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\亚瑟王(King Arthur),传说中古不列颠最富有传奇色彩的伟大国王。人们对他感性认识更多的是来自凯尔特神话传说(Celtic mythology)和中世纪的一些文献,没有人大量涉足过亚瑟王的真实生活。传说他是圆桌骑士(Knights of the Round Table)的首领,一位近乎神话般的传奇人物。

King Arthur, the medieval legend of Britain's most legendary great king. People more perceptual knowledge is some literature from Celtic myth and medieval to him, no one much involved in King Arthur's real life. Legend has it that he is a knight of the round table leader, an almost mythical legend.



The implication is that equality and the world. All round table knights are equal to each other, and each partner. But they are in dispute for admire his knights faction, attack each other. A total of 150 people round table to sit down.

In British eyes, King Arthur and the Knights of the round table is a symbol of justice and hope. In the savage dark ages, it is this group of heroes to brave and strong the expulsion of the enemy, to lead the British people find the light, so that the unified islands. Today, "the Knights of the round table" is no longer merely a historical term, and become a "heroic", "loyalty" and "trust" pronoun.This group of Knights of the story, the legend.



The knight spirit and moral is the upper class culture spirit, it is the moral and personality of the superiority of personal identity based performance, but it alsohas some positive factors nation ancient martial spirit, representing the medieval nobility noble character.


The knight spirit, believe in a religion. Standing proud summit, let the wind around the damaged clothes, pat is full of dusty armor, raised his bloodied face, smile,gazing into the distance. Reputation, etiquette, humility, perseverance, loyalty,piety, pride......


In fact, knights and nobles will gain disregard the knight spirit. Hatred between the aristocracy and the scramble for land, often before any code. For example, in the Germanic tribal customs, the chief legacy by his son score, but not the eldest son,in order to fight for the property often lead to war between the brothers. The conflict between the best example is the grandson of Charley man. In the middle ages, the farmers usually are the biggest victims of plague and war.


