











签字日期: ________ 年 ________ 月
________ 日







学士学位论文作者签名:日期:年月日摘 要 .......................................................... I Abstract . (II)索 引 ................................................... III 索 引 .................................................... IV 绪 论 .................................................... 1 研究背景及意义 (1)1.2 SCADA 研究现状与发展情况 (1)系统现状 1 国内外发展情况 1 石油管道节能节水系统现状和发展趋势 ...................... 2 国外管道能源系统现状和发展趋势 21.3.2 国内管道能源系统现状和发展趋势 21.4 论文研究内容 (3)1.5 论文结构安排 (3)第3章 石油管道节能节水系统实时数据库的详细设计 (4)3.1 实时数据库总体分析 (4)3.1.1 实时数据库设计目标 43.2.1 组态功能模块 4结 论 (6)参 考 文 献 (7)致 谢 (8)附 录 (9)摘 要背景之下,本文分析了节能节水系统当前发展现状和存在的问题,利用当前最新的相关技术,将SCADA 监测与数据采集系统引入到石油管道节能节水系统中,同时针对数据库存储实时度较差的问题,设计了实时数据库。



中文题目__________________________________________ 外文题目__________________________________________姓名_________________________________________ 学号_________________________________________ 导师_________________________________________ 研究方向_________________________________________ 专业_________________________________________ 系别________________________________________年月日北京外国语大学学位论文原创性声明和使用授权说明学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。








学位论文论文题目:姓名: **** 学号: **** 学习中心: **** 专业: **** 指导教师: ****二〇〇年月人民币汇率与全球货币体系毕业论文承诺书提示:根据北京语言大学网络教育学院论文写作的规定,如发现论文有抄袭、网上下载、请人代写等情况,毕业论文一律不及格。






签名:______ _______ 日期:________________本科生毕业论文评阅书教务处制本科生毕业论文指导记录表教务处制北京语言大学本科生毕业论文答辩记录表教务处制引言 (1)一、当前全球货币体系的特征 (1)二、当前全球货币体系的缺陷 (2)(一)浮动汇率制的内在不稳定性 (2)(二)位于中心国家和外围国家权利和义务的不对称性 (3)(三)浮动汇率制下金融危机发生的频率显著超过固定汇率时期 (4)三、人民币汇率调整政策分析 (4)(一)中国政府继续推进人民币汇率形成机制改革的决策不变 (4)(二)人民币汇率调节方式不变 (5)(三)中国人民银行在人民币汇率管理中的作用不变 (5)(四)中坚持主动性、可控性和渐进性的原则 (5)四、人民币汇率的未来变动的趋势 (6)(一)货币政策以汇率政策为中心 (6)(二)综合运用政策组合工具 (6)(三)适时调整人民币汇率浮动幅度 (6)五、加强人民币在全球货币体系中的地位的措施 (7)(一)实现外汇储备结构调整,应进一步加大外汇贷款力度 (7)(二)加快形成由市场决定汇率机制 (7)(三)调整经济结构,实现经济增长方式转变 (7)结语 (9)参考文献 (10)随着经济全球化以及中国经济的发展,人民币已经成为全球货币体系的重要组成部分。






















学士学位论文作者签名:日期:年月日目录目录 (I)插图索引 (II)摘要 (3)Abstract (4)第1章绪论 (5)1.1 研究背景 (5)1.2 研究的目的和意义 (5)1.3 国内外研究现状 (5)1.4 研究内容 (5)第2章消费者行为的理论基础及波司登公司 (6)2.1 消费者行为概念 (6)2.2 4c理论 (6)2.3 波斯登公司简介 (7)2.4 消费者行为分析 (7)2.4.1更加关注购物体验 (7)2.4.2更加关注服装品牌 (7)2.4.3原创定制更受欢迎 (8)第3章针对消费者行为波司登公司营销存在的问题 (9)3.1 品牌定位不准确 (9)3.2 价格与产品品质不符 (9)3.3不能满足消费者的个性化需求 (9)3.4门店经营状况差,利润下降 (10)第4章波斯登公司针对于消费者行为的营销对策 (11)4.1 明确品牌定位 (11)4.2 提高服装质量增强客户体验 (11)4.3 增加创新力度走差异化路线 (11)4.4 线上线下集合,多种销售渠道并举 (12)结论 (13)参考文献 (15)致谢 (16)消费者行为和营销策略插图索引图2-1 4c示意图 (7)摘要对于传统服装企业来说,互联网对其造成的冲击和影响在所难免,波司登公司就是其中一个典型的例子。
















关键词:企业;多样化战略;利弊AbstractIn the complex and changeable environment of the market economy, enterprises need to carry out the corresponding strategic activities, so that in the actual gain certain advantages, the development of any enterprise can not be separated from the support of the market, but the market changes require enterprises in the actual implementation of the relevant strategic. In the long-term market economy, China has built a special enterprise development environment, which provides a good market support for the development of enterprises. Through the analysis of domestic and international related research, we can see that the implementation of enterprise diversification strategy is not only a positive factor, but also a number of adverse effects. According to their own practical needs, the paper analyzes its success and failure.Keywords: enterprise; diversification strategy; advantages and disadvantages目录摘要 (3)Abstract (4)引言 (1)第一章多元化战略概述 (1)1.1多元化战略内涵 (1)1.2多元化战略实施条件 (1)第二章企业多元化战略实施重要性 (2)2.1市场经济发展需要 (2)2.2企业竞争力提升有效方式 (3)第三章企业多元化战略实施的有利因素 (3)3.1分散经营风险 (4)3.2扩张经营范围 (4)3.3资源有效配置 (5)3.4提升竞争力 (6)第四章企业多元化战略实施的不利因素 (6)4.1分散企业资源 (7)4.2增加新的风险 (8)4.3规模经济丧失 (8)4.4增加经营成本 (9)结论 (11)参考文献 (12)致谢 (13)引言战略是一个企业在发展中所实施的相关策略,在多样化的市场中,企业的发展是多种因素共同作用的结果,利用有效的探索方式可以实现一个企业快速发展的目的。







学士学位论文作者签名:日期:年月日目录目录 (I)摘要 (2)Abstract (3)第1章绪论 (4)1.1选题的目的和意义 (4)1.2国内外的研究现状及发展趋势 (4)1.3研究方法 (5)1.3.1 文献研究法 (5)1.3.2 定性分析法 (5)1.3.3理论与实际相结合 (5)第2章三只松鼠网络营销现状分析 (6)2.1 网络营销基础理论 (6)2.2 三只松鼠简介 (6)2.3三只松鼠网络营销渠道 (7)第3章三只松鼠网络营销存在的问题 (8)3.1 品牌宣传渠道单一 (8)3.2 售后服务体系不完善 (8)3.3 客户群体单一,营销方式存在缺陷 (8)3.4 广告宣传缺乏新意 (8)第4章三只松鼠网络营销的对策建议 (10)4.1 增强品牌实力 (10)4.2 完善售后服务 (10)4.3 营销模式创新 (11)4.4 多样化广告推广 (11)结论 (12)参考文献 (13)致谢 (14)企业网络营销策略--以三只松鼠为例摘要随着信息和网络电子商务应用步伐的加快,社会已进入网络经济时代。




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Restructuring a Coffee Shop to Attract More CustomersSubmitted by (Wang Jin)Student ID number (0409)Supervised by (Tang Shimin)A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsof the degree of Bachelor of ArtsThe Institute of Online EducationBeijing Foreign Studies University北京外国语大学网络教育学院学士学位论文诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学士学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。














关键词:重组、咖啡店、小型企业、经营特色AbstractThis dissertation presents a detailed report of project of restructuring a small coffee shop, which provides the sales service of a range from coffee, foreign pastry to western food, sitting at Nanluoguxiang, will be named Joy Luck Club (JLC) in the project. Due to smaller scale, worse business circumstance, poor management, the shop has not been prosperous.As Beijing travel business is booming, Nanluoguxiang is becoming very popular street where more and more visitors go there for wandering, shopping, and drinking coffee. People enjoy a unique leisure, and also find Beijing traditional culture at Nanluoguxiang.In order to change and promote JLC’s business, commissioned by my friend, the owner, David, I am a project manager, and I wholly will be in charge of the project. The team will be set up, and everyone knows what the responsibility is.The final result of the project is restructuring the coffee shop which named JLC as a unique place for their customers through high quality of products, good environment, friendly service, and effective management. The project will take two months. Market survey, such as focus group, face-to-face interviews, and SWOT analysis were used in the Project Problem Identification and Analysis section. Flowchart, project framework and several other methods were also adopted in the design, implementation and evaluation of the project. With the efforts of my team members, we achieved our final goal successfully. The renewed JLC will attract enormous customers, and be selected as the “Best New Coffee Shop in the area” by one local public remark web. The results of the project demonstrated that the application of information technologies is an effective approach for small enterprises to get outstanding achievement.Key words: restructuring; coffee shop; small enterprises; unique styleTable of ContentsPages1. Project Introduction 82. Project Problem Identification and Analysis 8Project problem 8 Problem analysis9 Results of problem analysis 9 3.Project Objective and Hypothesis10Project objective10 Project hypothesis114. Project Rationale115. Project Design 11Planning activities 11Costing15Risk analysis17Management and control 186. Project Implementation18General introduction of time, place of project implementation 18 The working steps of implementation18 Monitoring 18 7. Results and Discussion 19Project Finding 19 Results 21 Discussion 21 8. Conclusion 22 Bibliography 24 Appendix I. Questionnaire of Customer Survey for Joy Luck Club 25Appendix II. The Project Framework 28Restructuring one coffee shopto Attract More Customers1. IntroductionIn 2008, one small Coffee Shop, Joy Luck Club (JLC), was operated by my friend, David. It located at Nanluoguxiang, which is famous leisure place in Beijing, hustle and bustle every day there. Various interesting small shops attract people from all over the world. However JLC was not prosperous. In the area, it was unknown and not running well.JLC is small because it has only 16 square meters. There are only 4 employees including the owners in the shop. It has not being running well due to the location, the service, and the management. However, I believe that JLC’current problem will be solved after the implementation of project. It could attract more customers visit.Based on the hypothesis of the project can change and promote the business of coffee shop. It will start from the research what the problem of the shop, then, do it from the plan, design, implementation to opening step by step within the time-scale. It will take two months.Before putting the plan into practice, I will also devise some measures to control and manage potential risks. Meanwhile, the analysis is very important. It will be used not only analysis the current situation of the shop but also analysis the customers’ needs and wants in the project.The output of the project is a whole renewed JLC, a unique style coffee shop, which can meet various tasted of visitors from all over the world.In the process of this project, I will use some helpful knowledge I have learnt. Scientific research methods of customer survey is one of the way, such as focus group, face-to-face interviews, and SWOT analysis will be used in the identification and analysis of the problems.The total cost of the project is 300,000 Yuan. It includes design, decoration, purchase of materials and equipments, recruitment, and so on.Finally, the project found that the young people are significant for JLC through the questionnaires of customers’ survey.They are more interested in JLC the others. So JLC will be focus on them.2. Problem Identification and AnalysisProblemI problem is that JLC has not been prosperous because of the smaller scale, worse business circumstances, and the poor management.Problem analysis2.2.1 .Company’s current situation• Physical resourcesJLC is small, has limited rooms to offer visitors, it totally can provide service for 26 persons. It only has 16 square meters to do business, and square meters outside. It includes 3 front seats around the main counter, 6 tables which is enough for 15 persons inside, and 4 tables for 8 persons outside. However, the outside garden is out of use in winter.• Human ResourcesJLC is a mainly family-operated enterprise, which the husband is owner, and the wife isco-funder, general manager. The husband is a food maven who comes from the USA, and his wife is a Chinese girl, who grows up in Hutong of Beijing. The couple has a little business management experience and professional expertise. There are three employees in the shop. One of them is an intern who will return to study after 5-months internship. In addition, they are all young who have few professional services training and practical working experiences.The financial resourcesFunding capital is mainly from the owner. JLC has a few bank loans. The capital of enrollment is RMB 30,000 Yuan.2.2.2. Needs and wants analysisA.focus groupFocus group will be used. We are going to gather 6 young people, to use the interview of face to face way, to understand their habits and favor, to help running the shop.B.customer surveysThe questions will be designed to have several parts, such as: basic information, service information, suggestion and the customer’s information.Questions1) Which one do you prefer of our shop present? A. environment B. products C. service2) Which one of the background music would you like? A. classical B. popular C. light music3) What do you think of the prices the shop offers?4) Are you interested in the new coffee shop?5) Do you have any suggestions for us to improve our service?Complaints1. The coffee shop is out of the way, so they find it difficultly. On the other hand, there is no place to park their car.2. They have few choices, and they don’t like the taste of coffee.3. The coffee shop is not unusual. Many customers have ever been there but they almost hardly remember it.4. The price is so high that they don’t accept it.5. The shop assistants are not friendly, and they are lack of experience.2.2.3. SWOT analysisKnow yourself as well as the enemy position. SWOT analysis is the good way to understand either internal or external of the shop.Strengths:1. The couple is the owners. They have the mixed culture backgrounds between the east and the west.2. The staffs are young and friendly.3. The shop is situated in the famous street, Nanluoguxiang, Beijing.Weaknesses:1)The shop is new and unknown.2)The products and service will be improved.3)Be lack of the unusual.Opportunities:4)People’s life level is getting better and better.5)The Nation Day’s is comin g.6)The attractive power of the East culture, specially, china traditional culture, Beijinglocal unique tradition.7)In China, coffee has become a popular diet culture.Threats:8)Fierce competition in the line of the business.9)The effect of 2008 financial crisis10)Rising prices have affected the costs increasing.JLC is facing the opportunity and challenge. We will catch the focus of the market through using JLC’s strengths and avoiding the weaknesses to promote the business.3. Project Objective and Hypothesi sProject Objective1) The problem I am facing is that the coffee shop is unknown, small area and limited areas.2) The goal of my project is expand my shop and make the customer feedback.3) The objectives for the first year of operations are:a. Become selected as the” Best New Coffee Shop in the area” by the local public remark web.b. Turn in the profits from the first month of operations. Maintain a 60% gross margin. Project HypothesisThe culture of the coffee shop will make its best effort to create a unique place for their customers. Every customer will feel its comfort and relaxing environment while enjoying the best brewed coffee or espresso and pastries in town. Offering the customers relax the daily stresses by our good products, friendly service, graceful environment, and so on.4. Project RationaleI’m a project manager, I have studied the knowledge related the business project from the“Business English”(1) and (2). I remembered deeply concept of the “product adaptation”in the book. It means to “Modify existing products to make them more suitable for a new market.”I knew that conforming standard of living in the target market is one of the reason for product adaptation too. I studied the way of SWOT analysis, and use it in my project. In addition, I still consulted some books or articles to do it. I read the report from the “China Economic Weekly” by written Tan Songning. He analyzed the ten years of coffee market in China, and proposed the advice of doing unusual the coffee shop.5. Project DesignPlanning activitiesActivities with time-scaleThere are a series of activities planned to take place:1) Programming and put forward the demand of the project with our manager.2) Negotiate and sign contract with the company which named QinZhou Decoration.3) Start to design layout of the coffee shop4) Making the system of the coffee shop5) Purchase facility and furniture from the market of the Home of JuRan.6) Decoration and test.7) Open the coffee shopMeanwhile, there are some important things have to do.Firstly, in order to build our team, we must recruit the employee. Next, ordering new original of the coffee to enrich the kitchen. After then, carrying out some activity of extending the coffee shop is necessary.I would like to use the advertisement in the news paper to inform the public. I think the news paper which is named “JingPin Shopping” is a good choice. It is not only very popular among the younger, but also the fee is cheaper than the others.It will take 7 weeks to implement the project when it has been approved. And the Activity Flow Chart with time-scale can show how these activities are arranged.By the end of Week OneProgramming and put forward the demand of the project, and making the budget.By the end of Week TwoNegotiate and sign contract, and raisin money.By the end of Week ThreeStart design layout of the coffee shop.Between the Week Four and FiveImplanting the plan, including:Make the system of the coffee shop,Purchase facility and furniture,Build the team,Order some material of the coffee,Give publicity to the customers.By the end of Week sixDecoration and testIn the Week sevenOpen the new coffee shop百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我29People involved and responsibilitiesThe couple is the coffee shop’s owner. Although, they both have experience in the running shop, in order to increase the efficient human resource and reduce the cost, they have to do something follow as:First, they need to reconfirm the responsibility. David’s responsibilities will include developing a marketing strategy and perform other daily managerial duties. Wang Fang, His wife’s responsibilities will include managing the staff, ordering inventory, dealing with suppliers.Second, the recruitment is their next job. They decide to rehire two staffs which have qualification for the experience of the restaurant service. The couple must shift on working to keep one person to stay at the coffee shop every day.CostingThe budget of the project is about 22,000 Yuan (RMB). The cost involved can be divided into two categories: fixed and variable.Fixed costs are expensed t hat don’t vary with the level of sales, such as rent, payroll, utilities, insurance and other operation expenses.Variable expenses are directly related to sales and include terms such as raw materials or purchases to be sold, and direct labor.The table below outlines the costing of the coffee shop.Decoration: RMB 100,000 Yuan(including the lights, tables, curtain, tablecloth, audioand so on)Equipment: Coffee machine, RMB 15,000 YuanComputer, RMB 15,000 Yuan(including cash software)Air condition RMB 8,500 YuanChairs, RMB 10,000 YuanShop counter, a set of professional auto coffee machine, RMB 20,000 YuanCoffee cups, RMB 15,000 YuanCoffee spoons, knives, RMB 2,000 YuanDisinfection box, RMB 1,000 YuanJuice Extractor, RMB 600 YuanMicro-wave oven, RMB 800 YuanToast machine, RMB 1000 YuanWater and electricity, RMB 3,000 Yuan/MonthFood, RMB 10,000 Yuan/MonthPayroll, RMB 5000 Yuan/monthRent ,RMB 8500 Yuan/monthOthers, RMB 4500 Yuan/Month (such as the fee of advertising, etc.)Risk analysisLocation related (good wine needs no bush酒香不怕巷子深)We all know that Nanluoguxiang is an inch of land in the busy section is worth an inch of gold in Beijing. However, JLC is located the corner of the hutong, that is out of the way, so it is very difficult to appeal to people visit here.Competition relatedAccording to incomplete statistics, there are more than 105 coffee shops around Nanluoguxiang. They are sharing this area market. You could often see the new shop opening if you were frequenter of Nanluoguxiang. And at the same time, some shops are also dropped out due to some running problems. Under the fierce competition force, ” Natural selection and survival of the fittest. “Product or service relatedReopened the coffee shop is still small and unknown. The significant things are to pay attention to the quality of the products and service. That is why the coffee shop can attract more customers visit.. Management and controlFacing the risks, I strongly believe that using the Chinese characteristic name of the JOY LUCK CLUB, doing best with a great service and product will help the shop to control the risks. The specific strategy will be follow as:Chinese Characteristic NameRenamed the shop is JOY LUCK CLUB which comes from Chinese famous film, and it has good, traditional meaning in China. We believe the new name should bring the luck for the coffee shop.Special Products and ServicesAs the proverb goes, Good wine needs no bush. Great products and services are the critical key to success. J LC is a unique shop will cater to people who want to get their daily cup of great-tasting coffee in a relaxing atmosphere. Maybe you can eat the Beijing snacks if you would like.Special ActivityThe activity of sale promotion is one of important strategy. We will hold the special interesting activities to attract the customers. Example: 10% discount during the raining day, 20% discount during the raining day if you were wet, and so on.6. Project ImplementationGeneral introduction of time, place of project implementationThe project implementation will be designed during March 1st to April 26th, 2010 (about 7 weeks). All of the things of project will be taken place in the shop.The working steps of implementationWe not only has a clear task for every participant but also implement the project with the time-scale seriously.David will take charge of the project outside work. Such as programming and putting forward the demand of the project with our manager, Negotiate and sign contract with the company which named QinZhou Decoration, recruitment, etc. Wang Fang will take part in the design and order product activity, and so on.MonitoringUnder the leadership of David, we should be in strict accordance with the time- scale to monitor the project plan. No matter time or process are both necessary for us. We need to know every the problem project in time, and feedback how to solve them as quickly as possible. First, we require the project team members to keep in touch with the mobile- phone in 24 hours during the implementation stage. Second, we require all through the meeting resolution, in case of unforeseen problems. Last, we require every morning with a short meeting to start our work day, and everyone must attend it.7. Results and DiscussionProject FindingThis result from the focus group interview, due to the aged 25-35 customers is significant for us .so we made the category and figure:As above, we can find that quality of the products among China consumers definitely plays an important role in the recent growth in all industries, and the coffee shop is no exception. Additionally, price, service, and environment are other main factors too.We contrast data of the customer visiting of the same time. From the survey, the data shows that is obvious that the customer visiting number dramatically increased by %. Especially, the number of young customers is increased by %. The table of category and figure3 as below will be showed these data:quality of the product 43%price 29%service 14%environment14%figure1: The Favor of The Customers Aged25-35figure 2: comparison of the number ofcustomerNumber of visiting customers(Person)Number of the new customers visiting for the coffee products660585380245138.7850Sep.-Dec,2009Sep.-Dec,2010Rise or Down(%)In figure 3, the data shows that the turnover is increased by %, but the cost is declined by %, so the profit is dramatically increased by % (see the figure 2 as below)ResultsFrom the figure 1, we can know the quality of the product is our first task, and the price is another essential, at the same time, service and environment are the same level for us.From the figure 2 and 3, we can find easily the facts prove that the project has successfully achieved the target and goal we set at the beginning.DiscussionJLC is becoming better and better through the project design and implementation. We can see the change of the coffee shop.First, we know the majority customers in our shop are young people, and their salary is not high. So, our strategy is focus on high quality coffee at reasonable prices. The price must be low profit, to attract and retain them.-20000020000400006000080000100000120000Sep.-Dec,2009Sep.-Dec,2010Rise or Down(%)Turnover(Yuan/RMB)37200107000187.63Cost(Yuan/RMB)5200048600-6.54Profit(Yuan/RMB)-1480058400494.59y u a n (R M B )/%figure 3: Comparison of turnover, cost andpofitSecond is environment. Relaxing atmosphere is another strategy. Every visiting customer feels enjoy himself/herself there. The music is light, the cake is homemade, and all of the books are opened. Even, we will offer free WIFI for everyone who comes here.The next, our management is more effective than before, and the staffs know their responsibility clearly. We have the culture belong to ourselves. Every staff has a sense of belonging. Meanwhile, the cost is declined through our management.The last, we believe strongly that restructuring the coffee shop is successfully. It will be profitable finally.8. ConclusionI believe that JLC’s project is successful. Through this project, JLC has own unique style and culture after the restructuring, and it has already attracted more customers to visit here. That is good sign to indicate the shop is running better than before.In the project, SWOT analysis, questionnaire survey and other information technology has been applied. Design, construction, recruitment, promotion and other activities has been carried out one by one without any delay.However, JLC’s business needs to improve still. It should do business for local customers but also for foreigner. That is great market at Nanluoguxiang.At the same time, according to the customers’ feedback, I will change something to adapt the customers. For example, adding the low-price products, using Beijing opera as the background music to show Chinese culture.In the business, we still have a lot of dreams with passion. I will continue to work in the adjustment and innovation. I hope to try my best to do it, and I believe that the future will be more beautiful.BibliographyXiang,S. (2010). Business English (1). Beijing: Beijing Foreign Studies University Press. Xiang,S. (2010). Business English (2). Beijing: Beijing Foreign Studies University Press.Business English Course Group (2001). A Guide to Success –Professionalism to English. Beijing: Beijing Foreign Studies University Press.Gu, . (2002). Practical project Design. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Hilton, J. (2001). Practical Business project and Proposal Design. Beijing: Central Radio & TV University Press.Appendix I.Questionnaire of Customer Survey for Joy Luck ClubDear all,Welcome to the online of Sojump ( Would you like to answer some questions to improve our service of the Joy Luck Club? Your suggestions are very important and valuable for us.Please return it as soon as possible through the online, and we will offer the coffee cup for the effective answers. You can come to the Joy Luck Club which is situated of Nanluoguxiang on 10 to 20 Oct, 2009. Please feel free call the number of to get the more information.Thank you for your cooperation!Your sincerely,Wang JinPersonal InformationSex: Male□Female□Age: 15-20□21-30□31-40□41-50□51-60□Your Salary:No salary□below¥3000□¥3000-¥7000□¥7000-12000□¥□¥□over ¥22000Your Education:Below senior middle school□Bachelor degree(include junior college)□Postgraduate student□Over postgraduate student□Ordinary SurveyDo you go to the coffee shop in normal times?Do □Don’t □What do you like the coffee shop?Coffee shop of the chain □unusual coffee shop □others □How long have you been to the coffee shop?Over 3 times per week □ 2 times per week □ 1 times per week□Once a week □Twice a week □once to twice a month □Once a half year □much less □How much do you average spend in the coffee shop?Below ¥50 □¥51-100 □¥101-200 □¥201-250 □¥251-300 □Over ¥300 □What do you often consume the product in the coffee shop?Coffee □Drink □Coffee bean □Dim sum □Souvenir □Are you interested in the new coffee shop?Yes, I like to go to the new coffee shop.No, I’d like to the familiar coffee shop that is my habit.Your InterestWhich are you interested the style of the coffee shop?Concision □Classic □Others □Which one do you care about the coffee shop?Quality □Price □Enviroment □Service □Unusual decoration □Others □How much would you like to accept the average spending?Below ¥50 □¥51-100 □¥101-200 □Over 200¥□Would you like the other service?WAP □Reading Shop □Film/Music □Others □Appendix II: The Project Framework。
