
(1)An artist reveals his innermost feelings through his works,(2)An artist uses his works to convey his inner feelings.(3)An artist uses his works as a vehicle for the expression of his sentiments.2.我国的一项基本国策是发展乡镇企业。
(1)It is part and parcel of our national policy to develop enterprises in villages and towns.(2)It is an integral part of our national policy to promote the growth of township and village enterprises.3.我们要根据形势的发展来调整政策。
(1)We must make adjustments in our policy in response to changes in the situation.(2)We have to adjust our policy according to the changing situation.4.我们必须合理利用现有资源促进我国的经济发展。
(1)We must promote the economic development of our county by making sensible use of the resourcesnow available to us.(2)The economic growth of our county must rely on sensible utilization of available resources.5.他利用业余时间学习英语。

但是,定、状顺序则完全[状][状[状]主语:名词类(名词、代词、数词)、动名词、动词不定式、句子宾语:名词类、动名词、动词不定式、宾语从句、形容词(做表语) 谓语:一句话只能有一个谓语动词一句话:(1)主语、谓语、(宾语)后有句号或者逗号(2)and 、but 、so 、while 、whereas 连接(3)I know who he is. 从句谓语动词:(1)原形:write; writes; can write(2)是动词:be; am; is; are(3)有:have; has消灭动词的方法(1) to + v. 一般或将来(2) V- ing 主动或进行(3) V- ed 过去或被动:过去式是谓语,过去分词不是谓语定语:在前:形容词 在后:介词词组、V-ing 词组、V-ed 词组、to do 词组、定语从句状语:在前:副词 在后:介词词组、V-ing 词组、V-ed 词组、to do 词组、状语从句副词的作用:(1) 副词+形容词 表示程度(2) 副词+动词 表示动作状态(3) 副词+副词 She dances very beautifully.(4) 副词+句子 修饰整个句子三、翻译的思想原则(1) 直译(宁死不活)(2) 直译不行的话要意译(加字减字:加字法、减字法)As for reading, he is as good as a blind. 说到读书,他简直是个睁眼瞎。
(3) 少用被动(4) 定、状语拆分(,或者从句拆分)英语二完型填空强化班讲义基本知识1、考察的是一致性和连贯性句子和句子句子内部词汇和词汇中心和句子段落和段落(考察得较少)2、最多考察强转折:however(如果不是和because一起优先选择)、but、结果结论重述:indeed、in fact、put another way论点论据:for example短句例1、Divorce is often the only satisfactory solution for married couples who can not 1the sight of each other. It can have a shocking effect on their 21 .A. see B. stand C. keep D. catch2. A. parents B. kids C. boys D .relatives答案:1.B 2. 无法选择解析:1.who:逻辑关系、原因或条件。

作者:刘一男个人博客:/liuyinanyinan (本页空白,请勿排版谢谢)预备 GRE核心单词摸底测试(请真实作答,我们将根据本期学员的一般水平微调课程内容)A,选择恰当的中文释义(正确答案只有一项):(CET-6 LEVEL)1, initiateA, 亲密的B,首创C, 模仿D, 激励2, natalA, 必有一死的B,出生的C,生死攸关的D, 航海的3, beneathA, 花圈B, 薄纸C, 下面的D, 外围的4, orchardA,果园B, 合唱C, 回声D, 诅咒5, aridA, 尖酸的B, 贫瘠的C, 急性的D, 僵直的6, obsessA, 着迷、牵挂B, 热情、奔放C, 评估、测算D, 靠近、接触7, integralA, 捆绑的B, 内部的C, 清闲的D, 完整的8, evacuationA,空洞、无知B, 奢侈、浪费C, 撤退、离开D, 喊叫、呼唤9, awkwardA, 恐惧的B, 笨拙的C, 猫头鹰D, 向前的10, prudentA, 牙齿的B, 礼物的C, 粗鲁的D,谨慎的(TOEFL LEVEL)1, archaeologyA, 群岛B, 祖先C,考古学D, 建筑学2, bargeA, 预算B, 驳船C, 船坞D, 交易3, cypherA, 台风B, 西风C, 密码D, 预言家4, deltaA,三角B, 三角洲C, 皮带D, 战争5, infrastructureA, 策略、战略B, 红外线C, 基础设施D, 挫败、沮丧6, congenialA, 同谋、密谋B, 机灵的、天才C, 真正的、天然的D, 性格相似的7, exhilarantA,兴奋剂B, 冷却剂 C , 润滑剂D, 除臭剂8, adjunctA, 评判的B, 打孔的C,附属的D, 功能的9, folkloreA, 民间传说B, 叉子C, 对话D, 蛋黄10, lizardA, 巫师B, 蜥蜴C, 蜘蛛D, 牧师(GRE LEVEL)1, garbledA, 味道刺激的B, 大口咀嚼的C, 断章取义的D, 牙牙学语的2, convolutedA, 绕弯费解的B, 革命闹事的C, 对话沟通的D, 共同发展的3, gorillaA, 长颈鹿B, 袋鼠C, 大猩猩D, 鸵鸟4, lionessA, 亚麻B, 雄狮C, 雌狮D, 亚麻布5, rebuttalA, 捐赠B, 属性C, 辩驳D, 声誉6, debutA, 告别演出B, 初次登场C, 取消D, 放逐7, scytheA, 测距锤B, 长镰刀C, 大铲子D, 小锉刀8, fickleA, 雀斑B, 火焰C, 浮躁的D, 好色的9, tragedianA, 策略学家B, 统计学者C,悲剧作家D, 浪漫诗人10, anestheticA, 美学的、审美的B, 种族的、民族的C, 麻木的、麻醉的D, 建筑的、设计的B,请问您参加GRE核心词汇记忆培训班的学习目的是: ( )A、准备参加今年举行的GRE考试B、准备TOEFL考试C、还在大一、大二,为大学英语打好词汇基础,目前无明确考试目标D、其他理由:________________________谢谢您的合作!北京新东方学校国外考试部(本页空白,请勿排版谢谢)(本部分略讲)基础一词根词缀学基础:大学阶段常用的单词前后缀和汉字不同,英语单词的结构中通常有前后缀,前缀表示整个单词含义的方向感(如“上”、“下”、“里”、“外”等),是单个汉字中没有的成分。

【关键字】托福托福强化班阅读讲义范琛Samuel100VSPStrategy /skills反衬凡塵Mortaldust10028 26 23 23Input vs outputOutputinput30考试报名:送一套OG 3Delta-Blue 4Delta-Red 6TPO 13InputOutput一、词汇题:1.题型概括:近义2.解题思路i.“生僻”词汇ii.熟词僻义iii.上下文理解5%Context3.备考提示数量词源词性i.背诵词汇的优先顺序a)通用的V & Adj,特别是已经学过的简单词汇的升级版(书面语b)常用的名词c)专有名词jargonii.背单词的方法:词根词缀iii. B. Delta p63-p66Vocabulary Builder4.例题OG 43-11,B.Delta 72-8, 73-9, 73-1, 74-3*, 75-8/9, 76-2, 79-,Dis-banded band dismissSophisticatedUniqueBan brandSophisticatedDis-band-edUniqueThis custom is unique to the southwestern aboriginal tribes.=only found inXXXXX (风俗) is unique to XXX Tribe.二、指代题1.题型概述i.基本原则:a)代词指名词b)代词通常指前(相邻句子)没有歧义:同一句相邻句子:两句话c)单复数一致代词指后When he returned to homeland, the ambassador embarked on anew course.主从句/主句+状语从句/状语在前,主句在后,则名词完整形式放主句中,代词放从句/状语中2.解题思路代入检查i.主语同指主1 xxxxxxxx. 主2(代词)xxxxx ii.上下文理解112-43.例题OG 42-5 62-9 71-5 92-2Delta 48-1/2 49-4 51-1 52-6三、插入题:1.题型概述2.解题思路i.代词(指代)黑体句句首:代词+名词→原文(重复/同义替换)黑体句首有This→段落最开头的方格必错ii.总分/隐含先后关系a)明显标记词(之后的名词) Both, also, again, another; a third, finalb)先抽象后具体●在抽象句子开头有结论性词语,则颠倒顺序Thus, in conclusion, consequently…c)A of B = B’s Ad)要比较先介绍A: xxx, B: xxx A>B三转折13ChaosSalonUltimate clue: Cohesion between ‘Repeated’ nouns3.例题OG: 43-12 52-12 63-12 84-11 107-11 114-12 指代73-11 95-11 121-11*Delta:143-7/9(先抽象后具体)144-10 (both) 145-3(AofB) 146-6(要比较先描述) 147-8(先整体后个体)486-39* ,514-38*,538-24,红Delta:36-2444-49 210-24四、句子改写(简化)1.题型概述Essential Infoi.主谓宾ii.逻辑关系条件/因果/转折/对比/比较级2.解题思路i.简单句筛选主’谓’提示:竖读选项排除具有相同错误的选项看上文:◆句首代词◆主语内涵不明◆呼应结构(also)ii.并列句筛选主谓宾小心:并列句原句前短后长,答案将对原句进行缩减,要把握句子重心And ;➢原句隐含关系在选项表面化分词→结果/原因/目的/伴随iii.复杂句抓住原句逻辑关系词筛选选项3.例题Delta:一124例题131-7 135-7;128-2* 129-4*(看上文)二126-7 128-1 130-6* (错项)130-5*(分词/隐含关系)三127例题131-8 133-3 135-10OG:一93-7二81-2*(句子重心的把握)三43-10 51-10 60-3 72-8*(whereas)106-10 112-6* 120-9 Respectively五、细节题纯粹细节Infer否定(先看选项,观察共性) EXCEPT NOT细节题重大出题点:i.相似性/差异性描述As …as比较级The same, similar, different, like/unlike关系/内容ii.否定信息/强调信息否定/最高级、绝对化表达、each /every,强调语气、强调句iii.逻辑关系改变转折iv.从结构看细节2.错项特征i.新概念ii.新逻辑(小心隐含)iii.绝对化表达only all 最高级never always(原文没有)3.例题OG 41-1*/2* 61-6* 81-1* 51-11 105-9**(逻辑关系转变)OG 43-9* 92-5* 42-7/8红Delta 213-26*蓝Delta449-10*六、修辞目的Why/in order to1.答案特征功能&对象(同义替换)2.解题思路i.例证关系:a)标记词such as, for example,e.g. –PrevailPrevailb)对称/相似结构描述同类现象,往前找答案ii.相似性/差异性:判断关系确定内容A VS B:为啥提到A: 为了B (互为目的)为啥提到A:为了告诉你B是XXX(= / 不= A)Delta:108-1 112-2 OG 92-3 60-3 iii.逻辑关系的另外一半A 细节与B细节用逻辑关系词相联,两者互为目的。
When was he born--初二强化提高班《英语》上学期辅导第九章讲义2

正保远程教育旗下品牌网站美国纽交所上市公司(NYSE:DL)中小学教育网初二强化提高班《英语》上学期辅导第九章讲义2Unit 9 When was he born?一、单项填空() 1.When ________ Jackie Chen born?A.wasB.isC.wereD.has【答案】A() 2.My friend was born___________ December, 1989.A.onB.inC.atD.during【答案】B() 3.My grandmother was born__________ World War II..A.onB.inC.atD.during【答案】D() 4.I was born ___________ January 12 th, 1994.A.onB.inC.atD.by【答案】A() 5.When__________ he start _________?A.is; hiccuppingB.was; hiccuppingC.did; hiccupD.did; hiccupping【答案】D() 6. ---How long__________ he hiccup?---__________more than 69 years.A.is; ForB.was; InC.does; InD.did; For【答案】D() 7. When did he finally ___________?A.stop hiccupB.stopped to hiccupC.stop hiccuppingD.stopped hiccupping【答案】C() 8. Mrs Green ___________ in 1983.A.stopped to sneezingB.stops sneezingC.stopped sneezingD.stop sneezing【答案】C() 9. She sneezed __________978 days.A.inB.onC.atD.for【答案】D() 10. The child is four years old; he is ______________go to school.A.too young toB.so young toC.so young that he canD.young enough to【答案】A。
When was he born--初二强化提高班《英语》上学期辅导第九章讲义3

正保远程教育旗下品牌网站美国纽交所上市公司(NYSE:DL)中小学教育网初二强化提高班《英语》上学期辅导第九章讲义3Unit 9 When was he born?二、完形填空In the United States, headmasters and teachers discipline(惩戒)students in several 1 . The teacher often writes or calls the student’s 2 . Sometimes students have to stay at school for an extra(额外的)-hour. If a student behaves very 3 the headmaster can suspend(暂停学生上课)the student. The student cannot 4 for one, two, or three days. Mr. Lazares didn’t like to suspend students. When he suspended some students, they were 5 . “A three-day holiday!” they thought. One day, a boy named Robert was in Mr. Lazares’s office. The boy was not behaving well in class. Mr. Lazares telephoned the boy’s parents. “If you come to school with your son, I won’t 6 him,” he said. The boy’s father came to school and went with his son to every class. Other students 7 the boy and his father. The boy was embarrassed. After that, he behaved 8 . He didn’t want his father to come to school again. Other students behaved better, 9 . They thought, “I don’t want my parents to come to school!”That year about 60 parents came to school with children who didn’t behave well. The next year only 10 parents had to come to school. The students were behaving better.() 1.A.streets B.roads C.ideas D.ways() 2.A.parents B.friends C.uncles D.elder brother() 3.A.well B.poor C.politely D.badly() 4.A.have meals e to school e home D.go to sleep() 5.A.happy B.sorry C.sad D.worried() 6.A.beat B.suspend C.kick ugh at() 7.A.stared at B.waited for C.played with D.welcomed() 8.A.worse B.better C.more D.carefully() 9.A.also B.either C.too D.neither() 10.A.lots of B.more C.all D.a few【答案】1-5.DADBA 6-10. BABCD( A )Mr. Hill lived outside the city and worked in a hospital. His medical skill was good and he got a lot of money. His wife didn’t believe him and made him give all his pay to her. She often searched all his pockets and find out if he left some for himself. He was angry with her but dared not say anything. So he bought a safe and put all other money in it. Of course, Mrs. Hill didn’t know about it.One Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. Hill decided to go to see their friend. Suddenly something was wrong with his car and it stopped at the crossing of the railway while they were passing there. Just then a train was quickly coming. Mrs. Hill was very afraid and opened the door and jumped off. She told him to jump off at once, too. “I bought it for eight thousand dollars last month!” shouted the man. “How can I leave it on the crossing? If you keep quiet, I’ll soon start it.” The train was coming nearer and nearer. Mrs. Hill did her best to pull her husband out of the car, but he pushed her away. The car was going to be hit, the man sh outed, “The key to the safe is in my study, under the Japanese---English Dictionary on the shelf. If I’m dead, you can find it there!” In time of danger the train braked(刹车)and his car wasn’t hit. But Mr. Hill wasn’t happy. “Oh, dear!” he said to himself, “I have to look for another place to put the key!”。

新东方GRE强化班第一讲笔记整理主要内容:GRE写作基本情况介绍和英文写作基础,以及对Academic Writing的简要介绍。
第一部分,Introduction to Analytical Writing1.Analytical Writing。
从字面上理解,Analytical Writing译为“分析性写作”。
GRE 作文考试既不是考语言,也不是考察回答问题的能力,而是分析问题的能力,逻辑思维的能力。
考试分为Analyze an Issue task和Analyze an argument task。
所有题目都从question pool 中选出,且一般各大网站总结的高频题都会出现。
不使用e-rator,但会使用similarity detection software。
3.analytical,logical and critical writing vs. language skills。
第二部分,Analytical Writing Score Level Description(讲义29页,GRE考试评分标准)1.Sustains insightful, indepth analysis of complex ideas.观点复杂,论证深入。

2012【屠浩民】新东方考研英语【初级+高级】语法讲义下载 :
ABC 英语语法班教案第一章——字母与发音

ABCforeign language school 语法班讲义Chapters基础夯实及拓展:1.字母及语音2.名词3.数词4.代词5.形容词和副词6.介词7.动词8.T here be 结构9.句子结构10.一般现在时和现在进行时11.一般将来时12.一般过去时13.现在完成时提高与冲刺篇基础篇——第一节字母与语音Part1 字母概述英语中有26个字母。
Y y 为半元音字母,有时用作元音字母,有时用作辅音字母。
小热身: 1. 按顺序默写出26个字母的大小写, 并画出元音字母和半元音字母.2. 根据你所掌握的字母知识, 完成下列各题。
(1) 六个两笔完成的小写字母是_____,i , j , _____ , _____ , x(2) 五个元音字母的大小写形式是_____ , Ee , _____ , _____ , ______(3) 六个三笔完成的大写字母是____ , E , ____ , H , I , ____字母及读音字母的大写★英文句中首单词首字母要大写。
例: H ow are you ?★人名中名和姓的首字母要大写。
例: J im G reen , W ang Y adan★国名、城市名的首字母要大写。
例: C hina , Z hengzhou★语言及民族首字母要大写。
例: E nglish , C hinese★职务或称呼的首字母要大写。
例: D r W ang , M iss L i★专用名词的首字母要大写。
例: C lass T wo , G rade S ix★表示“ 我”的单词(主格) , 即“ I ” , 无论在什么情况下都要大写。
例: Lucy and I are friends.三.常见缩略词(这些你都知道吗?)必会部分Mon.星期一Tue.星期二Wed.星期三Thur.星期四Fri.星期五Sat.星期六Sun.星期日Jan.一月Feb.二月Mar.三月Apr.四月Jun.六月Jul.七月Aug.八月Sept.九月Oct.十月Nov.十一月Dec.十二月生活中的字母A.M.(a.m.)上午P.M.(p.m.)下午WC厕所UN联合国TV电视USA美国CCTV中国中央电视台OK好,行IT信息技术RMB人民币CD_ Compact Disc光盘VIP重要人物ID身份证ABC基础知识UFO不明飞行物NA VY=海军AF=AIR FORCE(空军)DIY do it yourselfNY 纽约VCD Video Compact DiscWWW World Wide WebWTO 世界贸易组织WHO 世界卫生组织UNICEF 联合国教科Part2_发音基础一.英语中共有48个音素, 元音有20 个, 辅音有28 个。

高二英语强化班讲义7.15Module 3 Unit 1 The world of our senses 一、重点词组重点记忆1.在视野范围内______________________2.盼望;期盼________________________3.(手)伸出________________________4.凝视______________________________5.留意;留心________________________6.报答;偿还(借款)________________7.由于…而呆住______________________8.和…相关__________________________9.有意义;讲得通____________________10.充分利用__________________________11.(使)暖和起来;热身______________12.突然______________________________ 13.取得进步____________________________14.在午饭时分__________________________15.一瞥________________________________16.和…比起来__________________________17.以…为主食__________________________18.被…吸引;对…感兴趣_________________19.那么远______________________________20.穿深色外套的大个子男子______________21.其余的乘客__________________________22.有做某事的机会______________________23.听从某人的建议______________________24.握住/抓住某人的手___________________二、重点用法重点突破【1】sense (注意正确拼写:不是sence)(1)common sense 常识(2)make sense 有意义;有道理;讲得通I don’t think __________________________________ at all. 我认为你所说的一点意义都没有It _______________________________ while you can. 能省钱时就节省,这是明智的。
I'm more outgoing than my sister--初二强化提高班《英语》上学期辅导第六章讲义3

正保远程教育旗下品牌网站美国纽交所上市公司(NYSE:DL)中小学教育网初二强化提高班《英语》上学期辅导第六章讲义3Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sisterSelf CheckI 用所给动词的适当形式填空。
1 He _______(wash) the dishes in the kitchen when I went to see him yesterday evening.2. I will give it to Tim when I _____(see)him.3. Tom says he _________(not watch)the video film tonight.4. How _______Bob ______(go)to school every day ?5. The new kind of bike_____(cost) only two hundred and fifty yuan each.6. Can she _______(run) as fast as Helen ?7. We________(visit) the Great Wall next week.8. Don’t _______(talk) now.9. Let’s________(try) our best _________(finish) the work in an hour.10.Either of them ______(know)English.【答案】1.was washing;2.see;3.isn’t watching/will not watch;4.does,go;5.costs;6.run;7.will visit/are visiting;8.talk;9.try,to finish;10.knowsII. 完形填空Lofton is a little village not far from Manchester . Like many 1 villages near towns or cities,it is clean and quiet. Not many families2there, so the people all know 3. Most of them are friendly and helpful.4 their homes are in Lofton,many people have jobs in Manchester. Some work in the big factories.5 work in shops or offices. Most of these people go to work by train. It usually takes them about6 to get from Lofton to Manchester.In the evening a lot of people like 7 TV. If they want to see a film or to listen to a concert , they 8 go to Manchester. There are no cinemas in Lofton.Life in Lofton may not be so exciting as life in the 9cities, but it can be just as 10 as there. That is why people in Lofton love their little village.1. A. any B. othersC. the otherD. other【答案】D2. A. lives B. have livedC. liveD. lived【答案】C3. A. each another B. each otherC. other oneD. the other【答案】B4. A. Though B. ButC. SoD. Because。

专项刷题-英语4专项刷题-英语4(讲义)一.单选题1.A college course can help you find work or get.A.promisedB.professedC.profiledD.promoted2.Tom won't see any of the changes coming this month,but he still needs to make quick decisions when opportunity knocks.A.be tempted toB.be poised toC.be subject toD.be conducive to3.Advertising is into every aspect of our social life,and conveying cultural messages with the advantage of mass media.A.to penetrateB.penetratedC.being penetratedD.penetrating4.An entrepreneur’s product or service must sound and marketable,enough to convince people to become investors.A.sustainableB.feasibleC.probableD.eligible5.He appreciated the chance to deliver his thesis in the annual symposium on Comparative Literature.A.to have been givenB.to have givenC.having givenD.having been given6.In Western Australia,there are around450aircraft maintenance engineers,most of work in the Perth metropolitan area.A.themB.whomC.whichD.they7.the brand gains recognition,several farmers who are not immigrants and some refugee farmers have reached out about selling herbs to the startup.A.ByB.WithC.AsD.Until8.Grandmothers strap wicker baskets to their backs,wielding sticks to rake the forest floor and hook from some mushrooms.A.in whichB.for whichC.whichD.with which二.阅读理解题Passage:For much of the past decade,American and British scientists have been annoyed by the phenomenon known as the French Paradox.Nutritionally speaking,the French have been getting away with murder:They eat all the butter,cream,foie gras,pastry and cheese that their hearts desire,and yet their rates of obesity and heart disease are much lower than ours.The French eat times as much saturated animal fat as Americans do,and only a third as many die of heart attacks.It's maddening.Baffled,scientists struggled to come up with a few hypotheses:Maybe it was something in the red wine,they said.But while winemakers worldwide celebrated that news,more sober research has suggested that any alcohol-whether Lafite Rothschild,a banana daiquiri or a cold bud-pretty much has the same nice,relaxing effect.So while a little wine is apt to do you good,the French aren't so special in having a drink now and then though the fact that they drink wine moderately and slowly with meals, instead of downing shots at the bar,could make a difference.After the wine argument,scientists ventured that it must be the olive oil that keeps the French healthy.But this doesn't explain the butter or brie.Then,French scientist Serge Renaud said it's the foie gras that melts away cholesterol.This,too,is dicey;While people in Toulouse—the duck-liver-eating area of France—do indeed have one of the lowest rates of heart disease in the developed world,they actually only eat the delicacy about six times a year. And they're a lot more likely to die of stroke than we are anyway.Other researchers,perhaps sponsored by the garlic and onion industry,suggested that the French Paradox effect is due to garlic and onions.Claude Fischler,a nutritional sociologist at INSERM,says all these single hypotheses are more wishful thinking than science.Last May,researchers writing in the British Medical Journal came up with the least cheerful hypothesis of all.They argued that it's just a matter of time before the French—who are in fact eating more hamburgers and French fries these days—catch up with Americans, and begin suffering the same high rates of cardiovascular disease.These researchers,Malcolm Law and Nicholas Wald,call this the“time lag explanation”for the French Paradox.As far as they are concerned,the McDonaldization(this is a French catch—all terms for the importation of fast food and other American cultural horrors)of France will continue at a frantic pace,and it is as inevitable that Frenchmen will start keeling over(晕倒)of heart attacks as it is that French women will eventually wear jean shorts and marshmallow tennis shoes on the street of Paris.1.What is French Paradox according to this passage?()A.The French people eat unhealthy food and die of heart attacks each year.B.The French eat more nutritious food than Americans but don't worry about getting heart diseases.C.The French are much less likely to suffer from heart disease although they eat lots of fatty food.D.The French are as likely to die of heart attacks as Americans although they eat less fatty food.2.What can be learned from the second paragraph?()A.The French drink as much wine as people elsewhere.B.The French wine has different relaxing effects compared with other wines.C.Drinking red wine now and then benefits people a lot.D.The French drink wine in ways different from people of other countries.3.The underlined word“dicey”(para.3)probably means().A.satisfactoryB.strangeC.UncertainD.interesting4.In the author’s opinion,the French Paradox has something to do with().A.red wineB.olive oilC.garlic and onionsD.something unknown5.What can we infer from this passage?()A.The French Paradox is due to the influence of American values.B.The French Paradox will disappear in time.C.The McDonaldization of France has little effect on the French's health.D.There is no such thing as the French Paradox.专项刷题-英语4(题目解析)一、单选题1.A college course can help you find work or get.A.promisedB.professedC.profiledD.promoted【答案】D【解析】本题考查词义辨析。

新东方大学英语四级强化班——词汇与结构词汇curse 诅咒sting 钉abroad 出国assiduous 聚精会神torpedo 鱼雷late later latter latestaccess 进入excess 过分concession 让步approach 接近faithful 忠实的obedient 顺从的shrew 悍妇second (不能被more修饰)位于第二inferior (不能被more修饰)更低级的inferior (不能被more修饰)更高级的superior (不能被more修饰)更优先的generous 慷慨legacy 财产property 财产remedy 配方,治疗heal 治疗(过程中)cure 治好了treaty 协议amount 数量,等于,总计diverse 不同的ideal 理想steal 偷seal 图章deal 处理,应付conceal 隐瞒appeal 呼吁reveal 揭露economy 经济economic 经济的(life生活/crisis危机)economics 经济学economical 节俭的(=frugal)paper 文件、论文、报纸、纸张husband 节俭的生活我们收集的新四级资料,网友互助王长喜2008年12月四级精品班翻译强化课程讲义)四级摆脱糟糕听力五步法网络时代的四级听力阅读写作高分妙招!(看了想笑)十天过四级新四级写作必备短语和句型英语新四级常用短语汇总四级重点:最易混的阅读词汇辨析牛津实用英语语法大全背单词,贵在坚持,重在方法四级词汇轻松背——《英语词汇的奥秘》新航道2008四级语法完全讲义新东方四级词汇笔记非常完整版新四级高分作文不得不用的句子英语四级介词用法口诀(完全涵盖四级语法)牛人总结的四级高分作文模板(超实用)新四级写作经典高分谚语献给四级考生背单词最科学方法必看英语习语集锦最新读故事记单词(四级)彩色版新东方四级高级阅读讲义(含完全解析).余斌老师归纳的新四级必考500词.赵丽词汇8000电子讲义最新打印版英文四级写作万能公式王轶群老师总结新四级难句200句英语四级听力40条必考习语(听力满分必备).上海新东方四级精品班Tom老师新四级听力笔记《英语语法大全(完全版)》四级必过《汤姆英语》cet4高频词汇(附历年真题及词频).大学英语综合教程1-4册MP3全套32CD四级英语1038个词根(带举例,带翻译)2008新东方英语四级阅读30天学习笔记(网络完全版)新东方英语写作点睛之笔200句英语四级和六级词汇及词组下载大学英语四六级固定词组精解(全书)山东科技出版社大学英语四级考试听力满分15天(软件版)★重点★《牛津英语同义词字典》英英纯正释义英语四级句型与语法总结资料(数十PPT课件).《千万别学英语》电子书详细解说五大妙招助力大学英语四级考试成功extensive 广泛的intensive 精心的recognize 认识spot 发现identify 考察serve 服务reserve 预定deserve 值得preserve 保留,腌浸zenith 天顶enrich 丰富(横向)enhance 丰富,提高(纵向)rate 速率production rate 费用dailyratepace 节奏步伐the pace of life speed 速度fake 假的+moneyfalse 伪造的+teethunreal 一件事情不是真的unnatural 不自然的+smilemodest 谦虚的honest 诚实的creation 发明创造acquire = pick up language/skilldespair 绝望resemble 长得像tremble 颤抖tremendous 巨大的,可怕的insane 疯狂fatigues 劳累exhaust 劳累ignore (故意的)忽略,不理睬ignorant 无知的illuminate 照亮illusion 幻觉因为批准而颁发(学位)grants award因为优秀而颁发(奖学金)overlook (不小心)忽略neglect 蔑视omit 省略proof 证明,证据approve 批准,通过chance 机会,运气(pl.)系动词用are/wereattitude 态度altitude (海拔)高度matter 毛病issue (政治)事变/事故accident 事故incident 日常事件event 历史大事词组:work out 解决,健身work on 致力于make out 分辨出,辨认出,狂吻,亲热name after 以……命名after 照顾looktake after 长得像,性格像go/come after(+a goal/an aim)追求(目标)sold out 卖出out (物)破旧不堪;(人)筋疲力尽wornoutwearcheck out 借书,退房figure out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题help out 帮大忙hang out 闲逛,漫无目的地溜达cook out 野餐dine out 去餐馆吃饭turn out 结果证明事实如此sth. doesn’t agree with sb. 某人不适应某物you 欺骗你(的感情)oncheatcheat you 欺骗你cheat in (the exam)作弊in danger 在危险中under threat 在威胁下underconstruction 在建造中in discussion 在讨论中imagination 无法想象beyondrepair 无法补救beyondunderstanding 无法理解beyondtake to 喜欢+sth. / doingtake after 长得像take over 接管take up 占据(时间、空间)take on 承担+duty / reasonabilitytake in 理解,领悟,吸收be taken in 欺骗,欺负break up 分手get over 克服,忘记hand over 移交carry away 吸引in 导致result=leadtoresult from 由于the instant = as soon as 一…就…in an instant = in a minute 马上,立刻for an instant = for the moment 暂时,目前with in reach 够得着out of reach 够不着contrary to 与……相反in contrast to 形成……对比with 与……相比comparebe compared to 把……比作go for 去做blinddate 相亲up=showup=appear 出现turndown=refuse=reject 拒绝turnturn out to be 结果竟然是turn on 使……产生兴趣,打开turn off 关掉, 避开, 生产, 制造, 使厌烦miss classfill in/out/up 填表格break down 抛锚,坏了break out 起火break off 折断make out 解决,弄懂work out 解决,弄懂,健身,行得通figure out 弄懂go (along) with 与……相处take into account/coincident 考虑toast to 干杯cheer to 喝彩cut out 停止下来call on 拜访lay off 下岗,解雇generation gap 代沟come across 巧遇run across 巧遇run into 巧遇run over 辗过bump into 撞击,撞到某人,巧遇某人go through 经历see through 看穿,识破pull through 度过难关died of 死于(内因)died from 死于(外因)keep an eye on =see to 照顾,帮助句型:such …… that……与such ……as ……例句:1.黄伸is such a bad egg that she loves him deeply.2.黄伸isn’t such a bad egg as he promised her.want / need +doing / to be donedeserve / worth +doingNo sooner +过去完成时+than+一般过去时一……就Hardly +过去完成时+when+一般过去时还没有……就尽管……还是……:以even though/if 引导的让步状语从句,把作为表语的形容词,或者副词,或者动词的副词,提前到主语之前并且把even though/if 改为as ,直接构成倒装虚拟语气:Q It’s important/necessary/essential (本质的,基本的)/critical (危急的)+that (should )doQQQ Q平行结构:rather than + do (省略了to )be up late to doing sth 这么晚还不睡做……There is no point (in )doing sth词汇量:四级要求4200~4800个,阅读理解要求600~800个,词汇与结构要求300~400个。

体裁与结构模式现象分析型主张反主张观点/结论——论证概括——具体第二章题型方法阅读题型1.具体信息题2.语义理解题3.观点态度题4.推断题5.主旨要义题6.篇章结构题具体信息题1.题干特征According to the author/thetext/Paragraph X, ...whWhich of the following is true of...?Which of the following is true according to the text/the first two paragraphs?We learn from the lastparagraph/Paragraph X/the text that......feature/were characterized by.2.正确项特征是原文的同义重述(替换)——对原文进行重新加工,用不同的词语或句型表达相同的意思。
1)同义词、近义词 2)替换3.干扰项特征偷换概念: A B答非所问:以偏概全:范围无中生有:正反混淆: not过于绝对: most all the only逻辑颠倒: A导出B4.解法单一信息题:一般只涉及某一个或多个句子综合信息题:针对文章的某一段或数段甚至全文进行提问,内容覆盖面较广选项代入语义理解题1.题干特征(1)词义题The word/phrase “...”(Line X,The word “...”(Line X, Paragraph X)Which of the following best defines the word “...”(Line X, Paragraph X)?(2)句意题The sentence “...”(Line X, ParagraphBy (saying)“...”(Line X, ParagraphWhat does the author mean by “...”(Line X, Paragraph X)?2.正确项特征原文中存在其同义词、近义词、反义词、原词、概括词或其他解释说明。

I. Reading Comprehension: Text 1 Get ready for the second act of the grand drama we call globalization. The 1980’s opened with a massive manufacturing migration from industrialized countries to the Third World that accelerates to this day. This decade is witnessing a second huge shift, this time in services, with white-collar professional jobs following the same blue-collar migratory routes to Asia and elsewhere. We believe that the latest iteration(=repetition) in the evolution of the global economy will generate more growth for everyone over time as countries focus their abilities on doing what they do best. But the adjustment may well be painful for those middle-class Americans and Europeans who see their jobs in software writing, chip design, architecture, and accounting move to India, China, Israel, Russia, and the Philippines. If the migration of services is not intervened in by good growth-promoting government policy, there is a serious risk that the anti-globalization forces will gain an army of jobless white-collar recruits. The dimensions of service shift are only just beginning to come into focus. We can discern the trend but not the strength or size of the move. The collapse of the tech bubble and the weak recovery are leading a growing number of U.S. bank, insurance, credit card, accounting, investment banking, high-tech, engineering, and design companies to outsource white-collar work. This is likely to prove to be more than just a cyclical phenomenon. The Internet, digitization, the spread of white-collar skills abroad, and the big cost savings of outsourcing will probably make the shift of services a permanent feature of economic life. The good news is that flinging off of commodity-like service work will increase the profits and efficiency of American corporations and set the stage for the next big growth-generating breakthrough. Innovation is the driving force of the U.S. economy, not mass production of low-value goods or services. The painful loss of manufacturing in the 1970s and 1980s paved the way to the high-tech gains of the 1990s. The same forces are at work today. For their part, India, China, and other countries are gaining large numbers of well-paying jobs, expanding the middle class, and reducing poverty. As a result, China is emerging as a locomotive to world growth. American exports to China in November 2003 were up 30% year-over-year at an annual rate of $24 billion, matching what the U.S. exports to France. The U.S. must act without hesitation. It should do what it has done in the past – move up the value-added ladder to create new products and services. That means promoting better education, completing the job of reforming the capital market, and reducing business and investor risk at home and abroad. If it can restart the growth engine, the U.S. has nothing to fear from the great white-collar migration. If it doesn’t, there may be serious trouble ahead. (468 words) Notes: migration n. 迁移。

作者:刘一男个人博客:/liuyinanyinan (本页空白,请勿排版谢谢)预备 GRE核心单词摸底测试(请真实作答,我们将根据本期学员的一般水平微调课程内容)A,选择恰当的中文释义(正确答案只有一项):(CET-6 LEVEL)1, initiateA, 亲密的B, 首创C, 模仿D, 激励2, natalA, 必有一死的B, 出生的C, 生死攸关的D, 航海的3, beneathA, 花圈B, 薄纸C, 下面的D, 外围的4, orchardA, 果园B, 合唱C, 回声D, 诅咒5, aridA, 尖酸的B, 贫瘠的C, 急性的D, 僵直的6, obsessA, 着迷、牵挂B, 热情、奔放C, 评估、测算D, 靠近、接触7, integralA, 捆绑的B, 内部的C, 清闲的D, 完整的8, evacuationA, 空洞、无知B, 奢侈、浪费C, 撤退、离开D, 喊叫、呼唤9, awkwardA, 恐惧的B, 笨拙的C, 猫头鹰D, 向前的10, prudentA, 牙齿的B, 礼物的C, 粗鲁的D, 谨慎的(TOEFL LEVEL)1, archaeologyA, 群岛B, 祖先C, 考古学D, 建筑学2, bargeA, 预算B, 驳船C, 船坞D, 交易3, cypherA, 台风B, 西风C, 密码D, 预言家4, deltaA, 三角B, 三角洲C, 皮带D, 战争5, infrastructureA, 策略、战略B, 红外线C, 基础设施D, 挫败、沮丧6, congenialA, 同谋、密谋B, 机灵的、天才C, 真正的、天然的D, 性格相似的7, exhilarantA, 兴奋剂B, 冷却剂 C , 润滑剂D, 除臭剂8, adjunctA, 评判的B, 打孔的C, 附属的D, 功能的9, folkloreA, 民间传说B, 叉子C, 对话D, 蛋黄10, lizardA, 巫师B, 蜥蜴C, 蜘蛛D, 牧师(GRE LEVEL)1, garbledA, 味道刺激的B, 大口咀嚼的C, 断章取义的D, 牙牙学语的2, convolutedA, 绕弯费解的B, 革命闹事的C, 对话沟通的D, 共同发展的3, gorillaA, 长颈鹿B, 袋鼠C, 大猩猩D, 鸵鸟4, lionessA, 亚麻B, 雄狮C, 雌狮D, 亚麻布5, rebuttalA, 捐赠B, 属性C, 辩驳D, 声誉6, debutA, 告别演出B, 初次登场C, 取消D, 放逐7, scytheA, 测距锤B, 长镰刀C, 大铲子D, 小锉刀8, fickleA, 雀斑B, 火焰C, 浮躁的D, 好色的9, tragedianA, 策略学家B, 统计学者C, 悲剧作家D, 浪漫诗人10, anestheticA, 美学的、审美的B, 种族的、民族的C, 麻木的、麻醉的D, 建筑的、设计的B,请问您参加GRE核心词汇记忆培训班的学习目的是: ( )A、准备参加今年举行的GRE考试B、准备TOEFL考试C、还在大一、大二,为大学英语打好词汇基础,目前无明确考试目标D、其他理由:________________________谢谢您的合作!北京新东方学校国外考试部(本页空白,请勿排版谢谢)(本部分略讲)基础一词根词缀学基础:大学阶段常用的单词前后缀和汉字不同,英语单词的结构中通常有前后缀,前缀表示整个单词含义的方向感(如“上”、“下”、“里”、“外”等),是单个汉字中没有的成分。