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The China-U.S. relations are the most important, most dynamic and most complex bilateral relationships in the word nowadays. The China-U.S. relations have made positive progress and become more and more mature since 1979. The China-U.S. relations have undergone tremendous changes from the initial demands for the development of strategic securities to the economic interdependences to multi-areas, multi-level exchanges and cooperations today, which have shown increasingly colorful landscape presents. However, as the two countries having different political systems, development models, ideologies and histories and cultural traditions, the China-U.S. relations are still subject to the general situations in the world, their domestic politics and cultural factors as well as Taiwan, human rights, economy, trades and other issues. In short, the connotation, fields, tasks, especially the characteristics of The China-U.S. relations have taken place of great changes today. But the China-U.S. relations can be sustained and developed healthily by the profound impacts of these changes, moreover, only if grasping the changes deeply of the characteristics of the China-US relations, we can promote development of the China-US relations healthily and continuously. So this paper analyzes and thinks these changes of the China-U.S. relations for 30 years, Hoping for offering policy advices for the development of the China-U.S. relations.

The main body of this paper consists of four parts:The first part describes the basic characteristics shown in the development of the China-U.S. relations since 1979, focusing on the basic characteristics of great states, differences, complexities and global world.As the second part of this article, this part compares the main characteristics of the China-U.S. relations for 30 years from five aspects. This part compares the motion of developing the China-U.S. relations, the social basis of developing the China-U.S. relations, the mechanism construction of the China-U.S. relations, the dependence of the China-U.S. relations in detail.The third part has drawn some inspiration on the basis of these changes for 30 years, including:the overall long-term strategic view is the key of developing the China-U.S. constructive and cooperative relations; the common interests continuing to expand are a solid foundation maintaining the China-U.S. relations; Respecting and caring for each other’s core interests is the primary principle of developing the China-U.S. relations; innovating institutional mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation is an important platform for developing the China-U.S. relations; the civil friendly communions are inexhaustible motive forces to promote the sustained development of the China-U.S. relations. The fourth part discusses the problems and challenges of developing the China-U.S. relations. These challenges include the Taiwan issue, economic trade issues, human rights, democracy, values, domestic political issues and the strategic mutual trust issues.
