6-10 ACDDATextbook StudyViewing and Listening1. hobby2. happy3. great4. sympathy5. sounds6. proudWritingMy Dream JobMy dream is to become an astronaut (宇航员). Sounds a challenge, I know, but, as we learn from the three dream pursuers we have read about, it is wise to reach for the stars. It’s just that I want to do so literally. It’s my ambition. I know that this will require careful choice of courses and endless hard work, but I have the motivation and perseverance to do well in my studies. In the end, it may well be that I have to do just a small part here on Earth in our space program, but I know that that is the area I want to work in. I' m hooked on it. And who knows, one never can predict with certainty. Hopefully one day I'll make it all the way and journey into space.(请勿完全抄写,否则系统会判0分)Unit TestPart I: News ReportsC AD DPart II: Banked ClozeI. influenceH. fameB. challengesD. corporateO. sympathyF. determinationN. pursuitE. creativityA. bclieveJ. motivationPart III: Long PassageG C B A I E F A D HUnit 2Language Quiz1-5 CABDA6-10 BBCCATextbook StudyViewing and Listening1. great2. proud3. scary4. hurt5. ready6. independent7. miss8. happy9. happier10. Exciting11. dream12. miss13. great14. proud15. peace16. best17. concernedWritingDear Mom and DadLovely to receive your email. As you can guess, I've been really busy, what with finding my way around campus and exnloring different courses. We have heen allowed to attend lectures on a range of different courses before making a final commitment on those we arc going to undertake. No doubt all part of making us begin to take charge of our learning!l But we have to choose before the end of the week Then it will be getting down to hard work with weekly assignments and seminars, many on things completely new to me. Don't worry, I'm not complaining. In fact, I'm sure I m going to love it here and still in disbelief about my good fortune. And I promise to remember your good advice about everyone making mistakes and try to be not too embarrassed when I make them myself.My room-mates are great fun. As soon as I sct foot in the dorm I knew that we would all get along fine.Anyway, I must go now, as some seniors are about to put on a performance and we are all invited. Give my love to Aunty when you see her!Lots of love,Anna (请勿完全抄写,否则系统会判0分)Unit TestPart I: News ReportsB D D CPart II: Banked ClozeI.F. concerned2. N. nonetheless3. K. misguided4. D. combined5. B. assionments6. L. muddle7. J. issue8. I. inevitable9. G. crush10. O. reflectingPart III: Long PassageG D F B E H A F G DUnit 3Language Quiz1-5 BDABB6-10 ACDDATextbook StudyViewing and Listening1. 19352. perfect3. Jewish4. birthday5. celebration6. congratulationsWritingWar causcs immensc human suffering. Take World War ll,for example. It is claimed that worldwide it caused a total of61 million casualties, including 40 million civilians. In ourown resistance to Japanese aggression, China suffered over35 million casualties, with 300 thousand Chinese killed inthe infamous Nanjing Massacre alone. In Europe, 6 millionJews perished. While some managed to flee the Holocaust intime, many did not. Children were not spared. Along withtheir parents they were delivered to the slaughter in cattletrucks to serve Hitler's insane image of an Aryan masterracc that would take control of the world. Throughout everycontinent those who survived the horrors of war had to bear deep emotional scars.(请勿完全抄写,否则系统会判0分)Unit TestPart I: News ReportsC B B DPart II: Banked ClozeF. invadedI. originsB. claimedJ. pretensesE. identity0. throughoutD. fledK. remarkableG. miracleN. survivedPart III: Long PassageD F G AE I B HF CUnit 4Language QuizI-5 BCDAC6-10 ABCCDTextbook StudyViewing and Listeningl. only respond2. fight3. put our foot down4. Our emotion5. our brain6. for many years to come7. nor since8.to shake his handWritingWinston Churchill, the great British statesman. was not anoutstanding student. Quite the opposite. His performance onmany subjects at school was so bad that he was enrolled inthe lowest class. Yet he claimed that this gave him a significant benefit when it came to his career. For at the timeall the pupils in the higher classes at his school were required to spend an enormous proportion of their timeleaming Latin and Greek; this was off limits for the lowestclass, which was made to spend the time on English lessonsinstead. Thanks to that the young Winston developed a deeplove of his language that was to give him an unrivalled ability to capture in words the resolve of the British peopleto defv Hitler. As he put it when asked about his farous wartime speeches, "The nation had the lion's hearluck to give the roar."(请勿完全抄写,否则系统会判0分)Unit TestPart I: News ReportsC B C BPart II: Banked ClozeE. careerG. criticalN. visionB. attainM. solutionsC. attendsH. demonstrateA. addressF. cooperationI. cnsurePart IlI: Long PassageB F D B I HC A G EUnit 5Language QuizI-5 CCADC6-10 BADBDTextbook StudyViewing and Listening1. down2. size3. turning into desert4. 50 to 3005. bread basket6. won't last forever7. 80 feet8. fall9. completely dry10. hand over their landl1. Not anymore12. drinking water13. not a drop14. oceanWritingThere are many things we can do to help conserve cleanwater supplies. First, we can help keep our water sourcesclean by persuading people not to throw dirty things intorivers or wells. Besides, since all of us use water every day,we can stop wasting water and learn to dowhatever we canto save water in our daily life. Rest assured, it's not complicated. For example. we should remember to turn off the water as often as we can when doing dishes or takingshowers. We should also buy toilets that use less water, anduse other water-saving equipment. Perhaps, when we foreseea heavy rain, we can even try to preserve some rainwater anduse it to water our plants later. Don' t think these etfforts aretoo small. They all help to make our water resources lastlonger.(请勿完全抄写,否则系统会判0分)Unit TestPart I: News ReportsC D A DPart II: Banked ClozeF. environmentA. abundantE. distributedI. intensifiedK. ratD. confrontedL. reliableH. innovationsM. replaceJ. outcomcPart III: Long PassageF E HG A D F B E CUnit 6Language Quiz1-5 DCBBC6-10 BDACATextbook StudyListeningl. the biggest threat2. more than six3. 20054. education5. drug6. military training7. self-controlWritingFor my part, 1 am all in favour of a digital-free vacation. Inthe absence of digital devices, there would be no distractions:no short messages, no constantly checking on what stuff myfriends were posting on Weibo or WeChat, no ending uprcading my emails all the time. I am sure it would pay off.For I would be able to focus all my attetion on marveling atsights, observing and thinking. IfI wished, I could even attimes write down bits and pieces of what I see and think about in the old-fashioned way, with a pen and a notebook. Iam surc that when the vacation cnded, I would havc gainedall had hoped for and come back feeling an altogether happier person.(请勿完全抄写,否则系统会判0分)Unit TestPart I: News ReportsC A B DPart II: Banked ClozeB. amazingH. onlineL. surfingN. UnlikeF. mediaJ. publishE. interactC. criticizedK. relatedA. absencePart III: Long PassageC F H JD I A GE B。

《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U3-01Steps(步骤)教学组织Step One(步骤一)Opener:Pair work: The pictures below compare Westerners (marked in blue) andChinese (marked in pink) in their way of looking at children and the family,travelling, and the role of the boss in an organization. Look at the picturesand work with your partner to answer the questions that follow.Helpful Expressions接送孩子drop off and pick up the child风土人情local customs and culture到此一游been here, done that高高在上superiority有权有势powerfulQuestions:1 In what way does the role of grandparents in Chinese families differ fromthat in Western families2 In what way do Western tourists and Chinese tourists behave differently3 In what way do Western and Chinese employees differ in the way they lookupon their bossTips in this part:1. Introduce the topic to the class by asking if they can give any example ofhow Chinese and non-Chinese behave or think differently in life.2. Explain the pictures in Opener that illustrate the differences between theWesterners and Chinese in their perspective on different issues.3. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and discuss the differences in pairs with theaid of the questions that follow.4. To sum up, have different pairs report to the class their discussion on thepictures, one pair for one picture.Step Two(步骤二)Video watching:After watching a video clip about an interview with three foreign womenmarrying Chinese husbands, discuss the following questions with yourpartner.1. According to the video, when raising grandchildren, what is the difference《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U3-02《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U3-03《新视野大学英语(第三版)》Book 3课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U3-04DiscussionDiscuss what you like / dislike about where you live.things you like:a food market; a bookstore; close to the metro; a good hospital / medical care centerthings that are nice but not essentiala good local supermarket; a sports center;a theater / cinema; a barthings you dislike:lacking of parking space; various types of noise; pollution; high crime rateThink about your neighborhood. What would make it:saferLectures should be given to tell people how to prevent fire, theft and other dangers. Besides, the police should make sure the streets are safe –not only from crime but also from traffic accidents.more beautifulI think we should plant more trees and flowers in the community. In addition, we should discipline our own behavior and should not litter garbage everywhere or draw on the buildings.more interestingMore entertainment activities should be held to draw the interest of people. Meanwhile, don’t forget the children. We should also provide them with facilities to give them fun and joy.better for your healthI think we should build a community gym providing a variety of affordable exercise options. Besides, activities should be conducted to help people quit smoking or excessive drinking.more of a communityI’d really like to see a good shopping mall, where people can meet, get to know each other and entertain themselves.。
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New Progressive College En glish Booklll UNIT 1 Worki ng Holiday AbroadUnit 1 Worki ng Holiday Abroad1. Teachi ng Objectives:Stude nts will be able toA. discuss the releva nt topicsB. un dersta nd the text with skim ming and sca nningC. lear n Ian guages, e.g. words, phrases, difficult structuresD. thi nk further2. Time Allotme nt:1st Period: Lead-in Activities (Warm-up activities; Discussion about working holidayabroad )2 nd Period: Global-readi ng Activities (Text: Approach ing the theme; an alyz ing the textorga ni zatio n)3 Period: Detailed reading Activities (Understanding the Text in a deeper level, analyzingdifficult sentence structures)4 th Period: Detailed readi ng Activities (Lear ning new words, summariz ing good usage)5 th Period: Comprehe nding Readi ng 1 (Skim ming the text, expla ining the difficult sentencesof the Text, doing sentence tran slati on)6 th Period: After-readi ng Activities (View ing and Liste ning; Speak ing; Assig nment)3. Teachi ng Procedures:3.1 Lead-in ActivitiesStep 1. Warm-up activitiesIn troduce the topic to the class: Work ing Holiday Abroad, and ask stude nts the questi on: What a working holiday is ? ”Ask the students to watch twice a video clip of a talk about a working holiday in OpenerAsk the students to understand the main points by filling blanks of the summary given inOpenerHelp the stude nts to sum up the main points of the talk about a work ing holiday:A working holiday is when you spend a significant amount of time in another country and havethe work ing rights to back it up. You are able to pick up a job or two (or 6) and break thatarrangement up by traveling or moving on to a new location in the country. With a work ingholiday visa, you can work as you goA work ing holiday could end up being a life-cha nging experie nee.A work ing holiday can do won ders for really in troduci ng you to a new culture. Method:Method: PPT; communicative approach.Step 2: Discussi on about joys and challe nges of tak ing work ing holidays overseas Have stude nts work in pair talk ing about joys and challe nges of tak ing work ing holidays overseas and in vites some stude nts to report to the class.Method: Using task-based Ianguage teaching method, communicative approach.3.2 Global readi ngStep 1. Approach ing the themeThe teacher asks stude nts questi ons: How would you like to take a work ing holiday abroad ? Do you think it would suit you or take too far away from the world in which you feel comfortable ? Do you want to experienee joys and challenges of taking working holiday? The students ' answers may vary. Then the teacher tells students that they will learn a text about a person ' real experienee of taking working holiday abroad, and they will know what it is really like to take work ing holiday abroad.Method: PPT; com muni cative approach.Step.2 Analyzing the text organizationThe teacher tells students that the text can be divided into six parts which have been givenin the Text Organization . Then students should summarize the main idea of each part and compare no tes with each other.Method: skim ming and sca nning, com muni cative approach Text Orga ni zati on3.3 Detailed Readi ng3.3.1 Procedure1) Stude nts are asked to read the passage carefully aga in and for each paragraph (sometimestwo-three paragraphs), i nvite stude nts to an swer questi ons related to difficult sentences and un dersta nding of each paragraph.2) Help Ss find out the good usage in the text and un derl ined them.3) Learn new words in details.Purpose: Further un dersta nd the text and train sca nning ability to lear n difficult sentencestructures as well as new words and expressi ons.Method: Reading the text together; Using task-based Ianguage teaching method, reading approach, com muni cative approach, grammar-tra nslati on approach.Step 1. Questi ons related to difficult sentences and un dersta nding of each paragraph. Para.2 Q: What happe ned to the author before she left for Can ada ?A: She lost her gra ndmother, her job and had two car crashes in five mon ths.Para.4Q:What did the author and her co-workers do after work ?A: They met up for dinner, ladies night and sightseeing excursions. The author taught her co-workers an Australia n word of the day and they helped her un dersta nd the Can adia n use of“ eh ” at the end of sentences.Para.7Q: What did they do while at work ?A: They liste ned to 90s music, dra nk their daily Starbucks and served their frien dly regulars.Para.8Q: What does the author mean by saying “t didn 'feel like my job ?A: She loved her job so much that she didn ' t feel she was working.Para.11Q: Where did she travel ?A: She did a massive circle, starti ng from Van couver, going all the way to the East Coast, the n across Souther n USA and fin ally up the West Coast.Para.12Q: How did she feel on her trip across Can ada and the Un ited States ?A: he was proud of herself for con sta ntly stepp ing out of her comfort zone and embraci ng the unknown.Para.14Q: What is her obsessi on ?A: She is obsessed with browsing craft and design blogs and watching the Lifestyle channel. Para.15 Q: In what sense has Van couver helped the author become a better pers on?A: Van couver has helped her to grow pers on ally, have fun professi on ally and gain con fide nee.3.3.2 Lan guage Focus3.321 Difficult senten ces:1) Prior to leavi ng, I was not in a good place. (Para. 2)Before leavi ng Australia, I had gone through a very difficult period and was low in spirits. 出发前,我的境况不好。