英译汉句子翻译30分 每题3分

句子翻译题 30分〔每题3分〕1. He talked to the foreigner in hesitant English.他结结巴巴地用英语同那个外国人交谈。
2. Such materials are characterized by good insulation and high resistance to wear.这些材料的特点是:绝缘性好,耐磨性强。
3. Before them lay miles of miles of beautiful plain with lots of wild animals among the grass.美丽的草原,茵茵的绿草,野生动物成群结队,绵延数英里,展现在眼前。
4. They asked long lists of questions, numerically arranged, about the climate, products, laws, business chances, and statistics of the country in which the consul had the honor of the representing his government.他们一、二、三、四地列了一个很长的问题表,向那位领事问了一连串的问题,诸如领事派驻国的气候、物产、法律、贸易机会以与种种的统计资料。
5. As the temperature increases, the volume of water bee greater.温度增高,水的体积就增大。
6. Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.所谓翻译,是指在译语中用最切近而又自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先在语义上,其次是在文体上。

英译汉200题1. 27个标成红色的题目,要重点复习.建议先看英语,尝试翻译,然后掌握不熟悉的单词意思,只要大概意思相同即可2.其余173题也要尽量掌握。
比较简单记忆,容易突击消化.考试4题20分,尽量拿满分.1. Wang Li’ s (人名有可能变化,4 月为:Tom' s) father has taught English here since he graduatedfrom Peking University.王丽的父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直在这里教英语。
give this book to whoever comes first.请把这本书给最先来的人。
it was late, they kept on working.尽管已经很晚了,他们还在继续工作。
4.Apples here like water and sunshine.这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。
5.Tom (人名有可能变化或 Fred)was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in the class. 汤姆是一个学习十分用功的学生,以至于不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生。
and William have lived under the same roof for five years,泰德和威廉已经在同—个屋檐下生活了五年了。
7. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used. 那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。
8.In Foreign Languages Department, a checking machine is used to correct the students’ test papers. 外语系用阅卷机给学生批卷。

Translation Improvement(改错)例:原文:He asked after you.译文:他在你之后发问。
4) 等到所有的伤员都被转移了,白求恩大夫才离开医院。
译文:Dr.Bethune left the hospital until all the wounded soldiers were carried away.改正:Dr.Bethune didn’t leave the hospital until all the wounded soldiers were carried away. 5) 这篇文章给我们介绍了他们的教学方法。
译文:This article tells us their teaching method.改正:This article introduces us their teaching method.6) 工人们用的这些工作台需要加高。
译文:The worktables where the workers sit need being heightened.改正:The worktables where the workers sit need heightening.7) 海洋覆盖了地球表面的71%,是全球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部分。
译文:The ocean covers 71 percent of the earth's surface and is a basic component of the global bio-support system.改正:The ocean covers 71 percent of the earth's surface and it is a basic component of the global bio-support system.8) 一班的学生和二班的一样专心。

英汉互译练习题答案1. 英译汉:- "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."答案:千里之行,始于足下。
- "Actions speak louder than words."答案:行动胜于言辞。
- "Where there is a will, there is a way."答案:有志者,事竟成。
2. 汉译英:- “海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
”答案:Within the sea of life, a friend is as close as a neighbor, even if they are at the ends of the earth.- “不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
”答案:One cannot catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's den.- “滴水穿石,非一日之功。
”答案:Constant dripping wears away the stone; it is not the work of a single day.3. 英译汉短文:- "Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a wise old man. He was known for his ability to solve anyproblem. One day, a young boy came to him with a questionthat had puzzled the whole village. The old man listened carefully and then gave a simple solution that made everyone marvel."答案:从前,在一个小镇上,住着一位智慧的老者。

英汉翻译期末练习题Part I: Phrase Translation01. white elephant无用而累赘的东西02. fond dream黄粱美梦03. happy medium 中庸之道04. narrow escape九死一生05. north, south, east, west东、南、西、北06. be at a loss不知所措07. supreme authority至高无上08. wet paint油漆未干09. No Thoroughfare禁止通行10. Employees Only顾客止步11. Please Tender Exact Fare恕不找零12. 20% Off八折优惠13. catch at shadows捕风捉影14. look for a needle in a haystack大海捞针15. between hammer and anvil腹背受敌16. white lie善意的谎话17. black sheep害群之马18. carry coals to Newcastle多此一举19. be fair and square光明正大20. share weal and woe患难与共21. the think tank智囊团22. personal remark人身攻击23. French leave不辞而别24. fish in the air水中捞月25. a castle in the air空中楼阁26. shed crocodile tears猫哭耗子27. play the lute to a cow对牛弹琴28. hen party妇女聚会Part II: Sentence Translation01. She needs to find somewhere to live.译:她需要找个住的地方。
02. My school runs a factory.译:我的学校办了一家工厂。
高中英语英译汉整句翻译专题训练含答案 真题250道

高中英语英译汉(整句)专题训练250题一、英译汉(整句)1.In our innocence we believed everything we were told. (英译汉)2.Shirley Fitzgerald, the city's official historian, told me that in its rush to modernity in the 1970s, Sydney swept aside much of its past, including many of its finest buildings. (分析句子成分及英译汉)3.First announced in April, 2016, the tax which applies to soft drinks containing more than 5g of sugar per 100ml, was introduced to help reduce childhood obesity(肥胖). (分析句子成分及英译汉)4.Word came that the mayor would pay a visit to our school next week. (分析划线部分的句子成分及英译汉)5.The meeting held yesterday was important. (分析划线部分的句子成分及英译汉)6.Music can make our mind in a peaceful state after a whole day of tiring work. (分析划线部分的句子成分及英译汉)7.Every day he was forced to work from morning till night. (分析划线部分的句子成分及英译汉)8.One day some of my students were talking about what we would like to be in the future. (分析划线部分的句子成分及英译汉)9.Recently I have carried out a survey among the students in our class. (分析划线部分的句子成分及英译汉)10.The city and residents rebuilt Chinatown, taking care to include lots of Chinese architecture. (英译汉)11.She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors. (英译汉)12.Can you make sense of the poem?(英译汉)13.It makes good sense to take care of yourself. (英译汉)14.How could I justify sitting there and doing nothing? We all have a responsibility to look after one another’s welfare.(英译汉)15.He turned off the alarm clock and went back to sleep again.(英译汉)16.Among the goods are flowers, candles and toys.(英译汉)17.Standing on the top of the mountain is an ancient towns.(汉译英)18.If you keep your eyes open ,you will be surprised to find that you can see both its past and its present. (英译汉)19.Confucius said that learning without thinking leads to confusion. (英译汉)20.One of the greatest benefits of the Internet is its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people. (英译汉)21.The UK is a fascinating mix of historic and modern culture, with both new and old traditions.(英译汉)22.Encouraged by this first performance and the positive reaction of the audience, I have continued to play the piano. (英译汉)23.Those living legends set good examples for us to bring honour and glory to our countries.(英译汉)24.A committee was established to prevent the loss of cultural relics and ask for contributions from different countries. (英译汉)25.Adam’s mental strength encourages us to face any challenge in senior high school bravely. (英译汉)26.你应该早做而不是晚做。

1.Walk, Don’t RunYou want to get health. You know you need to exercise more. But if you’re not ready to grunt through an hour of spinning or kickboxing, don’t despair. There’s growing agreement among exercise researchers that the intense physical activities offered by most health clubs are not the only---or even the preferable---path to better health. Indeed, the best thing for most of us may be to just walk.Yes, walk. At a reasonably vigorous clip (three to four m.p.h) for half an hour or so, maybe five or six times a week. You may not feel the benefits all at once, but the evidence suggests that over the long term, a regular walking routine can do a world of preventive good.Walking, in fact, may be the perfect exercise. For starters, it’s one of the safest things you can do with your body. It’s much easier on the knees than running and doesn’t trigger untoward side effects. “Regular physical activity is probably as close to a magic bullet as we will come in modern medicine, ”says Dr. JoAnn Manson, chief of preventive medicine at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “If everyone were to walk briskly 30 minute a day, we could cut the incidence of many chronic diseases by 30 to 40 percent.”And for those of us who don’t have half-hour chunks of time, the news gets even better. Several recent studies suggest that walking briskly three or four times a day for 10 minutes at a time may provide many of the same benefits as walking continuously for 30 minutes.Because walking affects you in so many ways at once, it can be difficult to determine precisely why it’s good for you.2.Why Girls Worry More than BoysIf worrying is detrimental for girls, what can be done to alleviate it? It is important first to understand why girls might worry about school success more than boys. Research has provided at least two reasons.First, girls are more concerned than boys with pleasing adults, especially their parents and teachers. This may leave girls vulnerable to the fear that if they experience academic difficulties, adults may be disappointed in them.Second, girls are more likely to feel poor academic performance is diagnostic of their abilities---to assume, for example, that poor performance on a single math test is indicative of their overall math ability. Boys are more likely to see an isolated poor performance as the result of other causes, like lack of efforts. This self-confident approach may protect boys from the same level of worrying girls feel when they face academic challenges.A number of practices to alleviate potentially negative consequences o f girls’ anxiety about academic performance are likely to benefit all students, not just girls.3. Inspiration from life1.Taking the first stepHow will you know you can succeed at something if you don’t give it a try?How will you know you can drag yourself out of the depths of despair if you don’t try?How do you know you won’t get that new job if you don’t apply? How do you know…Before becoming a success at anything, you must take that first step.2. Giving and receiving loveHumans need love. It is in the giving and receiving of love that we choose life. Participating inthis fundamental exchange of love lies in our ability to trust others.3. Happiness now!Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it is too late.Today, this hour, this minute is the day, the hour, the minute for each of us to sense the fact that life is good, with all of its trials and troubles, and perhaps more interesting because of them.4. Setting aside special momentsOver the years, I have noticed that it has become more and more difficult to set aside those special moments of the day when we can remove ourselves from the hectic, frenetic pace of everyday life.Yet finding time to get away, to reflect, to concentrate, or to just let the mind wander freely is important for our overall health.Studies have shown that reducing stress in daily life significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks or the need for heart surgery.5. Reflecting on angerAnother way of dealing with anger is to reflect on its results.We know very well that when we are angry, we do not see the truth clearly. As a result, we may commit many unwholesome actions.Our future life is determined by our intentional actions today, just as our present life is heir to our previous intentional behavior. Intentional actions committed under the influence of anger cannot lead to a happy future.4.Michael Jordan’s farewell letter to basketballDear Basketball,It’s been almost 28 years since the first day we met, 28 years since I saw you in the back of our garage, 28 years since my parents introduced us.If someone would have told me then what would become of us, I’m not sure I w ould have believed them. I barely remembered your name.Then I started seeing you around the neighborhood and watching you on television. I used to see you with guys down at the playground. But when my older brother started paying more attention to you. I started to wonder. Maybe you were different.We hung out a few times. The more I got to know you, the more I liked you. And as life would have it, when I finally got really interested in you, when I was finally ready to get serious, you left me off the varsity. You told me I wasn’t good enough.I was crushed. I was hurt. I think I even cried.Then I wanted you more than ever. So I practiced. I hustled. I worked on my game. Passing. Dribbling. Shooting. Thinking. I ran. I did sit-ups. I did push-ups. I did pull-ups. I lifted weights. I studied you. I began to fall in love and you noticed. At least that’s what Coach Smith said.5.Jogging May Make You SmarterRunning may give the brain a workout, too. A new study finds that individuals consistently scored higher on intellectual tests after embarking on a running program.“These improvements, however, went down when the joggers stopped their training, which suggests that ongoing exercise is required to maintain the benefit,” sa id study lead author Dr.Kisou Kubota of Nihon Fukushi University in Handa, Japan.Recent studies have suggested that exercise benefits both brawn and brain. Researchers at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, reported earlier this year that seniors who embarked on a 4-month exercise program showed significant improvement in memory and other mental skills, also known as cognitive function. Other studies have shown that regular workouts can help fight depression, as well.In their study, Kubota’s t eam had seven healthy young people initiate a jogging regimen consisting of running for 30 minutes, two in three times a week for at least 12 weeks. Each of the runners also took a series of complex computer-based tests, to compare memory skills before and after the 3-month jogging program.After 12 weeks of jogging, scores on all of the tests “significantly increased” in the runners, as did their reaction times in completing the tests. The researchers point out that the study participants were given no time to practice the various tests between each evaluation.“These tests showed that joggers had a clear improvement in prefrontal function,” Kubota said, adding that scores began to fall again if participants stopped their running routine.Exactly how exercise might strengthen mental sharpness is unclear, but previous research suggests that maintaining a healthy flow of blood and oxygen protects the brain. The Japanese researchers note that oxygen intake rose along with.The findings could have implications for the elderly, as well. In a Society for Neuroscience statement, Kubota said the research may someday help doctors “find a way to use exercise and running to help aged people and those with Alzheimer’s disease” improve their cognitive function.6.How to Get Your Dream JobDoris had been a flight attendant with United Airlines for 26 years. She loved her work---serving passengers, making them feel comfortable---but knew the time would come when she would feel too old for this young person’s business. Yet Doris wasn’t ready to retire. She gave the matter some thought and decided that her talent for making people feel relaxed and safe could just as easily be employed on the ground as in the air. And that’s how Doris came to establish a bed-and-breakfast on Martha’s Vineyard, where her family has lived since the 1800s. Now, three years after leaving United, Doris runs a five-room Dutch colonial inn that is filled to capacity almost year-round.Women today are living 20 years longer than their grandmothers, and ten years longer than their husbands. Because we’re living longer, we’re working longer. And some of us are thinking about spending the second half of our lives doing something we’ve always dreamed about but never got around to. After years of working hard, or catering to the needs of husbands, children, and parents, reinventing ourselves has become our passion, our gift to ourselves.As Doris’s example illustrates, the process of choosing another field is not as mystical as it seems. There are basic steps. To begin, list everything that interests you. Think about the tasks you really love doing. Go way back. Is there anything you’ve let go of that perhaps you’d like to pick up again? Consider your passions. Are you crazy about lipstick? Harbor a shoe fancy? Love to travel? Would you be happy nestled among the stacks of a bookstore? Use what you’ve learned to direct yourself toward the companies or positions that will excite you.Then define what you do best. Consider how what you’ve done in the past can apply to something you want to do in the future. Research every aspect of your chosen profession (or thecompany you want to work for), prepare to market yourself in that arena, build a network of friends and family you can rely on, and find a mentor. Most important of all, refuse to give up.7.Animal MigrationSeasonally or periodically, some animals move away from and back to their natural breeding areas. The best-known examples of this migratory behavior are annual bird movements, in which swarms of birds native to the Temperate and Arctic zones seek warmer regions late in the summer and in the autumn and return to their original nesting sites in the spring. A spectacular example is the young arctic terns(燕鸥)born at the arctic breeding grounds, which take off with the flock for distant lands they have never seen. One of the most remarkable migrations in insects is that taken each fall by the North American monarch butterfly(大斑蝶)which is capable of long flights at speeds of 20 miles or more per hour.Many theories have been put forward to explain the origin of migrations and the physiological mechanisms that guide animals in migrations journeys, but no single theory has been judged completely satisfactory by scientists. The seasonal movements of birds and most other migrating animals are activated by a combination of external and internal stimuli that releases a physiological “trigger”of migration. Once an animal has begun a migratory journey, however, many factors may act to maintain it on a proper path.Navigation by the sun and stars seems to be involved in the migration of birds, and fish may be guided through the sea by minute traces of chemical odors from the rivers of their ancestors. According to current research, birds may possess a sensitivity to the magnetic field of the Earth and to the effect of its rotation about an axis. The combination of these two forces, being unique for various parts of the world, could thus direct a bird to the location desired. Traces of iron in the brain tissue of birds indicate a possible mechanism for this sensitivity to the magnetic field. Other theories involve the use by animals of the physical features of an area of land during flight, such as mountain ranges, coastal lines, and river courses. None of these theories fully explains the usually successful maiden migrations of animals, unless it is supposed that much of the phenomenon is genetic and that animals instinctively pursue ancient paths.8.Aspirin’s Amazing New PowerAs a drug for cooling inflammation, aspirin and compounds containing aspirin have been taken by tens of millions of arthritis patients. As a pain-killer, aspirin is, according to one study, the most ef fective. It also acts on the body’s thermostat, turning down fever.But most of its powers remained unsuspected until recently. In 1950 an American physician wrote a small western medical journal about 400 overweight male patients to whom he had given one or two aspirin tablets a day. None had a heart attack. He enlarged his group to 800 and in 1956 reported: “Not a single case of detectable coronary or cerebral thrombosis” and “no major stroke” had occurred in patients who had taken one or two tablets daily for from one to ten years. But his observations were largely ignored.In the 1960s severs European scientists demonstrated that aspirin was an “anticoagulant”. In 1977, a Boston surgeon reported that 75 percent of his aspirin-treated patients did not develop post-operative blood clots after total hip replacement.Then a British surgeon, at London Royal College of Surgeons proved that aspirin protects people from getting fever and pain. Moreover, it prevented the blood from forming clots insidearteries. In the 1990s, six large controlled studies totaling 10000 patients who were given daily aspirin after a heart attack also showed a consistent pattern of apparent protection. Recently, the British medical magazine The Lancet reanalyzed these studies and, taking them together, did find statistical significance. Aspirin prevented about 20 percent of second heart attacks. However, The Lancet also points out the aspirin is not always a safe drug to reduce the number of strokes and heart attacks. People with stomach ulcers are advised to take aspirin only with supervision. Some patients are so sensitive to the drug that they suffer from sudden death after a single tablet.Still, aspirin, that old home drug, has suddenly become a new miracle one.。

综合练习1. He has stolen a march on me.2. He crushed down on a protesting chair.3. The mills of God grind slowly.4.An old dog like him never barks in vain. Whenever he barks,he always has some wise counsel worth listening to.5. The girl is a dead shot.6. Only a fool would underestimate you.7. He always lives ahead of his salary.8. We shall never get anywhere with all the criticism and fault finding. I believe the principle of “live and let live.”9. I have never had much in seeing you. There is no love lost between us, at any time I think.10. Please let us know whether or not you find the terms acceptable.11.Wisdom prepares for the worst; but folly leaves the worst for the day it comes.12. Happiness is like a visitor, a genial, exotic Aunt Tilly who turns up when you least expect her, orders an extravagant round of drinks and then disappear, trailing a lingering scent of gardenias.13. Schiller’s moral enthusiasm will always call forth resonance than Goethe’s discordant figure s who are illumined by he depth of human weakness and confusion.14. Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams and in its sweet restless seeking!15. My first marriage survived many storms but no turbulence can compare to the agony of being becalmed. For some people hope dies slowly.16. I cannot call riches better than baggage of virtue. "Now, Clara, be firm with the boy!"17. I cannot recall his ever refusing to help a friend. 18. The situation is beyond remedy.19. He is 75, but he carries his years lightly. 20. Your explanation is pretty thin.21.If you feel depressed at a social gathering, keep it a secret.22.The sun set on the Union Jack, but never on the English language.23. Winston Churchil l came to the Augusta at 11:00 o’clock, which saw the dramatic handshake of Roosevelt and Churchill at the gateway. They prolonged their clasp for the photographers, exchanging smiling words. In an odd way the two leaders diminished each other.24. Even the worst team has its day of brilliance.25. Science and religion not longer pursue their opposite courses.26. I will have to beard the lion from his den when I go to ask the boss for a pay rise.27. I don’t believe that the culture of Europe can survive t he complete disappearance of Christian faith.28. Lulled by the gentle move and soothed by the rippling music of the waves, the babies soon fell asleep.29. Winston Churchill listened with bright-eyed smiling attention.30. If my mother had known of it, she'd have died a second time.31. The universality of Western philosophy is for the most part a false universality that takes the cultural experience, categories, and theories of one part of the world which are generalized and projected onto a universal truth, beauty, goodness, godhead, etc32. When I was as young as you are now, towering in confidence of twenty- one, li Previously, if I had been really interested in a book, I would race from page to page, eager to know what came next. Now, I decide, I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar.33. I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed but I am bound to live up to what right I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong.译文一: 我不一定会胜利,但定会真诚行事。

1. The novel was adapted into a movie.2. The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint.3. The professor's lecture was both informative and engaging.4. The government has implemented new policies to combat climate change.5. The artist's work has been exhibited in several international galleries.二、翻译下列句子,将中文翻译成英文。
1. 这部小说被改编成了电影。
2. 该公司致力于减少其碳足迹。
3. 教授的讲座既富有信息量又引人入胜。
4. 政府实施了新的政策来对抗气候变化。
5. 这位艺术家的作品已在几个国际画廊展出。
The rise of digital technology has transformed the way we communicate, work, and live. It has opened up new opportunities for businesses to reach global markets and has also created a more connected world. However, it has also brought about challenges such as data privacy andcybersecurity.将以下中文段落翻译成英文。

大学英汉互译试题及答案一、单句互译(共20分)1. 请将下列英文句子翻译成中文。
(每题5分,共10分)(1) The rapid development of technology has changed theway we live.(2) The professor's lecture was so profound that it was difficult to understand.2. 请将下列中文句子翻译成英文。
(每题5分,共10分)(1) 随着科技的快速发展,我们的生活方式也发生了巨大的变化。
(2) 教授的讲座内容非常深奥,很难理解。
二、段落互译(共30分)1. 请将下列英文段落翻译成中文。
(15分)In recent years, the impact of climate change has become increasingly apparent. Extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, and storms, are occurring more frequently and with greater intensity. These events not only disrupt daily lifebut also have significant economic and social consequences.2. 请将下列中文段落翻译成英文。
三、篇章互译(共50分)1. 请将下列英文短文翻译成中文。
(25分)The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information. It has made the world a smaller place by connecting people across vast distances. However, the proliferation of misinformation online poses a significant challenge. It is crucial for individuals to develop critical thinking skills to discern the truth amidst the noise.2. 请将下列中文短文翻译成英文。

英汉互译练习题一、单词翻译1. economy2. technology3. environment4. education5. health6. culture8. transportation9. tourism10. globalisation二、短语翻译1. a piece of cake2. break the ice3. once in a blue moon4. hit the nail on the head5. see eye to eye6. face the music7. let the cat out of the bag8. kill two birds with one stone9. add fuel to the fire10. go overboard三、句子翻译1. Knowledge is power.2. Time waits for no one.3. No pain, no gain.4. Where there is a will, there is a way.6. Better late than never.7. Actions speak louder than words.8. A stitch in time saves nine.9. Rome was not built in a day.10. The early bird catches the worm.四、段落翻译2. Environmental protection is a major issue facing the world today. Governments and individuals should work together to reduce pollution, save energy and protect natural resources for future generations.3. Education is the key to personal development and national progress. A good education system should focus on cultivating students' creativity, critical thinking and practical skills.4. With the rapid development of technology, artificial intelligence is increasingly being applied in various fields, such as healthcare, transportation and finance.5. Culture is the soul of a nation. Protecting and promoting cultural heritage is essential for maintaining cultural diversity and enriching human civilization.五、谚语翻译1. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

英语英汉互译练习### 英语英汉互译练习#### 1. 翻译句子- 英语: The early bird catches the worm.- 汉语: 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
- 英语: Actions speak louder than words.- 汉语: 行动胜于言辞。
- 英语: A stitch in time saves nine.- 汉语: 及时一针,省得九针。
#### 2. 翻译段落- 英语:The sun is setting over the horizon, casting a golden glow on the tranquil waters of the lake. A gentle breeze rustles the leaves of the trees, creating a soothing melody that resonates with the beauty of nature.- 汉语:夕阳在地平线上缓缓落下,给宁静的湖水披上了一层金色的光辉。
#### 3. 翻译对话- 英语:- A: What's the weather like today?- B: It's a beautiful day with clear skies and a gentle breeze.- 汉语:- A: 今天天气怎么样?- B: 今天天气很好,天空晴朗,微风习习。
#### 4. 翻译文章- 英语:The art of translation is a delicate balance between preserving the original meaning and adapting it to the nuances of the target language. It requires not only a deep understanding of both languages but also a keen sense of cultural context.- 汉语:翻译艺术是在保持原文意义和适应目标语言微妙之处之间的微妙平衡。

(每题2分,共10分)1. figure out - 弄清楚,理解2. go over - 检查,复习3. pick up - 捡起,学会4. set up - 设立,组建5. run out of - 用完,耗尽二、将下列中文短语翻译成英文。
(每题2分,共10分)1. 引起注意 - attract attention2. 坚持不懈 - persevere3. 习惯于 - be accustomed to4. 取得进展 - make progress5. 与...保持联系 - keep in touch with三、将下列句子翻译成中文。
(每题2分,共10分)1. She has been studying English for five years. - 她已经学习英语五年了。
2. They will arrive at the airport at 10 o'clock. - 他们将于十点钟到达机场。
3. My brother is interested in playing basketball. - 我兄弟对打篮球很感兴趣。
4. We need to buy some vegetables for dinner. - 我们需要买些蔬菜来做晚餐。
5. I can't find my keys. Have you seen them? - 我找不到我的钥匙了,你看见了吗?四、将下列句子翻译成英文。
(每题2分,共10分)1. 你昨天去哪里了?- Where did you go yesterday?2. 这本书是我的,不是你的。
- This book is mine, not yours.3. 我妈妈正在做饭。
- My mother is cooking.4. 你明天几点起床?- What time will you get up tomorrow?5. 我们需要更多的时间来完成这个项目。

河南省专升本英译汉练习题河南省专升本英语翻译练习题一、英译汉句子翻译(每题5分,共30分)1. The rapid development of science and technology hasgreatly changed the way people live and work.2. It is essential to balance work and leisure to maintain a healthy lifestyle.3. The company has been committed to providing high-quality products and services to its customers.4. Due to the influence of the Internet, traditional media is facing unprecedented challenges.5. The government is taking measures to reduce air pollution and protect the environment.6. Education plays a crucial role in the development of a country and the well-being of its citizens.二、段落翻译(每题15分,共30分)A. With the advancement of technology, the world is becoming increasingly interconnected. People from different cultures and backgrounds can now communicate and collaborate moreeasily than ever before. This has led to a greater exchangeof ideas and knowledge, fostering innovation and creativity. However, it also presents challenges, such as the need to protect privacy and ensure security in the digital age.B. In recent years, the concept of a "green economy" has gained popularity. This approach emphasizes sustainable development and the efficient use of resources. By adopting eco-friendly practices and technologies, businesses canreduce their environmental impact while also improving their bottom line. Governments and individuals also have a role to play in promoting a greener economy through policies and consumer choices.三、短文翻译(40分)In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is more important than ever. Whether it's in the workplace, at school, or in our personal lives, being able to convey our thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely is crucial. Good communication skills can help us build strong relationships, resolve conflicts, and achieve our goals. Moreover, they are essential for success in any profession.To improve our communication skills, we should practiceactive listening, which involves giving our full attention to the speaker and responding thoughtfully. We should also be mindful of our body language, as it can convey a lot aboutour emotions and attitudes. Furthermore, it's important to be open-minded and respectful when engaging in conversations, as this encourages others to share their perspectives andfosters a positive dialogue.In conclusion, effective communication is a vital skill that can greatly enhance our personal and professional lives. By continually working on our communication skills, we can become better listeners, more empathetic individuals, and ultimately, more successful in all aspects of our lives.。

英译汉试题及答案大学一、英译汉试题1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(1) The novel is set in the 18th century, which was a time of great social change.(2) Despite the heavy rain, the marathon continued as scheduled.(3) The company's profits have soared due to the successful launch of its new product.(4) The artist's work is characterized by a unique blend of traditional and modern elements.(5) The government has implemented new policies to address the issue of climate change.2. Translate the following passage into Chinese.In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the way people communicate. With the widespread use of smartphones and social media, face-to-face interaction has become less common. This has led to concerns about the impact on social skills and personal relationships.二、英译汉答案1. 翻译下列句子为中文。

《英汉翻译》考试练习题及答案一、填空题1. 严复在《天演论•译例言》中提出“译事三难”的三字标准:“译事三难:()。
答案:信、达、雅2. 1964年,奈达博士在《翻译科学初探》Toward a Science of Translation 一书中针对"形式对等(Functional Equivalence)翻译";提出了()" 翻译".答案:动态对等(Dynamic Equivalence)3. 一般认为,翻译过程包括两个阶段:正确理解(accurate comprehension)和().答案:充分表达(adequate representation)二、成语解释1.pull one’s leg答案:开玩笑,戏弄某人2. castle in the air答案:空中楼阁3.eat one’s words答案:收回前言(承认说错)4. to teach a pig to play on a flute答案:教猪吹笛5. have an axe to grind答案:别有用心6.a bolt from the blue答案:晴天霹雳7. Walls have ears.答案:隔墙有耳8. In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is King.答案:盲人国里,独眼人称王9. Like father, like son.答案:有其父必有其子三、英译汉1.A Fiat slowly nosed its way out into the fast lane.答案:一辆“菲亚特”慢慢离开慢车道,驶进快车道。
2. If you try to cover up your misdeed with a fig leaf, you’ll only make it more conspicuous.答案:你要是想用遮羞布掩盖你的罪行,那只能是欲盖弥彰。

英汉互译期末试题及答案一、词汇翻译(每题2分,共20分)1. 翻译下列单词或短语成中文:- Environment- Sustainable development- Artificial intelligence- Multiculturalism- Economic crisis2. 翻译下列单词或短语成英文:- 环境保护- 可持续发展- 人工智能- 多元文化- 经济危机二、句子翻译(每题5分,共30分)3. 将下列句子翻译成中文:- "The rapid advancement of technology has significantly changed the way we live and work."- "Education is a crucial factor in determining the future success of a nation."- "Cultural exchange programs promote mutual understanding and friendship among different countries."4. 将下列句子翻译成英文:- “全球化导致了不同文化之间的交流与融合。
”- “环境污染已经成为全球性的问题,需要国际社会的共同努力来解决。
”- “随着经济的发展,人们对健康和生活质量的关注日益增加。
”三、段落翻译(每题10分,共40分)5. 将下列段落翻译成中文:"In recent years, the concept of a 'smart city' has gained popularity worldwide. A smart city utilizes information and communication technology to enhance the efficiency of urban services, reduce resource consumption, and improve thequality of life for its residents. The integration of various technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, and artificial intelligence plays a vital role in achieving the goals of a smart city."6. 将下列段落翻译成英文:“随着互联网的普及,网络语言已经成为年轻人交流的重要组成部分。

高中英汉互译练习题及讲解一、英译汉练习1. 练习题: "The rapid development of technology has brought about profound changes in our daily lives."答案:技术快速发展已经给我们的日常生活带来了深刻的变化。
2. 练习题: "The novel 'Pride and Prejudice' is considered a classic in English literature."答案:小说《傲慢与偏见》被认为是英国文学中的经典之作。
3. 练习题: "The government has taken measures to reduce the impact of pollution on the environment."答案:政府已经采取了措施来减少污染对环境的影响。
4. 练习题: "Despite the heavy rain, the marathon was still held as scheduled."答案:尽管下着大雨,马拉松比赛还是如期举行了。
5. 练习题: "The concept of 'sustainable development' is becoming increasingly important in today's society."答案:“可持续发展”的概念在当今社会变得越来越重要。
二、汉译英练习1. 练习题:我们应当尊重每个人的文化背景和价值观。
答案: We should respect everyone's cultural background and values.2. 练习题:随着科技的进步,远程工作变得越来越普遍。
答案: With the advancement of technology, remote work is becoming more and more common.3. 练习题:他不仅是一位杰出的科学家,也是一位受人尊敬的教育家。
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As China is rising as a political and economic world power, thanks to its three-decade reform and opening up, more and more people in overseas countries start to learn Chinese and turn to a Confucius Institute in their own countries as their first choice learning Chinese language and Chinese culture. During the learning process, the learners concurrently develop their interest in this ancient land, whose civilization is so vastly different from theirs. And the learners have opportunities to learn about Chinese philosophy, art, architecture, medicine and catering culture and experience first-hand the splendors of this venerable civilization.改革开放30 年来,随着中国逐渐崛起成为政治经济强国,海外人士学习汉语的现象与日俱增,海外孔子学院也成了人们学习中国语言和中国文化的首选之地。
As the second culture, Chinese culture has enriched the life and world outlook of the learners. This trend, so to speak, is gathering momentum and is there to stay. Apart from their love for Chinese cuisine, more and more American learners of Chinese language are turning to Chinese acupuncture, herbal medicines, martial arts. They are also interested in kongfu films, fashions and crafts. Seemingly outlandish words such as dim sum, ginseng, gingko, oolongcha have crept into their everyday language. The latest Chinese cultural icons to make its impact there are Taoism, and ancient school of thought, and fengshui, an ancient art of placement.作为第二文化,中国文化也丰富了他们的生活和世界观。
What will the role of universities be in this globalized economy? How will they contribute to improving society through innovation that will improve the quality of life and support economic growth? How will they prepare their graduates who will extract the best and explore the greatest in this increasingly complex society? It is important to remember that undergraduate education and post-graduate education are tightly linked to research. Our education programs should ensure that the students are learning in an atmosphere characterized by the pursuit of new knowledge and process of discovery. An interrelated educational program will create a flow of young, bright and uninhibited minds to work on the frontier of discovery.在这个经济全球化的时代背景下,大学将扮演怎样的角色呢?大学将如何通过旨在提高生活质量、推动经济发展的创新活动进而推动社会的进步呢?在这个日新月异、充满变数的社会,大学又将如何培养那些善于取精用弘的学生呢?我们应该认识到,本科生教育和研究生教育都与研究紧密相连。
The fundamental mission of a university is the creation of new knowledge which sometimes has immediate practical applications. But that can never be the only goal. And making it a primary goal will frequently be short-sighted. Basic contributions to knowledge should be valued for being exactly that. Our university has an almost unique role in fostering such contribution. Choosing theright people is the first and perhaps the most crucial step in ensuring an innovative environment. There are three types of people that can be important. The first class of individuals consists of fanciful visionaries. The second class of important people in innovative environment consists of revolutionary explorers.The third class of individuals consists of uninhibited executors.大学最根本的使命就是创造新知识,虽然大学所创造的新知识有时会立即产生实际应用价值,但这决不是大学所追求的唯一目标。
Innovation starts at the top, and it is important for leaders to create an environment where innovation is constant, where people have the skills and incentives to think creatively. In doing so, you attract talents that want to contribute to that environment, creating a virtuous cycle for the company. Shanghai's leadership has worked hard to create an environment where businesses can succeed. For example, Shanghai's transportation links to the world, including Pudong International Airport and the new deep water port facility, have achieved world-class status. We live in an era where innovation is central to economic growth and prosperity.创新从领导层开始做起。
It is comfortable to hold onto the old ways of doing business. But innovation is hard because it usually leads to change. Innovation requires new ideas, new processes, and new institutions. New technologies and approaches can radically change an existing market, creating new customers and competitions. But innovation and its accompanying disruption can be managed through good leadership, a long term strategy, and good people. President Hu Jintao stated at the beginning of this year that “Innovation is the core of the nation's competitiveness.墨守成规确实舒服惬意,而改革创新则困难重重,因为创新往往引发变革。