Trade War•唐纳德特朗普是美国商人、电视真人秀、政客、总统。
Donald trump is an American businessman, reality TV show, politician and President.•在商人期间,特朗普建造了办公大楼、酒店、娱乐、高尔夫球场和世界各地其他有名的建筑。
During his time as a businessman, trump built office buildings, hotels, entertainment, golf courses and other famous buildings around the world.•特朗普的精神问题有以下几点,推特治国、退出TTP、巴黎气候协定、伊核协议、联合国教科文组织等等。
Trump's spiritual problems include the rule of twitter, the withdrawal of the TTP, the Paris climate agreement, the Iranian nuclear agreement, UNESCO and others.•他的他经常性侵犯女性,以至于她们现在纷纷来起诉他。
He was so often sexually assaulting women that they are now suing him.•他指定他的女儿和女婿作为总统助理和高级顾问。
He appointed his daughter and son-in-law as presidential aides and senior advisers.•他上任24小时就推翻了奥巴马医保法案。
He overthrew obamacare within 24 hours of taking office.•发布禁止穆斯林入境指令和修建美墨边境墙。
话说。。。 美国总统是个很牛叉的工作。。。 奥巴马在做总统的这8年 对7个国家发起了军事打击, 包括阿富汗,利比亚,叙利亚,伊拉克,巴基斯坦 索马里,和也门。
结果是总统被授予 诺贝尔和平奖!
如果你认为这很牛掰, 跟下任总统侯选人大热门相比简直弱暴了。
Donald Trump 唐纳德·特朗普 是目前当选总统的超级大热门,
第四:如何处理跟死对头俄罗斯的关系 居然能得到普金大帝的赞赏, Trump也觉得很自豪。 马上公开回应说:
第四:如何处理跟死对头俄罗斯的关系 至于奥巴马为什么把俄罗斯作为最大的敌人 Trump公开发表过自己的观点: 因为奥巴马...
:但百是姓就都是洗这脑么了个, 总有统钱竞任选性的的民大意逗调逼查,已中经遥成遥功领地先把!美国老 数据显示Trump以~40%的支持率,在共和党内遥遥领先, 比第二第三第四名加起来还要多。这么巨大的领先是过 去40年都没有出现过的!
Donald John Trump
首先要跟大家分享一下在美国 现任的总统究竟是有逗逼
Who wore Better
• 这款在国外网站上屹立于网红不败之地的 拖鞋,确实和川普的头发有几分神似…↓价 格是1800美元(约12379.5元人民币)
Who wore Better
• 不止有令人艳羡的财富地位和聪明头脑, 伊万卡·特朗普 (Ivanka Trump) 的婚姻也完美 地令人发指。2009年10月,伊万卡嫁给了 杰瑞德·库斯纳 (Jared Kushner)——新泽西州 地产大亨查理斯·库斯纳的儿子,2003年毕 业于哈佛大学,2007年在纽约大学的法学 院、商学院分别获得法学博士和MBA学位。 除了帮助管理父亲庞大的地产帝国外, 2006年,杰瑞德以1000万美元买下纽约精 英报刊纽约观察家周报,成为纽约城中的 著名出版商。这对情侣的结合可谓是纽约 地产界的最强势联姻。- 婚后,伊万卡·特朗
美国特朗普 PPT
特朗普对日政策 在美日关系最敏感的两个议题上,特朗普很难 给予安倍方便。一是在美日军事关系上,特朗 普很难放弃增加日本承担美军经费的要求。特 朗普既要国内大兴基建、又要普遍减税、还要 扩充军备,预算支出将十分紧张。缩减对外援 助符合特朗普政策理念,也能节约部分经费, 因此势在必行。特朗普也清楚日本最终会在这 场谈判中妥协,正如同若干次日美之间的谈判 一样。如果外部形势恶劣,日本增加承担美军 经费在国内还能说得过去,但如果外部环境一 片祥和,这将引发日本国内的反战情绪,甚至 9 影响到安倍修宪的最终目标。
特朗普与俄国关系: 美再对俄落下制裁“大棒” 特朗普上台后有 何动作?除了“黑客攻击”,美俄两国在乌 克兰问题、叙利亚局势和打击极端组织问题 上也是分歧不断。今年以来,美国对俄罗斯 实施的多轮制裁已让两国关系一跌再跌。 不过值得注意的是,特朗普日前宣称要加强 和扩充美国的核能力。在签署削减核武器条 约的背景下,此言无疑会让美俄的核博弈前 景变得更加复杂,同时也给两国关系增添了 更多不确定性
特朗普对日本政策 安倍特朗普惺惺相惜 但美国与日本渐行渐远 难以结合的美日两国国家利益,安倍显然高估 了两人私人关系对两国战略关系的正面意义, 何况特朗普是一个“亲兄弟明算账”的商人。 从越来越多的公开材料可以看出,特朗普早在 涉足政坛以前就明确了日本是美国经济对手的 认知,清楚日本的国民性格和两面手法,确立 了美国“管好自己的事,管别人的事要收费” 的朴素战略观。从参选至今,特朗普没有在 “边境修墙”、“驱逐非法移民”等有争议的 国内议题上松口,他在外交政策上发生巨大转 8 变的可能性也很低。
在这种情况下,退出一方势必然伤及另一方。 如果退出金融全球化伤及它所主导的国际体系, 那美国的替代方式是什么呢?显然特朗普还没 这样的考虑,这跟他的变革心切但政治经验不 足有关。文章认为,如果特朗普的“让美国再 次伟大”就是让自身强大,不包括它过去一直 不愿放弃的世界领导权,那么,这个目标真有 可能成功。问题是,特朗普不可能让那么多美 国人跟他一起放弃已成习惯的全球领导权。这 种领导权就是建立在战后70多年美国苦心经营 的国际体系以及美元与黄金脱钩40多年来的金 融体系之上。因此,特朗普“让美国再次伟大” 11 的口号还是会落空。
唐纳德·特朗普介绍,唐纳德·特朗普女儿介绍,竞选总统演讲稿全文(5)Wordsandpromises,nomattervisionarytheysoundwillonlyg etyousofar.Inourbusiness,yourenotabuilder,unlessyou’vegotabuildingtoshowforit,orinmyfather’scase,cityskylines.Mostpeoplestrivetheirentirelivestoachievegr eatsuccessinasingleindustry.Myfatherhassucceededinmanyont hehighestlevelandonaglobalscale.Oneofthereasonshehasthriv edasanentrepreneurisbecausehelistenstoeveryone.Billionairee xecutivesdon’tusuallyaskthepeopledoingtheworkfortheiropinionofthework. Myfatherisanexception.语言和承诺,不管它们听起来多么富有远见,成效有限。
TRUMP:Oneveryoneofhisprojects,you’llseehimtalkingtothesuper,thepainter,theengineers,theelectrici ans,he’llaskthemfortheirfeedback,iftheythinksomethingshouldbedon edifferently,orcouldbedonebetter.WhenDonaldTrumpisincharg e,allthatcountsisability,effortandexcellence.在他的每个项目中,你会看到他会和主管、油漆工、工程师、电工交谈,询问他们的反馈,了解是否他们认为事情可以另辟蹊径或精益求精。
川普生平:Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American businessman and the President-elect of the United States. He is scheduled to take office as the 45th President on January 20, 2017. As the Republican Party's nominee for president in the 2016 election, he defeated Hillary Clinton in the general election on November 8, 2016.Trump is the chairman and president of The Trump Organization, which is the principal holding company for his real estate ventures and other business interests – a position he has said he will vacate prior to his assumption of the presidency. During his career, Trump has built office towers, hotels, casinos, golf courses, and other branded facilities worldwide.Trump was born and raised in New York City and received a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. In 1971 he was given control of his father Fred Trump's real estate and construction firm and later renamed it The Trump Organization, rising to public prominence shortly thereafter. Trump has appeared at the Miss USA pageants, which he owned from 1996 to 2015, and has made cameo appearances in films and television series. He sought the Reform Party presidential nomination in 2000, but withdrew before voting began. He hosted andco-produced The Apprentice, a reality television series on NBC, from 2004 to 2015. As of 2016, he was listed by Forbes as the 324th wealthiest person in the world, and 156th in the United States.In June 2015, Trump announced his candidacy for president as a Republican and quickly emerged as the front-runner for his party's nomination. In May 2016, his remaining Republican rivals suspended their campaigns, and in July he was formally nominated for president at the 2016 Republican National Convention. Trump's campaign has received unprecedented media coverage and international attention. Many of his statements in interviews, on Twitter, and at campaign rallies have been controversial or false. Several rallies during the primaries were accompanied by protests or riots. On October 7, a 2005 audio recording surfaced in which Trump bragged that fame made women amenable to kissing and groping; multiple women accused him of forcibly doing so shortly thereafter. He apologized for the 2005 comments and denied the allegations, describing them as part of a wider smear campaign.Trump's platform included renegotiation of U.S.–China trade deals, opposition to particular trade agreements such as NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, stronger enforcement of immigration laws together with building a wall along the U.S.–Mexico border, reform of veterans' care, repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act, and tax cuts. Following the November 2015 Paris attacks, Trump called for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the United States, later stating that the ban would focus instead on countries with a proven history of terrorism, until the screening for potential terrorists is improved.特朗普竞选历程:/a/20161109/154828.html2015年4月12日美国前国务卿希拉里·克林顿宣布已经准备好第二次参选总统。
His view of China
1.Chinese people have invented the idea of global warming, the purpose is
to undermine the competitiveness of the U.S. manufacturing industry.
结) with other political groups. 7.Americans support Trump's simple and direct, common people lack a sense of trust in politicians, in particular, do not like to engage in complex politicians. 8.Trump makes no secret of criticism ,looks mortifying, fulls of loopholes, but these
Donald Trump
writer, and host
2015 selected < Time > annual figure
His family
his son
Supermodel of the world
the third wife
his daughter
• Trump has always been famous for character publicity(性格张扬),acting swagger(行事招摇),elusive (捉摸不定).
video time 怎么发生的
• 2016年11月,特朗普在总统选举中获得胜利,成为美国第45任总
• 特朗普在总统竞选中采用了直接、激进的竞选策略,吸引了大量草根
• 与传统政治家和媒体进行对抗,通过社交媒体等平台与选民保持紧密
• 特朗普的竞争对手是民主党候选人希拉里·克林顿(Hillary
• 特朗普改变了美国政治文化和媒体生态,使政治更加娱
• 他与媒体的关系充满争议,经常批评媒体对他的报道
• 特朗普的贸易政策影响了全球贸易格局,如对来自中国、欧洲等国家和地区的进
• 这些政策引发了全球范围内的贸易战和贸易紧张局势
• 特朗普在任期内调整了美国与其他国家的关系,如退出伊核协议、与朝鲜领导人会
• 这些调整影响了全球政治格局和地缘政治关系
• 特朗普的政治遗产包括他的政策主张、政治风格和社交媒体影响力等
• 他的政策在一定程度上反映了美国民粹主义和保护主义思潮的兴起
• 父亲:弗雷德·特朗普(Fred Trump)是一位成功的房地产开发商
• 母亲:玛丽·安妮·麦克劳德(Mary Anne MacLeod)来自苏格兰
英文作文特朗普Donald Trump, a name synonymous with controversy and divisiveness, has dominated the political landscape of the United States for the past few years. His rise to power and subsequent presidency have been marked by a series of remarkable events that have captivated the world's attention. Trump's presidency is not just about him; it is about the deep-seated issues that have been brought to the forefront by his unique and often controversial approach to governance.Trump's journey to the White House was unconventional. As a political outsider with no prior experience in elected office, he campaigned on a platform of bold promises and divisive rhetoric, vowing to make America great again. His campaign was marked by controversial statements andpolicies that resonated with a significant section of the electorate, particularly those who felt disenfranchised and disillusioned by the political establishment.His election victory in 2016 was a seismic shift in American politics. Trump's victory was not just a rejection of the political establishment but also a reflection ofdeep-seated social and economic issues that have been plaguing the country for years. Trump capitalized on these issues, promising to address them head-on and delivering a message of hope and change to a disenfranchised electorate. However, Trump's presidency has been divisive and controversial from the outset. His policies and statements have often been met with widespread criticism and resistance, particularly from the Democrats and liberals. His approach to governance has been marked by a hardline stance on immigration, a rollback of environmental regulations, and a tax reform that disproportionately benefited the wealthy.Despite his divisive rhetoric and policies, Trump has achieved some notable successes. His tax reform bill, for instance, was a significant legislative achievement that delivered significant tax cuts for businesses and individuals. His administration has also been successful in pursuing a hawkish foreign policy, with a focus on national security and combatting terrorism.However, Trump's presidency has also been marked by a series of scandals and controversies. His handling of theCOVID-19 pandemic has been criticized for being slow and ineffective, and his administration has been accused of cronyism and corruption. His divisive rhetoric and policies have also exacerbated social and political tensions in the country, leading to increased polarization and protest movements.The Trump presidency has been a complex and controversial phenomenon that has divided the country and captivated the world's attention. His unique approach to governance and divisive rhetoric have highlighted deep-seated issues that have been plaguing the United States for years. While he has achieved some notable successes, his presidency has also been marked by a series of scandals and controversies that have eroded his popularity and credibility.特朗普现象:一个复杂的政治传奇唐纳德·特朗普,这个名字与争议和分歧紧密相连,过去几年一直主导着美国的政治版图。
Donald Trump 简介
Thanks for watching!!!
Today, we saw a successful businessman.
Run for president
On June 17,2015,Trump announced for the presidential election in Trump Tower. His Campaign slogan is “Make America Great Again” Trump is the 12th republicans announced his candidacy for the 2016 presidential campaign.
Donald is a living business school textbook, and his appeal is amazing! (唐纳德是一部活生生的商学院课本,他的号召力让人 吃惊!)
by----Jack Welch (the CEO of General Electric Company )
Run for president
Why Trump can be successful? his campaign claims are improtant points.
His remarks
He said, he would keep a good relationship with Putin.
Others’ Evalua the climax in future". (现在没有低潮,未来只有高潮)
by----talk show host Larry King
学徒 The Apprentice。 他就是里面的终极魔鬼老板。
学徒 The Apprentice。 他就是里面的 终极魔鬼老板。 最招牌的一句 台词就是:
20年前,Trump就已经很有钱了。 上奥普拉秀的时候大家就问他你这么牛, 会不会有一天出来竞选美国总统呢?
Trump想了一下说: 我暂时不会,竞选太麻烦了。 只有在出现一个情况的时候我会来选, 那就是美国的这个国家 糟糕透顶完全没救的时候。 过了20年,Trump终于出来拯救美国了! 他说实在看不下去了,美国债台高筑, 国会动不动就因为没钱而关门, 在国外打仗还整天输得什么都没有了, 只好就自己来了!
在美国这个问题很严重, 大部分从美国-墨西哥边境偷渡进去。 进去了以后就顺便带来 毒品和黑社会等社会问题。 但是只要在美国生下小孩, 就可以获得合法身份, 所以非法移民屡禁不绝 Trump的竞选主张很简单,就是... 在美国-墨西哥边境修一座长城!
• 尽管伊万卡在7岁时就从父亲那得到了第一颗钻石, 可她一直懂得不劳而获是耻辱的。于是,她上高中 时就开始打零工当模特,凭着高挑的身材和靓丽的 外表和自身的努力,伊万卡在精锐模特管理公司找 到了一份模特的兼职,在公司的包装下,伊万卡的 模特事业进展顺利,16岁时她就登上了美国著名少 女杂志《Seventeen》的封面,同时她还在为《Elle 》、《Glamour》等杂志担任模特,同一年,她还 成为了美国妙龄小姐选美比赛的主持人。 •
• 不止有令人艳羡的财富地位和聪明头脑,伊万卡· 特 朗普 (Ivanka Trump) 的婚姻也完美地令人发指。 2009年10月,伊万卡嫁给了杰瑞德· 库斯纳 (Jared Kushner)——新泽西州地产大亨查理斯· 库斯纳的儿 子,2003年毕业于哈佛大学,2007年在纽约大学的 法学院、商学院分别获得法学博士和MBA学位。除 了帮助管理父亲庞大的地产帝国外,2006年,杰瑞 德以1000万美元买下纽约精英报刊纽约观察家周报, 成为纽约城中的著名出版商。这对情侣的结合可谓 是纽约地产界的最强势联姻。婚后,伊万卡· 特朗普 (Ivanka Trump) 与丈夫杰瑞德· 库斯纳 (Jared Kushner) 育有2名子女:女儿Arabella Rose Kushner和儿子 Joseph Frederick Kushner,分别出生于2011年和2013 年。 •
Life experience
Trump was born and raised in New York City and received a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968.
The American presidents
1st Donald John Trump 221n06 d George Washington
Character profile
Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is a successful businessman and the 45th-President of the United States. As the Republican Party's candidate for president in the 2016 election, he defeated Hillary Clinton in the general election on November 8, 2016.
THANK 2016年 YOU !
Carry out the constitution of the United States
The constitution held in 1787, took effect in 1789.It is first written constitution in the world, for countries to provide a model for the establishment of a written constitution in the future.
Donald Trump
writer, and host
2015 selected < Time > annual figure
His family
his son
Supermodel of the world
the third wife
his daughter
• Trump has always been famous for character publicity(性格张扬),acting swagger(行事招摇),elusive (捉摸不定).
Funny speeches
"I would like to bet that I will get along well with Putin." "Mexico is the new China!" "China is our reconstruction."
“Without me, there will be riots in the United States.”
video time
2016 American electi 2,he won a total of 7 state's support. • In March 8,won the Michigan and Mississippi primary victories. • In April 20,held in New York, Trump has won the presidential primary vote. • In May 4, Cruz announced the withdrawal of competitors, Trump basic lock nomination.
离开军校后,他进入隶属常青藤联盟的一个商学院就读。在那里, 他孜孜不倦地学习商业领域新知,培养生意眼光。再加上父亲的 指导,为日后商场的成功打下了坚实的基础。
家世背景和早年经历 征战商场并获取名利 厚积薄发终成大总统
1946年出生于纽约市的川普,其父是在纽约白手起家致富的地产 商人,而其建筑事业,塑造了纽约皇后区今日的面貌。因此,川 普是个地道的富二代。
经过数十年的商场经营,他积累了大量的财富。且他不断强调自 己与传统政客的区别——他的竞选不需要通过大规模筹款。川普 自称身家100亿美元,可依靠自身财力支撑竞选。
相比于一向被认为持重且有政策头脑的其他竞选人如杰布·布什等, 川普显得格外与众不同。他给人的感觉是口出狂言和特立独行, 但是民众们却似乎觉得他更为真实,且言出必行。
想 不 到 吧 , 我 年 轻 时 也 是 妥 妥 一 枚 小 鲜 子承父业,开疆拓土。
大学毕业后,他继承父业,将地产生意继续做大。不仅将特朗普 大厦修到了纽约曼哈顿寸土寸金的第五大道,成为曼哈顿地标性 建筑,更将楼如其人、张扬外显的特朗普酒店、赌场修到了世界 各地。
从十几年前就开始考虑竞选总统的川普终于在七十一岁时得偿所 愿,这不禁使人想起新三国中司马老贼的话“我挥剑只有一次, 但我磨剑磨了十几年。”厚积薄发,大器晚成,这实在是值得我 们学习的地方!
图一As to scandals, Trump receives far more scandals than Obama.说到丑闻,特朗普的丑闻比奥巴马多得多。
图二Compared with Trump, President Obama is relatively clean when he was campaigning to be the president of the United States. There were not many scandals about him, so the public could just focus on his political views.与特朗普相比,奥巴马总统在竞选美国总统期间相对干净。
图三Even after he retired, Obama still kept an integrity image in people’s mind.甚至在他退休后,他在美国人民心中仍是一副正直形象。
图四On the other hand, Trump Donald has been trapped by scandals for years.而特朗普·唐纳德则是多年绯闻缠身。
图五Last year, Trump University was accused to be a fake university because It didin’t have a certification and sold high-price courses to students.去年,特朗普大学被指虚假办学。
图六What’s more, Trump has insulted women for several times.除此之外,特朗普还多次侮辱女性。
Billionaire businessman Donald Trump increased his lead last week ahead of the crowded Republican field for president.A new national poll, taken by Quinnipiac University in Connecticut and released Thursday, shows Mr. Trump leading the Republicans with 28 percent. That is eight points higher than where he was just a month ago. Retired surgeon Ben Carson comes in second with 12 percent. Jeb Bush, the former Republican front-runner, lags behind in third place. Compared with Mr. Trump’s 28 percent, only seven percent of Republicans said they like Mr. Bush best.亿万富翁唐纳德特朗普总统上周提前增加了拥挤的共和党场他的领先优势。
Brother 87 million to the presidential election brother, brother do not like China, Mexico, Obama and Bush. Local time, 16, who is also a real estate tycoon, reality show hosted "Miss America" pageant President of the multiple identities of American billionaire Donald Trump, under the diehard fans, wealthy friends, her daughter, who cheer, with rock songs with background music, officially announced the 2016 US presidential election race. On this noisy news conference, he said unequ哥有87亿,哥要选总统,哥不喜欢中国、墨西哥、奥巴马和布什。
以下是特朗普治下几个重要政策的概述:1. 经济政策特朗普在竞选时提出了“让美国再次伟大”的口号,他在任期内推动了一系列的经济政策改革。
2. 移民政策特朗普在竞选时曾公开表示要修建美墨边境墙,并采取更加严格的移民政策。
New York Military Academy
Fordham university
The wharton school of the university of Pennsylvania
Business experience
• B 1968 Trump entered the Trump Administration
B.Always maintain own brand awareness and know how to promote and use own brand.
Polit is a brilliant businessman between politicians and a politician who lacks virtue in business.
In 1990, Mr. Trump was sadded with nearly $4 billion in debt.
1975 1984
The Hyatt Hotel, built in five years with very low loan costs, is an important milestone in Trump's real estate career.
2005 2009
He created a web university at Trump University, tought students about Trump's "way to make money“.
Trump Entertainment filed for bankruptcy, and Trump was forced to forgo all his investments in the Western City casino.
He said, he would keep a good relationship with Putin.
Donald Trump,is a great businessman,politician,su perstar.
Under the loving care in his parents and friends.
Trump was very confident when he was young. It let him can not calm down and study hard . Parents have to send him to “military schools in New York City“ when he was 13.During the period of military school attended, Trump popularity well, not only academic performance is excellent, and athlete is also very well. From his graduation in 1964,leader temperament has concealed shape.
Why Trump can be successful? His campaign claims are important points.
He said, Mexican illegal immigrants are rapists, they should all be repatriated.
2016年11月9日,美国大选计票结果显示:共和党候选人 唐纳德· 特朗普已获得了276张选举人票,超过270张选举 请在此处添加副标题 45位总统。 人票的获胜标准,成为美国第
唐纳德· 特朗普,亦称唐纳德· 川普,1946年6月14日生于美国纽约,政治家、 商人、作家、主持人。特朗普1968年从宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院毕业后, 进入其父的房地产公司工作,并在1971年开始掌管公司运营。在随后几十年 间,特朗普开始建立自己的房地产王国,人称“地产之王”。
特朗普大楼:特朗普大楼最顶楼三层,大约30,000平方英 尺(3,000平方米)的空间,细节装潢是采用青铜、黄金与大 理石。价值超过五千万美金,也是纽约市最值钱的公寓
请在此处顿(Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton,1947年10月26日),美国律师、民主党籍政治家,第67任国务卿,纽约州前联邦参议员,美 国第42任(第52届、第53届)总统比尔· 克林顿的妻子。 2000年,希拉里在纽约州联邦参议员选举中胜出,成为该州历史上第一位女 性联邦参议员,更成为历史上第一位拥有公职的第一夫人,并在6年任期满后 以大幅度的领先优势获得连任。希拉里· 克林顿是一位富有争议的政治人物, 当第一夫人期间曾主持一系列改革。
邮件门指美国前国务卿、民主党潜在总统候选人希拉里· 克林顿邮件 删除事件。 共和党众议员特里· 高迪当天指责希拉里已经“一股脑儿删除”了服 务器上的全部电子邮件,勒令她在2015年4月3日最后期限前交出全 部相关邮件。 根据CNN/ORC在2015年3月18日联合发起的民调结果显示,杰布· 布什 赢得共和党党内提名的最高支持率为31%,而希拉里赢得民主党党内 提名的支持率则高达53%,比现任副总统拜登的支持率还要高出10%。 美国当地时间2016年7月27日晚,“维基揭秘”网站再爆“猛料”。 请在此处添加副标题 网站公布了29段,来自美国民主党全国委员会内部邮件中的音频附 件。其中部分音频附件的内容涉及希拉里· 克林顿的支持者,对于民 主党竞选人伯尼· 桑德斯出言抱怨及谩骂[1]。 2016年10月28日,美国联邦调查局(FBI)宣布重启对“邮件门”的 调查。[2] 11月3日,美国联邦调查局(FBI)与其他部分美国情报机 关正在筛查一些伪造邮件,这些邮件旨在抹黑希拉里的竞选阵营。[3]
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In the early hours of November 9, Clinton called Trump to concede the election. The president-elect spoke to a crowd of supporters in New York City a short time later.He congratulated Clinton and praised her campaign effort. "And I congratulated her, and her family, on a very, very, hard-fought campaign. She fought very hard.
Americans have elected Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States. The Republican Party candidate defeated the Democratic Party nominee, Hillary Clinton.
So who exactly is Donald Trump?
Donald trump, was born on June 14, 1946 in New York. The politicians, businessmen, writer, host. Donald Trump was once one of America's most well-known land agent. The greatest feature of the trump is rich!
Why Trump can be successful?
His campaign claims are important points.
He said, Mexican illegal immigrants are rapists, they should all be repatriated. And he wants to repair a wall at the US-Mexican border.
Under the loving care in his parents and friends. Trump was very confident when he was young. It let him can not calm down and study hard . Parents have to send him to “military schools in New York City“ when he was 13.During the period of military school attended, Trump popularity well, not only academic performance is excellent, and athlete is also very well. From his graduation in 1964,leader temperament has concealed shape.
He said, he would keep a good relationship with Putin.
Donald Trump,is a great businessman,politician, superstar. he made great success in many fields. But,if he can be a good president? we must remain to be seen.
After leaving the military school, Trump belonging to the university of Pennsylvania's Wharton school of the ivy league schools.
Since 1987,Trump publicly said to run fห้องสมุดไป่ตู้r president many times. But most of them like a joke. This year, Donald declared his candidacy for the Republican Presidential nomination in a long-winded, completely off-the-cuff speech that was widely mocked by the American media.