Pro Plus图像分析软件定量鸡胚尿囊膜血管新生面积的方法

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医学医疗:Image?Pro Plus图像分析软件定量鸡胚尿囊膜血管新生面积的方法

2009-5-12 15:35:58 点击:QQ次发送给好友和学友门交流一下收



【摘要】目的应用Image Pro Plus 5.0图像处理和分析软件,研究鸡胚尿囊膜 (chic k chorioallantoic membrane,CAM) 血管新生面积定量的新方法。方法 20只发育良好的7日龄鸡胚,分为龙葵给药组和对照组,每组10只。将中药龙葵水提液及等量蒸馏水吸附于5 mm直径的定性滤纸,置于CAM上。利用Image Pro Plus 5.0软件,定量血管新生面积、蛋壳开窗处对应的CAM面积,计算出血管新生面积与CAM面积的比值。结果用Image Pro Plus 5.0可方便、自动、准确地进行给药前后的数据收集和面积计算。统计分析表明,受试物龙葵可明显抑制CAM血管新生,与对照组比较有极显著差异(P<0.001)。结论 Image P ro Plus 5.0图像处理和分析软件是一种高效、准确的统计血管新生面积的工具,用该软件定量蛋壳开窗部位下的血管新生面积占开窗部位所对应的CAM总面积,不仅操作简便,而且数据计算自动生成,可较准确地反映鸡胚血管新生情况。

【关键词】图像分析 Pro Plus 5.0 血管新生定量鸡胚尿囊膜

Quantitation of Angiogenesis in Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane

Using Image Pro Plus Software

XU Yang1,ZHAO Ying kai2,BI Ming gang1,LIU Yan3

(1.Institute of Medicinal Plant Development,Chinese Academy of Medical Scie nces and Peking

Union Medical College,Beijing 100094,China; 2.Institute of information on Traditional Chinese Medicine,

China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100700;3.Beijing Uni versity of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029)

【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the value of method for quantitation of angiogenesis in chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) using Image Pro Plus 5.0 software. Methods Twenty well developed eggs were divided into two groups wit h 10 in each group: the Solanum nigrum group treated with 10 μL of its water ex tract,and the control group applied with the same volume of distilled water,re spectively,absorbed on a piece of filter paper. Image Pro Plus 5.0 imaging so ftware was used to quantify the angiogenesis with the vascular area,the total C AM area under the egg shell opening,the ratio between vascular and CAM area. Re

sults Image Pro Plus 5.0 software could be used to delineate and calculate th e angiogenesis area and CAM area under the open egg shell window automatically a nd accurately. The angiogenesis was significantly reduced in the Solanum nigrum treated CAM compared with that in control group (P<0.001). Conclusion Image

Pro Plus 5.0 is an effective tool for evaluation of angiogenesis in CAM model s.The percentage of angiogenesis area vs. CAM area can be used to reflect angio genesis in CAM models simply and quatitatively.

【Key words】 Image analysis,Software,Image Pro Plus 5.0; Quantitation,angiogenesis; Model,Chick chorioallantoic membrane

鸡胚尿囊膜 (chick chorioallantoic membrane,CAM) 血管新生模型已成为研究抑制和促进血管新生物质的作用效果的经典手段之一。通过众多的研究者的不断改良,造模方法渐趋完善。但是,在判定CAM上新生血管的面积方面,出现了数种方法并存的局面。为了寻求一种快速、准确,易于操作的方法,我们应用广泛使用的Image Pro Plus (版本5.0) 图像处理和分析软件,对于CAM模型中的血管面积定量方法进行了研究。

1 材料和方法

1.1 仪器

种蛋培养箱系上海跃进医疗器械厂生产,实验室用超净工作台系苏州净化设备厂生产,Image Pro Plus 5.0软件为Media Cybernetics公司出品。

1.2 受精种蛋

购于中国农业大学实验动物研究所,每只55~65 g。

1.3 测试药物

取龙葵茎叶100 g,以沸水浸泡提取3次,每次用水2 L,30 min。过滤,合并提取液,于水浴上蒸发浓缩至40 mL,即得2.5 g/mL 龙葵生药的提取液。

给药时离心除去沉淀,用0.45 μm微孔滤膜滤过除菌,4℃保存备用。

以定性滤纸为样品载体,用打孔器制成5 mm直径大小的纸片,灭菌冷却后于超净台内,将滤纸排列于无菌铝箔上,分别加入10 L (灭菌蒸馏水稀释,含

生药20 mg) 龙葵药液,空白对照组只加入等量灭菌蒸馏水。滤纸样品均在超净


1.4 CAM模型



