

格兰富水泵自带变频器操作说明书 R100操作

格兰富水泵自带变频器操作说明书 R100操作

14 有关安装详情,请参见标准水泵的安装与使用说明
2.1 电气连接—单相泵 注:用户或者安装人员要保证水泵得以按照现行有效的国际和当 地标准安装正确的接地和保护,所有工作必须由有资格的电气人 员来进行。
实际的电源电路连接参见图 3
综述 双头泵 安装 电气连接—单相泵 电源开关 触电保护—间接触点 附加保护 马达保护 过电压保护 供电电压 泵的启动/停止 电气连接—三相泵 电源开关 触电保护—间接触点 附加保护 马达保护 过电压保护 电源电压 泵的启动/停止 其它连接 信号电缆 泵的设定 工厂设定 通过控制面板进行设定 设定值设定 设定为最大工作曲线 设定为最小工作曲线 泵的启动/停止 通过 R100 进行设定 运行菜单 设定值的设定 运行模式设定 故障指示 警报记录 状态菜单 实际设定值显示 运行模式显示 实际值显示 实际速度显示 输入功率和功耗显示 运行时间显示 安装菜单 选择控制模式 控制器的设定 选定外部设定值信号 选择故障、运行和待命信号继电器 锁定水泵上的按钮 水泵编码 选择数字输入功能 传感器设定 设定最小和最大工作曲线 外部强制控制信号 启动/停止输入 数字输入 外部设定值信号 总线信号 设定的优先级 指示灯和信号继电器 绝缘测量 技术数据—单相泵 电源电压 漏电电流 输入/输出 技术数据—三相泵 电源电压 漏电电流 输入/输出 其它技术数据 废物处理
2.1.3 附加保护 如果水泵所连接的电力系统带有附加的对地漏电断路器保
2.1.7 泵的启动/停止 由电源执行的启动和停止次数每小时不得超过 4 次。 如果需要更多的启动和停止次数,则启动/停止水泵时,需



紧固扭矩和润滑剂 ............................................................................................................................16
分解图 ..............................................................................................................................................18
* 泵版本组合代码举例 : A1C:基本版加标准联轴器,无电机。 A2E:基本版加间距联轴器以及合格证和测试报告。
NKG NK 32 -125 .1 /142 A1 -F -A -BAQE 举例 水泵型号 NKG NKGE 入口名义直径 (DN) 出口名义直径 (DN) 叶轮名义直径 [mm] 简化性能 =.1 叶轮实际直径 [mm] 泵版本代码 ( 可为组合代码 *) A1:基本版带标准联轴器 A2:基本版带定距联轴器 AH:裸轴泵 C: 不带电机 E: 带合格证和测试报告的泵 X: 特殊版本 管路连接代码 : F: DIN 法兰 (EN 1092-2) E: Table E 法兰 材料代码 : A: 铸铁 EN-GJL-250 泵壳 , EN-GJL-250 叶轮 , 青铜耐磨环 B: 铸铁 EN-GJL-250 泵壳 , 青铜叶轮 CuSn10, 青铜耐磨环 S: 铸铁 EN-GJL-250 泵壳 , 1.4408 叶轮, 青铜耐磨环 N: 1.4408 泵壳和叶轮 , 充碳 - 石墨聚四氟乙烯耐磨环 R: 1.4517 泵壳和叶轮 , 充碳 - 石墨聚四氟乙烯耐磨环 P: 1.4408 泵壳 , 1.4517 叶轮 , 充碳 - 石墨聚四氟乙烯 耐磨环 K: 1.4408 泵壳和叶轮 , 1.4517 耐磨环 L: 1.4517 泵壳、叶轮与耐磨环 M: 1.4408 泵壳 , 1.4517 叶轮和耐磨环 X: 特殊版本 轴封和泵的橡胶件代码 NKG 50- 32 -125 .1 /142 A1 -F -A -BAQE

格兰富CR CRI CRN安装及使用说明书

格兰富CR CRI CRN安装及使用说明书

CR,CRI,CRN 安装及使用说明合格声明我们格兰富公司对本声明负全部责任, 本声明涉及的CR,CRI,CRN产品符合近似EEC 成员国法律的以下理事会准则:—机械制造(98/37/EEC)所用标准:EN292—电磁兼容性(89/336/EEC)所用标准:EN50 081-1及EN50 082-2—在一定电压围使用的电气设备的设计(73/23/EEC)所用标准:EN 60 335-1和EN 60 335-2-51.Bjerringbro /2001年2月1日Jan Strandgaard技术经理CR,CRI,CRN 安装及使用说明目录1. 处理 62. 型号规定 6 2.1 泵CR,CRI,CRN 1,3和5的型号规定 6 2.2 泵CR,CRI,CRN8和16的型号规定 6 2.3 泵CR, CRN 32,45,64和90的型号规定63. 应用 64. 技术参数7 4.1 环境温度7 4.2 液体温度7 4.3 轴封的最大允许工作压力和液体温度7 4.4 最小进口压力7 4.5 最大进口压力8 4.6 最小流量8 4.7 电气参数8 4.8 启动和停机频率8 4.9 尺寸与重量84.10 声压级85. 安装86. 电气连接96.1 变频器应用97. 启动98. 维护保养99. 防霜1010. 服务1010.1服务组件1011. 联轴器调节1012. 故障诊断表1113. 废物处理11开始安装之前,务必认真阅读本安装与使用说明书,安装和使用还要符合当地法规的要求。

1. 处理CR,CRI,CRN 1,3,5和CR,CRN 8,16泵的马达上提供了起吊孔,该孔绝不能用来起吊整台水泵。

当要吊起整台泵时,留意以下各项:●配有格兰富MG马达的CR,CRI,CRN 1,3,5和CR,CRN 8,16泵可以使用皮绳或者类似的绳索套在泵头上起吊。





6 常规项目收费明细(1.5T除外)1 致尚XT 常规项目收费明细(1。

5T除外)2 睿骋常规项目收费明细3 CS75常规项目收费明细4CS35 常规项目收费明细5 CX20 常规项目收费明细6 悦翔常规项目收费明细7 悦翔V3 常规项目收费明细8 悦翔V7 常规项目收费明细9 悦翔V5 常规项目收费明细10 奔奔MINI 常规项目收费明细11 新奔奔常规项目收费明细12 志翔常规项目收费明细13一、养护品说明方案名称保养部位使用产品保养时机间隔周期效果指数便捷型发动机内部发动机保护剂新车磨合时(二保)15000公里★★★★☆方案名称保养部位使用产品保养时机间隔周期效果指数便捷型发动机内部发动机保护剂新车磨合时(二保)15000公里★★★★☆方案名称保养部位使用产品保养时机间隔周期效果指数便捷型发动机内部新车磨合保护剂新车磨合时5000公里★★★★☆方案名称保养部位使用产品保养时机间隔周期效果指数便捷型喷油嘴喷油嘴系统清洁剂加油门没劲2。

0万公里★★★★☆方案名称保养部位使用产品保养时机间隔周期效果指数便捷型进气系统进气系统清洁剂气门与活塞润滑不良2.0万公里★★★★☆方案名称保养部位使用产品保养时机间隔周期效果指数保护型水箱连接管路水道冷却系统保护剂换冷却液时更换部件时3万公里★★★★☆制动系统故障解决方案方案名称保养部位使用产品保养时机间隔周效果指数期增强型制动盘刹车四件更换油时2万公里★★★★刹车片分泵导向销轮毂凸缘套轮胎换位时检查轮毂时★方案名称保养部位使用产品保养时机间隔周期效果指数清洗型空调风道蒸发器表面空调清洗剂春夏秋冬均可空调异味时10000公里换季★★★★☆三.常见故障说明发动机部分序号故障描述故障分析1 发动机启动异响1.解释2000公里左右属于挺筒异响属于正常。







切记不能用水泵来冲洗管道,不能在水泵安装好进出管路后,再进行管路焊接等,主要是避免可疑物或焊渣等进入水泵内;•安装完后,如果不使用,用挡物盖住水泵,避免水和其他异物进入风扇及接线盒内;•如果水泵室外安装,强烈建议水泵电机安装防雨蓬;•如果水泵为变频控制,强烈建议对1.5KW 以下的电机加装LC滤波器,对于其它功率的电机,也建议加装滤波器。



严禁闭阀运行,最小流量至少应为最大流量的10% 。

泵的铭牌上标有泵的流量和扬程水泵常见故障及排除:序号常见故障排除方案1 电机反转更换任意2相电源线的相序2 水泵有噪音a)气蚀噪音(调整出口阀门,水泵噪音会减少),出口压力表是否有抖动?如有,要排气。

CU 3X2安装和使用说明书

CU 3X2安装和使用说明书

中文 (C N )277中文 (CN) 安装和使用说明书目录页1. 本文献中所用符号2. 产品说明CU 3X2是一种灵活的控制装置,可控制并监视多达6个水泵。

在以下章节中将对两个型号进行说明:•CU 352– 供水和增压系统– 加热及空调系统。

•CU 362– 污水处理和排水应用。

下文中的两个型号特指CU 3X2。

1.本文献中所用符号2772.产品说明2772.1指示灯2782.2端子2782.3潜在爆炸性环境2783.标识2793.1型号说明2794.安装2794.1安装场地2804.2防护等级2804.3端子2804.4电缆2805.机械安装2806.电磁兼容问题 --正确的安装方式2816.1内部 GENIbus 总线接头2826.2Fieldbus 通信接口模块2826.3CIM 模块的安装2827.启动2848.技术资料2849.电气数据2849.1电源电压2849.2功耗2849.3断路器2849.4备用保险丝2849.5短路保护2849.6数字输入2849.7模拟输入2849.8数字输出 (继电器输出)2849.9导线2849.10USB 端口2849.11备用电池 (UPS)2859.12终端组28510.输入输出概览表28611.维护和服务28712.维护28713.更换CU 3X228713.1更换 CIM 模块28714.尺寸规格28715.回收处理287警告装机前,先仔细阅读本安装操作手册。





中文 (CN)278图 1CU 3X2举例*部分帮助文本适用于整个显示屏,其余文本适用于显示屏的部分系列。

2.1 指示灯CU 3X2具有1个绿色指示灯和1个红色指示灯。



泵送液体的密度 最大1000 kg/m3。 如需泵送更高密度液体,请联系格兰富。
安装深度 最深至液面以下25米。
运行模式 每小时最多30次启动。
位置 说明
1 提升架 2 铭牌 3 电机 4 冲洗阀连接 5 出口法兰 6 电缆入口 7 顶盖 8 环形底座 9 泵壳
中文 (CN)
4. 应用
* 例外 : 代码 075 = 0.75 kW。
DPK .10 .80 22 .S .5 0D
中文 (CN)
10. 安装
安装开始之前的检查工作: • 泵型是否与订单一致。 • 水泵是否适用于安装现场的供电电压和供电频率。 • 所有附件和其他装置是否在运输途中受到损坏。
警告 请遵守安装现场的所有安全规定。 采用鼓风机向水池提供新鲜空气。
6. 向水池中放入水泵之前先清除水池中的垃圾碎屑。
7. 在泵的出口上安装导爪。用链条拴在泵的提升架 上,将导爪卡到导轨内,然后将泵降到水池内。 当泵到达自动耦合装置的底座位置时会自动紧密连 接。
8. 在水池顶部将链条的末端挂在一个合适的挂钩上, 使得链条和泵壳不会发生接触。
9. 将电机电缆卷在一个线盘上,以此来调整电机电缆 的长度并确保该电缆在水泵工作时不会受损。 在水 池的顶部将该线盘固定好。 检查电缆没有折角或穿 通。
10. 连接电机电缆



Modbus 连接............................................................................................................................................. 12
故障排除 ................................................................................................................................................... 10
故障排除 ................................................................................................................................................... 14
CIM 模块和格兰富产品之间内部通信的红 / 绿状态指示灯
1.2 连接
1.2.1 电源 对于电缆尺寸信息,参见 CIU 单元的安装与操作指导。
4 123
位置 1 2 3
内部地线端子 必需接地 • 如果 CIU 单元是安装在无地线连接的 DIN 轨道上。 • 如果 CIU 单元是安装墙面上。 • 如果总线电缆内无有效的地线连接。
Modbus 地址............................................................................................................................................. 17



GRUNDFOS说明书Sololift2 C-3安装和使用说明书Sololift2 C-3/qr/i/97771617中文 (CN)2中文 (CN) 安装和使用说明书翻译原来的英文版本安装与操作指导对格兰富Sololift C-3进行了说明。


章节 4-8 介绍了有关产品的重要信息,以及有关服务、故障查找和产品处置的信息。

目录页1. 概述1.1 本文献中所用符号1.1.1 对死亡或人身伤害危险的警告1.1.2 其他重要事项1.概述21.1本文献中所用符号22.接收产品32.1运输产品33.安装产品33.1机械安装33.2电气连接34.产品介绍44.1产品描述44.2设计用途44.3泵送液体45.维修产品45.1服务文献45.2维护和服务45.3服务指导56.对产品进行故障查找67.技术数据78.产品处置7开始安装前,请先阅读本文件。











中文 (C N )32. 接收产品2.1 运输产品3. 安装产品3.1 机械安装若提升站与洗衣机、洗碗机、浴缸与/或淋浴器连接,我们强烈建议安装LC A2警报装置(配件)。

若水箱内的水位过高,LC A2警报器将发出警报声响并自动关闭洗衣机或洗碗机。


本说明书末尾的图 A 和 B 显示了可能的连接 方式: ·图 A:显示通过外部碰撞接触,连接或断
开电源,以启动或停用水泵。 ·图 B:显示通过外部转接接触,连接或断
5.2 带继电器模块的双头水泵 水泵具有在三种速度下工作的过载保护装 置,因此水泵可直接与主电源连接。 水泵在工厂设置时就具有在工作水泵和备用 水泵之间切换的功能。每 24 小时切换一次。 本说明书末尾的图 C 到 E 显示了可能的连接 和在不同操作方法下的选择开关的设置。 ·图 C:交替操作 ·图 D:备用操作,水泵 1 作为工作水泵,
水泵操作时要求的最小入口压力见 118 页。 声压标准
水泵声压应低于 70dB(A)
输入与输出 标准模块
热控过载开关 (接线头 T1/T2)
电压:250V AC 电流:
Cosϕ =1.0:2.5A Cosϕ =0.6:1.6A
启动/停止输入 (接线头 7 和 8)
操作/故障指示输出 (接线头 1 到 3)
3. 单水泵操作:水泵可以互相独立操作。
4. 安装
水泵的安装位置必须避免人员意 外接触水泵炽热的表面。
安装水泵时,凸缘带有卵圆形螺栓孔的 UPS (D)32-xx, 40-xx, 50-xx, 60-xx 型水泵及其 垫片需按图 3 操作:
图3 安装
双头水泵接线盒的可能位置见图 6。
60Hz 3x200-230V 50/60Hz
最大 10A 封闭等级
IP 44 环境温度
0℃~40℃ 相对空气湿度
最大 95% 液体温度
连续:-10℃~+120℃ 短期可达+140℃

格兰富 NK,NKG 安装和操作说明书

格兰富 NK,NKG 安装和操作说明书
Bjerringbro 2006 年 11 月 1 日
Declaration of Conformity
We Grundfos declare under our sole responsibility that the products NK and NKG, to which this declaration relates, are in conformity with the Council Directives on the approximation of the laws of the EC Member States relating to
10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4
12. 12.1
交付和吊装 交付 吊装
泵的型号含义 NK 型号说明 NKG 型号说明 叶轮直径 泵送液体
技术数据 环境温度 液体温度 运行压力 最小入口压力 最小入口压力见电机铭牌 最小流量范围 最大流量范围。 电气数据 重量 噪声等级 泵的转速与材料和尺寸的关系 皮带传动 燃料发动机的操作
— Electromagnetic compatibility (89/336/EEC). Standards used: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3.
— ATEX 94/9/EC (ATEX 100) (applies only to products with the ATEX mark on the nameplate). Standards used: EN 13463-1 and EN 13463-5. (Declaration of conformity and installation and operating instructions of the motor are enclosed.)



Hydro 系统常见故障及排除格兰富技术热线:400-820-2196服务邮箱地址: Service-cn@涉及电控部分的维修,服务人员需具备低压电工证。

格兰富技术热线:400-820-2196服务邮箱地址: Service-cn@Hydro 系统日常维护保养格兰富水泵故障排除表打开接线盒盖前,应断开电源! 水泵进出口必须安装压力表,否则将视为系统不完善。



3.电机接线需对照电机铭牌及接线盒内接线图要求接线,根据电机的额定电流(In)设置热保护,电流设定< IN。





润滑脂型号:SHELL牌 高温锂基脂RL38.电机首次加油后每运行2千小时轴承需加一次润滑脂(高温锂基脂),电机上有具体标注;(当年生产的电机)。






13.日常巡视需注意观察水泵运行状况:a.水泵工作压力---水泵进出口压差符合工作曲线范围b.水泵的震动/噪音---震动引起噪音,可根据电机噪音指标+3db判断水泵运行震动是否正常c.水泵电流---根据经验值运行电流在额定电机的80-90%d.电机温升---F级绝缘的温升155℃减环境温度e.电机轴承温升---应小于80℃f. 检查电控箱的电源的质量、电源线的连接是否牢固、电机的接线是否正确松动格兰富技术热线:400-820-2196格兰富污水泵故障排除表污水泵故障排除之前应该咨询潜污泵曾经出现过的现象,然后检查保护回路的功能,否则将视为盲目判断。



带 EPDM 橡胶件 , HxxE, H 型轴封的 CRI 和 CRN 型水泵可以用温 度最高达到 150 °C 的液体就地清洗 (CIP),最长时间为 15 分钟。
泵送温度超过 +120 °C 的液体可能导致周期性噪音并 可缩短泵的寿命。
CR, CRI, CRN 泵不适用于长时间泵送温度 120 °C 以上的液体。
5.4 最小入口压力
图 4 配置一个 CR 泵的开放系统示意图
以米水头计算的最大吸程 "H" 可以从下式得出 :
H = pb x 10.2 – NPSH – Hf – Hv – Hs
( 可以将大气压力设置为 1 巴。) 在封闭的系统中,pb 表
Start the pump and check the direction of rotation.
Continue to vent the pump. At the same time, open the discharge isolating valve a little more.
For further information, see page 21.
3.2 CR, CRN 32, 45, 64, 90, 120 和 150 型号名称说明
4. 用途
5. 技术数据
5.1 环境温度和海拔高度
5.2 液体温度
5.3 轴封的允许最大运行压力和液体温度
5.4 最小入口压力
5.5 最大入口压力

格兰富MP 204电子泵保护说明书

格兰富MP 204电子泵保护说明书

KEY FEATURES AND BENEFITS• Configure limits, trip points, delays, and more...• See Detailed alarm and warning information • View pump run times and starts• Copy and save settings from one MP 204 to another • Read, print, and/or email full performance reports with the MP 204 report function • Full I&O manual available on Grundfos GO for MP 204ELECTRONIC PUMP PROTECTION MADE SIMPLESP pumps are made to be very strong indeed. But that does not mean they cannot benefit from extra protection that prolongs their lifetime and safeguards them against external threats. That is why we created the MP 204 motor protection unit.Made especially for pumps by pump specialists, it was designed to bring you pump protection that is as simple to use as it is efficient. Our engineers packed it full of all the protection features you need—but kept it easy to install, set, and use.PROTECT YOUR PUMPS AGAINST EXTERNAL THREATSThe MP 204 protects pump motors against incoming station powersupply issues such as: undervoltage, overvoltage, current unbalance, and other variations in power supply. So even if your external power supply is not entirely steady, your SP pump will remain as reliable as ever. Very importantly, the extra protection also reduces wear, thereby prolonging the motor’s lifespan.Reduced power consumption is a strong indication that the pump is about to run dry, so the MP 204 will immediately stop the pump if the power consumption drops below 60 percent. And with SP pumps, the Tempcon temperature sensor ensures that the pump is stopped if it becomes too hot—for example if a foreign object jams the pump.SP Motor ProtectionGRUNDFOS MP 2043-YEARSYSTEM WARRANTY WHEN USED WITH A GRUNDFOS PUMP AND MOTORTECHNICAL DATAGruallrightsreseSTAY IN TOUCH FROM A DISTANCEWe believe in open protocols. That is why your MP 204 solutioncan be connected to virtually any SCADA system, allowing youremote access to your pump data anywhere. You can control thepump, change the settings, and access information such as energy。



Disassembly tool for mechanical seal NL 30"
Disassembly tool for mechanical seal NL 40"
Disassembly tool for mechanical seal NL 50"
Optimol paste TA
96799803 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Retainer tool NL 10
Retainer tool NL 20 & NL 30 97747696
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Impeller-centring wrench, plastic
96799915 X
Impeller-centring wrench, plastic
96799917 X X
Impeller-centring wrench
96799099 X X
Impeller-centring wrench
Quantity 1 2
Content, impeller nut, HeliCoil to Nord-Lock

Pos. 0922.00 0933.00
Description Impeller nut Lock washer Hexagon nut, elevated strength Grease
Seat for stationary ring
Seal seat 1 Seal seat 2 Seal seat 3, (HYGIANA II / HYGIA old) Seal seat 3, (Euro-HYGIA) Seal seat B3, stationary ring, bi-elastically mounted, direction of rotation right Seal seat standard, L1K Single seal seat, NOVAlobe Single, quenched seal seat, NOVAlobe Double seal seat, NOVAlobe Single O-ring seal seat, NOVAlobe Double O-ring seal seat, NOVAlobe

Griff 服务手册说明书

Griff 服务手册说明书

GriffService Manual1. Content1. Content (2)2. Symbol (4)3. Description (5)3.1. Layout for Griff. (6)3.2. Operating Diagrams (7)3.3. Identification Plate (8)4. General information (9)5. Preparation (9)5.1. Transportation (9)6. Placing/application (9)7. Water supply (9)8. Air supply (9)8.1. Adjustment of air (9)9. Power supply (10)10. Installation Guide (10)11. Connecting the unit (11)11.1. Connections (11)11.1.1. Water: (11)11.1.2. Products: (11)11.1.3. Electricity: (11)12. Preparing the unit (11)13. Testing the unit (11)13.1. Testing the Rinse function: (11)13.2. Testing the Foam function: (11)13.3. Testing the Sanitise function: (12)13.4. Checking the unit for leaks (12)14. S ervice / Maintenance instructions (12)14.1. Recycling and scrapping (12)15. Descaling (12)16. Troubleshooting (12)17. Specifications (13)18. Electric diagram (14)19. Pump curve (15)IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGWhen using electric appliances, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following:1. Read all the instructions before using the appliance.2. To reduce the risk of injury, close supervision is necessary when an appliance is used near children.3. Do not touch moving parts.4. Only use attachments recommended or sold by the manufacturer.5. Do not use outdoors.Exception: This item is not required if the appliance has been evaluated for outdoor use.6. For a cord-Connected appliance, the following shall be included:- To disconnect, turn all controls to the off ("O") position, then remove plug from outlet.- Do not unplug by pulling the cord. To unplug, grasp the plug, not the cord.- Unplug from outlet when not in use and before servicing or cleaning.- Do not operate any appliance, with a damaged cord or plug, after appliance malfunctions or ifdropped or damaged in any manner. Return appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair, electrical or mechanical adjustment.7. For a portable appliance - To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not put Griff in water or other liquid. Do not place or store appliance where it can fall or be pulled into a tub or sink.8. For a grounded appliance - connect to a properly grounded outlet only. See Grounding Instructions.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS611000242612312986 7 5 4 10211311 E n g l i s h (E N )3.1. Layout for Griff.Single user unit1. Water inlet2. Pump3. Flow Switch4. Injector block5. Chemical inlet, block6. Sanitizer inlet, block7. Air inlet, block8. Compressor9. Water outlet10. Switch, Compressor 11. Control box 12. Power supply7110003126E1F E2F WCPFSTCCCCD AEJRVCOEJ HVHCE n g l i s h (E N )3.2. Operating Diagrams according to ISO14617F. Filter.FST. Flow-switch and -trigger.C. Check valve.CP. Centrifugal pump.EJ. Ejector.HV. Hydraulic valve.HC. Hose connection.A. Air supply.D. Outlet.E. Inlet, detergent.W. Water inlet.CO. Compressor RV. Regulating valveDisinfection Foam13E n g l i s h (E N )17. SpecificationsTechnical DataWater110Vac 60 Hz versionConnection type inlet3/4" GHT (ASME B1.20.7 3/4" - 11,5-NH)Recommended inlet pipe dimensions (min)3/4"Local outlet 1/2" quick coupler Pump pressure 52 psi / 3,7 bar Operational pressure 82-116 psi / 5,7-8 bar Operational flow range 1,5-3 gal/min / 5-11 l/min Water consumption - foaming 1,5 gal/min / 5 l/min Water consumption - spraying 1,5 gal/min / 5 l/min Water consumption - rinsing 3 gal/min / 11 l/minMin. inlet pressure 29 psi/4 gal/min / 2 bar @ 11 l/minMax. inlet pressure 72 psi/5 bar Max. water temperature 158°F/70°C Electricity Power consumption 1 kW Nom. current 11,1 ASupply1/PE 110 Vac ±10% 60 HzSecurity of electrical wiring 12A Electrical cable; L1, L2, L3, PE 1,5 mm 2Nozzles (recommended)Rinsing nozzle 15/12Foam nozzle Foam lance 100 mmSpray nozzle 15/12GeneralNumber of products 2IP classIP54Max. hose length (recommended)82 ft/25 m (50 ft/15 m)Sound level ISO 11202Below 70 dB Weight66 lbs/30 kgDimensions H x W x D19,7 x 19,7 x 10,2 inch / 500 x 500 x 260 mmDimensions are without cart/trolley140123456789AB CDEFABCDEFK A Y E l e c t r i c a lR e v i s i o n A I n i t i a l e r s a n1D C C &EF SN æs t e s i d eA n t a l s i d e r 1S i d eP r o j e k t K a yD a t o 18-03-2013D o k u m e n t n u m m e r 110 003 041-M 1UNP E-M 2UNP E-B 2-F 1123456UUNNP EP E P u m pC o m p r e s s o rF l o w A i r-W 1123-W 2123-W 3123-W 412-W 51212-K 1/X 1-K 1/X 23-K 1/X 3-K 1/X 4-K 1/X 5-K 1-B 3E n g l i s h (E N )18. Electric diagram1* 115 - 230 V, 60 HzE n g l i s h (E N )CM1-3 1*115 - 110/115, 60HzItem no: 110006232CRecommended spare partsPièces de rechange conseilléesPiezas de recambio recomendadas171416 123131141267515 9810110003058b1819N r.No.P o s ./R e f .!D escription Désignation DesignaciónKay Nr.No.Fuse 12 A 1 110003166 83900071 Fusible 12 AFusible 12AFuse 0,315 A 2 110003167 83900070 Fusible 0,315 AFusible 0,315 AController board 3 110002644 92214059 Carte processeurPlaca controladoraHose Teflon4 110003159 92214026 Téflon de flexibleConducto de TeflonScrews for Cover 5 110003168 88020017 Vis du couvercleTornillos para la cubiertaReed switch for Flow switch6 110003165 83050051 Interrupteur rouge du régulateur de débitInterruptor de lámina para el interruptor de caudalFlow switch7 110002638 83050050 Régulateur de débitInterruptor de caudalScrews for compressor switch8 110003170 88020018 Vis pour l'interrupteur du compresseurTornillos para el interruptor del compresorCompressor switch9 110002636 83055100 Interrupteur du compresseurInterruptor del compresorSelector knob10 110003156 92214011 Bouton de sélectionManija selectoraSS braided hose11 110005172 85032013 Tuyau tressé acier inoxydableManguera de acero inoxidable trenzadoCompressor 12 110002632 84550001 CompresseurCompresorCover 13 110006336 92214058 CouvercleCubiertaThermal overload 14 110002622 83000800 Surcharge thermiqueSobrecarga térmicaPumpe cpl.15 110002650 8460087 Pompe, complèteBomba completaWall bracket 16 110002629 92213793 Support muralSoporta para pared2011732211918547201516119141391210811000663611000323021N r.No. P os ./Re f.! D escriptionDésignationDesignaciónKay Nr.No. * 1 110003096 Air Check valve•* 2 110004434 Product check valve • * 3 110005516 O-ring kit(110002952)4 110002501 Selector valve axel* 5 110005516 O-ring kit(110002956)6 110005516 O-ring kit(110003172)7 110003156 Selector knob110002633 Block cpl.8 110003205 Mounting kit for cart9 110003204 Mounting kit for unit on cart10 110003197 Mounting kit productholder11 110003207 Mounting kit for caster12 110003206 Mounting kit for wheels13 110003177 Castor cpl.14 110003176 Back wheel cpl.15 110002985 CouplerCoupleurAcoplador16 110004658 Bracket for nozzles and cables 17 110005516 O-ring kit(0635021)18 110005516 O-ring kit(110002955)19 110002392 Flexible pressure piece 20 110005516 O-ring kit(110002961)21 110004219 Injector kitInstallation2020,33/4" GHT 104Ø0,317,24,74,717110004860A:USA22N o .: 110006232E 05/2019 P r i n t e d i n D e n m a r k。



0 1 0 10 1 0 10 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 00 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0Gefran Softwarepreventive maintenance alarms• Closed loop for Melt pressure and control of roller tension• Management of motors in synch• Recipes for work parameters and machine parameters • Confi gurable trends of process variables • Exportable historical fi les• Weekly programmer for programmed on/off• Scalability of application on many hardware architectures • Tested solutions based on Gefran Hardware/SoftwareProfi leGF_PACK EXTRUSION is Gefran’s solution for complete control of extruders and extrusion lines.GF_PACK EXTRUSION is supplied as preinstalled software on Gefran HW, within which Gefran has inserted a series of preconfi gured functions.GF_PACK EXTRUSION consists of standard hardware and software modules:• Operator interface with terminals and Gefran Industrial PCs, 6.5”, 10.4”, 12.1” and 15” colour monitors and touch screen • Gefran GILOGIK II I/O modules with digital and analogue inputs and outputs and temperature sensors • Temperature control modules, Gefran Geflex single loop and multiloop, with on-board SSRs • Application software preconfigured and preloaded on operator interfaceGF_PACK EXTRUSION contains all typical functions for managing an extruder and an extrusion line.gf_pack extrusion2Functions» Thermoregulation• Max 96 configurable temperature control zones• Division of temperature control zones into groups• Parameterisation and configuration of temperature control loop from dedicated application pages• Distributed temperature control with Geflex controllers• Centralized temperature control with GILOGIK II (R-TC8 modules)• Pages with trend graphics on all enabled temperature zones, with acquired setpoint/value trend» Motors control and management• Up to 16 preconfigured motors (extrusion, hopper, mixer, vacuum pump, drag, cut, auxiliary)• Dedicated pages for motors Start/Stop, with status feedback, from operator panel• Preconfigured synchronism function activated from operator panel• Automatic management of gear ratio for motors enabled for synchronism • Dedicated pages for scaling analogue input and output values• Pages with trend graphics for all acquired analogue variables• Configuration of up to 4 setpoints on analogue input• Up to 4 closed loops for speed controlAs default, machine movement control signals are managed with analogue values (-10 / +10 Vdc).For use of drives in Fieldbus (CANopen) connection, reference values can be managed with read/write on the bus.» Other functionalityIn addition to machine control functions, the packet offers:• Recipe management (exportable via USB port)• Printing of configurable parameters and pages• Videocamera via Ethernet (Netcam) for real time remote control of system “hot points”• Tele-assistance via modem and Internet• Complete diagnostics of hardware (PLC) with function state and information on version of configured I/O modules• Multilanguages management with UNICODE support (Italian, English, French, German, Chinese, etc.)• Password level management for access to pages or change of data items • Easy access to system from local and remote by Ethernet (centralisation, diagnostics, upgrade)• Availability of a user setting log• Quality control of defined parameters• Programmed system autostart• Counters for managing maintenance of significant data, configurable runtimesgf_pack extrusion The following diagram shows a film extrusion line, highlighting its main functions with specific reference to use of devices in the Gefran catalogue.3gf_pack extrusion4SupplyGF_PACK EXTRUSION is uspplied on a DVD, with which you can install the data and information needed to programme an extrusion line.The installation DVD contains the following:• User manual with information on functions and operation of pages used to manage an extrusion line• Configuration manual with information on source software structure and instructions for possible changes. A list of available data/variables and of standard functions is included• General electrical diagram for connecting the operator panel, I/Os and possible connection in case of distributed temperature control• Graphic utility for guided configuration of structure for passage to various application pages. The utility is also used to configure access levels for page call To programme and implement special functions, the development PC requires the configuration tools contained in Gefran Automation Builder (G.A.B.).By using the programming languages you can change the standard functions contained in GF_PACK EXTRUSION to adapt them to specific machine needs.The information and data on the DVD are subject to a user license that is inserted with the supply.GF_PACK EXTRUSION is available in various configurations according to the type and complexity of the application:EXTRULABO• Application software packet for small/medium extruders• Dynamic pages configurable for up to 16 temperature control zones, up to 3 motors in synch, 1 fast control loopEXTRUCOMP• Application software packet for estruders• Dynamic pages configurable for up to 24 temperature control zones, up to 10 motors in synch, 1 fast control loopEXTRUPIPE• Application software packet for extruder lines• Dynamic pages configurable for up to 48 temperature control zones, up to 16 motors in synch, up to 4 fast control loopsThe various confi gurations (EXTRULABO, EXTRUCOMP and EXTRUPIPE) are matched with one of the terminals of the GF_VEDO ML, GF_VEDO HL or DIGISTAR II series equipped with the VxWorks operating system.The selected terminal is supplied with the OS and selected operative packed preinstalled.gf_pack extrusion5 Technical DataThe automation architecture required for the GF_PACK EXTRUSION solution calls for:Operator interface based on the following terminals of the GF_VEDO ML seriesOperator interface based on the following terminals of the GF_VEDO HL seriesModel GF_VEDO ML 65GF_VEDO ML 104GF_VEDO ML 121GF_VEDO ML 150Type262K TFT colorsDimension 6.5”10.4”12.1”15”ResolutionVGA(640x480)SVGA(800x600)SVGA(800x600)XGA(1024x768) Processor Type Geode LX900 / Frequency 600MHz / Core x86Standard2 x Ethernet 10/100 Mbps4 x USB 2.0 Host1 x RS4852 x PS21 x TF keyboardModel GF_VEDO HL 121GF_VEDO HL 150Type262K TFT colorsDimension12.1”15”ResolutionSVGA(800x600)XGA(1024x768) Processor Type Intel Pentium Celeron - Intel Celeron Mobile / Frequency 600 - 1500MHzStandard2 x Ethernet 10/100 Mbps2 x USB 1.1 Host1 x RS4852 x PS21 x TF keyboardgf_pack extrusion6Geflex controllersModel GFX GFXTERMO4GFX4Characteristics1 channel (hot/cold)Solid state relay embedded DIN rail mounting 4 channels (hot/cold)Solid state relay command DIN rail mounting 4 channels (hot/cold)Solid state relay embedded DIN rail mountingGILOGIK II series remote I/O modules with GDNet (Ethernet) connection to operator interfaceCodeR-E16R-U16R-EU16R-A/D8R-D/A4R-D/A8R-MA6R-TC8R-C3Characteristics,Channels number 24Vdc PNP digital inputs 16824Vdc 2APNP digital outputs 16816mA, V analog inputs,potentiometer , strain gauge (16bit)86mA, V analog outputs (16bit)4 - 86Temperature inputs (18bit) (J, K)8Counter inputs1(5KHz)3 (250KHz)All Input / Output signals are optically isolated.gf_pack extrusion7Distributed solutionGF_VEDOGEFLEXGILOGIK IIModbus RS485Centralized control using R-TC8 modules in the GILOGIK II series, with GDNet (Ethernet) connection to operator interface.Centralized solutionGF_VEDOGILOGIK IIR-TC8 temperature controlDistributed control using Gefl ex controllers, with serial Modbus connection to operator interface.GEFRAN spa Via Sebina, 7425050 Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) - ItalyPh. +39 030 9888.1 - Fax +39 030 9839063Email:*******************:gf_pack extrusionOrder codePRECONFIGURED SOLUTIONSF039561EXTRULABOApplication software package for small/medium extruders. Dynamically confi gurable up to 16 temperature control loops, up to 3 motor control loops with synchronization and 1 fast closed control loop.F039562EXTRUCOMPStandard application software package for extruders. Dynamically confi gurable up to 24 temperature control loops, up to 10 motor control loops with synchronization and 1 fast closed control loop.F039563EXTRUPIPEApplication software package for complete extrusion lines. Dynamically confi gurable up to 48 temperature control loops, up to 16 motor control loops with synchronization and 4 fast closed control loops.SOLUTIONS FOR SYSTEM INTEGRATORSF039564EXTRUSYSOpen application software package for complete extrusion lines. Dynamically confi gurable up to 96 temperature control loops, up to 30 motor control loops with synchronization and 10 fast closed control loops. Includes SEVEN programming environment for PLC and HMI, and a 3 days technical training in our laboratories in Provaglio d’Iseo (Italy). (travel and lodgings expenses excluded).DTS_GF_PACK-EXTRUSION_1209_ENGNote:The EXTRULABO, EXTRUCOMP, EXTRUPIPE, packages must be ordered together with a DIGISTAR II series industrial PC with VxWorks O.S.。

格兰富-风扇盘管组合 技术支持手册说明书

格兰富-风扇盘管组合 技术支持手册说明书

496 04 5301 01 Feb 2010TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUALFan CoilsFEM*X, WAHM, WAHTTABLE OF CONTENTSWiring Diagram 2 − 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Airflow Charts 4 − 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Number Identification 6 − 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MODELSFEM2X1800A1 FEM4X1800A1 WAHM182A1 WAHM184A2 WAHT182A1 WAHT184A2FEM2X2400A1 FEM4X2400A1 WAHM242A1 WAHM244A2 WAHT242A1 WAHT244A2FEM4X3000A1 FEM2X3000A1 WAHM302A1 WAHM304A2 WAHT302A1 WAHT304A2FEM2X3500A1 FEM4X3500A1 WAHM362A1 WAHM364A2 WAHT362A1 WAHT364A2FEM2X3600A1 FEM4X3600A1 WAHM422A1 WAHM424A2 WAHT422A1 WAHT424A2FEM2X4200A1 FEM4X4200A1 WAHM482A1 WAHM484A2 WAHT482A1 WAHT484A2FEM2X4800A1 FEM4X4800A1 WAHM602A1 WAHM604A2 WAHT602A1 WAHT604A2FEM2X6000A1 FEM4X6000A1TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUAL Fan Coils: FEM2X, FEM4X, WAHM**(2,4), WAHT**(2,4)2496 04 5301 01ModelsFEM2X1800A1 FEM4X1800A1FEM2X2400A1 FEM4X2400A1FEM2X3000A1 FEM4X3000A1FEM2X3500A1 FEM4X3500A1FEM2X3600A1 FEM4X3600A1FEM2X4200A1 FEM4X4200A1FEM2X4800A1 FEM4X4800A1FEM2X6000A1 FEM4X6000A1WAHM182A1WAHM242A1WAHM302A1WAHM362A1WAHM422A1WAHM482A1WAHM602A1WAHT182A1WAHT242A1WAHT302A1WAHT362A1WAHT422A1WAHT482A1WAHT602A1TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUAL Fan Coils: FEM2X, FEM4X, WAHM**(2,4), WAHT**(2,4)496 04 5301 013ModelsWAHM184A2 WAHT184A2WAHM244A2 WAHT244A2WAHM304A2 WAHT304A2WAHM364A2 WAHT364A2WAHM424A2 WAHT424A2WAHM484A2 WAHT484A2WAHM604A2 WAHT604A2TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUAL Fan Coils: FEM2X, FEM4X, WAHM**(2,4), WAHT**(2,4)4496 04 5301 01AIRFLOW PERFORMANCE − CFM at a given Speed and Static readingModel(* = 2 or 4)Blower Speed Measured Static Pressure, inlet to outlet (inches water column)*X1800WAHM18*WAHT18*High 766739706666619566Medium 701659619578538499Low 614572530486441396FEM*X2400WAHM24*WAHT24*High 941905868830792753Medium 823786747707665622Low 633583533482431378FEM*X3000WAHM30*WAHT30*High 1130109710631028992955Medium 10331000965928888846Low 840802760713663609FEM2X3500WAHM36*WAHT36*High 143713981354130812571204Medium 128212381192114210901036Low 1168111810671014959903FEM*X3600High 147914371392134412931240Medium 132712821236118711351081Low 1192115111001039970890FEM*X4200WAHM42*WAHT42*High 161615781533148014201353Medium 147914371392134412931240Low 130312581211116111081054FEM*X4800WAHM48*WAHT48*High 180517721739170416691632Medium 165216171581154315041463Low 145814181377133512921248FEM*X6000WAHM60*WAHT60*High 205720241989195419161878Medium 179917661731169516581618Low166716331596155815171475NOTES:1.Airflow based on dry coil at 230V with factory approved filter and electric heater(2 element heater for model sizes 1800 − 3600, 3 element heater for model sizes 4200 − 6000)2.Not recommended for use above 0.60 inches water column external static pressure.3.Shaded cells indicate airflow is greater than 450 CFM per ton.TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUAL Fan Coils: FEM2X, FEM4X, WAHM**(2,4), WAHT**(2,4)496 04 5301 015STATIC PRESSURE CORRECTION FROM DRY TO WET COIL (inches of water column)Airflow performance chart above was developed using fan coils with DRY coils.When taking a static reading across a WET coil, adjust the static pressure numbers above by adding the values in this table (for a given CFM, wet coil will have greater static pressure drop than dry coil).Model(* = 2 or 4)CFM 50060070080090010001100120013001400150016001700180019002000FEM*X1800WAHM18*WAHT18*.034.049.063−−−−−−−−−−−−−FEM*X2400WAHM24*WAHT24*.−−−−−−−−−−−FEM*X3000WAHM30*WAHT30*−−−.−−−−−−−−−FEM2X3500WAHM36*WAHT36*−−−−−.−−−−−−−FEM*X3600−−−−−.−−−−−−−FEM*X4200WAHM42*WAHT42*−−−−−−−.−−−−−FEM*X4800WAHM48*WAHT48*−−−−−−−−−.−−FEM*X6000WAHM60*WAHT60*−−−−−−−−−−−. PRESSURE DROP ACROSS FILTER (inches of water column)Model(* = 2 or 4)CFM 400600800100012001400160018002000FEM*X1800WAHM18*WAHT18*.020.044.075−−−−−−FEM*X2400WAHM24*WAHT24*−.044.075.110−−−−−FEM*X3000WAHM30*WAHT30*−−.048.072.100−−−−FEM2X3500WAHM36*WAHT36*−−−.072.100.130−−−FEM*X3600−−−.072.100.130−−−FEM*X4200WAHM42*WAHT42*−−−−.070.092.120−−FEM*X4800WAHM48*WAHT48*−−−−−.092.120.152−FEM*X6000WAHM60*WAHT60*−−−−−−.120.152.187TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUAL Fan Coils: FEM2X, FEM4X, WAHM**(2,4), WAHT**(2,4)6496 04 5301 01FAN COIL MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDEF E M 4X 1800A 1F = Fan CoilS = Standard PSC E = GE X −13MOTOR TYPE U = UpflowM = Multiposition INSTALLATION TYPE2 = R −224 = Environmentally Sound R −410AREFRIGERANTX = TXVMETERING DEVICE1800 = 18,000 BTUH = 1½ tons 2400 = 24,000 BTUH = 2 tons 3000 = 30,000 BTUH = 2½ tons3500 & 3600 = 36,000 BTUH = 3 tons 4200 = 42,000 BTUH = 3½ tons 4800 = 48,000 BTUH = 4 tons 6000 = 60,000 BTUH = 5 tons NOMINAL CAPACITYSales CodeEngineering RevisionFAN COIL MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDEDigit Position:1, 2345, 6789Example Part Number:WAHM244A 1WA = Air Handler S = Standard MotorH = High Efficiency MotorMOTOR TYPEM = Multiposition Plain Copper Evaporator CoilT = Multiposition Tin −coated Copper Evaporator Coil INSTALLA TION TYPE 18 = 18,000 BTU/hr = 12 TONS 24 = 24,000 BTU/hr = 2 TONS 30 = 30,000 BTU/hr = 22 TONS 36 = 36,000 BTU/hr = 3 TONS 42 = 42,000 BTU/hr = 32 TONS 48 = 48,000 BTU/hr = 4 TONS 60 = 60,000 BTU/hr = 5 TONS NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY 2 = R −224 = R −410A REFRIGERANT SALES DIGIT EXTRA DIGITTECHNICAL SUPPORT MANUAL Fan Coils: FEM2X, FEM4X, WAHM**(2,4), WAHT**(2,4)496 04 5301 017ACCESSORIES PART NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDEEB AC 01NCBAEB = Evaporator Blower AC = Accessory01 = Product Identifier Number NCB = Non −Combustible Base Kit DFK = Down Flow KitPLG = Power Plug (no heat kit)SPK = Single Point Wiring Kit FKS = Filter Kit Small FKM = Filter Kit Medium FKL = Filter Kit LargeFKX = Filter Kit Extra LargeCTK = Condensate Trap Kit (PVC pipe)Sales CodeELECTRIC HEATER MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDEEHK 05A K N1EHK = Electric Heater Kit05 = 5 kW 07 = 7 kW 09 = 9 kW 10 = 10 kW 15 = 15 kW 18 = 18 kW 20 = 20 kW 25 = 25 kW 30 = 30 kW NOMINAL HEAT VALUE Sales CodeK = 208 / 230 single −phase H = 208 / 230, 3−phaseKC = 208 / 230, supplied as single phase, field convertible to 3−phase HC = 208 / 230 supplied as 3−phase, field convertible to single phase VOLTAGE (60 Hz)Product Identifier Engineering CodeInternational Comfort Products, LLCLewisburg, T ennessee 37091 USA。

格兰富 ALPHA1 手册说明书

格兰富 ALPHA1 手册说明书

GRUNDFOS DATA BOOKLETGrundfos ALPHA1Circulator pumps50/60 HzTable of contents 2Grundfos ALPHA1 1.Product introduction3Type key3Performance range32.Applications4Pumped liquids4Control of heating systems5Advantages of pump control53.Construction7Stainless-steel versions N7Sectional drawing7Material specification7Motor and control box8Unique air vent system94.Installation and startup10Installation10Electrical data10Startup10Liquid temperature10System pressure10Inlet pressure10Setting the pump10Change of pump performance115.Guide to performance curves12Energy labelling12Curve conditions126.Performance curves and technical data13ALPHA1 15-40, 20-40 (N), 25-40 (N)(A), 32-4013ALPHA1 20-45 N14ALPHA1 15-50, 20-50 (N), 25-50 (N), 32-5015ALPHA1 15-60, 20-60 (N), 25-60 (N)(A), 32-60167.Accessories17Union and valve kits17Insulating kits17ALPHA plugs178.Product range18ALPHA1 (N), Germany19ALPHA1 (N), Austria and Switzerland19ALPHA1 (N), international209.Further product information21WebCAPS21WinCAPS22GO CAPS23Productintroduction3 Grundfos ALPHA11 1. Product introductionGrundfos ALPHA1 is a complete range of circulatorpumps with the following features:•integrated differential-pressure control enablingadjustment of pump performance to the actualsystem requirement•motor based on permanent-magnet/compact-rotortechnology.The pumps are energy-optimised and comply with therequirements of the EuP directive.Fig. 1EuP readyThe installation of one of these pumps will reducepower consumption considerably, reduce noise fromthermostatic valves and similar fittings and improve thecontrol of the system.The Grundfos ALPHA1 range offers a host ofadvantages:Energy savingsHigh-efficient permanent-magnet motors.FlexibilitySuitable for installation in existing systems.ComfortLow-noise operation.SafetyBuilt-in electrical and thermal protection of the pump.User friendlinessSimple setting and operation.Type key*Exception: UK version, size 15 = 1 1/2".Performance rangeFig. 2Performance rangeTM577451613Example ALPHA125 -40180Pump rangeNominal diameter (DN) of suction and discharge ports[mm](15 = 1"*, 20 = 1 1/4", 25 = 1 1/2", 32 = 2")Maximum head [dm][ ]: Cast-iron pump housingN: Stainless-steel pump housingA Pump housing with air separatorPort-to-port length [mm]TM4217284Fig. 3One-pipe heating systemFig. 4Two-pipe heating systemFig. 5Underfloor heating systemFig. 6Domestic hot-water recirculation systemPumped liquidsThe pump is suitable for clean, thin, non-aggressiveand non-explosive liquids, not containing solidparticles, fibres or mineral oil.The pump must not be used for the transfer offlammable liquids, such as diesel oil, petrol and similarliquids.TM398894575In a system with a Grundfos ALPHA1 pump, the pressure will be reduced by ΔH 2.Fig. 8Pump in proportional-pressure control modeIn a system with an uncontrolled pump, a pressure rise will often cause flow-generated noise in the thermostatic valves. This noise will be reduced considerably with the Grundfos ALPHA1.The pump has the following control modes •Proportional-pressure control •Constant-pressure control •Constant-curve control.T M 01 9120 5002HQΔH 112A 2A 1Q 1Q 2HQΔH 21A 2A 1A 3Q 1Q 26Fig. 10Three constant-pressure curves/settingsThe selection of the right constant-pressure setting depends on the characteristics of the heating system in question and the actual heat demand.Constant-curve controlAt constant-curve/constant-speed operation, the pump runs at a constant speed, independent of the actual flow demand in the system. The pump performance follows the selected performance curve, I, II or III.See fig. 11 where II has been selected. See Change of pump performance for further information.Fig. 11Three constant-curve/constant-speed settingsThe selection of the right constant-curve/constant-speed setting depends on the characteristics of the heating system in question and the number of taps likely to be opened at the same time.T M 05 3068 09127Stainless-steel versions NThe pump housing of the stainless-steel versions is painted in red colour. The stainless-steel versions can be identified by the N in the type key or by the silver ring around the display. See fig. 12.Fig. 12Stainless-steel version N*ALPHA1 20-45 N**ALPHA1 XX-40, XX-50, XX-60 NT M 06 1834 311411ShaftCeramics Rotor cladding Stainless steel 1.430130412Thrust bearing Carbon Thrust bearing retainer EPDM rubber 13Bearing plate Stainless steel 1.430130416ImpellerComposite, PP or PES 18Pump housing Cast ironEN-JL 1020A48-25Stainless steel 1.4301*304*1.4308**CF8**GasketsEPDM rubberFig. 14Push-button position ALPHA plug with cable relief and angled ALPHA plug with fixed cable328Fig. 17Pump housing with air-separating chamber910PN 10: Maximum 1.0 MPa (10 bar).Inlet pressureTo avoid cavitation noise and damage to the pump, thefollowing minimum pressures are required at the pumpsuction port.Setting the pumpUsing the push-button on the control box, theelectronically controlled pump can be set to thefollowing:•two constant-pressure curves•two proportional-pressure curves•three fixed-speed curves.Factory settingThe pump has been factory-set to proportional-pressure curve (PP2). See fig. 20.This setting is suitable for the majority of all single-family houses.Insulation class FRelative air humidity Maximum 95 %Ambient temperature0-40 °CTemperature class TF110 to CEN 335-2-51EMC (electromagneticcompatibility)EN 55014-1:2006 and EN 55014-2:1997Sound pressure level≤ 43 dB(A)Liquid temperature75 °C90 °C110 °C0.5 m head 2.8 m head10.8 m headPP1Lowest proportional-pressure curveThe duty point of the pump will move up or down on the lowest proportional-pressure curve, depending onthe heat demand in the system. See fig. 20.The head (pressure) is reduced at falling heat demand and increased at rising heat demand.PP2Highest proportional-pressure curveThe duty point of the pump will move up or down on the highest proportional-pressure curve, depending onthe heat demand in the system. See fig. 20.The head (pressure) is reduced at falling heat demand and increased at rising heat demand.CP1Lowest constant-pressure curveThe duty point of the pump will move out or in on the lowest constant-pressure curve, depending on theheat demand in the system. See fig. 20.The head (pressure) is kept constant, irrespective of the heat demand.CP2Highest constant-pressure curveThe duty point of the pump will move out or in on the highest constant-pressure curve, depending on theheat demand in the system. See fig. 20.The head (pressure) is kept constant, irrespective of the heat demand.III Speed III The pump runs at a constant speed and consequently on a constant curve.At speed III, the pump is set to run on the maximum curve under all operating conditions. See fig. 20. Quick venting of the pump can be obtained by setting the pump to speed III for a short period.II Speed II The pump runs at a constant speed and consequently on a constant curve.At speed II, the pump is set to run on the intermediate curve under all operating conditions. See fig. 20.I Speed I The pump runs at a constant speed and consequently on a constant curve.At speed I, the pump is set to run on the minimum curve under all operating conditions. See fig. 20.Fig. 21EEI limits and the current positioning of theALPHA1With an energy efficiency index (EEI) at the EuP 2015requirement level, you can achieve considerableenergy savings compared to a typical circulator pumpand thus a remarkably fast return on investment.Speed P1 [W]I1/1 [A]Min.50.05Max.220.19 The pump incorporates overload protection.Connections:See Insulating kits, page 14.System pressure:Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar).Liquid temperature:2-110 °C (TF 110).TM579711713Pump type EEI <Dimensions [mm]Weights [kg]Ship. vol.[m3]L1B1B2B3B4H1H2H3G Net GrossALPHA1 15-400.231307878464927129581 1.9 2.10.00383 ALPHA1 20-400.23130787846492712958 1 1/4 1.9 2.10.00383 ALPHA1 20-40 N0.23150--494927129- 1 1/4 2.4 2.60.00383 ALPHA1 25-400.23130787846492712979 1 1/2 1.9 2.10.00383 ALPHA1 25-400.23180787847482612781 1 1/2 2.1 2.30.00383 ALPHA1 25-40 N0.23180--474828127- 1 1/2 2.5 2.80.00383 ALPHA1 25-40 A0.23180639332655013582 1 1/2 3.1 3.30.00383 ALPHA1 32-400.231807878474826127812 2.1 2.30.00383Speed P1 [W]I1/1 [A]Min.70.07Max.450.34 The pump incorporates overload protection.Connections:See Insulating kits, page 14.System pressure:Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar).Liquid temperature:2-110 °C (TF 110).TM579741713Pump type EEI ≤Dimensions [mm]Weights [kg]Ship. vol.[m3]L1B1B2B3B4H1H2H3G Net GrossALPHA1 20-45 N0.23150--434327127- 1 1/4 1.8 2.00.00383Note: The ALPHA1 20-45 N is especially designed for drinking water applications, but also fully applicable for circulation in heating systems.Speed P1 [W]I1/1 [A]Min.50.05Max.320.27 The pump incorporates overload protection.Connections:See Insulating kits, page 14.System pressure:Max. 10 bar.Liquid temperature:2-110 °C (TF 110).TM579711713Pump type EEI <Dimensions [mm]Weights [kg]Ship. vol.[m3]L1B1B2B3B4H1H2H3G Net GrossALPHA1 15-500.231307878464927129581 2.0 2.20.00383 ALPHA1 20-500.23130787846492812958 1 1/4 2.4 2.60.00383 ALPHA1 20-50 N0.23150--494928129- 1 1/4 2.4 2.60.00383 ALPHA1 25-500.23130777846492712979 1 1/2 1.9 2.10.00383 ALPHA1 25-500.23180787747482612781 1 1/2 2.1 2.30.00383 ALPHA1 25-50 N0.23180--474826127- 1 1/2 2.6 2.80.00383 ALPHA1 32-500.231807877474826127812 2.1 2.30.00383Speed P1 [W]I1/1 [A]Min.50.05Max.450.38 The pump incorporates overload protection.Connections:See Insulating kits, page 14.System pressure:Max. 10 bar.Liquid temperature:2-110 °C (TF 110).TM579711713Pump type EEI <Dimensions [mm]Weights [kg]Ship. vol.[m3]L1B1B2B3B4H1H2H3G Net GrossALPHA1 15-600.231307878464927129581 1.9 2.10.00383 ALPHA1 20-600.23130787846492712958 1 1/4 1.9 2.10.00383 ALPHA1 20-60 N0.23150--494927129- 1 1/4 2.4 2.60.00383 ALPHA1 25-600.23130777846492712979 1 1/2 1.9 2.10.00383 ALPHA1 25-600.23180787747482612781 1 1/2 2.1 2.30.00383 ALPHA1 25-60 N0.23180--474826127- 1 1/2 2.6 2.80.00383 ALPHA1 25-60 A0.23180639332655013582 1 1/2 3.1 3.30.00383 ALPHA1 32-600.231807877474826127812 2.1 2.30.00383Fig. 22Insulating shellsALPHA plugsPump type Product numberInsulating shells (not available for ALPHA1 20-45)505821Insulating shells for ALPHA1 XX-XX A pumps (with air separator)505822ALPHA plug, standard plug connectionangle plug, standard angleALPHA plug, 90 ° bend, including 4 m32GPO, GPS Austria, SwitzerlandAll other countries, except United Kingdom, Japan, North America and RussiaP r o d u c t r a n g eGrundfos ALPHA18ALPHA1 (N), GermanyNote: Click on the product number and go directly to the performance curve in WebCAPS.ALPHA1 (N), Austria and SwitzerlandNote: Click on the product number and go directly to the performance curve in WebCAPS.Pump type Port-to-port length[mm]ConnectionVoltage [V]50/60 HzProduct numberData sheet PageALPHA1 15-40130G 12309846074113ALPHA1 15-609846074916ALPHA1 20-40G 1 1/49846074213ALPHA1 20-609846075016ALPHA1 25-40G 1 1/29846074313ALPHA1 25-4018098460745ALPHA1 25-40 A 98460746ALPHA1 25-601309846075416ALPHA1 25-6018098460755ALPHA1 25-60 A 98463404ALPHA1 32-40G 29846074713ALPHA1 32-609846340516Stainless-steel versionsALPHA1 20-40 N150G 1 1/42309846340713ALPHA1 20-45 N (welded stainless-steel housing)9846342414ALPHA1 20-60 N 9846342116ALPHA1 25-40 N 180G 1 1/29846340813ALPHA1 25-60 N9846342216Pump type Port-to-port length[mm]ConnectionVoltage [V]50/60 HzProduct numberData sheet PageALPHA1 15-40130G 12309846342613ALPHA1 15-609846343416ALPHA1 20-40G 1 1/49846342813ALPHA1 20-609846343616ALPHA1 25-40G 1 1/29846343013ALPHA1 25-4018098463431ALPHA1 25-40 A 98463432ALPHA1 25-601309846343716ALPHA1 25-6018098463438ALPHA1 25-60 A 98463439ALPHA1 32-40G 29846343313ALPHA1 32-609846344216Stainless-steel versionsALPHA1 20-40 N150G 1 1/42309846344613ALPHA1 20-45 N (welded stainless-steel housing)9846345214ALPHA1 20-60 N 9846344916ALPHA1 25-40 N 180G 1 1/29846344813ALPHA1 25-60 N9846345016Product rangeGrundfos ALPHA18ALPHA1 (N), internationalNote: Click on the product number and go directly to the performance curve in WebCAPS.Pump type Port-to-port length[mm]ConnectionVoltage [V]50/60 HzProduct numberData sheet PageALPHA1 15-40130G 12309847590013ALPHA1 15-509847590415ALPHA1 15-609847590616ALPHA1 20-40G 1 1/49847591013ALPHA1 20-509847592215ALPHA1 20-609847592716ALPHA1 25-40G 1 1/29847593213ALPHA1 25-4018098475930ALPHA1 25-40 A 98475964ALPHA1 25-501309847593315ALPHA1 25-5018098475934ALPHA1 25-601309847593516ALPHA1 25-6018098475936ALPHA1 25-60 A 98475965ALPHA1 32-40G 29847593813ALPHA1 32-509847593915ALPHA1 32-609847594016Stainless-steel versionsALPHA1 20-40 N150G 1 1/42309847597613ALPHA1 20-45 N (welded stainless-steel housing)9847598614ALPHA1 20-50 N 9847597915ALPHA1 20-60 N 9847598116ALPHA1 25-40 N 180G 1 1/29847596913ALPHA1 25-50 N 9847597015ALPHA1 25-60 N984759731621Service This section contains an easy-to-use interactive service catalogue. Here you can find and identify service parts of both existing and discontinued Grundfos pumps.Furthermore, the section contains service videos showing you how to replace service parts.22WinCAPSFig. 25WinCAPS DVDWinCAPS is a Win dows-based C omputer A idedP roduct S election program containing detailedinformation on more than 220,000 Grundfos productsin more than 30 languages.The program contains the same features andfunctions as WebCAPS, but is an ideal solution if nointernet connection is available.WinCAPS is available on DVD and updated once ayear.Fu r t h e r p r o d u c t i n f o r m a t i o n23Grundfos ALPHA19GO CAPS Mobile solution for professionals on the GO!CAPS functionality on the mobile workplace.Subject to alterations./ilfrtir.ilrrrtirll.r,/frr/ilfrrrtrtirrtiit,lfrt,fr 98500750 1014。

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1.1.2 服务中心及服务点 格兰富中国的服务体系是以格兰富服务部为中心,以遍布全国的服务中心为基
1.2 服务部与服务中心的配合
服务中心在人事和行政上都不隶属于格兰富,格兰富与各个服务中心是伙伴 关系而并不存在上下级之分。格兰富对服务中心的管理主要是引导性和建 设性的。任何相关服务中心的操作流程都会考虑其利益,然后与服务中心 协商实施。基于共同的利益目标和良好合作关系,格兰富中国与各个服务中心共同 为实现在中国的发展事业而努力,达到双赢的成果。
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1.3 服务部的职责
格兰富的服务工程师一方面要提供现场维修服务,另一方面要与协调员一同来 管理相应的服务中心。在与服务中心的日常合作中,服务部的主要工作包括对服务 中心的工卡委派及技术培训、规范服务中心的操作、处理服务中心的备件询价和订 购、处理客户对服务中心的投诉等等。以下是服务部人员具体的工作职责:
第六章: 格兰富服务挑战及未来计划 ………………………………………………… 89 6.1 如何迎接挑战 ……………………………………………………………… 90 6.2 服务管理的挑战 …………………………………………………………… 92 6.3 未来计划 …………………………………………………………………… 93
第二章: 格兰富的服务运作 ………………………………………………………… 11 2.1 日常服务的操作 …………………………………………………………… 12 2.1.1 服务与销售的配合 ………………………………………………… 12 2.1.2 与服务中心的配合 ………………………………………………… 15 - 订单处理 …………………………………………………………… 17 - 返修流程 …………………………………………………………… 21 2.2 项目跟踪管理系统 ………………………………………………………… 25 - 项目跟踪操作流程 ……………………………………………………… 25 2.3 大客户的服务(KAM) ……………………………………………………… 29 2.4 质量管理 …………………………………………………………………… 32 2.4.1 故障分析 …………………………………………………………… 32 2.4.2 服务中心保修申请的操作 ………………………………………… 33 2.5 技术培训和能力管理 ……………………………………………………… 37 2.6 服务人员现场服务行为规范 ……………………………………………… 39 2.7 服务工程 …………………………………………………………………… 41 2.7.1 工程队伍 …………………………………………………………… 41 2.7.2 非标控制柜 ………………………………………………………… 43 2.7.3 泵节能 ……………………………………………………………… 43 2.8 服务热线 …………………………………………………………………… 44 2.9 SCSS平台 …………………………………………………………………… 45 2.10 服务的生意 ………………………………………………………………… 46 - 备件价格 ………………………………………………………………… 46 - E产品生意 ………………………………………………………………… 47
第五章: 格兰富中国服务协调员及助理 …………………………………………… 75 5.1 服务协调员及助理的介绍 ………………………………………………… 76 5.2 工卡的委派及反馈 ………………………………………………………… 77 5.3 FAS输入……………………………………………………………………… 78 5.4 报价及订单处理 …………………………………………………………… 80 5.5 登记项目文件和资料的归档 ……………………………………………… 84 5.6 月度费用清单 ……………………………………………………………… 85 5.7 月度服务费用结算 ………………………………………………………… 86 5.8 月度服务统计报告 ………………………………………………………… 88
1.1.1 服务部简介 作为一家国际著名的泵类产品供应商,格兰富公司十分重视对产品的售前、
售中和售后服务。随着世界其它知名品牌水泵进入中国市场和在中国壮大的发展, 同时国内的水泵也在技术上有进一步的突破,格兰富面临的竞争是来自国内及国际 的。除了高质量产品和销售相关的各个环节,优质的售后服务已经成为客户取舍品 牌的最重要砝码。
i. 响应速度——足够的人力资源和充足的备件 ii. 发现问题——产品知识和系统知识,服务专业技能 iii. 系统化方案——工程经验和能力 iv. 品牌形象——品牌形象给客户带来的信心和认可 为了让操作有更明确的方向,格兰富上海的服务部确立了自己部门的使命和理 想。
服务部的理想 以专业的表现和优质的网络化管理建立中国最优秀的服务 品牌之一,进而赢得客户的认可和满意。
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第三章: 格兰富中国的授权服务中心 ……………………………………………… 48 3.1 服务中心的定义及责任 …………………………………………………… 49 3.2 服务中心的设立及废除 …………………………………………………… 52 3.3 服务中心等级和类型的划分 ……………………………………………… 54 3.4 服务部给服务中心的培训 ………………………………………………… 56 3.5 服务中心的评估和奖励 …………………………………………………… 58 3.6 服务中心品牌形象 ………………………………………………………… 59
自2005的下半年开始,按照集团对服务的定位:服务是格兰富持续发展的决定 性因素之一,它是一个独立的生意。格兰富上海的服务部将在支持销售和市场的基 础上,开始注重发展服务的生意。服务部必须懂得如何把服务经营成为可持续发展 的有利润的生意。同时,服务部也将把建立服务品牌作为长期的目标。
当服务成为一门生意时,如何通过自身的核心竞争力来赢得用户的认同,并使 客户满意成为长远发展的关键。以下是能提高客户满意度的要点:
目前,格兰富上海在中国大陆的和蒙古地区一共拥有50家授权服务中心。格兰 富的服务中心划分成四类:VIP服务中心、标准服务中心、初级服务中心、和专业 服务中心。在2008年底之前,我们预计还将发展20家家用泵服务点和10家项目代 理服务点。服务中心的具体分布请参阅“格兰富服务中心分布图”。
09 网络、快捷、专业、经济
03 网络、快捷、专业、经济
第一章: 格兰富中国的服务体系 ……………………………………………………… 05 1.1 格兰富的服务网络 ………………………………………………………… 06 1.1.1 服务部简介 ………………………………………………………… 06 1.1.2 服务中心及服务点 ………………………………………………… 08 1.2 服务部与服务中心的配合 ………………………………………………… 09 1.3 服务部的职责 ……………………………………………………………… 10
格兰富水泵(上海)有限公司服务部 2009年9月
01 网络、快捷、专业、经济
回首往昔,格兰富中国经历了十年的风风雨雨,一天天地壮大发展;展望 未来,格兰富中国的路还很长很长,一步步地向更高的目标进军。无论 是曾经的成功,还是未来的辉煌,都离不开每个格兰富人的努力,也离 不开所有格兰富合作伙伴的支持和协作。
服务部的使命 为客户提供品质服务及客户化的解决方案。
07 网络、快捷、专业、经济
服务部结构 格兰富上海公司的服务部目前有37名的服务人员,是由服务经理、服务主管、服
务工程师、服务技师、服务协调员和服务助理所组成的。他们为用户的调试、技术 咨询、故障排除和维修进行专业的服务,并配有专人负责接听用户的投诉电话,及 时对用户的服务需求作出有效安排。
础的一个完整服务网络,由此提供给客户快速、专业和经济的当地售后服务。任何 一个授权的格兰富服务中心(简称服务中心),其人员都是经过格兰富的专业培训 和严格考核的,以确保客户无论是通过格兰富授权服务中心还是直接通过格兰富服 务队伍都同样能获得高质量的服务。同时,我们还不断获得来自丹麦总部和亚太区 总部的技术培训,使我们的网络不断地在专业技能上获得提升。