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杨氏夫妇所翻译的作品大都是中国古典名著,他们采用 异化与归化相结合的方式,以异化为主,归化为辅,担 当起传播中国文化的重任。 Yang's couple's translation works are mostly Chinese classics, and they combine foreignization and domestication, mainly use foreignization and supplement with domestication. They beared the burden of spreading Chinese culture.
Main translation works--
Li Sao 《离骚》 Records of a Historian 《史记》 Dream of the Red Mansion 《红楼梦》 The scholars 《儒林外史》
Selected stories by Lu Xun《鲁迅选集》 Homer’s lliad 《伊利亚特》
Sufferings--- 文革期间遭受迫害
In 1968, he and Gladys were arrested and held without news of each other or the outside world for four years. After being released from detention, in 1972,Yangs were allowed to completed their translation of the most famous novel of all, the 18th century Dream of the Red Mansion. Rather than rage against fate, those who survived would take refuge in humour and self-deprecation.
熟悉中国文化的人对“风流”一词的理解并不难。 但是要向异国读者解释何为 “ 风流” ,实属不易, 即算费尽口舌也未必使其豁然开朗。鉴于此,杨氏 夫妇索性进行归化处理,减少不必要的文化障碍。
翻译原则中,杨氏夫妇秉承忠实与通顺以 做到尊重原作者的文学创作,承担译者的责 任而不是创作者的责任,在直译与意译之间 倾向直译以保持原作的文化氛围,体现文化 底蕴,呈现一份原汁原味的文化大餐,杨氏 夫妇真的有太多的东西值得我们学习。
例句-那僧笑道:“你放心,如今现有一段风流公案,正 该了结,这一干风流冤家,尚未投胎转世。”
"Don't worry," replied the monk. "A love drama is about
be enacted, but not all its actors have yet incarnated."
Translation theory
Faithfulness and fluency 忠实和通顺
Integration of literal translation and free translation with emphasizing the previous one. 直译和意译相结 合,直译为主,意译为辅
Returned to China in 1940 with his wife Gladys Margaret Taylor 戴乃迭。
Worked for Foreign Languages Press form 1935
Labeled a “rightist” and put into prison from 1968 to 1972 with his English wife. Passed away in 2009.
Integration of domestication and alienation with emphasizing the later one.异化与归化相结合,异化 为主,归化为辅。
忠实 faithfulness---杨宪益认为,译者要忠实于原作者的思想感情,尊重原作 者的创造性工作。 Yang insists that translation should be faithful to the original author's thoughts and feelings, and translator should respect the creative work of the original author.
Penned with hot and bitter
All men call the author fool:
None his secret message hears.
Odyssey 《奥德赛》
让外国人都能读懂 《红楼梦》--
The Yangs-A Dream of Red Mansions (Foreign Language Press Beijing, 1978)are the most widelyread and only complete translation versions in the world.
The couple’s work--
With Gladys's help, he translated the lyrical poem Li Sao by Qu Yuan(4th century BC) into English heroic couplets in the style of John Dryden. They cooperated and introduced a large number of Chinese classics to the Englishspeaking world.
红楼梦中的大量谚语、成语、习语、俗语等语言现 象在英语中无法找到对应的表达方式,所以不得不 采用意译的翻译方法,舍弃原著的外在美,而保留 内在美,使异国读者能够没有障碍的理解原著。 There are so many proverbs,idioms and slangs in Hong Loumeng,and we can't fine the corresponding expressions in English, so we have to use the technique of free translation. Keep the original work's inner beauty but abandon its external beauty. Then it can makes it easy for the foreign readers to understand the original work.
Yang's translation is based on the theory of the alienation and Hawk’s translation is based on the theory of the domestication
Pages full of idle word
直译 Literal Translation
杨氏夫妇在翻译经典著作时,为了保存原作 风姿,尽可能地传达中国语言和社会文化, 主要采用了直译的翻译手法。
When they translate the classics, in order to keep the original work's charm and convey the Chinese language and social culture as much as possible, they mainly use literal translation method.
AS blossom fade an fly across the sky,
Who pities the faded red, the scent that has been? Softly the gossamer floats over spring pavilions,
Gently the willow fluff wafts to the embroidered screen.
Goodness knows how much silver we've squandered on doctors and medicines to cure this illness of mine.
解析:杨宪益夫妇为了使句子更加符合英语口语化,就根据 意思,在译文的句首增加了Goodness knows(天晓得), 这样不仅忠实地体现出口语中的那种轻微的抱怨与无奈,而 且使句子读起来更加顺口。
戴乃迭,原名Gladys B.Tayler, 婚后更名为Gladys Yang 1919 年戴乃迭生于北京一个英国传 教士家庭。戴乃迭七岁时返回 英国,在教会中学接受教育。 1937年戴乃迭考入牛津大学, 最初学习法语语言文学,后转 攻中国语言文学,是牛津大学 首位中文学士。她从小挚爱中 国文化, 1999 年 11 月 18 日戴 乃迭于北京逝世。戴乃迭女士 是中国文学出版社英籍老专家、 在国际上享有崇高声誉的翻译 家和中外文化交流专家。
浅析杨宪益戴乃迭夫妇 的 翻译理论与作品
李艺欣 宁森
1,A brief introduction of the couple 2,Main works
3,Their translation philosophy
A brief introduction---life experience of Yang Xianyi
杨宪益(1915-2009),a famous translator in China, a foreign literature research expert.
Borned into a wealthy banker family in 1915.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Studied Classics in Merton College( 默 顿 学 院 , Oxford in 1936.
“For a palace Gradyate you are not very smart.” Zixing chuckled.
Distant water can't quench a present thirst.
意译 Free Translation
赵嬷嬷也笑个不停,有念佛到:“可是屋子里跑出 青天来了。”
“Amida Buddha!” she crackled. "So here comes an impartial judge." 翻译中增加了 “Amida Buddha” , “ 阿弥陀佛 ” 的意思。“青天”在中国比喻公正清廉的官员。
The blossom fade an falling fill the air,
Of fragrance an bright hues bereft an bare Floss drift and flutters round the maiden’s bower, Or softly strikes against her curtained door. 从诗歌形式上看,原诗是一二四末尾押韵,韵脚为“an” 杨译是隔 行押韵,而霍克斯是双行韵。霍克斯更多的追求的是形式上的美感, 诗歌的韵律之美,而杨宪益夫妇更忠实于去表达诗歌其中的原滋原味, 在翻译过程中将林黛玉的柔弱之气也展现出来了,在表达感情上更胜 一筹,从这里也可以看出杨氏夫妇在翻译中对于原作内容的准确性的 把握。