
UNIT 5VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Hot Business IdeasBusiness ideas are all around you. Many business ideas come from a careful analysis of market and consumer needs. If you are interested in starting a business, but don’t know what product or service you might sell, here are some ways that may help you find one.First of all, you should study how to value to an existing product. The difference raw wood and finished wooden products is a good example of putting a product through an additional process that increases its value.But additional processes are not the only way value can be added. You might also add services, or combine one product with other products. For instance, a local farm which sells produce can also offer a vegetable delivery service—for a free.What business ideas can you develop along these lines? Focus on what products you might buy, and what you might do to them or with them to create a profitable business.Some people have another way of making profit. They improve an existing products or service. We all know that the person who can build a better mousetrap will make a lot of money. That person could be you! A local entrepreneur has created an improved version of the hula hoop. It’s bigger and heavier, so hula-hoopers can control it more easily and do more tricks. How did she come up with this business idea? She thought hula hooping would be a fun thing to do with her daughter, but found the commercially available product too flimsy.There are very few products or services that can’t be improved. Start generating business ideas by looking at the products and services you use and brainstorming ideas as to how they could be better.1. What is the first way the speaker mentions that helps you produce a business idea?2. Which of the following methods does the speaker NOT mention?3. Why does the speaker mention the mousetrap?4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?5. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?Keys: 1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.DTask 2: What do you know about business?Historically, the term business referred to activities or interests. By extension, the word became, as recently as the 18th century, synonymous with “an individual commercial enterprise”. When referring to activities, the terms business and industry sometimes appear interchangeable. Thus a fisherman might say either that he is in the “fishing business”, which is a bit colloquial or that he works in the “fishing industry”, which sounds somewhat formal. The word “trade” m ay serve as an equivalent of both “business” and “industry”.People establish business in order to perform economic activities. With some exceptions, such as non-profit organizations and institutions of the government, businesses exist to product profit. In other words, the owners and operators of a business have receiving or generating a financial return for their time, effort and capital as one of their main objectives.One can classify businesses in many different ways. In recent years, service businesses have become increasingly popular. They offer intangible products and typically have different, usually smaller, capital requirements than manufacturers. Distributors need smaller funds than manufacturers.Most laws specify the forms that a business can take, and a body of commercial law has been developed for each type. Some common types include partnerships, corporations, also called limited liability companies, and sole ownerships.Task3: An office boy or a billionaire?A jobless man applied for the po sition of “office boy” at Microsoft. The human resource manger interviewed him, and gave him a test: clean the floor.“You are engaged,” he said, “give me your email address, and I’ll send you the application form to fill and tell you when you will start.”The man replied, “I don’t have a computer or an email.”“I’m sorry,” said the HR manager, “if you don’t have an email, that means you don’t exist. And whoever doesn’t exist can’t have the job!”The man left with no hope at all. He didn’t know what to do, with only 10 dollars in his pocket. He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a crate of tomatoes. He sold the tomatoes in a door-to door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded in doubling his capital. He repeated the operation three times, and returned home with 60 dollars. The man realizes that he could survive this way, and started to go out early and returned late every day.Thus, his money doubled or tripled every day. A little later, he bought a cart, then a trunk, then he has his own fleet of delivery vehicles. Five years later, the man was one of the biggest food retailers in the United States. He started to plan his family’ future, and decided to buy life insurance. He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan. Before the conversation was concluded, the broker asked him for his email address. The man replied,” I have no email.”The broker replied,” You don’t have an email, and yet have succeeded in building an empire! Can you imagine what you could have been you had an email.”The man replied, “ An office boy at Microsoft!”For Reference1. “If you don’t have an email that means you don’t exist. And whoever doesn’t exist can’t have the job!”2. He sold the tomatoes in a door-to door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded in doubling his capital. He repeated the operation three times, and returned home with 60 dollars.3. He bought a cart, then a trunk, then he has his own fleet of delivery vehicles. Five years later, the man was one of the biggest food retailers in the United States.4. He started to plan his family’ future, and decided to buy life insurance. He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan.5. He thought that with an email , he would have become an office boy at Microsoft.News ReportA Historic Settlement between the Law and BusinessScriptBill Gates, Microsoft Chairman:We hope that when the state attorney general fully reviewed the settlement, they will also agree that it’s the right way forward. Litigation is never a good thing for an y industry or any company. We have said for some time that we would go the extra mile to resolve this case. That is exactly what we did in reaching this settlement.The experience of the past the three years hs had a profound impact on me personally and on our company. We are in a fast-moving, competitive industry, but we will focus more on how our actions affect other companies.John Ashcroft, U.S Attorney General:Today we are announcing a strong, historical settlement reached by the Department of Justice and the Microsoft Corporation that will put an end to Microsoft’s unlawful conduct, bring effective relief to the marketplace, and ensure that consumers will have more choices in meeting their needs of computing and working with their computers. This settlement is the right result for consumers and for businesses, the right result for the economy, and the right result for government. It provides prompt, effective, certain relief for consumers and removes the uncertainty in the computer market, a critical f actor in today’s economy.UNIT 6VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Held Back Because I Speak SpanishI was raised speaking English, but I also spoke Spanish at home. When I went to school for the first time, I was enrolled in ESL classes—classes of English as a Second Language. I was also put in theLimited English Proficiency Program. In all these classes, I always got the highest grades. I was the best reader and speaker. There as no reason for me to be in any of those classes.When my parents discovered that I was in those classes instead of in regular classes with other English-speaking students, they went to the school administration to complain about the discrimination. The school had nothing to say. My parents tried to get me out of the ESL classes, but the school fought it very hard to keep me there. And then we found out why—for every student the school had in the ESL and Limited English Proficiency Program, they would receive$400. This was pretty devastating. The school’s only excuse for keeping me there was because I lived in a Spanish-speaking household, and that I was influenced by the way my parents spoke. My parents were outraged, but I remained in the ESL and Limited English Proficiency Program until I was in the fifth grade.Then parents transferred me to another school where they had friends. The new school gave me an English proficiency te st. I aced it. SO I didn’t have to attend those programs for non-native English speakers. I was finally on the right track and back at the head of the class. The first school I had would have never let me out of those programs or even let me take the test. I was too “Spanish” for tem.1. What kind of class does the speaker think he should attend?2. What was the real reason the speaker was placed in a Limited English Proficiency class?3. What was the excuse the school used to put the speaker in an ESL class?4. How did the speaker perform in the regular English class?5. When the speaker described his first school, what were his feeling?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.ATask 2: Drinking, Gambling and GolfA man was walking in the city when he was accosted by a particularly dirty-looking bum, who asked him for a couple of dollars for dinner.The man took out his wallet, extracted two dollars and asked, “If I give you this money, will you take it and buy whiskey?”“No, I stopped drinking years ago,” the bum said.“Will you use it to gamble?”“I don’t gamble. I need everything I can get just to stay alive?”“Will you spend the money on green fees at a golf course?””Are you nuts? I haven’t played golf for 20 years!”The mad said, “Well, I’m not going to give you two dollars. Instead, I’ m going to take you to my home for a terrific dinner cooked by my wife.”The bum was surprised, “Won’t your wife be furious with you for doing that? I know I ‘m dirty, and I probably smell pretty bad.”The man replied, “That’s OK. I just want her to see what a man looks like who’d given up drinking, gambling, and golf.”Task3: Why buy lottery tickets?Charles: Did you hear? Next week’s lottery will be 28 million dollars! You got your ticket yet? Joan: I didn’t buy lottery tickets, and I don’t gamble on other ways, either. Lottery tickets ate just another way of taxing the poor.Charles: What do you mean by that?Joan: Many of the big spenders on lottery tickets ate poor. They are spending money they can’t afford to spend.Charl es: I just buy lottery tickets for fun. You know…the first prize is a huge amount, and if would be exciting.Joan: But you don’t need the money to enjoy life, so for you it’s a game. But when the poor buy lottery tickets, it is often out of desperation.Charles: You must be right. Casinos are opening everywhere, and many people go on gambling holiday—you can even take a gambling cruise.Joan: Imagine being on an ocean cruise and spending all your time indoors bent over a card table or a roulette wheel.Charles: Maybe there should be some programs to help people overcome their gambling addictions something similar to Alcoholics Anonymous.Joan: There’s indeed an online program that can help. But nobody can force gamblers to join it. They must first want to be cured themselves.For Reference1. She thinks many (of the) big spenders on lottery are poor, spending money they can’t afford to spend.2. He just buys lottery tickets foe fun. He thinks if he won a huge amount, it would be exciting.3. They buy lottery tickets out of desperation. And the thrill of a win, of something for nothing, is addictive.4. Casinos are opening everywhere, many people go on gambling holidays, and one can even take a gambling cruise.5. It will be helpful to habitual gamblers only when they want to be cured themselves.News ReportHumanity is indivisible.ScriptKofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations:Peace must be sought above all because it is a condition for every member of the human family to live a life of dignity and security.We have entered the third millennium through a gate of fire. If today, after the horror of 11 September, we see better and we see farther, we will realize that humanity is indivisible.New threats make no distinction between races, nations, or regions. A new insecurity has entered every mind, regardless of wealth or status. A deeper awareness of the bonds that bind us all, in pain and in prosperity, has gripped young and old…because beneath the surface of state and nations, ideas and language, lies the fate of individual human beings in needed. Answering their needs will be the mission of the United Nations in the century to come. Thank you very much.。
新视野 第一册(新版) 听力答案(与原文配合)

Listening and Speaking Book 1 Answer keyUnit 1Inside viewActivity 31 The porter asks Janet her family name and her first name.2 He gives her the keys to her room.3 Sir.4 He asks her to call him Stewart.5 To sign for her keys.Activity 5Activity 6(1)I’m Janet Li(2)My Chinese name is(3)i t’s short for(4)Everyone calls meActivity 7Suggested predicted questions:1 What’s your name?2 Are you British?3 What are you studying?4 What are you studying?5 And how about you?Correct questions from video:1 And you are …?2 Y ou’re British, huh?3 What are you reading?4 How about you, Kate?5 And you?Activity 81 (b)2 (b)3 (a)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a)Outside viewActivity 1Clip 1 – interviewClip 2 – conversationActivity 3True statements according to the passage 3, 5Activity 4(1) one of the best universities(2) most talented students(3) well-known around the world(4) have open doors(5) good social life(6) you want it to be(7) on another campus(8) it’s a fun place(9) go to concerts(10) during the weekActivity 51 From the library system online.2 Tree or four times a week.3 Brian.4 For leisure purposes, such as following news and sport.5 In the libraries.Listening inActivity 1Number of institutions: 8Sporting importance: university sports teams competed against each other Academic importance: near or at the top of the US colleges and university rankings Social importance: social elitism, mostly rich intellectual white students Location: the USOrigin of name: four universities, Ivy plants growing on wallsOldest institution: Harvard, founded in 1636Largest number of undergraduates: Cornell, about 13,000Acceptance rates: 7% – 20%Famous alumni: George Bush, John F KennedyActivity 21 (d)2 (b)3 (c)4 (d)5 (d)Activity 53–6–4–1–5–2Activity 61 At Princeton University.2 That he is better with numbers than people.3 Not very. He finds relationships difficult at first.4 He thinks the Soviets have captured him.PronunciationActivity 3Mark Hi Janet. Welcome to England. What are you reading?Janet English.Mark How about you, Kate?Kate My major is law. And you?Mark I’m studying PPE.Kate That’s a special Oxford subject, isn’t it?Activity 6Harvard University in Cambridge / is one of the best universities / in the world.He explained / that Harvard looks for the best / and most talented students / from around the world.We asked five students / at Harvard / to tell us / what kind of social life / they have.If you wanna / sit in your room / and study all night / like my friend over here, / you can also do that.There’s not / as many parties as there / would be / on another campus.Unit 2Inside viewActivity 2Janet asks about these dishes:main courses: chicken curry, moussaka, chilli con carnestarter: minstrone soupActivity 51 Apple strudel.2 Pastry.3 With flour, eggs, butter and lots of chocolate.4 Fruit salad.Activity 6(1)What would you like(2)why don’t you try(3)It’s made with(4)I’m not so keen on(5)What flavour(6)what are you going to haveActivity 71 (b)2 (b)3 (b)4 (a)Outside viewActivity 25–1–6–7–2–9–3–4–8Activity 31 For over 50 years.2 Shrimp.3 The garlic helps to cut out the cholesterol.4 She learned to cook from her mother. She had to learn to cook as she comes from a big family.5 Her mother-in-law.6 She started in 1946.7 Paprika.Activity 41 (d)2 (e)3 (a)4 (f)5 (g)6 (b)7 (c)Activity 52 Hesitation and grammatical mistakes5 Repetition.6 Grammatical mistakes.7 Hesitation.Listening in passage 1Activity 2Ben is answering questions 3, 1, 8Michelle is answering questions 2, 5Tom is answering questions 6, 4, 7Activity 3(1)go ahead and start(2)you can go to a restaurant(3)stay too late(4)would arrive(5)everyone tries everything(6)you don’t like their cooking(7)that’s considered rude.(8)nothing more than that.Activity 61 (e)2 (h)3 (g)4 (a)5 (c)6 (b)7 (f)8 (d)Activity 71 (a)2 (d)3 (b)4 (d)PronunciationActivity 2If it’s a formal meal, maybe Thanksgiving or Christmas, or if you’re with your boss or someone like that, you are being careful about your table manners. So you’d wait until everyone is served before you eat. But most of the time, if you know each other well you would just go ahead and start. It’s more usual to entertain them at home because it shows your hospitality. We have a lot of barbecues outside, maybe in the garden or maybe at a campsite. But sometimes if you don’t wa nt to cook, you can go to a restaurant. Oh, well, after dessert you’ll have a little talk, then talk somemore, have some coffee. Then you’ll say, “O h well, it’s time for us, we should get going.” And if you don’t then you’re probably going to be rude and stay too late. Activity 3The government announced today that they are going to ban advertisements for junk food during TV programmes for children under the age of 16. The rules will include any foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar. There will be a total ban on ads during children’s programmes and on children’s channels, as well as adult programmes watched by a large number of children. But there will not be a total ban on all ads for junk food which are shown on television before 9 pm. This was thought to be “over the top” by representatives of the food industry.Activity 5The biggest problem is that they aim their ads at young people. One well-known fast food restaurant chain sells hamburgers which come with a free gift, usually a toy which i s linked to a new children’s film. Other fast food restaurants aim their ads at teenage and college-age men, trying to make their food trendy and, you know, kind of masculine food.Unit 3Inside viewActivity 2Mark’s answers:1 T2 T3 T4 T5 TCorrect answers:1 T2 F3 T4 F5 TActivity 31 How much do you know about memory?2 He’s got a pretty good memory.3 He can’t remember a thin g when he’s tired.4 He read something about memory in it.5 Oh, Mark! What a good memory you have!6 Because Mark forgot he had a lecture.Activity 4Study skills Janet says she has difficulty with are: 1, 3, 4Activity 51 I’m finding studying at Oxford quite hard.2 Yes, but I’m good at that.3 I think it’s giving your opinion and then justifying it.4 That’s what the research tells us.5 No! Look, I’m starving and I can’t think at all when I’m hungry.Activity 6(1) generally(2) mostly(3) I find it difficult(4) I have difficulty(5) getting better at it(6) Your task is(7) Everyone is capable of(8) Now ask another oneActivity 71 (a)2 (a)3 (b)4 (a)5 (a)6 (b)Outside viewActivity 2Correct parts of the sentences are underlined.1 Mind maps are diagrams which help us to generate ideas, and also to organize or structure our ideas related to a topic.2 OK, brainstorming is one of the most important uses of mind maps.3 By using mind maps to collect the main ideas from what the teacher says, you can keep a very general understanding of a topic …4 Before an exam, after having studied for many, many days or even weeks, you might want to capture the very general understanding about the subject5 They give us almost a picture, a different perspective in terms of a picture, or a diagram of understanding information or understanding connected ideas, which is very helpful for people who like to learn from a different way.6 As you can see, we have main ideas throughout our mind map, not long texts.7 Mind maps are illogical and by being illogical they encourage us to think creatively, you might say.Activity 31 There is a centre.2 There are only words, not sentences.3 It looks like a tree.4 You used a lot of colours.Activity 41 (d)2 (b)3 (a)4 (b)Listening in passage 1Activity 2Age: 51Age when stroke occurred: 50Number of weeks of speech and language therapy: 12Length of time in hospital: three and a half monthsActivity 31 No, not that much.2 Because he couldn’t speak.3 She used exercises to help him learn to speak again.4 A special computer programme.5 Yes.6 Being given the right drug at the right time and a lot of therapy. Activity 41 in white coats2 my family3 almost immediately4 words and pictures5 a lot of words6 read and write7 the right timeListening in passage 2Activity 74–2–1–6–5–3Activity 81 (b)2 (d)3 (a)4 (d)5 (d)PronunciationActivity 2What do you mean by critical thinking?↘Can you give an example of some research?↗Could you say something to begin with?↗You have to memorize a lot, don’t you?↘It’s often made of wood, isn’t it?↗Unit 4Inside viewActivity 15–6–3–1–4–2Activity 21 (d)2 (c)3 (c)4 (b)5 (a)Activity 31 No, she hasn’t.2 She trains volunteers.3 To tell her she can’t make the next training session.4 Experienced students.5 The ability to really listen to someone and make them feel you’re listening.6 Listen carefully and then repeat what people have said a little differently. Activity 4(1)can you hold on a moment(2)can I call you back later(3)You’re saying(4)the way it works(5)What do you mean(6)thought about(7)So what you’re saying is(8)You’ve got it alreadyEveryday EnglishActivity 51 (b)2 (a)3 (a)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a)Outside viewActivity 2Topics mentioned: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8Activity 31 1602 19923 one billion4 20 billion5 10, 156 20047 450, two, one8 ten per centActivity 4True statements: 1, 5, 6Listening in passage 1Activity 27–4–5–3–1–6–2Activity 31 The man took his son and his niece with him.2 The man phoned the emergency services before it got dark.3 Afterwards, the girl said, “It was fun.”4 The emergency service centre sent out helicopters as soon as it was daylight.5 The group moved away from where they had taken their photos because the ground was too rough to sleep on.Activity 41 His mobile.2 14.3 The emergency services staff were able to identify which mountains they were.4 To pinpoint the exact location.5 Leaves.6 They were only 400 metres away from where the emergency services staff expected them to be.7 Always take your mobile phone with you when you go hiking.8 No.Listening in passage 2Activity 7True statements: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8Activity 81 (a)2 (a)3 (d)4 (b)5 (b)Unit 5Inside viewActivity 21 (b)2 (a)3 (d)4 (b)5 (a)Activity 4(1) The thing is(2) a bit nervous(3) I’m afraid(4) I could do with(5) You should(6) show her you are(7) It’s a good idea to(8) just be yourself(9) He’s wor riedEveryday EnglishActivity 51 (a)2 (a)3 (a)4 (a)5 (a)6 (b)Outside viewActivity 2True statements: 1, 2Activity 31 at work2 150 million3 met anyone yet4 create your profile5 in your area6 nice short letter7 interested in themActivity 41 Between 24 and 32.2 Two: Doctor Ski and Uncle Bunny.3 She is funny, spontaneous and confident, has a good sense of humour and likes to ski.4 Between 45 to 55.5 He says it needs to paint a broad picture of who you are and what you like doing but does not bore the person.Activity 51 (c)2 (c)3 (d)4 (a)5 (d)Listening in Passage 1Activity 21 She went on holiday.2 She was invited.3 The mountain was vertical and they were climbing with ropes.4 He reassured her that it was safe to climb with ropes and stayed next to her.5 As soon as they met.6 Amy collapsed because she could n’t stand up.7 They went to the nearest village for a pizza.8 Six months later they got married.Listening in Passage 2Activity 6Topics mentioned: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10Activity 71 lie2 photo3 personal information4 voice5 agree to meet6 what time7 something urgent’sPronunciationActivity 3To get started with Internet dating, / there are four steps. The first one is to / find the service / that works for you. / Second step / is to create your profile. / Find a great picture of yourself / that shows you doing / something / that you enjoy. / Write about / who you are / and who you’re looking for. / Third step / is to start searching / for that special someone. / Use the search function on the site / to identify people / in your area / that you may want to / hook up with. / Fourth step / is to reach out to those people. / You write them a nice, short letter. / Show / that you’re interested in them / and off it goes. / After that, / sit back, / cross your fingers, / and hope for the best. Unit 6Inside viewActivity 21 (b)2 (b)3 (b)4 (d)5 (c)Activity 31 It’s a bit big.2 Size 8.3 It’s the last one.4 Janet really likes it.5 By credit card.Activity 4(1) What about this dress(2) Would you like to try it on(3) have this in a smaller size(4) it doesn’t really fit(5) I’ll leave it(6) Why don’t you try it on(7) It really suits you(8) Can I pay by credit cardEveryday EnglishActivity 51 (a)2 (b)3 (b)4 (a)5 (b)6 (a)7 (a)Outside viewActivity 21 She is an ebay seller.2 You type in what you’re looking for or search the categories and then make a bid.3 In nine hours.Activity 31 Lisa is one of Jessica’s customers who want to sell things online.2 Lisa saw Jessica’s flyer.3 Five dresses.4 $50 each.5 The buyer.6 Very popular.7 Just before the close of the auction.8 Yes. The dresses are sold for $210.Activity 45–1–6–4–2–3Activity 51 (b)2 (b)3 (b)4 (c)5 (c)6 (a)Listening in passage 1Listening in passage 2 Activity 7(1) If you eat before you go(2) getting a bargain(3) it’s a wa y(4) the most expensive(5) everything will be cheaper(6) comfort of your own home(7) a delivery charge(8) doing your shoppingUnit 7Inside viewActivity 34–5–6–3–2–1Activity 4(1) they don’t think it’s serious(2) he’ll be fine(3) Tell me all about it(4) What exactly happened(5) What else did he say(6) So he’ll be OK(7) There’s no real concern(8) there’s no need to worryEveryday EnglishActivity 51 (a)2 (b)3 (b)4 (a)5 (b)6 (a)Outside viewActivity 2True statements: 2, 4Activity 31 More mothers have been pursuing careers and fathers have been spending more time caring for children and doing household chores.2 He pursues career and shares in raising the children and doing housework.3 He started to do more cooking, driving the children here and there.4 He says h is father did a lot more than his friends’ fathers and it was a role model for him.5 It meant he could take on more day-to-day care of the children.6 No, he has been able to continue pursuing his career.Activity 41 (d)2 (c)3 (b)4 (d)5 (a)Listening in passage 1Activity 2Nationality of the girls: AmericanUniversity subject studied by both girls: psychologyAge when the girls met: 20Age when the girls fell through glass doors: fiveJosh’s age: 22Month of Josh’s and his twin’s wedding: JuneActivity 31 The question he wants to discuss is which is more important, your family environment or your genes.2 They were separated and adopted by different families.3 A friend of both of them insists they meet.4 Both their adoptive fathers died when they were children.5 Their boyfriends look alike and have similar names.6 They have the same recurring dream.7 They are identical twins and are going out with two sisters.8 Genes decide 50 per cent of who we are and environment decides 50 per cent. Listening in passage 2Activity 61 to give a kidney, more and more2 aged 383 just like a mother4 the same friends5 like Teresa says6 five years ago7 most of the timeActivity 71 A year ago.2 She was terrified and decided to find out more about giving Henrietta a kidney.3 The hospital reassured them.4 People only need ten per cent of one kidney to be completely healthy.5 Because she knew she’d done something worthwhile and felt very good.6 She feels very grateful.7 She’d like to do something that no one knows about.Unit 8Inside viewActivity 31 Because Mark has to do that at the airport.2 A single room with a shower.3 Breakfast.4 Usually midday.5 When he’s in the States.Activity 5New York CityBostonChicagoWashington DCActivity 6New York City: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7Boston: 2, 8Chicago: 5Washington DC: 9Activity 7(1) travelling around(2) I’m flying(3) are you staying(4) I’ll be looking after(5) We’re going(6) go back to(7) fly home from Chicago(8) for six daysEveryday EnglishActivity 81 (b)2 (a)3 (b)4 (a)5 (a)6 (a)7 (b)8 (b)Outside viewActivity 2Size compared with other countries: the sixth largest country in the world Length of coastline: 27,000 kilometresPopulation: 20 millionLocation of Perth: on the west coastLength of Great Barrier Reef: 2,300 kilometres longFamous landmarks in Sydney: the Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge Location of Melbourne: in the southeastFamous animals: koalas and kangaroosActivity 31 Australia is the smallest continent.2 Ayers Rock.3 The Aborigines.4 The Great Barrier Reef5 Nearly one quarter.6 Canberra.Listening in passage 1Activity 21–4–5–7–3–6–8–13–10–2–11–12–9Activity 3True statements: 2, 4Activity 41 Next she took the train to Albany.2 Someone sent by the school.3 Because she was wearing a thick coat and a warm hat.4 She took a taxi.5 One of the other teachers, Rebecca.6 In a flat near the school.7 Because she hadn’t been paid yet.8 A hot dog and coffee.Activity 51 (a)2 (b)3 (c)4 (a)Listening in passage 2Activity 72–4–5–3–1PronunciationActivity 4(1) man(2) bike(3) road(4) border(5) Mexico(6) United States(7) comes up(8) border(9) guard stops(10) points(11) two sacks(12) man(13) shoulders(14) bags(15) guard(16) sand(17) man(18) bikeUnit 9Inside viewActivity 2sleeping badlyloss of appetitea headachemild depressionweight lossActivity 31 Because she hasn’t been sleeping very well.2 She’s worried about her end of term exams.3 Because she’s lost her appetite.4 To keep an eye on her health.5 She suggests that Janet make an appointment to see the doctor.6 She doesn’t want to make a fuss.Activity 41 Well …2 It’s fine.3 No.4 Yes, I think so.5 Fried rice!6 No. Maybe. Yes, I suppose so.7 Yes!Activity 51 She thinks her parents wouldn’t like her to have a boyfriend at university.2 Chinese food.3 They don’t serve much fried rice in college.4 Because she doesn’t read as quickly as her friends.5 To take a few days off.6 Being run down or depressed.Activity 6(1) social life(2) a boyfriend(3) at university(4) Western food(5) your work(6) read as quickly as(7) take a few days off(8) catch a coldEveryday EnglishActivity 71 (a)2 (b)3 (b)4 (b)5 (b)Outside viewActivity 21 The company founder, CEO, and President of the bodyfactory.2 All your green vegetables.3 It has the nutritional breakdown that our body needs on a daily basis. / We can get all of our vitamins in the HULK.Activity 31 He was trained as a dancer and was an exercise instructor and TV show host.2 He sells health drinks.3 Twelve years ago.4 It tastes amazing.5 They like it.6 People who’s never worked out in their life and who’ve never eaten healthily before.7 It makes them want to continue their new lifestyle.Activity 4(1) health and fitness(2) ever tried(3) absolutely amazing(4) for the average consumer(5) on a daily basis(6) best drink you’ll ever ha ve(7) through my day(8) in their lifeListening in passage 1Activity 24–8–7–3–5–1–2–6Activity 31 (a)2 (a)3 (c)4 (b)5 (d)Listening in passage 2PronunciationActivity 3In 1812 / a young man / called James Barry / finished his studies in medicine / at Edinburgh University. / After graduating / he moved to London / where he studied surgery / at Guy’s Hospital. / After that, / the popular young doctor joined the army / and over the next 40 years / had a brilliant career / as an army medical officer, / working in many far off countries / and fighting successfully for improved conditions in hospitals. / It was a remarkable career / – made even more remarkable / by the discovery / on his death / that James Barry had kept an extraordinary secret. / So / was this the end of the story? / Not quite. / When they were preparing his body for his funeral, / they discovered James Barry’s secret. /HE / was in fact / a SHE. James Barry / was a woman.Unit 10Inside viewActivity 21 (d)2 (c)3 (d)4 (b)5 (c)Activity 41 To ask people to write to the Council about recycling.2 He’s going to write a letter this evening.3 She might go to the next meeting.4 About easy ways to save energy.5 To print out the poster and put it up in college.Activity 5(1) They have this plan(2) I’m going to(3) I think I might(4) I’ve been meaning to(5) Doesn’t it worry you?(6) it would be great if you(7) we could do right now(8) it might be an idea to Everyday English Activity 61 (a)2 (b)3 (a)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a)Outside viewActivity 21 Melissa2 Leslie3 Leslie4 David5 Hendeka6 LeslieActivity 31 (b)2 (b)3 (d)4 (c)5 (d)6 (a)Listening in passage 1 Activity 26–4–3–5–7–1–2Activity 31 as efficiently as possible2 at their house3 wooden houses4 knocked it down5 local builders6 the underfloor heating7 using electricity8 own a kitchen Listening in passage 2Activity 61 The passage is about tornadoes in America.2 Dawn Busby and her family.3 They weren’t hurt.Activity 7True statements: 1, 4, 5Activity 81 A huge black cloud.2 It sounded like a train.3 They ran down to the basement.4 The tornado turned left away from them.5 They started laughing.6 Everyone was shouting and cheering and hugging each other.。
新视野大学英语听说教程听力原文及参考答案BOOK1 , unit 3

II. Listening SkillsUnderstanding Times and Dates1. W: Oh, look at the clock. It’s 5:15. I’ll be late for Jennifer’s birthday party! I was supposed toleave at 5 o’clock.M: Don’t worry! You still have some time. The clock is twenty minutes fast.Q: What time is it now?2. W: It’s 7:50, lazybones, and you’re going to be late for the meeting.M: God! I was sleeping like a dog. Well, I still have ten minutes.Q: When is the man’s meeting?3. M: Thank you, Laura. We’d like to go to the barbecue with you. What time should we be there W: Some people are coming around 11:00, and we’re going to play badminton, but we won’t eat until around 12:30.Q: At what time are they going to eat?4. M: I knew Dr. Smith’s birthday was October 26th, but I didn’t realize it was this Saturday.W: Let’s give him a surprise party. We could ask him to meet us at his office at 5, and then we could take him to dinner at the restaurant around 5:30.Q: What time does the woman suggest meeting Dr. Smith?5. M: I just read that Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, when very little was understood abouttime and energy.W: Absolutely. But when he died on April 18, 1955, people knew a lot more, and nuclear power stations had been built.Q: When was Einstein born?1.D2.B3.C4.A5.BIII. Listening InTask 1: A PictureI have a picture that sits on my desk in my bedroom. When I have trouble studying, or I’m worried about an exam, I just take a look at it. It is a picture of my best friends taken years ago when we were in high school. It reminds me of the good time we’ve shared and the support their friendship still gives me today. Even though our lives have gone in different directions, the bond we created has kept us close. Every week I get a message on my answering machine from one of them, or a letter in the mail with the latest news or vacation photos. I often get e-mail with a joke for the day, or words of comfort about some problems in my life. My friends have shown up for surprise birthday parties, and one of them even traveled two hours from the other end of town just to watch my first English speech contest. Our friendship has carried me through a lot of difficult experiences, and has enriched the good ones. It is the kind of friendship that outlasts disagreements, changes, and separation.1.C2.A3.D4.B5.BTask 2: Problem of Meeting PeopleAs a foreign student, I have a number of problems, both academically and socially. The biggestone is meeting people. I feel confident about my ability to cope with problems from my studies, but I’m not comfortable making friends with other students, especially local ones. Perhaps I’m worrying unnecessarily, but I find it difficult to talk to them and to make friends. The primary reasons is the language barrier. My English is quite standard and forma, and although that helps me with my academic work, I have trouble understanding other students when they are just talking. It seems to me that in order to meet with other students I really need informal, colloquial English. Besides, there’s the cultural gap. That’s why it’s so difficult for overseas students and native English speaking students to really get to know each other. I really want to overcome this difficulty. I guess the best way to begin is to start talking about course work that we share; and then I could suggest going for a cup of tea or coffee. Over coffee we could get to know each other. Another way would be to join a club, like a tennis club or a photo club, because that immediately gives you something in common with other people there. It gives you a starting point to build on.1.He has both academic and social problems.2.He fells confident about his ability to cope with his studies.3.The language barrier is the main reason why he finds it hard to make friends with localstudents.4.It is difficult for overseas students and native English speaking students to really get to knoweach other because there is the cultural gap.5.Te best way for the overseas students to actually overcome the difficulty of making friendswith native English speaking students is to start talking about course work.Task 3: Long Distance FriendshipsI have quite a few long distance friendships. How do I maintains these relationships? Well, I believe friendship is very important, But I also think friendship really needs tending—like plants in the garden. It’s important to keep up to date with my friends, something that’s hard to do with long distances between us. But over the years I have managed to stay very tight with my friends, even though distances separate us. Jane lives in another city, and she’s not much for writing letters, so we talk on the phone at least once a week, usually for an hour at a time. We take turns calling each other, so I stay close to her through the phone. My phone bills are high, but I consider them just another living expense, like rent. Other friends I e-mail. I have one friend who just isn’t into writing letters. I’ve known her for a long time. We’ve always considered ourselves friends, but over time I’ve always been in and out of touch with her. But she is always on-line—e-mail is her thing. Since I’ve gotten an e-mail address, I e-mail her twice a week. Now, I’m back in good touch with her. She’ll often sit down and write me e-mail, but she just wouldn’t do it with pen and paper. E-mail’s really a great way to keep in touch with friends.1.maintain2.tending3.date4.phone5.turns6.bills7.expenses8.e-mail 10.touchTask 4: An Announcement1.The Student Friendship Association2.outing3.school gate4.6:405.7 sharp6.on timeIV. Speaking OutNow Your TurnNicole: Hi, Steven!Steven: Why, Nicole! You looked so excited.Nicole: I can’t believe it! I won the first prize in the speech contests!Steven: That’s great! Congratulations!Nicole: Thanks. I’m so happy! I really worked hard though.Steven: You deserve it. I’m very happy for you.Model 2 Sorry, I’m new here, too.Now Your TurnMatthew: Hey, Kimberly, guess what!Kimberly: What’s up, Matt?Matthew: I’ve got the most wonderful news!Kimberly: What’s that?Matthew: Our school basketball team won our game—and by ten points!Kimberly: How wonderful!Model 3 Go straight ahead till…Now Your TurnSusan: What’s wring? You looked so tired and worried.Sarah: My roommate, Nicole, had a temperature last night, as high as 40 degrees centigrade! Susan: Terrible! Is she all right now?Sarah: I don’t know. She’s in hospital.Susan: I hope she’ll be fine.Sarah: So do I.V. Let’s TalkJack: Hi, I’ve been looking for you since the morning. I couldn’t find you anywhere.Jane: Yeah. I don’t feel like hanging out with the crowd any more, especially since Susan stopped coming to school.Jack: I know. It’s such a pity about her parents: losing one parent is bad enough, but losing them both on the same day and in such an accident…It’s terrible! Have you seen her since? Jane: No. I tired talking to her on the phone. She sounded bad.Jack: The other day, I talked to Mr. Smith—you know that tall guy who works in the Dean’s Office. Apparently, Susan is thinking of dropping out of school. She has almost money, you know. Her parents didn’t have much savings.Jane: Yeah. I’ve been quite worried about her. But simply feelings sorry for her is not enough; we have to think of some way to help her. Have any suggestions?Jack: Well, I haven’t really thought about it. I could possibly give her some money. I’ve saved up from my part-time job.Jane: Wow. You’re so generous! But…that wouldn’t be a long-term solution.Jack: That’s true…Perhaps we could help her find a part-time job.Jane: Good idea! The lady who runs the shop where I work at night could be helpful. If Susan is interested, I can introduce her to the lady.Jack: Great! Once she gets a regular income, things will be better. More than anything else, it will take her mind off her tragedy.Jane: Hmm…I was wondering, could we organize a fund-raiser for her?Jack: Well, I’m not so sure how that would work. You know, taking help from us, her best friends, is one thing, but getting the whole school involved may not be a good idea.Jane: Yeah. You’re right. We’ll think of something else. In the meantime let’s go ahead with what we’ve planned. (Looking at her watch) Oh! It’s five to two. I have a class. I gotta run. Let’s meet tonight. Bye!Jack: Bye!JACK ABEG Jane CDFFor ReferenceAA, break the bed news about Mary to B.It’s terrible! I heard that Mary’s father died of cancer.B, say what you feel about the news.Oh, my. I am so sorry to hear that. What terrible news!A, tell your worry about Mary’s life and study.Her father is a real breadwinner of the family. Mary will have to quit school.B, suggest doing something to help Mary out.Well, that’s too bad. What shall we do then as her good friends?A, give your suggestion.Is that possible that we raise money from among our fellow schoolmates to support her?B, show your agreement with A.Sounds OK. Let’s give it a try.BA, tell B that John is going to be back to school.I heard that John is going to be back to school.B, say what you feel about the news.Oh, really? He’s been in hospital for such a long time.A, show your concern about John’s missed study.Well, he must be very worried about his study.B, suggest helping John with his schoolwork,Let’s take turns to help him catch up on weekends. OK?A, show your agreement to B’s opinion.Good. I would also love to be helpful.VI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Worry of a TeacherSusan Smith cared for her students very much, and they all liked her. She wanted them to learn and to be happy. She had a special relationship with one student, Doris. Doris had been to Susan’s house several times and had come to know her husband and children. Lately, Susan had been very worried about Doris because the student’s hometown had recently been hit by a strong earthquake. Susan observed that Doris had lost a lot of weight and often had dark circles under her eyes. She talked to Doris and was as helpful as she could be, but felt that Doris really should see a doctor. One day, Susan talked to Doris and suggested that she go to the health center to talk to one of the doctors. Doris’ face became very red. She said, “I don’t need a doctor. How could you make a suggestion like that? I thought you were my friend!” Susan was very surprised by Doris’ reaction. She said, “I’m sorry to have upset you. I just want to help.” After that conversation, Doris stopped talking to Susan. She also transferred out of her class.1. learn happy2. earthquake3. weight dark circles4. the health center turned red5. surprised talking transferredTask 2: How to build lifelong friendship?You may have a lot of friends and expect your friendships to last a lifetime. However, lifelong friendships are not always what everybody can get. Friends sometimes misunderstand each other. For one thing, you may want your friends to be near at hand, but also you need your independence and privacy. For example, when one of your friends comes asking if it is all right to spend the evening in your house, sometimes you just say “no” to hi or her because it is nor convenient for you. Unfortunately, not all your friends understand this type of independence. They believe that friends can ask for any favor and the answer should always be “yes”. Also, misunderstanding sometimes occurs when you ask for help. You expect your friends to help you mo matter what the circumstances are. But the fact is, your friends may not always drop everything to satisfy each of your needs. This may make you angry with them and your friendship could fade. The most important thing for you and your friends to do is to always show understanding and respect for each other.1.T2.F3.F4.T5.TTask 3: At Your SideWhen the daylight’s gone and you’re on your own,And you need a friend just to be around.I will comfort you; I will take your hands.And I’ll pull you through, I will understand.And you know that I’ll be at your side.There’s no need to worry.Together we’ll survive through the haste and hurry.I’ll be at your side.If you feel like you’re alone, and you’ve nowhere to turn, I’ll be at your side.If life’s standing still and your soul’s confused,And you cannot find what road to choose.If you make mistakes,You can’t let me down.I will still believe,I will turn around…。

1-------W: I saw an ad on the Internet about online language studies. M: Me too. I saw an ad for, "Click Here for Language Learning."Q: What do the man and the woman have in common?M: You have to be 18 years old to enter some online language classes. W: Really? I had no idea that there was a minimum age required for some classes.Q: What did the woman NOT know about online language classes before?M: Unlike regular classes, online classes can be taken at your home. W: That's exactly why I decided to begin studying online!Q: Why did the woman decide to study online?W: I keep on making new friends as I study online.M: So do I! There are so many people online, and I want to meet them all!Q: What is one benefit of studying online?M: My online teacher asked the class for suggestions to make the class better.W: That's great! I always like it when a teacher does that.Q: What did the man's teacher want to do?M: I had no idea that online language learning could be so effective! W: It sure has helped me practice my language skills!Q: What is it about online language learning that surprised the man?M: My classmates and I help each other solve homework problems online. W: It sounds like you're using the Internet in a useful way.Q: What does the man do online?M: Online learning is ideal for anyone who doesn't have time to travel to school.W: Yes, but it also has its own challenges.Q: What does the woman have to say about online learning?M: Virtual classrooms are changing how students study!W: They sure are! And I, for one, am very excited about it.Q: According to the man, what is happening to students because of virtual classrooms?M: What advice did your professor give you?W: He said that taking an online class would help me learn.Q: What did the woman's professor suggest?Transcript:W: How's your new online class, Bill? Is it everything you had hoped for?M: It's everything and more, Susan. You should give it a try! W: Oh, really? What's the best thing about it?M: In an online class, you talk with others over the Internet. Since they are notright next to you, they don't bother you so much.W: That sounds great!I took a class with someone who would make me feel small whenever I made a mistake. He would tell me how stupid I was and intimidate me so that I never wanted to participate.M: Not a problem in the virtual classroom. How would you like to sign up?I think that you could start on the third of next month. W: I don't know, Bill. You know all those problems about having difficult people in the classroom?M: Yeah?W: We don't really have them anymore since you left.Transcript:The first requirement for my online language class was to meet in an online forum. I entered the forum early and sawstudents appear on the screen one after another. Strangely enough, when it was time to begin, the teacher still hadn't shown up. However, we began sharinginformation andtalking about the new class. Unlike me, all of the other students were new to the online class. I told them about my experiences and my thoughts. Then I noticed something. Therewere 27 people in the forum. This was strange because I know there were only 26 people in the class."Hey," I wrote, "which one of you is the teacher?" The teacher madeherself known at last. She said that she wanted to get our honest opinions about the online cl ass. Also, she wantedto have a little fun with us. "Humor will be important in my class," she said.2-----------W: How about spending the evening chilling out with the folks?M: Come on, Mom. I'dreally like to get out with my friends. Q: What does the young man want to do?W: Honestly, I don't know what to say about our son's music.M: Leave him alone about it. After all, your mother didn't like your music either.Q: What should the woman do according to the man?W: I'm surprised to see you out and about so early in the morning.M: You know my mom. She doesn't like me sleeping in, even on weekends.Q: Why is the man out and about so early inthe morning?M: A little teenage rebellion is normal. Your son will get over it.W: I know. I'm just worried about him doing something that will ruin his life. Q: Why is the woman worried about her son?W: Get a piercing in my nose? No way! My parents would be angry!M: You're not giving them enough credit. I don't think they'd be upset at all.Q: Why wouldn't the woman get a piercing in her nose?W: What bug s you most about yourdaughter's eating habits?M: I can't stand the way she eats so quickly.Q: Why does the man have a problem with the way his daughter eats?M: What's wrong with our kids? They think they're entitled to everything we have!W: Well, I feel it's my fault for giving them too much.Q: What does the woman think about their kids' problems?W: Dad, I've got a date tonight with Mike. I'll be back late.M: Him again? I wish you wouldn't date aguy with a tattoo! Q: What does the father wish for his daughter?W: My mother wants me to go into banking, but I like writing. M: You can't let your mother choose your career for you.Q: According to the man, what should the woman's mother NOTdo?W: Dad, I'm a grown woman, and you can't make choice s for me. M: Ha! If you were a grown woman, you wouldn't watch cartoons all day! Q: Why does the girl's father NOT believe that she is a grown woman?M: You should get a sense of humor, Mom.W: I'm sorry, but I just don't think that breaking shop windows is funny.M: If it isn't funny, then I don't know what is. These shop windows only show things out of date and out of fashion. They're misleading. Anyway, it's fun to break old stuff.W: And that's what I'm saying. You don't know what's funny. When I was a teenager, I enjoyed movies and going out with my friends, not causing trouble or breaking things.M: This is just the big difference between your generation and mine. W: No, it isn't! I know teenagers of your age, and they don't have your bad attitude! And they certainly never break shop windows!M: Whatever, Mom. I've got to go now.W: Huh? Where do you think you're going?M: I don't know. Maybe I'll go out and break stuff.Transcript:"Educator methods", such as not buying toys for children who act up, do not always work. I personally think that even though parents teach their children many things, they should not act like teachers all the time. After my "educator methods" failed, I spent some quality one-on-one time with my daughter with NO lecturing about her behavior. For example, we went out for ice cream. While we sat and ate, we spent a long time watching other people and talking about the things around us. Then we went to a bookstore where she looked for a book to buy. It took her a long time, but I was patient. We finally bought her a book and finished our outing together. At the end, we decided to have similar outings once a month, because it really was fun. My main goal was to let her know that I love her.3---------W: In order to have a meaningful life, you must be ready to give and sacrifice.M: I agree totally. And I try to remember this every day. Q: What will be possible if you give and sacrificeaccording to the woman?W: Do you think we should give aid to people in need?M: I think it's the least we should do for them.Q: What should be done for people in need, according to the man?M: Believe it or not, my baseball coach taught me a lot about being kind.W: That really isn't so unusual. After all, it isn't always parents who teach us. Q: Who taught the man to be kind?W: Why do you let your little sister cling to you all the time?M: Since our parents died, she needs me more. I can't push her away.Q: Why does the little sister need the man more?W: My mother never complained about hard work in front of the family.M: Wow, that's something to learn from!Q: What did the woman's mother never complain about? W: You've got to meet my father. He's handicapped and he has a lot to share.M: I'd like to. You just tell me when.Q: Why should the man meet the woman's father?M: I saw you talking to your mother at dusk.W: Yeah, even though she's busy she always finds time to talk to me. That's why I love her so much.Q: Why does the woman love her mother?W: Hey, I heard you spend your evenings at the home for the elderly.M: Some evenings. I'd like to go more, but I don't have time.Q: How does the man feel about going to the home for the elderly?W: You are the first person to extend help when I needed it.M: Don't worry about it. That's what friends are for. Q: Why does the man tell the woman NOT to worry?W: My mother never interrupted me while I told her my problems.M: Sometimes that's the best way to help someone.Q: What did the mother do to help the woman?Transcript:W: I heard a bang on my way to class this morning.M: Some guy brought a gun to school and tried to shoot someone.W: You're kidding! Is everyone OK?M: Yeah. The teacher managedto take the gun from him. W: Our history teacher?M: That's the one.W: He never stops amazing me. M: He was definitely the right person at the right time. After he hit the student and grabbed the gun, he talked to the boy about his problems. While I was on the phone with the police and the parents, he was holding the student. If I was not mistaken, I thought the student was crying.W: Did the teacher help the boy solve his problems?M: I don't think so. The student was clearly bothered by something pretty big. I don't think problems like that can be solved so quickly.But, when the police came to take him away, our teacher told him that he would see him again.Transcript:The friendship and sympathy of a special person changed my life, and I'd like to tell you about it. Looking at me now, you might not guess that I was not very popular when I started my university studies.I was thin and didn't look very handsome with my glasses. In fact, my classmates still laughed at me, just as they did in high school.One day, when I was leaving the science building, someone ran past me and knocked the books out of my hands.I was feeling sad andlonely. But then, someone else approached me and helped me pick up my books. That day, I made my first university friend. Suddenly, life improved. I helped him with his studies. And he helped me with everything else. He taught me how to dress right, how totalk to girls, and above all, how to be social.4----W: I'd really like to make a good impression in class.M: Well, so long as you pay attention, you shouldn't have a problem. Q: How can the woman make a good impression in class?M: I've had a good rest, and am ready to make a good impression on my boss.W: That's the attitude! You're going to be great!Q: What is the man ready to do?M: You've become so mature since I last saw you.W: Nah, it just seems that way because I'm wearing nice clothes. I'm really still like a child.Q: According to the woman, why does she seem different?M: Don't look so aggressive. Calm down and look relaxed.W: OK, I'll remember to smile during my meeting with my new boss.Q: What will the woman remember to do?W: My boss never notices me. I think I lack the skills to get a better job at my company.M: No. You just need to have more confidence in yourself.Q: What does the woman lack according to the man?W: I'm sure you'd be promoted if you wore better clothes.M: You might be right. But clothes are expensive.Q: What might help the man get promoted?M: My status will never improve if I can't make others believe in me. W: Improve the tone of your voice, and others might trust you more.Q: How can the man get others to trust him more?M: How did your interview go?W: Great! I stayed positive, like you said earlier, and I think I got the job!Q: What did the man tell the woman earlier?M: I took an instant likingto you.W: No way! I was so awful to you the first time we met!Q: Why does the woman NOT believe the man?W: It'd be easier for you to persuade people if you don't look so nervous. M: I know, but I really can't change the way I feel.Q: How could the man persuade people more easily?W: Stand up straight! M: What?W: Your head should be up, and your back should be straight! Looking people in the eyes is very important!M: I appreciate your help, but I'm only going to a job interview. W: I assume you want this job. Am I right?M: Of course I do.W: Then listen to me! You'll make a good impression if you show self-confidence. But don't look too rigid. You want to seem a bit relaxed.M: Anything else?W: Yeah. You should tell them a joke.M: A joke?W: Everyone likes a joke. Do you know any?M: I know one about a fight between a Frenchman and a German.W: No! Don't joke about countries, sex, or religions. You could upset someone.M: I don't think I can remember all of this. Maybe I should just stay home.W: Honey, don't worry. You'll be great! Just stand up straight!Transcript:There are simple rules for an interview, and it seems that everyone knows them. So, as an interviewer for my company, I expect people to be clean, well dressed, and show confidence when they see me. This is basic. But there is something else you must know.To leave a good impression in an interview, you must be able to talk about the company. Before you see the interviewer, do some reading. Understand the company's special needs, so you can tell your interviewer how you can fill those needs. And then, you can explain why you should get the job.I see smart, good-looking people every day, but the ones that leave me with the most remarkable impression are those who know about the company. Do this, and you'll be in good shape!5-------M: The battle against AIDS involves all of us, you know. W: Sure. I'm doing my part by teaching AIDS awareness-raising classes. Q: How is the woman doing her part in the battle against AIDS?W: Some doctors say that AIDS will be cured in ten years.M: Maybe. But even so, we shouldn't stop our battle against AIDS. Q: What do some doctors say?M: What can we do for the 8,000 people who die of AIDS every day? W: Let's write letters to the leaders in the federal government and ask them to support AIDS research.Q: What is the purpose of writing letters?W: Have you heard that our group is forming a network with other groups? M: Yes. We need more AIDS groups to join together so our efficiency will improve.Q: Why are the groups forming a network?M: Let's explore ways to fight AIDS that we haven't tried yet.W: OK. What do you think about writing a publication to educate the public?Q: What is the woman's idea for teaching people about AIDS?W: I'm confident we can stop AIDS by teaching people about it.M: Education will help. But AIDS won't be stopped until a cure is found. Q: When will AIDS be stopped according to the man?M: Some AIDS groups emphasize education and some emphasize research. W: Yeah, maybe you're like me, and you don't know which to join.Q: What is the woman having trouble with?W: If people were more giving, our group would have more resources in the battle against AIDS.M: You're right, but we can't force people to help.Q: What would happen if people gave more?M: I've been thinking about joining an AIDS organization after graduation.W: Don't wait that long! AIDS is a world crisis, so we must fight against it now!Q: Why must the man act now?W: I started educating people about AIDS when I discovered I was infected.M: Lots of people help for many different reasons. I'm glad you're here. Q: Why did the woman start educating people about AIDS?Transcript:W: I know many people who are active in the battle against AIDS. Take my uncle for example. He's trying to find a cure.M: That's great! Has he made any progress?W: Some. Right now he's working on a medicine to clean the AIDS virus out of the body.M: How is this medicine different from others?W: Some AIDS medicines can help a little. But the AIDS virus is so good at hiding that it remains. This new medicine will be able to find the virus and get rid of it.M: So why isn't this medicine being used now?W: Well, it's not ready yet. Doctors are concerned about the side effects, like a bad reaction to the use of other AIDS medicines.M: I'm very impressed with what your uncle has done. I'd like to do the same kind of work some day.W: That would be good. But until then, you could at least give money to support research.Transcript:A young man with AIDS refuses to take medicine that could make his life longer and more comfortable, because he's afraid the medicine will kill him. Incorrect beliefs about AIDS are common, and they cause greater pain and help to spread the disease.This is why the United Nations sends educators to the world's poorest places, where people have the least education about AIDS. Once there, they talk with people, giving classes and meeting in clinics to discuss living with AIDS. They tell people what doctors have discovered about the disease, and ask them to trust AIDS medicines.In order to stop the spread of AIDS, education must reach more people. It is not enough only for money to be spent. And more medicines won't solve all of the problems.6-----M: Do you know what is meant by Consider Collar Colors Carefully? W: It means we should think about our beliefs about job status.Q: What does Consider Collar Colors Carefully mean?W: Since you became an executive at the firm, you never have time for the kids.M: I know. All the respect and money I get now isn't worth missing my children.Q: How does the man feel about being an executive?M: My aunt visits schools to convince girls to become plumbers.W: I'd be surprised if many girls listened to her. Most want to work in offices.Q: What would surprise the woman?M: Did you hear the big news? The vice-president died! And I might get his job!W: Are you sure you want it? The job was what gave him the heart attack! Q: Why should the man think more about taking the job according to the woman?W: I really admire people who work hard to build roads and clean the city.M: That's nice to hear. Many people don't respect laborers.Q: According to the man, what is nice to hear?W: You had options after college. Why did you choose to be a window washer?M: I think it's exciting to be high up, outside of tall buildings. Q: Why did the man choose his job?M: It took me 30 hours to write that proposal. I haven't slept, and I want to cry.W: It's finished now. And you can relax by playing some golf.Q: What might make the man relax according to the woman?M: The image of trash men being dirty is wrong! Many of them are very clean.W: I believe you're right. Still, I'm not sure I'd like to become one. Q: What do the two speakers agree on?W: Since you work in an office, you can wear nice clothes every day. M: To be frank, I'd rather wear a T-shirt than a suit.Q: What would the man like to dress for work?M: I'm getting tired of the rude comments we get as garbage men! W: Just ignore them. We know our work is important, and that's all that matters.Q: What should the man do according to the woman?Transcript:M: When we were kids, we didn't think much about social status. We played the part of doctors or plumbers and didn't really understand why one was better than the other.W: Right! We didn't consider collar colors carefully. Later, we learned to respect people like business executives, lawyers, and doctors more than others.M: Do you think we learned the right idea?W: Yeah, I do. Some people are more important than others for society.A plumber, for example, does important work. But he can be replaced easily. A doctor, on the other hand, does important work and it is difficult to replace him. We should, then, respect people like doctors more.M: What about plumbers? Shouldn't we respect them, too?W: Everyone who works hard should get respect, but it's not necessary to respect everyone the same. Of course, I'm friendly and nice to my plumber, but I don't think he's as valuable as some people.Transcript:There was a time when I was afraid to tell people I am a construction worker. Nowadays, I'm proud of it. In fact, I boast about it.My life changed one day when my daughter came home from school and told me that I had a better job than any of the parents of her classmates. At first, I was surprised. I knew many of her classmates had parents who were important business people. I reminded her that business people get more respect from society, often make more money and work in an office.She told me that I didn't understand what was important in life. Respect, money and offices aren't as important as time. Businessmen must work long hours, so they can't see their children as much. Building houses, I only work six hours a day. This gives me more free time to spend with her.7----W: So, did you buy guns for sport or for trouble?M: Neither! I bought a couple of pistols to protect my home.Q: Why did the man buy guns?M: What's the problem? Keeping a gun in my home for safety isn't a crime. W: In this country it is against the law. You'll have to give it to the police right away!Q: What is the problem with the man having a gun?M: My anxiety level always goes up when I see someone late at night. W: You wouldn't be so worried if you carried a gun, like I do.Q: Why does the woman NOT get worried?M: My daughter was arrested for having a pistol at school.W: I know. She told me that she brought it because she didn't feel safe. Q: What does the woman know?M: It's usually males who cause problems with guns. I don't know why. W: Men are just more violent by nature, I think. They cause many problems. Q: Why do males cause most problems with guns?W: I'm cautious when I'm out. I pay attention and stay out of trouble. M: If you continue to do so, you won't have to worry about needing a gun.Q: Why does the woman NOT need a gun according to the man?M: Did you see what the robbers looked like before they started shooting? W: They had on nylon masks, so I couldn't see. I was scared when they shot at me.Q: Why could the woman NOT tell what the robbers looked like?W: I heard that you shot your gun in the house yesterday. Did you see a robber?M: No. I fired it by mistake while polishing the handle. I should have been more careful.Q: Why did the man shoot his gun in the house?M: I became an advocate of tougher gun laws after my son was killed. W: I know you mean well, but I don't think you're doing what he'd want. Q: What does the woman doubt?M: Will you reveal the cause of gun violence at this meeting?W: No. Gun violence is not simple enough to understand in such a short time.Q: Why will the woman NOT tell people the cause of gun violence?Transcript:M: Before the robbery, cases of gun violence were only statistics to me, numbers that I would read in the newspaper. But now, things will never be the same.W: What do you remember?M: I remember everything that I would like to forget. Most of all, I remember the shots. Bang! The sound of the first bullet being fired rang in my ears. I turned and saw a victim collapse. She grabbed her chest. And then, in a moment, she was still.W: You just stood there?M: I was so scared; it was like I was frozen.W: Why did they do it?M: The robbers? They wanted money, of course. But I blame society for allowing people to have guns.W: I don't think I'd like it much if I was told I couldn't have a gun. Having a gun makes me feel safer.Transcript:Millions of people live in fear of being a victim of gun violence, and many of them think guns should be destroyed. I understand how they feel, but I don't share their opinion. Since I've owned guns my entire life, my thoughts on this issue are different.The reality of the situation is that guns don't kill people. People kill people. So we should think less about the problems of guns, and think more about the problems of people. We should think about joblessness and poor education, which are at the foundation of this issue. And we should act to reduce these problems by promoting better schools.Education shows us how to rise above violence, teaching us how to be responsible and how to support ourselves by our work. More people need to learn these important lessons, and then we can reduce gun violence in society.8-----W: Rack your brain for creativity and you will solve your problem. M: I hope you're right. But it doesn't seem like I'll ever be a great painter.Q: What is the man having trouble with?M: What are you doing just sitting there daydreaming? You've got work to do!W: Before I start anything, I like to rack my brain for creativity first. Q: What does the woman like to do?W: It's a miracle! How did you finally solve the math problem?M: The answer just came to me out of a dream.Q: How did the man solve the problem?M: You're a great inventor. How do you get your great ideas?W: They usually come to me suddenly when I'm well rested and relaxed. Q: When does the woman get her great ideas?W: Please, tell me how you get ideas for your novels.M: Ideas burst into my mind while I'm walking in the park. I don't know how.Q: When does the man get ideas for his novels?W: I just can't think of a good topic for my essay! I don't know what to do!M: Try running. Exercise always helps me clear my mind and think of ideas.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do to think of a good essay topic?W: When I turned 50, ideas just started flashing in my mind. It wasmysterious.M: I've heard stories like that. It's really not unusual.Q: What has the man heard before?W: I just came up with an idea for passing this test!M: Quick! Write it down! Ideas are fleeting! And it may be our only hope!Q: Why should the woman write the idea down?M: Countless great musicians and artists have created great works for the church.W: Do you think that religion gives people the ability to open their creativity?Q: What does the woman wonder?W: Years ago, it was easy for me to create new ideas. But now, I have none.M: Maybe you should see a psychologist who can help you.Q: What should the woman do according to the man?Transcript:M: You better start working! Our boss will come any moment!W: I've already seen her. And I'm doing what she told me to do.M: She told you to sit around and do nothing?W: No! She told me to rack my brain for creativity.M: What?W: To rack your brain for creativity means that you think hard for a creative answer to a problem. Before I start my work, I want to think of the best idea possible. When it flashes into my mind, I'll begin. M: Hey, that's what I was doing last week! But when she saw me doing it, she threatened to fire me!W: No. You weren't thinking of ideas. You were just sleeping. There's a big difference.M: Oh. What problems are you trying to solve now?W: Actually, our boss told me to think of a way to tell lazy employees that they'll lose their jobs if they don't work harder.Transcript:Do you think that creative ideas come easily, that they just flash into the mind without hard work? Hardly! Sure, creative ideas come all of a sudden. But the fact remains that those sudden thoughts most often come after a person has worked, studied, and tried several other solutions to whatever question he is trying to answer. Most often, even after he has come up with his creative idea, the person will have to。

Uint8II. Listening SkillsListening for Rents or Charges1.M: Look at this ad! “One bedroom apartment, with kitchen and bathroom.” It’s close to ourschool, and the price is only $250 a month.W: But I want an apartment at least $50 cheaper.Q: What is the highest rent the woman is willing to pay?B) $200.2.M: Laura, I really hate to ask this, but I think I’m going to be five days late with this month’srent. Do you think you could help me out?W: I’m afraid I can’t. It’s $350! I haven’t much money. I have to save hard to pay my own rent;and it’s almost twice as high as yours.Q: How much is the man’s monthly rent?A)$350.3.M: Okay, Mrs. Smith, I’m all packed and ready to move out. There’s just the matter of the$500 damage deposit and I’ll be off.W: Well, Rob, there’s also the matter of some cigarette burns on the carpet and a hole in one of the walls. Those damages will cost $100 to repair.Q: How much is the landlady willing to give back to the man?B)$400.4.M1: Frank, we need to talk about this month’s utility bill. It’s $220, and I’ve give you half theamount. Why are you asking for $50 morre?W2: Don’t you think you should pay a little bit more than that? Y ou have an extra heater in your bedroom. And you have been taking two hot showers a day, sometimes for almost an hour. I think you should be thankful I’m only asking for $160.Q: How much is the second speaker asking the first one to pay?B)$160.5.M: Why are you still staying here? The girls on this floor are so noisy! Y ou can get anapartment off campus for just a little more money. Perhaps $450 a month.W: Well, actually, I was planning to pay the extra $50 to move there. But I changed my idea when I learned those noisy girls will move out next term.Q: What is the rent for the girl’s dorm?B)$400.III. Listening InTask 1:Living with RoommatesLiving with roommates in college dorms, one is likely to have problems as well as success.Some students report more unhappy relationships with their roommates than they do the opposite. One reason for this is that it’s human nature to pick out a person’s negative aspects more easily than to realize his or her positive ones. Living in a college dorm, you will certainly se both the strong points and shortcomings of your roommates. But you’ll be more likely to remember those unhappy moments between you and talk about them. Y ou may often tend to tell war stories about someone who spilled their breakfast all over you, but seldom will you talk about the pleasant conversation you had with someone over breakfast. This selective memory does you no good at all! Therefore, if you want to enjoy better relationships with your roommates, you must work hard to view them as people and make yourself fully aware that they’re going to have some faults—and so are you!1.C2.A3.B4.D5.BTask 2:Interviewing a Rental AgentM: Hi. Are you Jane from the rental agency?W: Y es. Nice to meet you. I take it you’re Tim.M: Y eah. Well, I just started to look into moving off campus. It seems that all the good places are going fast.W: That’s right; you gotta be quick. Let me tell you a little about this apartment. It’s a one bedroom, one living room apartment, with a bathroom and a kitchen. The furnishings are all new. There are hardwood floors, these large windows in the front, and it tends to be a quiet neighborhood.M: And how about the transportation?W: Well, from the bus stop down the block you can always catch buses onto campus, or into the city.M: Ok. How about the rent?W: The rent is $300 per month.M: Is there a security deposit?W: Y es. Y ou must first pay the security deposit, which is one month’s rent, and the last month’s rent. Then, normal monthly payment begins.M: And, would mind if I have a roommate?W: Of course not! Whatever you like.M: Well, the place looks good. I’ll definitely be in touch.W: Ok. Here’s my business card. Give me a call if you have any questions.M: Will do.1.He intends to move off campus.2.The apartment consists of a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. It is equippedwith hardwood floors and new furnishings, and is located in a quiet neighborhood.3.From the bus stop down the block people can always catch buses onto campus, or into thecity.4.It is $300 per month.5.He has to first pay the security deposit, which is one month’s rent, and the last month’s rent.Task 3: Off-campus ApartmentsIn many colleges and universities, the rapid increase in the number of resident students has made on-campus dormitories increasingly crowded. Thus even some of the least attractive off-campus apartments now seem to be in great demand. As a result, real estate owners tend to purchase as many properties as they can near college campus for the sole purpose of renting them out yo students. “College towns”have sprung up across the country where there are large numbers of houses filled with students tenants. To find an apartment that’s “right”for you, first determine exactly how much you can spend. Don’t waste your valuable time seeing apartments you can’t afford. Use newspaper classified ads, apartment guides and the Internet, to make a list of “candidates” in your price range and needs. First consider how much travel time you can afford each day. The next question: will you have a roommate to share the costs? Will you be able to afford the apartment if your partner moves out? Furthermore, be sure to consider the potential costs of utilities carefully. Sometimes utility costs are included in the rent. This arrangement often gives a clearer picture of monthly costs.resident dormitories apartments demand properties rent right spend afford roommate moves costsTask 4: Roommate Wanted20-year-old two 3-bedroom preferred responsible respectful north walking distance privateair conditioning high speed $275 utilitiesIV. Speaking OutModel 1 It’s all my fault.Now Y our TurnProfessor: Everyone should be here by now. Where’re they?David: Well, there was a notice posted on the bulletin board, but maybe not everyone saw it. Professor: Did anyone put up a notice in the regular classroom?David: Well, I think nobody did.Professor: Really?David: I hate to say it, but I don’t think the rest of the class is coming.Professor: It’s all my fault. I should have told them all on the last class.Model 2 I didn’t do that.Now Y our TurnElectrician: Wasn’t I just here several days ago for an electrical problem?Ashley: I guess you’re mistaken.Electrician: Oh man! Look what you’ve done! Y ou can’t plug all these appliances into one socket.It’s too much overloaded!Ashley: I’m sorry, but I didn’t do that.Electrician: The truth is, you college kids never learn!Model 3 I’m afraid you’re rightNow Y our TurnJames: Well, you see, when you get up, you always take a long shower—one hour sometimes. John:That’s not true! I do have a shower every morning, but I don’t think I spent that long. James: But when you use the bathroom, you always lock the door.John: I’m sorry. I just like my privacy.James: Well, the fact is that others need to use the toilet too. Do you think we should go downstairs to the gas station to use the public toilets?John: I’m afraid you’re right. I promise I’ll take a quick shower later, and keep the door open.V. Let’s TalkJack: Hey, Anne, long time no see!Anne: Y eah, whatcha’ been doin’?Jack: Oh, not much, just hanging around my suite.Anne: Oh, you got a suite this year? I remember last year you were in a triple. I mean, thouse rooms were really supposed to be for two people, but they stuffed three of you in them. Jack: Right. That’s why I got to bid first for my room this year. And now me and five other guys are in a suite.Anne: So it’s three rooms for two people each?Jack: Right. And how about you? Where are you living this year?Anne: I’m out in the Hillside Community, I really like it there. It’s a little further away from the Academic buildings, but it’s nice and quiet. Y ou know, I’m not much of a partygoer. Jack: I know. Last year our crazy floor used to keep you up all night! Do you remember when the RA caught me with beer in my room? I had to do 15 hours of building service! Anne: That RA was so strict! In Hillside, since it’s mostly an older community, there are no regulations about alcohol. However, Sunday through Thursday, and Friday and Saturdayafter 1 a.m. are all “quiet hours”.Jack: Is it more expensive to live up there? Iknow the apartments are really nice.Anne: Y eah, a lot more. I t’s about $2,000 a semester.Jack: Whoa. My room is just $1,400 for a year per person.For ReferenceaB,ask A why he/she wants to move out.Why? Is your roommate really that hard to live with?A, make your complaint.I’m afraid so. He/she snores loudly, and it keeps me up all night!B, ask A whether he/she has tried to solve the problem.Well, isn’t there anything you can do about it? Have you talked to him/her?A, express your disappointment.I have, but he/she says there’s nothing he/she can do about it. I know it’s not his/her fault.B, make your suggestion.I think you can suggest he/she go to see a doctor. They can help people who snore.A, make comments on B’s suggestion..Well, if he/she agrees, that would be a good idea. And I don’t have to move out.For ReferencebA, greet B and show your surprise for having not seen him/her for days.Hi, John. I haven’t seen you for days. Where have you been?B, tell A that you’re not on campus very often.Hey, John. It’s good to see you. I’m not living in the dorm now.A, ask B why.What’s up? Anything unhappy?B, give your reason.Well, I just wanted a little more freedom. And…some of my roommates were making me crazy.A, make comments on what B says.I know what you mean. It’s really inconvenient to share a single room with several otherpeople.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingListeningTask 1: The Residence HallThe University Residence Hall houses 339 students. It is conveniently located on campus, and provides comfortable, fully air-conditioned room for male and female students. As an integral part of the educational program, it is more than a place where students can eat and sleep; it is a living unit in the true sense of the term. Here students from all parts of the country and all corners of the world are assigned to room without regard to race, religion, color or national origin. They enjoy many opportunities to make new friends with all kinds of people and can also enjoy many voluntary educational, social, culture and recreational activities provided by the Residence Hall staff, in cooperation with the Residence Hall Council. The experience here will contribute as much to students’ development as will their coursework and study, and ultimately to the sound education needed for effective citizenship in the community.1. on campus air-conditioned room 3392. the educational program a living unit eat and sleep3. all parts of the country assigned to room national origin4. make new friends educational activities5. students’ development the sound education citizenshipTask 2: Arrangements for MovingGood morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’ve called this meeting to discuss our new campus which is opening fully next year. We plan to move our students to the new facilities in groups, so please listen carefully. They Agricultural Science students won’t move at all. As you know, their new facilities were opened last year, and they are well placed for both laboratory and classroom space. The Arts students, however, are a different case. History students are all moving, but unfortunately Their teachers will be left in the old building, as the new office accommodation isn’t yet ready. Better news for engineers. Y our faculty, staff and students, are already in the process of moving to the new campus. The lab is already in operation. The move for the engineers should be completed next week. The old engineering building will be taken over by the Philosophy Department. The Faculty of Law has been moved downtown. This leaves vacant the premises previously occupied by the lawyers. The planning committee is accepting suggestions for the way school buildings could be used. So, if you have further doubts or questions, please let us know. Thank you.1. T2. F3. T4. T5. FTask 3: Top of the WorldSuch a feeling’s coming over meThere is wonder in most everything I seeNot a cloud in the skyGot the sun in my eyesAnd I won’t be surprised if it’s a dreamEverything I want the world to beIs now coming true especially for meAnd the reason is clearIt’s because you are hereY ou’re the nearest thing to heaven that I’ve seenI’m on the top of the world lookingDown on creationAnd the only explanation I can findIs the love that I’ve found ever sinceY ou’ve been aroundY our love’s put me at the top of world…。

Unit 1Listening skills(1)David(2) Leigh(3)Vicky Klein(4) Laura Tish Hill(5)Anthony McDonald Listening inTask 1BDBCATask 2 John 2,3,5 Lisa 1,4,6Task 31. In order to gain admission to a study course.2.To corner him.3.He could answer either ten easy questions or one really difficult.4.He was jolted / shocked.5.Because the interviewer had promised that he would only ask one difficultquestion.Task 4 (1)attention(2)closing(3)five(4)checkouts (5)leaveLet’s talkFurther listening and speakingTask 1 1. new and different 2. on his own 3. a bit confused4. talk with5. sleep in Task 2 FTTFT第一单元Unit testPart I BDCDBPart II (1)all right (2)better(3)meet(4)how’s(5)major(6)What aboutPart III DBCACPart IV 1-5 AACBD6-10 DCADB11-15 CBDAD16-20 CBCBDUnit 2Lead in task 1baseball basketball kickboxing tennis tai chi jogging skiing swimming Listening skills DACBDListening inTask 1 DBCDATask 2 (1)strong and healthy (2) energy (3) sleep better(4)different(5)tastes and needs (6)carefulTask 31.They went golfing together.2. He was giving him tips.3. On Hole 8.4. The ball bumped against the tree and landed near where it had started.5. Because the tree was only three feet tall at that time.Task 41.open2.interested3.checkup4.apply5.PE Department6. exercise opportunity Let’s talkJack 2,4,5 Jim 1,3,6Further listening and speakingTask 1 1. local clubs 2. weekly 3. popular 4. big three 5. fan baseTask 2 FTTFT第二单元Unit testPart I CDCACPart II down turn almost welcomePart III BCABDPart IV DCBADBACACADCBDBCBCUnit 3Lead in DCAEFBListening skills DBCABListening inTask 11. C2. A3. D4. D5. BTask 21.confident; making friendsnguagermal; cultural4.coursework; going for5.join a club; in commonTask 31. The neighbor was deeply offended and hurt.2. It was completely untrue.3. To find out what she could do to repair the damage.4. The wind had blown the feathers all away.5. Once you do something wrong, you can never completely undo it. Task 41. The Students Friendship Association2. outing3. school gate4. 6:40- 3 -5. 7:00 sharp6. on timeLet’s talkJack 2,3,4,7Jane 1,5,6Further listening and speakingTask 11. run at2.terrible sadness3. a big smile4.killing himself5.one small gestureTask 21. T2. F3. F4. T5. T第三单元unit testPart I CCBDDPart II won expect hard agree gainpart III CBADCpart IV BDCAD CBACDUnit 4Lead in Task 1 (从左往右,从上至下)foggy clear snowing a tornado raining lightning II Listening skills1. 2. 3. 54.(1) (2)2055. 08978Listening inTask 11. B2. D3. C4.A5. DTask 2MAN: 2. 4. 5. 6WOMAN: 1. 3Task 31. They were shooting a film.2. It rained.3. The old man was incredible. He could give an accurate weather forecast.4. To hire the old man to predict the weather.5. Because the radio broke and he couldn’t get the weather forecast.Task 41. Sunny2. daytime temperature3. drop4. cloudy5. winds6. snow flurries7. 378. rain showers9. riseLet’s talkMichael 1,2,3,7Emma 4,5,6- 5 -Further listening and speakingTask 11. season2. Climate3. thinking4. mental abilities5. summerTask 21. F2. T3. T4. F5. T第四单元unit testPart I ACBDAPart II (1)Would you like (2)love (3)last (4)trust (5)take carePart III BBCADPart IV BDDAC ADBCD ABABUnit 5Lead in Task 1 (从左往右,从上至下)pizza meatballs hamburger fish braised in brown saucefried bread stick French friesListening skills1. steak2. eggs; bacon; toast3.sweet; weight4.cookies; fruits; strawberries5. fish; fried noodles; mushroomListening inTask 11. C2. D3. D4. B5. DTask 2MAN: 1. 2. 3. 4.WOMAN: 5. 6Task 31. At2. a.m.2. The phone rang.3. The man asked him what time he would open up in the morning.4. He must be a drunken man.5. Because he happened to be locked up in the bar and wanted to get out. Task 41. adding2. dream3. come true4. Great choices5. Double Cheeseburger.6. Pies.Let’s talkJohn 1,3,4,5Susan 2,6,7Further listening and speakingTask 11. national; international; national dishes; foreign ones2. large cities; European; Asian;3. hamburgers; hot dogs; Paris4. tea; coffee; milk; pop5. children; three or four; hamburgers; fried chicken- 7 -Task 21. T2. F3.F4. T5. F第五单元unit testPart I DBCACPart II(1)brings (2)seldom(3)ache(4)recommended(5)light(6)change (7)habits(8)fit (9)concernPart III BCABDPart IV ACAAC ABBAD CCUnit 6Listening skills○1(1) the doctor's feelings (2) health○2(1) cold (2) medicine (3) physical exercise○3(1)schoolwork (2)sleeping (3)health (4)a doctor○4(1)outside (2)long and healthy (3)second-hand smoke (4)cancer○5(1)less (2)junk food (3)exercise (4)enjoy (5)riskingListening inTask 1 ACBBCTask 2 (从左往右,从上至下)(1)Want to sleep all day (2) Not interested (3) customs (4) body language (5) blood pressure (6) some time (7) her own cultureTask 31. She wanted to know if she was getting better.2. She was doing very well.3. She was going to be taken off the heart monitor.4. Send her home the day after tomorrow.5. She must have been Betty Sanders' close family member.Task 4(1) make an appointment(2) checkup(3) cancellation(4)3 o’clock(5) 3:30(6) ThursdayLet’s talkMike 1,4,6 Nancy 2,3,5,7Further listening and speakingTask 11. (1)medical service (2)health insurance2. medical advice3. (1)operation (2)outside (3)make the arrangements4. (1) medical assistance(2) housing (3) off campus- 9 -5. living on campusTask 2 TFFFT第六单元unit testPart I AACDBPart II used spicy stomachaches sick terrible well busy advice checkup care something callPart III BACCDPart IV CDABC AADDA ACAAA AUnit 7Listening skills DBCBCListening inTask 1BCBCDTask 2Man 2,3,6 Woman 1,4,5Task 31. Because of rumors of the sale.2. He was pushed back, amid loud and colorful curses.3. He was punched square in the jaw, and knocked around a bit, and then thrown to the end of the line again.4. He would not open the store.5. The store owner.Task 4(1) Gift Shop (2) gifts (3) friends (4) dolls (5) art prints (6) hand-made(7) daily (8) top professionals (9) at a discount ofLet’s talkJack 2,3,4,8 Jane 1,5,6,7Further listening and speakingTask 11.(1) tolerate (2) complaint2.(1) do any good (2) works (3) dissatisfied customers3.(1) longer (2) harder (3) settled4.(1) Customer Service (2) solve problems5.(1) the right (2) in a timely mannerTask 2 FFTFT第七单元unit testpart I CBDACpart II store sale worth tourism interested present travel break Besides off else pickPart III BBCDAPart IV CACBD ABBCB ACDCUnit 8Listening skills BABBBListening inTask 1CABDBTask 2 (1) bedroom (2) living room (3) kitchen (4) new (5) hardwood (6) in the front(7) campus (8) the city (9) 650 (10) TwoTask 31. On the first day of college.2. From 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.3. It is off limits to all male students.4. Anybody caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time.5. He was kidding.- 11 -Task 4(1) 20-year-old (2) two (3) three-bedroom (4) preferred (5) responsible (6) respectful (7) north (8) walking distance (9) private (10) air conditioning (11) high-speed(12) $275 (13) utilitiesLet’s talkJack 1,3,4,7 Anne 2,5,6,8Further listening and speakingTask 11.(1)on campus (2) air-conditioned rooms (3) 3392.(1) the educational program (2) a living unit(3) eat and sleep3.(1) all parts of the country (2) assigned to rooms (3) national origin4.(1) make new friends (2) educational (3) activities5.(1) students' development (2) the sound education (3) citizenshipTask 2 TFTTF第八单元Unit testPart I CABACPart II around quiet kind-hearted helping far distance takes perfect get along with better deposit meet cleanPart III BCDAAPart IV AABBADBDBAABUnit 9Lead inTask 1 全部选0Listening skills DCABCListening inTask 1ADAACTask 2Man 1,3,4,6 Woman 2,5Task 31. He was a great thief and this trade show would not escape his plunder.2. Because there were millions of dollars of computer equipment inside the show.3. The man merely wandered from booth to booth, humming quietly to himself.4. The guard took him aside and searched his clothes.5. Nothing but ideas.Task 4(1) honored (2) as our guest (3) computer hacking (4) protect (5) books and articles(6) misuse (7) New Threats to Security (8) rouse your interestLet’s talkJohn 1,2,4,7 Anne 3,5,6,8Further listening and speakingTask 11. similar services2. more efficiently3. bricks and mortar4. local bank5. grocery shoppingTask 2 FTTFF第九单元unit testPart I ADBCBPart II fixed searching paper down library far saves type point depend on enjoy chat online studyPart III ABDDCPart IV ACCAABABCADBCUnit 10Lead in Task 1(从左往右,从上至下)- 13 -1. Christmas2. Chinese New Year3. Dragon Boat holiday4. Mothers' day5. Halloween6. Mid-Autumn Festival7. Valentine's dayListening skills1. (1) trip (2) uncle (3) Hong Kong (4) driving (5) fun2. (1) parents' (2) California (3) short of3. (1) packed (2) bathing suit (3) beach4. (1) hunting cabin (2) Thanksgiving (3) interesting (4) gun (5) books5. (1) vacation (2) different (3) expenses (4) savedListening inTask 1 ACCDCTask 2John 1,4,5 Jane 2,3,6Task 31. On the Fourth of July.2. Turkey.3. Because Halloween is the one night of the year when people can all get dressed up as someone else, pretend and let their imaginations run wild.4. They can get to shine light on the dark, and confront monsters, ghosts, witches, and all things dead.5. They reassure themselves that there's really no reason to be afraid of things people see at night.Task 4(1) aboard (2) Disneyland (3) meantime (4) point out (5) scenic (6) relax(7) Mickey MouseLet’s talkJohn 1,3,7,8 Jane 2,4,5,6Further listening and speakingTask 11. (1) wars (2) finding soldiers2. families and lovers3. love and marriage4. (1) prison (2) February 145. (1) fertility (2) modern meaningsTask 2TFFTT第十单元unit testPart I CADBAPart II packing seaside escape rays bring burnt reminding way feel set out visit pityPart III ACBBDPart IV BBADCAAACABCABC- 15 -。

1-------W: I saw an ad on the Internet about online language studies.M: Me too. I saw an ad for, "Click Here for Language Learning."Q: What do the man and the woman have in common?M: You have to be 18 years old to enter some online language classes.W: Really? I had no idea that there was a minimum age required for some classes. Q: What did the woman NOT know about online language classes before?M: Unlike regular classes, online classes can be taken at your home.W: That's exactly why I decided to begin studying online!Q: Why did the woman decide to study online?W: I keep on making new friends as I study online.M: So do I! There are so many people online, and I want to meet them all!Q: What is one benefit of studying online?M: My online teacher asked the class for suggestions to make the class better. W: That's great! I always like it when a teacher does that.Q: What did the man's teacher want to do?M: I had no idea that online language learning could be so effective!W: It sure has helped me practice my language skills!Q: What is it about online language learning that surprised the man?M: My classmates and I help each other solve homework problems online.W: It sounds like you're using the Internet in a useful way.Q: What does the man do online?M: Online learning is ideal for anyone who doesn't have time to travel to school. W: Yes, but it also has its own challenges.Q: What does the woman have to say about online learning?M: Virtual classrooms are changing how students study!W: They sure are! And I, for one, am very excited about it.Q: According to the man, what is happening to students because of virtual classrooms?M: What advice did your professor give you?W: He said that taking an online class would help me learn.Q: What did the woman's professor suggest?Transcript:W: How's your new online class, Bill? Is it everything you had hoped for?M: It's everything and more, Susan. You should give it a try!W: Oh, really? What's the best thing about it?M: In an online class, you talk with others over the Internet. Since they are not right next to you, they don't bother you so much.W: That sounds great! I took a class with someone who would make me feel small whenever I made a mistake. He would tell me how stupid I was and intimidate me so that I never wanted to participate.M: Not a problem in the virtual classroom. How would you like to sign up? I think that you could start on the third of next month.W: I don't know, Bill. You know all those problems about having difficult people in the classroom?M: Yeah?W: We don't really have them anymore since you left.Transcript:The first requirement for my online language class was to meet in an online forum.I entered the forum early and saw students appear on the screen one after another. Strangely enough, when it was time to begin, the teacher still hadn't shown up. However, we began sharing information and talking about the new class. Unlike me, all of the other students were new to the online class. I told them about my experiences and my thoughts. Then I noticed something. There were 27 people in the forum. This was strange because I know there were only 26 people in the class."Hey," I wrote, "which one of you is the teacher?"The teacher made herself known at last. She said that she wanted to get our honest opinions about the online class. Also, she wanted to have a little fun with us. "Humor will be important in my class," she said.2-----------W: How about spending the evening chilling out with the folks?M: Come on, Mom. I'd really like to get out with my friends.Q: What does the young man want to do?W: Honestly, I don't know what to say about our son's music.M: Leave him alone about it. After all, your mother didn't like your music either. Q: What should the woman do according to the man?W: I'm surprised to see you out and about so early in the morning.M: You know my mom. She doesn't like me sleeping in, even on weekends.Q: Why is the man out and about so early in the morning?M: A little teenage rebellion is normal. Your son will get over it.W: I know. I'm just worried about him doing something that will ruin his life. Q: Why is the woman worried about her son?W: Get a piercing in my nose? No way! My parents would be angry!M: You're not giving them enough credit. I don't think they'd be upset at all. Q: Why wouldn't the woman get a piercing in her nose?W: What bugs you most about your daughter's eating habits?M: I can't stand the way she eats so quickly.Q: Why does the man have a problem with the way his daughter eats?M: What's wrong with our kids? They think they're entitled to everything we have! W: Well, I feel it's my fault for giving them too much.Q: What does the woman think about their kids' problems?W: Dad, I've got a date tonight with Mike. I'll be back late.M: Him again? I wish you wouldn't date a guy with a tattoo!Q: What does the father wish for his daughter?W: My mother wants me to go into banking, but I like writing.M: You can't let your mother choose your career for you.Q: According to the man, what should the woman's mother NOT do?W: Dad, I'm a grown woman, and you can't make choices for me.M: Ha! If you were a grown woman, you wouldn't watch cartoons all day!Q: Why does the girl's father NOT believe that she is a grown woman?M: You should get a sense of humor, Mom.W: I'm sorry, but I just don't think that breaking shop windows is funny.M: If it isn't funny, then I don't know what is. These shop windows only show things out of date and out of fashion. They're misleading. Anyway, it's fun to break old stuff.W: And that's what I'm saying. You don't know what's funny. When I was a teenager, I enjoyed movies and going out with my friends, not causing trouble or breaking things. M: This is just the big difference between your generation and mine.W: No, it isn't! I know teenagers of your age, and they don't have your bad attitude! And they certainly never break shop windows!M: Whatever, Mom. I've got to go now.W: Huh? Where do you think you're going?M: I don't know. Maybe I'll go out and break stuff.Transcript:"Educator methods", such as not buying toys for children who act up, do not always work. I personally think that even though parents teach their children many things, they should not act like teachers all the time. After my "educator methods" failed, I spent some quality one-on-one time with my daughter with NO lecturing about her behavior. For example, we went out for ice cream. While we sat and ate, we spent a long time watching other people and talking about the things around us. Then we went to a bookstore where she looked for a book to buy. It took her a long time, but I was patient. We finally bought her a book and finished our outing together. At theend, we decided to have similar outings once a month, because it really was fun. My main goal was to let her know that I love her.3---------W: In order to have a meaningful life, you must be ready to give and sacrifice.M: I agree totally. And I try to remember this every day.Q: What will be possible if you give and sacrifice according to the woman?W: Do you think we should give aid to people in need?M: I think it's the least we should do for them.Q: What should be done for people in need, according to the man?M: Believe it or not, my baseball coach taught me a lot about being kind.W: That really isn't so unusual. After all, it isn't always parents who teach us. Q: Who taught the man to be kind?W: Why do you let your little sister cling to you all the time?M: Since our parents died, she needs me more. I can't push her away.Q: Why does the little sister need the man more?W: My mother never complained about hard work in front of the family.M: Wow, that's something to learn from!Q: What did the woman's mother never complain about?W: You've got to meet my father. He's handicapped and he has a lot to share. M: I'd like to. You just tell me when.Q: Why should the man meet the woman's father?M: I saw you talking to your mother at dusk.W: Yeah, even though she's busy she always finds time to talk to me. That's why I love her so much.Q: Why does the woman love her mother?W: Hey, I heard you spend your evenings at the home for the elderly.M: Some evenings. I'd like to go more, but I don't have time.Q: How does the man feel about going to the home for the elderly?W: You are the first person to extend help when I needed it.M: Don't worry about it. That's what friends are for.Q: Why does the man tell the woman NOT to worry?W: My mother never interrupted me while I told her my problems.M: Sometimes that's the best way to help someone.Q: What did the mother do to help the woman?Transcript:W: I heard a bang on my way to class this morning.M: Some guy brought a gun to school and tried to shoot someone.W: You're kidding! Is everyone OK?M: Yeah. The teacher managed to take the gun from him.W: Our history teacher?M: That's the one.W: He never stops amazing me.M: He was definitely the right person at the right time. After he hit the student and grabbed the gun, he talked to the boy about his problems. While I was on the phone with the police and the parents, he was holding the student. If I was not mistaken, I thought the student was crying.W: Did the teacher help the boy solve his problems?M: I don't think so. The student was clearly bothered by something pretty big. I don't think problems like that can be solved so quickly. But, when the police came to take him away, our teacher told him that he would see him again.Transcript:The friendship and sympathy of a special person changed my life, and I'd like to tell you about it. Looking at me now, you might not guess that I was not very popular when I started my university studies. I was thin and didn't look very handsome with my glasses. In fact, my classmates still laughed at me, just as they did in high school. One day, when I was leaving the science building, someone ran past me and knocked the books out of my hands.I was feeling sad and lonely. But then, someone else approached me and helped me pick up my books. That day, I made my first university friend. Suddenly, life improved.I helped him with his studies. And he helped me with everything else. He taught me how to dress right, how to talk to girls, and above all, how to be social.4----W: I'd really like to make a good impression in class.M: Well, so long as you pay attention, you shouldn't have a problem.Q: How can the woman make a good impression in class?M: I've had a good rest, and am ready to make a good impression on my boss.W: That's the attitude! You're going to be great!Q: What is the man ready to do?M: You've become so mature since I last saw you.W: Nah, it just seems that way because I'm wearing nice clothes. I'm really still like a child.Q: According to the woman, why does she seem different?M: Don't look so aggressive. Calm down and look relaxed.W: OK, I'll remember to smile during my meeting with my new boss.Q: What will the woman remember to do?W: My boss never notices me. I think I lack the skills to get a better job at my company. M: No. You just need to have more confidence in yourself.Q: What does the woman lack according to the man?W: I'm sure you'd be promoted if you wore better clothes.M: You might be right. But clothes are expensive.Q: What might help the man get promoted?M: My status will never improve if I can't make others believe in me.W: Improve the tone of your voice, and others might trust you more.Q: How can the man get others to trust him more?M: How did your interview go?W: Great! I stayed positive, like you said earlier, and I think I got the job! Q: What did the man tell the woman earlier?M: I took an instant liking to you. W: No way! I was so awful to you the first time we met!Q: Why does the woman NOT believe the man?W: It'd be easier for you to persuade people if you don't look so nervous.M: I know, but I really can't change the way I feel.Q: How could the man persuade people more easily?W: Stand up straight!M: What?W: Your head should be up, and your back should be straight! Looking people in the eyes is very important!M: I appreciate your help, but I'm only going to a job interview.W: I assume you want this job. Am I right?M: Of course I do.W: Then listen to me! You'll make a good impression if you show self-confidence. But don't look too rigid. You want to seem a bit relaxed.M: Anything else?W: Yeah. You should tell them a joke.M: A joke?W: Everyone likes a joke. Do you know any?M: I know one about a fight between a Frenchman and a German.W: No! Don't joke about countries, sex, or religions. You could upset someone. M: I don't think I can remember all of this. Maybe I should just stay home.W: Honey, don't worry. You'll be great! Just stand up straight!Transcript:There are simple rules for an interview, and it seems that everyone knows them. So, as an interviewer for my company, I expect people to be clean, well dressed, and show confidence when they see me. This is basic. But there is something else you must know.To leave a good impression in an interview, you must be able to talk about the company. Before you see the interviewer, do some reading. Understand the company's special needs, so you can tell your interviewer how you can fill those needs. And then, you can explain why you should get the job.I see smart, good-looking people every day, but the ones that leave me with the most remarkable impression are those who know about the company. Do this, and you'll be in good shape!5-------M: The battle against AIDS involves all of us, you know.W: Sure. I'm doing my part by teaching AIDS awareness-raising classes.Q: How is the woman doing her part in the battle against AIDS?W: Some doctors say that AIDS will be cured in ten years.M: Maybe. But even so, we shouldn't stop our battle against AIDS.Q: What do some doctors say?M: What can we do for the 8,000 people who die of AIDS every day?W: Let's write letters to the leaders in the federal government and ask them to support AIDS research.Q: What is the purpose of writing letters?W: Have you heard that our group is forming a network with other groups?M: Yes. We need more AIDS groups to join together so our efficiency will improve. Q: Why are the groups forming a network?M: Let's explore ways to fight AIDS that we haven't tried yet.W: OK. What do you think about writing a publication to educate the public?Q: What is the woman's idea for teaching people about AIDS?W: I'm confident we can stop AIDS by teaching people about it.M: Education will help. But AIDS won't be stopped until a cure is found.Q: When will AIDS be stopped according to the man?M: Some AIDS groups emphasize education and some emphasize research.W: Yeah, maybe you're like me, and you don't know which to join.Q: What is the woman having trouble with?W: If people were more giving, our group would have more resources in the battle against AIDS.M: You're right, but we can't force people to help.Q: What would happen if people gave more?M: I've been thinking about joining an AIDS organization after graduation.W: Don't wait that long! AIDS is a world crisis, so we must fight against it now! Q: Why must the man act now?W: I started educating people about AIDS when I discovered I was infected.M: Lots of people help for many different reasons. I'm glad you're here.Q: Why did the woman start educating people about AIDS?Transcript:W: I know many people who are active in the battle against AIDS. Take my uncle for example. He's trying to find a cure.M: That's great! Has he made any progress?W: Some. Right now he's working on a medicine to clean the AIDS virus out of the body. M: How is this medicine different from others?W: Some AIDS medicines can help a little. But the AIDS virus is so good at hiding that it remains. This new medicine will be able to find the virus and get rid of it. M: So why isn't this medicine being used now?W: Well, it's not ready yet. Doctors are concerned about the side effects, like a bad reaction to the use of other AIDS medicines.M: I'm very impressed with what your uncle has done. I'd like to do the same kind of work some day.W: That would be good. But until then, you could at least give money to support research.Transcript:A young man with AIDS refuses to take medicine that could make his life longer and more comfortable, because he's afraid the medicine will kill him. Incorrect beliefs about AIDS are common, and they cause greater pain and help to spread the disease. This is why the United Nations sends educators to the world's poorest places, where people have the least education about AIDS. Once there, they talk with people, giving classes and meeting in clinics to discuss living with AIDS. They tell people what doctors have discovered about the disease, and ask them to trust AIDS medicines. In order to stop the spread of AIDS, education must reach more people. It is not enough only for money to be spent. And more medicines won't solve all of the problems.6-----M: Do you know what is meant by Consider Collar Colors Carefully?W: It means we should think about our beliefs about job status.Q: What does Consider Collar Colors Carefully mean?W: Since you became an executive at the firm, you never have time for the kids. M: I know. All the respect and money I get now isn't worth missing my children. Q: How does the man feel about being an executive?M: My aunt visits schools to convince girls to become plumbers.W: I'd be surprised if many girls listened to her. Most want to work in offices. Q: What would surprise the woman?M: Did you hear the big news? The vice-president died! And I might get his job! W: Are you sure you want it? The job was what gave him the heart attack!Q: Why should the man think more about taking the job according to the woman?W: I really admire people who work hard to build roads and clean the city.M: That's nice to hear. Many people don't respect laborers.Q: According to the man, what is nice to hear?W: You had options after college. Why did you choose to be a window washer?M: I think it's exciting to be high up, outside of tall buildings.Q: Why did the man choose his job?M: It took me 30 hours to write that proposal. I haven't slept, and I want to cry. W: It's finished now. And you can relax by playing some golf.Q: What might make the man relax according to the woman?M: The image of trash men being dirty is wrong! Many of them are very clean. W: I believe you're right. Still, I'm not sure I'd like to become one.Q: What do the two speakers agree on?W: Since you work in an office, you can wear nice clothes every day.M: To be frank, I'd rather wear a T-shirt than a suit.Q: What would the man like to dress for work?M: I'm getting tired of the rude comments we get as garbage men!W: Just ignore them. We know our work is important, and that's all that matters. Q: What should the man do according to the woman?Transcript:M: When we were kids, we didn't think much about social status. We played the part of doctors or plumbers and didn't really understand why one was better than the other. W: Right! We didn't consider collar colors carefully. Later, we learned to respect people like business executives, lawyers, and doctors more than others.M: Do you think we learned the right idea?W: Yeah, I do. Some people are more important than others for society. A plumber, for example, does important work. But he can be replaced easily. A doctor, on the other hand, does important work and it is difficult to replace him. We should, then, respect people like doctors more.M: What about plumbers? Shouldn't we respect them, too?W: Everyone who works hard should get respect, but it's not necessary to respect everyone the same. Of course, I'm friendly and nice to my plumber, but I don't think he's as valuable as some people.Transcript:There was a time when I was afraid to tell people I am a construction worker. Nowadays,I'm proud of it. In fact, I boast about it.My life changed one day when my daughter came home from school and told me that I had a better job than any of the parents of her classmates. At first, I was surprised.I knew many of her classmates had parents who were important business people. I reminded her that business people get more respect from society, often make more money and work in an office.She told me that I didn't understand what was important in life. Respect, money and offices aren't as important as time. Businessmen must work long hours, so they can't see their children as much. Building houses, I only work six hours a day. This gives me more free time to spend with her.7----W: So, did you buy guns for sport or for trouble?M: Neither! I bought a couple of pistols to protect my home.Q: Why did the man buy guns?M: What's the problem? Keeping a gun in my home for safety isn't a crime.W: In this country it is against the law. You'll have to give it to the police right away!Q: What is the problem with the man having a gun?M: My anxiety level always goes up when I see someone late at night.W: You wouldn't be so worried if you carried a gun, like I do.Q: Why does the woman NOT get worried?M: My daughter was arrested for having a pistol at school.W: I know. She told me that she brought it because she didn't feel safe.Q: What does the woman know?M: It's usually males who cause problems with guns. I don't know why.W: Men are just more violent by nature, I think. They cause many problems.Q: Why do males cause most problems with guns?W: I'm cautious when I'm out. I pay attention and stay out of trouble.M: If you continue to do so, you won't have to worry about needing a gun.Q: Why does the woman NOT need a gun according to the man?M: Did you see what the robbers looked like before they started shooting?W: They had on nylon masks, so I couldn't see. I was scared when they shot at me. Q: Why could the woman NOT tell what the robbers looked like?W: I heard that you shot your gun in the house yesterday. Did you see a robber? M: No. I fired it by mistake while polishing the handle. I should have been more careful.Q: Why did the man shoot his gun in the house?M: I became an advocate of tougher gun laws after my son was killed.W: I know you mean well, but I don't think you're doing what he'd want.Q: What does the woman doubt?M: Will you reveal the cause of gun violence at this meeting?W: No. Gun violence is not simple enough to understand in such a short time.Q: Why will the woman NOT tell people the cause of gun violence?Transcript:M: Before the robbery, cases of gun violence were only statistics to me, numbers that I would read in the newspaper. But now, things will never be the same.W: What do you remember?M: I remember everything that I would like to forget. Most of all, I remember the shots. Bang! The sound of the first bullet being fired rang in my ears. I turned and saw a victim collapse. She grabbed her chest. And then, in a moment, she was still. W: You just stood there?M: I was so scared; it was like I was frozen.W: Why did they do it?M: The robbers? They wanted money, of course. But I blame society for allowing people to have guns.W: I don't think I'd like it much if I was told I couldn't have a gun. Having a gun makes me feel safer.Transcript:Millions of people live in fear of being a victim of gun violence, and many of them think guns should be destroyed. I understand how they feel, but I don't share their opinion. Since I've owned guns my entire life, my thoughts on this issue are different. The reality of the situation is that guns don't kill people. People kill people. So we should think less about the problems of guns, and think more about the problems of people. We should think about joblessness and poor education, which are at the foundation of this issue. And we should act to reduce these problems by promoting better schools.Education shows us how to rise above violence, teaching us how to be responsible and how to support ourselves by our work. More people need to learn these important lessons, and then we can reduce gun violence in society.8-----W: Rack your brain for creativity and you will solve your problem.M: I hope you're right. But it doesn't seem like I'll ever be a great painter. Q: What is the man having trouble with?M: What are you doing just sitting there daydreaming? You've got work to do!W: Before I start anything, I like to rack my brain for creativity first.Q: What does the woman like to do?W: It's a miracle! How did you finally solve the math problem?M: The answer just came to me out of a dream.Q: How did the man solve the problem?M: You're a great inventor. How do you get your great ideas?W: They usually come to me suddenly when I'm well rested and relaxed.Q: When does the woman get her great ideas?W: Please, tell me how you get ideas for your novels.M: Ideas burst into my mind while I'm walking in the park. I don't know how.Q: When does the man get ideas for his novels?W: I just can't think of a good topic for my essay! I don't know what to do! M: Try running. Exercise always helps me clear my mind and think of ideas.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do to think of a good essay topic?W: When I turned 50, ideas just started flashing in my mind. It was mysterious. M: I've heard stories like that. It's really not unusual.Q: What has the man heard before?W: I just came up with an idea for passing this test!M: Quick! Write it down! Ideas are fleeting! And it may be our only hope!Q: Why should the woman write the idea down?M: Countless great musicians and artists have created great works for the church. W: Do you think that religion gives people the ability to open their creativity? Q: What does the woman wonder?W: Years ago, it was easy for me to create new ideas. But now, I have none.M: Maybe you should see a psychologist who can help you.Q: What should the woman do according to the man?Transcript:M: You better start working! Our boss will come any moment!W: I've already seen her. And I'm doing what she told me to do.M: She told you to sit around and do nothing?W: No! She told me to rack my brain for creativity.M: What?W: To rack your brain for creativity means that you think hard for a creative answer to a problem. Before I start my work, I want to think of the best idea possible. When it flashes into my mind, I'll begin.M: Hey, that's what I was doing last week! But when she saw me doing it, she threatened to fire me!W: No. You weren't thinking of ideas. You were just sleeping. There's a big difference.。

新视野大学英语NewHorizonVLS1_Tapescripts of Unit5 II. Listening SkillsListening for People’s Food Preferences1. M: Jenny, the main courses here are steak, chicken or fish. Each comes with rice. So, whatlooks good to you?W: Gee, I had chicken last night, and I often eat fish for dinner. Maybe I’ll have steak tonight.I’d like it medium.Q: What does the woman want to have for dinner?The woman wants to have steak for dinner.2. W: I often sleep late and skip breakfast. Sometimes I just have yogurt or something.M: I can’t bear the taste of yogurt. I like a regular breakfast—eggs, bacon, toast, and the like. Q: What does the man like to have for breakfast?The man likes eggs, bacon, toast, and the like for breakfast.3. M: Why don’t we go and get some ice cream?W: You devil, you know I have a sweet tooth. I love desserts, but I have to be careful about my weight.Q: What does the woman think about sweet food?The woman has a taste for sweet food, but is worried about putting on weight.4. M: I’ve bought some cookies for the club meeting this evening. Do you like them?W: No, not really. Ii prefer fruit, like apples, strawberries, and so on.Q: What food does the woman like and dislike?The woman doesn’t like cookies; she likes fruit such as apples and strawberries.5.W: I’ve come to this Chinese restaurant many times. I like sweet-and-sour fish, friednoodles…and the mushroom soup here id delicious.M: You’re really a big fan of Chinese food. OK, you do the ordering.Q: What kind of Chinese food does the woman like?The woman likes sweet-and-sour fish, fried noodles and the mushroom soup in the restaurant. III. Listening InTask 1: Fast Food CultureSince the late 1900s, Americans have begun to fully believe in their “fast food culture”. In 1994 alone, fast food restaurants in the United States sold over 5 billion hamburgers, making it a favorite meal and an important commodity. Each day in 1996, seven percent of the population ate at the 11,400 McDonald’s; males from their mid-teens to their early 30s made up 75 percent of this business. By then, fast food had become a cultural phenomenon that reached beyond America’s borders. In 1996 McDonald’s owned over 7,000 restaurants in other countries, including: 1,482 in Japan; 430 in France; 63 in China; and so on. McDonald’s has also recognizedsome cultural differences. In Germany, for example, the outlets sell beer, in France they sell wine and beer, and in Saudi Arabia they have separate sections for men and women and close four times a day for prayers. But for the most part the fast food fare is the same, maintaining the same culture on an international level.1.D2.C3.A4.B5.CTask 2: McDonald’sW: John, I’m really hungry!M: Just get anything you want, it’s on me today. I’m thinking about a hamburger and some chicken McNuggets.W: Thanks, man. That sounds good. I love milkshakes here.M: Me, too. The formula of McDonald’s is really special.W: Right. And no matter where you go in the world, you can always see similar menu items and the same high level of quality in McDonald’s.M: It’s true. They also do well because of diversity. I mean, they sell different products according to people’s tastes and preferences in different areas.W: Right. Like the Spicy Chicken Sandwich and Seafood Soup that they sell in China. They could never sell that here!M: But I’ve heard that McDonald’s is really losing market share in the States now, and has closed down some restaurants.W: Yeah. It’s just so difficult to stay competitive when there so many fast food chains in the States.I mean there are KFC, Pizza Hut, and A&W, just to name a few.M: It seems that they’re doing better overseas,’ cause they’re really able to sell American culture. W: Yeah. They use all the media they can, and they do a good job.1.They will probably eat a hamburger, some chicken McNuggets, and the shakes.2.McDonald’s is so successful because of its formula and diversity.3.You can always see similar menu items and the same high level of quality.4.McDonald’s is losing market share in the States now and has closed down some restaurants.Because there’re so many fast food chains in the U.S. that it’s difficult for McDonald’s to stay competitive.5.Because they’re able to sell American culture by using all the media they can.Task 3: American Eating HabitsEating habits in America really get a lot of criticism. But the truth is, it matters much where in America you look. In big cities, people are becoming more health-conscious every day. This is shown by what foods they choose to buy in supermarkets, and what restaurants they eat in. There is now a big push for “green” foods that are grown naturally. In cities like New York and Chicago, restaurants offer new and healthy styles to stay ahead of the competition. However, these habits contrast with those in America’s heartland. Here, people tend to eat more traditional and higher fat foods, such as breakfasts of eggs, bacon, sausages, toast and other greasy, but delicious foods. Fast food chain restaurants such as McDonald’s and the Olive Garden, which serve cheaper food, draw a lot of customers and are popular in most places.There are different eating habits across America. In big cities, people have now become morehealth-conscious than ever. There is a big push for “green” foods that are grown naturally. In New York and other big cities, restaurants offer new and healthy styles to stay ahead of the competition. However, people in America’s heartland are quite different. They often eat more traditional and higher fat foods. Fast food chain restaurants draw a lot of customers and are popular in most places.Task 4: An AnnouncementHave you ever dreamed of tasting your favorite McDonald’s foods for only one dollar, and then, adding something to your Extra V alue Meal? Now your dream can come true with McDonald’s Dollar Menu. Great choices. Every day here at McDonald’s. Look for these and more: Salad, Double Cheeseburger, Fries, McChicken Sandwiches, Snack Fruits, Soft Drinks, and Pies. Have a great meal!IV. Speaking OutNow Your TurnJames: Hey, Lisa! The physics exam is over at last! What’re you planning to do this weekend? Lisa: Oh, nothing special. You got any good ideas?James: We haven’t had a party for ages. How about having a pot-luck supper Saturday evening?Each of us can contribute something. We’ll have a good time.Lisa: Good idea! And who do you think we should invite?James: The whole class, of course. The more the merrier.Lisa: Terrific!Model 2 What do you recommend?Now Your TurnWaitress:Here’s the menu.Jennifer:Thanks. Chris, let’s have fried noodles for a change, shall we?Christopher:That sounds good, but it’s not satisfying with only noodles.Jennifer:Waitress, what do you recommend?Waitress:How about seafood with fried noodles and vegetables?Christopher: Good. I like seafood.Jennifer:Same here.Model 3 It’s easier said than done!Now Your TurnSarah: Hi, Jim! You look pale. What’s wrong?James: Well, yesterday I had a huge steak for supper. At night I had a terrible stomachache. Sarah: You shouldn’t have eaten that much. How’re you feeling now?James: Better than I was. But I guess I won’t be able to look a cow in the eye for a while. Sarah: Take my advice! If you eat regular meals, you won’t feel so bad.James: It’s easier said than done. Steak is my favorite.V. Let’s TalkJane: I’m from the Students Union. We’re doing a survey of students’ eating habits. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?Jim: Will it take long?Jane: No, not really. Fie minutes maybe? There aren’t all that many questions.Jim: And what’s it for exactly?Jane: Well, we want to get an idea of the sort of things students eat on a regular basis, and to find out how aware people are about diet and nutrition and those matters. The intention is to produce an information leaflet about healthy eating.Jim: Yeah, I suppose something like that would be quite useful. Anyway, what do you want to know, exactly?Jane: OK, first question. What would you say your favorite food is?Jim: That’s easy. Hamburgers and fries. Lots of fries1 I must say I like a nice Chinese meal as well.Jane: Mmm. You’re getting into some bad habits there. How many meals do you have a day? I mean sit-down meals, not snacks.Jim: Well, I nearly always oversleep. I usually skip breakfast altogether. And I’d probably just have a chocolate bar for lunch. So I don’t sit down to a meal till evening.Jane: OK. Typical student, I suppose. And how about fresh fruit? Is it important in your diet? Jim: Nah, not really. I know it’s bad, but…I’m just not in the habit really. I suppose I might eat an apple once in a while.1. Hamburgers fries2. Chinese3. cabbage4. skipped5. chocolate6. sit-down7. fruitFor ReferenceAA, suggest vegetables and fruit to your partner.You’re gaining weight soon. I think you should take more green vegetables and fruit.B, say you love meat the best.Don’t mention egetables or fruit. Meat is my favorite. I love it, so does my stomach.A, give your warning of eating fat.Listen, you’ll suffer from eating too much fat.B, say you know the importance of a balanced diet but just cannot change your eating habit. Man, I know a balanced diet is important. But I just can’t change my eating habit.A, stress the importance of a good diet again.Well, I don’t think you’ve ever tried to change it. You know, good diet means good health.B, show your impatience.I knooooow, nutritionistBA, ask the American friend about the Chinese food.Hi, Tony, how would you like these Chinese food, tofu and steamed fish?B, you find the food tastes strange.Well, it tastes…sort of strange. We don’t have stuffs cooked like this.A, ask what the Americans eat.So what do you usually have in America?B, tell what the Americans typically eat and invite A to McDonald’s next time.Er, a typical lunch may consist of a burger or sandwish, a vegetable or fruit salad, a dessert, and a coke or coffee. Nect time I would invite you to a fast food meal at McDonald’s and tell you more about American food.A, say what you fell about B’s words.Oh, that’s really different from ours.VI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Foods in the WorldFood is national and international. Many people like their own national dishes and a variety of foreign ones. You can find European and Oriental restaurants on most large cities. You can find Italian, French, Chinese, and Mexican restaurants in New York, Washington, San Francisco, and many other cities in the United States. As well, you might also find Greek and Middle Eastern restaurants in some cities in the US. American hamburgers and hot dogs are popular in Tokyo and Paris. In almost every country you will find rice, potatoes, eggs, bread, soup, meat, vegetables, milk, fruit, and other basic foods. People all over cook them differently in different countries. People all over the world also prefer different things to drink. The English drink a lot of tea, and the French a lot of wine. Americans prefer coffee, milk or pop. German beer is now completely international. Children are often very conservative about new foods. In the United States they often prefer to eat the same three or four favorite dishes: hamburgers and French fires, hot dogs, fried chicken, and ice cream.1. national international2. national dishes foreign ones.3. hamburgers hotdogs Paris4. tea coffee milk pop5. children three or four hamburgers fried chickenTask 2: GM FoodsThe term GM foods refers to those produced with the latest genetic engineering techniques. In 2000, countries that grew 99% of the global GM crops were the United States, Argentina, Canada, and China. The next decade will see rapid development in Gm products. Gm foods may solve many of the world’s hunger problems, and help protect environment. Yet there are many challenges ahead for governments, especially in the areas of human and environmental safety,labeling and consumer choice, ethics, food security, regulation and international policy. Many people feel that genetic engineering is inevitable and that such a technology should be put to use. However, others warn that we must take care to avoid causing unintentional harm to both human health and the environment as a result of our enthusiasm for this powerful technology.1. F2.F3.T4.F5.FTask 3: HungerI have known bread hunger,Yet have I strength.I have known heart hunger,Yet do I live.I have known soul hunger,And faith is not dead.When the body cried,I lit love in my heart.When the heart wept,I lit a lamp in my soul.Yet all the while,I heard life asking its goal.I was alone looking out of a house,Knowing the empty rooms.。

a. Monica and Bradley have never met before.
b. Monica and Bradley went to the same school.
c. Both Monica and Bradley know Emi.
1. What is the probable relationship of the two speakers?
a. Friends.
b. Fellow tourists.
c. Old classmates.
d. Old schoolmates.
2. What can we learn from the conversation?
1. Who are the two speakers in the conversation?
Monica and Bradley are the two speakers in the conversation.
2. Where did the conversation take place?
9. I'm not a movie fan. Neither am I / Me, neither.
10. I'm a sports fan. So am I.
11. Have a good day. You, too.
2. Questions and Answers on the Texts
-- I know! You're a friend of Emi.
-- Yeah, she's my best friend.

Unit1II. Listening Skills1. M: Why don‟t we go to the concert today?W: I‟ll go get the keys.Q: What does the woman imply?2. W: I can‟t find my purse anywhere. The opera tickets are in it.M: Have you checked in the car?Q: What does the man imply?3. M: Are you going to buy that pirated CD?W: Do I look like a thief?Q: What does the woman imply?4. M: Do you think the singer is pretty?W: Let‟s just say that I wouldn‟t/t vote for her in the local beauty contest.Q: What does the woman imply about the singer?5. M: Have you seen Tom? I can‟t find him anywhere.W: The light in his dorm was on just a few minutes ago.Q: What does the woman mean?1.B2.B3.D4.C5.AIII. Listening InTask 1: Encore!As soon as the singer completed the son g, the audience cried, “Encore! Encore!” The singer was delighted and sang the song again. She couldn‟t believe it when the audience shouted for her to sing it again. The cycle of shouts and songs was repeated ten more times. The singer was overjoyed with the response from the audience. She talked them and asked them why they were so much audience in hearing the same song again and again. One of the people in the audience replied, “We wanted you to improve it; now it is much better.”1.F2.T3.F4.T5.FTask2:The CarpentersW: They play “Yesterday Once More” all the time on the campus radio. Do you like it?M: I do. I never get tired of it. I like the Carpenters. Their voices are so beautiful and clear. I guess that‟s why they‟re so popular.W: I like the way their voices blend. There were just two of them, brother and sister, right?M: Yes, Richard and Karen I think they were. She died I think.W: Yes, anorexia. It is hard to believe that someone so beautiful would starve herself to death. M: It‟s a problem everywhere in the world, including China, I‟m afraid. Women worry too muchabout their appearances, and are so crazy about losing weight.W: Well, let‟s go for lunch before we go to the concert.1. beautiful and clear2. blend well3. sister4. worry too much5. more important Task 3: MozartMozart was a fascinating musician and composer whose fame continues to grow more than two centuries after his death. He was born in Salzburg, Austria, in 1756. Before the age of four, he had shown great musical talent. His father then decided to let him start taking harpsichord lessons. The boy‟s reputation as a musical talent grew fast. At five, he was composing music. Form that time on, Mozart was performing n concerts and writing music. By his early teens, he had mastered the piano, violin and harpsichord, and was writing symphonies and operas. His first major opera was performed in Milan in 1770, when he was only fourteen. At fifteen, Mozart became the conductor for an orchestra in Salzburg. In 1781, he left for Vienna, where he was in great demand as both a performer and a composition teacher. His first opera was a success. But life was not easy because he was a poor businessman, and his finances were always in a bad state. His music from the next decade was not very popular, and he eventually fell back on his teaching jobs for a living. In 1788 he stopped performing in public, preferring only to compose. He died in 1791 at the age of thirty-five. Although he lived only a short life, he composed over 600 works.1. Which of the following is true of Mozart? D2. How long has Mozart‟s fame lasted? A3. Which of the following is true of the four-year-old Mozart? B4. What could Mozart do at the age of six? C5. Which of the following is n ot mentioned as one of Mozart‟s accomplishments while he was in his early teens? CIV. Speaking OutModel 1 Do you like jazz?Laura: Hey!Bob: Hello!Laura: Do you like jazz, Bob?Bob: No, not much. Do you like it?Laura: Wel l, yes, I do. I‟m crazy about Wynton Marsalis.Bob: Oh, he‟s a piano player, isn‟t he?Laura: No, he‟s a trumpet player. So, what kind of music do you like?Bob: I like listening to rock.Laura: What group do you like best?Bob: Er, The Cranberries. The y‟re the greatest. What about you? Don‟t you like them?Laura: Ugh! They make my stomach turn!SAMPLE DIALOGA: Do you like classical music?B: No, I don‟t like it at all.A: What type of music do you like?B: I‟m a real fan of pop songs.A: Who‟s your fav orite singer or group?B: Jay Chou. What do you think about him?A: I can hardly bear pop songs. They are all noise to me.Model 2 Do you like punk rock?Max: What kind of music do you like?Frannie: Well, I like different kinds.Max: Any in particular?Frannie: Er, I especially like punk rock.Max: Punk rock? You don‟t seem like the punk rock type.Frannie: You should have seen me in high school. I had my hair dyed blue.Max: Wow, that must have been a sight!Frannie: It sure was. What about you? What‟s your favorite music?Max: I guess I like jazz best. Hey, I‟m going shopping for CDs tomorrow. Would you like to come along?Frannie: Sure, that sounds great.SAMPLE DIALOGA: What sports appeal to you?B: I like almost every kind of sport.A: Is there anything you like especially?B: Well, I like X-sports in particular.A: x-Sports? You don‟t look like the extreme sports type.B: I have even tried bungee jumping and surfing.A: Wow, you certainly surprised me!B: Then how about you? What kind of sport do you prefer?A: I like t‟ai chi most. In fact, I‟m going to buy some books about t‟ai chi. Why don‟t you come with me?B: Sounds good. Let‟s go.Model 3 It just sounds like noise to me.Philip: Turn down that noise! What on earth is it anyway!Laura: But dad…This is Metallica1 They‟re so cool. They are one of the most famous heavy metal bands.Philip: I don‟t care. It just sounds like noise to me. I can‟t stand it!Laura: I love this kind of music, but if you really hate it that much, I‟ll out on som ething else. What do you want to hear?Philip: How about some popular easy-listening music. Maybe something like Celine Dion? Laura: Not her again! Her music isn‟t very hip any more. I think she is a bore.SAMPLE DIALOGA: That music is terrible! Turn off!B: But, Mom, this is Backstreet Boy‟s hit song “Get down”! It‟s really appealing.A: Nonsense. It‟s just noise tome. I can‟t put up with it anymore.B: It‟s my favorite music. But if you hate it so much, I‟ll hate something you like. What would like to listen to?A: What about some old songs of the 1970s like “The White-Haired Girl”?B: Ha-ha-ha-ha. It‟s not fashionable any longer. I‟ll be bored to death.V. Let‟s TalkThe Origin of the Song “Happy Birthday to You”The story of the song “Happy Birthday to You” Began as a sweet one, but later became bitter. Two sisters, Mildred Hill, a teacher at a kindergarten, and Dr. Patty Hill, the principal of the same school, wrote a song together for the children, entitled “Good Morning to All”. When Mildred combine d her musical talents with her sister‟s knowledge in the area of kindergarten education, …Good Morning to All” was sure to be a success. The sister published the song in a collection entitled “Song Stories of the Kindergarten” in 1893. Thirty-one years later, after Dr. Patty Hill became the head of the Department of Kindergarten Education at Columbia University‟s Teachers College, a gentleman by the name Robert Coleman published the song, without the sisters‟ permission. He added a second part, which is the familiar “Happy Birthday to You”. Mr. Coleman‟s addition of the second part made the song popular and, finally, the sisters” original first part disappeared. “Happy Birthday to You” had altogether replaced the sisters‟ original song “Good Morning to All”.In 1916 Patty took legal action against Mr. Coleman. In court, she succeeded in proving that hey were the real owners of the song.1. teacher at a kindergarten2. Good Morning to All3. Happy Birthday to You4. Happy Birthday to You Good Morning to AllPossible Retelling for the Teacher‟s ReferenceThe story of “Happy Birthday to You” was a nice, sweet on eat the very beginning, but later turned into a bitter one. There were two sisters: one was Mildred Hill, and the other Patty Hill. The former had great musical talents, while the latter had knowledge of kindergarten education. Bu combining their abilities, the two produced a song called “Good Morning to All”. It was a success, and later published in a collection of songs for kindergartens.Thirty-one years later a man named Coleman published the song without the sisters‟ permission. To make things worse, he added a second part, which is the present “Happy Birthday to You”. This new song soon became popular and eventually it replaced the sisters‟ first part altogether. Then, in 1916, Patty took legal action against Coleman. In court she managed to prove that she and her sister really owned the song.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask 1: KaraokeDalin: It‟s Mike‟s birthday on Friday, so a bunch of u s are going to go to the karaoke bar. Would you like to come with us?Laura: Karaoke bar? You have a special place just for singing? In America, bars sometimes have a karaoke night where the customers can sing a song, but we haven‟t special karaoke bars!Dalin: Really? In China, karaoke is a very popular way for friends ro spend time together. We can select the music that ur group enjoys. We mostly sing pop songs.Laura: Do you sing individually or in groups? Singing is not a very in thing, so I don‟t sing very well.1. F2. F3.T4.T5.FTask 2: When was music first sent down a telephone line?So you think downloading music from the Internet through a phone line is a really cool modern thing? Not so. In 1896, Thaddeus Cahill Filed a patent on the instrument for transmitting music electronically, and until 1914 he sent music signals down telephone lines with this instrument. And he wasn‟t even the first. Elisha Gray transmitted music over a telephone line in 1876, which was the same year the telephone was invented. Gray invented the first electronic music instrument in 1874, calling it the “Musical Telegraph”. Alexander Graham Bell also designed an experimental “Electric Harp” for speech to be transmitted over a telephone line using technology similar to Gray‟s. Bell was a speech teacher for the deaf. In 1879 he created an instrument to measure hearing loss. That is why the degrees of loudness came to be measured in bels or decibels.5-4-2-1-3Task 3: Thank You for the MusicI‟m nothing special, in fact I‟m a bit of a boreIf I tell a joke, you‟re probably heard it beforeBut I have a talent, a wonderful thing…Cause everyone listens when I start to singI‟m so grateful and proudAll I want is to sing it out loudSo I sayThank you for the music, th e songs I‟m singingThanks for all the joy they‟re bringingWho can live without it, I ask in all honestlyWhat would life beWithout a song or a dance what are weSo I say thank you for the musicFor giving it to meMother says I was a dancer before I could walkShe says I began to sing long before I could talkAnd I‟ve often wondered, how did it all startWho found out that nothing can capture a heartLike a melody canWell, whoever it was, I‟m a fanSo I sayThank you for the music, the songs I‟m singi ng…SpeakingMusical MemoriesTony: Listen! Quick, turn up the radio! Isn‟t that “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?”Nancy: Yeah, it is, but what‟s the big deal?Tony: When I was a little boy, my grandmother took me to see the movie The Lion King. That‟s the Elton John song from the movie.Nancy: I still can‟t understand why it‟s so important to you.Tony: Because it was the first movie I ever saw with my grandma and because I really loved spending time with her. It is my favorite song of all times!Nancy: The first time Tom and I went on a date, we went to see Titanic. I always think of the song “My Heart Will Go On” as our song! Whenever I hear it, I think of that night.Tony: Oh, I can understand why you love that song! Isn‟t it interesting all the mem ories we connect with songs?Unit2II. Listening Skills1. W: From what I can remember, the director asked us to rehearse this a hundred times.M: One hundred times? Is the director out of his mind?Q: What does the man imply?2. M: Do you think we have made enough food for the party?W: The refrigerator is about to explode.Q: What does the woman imply?3. W: She said she might become a famous movie star.M: Yes, and pigs might fly.Q: What does the man mean?4. M: Although the man often plays a bad guy in movies, in real life he has a heart of gold.W: So does a hard-boiled egg.Q: What does the woman mean?5. W: What a beautiful sunset!M: Don‟t blink. You might just miss it.Q: What does the man mean?1. A2.D3.B4.C5.BIII. Listening InTask 1: Waiting for the New Harry Potter MovieAmy: I‟m so excited about finally seeing this movie!Peter: Me too. I‟m crazy about Harry Potter. Have you heard that J.K. Rowling has added another book to the series?Amy: She‟s already written Book Seven? I‟m still waiting for Book Five…Peter: I know. Who isn‟t? At least we have the movies to watch in the meantime.Amy: By the way, have you seen the trailer yet?Peter: Yeah. It was great! I think the movie itself will be really scary.Amy: It surely will! All that writing on the wall in blood… It scares me to death just to think about it!Both the girl and the boy are excited/crazy about the movie and the hero Harry Potter. The boy heard that the writer J.K. Rowling has written the latest book, which is Book Seven, though the girl is still waiting for Book Five. The boy has been the trailer and believes the film will be scary. The girl shares that view because of the writing on the wall in blood.Task 2: A Great ActorThere was once a great actor who could no longer remember his lines. After several years of searching, he finally found a theater that was willing to give him a try. The director said, “This is the most important part, and it has only one line. At the opening you walk onto stage carrying a rose. You hold the rose to your nose with just one finger and thumb, smell it deeply and then say the line on praise of the rose: …Ah, the sweet smell of my love.‟” The actor was excited. All day long before the play he practiced his line over and over again. Finally, the time came. The curtain went up, the actor walked onto the stage, looked at the audience, and with great emotion said the line, “Ah, the sweet smell of my love.” The audience exploded in laughter. Only the director was furious! “Ahhhhhh! You damned fool!” he cried. “You‟ve ruined my play! You‟ve ruined me!” The actor was puzzled, “What happened? Did I forget my line?” “No!” shouted the director. “You forget the rose!”1.D2.C3.D4.A5.BTask 3: Movie ReviewsI love movies! And after I see them, I like to comment on them. These are movies I saw this year I would like to recommend: Among comedies I highly recommend “Monsoon Wedding”. It‟s an Indian movie. The story is about an Indian wedding. Preparations for the wedding bring out funny and sad situations touching on love and a past rape. This movie shows some of the wonderful customs of India, and the importance of family and love. It‟s great!Among dramas, I like “Adaptation”. It is an excellent movie! But for me the first part of the movie was too fast to follow. I hope to see it again on DVD with captions.“The Pianist” is set in the Second World War. It‟s about a young Polish-Jewish pianist, who lives in Warsaw with his family. The Nazis sent his family to die in the concentration camps. He was safe, but would have died without unusually good luck and the kindness of a few non-Jews. This is a powerful movie with thought-provoking themes.“Rabbit-Proof Fence” is set in the 1930s in Australia, and it‟s based on real ev ents. It is about three native girls who are separated from their families by the racist police who send them to special centers. There the girls are taught practical skills, and the government tries to integrate them into white Australian society. They can away from the camp and walked 1,500 miles to find their mothers. This is a sad, touching story that you should not miss.1. He likes to see movies and comment on them.2. Four.3. Three.4. One.Movies Contents and CharacteristicsMonsoon Wedding It is about an Indian wedding. Preparations for it reveal love and a past rape. The movie shows Indian customs, family and love.Adaptation It is too fast for the speaker, who wants to see it again on DVD with captions.The Pianist It is about a Jewish pianist in Warsaw. The Nazis sent his family to the concentration camps. He was safe, and this narrow escape was due to good luck and the kindness of a few non-Jews.Rabbit-Proof Fence It is about three native girls. Racist police separate them from their families and send them to special centers. There they are taught practical skills. The government intends to integrate them into white Australian society. They ran away from the camp and walked 1,500 miles to find their mothers.IV. Speaking OutModel 1 Will you come with me?John: Laura, I am wondering if you‟re free tomorrow night.Laura: Well, I guess I am. Why?John: I‟ve got two Star Wars premiere tickets. Will you come with me?Laura: Yeah, definitely! Thanks for inviting me!John: It‟s my pleasure.Laura: I really wanted to see Star Wars on the opening night, but the tickets were sold out. How did you manage to get hold of them?John: A friend of mine works at the “Pepsi” headquarters, which is a major sponsor of the movie. So he was able to get the tickets for free.Laura: Wow, people are paying as much as $200 each on the black market. I‟m flattered you went through all this trouble just for me.John: You‟re welcome.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Hi, are you busy this weekend?B: Yes. What‟s on your mind?A: I‟ve got two tickets for the car exhibition. Would you like to go with me?B: Sure. Thanks for your invitation.A: It‟s nothing.B: I‟ve been wanting to see exhibition, but it was not at all easy to get a ticket. How did you manage to get two tickets?A: A friend of mine works at the exhibition center. She was able to get three free tickets.B: Wow, people are paying almost 100 yuan for a ticket on the black market. Thank you very much indeed for inviting me.A: No problem.Model 2 What did you think about the movie?John: So… what did you think about the movie?Laura: Well… I think this Star Wars episode is an excellent piece of work, but not as good as the previous ones.John: Really? But I think this Star Wars episode was incredible!Laura: Why do you think so?John: Well, one of the most spectacular things about it was the special effects. State-of-the-art special effects were the main reason for the success of the previous episodes.Laura: You‟re right. The special effects were amazing! And I li ke the fact that they created so many fantastic settings and other-worldly costumes, weapons and creatures.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: What did you think about The Lion King?B: Well… I think this cartoon was pretty good, but not as good as Beauty and the Beast. It‟s a killer flick.A: Really? But I think The Lion King was unbelievably good.B: I thought it was just OK. Why do you think so?A: Well, it‟s so interesting that the lives of the lions were similar to the lives of human beings.B: You‟re righ t. The murder in The Lion King was almost the same as the murder in the Shakespearean play Hamlet.Model 3 The plot is first-class.John: It‟s kind of cool that they still used the same Star Wars theme song for this movie.Laura: Yeah! It just reminds me of the previous Star Wars scenes.John: I know exactly what you mean! Hearing that song makes me think of the past.Laura: I think the plot was first-class. But I don‟t think the character development was that strong. John: Do you think that has anything to do with the casting of the movie?Laura: No, the casting was great; the actors are excellent, but I think the acting was a little weak. They just didn‟t have a lot of funny or meaningful lines.John: Well, maybe, but I liked the little kid that playe d “Skywalker”. I can‟t imagine anyone else playing that part.Laura: Yeah, I liked him too. He‟s soooo cute!Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: What do you think about the movie?B: I think the plot was first-class. But I don‟t think the character development was so strong.A: Yes, the characterization was rather weak. Do you think it is because of the casting of the movie?B: No, the cast was strong. But the acting was rather poor. And the lines are not interesting at all. A: Well, maybe. But I liked the heroine of the movie. She is excellent.B: Yeah, I liked her too. She‟s adorable!V. Let‟s TalkAlfred HitchcockAlfred Hitchcock was a British director. His movies frequently show innocent people caught up in situations beyond their control or even understanding.Hitchcock preferred the use of suspense in his movies. In surprise, the director provides the viewer with frightening things. In suspense, the director tells or shows things to the audience which the characters in the movie do not know, and then skillfully builds up tension around what will happen when the characters finally learn the truth. Hitchcock had a great sense of humor. Once at a French airport, a suspicious customs official looked at Hitchcock‟s passport, which was marked simply PRODUCER. The curious official asked, “And what do you produce?” “Gooseflesh.” replied Hitchcock.Alfred Hitchcock always managed to make a brief appearance in his movies: He was sometimes getting on a bus, or crossing a street, pr walking in front of a store, or across the courtyard in an apartment. However, for the movie Lifeboat in 1944, he was faced with a difficult problem. The entire movie was set in a lifeboat out at sea, and there were only a few characters in the boat. Originally, he wanted to float by as a dea d body, but he was afraid he‟d sink! His clever solution was to place a photograph of himself in a newspaper that one of the characters read during the course of the movie.1. A2.C3.DVI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingListeningTask 1: Only One LinePeter has always wanted to be an actor, but never succeeded because he had a hard time memorizing lines. A friend of his told him about a small part in a play. He promised Peter that he could do it because he‟s only have to remember one line. Peter de cided to take the part. His only line was, “Listen, I hear the guns roar!” Peter practiced and practiced, “Listen, I hear the guns roar!” On the opening night of the play Peter was very nervous. Backstage, he practiced his line, over and over again, “Listen, I hear the guns roar! Listen, I hear the guns roar!” Finally came his turn, Peter went onto stage. He heard a loud BOOM and cried out in spite of himself, “WHAT THE HELL WAS THA T?”1. memorizing lines2. remember one line3. I hear the guns roar4. a loud boom5. his lineTask 2: An Interview with J.K. RowlingQ: How did you get the idea for Harry Potter?A: I was traveling on a train between Manchester and London and the idea for Harry just fell into my head. At that point it was essentially the idea f or a body who didn‟t know he was a wizard. Q: Did you always plan to write Harry‟s story in more than one book? If so, how many?A: I always conceived it as a seven-book series because I decided that it would take seven years, from age eleven to seventeen, inclusive, to train as a wizard, and each of the books would deal with one year of Harry‟s life at the school.Q: Any clues about the next book?A: I don‟t want to i\give anything away, but I tell you that the books are getting darker. Harry‟s going to have quite a bit to deal with as he gets older. Sorry if they get too scary!Q: Of the many things you must have heard people say about Harry Potter, what are some of your favorites?A: My very favorite was from a twelve-year-old Scottish girl who came to hear me read at the Edinburgh book festival. At the end of the festival, the queue for signing was very long. When the girl finally reached me, she said, “I didn‟t W ANT there to be so many people here, because this is MY books!” That is exactly how I feel about my favorite books. Nobody else has a right to know them; let alone like them!1.T2.F3.F4.T5.FTask 3: The Secret of the Next Harry Potter BookThe Harry Potter books rapidly became one of the most in-demand book series among young readers and have earned large sums of money. Movies based on the books won several Oscar nominations. Readers are now keen to know the plot of the next book.Harry Potter movie fans will get a long-awaited treat. The movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret is finally about to come out. This time around, Harry discovers a frightening secret at Hogwarts School. Eager readers of the first four Harry Potter books are also trying to discover a secret, the secret plot of the fifth book in the series. Because of the long wait since Book Four, they are guessing many things. Some think that Professor Lupin will die or that Harry and his friend Ron may be related!J.K. Rowling herself has only said that Book Five will be shorter and scarier than Book Four. To make sure her readers hear only rumors, she locks all her ideas for the books in a hidden place. Since the next book does not come out until 2003, for mow Harry‟s secret is safe with her!1. D2.C3.A4.BSpeakingViews on MoviesInterviewer: Hello, Robert a nd Richard, I‟d like to ask you something about movies. Do you prefer going to the theater or watching movies on video at home?Robert: I prefer, personally, going to the theater, because I believe there are certain movies that come over better when you see them in a large theater. The sound effect is much better. Interviewer: What about you, Richard?Richard: Just the opposite. It‟s more comfortable to sit at home.Interviewer: There‟re many different movie genres, for example, science fiction, action, comedy, romance. What‟s your personal favorite?Robert: My favorite would be action movies.Richard: And mine would be nice movies that touch me deeply.Interviewer: How do you like the old black and white movies of the forties, and fifties compared with the modern blockbusters?Robert: For their time, the movies of the forties and fifties were excellent. But try to compare them with today‟s technology, and you‟ll find there isn‟t anything to compare. It‟s so superior today.Richard: I agree.Unit3II. Listening Skills1. M: Will you love and keep him in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?W: I will.Q: Who is the woman?2. W: Mike, wake up1 It is time to go to school. Hurry up or you‟re going to be late!M: Don‟t worry. I can sleep all day long. Did you forget today is Martin Luther King‟s birthday? Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?3. M: Could I see your driver‟s license and registration, please?W: What‟s the matter, officer?Q: Who is the man?4. M: I‟d lik e to ask you about the research paper you assigned that we have to do by the end of the semester.W: ok. What would you like to know?Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?5. W: I‟ve cleaned the windows, mopped the floors, and folded the laundry.Is there anything else that you would like me to do before I cal lit a day?M: Did you do the living room yet?Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?1.B2.C3.D4.A5.AIII. Listening InTask 1: Don‟t be a chicken!Gilbert: Hey, Henry, is Sarah coming with us?Henry: Yes. Why?Gilbert: Nothing. I‟m just asking.Henry: Just asking? But why is your face flaming red? Ah-huh, someone has a crush on Sarah, doesn‟t he?Gilbert: Who has a crush?!Henry: Come on, Gilbert, don‟t be such a chicken. If you like her, just go and tell her. Maybe she likes you.Gilbert: But I don‟t have the guts to ask her out.Henry: What are you so afraid of?Gilbert: I‟d totally die if she turned me down.Henry: But that‟s better than keeping everything to yourself. You‟ve got to let her know. Come on! You‟ve got to take a chance!Gilbert: I don‟t know… Well, maybe you‟re right, but how am I going to tell her I like her?1. go out2. flaming red3. has a crush on4. a chicken5. likes6. the guts7. turn him down8. know9. keeping everything to himself10. how to tell herTask 2: Problem of Meeting PeopleBefore the wedding, the groom went up the minister with an unusual offer. “Look, I‟ll give you $100 if you‟ll change the wedding vows. When you get to the part where I‟m expected to promise to …love, respect and obey her,‟ …giving up all others,‟ and …be true to her forever,‟ I‟d be happy if。

II. Listening SkillsListening to People Talk About Health 1. M: I haven haven’’t been to see my doctor for a very long time. I ’m worried that he he’’ll be angrywith me for not having a physical examination for so long.W : Which is more important, the doctor doctor’’s feelings or your health? ou’Y ou’d d better go if you want to make sure everything is all right with you. It seems that the man worries more about It seems that the man worries more about the doctor the doctor ’s feelings than his own than his own health health .2. W : Oh, I : Oh, I’’ve got a cold. I ve got a cold. I’’m not used to the cold weather, and it often gets the best of me.What I need now is some good medicine.M : The best medicine is to keep healthy. I promise you that if you get involved with some sort of physical exercise, you sort of physical exercise, you’’ll get sick a lot less. Why don ll get sick a lot less. Why don’’t you try joining a gym? The woman catches The woman catches cold cold easily and believes in taking some good medicine , but the man thinks physical exercise is more important.3. W : Exams are coming up soon. I ’ve been so busy with schoolwork that I’I’ve ve had a lot of trouble sleeping.M: School is important, but so is your health. Maybe you should talk to a doctor. Doctors see people all the time for this very problem. They can help you.The woman has been so busy with schoolwork that she has had difficulty sleeping . The man believes that believes that health health is important that she should see is important that she should see a doctor a doctor .4. M : Do you mind if I have a cigarette before we eat?W : Well, actually, I do. If you don ’t mind, could you smoke outside? If you want to poison your body and shorten your life, that that’’s your business. But as for me, I want to live long and healthy.The woman asks the man to smoke outside because she wants to live long and healthy . She believes believes second-hand smoke second-hand smoke causes causes cancer cancer too.5. W : Robert, when we last talked, you promised there would be less television and junk food, and more exercise in your life. But now you more exercise in your life. But now you’’re becoming quite overweight.M : I know it : I know it’’s bad, but I really like watching TV s bad, but I really like watching TV. After all we should enjoy ourselves while we . After all we should enjoy ourselves while we are young. W : But you : But you’’re risking your health watching TV so much. M : Oh, yes: heart trouble, high blood pressure. But I : Oh, yes: heart trouble, high blood pressure. But I’’d rather die than give up TV d rather die than give up TV. .The man once promised he would watch TV less, eat less junk food and have more exercise. But he believes it is more important to enjoy himself, although the woman says he ’s risking his health watching TV so much.III. Listening InTask 1: DietsIf you If you’’re a young lady in your twenties, you may be either on a diet or wondering which diet to follow. Indeed, people are so concerned with their appearance that the word “diet diet”” has lost its original meaning. It now has the same meaning as “weight loss diet diet””. There was a time when women bound their waists to have a nice figure. Them came Twiggy, a British supermodel most famous in the 1960s, and since then everyone has wanted to look like a twig. Because of this trend, many diets have become popular. It is not uncommon to meet young girls who look weak enough to be blown away in the wind, yet they are still talking about diets! However, extreme diets can lead to health problems. Many such dieters may end up with very serious disorders. Princess Diana suffered from an excessively strong appetite; Karen Carpenter, a popular singer of the 1970s, died of the less of appetite. You should know that looking good is important but not when it comes at he risk of your health and life. Better eating habits and proper exercise are all you need to be fit and look good. 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B5.C Task 2: Culture Shock(D=Doctor; S=Student)D: Hello, I Hello, I’’m Dr. Black. m Dr. Black. How’re How’re How’re you feeling? you feeling? S: I’I’m not feeling well, doctor.m not feeling well, doctor. D: What seems to be the problem?S: I don I don’’t know. I just feel tired all the time. I want to sleep all day. I ’m not interested in studying or being with people.D: How long had this been going on?S: Almost one month now.D: Are there any other symptoms?S: I ’m just tired.D: Do you have many friends?S: I don I don’’t really have many here. I t really have many here. I’’m an international student. D: I imagine that many things about your life here are different from your home. S: Yeah, my life ’s changed a lot. Foods, customs, socializing s changed a lot. Foods, customs, socializing……even body language and gestures are all different from those in my own country.D: How long have you lived here?S: Almost three months now. It seems much linger; it’s it’s a struggle for me to get used to the newa struggle for me to get used to the new way of life here.D: Hmm. Well, let ’s check you over. (a few minutes later ) Well, I don ’t see anything physicallywrong with you. Your heart is strong. Lungs are clear. Your blood pressure is normal.S: Then what do you think is wrong with me, doctor?D:Y our problem seems to be culture shock. Sometimes when people move to a new location, especially a new country, they experience culture shock. Sometimes this culture shock can be serious, and people become very depressed. I suggest that you try to spend some time each week with people from your own culture.S: But my teachers tell me to speak English all the time.D: I understand, but right now we need to deal with your symptoms. Follow my advice, and you ’llfeel better.S: How long does this last?D: Culture shock lasts for a while and then begins to disappear. The length of time varies from person to person. If you aren person to person. If you aren’’t feeling better in two or three weeks, please call me again.1. The student feels tired all the time, wants to sleep all day, and is not interested in studying orbeing with people.2. Many things in the student Many things in the student’’s life have changed, such as foods, customs, socializing, and evenbody language and gestures.3. Because the student Because the student’’s heart, and blood pressure are all normal.4. Sometimes when people move to a new location, especially a new country, they experienceculture shock.5. The doctor suggests that the student try to spend some time each week with people from herown culture.Task 3: The FluThere There’’s nothing gradual about the flu: it hits you like a hammer. One minute you ’re feeling fine, and the next you can be shivering, burning up, and then shivering again. In minutes, your legs become weak and your body aches in places that have never hurt before. Influenza can break out so suddenly that people can sometimes say, “It hit me at exactly 9 last night.It hit me at exactly 9 last night.”” But whether the flu strikes at night or on the bus to school, there strikes at night or on the bus to school, there’’s just one thing a victim wants to do: lie down in bed.A healthy person can fight off the flu in three to five days, though a cough and tired feeling can last two more weeks. But often an attack of the flu is followed by another illness. Doctors recommend that old people, or people of nay age with heart or lung problems, get a flu vaccine every year. Because flu viruses change all the time, a new vaccine must be prepared each year to protect against future attacks.The flu is such an infections illness that it can The flu is such an infections illness that it can hit hit you any time and anywhere. One you any time and anywhere. One minute minute you can be feeling fine, and the next you can be be feeling fine, and the next you can be shivering shivering , burning up, and then shivering again. Soon your legs become weak and your body begins to become weak and your body begins to ache ache . Once the flu hits you, you just want to lie down in bed. Usually, it in bed. Usually, it lasts lasts three to five days, buy is often three to five days, buy is often followed followed by another illness. If you by another illness. If you’’re old or have heart or have heart or lung lung problems, you problems, you’’d better get a flu d better get a flu vaccine vaccine every year so as to every year so as to protect protect against it. Task 4: An AnnouncementReceptionist: Good morning. Dr. Black Good morning. Dr. Black’’s office. Student:Hello, this is Albert Shaw. I ’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Black for a checkup . Would 9:30 be all right?Receptionist: Let Let’’s see. He doesn s see. He doesn’’t have any openings in the morning. But there t have any openings in the morning. But there’’s a s a cancellation cancellation in the afternoon at in the afternoon at 3 o 3 o ’clock .Student:Hmmm, how about 3:30? I Hmmm, how about 3:30? I’’ll have a class until 3:15. Receptionist: OK, let OK, let’’s make it s make it 3:303:30 the day after tomorrow. That ’s s Thursday Thursday . IV . Speaking OutNow Your TurnJames: Hello, Nicky! Hello, Nicky! Are you feeling better todayAre you feeling better today ? Nicole:Well, the fever is gone, but I ’m still feeling weak. Y ou know, I can can’’t take it easy anylonger. longer. I I ’m worried about my class and the coming biology exam my class and the coming biology exam——it it’’s an important test. James: Don ’t worry . Everything will be OK. Are you still taking the medicine?Nicole: Yeah. I ’m following the doctors orders, but I hate taking pills. You can ’t be sure about theside effects.James: I know what you mean . Some medicines are not safe.Nicole: You could say that again .Model 2 Is it serious, doctor?Now Your TurnDoctor: Well, John, your blood pressure is a bit high. Is there a history of that in your family?John:Is it serious , doctor? My grandpa died of a Stroke. Doctor:Your condition is not that bad . But you have to take care. More rest, less work. John:Do I have to drop some classes? The trouble is that my class schedule is so tight this semester.Doctor:Take it easy . Take the prescription for three months, then come back for another checkup. Model 3 What Model 3 What’’s on your mind?Now Your TurnKatherine: What ’s on your mind , Sarah?Sarah:I ’m really anxious. m really anxious. I I ’m afraid of the oral presentation tomorrow. Katherine: There ’s really no reason to be worried . Y ou ’ve practiced it so often with me that evenI know it.Sarah:But But I can I can ’t help worrying . I . I’’ll get nervous when I speak in public. Katherine: I know. When I did my first oral presentation, I went through the same thing. Y ou ’llbe fine .V . Let . Let’’s TalkDoctor: Well, your test results are back, Jim. Your blood tests are fine. Everything seems OK.Jim:Huh. I still don Huh. I still don’’t have any energy, and I get headaches all the time. Doctor: Mm. I see your weight is 180 pounds. You ’ve gained five pounds since your last visit.That That’’s a little too much for your weight.Jim:That That’’s funny. I s funny. I’’ve been eating the same as always. Doctor: I think maybe we should talk about it.Jim:Oh, well, I mean Oh, well, I mean……now I eat the things students usually eat at school. Doctor: The usual things?Jim:Yeah, you know. In the morning, I grab a few doughnuts and a coffee on the way to school.Doctor: Uh-huh. And for lunch?Jim:Uh, a couple of hot dogs, fries, and a Coke Uh, a couple of hot dogs, fries, and a Coke……maybe an ice cream on the way back. Doctor: And dinner?Jim:Pizza, and a Coke. Doctor: What about exercise?Jim:Exercise? I Exercise? I’’m just not into exercise. I just like to watch sports on TV m just not into exercise. I just like to watch sports on TV. Anyway I wouldn . Anyway I wouldn . Anyway I wouldn’’t have time for exercise have time for exercise……too much homework, you know.Doctor: You should change your eating habits before you have a serious weight problem. I ’ll giveyou this pamphlet with diet suggestions to follow, and I also want you to do some walking and some one-hour workouts at the gym. Maybe three times a week.Jim:Diet? Exercise? But can Diet? Exercise? But can’’t I just take some pills to give me more energy and get rid of my headaches?Column A Column BThe student The student’’s test results 61. Headaches and lack of energy His problems 12. Exercise and diet His breakfast 43. Pizza and a Coke His lunch 54. A few doughnuts and a coffee His dinner 35. A couple of hot dogs, fries, and Coke Suggestions to follow 26. Nothing physically wrong For ReferenceAA, you see B in low spirits and ask for the reason.Hi, Jack. What ’s up? You look unhappy. B, tell A the result of your blood test.Well, I had a blood test last week. The doctor said that my blood was thick and sticky. I ’m very worried.A, comfort B, and give your suggestions.Don ’t worry. More fruit and vegetables and regular exercises will improve your health. B, say what you think about A B, say what you think about A’’s suggestions.Hope so. Actually, the doctor said the same. BA, go to a stranger and introduce the diet pills.Excuse me, sir. Would you please have a look at our new diet pills? It helps you lose 20 pounds in one month.B, show your surprise and ask whether the pills work for all people.Wow. But does it suit different kinds of people? I mean the old and the young alike? A, answer affirmatively and ask for B A, answer affirmatively and ask for B’’s persona; contact information.Good question. We ’ve different prescriptions for different groups of people. Would you please fill in the form with your comtact information, so that we can mail you the detailed introduction to the diet pills? B, write down your information and pass on the sheet to your partner.OK. Here you are! VI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Medical Services on CampusWhile every university in America has its own policies and creates its own rules, most provide some type of medical service or health insurance for students, especially large universities. If students have a cold, or other illnesses, they can see a doctor, and they may also seek medical advice on a range of issues. Free testing for STDs such as HIV is a major part of disease prevention prevention——sharing important information about the epidemic. If students need a major operation or procedure, they must seek outside assistance, but the school may help them make the arrangements. Smaller universities and colleges are not likely to provide in-depth medical assistance; they usually deal with small problems in housing, and assist students to take care of major issues off campus. No medical services are offered in universities and colleges that do not have students living on campus.1. medical servicehealth insurance 2. medical advice 3. operation outsidemake the arrangements 4. medical assistance housingoff campus 5. living on campusTask 2: An Expensive TreatmentSteven had a temperature of 100. His head was stuffed; his bones ached and his throat was sore. He knew he had the flu. All his roommates had been sick with it. He had used up all the special creams and herbs that his mother had carefully packed and put in his suitcase, saying, “Just in case you get sick sick.”.”After three days of lying in bed, feeling miserable, Steven decided to go to the doctor. He described all his symptoms and was sure the doctor would give him a shot that would make him feel much better. Instead, the doctor told him to get plenty of rest and to drink lots of liquids. She gave him a prescription to fill and said in two or three days he would be feeling better. Ashe left, the receptionist told him his visit would cost $50. Steven paid the money in cash and left the doctor left the doctor’’s office feeling very angry1. F2.T3.F4.F5.T Task 3: Task 3: Doctor’Doctor’Doctor’s Advice s AdviceOnce an old gentleman went to see a doctor. The doctor examined him and said, “Medicine won Medicine won’’t help you.help you.”” You must have a complete rest. Go to a quiet country place for a month, go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot, and smoke just one cigar a day.”“Thank you very much,Thank you very much,”” said the old gentleman, said the old gentleman, ““I shall do everything you say.I shall do everything you say.””A month later, the gentleman came to the doctor again, “How do you do!How do you do!”” said the doctor, “I am very glad to see you. You look much younger.”“Oh, doctor,Oh, doctor,”” said the gentleman, “I feel quite well now. I had a good rest. I went to bed early. I drank a lot of milk. I walked a lot. Your advice certainly helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day, and that one cigar almost killed me at first. It ’s no joke to start smoking at j\my age.s no joke to start smoking at j\my age.””1.D2.B3.A4.B5.D。

II. 1. David 2. Leigh 3. Vicky Klein 4. Laura Tish Hill 5. Anthony McDonald III. T1. B D B C AT2. 1. She thinks it ' s easy to make friends.填空选择2.It ' s convenient to use the library, the labs, the sports center and many other facilities.3.It ' s near the shopping center.4.They would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then it would take a lot of time to get home.5.It seems all the same every day.T3. formal formally casual common native relaxed friendlyT4. attention closing five checkouts leaveV. Michael: Travel and tourism; To work for a travel agency; Working his way through schoolJane: Computer science; To work in the IT industry; A four-year schoolarship VI. T1. 1. new and difficult 2. on his own 3. a bit confused 4. talk with 5. sleep onT2. T F F F T T3. B D A B DUnit TwoII. D A C B DIII. T1. D B C D AT2. 1. He played his early football with amateur clubs.2.He signed his professional contract with a Brazilian club.3.He went to Europe to seek his fortune in the Europe leagues.4.He was described as the new Pele.5.He won the award for three times: in 1996, 1997, 1999.T3. healthy form energy better different tastes careful choosingT4. open; interested; checkup; apply; PE Department; exercise opportunityV. Jack: a b e f Jim: c d g hVI.T1. 1. popular 2. weekly 3. local clubs 4. big three 5. fan baseT2. F F F T T T3. D B B C DUnit ThreeII. D B C A BIII. T1. C A D B BT2. 1. He has both academic and social problems.2.He feels confident about his ability to cope with his studies.3.The language barrier is the main reason why he finds it hard to make friends with local students.4.It is difficult for overseas students and native English speaking students to really get to know each other because there is the cultural gap.5.The best way for the overseas students to actually overcome the difficulty of making friends with native English speaking students is to start talking about course work.T3. maintain; tending; date; phone; turns; bills; expenses; e-mail; touchT4. The students Friendship Association; outing; school gate; 6:40; 7 sharp; on time V. Jack: a b e g Jane: c d fVI. T1. 1. learn; happy; 2. earthquake; 3. weight; dark circles; 4. the health center; turned red;5. surprised; talking; transferredT2. T F F T TT3. own; friend; comfort; understand; worry; Together; alone; confused; choose; downUnit FourII. 6613047; 8432057; 130********; 54362163; 205; 01113055110897III.T1. B D C A DT2. 1. They are planning to have their picnic on the weekend.2.They will be able to have a volleyball match, one class against another.3.It ' ll be fine, and maybe a little cloudy, but there n.' ll be definitely no rai4.Those weathermen are useless.5.All the pollution and the hole in the ozone layer are responsible for the changeable weather. T3. greenhouse; atmosphere; burning; destruction; earth; level; risk; storm; threat; environment T4. Sunny; daytime temperature; bundle up; drop; cloudy; winds; snow flurries; 37; rain; rise V. Michael : a b e g Emma: c d f hVI. T1. 1. human health; dust clouds; 2. the Sahara; Atlantic Ocean; South America; 3. October; Central America; the Caribbean; 4. the United States; Florida; the skies; 5. dust storms; allergies; breathing problemsT2. F T F F TT3. out; blue; cloud; fine; gone away; become; blues; tears; flowUnit FiveII. 1. steak 2. eggs, bacon, toast 3. sweet, weight 4. cookies, fruit, strawberries5. fish, fried noodles, mushroomIII.T1. D C A B CT2. 1.They will probably eat a hamburger, some chicken McNuggets, and the shakes.2.McDonald ' s is so successful because of its formula and diversity.3.You can always see similar menu items and the same high level of quality.4.McDonald ' s if losing market share in the States now and has closed down some restaurants. Because there ' re so many fast food chains in the U.S. that it is difficult for McDonald competitive.5.Because they are able to sell American culture by using all the media they can.T3. cities, health-conscious, green, naturally, styles, heartland, traditional, customers, popularT4. favorite McDonald ' s foods, adding, dream, come true, Great choicuebsl,e D Coheeseburger, PiesV. regular, nutrition, Hamburgers, fries, Chinese, cabbage, skipped, chocolate, sit-down, fruit VI. T1. 1. national, international, national dishes, foreign ones 2. large cities, European,Oriental3.hamburgers, hot dogs, Paris4.tes, coffee, milk, pop5. children, three or four, hamburgers, fried chickenT2. F F T F FT3. bread, strength, live, soul, faith, cried, love, wept, lamp, while, goal, alone, emptyUnit SixII. 1. the doctor ' s feelings, health 2. cold, medicine, phxyesrcicisael e3. schoolwork, sleeping,health, a doctor4.outside, long and healthy, second-hand smoke, cancer5. less, junk food, exercise, enjoy, risking III.T1. A C B B CT2. 1.The students feels tired all the time, wants to sleep all day, and is not interested in studying or being with people.2.Many things in the student ' s life have changed, such as foods, customs, socializing, and evenbody language and gestures.3.Because the student ' s heart, lungs, and blood pressure are all normal.4.Sometimes when people move to a new location, especially a new country, they experience culture shock.5.The doctor suggests that the student try to spend some time each week with people from her own culture.T3. hit, minute, shivering, legs, ache, lie, lasts, followed, lung, vaccine, protectT4. make an appointment, checkup, cancellation, 3 o ' clock, 3:30, ThursdayV. 6 1 4 5 3 2VI. T1. 1. medical service, health insurance, 2. medical advice 3. operation, outside, make the arrangement4. medical assistance, housing, off campus5. living on campusT2. F T F F TT3. D B A B DUnit SevenII. D B C B DIII.T1. A C B D DT2. 1. It ' s an auction site where people put their stuff up for sale, and then other people log in andbid on it.2.They can send a check or money order, or use a system called PayPal which lets them pay by credit card online.3.The online store pus the buyer directly in touch with the seller, and then the buyer can ask the seller to send the items over.4.She could never buy clothes online.5.You just need to package it all back up again.T3. bargain, poorer, reduced, unbelievable, add, final, regular, safest, trustT4. Gift Shop, gifts, friends, dolls, art prints, hand-made, daily, top professionals, at a discount ofV. Jack: 2348 Jane: 1567VI. T1. 1.tolerate, complaint 2. do any good, works, dissatisfied customers 3. longer, settled 4.Customer Service,Solve problems 5. the right, in a timely mannerT2. F F F T TT3. bought, butter, butter, bitter, better butter, butter better, bought, butter, Better,bitter butter, made, butter better, better, Bought, bitter butterUnit EightII. B A B B BIII.T1. C A B D BT2. 1. He intends to move off campus.2.The apartment consists of a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. It is equipped with hardwood floors and new furnishings, and is located in a quiet neighborhood.3.From the bus stop down the block people can always catch buses onto campus, or into the city.4.It is per month.5. He has to first pay the security deposit, which is one month ' s rent, and the last monthT3. resident, dormitories, apartments, demand, properties, rent, right, spend, afford, roommate, moves, costsT4. 20-year-old, two, 3-bedroom, preferred, responsible, respectful, north, walking distance, private,air conditioning, high speed, utilitiesV. Jack: 1347 Anne: 2568VI. T1. 1. on campus, air-conditioned rooms, 339; 2. the educational program, a living unit,eat and sleep;3.all parts of the country, assigned to rooms, national origin;4. make new friends, educational, activities;5.students ' development, the sound education, citizenshipT2. T F T T FT3. coming, wonder, cloud, sun, surprised, world, especially, clear, nearest, creationUnit NineII. D C A B CIII.T1. A D A A CT2. 1. Surfing the Internet for the last few hours.2.Some information on South America for a project he had.3.Because there is so much information available.4.It takes so much longer to find things because many sites are useless.5.She thinks they were useful to someone at some time, but they should be removed when they are no longer of use to anyone.T3. likely, adapting, psychological, access, dorms, chatting, related, dismissed, gamblingT4. honored, as our guest, computer hacking, protect, books and articles, misuse, New Threatsto Security, wake your interestV. John: 2468 Anne: 1357VI. T1. 1. the late 1950s, disasters;2.the World Wide Web, the Information Age;3.a free national service, research and education institution;4.1990s, Internet software, link up.5.a larger network ,the information highway, onlineT2. F T T F TT3. run, break, settings, appearance, find, send, noises, mistake, furniture, messedII. 1. trip, uncle, Hong Kong, driving, fun;2.parents ' , California, short;3.packed, bathing suit, beach;4.hunting cabin, Thanksgiving, interesting, gun, books;5.vacation, different, expenses, saved.III.T1. C B B A AT2. 1. She still has two finals to take and three term papers to finish.2. He ' d like to go somewhere far away from school and forget about lectures and essays and all that hard work.3. Because it would be warm there and they can sun themselves.4.Skiing is exciting, but she wants to get relaxed.5.The most important thing for her at the moment is tomorrow ' s exam.T3. Christmas, Thanksgiving, dressed, imaginations, adults, childhood, shine, confront, dead, reassure, at night.T4. abroad, Disneyland, meantime, aware, scenic, relax, Mickey MouseV. John: 1458 Jane: 2367VI. T1. 1. wars, finding soldiers; 2. families and lovers; 3. love and marriage 4. prison, February 145.fertility, modern meaningsT2. T F F T TT3. snow, open, fields, Laughing, Bells, bright, ride, sing, tonight, fun。

Uint8II. Listening SkillsListening for Rents or Charges1.M: Look at this ad! “One bedroom apartment, with kitchen and bathroom.” It’s close to ourschool, and the price is only $250 a month.W: But I want an apartment at least $50 cheaper.Q: What is the highest rent the woman is willing to pay?B) $200.2.M: Laura, I really hate to ask this, but I think I’m going to be five days late with this month’srent. Do you think you could help me out?W: I’m afraid I can’t. It’s $350! I haven’t much money. I have to save hard to pay my own rent;and it’s almost twice as high as yours.Q: How much is the man’s monthly rent?A)$350.3.M: Okay, Mrs. Smith, I’m all packed and ready to move out. There’s just the matter of the$500 damage deposit and I’ll be off.W: Well, Rob, there’s also the matter of some cigarette burns on the carpet and a hole in one of the walls. Those damages will cost $100 to repair.Q: How much is the landlady willing to give back to the man?B)$400.4.M1: Frank, we need to talk about this month’s utility bill. It’s $220, and I’ve give you half theamount. Why are you asking for $50 morre?W2: Don’t you think you should pay a little bit more than that? You have an extra heater in your bedroom. And you have been taking two hot showers a day, sometimes for almost an hour. I think you should be thankful I’m only asking for $160.Q: How much is the second speaker asking the first one to pay?B)$160.5.M: Why are you still staying here? The girls on this floor are so noisy! You can get anapartment off campus for just a little more money. Perhaps $450 a month.W: Well, actually, I was planning to pay the extra $50 to move there. But I changed my idea when I learned those noisy girls will move out next term.Q: What is the rent for the girl’s dorm?B)$400.III. Listening InTask 1:Living with RoommatesLiving with roommates in college dorms, one is likely to have problems as well as success.Some students report more unhappy relationships with their roommates than they do the opposite. One reason for this is that it’s human nature to pick out a person’s negative aspects more easily than to realize his or her positive ones. Living in a college dorm, you will certainly se both the strong points and shortcomings of your roommates. But you’ll be more likely to remember thoseunhappy moments between you and talk about them. You may often tend to tell war stories about someone who spilled their breakfast all over you, but seldom will you talk about the pleasant conversation you had with someone over breakfast. This selective memory does you no good at all! Therefore, if you want to enjoy better relationships with your roommates, you must work hard to view them as people and make yourself fully aware that they’re going to have some faults—and so are you!1.C2.A3.B4.D5.BTask 2:Interviewing a Rental AgentM: Hi. Are you Jane from the rental agency?W: Yes. Nice to meet you. I take it you’re Tim.M: Yeah. Well, I just started to look into moving off campus. It seems that all the good places are going fast.W: That’s right; you gotta be quick. Let me tell you a little about this apartment. It’s a one bedroom, one living room apartment, with a bathroom and a kitchen. The furnishings are all new. There are hardwood floors, these large windows in the front, and it tends to be a quiet neighborhood.M: And how about the transportation?W: Well, from the bus stop down the block you can always catch buses onto campus, or into the city.M: Ok. How about the rent?W: The rent is $300 per month.M: Is there a security deposit?W: Yes. You must first pay the security deposit, which is one month’s rent, and the last month’s rent. Then, normal monthly payment begins.M: And, would mind if I have a roommate?W: Of course not! Whatever you like.M: Well, the place looks good. I’ll definitely be in touch.W: Ok. Here’s my business card. Give me a call if you have any questions.M: Will do.1.He intends to move off campus.2.The apartment consists of a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. It is equippedwith hardwood floors and new furnishings, and is located in a quiet neighborhood.3.From the bus stop down the block people can always catch buses onto campus, or into thecity.4.It is $300 per month.5.He has to first pay the security deposit, which is one month’s rent, and the last month’s rent. Task 3: Off-campus ApartmentsIn many colleges and universities, the rapid increase in the number of resident students has made on-campus dormitories increasingly crowded. Thus even some of the least attractive off-campus apartments now seem to be in great demand. As a result, real estate owners tend to purchase as many properties as they can near college campus for the sole purpose of renting them out yo students. “College towns”have sprung up across the country where there are large numbers ofhouses filled with students tenants. To find an apartment that’s “right”for you, first determine exactly how much you can spend. Don’t waste your valuable time seeing apartments you can’t afford. Use newspaper classified ads, apartment guides and the Internet, to make a list of “candidates” in your price range and needs. First consider how much travel time you can afford each day. The next question: will you have a roommate to share the costs? Will you be able to afford the apartment if your partner moves out? Furthermore, be sure to consider the potential costs of utilities carefully. Sometimes utility costs are included in the rent. This arrangement often gives a clearer picture of monthly costs.resident dormitories apartments demand properties rent right spend afford roommate moves costsTask 4: Roommate Wanted20-year-old two 3-bedroom preferred responsible respectful north walking distance privateair conditioning high speed $275 utilitiesIV. Speaking OutModel 1 It’s all my fault.Now Your TurnProfessor: Everyone should be here by now. Where’re they?David: Well, there was a notice posted on the bulletin board, but maybe not everyone saw it. Professor: Did anyone put up a notice in the regular classroom?David: Well, I think nobody did.Professor: Really?David: I hate to say it, but I don’t think the rest of the class is coming.Professor: It’s all my fault. I should have told them all on the last class.Model 2 I didn’t do that.Now Your TurnElectrician: Wasn’t I just here several days ago for an electrical problem?Ashley: I guess you’re mistaken.Electrician: Oh man! Look what you’ve done! You can’t plug all these appliances into one socket.It’s too much overloaded!Ashley: I’m sorry, but I didn’t do that.Electrician: The truth is, you college kids never learn!。

新视野大学英语听说教程第四册UNIT ONE THE TEMPTATION OF A RESPECTABLE WOMAN UNDERSTANDING SHORT CONVERSATIONS1.M:What’s your family like,Emma?W:Well.my parents are separated,but my father lives near us.My mother is a middle aged woman.She works as a chemical engineer for a drug company.Q:How do Emma’s parents get along?2.W:I have to go downtown tomorrow morning to have my spring dresses fitted. M:Don’t you have other clothes to wear?W:No.none of them fit,and I can’t even button up my dresses.I think I need some new clothes.M:Maybe you should first think about doing more exercises and losing weight and then worry about your new clothes.Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?3.M:Robert talks a great deal about moving from his present home in New York toa plantation in the South.W:But that is the same thing he has been saying since he moved there six years ago.Q:What can we learn from the conversation?4.W:How long has your friend been at your home?M:About 10 days.W:Did he have a good time?M:Yeah.It seemed as if he just got here when it was time for him to say good —bye.W:It is certainly a pleasure to see him again and renew old memories.M:Well.we talked about college days when we had been best friends,and when we used to have SO many ambitions.Q:What can be learned about the man and his friend?5.W:What happened to you? You look really happy.M:My wife voluntarily proposed to invite my best friend to our family party. W:Didn’t your wife like your friend?M:No,at first she found him a terrible nuisance,but she has finally overcome her dislike for him.Q:What does the man mean?6.M:So you have finally decided to end your teaching career,Lucy?W:Yes.It has been driving me crazy.My health doesn’t permit me to cope with such a heavy workload at the moment.That’s why I decided to go to Australia to take a rest.M:Oh.I see.So that’s why you’ve been so quiet recently.Your periods of silence were not your basic nature,but the result of moods.You really need a change. Q:What can we know about the woman?7.M:I heard just last week that Vicky had got married.W:Vicky married? I can’t believe it! Remember how she always said that marriage wasn’t her choice?M:But I also heard that Vicky left her husband,just two days after their marriage. W:What?M:When her husband arose in the morning,Vicky had already gone,without even saying farewell.A porter had carried her trunk to the station and she had taken all early morning train to another city.Q:What can we learn about Vicky from the conversation?8.W:Do you know who that man is?M:Which one?W:The one in casual clothes.M:Oh,that’s David Smith.He’s the one who just moved into the apartment.W:Oh,really? He looks kind of interesting.Q:What does the woman think of David Smith?9.W:Do you know anything about Henry?M:That name sounds familiar.but I’m not sure.W:He’s from New Zealand.He works for IBM.M:Have you spoken to him? What’s he like?W:He seems to be a very nice man.He’s very friendly and he’s got a good sense of humor.They say he’s a man of wit.0:what can be learned about Henry?10.M:Did you hear that Mr. and Mrs. Brown went to Singapore for a vacation last month?W:Yeah.Did they enjoy themselves?M:It’s hard to say.When they got there.they couldn’t get a room in a good hotel. W:That’s too bad.But they really should have made a reservation for a room earlier. Q:What can be drawn from the conversation?11.M:You know Martin? Although we’ve been in the same office for many years.I’ve never been able to figure him out.silence in which he has unconsciously covered himself, but ...Q: What does the man mean?12. W: Have you made your peace with your wife yet?M: I've certainly tried, but she refused to talk to me last night. And when I arose this morning, she had already left for her aunt's.W: When will she return?M: Haven't the slightest idea.Q: What happened between the man and his wife?13. M: What is it like to live here?W: It's terrible. It used to be quieter when I went to school here. I still remember that I often sat alone on the bench that stood beneath an oak tree at the edge of the trail.M: And nothing disturbed you?W: Yeah. Being alone there, my thoughts quickly flew this way and that.Q: What does the woman imply?14. W: When my husband's friend Bob visited us, I just left them alone for the most part.M: Why?W: Because he was so different from other people and I couldn't understand him.M: Did he notice your absence?W: No, he didn't. Sometimes 1 imposed my company upon him, accompanying him in his idle walks to the mill.M: Did he want you to accompany him?W: No, that was the last thing he would desire.Q: What does the woman mean?15. W: Peter is a quiet boy. He seldom says a thing.M: Well, let me tell you. His brother Tom is just the opposite.Q: What kind of a person is Tom?16. M: Do you often see our fellow students?W: I did for a while until I left university, but after that not really.M: Yeah, I've lost touch with most people as well, but I still see Peggy occasionally.W: Oh, yeah. How's she getting on?M: Ok, I suppose, but she's had a rough time in the last few years. She got divorced.Q: Whom do the man and woman talk about?17. M: Did you hear about Mrs. Baroda?W: Yes, I did. She was a~ upright and respectable woman. She was also very sensible. It's a pity that the world has lost a great modern dancer.Q: What happened to Mrs. Baroda?18. W: When is your friend going?M: Not for a week yet, dear. I don't understand why you ask my friend to leave our house.Actually he gives you no trouble.W: No. I should like him better if he did; if he were more like the others, I could plan somewhat for his comfort and enjoyment.M: He just came here to take a rest, so please don't make a fuss over him.W: Fuss! Nonsense! How can you say such a thing?Q: What can be concluded from the conversation?19. M: Oh, it's you, Mrs. Johnson. Come in and sit down. Now, what was it? Oh, yes, your leg.Has there been any improvement since last week?W: Well, no. I'm afraid not, doctor. It's still the same.M: I'd better have another look at it. Hmm! Still very swollen. Have you been resting it, as I told you to?W: It's so difficult to rest it; doctor, you know, with a house to run, and six children and ...Q: What made it difficult for the woman to follow the man's advice?20. M: You are very nice to me and I've had a delightful time. I really appreciate your inviting mehere and spending so much time showing me around.W: Oh, it was fun for me, too. It gave me a chance to get away from routine and do something a little bit different.Q: What have the speakers been doing together?Key: 1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (B)6. (A) (D) 10. (A)11. (C) 12. (C) 13. (A) 14. (B) 15. (D)16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (B) 19. (C) 20. (D)UNDERSTANDING LONG CONVERSATIONS(Emma, Bill and Tim are talking about friendship.)Emma: How important are friends to you, Bill?Bill: I've never had a lot of friends. I've never regarded them as particularly important.Perhaps that's because I come from a big family -- two brothers and three sisters, and lots of cousins.That's what's really important to me. My family. The different members of my family. If you really need help, you get it from your family, don't you? Well, at least that's what I've always found. What about you, Emma?Emma: To me friendship.., having friends.., people I know I can really count on... to me that's the most important thing in life. It's more important even than love. If you love someone, you can always fall out of love again, and that can lead to a lot of hurt feelings, bitterness, and so on. But a good friend is a friend for life.Bill: And what exactly do you mean by a friend?Emma: Well, I've already said, someone you know you can count on. I suppose what I really mean is... Mm... let's see, how am I going to put this.., it's someone who will help you if you need help, who'll listen to you when you talk about your problems.., someone you can trust. What do you mean by a friend, Tim?Tim: Someone who likes the same things as you do, whom you can argue with and not lose your temper, even if you don't always agree with him. I mean someone you don't have to talk to all the time but can be silent with, perhaps. That's important, too. You can just sit together and not say very much sometimes. Just relax. I don't like people who talk all the time. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard:1. What does Bill think of friends?2. Whom does Bill usually turn to when he runs into difficulties?3. What does friendship mean to Emma?4. According to Emma, what may love lead to?5. What kind of people does Tim like to make friends with?Conversation 2W: You know, it doesn't look like you've cleaned the living room.M: No, I haven't. Ugh. I had the worst day. I am so tired. Look, I promise I'll do it this weekend. W: Listen, I know the feeling. I'm tired, too. But I came home and I did my share of the housework. I mean, that's the agreement, right?M: All right. We agreed. I'll do it in a minute.W: Come on. Don't be that way. You know, I shouldn't have to ask you to do anything. I mean, w e both work, we both live in the house, we agreed that housework is...is both of our responsibility.I don't like to have to keep reminding you about it.M: What's the matter with you today? You are displeased.W: It's us.M: What do you mean by "us"?W: Well, we used to talk to each other before we were married. Remember?M: What do you mean? We're talking now, aren't we?W: Oh, yes, but we used to do so much together.M: We still go to the cinema together, don't we?W: Yes, but we used to go out for walks together. Remember?M: Of course, I do.W: And we used to do silly things, like running barefoot through the park...M: Yes. I used to catch terrible colds. Honestly, you are being totally ridiculous.W: But we never argued. You used to think I was wonderful. Once...(sound of the door opening) Where are you going?M: Back to live with my parents. That's something else we never used to do before we were married. Remember?Questions 6 to 10 are based on the conversation you have just heard.6. Where does the conversation most probably take place?7. What is the agreement between the man and the woman?8. What are they doing now?9. How does the man react to the woman's complaints?10. What will the man do?Key:Conversation 1: 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (D)Conversation 2: 6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (D)UNDERSTANDING PASSAGESListening Task 1 Passage1Peter and Rhoda were going steady for two years. Everyone thought they were going to get married. One evening while they were eating in a restaurant, Peter said to Rhoda: "You know, Rhoda, you're the only girl I really know well. We are both very young, and I think we must try to make new friends and have new experiences. If we still love each other after all that, then we can get married.""That's true, isn't it? But I don't want to stop our relationship, do you? We can see each other, can't we? ""No, Rhoda, not for a while.""I guess you're right, but I'm going to miss you very much.""I'm going to miss you, too, Rhoda."The months passed. Rhoda and Peter were very lonely. Rhoda finally decided to try a computer dating service. She filled out an application which stated what she liked in a person. Soon the phone rang. It was Andre Legros who received her name from the computer service. They arranged to meet that evening for coffee. While she was waiting for Andre, Peter came in. She asked him:"What are you doing here? ""Well, I have a blind date for tonight with a girl named April May. It's a computer match. What are you doing here? ""I'm waiting for my blind date. His name is Andre Legros."After a few minutes of awkward silence, Rhoda began to laugh. She said:"I'm April May."Peter looked surprised. After a moment, he said:"And I'm Andre Legros. This was no mismatch, was it? It was meant to be."Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard:1. How many years were Peter and Rhoda going steady?2. What did they decide to do one evening?3. Why did Rhoda try a computer dating service?4. How did Peter and Rhoda feel when they first knew the truth?5. What can be inferred from the passage?Passage2George's mother was worried about him. One evening, when her husband came home, she spoke to him about it."Look, dear, " she said, "you must talk to George. He left school three months ago, but he still hasn't got a job, and he isn't trying to find one. All he does is smoke, eat and play records."George's father sighed. It had been a very tiring day at the office."All right, " he said, "I'11 talk to him.""George, " said George's mother, knocking at George's door, "your father wants to speak to you.""Oh! ""Come into the sitting room, dear.""Hello, old man, " said George, when George and his mother joined him in the sitting room."Your father's very worried about you, " said George's mother. "It's time you found a job.""Yes, " replied George without enthusiasm.George's mother looked at her husband."Any ideas? " he asked hopefully."Not really, " said George."What about a job in a bank? " suggested George's mother, "or an insurance company, perhaps? ""I don't want an office job, " said George.George's father nodded sympathetically."Well, what do you want to do? " asked George's mother."I'd like to travel, " said George."Do you want a job with a travel firm then? ""The trouble is, " said George, "I don't really want a job at the moment. I'd just like to travel and see a bit of the world."George's mother raised her eyes to the ceiling. "I give up, " she said.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard:6. What did George's mother ask his father to do?7. How did George's father feel after a day's work?8. When did George leave school?9. What did George want to do after graduation?10. What can be concluded from the passage?Passage3If you listen to American music, watch American television or magazines, you will probably agree that the most popular subject of these forms of entertainment is love. Romantic love always finds an audience in the United States. Falling in love, solving the problems of love, and achieving the happy ending -- the big wedding are subjects of interest to the adult as well as the teenage public. Millions of Americans celebrate Valentine's Day with special cards and gifts that announce their love to their mates, their friends, their coworkers, and their families. Popular songs tell us that "all the world loves a lover". A popular saying is "Love conquers all". Numerous columns in magazines and newspapers offer advice to the lovelorn, those with difficulties of the heart. To most Americans, romantic love is central to a happy life.Not only do Americans believe in romantic love but they a l so believe that it is the best basis for marriage. Despite the high divorce rate in the United States, young men and women continue to marry on the basis of romantic love. Americans consider marriage a private arrangement between the two people involved. Young Americans feel free to choose their own marriage partners from any social, economic, or religious background. The man or woman may have strong ties with parents, brothers, or sisters, but when he or she falls in love, the strongest feelings are supposed to be for the loved one. When an American couple marries, they generally plan to live apart from both sets of parents and build their own independent family structure. Questions 11 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard:11. What is the most popular subject of all forms of entertainment?12. Who is interested in the subject of love?13. What do most Americans think of romantic love?14. What factors do young Americans consider when choosing their own marriage partners?15. What does an American couple plan to do when they marry?Passage4"Family" is of course an elastic word. But when British people say that their society is based on family life, they are thinking of "family" in its narrow, peculiarly European sense of mother, father and children living together alone in their own house as an economic and social unit. Thus, every British marriage indicates the beginning of a new and independent family -- hence the great importance of marriage in British life. For both the man and the woman, marriage means leaving one's parents and starting one's own life. The man's first duty will then be to his wife, and the wife's to her husband. He will be entirely responsible for her financial support, and she for the running of the new home. Their children will be their common responsibility and theirs alone. Neither the wife's parents nor the husband's, nor their brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles, have any right to interfere with them -- they are their own masters.Readers of novels like Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice will know that in former times marriage among wealthy families was arranged by the girl's parents, that is, it was the parents' duty to find a suitable husband for their daughter, preferably a rich one, and by skillful encouragement to lead him eventually to ask their permission to marry her. Until that time, the girl was protected and maintained in the parents' home, and the financial relief of getting rid of her could be seen in their giving the newly married pair a sum of money called a dowry. It is very different today. Most girls of today get a job when they leave school and become financially independent before their marriage. This has had two results. A girl chooses her own husband,and she gets no dowry.Questions 16 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard:16. What does British marriage indicate?17. What should the husband and wife do in a traditional British family?18. Who decides everything in a family?19. What can be learned from novels like Pride and Prejudice?20. How do present-day girls differ from those in former times?Key:Passage 1: 1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (A) 5. (D)Passage 2: 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (C) 10. (D)Passage 3: 11. (B) 12. (D) 13. (A) 14. (D) 15. (B)Passage 4: 16. (D) 17. (A) 18. (C) 19. (B) 20. (B)UNIT 2 Charlie ChaplinUNDERSTANING SHORT CONVERSATIONS1. M: Aren't you watching the movie on TV?W: What's on tonight?M: Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times. Have you seen it before?W: No, never. But I've heard of it. So are you watching it?M: It's not until 8.Q: What does the man mean?2. M: Do you know something about Charlie Chaplin's childhood?W: Yes, I do. He was born in a poor area of South London in 1889. He spent his childhood in poorly-furnished houses. He wore his mother's old red stockings cut down for ankle socks.His mother was temporarily mad and was in and out of mental hospitals.M: How about his father?W: He was never sure who his real father was. Although he pursued learning passionately in later years, young Charlie left school at 10 to work.M: But when he grew up, he made a great success in films.Q: What can be learned from the conversation?3. W: Which do you like better, comedy or tragedy?M: I prefer comedy.W: Who is your favorite comic character?M: The great comic character of the Tramp created by Charlie Chaplin. This little man in rags gave his creator permanent fame.W: The Tramp? You're kidding. I mean you can't be serious. The Tramp ... he is a bit, well, crude.M: Well. You're obviously missing the point. Middle-class audiences in England in the1920s and 1930s also thought the Tramp a bit crude, but the working-class audiences were more likely to clap for a character who revolted against authority.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?4. W: What nationality was the actor? Do you know?M: He was British, but actually he quit Britain for good in 1913. He journeyed to America with a group of performers to do his comedy act on stage.W: And then talent scouts recruited him to work for the king of Hollywood comedy films, Mack Sennett.M: Yes, that's right. In fact he is more popular in other countries than in Britain.Q: What does the man mean?5. M: Do you want to hear my new record?W: Yeah, sure. Who's it by?M: The Rolling Stones.W: The Rolling Stones? Oh, great. It's one of my favorites.M: Yeah, mine too. I'm crazy about the band. Did you see the show on TV last week?W: Yeah, wasn't it great! By the way, do you enjoy going to concerts?M: That's all right, but I like listening to records better.Q: What does the man think of the band?6. M: I was terribly embarrassed when some members of the audience got up and left in themiddle of it.W: Well, maybe some people just can't accept such a tramp character who sports a tiny moustache, huge pants or tail coats.M: But such a character helped its creator achieve world-wide fame.Q: What does the man mean?7. W: Have you seen the movie about a college-educated gentleman who has come down in theworld?M: Yes. And the man had many different personalities.W: That was an interesting movie! I hope you enjo~:ed it as much as I did.M: I must admit that it's far from being my favorite kind of movie. That's for sure.Q: What does the man imply?8. M: It seems that you're extremely enthusiastic about the songs and films of Elvis Presley.W: Yes, I love his songs very much.M: Could you tell me why?W: He changed the face of American popular culture. And he was unique and irreplaceable.M: I honestly can't see what you're getting so excited about!Q: What are the speakers' attitudes towards Elvis Presley?9. W: Well, what do you think of Chalie Chapin?M: You mean the great comic? He was an immensely complex man, to a certain degree, he was even unusual in the ranks of Hollywood stars.W: And it is said that his huge fame gave him the freedom, and more importantly, the money to be his own master.M: That's right. He already had the urge to explore and extend a talent he discovered in himself as he went along.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?10. M: Would you like to go to the movie with me tonight?W: Yes, I'd like to. What's on?M: It's Ghost.W: Oh, great! I heard about that film several years ago. It was very unusual, but I couldn't find time to see it.M: Do you know that the main character was played by the famous Hollywood film star Demi Moore?W: Yes. Actually this film helped Moore achieve fame. After that she is generally believed to be one of the top Hollywood stars, gaining big box-office successes one after another.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?11. W: How did you like the performance?M: Generally speaking, it was very good, but I thought the conductor was a bit inexperienced.W: Inexperienced? But he has won many awards.Q: What does the woman imply?12. M: I've read the review of the film. I must say that I couldn't agree with the critic more.W: What does it say?M: It says that Chaplin didn't have his jokes written into a script in advance.W: Really?M: Yes. He was the kind of comic who used his physical senses to invent his art as he went along. The critic says that lifeless objects especially helped Chaplin make "contact"with himself as an artist and he turned them into other kinds of objects.Q: What is the man's reaction to the review?13. M: You know so much about old movies. I'll bet you saw a lot when you were young.W: Not as many as you might think.M: What kind of movies did you like most at that time?W: I liked Chaplin's movies most. In the movie The Pawnbroker, a broken alarm clock becomes a "sick" patient undergoing surgery; and his film The Gold Rush, boots were boiled and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?14. M: Do you know why his comedies were so popular at that time?W: I think there are some secrets.M: Secrets?W: Yes. The physical transformation and the skill with which he executed it again and again are surely the secrets.Q: What does the woman say about the popularity of the comedies?15. M: Have you ever seen the movie Modern Times?W: Once, I think.M: It was the first film in which Chaplin was heard as a singing waiter, and he made up a nonsense language which sounded like no known nationality.W: We are used to speaking of the films made before 1927 as "silent", but it was a headache for him when he could no longer resist the talking movies. He postponed that day as long as possible.M: Until Modern Times was produced in 1936.W: Yeah. In this film he found "the right voice" for his comic character -- the Tramp.Q: What can be concluded from the conversation?16. M: Are you sure you can't remember the name of the film?W: It's ... it's just on the tip of my tongue!Q: What does the woman say about the film?17. W: Oh, hey, can you turn that up a little?M: Sure. Do you like music?W: Oh, yes, of course.M: What kind of music do you like?W: All kinds, but my favorite is jazz, blues and rock' n' roll.Q: Which of the following is not the woman's favorite music?18. W: Someone said that the two sides of Chaplin were reflected in his films.M: What were the two sides?W: On the one hand, he had a deep need to be loved, but on the other hand, he had a corresponding fear of being betrayed.M: Were the two hard to combine?W: Yeah, and sometimes -- as in his early marriages -- the collision between them resulted in disaster. Yet even this painfully-bought self-knowledge found its way into his comic creations. The Tramp never loses his faith in the flower girl who'll be waiting to walk intothe sunset with him; while the other side of Chaplin makes Monsieur Verdoux, the French wife killer, into a symbol of hatred for women.Q: What is implied about Chaplin's early marriages?19. W: Could you tell me something about his marriage?M: Yeah. As a complex and private man, he had a weakness for young girls. His first two wives were 16 when he married them. His last, Oona O'Neill, daughter of Eugene O'Neill, the great American dramatist, was 18.W: So he married three times in his life?M: Yes. In fact in Oona O'Neill, he found a partner whose stability and affection narrowed their 37 year age difference. So it's a relief to know that life eventually gave him the stable happiness it had earlier denied him.Q: What can be learned from the conversation?20. M: Do you know when Chaplin died?W: He died on Christmas Day, 1977.M: Did you hear what happened after his death?W: I heard that a few months after his death, a couple of almost comic body thieves stole his body from the family burial chamber and held it for money.M: Is that true?W: Yes, but the police recovered his body after that. People can't help feeling Chaplin would have regarded this strange incident as a fitting memorial -- his way of having the last laugh on a world to which he had given so many.Q: What happened to Chaplin's body?Key: 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (A)6. (D)7. (D)8. (D)9. (B) 10. (A)11. (A) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (C) 15. (B)16. (D) 17. (A) 18. (A) 19. (A) 20. (B)UNDERSTANDING PASSAGESListening Task Passage 1When Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977, radio and television programs all over the world were interrupted to give the news of his death. President Carter was asked to declare a day of national mourning. Eighty thousand people attended his funeral. The streets were jammed with cars, and his films were shown on television, and his records were played on the radio all day. In the year after his death, one hundred million Presley's LPs were sold.Elvis Presley was born on January 8, 1935, in Mississippi. His parents were very poor and Elvis never had music lessons, but he was surrounded by music from an early age. His parents were very religious, and Elvis regularly sang at church services. In 1948, when he was thirteen,his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. He left school in i953 and got a job as a truck driver.In the summer of 1953 Elvis paid four dollars and recorded two songs for his mother's birthday at Sam Phillips' Sun Records Studio. Sam Phillips heard Elvis and asked him to record "That's All Right" in July, 1954. Twenty thousand copies were sold, mainly in and around Memphis. On January 10, 1956, Elvis recorded "Heartbreak Hotel", and a million copies were sold. In the next fourteen months he made another fourteen records, -and they were all big hits.In 1956 he also made his first film in Hollywood.In March, 1958, Elvis had to join the army. He wanted to be an ordinary soldier. When his hair was cut, thousands of women cried. He spent the next two years in Germany, where he met Priscilla Beaulieu, who became his wife eight years later on May 1, 1967. In 1960 he left the army and went to Hollywood where he made several films during the next few years.In 1972 his wife left him, and they were divorced in October, 1973. He died from a heart attack. He had been working too hard, and eating and drinking too much for several years. He left all his money to his only daughter, Lisa Marie Presley. She became one of the richest people in the world when she was only nine years old.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard:1. How many people attended the funeral of Elvis Presley?2. For whom did Elvis Presley record two songs in 1953?3. In which year did Elvis Presley make his first film in Hollywood?4. What was the reaction of thousands of women when Elvis' hair was cut?5. How did Elvis Presley die?。

II. Listening SkillsMaking Calculations1.W: It sounds expensive. Why did they charge you so much for repairing the computer?M:Well, it’s $25 for labor to start with. A new modern cost another 50 bucks. On top of that I needed a new battery, and it cost $17.Q: How much did the man spend altogether fixing his computer?2.W: How long are you on the Internet every day?M:About three hours a day. I promised Dad to cut that in half, but the Internet is so slow.Q: How much time has the man promised to spend on the Net every day.3.W: Where did you get all these e-mails?M:I got ten messages from classmates, one about an assignment and one from my brother. Five were spam, the annoying stuff that comes at all times.Q: How many e-mail messages did the woman get altogether?4.W: It takes twice as long to open my Hotmail now. I need over a minute to see my mail. Is theproblem Hotmail or the ISP?M:Forget Hotmail. I get e-mail through a local provider in ten seconds. Try it.Q: How long did it use to take the man to get his mail?5.W: Talking about computer, what’s the meaning of Pentium 4 and clock speed?M:Imagine the processor of a computer as a bus. The higher the Pentium number, the larger the the bus and the more information it can carry. Clock speed tells how fast data are processed.A clock speed of 100 is half as fast as a speed of 200.Q: How much faster is a clock speed of 200 than a clock speed of 100?1.D2. C3.A4.B5.CIII. Listening InTask 1: The Internet on CampusThe Internet, a worldwide information network, is used at universities mainly as an information supply source. Staff supply information via the Internet and students may access it or any other publicly available information. The Internet is also useful for students to communicate with staff. Teachers may present lecture materials in lecture halls, and at the same time, they can distribute the materials for students to access from any location at any time via their computer. Such materials are preesented mainly in the form of text, still pictures and hypertext links. Students find this valuable and relevant to their needs. If they must miss a lecture, students can still keep up to date. Staff users may put up notices of conferences, maintain professional contacts, and communicate and conduct discussions with their colleagues or students. Students, on the other hand, are taught haow to use the Internet as an individual productivity tool in several courses.1. A2. D3. A4. A5. CTask 2: Surfing the NetW: Hi Bryan. Hare you doing? You look tired.M:Oh, I’m a little burnt out. I’ve been surfing the Net for the last few hours.W: Were you doing schoolwork, or was it just for pleasure?M:Well, I wanted to get some information on South America for a project I have, but I found a really interesting chat site with people from there and started chatting.W: Well, did you get the information you needed?M:Yes, but then we spent lots of time chatting about other interests.W: I see. The Internet is a wonderful place. There is so much information available. I completely understand how you can get distracted. Sometimes I find myself looking for one piece of information, but by the time I am finished I have a lot more than I started off looking for.M:I know. One thing I really don’t like about it, though, is it takes so much longer to find things, because many sites are useless.W: Yes, there’s that, and also, I often find the same site over and over again in a search. That definitely wastes lots of my time.M:And, of course, there are sites that offer little to no relevant information on the topic you are searching for. In my search today, I found quite a few sites that were nothing more than old local news archives and event calendars.W: Well, I’m sure they were useful to someone at some time, but they should be removed when they’re no longer of use to anyone.M:I agree. With all the time I spnd on it, I still find it to be the best source of information available.And speaking of information, I really should read through what I got on the Internet and start working on my project.W: Okay. Good luck. It’s funny we had this chat, as I was just on my way home to surf the Net myself.M:Well, it was nice talking to you, and maybe I’ll meet you in a chat room later tonight.1.Surfing the Internet for the last few hours.2.Some information on South America for a project he had.3.Because there is so much information available.4.It takes so much longer to find things because many sites are useless.5.She thinks they were useful to someone at some time, but they sgould be removed when they’reno longer of use to anyone.Task 3: Internet AddictionOver the years, studies have shown that it’s possible to become addicted to the Internet. Actually, college students are most likely to have the addiction because of many factors. Difficulty in adapting to life away from home, and certain psychological problems like depression or social anxiety are among the main reasons. College students have lots free time to spend and many of them are supplied with free Internet access and a computer in their doorms. It’s really easy to get addicted. Walking through the computer labs, you are most likely to find students chatting or surfing on the Internet. There are not just some, but many students not really doing anything related to schoolwork. They are spending far too much time online, which may do harm to their schoolwork and other activities. As a result, some have been academically dismissed, and others are even in the danger zone for developing an addiction needs to be addressed now as a serious problem on college campuses.likely adapting psychological access dorms chatting related dismissed gamblingTask 4: A Brief Introductionhonored as our guest computer hacking protect books and articles misuse New Threats to Security wake your interestIV. Speaking OutFocusing AttentionModel 1 As far as I’m concerned, …Now Your TurnNicole:Hi, Chris! What’s up?Christopher: The damned Internet is down again. Seems like it’s always down. What do you think I should do?Nicole:If uou ask me, you just need to have your connection checked.Christopher: Maybe you’re right. But, to tell the truth, what I really need is to have my own computer.Nicole:Why? As far as I’m concerned, that’s not necessary when you’re living on campus.Model 2 In my opinionAshley: Hey Mike, what are you doing online?Michael: Well, I’m getting some ideas for my term paper.Ashley: Ideas? Well, I personally think we should think for ourselves.Michael:It’s easier said than done! Working with the Internet is much faster , you know.Ashley: But, in my opinion, that’s a form of plagiarism.Michael: Come on, Ashley. I never quote the passages; I just use their ideas.Model 3 As I See it, …Maria: I’ve got to do two assignments this week, but the Internet is not always a timer saver. Jessica: Searching on the Internet? Don't’t you think it’s hard to find the right information for your assignments?Maria:No, just the opposite. There’s too much information. I start looking for one thing, and see something else. Before I know it, I’m completely off topic.Jessica: Well, as I see it, you should focus on what you are doing and not get distracted.Maria:But, the point is that it’s very hard to stay on one topic when other topics keep flashing and jumping out at you!V. Let’s TalkAnne: John! You’re playing computer games again?John: Hi, darling. I’m just surfing the Net.Anne: Oh, my gosh! You’re becoming a Net-addict!John: Come on, Anne. I find the Internet very useful—I can find anything. Want me to search for the number of Net-addicts in America?Anne: John, you spend more time on the Net than with me. It’s kind of unhealthy!John: Unhealthy? Here, just feel my muscles. I like Atlas—I can lift the world with the Net. Anne: Stop joking, John. You spend hours closed up in your room, with just your computer for company, like a recluse. It is as if you lived in a computer!John: Not really. I am in touch with the world through the Web.Anne: But it is not the same. You need to interact with people, play real games, and enjoy nature.Your virtual world is a form of… of… escapism.John: The real world could use some escaping form, don’t you think?Anne: You know, John, it is not just you; most young people—even children—spend so much time on the Net that it is not only affecting their eyesight but also their personalities. They arebecoming unsociable…John: Anyway, look at the positive side: the amount of useful information available on the Web is amazing.Anne: I know that. As long as the Internet is only a virtual girlfriend, I won’t have to worry about it.John:2,4,6,8Anne:1,3,5,7For ReferenceaA, say hello to B and ask what he is doing online.Hi,Brian. You’re online again! Searching for something?B, respond to A’s greeting and answer his /her question.Hello, Vivian. I’m playing games. It’s thrilling!A, show your concern for B by listening some dia=sadvantages of Net addiction.Come on, Brian. You’ve spent too much time online. Haven’t you ever worried about yourstudy? Your addiction to the Net will spoil you!B, account for your Net addiction by listing some conveniences and excitement the Internet brings to you.Don’t be joking, Vivian. The Internet is so convenient, and you can do everything on it. I enjoy playing games online. It’s really exciting!bA, greet B and ask what he is doing.Hi, Dave. What’re you doing? Seems you’re doing editing work.B, respond to A.Well, I just downloaded an essay from the Net, and have got to make some changes for my literature class.A, make comments on B’s practice.What? Downloaded an essay? Are you crazy? We’re supposed to write papers by ourselves.B, try to justify your act.Sounds easy! But I don’t have the time. Besides, I’m not into literature, you know.VI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingListeningTask 1: The Origin of the InternetThe story of the Internet begins in the late 1950s. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik in 1957. ThePentagon set up a research team in 1958 to create a computer network to operate during disasterslike a nuclear war. The resulting network linked U.S. scientific and academic researchers. It grewinto the World Wide Web or the Internet that became the network system of the Information Age. In1985, the National Science Foundation created a network which provided a free national service toany U.S. research and education institution. Later, large corporations began to build their ownnetworks. All those networks finally joined the Pentagon’s network to form the Internet. By the1990s, anyone with a computer, a modern, and Internet software could link up to the Internet. In thefuture, the Internet will probably grow more complex and become part of a larger network called the information highway. With that people could bank, shop, watch TV, and perform many otheractivities online.Task2: The Internet—A Small TownThe Internet is a global network, but in many ways it’s like a small town with similar services to of fer. There are electronic post offices to send and receive e-mail, functioning somewhat more efficiently than the Post Office we know. There are libraries of information that stay open 24 hours a day with millions of books and documents to browse or search through on the World Wide Web or WWW. You can also enjoy real-time text-based communication, using written or printed material to communicate with others immediately and almost “face to face”. Local coffee shops are seen in the guise of chat room, with pe ople dropping by at all hours of the day and night to socialize. Online education and training is available just as it is in a “bricks and mortar” university or school. Online banking offers you all the services available at your local bank, without fearing to be mugged at an ATM. You can buy almost anything, listen to your local radio station or do your grocery shopping. Indeed, the Internet is your town in a box!Task3: If only life could be like a computer!To get your daily exercise, just click on “run”!If you need a break from life, click on “suspend”.Hit “any key” to continue life when ready.To “add/remove” someone in your life, click settings.To improve your appearance, just adjust the display settings.When you lose your car keys, click on “find”.You could click on “send” and the kids would go to bed immediately.To feel like a person, click on “refresh”.Click on “close” to shut up the noises.To undo a mistake, click on “back”.Is your furniture getting old? Click “update”.If you messed up y our life, you could press “Alt, Ctrl, Delete” and start all over!Speaking1. F2. T3.T4.F5.T。

1新视野大学英语听说教程第一册听力原文Unit 1Warming UpWelcome to Click here for Language Learning, the home of live, natural online language learning.Click Here for Language Learning helps you improve your language skills, and offers the mostpositive1 learning experience you may ever have. Whether you’re learning English, Chinese, French, Spanish, or any other language, just click here! Using the latest2 technology, we offer foreign language classes at a minimal3 cost and give you a learning experience unlike any other.Click Here for Language Learning provides constant feedback (回馈,反馈) so you ’ll feel confidentin your ability to speak, listen, write, and read the foreign language of your choice.Click Here for Language Learning is a click towards success, and you can start learning from hometoday! You can learn a foreign languag e on your own schedule, whenever it’s convenient, on CD -ROM or online.Click Here for Language Learning helps you learn a second language as naturally as learning yourfirst!注释:1. positive a. 积极的,肯定的,明确的passive a. 被动的,消极的negative a. 否定的,反面的,消极的 2. late —later —latestlate a. (原级)迟的,晚的later a. (比较级)更迟的,更晚的latter a. (位于the, this, these 后)后面的;〔the latter 〕后者latest a. (最高级)最迟的,最晚的,最新的3. minimal a. 最小的,最低的minimize vt. 使…成极少,减到最少minimum n. 最少maximize vt. 把…增大(扩大)到最大限度maximum n. 最大量,最高值Understanding Short ConversationsNow you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listencarefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.1. W: I saw an ad on the Internet about online language studies.M: Me too. I saw an ad for, “Click Here for Language Learning”.Q: What do the man and the woman have in common1? B2. M: You have to be 18 years old to enter some online language classes.W: Really? I had no idea that there was a minimum age required for some classes.Q: What did the woman NOT know about online language classes before? C3. M: Unlike regular classes, online classes can be taken at your home.W: That’s exactly why I decided to begin studying onl ine!Q: Why did the woman decide to study online? A4. W: I keep on making2 new friends as I study online.M: So do I! There are so many people online, and I want to meet them all!Q: What is one benefit of studying online? C5. M: My online teacher asked the class for suggestions to make the class better.W: That’s great! I always like it when a teacher does that.Q: What did the man’s teacher want to do? D6. M: I had no idea that online language learning could be so effective!W: It sure has helped me practice my language skills!Q: What is it about online language learning that surprised the man? C7. M: My classmates and I help each other solve homework problems online.W: It sounds like you’re using the Internet in a useful way.Q: What does the man do online? C8. M: Online learning is ideal for anyone who doesn’t have time to travel to school.W: Yes, but it also has its own challenges.Q: What does the woman have to say about online learning? A29. M: Virtual classroom are changing how students study!W: They sure are! And I, for one, am very excited about it.Q: According to the man, what is happening to students because of virtual classrooms? B10. M: What advice did your professor give you?W: He said that taking an online class would help me learn.Q: What did the woman’s professor suggest? D注释:1. have sth. in common 在…有共同点have much in common 在...有很多共同点have nothing in common 在…没有共同点2. keep on doing 继续做,坚持做keep sb. on 继续雇用某人keep on about sth. 继续谈论某事keep on at sb. 不断地向某人提出请求不断地抱怨(纠缠,困扰)某人Understanding a Long ConversationNow you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.W: How’s your new online class, Bill? Is it everything you had hoped for?3 M: It’s everything and more, Susan. Y ou should give it a try!W: Oh, really? What’s the best thing about it?M: In an online class, you talk with others over the Internet. Since they are not right next to1 you, they don’t bother you so much.W: That sounds great! I took a class with someone who would make me feel small whenever I made a mistake. He would tell me how stupid I was and intimidate (威胁,恐吓) me so that I never wanted to participate.M: Not a problem in the virtual classroom. How would you like to sign up2? I think that you could start on the third of next month.W: I don’t know, Bill. You know all those problems about having difficult people in the classroom? M: Yeah?W: We don’t really have them anymore since you left.1. Which of the following is NOT true about Bill? A2. According to Bill, why are other students NOT a concern in an online class? B3. Why did Susan NOT like to participate in class? B4. When could Susan start studying online? D5. Why did Susan NOT make up her mind to join online class? A注释:1. next: a. 其次的,紧接的next to 1) 仅次于 2)靠近,贴近2.sign: n. 记号,符号;预兆,迹象;标记,牌子vt. 签名;做手势,打信号sign in 签到;记录某人到达的时间sign out 用签名的办法记录某人离开的时间sign up 签约参加工作(或组织,活动等)Understanding a PassageNow you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.The first requirement for my online language class was to meet in an online forum(论坛). I entered the forum early and saw students appear on the screen one after another. Strangely enough, when it was time to begin, the teacher still hadn ’t shown up1. However, we began sharing information and talking about the new class. Unlike me, all of the other students were new to the online class. I told them about my experience and my thoughts. Then I noticed something. There were 27 people in the forum. This was strange because I know there were only 26 people in the class.“Hey,”I wrote, “which one of you is the teacher?”The teacher made herself known at last. She said that she wanted to get our honest opinions about the online class. Also, she wanted to have a little fun with us. “Humor will be important in my class,”she said.1. What was the first requirement of the online class? A2. What was strange about the beginning of the online class? A3. How were the other students different than the speaker? C4. What did the speaker notice? D5. Why did the teacher NOT make herself known to the class at first? D4 注释:1. show: vt. 展示,显示;露出;展出,陈列;n. 展示,展览;演出show up 揭露,拆穿;显眼,露出;出席,到场show off 炫耀,卖弄;使显眼HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 1Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.M: All right, everyone. Good work. That’s all for today’s class. Does anyone have any questions? W: Excuse me, Professor. I have a question. I’m worried about my English skills. I get g ood marks on tests, but I don’t feel that I’m learning a lot.M: Not exactly a question is it, Winnie? But it’s a good concern. Many advanced English learners have a large “passive vocabulary”, but they worry about their “active vocabulary”. They can under stand many difficult English words when reading or listening, but they don’t use most of them when speaking or writing in English. They feel this is a problem. They would like to use all the difficult words that they know.W: Do you think that I use too few words?M: That’s not what I’m saying at all. Actually, I’m saying the opposite thing.W: I’m afraid I don’t understand.M: In your native language, there are also thousands of words that you understand but you don’tuse. So your active vocabulary in your native language is much smaller than your passive vocabulary.And I guess that you are not worried about that.W: No, I’m not. But I would like to use the new words that I learn in my English classes. How else am I going to remember them?M: Now that’s a very good question.W: I was hoping that you had an answer to this question.M: Winnie, you don’t need to worry about using“too few”English words. As your needs for different things grow, you will be able to use your new words more and more. I think you’d be surprised by how much you know.W: So your advice to me is “Don’t worry.”? Now I’m worried that I’m paying too much for school.1. Who are likely to worry about their active vocabulary? D2. What is “active vocabulary”according to the p rofessor? D3. What do many English learners want to do? A4. What does the professor say about vocabulary in one’s native language? B5. What does the professor want to tell Winnie? DTask 2Now you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.The biggest problem most people face in learning English is their own fear. They worry that they won’t say things correctly so they don’t speak English at all. Don’t do this. Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting1 what you want.5 The best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it. The more English material you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely you will begin thinking in English.Music can be a very effective tool to learning English. The best way is to use the lyrics(歌词) and try to read them as the artist sings. This way you can practice your listening and reading at the same time. Watching English movies is not only fun but also very effective. By watching English movies, you can expand2 your vocabulary and learn the natural flows of speech from actors.1. What is the biggest problem that many English learners have? B2. Why do some English learners NOT speak English at all? B3. What is the best way to learn English according to the speaker? D4. What is the best way to learn English through music? A5. How can you benefit from watching English movies? C注释:1. stop sb. from doingkeep sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事prevent sb. from doing2. expand: vt. 使膨胀,使扩充,扩大,发展extend: vt. 伸长,延伸,扩大,扩展extent: n. 广度,宽度,长度,范围,程度Unit 2Warming UpHaving problems with your parents? Because society has been changing so rapidly during the lastfew years, the gap between the generations has become larger. So it can be difficult for children andtheir parents to relate1. Parents often find the ideas and ways of their children offensive (冒犯的,无礼的). And children, often teenagers, tend to be rebellious and act badly.More than at any other time, Chilling Out with the Folks (和父母轻松相处), a set of self-help recordings that bring the generations together, is necessary. Chilling Out with the Folks will help you develop the patience and tolerance (容忍,宽容) necessary to bridge (弥合起来) any generational divide (分歧). Honestly, it will change your life! Listen to these recordings today, and begin your trip down the road to peace and perfection!注释:1. it is ﹢a.﹢for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事是…的eg. It is difficult for me to finish the task this afternoon. 对我来说今天下午完成任务是不可能的 It is impossible for the man to betray(背叛) his country. 对那个人来说背叛祖国是不可能的Understanding Short ConversationsNow you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.1. W: How about spending the evening chilling out with the folks?M: Come on, Mom. I’d really like to get out with my frie nds.Q: What does the young man want to do? C2. W: Honestly, I don’t know what to say about our son’s music.M: Leave him alone about it. After all, your mother didn’t like your music either1.6Q: What should the woman do according to the man? C3. W: I’m surprised to see you out and about so early in the morning.M: You know my mom. She doesn ’t like me sleeping in (睡懒觉), even on weekends.Q: Why is the man out and about so early in the morning? D4. M: A little teenage rebellion is normal. Your son will get over it.W: I know. I’m just worried about him doing something that will ruin his life.Q: Why is the woman worried about her son? B5. W: Get a piercing in my nose? No way! My parents would be angry!M: You’re not giving them enough credit. I don’t think they’d be upset at all.Q: Why wouldn’t the woman get a piercing in her nose? B6. W: What bugs you most about your daughter’s eating habits?M: I can’t stand the way she eats so quickly.Q: Why does the man have a problem with the way his daughter eats? D7. M: What’s wrong with out kids? They think they’re entitled to2 everything we have!W: Well, I feel it’s my fault for givi ng them too much.Q: What does the woman think about their kids’ problems? B8. W: Dad, I’ve got a date tonight with Mike. I’ll be back late.M: Him again? I wish you wouldn’t date a guy with a tattoo!Q: What does the father wish for his daughter? C9. W: My mother wants me to go into banking, but I like writing.M: You can’t let your mother choose your career for you.Q: According to the man, what should the woman’s mother NOT do? D10. W: Dad, I’m a grown woman, and you can’t make choices for me.M: Ha! If you were a grown woman, you wouldn’t watch cartoons all day!Q: Why does the girl’s father NOT believe that she is a grown woman? D注释:1. either: 1) a. 两者之中任一的;eg. Y ou may read either book.两本书中你可以读任意一本。

Nancy: Nancy Leigh.
Doris: Is “Lee” your last name?
Nancy: No, it’s Leigh. L-E-I-G-H. But “Lee” would be easier to spell, wouldn’t it?
II. Listening Skills
Listening for Names
1. Doris: Good morning. Can I help you?
David: Yes. I need to change one of my courses.
Doris: I’ll see what we can do. What’s your name, please?
David: My name’s David Brown.
Doris: Your first name again?
David: David. D-A-V-I-D.
The boy is called David by his first name.
2. Nancy: Excuse me. I want to make sure if I am registered for the new semester of English with Dr. Lang.
W: But the commuting to classes…I mean, you would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then going home would be so much time.