

A Brief Analysis of Heathcliff’s Characters in Wuthering Heights

A Brief Analysis of Heathcliff’s Characters in Wuthering Heights

A Brief Analysis of Heathcliff’s Characters inWuthering Heights简要分析《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的性格ContentsAbstract1Key words1I Introduction21 The background of the era and the writer22 Purpose of the paper2II Literature Review4III Plot Summary5IV The Reasons for Heathcliff to Form His Special Characters71 The nature and social environment72 The love between Heathecliff and Catherine93 The special characters dooms the special fate9V Conclusion10References11A Brief Analysis of Heathcliffs Characters in Wuthering HeightsAbstract This paper discusses several reasons for Heathcliff to form his special characters as follows the special natural environment and social environment that created the special characters of Heathcliff who was a powerful and villainous man capable of extreme cruelties And it was the special characters that doomed his special fate On the other hand the love between Heathcliff and Catherine was so overwhelmingly strong that Catherines betrayal forced Heathcliff to take the extreme measures to get revenge to Catherine and the society The writer Emily Bronte lived in such an era when Britain was in the social turbulence of the times Although Emily Bronte never participated in any campaign this spirit had affected her This thesis described the process and the reasons for Heathcliff to form his characters in order to expose how the capitalist society put a man into an evil person When Heathcliff realized that it was the money and the social position that result in his loss of dignity especially the love of Catherine He decided to use cruel punishment or treatment to anyone who had relationship with Catherine or anyone he hatedKey words Heathcliff characters extreme love and hatred摘要这篇论文阐述了形成希斯克利夫特殊性格的几个原因第一个同时也是最重要的一个原因是特殊的环境即特殊的自然环境和社会环境造就了他强大邪恶和极度残忍的性格就是这种特殊的性格形成了他特殊的命运另一方面凯瑟琳和希斯克利夫之间的爱情是那样强烈以至于凯瑟琳的背叛促使希斯克利夫用极端的手段去报复凯瑟琳和这个社会作者爱米莉勃朗特生活在英国社会的动荡时期尽管她没有参加任何活动但是当时的思想却影响着她这个论文描述了希斯克利夫性格形成的原因通过分析这个原因来揭露资本主义社会怎样把一个人变成一个魔鬼当希斯克利夫认识到是金钱和地位使他失去了尊严特别是凯瑟琳的爱时他就决定用残酷的手段来惩罚所有和凯瑟琳有关的以及他恨的人关键词希斯克利夫性格极度的爱和极度的恨Introduction1 The background of and the writerEmily Bronte was one of the most famous women writers in the history of English literature She was the younger sister of Charlotte Bronte and lived in the moorland village of Haworth Yorkshire of North England This bleak wild was the daily environment in which Brontes lived and then it became the setting of Wuthering Heights When she was three years old her mother died Her father was a church rector and her aunt who fostered the Bronte children after their mother died was deeply religious Emily Bronte did not like her aunts Christian fervor Maybe the character of Joseph was based on her aunt When she grew older her family sent her to a boarding school to obtain the knowledge All the surroundings especially the family misfortunes the poor life and the bleak village environment made her become reserved morose sensitive and solitary These fostered her tendency to seclusion and wild imagination Wuthering Heights was the only novel of Emily Bronte It was published in December 1847 Apart from Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte had created 193 poems When Emily Bronte wrote this novel the Great Britain was in the social turbulence of the times and the English economy was severely depressed The capitalist society had a rapid development With the contradiction of the society a lot of flaws were exposedunder the sunshine The violent social contradiction the cruel and complex social realities were all mixed together Although Emily Bronte never joined in any campaign the disturbed society and the revolt spirit influenced her deeply Emily Bronte tried to use the artistic form to explain the oppression to the spirit of the human being in the nineteenth capitalist society She created a real life scene which covered the completely twist terror and despair The writer believed that peoples desire for happiness was natural and rational Most of us had such dream However the society restrained the reasonable desire and put the restrained desire into a deformed growth The bad result was that it made the healthy and positive element change into the ill and negative one and also broke up the society Heathcliff was such a man who was twisted by the capitalist society When the warm-hearted Heathcliff suffered the insult and torture he saw through the cruelty of the life and the society Then he became a devil The double characters were formed completely as the result of social oppression2 Purpose of the paperThis novel was written in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century The writer wanted to expose the cruelty of the society by analyzing the reasons why Heathcliff formed such characters and revealed the distorted human nature in the deformed society This paper will analyze the reasons for Heathcliff to form his special characters We should find out the relationship between the special environment first only in this way can we understand the hero more about his characters and his behaviors It is the prerequisite for the analysis of Heathcliffs characters Heathcliff had a double character there are several reasons for him to form thecharacters We should analyze the heros characters in different views There are different factors in different environments that would generally lead to the formation of his special characters Only when we analyze the heros characters from the different point of views can we understand more about his charactersWe can also understand Heathcliffs special characters by analyzing the love between Heathcliff and Catherine This was not a usual love it surpassed the love of the average people in our life It was the love that never changed Catherine and Heathcliffs passion was stronger and more lasting than any other emotions displayed in other novels and it was the major conflicts that structure the plot of the novel Actually the betrayed love was another reason for the development of Heathcliffs characters Catherine was the sole hope of Heathcliff to live in this world Catherines betrayal made Heathcliffs extreme love turn into extreme hated and began his constant revenge We can say that it was the betrayed love that made Heathcliff see through the cruel society and decided to use the extreme measures to revenge the society and to revenge everything related to Catherine and finally he won Love is the eternal theme Life is based on the everlasting love The writer described a special love between Catherine and Heathcliff and led us to have a deep thinking of the life This thesis wants to analyze the different reasons why Heathcliff formed such characters The changed characters would expose the complex and cruel society that twisted the human nature and also displayed the relationship between the environment and human beings The significance is that we can understand the real reasons of the tragedy and by analyzing the love between Heathcliff and Catherine we can have a deepunderstanding of our life and we can also analyze the heros characters through Heathcliffs pursuit of loveThe special characters doomed the special fate The heros special characters the extreme love and the extreme hated doomed his cruelty and the extreme revenge to his lover and the social environment Such strong characters doomed his miserable fate Through this ending we can have a deep thinking of the life This is one of the most important reasons for me to write this essay Only by describing how the hero walks into this special destiny can we get the significance of lifeEmily Brontes Wuthering Heights was considered the most peculiar novel in the history of English literature The writer described a bumpy and rough love between Heathcliff and Catherine to display the oppression to the cruel society to the people and it was the special value of people in that era that distorted the human nature We wanted to expose the cruelty of the capitalist society and the disruption to the human beings and analyze the true reasons of Heathcliffs tragedy On the other hand we want to let readers think more about the life by analyzing the love between Heathcliff and Catherine This tragedy of the love between Heathcliff and Catherine was the tragedy of the society and the eraAll in all we should take a detailed analysis of Heathcliffs special characters and the reasons for Heathcliff to form such characters First we should briefly narrate the social and natural environment in which the writer and the hero lived For this is the basic preparation to analyze Heathcliffs characters Second we should analyze his special characters in different views to help us to understand this protagonist moreclearly Third we should analyze the love between Heathcliff and Catherine For their love was surpassing our tradition and convention It was the extreme love that led to the extreme hated It was the hated that changed Heathcliffs characters We should consider all these aspects Only in this way can we have a deep understanding of the themeII Literature ReviewAt the beginning Wuthering Heights suffered a violent criticism from the critic and some of the comments showed the prejudice and suspicion of the novel This novel had been misunderstood until the late nineteenth century But in the 20th century especially after 1930 lots of critics regarded Emily Bronte as the greatest novelist among her sisters and there appeared lots of articles to comment on the writer Such as R Crump Charlotte and Emily Bronte Maugham This Worlds Ten Greatest Novels And there were lots of comments on this novel such as Wuthering Heights a Casebook and Rod Mengham Wuthering Heights penguin critical studies 1988 At the beginning Wuthering Heights was described as a gloomy unmoral and full of abnormal state novel Some critics even said this was a horror and sacking novel and the title should be Withering Heights instead of Wuthering Heights In addition the characters of Heathcliff and his extreme love hate and the violent revenge were not understood by the common people at that time so it was regarded as a poorly written novel But now it is often considered as a rarer artistic product even than Jane Eyre Wuthering Heights is noted for its intense psychological description And the last meeting between Heathcliff and Catherine is the cli of the novel It is regarded as theharshest and most touching This work is also noted for its poetic quality The recognition of the protagonist is different in those comments The socialists try to understand the novel by analysis of the oppression of the social class The psychologists try to find the answer through the writers mentality and personality This novel has been studied analyzed and discussed from every critical perspective and while the novels symbolism themes structure and language will encourage people to explore it and the popularity may rest on its unforgettable characters The doomed love between the fiercely passionate Catherina and Heathcliff becomes one of the most haunting love stories in all of literature In one word the understandings of the hero are different Through this we can see that the research to the Wuthering Heights is continuing and the understanding of this novel is more and more profound III Plot SummaryIn the winter of 1801 a man named Lockwood rent a house called Thrushcross Grange which was located on a bleak country of England Here he met his dour landlord Heathcliff He was a rich man and lived in the Wuthering Heights four miles from Grange In this stormy country Lockwood asked his housekeeper Nelly talk something about Heathcliff and the odd people in the Wuthering Heights Nelly consented and Lockwood wrote down the story in his diary These written recollections were the main part of Wuthering HeightsOne day Mr Earnshaw came back from Liverpool with a gipsy waif he had rescued from the streets Mr Earnshaw gave him a nameHeathcliff and raised Heathcliff with his own children At first Earnshaws son Hindly and Earnshawsdaughter Catherine detested the dark-skinned Heathcliff a few days later Catherine quickly fell in love with him But Hindly hated him For after his entering the Earnshaws family he became Mr Earnshaws favorite and was passionately befriended by Catherine So he often insulted Heathcliff When old Earnshaw died Hindly took over the farm and became the master of the Wuthering Heights He began to keep Heathcliff from playing with Catherine and treated him as a common laborer At that time Heathcliff got a deep hatred to HindlyOne night Heathcliff and Catherine wandered to Thrushcross Grange and met the faromsread master Edgar Linton From then on Edgar often visited Wuthering Heights and quickly fell in love with Catherine at that time Catherine became infatuated with Edgar The relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff grew more complicated Finally Edgar Linton proposed to Catherine Although she loved Heathcliff she couldnt ignore the poverty of Heathcliff Because Heathcliff was only a servant if she married Heathcliff she would be degraded When Heathcliff found it impossible for him to be united to Catherine he left Wuthering Heights Three years later Heathcliff came backWhen Heathcliff returned he started to revenge on the people who had wronged him Because he became a rich man having a vast wealth he lent a lot of money to the drunken Hindly he knew that it would aggravate Hindlys debts and push him to the hopeless despondency When Hindly died Heathcliff became the master of the Wuthering Heights In order to occupy the Thrushcross Grange he married Isabella Lincon whom he treated very cruelly After seeing Heathcliff Catherine became ill andgave birth to a daughter and died Heathcliff begged Catherines soul to stay with him and haunted him like the ghost but did not leave him alone in the world Shortly thereafter Isabella Linton escaped to London to avoid the torture from Heathcliff and gave birth to Heathcliffs son named Linton after her family Then she kept the little baby with her Thirteen years passing by Nelly became the nursemaid of Catherines daughter at Thrushcross Grange Young Catherine was beautiful and willful like her mother But there was a quiet nature in her characters like her father Young Catherine was brought up in Thrushcross Grange and knew nothing about the Wuthering Heights But one day when she wandered in the wild moors she met Hareton and played together with him Soon afterward Isabella died Linton came to live with his father Heathciff When Heathcliff found young Linton was weak he treated his son more cruelly than his motherThree years later Catherine met Heathcliff in the moor and paid a visit to Wuthering Heights She fell in love with young Linton and began to write letters to him secretly When Nelly tore all the letters into pieces Catherine had to sneak out at night to spend time with her frail lover Linton asked her to come to Wuthering Heights to look after him However it quickly became apparent that Linton was pursuing Catherine only because Heathcliff was forcing him to do so Heathcliff wanted to occupy the Thrushcross Grange legally through the marrigement of Catherine and Linton Only in this way can Heathcliff revenge on Edgar successfully When Edgar grew ill and near death Heathcliff induced Catherine and Nelly back to Wuthering Heights and held them until Catherine married Linton Soon after themarriage Edgar died Heahcliff became the master of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange Heathcliffs plan was successful but he did not get the real console he always felt lonely and vacuous Soon the young Linton died with his torment He forced Catherine to stay at Wuthering Heights as a servant and lent Thrushcross Grange to LockwoodNellys story ended and Lockwood was deeply shocked Six months later when Lockwood paid a visit to Nelly and he knew the further development of the story Although Catherine mocked at Hareton at the begining Catherine grew to love Hareton as they lived together at Wuthering Heights When Heathcliff found Catherine and Hareton were in the same situation as he and elder Catherine were before he acted just like Hindly who wanted to destroy the real love between Catherine and Hareton He felt resentful He didnt want to torture them any longer He felt sorrow and finally realized that it was a terrible ending At this time Heathcliff was deeply sunk into the memory of the elder Caterine He began to talk with the soul of Catherine and everything would remind Heathcliff of Catherine One day Heathcliff was found died Catherine and Hareton inherited Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange and they planned to get married the next year This was the ending of the whole story IV The Reasons for Heathcliff to Form His Special Characters1 The natural and social environmentBefore we analyze the characters of Heathcliff we should know something about the environment of that era in which the hero lived First lets see the natural environment When Mr Earnshaw came back from Liverpool he took a gipsy waif andgave a name to himHeathcliff Mr Earnshaw had a bleak farmhouse on the windswept Yorkshire moors named Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights was located on a hill and constantly suffered from the wild winds Heights means high place Wuthering being a significant provincial adjective is used to describe the sound of wind blowing in storming weather The sound of the wind was like a crying wolf in the savage village In the village you can hear nothing but the sound Wuthering There was a description of the natural environment of the Wuthering Heights at the beginning of the novel one may guess the power of the north wind blowing over the edge by the excessive slant of a few stunted firs at the end of the house and by a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way as if craving alms of the sun This description had a symbolic significance the constantly violent north wind forced the trees of the Heights towards one side instead of growing to the sky so the dispirited trees lost its beautiful figures The nature of the trees was distorted by the wind and in this novel the nature of the trees was the nature of the human being At the same time the nature of people always suffered from the pressure of violence Just like the dispirited trees the human nature had been twisted and destroyed Through the description of Wuthering Heights we can also see that the writer described a lot of bleak and desolate setting in order to show although the place was full of violence the protagonist just like the banding trees and the weeds would never object to the power of nature In addition the name of Heathcliff also reflects his characters Heathcliff is the combination of heath and cliff heath is one kind of weeds It means that some weed grows on the cliff We can also find that there are some weed growing on the way tothe Wuthering Heights This had indicated Heathcliffs characters stubborn and self- reliant Their passions their strong love and hatred all defy the material and the wild nature It seemed that the storm and violence were their natural language Actually the social environment was the most important reason for Heathcliff to form his characters When Britain was in the social turbulence of the times Emily Bronte created Wuthering Heights When the social economy developed rapidly the capitalist system exposed its defects which showed the terrible social conflicts and the complex social reality Although Emily Bronte never joined in any campaign the distributed mood and revolted spirit influenced her So she created Heathcliff a victim and a revolter The characters of Heathcliff were developed in this special environment there was no doubt that money was the God of the capitalist society unfortunately Heathcliff lived in the place where poverty was shameful Whether you had the process of hard work if you were still in rags you were to be shamed The endless poverty was like a knife constantly carving and changing the characters of Heathcliff Heathcliff was an orphan deprived of human warm and also he was poor But it was lucky for him to be adopted by Earnshaw who was the master of Wuthering Heights and he changed his poor situation It was the love that made Heathcliffs heart filled with gratitude and he fell in love with Catherine Although Hindley disliked him and often insulted him he decided to dedicate all his life to hold their love This happy life lasted for a long time until Mr Earnshaw died Heathcliff lost everything such as the dignity and his social status and this change reduced Heathcliff as a servant He became poor again but he didnt care for he owned Catherines love Catherine was hislife and was the hope of the life However this love didnt last for a long time Catherine subjected to this secular society and money The final decision was to marry Thrushcross Grange mastersEdgar While she said I love Edgar just like the leaves when the winter change the trees the time will change the leaves but my love to Heathcliff just like the rock under the tree although it seemed that the happiness is not sufficient the happiness is necessary and everlasting We can imagine that when Heathcliff heard that it would degrade Catherine to marry him he felt broken at that time Catherines betrayal of love destroyed the last hope in his heart the extreme love turned into the extreme hated and it was the strong hated that caused him to form his charactersrigid unyielding and cruel It seemed that everything was caused by Catherines betrayal but in fact it exposed the strong trend of value at that era---poverty was shameful2 The love between Heathcliff and CatherineThe love between Heathcliff and Catherine in Wuthering Heights does not belong to any social convention or situation although it was too violent Catherine and Heathcliffs love was based on their shared perception that they were identical In Chapter 15 Catherine declared that she was Heathcliff when they had the last meeting Although Catherine told Heathcliff that the love between Heathcliff and Catherine was never changed she cared much about the entity of the bond between them Finally Catherine betrayed him actually her actions were driven in part by her social ambitions which initially were awakened during her first stay at the Linton and which eventually compelled her to marry Edgar However she was also motivated byimpulses that prompted her to violate social conventionsto love Heathcliff throw temper tantrums and run around on the moor It was the betrayal that led to the Heathcliffs desperate and crazy revenge and Catherine didnt get happiness by marrying Edgar Heathcliff punished cruelly anyone who had relationship with Catherine or anyone he hated So his purpose of returning to Wuthering heights was to begin his revenge and non-human revenge especially after Catherines death Maybe most of the readers can not bear the tragic ending between Heathcliff and Catherine but it was the bold creation that broke the traditional mind and directly criticized the disruption of beauty in the secular society Therefore the writer used tragedy to denounce the society and called for the truth3 The special characters doomed the special fateHeathcliffs revenge was understandable to our average people most of us would have thoughts of revenge After all there was nothing more serious than losing the dignity and the love because of poverty he was distorted by the harsh reality and had become mercilessly To some extent the revenge to Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange was the strong denounce to the cruel society If it was not the society that brought the inequality and the poverty how would his tough and cruel characters be formed If he had no such tough and cruel personality how would he have such strong frenzied revenge But Heathcliffs revenge was so fierce that it burned the others and also burned himselfHowever there were still good factors hidden in his cruel nature he found the kindness hidden in the evil before dying he gave up the idea of revenge because hebelieved that endless revenge only brought worse outcome We wonder that whether the beautiful flower can grow in the soil that is full of crime hatred and poison Every charming personality contains both the positive and the negative factors When they face the mutation environment the hidden factors will burst and be combined with the environment to reverse the fate When Heathcliff obtained the old Earnshaw and Catherines love he was kind and full of gratitude But when old Earnshaw died especially after Catherines betrayal his situation and his characters were changed which led to his crazy revenge But when he constantly revenged the Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange his status had also changed He became the master of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange and his enemies died one after another The motivation of revenge had faded away because of the changing identity and death of enemies The exist love germinated again He moved toward to the kind The ending of the novel leaves a belief to us love belongs to the cheerful part of the human nature Hate belongs to the ugly part of the human nature It is the twist and degeneration of the human nature Hate would not absolutly dominate the people in human world The love that could break through the hatred is the recovery of the humanity The constrained and distorted human nature gets emancipated eventually We the human beings are always hopeful about the futureV conclusionThere are several reasons for Heathcliff to form his characters The special social environment was one of the most important reasons In the 1840s the English economy was depressed and the conditions of the workers in industrial areas like Liverpoolwere so appalling that the upper and middle classes feared violence Considering this historical context Heathcliff seemed to embody the anxiety that the books upper –and-middle-class audience had about the working classes The readers may easily sympathize him when he was powerless as a child tyrannized by Hindley Earshaw but he became a villain when he acquired power and returned to Wuthering Heights with money and the trappings of a gentleman this corresponds with the ambivalence the upper classes felt toward the lower classesthe upper classes had charitable impulses toward lower-class citizens when they were miserable but feared the prospect of the lower classes trying to escape their miserable circumstances by acquiring political social cultural for economic power Heathcliffs special fate exposed the great influence of the environment and reflected the real life cycle The figure that was created by Emily Bronte followed his own life principle we can say that she created a true figure in our life Their extreme love and hate deeply touched our heart we were moved by their love The tragedy of Heathcliff warns us that the environment and the human being were interdependent When they turned against each other the personality would be changed and therefore the fate would be changed too This was the true reason that led to Heathcliffs tragedy and also it was the great significance that the book showed to usReferences1 Brain Phillips Annie Bourneuf Todays Most Popular Study Guides Wuthering Heights[M]Tianjin 天津科技翻译出版公司20032 Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights[M]Beijing Central Compilation TranslationPress20043 方平《欧美文学研究十论》[M]上海复旦大学出版社20054 罗选民Appreciation of English and American Literature Fiction Drama [M]北京清华大学出版社20065 周忠厚姚梅屏《中外文学名著梗概与赏析外国小说卷》[M]北京语文出版社1999。



原创毕业论文公布的题目可以用于免费参考案例教学法在商务英语口语教学中的应用讨论式教学法在英语专业泛读课中的应用莎士比亚四大喜剧的双关语的翻译技巧怎样提高英语口语中英习语文化及翻译的研究论灰姑娘中神力的象征意义中美商务谈判中通过“面子观”分析恭维语从对照艺术看羊脂球的人物形象塑造英语新词的特点与翻译解析呼啸山庄中希刺克里夫性格形成的原因从文本类型角度看企业外宣材料的翻译外交翻译中的语言的准确性探讨珠三角企业的诚信危机与信誉重建坏消息商务英语函电中模糊语的语用功能分析从逍遥骑士看美国反正统文化-嬉皮士大学校园语码转换的原因分析XX学院英语专业学生课堂焦虑调查中国古诗春怨英译对比赏析本题目是全英文原创论文,需要完整可以联系QQ:805 99 0749 中学英语教师课堂反馈对学生焦虑的影响解读献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花中“玫瑰”的象征意义无名的裘德中裘德悲剧原因分析探析西方洋节在中国流行的原因在跨文化的视野下看英语商业广告的语言特色英汉颜色词的比较和翻译影响直译与意译方法选择的因素影响中学生英语听力的因素解读飘中斯嘉丽的个性和命运英汉翻译中的词性转换交际法在大学英语词汇教学中的作用小说秀拉中的存在主义探析中英禁忌语比较论了不起的盖茨比中盖茨比理想主义的破灭埃德加爱伦坡一桶蒙特亚白葡萄酒中的恐怖气氛论英语教学中交际法应用的困境及解决浅析我国中小企业电子商务现状与对策爱默生论自助中的个人主义迷失的美国梦--解读夜色温柔中主人公的悲惨命运目的论视角下旅游景区公示语误译的研究简•爱的爱情观翻译专业学生自主学习能力调查与分析礼貌原则在商贸信函中的应用我校英语专业学生二语限时写作句法特点研究分析了不起的盖茨比黛西物化的原因从跨文化视角看中美养儿观念差异认知策略在初中课堂英语教学中的运用南京地铁公示语英译现状分析及改进措施语用预设和大学英语听力通过课堂观察探讨高中英语课堂教师提问技巧肢体语言在英语教学中的应用委婉语的时代性从关联理论角度分析广告双关语外交辞令中模糊策略的应用英语权威词典语音标注研究英语委婉语的交际功能浅析海明威老人与海象征手法的应用形成性评价对初中二年级学生英语学习的积极意义用情景教学法教语法--XX中学个案研究英美文学作品中的人名及其引申意翻译中的反向思维---以英汉反译为例论初中英语词汇教学技巧论杰克凯鲁亚克达摩流浪者中的极乐至福精神小妇人中的性别语言差异分析从禁忌语角度看中西方文化之间的差异紫颜色中莎格?艾弗里的多重角色初中学生英语课堂焦虑调查—XX中学初三年级为例五四时期翻译对汉语语言的影响背诵课文在高中英语教学中的作用英语新闻标题的修辞手法及修辞特点研究沙漠之花的女性主义研究金色笔记中颜色的象征意义家族相似性对介词教学的研究But的用法与翻译从功能翻译理论角度看英语广告口号的汉译从语言经济原则视角看报刊标题中的歧义现象湖南方言在英语学习中的负迁移红字中玫瑰的象征主义_英语论文论白鲸中的象征要素中国菜名的命名及英译浅谈国际商务谈判礼仪了不起的盖茨比中的象征手法英语广告中双关语的应用及其翻译分析哈克贝利•费恩历险记论英语写作中中式英语的成因及解决策略央视公益广告互动意义的多模态话语分析浅析白鲸中的象征主义拜伦式英雄与海明威式英雄之比较基本颜色词中西文化对比中美社交礼仪比较分析英汉数字文化差异分布式认知理论下的英语移动学习研究归化与异化翻译中文旅游文本的翻译互文性视角下的新闻语篇分析广告的翻译原则和方法詹姆斯乔伊斯都柏林人女性角色分析探讨汉英动物习语的翻译英汉谚语互译中的直译与意译浅谈英语谚语的翻译。


















关键词:艾米丽勃朗特,《呼啸山庄》,希斯克里夫,复仇,抗争者AcknowledgementsI am writing the acknowledgements to express my thanks and gratitude to all those who have given me help and support in various ways during the preparation and writing of my thesis. Without their help and encouragement, I could not have finished my thesis.First, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Qin Weigang, a respectable and experienced professor, who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of this thesis. Without his enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, I could not have completed my thesis. His keen and vigorous academic observation enlightens me not only in this thesis but also in my future study.I would also like to take this opportunity to express my deepest thanks to all my teachers who have helped me in improving my research method and designing the thesis. They are Professor Wu Caiya, Professor Wang Jun, Professor Mo Junhua, Professor Zhu Weihong and Professor Jia Guanjie.My thanks also go to my parents and my roommates for their encouragement and sincere support. Last but not least, I‟d like to thank my family and all my friends for their support and trust.AbstractThis thesis is intended to analyze the revenge of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights. Although in many readers‟ eye he is a marble demon, Heathcliff is in fact also a brave man fighting for love.In the society in which Heathcliff lives, equality and love only belong to men of wealth. This cruel reality really gives Heathcliff a heavy blow. He develops a plan to revenge people around him. The story of Heathcliff and Catherine is the core of the novel Wuthering Heights.The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter includes an introduction, a literature review and an outline of the thesis. The second chapter discusses the passionate love between Heathcliff and Catherine. By analyzing Catherine‟s change of love, the author uncovers the causes of Catherine‟s betra yal. Chapter Three focuses on Heathclif‟s revenge, expounding its brutality. The fourth chapter explores Heathcliff‟s return of humanity by examining Nelly‟s revelation and the younger generation‟s love. The last chapter is the conclusion of the thesis, b riefly summarizing the major findings achieved in the research.Heathcliff‟s rebellious personality is worthy of appreciation. He dares to challege the established order of the society. In this sense, he is a real hero. Everyone is a product of his time. Even if his personality is distorted in some reder‟s eye, it is the society that is to be held responsible. He is a true individualistic fighter rather than a crazy avenger.Key Words: Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff, revenge, fighterContents Acknowledgments (Ⅰ)Abstract (Ⅱ)摘要 (Ⅲ)Contents (Ⅳ)Chapter 1 Introduction (1)1.1Emily Bronte and her WutheringHeights (1)1.2Literature review (2)1.3 The structure of the thesis (4)Chapter 2 Heat hcliff and Catherine’s Love (5)2.1 Catherine‟s natural love for Heathcliff (5)2.2 Catherine‟s betrayal of her love (6)Chapter 3 Heathcliff’s Revenge (7)3.1 Heathcliff‟s two-fold personalities (7)3.2Heathcliff‟s Revenge on Hindley and Linton (7)3.2.1 His revenge on Hindley (7)3.2.2 His revenge on Linton (8)3.3 Roots of his revenge (8)Chapter 4 Rebirth of Heathcliff’s Natural Self (12)4.1 Nelly‟s revelation to Heathcliff (13)4.2 Heathcliff‟s return to humanity seen in the younger generation (14)Chapter 5 Conclusion (16)References (19)Introduction1.1Emily Bronte and her Wuthering HeightsEmily Bronte is a famous novelist and poet in the 19th century. She is considered as one of the greatest women writers in the history of English literature. She suffered a lot from social constraints and she was eager for a life of freedom and equality. Emily Bronte‟s novel is a reflection of her real life. Her mother died when she was only three. She had no friends and her father showed indifference to her, which gave rise to her timidity and sullenness in her childhood. She believed that to break away from all the difficulties she had to rely on their own struggle.Her living environment also exerted an influence on her creation. Her family lived in a big village of a western wasteland in Yorkshire. To Emily, this wasteland had a significant meaning. He liked those wastelands, the mountains, the streams and the strong winds, which all can be seen in her novel. Like her brothers and sisters, Emily became addicted to literature. She had a strong personality, which formed a stark contrast with Charlotte‟s mediocrity and Anna‟s elegance.1Charlotte commented on her sister like this:She has a unique personality. She is even stronger than men. She is more innocent than children. She has the spirit of perseverance. Her handstrembled, four limbs numb,eyes tired, but she still keeps working.2So we can say that the solitary and firm personality of the cahracters in her novel is also the embodiment of the author‟s own personality. Reading her poems can better help us understand the background of her novel. In her last novel, she writes like this: The cowardly soul does not belong to me.In this storm tremor of the earth there‟s no coward.I see Tenpuku is shining.出处These lines deepen our understanding of this novel. Wuthering Heights is the only novel by Emily Bronte, and it is also a controversial work. The work narrates a story of love and revenge. The story can be divided into four parts. The first part tells us the establishment of the two characters‟ re lationship and their resistance to Hindley.The second part describes Catherine‟s betrayal of Heathcliff. The third part focuses on the revenge of Heathcliff. The last part tells the change of Heathcliff and his eventual death. One day, Mr. Earnshaw brought back an orphan and named him Heathcliff. His favor of Heathcliff causes his own son Hindley‟s envy. After Mr. Earnshaw died, Hindley treated heathcliff as a slave. At the same time, Mr. Earnshaw‟s daughter Catherine fell in love with Heathcliff. However, later Catherine got to know Edgar who was polite and gentle. Allured by his high social status and richness, Catherine became estranged from Heathcliff and decided to marry Edgar. Therefore, Heathcliff left Wuthering Heights with hatred of Catherine. After three years, he became rich and came back. He decided to carry out a crazy revenge. He first chose Hindley‟s son to be his servant and then he married Edgar‟s sister Isabelle and treated her badly. Catherine also clearly recognized her husband Edgar‟s tr ue self and she died when she gave birth to a baby. Ten years later, Heathcliff forced Caterine‟s daughter to marry his son. With all his plans realized, he did not feel happy at all. Nevertheless, little Catherine and Harleton fell in love with each other, they inherited the property of Wuthering Heights. Since it was published, the novel has been commonly regarded as the strangest novel in the history of English literature. And a great many critics have attempted to make interpretations of Heathcliff, the major character in this novel.1.2 Literature reviewOf all the Bronte critics, Virginia Woolf is notably the most influential. Virginia Woolf (1925: 219), a famous English female writer, once said like this: When Charlotte wrote… …I love‟, …I hate‟. Her experience, though moreintense, is on a level with our own. But there is no …I‟ in WutheringHeights… Emily is inspired by some more general conception… She lookedout upon a world cleft into gigantic disorder and felt within her power to unitit i n a book …to say something through the mouths of her characters which isnot merely …I love‟ or …I hate‟.Woolf (1925) also points out that Wuthering Heights is more difficult than Jane Eyre because Emily is much greater than Charlotte. Her comment is justifiable. Unfortunately, even though we know much about about her sister Charllotte, we know only a little about Emily. Emily was much wiser than her sisters. She lived on porridge and milk; she could play the piano, do housework and help cooking. She liked dogs. She often took a walk in a desolate place. That‟s all we know about her.(G. F. Blyde, 1937: 23). Heathcliff‟s tragedy of life demonstrates Emily Bronte‟s understanding of the world. It also continues and developes the author‟s philosophy o f life (Ning Xia, 2005).Critics have studied this novel from different perspectives. Most of them focus on the analysis of Heathcliff‟s personality. In many reader‟s eye, this novel really followed the Victorian values and tastes. Emily‟s sister Charlo tte also complained about her gallery of lost and depraved souls and her inability to put her gifts to better use (Chang Yaoxiin, 2006). Her book was gradually accepted by people and became an enduring masterpiece.Wuthering Heights is considered as a strange book. Its peculiality exhibits itself in its theme and the characterization. When reading the book, every reader will be attracted by its unique atmosphere.Catherine‟s betrayal of love accelerates Heathcliff‟s plan of revenge. Graeme Tytler (2008) points out the dilemma of Heathcliff when choosing love and wealth. Gao Jihai (2008) also studies the struggle of Catherine between love and hatred. Chen Mei (2008) examines Catherine‟s hesitation between “spiritual love” and “secular love”. She is eager for both freedom and status.Heathcliff is also one of the tragic victims in this revenge. He is a victim of capitalist society. He is just rebelling against the bourgeois matrimonial system (Li Chenjing, 2011). He does not gain any satisfaction from his revenge (Liang Suwen, 2013).Li Chenjing points out that revenge looks as if it was all that the novel is about. However, the more important is the deep meaning of the revenge. Heathcliff‟s revenge is not to revenge only, actually it is one way to find his natural self (2011).The book really gives us a belief. We should speak aloud our love and hatred (Kettel, 1947). Zhang Xueyi and Li Fangmu (2009) analyze the revenge of Heathcliff. According to them, his revenge is associated with the reason why he has done so. We need to judge it with a fair and reasonable eye.1.3 The structure of the thesisThe thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter of the thesis gives a brief introduction to the author Emily Bronte‟s life experience and th e main plot of her novel Wuthering Heights. It also examines the background of the story and briefly introduces the author‟s unique personalities. In addition, there is also a review of critics‟ interpretations of this book.Chapter Two discusses Heath cliff and Catherine‟s love from two aspects. It begins with an analysis of Catherine‟s natural love for Heathcliff and ends with a probe into her betrayal of Heathcliff.Chapter Three analyzes Heathcliff‟s revenge from tree aspects. First, the author briefly explores his personalities. Second, the author provides two examples of his revenge. Last, the thesis further studies the causes of his revenge.The fourth chapter demonstrates Heathcliff‟s return of humanity through a study of Nelly‟s revelation and the younger generation‟s true love.The last chapter is the conclusion of the thesis. It gives us a summary of this thesis. Heathcliff‟s revenge has its roots in the society in which he lives, and the rebirth of humanity an seen in the young er generation‟s true love gives reader hope and encourages readers to love and to be loved. Love is enduring and it is the greatest thing in the world.Chapter 2 Heathcliff and Catherine’s love2.1 Catherine’s natural loveCatherine had always been living in a wasteland since her childhood. She was obstinate and unruly and she never made an apology to her father. After Heathcliff was brought back by her father, she began to make friends with him. They combined together to resist Hindley. During the process, they found that they were important to each other. Catherine also fully realized that if they wanted to get true freedom, equality and dignity. They must live together and combine their power to resist Hindley. Their love was rightly produced in their similar experience and the process of their resistance to Hindley. Catherine once said that she loved him, not because of his handsome look, but because he was more like herself than her.Jean Baker Miller (1976) writes in Toward a new Psychology like this: One central feature is that women stay with, build on and develop on the context of attachment and affiliation to others. Indeed, women‟s sense of selfbecomes very much organized around being able to make and maintainaffiliations and relationships. Eventually, for many women the threat ofdisruption of an affiliation is perceived not just a threat of disruption butsomething closer to a loss of self.3In Wuthering Heights, Catherine attaches herself to Heathcliff. She said that she was Heathcliff and he was more herself than she was…their souls were the same.出处This confession really proves that Catherine owns the most natural and true love for Heathcliff. At the beginning of this novel, Lockwood discovered Catherine‟s diary where she wrote a name “Catherine Heathcliff”. We all know that Catherine‟s full name should be “Catherine Earnshaw”. When Catherine came back from Thrushcross Grange, She “flew to embrace” Heathcliff and “bestowed sevenor eight kisses on his check within the second出处”, which also indicates that she truly and passionately loved him. When Heathcliff left home, she cried “at a good passionate fit of crying”. Her spiritual happiness and her natural self would be lost if Heathcliff left her. All this best prove the special relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine.Their love surpasses any other kind of love in the world. It is understandable that Heathcliff could not stand Catherine‟s betrayal. He did not care about Hindley‟s abuse, he also did not care abou t Edgar‟s discrimination. After Catherine‟s betrayal, he lost his spiritual brace. Can‟t we associate his revenge with the abuse he encountered and the sadness he suffered? Of course, we can not. Only when we have acknowledged their experiences can we understand their emotion. The existence without each other was unbearable to them both. No matter what kind of love it was, it was gradually developed in their company and mutual support. We cherish all of these kinds of love.2.2 Catherine’s betrayal of lov eHeathcliff and Catherine‟s love tragedy began with their break into the Thrushcross Grange at night. When they peeped at the drawing room of Edgar‟s, they saw the splendid room with a red carpet on the ground and the white ceiling. Catherine was guided into the room. After this visit, she was deeply attracted by the life of the upper society. She was eager for the noble status, the rich property and creditable life. Gradually she began to look down on Heathcliff. We do not feel surprised about her change. Seemingly she was doomed to this such a change from the very beginning of the novel.When Edgar made an offer of marriage, Catherine was seized with conflicting feelings. Eventually, she agreed to Edgar‟s proposal although she still loved Heathcliff in the depth of her heart. She said that if she married Heathcliff, they would become beggars. If she married Edgar, she could help Heathcliff go up to a higher position. Obviously, her thoughts were very simple and impossible. However, every individual has the right to choose love and life what he wants.Catherine‟s betrayal really delivered a deadly blow to Hethcliff. To Heathcliff, betraying love meant betraying her own soul and her true self. And to him, Catherine‟s love meant everything. Losing her would be like losing his soul, which really triggered his hatred.Chapter 3 Heathcliff’s Revenge3.1 Heathcliff’s two-fold personalitiesHeathcliff was conceited and brutal. He always wore a cold look. However, when he fell in love with Catherine, he turned warm and kind. We can clearly see the conflict between love and hatred in his spiritual world. He loved Catherine. In order to match Catherine, he left his lover and struggled alone in a strange village for three years. He could stand in fro nt of Catherine‟s window for several nights. He could call his lover‟s name days and nights without food and drink. He even dug Catherine‟s tomb with his own hands although she had died for many years. He bribed the pastor and asked him to dig out Edgar‟s tomb and buried his own tomb with Catherine.4 However, such a man changed quickly after Catherine betrayed him. Because of Catherine‟s betrayal and other people‟s discrimination, he gave free rein to his terrible personality. His love was devoted to Catherine only. Naturally, he acted like a cold avenger. He was eager for success and made a decision to revenge. He did not care about how long he would have to wait although he suffered a lot during the process of revenge. Catherine and Haeathcliff seemed to be made for each other and they had similar personalities. However, life is serious and cruel. Especially at that background, most people worshipped money and social status. Allured by money, their values began to be distorted. After you finish reading this book carefully, you will understand all of their behaviors and even forgive Heathcliff for his love.3.2 Heathcliff’s revenge on Hindley and Linton3.2.1 His revenge on HindleyFrom Catherine‟s words, we can clearly feel the torment Heathcliff suffers from Hindley:“An awful Sunday! I wish my father were back again. Hindley is a detestable substitute--his conduct to Heathcliff is atrocious. H. and I aregoing to rebel--we took our initiatory step this evening”.5It is no wonder that Heahclif could not b ear Hindly‟s abuse. Not only did he feel the unfair treatment but also Catherine could not stand it any more. He wanted to rebel the social order that deprived them of their humanity.After Heathcliff left home, he tried to do what he could to earn money. Three years later, he came back with a great deal of money and higher status. He had the power to revenge on Hindley then. He made full use of his money to accelerate Hindley‟s going bankrupt. He wanted to regain his pride by doing to Hindley what Hindley had done to him. His revenge was specific and accurate. It gave him immense satisfaction. He also used the same method to torment Hindley‟s son—Hareton. Although he showed sympathy for Hareton, he still made him become a servant. He also found that Hareto n was like himself and that Hareton‟s love for Cathy was also like his own love for Catherine.In fact, he did not feel happy any more. He did not gain any satisfaction after he carried out his plan of revenge. He was in effect a poor man who was shackled by his living environment and was living minute to minute in overwhelming hatred.3.2.2 His revenge on LintonHeathcliff did not revenge on Linton directly because of Catherine‟s love. He did not want to hurt Catherine. In order to revenge on Linton, he married Isabella and treated her badly. What‟s worse, after Catherine died, he turned more and more crazy. He threatened Linton‟s daughter Cathy and married her to his son who was almost at his last gasp. He also threatened his own son and had him make a will to leave all the heritages to himelf. He tormented Linton‟s daughter to let off his hatred of Linton.However, when he saw that the two young men‟s eyes were all like Catherine‟s, he stopped his revenge. His revenge did not bring any gratification to him. Instead, he felt very lonely and he also said that it was a very ridiculous ending.When he was doing all of these crazy things, he might be equally sad and helpless as we readers. He was like a lost sheep and could not find his path to light.3.3 Roots of Heathcliff’s revengeWhy did Heathcliff so deeply hate the people around him? Why could he have become so crazy? His hatreds all derived from love. The two contrasting kinds of emotions combined in Heathcliff. Unable to sustain such heavy burdens, his spiritual and emotional world finally callapsed. Careful studies indicate that the root-causes of his crazy revenge can be summarized as follows:1. Heathcliff‟s lower social statusHeathcliff was an orphan who was adopted by Mr. Ear nshaw. Mr. Earnshaw‟s son Hindley hated him very much. He often discriminated against him and even abused him. The servant Nelly did not speak to him any more. Because of his lower status, he always suffered discriminations. All of these burried the seeds of hatred in his little heart. He longed for the status, the fame and a great amount of money. The desire forced him to do everything he could to get what he wanted. When he was young, he developed a patient and strong personality. His patient and strong personality is rarely found in an innocent child of his age.Rome is not built in one day. Heathcliff had been unjustly treated, and this pushed him eventually run to the extreme.2. Catherine‟s betrayal of loveAlthough he had suffered a lot and experienced unjust treatment, he still had Catherine as his spiritual and emotional brace. Catherine was what supported him to live on. Her love was his life, his hope and his all. However, when Catherine came back from Thrushcross Grange, she became very vain. She had expectations for a comfortable and desultory life. She even treated Heathcliff as a servant. She thought that only if she married a rich man could she feel proud and become a amazing woman. On the contrary, marring Heathcliff would lower her status. At last, she chose Linton as her husband. Her choice drove Heathcliff into despair. He had no choice and left home alone. In his view, his failure to win Catherine was attributed to his poverty and lower status. He developed a strong hatred for all the people around him, especially Hindley.Catherine‟s betrayal threw Heathcliff into despair and drove him to step on his way to revenge.3. His own inferior mentalityHeathcliff had no parents; nobody liked him except Mr. Earnshaw and Catherine. Whe n he saw Catherine‟s elegant and poised appearance, he even hid himself behind the chair and did not dare to come out.6 When he learnt that Catherine would marry Linton, he had no choice but leaving home. If he could compete with Linton and win Catherine‟s heart, his fate might change a lot. Yet he had no courage to compete with Linton who was both rich and handsome. He left all the sorrow to himself and hated people around him.4.Hindley‟s humiliation and discriminationAfter Mr. Earnshaw died, Hindley began to bully Heathcliff brazenly. Hindley deprived his opportunity of receiving education from the pastor and treated him as a servant. Hindley also forced him to do hard work with other guys. He once said that he was planning to revenge on Heathcliff and he did not care about how long he would wait. He hoped that Hindley would not die before his plan was realized. Hindley also teased at him before Catherine, which damaged his self-esteem and aggravated his plan of revenge.When we receive such treatments, none of us know for sure whether or not we can stand them. If we experience what Heathcliff experienced, we may be crazier than him. The humiliation he endured is a torment of humanity.5. The unfair social systemIn the final analysis, the root of his hatred and revenge is to be found in the social system at that time. In the Victoria Era, the people were very fickle and they only embraced men with higher status and a great amount of money. People‟s spirits were strongly suppressed and their humanity was cruelly tortured. Catherine realized the great disparity between her and Heathcliff. She had a fantasy to help Heathcliff by marrying Linton. Of course, it was impossible. Everyone looked down on him. Catherine‟s vanity was also bound up with the envir onment where she lived. Why would she rather choose a man that she did not like than a man she really loved? The answer is clear. Because Hinley was rich and he also had higher status. This was the fundamental factor that led Heathcliff to his revenge.Taking all these into consideration, we will be able to better understand Heathcliff‟s revenge. He was not really a crazy avenger. We can also see his decent personality behind his revenge. Compared with Oliver in Oliver Twist, Heathcliff is more brave.7 He dares to resist the system and fight for his rights and love. He is a man of valor. We can not help appreciating his bravery and persistence in fighting for true love.Chapter 4 Rebirth of Heathcliff’s Natural Self Heathcliff is not really a crazy avenger. Although he had the plan and motivation to revenge, he just plundered their property instead of killing them. We all know that Hindley‟s cruel treatment to him could have made him become a demon. But he just hit Hindley for one time—when Hindley tried to shoot at him after Catherine‟s death. He also saved Hindley‟s son. Hindley‟s death did not have any direct relation with Heathcliff. Before Heathcliff came back, Hindley had been drunk with drinking and gambling. The refore, Heathcliff is not to be held responsible for Hindley‟s corruption and death.Heathcliff once said to Catherine that he would not revenge on him at the beginning. Catherine‟s death began with Heathcliff and Edgar‟s quarrel. She threatened Edgar by going on a hunger strike. Heathcliff returned home after getting fame and money. She fell down in desperation. In order to get freedom for her soul, she chose death. So Catherine‟s death was her own choice rather than Heathcliff‟s fault.After hearing the death of Catherine, he once cried “Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!”8For Heatcliff, Catherine was like his life and soul. Without Catherine, his existence would make no sense to him. Without Catherine, he would be like a helpless child. He almost sank into despair.Many people think that Heathcliff abducted his sister Isabella in order to revengehis rival-in-love Edgar. However, we know that Heathcliff did not do anything to seduce Isabella. He never showed his love to Isabella. This marriage arose from Isabella‟s dream of love and Heathcliff‟s desire for money. He used Isabella as his tool of revenge. To some extent, it was not kind of him to treat Isabella like this. We disapprove of his behavior, but we understand his choice.Many people think Heathcliff is a crazy demon for the younger generation. It is not absolutely right. He and Hareton‟s friendly emotions are sincere and natura l.Hareton viewed him as his only friend and forbid Cathy to attack him. Heathcliff also once said to Nelly that if this child was someone else, he would really love him. In fact, Heathcliff always loved Hareton,unconsciously and instinctively. We can see his struggles and hesitations when he was doing something hurtful to these children.4.1 Nelly’s revelation to HeathcliffNelly really plays an important role in this book. She is the only character who experienced the thirty years‟ history. She sa id that we should learn to forgive. She asked Isabella to be remissive to Heathcliff. She said to Isabella: “One might suppose you had never opened a Bible in your life”. She thought that Catherine was vain and selfish. She said to heathcliff, “Your pride can not blind God! You tempt him to wring your heart and nerves, till he forces a cry of humiliation”.9Nelly tried to persuade him to show his repentence to God.One of Nelly‟s mottos is that “people who do their duty are always finally rewarded. Heathc liff and Catherine‟s love is miserable and self—destructive. However, this book ends with a happy ending. It gives its readers a feeling of comfort. Heathcliff also realized his faults at the end, when he achieved the triumph. He said like this:It is a poor conclusion, is it not? My old enemies have not beaten me;now would be the precise time to revenge myself on their representatives: Icould do it, and none could hinder me.But where is the use? I don‟t care for striking; I can‟t take the trouble to raise my hand! That sounds as if I had been laboring the whole time only toexhibit a fine trait of magnanimity. It is far from being the case: I have lostthe faculty of enjoying their destruction, and I an too idle to destroy fornothing.Nelly, there‟s a strange change approaching: I am in its shadow at present. I take so little interest in my daily life that I hardly remember to eatand drink.10。



编号:河南大学2009届本科毕业论文Analysis on the Elements for the Formation of Heathcliff’s Personality in WutheringHeights浅析《呼啸山庄》中影响希斯克里夫性格形成的因素论文作者名称:作者学号:0503613069所在学院:民生学院所学专业:英语语言文学导师姓名、职称:论文完成时间:2009-05-18精选文档Analysis on the Elements for the Formation of Heathcliff’s Personality in WutheringHeights浅析《呼啸山庄》中影响希斯克里夫性格形成的因素Zhang JinMinsheng CollegeHenan UniversityMay 2009精选文档AcknowledgementsMy study at Henan University will soon come to an end. At the completion of my graduation thesis, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all those who have offered me invaluable help during the four years of my undergraduate study here.Firstly, I would like to heartily express my gratitude to my tutor, Professor Fu Jiangtao for his constant encouragement and guidance. The completion of the thesis benefits from his help and guidance. He helps me with going through all the stages of writing the thesis. Due to lacking of experience, it is inevitable to appear some mistakes. He patiently picks out my mistakes and helps me remedy them. If there is no my teacher’s guide, it is difficult for me to complete the thesis.Secondly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers who teach me during the four years’college life, because they teach me how to be a useful person to the society and cultivate me to be a qualified citizen.Finally, I would like to thank my family, friends and classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.精选文档[Abstract]Wuthering Heights is the unique novel written by Emily Bronte who was a British novelist in the nineteenth century. Heathcliff, the protagonist, has always been a fully disputed man since the book was published. Most readers think that he is a devilish person. However, some people believe that the formation of his distorted personality is a reasonable reflection of his unfair treatment. Heathcliff’s personality experiences three times’ change, that is, from a na ive boy with human being’s merits to a devilish avenger after he suffers hurt and distorts his personality, then to a normal person after he gives up his revenge. The article follows Heathcliff’s experiences and tries to analyze the elements for the formation of his personality from the three periods.[Key Words] Wuthering Heights; Heathcliff; personality; elements for the formation[摘要]《呼啸山庄》是十九世纪英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特的唯一的一部小说。

呼啸山庄英文读后感 (1)

呼啸山庄英文读后感 (1)

A story of Love and Revenge------The Impression of Wuthering Heights Wuthering Height, which was written by Emily Bronte’s, was published in 1847. The reason I chose this book is because the title attracted me.The book was mainly about the love story between Catherine and Heathcliff. After reading the book, I thought a lot. As an orphan, Heathcliff started his life miserably. After being adopted by homeless Earnshaw his life changed. Soon after, he fell in love with Catherine. They would have led a happy life if Heathcliff were not looked down upon by Catherine’s brother. Fortunately, both Heathcliff and Catherine found their own love in the end.However, there is still something I cannot fully understand. Many people in the world are trying to find a perfect companion. Some of them get married but don’t know what their new wife or husband is like. This kind of situation often leads to separation or hostility, just like Heathcliff and his wife, Esabella. When Esabella married Heathcliff, she didn’t really know Heathcliff, and after she married him she found that Heathcliff was not a gentle man at all. Another example of this is that Catherine married Edgar Linton. Although she had been happy at the beginning of the marriage because she thought having parties all the time was going to be fun, after a while, she became bored. She also realizedthat she loved Heathcliff more than Edgar Linton, but at that time, it was no use to regret at all. Because of this, she lived a miserable life and died after she gave birth to her little baby. From these tragedies, we know how important it is to choose the right soul mate from a right attitude towards marriage.After reading this story, I was touched by several parts. The first is about LOVE. There are two kinds of love in this story -- Pure and Selfish. Pure love can bring happiness to us, but selfish love can ruin a person. The second is about HATE. I deeply feel that hate is a horrible thing. Hate makes the world dark. Hate makes people forget the happy and beautiful things around them. If it can’t be dealt with well, it would influence the next generation. The last is the attitude towards things. Different attitudes produce different results. We can learn that from the different ending of Catherine and. We can see how important a positive attitude is.Love is everlasting, but hatred is not. What we should do is insist onpure love and don’t let the hatred blind our eyes.爱情和仇恨的故事- - - - - -《呼啸山庄》的印象呼啸的高度,这是艾米丽·勃朗特的写的,于1847年出版。



呼啸山庄英语专业毕业论文开题报告中英对照赣南医学院英语专业毕业论文开题报告学生姓名班级指导教师英文题目Wuthering heights of Heath cliff characcter of the dualism of theanalysis中文题目呼啸山庄中希斯克利夫性格的双重性的分析一.选题的依据及意义(Significance of the Research)Wuthering heights is the only work of England Emily at the 19th century .The spot of the story is mainly about the love story between Heath cliff and Catharine the love and regret and revenge is not only the soul of the novel, but also is the key of the work. The critics about the novel have different ideas about it, especially they have many discussion about the host of story Wuthering heights. Critics have analyzed the character of him from the different aspects . A completely and in-depth analysis about the Wuthering heights is good for us to study the novel well.The best part of the novel is the love story between Heath cliff and Cathrine, their love has beyond the general meaning of love which also can be said as a love outthought the word. But the forming ad the development of this kind of love has be an important reason of the c haraccter of Heath cliff .This discourse will analyze the reason of the forming the character of Heath cliff from the ill-treatment by him and others and his weakness and brave. So it can improve the readers to understand the novel of Emil well.二.国内外研究现状(Background to the Problem)There are many professes and scholars have analyzed .thecharacter of Heath cliff many scholars have analyzed the reason of the forming of the character of Heath cliff from different sides, some of them think his character is informal and ill-treat himself, and some think that is because of the social background, but also some scholars think he is the hero of the love who dare to love and hate.Many scholars have studied the reason of the character forming, such as the translation of the Wuthering heights of England Emily Bronte by Yan Hong Mei and Zhang Yun. They said that because that kind of the treatment, no matter hoe better man he is he would de a demon. Liu Feng Hui also said that the character forming of him is mainly about the environment around him. There is no doubt that the money is the standard of the society at that time .The shame which is taken by the poverty like a knife which had change the character. In addition, Chen Yi ping think that the god has a revenge character. In the book weather Heath cliff is a romantic hero or goal, she said that human can not do better than itself, Heath cliff can not beyond the nature of human ,he also have been hurt by himself. So analysis from many sides to analyze the character of Heath cliff have a great meaning.三.本课题研究内容(Specifications of the Problem/Questions to Be Answered)This paper will analyze the reason of the forming of the character from the dualism and the reason why he will ill-treat himself, why other people would ill-treat him, and the reason of his weakness andbrave.At first, I will analyze the normal character of Heath cliff as a boy.[The ill-treatment at his childhood]Secondly ,I will analyze the cool and informal character which is expressed in his revenge after he grew up. [The ill-treatment by himself]Thirdly I will analyze his character after his revenge ,and the informal character of human nature.At last ,according to the analysis of that we can see the return of human nature.四.本课题研究方案(Research Design)Consultation :On the base of leading a lot of literatures ,this paper analyze the reason of the forming of the character from the different sides.Analysis :Based on his character of Heath cliff under the Emily ,we can analyze the reason of the forming of the character from the dualism.Compare :The ill-treatment by himself and others and his weakness and brave.五.研究目标、主要特色及工作进度(Expected Results and Processing of the Research)This paper will analyze the ill-treatment by himself and others ,his weakness and brave ,from his normal character to his unmoral character analyze the reason of his dualism character. His weakness and brave also had doomed his character. Cathrine is an important role ,and their love is the most important reason for the change of his character .No matter how his character change ,he can not against the human nature ,from his ending we can see the return of the human nature.六、参考文献(References)【1】张同乐、毕铭·《呼啸山庄》一部具有现代主义意味的小说[J]·外国文学研究【2】艾米莉·勃朗特.呼啸山庄[M].闫红梅,张润,译.北京:中国致公出版社,2005【3】刘风辉.复杂的双面人[J].佳木斯大学社会科学学报,2007(1):97—98【4】邓美华.人性的扭曲与复苏U].湖南省社会主义学院学报,2006,(5)【5】刘长.希刺克厉夫:呼啸山庄的精神畸交者[J].惠州大学学报,1994,(3)【6】孙冬梅.希克厉何以成为复仇的恶魔[J].殷都学刊,2004【7】艾米莉·勃朗特.呼啸山庄[M].徐晓雯译.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1996.231,23【8】杨岂深.英国文学选读[M].上海:上海译文出版社赣南医学院英语专业毕业论文开题报告学生姓名班级指导教师英文题目Wuthering heights of Heath cliff character of the dualism of theanalysis中文题目呼啸山庄中希斯克利夫性格的双重性的分析一.选题的依据及意义《呼啸山庄》是十九世纪英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特生平创作的唯一一部小说。

英文论文 呼啸山庄

英文论文  呼啸山庄

编号学院2012届毕业论文题目Love and Hatred----Analysis on the Theme in Wuthering Heights学生姓名学号系部外语系专业商务英语班级商务英语【二】指导教师【】【讲师】二零一二年四月AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor **** , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor***, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor**** , Professor*** who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis" Wuthering Heights" this novel came out and did not get the attention of the public, but later because of its portrayal of a prolonged forgotten characters, Catherine and Heathcliff and the two people destined to lost love anemae core description, is this novel into English literature is one of the most respected and popular love story. In" Wuthering Heights", Emily has managed to create a story of love and hate. We moved to Catherine and Heathcliff 's passion, shocked at Heathcliff 's cruel revenge. Hatred with love, love incite hatred, finally, love defeated hatred and rebirth.Key words: " Wuthering Heights" literature love hate1.Introduction2. Heathcliff’s characteristic duality2.1. Heathcliff’s natural kindness and love2.2. Heathcliff’s cruelty, selfish and hatred3 Heathcliff’s love and hatred3.1. Love between Catherine and Heathcliff 3.2 The hate of Heathcliff3.21. His revenge to the first generation 3.22. His revenge to the second generation3.23. The results of his revenge4. Conclusion1.IntroductionThe novelist of Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte, lived in the thirties of the nineteenth century when the struggle between the workers and capitalists became the fundamental contradiction in English social life. The great misery of the workers led to an upsurge of labor movements and the organization of the workers into unions. The crying social contradictions were reflected in literary works of the time and a new literary trend-critical realism appeared. The critical realists not only gave a satirical portrayal of the bourgeoisie and all the ruling classes, but also showed profound sympathy for the common people.Emily was the fifth child of a poor clergy man, and the whole family lived on the wild moors of the North of England. The Bronte children kept very much to themselves and had to depend entirely on their own resources. They loved walking on the moors, and Emily in particular developed a passionate love of the rough moorland scenery; at home, they read whatever they could lay their hands on and lived more and more in the world of imagination. Emily had a poetic imagination which was a spirit more somber than sunny, more powerful than sportive. According to her sister Charlotte Bronte, “Emily was clever, benevolent, but very stubborn. Stronger than a man, simpler than a child, her nature stood alone.”Wuthering Heights was the only novel of Emily Bronte, but it had an unchangeable place in the literary world. The very story began when Hethcliff, a homeless orphan, was brought up by Mr.Earnshaw, the owner of Wuthering Heights. Soon the boy and the owner’s daughter, Catherine, became inseparable fiends and had wild passion wtth each other. But after the old owner’s death, his son, Hindley abused Hetheliff and treated him as a servant. Catherine continued her close relationship with him, which released him from his suffer a little.However, after meeting Edgar Linton, a young gentleman form Thrusheross Grange, Catherine felt it would be a degrading for her to marry Hethcliff though1She loved him dearly. Overhearing this confession, Hethcliff disappeared ina rage of shame and despair, and was not heard for many years. Heart-broken forthe loss of her beloved, Catherine fell badly ill and later married Edgar. Just shortly after their marriage, Hethcliff returned with surprisingly good manners and wealth, and set about seeking revenge on all who had wronged him. He deviously lent money to the drunken Hindley in order to increase his debts and finally got Wutherin Heights. He married Isabella, Edgar’s sister, and treated her as a tool to enrage Edgar and inherit Thrushcross Grange. Catherine, torn between her lover and husband, became very ill and died in childbirth.Unbearable without Catherine, Hethcliff grew even crueler to his enemies. He raised Hindley’s son, Hareton, as a common labor without education. He then forced Edgar andCatherine’s daughter, young Catherine, to marry his sickly son, young Linton.Though cruelly revenged himself on the tow families, Hethcliff got no happiness at all but grew more miserable in the memory fot Catherine. At last, he died of starvation and went with Catherine’s soul together on the moors.The novel Wuthering Heights are full of love and hatred which are both conflicted and combined. The impressive, relentless and vigorous love arouses implacable emotions in depth of th e reader’s heart with its ultimate passion, infatuation and great miseries. The hatred form the deepest bottom of the heart, which has bought so many pains, shocks the reader’s brain. In the following passage we will learn the story together through analyzing the different kinds of love, the hatred caused by love and the rebirth of love defeats hatred.2. Heathcliff’s characteristic duality2.1. Heathcliff’s natural kindness and loveHeathcliff was like a blank paper when he was firstly brought to Wuthering Heights, He was pure and only had his natural ideology. When he was in a new place,2he felt strange and kept silent. Gradually, there was something appeared in this blank paper. Influenced by kindhearted Mr. Earnshaw, his natural kindness was stimulated. When Mr. Earnshaw died, Heathcliff was desperately grieved and set up a heart-breaking cry. From that we can see his natural kindness.Heathcliff also had strong love in his heart. It’s a kind of natural and pure love. He loved Catherine more than himself. His love to Catherine was faithful and long-lasting. When Catherine was engaged with Edgar Linton, he left Wuthering Heights. He had never left Wuthering Heights before for any reason, even when Hindley treated him very badly. When he returned Wuthering Heights with money and power, he still loved Catherine. His happiness could only be gained from Catherine’s love. He took revenge on people who had mistreated him and got what he wanted, but he didn’t feel happy, because he missed Catherine. At last, he committed suicide with a dream to meet Catherine. It’s obvious that his love for Catherine was very strong.2.2. Heathcliff’s cruelty, selfish and hatredHeathcliff loved Catherine so much that he should have tried his best to make his beloved Catherine happy. However, his vengeful machinations drove him cruel and made his heart full of hatred. He changed his strong but frustrated love to cruelty. When he became a powerful, fierce and cruel man, he acquired a fortune and used his extraordinary powers of will to acquire both Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, the estate of Edgar Linton. He killed Hindley and also took revenge on Catherine, Hareton, Cathy and Linton. He loved Catherine so much, but he didn’t think for her, instead he made her heartbroken. So he is also very selfish. He abused Isabella who was the sister-in-law of Catherine just to win Thrushcross Grange.So Heathcliff himself was a contradiction. He had natural kindness, but he became very cruel when he returned Wuthering Heights and started taking revenge on others; He had strong love in heart, and he loved Catherine more than himself, but he didn’t think for Catherine’s life, and made Catherine heartbroken. His heart was full3of hatred, so he took revenge on people whom he hated.3 Heathcliff’s love and hatred3.1. Love between Catherine and HeathcliffWe see the intense and unbreakable love between Catherine and Heathcliff. Their love was based on their shared perception that they were identical, and it denied difference or change over time. When they were children, they shared a lot of common and had wild passion for each other. Both of them were wild, high-spirited and always spend a whole day playing games on the moors together. They also enjoyed fighting against conventions and religious beliefs in spite of being punished severely. They were proud and arrogant by teasing Edgar and Isabella, the two spoiled and coward children of Thrushcross Grange. They got on very well and enjoy the happinest of life during their early childhood. At that moment, their passion was the putest children’s love. After Mr.Earnshaw’s death Heathcliff was abused cruelly and treated by Hindley as a servant, allowed no education and forbidden to have further contact with Catherine. His life became miserable and his malevolence for Hindley grew more and more. But Catherine insisted her close friendship with him, which more of less released his pain. They loved each without considering the unbridgeable gap of their different social positions.However, after spending five weeks recuperating at Thrushcross Grange Catherine seemed to have become a ladu and realized her different social status from Heathciff. Though she loved him more than anything else in the world, she was fashioned by Edgar’s handsome face,ge ntle behavior and weathy family. Heathcliff only hear that she would marry Edgar and didn’t hear her love promise to him, so he left her in great despair. During Catherine’s last days, Heathcliff met her, the two lovers embarced tightly and kissed with tear. They knew they would be separated again by death, which neither of them could bear. After Catherine’s death, Heathciff cried from his deep heart:“I believe-I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always-take any form-drive me mad! Only don’t leave me in this abyss,4where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life!I cannot live without my soul!” Love is the foundation of his life, once he loses his love, his life become meaningless; however, his love nev er vanishes with Catherine’s death.As for Heathcliff, readers find it hard not to sympathize with his unfortunate, and readers find it hard not to be moved by his deeply love. Readers is to pity for his unfair destiny. Finishing the novel; most readers have forgiven him because the character of Heathcliff has not only his deep hatred for everyone else, also the strong love of Catherine, and this love deeply shake most readers. He is definitely not a devil without human feelings, he has tremendous emotion, he loved so deeply that just like a burning fire, the love between Heathciff and Catherine draws an eternal Love, which shakes the whole human, even ghost. Even we can say that his cruelty is merely an expression of his frustrated love for Catherine. In Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff imprints deeply in readers’ heart.3.2 The hate of Heathcliff3.21. His revenge to the first generationIsabella writes to Nelly, “Is Mr. Heathcliff a man? If so, is he mad? And if not, is he a devil? … A tiger or a venomous s erpent coul not rouse terror in me equal to that which he wakens.” Nelly says he is “rough as a saw edge and hard as whinstone!” Even Catherine says: “What is Heathcliff—an unreclaimed creature, without refinement—without cultivation; an arid wilderness of furze and whinstone.”(Zhang, 2005)we can find that Heathcliff has changed; he becomes a devil, a murderous animal, just as a tiger, a lion, wolf. He becomes a beast. His hate is beyond his love. As he himself points out, his abuse of Isabella is purely sadistic, as he abuses himself by seeing how much abuse she can take and still come cringing back for more. He marries Isabella for revenge. We can be shocked by Heathcliff’s gratuitous violence and still masochistically, insisit on seeing him as a romantic hero. “I have no pity! I have no pity! The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails! It is a moral teething; and I grind with greater energy, in proportionto the increase of pain.”(Bronte, 2004) we can find it that he becomes merciless, hard-hearted, ruthless and inhuman, and his revenge is cold, cruel, and even incomprehensible. His hate derived from his love, he can not bear the betrayal of Catherine. He uses his whole life and power to revenge anyone he hates. Besides, in ch apter 15, Heathcliff speaks harshly to Catherine, who is dying, saying, “Y ou deserve this. Y ou have killed yourself.”Distraught, Catherine sobs that “I forgive you. Forgive me! Holding her responsible for breaking both of their hearts, Heathcliff considers her the murderer of both of them and tells her, “I forgive what you have done to me. I love my murderer---but yours! How can I?” From these words, we can find it although he loves Catherine; he can not forgive her betrayal. His hate is beyond his love.3.22. His revenge to the second generation6His revenge to the second generation is the climax of his hate. Some critics dismiss the plot of the second generation as being a simple retelling of the first story; however, in doing so, they are dismissing the entire second half of the book. Clearly, in order to appreciate fully Wuthering Heights, and understand his inner heart attention must be paid to his revenge to the second generation. Edgar tells little Cathy: “Heathcliff is a most diabolical man, delighti ng to wrong and ruin those he hates, if they give him the slightest opportunity.”(Zhang, 2005)These imply that he is completely swallowed by hate, and his mind apart from hatred- no other objects. Revenge has occupied his whole life, and even become his instinctive needs. He is a devil and revenger and his revenge become a truth. He becomes a fierce, pitiless, wolfish man.3.23. The results of his revengeThe results of his revenge are: he gets Hindley into his clutches and finally drive him to drink himself to death. Edgar dies of grief. He also torments Isabella to death; both Wuthering Heights and thrushcross Grange, however, his revenge let him live alone. Just as he says to Nelly: “my mind is so eternally secluded in itself; it istempting at last to turn it out to another.” (Bronte,2004)From these we can see: he is losing connect with the society, and he has no man to listen to him. In fact, his revenge is ridiculous.4. ConclusionWuthering Heights is generally considered one of the most original works. In many aspects, it is unique and has no counterparts in mode as well as the love and hate of him. Even the English great writer Maugham (2007) once said: “I don't know to still have which novel among them pain and sufferings of the love, be addicted to, ruthlessness, persis t, described ever and thus and astonishingly.” Wuthering Heights is not just a sentiment romance novel. It is a presentation of life, an essay on love, hate, revenge, the entanglement of love and hate, and a glimpse at relationships. When we read the novel, we are in no position to pass our comment on them, to say who is right7and who is wrong, because they are not to be judged by common sense or conventional morality. In Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff and Catherine, both of them imprint deeply in readers’ heart, after reading this novel, you will forgive Catherine’s betrayal, and you will be touched by Heathcliff’s love. Heathcliff’s love is a disobedience of the society, though both of them are dead, yet their love overcomes death, and their love becomes an eternal. Love is the most beautiful part in humanity while hatred is the twisted humanity.8BibliographyEmily, B. 2004. Wuthering Heights[M]. Central Compilation and Translation Press.E.M,Forster.1984.Aspects of the Novel[M]. Central Compilation and TranslationPress.Liu Bingshan,2007. A Short History of English Literature[M].He Nan People Press.Zhang Ludi, 2005.An Analysis of the Creation Models of Main Characters in Wuthering Heights.罗选民.2006.英美文学赏析教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社.毛姆.1999. 毛姆读书随笔[M]. 刘文荣,译. 三联出版社.杨静远.1983. 勃朗特姐妹研究[M]. 北京:中国社会科学出版社.杨正先.2001. 呼啸山庄——爱与恨的生死恋[J]. 曲靖师范学院学报,2001年第2期.张伯香.2004. 英国文学教程学习指南[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社.张伯香.2005. 英国文学教程[M]. 武汉:武汉大学出版社桂扬清. 2002.《英美文学选读》. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司侯维瑞.2005.《英国小说史》.南京:译林出版社袁翠珍. 1992. 一个扭曲的灵魂——简评《呼啸山庄》的主人公希斯克利夫.《外国文学研究》.。



呼啸山庄的英文感悟作文英文:As I read through "Wuthering Heights", I was struck by the powerful emotions and complex relationships portrayedin the novel. The characters are deeply flawed yet incredibly human, and their actions are driven by love, jealousy, and revenge. The tumultuous love story between Heathcliff and Catherine is both tragic and captivating, and it serves as the driving force behind the entire narrative.One of the key themes of the novel is the destructive power of unchecked passion. Heathcliff's obsessive love for Catherine leads to a cycle of revenge and cruelty that spans generations. It's a stark reminder of the consequences of allowing emotions to consume us without restraint. The novel also delves into the idea of social class and the way it shapes the characters' lives and relationships. The divide between the Earnshaws and theLintons is a constant source of tension and conflict, highlighting the rigid social hierarchies of the time.The setting of the novel, the wild and untamed moors of Yorkshire, serves as a fitting backdrop for the intense emotions and turbulent relationships that unfold. The harsh and unforgiving landscape mirrors the harshness of the characters' lives, and it adds a layer of bleakness to the story.Overall, "Wuthering Heights" is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today. Its exploration of love, revenge, and the human condition is as relevant now as it was when it was first published. It's a novelthat delves deep into the complexities of human nature and leaves a lasting impression on anyone who reads it.中文:在阅读《呼啸山庄》时,我被小说中所描绘的强烈情感和复杂关系所震撼。



Analysis of the Distortion of Heathcliff’s Humanity InWuthering HeightsWuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte, is one of the greatest masterpieces of literature. From the social point of view, it is a story about a poor man, abused, betrayed and distorted by his social states because he is a poor man. As a love story, the novel is one of the most moving ones since the passion between Heathcliff and Catherine proves to be the most intense, the most beautiful and at the same time the most horrible, ever to be found possible in human beings.As for me, I think the causes for Heathcliff’s distortion as followings. Firstly, Heathcliff’s personal background is the origin of his distortion. The discriminaton of his humble status is sure to destroy his life and distort his humanity. Heathcliff is a homeless orphan. By accident, he is brought to live at Wuthering Heights. In fact, except for old Mr.Earnshaw and Catherine, other people have never accepted him. But Heathcliff is a normal human, he also has all kinds of normal human’s physical and spiritual needs. Just because he sprang from obscurity, he lost all of these rights. He is marked as the lower class, so he loses all of his happiness. Especially when he overhears Catherine say that it would degrade her to marry him, he is overwhelmed by despair. From then on, there is only one word in his mind, that is revenge. He leaves Wuthering Heights, not to escape, but to find the way to pay his enemies back.Secondly, it is the injustice of society. Heathcliff is fated to his circumstances. He can not change the reality. However, a gentleman adopts him. Therefore, he inevitably has the desire to be a respectable man. But the other characters, including the Lintons and Catherine, prove complicit in the obliteration of Heathcliff’s hope. There is an unbridgeable gap between Catherine and Heathcliff’s social positions. Hindley believes that Heathcliff is a usurper who takes away his father’s affection and privileges. So after old Mr. Earnshaw dies, he turns worse to treat him. That shows a phenomenon that these so-called gentlemen try their best to oppress the lower class. They fear that the poor would acquire political, social, cultural, or economic power to escape from their miaserable circumstances. Because of those factors, the distance between Catherine and Heathcliff widens further and further. The destruction of their love is unavoidable. However, the love means everything for Heathcliff. Once the love is destroyed, his human nature is distorted.Thirdly, it is that Catherine and Heathcliff are under the betrayed love. The love between them can not be accepted by other people. Catherine knowns this point deeply. And the social ambition motivates her decision. She believes that they will love each other no matter what choice she makes. So the desire to be “the greatest woman of the neighborhood” urges her to betrayed her real feelings to marry Edgar. Catherine needs Heathcliff at the same time she needs vanity and wealth. Thus she hurts Heathcliff and herself as well. She does not know that once she marries Linton she will push Heathcliff off the cliff.She destroys Heathcliff’s only hope. When Heathcliff is hopeless, he decided to do his best to revenge those people who make him lose his happiness. Catherine must take the principal responsibility for Heathcliff’s distortion.Heathcliff sets about seeking revenge on all who have wronged him. Not only his enemies, but also his enemies’ family and Catherine are included. Revenge has replaced love as the main force bearing upon Heathcliff’s behavior.The results of Heathcliff’s distortion is not only destructiveness to other characters but also self-distructiveness of his own life. His revenge is merciless, and lasts for a long time. The distortion brings pangs to two generations. For the first generation, nobody escapes Heathcliff’s evil hands. They all die with a grievance. Catherine is torn between her wild passion for Heathcliff and his social ambation. Isabella is maltreated by Heathcliff and finally dies of despair. Hindly lapses into alcoholism and dissipation. As for Edgar, although he marries a woman he loves, his wife is in love with another man. He leaves the world with external regret. When the first generation has all been dead, Heathcliff punishes his dead contemporaries by manipulating and bully their children.Heathcliff intends to degrade Hareton as Hindly has degraded himself. Young Catherine and young Linton also bear the pangs.He realizes at last that he will never get through to her real presence by acquiring and ruining the people and possesions associated with Catherine. Heathcliff loses interest in the whole project. His love for Catherine destroys his desire for revenge. For Heathcliff, the end of life only means one thing: the beginning of his reuion with Catherine. The house has returned to his natural happiness after the death of Heathcliff. Up to now, the distortion of human nature is beginning to restore. The second generation will enjoy their love and be free from the pangs.The story of Wuthering Heights begins when Heathcliff is brought into the Earnshow family and ends with marriage of the second generation. It is an exciting story, full of the themes of human passions, marriage, birth, and death. The dangerous, brooding, and cold Heathcliff impress the readers deeply. His fanatical love destroys himself and the happiness of two generations. However, this is not only a tragedy of love, but also a tragedyof the whole human world. Everyone should be blamed.But no matter what Heathcliff has done, he can not save Catherine’s life and his love. It is meaningless. He decided to choose death to unite his love in the moor. At last, Harton and young Catherine are to be engaged to be married, promising an end to the revenge. Everything turns to peace. The distortion of humanity is ended with the forgiveness and the humanity is restored.Emily wanted to tell us that hatred and revenge could only bring distortion of humanity. People must learn to forgive his enemies. Only love itself can save love.Analysis of the Distortion of Heathcliff’s Humanity InWuthering Heights浅析《呼啸山庄》中希斯克列夫的人性扭曲June 12, 2011. .。



呼啸山庄英文人物简介[大全五篇]第一篇:呼啸山庄英文人物简介Heathcliff is a fictional character in the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë.Owing to the novel's enduring fame and popularity, he is often regarded as an archetype of the tortured Romantic Byronic hero whose all-consuming passions destroy both himself and those around him.Heathcliff can also be viewed as a reflection and product of his psychological past: the abuse, neglect and scorn of those with whom he grows up render him abusive, neglectful and scornful.Legend has stereotyped him somewhat into a romantic hero, and he is generally known more for his love for Catherine Earnshaw than his final years of vengeance in the second half of the novel, in which he grows into a bitter, haunted man(although there are also a number of incidents in Heathcliff's early life that show that he was an angry and sometimes malicious individual from the beginning;again, these tend to be glossed over in the popular imagination).His complicated, mesmerising and altogether bizarre nature makes him a rare character, with components of both the hero and the anti-hero.Catherine Earnshaw, known as Catherine Linton after her marriage, is the main female protagonist of Emi ly Brontë's novel Wuthering Heights.While residing in her ancestral home Wuthering Heights, she forms a deep romantic bond with foster brother Heathcliff, one that leads them both into misery, violence and despair.Edgar Linton is a character in Emily Brontë's novel Wuthering Heights.His role in the story is that of Catherine Earnshaw's husband.He resides at Thrushcross Grange and falls prey to Heathcliff's schemes for revenge against his family.Edgar is the father of his and Catherine's daughter, Catherine Linton,and the brother of Isabella Linton.He is a complete foil of Heathcliff as a character, as shown by his tender, gentle, and weak personality as opposed to Heathcliff's savage, tyrannical nature.Isabella Linton is a female character in Emily Brontë's only novel Wuthering Heights.She is the sister of Edgar Linton and the wife of Heathcliff.Hindley Earnshaw is a male character in Emily Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights.The brother of Catherine Earnshaw, father of Hareton Earnshaw, and sworn enemy of Heathcliff, he descends into a life of drunkenness, degradation, and misery after his wife Frances dies in childbirth, enabling Heathcliff to seek revenge on him for his cruelty towards him in his childhood years.Ellen “Nelly” Dean is a female character in Emily Bronte's novel, Wuthering Heights.She is the main narrator for the story, and gives key eyewitness accounts as to what happens between the characters.Ellen is for the most part called “Nelly” by all characters.Catherine Linton, or Cathy Linton, is a cha racter in Emily Brontë's novel Wuthering Heights.She is the daughter of Edgar Linton and Catherine Earnshaw, and, despite Heathcliff's attempts at exacting revenge on her for the indiscretions of her family, she eventually marries her true love, Hareton Earnshaw, re-establishing long-lost equilibrium in the story.Hareton Earnshaw is a character in Emily Brontë's novel Wuthering Heights.He is the son of Hindley Earnshaw and Hindley's wife Frances.At the end of the novel, he makes plans to wed Catherine Linton, with whom he falls in love. 第二篇:呼啸山庄英文简介<>In the north of the England, there was a “Wuthering Heights” which is isolated from the outer world.“Wuthering Heights” was the name of Mr Heathcliff's dwelling.At frist, Mr Heathcliffwas an unidentified child returned with and named by the master of Wuthering Heights,Mr.Shaw.Mr Shaw’s perference for Heathcliff caused his son, Hendler Ray’s jealousy.After Mr Shaw died, Hendler Ray made the Heathcliff a slave, and wanted him to feel painful.However,on the other hand, Catherine and Heathcliff fell in ter, Catherine was forced to marry Edgar from the thrush farmstead.Heathcliff was very sad and he left his dwelling.Three years later,he got rich and returned.At that time, Catherine had already married Edgar, but she was not happy.Heathcliff revenged on Hendler Ray and made him lose his money and house.Hendler Ray drunk and died.What’s more, Hendler Ray’s son became a slave.The revenge continued.At last,Heathcliff made it but he couldn’t forget Catherine and finally died for frustration.At the end, small Catherine and Hendler Ray’ son inherited home and farmstead industry.Two people finally loved each other, and set up home in the thrush farmstead.All in all ,the novel has shown strong romantic colour. 第三篇:简爱英文人物简介简爱英文人物简介.txt有没有人像我一样在听到某些歌的时候会忽然想到自己的往事_______如果我能回到从前,我会选择不认识你。



Heathcliff-a shelf corroded by the will of conquestAbstract: Heathcliff, the hero of Wuthering Heights, is the most depictedcharacter in the book. This book is focused on his tragic story. He was in true love with Catherine when he was young, but after Hindley’s oppression and humiliation against him and the betrayal of Catherine, his love towards Catherine was gone and all that he lived for was revenge. This paper mainly discusses his revenges on Hindley, Catherine and her husband Edgar, his ambition of conquest and his life of a walking corpse.Key words: Heathcliff, revenge, Hindley, Catherine, Edgar, ambition,conquest, walking corpsei.Heathcliff’s revengeHeathcliff was taken to Wuthering Heights and became one member of Earnshaw’s family. Mr. Earnshaw regarded him as his beloved son, and named him after the name of his son died in infancy. But after Mr. Earnshaw’s death, his childhood’s sense of superiority, developed by the favor of Mr.Earnshaw, had faded away. Hindley drove Heathcliff from their company to the servant and made him do labor work as hard as any other lad on the farm.What’s even worse, the only thing that he had-Catherine’s affection, was transferred to Edgar. What could a man become without love? He decide to seek revenge.i. 1 Heathcliff’s revenge on HindleyThree years after Heathcliff ran away from Wuthering Heights, he came back.He made his revenge plan on Hindley. He set a booby-trap, and Hindley fell into it step by step. Hindley sit up all night playing cards with Heathcliff, drinking and corrupting all the time. To his expectation, Hindley lost all his money on the bet and had to borrow money on his land. When he died, he owned nothing. “His father died in debt, the whole property is mortgaged, and the only chance for the natural heir is to allow him an opportunity of creating some sympathy in the creditor’s heart, that he may be inclined to deal generously with him.”This is the final verdict of his lawyer towards him-his son had to live at his enemy’s mercy and his past servant became the owner of his property-Wuthering Heights.i. 2 Heathcliff’s revenge on CatherineHeathcliff returned to appear in Catherine’s life not because he still loved herbut because he wanted to remind her of her humiliation on him. He made her believe that it was her betrayal that made him become so cruel and cold-blooded a man. He also attributed Isabella’s tragic marriage on her telling him Isabella is the heir of her brother unless she bore a son. So Catherine would torture herself to death with self-reproach and remorse.Booby-trap again.i. 3 Heathcliff’s revenge on EdgarEdgar is the man who scratched his lover, Heathcliff also took revenge on him. He pretended to flirt with his wife to provoke him and make him feel that Catherine loved Heathcliff more than himself. He didn’t want his daughter Cathy to marry weak Linton. Heathcliff detain his daughter and made her marry Linton.Edgar was so furious that he died in grief. He did make a will that he will left his legacy to his daughter or her son if she died. Heathcliff enjoyed his suffering even when he died, he took away everything he had, and became the master of thrushcross grange. Edgar had been in complete control of Heathcliff.ii.The will of conquest deep in Heathcliffii.1 the origin of the will of conquestThe causes of the revenges are the will of conquest, the poison that permeates in Heathcliff’s body. This part will deal with the origin of the will of conquest.In the Oxford Dictionaries, this item ”conquest” is defined as the act of gaining control of someone or something or deal with something that is difficult or dangerous.The will of conquest is our free will. In the book ”Free Will” by Sam Harris, the author gave his opinions”Free will is an illusion. Our wills are simply not of our own making. Thoughts and intentions emerge from background causes of which we are unaware and over which we exert no conscious control. We do not have the freedom we think we have.”Yes. Heathcliff’s will of conquest comes from prior causes-the humiliations from Hindley, Linton’s family and the society, the oppression of Hindley and most deadly, the betrayal of Catherine. He is abandoned by the world. So he seeks revenge to conquer all the people and properties over which he had no control in the past, which gives him the perceived greatest pleasure.ii.2 the act of conquest by the will of conquestIn his revenges, Hindley, Catherine and Edgar are completely in control of Heathcliff, hence he felt the satisfaction of conquest. The occupation of the Wuthering Heights and thrushcross grange he didn’t have in the past also gave him a sense of superiority.Not only that the act of revenges and the possession of the land and money, position help Heathcliff get the achievement of conquest but that his successful control on Hareton, his son and Cathy’s fate.Hareton now lives at the mercy of Heathcliff, he becomes the poor thing like Heathcliff used to be-a servant under oppression. But Heathcliff becomes the dominator not the one being conquered.His son Linton and Cathy are his captives. They are detained as he arranges and married as he plans. Linton dies and leaves his legacy to him as he will. Until now, his ambition of conquest is achieved. Everything is under his control thus he has nothing to wake up his desire of conquest which is all that he lived for. He doesn’t want revenge anymore because the will of conquest has gone. He becomes a shell with a corroded heart. So he died soon.iii.Heathcliff is a shell without loveIn terms of free will, seeming acts of volition merely arise spontaneously (whether caused, uncaused, or probabilistically inclined, it makes no difference) and cannot be traced to a point of origin in our conscious minds. One can choose to do by free will or not because he can refer to his conscious minds. Tragically, Heathcliff’s mind is corrupted by his will of conquest so he loses his conscious mind to refer to when he take actions, all he does is by his will of conquest. He lost his puppy love, then he took revenge and put everyone under his control, in which no sign of love could be seen. He is no longer the pure Heathcliff, no longer Catherine’s beloved man. He turns into a shell with a corrupting heart of no feeling of love.iii.1 Heathcliff is no longer in love with Catherine Love is not possession but the attempt to make the other happy. Heathcliff does n’t let the past be past, he takes revenge on the Earnthaw s’ and the Linton s’.He makes use of Hindley’s addiction to drink and gamble to turn him into a corrupting penniless gambler. He also marries Isabella because he knows she is the legal heir of her brother. He does destroy the two families successfully and his desire of conquest is realized to his greatest satisfaction. This, more or less, have made Catherine suffer a lot. 18 years after her death, he even breaks the peace by digging her grave, removing the earth from her coffin-lid and opening it, wanting to possess her when himself dies in order to overrun Edgar. Is he still in love with Catherine? I don’t think so. The moment Catherine abandoned him, his heart had been torn into pieces. If a man has no heart, is he still alive? Can he love anymore?iii. 2 Heathcliff shows no love in his husband-wife bondingIsabella eloped with Heathcliff because of her affection towards him but he is completely aloof and indifferent to his wife’s devotion. She is just a chessman in his perfect plan. He exerts no responsibility in this family and there was no sign of care or mercy to his wife in his behavior. His wife couldn’t stand the relationship anymore. She ran away to live an isolated life, pregnant with a baby.Knowing all her suffering, he did n’t fulfill his obligation but leave the mother and son alone. His corrupting heart can not feel or show love any more. It’s dead. iii.3 Heathcliff doesn’t give little Linton his deserveddad’s loveEvery child deserves his dad’s love. But poor little Linton didn’t get the privilege. He has the same destiny as his mother. He is also the chessman in the process of Heathcliff’s conspiracy of scratching everything from Linton’s family. He leaves little Linton to death and he even show his unconcealing disgust towards his son. What a poor little thing! How can a dad with a slightest love treated his lovely son like this? Actually, he has not a shred of love in his corroded heart. Nothing but only the will of conquest left in his body.ConclusionHeathcliff feels not a slightest of love the moment Catherine turns her back to him and chooses the rich man-Edgar to be her future husband. Heathcliff loses love, he loses everything. He is penniless and a man of no social position. In the past, he had no control over anyone or anything so he lost everything-his happy childhood, his lover, his self-esteem and his freedom. So the will of conquest began to poison his mind and his heart gradually until the day he came back to exert his control over that area. His heart was completely corrupted and all he left was a shell with a heart filled with the desire of conquest. When he fulfills his ambition, the will of conquest fades. All that remains of him is a walking corpse. I don’t see a soul, either.。

On Heathcliff’s Tragedy in Wuthering Heights 浅析《呼啸山庄》希斯克利夫人生的悲剧

On Heathcliff’s Tragedy in Wuthering Heights  浅析《呼啸山庄》希斯克利夫人生的悲剧

浅析《呼啸山庄》希斯克利夫人生的悲剧On Heathcliff’s Tragedy in Wuthering Heights摘要:艾米莉.勃朗特在《呼啸山庄》中,以爱情为主题,讲述了催人泪下的爱情故事,得到世界各地读者的同情, 与此同时,它又从一个侧面展现了人性与社会传统的冲突。






关键词:希斯克利夫; 悲剧;社会传统;爱;恨Abstract: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, based on love, is tear-jerking and has caught the sympathies of readers all around the world. The novel demonstrates the collision between humanity and the social conventions. In it the author reveals the human ity‟s complexity and profundity that was based on the love and resentment implied in the novel, which is impacted by the temporal social conventions. This paper explores the love and hate ——producing from the collision between humanity and the social conventions,that bring the end of the leading role, Heathcliff. Under the impaction of the social culture, when love turns to hate, hate twists humanity. Therefore, humanity‟s love traged ies come into being. So is the case of Heathcliff‟s love towards Catherine. In the nineteenth century, when people stuck to the principle “Status is first, money is God”,the change of love and resentment of Heathcliff draw a perfect ending of his life.Key words:Heathcliff; Tragedy; Social Conventions; Love; HateContents1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………2. The Tragedies of Heathcliff …………………………………………………………2.1. Précis of the Novels …………………………………………………………………2.2. The Tragedies of Heathcliff‟s Love……………………………………………………2.2.1. the social conventions……………………………………………………………2.2.2. the love of the pairs………………………………………………………………a. Heathcliff‟s love to Catherine in their childhood…………………………………b. Heathcliff‟s love to Catherine after she got married……………………………c. Heathcliff‟s love to Catherine after her death……………………………………2.3. The Tragedies of Heathcliff”s Hate ……………………………………………………2.3.1. Heathcliff‟s revenge towards Catherine……………………………………………2.3.2. Heathcliff‟s revenge towards the next generation…………………………………3. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………Acknowledgement…………………………………………………………………………Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………1. IntroductionWuthering Heights is an exquisite treasure in the gallery of the world literature. Ever since its publication, it has attracted the attention of the world and sprung numerous studies on its theme, structure, characterization, delving of human psychologies, explorations in social problems and writing techniques.Wuthering Heights is the only novel written by Emily Bronte (1818-1848), an impassioned, spellbinding tale considered to be one of the greatest literary works of all time. The story is an amalgamation of childhood fantasies, friendship, romance and revenge. The story—as turbulent as its title suggests—transports the reader to the North Yorkshire moors to witness the drama of the Earnshaws and the Lintons, and the volatile, yet spiritual, relationship of Catherine and Heathcliff. As Arnold Kettle, the English critic, said, “Wuthering Heights is an expression in the imaginative terms of art of t he stresses and tensions and conflicts, personal and spiritual, of nineteenth-century capitalist society.”(Arnold Kettle)The characters of Wuthering Heights show the extreme love and extreme hatred of humanity. The protagonist Heathcliff, who is deserted by the capitalist society, in the course of protesting and fighting against social forces and class difference, turns out a tragedy.This essay is attending to probe into the novel on the aspects of the leading role—Heathcliff‟s tragedy, in the hope of achieving deeper understanding and broadening the vision over literature appreciation of the novel.2. The Tragedies of Heathcliff2.1. Précis of the NovelsWuthering Heights is set in a destitute wasteland in England. Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange are near neighbors. Mr. Earnshaw, old master of Wuthering Heights, adopts an orphan and christens him “Heathcliff”. Heathcliff is blessed with old Earnshaw‟s special favor. His daughter Catherine soon become a constant playmate of Heathcliff, but her brother Hindley hates him for usurping his father‟s all affections.After old Earnshaw‟s passing away, Hindley, new master of the Heights, reduces Heathcliff to a servant. However, Catherine and Heathcliff remain addicted to and hold indispensable affections to each other. But things change, when Catherine breaks into the Lintons in the Thrushcross Grange, She is uncontrollably fascinated by the civilized circle, which leads to controversy between her and Heathciff. Finally Catherine decides to marry Edgar Linton; she thought that she could, in virtue of this marriage, help upgrade Heathcilff from Hindley‟s tortu re. But Heathcliff runs away. Catherine falls gravely ill. Somehow she recovers and later marries Edgar. After three years, Heathcilff returns in the disguise of a fine and a prosperous gentleman. He takespossession of the Heights by seducing Hindley to g amble. He marries Edgar‟s younger sister Isabella but gives her infernal torment. Meanwhile, Catherine, unable to stand the conflict between Heathcilff and Edgar, suffers a paroxysm. After her delivery to her daughter, young Catherine Linton, she dies, in a state of babelism. Edgar and Heathcliff both suffer unspeakable agony and cut off connection between the two families. Hindley dies soon after Catherine, his son Hareton left under the maltreatment of Heathcliff. When the second generation grows up, Heathcliff forces young Catherine to marry his son Linton Heathcliff who is incurably week. Edgar dies of illness. Young Linton follows soon. Heathcliff grabs the Grange. However, revenge does not bring him peace and bliss. Incessantly haunted by the phantom of and yearning for Catherine, he ends his life finally. The two houses are restored to the lawful master and ancient stock, Hareton Earnshaw and Catherine Linton, who have fallen in love and get married later.2.2. The Tragedies of Heathcliff‟s LoveApparently,Wuthering Heights is a love tragedy. The authoress put all her hearts into the depiction of Heathcliff. The plots structure of the novel is also described in accordance with Heathcliff‟s love, hate, revenge and the recovery of human nature.Heathcliff is the unity of contradiction of goodness and badness. When appraising Heathcliff and his barbarity, if we can notice every aspect of his personality fully, and consider his irritable instinct and the deep brand which his growing environment bring to the personality of him fully, we can say Heathcliff is a soul twisted person with true, nourished strong love and hatred, and it is the love and the hatred that bring the end of Heathcliff‟s death. The tragedies of Heathcliff are the tragedies of love and the tragedies of hate.Catherine and Heathcliff are such intimates with the same world outlook. They are both children of the wild, rebellions to the conventional etiquettes. Their love as an emotional bond is forged in response to their ill-treatment. As stated by Qiao Dongyue ,“As Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, when they live in the solitary and sorrowful place, they well understand the fates of each other and rise in rebellion on the basis of their common rate and feeling.”(Qiao Dongyue 21)This idea is best expressed from the social viewpoint of Arnold Kettle in his introduction to the English novel. “Against this degradation Catherine and Heathcliff rebel, hurling their books into the dog-kettle. And in their revolt they discover deep and passionate need of each other. He, the outcast slummy, turns to the lively, spirited, fearless girl who alone offers him human understanding and comradeship. And she, born into the world of Wuthering Heights, senses that to achieve a full humanity, to be true to herself as a human being, she must associate herself totally with him in his rebellion against the tyranny involve.”(Arnold Kettle)However, the couples do not have a happy ending under the oppressing and distressingclass society, but turns out a tragedy.2.2.1. The social conventionsAs Engels has pointed out, in hierarchy society, marriage is a political dealing, an opportunity to extend one‟s influence by dint of wedlock. The functioning factor is the benefit of the clan rather than individual‟s own will. Considering the social background and the great disparity between Catherine and Heathcliff, the love of the couple is doomed to fail.In the first place, as is known to all, the setting of the novel, Wuthering Heights, is in the early 19 century, when UK was a classic patriarchy society with a strong sense of hierarchy and class contradiction divided human into several levels. The nobleman is enormously proud of their success, full of the temporal rank concept. Status is first, money is God. Peopl e‟s spirits suffer from the intense oppression. Humanity is twisted without mercy.Besides the prevailing notion of marriage in that time emphasizes power and money. Wealth and social statue are yardsticks of all. It was the wooer‟s wealth and status that decided the success or failure of one‟s marriage, which should be well-matched.Therefore, in the novel, Headthcliff comes from the lower class and because of this, the Linton family makes him feels unworthy of Catherine. Although Heathcliff and Catherine are chummy, there is actually an unscalable disparity in statues between them. Hindley‟s oppression on Heathcliff is the commence of their nightmare. The inequality he insists on them eliminates the possibility of their marriage. Even Joseph, the old sinner, actually a hypocrite rather than a pious pilgrim, looks down upon Heathcliff in the name of loyalty for the legitimate stock of the old house.Then, in the Victorian period, women were equivalent of jetton that was used for consolidating their rank of families and promoting their families wealth. In the novel, The Earnshows hold a precarious place within the hierarchy. Though the gentry, possessed servants and large estates, they nevertheless hold a fragile social position, while the Lintons are relatively firm in their gent ry‟s status. Therefore, Catherine wants to marry Edgar so that she will be the greatest woman of the neighborhood. Above all, this is the social culture and humanity on that time.In a situation where social determinants are insistent, the social prejudices have an undefeatable power over individuals. It is impossible to escape from the society. Once deviated and unable to coordinate with it, one may have its extrication in the form of vanishing or giving up. From here we can see, under such social background, the possibility of pursuing true love for Heathcliff and Catherine is definitely impossible. The tragedy of their love is inevitably, which give Heathcliff a death blow. The legendary stories are so striking as to imply the harm and unpleasantness of the class societies.2.2.2.the love of the pairsa.Heathcliff‟s love to Catherine in their childhoodHeathcliff is abandoned in the street of Liverpool when he is still a child. From the moment Heathcliff arrives at Wuthering Heights, he throws the family into contention and feels lonely at the beginning. Though Earnshaw adopts him and cherishes him very much, he receives cold receptions and is repelled by most of the members of the Earnshaws, especially the hostility of Hindley. After Earnshaw passed away, Heathcliff is driven out of the sitting room by Hindley, becomes a slave. He is not only forced to be a coolie but also tormented by the spirit. The treatment Heathcliff receives is “enough to make a fiend of a saint”(Emily Bronte 169)talking as Nelly. But Catherine and Heathcliff soon become loyal companions and champions of one another and the two indulge in their love of the wild landscape by spending as much time as possible alone together on the moors. Their relationship becomes so strong and reciprocal that the friendship between them develops into passionate love. They think they belong to each other.Catherine even thinks that Heathcliff is more herself than she is. Whatever their souls are made of, his and hers are the same. To Heathcliff, Catherine is the only light, warmth and pillar of his life. Without her friendship and love, this world is the hell to him.Because of Hindley‟s determination on seperating them, his hatred to Hindley has already permeated his heart, the revenge products silently there.Situations become more complicated and beyond their control in the wake of the intrusion of the third parties: Edgar Linton. Egdar‟s appearance places a test and an obstacle to the firm but unfortunate love between the two lovers. He is handsome, polished, wealthy, a represent of the bourgeoisie civilization. When compared to insolent Heathcliff, he forms an alien attraction to sullen Catherine. It's obviously that her love for Edgar is a desire for relationship, compounded and realistic enough. It is a love based on a clear sense of Linton‟s otherness: a love which will and does pull her most decisively, because she is a woman, into the world of change and generation and mortality. She even thinks innocently that she can help Heathcliff in this way, hoping to promote Heathcliff with the richness of Edgar who she admires, “if Heathcliff and I (Catherine) married, we sh ould be beggars? Whereas, if I marry Linton, I can aid Heathcliff to rise, and place him out of my brother‟s power.”(Bronte, E. 65)Therefore, she goes against her nature and determines to marry Linton. However, She knows clearly about her love towards Heathcliff and Linton. “My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I‟m well aware as win ter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He‟s always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.”(Bronte, E. 104)Heathcliff runs away on learning Catherine‟s mind. At this time, his love to Catherine changes to the hatred to Hindley and Linton, blaming them for losing Catherine.Till this moment, we learn that the tragedy of Heathcliff and Catherine is inevitable. Leaving the social conventions out of consideration, the so-called innocent thinking of Catherine, the lacking communication between the pairs and the tortured and morid mind of Heathcliff will definitely lead the love of the pairs to a sad ending. How about having a imagination, if Catherine can talk with Heathcliff first before she carry our her “innocent thought” and Heathcliff communicate with Catherine and let Catherine give him a chance as they are soul mates before his running away without notice, would everything has a difference instead of having their hope shattered?b. Heathcliff‟s love to Catherine after she got marriedEven though Heathcliff regards Catherine‟s choosing Hindley as a betray and runs away without notice. He still loves her infatuatedly. “If he loved with all the powers of his puny being, he couldn‟t love as much in eighty years as I could in a d ay.”(E.L.Gilbert. 214)She affects Heathcliff no matter she is alive or dead. After three years, Heathcilff returns in the disguise of a fine and a prosperous gentleman. Catherine is branded in his memory and becomes the torment to him after she has got married. Heathcliff finds that he couldn‟t forget her as his existence. Heathcliff and Catherine‟s love cannot be realized in human world. It makes Heathcliff crazy, cruel and ferocious, and becomes a devil. Heathcliff still comes to Thrushcross Grange and dates with her in desperation. Even though he hates the owner of the Thrushcross Grange--Linton who in Heathcliff‟s eyes depends on his advantages such as status, property, seizing the deep and eternal lover of Heathcliff—Catherine, he doesn‟t take revenge on him in the way he does on Edgar, because he is anxious about the feeling of Catherine. Though the revenge Heathcliff takes on Linton, he, to a certain extent, does find some comfort, but he still suffers a lot from losing Catherine. Heathcliff once said “Two words would comprehend my future—death and hell: existence, after losing her, would be hell.”(Emily Bronte 213)Meanwhile, even though Catherine‟s choice about marriage made her possesses what she wants, she is never happy at the civilized Thrushcross Grange, and finds herself feeling empty without soul. And for the next seven years, Catherine coasts through life, living only in the past. Ultimately, she is torn between her wild passion for Heathcliff and her social ambition. But the primitive love exceeds the cultural love,causes her missing of the Wuthering Heights in sick. And before she dies, her soul longs for going into the bosom of Heathcliff. After she dies, her lonely ghost thirsts for coming back Wuthering Heights.Wrong choosing, wrong dealing, suffers the both.It‟s said that l oving a person doesn‟t mean possessing him or her. How about Heathcliff letting Cathy go as he can‟t provide what Cathy wants and only wish ing she would be happy? However, it is where the charm of the novel lies, attributing greatly to the deepness of theirpassionate love. The tragedies might not be so agitating if the main characters are just obedient followers of the old social morality. Instead, the couple has their common mode of thought. They are all rebellions from the social stereotypes.c. Heathcliff‟s love to Catherine after her deathHeathcliff‟s deep love to Catherine has never change from the beginning to the end, no matter Catherine is alive or dead. He seldom says the word of “love” to Catherine to express his emotion to her, but his passionate expressions are everywhere in the novel. For example in chapter three of the novel, Heathcliff mounts the bed, open the lattice window hard. His emotion can't be suppressed at this moment while pushing the window open. He bursts out hot tears. “Come in! Come in! ” He sobbed “Cathy, do come. Oh do once more! Oh!My heart‟s darling! Hear me this time Catherine, at last! ”(Emily Bronte 40)the true feelings of Heathcliff are undoubtedly exposed, violent and tenderly. His language is simple but full of tenderness. The call of him appears only once in novel, but we obviously feel that he has called it ten million times. In this section, the author makes Heathcliff‟s love thoroughly by superb artistic means. This window is the line of demarcation of life and death, bright and dark.Also Heathcliff prays passionatly with a tragic tone:"Catherine Earn show, may you not rest, as long as I am living! You said I killed you -- haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt their murderers; only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It is unutterable! "(Emily Bronte 167)There is once Heathcliff talks to Nelly. “What is not connected with her to me? And what does not recall her? I cannot look down to this floor, but her features are shaped on the flags! In every cloud, in every tree--filling the air at night, and caught by glimpses in every object, by day I am surrounded with her image! The entire world is a dreadful collection of memoranda that she did exist, and that I have lost her!”(Emily Bronte 82)The passionate love of Heathcliff and Catherine is the kind embodiment of his human nature. Their love is just true and natural, and they love each other so deeply that they take each other as part of their life. If their love is just a shallow and eliminable fantasy, they might not suffer such afflictions.However, they are too passionately in adoration to stand separation. Such deepness and indispensability in love are reasons for why the stories are so tearing-jerking and striking.2.3. The Tragedies of Heathcliff‟s HateActually, what makes Heathcliff hate all the people, even revenge all the people around him, include Catherine, is the loss of his love. The mistake, that Catherine chooses her marriage, is the masterstroke of the novel. Heathcliff is tormented greatly by Catherine‟s betrayal. He could not bear it any more. Especially after the death of Catherine, Heathcliff isin a sense of despair, “I can not live without my life, I can not live without my soul”. (李林190)His lust for love is gone with Catherine‟s death. He loses his intelligence and leads to the eruption of his wildness. Heathcliff converts his love into hate and revenges the persons who are related to Catherine, including the fate of the two generations.2.3.1. Heathcliff‟s revenge towards CatherineAfter Linton marrying Catherine, the soul of Heathcliff totally crashes into the hopeless agony. At this time, his love to Catherine changes to the hatred to Hindley and Linton, blaming them for losing Catherine. After three years of “m issing”, Heathcliff gets back to Wuthering Heights in the capacity of a rich man, beginning to keep on plotting his vengeance plan which he has planed for a long time. The purpose that he gets back to Wuthering Heights is very clear--revenge. He wants to revenge wrong with wrong. Even though Catherine‟s betrayal, Heathcliff still love her wholeheartedly. He still comes to Thrushcross Grange and dates with her in desperation. He chooses cruelty and ferociousness as the way to escape the agony and to hide his love. Therefor, when he faces to Catherine, Heathcliff is cruel and merciless, which make Catherine suffers a lot.Catherine‟s husband, the owner of the Thrushcross Grange—Linton, in the eyes of Heathcliff, deprives the right of his love. This is the hatred that Heathcliff can't forget either of dying. Heathcliff retaliates against Hindley directly, hysterically. However, he doesn‟t treat Linton in the same way for his caring for Catherine‟s feeling.He retaliates against Linton with the premeditated marriage. He does not love Linton‟s younger sister --Isabella at all, but for revenge, he ignores the opposition of Catherine and proposes to her. He elopes with Isabella. Just going out of Thrushcross Grange, he hung the puppy of Isabella, because the puppy bit Catherine when they went to Thrushcross Grange for the first time. After Isabella marries Heathcliff, she suffers all kinds of torment. She asks Nelly: “Is Mr. Heathcliff a man? If so, is he mad? And if not, is he a de vil? ”(Emily Bronte 169)This proves Heathcliff‟s hate is very strong, he is sure to retaliate against the person who has ever injures him. Even a puppy, he cannot even let it off. Meanwhile, Catherine, unable to stand the conflict between Heathcilff and Edgar, suffers a paroxysm and soon dies after her delivery to her daughter, young Catherine Linton, in a state of babelism.The relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff represents the deepest human nature. Anyone who has ever hurt Heathcliff and Catherine has to endure Heathcliff‟s vengeance. Any method that wants to lighten, blur or relax the condition is improper. How deep his love is, how deep his agony is, and how ruthless his vengeance is!2.3.2. Heathcliff‟s revenge towards the next generationUnder Heathcliff‟s inhuman revenge, Catherine, Hindley, Linton and Isabella all die miserably. He takes possession of the Heights and defeats his enemies. However, he is notsatisfied with all this. His flame of hatred still burns wildly. The plan of his vengeance is not over, it expanses step by step, and connects with the next generation,Heathcliff…s first enemy -- Hindley dies soon after Catherine, his son Hareton left under the maltreatment of Heathcliff. Heathcliff adopts Hareton, makes him sink into the status lower than himself. Heathcliff has not damaged the human body of Hareton, but poisons his soul, dies out his conscience, and strangles his ability and intelligence when he was a child. This makes Hareton becoming an ignorant, rough and impolite person. Heathcliff says: "We‟ll see if one tree won‟t grow as crooked as another, with the same wind to twist it!"(Emily Bronte 183)(Another tree obviously refers to him). He twists a little tree cruelly like this. The worse one is, the injured person knows nothing of the whole, regards Heathcliff as the only good friend in the world.To his own son little Linton, Heathcliff does not have the feelings of flesh and blood at all,but transfers all the hatred from Linton to his own son. Heathcliff connives at the ill temper of his selfish and proud since his childhood, and has trained his first-class people's sense of superiority, in order to master the son of his personal enemy, hand down his revenge one generation to another. Little Linton became a teenager making the person very disagreeable finally. When Linton is seriously ill, Heathcliff forces him to marry the daughter of Linton--little Catherine. After the achievement of Heathcliff‟s purpose, he lets his son die young through not treating once. The vengeance plan of Heathcliff does not miss the 16 years old innocent and artless little girl--Catherine who is the daughter of his lover. He uses means of lures, cheats, threatening and kidnapping etc., forcing her to marry his son in critically ill.Heathcliff should be happy when he is succeeding, but he finds he can not get any pleasure from it. He meets Catherine‟s eye on every side, his mind stuffers with shade. He forgets his plan, the satisfaction of the human body, and he even forgets to have meals and to sleep. So he has no interest to torment Hareton and little Catherine again, he lets them do what they want to. He says: "Oh, God! It is a long fight, I wish it were over!"(Emily Bronte 267)After finishing the plan of revenge, the only wish of Heathcliff is the soul of him can go out of his human body cage and merge with the soul of Catherine together. Only by dying can he realize his wish. It is not important for him to survive. Finally, he has a nervous breakdown and dies. His soul is set free from the suffering of the vengeance at last, and gets the real peacefulness. His tragic life lowers the curtain at last.After losing Catherine, Heathcliff spend the rest of his life revenging others, till the love between little Catherine and Hareton wakes up his love towards Catherine. However, everything is too late. Heathcliff …s revenge does not bring him any contentment, but leads to the death of his own son—little Linton, ruins the only person who respects and loves him whole-heartedly in the world after the death of Catherine and her father, and also embitters hisbeloved Catherine‟s daughter.3. Conclusion“Love and hate move towards extreme and appear alternately, making us wander up and down and lose ourselves between sympathizing with and condemning Heathc liff.”(王朝闻89).The love and hate are the two poles of the human emotion, it have been displayed as a strong need of life in this novel.Even though the pairs‟ loves each other whole-heartedly and rebellion against the society of inequality and oppression, their love ends sadly. The tragedy of Heathcliff is both the tragedies of love and the tragedies of hate. Be more exact, it‟s the result of the social conventions, Catherine‟s temporary weakness, and ignorance and Heathcliff‟s tortured and morid mind, the lacking communication between the pairs and the last but not least, Heathcliff revenge towards the related people. All these ruin their own youth, love, lives and also nearly ruin their next generation.Under the social culture, when love turns to hate, hate twists humanity. Thereby, humanity‟s love is as tragedy through culture. However, when humanity does arise again, they miss the beautiful time for love.References[1] Bronte, E. Wuthering Heights[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and ResearchPress, 2005.[2] Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights [M]. New York: Bantam Books. Inc, 1981[3] E.L.Gilbert Emily Bront’s Wuthering Heights [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teachingand Research Press, 1996.[4] Wang Hong. English Literature: Reading and Appreciation [M]. 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Key words:Emily Bronte;WutheringHeights; Heathcliff; Ethic status
1. Introduction
Wuthering Heigts is British female writer Emily Bronte's onlynovel. Now considered a classic of English literature, it met withmixed reviews by critics when it first appeared, many horrified bythe stark depictions of mental and physical cruelty. Though,Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre was originally considered the best ofthe Bronte sisters' works, many subsequent critics ofWutheringHeightsargued that its originality and achievement made it superior.The narrative tells the tale of the all-encompassing and passionate,yet thwarted, love between Heathcliff and Catherine Eamshaw, andhow this unresolved passion eventually destroys them and manyaround them.Why did Heathcliff stop revenging on Cathy andHareton in the end



I. IntroductionA.Introduction to Catherine Earnshaw and HeathcliffThe hero and the heroine of the novel Wuthering Heights are Heathcliff and Catherine. The main point of my thesis is to analysis the relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine, the fate of Catherine whose betrayal of Heathcliff just brought her endlessly pain and love tragedy. First their established relations are found by the relationship during the darkness. They meet by fate and are ended by their different choice of love.Heathcliff was brought to the heights by old Earnshaw for he was an abandoned child. After his death, his son, Hindly deprives Heathcliff of all the human rights and treats him cruelly. During the years of oppression, only Catherine offers him warmth and friendship. Little by little, they fight against Hindly’s tyranny, and support each other and their friendship becomes stronger. Their same interest and life concept make a bond of the two. When they are both in dilemma, they take each other as spirit and the sunshine of life, just as Catherine says: “He is more myself than I am. What ever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”“I am Heathcliff. He is always in my heart; not as pleasure, but as my own being.” (Emily Bronte, 1999: 32)Heathcliff is more of the value of her life. In choosing Edgar, she is cheating to herself, just as what Heathcliff comments. A love oak is planted in a flower-pot. So when Heathcliff returns she is eager to see him love her all the same and maybe more. She tries to compromise her feelings with what Linton claims, but that can never be done at all. She cannot bear such suffering, falls ill and never recovers.B.Introduction to Wuthering HeightsWuthering Heights is the only novel of Emily Bronte who died of tuberculosis in 1884 at the age of thirty. The story of her life, just like that of her brothers and sisters, has long since taken place among the great literary legends of Britain and possesses an almost mythic quality. The uniqueness and brilliance of her imagination, which leads her to producing novel unique in English literature, provide a fascinating subject for critical inquiry. It is not without evidence of considerable power. On the contrary, it is a strange book which is wild, confused, disjointed and improbable.The narration tells the tale of the colorful and passionate, yet frustrated love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how their different attitudes towards love has finally destroyed both themselves and many around them. It is a love tragedy. Emily presents a life of a deformed society and draws the outline of humanity that was warped by the abnormal society, and a series of terrible events caused by it. From this angle we can learn that its romantic ingredient is rare especially.II. Analysis of different attitudes towards love reflected in Wuthering HeightsA. Catherine and Heathcliff’s attitudes toward love1. The attitude of CatherineIn the novel, Catherine's love of her life is not presented directly, but through her body language and her soul struggling painfully, the expression love is performed.On one hand, Catherine marries Linton for social status. In order to realize the value of herself, and in the face of status, she chooses to marry Linton. By marrying handsome and rich Linton, she can become a lady, live a happy life in the Thrushcross Grange. Every person can do the math.On the other hand, Catherine marries Linton as a sacrifice for the happiness of her true love. She loves Heathcliff so deeply that she would like to do everything for him, including sacrificing her own happy life. So after the decision is made to marry the wrong person, her soul is struggling to moan “I know clearly I was wrong, if in heaven I will be painful desperately, my marrying Edgar Linton is like in paradise in that kind of ill-match.”(Bronte 418). If she marries Heathcliff, Heathcliff will always be under the oppression and torture from her brother Hindly and can never get real liberty. It will be the biggest pain in Heathcliff's life, as she knows deeply in her heart that he is an ambitious man. To Catherine, the meaning of the whole world is her love to Heathcliff, and to prove her deep love, help Heathcliff to raise his head again and avoid the insult from her brother, she married Linton inpain, with her mind breaking the spirit of soul.2. The attitude of HeathcliffHeathcliff adopts the attitude towards love, which is moving and pitiful, that is, devotion. He deeply loves Catherine, and when he knows the incentive for Catherine’s marriage with Linton, he shows his devotion to love.Heathcliff is an abandoned child who has seldom got warmth and help from the world except Catherine. He does not understand what Catherine has done for him, and he is away from home until he gets the message that Catherine will be married. Heathcliff’s love to Catherine is both deep and crazy. He thinks that Linton's 8-year love to Catherine cannot be compared with the devotion that he makes to Catherine and the childhood they have spent together. When he hears the news that Cathy dies, the world for him turns hell. He moans and roars, hits his head on the trunk full of blood, almost crying out of himself until out of sense. He suffers from the pain so much that he cannot hold his breath not to do things. On the snowy night when Cathy's body is buried, in order to glance at his lover’s face for the last time, he digs the grave. The heart to Cathy with passion and impulsion makes him shake the coffin firmly, creaky. The love between Heathcliff and Catherine makes him feel illusion in anguish and eagerness, so he endlessly torments himself, no eating and drinking and finally dies. After Catherine dies, her ghost has been in the desert and unwilling to leave, waiting for Heathcliff. The hero and heroine's love is full and their souls are born together. Their love and longing for each other is strong and thrilling with great artistic appeal.B. Factors contributing to the differences in attitude towards loveThe fate of the major characters in Wuthering Heights is tragic and pitiful. Many factors contribute to the differences in attitude towards love, which contain external factors and internal factors.1. External factorsOne of the main factors leading to the differences in attitude toward love is from the external perspective. The background functions greatly in this aspect. The story happened in the early 19 century, when UK was a classic patriarchy society. At that time people lived with a strong sense of social status, and were divided into several levels. The working people were not only exploited and oppressed by the upper-class of society, but also ruled by the emerging middle-class nobles. Meanwhile, women and proletariats had a low status, whose personal rights had been deprived of.“At law women were equal to male criminals, madman and minors, in whichever class they were”. (Bronte 27) The middle class were in worse condition, because their wives and daughters were not regarded as the symbol of or status, they had to cling to man—father, husband, brother or son for life and became others’dolls. As far as they were concerned, marriage was the best they turned to, on which their all success or failure depended. But “women were equivalent of jetton that was used for consolidating their rank of families and promoting their families wealth. It was the one's wealth and status that decided the success or failure of one’s marriage,which should be well-matched rather than allowed by families.”(Bronte 449)If the marriage was against by families, it was more likely to be failure. To elope with his or her lover was the last choice for youth who loved each other so much and would not abandon each other forever. While elopement means losing everything. They not only had to break with their own families and give up the right of inheriting the rank of families and wealth, but also they had to bear heavy social pressure.In Victorian times, elopement and adultery were regarded as a shame, which would be spat on by society. As a result, they would live an unhappy life, struggling to themselves against the rude and wild life. Family owned so many rights on marriage that many hated it but had no idea to solve it. At that time, though marriage was not arranged or force, it was still far from being free, which is well illustrated by the love between Catherine and Heathcliff in the novel.2. Internal factorsThe internal factors also play a significance role in the differences in attitude towards love in the novel, which undoubtedly involve both Heathcliff and Catherine.Heathcliff’s inner world changed with the unfair life, misery experience and los s of her beloved Catherine. Heathcliff’s identity of being an adopted son and Gypsies made him suffer lots of attack from his living environment during his growth. After the death of old Earnshaw, he lost shelter forever. The eldest son of Earnshaw Hindly treated him cruelly with deep hatred. In the meantime, Catherine loved him heartily and extremely. All these factors gave birth to his extremely strong self-protecting and revenging consciousness. To take it good, he has a clear cut stand on what to love and what to hate; to take it bad, he has a split personality.Then no wonder that when Hindly’s wife died of dystopia, Catherine was resentful to his smile, and Heathcliff replied that everything that made Hindly feel sorrowful makes him happy. Indeed, this is terrible, and it is an important factor in bringing about the tragedy.However, it is more noticeable that what really leads to so many evil thoughts in people is the inequality in the prevailing circumstances, as well as people’s hypocrisy and cruelty. But Heathcliff is not to be hated but to be sympathized. He is a typical man of personals in which self emotion and freedom can break through everything. To him, whatever things betray or depress him is worth cursing and hating. As a result, it is destined that Heathcliff and Catherine must suffer from their fruitless love enduringly.In addition, Catherine also adopts her own attitude towards love, which leads to the tragedy of both her and Heathcliff. In the heart of Catherine, although she used to betray Heathcliff because of the old conception, Heathcliff took a quite important position. Her love towards her husband and Heathcliff was different in nature. On that rainy night when Heathcliff left home, Catherine exposed her in the rain doggedly and cried so hard. Her monologue tells us who her true love was:In this world, my biggest sorrow is Heathcliff's grief, and from the beginning, Ihave realized and felt it. In my life, he is the center of my thoughts. If all otherthings were destroyed, but he still stays, I can continue to live; if all other thingsto stay but him, the world for me will become a very strange place. (Bronte 197)I am not a part of it. My love towards Edgar is like the leaves in woods: “Icompletely know, the coming of winter changes trees while time changes leaves.But to Heathcliff, my love is as the constant rock, although it seems that it cannotgive you much pleasant, but those a bit is necessity. Nelly, I am Heathcliff, helives in my heart forever and forever...”. (Bronte 200).She missed Heathcliff every second, she said: “He will never know how much I love him: we know and feel the love from the very beginning because he knows me better than myself. Whatever our souls are made from, his and mine are the same.” (Bronte 348).III. ConclusionThe charm of the novel comes from its deep beauty of tragedy, from the pursuit of human power in spiritual world, from the unique natural wilderness, from the free, restless vigor that is undisciplined like the wind on the wild places in Yorkshire. In the novel, Catherine's love is not presented in combination of life emotionally, but through the body and the soul struggling painfully the expression is performed.In Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff shows us the tense conflict of love and hatred, kindness and cruelty. We cannot say Heathcliff is good or bad, because with the change of his background, he performs with different motivation, and shows a consistory character both good and evil. His life experiences determine his two-side characteristic, kind and cruel, love and hatred, as well as his inner world, half-happiness and half-sadness, satisfaction and vacancy. Heathcliff, an original clean and honest boy, is distorted and then becomes a demon, but it is that kind of contradiction, kindness and cruelty, love and hatred that makes his love and life tragic.In the novel, the tragic love is depicted both impressively and dynamically. And their love is in a great sense up to their attitudes towards love. Both Catherine has an ambiguous attitude. She marries Linton, on one hand, for the social status, yielding to the patriarchy; on the other hand, for the happiness of Heathcliff, her true lover. Heathcliff devotes to his love so deeply that he never changes his mind in any case. He turns mad, takes revenges and dies pitifully in the end. Therefore, they have different attitudes towards love. The contributingfactors to the differences in this aspect are external factors, the social background in Great Britain in the 19th century, and the internal factors, concerning both Catherine and Heathcliff’s personality and experiences.To sum up, the very charm of Wuthering Heights, in some sense, lies in the tragic love between Catherine and Heathcliff, their different attitudes towards life.。



英⽂写作翻译频道为⼤家整理的名著英⽂翻译:呼啸⼭庄,供⼤家参考:) 1 Mr Lockwood visits Wuthering Heights 1 洛克伍德先⽣造访呼啸⼭庄1801 I have just returned from a visit to my landlord,Mr Heathcliff.I am delighted with the house I am renting fromhim.Thrushcross Grange is miles away from any town or village.That suits me perfectly.And the scenery here in Yorkshire is so beautiful!1801年我刚刚拜访我的房东希斯克利夫先⽣回来。



约克郡这⼉的风景太美了!Mr Heathcliff,in fact,is my only neighbour,and I think his character is similar to mine.He does not like people either.希斯克利夫先⽣实际上是我的邻居,并且我觉得他的性情与我相仿。


‘My name is Lockwood,’I said,when I met him at the gate to his house.‘I’m renting Thrushcross Grange from you. I just wanted to come and introduce myself.’在通向他房⼦的院门前我见到了他。



”He said nothing,but frowned,and did not encourage me to enter.After a while,however,he decided to invite me in.他没说话,却皱了⼀下眉头,不太愿意让我进去。

The Dual Personalities of Heathcliff's and Catherine in Wuthering Heights

The Dual Personalities of Heathcliff's and Catherine in  Wuthering Heights

The Dual Personalities of Heathcliff and Catherine inWuthering HeightsBy09-1,Chen Yu (陈宇No.33)A paper submitted in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for literature classto Qinggong CollegeHebei United UniversityNovember 2011A BSTRACTWuthering Heights is the Flower of English literature; it is a romantic work which describes a thrilling love story. It started from the wildness and ended as a tragedy, in which we see the long lasting revenge and hatred between the two families. It demonstrates the seamy side of the society. This novel built two very complex protagonists because of their dual personalities. In order to make the readers have a better understanding of this novel, this thesis analyzes the main characters, i.e. Heathcliff and Catherine, through their growing background, their behaviors, their language, and their inner worlds described in the novel written by Emily Bronte. From the detailed analysis, we can understand a truth about this novel more clearly, that is, society shaped the people‟s character and their character determined their destiny.KEY WORDS: Wuthering Heights; Heathcliff; Catherine;Dual personalities摘要《呼啸山庄》是英国文学史上的一朵奇葩。



《呼啸山庄》梗概作文英文回答:"Wuthering Heights" is a classic novel written by Emily Bronte. The story revolves around the passionate and tumultuous love affair between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff. The novel is set in the rugged and wild Yorkshire moors, which serve as a metaphor for the wild and untamed nature of the characters.The story begins with Mr. Lockwood, a Londoner, renting Thrushcross Grange from Heathcliff. He becomes intrigued by the mysterious history of Wuthering Heights and its inhabitants. He soon learns about the tragic love affair between Catherine and Heathcliff, which had a profound impact on the lives of everyone involved.Heathcliff, an orphan, was adopted into the Earnshaw family as a child. Catherine, the daughter of the Earnshaws, develops a deep bond with him. However, their love iscomplicated by their different social statuses andCatherine's desire for a more refined life. She ends up marrying Edgar Linton, a wealthy gentleman, whichdevastates Heathcliff.Heathcliff's bitterness and desire for revenge consume him, leading him to torment those around him, including his own son, Linton. The novel explores themes of love, revenge, and the destructive power of obsession. The characters' emotions and actions are intense and often irrational, reflecting the stormy nature of the moors.Despite its dark and tragic themes, "Wuthering Heights" also offers glimpses of redemption and forgiveness. The novel ends with the death of Heathcliff and the possibility of a brighter future for the next generation.中文回答:《呼啸山庄》是艾米莉·勃朗特创作的一部经典小说。

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本科毕业论文(设计)(2017届本科毕业生)题目: A Distorted Character-Heathcliff in WutheringHeights一个扭曲的灵魂-《呼啸山庄》中的希刺克里夫ABSTRACTIn Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte shows what the true love is. Like Heathcliff and Catharine, although they can‘t marry, the two souls never separate from each other. She even uses the romantic skill to give the double characters of Heathcliff. His love for Catharine is crazy and faithful, so does his hate and revenge. In his love world, love and revenge becomes the only thing, nothing else left. Not a crazy lover, but a crazy tyrant. When the tyrant behaves as an uncontrolled one, he becomes the embodiment of hate and revenge.There c an be no doubt as to Heathcliff‘s inhuman brutality and the deliberate pain and destruction he causes to those he despises. He is not alone, however, in his cruelty. The hate to all the world of Heathcliff is all from his frustrated love and his distorted character. Here, hate is the alienation of love. It seems that hate is strong, but it is alone and insignificant; the delicate love owns the unconquerably power, the two feelings extremely burned in one life, that is the crazy feeling world of Heathcliff.This paper focuses on different aspects of Heathcliff to show his distorted character and the process of change in Heathcliff‘s destiny. Through the change of Heathcliff, the writer expresses her views that losing love means losing humanity, but she also has confidence that recovering love means recovering humanity. At the end of the novel, Heathcliff finally recovers his humanity, because he finds a permanent home for his soul.Key Words: Heathcliff, distorted character, love, revenge摘要在呼啸山庄中,艾米丽勃朗特向读者展现了真爱。















关键词:希刺克里夫;扭曲的性格;爱;复仇ContentsAbstract(English) (i)Abstract(Chinese) (ii)ChapterI.Introduction (1)A.Introduction to the Author of Wuthering Heights:Emily Bronte (1)B.Introduction to Wuthering Heights (2)C.Structure of the Thesis (3)II.Literature Review (6)A.Heathcliff‘s Growing Environment (6)B.Heathcliff‘s Passionate Love to Catherine (7)C.Heathcliff‘s Character (8)1.Heathcliff‘s Obssession (8)2.Heathcliff‘s Ruthlessness (10)3.Heathcliff‘s Selfishness (11)4.Heathcliff‘s Madness (12)D.Analysis of the Distorted Character (13)1.Heathcliff‘s Love (13)2.Heathcliff‘s Hatred (13)3.Humanity‘s Coming Back (15)III.Destiny (16)A.Heathcliff‘s Change (16)1.Heathcliff‘s Happy Life in His Childhood (16)2.Fatal Love (17)3.Heathcliff‘s Plans for Revenge (17)4.Heathcliff‘s Revenge to All His Enemies (19)B.Reason for and Analysis of the Tragedy (20)1.Spreading of Heathcliff‘s Further Plans (20)2.Heathcliff Giving Up His Revenge Plans (21)IV.Conclusion (23)Works Cited (25)Acknowledgements (27)CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONA. Introduction to the author of Wuthering Heights: Emily Bronte.Emily Brontë(1818--1848), novelist and poet, is one of the most famous representatives of the 19th century in English literature. Brontë sisters, Emily Brontë, Charlotte Brontëand Anne Brontëare the exotic flowers in literary field of 19th century England. Emily is born in Thornton of Yorkshire and grows up in Haworth, a village in north of England. Emily Brontë is first a poet. Her character and genius are shaped by the influence of her father. Patrick Brontë, the father, is of Irish stock and is known for his picturesque, free flowing speech, poetry and imagination. She is born a quiet girl, unsociable and uncommunicative, yet her inner heart is filled with passion, which can be seen in her poetry and novel. The English poet and critic, Matthew Arnold, says: ―Her (Emily) extraordinary passion, feverish feelings, gloominess and boldness are incomparable after Byron‖(Yang 23). And Virginia Woolf writes in her book Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights: ―When Charlotte composes, she declares with eloquence, brillianc e and passion that ‗I love‘, ‗I hate‘ and ‗I suffer‘. But in Wuthering Heights, Emily looks forward to the world, by the hero‘s mouth, she says not only ‗I love‘ or ‗I hate‘, but also ‗we, all the human beings‘ and ‗you, the eternal power…‘‖(Yang 295) Emily is chiefly remembered as the author of the powerful novel, Wuthering Heights. The novel describes the characters and environment of her native countryside, on the moors of north England. She enters her living conditionsand her experiences as well as her individuality such as melancholy, passionate and eloquent into the works. Emily Brontë is good at seizing primary images and entering into the savagery field of spirits by her poetic imagination. She shows us the conflicts between the keen heart-storm and the factitious wilderness. Virginia Woolf also remarks: ―Wuthering Heights is more different to understand than Jane Eyre, because Emily is a greater novelist than Charlotte‖(Yang 295).B. Introduction to Wuthering HeightsEmily Brontë‘s unique remarkabl e novel Wuthering Heights establishes her literary position. It is remarked as ―the most peculiar novel‖(Wang 76), and some of critics think of it as ―Sphinx of literary history‖(Wang 76), which is full of vigor and fierceness, leading readers into a world brimming with hatred and love, evil and kindness, weakness and stubbornness. Ralph Fox, the revolutionary critic of England writes: ―Wuthering Heights is beyond all doubt one of the most extraordinary books which human genius has ever produced‖(Liu 378). He regards it as the three greatest books of that age, ―and the writer of the future will acknowledge them as his inspiration when he attempts the task of conquering reality‖(Liu 378).According to Jung, the contents of human psychology are essentially experienced, which can be displayed both by personal behaviors and psychological activities and by superstition, myth, religion and philosophy (Rong 65), the author‘s personal experience plays an important part to help create the typical characters.Wuthering Heights opens in 1801, when Mr.Lockwood meets Heathcliff, theowner of the isolated farmhouse that he has rented. The story then jumps back in time to 1771, when Heathcliff, an orphaned child, was brought home by Mr. Earnshaw, the owner of Wuthering Heights. The events of the story, which ends in1803, take place in a few square miles of the West Yorkshire moors. Charlotte understood that people in the south of England had been raised to ―observe the utmost evenness of manner and guardedness of language‖—in other words, to behave calmly and politely, no matter how they felt inside. The people in the Brontes‘ part of the world were different. Living in scattered farms and villages, fiercely independent and suspicious of outsiders, they tended to speak their minds, often harshly, and show, rather than hide, their emotions.In Wuthering Heights, many deaths occur: over the course of thirty years, eleven characters die—none of them beyond middle age. To a modern reader, familiar with antibiotics and other common medicines, a novel with so many deaths may seem melodramatic. In the world of the Brontes, however, death was a constant presence. All six Bronte children died from disease in childhood or before they reached middle age. In the early 1800s, the average working man in Leeds (an industrial city in Yorkshire) died at the age of nineteen. In the village of Haworth,40 percent of the children died before the age of six. Tuberculosis, a disease that usually attacks the lungs and thrives in damp and crowded conditions, was rampant in Haworth.C. Structure of the ThesisThis article is divided into four parts. The first part is introduction of WutheringHeights‘author: Emily Bronte and the work itself: Wuthering Heights. The introduction of Emily Bronte is about her main works, childhood and her private life experience which shaped her special characteristics. Mean whil, the introduction of her reveals her family background. Through this, we can realize the general life of Bronte sisters and what it is that lead Emily to the road of literaray. Still, it confirms the special prestige of Emily in the literary world of England mainly due to the publication of Wuthering Heights. The introduction of Wuthering Heights reviews the work‘s background, publication and its influence in literary.The second part is literature review, which researches Heathcliff‘s distorted character by expressing his growing environment and his passionate love to Catherine. These are regarded as the main cause and fuse leading to his special character. In this part, we can also find the different factors in his distorted character to be more specific, such as Heathcliff‘s obssession, ruthlessness, selfishness and madness. At the same time, this part talks about analysis of his distorted character by regarding to Heathcliff‘s love, hatred and finally, how his humanity is coming back. By analyzing these, we can find out the evolution process of his distorted character and how his double track character is formed. It is his deeply love to Catherine, that leads to his hatred beyond rededmption. Eventually, love conqures everything. Love from the bottom of his heart wakes up his hided huamnity.The third part is about destiny. It talks about Heathcliff‘s change in his character from comparing his happy life in childhood with his latter life experience. Revealing his fatal love to Catherine and his plans for revenge. Heathcliff‘s revengeplans due to his violent and reckless hatred are prepared for all his enemies, his hatred even approaches to next generation. It also revealss the reason for and analysis of Heathcliff‘s tragedy by analyzing his spreading of further plans and giving up his revenge plans.The fourth part is the conclusion of this article. It‘s about general opinions of myself about Heathcliff‘s distorted character and its specific aspects. Still, there some of my own views about the formation of Heathcliff‘s special character, the analysis of the distorting process of his character and destiny. Revealing the nature of Heathcliff by regarding to his motivations behind the revenge.CHAPTER IILITERATURE REVIEWA. Heathcliff’s growing environmentHeathcliff is an example of the effects of cruelty, deprivation and alienation that are the products of civilization. His brutality is a direct result of his having been denied the fundamental need for nurturing that children thrive on. Abandoned as a child, uncared for and unloved, he was left to fend for himself in what must have seemed a hostile and frightening world. Constant rejection and humiliation stimulated his desire for revenge. Having been rejected he in turn rejects the system that spawned him and he sets out to destroy it. He attempts to turn the cruelty he experienced back on those whom he feels have wronged him and thereby relieve his own suffering. He substitutes hate for love, violence for peace, and disorder for harmony. He brutally separates those whom he considers his enemies from their comforts and security, their honor, and finally from those for whom they care.It is significant that Heathcliff begins his life as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool, he owned almost the love of Mr.Hearnshaw‘s, because he is the substitute of his died son-Heathcliff. But all of the family members soon become involved in turmoil and fighting, the family relationship becomes spiteful and hateful. Even on his first night, he is the reason why Mr.Earnshaw breaks the toys he had bought for his children. Young Hindley and Catharine don‘t like him,because he usurps the affections of Mr.Earnshaw.With the advantage of Mr.Earnshaw‘s favoritisms he exchanges horses with Young Hindley. Hindley had learnt to regard his father as an oppressor rather thana friend. He hates Heathcliff, because he is the only threat of inheriting WutheringHeights, and he also seizes the love from old Earnshaw. Here, class fight appears.After the death of Mr.Earnshow, he is deprived of love, sociability and education, his life all changed, although his pride nevertheless remains intact.Mr.Earnshaw is just like Heathcliff‘s shelter, but the death of him is the turning point of Heathcliff‘s life. From that time, the young Hindly controls the whole family, he treats Heathcliff badly, which behavior even could make a man toa fiend of a saint. He is separated from the family, reduced to the status of a servant,forced to become a farm hand, undergoes regular beatings and is forcibly separated from Catherine. All this made him distorted humanity. He never forgot the injury inflicted on him during his childhood.B.Heathcliff’s passionate love to CatherineIn the novel, Heathcliff‘s eternal faithfulness to Catharine is easily to see. His love for her continues to be undaunted. The love between them is just like brother and sister at the beginning, which is based on their shared perception that they are identical. Heathcliff feels he belongs with Catherine both in body and in spirit; life for him is like the spring because of Catherine.From the beginning of the novel, Heathcliff has suffered pain and rejection.Because he loves Catherine, so he doesn‘t care about the prejudice of others. But when Catherine went back from the Grange everything seemed changed. Undountly, Catherine‘s thoughts has changed a little, at last betrayed his love, in favors of the social status and civilized existence of the Grange. Here we can see that the status, wealth and position are over love. Everyone has the chance to choose their own life style, sometimes love is smaller than reality.Although Catherine at last becomes Liton‘s wife, it doesn‘t influence Heathcliff‘s faithfulness love to her. He just disappears for three years and returns in the guise of a gentleman. His return is a shock for Catherine, but he still loves her. He expresses his love with cruel methods. Lost Catherine makes him crazy. After the death of Catherine, Heathcliff‘s lust for love is gone. The degree in which Heathcliff is tormented by Catherine is reflected when he said, why did you betray your own heart, Cathy? You love me, what right had you to leave me? The sense of despair following news of Catherine‘s death is a good example of Heathcliff's tormented spirit. Life for Heathcliff after Catherine‘s death is an unnatural existence, because Catherine is his soul. With Catherine‘s death Heathcliff‘s anger and frustration peak and his behavior verges on madness. He is unable to consider a life without his beloved. He is consumed with an unspeakable sadness and in desperation he retreats from reality. He is driven on the desire to revenge his loss and alleviate his pain.C. Heathcliff’s character1.Heathcliff’s obssessionThroughout Wuthering Heights two distinct yet related obsessions drive Heathcliff‘s char acter: his desire for Catherine‘s love and his need for revenge. Catherine, the object of his obsession, becomes the essence of his life, yet, in a sense, he ends up murdering his love. Ironical ly, after her death, Heathcliff‘s obsession only intensifies.Heathcliff‘s love for Catherine enables him to endure Hindle y‘s maltreatment after Mr. Earnshaw‘s death. But after overhearing Catherine admit that she could not marry him, Heathcliff leaves. Nothing is known of his life away from her, but he returns with money. Heathcliff makes an attempt to join the society to which Catherine is drawn. Upon his return, she favors him to Edgar but still he cannot have her. He is constantly present, lurking around Thrushcross Grange, visiting after hours, and longing to be buried in a connected grave with her so their bodies would disintegrate into one. Ironically, his obsession with revenge seemingly outweighs his obsession with his love, and that is why he does not fully forgive Catherine for marrying Edgar.After C atherine‘s death, he must continue his revenge — a revenge that starts as Heathc liff assumes control of Hindley‘s house and his son — and continues with Heathcliff taking everything that is Edgar‘s. Although Heathcliff constantly professes his love for Catherine, he has no problem attempting to ruin the life of her daughter. He views an ambiguous world as black and white: a world of haves and have-nots. And for too long, he has been the outsider. That is why he is determined to takeeverything away from those at Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange who did not accept him. For Heathcliff, revenge is a more powerful emotion than love.2.Heathcliff’s ruthlessnessThe formation of Heathcliff‘s ruthless character is closely related to Catherine, because Heathcliff loves her so much that he even revenges anybody who parts Catherine and him. The hatred and revenge and ruthlessness of Heathcliff are the dissimilation and derivation of his love to Catherine. A villain hero is not the origin of sin. The true villain is the class system, the social standard, power politic and the superstition of religion that torture people and twist them. Once one‘s mirage is broken, he may badly tolerate psychological torment. If he could shun the suffering, he may drive on the right way; if not , he may not only feel hopeless but take some cruel and terrible actions which we could never imagine. Sadly, Heathcliff is the latter. When Catherine is alive, Heathcliff is accompanied by her every action, every smile, and every word; when Catherine is dead, Heathcliff is tightly surrounded by Catherine‘s soul. As soon as Catherine decides to marry Linton, Heathcliff begins his revenge plans. It is harder to forgive love than hatred. From love to hatred, from innocence to ruthlessness, Heathclif is severely punished. All originate from his inmost love to Catherine. Consequently, it is his loneness, his terror, his hopelessness, his anxiety his love, his suffering from bourgeoisie society that penetrate into his heart and enable him to become a ruthless man to take such cruel revenges. He is totally twisted from a man to g ghost.In addition, Emily Bronte adopts special narrative means, blended with chronological narration and flashback. Such means could both avoid the uninteresting elements in novel and break the traditional narrative ways in Victorian time, which not only absorbs readers but also furthers them to read without stop until the ending approaches. Besides, Emily Bronte also adopts dramatic structure that is rare in modern age. The greatest Emily Bronte creates the greatest love tragedy, Wuthering Heights, whose enthusiasm, vitality and grand spirit coincide Emily Bronte‘s enthusiastic, sorrowful and strong soul (Arnold 617).3. Heathcliff’s selfishnessThe selfishness was first introduced when Mr. Earnshaw brought Heathcliff home and presented him to the family.Because he took a fancy to this young waif, the rest of the generations following Mr. Earnshaw‘s life will suffer. Heathcliff was probably the most selfish person in all of Wuthering Heights. He ruined Catherine's life when he disappeared for three years. He also ruined Isabell a‘s life by marrying her only for revenge. Heathcliff forced young Cathy to marry Linton and then later killed the poor sickly boy through neglect. These are only the maj or actions that show Heathcliff‘s selfishness.It seems like that Heathcliff is a very selfish man. He never cares about the feeling of others, even Catherine‘s. He came back for revenging himself on the two families. He didn‘t care about Catherine‘s life and broke her family cruelly, his return indir ectly led to Catherine‘s death.4. Heathcliff’s madnessHeathclif‘s madness is presented several times in Wuthering Heights.The frist time,Heathcliff does not know that Mr. Lockwood is sleeping in Catherine‘s room. Therefore, when he hears the screa ming, he thinks it is Catherine‘s ghost. He is sorely disappointed to see that it is Mr. Lockwood, and after he orders him to leave, Heathcliff opens the window and calls outside for his beloved, dead Catherine. He receives no answer.The second time,Hea thcliff returns after Catherine‘s marriage. When he visits, he and Edgar Linton have a terrible fight, which upsets Catherine. She determines to become frenzied, which will hurt them both. Raging, she hit her head against the sofa and her lips became bloody. She was out of breath, and when Nelly told Edgar about his wife‘s d ecision to act madly, Catherine‘s rage hit its peak. Her muscles stood out irregularly, her eyes were wild, and Nelly feared she would turn violent.The third time,Heathcliff insists he has another visit with Catherine, despite the disastrous effects of his last one. She is dying, and her face is wild and pale. He sees that she is mad, and it hurts to see her so tortured. They embraced almost violently, and Heathcliff foams at the mouth like a wild animal.The fourth time,After nights of wandering the moors, and many days without food, Heathcliff is going mad. His face and eyes are altered; he seems excitable and agitated. There is also a strange happiness in his face. When he returns home the night before his death, Nelly hears him say Catherine‘s name as though she was present. She can also hear him mumbling in low to nes, talking to someone who isn‘t there. Hebelieves Catherine has been haunting him for years, and now that he is near death, he acts as tho ugh Catherine‘s spirit is closer than ever.D. Analysis of the Distorted Character1. Heathcliff’s LoveHeathcliff falls in love with Catherine in a depressed environment, Ca therine‘s love is his whole world and soul, as well as his spiritual support. All the other unhappy things are not really important for him when staying with Catherine. He has such deep and crazy affection for his beloved. Even during the 18 years after Catherine dead, he cannot free himself from the memory of her. In pursuit of the fortune and social status, he has never betrayed his love, no matter she is alive or dead. Heathcliff and Catherine‘s love is based on their shared perception. It is an attraction of tow souls from human nature, as Catherine declares, ―I am Heathcliff.‖ Their love is natural and pure, only for love sake.After Catherine‘s death, he wails t hat he cannot live without his ―soul‖, meaning Catherine. He firmly believes her soul would never disappear. Whenever he looks at something he sees Catherine in it and hears her voice in every sound. His only wish is to be buried in the same tomb with Catherine. Even when he dead he seems content because he can together with his beloved again. He athcliff‘s strong, pure and addicted love for Catherine seems the best part of his personality.2.Heathcliff’s hatredCatherine‘s marriage to Edgar is the turning point of Heathcliff‘s fate. When he overhears the conversation that Catherine decides to marry Edgar, his world elapses, he escapes from the family and has a strong desire for revenge. Three years later, Heathcliff returns with wealth and revenge against Hindley, who terribly bullied him before, and Edgar, the master of Thrushcross Grange, who destroyed his love. He marries Edgar‘s sister Isabella but treats her cruelly as a way of revenging against Edgar. Upon Catherine‘s death, Heathcliff‘s only dream and hope is lost. Nothing remains in his world but revenge. He becomes a devil with revenge not merely on Hindley and Edgar, but also on his and their children. He forces Catherine and Edgar‘s daughter young Cathy to marry his dying son Linton, in order to seize the heritage of Linton‘s family. Edgar is dying, but he prevents Cathy from going home to s ee her father. He keeps Hindley‘s son Hareton as a bemused dependent, and a rude illiterat e person. Facing his son Linton‘death, he has no feeling about it and treats Linton as a device of getting the property.The growing of Heathcliff‘s hatred intimately relates to the environment he lives. When he comes to Wuthering Heights, people do not like him for he is from the low class. He receives maltreatment from Hindley because Hindley thinks Heathcliff depr ives his father‘s attention and love. Hindley also tries all his efforts to separate him and Catherine. So Heathcliffis hatred has grown since his miserable childhood. Edgar discriminates against Heathcliff as well and serves him as a servant. But the most important element causing Heathcliff‘s hatred is that Edgar takes his beloved Catherine away from him. A person‘s longing for love and happiness is completelyfrom the human nature, which is natural and reasonable. However, society stifles people‘s longing so that the positive elements in human nature turn to be negative, which is bound to do harm to society. Heathcliff, without property and social status, cannot marry Catherine and give the life she wants. Considering the class status, Catherine decides to marry Edgar that she will be ―the greatest woman of the neighborhood.‖―If Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars?‖After experiencing the cruelty of life and society, Heathcliff‘s sense is too weak to pull him back from the wickedness.3. Humanity’s Coming BackTo a certain extent, Heathcliff is a patient of society. He rebels against the cruel fate and society, but his revenge is so crazy that not only hurts others but also hurts himself. On the other hand, goodness still remains in his personality. He has become the master of Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Heights. His foes pass away one after another, and his motivation of revenge is collapsing. The remaining love is growing, which leads him to the goodness. He gives up revenge against Hareton and young Cathy, and allows their friendship or love to grow. He finds the shadow of Catherine and himself on the two young persons. Catherine‘s call makes him have a desire to leave the world without his beloved. He realizes at last that acquiring and ruining the people and possessions cannot save his soul. He begins to lose interest in destruction.CHAPTER IIIDESTINYA. Heathcliff’s change1. Heathcliff’s happy life in his childhoodIn 1771, the abandoned boy Heathcliff was brought to Wuthering Heights by Earnshaw, a warm-hearted man and the host of Wuthering Heights. Earnshaw had two children, a son, called Hindly, and a daughter, named Catherine. From then on, Heathcliff lived there but any one especially Hindly looked down upon him and even insulted him other than Catherine. Catherine helped Heathcliff and they became best friends according to their identical hobbies. Heathcliff was entitled to learning knowledge with Catherine. He was a rather happy and innocent boy, feeling very comfortable. Nevertheless, things changed a little after Earnshaw died in 1777. The Hindly became the host and insulted Heathcliff. However, Catherine stood on the side of Heathcliff and they together opposed Hindly. Although Heathcliff was maltreated by Hindly, he felt happy due to his staying with Catherine and the particular emotion between him and Catherine.In this first phase, Heathcliff‘s is innocent and full of love, though he is insulted by the upper class and systems. In his heart, everything is sweet under the accompanying of Catherine. Meanwhile, his situation living with Catherine is satisfactory and at the very outset, the noble class does not surface. In this way, heleads a quite exciting, peaceful and harmonious life in his childhood. As they grow up, tint of love is sparkling between them.2. Fatal loveHeathcliff‘s deadly hitting is that Catherine decides to marry Linton, although Catherine does not know him well, let alone love him. Her determination to marry Linton accounts for Linton‘s handsome appearance and his well-off family background. It is her vanity, ignorance as well as foolishness that propel Heathcliff into a state of collapse. And this is the direct reason to lead into a love tragedy. Her decision not only destructs her whole life and Heathcliff but also merely destroys the happiness of next generation. It is the turning point that Heathcliff starts to change, from innocence into quietness. On hearing Catherine say, ―It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now[. . .]‖ Heathcliff grievously leaves Wuthering Heights. Knowing this, Catherine hops into a pit of flame and feels guilty and collapsed, because she clearly knows that she also loves Heathcliff very much. But it is too late. She has deeply injured Heathcliff. This fatal hitting provides Heathcliff with a premise to bec ome a rather cruel man. Heathcliff is the representive. Heathcliff‘s tragedy belongs to the under-class people of that age. The people like Heathcliff are tortured by the aristocratic systems. Anybody in such situation either keep silent or break out while Heathcliff is the latter. He leaves Wuthering Heights and embarks his plots to take revenge after Catherine betrays him and their love. This is the fuse.3. Heathcl iff’s plans for revengeThree years later, Heathcliff returns Wuthering Heights when Catherine and。
