N9040B UXA 信号分析仪性能介绍


全新Keysight UXA信号分析仪提供业界最出色的相位噪声、实时带宽和分析带宽

全新Keysight UXA信号分析仪提供业界最出色的相位噪声、实时带宽和分析带宽

全新Keysight UXA信号分析仪提供业界最出色的相位噪声、
【摘要】2014年10月17日,北京——是德科技(Keysight Technologies,Inc)日前宣布推出全新的X系列旗舰产品N9040BUXA信号分析仪。


1.Agilent MXA信号分析仪新增了160-MHz带宽和实时频谱分析选件 [J],
2.全新Keysight UXA信号分析仪提供业界最出色的相位噪声、实时带宽和分析带
宽 [J],
分析仪 [J],
4.全新Keysight UXA信号分析仪 [J],
5.Agilent MXA信号分析仪新增160 MHz带宽和实时频谱分析选件 [J],

优化 EVM 测量的 3 种实践

优化 EVM 测量的 3 种实践













图1. 误差矢量信号分析方框图图2显示了矢量信号误差。



相位误差压降幅度误差IQ 参考波形解调的比特 0100101...IQ 测量波形图3显示了矢量信号分析仪的简化方框图。




滤波器数字转换器LO可选前置射频输入衰减器混频器图3. 信号分析仪方框图实践经验1: 优化混频器电平所有无线标准都使用最大输出功率来定标EVM测量结果。

您可以控制信号分析仪中的 第一级混频器的功率电平,以确保大功率输入信号不会导致信号分析仪失真。

Keysight N9020A MXA X系列信号分析仪技术资料说明书

Keysight N9020A MXA X系列信号分析仪技术资料说明书

Keysight N9020A MXAX 系列信号分析仪10 Hz~3.6、8.4、13.6 或26.5 GHz技术资料目录定义与条件 (3)频率和时间技术指标 (4)幅度精度与范围技术指标 (6)动态范围技术指标 (8)PowerSuite 测量技术指标 (12)一般技术指标 (13)输入和输出 (14)IQ 分析仪 (16)IQ 分析仪-选件B40 (17)IQ 分析仪-选件B85/B1A/B1X (18)实时频谱分析仪(RTSA) (19)相关文献 (19)本技术资料是 MXA 信号分析仪的技术指标和条件摘要。

如欲获取完整的技术指标指南,请访问: /find/mxa_specifications 加速上市每个器件都需要您在客户技术指标、吞吐量和产率等目标之间做出权衡。


是德科技中档MXA 是您的终极加速器,可帮助您加快产品从设计到上市的速度。


借助是德科技MXA 信号分析仪,您可以最大限度地提升灵活性并缩短产品上市时间。

定义与条件技术指标是指产品保证中所包括的参数性能,除非特别注明,这些技术指标只在0°C 到55°C1的完整温度范围内有效。

95% 表示环境温度在20 至30°C 内时,预计有95% 的把握在95% 的情况下能够达到性能容限范围(~ 2σ)。





当性能超出技术指标时,80% 的样本在20~30°C 的温度范围内可表现出95% 的置信度。





是德科技PXA X 系列信号分析仪,多点触控 N9030B 3 Hz 至 3.6、8.4、13.6、26.5、44 或 50 GHz技术资料目录利用杰出的全方位信号分析,促进对信号的深入了解PXA 是可加快苛刻应用创新的性能基准。

凭借从优秀到卓越的测量选件,PXA 让您一路领先。

分析高达 510 MHz 分析带宽、超过 70 dB SFDR 的最新信号,并发现此前由本底噪声扩展(NFE )所隐藏的信号。

通过添加是德科技获得专利的基于 DDS 的 LO,看到器件的真实行为,获得业内领先的相位噪声性能。

利用向后代码兼容性和紧凑的 4U 外形,简化从传统安捷伦/惠普频谱分析仪的过渡。

定义与条件 ..............................................................................3频率和时间技术指标 ..................................................................4幅度精度和范围技术指标 ............................................................6动态范围技术指标 .....................................................................9PowerSuite 测量技术指标 ............................................................15一般技术指标 ...........................................................................16输入和输出 ..............................................................................17其他输出选件 ...........................................................................20I/Q 分析仪 .................................................................................21I/Q 分析仪――选件 B40 ...............................................................24I/Q 分析仪——选件 B85 或 B1X ...................................................25实时频谱分析仪(RTSA ) ............................................................27相关文献 (27)本技术资料是 PXA 信号分析仪完整技术指标和条件的摘要。



n8974a技术规格书1. 总览N8974A 是一款先进的高性能仪器,用于频谱分析和信号监测。



2. 技术参数2.1 频率范围:100kHz-26.5GHz2.2 频率分辨率:1Hz2.3 动态范围:> 140dB2.4 相位噪声:-100dBc/Hz @ 10kHz offset2.5 输入阻抗:50Ω2.6 输入功率:最大+30dBm2.7 接口:USB、LAN3. 主要特点3.1 宽频带覆盖:N8974A 提供了从100kHz到26.5GHz的频率覆盖范围,能够对各种常用的无线信号进行全面的监测和分析。

3.2 高精度测量:采用了先进的数字信号处理技术,具有极高的动态范围和频率分辨率,能够提供高精度的测量数据。

3.3 自动化测试:支持远程控制和自动化测试,可以与测试系统集成,提高测试效率和准确性。

3.4 灵活的接口:具有标准的USB和LAN接口,可以方便地连接到计算机和网络,实现远程控制和数据传输。

3.5 友好的用户界面:采用了直观的操作界面和丰富的功能菜单,操作简便,易于上手。

4. 应用领域N8974A 在以下领域具有广泛的应用价值:4.1 电信领域:用于对移动通信、卫星通信等无线信号进行监测和分析,验证系统性能和信号质量。

4.2 无线通信领域:用于对WLAN、蓝牙、ZigBee等无线通信标准的信号进行测试和优化。

4.3 航空航天领域:用于航空雷达、导航系统等信号的监测和分析,确保系统的正常运行和安全性。

4.4 科研领域:用于科研机构和大学的实验室,支持各种频谱分析和无线信号研究。

5. 总结N8974A 是一款高性能的频谱分析仪,具有宽频带覆盖、高精度测量、自动化测试、灵活的接口和友好的用户界面等特点,适用于电信、无线通信、航空航天等领域,并具有广泛的应用价值。



Keysight N9020A MXAX 系列信号分析仪10 Hz~3.6、8.4、13.6 或26.5 GHz技术资料目录定义与条件 (3)频率和时间技术指标 (4)幅度精度与范围技术指标 (6)动态范围技术指标 (8)PowerSuite 测量技术指标 (12)一般技术指标 (13)输入和输出 (14)IQ 分析仪 (16)IQ 分析仪-选件B40 (17)IQ 分析仪-选件B85/B1A/B1X (18)实时频谱分析仪(RTSA) (19)相关文献 (19)本技术资料是 MXA 信号分析仪的技术指标和条件摘要。

如欲获取完整的技术指标指南,请访问: /find/mxa_specifications 加速上市每个器件都需要您在客户技术指标、吞吐量和产率等目标之间做出权衡。


是德科技中档MXA 是您的终极加速器,可帮助您加快产品从设计到上市的速度。


借助是德科技MXA 信号分析仪,您可以最大限度地提升灵活性并缩短产品上市时间。

定义与条件技术指标是指产品保证中所包括的参数性能,除非特别注明,这些技术指标只在0°C 到55°C1的完整温度范围内有效。

95% 表示环境温度在20 至30°C 内时,预计有95% 的把握在95% 的情况下能够达到性能容限范围(~ 2σ)。





当性能超出技术指标时,80% 的样本在20~30°C 的温度范围内可表现出95% 的置信度。



N9030A-PXA 信号分析仪

N9030A-PXA 信号分析仪

AgilentPXA信号分析仪N9030A技术资料C类认证可用的频率范围N9030A-5033Hz至3.6GHzN9030A-5083Hz至8.4GHzN9030A-5133Hz至13.6GHzN9030A-5263Hz至26.5GHz目录定义和条件 (3)频率和时间技术指标 (4)频率范围 (4)频段 (4)频率参考 (4)频率读出精度 (4)标记频率计数器 (4)频段扫宽 (5)扫描时间和触发 (5)时间选通 (5)扫描(迹线)点范围 (5)分辨率带宽(RBW) (5)分析带宽 (6)视频带宽(VBW) (6)测量速度 (6)幅度精度与范围技术指标 (7)幅度范围 (7)电子衰减器 (7)最大安全输入电平 (7)显示范围 (7)频率响应 (8)输入衰减转换不确定度 (8)总体绝对幅度精度 (8)输入电压驻波比(VSWR) (8)分辨率带宽转换不确定度 (9)参考电平 (9)显示刻度转换不确定度 (9)显示刻度保真度 (9)迹线探测器 (9)前置放大器 (9)动态范围技术指标 (10)1dB增益压缩(双音频) (10)显示的平均噪声电平(DANL) (10)杂散响应 (11)二次谐波失真(SHI) (12)三阶互调失真(TOI) (12)相位噪声 ...........................................13PowerSuite测量技术指标 . (15)信道功率 (15)占用带宽 (15)相邻信道功率 (15)功率统计CCDF (15)谐波失真 (15)三阶互调失真(TOI) (15)猝发脉冲功率 (15)一般技术指标 (16)温度范围 (16)EMC (16)安全性 (16)噪声 (16)环境压力 (16)电源要求 (17)数据存储 (17)重量 (17)尺寸 (17)保修期 (17)校准周期 (17)输入和输出 (18)前面板 (18)后面板 (18)二次中频输出 (19)任意中频输出 (19)I/Q 分析仪 (20)频率 (20)幅度精度 (20)中频相位线性 (20)动态范围 (21)数据采集 (21)I/Q分析仪-选件B25 (22)中频频率响应 (22)动态范围 (22)数据采集 (22)I/Q分析仪-选件B40 (23)中频频率响应 (23)动态范围 (23)数据采集 (25)I/Q分析仪-选件B1X (26)中频频率响应 (26)动态范围 (26)数据采集 (28)其他输出选件 (28)通用端口技术指标 (28)快速对数视频输出 (28)选件YAV Y轴输出 (29)通用端口技术指标 (29)屏幕视频 (29)对数视频输出 (29)线性视频输出 (29)订货信息 (30)硬件 (30)应用软件 (30)附件 (31)保修和服务 (31)校准 (31)其他信息 (31)安捷伦面向未来的PXA是现有高性能信号分析仪的更新换代产品。

N9020A MXA X-Series 信号分析器配置指南说明书

N9020A MXA X-Series 信号分析器配置指南说明书

N9020A MXA X-Series Signal Analyzer Confi guration GuideThis MXA confi guration guide will help you determine whichperformance options, measurement applications, accessories, and services to include with your new MXA or to add as upgrades to anexisting MXA.M902N902X-Ser1981This step-by-step process will help you configure your MXA. Capabilities that are listed as standard come with the instrument at no additional charge. Tailor the performance to meet your requirements.For detailed specifications, refer to the MXA signal analyzer specification guide (N9020-90113). For a summary of specifications, refer to the MXA signal analyzer data sheet (5989-4942EN).21. N9020A-B25 is standard for all MXA's ordered after May 1, 2011.34567Portable confi guration includes pivoting carrying handle and protectivecorner rubber guards (front protective cover comes standard) – N9020A-PRC MXA bench top confi gurationFor more information on accessories go to: /fi nd/accessories89Instrument UpgradesUpgrade your existing MXA/find/mxa_upgrades10Instrument Upgrades11cdma2000® is a registered certifi cation mark of the T elecommunications Industry Association. Used under license. Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. and licensed to Agilent T echnologies, Inc. WiMAX™ is a trademark of the WiMAX Forum ®. Windows ® and MS Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft ® Corporation.Agilent Email Updates/find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partnersw w w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience./find/mxaRelated LiteratureAgilent MXA Signal Analyzers Brochure 5989-5047EN Data Sheet5989-4942ENX-Series Measurement 5989-8019ENApplications, BrochureFor more information on Agilent Tech-nologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414 Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800 United States (800) 829 4444Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100 Europe & Middle East Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700**0.125 €/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries:/find/contactusRevised: January 6, 2012Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2012Published in USA,January 24, 20125989-4943ENAgilent Advantage Services is committed to your success throughout your equip-ment’s lifetime. To keep you competitive, we continually invest in tools andprocesses that speed up calibration and repair and reduce your cost of ownership. You can also use Infoline Web Services to manage equipment and services more effectively. By sharing our measurement and service expertise, we help you create the products that change our world./quality/find/advantageservices。



04 | 是德科技 | N9020B MXA X 系列信号分析仪,多点触控 ― 技术资料
频率范围 选件 503 选件 508 选件 513 选件 526 频段 0 1 2 3 4 频率参考 精度 老化率 ± [(距离上一次校准的时间 x 老化率) + 温度稳定度 + 校准精度] 选件 PFR ± 1 x 10-7 / 年 ± 1.5 x 10-7 / 2 年 选件 PFR ± 1.5 x 10-8 ± 5 x 10-8 选件 PFR ± 4 x 10-8 标配 ± 1 x 10-6 / 年 标配 ± 2 x 10-6 ± 2 x 10-6 标配 ± 1.4 x 10-6 本振倍频(N) 1 1 2 2 4 10 Hz 至 3.6 GHz 3.5 至 8.4 GHz 8.3 至 13.6 GHz 13.5 至 17.1 GHz 17 至 26.5 GHz 直流耦合 10 Hz 至 3.6 GHz 10 Hz 至 8.4 GHz 10 Hz 至 13.6 GHz 10 Hz 至 26.5 GHz 交流耦合 10 MHz 至 3.6 GHz 10 MHz 至 8.4 GHz 10 MHz 至 13.6 GHz 10 MHz 至 26.5 GHz
带宽精度(–3.01 dB) – RBW 范围 选择性(-60 dB/-3 dB) EMI 带宽(符合 CISPR 标准) EMI 带宽(符合军用标准 461E) 分析带宽 1 最大带宽
选件 B1X 选件 B1A 选件 B85 选件 B40 选件 B25(标配)
160 MHz 125 MHz 85 MHz 40 MHz 25 MHz
幅度范围 量程 前置放大器断开 前置放大器接通 输入衰减器范围 电子衰减器(选件 EA3) 频率范围 衰减范围 – 电子衰减器范围 – 完全衰减范围(机械 + 电子) 最大安全输入电平 平均总功率 (有和没有前置放大器) 峰值脉冲功率 直流电压 – 直流耦合 – 交流耦合 显示范围 对数标度 线性标度 标度单位 频率响应 (10 dB 输入衰减,20 至 30°C,预选器中心频率,σ = 标称标准偏差) 20 Hz 至 10 MHz 10 MHz 1 至 3.6 GHz 3.5 至 8.4 GHz 8.3 至 13.6 GHz 13.5 至 22.0 GHz 22.0 至 26.5 GHz 前置放大器接通 (0 dB 衰减) 100 kHz 至 3.6 GHz 3.5 至 8.4 GHz 8.3 至 13.6 GHz 13.5 至 17.1 GHz 17.0 至 22.0 GHz 22.0 至 26.5 GHz ± 0.6 dB ± 0.45 dB ± 1.5 dB ± 2.0 dB ± 2.0 dB ± 2.5 dB ± 0.75 dB ± 2.0 dB ± 2.3 dB ± 2.5 dB ± 2.5 dB ± 3.5 dB 技术指标 50 MHz(基准频率) 20 Hz 至 3.6 GHz 3.5 至 8.4 GHz 8.3 至 13.6 GHz 13.5 至 26.5 GHz ± 0.20 dB ± 0.28 dB ± 0.17 dB ± 0.48 dB ± 0.47 dB ± 0.52 dB ± 0.71 dB ± 0.28 dB ± 0.67 dB ± 0.73 dB ± 0.97 dB ± 1.36 dB ± 1.48 dB 其他信息 ± 0.08 dB,典型值 ± 0.3 dB,标称值 ± 0.5 dB,标称值 ± 0.7 dB,标称值 ± 0.7 dB,标称值 0.1 至 1 dB/格,以 0.1 dB 步进 1 至 20 dB/格,以 1 dB 步进(10 个显示格) 10 格 dBm、dBmV、dBμV、dBmA、dBμA、V、W、A 技术指标 95% ( ≈ 2σ) +30 dBm(1 W) < 10 µs 脉冲宽度、< 1 % 占空比 + 50 dBm(100 W)以及输入衰减 ≥ 30 dB ± 0.2 Vdc ± 100 Vdc 10 Hz 至 3.6 GHz 0 至 24 dB,以 1 dB 步进 0 至 94 dB,以 1 dB 步进 显示平均噪声电平(DANL)至 +30 dBm 显示平均噪声电平(DANL)至 +30 dBm 0 至 70 dB,以 2 dB 步进

Agilent N9010A EXA 信号分析仪 说明书

Agilent N9010A EXA 信号分析仪 说明书
·如果“Auto Align(自动校正)”
设置为 normal(正常),则分析 仪必须开机至少 30 分钟;如果 “Auto Align”设置为 off(关闭) 或partia(l 部分),则必须在足够 近的时间内进行过校正,以避免 出现告警信息。如果“告警”条 件从“时间和温度”变成禁用的 时间长度选择之一,则分析仪可 能达不到技术指标,并且不会向 用户发出通知。
Agilent N9010A EXA
可用的频率范围 N9010A-503 N9010A-507 N9010A-513 N9010A-526
9 kHz~3.6 GHz 9 kHz~7.0 GHz 9 kHz~13.6 GHz 9 kHz~26.5 GHz
LXI C 类标准认证
定义与条件 .............................. 3
9 kHz~3.6 GHz 3.5~7.0 GHz 6.9~13.6 GHz 13.5~17.1 GHz 17~26.5 GHz
频率基准 精度 老化率
温度稳定性 20~30℃ 5~50℃
最后一次调整后 1 年内的频率 基准精度示例(包括选件 PFR) 剩余 FM(调频)
选件 PFR 标准
一般技术指标 ......................... 11
温度范围 ................................... 11 EMC .......................................... 11 安全 ........................................... 11 音频噪声 ................................... 11 环境强化测试 ........................... 11 电源要求 ................................... 12 数据存储 ................................... 12 重量 ........................................... 12 尺寸 ........................................... 12 保修 ........................................... 12 校准周期 ................................... 12





N9010A是一款高功率、高性能的频谱分析仪,由美国Agilent Technologies公司设计和生产,应用广泛。

基本功能N9010A频谱分析仪具有很多基本功能,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 频谱分析频谱分析是频谱分析仪最基本的功能。



2. 模拟信号分析除了数字信号,N9010A频谱分析仪也可以分析模拟信号,比如声音。


3. 波形分析波形分析是N9010A频谱分析仪的另一个重要功能。


技术参数除了基本的功能,N9010A频谱分析仪还有很多其他的技术参数和性能指标,如下:1. 频率范围N9010A频谱分析仪的频率范围非常广,可以覆盖从9kHz到26.5GHz的频率范围,适用于各种不同的应用场合。

2. 分辨率带宽分辨率带宽是N9010A频谱分析仪的一个关键性能指标,它影响仪器对信号的分辨率和精度。


3. 动态范围动态范围是指仪器在测量过程中可以准确检测的信号强度范围。


4. 输入阻抗N9010A频谱分析仪的输入阻抗可以选择50Ω或1MΩ,用于适应不同的测量环境和需求。

应用场景N9010A频谱分析仪广泛应用于各种不同的场景,比如:1. 通讯领域N9010A频谱分析仪在通讯领域应用广泛。



频谱分析仪N9340B频谱分析仪N9340B是一款便携式频谱分析仪,由Keysight Technologies推出。
















它重量只有 4.3 kg,便于用户在实地操作时携带。






安捷伦业界领先的89600 VSA 软件和VXA 测量应用软件能够在时域、频 域和调制域中对信号进行全面的查看和分析,并且支持 70 余种信号标准和调 制类型,允许您进行雷达和通信信号分析,调制范围为 2 FSK 至 1024QAM, 标准范围是从 RFID 到 LTE。
PXA 测试时间较 PSA 缩短 了 30% 至 70%
PXA 分析仪内置的多种功能, 能够节省生产测试时间: ● 自动调谐确保简便的信号设置 ● 强大且丰富的标记功能支持快速的
频率、信号功率和相关测量 ● 极限线简化了合格 / 不合格测试 ● 幅度修正可补偿电缆、天线和信号路径内的其他非 UUT 仪器
P X A 具有高代码兼容性,是
Agilent/HP 856x 频谱分析仪的一款
替代产品。远程语言一致性 (RLC) 测 量应用软件 (N9061A) 是其一个主要功
能,该软件支持 X 系列信号分析仪仿
真 HP/Agilent 8566/68 和 856xE/EC
频率范围 3 Hz 至 3.6 GHz 3 Hz 至 8.4 GHz 3 Hz 至 13.6 GHz 3 Hz 至 26.5 GHz
分析带宽 宽范围选择: 10 MHz (标配)、25、40 和 140 MHz
W-CDMA ACLR 动态范围 -83 dBc (-88 dBc 标称值) 启动噪声校正功能时
通过 PXA 信号分析仪实现掌控, 推动技术演进
面向未来的 Agilent PXA 是 现有高性能信号分析仪的更新换 代产品。它能帮助您保持以前的 性能,改进当前设计并加速未来 创新。

应用 N9041B UXA X 系列信号分析仪进行 110 GHz 或更高频率的信号测量和分析

应用 N9041B UXA X 系列信号分析仪进行 110 GHz 或更高频率的信号测量和分析

是德科技确保更有信心地进行 110 GHz 及以上频率的信号分析应用简介引言当您设计的产品接近太赫兹频段时,对设计、仿真、测量和分析将会遇到的挑战很容易估计不足。

与基带、射频或微波信号相比,在 30 GHz、300 GHz 或 1 THz 上的信号有很大不同。

在 10 mm、1mm 或 0.3 mm 波长上,信号由于大气吸收而造成的传播损耗很高,特别是在氧气、水和二氧化碳分子的共振频率上。




我们一直致力于帮助您进入更高频率的测量领域,现在,凭借 Keysight N9041B UXA X 系列信号分析仪,我们能够帮助您成功地进行 110 GHz或更高频率的信号测量和分析(3 Hz 至 110 GHz)。


近年来,毫米波器件生产工艺的进步已经使极高频(EHF )器件的成本得以降低,使其更适宜在商用和消费类应用中使用。

例如,CMOS 开发商已经制造出了 ft 超过 500 GHz 的器件,一些开发商更是致力于将这一经济高效的技术扩展至 1.0 至 1.5 THz 范围。


特别是在微波半导体技术领域的强大实力,使我们能够开发下一代磷化铟(InP )工艺,支持超过 300 GHz 的晶体管开关频率。

这让我们能够提供更高带宽的集成电路和最终产品,例如我们即将推出的示波器,会提供具有突破性的实时和等时性能(图 1)。

目前市场上已经出现了 802.11ad 等毫米波技术,而消费级的 WiGig 路由器销售价约为 350 美元。











所以这次测试采用了图4所示是德科技Signal Optimizer平台的外部校正方法。


频谱分析仪介绍 —— 精简版

频谱分析仪介绍 —— 精简版

混频器Mixer 中频增益 IF Gain
中频滤波器 IF Filter 对数放大器 Log AMP 包络检波器 Envelope Detector 视频滤波器 Video Filter
扫描发生器 Sweep Generator
显示 Display 本振 Local Oscillator 参考振荡器 Reference Oscillator 本振单元
-105dBc/Hz @ offset 10KHz, 1GHz 0~40 dB(1 dB steps)
–105 dBm
RSA500 系列实时频谱分析仪
频率范围:9kHz ~ 3GHz 实时带宽:40 MHz
每秒数万次频谱测量,写入位图(bitmap),然后以看得到的速率 传输到屏幕上。
50kHz ~ 3GHz
9KHz ~ 3GHz
20Hz ~ 10MHz –95dBc/Hz@ offset 100 kHz 用户不可调 –148 dBm/Hz(3 GHz处) 8bit –78 dBm
10Hz ~ 5MHz, 1/2/3/5步进
采用窄带频 域测量较时 域测量具有 更高的灵敏 度,更少的 噪声量
可以避开较 强的基频和 其它强干扰 信号 多重信号在 频域中比在 时域中更容 易分离
某些系统 (如FDM, 频分多路 复用)原 本就与频 域相关
预选/低通滤波器 Preselect / Low-pass Filter RF输入衰减器 Attenuator 输入信号

实时频谱分析仪 RSTA (英文)

实时频谱分析仪 RSTA (英文)

Keysight TechnologiesReal-Time Spectrum Analyzer (RTSA)X-Series Signal AnalyzersN9040B/N9030A/N9020A-RT1 & -RT2Technical OverviewFeatures–D etect signals as short as 3.33 ns with 100% POI–S can with up to ~510-MHz real-time bandwidth–P erform real-time signal analysis for frequencies up to THz with external mixing–M onitor a wide span of spectrum up to the full frequency range of the analyzer with stepped densitydisplay–F ocus on the signal of interest in a complex signal environment with effective triggering mechanismssuch as frequency mask trigger (FMT) and/or time qualified trigger (TQT)–S ee small signals in the presence of large ones with up to 78 dB spurious-free dynamic range–E liminate the need for a dedicated instrument: RTSA is an upgrade option for new and existing UXAs/PXAs/MXAs–G o deeper and thoroughly analyze complex signals with 89600 VSA softwareExperience Real-Time Spectrum Analysis– the Keysight WayThe UXA, flagship of Keysight X-Series signal analyzers, brings wideband real-time analysis with unmatched dynamic range. The PXA and MXA are the first mainstream signal analyzers to be upgradable to real-time capabilities. You can readily convert an existing analyzer in-place without re-calibration. With UXA, PXA or MXA as the founda-tion, you get new levels of performance, flexibility and usability in real-time spectrum analysis.With our real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) option, the UXA, PXA and MXA deliver excellent sensitivity, analysis bandwidth, frequency range and, most important, prob-ability of intercept (POI). In addition, a real-time UXA, PXA or MXA provides continuous acquisition of RF signals, including low-level signals occurring close to larger ones. Its conditional triggering capabilities can watch for transient or intermittent events and initiate signal capture, measurement and display. The ultimate result: you can see more, capture more and understand more.Summary of Key SpecificationsKnow You’ve Got ItEven at the extremes of signal analysis, your analyzer should be ready for anything.That’s why we’re offering real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA) as an upgrade option for new and existing UXA, PXA and MXA signal analyzers.Adding RTSA lets you see, capture and understand the most elusive signals—known or unknown. To go deeper, you can combine a real-time UXA, PXA or MXA with the 89600 VSA software to create a solution that lets you thoroughly characterize complex signals.Inside signal-rich systems and environments, go real-time with Keysight Technologies,Inc. and know you’ve got it.Frequency-hopping LTE-Advanced uplink signal Defining real-time analysis In a spectrum or signal analyzer with a digital intermediate frequency (IF) section, real-time operation is a state in which all signal samples are processed for some sort of measurement result or triggering operation. In most cases the measurement results are scalar—power or magnitude— corresponding to traditional spectrum measurements.In addition to gap-free analysis, a real-time RF analyzer may be defined as having four more key attributes: high-speed measure-ments, consistent measurement speed, frequency-mask triggering and advanced composite displays.In general, the stream of spectra from real-time processing can be used in one of two ways: The spectra can be combined into a composite spectrum display or successively compared to a limit mask to implement frequency-mask triggering. Both of these capabilities are present in theRTSA option.See, Capture and Understand the Most Elusive SignalsThe real-time X-Series include four key innovations: wider bandwidth and better dynamicrange, optimum detection and integrated analysis capabilities. Individually and col-lectively, these capabilities bring you a host of important benefits.See more with wider bandwidth and better dynamic rangeThe UXA, has the required combination of IF bandwidth, signal sampling and signalprocessing to handle ~510 MHz continuously. This gap-free bandwidth applies not onlyto real-time spectrum analysis but also to frequency-mask trigger (FMT), gap-free timecapture and real-time magnitude calculations for IF magnitude triggering.To help you detect small signals in the presence of large ones, the UXA, PXA and MXAprovide 78, 75, or 72 dB of SFDR, respectively, across the full analysis bandwidth.Dynamic range is enhanced by the low noise floor and excellent distortion performanceof the analyzers. When dealing with very small signals above 3.6 GHz, the low noise path (LNP), which is standard for the UXA and optional for the PXA, further improves sensitiv-ity while still handling high-level signals.Detect the smallest infrequent eventsThe X-Series analyzers’ advanced processing architecture combines with its wideanalysis bandwidth and wide dynamic range to provide 100 percent POI for signals withdurations as short as 3.517 µs with full amplitude accuracy. Consistently detect signalsthat are only 3.3 ns in duration. Gap-free analysis is just one element of signal detection.Within the instrument, other contributing factors are processor and analyzer dynamicrange (including sensitivity), sampling bandwidth, processing continuity and FFTprocessing overlap (which compensates for windowing functions).Figure 1. See small signals in the presence of large ones Figure 2. View a fast-hopping radar signalUnderstand more withintegrated analysis capabilitiesIn some cases, simply finding an elusive signal is enough. In other situations, finding the signal is just the first step toward a thorough understanding of what’s happening. This is when the combination of a real-time UXA, PXA or MXA, real-time FMT and the 89600 VSA software is especially useful.The real-time trigger can start any VSA measurement—one or many—in any measure-ment mode, including demodulation. The trigger can be initiated when a specificspectrum mask is entered or exited, or with more complex sequences such as exitfollowed by re-entering. Pre- and post-trigger delays are also available, letting you make measurements of signals prior to the trigger event.Time qualified triggering can also be used in conjunction with the FMT or with a leveltrigger. This gives another tool to help find specific signals of interest.These capabilities make the real-time UXA, PXA or MXA plus VSA a great combination for measuring modulated transients, frequency-hopping signals, frequency settling, andundesired transients in signal sources such as VCOs or YIG oscillators.Figure 3. Use FMT to identify signals in frequency hopping pulses. UXA's multi-touch user interface significantly simplifies setting up the FMT.Figure 4. Real-time FMT trigger in the VSA software to demodulate a frequency hopping signalGo deeper with the 89600 VSA The 89600 VSA software is a comprehensive set of tools for demodulation and vector signal analysis. These tools enable you to explore virtually every facet of a signal and optimize your most advanced designs.You can use the 89600 VSA to measure more than 75 modula-tion types, from custom OFDM or APSK to standard-based signals such as MIL-STD, GSM and LTE. With frequency-mask triggering, you can capture intermittent sig-nals for detailed characterization,and then use them as stimulussignals by playing them back withan Keysight signal generator orin simulation software such asKeysight SystemVue.Characterize Highly Elusive Radar and EW SignalsFrom simple to complex, all radar, EW and ELINT systems pose a variety of challenges whether you’re testing components, subsystems or systems. When deployed, these sys-tems operate in cluttered spectral environments filled with intentional and unintentional interferers. In the lab or in the field, a real-time X-Series lets you see more, capture more and understand more.Maximize the performance of radar and EW systems during developmentAdding RTSA creates a cost-effective solution that combines real-time analysis with traditional spectrum measurements such as noise figure, phase noise and power. For example, you can use a real-time PXA to identify spurious signals using traditional swept analysis then switch modes to see pulsed spurs using real-time analysis and displays. The PXA will detect all signals with durations greater than 3.57 µs—the best POI cur-rently available—with full amplitude accuracy. For signals with a large signal-to-noise ratio (> 60 dB), the PXA will detect signals with durations as short as 5 ns.Using a UXA, performance is further enhanced with very wideband analysis. Find signals that are only 3 or 4 ns of duration. In addition, the UXA adds a very large multi-touch screen that helps quickly zoom and visually identify interesting signal activity. Usingthe UXA's metrology grade ADC ensures that a wide dynamic range of signals can be measured without distortion from the analyzer. When creating or analyzing jamming techniques, you can use FMT with the 89600 VSA software and its record/playback capabilities.Capture, catalog and understand highly elusive signals in the field Being able to identify intentional and unintentional interferers requires a variety of powerful signal-analysis tools. To help you view faint return signals in transient or dynamic antenna scans, the real-time UXA enhances POI with a noise floor of –157 dBm (10 GHz, no preamp).Capabilities such as simultaneous display of real-time spectrogram and power-versus-time enable you to capture radar and communication jamming and interference. By combining FMT with the 89600 VSA software, you can easily identify, capture and play back portions of EW techniques.Figure 5. Multi-measurement with a pulsed signal (screen image from UXA) Figure 6. Radar mode switching Figure 7. Narrow band frequency domain analysis of a pulse signal changing frequency over time whilesimultaneously maintaining a wider span for accurate pulse timing measurementsAnalyze dynamic signals simultaneously in frequency and timedomainThe UXA and PXA X-Series signal analyzers, with option B5X installed, can independent-ly adjust the spans of each 255 MHz digitizer with the addition of option DUA (DuplexIF). By utilizing this dual architecture, you can optimize each digitizer for accurate timedomain analysis while maintaining good frequency resolution.Accelerate Development of Communication Systems Whether you’re focused on transmitters, transceivers or whole radios, today’s systems rely on signals that are agile, wide and complex. Adding RTSA to an X-Series analyzer creates a cost-effective solution that combines traditional spectrum measurements with real-time capabilities, including the highest performance in transient real-time analysis.Enhance performance in wireless communication and connectivity With a real-time MXA, you can capture and analyze complete transmitter-channel char-acteristics at gap-free bandwidths of up to 160-MHz within a 26.5-GHz frequency range. In highly integrated multimode multiband devices (MMMDs), you can identify intermittent interoperability issues with the ability to capture signals as short as 7 ns, the bestreal-time analyzer performance available. You can also observe base station function using wideband persistence displays, which help pinpoint problems such as intermittent pre-distortion issues. FMT capabilities enable you to characterize frequency switching, verify overall system operation and find system violations or interfering signals. The time qualified triggers allow you to pick specific bursted signals out of dense spectral environments. For deeper analysis, add the 89600 VSA software: with support for dozens of standards-based signals and custom waveforms, chances are good it can demodulate the signals you’re working with. To reveal greater detail, you can check PLL settling and identify LO issues by combining FMT, VSA software and real-time spectrogram displays. Push performance higher in MILCOM and SATCOM systemsIn today’s crowded signal environment, multi-format, high-rate communication systems are more likely to experience interoperability issues. To verify system performance, you can use a real-time PXA to perform fast pre-scans up to 50 GHzwith swept-tuned capabilities, then zoom in using real-time mode with up to 75 dB of dynamic range.RTSA provides the performance you need to observe radio function using wideband persistence and pinpoint possible issues caused by errors in baseband algorithms.You can also review cognitive radio algorithms and dynamic spectrum management scenarios with wideband real-time persistence across 160-MHz spans.In the field, easily measure small signals in the presence of powerful transmitters with industry-leading performance in noise floor and distortion. Multi-domain triggers allow you to pick out a specific frequency hop as well as specific durations. These capabilities let you sift through a dense environment and easily find previously undetected intermit-tent interferers or “signals within signals.”Figure 8. A transition analysis for various WLAN signals showing the frequency-switching performance when in the presence of a pulsed signal (DFS).Figure 9. Spectral analysis of an LTE signal where, without demodulation, you can see the signal, control and synch structures are present.Eliminate the need for a Dedicated Real-Time Analyzer With the availability of RTSA as an upgrade option, you can eliminate the need for a spe-cialized or dedicated instrument. A real-time UXA/PXA/MXA retains all the functionality of a traditional signal analyzer. Utilize integrated applications for power measurements and communications standards and, when needed, shift to real-time capabilities in the same unit 1.See the real performance with the UXA signal analyzerThe UXA is the flagship of Keysight's X-Series signal analyzers, leveraging proprietary technologies and a streamlined, touch-driven interface. By providing a wider, deeperview of elusive and wideband signals -- known or unknown -- the UXA enables you to see more and take your design farther.–See your signals of interest more clearly with spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) of > 78 dB across the 510 MHz analysis bandwidth–Understand the purity of your design with industry-leading phase noise of -136 dBc/Hz at 1 GHz (10 kHz offset)–Simplify the complex measurements with a 14.1" capacitive touchscreen userinterface1. At present, the only X-Series measurement application software available to UXA is the N9068Cphase noise measurement.Drive your evolution with the PXA signal analyzerThe future-ready PXA is the evolutionary replacement for your current high-performancesignal analyzer. It helps you sustain your past achievements, enhance current designsand accelerate future innovation with industry-leading performance:–Reduce measurement uncertainty with ± 0.19 dB absolute amplitude accuracy–See more with excellent sensitivity: DANL is –157 dBm/Hz at 10 GHz (no preamp)–Characterize high-precision signals with phase noise of –132 dBc/Hz at1 GHz (10 kHz offset)Accelerate in wireless with the MXA signal analyzerThe MXA is the accelerator as you develop new wireless devices. It has the versatility toeasily adapt to your evolving test requirements, today and tomorrow:–Accurately measure your designs across 160 MHz bandwidth with 0.3% (–50 dB)EVM for 802.11ac WLAN–Characterize signals with phase noise of –114 dBc/Hz at 1 GHz (10 kHz offset)–Address multiple formats, generations and devices with a broad library of one-button standard-specific measurement applications for WLAN, LTE, MSR, andmore.Figure 10. Noise figure measurementFigure 11. 5-carrier LTE-Advanced signal with in-band and out-of-bandinterferenceKey SpecificationsValues in this table describe the key performance of RTSA parameters. Refer to the UXA, PXA or MXA specifications guide for more details. Note: Data subject to changeMaximum Span85 MHz: Option B85For PXA/MXA120 MHz: Option B1A For MXA only160 MHz: Option B1X For PXA/MXA255 MHz: Option B2X or B5X For UXA onlySupported Detectors Max Peak, Min Peak, Sample, AverageNumber of Markers1212Maximum Time 40 s40 s Maximum time refers to the highest time value settable for theX-axis.Minimum Time 202 µs202 µs Minimum time refers to the lowest value settable for the X-axis.Resolution is ~200 ns. Number of points is 1024.1. This maximum RBW is for Option RT2 only. Option RT1 has a maximum RBW of 10 MHz.2. Option RT1 limits BW to less than 10 MHz.Display's available Density, Spectrogram, NormalTrigger resolution0.5 dBTrigger conditions Enter, Leave, Inside, Outside, Enter->Leave, Leave->Enter Minimum detectable signal duration with> 60 dB signal to mask (StM)Option RT2With Option B2X/B5X (for UXA only) 3.33 nsWith Option B1X (for PXA/MXA) 5 nsWith Option B1A (for MXA only)8 nsWith Option B85 (for PXA/MXA)11.42 nsMinimum duration for 100% trigger with max/min RBWs Option RT2Duration (µs)Span (MHz)RBW 4RBW 6 509.47 3.837NA 255 3.837 3.51 160 4.05 3.57 120 4.26 3.62 85 4.61 3.709Ordering InformationThe real-time spectrum analyzer is available as an option for the following X-Series signal analyzers. For complete ordering and configuration information, please refer to the respective configuration guides found on the “Options and Accessories” tab on the product web pages.UXA signal analyzerModel-Option Description NotesN9040B-RT1Real-time analysis up to ~510 MHzBW, basic detection For frequency mask trigger: minimum 17.3 μs signal duration for 100% POI; requires Option B2X or B5X, the analysis BW option determines maximum real-time BWN9040B-RT2Real-time analysis up to ~510MHzBW, optimum detection For frequency mask trigger: minimum 3.517 μs signal duration for 100% POI; requires Option B2X or B5X, the analysis BW option determines maximum real-time BWPXA signal analyzerModel-Option Description NotesN9030A-RT1Real-time analysis up to 160 MHzBW, basic detection For frequency mask trigger: minimum 17.3 μs signal duration for 100% POI; requires Option B85 or B1X, the analysis BW option determines maximum real-time BWN9030A-RT2Real-time analysis up to 160 MHzBW, optimum detection For frequency mask trigger: minimum 3.57 μs signal duration for 100% POI; requires Option B1X or B85, the analysis BW option determines maximum real-time BWN9030A-RTR Real-time spectrum recorder andanalyzer application(Option RTR)Enables recording, analyzing and playback of signal and spectrum density data for detecting and analyzing signal anomalies, and for viewing the evolution of signals and spectrum density over time.MXA signal analyzerModel-Option Description NotesN9020A-RT1Real-time analysis up to 160 MHzBW, basic detection For frequency mask trigger: minimum 17.3 μs signal duration for 100% POI; requires Option B85, B1A or B1X, the analysis BW option determines maximum real-time BWN9020A-RT2Real-time analysis up to 160 MHzBW, optimum detection For frequency mask trigger: minimum 3.57 μs signal duration for 100% POI; requires Option B1X, B1A, or B85, the analysis BW option determines maximum real-time BWN9020A-RTR Real-time spectrum recorder andanalyzer application(Option RTR)Enables recording, analyzing and playback of signal and spectrum density data for detecting and analyzing signal anomalies, and for viewing the evolution of signals and spectrum density over time.You Can Upgrade!Options can be added after yourinitial purchase.All of our X-Seriesapplication optionsare license-keyupgradeable.UPGRADEAdditional ResourcesApplication notes and videosMeasuring Agile Signals and Dynamic Signal Environments:/find/AgileSignals_ANYouTube playlist for real-time spectrum analyzer:h ttps:///playlist?list=PLmqzNmmPZGY_mqc74YxFw_huUNV7JkLgN ProductsReal-time spectrum analyzer: /find/RTSAUXA signal analyzer: /find/UXAPXA signal analyzer: /find/PXAMXA signal analyzer: /find/MXA89600 VSA software: /find/89600vsaApplicationsAerospace and defense: /find/ADCellular: /find/cellular802.11 WLAN: /find/WLAN16 | Keysight | Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer (RTSA) X-Series Signal Analyzers N9040B/N9030A/N9020A-RT1 & -RT2 - Technical OverviewThis information is subject to change without notice.© Keysight Technologies, 2017Published in USA, December 1, 20175991-1748EN/find/RTSAFor more information on KeysightTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Keysight office. The complete list is available at: /find/contactusFor other unlisted countries:/find/contactus (BP-9-7-17)/go/quality Keysight Technologies, Inc.DEKRA Certified ISO 9001:2015Quality Management SystemEvolving Since 1939Our unique combination of hardware, software, services, and people can help you reach your next breakthrough. We are unlocking the future of technology. From Hewlett-Packard to Agilent to Keysight.myKeysight/find/mykeysightA personalized view into the information most relevant to you. /find/emt_product_registrationRegister your products to get up-to-date product information andfind warranty information.Keysight Services/find/serviceKeysight Services can help from acquisition to renewal across your instrument’s lifecycle. Our comprehensive service offerings—one-stop calibration, repair, asset management, technology refresh, consulting, training and more—helps you improve product quality and lower costs.Keysight Assurance Plans/find/AssurancePlansUp to ten years of protection and no budgetary surprises to ensure your instruments are operating to specification, so you can rely on accurate measurements.Keysight Channel Partners/find/channelpartnersGet the best of both worlds: Keysight’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.。

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04 | 是德科技 | N9040B UXA X 系列信号分析仪,多点触控 ― 技术资料
频率范围 选件 508 选件 513 选件 526 选件 544 选件 550 频段 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 频率参考 精度 老化率 温度稳定性 全部温度范围 可实现的初始校准精度 频率参考精度示例(标配) 距上次调整之后 1 年 ± [( 距离上一次校准的时间 x 老化率 ) + 温度稳定度 + 校准精度 ] 标配 ±3 x 10-8/ 年 标配 ± 4.5 x 10–9 标配 ± 3.1 x 10-8 = ± (3 x 10–8 + 4.5 x 10–9 + 3.1 x 10–8 = ± 6.6 x 10–8 直流耦合 3 Hz 至 8.4 GHz 3 Hz 至 13.6 GHz 3 Hz 至 26.5 GHz 3 Hz 至 44 GHz 3 Hz 至 50 GHz 本振倍频(N) 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 交流耦合 10 MHz 至 8.4 GHz 10 MHz 至 13.6 GHz 10 MHz 至 26.5 GHz 无 无 频率范围 3 Hz 至 3.6 GHz 3.5 至 8.4 GHz 8.3 至 13.6 GHz 13.5 至 17.1 GHz 17 至 26.5 GHz 26.4 至 34.5 GHz 34.4 至 50 GHz
03 | 是德科技 | N9040B UXA X 系列信号分析仪,多点触控 ― 技术资料
技术指标是指产品保证中所包含的参数性能,除非特别注明,这些技术指标只在 0 ℃ 到 55 ℃ 的完整温度范围内有效。 95% 表示环境温度在 20 ℃ 至 30 ℃ 内时,在 95% 的情况下预计有 95% 的把握能够 达到性能容限范围(约 2 σ)。除了仪器样品的统计观测数据之外,这些值还包括外部 校准参考的不确定度影响。但是不保证所有仪器都能达到这些值。如果仪器生产的统 计观测行为出现重大变化,这些值可能不定期更新。 典型值是指不在产品保证范围之内的其他产品性能信息,是指在 20 ℃ 至 30 ℃ 的温 度范围内 80% 的设备单元可以表现出 95% 的置信度的性能参数。典型性能不包括测 量不确定度。 标称值是指预计的性能,或描述在产品应用中有用但不包含在产品保证范围内的产品 性能。 在下列条件下,分析仪能够达到其技术指标: – 分析仪处于校准周期内。 – 除 Auto Sweep Time(自动扫描时间规则)= Accy(精确)外,分析仪处于自动耦合 控制下。 – 信号频率 <10 MHz 时,应用了直流耦合。 – 如果分析仪曾经在允许的储存温度范围内但超出允许的工作温度范围的环境中存放, 则在启动分析仪之前,必须将其放在允许的工作温度范围环境中至少两小时。 – 如果 Auto Align(自动校准)设置为 Normal(常规),那么分析仪必须开机至少 30 分钟才能够使用;如果 Auto Align(自动校准)设置为 Off(关闭)或 Partial(部分), 则必须是在足够近的时间内运行过调整,以免出现告警消息。如果 Alert(告警)条 件从“Time and Temperature(时间和温度)”变成禁用的时间长度选择之一,则分 析仪可能达不到技术指标并且不会向用户发出通知。如果 Auto Align(自动校准) 设置为 Light(轻),则性能得不到保证。取决于校准,标称性能会降低为各技术指 标(如幅度裕量)的 1.4 倍。 – 术语 “混频器电平”在本文中用作很多技术指标的条件。该术语是一个概念量词, 定义如下 : 混频器电平 (dBm) = 射频输入功率电平 (dBm)-(电子 + 机械) 衰减 (dBm) 对于使用选件 H1G 的仪器,所有标准仪器技术指标在 0 至 40 ℃的温度范围内适用, 但在 N9040-90026 文档中注明的技术指标除外。在使用 1 GHz 中频路径时,最大工 作温度范围为 40 ℃。
输入机械衰减器范围(3 Hz 至50 GHz) 电子衰减器(选件 EA3) 频率范围 衰减范围 电子衰减器范围 完全衰减范围(机械 + 电子) 最大安全输入电平 平均总功率 峰值脉冲功率 (< 10 µs 脉冲宽度、< 1% 占空比和输入 衰减 ≥ 30 dB) 直流电压 直流耦合 交流耦合 显示范围 对数标度 线性标度 标度单位 频率响应 射频/微波 (选件 508、513、526)
扫描触发 触发时延
自由运行、电源、视频、外部 1、外部 2、射频猝发、周期计时器
时间选通 选通方法 选通时长范围(FFT 方法除外) 选通时延范围 选通时延抖动 扫描(迹线)点范围 所有扫宽 分辨率带宽(RBW) 范围(-3.01 dB 带宽) 带宽精度(功率) RBW 范围
带宽精度(–3.01 dB) RBW 范围 选择性(-60 dB/-3 dB) EMI 带宽(符合 CISPR 标准) EMI 带宽(符合军用标准 461E) 分析带宽 1 最大带宽
1. 水平分辨率 = 扫宽 /(扫描点数 –1)。
±(游标频率 x 频率基准精度 + 0.100 Hz) ±(Δ 频率 x 频率基准精度 + 0.141 Hz) 0.001 Hz 0 Hz(零扫宽),10 Hz 至仪器最高频率 2 Hz ±(0.1% x 扫宽 + 水平分辨率) ±(0.1% x 扫宽 + 水平分辨率)
1. 分析带宽是中心频率附近可用的瞬时带宽,输入信号可以在该带宽上转换成数字信息,以便在时域、频域或调制域中进行深入分析或处理。
06 | 是德科技 | N9040B UXA X 系列信号分析仪,多点触控 ― 技术资料
幅度范围 范围 显示平均噪声电平(DANL)至 +30 dBm(前置放大器断开) 显示平均噪声电平(DANL)至 +24 dBm(用于频率选件 ≤ 526,前置放大器接通) 显示平均噪声电平(DANL)至 +20 dBm(用于频率选件 > 526,前置放大器接通) 0 至 70 dB,以 2 dB 步进
3 Hz 至 3.6 GHz 0 至 24 dB,以 1 dB 步进 0 至 94 dB,以 1 dB 步进 +30 dBm (1 W) +50 dBm (100 W)
± 0.2 Vdc ± 100 Vdc(用于频率选件508、513 或 526) 0.1 至 1 dB/格,以 0.1 dB 步进 1 至 20 dB/格,以 1 dB 步进(10 个显示格) 10 格 dBm、dBmV、dBμV、dBmA、dBμA、V、W、A 技术指标 3 Hz 至 10 MHz 10 至 50 MHz 50 MHz 至 3.6 GHz 3.5 至 5.2 GHz 5.2 至 8.4 GHz 8.3 至 13.6 GHz 13.5 至 17.1 GHz 17.0 GHz 至 22 GHz 22.0 至 26.5 GHz 3 Hz 至 20 MHz 20 至 50 MHz 50 MHz 至 3.6 GHz 3.5 至 5.2 GHz 5.2 至 8.4 GHz 5.2 至 8.4 GHz 8.3 至 13.6 GHz 13.5 至 17.1 GHz 17.0 GHz 至 22 GHz 22.0 至 26.5 GHz 26.4 至 34.5 GHz 33.4 至 50 GHz ± 0.46 dB ± 0.35 dB ± 0.35 dB ± 1.5 dB ± 1.5 dB ± 2.0 dB ± 2.0 dB ± 2.0 dB ± 2.5 dB ± 0.46 dB ± 0.35 dB ± 0.35 dB ± 1.7 dB ± 1.5 dB ± 1.5 dB ± 2.0 dB ± 2.0 dB ± 2.0 dB ± 2.5 dB ± 2.5 dB ± 3.2 dB 95%(≈ 2σ)
技术指标是指产品保证中所包括的参数性能,除非特别注明,这些技术指标只在 0 ℃ 到 55 ℃ 的完整温度范围内有效。95% 表示环境温度在 20 ℃ 至 30 ℃ 之间时,在 95% 的 情况下有 95% 的把握预计能够达到性能容限范围(大约 2σ)。除了仪器样品的统计观 测数据之外,这些值还包括外部校准参考的不确定影响。但是不保证所有仪器都能达到 这些值。如果仪器生产的统计观测行为出现重大变化,这些值可能不定期更新。 典型值是指不在产品保证范围之内的产品性能信息,是指在 20 ℃ 至 30 ℃ 的温度范围 内 80% 的设备单元可以表现出 95% 的置信度的性能参数。典型性能不包括测量不确 定度。 标称值是指预计的性能,或描述在产品应用中有用但不包含在产品保证范围内的产品 性能。
05 | 是德科技 | N9040B UXA X 系列信号分析仪,多点触控 ― 技术资料
扫描时间和触发 范围 精度 扫宽 = 0 Hz 扫宽 ≥ 10 Hz 扫宽 ≥ 10 Hz,扫描模式 扫宽 ≥ 10 Hz,FFT 扫宽 = 0 Hz 扫宽 = 0 Hz 或 FFT 扫宽 ≥ 10 Hz,扫描 分辨率 选通本振;选通视频;选通 FFT 1 μs 至 5.0 s 0 至 100.0 s 33.3 ns p-p 标称值 1 至 40,001 1 Hz 至 3 MHz(10% 步进),4、5、6、8 MHz 1 Hz 至 100 kHz 110 kHz 至 1.0 MHz (< 3.6 GHz CF) 1.1 至 2 MHz (< 3.6 GHz CF) 2.2 至 3 MHz (< 3.6 GHz CF) 4 至 8 MHz (< 3.6 GHz CF) 1 Hz 至 1.3 MHz 200 Hz、9 kHz、120 kHz、1 MHz: ± 0.5% (± 0.022 dB) ± 1.0% (± 0.044 dB) ± 0.07 dB 标称值 0 至 -0.2 dB 标称值 0 至 -0.4 dB 标称值 ± 2% 标称值 4.1:1 标称值 (需要选件 EMC) 10 Hz、100 Hz、1 kHz、10 kHz、100 kHz、1 MHz (需要选件 EMC) 选件 B25(标配) 选件 B40 选件 B2X 选件 B5X 选件 H1G 视频带宽(VBW) 范围 精度 1 Hz 至 3 MHz(10% 步进),4、5、6、8 MHz 或更宽(标记 50 MHz) ± 6% 标称值(扫描模式和零扫宽) 25 MHz 40 MHz 255 MHz 510 MHz 1 GHz 1 μs 至 6000 s 1 ms 至 4000 s ± 0.01% 标称值 ± 40% 标称值 ± 0.01% 标称值 –150 至 +500 ms 0 至 500 ms 0.1 μs