国际市场营销学试题(中卫办4月D)姓名考试成绩一、单项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题10分,共50分)1.恩格尔定律认为,随着家庭收入的增加,家庭收入中(或总支出中)( ) A、用来购买食物的支出会下降B、用来购买食物的支出会上升C、用来购买耐用消费品的支出会下降D、用来旅游、保健等的支出会下降2.那些直接(面对面)或间接影响于人的看法和行为的群体被称为( )A、群体B、参考群体C、成员群体D、非成员群体3.一个人经常表现出来的,比较稳定又带有一定倾向性的各种心理特征被称为()A、兴趣B、能力C、气质D、个性4.能多次使用,寿命较长的商品被称为( ) A、便利品B、选购品C、消耗品D、耐用品5.下面关于戴维斯等人识别的家庭购买决策方式的叙述错误的是( ) A、妻子主导型B、丈夫主导型C、子女主导型D、联合型二、多选题(本大题共5小题,每小题10分,共50分)1.下面对国际市场消费者市场特点的叙述正确的是()A、消费需求具有分散性、复杂性和多变性B、每次购买的商品数量不多,购买次数频繁C、多数属专家购买D、部分属冲动型购买E、购买力的流动性较大2.根据大市场国际营销观念,突破目标市场的环境障碍主要依靠的两个手段是()A、国际权力B、国际公共关系C、国际促销D、国际价格E、国际产品3.企业的国际营销活动要适应环境,必须做到()A、企业的国际营销活动要符合现有的营销环境B、企业要善于从国际环境中寻找营销机会C、企业要根据国际环境的变化调整营销策略D、企业要以静制动,以不变应万变E、企业要随波逐流4.教育水平对营销的影响主要表现在以下几个方面()A、影响着消费者心理和消费结构B、影响着企业营销组织策略的选取C、影响着销售推广的方式方法D、影响着产品的设计和产品策略的制定E、企业的分销人员受教育的程度影响着企业的市场营销活动效果5.收入对国际市场规模的影响主要表现在()A、消费者收入是衡量市场规模及其质量的一个重要指标B、国民生产总值是衡量一个国家购买力的重要指标C、人均国民收入和家庭收入在一定程度上决定商品需求的构成D、个人可支配收入越高,其购买力就越大E、个人可任意支配收入是影响生活必需品和劳务销售的主要因素。
国际市场营销学试题及答案一、选择题1. 国际市场营销的核心理念是什么?A. 产品导向B. 顾客导向C. 竞争导向D. 价格导向答案:B2. 下列哪个不是国际市场细分的依据?A. 地理位置B. 人口统计C. 心理特征D. 产品类型答案:D3. 跨国市场进入策略中,哪一项通常风险最低?A. 出口ingB. 特许经营C. 合资企业D. 全资子公司答案:A4. 在国际市场营销中,文化差异可能导致什么问题?A. 产品设计障碍B. 广告传播障碍C. 价格策略障碍D. 所有以上问题答案:D5. 国际市场营销中的PEST分析是指什么?A. 政治、经济、社会、技术B. 产品、企业、销售、交易C. 人口、环境、战略、技术D. 公共关系、教育、战略、技术答案:A二、填空题1. ________ 是指企业将其产品或服务直接销售给国外市场的最终用户。
2. ________ 是一种国际市场进入策略,企业通过与外国公司合作,共同投资并分享所有权、控制权和利润。
3. ________ 是指企业调整其产品、营销组合以适应不同国家市场的需求和偏好。
4. 在进行国际市场调研时,________ 是指对特定国际市场或消费者群体的详尽研究,以了解其特定需求和行为模式。
5. ________ 是指企业在进入国际市场时,面临的来自当地企业或其他国际竞争者的竞争压力。
三、简答题1. 简述国际市场营销与国内市场营销的主要区别。
2. 阐述国际市场细分的作用及其对企业的意义。
国际市场营销学试题及答案一、选择题1. 国际市场营销学是一门研究什么的学科?A. 国内市场营销B. 国际市场营销C. 国际贸易D. 国际商务答案:B2. 下列哪一项不是国际市场营销的基本原则?A. 市场导向B. 客户满意C. 产品多样化D. 价格竞争答案:D3. 国际市场营销中,哪个因素不属于宏观环境分析?A. 政治法律环境B. 经济环境C. 社会文化环境D. 竞争对手答案:D4. 以下哪个是国际市场细分的依据?A. 地理位置B. 人口统计C. 心理特征D. 所有上述选项答案:D5. 国际市场营销中的4Ps指的是什么?A. 产品、价格、地点、促销B. 产品、价格、促销、公共关系C. 产品、价格、地点、公共关系D. 产品、价格、地点、人员答案:A二、简答题1. 简述国际市场营销与国内市场营销的主要区别。
2. 描述国际市场调研的重要性及其主要步骤。
国际市场营销考试试题一、选择题1. 在市场营销中,以下哪个环节是最重要的?A. 产品开发B. 宣传推广C. 销售渠道D. 客户关系管理2. 在国际市场营销中,以下哪个因素对产品的销售影响最大?A. 价格B. 品牌知名度C. 产品特性D. 宣传方式3. 国际市场营销的核心理念是:A. 产品为王B. 客户至上C. 市场细分D. 品牌建设4. 下面哪种市场定位策略适合追求高端市场份额?A. 综合市场定位B. 专注市场定位C. 随机市场定位D. 多元市场定位5. 以下哪个因素可以帮助企业扩大国际市场的竞争力?A. 降低产品质量B. 提高产品价格C. 加强品牌建设D. 减少市场推广二、简答题1. 国际市场营销的特点是什么?举例说明。
2. 请说明市场细分在国际市场营销中的重要性,并提供一种市场细分的方法。
3. 请简要描述国际市场营销中重要的营销渠道选择因素。
4. 国际市场营销中的品牌建设对企业的影响是什么?举例说明。
5. 在国际市场营销中,如何根据不同的文化背景调整市场推广策略?三、论述题论述国际市场营销对企业的重要性,并给出你的观点。
国际市场营销试题及答案第一节:选择题(每题5分,共10题)1. 在国际市场营销中,企业面临的最重要的挑战是:A. 语言和文化的差异B. 国际贸易政策变化C. 跨国竞争对手D. 运输和物流成本的增加2. 下列哪个是国际市场营销的基本原则之一?A. 适应性营销B. 个性化营销C. 客户导向D. 增值服务3. 哪个是国际市场调研的有效手段之一?A. 社交媒体调查B. 邮寄调查问卷C. 面对面访谈D. 电话访问4. 下列哪项不属于国际市场分割的基本方法?A. 国家/地区分割B. 产品线分割C. 个人偏好分割D. 市场需求分割5. 在国际市场定价策略中,以下哪一项是正确的?A. 忽视竞争对手的定价策略B. 根据产品成本和利润目标制定价格C. 统一全球价格D. 根据当地市场需求和购买力制定价格6. 在国际市场营销中,什么是文化敏感度?A. 对不同文化的尊重和理解B. 在市场调研中使用当地语言C. 根据文化差异调整产品包装D. 提供多样化的支付方式7. 下列哪个属于国际市场营销的推广工具?A. 邮件营销B. 冲突解决C. 经销商协议D. 预售服务8. 以下哪个属于国际市场扩展的战略?A. 多样化产品线B. 减少市场份额C. 降低产品质量D. 缩小市场规模9. 在国际市场营销中,什么是标准化产品策略?A. 根据市场需求定制产品B. 统一产品设计,符合全球标准C. 满足各国不同的法律要求D. 优先考虑本地化适应性10. 在国际市场营销中,下列哪一项属于直接出口的优势?A. 降低运输成本B. 减少贸易壁垒C. 增加市场风险D. 加强本地化形象答案:1. C2. C3. A4. C5. D6. A7. A8. A9. B10. A第二节:简答题1. 请简要介绍国际市场营销的定义和重要性。
●● 企业指导思想:● 借助政府行为拓展市场。
● 十分重视与当地政府的关系。
● 海外企业本土化。
● 传统的产品、价格、渠道、促销再加上 政治权利(Political power) ● 公共关系 (Public relations) ●● 绿色市场营销: ● 社会背景:● 日益严重的环境问题 ● 企业指导思● 实质:经济效益和环境效益相结合; ● 前提:产销双方树立绿色意识;● 基础:绿色产业的形成与绿色产品的研发与生产;● 手段:树立绿色形象、获得绿色标准认证、区的绿色产品标志; ● 具体策略:绿色设计、生产、包装、价格、分销、促销、消费等 ●● 顾客让渡价值:科特勒(1994)第3章 国际市场营销环境与分析 ● 营销环境的内容威胁—机会综合分析法●竞争对手欲望竞争平行竞争行业竞争品牌竞争第4章消费者市场分析马斯洛需求层次论●●马斯洛需求层次论用于市场营销中分析多层次的消费需要并提供相应的产品来予以满足。
一单选题 (共20题,总分值60分 )1. 8.下列选项中,表现国际市场营销与国际贸易的差异的是()(3 分)A. 以获取利润为目的而进行的跨国界的经营活动;B. 以商品与劳务作为交换对象;C. 以早期的“比较利益学说”及“国际产品生命周期理论”为理论基础。
D. 商品流通型态不同。
2. ( )是营销决策者使用的最基本的信息系统(3 分)A. 营销情报系统B. 营销调研系统C. 营销决策支持系统D. 内部报告系统3. 社会营销观念强调的利益是( )。
(3 分)A. 企业和消费者强调的共同利益B. 消费者和社会的长远利益C. 企业、消费者和社会的长远利益D. 消费者的利益4. 营业推广方式中, ( )不属于针对中间商的推广方式。
(3 分)A. 推销竞赛B. 购买折扣C. 推广津贴D. 现场示范5. 国际营销公关活动的开展,需要借助于一定工具和手段。
但( )不属于国际营销公关活动。
(3 分)A. 新闻和记者招待会B. 公益服务活动C. 广告宣传D. 参观联谊活动6. ( )只负责给买卖双方牵线搭桥,既不拥有商品所有权,也不实际持有商品和代办货物运输工作,在双方达成交易后收取佣金。
(3 分)A. 制造商出口代理商B. 出口经营公司C. 出口经纪人D. 综合出口经理商7. 1.在国际营销渠道策略中,风险最大的是()(3 分)A. 广泛性分销策略B. 选择性分销策略C. 独家分销策略D. 都不是8. 6.在国际市场营销中,不属于延长产品成熟期的策略是()。
(3 分)A. 市场改革B. 新产品开发C. 产品改革D. 经营改革9. 5.一国人口增长,意味着该国市场规模()(3分)A. 扩大B. 不变C. 缩小D. 不一定扩大10. 6.目标市场是指()(3 分)A. 产品销售的地区B. 产品销售的顾客群C. 产品销售的渠道D. 产品的销售目标11. 国际市场营销与国际贸易的相同点是( )。
(3 分)A. 主体和对象B. 以盈利为目的C. 商品流通的形态D. 信息来源12. 1.在国际市场营销中,成本付出最高的是()方式。
国际市场营销试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共10分)1. 国际市场营销的核心是()。
A. 产品B. 价格C. 促销D. 市场调研答案:D2. 以下哪项不是国际市场细分的依据?()A. 地理位置B. 人口统计C. 心理特征D. 产品成本答案:D3. 国际市场营销中,产品生命周期理论的主要目的是()。
A. 预测产品销售B. 制定产品策略C. 计算产品成本D. 确定产品定价答案:B4. 出口营销属于国际市场营销的哪个阶段?()A. 国际市场进入B. 国际市场扩张C. 国际市场维护D. 国际市场退出5. 以下哪种支付方式不属于国际贸易常用的支付方式?()A. 信用证B. 托收C. 现金支付D. 汇票答案:C二、多选题(每题3分,共15分)1. 国际市场营销的宏观环境包括()。
A. 经济环境B. 政治法律环境C. 社会文化环境D. 技术环境E. 竞争环境答案:ABCD2. 国际市场营销中,以下哪些因素会影响产品定价?()A. 成本B. 竞争C. 目标市场D. 营销渠道E. 促销活动答案:ABCD3. 国际市场营销中,市场进入策略包括()。
A. 出口B. 特许经营C. 直接投资D. 合资答案:ABCDE4. 国际市场营销中,以下哪些因素可能影响促销策略?()A. 目标市场文化B. 产品特性C. 竞争对手的促销活动D. 法律法规限制E. 消费者购买习惯答案:ABCDE5. 国际市场营销中,以下哪些是市场调研的主要内容?()A. 消费者行为B. 竞争对手分析C. 市场规模D. 市场趋势E. 法律法规答案:ABCDE三、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 国际市场营销与国内市场营销在策略上没有区别。
()答案:错误2. 国际市场细分可以帮助企业更有效地定位目标市场。
()答案:正确3. 国际市场营销中,产品生命周期理论不适用于新产品。
()答案:错误4. 国际市场营销中,出口营销是风险最低的市场进入方式。
()答案:正确5. 国际市场营销中,促销策略可以完全照搬国内市场。
《国际市场营销》试题及答案第一套题 A卷(答案已验证)★单选题:BDDDA/ACADD1.“酒香不怕巷子深”反映的营销观念是 A、生产观念 B、产品观念 C、推销观念 D、社会营销观念2.强调企业要与顾客、经销商创造更亲密的工作关系和相互依赖的营销观念是 A、推销观念 B、市场营销观念 C、社会营销观念 D、关系营销观念3.下列哪部分收入是国际消费需求变化中最活跃的因素 A、该国国民收入 B、该国人均国民收入 C、该国个人可支配收入 D、该国个人可任意支配收入4.市场定位的4C不包括下面哪个因素 A、客户 B、销售渠道 C、竞争 D、环境5.在进入某一国家的市场之前,必须首先考虑其 A、政治是否稳定 B、市场是否足够大 C、科技是否发达 D、基础设施是否齐全6.具有共同目标或兴趣的两个或两个以上的人联结而成的群体被称为 A、群体 B、参考群体 C、向往群体 D、厌恶群体7.一个人推崇效仿的,期望成为其中一员或与之交往并受其影响的群体被称为 A、群体 B、参考群体 C、向往群体 D、厌恶群体8.人们确信的对某种事物的看法和评价被称为 A、信念 B、学习 C、气质 D、个性9.下列哪个因素对组织购买行为基本不产生影响 A、环境因素 B、组织因素 C、个人因素 D、生产因素10.下面对国际市场营销环境特点的叙述错误的是 A、客观性 B、差异性 C、相关性 D、静态性★多选题:>ABCD/ BDE/ ABCDE/ ADE/ ABCE//ABD/ ABCD/ ABCDE/ ABC/ ABCD1.下列对国际市场生产者市场特点的叙述正确的是 A、购买者地理分布相对集中,购买者较少但购买量较大 B、属于派生需求 C、属于理性需求 D、一般属于全球采购 E、需求富有价格弹性2.以顾客为中心的观念主要有 A、生产观念 B、产品观念 C、推销观念 D、市场营销观念 E、社会营销观念3.企业在开展国际市场营销活动时要发挥主观能动性,必须做到 A、从积极主动的角度出发,能动地去适应国际营销环境 B、以各种不同的方式增强适应国际环境的能力,避免来自国际营销环境的威胁 C、在变化的环境中寻找自己的新机会,并可能在一定的条件下转变环境因素 D、努力去影响和改变营销环境,为企业创造一个更有利的活动空间 E、努力使营销活动与国际营销环境取得有效适应4.人口对市场规模大小的影响主要表现在 A、人口总量是决定市场规模和潜力的一个基本要素 B、人口增长率不是预测市场前景的一个重要指标 C、人口分布状况对产品需求、促销方式、分销渠道都不会产生影响 D、人口年龄结构、性别结构影响着市场的需求结构 E、家庭结构影响着产品的设计与包装5.下列关于供应商的叙述正确的是 A、供应商是影响企业营销的微观环境的重要因素之一 B、供应商是指企业及其竞争者提供生产产品和服务所需资源的企业或个人 C、供应商影响供货的稳定性与及时性 D、企业在寻找和选择供应商时,不会充分考虑供应商的资信情况 E、企业必须使自己的供应商多样化6.技术革命特别是信息技术发展对国际营销的影响主要表现在 A、因特网已经成为国际营销中满足消费者需求最具魅力的营销工具 B、可以有效降低国际交易的费用和交易风险 C、不利用技术革命对产品实施技术创新 D、随着技术的发展,时间成为决定产品策略成败的关键 E、不会影响着国际市场的竞争的内容7.通常状况下影响国际组织市场购买行为的主要因素有 A、国际环境因素 B、组织本身的因素 C、组织人际因素 D、个人因素 E、非个人因素8.人们在一项购买决策过程中可能充当如下角色 A、发起者 B、影响者 C、决策者 D、购买者 E、使用者9.下面对国际生产者市场特点的叙述正确的是 A、非最终消费产品 B、技术性强 C、批量采购 D、最终消费产品 E、技术性不强10.消费者市场具有如下特点 A、发展性 B、多层次性 C、可诱导性 D、复杂多变性 E、替代性★是非题:>NNYYN/YYYNY1.以市场营销观念作为企业营销活动的指导思想就要求企业放弃赢利目标。
第一章国际市场营销学导论一、单项选择题1、国际市场营销学的研究中心是(D)A.实现企业利益最大化B.追求成本最低C. 促进国与国间的友谊D.国外顾客需求2、国际市场营销学的特点不包括(D)A.国际性B.经验性C.应用性D.普遍性3、与GDP成正比的是(C)A.人口B.购买欲望C.购买力D.国土面积4、国际市场的构成除了人口和购买力外,还有(C)A.生产资料B.购物场所C.购买欲望D.产品5、国际市场竞争中,产品质量相当时,竞争力的高低取决于(A)A.成本因素B.两国关系C.广告力度D.包装6、本国政府采取支持和鼓励本国企业到国际市场开拓经营的一系列政策,目的是(C)A.提高国际知名度B.提高国际地位C.扩大出口,获取更多的利润D.发展国际友谊7、在企业开展国际市场营销活动的早期阶段,营销活动的重点是(B)A.国际市场B.国内市场C.目标国市场D.世界市场8、企业国际市场营销的演进过程中,最后一个阶段是(D)A国内营销阶段B.出口营销阶段C.国际市场营销阶段 D.全球化营销阶段9、全球营销阶段,企业导向为(A)A.以地理为中心的导向B.国内市场导向C.多中心主义和目标市场国市场为导向D.以原产地为导向10、以下关于国际市场营销学和市场营销学的关系。
国际市场营销考试卷 答案期末复习材料.doc
A、选择型性营销B、集屮型营销苯异刑营销 D 广注型普销2、下列因素中,属于国际营销可控因素的是( J )。
北理工2008级商务英语国际市场营销复习题选择题1 _ B ___ a re a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything.A)Line extensionsB)ServicesC)BrandsD)Consumer productsE)Supplements2 A product is a key element in the __ A __ . At one extreme, it may consist of pure tangible goods or at the other extreme, pure services.A)market offeringB)brand equityC)brand extensionD)co-brandingE)value chain3To differentiate themselves, many companies go beyond offering products and services; they are also developing and delivering customer B.A)feedbackB)experiencesC)brandsD)product linesE)events4Product planners need to consider products and services on three levels. Each level adds more customer value. The most basic level is the ______ C, which addresses the question, "What is the buyer really buying?"A)actual productB)augmented productC)core customer valueD)co-brandingE)exchange5The third level of a product that product planners must consider is a(n)B that offers additional consumer services and benefits.第1页共1页A)brand equityB)augmented productC)brand extensionD)industrial productE)image6Products and services fall into two broad classifications based on the types of consumers that use them. Which is one of these broad classes? AA)industrial productsB)specialty productsC)supplies and servicesD)materials and partsE)convenience products7____ B are products and services bought by final consumers for personal consumption. These include convenience products, shopping products, specialty products, and unsought products.A)ServicesB)Consumer productsC)Line extensionsD)Industrial productsE)Straight extensions8 A are less frequently purchased consumer products and services that customers compare carefully on suitability, quality, price, and style. Consumers spend much time and effort in gathering information and making comparisons about these products.A)Shopping productsB)Convenience productsC)Unsought productsD)Industrial productsE)Line extensions9 C are consumer products and services with unique characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort.A)Shopping productsB)Unsought productsC)Specialty productsD)Industrial productsE)Line extensions10 C are consumer products that the consumer either does not knowabout or knows about but does not normally think about buying. These products require a lot of advertising, personal selling, and other marketing efforts.A)Specialty productsB)Line extensionsC)Unsought productsD)Shopping productsE)Staples11・ All of the following are accurate descriptions of modern marketing EXCEPT which one? —CA)Marketing is the creation of value for customers.B)Marketing is managing profitable customer relationships.C)Selling and advertising are synonymous with marketing.D)Marketing involves satisfying customers' needs.E)Marketing is used by for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.12.According to management guru Peter Drucker, "The aim of marketing isto CA)create customer valueB)identify customer demandsC)make selling unnecessaryD)set realistic customer expectationsE)sell products13.When backed by buying power, wants become B.A)social needsB)demandsC)physical needsD)self-esteem needsE)exchanges14.Which of the following is NOT a step in the strategic planning process? —EA)defining the company missionB)setting company objectives and goalsC)designing the business portfolioD)planning marketing and other functional strategiesE)evaluating all members of the value chain15.Business portfolio planning involves two steps: ____ B and.A)identifying SBUs; assessing the attractiveness of SBUsB)analyzing the current business portfolio; shaping the future business portfolioC)identifying internal strengths; identifying external opportunitiesD)conducting a SWOT analysis; establishing marketing controlsE)identifying growth opportunities; evaluating growth opportunities16.The BCG growth-share matrix classifies four types of SBUs. They are C,,, and.A)product; price; promotion; placementB)sales; market share; price; promotionC)stars; cash cows; question marks; dogsD)planning; implementing; leading; controllingE)market penetration; market development; product development; diversification17.Which step in the four-step marketing research process has been left out ofthe following list: defining the problems and research objectives, implementing the research plan, and interpreting and reporting the findings? D _____________A)developing the research budgetB)choosing the research agencyC)choosing the research methodD)developing the research planE)comparing and contrasting primary and secondary data18.Causal research is used to____ A.A)test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationshipsB)gather preliminary information that will help define problemsC)uncover information in an unstructured wayD)describe marketing problems or situationsE)quantify observations that produce insights unobtainable through other forms of research19.Researchers generally need to ask three questions when developing a sampling plan. Which of the questions below is one of these three? _______DA)Who should be left out of the sample (sampling exclusion)?B)How should we contact the sample (sampling approach)?C)Why should respondents be selected (sampling justification)?D)How should participants be chosen (sampling procedure)?E)none of the above20.5) Marketing stimuli consist of the four Ps. Which is NOT one of these?B—A)productB)politicsC)priceD)promotionE)place21. A customer's lifestyle can be measured by using the AIO dimensions.What does AIO stand for? A _________A)Activities, Interests, OpinionsB)Achievement, Involvement, OrganizationsC)Accommodation, Investment, OrientationD)Acknowledgements, Interests, ObservationsE)Adoptions, Interests, Occupations22.Maslow*s theory is that D can be arranged in a hierarchy.A)stimuliB)beliefs and attitudesC)perceptionsD)human needsE)decisions23 The buying process starts with _____ A, in which the buyer recognizes a problem.A)need recognitionB)information searchC)product awarenessD)product interestE)alternative evaluation24.In which of the following ways is Boeing like most other large companies? E—A)It produces hundreds of products for a wide range of markets.B)It has an entertainment division.C)It has an investment division.D)Most of its business comes from final consumers.E)Most of its business comes from commercial and industrial customers.25.Business buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of organizations that buy all of the following EXCEPT ____ E.A)products for use in production of other productsB)services for use in production of other servicesC)products purchased to resell to othersD)products purchased to rent to othersE)products purchased for personal consumption26.When a company identifies the parts of the market it can serve best and most profitably, it is practicing ____ C.A)adapted marketingB)mass marketingC)market targetingD)segmentingE)differentiation27.What are the four steps, in order, to designing a customer-driven marketing strategy? C ________A)market segmentation, differentiation, positioning, and targetingB)positioning, market segmentation, mass marketing, and targetingC)market segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and positioningD)market alignment, market segmentation, differentiation, and market positioningE)market recognition, market preference, market targeting, and market insistence28.We define a __ D as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption and that might satisfy a want or need.A)private brandB)service variabilityC)serviceD)productE)service encounter29.Product planners need to consider products and services on three levels. Each level adds more customer value. The most basic level is the Cwhich addresses the question, "What is the buyer really buying?"A)actual productB)augmented productC)core customer valueD)co-brandingE)exchange30.The third level of a product that product planners must consider is a(n)B ___ that offers additional consumer services and benefits.A)brand equityB)augmented productC)brand extensionD)industrial productE)image31What are the two ways that a company can obtain new products?C_A)line extension and brand managementB)internal development and brand managementC)new-product development and acquisitionD)service development and product extensionE)market mix modification and research and development32 C is the amount of money charged for a product or service.A)ValueB) A demandC)PriceD) A wageE)Salary33Consumer perceptions of the product's value set the____ C __ for prices.A)demand curveB)floorC)ceilingD)variable costE)image34Product costs set a(n) ___ B to a product's price.A)demand curveB)floorC)ceilingD)break-even costE)experience curve35 A firm is using A _______ when it charges a high, premium price for a newproduct with the intention of reducing the price in the future.A)price skimmingB)trial pricingC)value pricingD)market-penetration pricingE)prestige pricing36.Which of the following is NOT a typical supply chain member? _____ DA)resellersB)customersC)intermediariesD)government agenciesE)raw materials supplier37. B includes all the activities involved in selling products or services directly to final consumers for their personal, non-business use.A)FranchisingB)RetailingC)BrokeringD)WholesalingE)Disintermediation38. A company's total marketing communications mix consists of a specialblend of advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, and direct-marketing tools that the company uses to communicate customer value and build customer relationships. This is also called C.A)direct marketingB)integrated marketingC)the promotion mixD)competitive marketingE)target marketing39.Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor is called _C_A)sales promotionB)direct marketingC)advertisingD)personal sellingE)public relations40 When the economy tightens, customer loyalty and customer retention become Afor marketers.A)more importantB)less importantC)impossibleD)long-term but not short-term goalsE)short-term but not long-term goals二、对错题1Marketing is managing profitable customer relationships. TRUE2The difference between human needs and wants is that needs are not influenced by marketers. TRUE3The purpose of strategic planning is to find ways in which your company can best use its strengths to take advantage of attractive opportunities in the environment. TRUE4In the BCG matrix, "dogs" are low-growth businesses and products that do not generate enough cash to maintain themselves. FALSE5When an organization identifies and develops new markets for its current products and services, it is engaged in market development. TRUE6Ideally, a sample should be representative so that the researcher can make accurate estimates of the thoughts and behaviors of the larger population. T7Most unhappy customers explain their reasons for dissatisfaction to the company that sold the product. FALSE8Demand in business markets is subject to more fluctuation than in consumer markets. TRUE9In evaluating different market segments, a firm should look at three factors: segment size and growth, segment structural attractiveness, and company objectives and resources. TRUE10Niche marketing offers smaller companies an opportunity to compete by focusing their limited resources on serving niches that may be unimportant to or overlooked by larger companies. TRUE三、填空题1.Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers andbuild strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.2.Customer perceived value is referred to as the difference between total customervalue and total customer cost3.Customer equity is the total combined customer lifetime values of all of thecompany's customers.4.Marketing channel (or distribution channel) is a set of interdependentorganizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by consumer of business users.5. A company's total marketing communication mix - also called its promotion mix-consists of the specific blend of advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, and direct-marketing tools that the company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives.6.Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas,goods, or services by an identified sponsor.7.Sales promotion is the short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale ofa product or service.8.8.Public relations is defined as building good relations with the company's variouspublics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good "'corporate image", and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.9.Personal selling is referred to as personal presentation by a firm's sales force forthe purpose of making sales and building customer relationships.10.Direct marketing is referred to as direct communications with carefully targetedindividual customers - the use of telephone, mail, fax, e-mail, the Internet, and other tools to communicate directly with specific consumers.四、名词解释题1.Customer perceived value2.Needs3.wants4.Demands5.Marketing management6.Partner relationship management7.Product/market expansion grid8.Marketing mix9.Marketing intelligence10.Exploratory research11.Descriptive research12.Causal researchplex buying behavior14.Dissonance reducing buying behaviorHabitual buying behavior Variety seeking buying behavior Customer satisfaction Differentiation Customer relationship management Value chain Positioning Market segmentation Product life cycle Targeting Customer perceived value Customer satisfaction SWOT analysis Differentiation Internal marketing Interactive marketing简答题1. Identify the four characteristics that affect the marketing of a service and theadditional marketing considerations that services require.Services are characterized by four key characteristics:>Intangible >Inseparable >Variable > PerishableGood service firms focuses on both customers and employees. They understand the service-profit chain, which links service firm profits with employee and customer satisfaction.Services marketing strategy calls for not only external marketing but also internal marketing and interactive marketing.To succeed, service marketers must create competitive differentiation, offer high service quality, and find way to increase service productivity.2. List and understand the major types of buying decision behavior and stages inbuyer decision process.Buying behavior may vary greatly across different types of products and buying decisions:>Complex buying behavior >Dissonance-reducing behavior >Habitual buying behavior > Variety-seeking buying behavior15. making a purchase, the buyer goes through a decision process consisting of:>Need recognition>Information search>Evaluation of alternatives>Purchase decision>Post-purchase behavior3.Outline the steps in the marketing research process• Defining the problem and setting the research objectives@ Developing the research plan fro collecting data from primary and secondary sources.■Implementing the marketing research plan by gathering, processing, and analyzing the information.■Interpreting and reporting the findingsBoth internal and external secondary data often provide information morequickly and at a lower cost than primary data sources, and they cansometimes yield information that a company can't collect by itself.However, needed information might not exist in secondary sources.Researchers must also evaluate secondary information to ensure that it isrelevant, accurate, current, and impartial. Primary research must also beevaluated for these features. Each primary date collectionmethodobservational, survey, and experimental一- has its ownadvantages and disadvantages. Each of the various primary researchcontact methods ---mail, telephone, personal interview and online---alsohas its own advantages and drawbacks. Similarly, each contact method hasits pluses and minuses.4.Describe the major strategies for pricing imitative and new products. Pricing isa dynamic process.>Companies design a pricing structure that covers all their products.>They change this structure over time and adjust to account for different customers and situation, especially change over its life cycle.>The company can decide on one of several price-quality strategies for introducing imitative product: premium pricing, economy pricing, good value, and overcharging.In pricing innovative new products, the firm can follow:>Skimming pricing strategy or>Penetration pricing.5.Identify the four characteristics that affect the marketing of a service and theadditional marketing considerations that services require.Services are characterized by four key characteristics:>Intangible>Inseparable>Variable>PerishableGood service firms focuses on both customers and employees. They understand the service-profit chain, which links service firm profits with employee and customer satisfaction.Services marketing strategy calls for not only external marketing but also internal marketing and interactive marketing.To succeed, service marketers must create competitive differentiation, offer high service quality, and find way to increase service productivity.六、案例分析题The Ritz-Carlton, a chain of luxury hotels renowned for outstanding service, caters to the top 5 percent of corporate and leisure travelers. The company's credo sets lofty customer-service goals: "The Ritz-Carlton Hotel is a place where the genuine care and comfort of our guests is our highest mission... The Ritz-Carlton experience enlivens the senses, instills well-being, and fulfills even the unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests.^ (The full case is on pase 228-229 of the textbook)。
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国际市场营销复习题一、单项选择题1.The international planning process is conducted as the fol lows:(1) Marketing plan deve 1 opment;0 Preliminary analysis and screening@ Notching mix requi reiwnt;④ Implementation, evaluation, and controlA (l)-(2)-(3)-④;B (l)-(3)-(2)-④;C Q —(1) — (3) —④;D (D —④—(3)-0;2.Which of the fol lowing methods is the greatest control and the greatestrisk of al 1 the foreign market—entry strategiesA Direct sales E Strategic al 1iancesC ExporterD Joint Ventures3.International ____________ is essential ly long terrr} incorporatinggeneralized goals for the enterprise as a whole.A strategic planningB corporate planningC tactical planningD market planning4.Qual ity can be defined on two dimensions: market—perceived qual ity andperformance qual i ty. Both are important concepts, but consumer perception ofa quality product often has more to do with market—perceived qual i ty thanperfoimance qual i ty.A True E False5.The core ccmponent consists of the fol lowings EXEPJ? •A trademark E product platformC design featuresD functional features6.Miny consumer services are distinguished by _________________ LA Intangibi1ity and inseparabi1ity E heterogeneity and perishabi1ityC Both A and BD Neither A or B7.PEST in the marketing environment analysis refers to ________________ LA People, Economy, Society and TechnologyE Pol itical, Econcmic, Socia 1 and Cultural issues and TechnologyC People, Econcrnj; Society and TreatmentD Political, Econcmic, Scientific issues and Technology8.Tie data that are avai lable are cal led ________________ LA Primary dataB secondary dataC tertiary dataD elementary data9.In quantitative research, usual ly a large number of respondents are asked to replyeither verbal ly or in writing to structured questions using a specific response foimat or to select a respo9nse frcm a set of choices.A True E false10.Hcxre-Country Middlemen inc 1 udeA Foreign Country BrokersB Inport Jobbers11.The motivation of middloren in the international marketinginc1udes.A cost, capitals, control, coverage, character and continuityB Financial rewards, psychological rewards, ccninunicat ions, caipany support^and corporate rapportC Financial rewards, psychological rewards, coverage, caipany support, andcorporate rapportD ccnniunicat ions, ccrrpany support, and corporate rapport, coverage,character and continuity12.Saw general distribut ion patterns that are simi lar global ly include:A Product Line Breadth E NDnexistent Channe 1 sC Blocked ChannelsD Al 1 of them13.Sane of the more important foreign-count ry middlemen, who findmarkets forforeign manufacturers include:A Foreign-Country BrokersB ]\4inaging Agents andCcmpradorsC Both of themD None of them14.When using the in ternet for distribut i on purposes, the fol lowing factorsshould be cons i de redA PriceB advertiseC INone of themD Al 1 of them15.TheNfarketing and Sales Personnel can be recruited fram ________________ LA expatriates E local nationalsC thi rd-country nationalsD Al 1 of them16.Perfoirnance-based incentives have been found to be less effective in EasterEuropean countries than in the thited States.18.In general, price decisions are viewed in the fol lowing ways:A Pricing as an active instrument of acccnpl ishing marketing objectivesE Pricing as a static element in a business decisionC Both of themD Neither of them19.______ a re often set on a cost-plus basis, i- e., total costs plusa profit margin.A Penetration PricingB Full-Cost PricingC \^ariable-Cost PricingD Skinming Pricing20. _______ is the direct exchange of goods between two parties in a transactionA BarterB Caipensation dealsA TrueB FalsePeople with cultural skills should be able toC Counter —purchaseD BujH^ack18. The international planning process is conducted as the fol lows:◎ Matching mix requi rement;⑹ IVferketing plan development;(7) Prel iminary analysis and screening⑻ Inplementation, evaluation, and controlA (l)-(2)-(3)-④;B (3)-(2)-(1) —④;C © — (1) — (3) —④;D (D —④—(3)-0;19. Which of the fol lowingmethods is the greatest control and the greatest risk of al 1 the foreign market —entry strategies?A ImportB DistributorC Licensing and franchisingD Di rect foreign investmentat the highest levels of management and eals and research, and long- and short-term goals and perfomiance quality. Both are important concepts, but often perfonnance qual i ty has rmre to do with market —perceived qual ity than consumer perception of a qual ity product.B False 22. The packaging ccnponent consists of the fol lowings .A trademarkB warrantyC brand nameD styling23. Nfeny consumer services are distinguished by _________________ LB Intangibi1ity and heterogeneity B inseparabi1ity and perishabi1ityC Both A and BD Neither A or B24. SIP in the marketing strategies refers to _________________ LA Segwntation, Targeting and PositioningB Separation, Target and PositionC Sales, Target and PurchaseD Segnentation, Targeting and Purchase25. The data that are col lected for particular projects are cal ledB Primary data B secondary dataC tertiary dataD elementary data26. In qual itative research, i f questions are asked they are almost always open-ended or in-depth, and unstructured responses that reflect the person s thoughts and feelings on the subject are sought.A TrueB False27. Hom^-Country Middlemen inc 1 udeA Minufacturer s Export AgentB Export Jobbers28. The six Cs of channe 1 strategy includes •20. _________ i s conductedwith products, capital, of the caipany. A Strategic planning B Corporate p1anning C Tactical planning D Nferket planning 21. Qual ity can be defined on two dimensions: market^)erceived quality B TrueE cost, capitals, control, coverage, character and continuityE cooperation, corporation, consumer, caimunication, convenience, and costG consuirer, communication, convenience, and cost, coverage, and corporationH ccrmiunications, ccrrpany support, and corporate rapport, coverage,character and continuity29.Distribution in ________ has long been considered the most effectivenon—tari ff barrier to the Japanese marketA USB UKC FranceD Japan30.Sow of thennre important foreign-country middlemen, who findmarketsfor foreign manufacturers include ____________B Heme-Country Brokers B Manufacture Agents andCompradorsC Both of themD None of them31.When using the internet for distribution purposes, the fol lowingfactors should be considered •A PriceB advertiseC PromotionD Al 1 of them32.Sales and marketing executives can be recruited via _________________ LA newspaperB employment agenciesC executive search filmsD al 1 of them33.Caipensat ion in the thi ted States typical ly involve a greater enphas i s on base pay than in Eastern European countries.A TrueB False34.People with cultural ski 1 Is should be able to ______________A put up ambiguityB 1 augh at thingsC Criticize the 9RCD convey a negative regard35.Wiich of the fol lowings is NZ5T true concerning about the con trol ling price?A The more control a company has over the final sei 1 ing price of a product, thebetter it is able to achieve its marketing goalsB It is not always possible to control end pricesC Broader product 1ines and the larger the number of countries involved, themore ccrrplex the process of control 1 ing prices charged to the end use匚D It is always possible to control end prices.36._______ is used to stimulate market growth and capture market shareby deliberately offering products at low pricesA Penetration PricingB Ful 1-Cost PricingC X^ariable-Cost PricingD Skinming Pricing37. ______ is the payment in goods and in cashA BarterB Ccmpensation dealsC Counter-purchaseD Buy-back3& The international planning process is conducted as the fol lows: (9 Preliminary analysis and screening(10 Nferketing plan development;(ID Mitching mix requi rement;(12) Implementation, evaluation, and controlA (1) —Q —(3) —④;B (1) —(3) —Q —C @) — (1) —(3) —⑷;D (1) —⑷一(3) —Q; 39 Which of the fol lowing methods is the greatest control and the greatest risk of al 1 the foreign market-entry strategies?A Direct E Strategic al 1iancesC InternetD Distributor4(X ________ pertains to speci fic actions and to the al location ofresources used to inplement strategic planning goals in speci ficmarket..A Strategic planningB Corporate planningC TacticalplanningD Global planning41、Quality can be defined on two dimensions: market —perceived qual ity and perfoirnance quality. The former is more inportant than the late 匚 So consumer perception of a qual ity product often has more to do with market —perceived quality than performance quality.C True B False 42、 The support service component consists of the followingsA installation E warrantyC product platformD deliveries43^ Nhny consumer services are distinguished by __________________ LA perishabi1ity and inseparabi1ityB heterogeneity and intangibi1ityC Both A and BD Neither A or BPeople, Price, Premotion and PlaceProduct, Price, production and promt ionProduct^ People, Price and PlaceProduct, Price, Premotion and Place4〉 In______ the questionnaire is translated frem one 1 anguage to another, and then a second party translates it back into the original.C parallei translationD back translation46 In quantitative research, i f questions are asked they are almost always open-ended or in-depth, and unstructured responses that reflect the person s thoughts and feelings on the subject are sought.E True B False44 4Ps in the traditional marketing mix refers to _______ A E C D A direct translation B cultural translation41 Foreign-Countrj^ Middlemen include •A Foreign Sales CorporationB Export IVferchantsC Both A and BD Neither A nor B48. Channe 1 control is maintained through the fol lowing elements EXCEPTA inventory financing E business philosophyC cumulative rebates C merchandise returns49、 __________ m arket structure is dcminated by many smal 1 middlonen deal ing with many smal 1 retai lers — high density of middlemen AUS E UKC Japanese 50. Frequently used types of dcmestic A Herne-Country Brokers B C Both of them51、When using the internet for distributionpurposes, the fol lowing factors should be considered •A CultureB Del iveryC PromotionD Al 1 of them51 lb select personnel for international marketing positions effectively, management must choose individuals who have _______________________ LA JVhturity E Flexibi 1 ityC Breadth of KnowledgeD Al 1 of them53^ Individual incentives that wrk effeetively in the Lhited States can fai 1 in other cultures.B False 54. A successful expatriate repatriation involves the fol lowingA creating a mentor programB of fering a no ral job guaranteeC keeping in touch with himD offering a written jobguarantee55. The possibi 1 i ty of a paral lei market occurs whenever ___________ etwen tw markets.A price di fferences are greater than the cost of transportat ion E the cost of transportation is greater than price differences.C price di fferences are less than the cost of transportationD price di fferences are the same as the cost of transportation56. ________ is used to reach a segnent of the market that is relativelyprice insensitive and thus willing to pay a premium price for a productA Penetration PricingB Ful I-Cost PricingC Variable-Cost PricingD Skinming Pricing57. _______ is made when the sei ler agrees to accept as partial paymenta certain portion of the output that are produced frem the plant or machinery that are sold to the buyer.A BarterB Caipensation dealsC Counter —purchaseD BujH^ack二、 名词解释 D French intermediaries inc1udeMinufacturer s Export Agent D None of themA TrueI.back translation 2. Joint venture 3. Green marketing4. Separation allowances5. skinming6. Paral lei Translation7. Franchising & global brand 9. Sales pramtions 10. exclusive distributionII.Expert opinion 12. Licensing 13. Dealers14. Integrated marketing ccnmunication 15. transfer pricing三、简答题1.What special media problems confront the in ter nati onal advert isef?2.What is sales prcnntion and how is it used in international marketing3.Uhder which circumstances should expatriate salespeople be utilized4.Wiat are the causes of price escalatior?5- Discuss the characteristics of an innovation that can account for di f fere nt di ffusi on rates.6 Define the countrj^f-origin effect and give an example.7^ What are the key variables that affect the marketer" s choice of distribution channel?& Discuss the problems of gathering secondary data in foreign markets-2 What is the job of publ ic relat ionV?Id How can price escalation be counteractecP四、论述题1> Discuss the breadth and scope of in ter national marketing research. Wiy is international marketing research generally broader in scope than domestic marketing research?2、Ccnpare the organizational inpl ications of joint ventures versus 1 icensing3.Explain the concept and effeet of price escalation4^ What are the three major conponents of a product? Discuss thei r inportance to product adaptation5s Discuss the causes of and solutions for paral lei imports.五、案例分析国内运动服饰市场,Nike和Adidas占有最大的领导优势,本土品牌如Lining 和Anta等,虽然销售增长快速,但要在主流市场和品牌上挑战前两大巨头,还有很长路要走。