商务英语谈判lecture 2PPT课件
商务英语谈判chapter 2 (1)PPT教学课件
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• Third, organize effective sentences and paragraphs.
– The suggested average sentence length should be about 17 or 20 words.
– One sentence has only one main idea.
2. Correctness • Correctness——the writer should not be distracted by
mistakes in grammar, punctuation or spelling. All of the information in the message is accurate. For example: – Our competitors were more successful than ours. – The two first items are not available. – We are interested in same. – It is one of the machines that were delivered last week. – We had quite a successful meeting. – He not only built houses, but also flats. – While studying the report, the telephone rang.
1. Clarity • Clarity——to make the information clear so
The definition of quotation
❖Narrowly: it is a way to indicate a particular price at which one party will buy or sell the specific commodity.
❖Broadly: including other terms and conditions for a deal: the name of the commodity, quality, quantity, price, packaging, shipping, insurance, payment terms, inspections, claims索赔, arbitration 仲裁…
psychological pricing
❖Units of measurement: RMB-Euro/Dollar ❖3 Dollar--- 20 Yuan exchange rate汇率 ❖换算单位 kilo---pound
❖This strategy allows a company to buy or sell the same product at different prices based on their grades, quantity, delivery destination, shipment, methods of payment and other related factors.
底价 底价
可能达成 协议的区域
The definition of quotation
❖Narrowly: it is a way to indicate a particular price at which one party will buy or sell the specific commodity.
❖Broadly: including other terms and conditions for a deal: the name of the commodity, quality, quantity, price, packaging, shipping, insurance, payment terms, inspections, claims索赔, arbitration 仲裁…
psychological pricing
❖Units of measurement: RMB-Euro/Dollar ❖3 Dollar--- 20 Yuan exchange rate汇率 ❖换算单位 kilo---pound
❖This strategy allows a company to buy or sell the same product at different prices based on their grades, quantity, delivery destination, shipment, methods of payment and other related factors.
底价 底价
可能达成 协议的区域
国际商务谈判(英文) 全套课件-PPT资料238页
总评成绩=平时成绩:30%+其中成绩:30%+期末 成绩:40%
商务谈判口语是一门专门用途口语课程,因此考 试形式为团队对抗模拟谈判的口语考试。从一开 始明确考核的方式是团队考核,每个成员要发挥 作用,否则影响团队分数。在学期初形成固定的 谈判代表队, 最后用抽签的方法决定最后的谈 判模拟中哪一队和哪一队进行谈判。
Unit 1 Making an Enquiry
3.What do you usually ask for in the enquiries?
Catalogue,sample,price-list,quotation,terms of payment, date of delivery,etc
4.How do you invite a best possible price in an enquiry?
Explanation of language expressions, special terms, negotiation skills and concerned knowledge
Practice in the situation offered in groups
3. Three Steps to Follow :
Different items and situations demand different skills, generally you have to follow three steps:
1)devise a target 2) do some preparations 3) negotiate for the target
商务谈判口语是一门专门用途口语课程,因此考 试形式为团队对抗模拟谈判的口语考试。从一开 始明确考核的方式是团队考核,每个成员要发挥 作用,否则影响团队分数。在学期初形成固定的 谈判代表队, 最后用抽签的方法决定最后的谈 判模拟中哪一队和哪一队进行谈判。
Unit 1 Making an Enquiry
3.What do you usually ask for in the enquiries?
Catalogue,sample,price-list,quotation,terms of payment, date of delivery,etc
4.How do you invite a best possible price in an enquiry?
Explanation of language expressions, special terms, negotiation skills and concerned knowledge
Practice in the situation offered in groups
3. Three Steps to Follow :
Different items and situations demand different skills, generally you have to follow three steps:
1)devise a target 2) do some preparations 3) negotiate for the target
商务谈判中的成功失败案例分 析
商务谈判中的常见错误和解决 方案
除了语言,非语言交流也是谈判过程中的重要组成部分。包括肢体语言、面 部表情和声音的使用。
1 积极倾听
倾听对方的观点,并给予积 极回应。
2 适度提问
通过提问了解对方的需求和 关注点。
3 明确表达
掌握有效的谈判技巧,如倾听、提问、 换位思考等,有助于更好地达成协议。
在谈判前明确自己的目标,以便制定合适的策 略。
与对方建立良好的信任关系,有助于达成更好 的合作协议。
保持冷静、沉着,避免情绪化的 反应。
理解对方的观点,并表现出合作 的态度。
运用积极的沟通技巧来缓解紧张 气氛。
商务谈判常常伴随着各种压力,包括时间压力、目标压力等。有效应对压力, 保持冷静和明智的决策。
Business Card Exchange
Beginning or the end of a meeting
-Handing to others -Accepting cards
Study, Comments, Clarify, treat with respect
Down to business
Warm and Enthusiastic glad to meet someone
Desirable Hand shaking
Shake hands properly
a. Stand about 1.2 meters away from you’re the other person b. Extend your right hand c. Keep the thumb up and four fingers straightly extended
Introduction-Self Introduction
Shorter, Clearer, More powerful
Example: This is XX from Intel ASAP Sales and marketing. I am covering the direct business (直营) of IBM in Asia area. It is nice to meet you.
Greetings- Non verbal
Hand shaking Bowing Kissing
Greetings- Hand Shaking
1) If you are in their shoes, do you think the Department of defense did the right thing?
2) What principle did the Department of Defense follow?
B. Principle of Trust in Negotiation
Personal Interests
-----interests of individuals who participate in negotiation.
Organizational Interests:
---interests of collective bodies such as private or state-owned enterprises, institutions and other kinds of entities.
to convey ideas.
Trust building in negotiation
2. Manage your reputation * Reputation spreads. * Make your reputation a tool in negotiation by providing references from mutually trusted third parties that speak for your character and competence or by offering other forms of evidence of past success such as media or trade reports.
2) What principle did the Department of Defense follow?
B. Principle of Trust in Negotiation
Personal Interests
-----interests of individuals who participate in negotiation.
Organizational Interests:
---interests of collective bodies such as private or state-owned enterprises, institutions and other kinds of entities.
to convey ideas.
Trust building in negotiation
2. Manage your reputation * Reputation spreads. * Make your reputation a tool in negotiation by providing references from mutually trusted third parties that speak for your character and competence or by offering other forms of evidence of past success such as media or trade reports.
商务谈判(business negotiation)PPT文档24页
商务谈判(business negotiation)
46、法律有权打破平静。——马·格林 47、在一千磅法律里,没有一盎司仁 爱。— —英国
48、法律一多,公正就少。——托·富 勒 49、犯罪总是以惩罚相补偿;只有处 罚才能 使犯罪 得到偿 还。— —达雷 尔
50、弱者比强者更能得到法律的保护 。—— 威·厄尔
6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿
Thank you
Байду номын сангаас
46、法律有权打破平静。——马·格林 47、在一千磅法律里,没有一盎司仁 爱。— —英国
48、法律一多,公正就少。——托·富 勒 49、犯罪总是以惩罚相补偿;只有处 罚才能 使犯罪 得到偿 还。— —达雷 尔
50、弱者比强者更能得到法律的保护 。—— 威·厄尔
6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿
Thank you
Байду номын сангаас
商务英语谈判课件(PPT 35页)
Business Negotiation English
1. Introduce the students to the main principles of business negotiation.
2. The students get familiar with the types of negotiation.
*Separate the people from the problem.
Techniques: ---Establish an accurate perception. ---Cultivate appropriate emotions. ---Strive better communication.
Disadvantages :
Pressure an individual to compromise and accommodate in ways not in his interest.
Avoid confrontational strategies, which can be helpful at times.
11.Getting a child to go to bed.
12.Picking a successor for the CEO of a company where you are on the board.
3. Types of negotiation:
1. Competitive style 2. Accommodative style 3. Avoidance style 4. Compromising style 5. Collaborative style 6. Vengeful style 7. Self-inflicting style 8. Vengeful and self-inflicting style
1. Introduce the students to the main principles of business negotiation.
2. The students get familiar with the types of negotiation.
*Separate the people from the problem.
Techniques: ---Establish an accurate perception. ---Cultivate appropriate emotions. ---Strive better communication.
Disadvantages :
Pressure an individual to compromise and accommodate in ways not in his interest.
Avoid confrontational strategies, which can be helpful at times.
11.Getting a child to go to bed.
12.Picking a successor for the CEO of a company where you are on the board.
3. Types of negotiation:
1. Competitive style 2. Accommodative style 3. Avoidance style 4. Compromising style 5. Collaborative style 6. Vengeful style 7. Self-inflicting style 8. Vengeful and self-inflicting style
商务英语谈判lecture 2 ppt课件
商务英语谈判lecture 2
The position of the Chinese company was that it would produce only two models, while the underlying interest was to keep manufacturing costs down. The position of the American importer was that it wanted four models, while its underlying interest was to increase its profits by selling more bicycles. As long as the negotiators focused on these positions, the dispute could be resolved only through concessions by one or both sides.
商务英语谈判lecture 2
商务英语谈判lecture 2
In one negotiation in the early 1980s, a Chinese manufacturer was locked in a dispute with an American importer over how many models of the bicycles his company would produce. The American importer wanted four different models to give its customers greater selection. The Chinese company wanted to produce only two models, to keep manufacturing costs down.
商务英语谈判教材(PPT 54页)
If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away. 如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。
We'd rather have you quote us FOB prices. 我们希望你们报离岸价格。
3. 还盘(counteroffer)在这个环节中经常用的句 子有:
Your price sounds a bit too high. / Your price is much higher than we expected ./ Will you reduce your price by…%? / In order to conclude the transaction, I hope you will
Would you tell us your best prices C.I.F. Humburg for the chairs.
Offer and counter--offer
An offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated. It can be a firm offer which is a promise to sell goods at the stated price, usually within a stated period of time. It also can be a non—firm offer which is made without engagement and is subject to the seller’s confirmation.
If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away. 如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。
We'd rather have you quote us FOB prices. 我们希望你们报离岸价格。
3. 还盘(counteroffer)在这个环节中经常用的句 子有:
Your price sounds a bit too high. / Your price is much higher than we expected ./ Will you reduce your price by…%? / In order to conclude the transaction, I hope you will
Would you tell us your best prices C.I.F. Humburg for the chairs.
Offer and counter--offer
An offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated. It can be a firm offer which is a promise to sell goods at the stated price, usually within a stated period of time. It also can be a non—firm offer which is made without engagement and is subject to the seller’s confirmation.
sequences • Use the power of competition to leverage power • Constrain yourself. • Good information is always a source of power. • Do what you can to manage the process
Why is power important to negotiators?
• The negotiator believes he or she currently has less power than the other party. • The negotiator believes he or she needs more power than the other party to increase the probability of securing a deof power ?
• Informational sources of power • Personal sources of power • Power based on position in an organization • Relationship-based sources of power • Contextual sources of power
❖ The definition of negotiation ❖ The negotiation opportunity ❖ The selection of negotiators ❖ Protocol ❖ Communication ❖ Time sensitivity ❖ Risk propensity ❖ Groups versus individuals ❖ The nature of agreements ❖ Emotionalism
Why is power important to negotiators?
• The negotiator believes he or she currently has less power than the other party. • The negotiator believes he or she needs more power than the other party to increase the probability of securing a deof power ?
• Informational sources of power • Personal sources of power • Power based on position in an organization • Relationship-based sources of power • Contextual sources of power
❖ The definition of negotiation ❖ The negotiation opportunity ❖ The selection of negotiators ❖ Protocol ❖ Communication ❖ Time sensitivity ❖ Risk propensity ❖ Groups versus individuals ❖ The nature of agreements ❖ Emotionalism
1. Invitation to Offer
---Inquiry: initiate a potential transaction
From a buyer: Please quote the lowest price of CFR Singapore for 1000 boxes of large size Maxam Dental Cream at the earliest delivery.
From a seller: We can supply Flying Pigeon brand bicycles with shipment in May. Please fax us if you are interested.
Please advise…/ please fax advice… Interested in… please… Please quote…/ please offer… We can supply…
In reply, we would like to offer, subjects to your reply reaching us before the end of this month, the following:
20’ Men’s style @US$25 per set …
Payment term: By L/C at sight to be opened through a bank to be approved by us.
Shipment: October/November 1998, provided the covering L/C reaches us by the end of this month.
The above prices are understood to be on CIF Cairo basis net. Please note that we do not allow any commission on our bicycles, but a discount of 5% may be allowed if the quantity for each specification is more than 1,000 sets.
知识就是财富 丰富你的人生
A Definition of Power
"an actor...has power in a given situation (situational power) to the degree that he can satisfy the purposes (goals, desires, or wants) that he is attempting to fulfill in that situation
What are the sources of power ?
• Informational sources of power • Personal sources of power • Power based on position in an organization • Relationship-based sources of power • Contextual sources of power
The definition of negotiation The negotiation opportunity The selection of negotiators Protocol Communication Time sensitivity Risk propensity Groups versus individuals The nature of agreements Emotionalism
sequences • Use the power of competition to leverage power • Constrain yourself. • Good information is always a source of power. • Do what you can to manage the process
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Case Study
The position of the Chinese company was that it would produce only two models, while the underlying interest was to keep manufacturing costs down. The position of the American importer was that it wanted four models, while its underlying interest was to increase its profits by selling more bicycles. As long as the negotiators focused on these positions, the dispute could be resolved only through concessions by one or both sides.
▪ Student A:
▪ You want to speak to Ms.Black of G and B Company. Ms.Black isn't in the office, so you leave the following
The interests of the Chinese manufacturer were achieved by the solution—profit per unit remained constant. The interests of the American importer were also met—it sold more units at higher prices, which more than offset the increased manufacturing cost.
Business Negotiation English
Case Study
In one negotiation in the early 1980s, a Chinese manufacturer was locked in a dispute with an American importer over how many models of the bicycles his company would produce. The American importer wanted four different models to give its customers greater selection. The Chinese company wanted to produce only two models, to keep manufacturing costs down.
But an interest-oriented examination of the dispute leads to the question: How can the higher cost of manufacturing four models be allocated between the American importer and the Chinese manufacturer? In this example, the parties were able to devise a formula that increased the unit cost of different models to reflect the Chinese manufacturer’s increased manufacturing cost.
Simulated negotiation 1
▪ Directions: Read the short passage below. Do you think the conflict between the manager and the workers can be solved? Imagine you are the manager/workers’ representative who would negotiate with the workers/manager. How would you prepare your proposal that may lead to a win-win solution? Write down your plan and find a partner to role-play the negotiation.
Role-play in pairs
▪ You are the assistant of George Smith, Purchasing Manager of HRC Corporation.
▪ Someone calls to be connected to Mr.Smith. Find out who's calling and why. Explain that your boss is not available now.
Simulated negotiation 1
▪ The management of a major television manufacturer’s warehouse has a dispute with employees about overtime scheduling. Workers do not want to be locked into a spur-of-the-moment overtime assignment, yet management needs to be sure that the warehouse will be fully staffed. Please help both sides work out a solution that satisfies them all.