掩耳盗铃 Plugging one's ears while stealing a bell
偃旗息鼓 To lower the banners and silence the drums
叶公好龙 Lord She loves dragons
狼狈为奸 A wolf working hand in glove with a jackal
老马识途 An old horse knows the way
梁上君子 A gentleman on the beam
临渴掘井 Not digging a well until one is thirsty
黔驴技穷 The Guizhou donkey has exhausted its tricks
日暮途穷 The day is waning and the road is ending
如火如荼 Like a raging fire
如鱼得水 To feel just like a fish in water
破釜沉舟 Smashing the cauldrons and sinking the boats
破镜重圆 A broken mirror made whole again
骑虎难下 When one rides a tiger, it is hard to dismount
杞人忧天 The man of Qi who worried that the sky would fall
常用汉语成语(Common Chinese Idioms)
按图索骥 Looking for a steed with the aid of its picture
Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors恻隐之心,仁之端也;羞恶之心,义之端也;辞让之心,礼之端也;是非之心,智之端也。
The feeling of commiseration is the principle of benevolence. The feeling of shame and dislike is the principle of righteousness .The feeling of modesty and complaisance is the principle of propriety. The feeling of approving and disapproving is the principle of knowledge. Men have these four principles just as they have their four limbs.没有义务的地方,就没有权利Where there is no obligation there is no right.人类文明史也是一部同疾病和灾难的斗争史。
习近平The history of human civilization is one of fighting diseases and tiding over disasters. The virus does not respect borders. Nor is race or nationality relevant in the face of the disease. Confronted countries have tackled the virus head on. Around the world, people have looked out for each synergy in the fight against COVID-19.富而可求也;虽执鞭之士,吾亦为之。
二、汉译英参考答案(1)to harbor/have/out of/with ulterior motives; with malicious intent; to have an axe to grind(2)to go back on one’s words; to play fast and loose; to blow hot and cold; to chop and change;inconsistent/undependable/self-contradictory.(3)To lord it over (others/all); to play the tyrant; to dominate/domineer and swashbuckle(4)To act in bad faith; to play foul/false; treacherous; to go back on one’s words(5)Arrogant and conceited; self-important; to ride the high horse; false pride; to get too big forone’s boots(6)To work hand in glove with; to band together; to collaborate/collude with sb in evil doing(7)Courtesy demands reciprocity; to exchange on an equal basis/footing(8)The united will of the masses is like a fortress; People with one will are stronger than afortress; Unity is strength.(9)Blinded by one’s gains (by t he lust for gain/the love of gain/self-interests); to bend one’sprinciples to one’s interests; to be so obsessed with the idea of profit-making that one loses all sense of righteousness(10)To eat one’s own bitter fruit (the fruit of one’s own doing/the fruit of one’s ownmaking);to reap what one sows; to bite off one’s own head; to face the consequences of one’s own action(11)Honest advice is unpleasant to the ear.(12)To court one’s own ruin/doom/disaster; to invite one’s own destruction; to cut one’s ownthroat; to bring destruction to oneself; to take the road to one’s doom(13)To go against the trend of the times; to set back the clock; to push a reactionary policy;retrogressive/perverse acts(14)To intensify one’s efforts to do sth; to become aggravated; to be furthe r intensified; withever-increasing intensity(15)To be obvious to all; as clear as day(16)As always; just as in the past; as before(17)To exaggerate just to scare/frighten people; alarmist talk; sensational(18)To make irresponsible remarks/criticisms(19)To surrender a c ountry’s sovereign rights under humiliating terms; to humiliate thenation by forfeiting its sovereignty(20)To invite/bring a wolf into the house; to open the door to an enemy(21)No end of trouble for the future; Endless troubles will follow.(22)To be filled with indignation(23)The trend of the time; the general trend(24)To run counter to …(25)To cling obstinately to one’s course; to act willfully; to insist on having one’s own way(26)To reap the spoils of victory without lifting a finger; to profit from other’s conflict(27)Neighbors are dearer than distant relatives. Neighbors are more helpful than distantrelatives. A remote kinsfolk is not as good as a near neighbor.(28)The same medicine prepared with different water; the same old stuff with a differentlabel; a change in form but not in essence(29)To lift a rock only to crush/squash one’s own feet; to tread on one’s own tail(30)To defy public opinion (the will of the people); to fly/go in the face of the will of thepeople (public opinion); to face universal condemnation(31)Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Love sees no fault. Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes.Love blinds a man to imperfections.(32)Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake; The drinker’s heart is not in his cup –he hassomething else in his mind. One talks about one thing, but tries to do another.(33)While the magistrates are free to burn down houses, the common people are forbiddeneven to light lamps. One may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge.(34)Living near a wolf’s den, you can never be too cautious.(35)Of all the living things nurtured between heaven and earth, the most valuable is thehuman beings.(36)You want the horse to run fast and yet you don’t let it graze.(37)Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight. Theweather and human life are both unpredictable.(38) A person cannot be judged by his appearance, just like the sea cannot be measured witha bucket. A person can no more be judged by his looks than the sea be measured with abucket.(39)Man cannot be always fortunate just as flowers do not last forever.(40)Blood is thicker than water, the falling leaves settle on the roots.(41)Haughtiness invites losses while modesty brings profits.(42)One’s position alters the temperament, just as nourishment affects the body. Honorschange manners.(43)Nothing is so strong as gentleness; Nothing is so gentle as strength.(44)Like the Eight Fairies/Immortals crossing the sea, each displaying his own talent/magicpower.(45)On festive occasion, more often than ever, we think of our dear ones far away.(46)Among bosom friends, a thousand cups of wine are not too many/enough. A thousandcups of wine are too few when drinking with close friends.(47)As the saying goes, “What’s near cinnabar goes red, and what’s next to ink turns black.”(48)Those who are meant to meet will meet even if they are separated by a thousand miles;those who are not meant to meet will not get acquainted even if they brush shoulders with one another.(49)Preparedness ensures success and unpreparedness spells failure. Forewarned, forearmed.(50)Spare the rod and spoil the child.(51)The well-fed simply has no idea of how the starving suffers. Little does the fat sowknow what the lean means.(52)Nearest the king, nearest the gallows.(53)As heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive forself-perfection.(54)It takes more than a day to freeze three feet of ice. Rome was not built in a day.(55)No pains, no gains. No gains without pains.二、英译汉(1) as blind as a bat(2) as cool as a cucumber(3) as easy as rolling off a log(4) a bed of roses(5) between the devil and the blue sea(6) to call a spade a spade(7) now or never(8) to pull one’s leg(9) with tongue in cheek(10) much cry and little wool(11)to wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve(12) The leopard cannot change its spots.(13) A small leak will sink a great ship.(14) He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon.(15) As the touchstone tries gold, so gold tries men.(16) Behind the mountains there are people to be found.(17) The proof of pudding is in the eating.(18) One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.(19) Nothing succeeds like success.(20) Enough is as good a feast.(21) Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.(22) Many hands make light work.(23) The mills f God grind slowly.(24) He laughs best who laughs last.(25) Marry in haste and repent at leisure.(26) Courtesy on one side lasts not long.(27) Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escaped.(28) Like attracts like.(29) Everyone for himself, the devil take the hindmost.(30) Speak of the wolf, and you will see his tail.(31) It’s no use crying over spilt milk.(32) Fish begins to stink at the head.(33) Nothing venture, nothing gain/have.(34) Time and tide wait for no man.(35) The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb.(36) Speech is silver, silence is gold.(37) Short accounts make long friends.(38) There is no rose without a thorn.(39) Better late than never.(40) Many a good cow hath a bad calf.二、英译汉参考答案(1) 有眼无珠(2) 镇定自若(3) 易如反掌(4) 称心如意的境遇; 安心窝(5) 进退两难(6) 直言不讳(7) 机不可失, 时不再来(8) 跟某人开玩笑; 骗某人(9) 假心假意地(10) 雷声大雨点小(11) 过于心直口快; 过不再来(12) 江山易改, 本性难移(13) 千里之堤, 溃于蚁穴(14) 和坏人打交道, 必须提高警惕(15) 试金石试金, 金子则考验人(16) 山外有山, 天外有天(17) 实践得真知(18) 巧妇难为无米之灰(19) 一事成功, 事事顺利(20) 知足常乐(21) 不要过早乐观(22) 人多好办事(23) 天网恢恢, 疏而不漏(24) 谁笑在最后, 谁笑得最美(25) 草率结婚后悔多(26) 单方面礼貌不会长久(27) 窃钩者诛, 窃国者候(28) 物以类聚, 人以群分(29) 人不为已, 天诛地灭(30) 说到曹操, 曹操就到(31) 覆水难收, 后悔无益(32)上梁不正,下梁歪(33) 不入虎穴, 焉得虎子(34) 时不我待(35) 豺狼活, 则羊羔死(36) 雄辩是银, 沉默是金(37) 债务还得早, 朋友交得长(38) 没有不带刺的玫瑰; 没有尽善尽美的快乐(39) 迟到总比不到好(或晚做总比不做好) (40) 良牛产劣犊(好的父母未必培养出好的子女)。
[敷衍搪塞] give someone the runaround别拿话儿搪塞我们。
Don’t give us the runaround. We’d just like to know whether you agree or not.“拿话儿搪塞”或“敷衍搪塞”的说法可用give someone the runaround的句式来表示。
give someone the runaround实际上指“使某人到处乱转”,即在“找借口”或“托辞”。
请看下述例句:Sample Sentences1、不要拿话搪塞我,告诉我你到底想不想和我结婚!Don’t give me the runaround. Just tell me if you would marry me or not.2、我跟他借钱,他只是拿话搪塞却分文未借。
I asked him to lend me some money, but I got nothing except the runaround.3、希望这次你能给我个确切的答复,别再拿话搪塞我了。
I’ve come to know the definite answer this time, not the runaround again.[哭穷] to poor-mouth别跟我哭穷了,我还不知道你的底细?Don’t poor-mouth to me . I have your number.汉语中“哭穷”的说法实际上是指一种“掩盖钱财实力”,“装寒酸”的掩饰行为,可用俚语poor-mouth来表示。
He would poor-mouth to me whenever I come to borrow money.此语是个多义词,有时也可用来表示“说话留有余地”的意思。
“知人知面不知心”•“You can know a man’s face but not his heart.”杨宪益•“Appearances certainly are deceptive!” Howks霍克斯•水中捞月•to catch the moon in the water /to make an impractical attempt•fish in the air;•cry for the moon;•plough the sands;• a wild goose chase•胸有成竹•直译:Before an artist can draw a bamboo, he must have the image in his mind •意译:to have a well-thought-out plan before doing sth.•意义相等的英语成语:to have a card up one’s sleeve剖腹藏珠Penny wise and pound foolish声东击西To shout in the east and strike in the west刻骨铭心To be engraved on one’s heart and bones眉飞色舞to beam with joy粗枝大叶To be crude and careless无孔不入To take advantage of every weakness竭泽而渔Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs打草惊蛇Wake a sleeping dog井底之蛙To be like a frog at the bottom of a well调虎离山To lure the tiger from the mountain口蜜腹剑To be honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted纸醉金迷(a life of) luxury and dissipation开门见山To come straight to the point单枪匹马To be single-handed in doing sth大张旗鼓On a large and spectacular scale海阔天空(to talk) at random易如反掌As easy as falling off a log玩火自焚Try in one’s own grease挥金如土To spend money like water掌上明珠The apple of one’s eye对牛弹琴Cast pearls before swine守口如瓶Keep a still tongue in one’s head雪中送炭Help a lame dog over a title画蛇添足Paint the lily小题大做Make a mountain out of a molehill赴汤蹈火Go through fire and water洗心革面Turn over a new leaf七上八下At sixes and sevens横行霸道Throw one’s weight about大发雷霆Blow one’s top过河拆桥Kick down the ladder•左右为难Between the devil and the deep sea•进退维谷Stick in the mud•骑虎难下Between the horns of a dilemma•左支右绌Between two fires•不上不下In a fix dilemma/ quandary/ predicament•无所适从Hold a wolf by the ears莫衷一是• 1. An Apple of Discord 争斗之源;祸根• 2. the Heel of Achilles / the Achilles' Heel唯一弱点;薄弱环节;要害• 3. Helen of Troy• 4.The Trojan Horse木马计;暗藏的危险;奸细• 5.Greek Gift(s) 阴谋害人的礼物;黄鼠狼拜年,不安好心• 6. Win/Gain Laurels获得荣誉;赢得声望•7. Under the Rose秘密地; 私下得; 暗中•8.Adam's Apple喉结孟母三迁moving one’s home for the desired environment for the education of one’s children •邯郸学步to imitate awkwardly•班女之才talented•百步穿杨extremely good at shooting•伯乐相马as capable as Bo Le in discovering talents•东施效颦imitate awkwardly•负荆请罪making an active apology•惊弓之鸟a deadly frightened person•劳燕分飞be separated•杞人忧天groundless worry•绕梁三日(of a song) so excellent as to let the audience feel it lingering for a long time •塞翁失马a loss may turn out to be a blessing•相濡以沫to help each other in the time of need;•(of an aging couple or a couple in general) to help each other in their remaining life or life in general•一饭千金to cherish others’ kindness at heart and repay it•初生牛犊不怕虎•New-born calves make little of tigers•Young people are fearless•明枪易躲,暗箭难防It is easy to dodge a spear in the open, but hard to guard against an arrow shot from hiding.•城门失火,殃及池鱼A fire on the city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat.•路遥知马力,日久见人心。
弄巧成拙 be too smart by half 强强联手 win-win co-operation 世上无难事只要肯攀登 /有志者事竟成 Where there is a will, there is a way. 塞翁失马焉知非福 Misfortune may be an actual blessing. 时不我待 Time and tide wait for no man.
8、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。20 20年12 月15日 星期二 8时22 分50秒2 0:22:50 15 December 2020
9、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自 强不息 。下午 8时22 分50秒 下午8时 22分20 :22:502 0.12.15
• 10、你要做多大的事情,就该承受多大的压力。12/15/
6、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像 泥块一 样任意 揉捏。 2020年 12月15 日星期 二下午 8时22 分50秒2 0:22:50 20.12.1 5
7、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我 。。20 20年12 月下午 8时22 分20.12. 1520:2 2December 15, 2020
拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul 辞旧迎新 ring out the old year and ring in the new 大开眼界 broaden one's horizon 好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more 和气生财 Harmony brings wealth 活到老学到老 One is never too old to learn.
既往不咎 let bygones be bygones 脚踏实地 be down-to-earth 脚踩两只船 sit on the fence 留得青山在不怕没柴烧 Where there is life, there is hope. 谋事在人成事在天 Man proposes, God disposes.
汉语习语英译1. 不妙something is to pay2. 眼中钉 a thorn in someone's flesh3. 馋得流口水make someone's mouth water4. 胡说八道shooting from the hip5. 各奔东西drift apart6. 呕吐shoot the cat7. 打嗝make a belch8. 久等cool one's heels9. 各有利弊cut both ways10. 吃闭门羹to a locked door11. 哪儿都找了look high and low12. 敷衍搪塞give someone the runaround13. 哭穷to poor-mouth14. 白吃白喝 a freeloader15. 牵线搭桥pull the strings16. 甩掉palm off17. 得罪某人get in Dutch with someone18. 说别人的闲话dish the dirt about…19. 挂个电话give a buzz20. 榨干血汗bleed one white21. 写封信drop me a line22. 崭新的brand new23. 太便宜了be dirt cheap24. 费事儿take a lot of doing25. 知道底细have someone's number26. 精品the choicest goods27. 了解一下情况get the lay of the land28. 掌上明珠the apple of someone's eye29. 让人恶心turn one's stomach/make one sick30. 惹麻烦了be in a jam31. 关系很好be on good terms with32. 跟别人要钱mooch off someone33. 钱挣海了coin money34. 钱多得花不完have money to burn35. 钱能生钱Money begets money.36. 没钱be broke37. 钱来之不易Money doesn't grow on trees.38. 敲竹杠 a clip joint39. 生活很富裕be well fixed40. 吃了上顿没下顿〕not know where the next meal comes41. 发财rake it in42. 太宰人了cost an arm and a leg43. 大吵大闹yell bloody murder44. 很象the spitting image of45. 绝交信Dear John46. 不能轻信take something with a grain of salt47. 告发、检举blow the whistle48. 指控charge somebody with49. 刮目相看Sit up and take notice50. 挺不错的be hunky-dory51. 已经……了be over52. 断断续续be off and on53. 前途远大have the world before one54. 好险 a narrow squeak55. 手气好have the Midas touch56. 走运be on the gravy train57. 让人给骗了be ripped off58. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子Nothing venture, nothing have59. 白费力气plough the air60. 命好lead a charmed life61. 遭殃、倒霉get in the neck62. 背黑锅hold the bag63. 活该should have it coming on somebody64. 犹豫不定be of two minds65. 心事重重something weighs heavily on one's mind66. 埋头苦干keep one's nose to the grindstone67. 心凉了半截cool one's ardor68. 使人大为激动make one's spine tingle69. 怀恨在心bear somebody a grudge70. 感到四肢无力feel wobbly and rough71. 受冷落feel left out72. 不容易no cinch73. 偷懒耍滑头goof-off74. 大动肝火be up in arms75. 保持冷静keep cool76. 说话兜圈子beat about the bush77. 心怀叵测have an ax to grind78. 心术不正not have one's heart in right place79. 背后捅刀子stab in the back80. 说某人的坏话badmouth somebody81. 傻笑grin like a Cheshire cat82. 厚着脸皮去干have the gall to do83. 海量have a hollow leg84. 不分上下be neck and neck85. 略胜一筹be a notch above86. 有头脑be a brain87. 很能干to have a lot on the ball88. 有名无实 a poor apology89. 绞尽脑汁to rack one's brain90. 没骨气have no guts91. 真了不起really something92. 昙花一现 a flash in the pan93. 一根筋儿one track-minded94. 败家子 a black sheep95. 他那号人people of his sort96. 无知的人an ignoramus97. 没有坏心眼的人the salt of the earth98. 出众的人 a lulu99. 骗子 a phony100. 两面派two-faced101. 难对付的人 a tartar/a hard nut to crack102. 大人物 a bigwig/a buzwig。
1、I won’t let her go without a fight! 我不会轻易放过她的2、It could happen to anyone./ It happens to anybody./ That happens. 谁都可能会遇到这种情况3、I’m a laundry virgin.我从来没去洗衣房洗过衣服(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活)4、I hear you. 我知道你要说什么。
/ 我懂你的意思了5、Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看!6、Hello? Were we at the same table? 有没有搞错?(注意hello的用法,用疑问语气表示“有没有搞错?”)7、You are so sweet/ that’s so sweet. 你真好。
8、I think it works for me. (work为口语中极其重要的小词)我想这合我心意。
9、Rachel, you are out of my league(等级,范畴). 你跟我不是同一类人10、You are so cute. 你真好/真可爱《老友记》主题歌试听下载及歌词翻译>>11、Given your situation, the options with the greatest chances for success would be surrogacy. (given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用)考虑到你现在的情况,最有可能成功的机会也就是代孕了....是说非比要给弟弟女朋友代孕那地方吧呵呵很有意思啊12、Let’s get the exam rolling. 现在开始考试了( get……rolling的用法)13、Why don’t we give this a try?我们为何不试一下呢14、Bravo on the hot nanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是bravo on sth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思)15、My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,压后韵)16、I planed to go there but something just came up.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情(注意something just came up这个搭配)17、That’s not the point.这不是关键/问题所在18、(If) he shows up, we stick with him. 他一出现,我们就跟着他走(着重比较书面英语和标准的口语,表条件的if可以省略)19、My life flashes before my eyes. 我的过往在我眼前浮现。
汉语习语英译汉语习语英译趁热打铁to strike while the iron is hot浑水摸鱼to fish in the troubled water如坐针毡to sit on pins and needles雷鸣般的掌声a thunder of applause一迅雷不及掩耳之势at lightning speed他泪如雨下–His eyes were raining tears.天壤之别Great difference as between heaven and earth ?(英语中类似的比喻是all difference in the world) ?杞人忧天To entertain groundless fears or unnecessary worries ?(be more frightened than hurt)水中捞月To catch the moon in the waterTo make an impractical attempt(fish in the airCry for the moonPlough the sandsA wild goose chase)知人知面不知心You can know a man’s face but not his heart.?Appearances certainly are deceptive.Before an artist can draw a bamboo, he must have the image in his mind. ?To have a well-thought-out plan before doing something雨后春笋To spring up like bamboo shoots after a spring rainOf new things emerging rapidly in large numbers.Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard. ?俗话说,衣柜里面藏骷髅,见不得人得事家家有。
习语翻译Translating/Interpreting Idioms 习语翻译1.Idiom for Idiom(以习语译习语)。
请找出下列习语相应的英/汉习语:(1)⽔滴⽯穿(2)破釜沉⾈(3)隔墙有⽿(4)积少成多(5)三思⽽后⾏(6)⽆风不起浪(7)⼀箭双雕(8)⼀⾔既出,驷马难追(9)种⽠得⽠,种⾖得⾖(10)谋事在⼈,成事在天(11)The burnt child dreads the fire.(12)Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.(13)Where there is a will, there is a way.(14)Strike while the iron is hot.(15)To fish in the air(16)Don’t wash your dirty linen in public.(17)To kill the goose that lays golden eggs(18)All good things must come to an end.(19) A fall to the pit, a gain in your wit. (20)Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings. There is no smoke without fire.Walls have ears.As you sow, so will you reap.Look before you leap.Man proposes, god disposes.To burn one’s boatsWhat is said cannot be unsaid.Many a little makes a mickle.Constant dripping wears the stone.To kill two birds with one stone.吃⼀堑,长⼀智。
自食其果 eat the bitter fruit of one's own making
bad egg
人善被人欺,马善被人骑 All lay load on the willing horse.
赴汤蹈火 go through fire and water
把黑的说成白的 swear black is white (颠倒黑白,不择手段)
➢ If you run after two hares you will catch neither. →To run after two hares.
➢ It's no good crying for spilt milk. →To cry over spilt milk. / The milk is spilt. / spilt milk
➢ call a spade a spade
➢ as sure as eggs is eggs
➢ Diamond cut diamond.
➢ They that know nothing fear nothing. ➢ Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. ➢ 利用对仗:只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯;路遥知马力,日久见人心;狼吞虎咽;
Features of Idioms
➢ 6、由于各民族的文化和思维有着巨大的“共核”(common core),英汉习语有 时有惊人的相似之处。 ➢ 喻义相同,结构相同: 了如指掌 To know something like the palm or back of one’s hand 火上浇油 to pour oil on the flames / add fuel to the flames 滴水石穿 Constant dropping wears the stone. 浑水摸鱼 to fish in the troubled waters 自吹自擂 blow one's own trumpet 空中楼阁 castle in the air 破釜沉舟 to burn one’s boats 如履薄冰 be skating on thin ice 晴天霹雳 like a bolt from the blue 趁热打铁 to strike while the iron is hot 熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect. 时间不等人 Time and tide wait for no man. 时间就是金钱 Time is money. (耳听为虚), 眼见为实 Seeing is believing. 隔墙有耳 Walls have ears.
汉语习语英译[不妙]something is to pay经理感到事情有些不妙。
The manager had a hunch that something was to pay.汉语的“有些不妙”或“有点不对头”的概念常可用something is to pay的句式来表示。
这一短语常和feel或have a hunch that连用。
DialogueBob: Didn't you see the writing on the wall?Sue: I even didn't have the slightest hunch.Bob: But you should be prepared for such an outcome.Sue: I had too much confidence in him.Bob: But he ruined your business.Sue: Well, if I knew there would be something to pay, I wouldn't should chalk it up to experience.Bob: Well, you should chalk it up to experience.Sue: You're right.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[眼中钉]a thorn in someone's flesh不知为什么我成了他们的眼中钉了。
I wonder why I become a thorn in their flesh. I've never harmed them.我们说的“眼中钉”与英美人讲的a thorn in someone's flesh指的是一回事,虽比喻有异,但意思相同。
a bull in a china shop 冒失鬼;大老粗
hold the purse strings 掌管金钱财务
mutton dressed as lamb 老来俏
to keep one’s head above water 奋力图存
make believe 假装
kick the bucket 死掉,翘辫子
apple of discord 争端;祸根
eat one's head off 无所事事,好吃懒做
cry one's eyes out 悲痛欲绝,痛哭
one foot in the grave 一脚已经入了坟;离死不远
tear the weed out by the roots, so that it can never grow again;
A weed must be exterminated by the roots, or it grows again in spring.;
If the roots are removed, the grass will not come up again.
Every potter praises his own pot.
The fox preys farthest from home.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
One swallow does not make a summer.
1. 铁石心肠cruel and unrelenting2. 置死地于后生 a v igorous and manly exertion3. 千秋功业a great unde rtaking of lasting importance4. 安居乐业liv e in peace and w ork happily5. 骨肉分离family separation6. 各得其所be prope rly prov ided for7. 众议纷纭disagree on8. 岁月不居,来日苦短Time does not stay is brief is the day.9. 夜长梦多A long delay may mean trouble.10. 时不我与Time and tide w ait for no man.11. 依时顺势keep up w ith the tide12. 日渐没落being pushed out of business13. 鹬蚌相争play A off against B14. 浩然之气noble spirit15. 凤毛麟角a rarity of the rarities16. 望而生畏stand in aw e before17. 敬而远之keep respectfully aloof from18. 众矢之的in the do ck19. 毫无瓜葛be div orced from20. 尔虞我诈sheer cunning and falsehood21. 备受推崇be rew arded and respected22. 善有善报,恶有恶报the good inev itably is successful and the bad inev itably punished23. 其乐融融sw eetness and light24. 义无反顾feel obliged to25. 物美价廉attractiv e in price and quality26. 源源不断keep flow ing in a steady stream27. 滚滚不息pour into28. 福祉w ell-being29. 精华quintessence30. 阴霾specter31. 势不两立pit sth against sth32. 打折扣w ear thin / w ater dow n33. 大展宏图score big points34. 重整旗鼓shock sth ba ck to life35. 不谋而合coincide w ith36. 染指dip one’s f inger in37. 博大精深both extensiv e and profound38. 源远流长long-standing and w ell-established39. 诸子百家the masters’ hundred schools40. 天下为公A ll under heav en are equal.41. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责Ev er y body is responsible for the fate of his co untry.42. 吃苦耐劳bear hardships43. 勤俭持家frugality in household management44. 尊师重教respect tea chers and v alue education45. 当务之急highest prio rity46. 遭受重创take a heavy toll47. 先见之明pre scient mov e48. 奇园古宅exotic gardens and old mansions49. 衣食住行clothing, food, shelter a nd transpo rtation50. 信誓旦旦be poised to。
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天长地久——as old as the hills
泰然自若——as cool as a cumber
水中捞月——to fish in the air
苦如黄连——as bitter as wormwood
轻如鸿毛——as light as a feather
旁观者清——The onlooker sees most of the game
艳如桃李——as red as rose
狐假虎威——ass in the lion’s skin
物以类聚——Birds of a feather flock together
非驴非马——Neither fish, nor flesh, nor fowl.
如释重负——to take a load off one’s mind
挥金如土——to spend money like water
弱不禁风——as weak as water
瞬息之间——in the twinkle of an eye
泪如泉涌——a stream of tears
瓮中之鳖——a rat in the hole
扬眉吐气——to hold one’s head high
一针见血——to touch one on the raw
不翼而飞——to take wings to itself
小题大做——to make mountains out of molehills
格格不入——a square peg in a round hole
山穷水尽——at the end of one’s rope
冷若冰霜——as cold as a marble
半斤八两——six of one and half a dozen of the other 胸有成竹——to have a card up one’s sleeve
孤注一掷——to put all one’s eggs in one basket
纸上谈兵——armchair strategy
白费唇舌——to speak to the wind
同行相嫉——two of a trade can never agree
一文不名——without a penny to one’s name
名山大川famous mountains and great rivers
名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites
湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills
青山绿水green hills and clear waters
奇松怪石strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations
平等互利equality and mutual benefit
扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses
反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government
简政放权streamline administration and institute decentralization 集思广益draw on collective wisdon and absorb all useful ideas
国泰民安the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony
政通人和the government functions well and people cooperate well
国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood
辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new
徇私舞弊bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud
流连忘返linger on with no thought of leaving for home
开拓进取blaze new trails and forge ahead
求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences
高瞻远瞩的决策 a visionary/far-sighted decision
贯彻落实重大决策carry out/ implement a series of major policy decisions
层峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another
优胜劣汰survival of the fittest
延年益寿prolong one’s life
灵丹妙药panacea / miraculous cure
长治久安 a long period of stability
审时度势size up the trend of events
招商引资attract investment
功在当代,利在千秋in the interest of the current and future generations
继往开来,承前启后(continue the past and open up the future ) break new ground for the future
急功近利eager for instant success and quick profits 大黑扫黄crack down on gangland and pornography 德高望重of high ability and integrity
互利互补mutually complementary and beneficial
互谅互让mutual understanding and accommodation 遵纪守法observe the relevant code of conduct and the law
减员增效downsize (and cut payroll) to improve efficiency (for efficiency)
退耕还林return cultivated land to forest or pastures 集资办学raise money to set up new schools
结党营私form cliques for private gain
扭亏为盈turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one
寓教于乐teach through lively activities
因材施教teach students according to their aptitude 按劳分配distribution according to performance
以商养文support /sponsor cultural activities with the profits from doing business
廉洁奉公honestly perform one’s official duties
环境绿化environmental greening
超前消费premature consumption; Over-consume; excessive consumption
以强凌弱the strong domineering over the weak
以人为本people foremost; People-oriented
(六)动宾关系优势互补complement each other’s advantages
自主经营,自负盈亏make one’s own management decisions, take full responsibility for one’s own profits and losses
不进则退no progress simply means regression (八)省略意象
瞻前顾后overcautions and indecisive
源远流长have a long history
呕心沥血spare no efforts
画龙点睛bring out the crucial point
花天酒地go on the loose
中流砥柱mainstay, chief cornerstone
鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey
世外桃源 a haven of peace。