电子与信息学院School of Electronic & InformationEngineering信息工程Information Engineering专业代码:080609学制:4年培养目标:本专业培养能坚持社会主义道路,适应经济、科技和社会发展需要的、德智体全面发展、获得工程师基本训练和具有综合知识的高级工程科学技术人才。
电子科学与技术(物理电子技术)Electronics Science and Technology (Physical Electronics)专业代码:080606学制:4年培养目标:物理电子学是综合电子、光电子、信息获取与应用等技术方面的宽口径专业。
第五章,,华⼯数据结构试卷资料,电信学院,习题5.1 选择题1、⼀维数组和线性表的区别是( A )。
A、前者长度固定,后者长度可变B、后者长度固定,前者长度可变C、两者长度均固定D、两者长度均可变2、设W为⼀个⼆维数组,其每个数据元素W ij占⽤6个字节,⾏下标i从0到8,列下标j从2到5,则⼆维数组W的数据元素共占⽤(C)个字节。
A、480 B、192 C、216 D、1443、在稀疏矩阵的⾏逻辑链式存储中,每个⾏单链表中的结点都具有相同的( A )。
A 、M[2][4] B、M[3][4] C、M[3][5] D、M[4][4]5、稀疏矩阵⼀般的压缩存储⽅法有两种,即(C)。
A、⼆维数组和三维数组B、三元组和散列C、三元组和⼗字链表D、散列和⼗字链表5.2 填空题1、⼀维数组的逻辑结构是(线性表),存储结构是(顺序存储);对于⼆维或多维数组,分为按(⾏序)和(列序)两种不同的⽅式存储。
5.3 应⽤题1、按⾏优先存储⽅式,写出三维数组A[3][2][4]在内存中的排列顺序及地址计算公式(假设每个数组元素占⽤L个字节的内存单元,a[0][0][0]的内存地址为Loc(a[0][0][0]))。
华南理工大学网络教育学院 数据结构同步练习册答案
6.3 分别写出题 6.1 所示二叉树的先根,中根和后根序列。 答:先根:ABCDEFGHIJ 二叉树。 答: 由后根遍历序列得到二叉树的根结点 A (后根序列中最后一个结点) ; 在中序序列中, A 的左力是 A 的左子树上的结点,A 的右边是 A 的右子树上的结点;再到后根序列中找左子 树和右子树的根结点,依次类推,直到画出该二叉树。 中根:DCBAFEHJIG 后根:DCBFJIHGEA 6.4 已知一棵二叉树的中根序列和后根序列分别为 BDCEAFHG 和 DECBHGFA,试画出这棵
(4) int x = 91, y = 100;
while (y > 0) { if (x > 100) else x++; } 答:100 解析: x=91; //1 y=100; //1
x = x -10; y--;
while(y>0) //1101 if(x>100) //1100 { x=x-10; //100 y--; //100 } else x++; //1000 以上程序段右侧列出了执行次数。该程序段的执行时间为: T(n)=O(1)
while ( i <= n ) { k = k+10*i; i++; } 答:n-1
解析: i=1; //1 k=0; //1 while(i<n) //n { k=k+10*i; //n-1 i++; //n-1 } 由以上列出的各语句的频度,可得该程序段的时间消耗: T(n)=1+1+n+(n-1)+(n-1)=3n 可表示为 T(n)=O(n)
x++; y++;
1.1选择题1、数据结构是一门研究计算机解决实际问题中( A )以及它们之间的( B )和运算等的学科。
(1)A、数据元素 B、计算方法 C、逻辑存储 D、数据映像(2)A、结构 B、关系 C、运算 D、算法2、数据结构可以用二元组来表示,它包括( A )集合K和K上的( C )集合R。
A、数据元素B、存储结构C、元素之间的关系D、逻辑结构3、数据结构在计算机内存中的表示是指( A )。
A、数据的存储结构B、数据结构C、数据的逻辑结构D、数据元素之间的关系4、在数据结构中,与所使用的计算机无关的是数据的( A )结构。
A、逻辑B、存储C、逻辑和存储D、物理5、以下说法中正确的是( D )。
A、数据元素是数据的最小单位B、数据项是数据的基本单位C、数据结构是带结构的各数据项的集合D、一些表面上很不相同的数据可以有相同的逻辑结构1.2 填空题1、线性结构中元素之间存在(一对一)关系,树型结构中元素之间存在(一对多)关系,图型结构中元素之间存在(多对多)关系。
875华南理工大学2012年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷(请在答题纸上做答,试卷上做答无效,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回)科目名称:数据结构适用专业:软件工程(专硕)本卷满分:150分共 3 页一、填空题(30分)1.在2n2,30 log n,5n,2n中,当n变大时所对应的增长率最有效率的算法是________。
1. 数据元素是数据的最小单位。
( )
【北京邮电大学 1998 一、1〔2分〕】【青岛大学 2000 一、1 〔1分〕】
【上海交通大学 1998 一、1】【山东师范大学 2001 一、1 〔2分〕】
2. 记录是数据处理的最小单位。
( ) 【上海海运学院 1998
3. 数据的逻辑构造是指数据的各数据项之间的逻辑关系;( )【北京邮电大学2002 一、1〔1分〕】
( )【大连海事大学 2001 一、10〔1分〕】
( )【大连海事大学 2001 一、11〔1分〕】
6.算法可以用不同的语言描绘,假设用C 语言或PASCAL语言等高级语言来描绘,那么算法实际上就是程序了。
( )【西安交通
大学 1996 二、7〔3分〕】
( )【燕山大学 1998 二、2〔2分〕并改错】
( )【山东师范大学2001 一、2〔2分〕】
9. 数据构造的抽象操作的定义与详细实现有关。
( )【华南理工大学 2002 一、1〔1分〕】
1. ×
2. ×
5. √
6. ×
7. ×
8. √
12. √
13. ×。
831华南理工大学2008年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷(请在答题纸上做答,试卷上做答无效,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回)科目名称:计算机专业综合(数据结构、操作系统)适用专业:系统分析与集成,计算机系统结构,计算机软件与理论,计算机应用技术,生物医学工程共 5 页数据结构部分一. 选择题(每题只有一个答案正确,每题2分,共24分)1.带头结点的单链表head 为空的判断条件是( )A .head= =NULLB .head —>next= =NULLC .head —>next==head D .head!=NULL 2.若进栈序列为a ,b ,c ,则通过入、出栈操作可能得到的a ,b ,c 的不同排列数是( )。
A .4B .5C .6D .7 3.下列说法正确的是( )。
A .二叉树中任何一个结点的度都为2B .二叉树的度为2C .一棵二叉树的度可小于2D .任何一棵二叉树中至少有一个结点的度为24.一棵有124个叶子结点的完全二叉树,最多有( )个结点。
A .247 B . 124 C .248 D . 1255.以下说法错误的是( )。
A .存在这样的二叉树,对其采用任何次序的遍历其结点访问序列均相同。
B .二叉树是树的特殊情形。
C .由树转换成二叉树,其根结点的右子树总是空的。
D 在二又树只有一棵子树的情况下,也要指出是左子树还是右子树 6.有拓扑排序的图—定是( )。
A 有环图B .无向图C .强连通图D .有向无环图供学习参考Q7.在待排序的元素序列基本有序的前提下,效率最高的排序方法是( )。
A .插入排序 B .选择排序 C .快速排序 D .归并排序8.从逻缉上可以把数据结构分为( )。
A .动态结构和静态结构 B .紧凑结构和非紧凑结构 C .线性结构和非线性结构 D .内部结构和外部结构9.下面程序的时间复杂度为( ). for 〔i=0;i <m ;i++)for (j=0:j <n ;j++) A[i][j]=i*j ;A .O(m )B .O(n )C .O(m ×n)D .O(m+n)2210. 三维数组A[4][5][6]按行优先存储方法存储在内存中,若每个元素占2个存储单元,且数组中第一个元素A[0][0][0]的存储地址为120,则元素A[3][4][5]存储地址为( )。
华南理工大学 2006 计算机专业综合(操作系统&数据结构)
13.给定一组关键字{4,26,46,12,9,33},哈希函数为H(key)=key MOD 6,则用线性探测再散列方法来处理冲突,则构造此哈希表共需要比较关键字____次。
7.已知广义表(( ),(a), (b, c, (d), ((d, f)))),则以下说法正确的是__________。
datatype deQueue(queue q)出队列,返回队头值
boolean isEmpty(queue q)判队列空否
A. 4B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
华南理工 工科实验班 课程
二、核心课程1. 数学数学是工科专业的基础,是培养学生分析问题和解决问题能力的关键。
2. 物理物理学是研究物质以及其相互作用的科学,对于工科专业的学生而言,物理学的学习对于理解和解决实际问题具有重要意义。
3. 工程力学工程力学是研究力学原理及其应用的学科,对于工科学生而言具有重要的理论和实践意义。
4. 材料科学材料科学是工科学生必修的一门重要课程,涉及到材料的结构、性能和制备等方面知识。
5. 电子信息电子信息课程是工科实验班的重要组成部分,涵盖电子技术、电子电路、信号与系统等内容。
6. 计算机科学计算机科学是现代工科学生必备的一门专业课程。
数据构造(含课程设计),随堂第一章绪论1.(单选题) 计算机所解决数据普通具备某种内在联系,这是指()。
A、数据和数据之间存在某种关系 B.元素和元素之间存在某种关系C元素内部具备某种构造 D.数据项和数据项之间存在某种关系答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参照答案:B问题解析:2.(单选题) 在数据构造中,与所使用计算机无关是数据()构造.A.逻辑B.存储C.逻辑和存储D. 物理答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参照答案:A问题解析:3.(单选题) 数据构造在计算机中表达称为数据()A.存储构造B.抽象数据类型C.顺序构造D.逻辑构造答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参照答案:A问题解析:4.(单选题) 在计算机中存储数据时,普通不但要存储各数据元素值,还要存储().A.数据解决办法B.数据元素类型C.数据元素之间关系D.数据存储办法答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参照答案:C问题解析:5.(单选题) 在计算机存储器中表达数据时,逻辑上相邻两个元素相应物理地址也是相邻,这种存储构造称为()A.逻辑构造B.顺序存储构造C.链式存储构造D.以上都对的答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参照答案:B问题解析:6.(单选题) 当数据采用链式存储构造时,规定().A.每个结点占用一片持续存储区域B.所有结点占用一片持续存储区域C结点最后一种数据域是指针类型D.每个结点有多少个后继就设多少个指针域答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参照答案:A问题解析:7.(单选题) 如下关于算法说法对的是().A.算法最后必要由计算机程序实现B.算法等同于程序C算法可行性是指指令不能有二义性D.以上都是错误答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参照答案:D问题解析:8.(单选题) 算法时间复杂度与()关于.A问题规模 B.计算机硬件性能C编译程序质量 D.程序设计语言答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参照答案:A问题解析:9.(单选题) 算法重要任务之一是分析()A算法与否具备较好可读姓,B算法中与否存在语法错误,C算法功能与否符合设计规定D.算法执行时间和问题规模之间关系答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参照答案:D问题解析:10.(单选题) 某算法时间复杂度为O(),表白该算法()A问题规模是 B执行时间等于C.执行时间与成正比D.问题规模与成正比答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参照答案:C问题解析:第二章线性表A. B. C.A. B. C.A. B. C.C.顺序表中所有元素可以持续存储,也可以不持续存储D.在有n个元素顺序表中查找逻辑序号为i元素算法时间复杂度为O(n)答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参照答案:B问题解析:5.(单选题) 将两个各有n个元素递增有序顺序表归并成一种有序顺序表,其至少比较次数是()。
一、考试范围2024华南理工计算机考纲主要包括以下几个方面的内容:1. 计算机基础知识:包括计算机硬件、操作系统、数据结构、算法等方面的知识。
2. 编程语言和软件开发:包括C++、Java等常用编程语言的基本语法和应用,以及软件开发的基本原理和方法。
3. 数据库和数据管理:包括数据库的基本概念、数据模型和数据库管理系统的基本原理和应用。
4. 网络和通信:包括计算机网络的基本原理、网络协议、网络安全等方面的知识。
5. 人工智能和机器学习:包括人工智能的基本概念、机器学习算法和应用等方面的知识。
6. 嵌入式系统和物联网:包括嵌入式系统的基本原理、硬件和软件设计等方面的知识,以及物联网的应用和技术。
7. 软件工程和项目管理:包括软件工程的基本原理和方法,以及项目管理的基本概念和技术。
二、考试形式2024华南理工计算机考纲的考试形式包括以下几种:1. 理论考试:主要考察学生对计算机基础知识和相关理论的掌握程度,考试形式为选择题和简答题。
2. 实践考试:主要考察学生的编程能力和软件开发能力,考试形式为编程实验和软件项目实践。
3. 综合考试:主要考察学生对计算机专业知识的综合应用能力,考试形式为综合性试题和综合性实验。
三、考试要求2024华南理工计算机考纲对学生的考试要求如下:1. 具备扎实的计算机基础知识和相关理论的掌握能力。
2. 具备较强的编程能力和软件开发能力。
3. 具备良好的团队协作和沟通能力。
4. 具备较强的问题分析和解决能力。
5. 具备较强的创新思维和实践能力。
四、考试重点2024华南理工计算机考纲的重点内容包括以下几个方面:1. 计算机基础知识:重点关注计算机硬件、操作系统、数据结构、算法等方面的知识。
2011级数据结构试卷A及答案 - 副本 (2)
accesses.(C) Eliminate the recursive calls. (D) Reduce main memory use.(7) Given an array as A[m] [n]. Supposed that A [0] [0] is located at 644(10) and A [2][2] is stored at 676(10), and every element occupies one space. “(10)” means that thenumber is presented in decimals. Then the element A [1] [1](10) is at position:( D)(A) 692 (B) 695 (C) 650 (D) 660(8) If there is 1MB working memory, 4KB blocks, and yield 128 blocks for workingmemory. By the multi-way merge in external sorting, the average run size and the sorted size in one pass of multi-way merge on average are separately ( C)?(A) 1MB, 128 MB (B) 2MB, 512MB(C) 2MB, 256MB (D) 1MB, 256MB(9) In the following sorting algorithms, which is the best one to find the first 10biggest elements in the 1000 unsorted elements? ( B )(A) Quick-sort (B) Heap sort(C ) Insertion sort (D) Replacement selection(10) Assume that we have eight records, with key values A to H, and that they areinitially placed in alphabetical order. Now, consider the result of applying the following access pattern: F D F G E G F A D F G E if the list is organized by the Move-to-front heuristic, then the final list will be ( B).(A)F G D E A B C H (B) E G F D A B C H(C) A B F D G E C H (D) E G F A C B D H2. Fill the blank with correct C++ codes: (16 scores)(1)Given an array storing integers ordered by distinct value without duplicate, modify the binarysearch routines to return the position of the integer with the greatest value less than K when K itself does not appear in the array. Return ERROR if the lest value in the array is greater than K:(10 scores)// Return position of greatest element < Kint newbinary(int array[], int n, int K) {int l = -1;int r = n; // l and r beyond array boundswhile (l+1 != r) { // Stop when l and r meet___ int i=(l+r)/2_____;// Look at middle of subarrayif (K < array[i]) __ r=i ___; // In left halfif (K == array[i]) return i ; // Found itif (K > array[i]) ___ l=i ___ // In right half}// K is not in array or the greatest value is less than Kif K> array[0] (or l!= -1)// the lest value in the array is greater than K with l updated return l ; // when K itself does not appear in the arrayelse return ERROR; // the integer with the lest value greater than K}(2) The number of nodes in a complete binary tree as big as possible with height h is 2h -1(suppose 1-node tree ’s height is 1) (3 scores)(3) The number of different shapes of binary trees with 6 nodes is _132. (3 scores)3. A certain binary tree has the post-order enumeration as EDCBIHJGFA and the in-order enumeration as EBDCAFIHGJ. Try to draw the binary tree and give the postorder enumeration. (The process of your solution is required!!!) (6 scores)preorder enumeration: ABECDFGHIJ4. Determine Θ for the following code fragments in the average case. Assume that all variables are of type int. (6 scores) (1) sum=0;for (i=0; i<5; i++) for (j=0; j<n; j++)sum++; solution : Θ___(n)_______(2) sum = 0;for(i=1;i<=n;i++) for(j=n;j>=i;j--)sum++; solution : Θ__(n 2)________(3) sum=0;if (EVEN(n))for (i=0; i<n; i++) sum++; elsesum=sum+n; solution : Θ___(n)_____5. Show the min-heap that results from running buildheap on the following values stored in an array: 4, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 10, 14. (6 scores)6. Design an algorithm to transfer the score report from 100-point to 5-point , the level E corresponding score<60, 60~69 being D, 70~79 being C, 80~89 as B ,score>=90 as A. The distribution table is as following. Please describe your algorithm using a decision tree and give the total path length. (9 scores)Score in 100-point 0-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100 Distribution rate5%10%45%35%5%solution:the design logic is to build a Huffman treeTotal length: 4 * 10% +10% * 3 + 15 %* 3 + 35% * 2 + 45% = 2.25, the 0-false,1-true as thelogic branches.7. Assume a disk drive is configured as follows. The total storage is approximately 675M divided among 15 surfaces. Each surface has 612 tracks; there are 144 sectors/track, 512 byte/sector, and 16 sectors/cluster. The interleaving factor is 3. The disk turns at 7200rmp (8.3ms/r). The track-to-track seek time is 20 ms, and the average seek time is 80 ms. Now how long does it take to read all of the data in a 360 KB file on the disk? Assume that the file ’s clusters are spread randomly across the disk. A seek must be performed each time the I/O reader moves to a new track. Show your calculations. (The process of your solution is required!!!) (9 scores) Solution :A cluster holds 16*0.5K = 8K. Thus, the file requires 360/8=45clusters.The time to read a cluster is seek time to the cluster+ latency time + (interleaf factor × rotation time).Average seek time is defined to be 80 ms. Latency time is 0.5 *8.3, and cluster rotation time is 3 * (16/144)*8.3.Seek time for the total file read time is 45* (80 + 0.5 * 8.3+ 3 * (16/144)*8.3 ) = 3911.258. Using closed hashing, with double hashing to resolve collisions, insert the following keys into a hash table of eleven slots (the slots are numbered 0 through 10). The hash functions to be used are H1 and H2, defined below. You should show the hash table after all eight keys have been inserted. Be sure to indicate how you areusing H1 and H2 to do the hashing. ( The process of your solution is required!!!) H1(k) = 3k mod 11 H2(k) = 7k mod 10+1Keys: 22, 41, 53, 46, 30, 13, 1, 67.(9 scores)Solution :H1(22)=0, H1(41)=2, H1(53)=5, H1(46)=6, no conflictWhen H1(30)=2, H2(30)=1 (2+1*1)%11=3,so 30 enters the 3rd slot; H1(13)=6, H2(13)=2 (6+1*2)%11=8, so 13 enters the 8th slot;H1(1)=3, H2(1)=8 (3+5*8)%11= 10 so 1 enters 10 (pass by 0, 8, 5, 2 );9. You are given a series of records whose keys are chars. The records arrive in the following order: C, S, D, T, A, M, P, I, B, W, N, G , U, R. Show the 2-3 tree that results from inserting these records. (the process of your solution is required!!!) (9 scores) Solution :MSBD PU A C GI N R T W 10.The following graph is a communication network in some area, whose edge presents the channel between two cities with the weight as the channel ’s cost. How to choose the cheapest path that can connect all cities? And how to get cheapest paths scores)Solution :1,C to A: 4 (C,A); CF: 5(C,F); CD: 6(C,A,D); CB: 12(C,A,D,B); CG:11 (C,F,G); CE: 13(C,A,D,B,E)2. Draw the MST: It is a Hamilton path.。
or greater than the right child.(6) The most effective way to reduce the time required by a disk-based program is to:( B )(A) Improve the basic operations. (B) Minimize the number of disk accesses.(C) Eliminate the recursive calls. (D) Reduce main memory use.(7) The max-heap constructed by a sequence of key (46, 79, 56, 38, 40, 84) is( )?(A) 79, 46, 56, 38, 40, 84 (B) 84, 79, 56, 46, 40, 38(C) 84, 79, 46, 38, 40, 56 (D) 84, 56, 79, 40, 46, 38(8) If there is 0.5MB working memory, 4KB blocks, yield 128 blocks for working memory. By the multi-way merge in external sorting, the average run size and the sorted size in one pass of multi-way merge on average are separately ( A )?(A) 1MB, 128MB (B) 1MB, 64MB(C) 2MB, 64 MB (D) 0.5 MB, 128MB(9) Tree indexing methods are meant to overcome what deficiency in hashing?( D )(A) Inability to handle range queries. (B) Inability to maximum queries(C) Inability to handle queries in key order (D) All of above.(10) Assume that we have eight records, with key values A to H, and that they are initially placed in alphabetical order. Now, consider the result of applying the following access pattern: E D F G B G F A F E G B, if the list is organized by the move-to-front heuristic, then the final list will be ( B ).(A)B G E F D A C H (B) B G E F A D C H(C) A B F D G E C H (D) F D G E A B C H2. Fill the blank with correct C++ codes: (13 scores)(1)Given an array storing integers ordered by value, modify the binary searchroutines to return the position of the first integer with the greatest value less than K when K itself does not appear in the array. Return ERROR if the least value in the array is greater than K: (10 scores)// Return position of greatest element <= Kint newbinary(int array[], int n, int K) {int l = -1;int r = n; // l and r beyond array boundswhile (l+1 != r) { // Stop when l and r meet___ int i=(l+r)/2_____; // Look at middle of subarrayif (K < array[i]) __ r=i ___; // In left halfif (K == array[i]) __ return i ___; // Found itif (K > array[i]) ___ l=i ___ // In right half}// Search value not in array___ return l __; // l at first value less than K// l=-1, no value less than K}(2) A full 5-ary tree with 100 internal vertices has ___501___vertices. ( 3 scores)3. A certain binary tree has the preorder enumeration as ABECDFGHIJ and the inorder enumeration as EBCDAFHIGJ. Try to draw the binary tree and give the postorder enumeration. (The process of your solution is required!!!) (8 scores)Postorder enumeration : EDCBIHJGFA4. Determine Θ for the following code fragments in the average case. Assume that all variables are of type int.(9 scores)(1) sum=0;for (i=0; i<3; i++)for (j=0; j<n; j++)sum++; solution : Θ___(n)_______(2) sum = 0;for(i=1;i<=n;i++)for(j=1;j<=i;j++)sum++; solution : Θ__(n 2)________(3) sum=0;if (EVEN(n))for (i=0; i<n; i++)sum++;elsesum=sum+n; solution : Θ___(n)_____5. Trace by hand the execution of radix sort algorithm on the array:int a[] = {265 301 751 129 937 863 742 694 76 438} (9 scores)initial: 265 301 751 129 937 863 742 694 76 438pass 1: [] [301 751] [742] [863] [694] [265] [76] [937] [438] [129]pass 2: [301] [] [129] [937 438] [742] [751] [863 265] [76] [] [694]pass 3: [76] [129] [265] [301] [438] [] [694] [742 751] [863] [937]final sorted array:76 129 265 301 438 694 742 751 863 9376. Build the Huffman coding tree and determine the codes for the following set of letters and weights:A B C D E F G H5 25 36 10 11 36 4Draw the Huffman coding tree and give the Huffman code for each letters. What is the expected length in bits of a message containing n characters for this frequency distribution? (The process of your solution is required!!!) (8 scores)Total length: 4 * 5 + 2 * 25 + 4 * 3 + 4 * 6 + 3 * 10 + 3 * 11 + 2 * 36 + 4 * 4 = 257Expected length: 257/100=2.577. Assume a disk drive is configured as follows. The total storage is approximately 675M divided among 15 surfaces. Each surface has 612 tracks; there are 144 sectors/track, 512 byte/sector, and 16 sectors/cluster. The interleaving factor isfive. The disk turns at 7200rmp (8.33 ms/r). The track-to-track seek time is 20 ms, and the average seek time is 80 ms. Now how long does it take to read all of the data in a 320 KB file on the disk? Assume that the file ’s clusters are spread randomly across the disk. A seek must be performed each time the I/O reader moves to a new track. Show your calculations. (The process of your solution is required!!!) (8 scores)Answer :The first question is how many clusters the file requires?A cluster holds 16*0.5K = 8K . Thus, the file requires 320/8=40 clusters.The time to read a cluster is seek time to thecluster+ latency time + (interleaf factor ×rotation time).Average seek time is defined to be 80 ms. Latency time is 0.5 *8.33 ms(60/7200≈8.33ms),and cluster rotation time is 5 * (16/144)*8.33.Seek time for the total file read time is40* (80 + 0.5 *8.33+ 5 * (16/144)*8.33 ) ≈3551.85 ms Or 3551.51 when (60/7200≈8.3ms)which is pretty slow by to day’s standards.8. Using closed hashing, with double hashing to resolve collisions, insert the following keys into a hash table of eleven slots (the slots are numbered 0 through 10). The hash functions to be used are H1 and H2, defined below. You should show the hash table after all eight keys have been inserted. Be sure to indicate how you are using H1 and H2 to do the hashing. ( The process of your solution is required!!!)H1(k) = 3k mod 11 H2(k) = 7k mod 10+1Keys: 22, 41, 53, 46, 30, 13, 1, 67. (8 scores)Answer:H1(22)=0, H1(41)=2, H1(53)=5, H1(46)=6, no conflictWhen H1(30)=2, H2(30)=1 (2+1*1)%11=3,so 30 enters the 3rd slot;H1(13)=6, H2(13)=2 (6+1*2)%11=8, so 13 enters the 8th slot;H1(1)=3, H2(1)=8 (3+5*8)%11= 10 so 1 enters 10 (pass by 0, 8, 5, 2 );H1(67)=3, H2(67)=10 (3+2*10)%11= 1 so 67 enters 1(pass by 2)9. You are given a series of records whose keys are integers. The records arrive in the following order: C, S, D, T, A, M, P, I, B, W, N, G, U, R. Show the 2-3 tree that results from inserting these records. (the process of your solution is required!!!)(7 scores)MSBD P UA C GI N R T W10.1) Use Dijkstra’s Algorithm to find the shortest paths from C to all other vertices.(4 scores)2) Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find the minimum-cost spanning tree. (3 scores)3) Show the DFS tree for the following graph, starting at Vertex A. (3 scores)C to A: 4 (C,A); CF: 5(C,F); CD: 6(C,A,D); CB: 12(C,A,D,B); CG:11 (C,F,G); CE: 13(C,A,D,B,E)1)2)3)A---->B---->D--->F---->CGE。
《数据结构》期中考试试卷 华工大
A.逻辑结构B.顺序存储结构C.链式存储结构 D. 以上都对2.线性表就是顺序表,这种说法()。
A.正确B.错误3.若已知一个栈的入栈序列是1, 2, 3, 4, 5,不可能得到的输出序列是()。
A.2,3,4,1,5 B.5,4,1,3,2C.2,3,1,4,5 D.1,5,4,3,24.串的逻辑结构与()的逻辑结构不同。
A、多个直接前趋B、多个直接后继C、多个前趋D、一个后继11.在一棵高度为h的满三叉树中,结点总数为()A、3h-1B、(3h-1)/2C、(3h-1)/3D、3h12.设森林T中有4棵树,结点个数依次为n1, n2, n3, n4,当把森林T转换成一棵二叉树后,二叉树根结点的右子树上有()个结点。
数据结构含课程设计(随堂练习)第一章绪论•第一节数据结构的兴起当前页有2题,你已做2题,已提交2题,其中答对2题1. 数据元素是数据的最小单位。
()答题:对• *错•(已提交)参考答案:x问题解析:2. 记录是数据处理的最小单位。
()答题:对• *错•(已提交)参考答案:x问题解析:第一章绪论•第二节基本概念和术语当前页有5题,你已做5题,已提交5题,其中答对5题。
1. 非线性结构是数据元素之间存在一种:()A)一对多关系B)多对多关系C)多对一关系D)一对一关系答题:A. * B. C. D.(已提交)2. 数据结构中,与所使用的计算机无关的是数据的—结构;()A)存储B)物理C)逻辑D)物理和存储答题:A. B. # C. D.(已提交)3. 数据的逻辑结构是指数据的各数据项之间的逻辑关系。
()答题:对.*错.(已提交)4. 数据的物理结构是指数据在计算机内的实际存储形式。
()答题:•对•错•(已提交)5. 在顺序存储结构中,有时也存储数据结构中兀素之间的关系。
1. 数据结构的抽象操作的定义与具体实现有关。
()答题:对• *错•(已提交)第一章绪论•第四节算法描述与分析当前页有7题,你已做7题,已提交7题,其中答对7题1.算法分析的目的是:()A)找出数据结构的合理性B)研究算法中的输入和输出的关系C)分析算法的效率以求改进D)分析算法的易懂性和文档性答题: A. B. - C. D.(已提交)参考答案:C问题解析:2.算法分析的两个主要方面是: ( )A)空间复杂性和时间复杂性B)正确性和简明性C)可读性和文档性D)数据复杂性和程序复杂性答题:’A. B. C. D.(已提交)参考答案:A问题解析:3. 计算机算法指的是:()A)计算方法B)排序方法C)解决冋题的有限运算序列D)调度方法答题:A. B. ” C. D.(已提交)参考答案:C问题解析:4. 算法的优劣与算法描述语言无关,但与所用计算机有关。
华南理工大学2004年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷(试卷上做答无效,请在答题纸上做答,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回)科目名称:计算机专业综合一(组成原理、数据结构、操作系统)适用专业:计算机系统结构、计算机应用技术、软件工程、计算机应用技术I. 计算机组成原理试题(50分)一.填空题(共10分)1.计算机的工作过程主要是周而复始地A、B和C的过程。
2.在浮点运算中,当运算结果阶码大于所能表示的A时称为溢出,若阶码用双符号S0′S0的移码表示,则当S0′S0 =B时为溢出。
3.双端口存储器和多模块交叉存储器属于A存储器结构;前者采用 B 并行技术,后者采用 C 并行技术。
4.在微程序控制器中,一般采用较简单的A、B 二级时序体制。
5.CPU响应中断时保护两个关键的硬件状态是A和 B 。
A.(27-1)×(1-2-23 )B.×(1-2-23 )C.×(1-2-23 ) D.×(1-2-22 )2.下列说法正确的是()。
A. 微程序控制方式和硬布线方式相比较,前者可以使指令的执行速度更快B. 若采用微程序控制方式,则可用μPC取代PCC. 控制存储器可以用ROM实现D. 指令周期也称为CPU周期3.下列说法正确的是()。
A. 程序中断过程是由硬件和中断服务程序共同完成的B. 每条指令的执行过程中,每个总线周期要检查一次有无中断请求C. 检测有无DMA请求,一般安排在一条指令执行过程的末尾D. 中断服务程序的最后指令是无条件转移指令三.完成下列各题(共36分)1.设[A]补=an-1an-2…a1 a0,式中an-1为补码符号位,求证真值:(8分)2.假设主存只有a,b,c三个页框,组成a进c出的FIFO队列进程,访问页面的序列是0,1,3,4,3,2,0,2,1,3,2号。
《数据结构》课程习题集第 1 页(共 25 页)一、. 选择题. 1. 算法的计算量的大小称为计算的(B)。
A.效率 B. 复杂性 C. 现实性 D. 难度.2. 算法的时间复杂度取决于(C).A.问题的规模 B. 待处理数据的初态 C. A和B D. 难确定.3. 下面关于算法说法错误的是(D)A.算法最终必须由计算机程序实现B.为解决某问题的算法同为该问题编写的程序含义是相同的C. 算法的可行性是指指令不能有二义性D. 以上几个都是错误的.4.从逻辑上可以把数据结构分为(C)两大类。
A.动态结构、静态结构 B.顺序结构、链式结构C.线性结构、非线性结构 D.初等结构、构造型结构.5.以下数据结构中,哪一个是线性结构(D)?A.广义表 B. 二叉树 C. 稀疏矩阵 D. 串.6.下述哪一条是顺序存储结构的优点?(A)A.存储密度大 B.插入运算方便C.删除运算方便 D.可方便地用于各种逻辑结构的存储表示.7.下面关于线性表的叙述中,错误的是哪一个?(B)A.线性表采用顺序存储,必须占用一片连续的存储单元。
A.顺序表 B.双链表 C.带头结点的双循环链表 D.单循环链表.9.设一个链表最常用的操作是在末尾插入结点和删除尾结点,则选用( D )最节省时间。
A. 单链表B.单循环链表C. 带尾指针的单循环链表D.带头结点的双循环链表.10. 链表不具有的特点是(B).A.插入、删除不需要移动元素 B.可随机访问任一元素C.不必事先估计存储空间 D.所需空间与线性长度成正比.11. 设一个栈的输入序列是 1,2,3,4,5,则下列序列中,是栈的合法输出序列的是(D)。
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or greater than the right child.(6) The most effective way to reduce the time required by a disk-based program is to:( B )(A) Improve the basic operations. (B) Minimize the number of disk accesses.(C) Eliminate the recursive calls. (D) Reduce main memory use.(7) The max-heap constructed by a sequence of key (46, 79, 56, 38, 40, 84) is( )?(A) 79, 46, 56, 38, 40, 84 (B) 84, 79, 56, 46, 40, 38(C) 84, 79, 46, 38, 40, 56 (D) 84, 56, 79, 40, 46, 38(8) If there is 0.5MB working memory, 4KB blocks, yield 128 blocks for working memory. By the multi-way merge in external sorting, the average run size and the sorted size in one pass of multi-way merge on average are separately ( A )?(A) 1MB, 128MB (B) 1MB, 64MB(C) 2MB, 64 MB (D) 0.5 MB, 128MB(9) Tree indexing methods are meant to overcome what deficiency in hashing?( D )(A) Inability to handle range queries. (B) Inability to maximum queries(C) Inability to handle queries in key order (D) All of above.(10) Assume that we have eight records, with key values A to H, and that they are initially placed in alphabetical order. Now, consider the result of applying the following access pattern: E D F G B G F A F E G B, if the list is organized by the move-to-front heuristic, then the final list will be ( B ).(A)B G E F D A C H (B) B G E F A D C H(C) A B F D G E C H (D) F D G E A B C H2. Fill the blank with correct C++ codes: (13 scores)(1)Given an array storing integers ordered by value, modify the binary searchroutines to return the position of the first integer with the greatest value less than K when K itself does not appear in the array. Return ERROR if the least value in the array is greater than K: (10 scores)// Return position of greatest element <= Kint newbinary(int array[], int n, int K) {int l = -1;int r = n; // l and r beyond array boundswhile (l+1 != r) { // Stop when l and r meet___ int i=(l+r)/2_____; // Look at middle of subarrayif (K < array[i]) __ r=i ___; // In left halfif (K == array[i]) __ return i ___; // Found itif (K > array[i]) ___ l=i ___ // In right half}// Search value not in array___ return l __; // l at first value less than K// l=-1, no value less than K}(2) A full 5-ary tree with 100 internal vertices has ___501___vertices. ( 3 scores)3. A certain binary tree has the preorder enumeration as ABECDFGHIJ and the inorder enumeration as EBCDAFHIGJ. Try to draw the binary tree and give the postorder enumeration. (The process of your solution is required!!!) (8 scores)Postorder enumeration : EDCBIHJGFA4. Determine Θ for the following code fragments in the average case. Assume that all variables are of type int.(9 scores)(1) sum=0;for (i=0; i<3; i++)for (j=0; j<n; j++)sum++; solution : Θ___(n)_______(2) sum = 0;for(i=1;i<=n;i++)for(j=1;j<=i;j++)sum++; solution : Θ__(n 2)________(3) sum=0;if (EVEN(n))for (i=0; i<n; i++)sum++;elsesum=sum+n; solution : Θ___(n)_____5. Trace by hand the execution of radix sort algorithm on the array:int a[] = {265 301 751 129 937 863 742 694 76 438} (9 scores)initial: 265 301 751 129 937 863 742 694 76 438pass 1: [] [301 751] [742] [863] [694] [265] [76] [937] [438] [129]pass 2: [301] [] [129] [937 438] [742] [751] [863 265] [76] [] [694]pass 3: [76] [129] [265] [301] [438] [] [694] [742 751] [863] [937]final sorted array:76 129 265 301 438 694 742 751 863 9376. Build the Huffman coding tree and determine the codes for the following set of letters and weights:A B C D E F G H5 25 36 10 11 36 4Draw the Huffman coding tree and give the Huffman code for each letters. What is the expected length in bits of a message containing n characters for this frequency distribution? (The process of your solution is required!!!) (8 scores)Total length: 4 * 5 + 2 * 25 + 4 * 3 + 4 * 6 + 3 * 10 + 3 * 11 + 2 * 36 + 4 * 4 = 257Expected length: 257/100=2.577. Assume a disk drive is configured as follows. The total storage is approximately 675M divided among 15 surfaces. Each surface has 612 tracks; there are 144 sectors/track, 512 byte/sector, and 16 sectors/cluster. The interleaving factor isfive. The disk turns at 7200rmp (8.33 ms/r). The track-to-track seek time is 20 ms, and the average seek time is 80 ms. Now how long does it take to read all of the data in a 320 KB file on the disk? Assume that the file ’s clusters are spread randomly across the disk. A seek must be performed each time the I/O reader moves to a new track. Show your calculations. (The process of your solution is required!!!) (8 scores)Answer :The first question is how many clusters the file requires?A cluster holds 16*0.5K = 8K . Thus, the file requires 320/8=40 clusters.The time to read a cluster is seek time to thecluster+ latency time + (interleaf factor ×rotation time).Average seek time is defined to be 80 ms. Latency time is 0.5 *8.33 ms(60/7200≈8.33ms),and cluster rotation time is 5 * (16/144)*8.33.Seek time for the total file read time is40* (80 + 0.5 *8.33+ 5 * (16/144)*8.33 ) ≈3551.85 ms Or 3551.51 when (60/7200≈8.3ms)which is pretty slow by to day’s standards.8. Using closed hashing, with double hashing to resolve collisions, insert the following keys into a hash table of eleven slots (the slots are numbered 0 through 10). The hash functions to be used are H1 and H2, defined below. You should show the hash table after all eight keys have been inserted. Be sure to indicate how you are using H1 and H2 to do the hashing. ( The process of your solution is required!!!)H1(k) = 3k mod 11 H2(k) = 7k mod 10+1Keys: 22, 41, 53, 46, 30, 13, 1, 67. (8 scores)Answer:H1(22)=0, H1(41)=2, H1(53)=5, H1(46)=6, no conflictWhen H1(30)=2, H2(30)=1 (2+1*1)%11=3,so 30 enters the 3rd slot;H1(13)=6, H2(13)=2 (6+1*2)%11=8, so 13 enters the 8th slot;H1(1)=3, H2(1)=8 (3+5*8)%11= 10 so 1 enters 10 (pass by 0, 8, 5, 2 );H1(67)=3, H2(67)=10 (3+2*10)%11= 1 so 67 enters 1(pass by 2)9. You are given a series of records whose keys are integers. The records arrive in the following order: C, S, D, T, A, M, P, I, B, W, N, G, U, R. Show the 2-3 tree that results from inserting these records. (the process of your solution is required!!!)(7 scores)MSBD P UA C GI N R T W10.1) Use Dijkstra’s Algorithm to find the shortest paths from C to all other vertices.(4 scores)2) Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find the minimum-cost spanning tree. (3 scores)3) Show the DFS tree for the following graph, starting at Vertex A. (3 scores)C to A: 4 (C,A); CF: 5(C,F); CD: 6(C,A,D); CB: 12(C,A,D,B); CG:11 (C,F,G); CE: 13(C,A,D,B,E)1)2)3)A---->B---->D--->F---->CGE。