

高中英语课程标准词汇 分级

高中英语课程标准词汇 分级









Aa(n) art 11 abandon* v3 ability n 11able a 11abnormal*aaboard prep abolish* v abortion* nabout ad & prep 11 above prep, a & ad 21 abroad a & ad 23 abrupt* a absence* n. 32 absent aabsolute* a 23 absorb v3 abstract* a & n absurd* a abundant* aabuse* v 23 academic a & n2 academy* n accelerate* v accent naccept v 11access* n & v 31 accessible* a accident n 12 accommodation* n 22 accompany* v2 accomplish* v account n 21 accountant* n 3accumulate* v accuracy* n accurate a 23accuse v3 accustomed* aache v & nachieve v 11 achievement n 32acid a2 acknowledge* v 33 acquaintance* n acquire* v2 acquisition* n3acre nacross prep 11act n & v 11action n 11active a 22activity n 11actor n3actress nactual a 12acute* aAD nad = advertisement n 33 adapt* v3 adaptation nadd v 11addicted* aaddition* n 31 address n 22 adequate* a 33adjust* v3adjustment* nadministration n 22 admirable* a admire v 3admission* n3 admit v 21 adolescence* n adolescent* nadopt* v 22adore vadult n 22advance v & n 32 advantage n 11 adventure n advertise v advertisement n 3advice n 11advise v 22advocate* vaffair n 11affect* v 11affection* nafford v 13afraid a 12Africa nAfrican a & nafter ad, prep & conj 11 afternoon n 12 afterward(s) ad 23 again ad 11against prep 11age n 11agency* n 21agenda* n 3agent* n 32 aggressive* a 3ago ad 11agree v 11 agreement n 11 agricultural* a agriculture* n2 ahead ad 22aid n & v 22AIDS naim n & v 22air n 11aircraft n 22airline n 23airmail n airplane nairport n 23airspace nalarm* n & v 2album* n3alcohol n3alcoholic* a & nalgebra* nalike adalive a 23all ad, a & pron 11allergic aalley* nallocate* v 2allow v 11allowance* n 23almost ad 11alone a 21along ad & prep 11 alongside* ad3aloud adalphabet nalready ad 11also ad 11alternative* a 22although conj 11altitude* naltogether ad 23 aluminium* nalways ad 11am v (be)am. / am, AM. / AM n amateur* aamaze vamazing a 2America nambassador (ambassadress ) ambiguous* aambition* nambulance n 3among prep 11amount n & v 11ample aamuse vamusement nanalyse v3analysis n 31ancestor nanchor* v & nancient a2and conj 11 anecdote* nanger n3angle n 33angry a 33animal n 11ankle n anniversary* nannounce v 21 annoy v 3annual* a 22 another a & pron 11 answer n & v 11 ant nAntarctic n antique* nanxiety n 33 anxious a 33any pron & a 11 anybody pron 13 anyhow ad 3 anyone pron 11 anything pron 11 anyway ad 12 anywhere ad 13 apart* ad & a 31 apartment n 23 apologize v 2 apology n 3apparent* a2 appeal* v & n 21 appear v 11 appearance n2 appendix* n appetite* n applaud* v & napple n 23 applicant* n apply v 11 appoint* v 22 appointment n 12 appreciate v 23 appreciation* n approach n & v 3appropriate* a 11 approval* n 23 approve* v 22 approximately ad 33apron narbitrary* aarch* n 3architect n3 architecture* n 33 Arctic nare v (be)area n 11argue v 11argument n 11arise (arose, arisen) v 32 arithmetic narm n & n 11 armchair narmy n 11around ad & prep 11 arrange v 22 arrangement n 22 arrest v3arrival n3arrive v 21arrow nart n 11article n 21artificial* a 3artist n 32as ad, conj & prep 11 ash nashamed a 3Asia nAsian a & naside ad 33ask v 11asleep a 2aspect n 31assess* v 22 assessment* n 22 assist* v 33 assistance* n 32 assistant n3 associate* v 32 association n 31 assume* v 11 assumption n 22 astonish* v astronaut n astronomer n astronomy nat prep 11athlete n athletic* a Atlantic a atmosphere n2 atom nattach n 22 attack v & n 21 attain* v attempt v & n 21 attend* v 22 attention n 11 attitude n 11 attract v 22 attraction* n3 attractive a 22 audience n 22 aunt nauthentic* aauthor n2authority* n1automatic a 3autonomous* aautumn n3available a 11avenue n 3average a & n 22avoid v 21awake (awoke, awaken) v & a 3award n 21aware a 11away ad 11awesome* aawful a 1awkward* a 2Bbaby n 11bachelor* nback ad, a & n 11 background n 22 backward(s) ad 2bacon n 3bacterium* (pl bacteria ) nbad (worse, worst) a 11 badminton nbag n 12baggage nbakery* nbalance n 22balcony* nball n 12ballet* nballoon nbamboo nban* n & v3banana nband nbandage* nbank n 11bar n 11barbecue nbarber* nbarbershop* nbare* abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier* n3base n 11baseball n 32basement nbasic a 11basin nbasis n 31basket nbasketball n 32bat n 3bath n 23bathe vbathroom n 23bathtub nbattery n 2battle n2bay* nBC nbe (am, is ,are, was ,were, being, been ) v 11 beach n 32bean n 3bean curd* nbear1 nbear2 v1beard n 3beast nbeat (beat, beaten ) v & n 22beautiful a 12beauty n 32because conj 11become (became, become) v 11bed n 11beddings* nbedroom n 12bee nbeef n 3beer n 23before prep, ad & conj 11 beg vbegin (began, begun ) v 11 behalf* nbehave v 33behaviour n 21behind prep & ad 11 being* n 23belief n 32believe v 11bell n 23belly* n 3belong v 22below prep 22belt n 23bench n 23bend (bent, bent) v 33 beneath prep2 beneficial* abenefit n & v 31bent* a & nbeside prep 32besides prep & ad betray* vbetween prep 11 beyond prep 21bicycle n3bid* v & n3big a 11bike = bicycle n 2bill n 11bingo* n biochemistry* n biography* nbiology nbird n 11birth n 22birthday n 23 birthplace nbiscuit n 3bishop* n3bit n 11bite (bit, bitten) 2bitter a 33black n & a 11blame n & v 23blank n & a 3blanket nbleed vbless* v 3blind a 23block n & v 22blood 11blouse nblow (blew, blown) v 23 blue n & a 12board n & v 11boat n 12body n 11boil v 3bomb n & v 23bond* n & v3bone n 22bonus n 2book n & v 11boom* n & v 3boot n 23booth* nborder* n 32bored a 3boring a 2born a 12borrow v 23boss n 23botanical* abotany* nboth a & pron 11 bother v 13bottle n 12bottom n 13bounce* v 3boundary* n 23bow* v & nbowl n 23bowling nbox n 11boxing nboy n 11boycott* vbrain n 22brake n & vbranch n 12brand nbrave a 3bravery* nbread n 23break (broke, broken ) v & n 11breakfast n 22breakthrough* nbreast nbreath n 32breathe v 33breathless* abrewery* nbrick* n 23bride nbridegroom nbridge n 22brief a 22bright 22brilliant a 33bring (brought, brought) v 11broad a 22broadcast ( broadcast, broadcast或-ed, -ed) v brochure* nbroken a 33broom nbrother n 11brown n & a 22brunch* nbrush v & b 3Buddhism* nbudget n 11buffet* nbuild ( built, built) v & n 11building n 11bunch n 2bungalow* nburden* n 33bureaucratic* aburglar nburn (burnt, burnt或-ed, -ed) v & n 23 burst* vbury v 3bus n 11bush nbusiness n 11businessman / woman (pl businessmen / women ) nbusy a 12but conj & prep 11butcher n & v 3butter n 2butterfly nbutton n & v 2buy (bought, bought) v 11by prep 11bye int 11Ccab* ncabbage ncafé ncafeteria*cage ncalculate* v 23cake n 23call n & v 11calm a & v 3camel ncamera n 23camp n & v 33campaign* 31can1 (could); can’t = can not modal v 11 can2 n 2canal* ncancel v 2cancer n 22candidate* n2candle n 3candy n 3canteen n cap n 3 capital n 31 capsule* n captain n3 caption* n car n 11 carbon n card n 12 care n & v 13 careful a 12 careless a carpenter ncarpet n 33 carriage n 3 carrier* n carrot ncarry v 11 cartoon n 3carve* vcase n 11cash n & v 22cassette ncast (cast, cast)* v3castle n3casual* acat n 13catalogue* n3catastrophe* ncatch (caught, caught) v 11category* n 22cater* vcatholic* acattle ncause n & v 11caution* ncautious acave nCD = compact diskceiling n 33celebrate v3celebration* n 3cell* n1cent n 11centigrade acentimetre (Am centimeter ) n 3central a 11centre (Am center ) n 11century n 11ceremony ncertain a 11certificate* n 33chain n 32chair n 12chairman / chairwoman (pl chairmen /women ) n 31chalk nchallenge n 22challenging achampion* n2chance n 11change n & v 11changeable* achannel nchant v & nchaos* ncharacter n 11characteristic* a 32charge v & n 11chapter n 31chart n 33chat n & v 2cheap a 12cheat n & vcheck n & v 12cheek n3cheer n & vcheerful acheers* intcheese n 23chef nchemical a & n 33 chemist n 3chemistry n 2cheque (Am check ) n 2 chess nchest n 23chew vchicken n 2chief a & n 22child (pl children ) n 11 childhood n3 chocolate n 2choice n 11choir* nchoke* n & vchoose (chose, chosen) v 11 chopsticks nchorus* nChristian* nChristmas nchurch n 11cigar ncigarette n 23cinema n 3circle n & v 22circuit* n3 circumstance* n 11circus ncitizen n 22city n 11civil a 22civilian* ncivilization nclap vclarify* vclass n 11classic a3classify* vclassmate nclassroom n 33claw nclay* nclean v & a 22cleaner n 3clear a 11clerk nclever a 2click* v 3climate n3climb v2clinic nclock n 23clone vclose a & ad 11cloth n 22clothes n 22clothing ncloud n 33cloudy aclub n 11clumsy* acoach n 33coal n 32coast n 33coat n 23cocoa ncoffee n 12coin n 33 coincidence* ncoke ncold a & n 11collar ncolleague* n 32 collect v 12collection* n 21 college n 12collision* ncolour (Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine* v 32come (came, come) v 11 comedy* ncomfort n3 comfortable a 23 command* n & v2comment n 12 commercial* a 22 commit* v 22 commitment* n 22 committee n 31 common a 11 communicate v 33 communication n 21 communism* ncommunist* n & acompanion n3 company n 11 compare v 11 compass* n compensate* vcompete v 33 competence* n competition n 11 complete a & v 21 complex* a & n 32 component* n 32 composition n3 comprehension n compromise* v compulsory* acomputer n 11 concentrate v 22 concept n 32 concern v & n 11 concert n 33 conclude v 32 conclusion n 12 concrete* a3 condition n 11 condemn* v conduct v 32 conductor n confident a 23 confidential* a conference n 31 confirm v 22 conflict* n 22 confuse v congratulate* v congratulation n 3connect v 22 connection n 32 conscience* n consensus* nconsequence n 32 conservation* n 33 conservative* aconsider v 11 considerate* a consideration n 12 consist v3 consistent* a 33 constant a 22 constitution* n2 construct* v3 construction n 32 consult v 33 consultant* n 33 consume* v contain v 21 container* n contemporary a2 content1 n 22 content2 a3 continent n continue v 11 contradict* v contradictory *a contrary n & acontribute* v 22 contribution n 22 control v & n 11 controversial* a convenience n convenient a 3conventional* a3 conversation n 12 convey* v convince* v 33 cook n & v 2 cooker ncookie ncool a3copy n & v 12 corn n 3corner n 12 corporation n 32 correct v & a 12 correction n correspond* v corrupt* a & vcost n 11cosy a cottage n 23cotton n & acough n & vcould modal v 11count v 13counter* n 3country n 11 countryside n 23couple n 11courage n 3course n 11court n 11courtyard ncousin n 3cover n & v 11cow n 2crash* v & ncrayon ncrazy a 33cream* ncreate v 11creature n3credit n 22crew* n 33crime n 22criminal n 32criterion* (pl criteria ) n2 crop n3cross n & v 22crossing* n crossroads ncrowd n & v 22cruel a 3cry n & v 22cube* ncubic* acuisine* nculture n 21cup n 11cupboard n 2cure* n & vcurious* a 3currency* n2 curriculum* n2curtain n 23cushion* n 3custom n3customer n 11customs* ncut (cut, cut ) v & n 11cycle v 33cyclist nDdad = daddy n 12daily a, ad & n 32dam* ndamage n & v 22damp a & ndance n & v 23danger n 22dangerous a 22dare v & modal v3dark n & a 21darkness n3dash* v & ndata n 11database* n 22date n & v 11daughter n 11dawn* nday n 11dead a 11deadline* ndeaf a3deal n 11dear a 1death n 11debate* n & v 12debt n 22decade* n 32decide v 11decision n 11declare* v2decline* v2decorate v 3 decoration* n 3 decrease vdeed ndeep a & ad 21deer ndefeat v3defence (Am defense ) n 21 defend v 33degree n 31delay* n & v 23delete* v & ndeliberately* ad 33 delicate a delicious adelight* ndelighted a 2deliver* v 22demand v 11dentist ndepartment (Dept.) n 31 departure* n3 depend v 12deposit* v & n3 depth* n 33describe v 11 description n 22 desert vt & n deserve v 23design n, v & n 31 desire v & n2desk n 22desperate* a3 dessert n destination* ndestroy v 22 detective n3 determine v1 develop v 31 development n1 devote vdevotion ndiagram* ndial vdialogue (Am dialog ) n diamond ndiary ndictation n dictionary ndie v 11diet n 32differ v3difference n 11 different a 11difficult a 11difficulty n 11dig (dug, dug) v 3 digest* vdigital* adignity* ndilemma* n dimension* n3 dinner n 12 dinosaur n dioxide* ndip vdiploma* ndirect a & v 21 direction n 11 director n1 directory* n dirty a 23 disability n disabled a3 disadvantage n disagree v 2 disagreement ndisappear v 22 disappoint* v disappointed adisaster n 23 discount n 3 discourage* vdiscover v 21 discovery n 3 discrimination* ndiscuss v 31 discussion n1 disease n 31 disgusting* a2 dish n 3disk = disc n 23 dislike n dismiss v3 distance n 22 distant a3 distinction n 32 distinguish v 33 distribute* v3 district n 32 disturb v disturbing* a dive vdiverse* vdivide v 12 division n 31 divorce v 3dizzy* ado (did, done) v 11doctor n 21document n2dog n 11doll n 3dollar n 13donate* vdoor n 11dormitory (dorm) ndot* n 2double a & n 12doubt n & v 11down prep & ad 11download* n & vdownstairs ad 2downtown ad, n & a 33dozen n 23Dr = doctor ndraft* n & v 23drag v 33draw (drew, drawn) v 11drawback* ndrawer n 3dream (dreamt, dreamt或-ed, -ed) n & v 22 dress n & v 22drill n & vdrink (drank, drunk) v 12drive (drove, driven) v 11driver n 12drop n & v 12drug n 21drum ndrunk adry v & a 22duck n 3due* a 11dull* a 3dumpling nduring prep 11dusk ndust n 33dustbin n 3dusty aduty n 11DVD = digital versatile disk ndynamic* adynasty* nEeach a & pron 11 eager* aeagle near n 22early a * ad 11earn v 22earth n 22 earthquake neast a, ad & n 22 Easter neastern a2easy a 11eat (ate, eaten) v 11 ecology* nedge n 22edition* n3editor n2 educate v education n 11 effect* n 11effort n 11egg n 12eggplant neither a, conj & ad 11 elder nelect* v 23electric a 23 electrical a 3 electricity n 23 electronic* a 33 elegant* a elephant nelse ad 11e-mail n & v embarrass v embassy nemergency n 23 emperor* n employ v 22empty a 22 encourage v 21 encouragement n end n & v 11 ending* n endless* aenemy n2energetic aenergy n 11engine n 12engineer n 33enjoy v 11enjoyable a 3enlarge* venough n, a & ad 11 enquiry* n 33enter v 11enterprise* n2 entertainment* n3 enthusiastic a 3entire a 32entrance n 33entry* n 22envelope n 3environment n 11envy v & nequal a & v 12 equality* nequip* vequipment n 22eraser nerror n 22erupt* vescape n & v 32 especially ad 11essay n 2Europe nEuropean a * n evaluate* veven ad 11evening n 11event n 11eventually* ad 12ever ad 11every a 11everybody pron 13 everyday aeveryone pron 11 everywhere ad 23 evidence nevident* a3 evolution nexact a 3exam = examination n 1examine v 32 example n 11 excellent a 12 except prep 22 exchange nexcite v excuse n & v 2exercise n & v 12 exhibition n2 exist v 31 existence n 32 exit nexpand* v 23 expect v 11 expectation n 22 expense* n 32 expensive a 12experience n 11 experiment n 22expert n 32explain v 11explanation n 32 explicit* aexplode vexplore* n & v 32 expose* v3express v & n 21expression n 22extension* n 23extra a 12extraordinary a 33 extreme a 33eye n 11eyesight nFface n & v 11facial afact n 11factory n 22fade* vfail v & n 21failure n 22fair1 a 12fair2 nfaith* n2fall1 (fell, fallen) vfall2 (Am) = autumn 11false a 33familiar a 22family n 11famous a 22fan nfancy* n, v * a 3fantastic a 3fantasy* nfar ( farther, farthest或further, furthest) a &ad 11fare nfarm n 32farmer n 32fast a & ad 23fasten* vfat n & a 23father n 11fault n 23favour (Am favor ) n 12 favourite (Am favorite ) a & n 33 fax n & vfear n 31feast* nfeather n 3federal* afee n 22feed (fed, fed) v 12feel (felt, felt) v 11feeling n 11fellow n3female a & n 32fence n 3ferry* nfestival n & a 33fetch v 2fever nfew pron & a 11fibre* ( Am fiber ) nfiction* nfield n 11fierce afight (fought, fought) n & v 11 figure* n & v 11file n 12fill v 11film n & v 21final a 11finance* n & v 32find (found, found) v 11 fine1 a 11fine2 vfinger n 22fingernail* nfinish v & n 12fire n & v 12 fireworks* nfirm n 11firm a 22fish n & v 21 fisherman nfirst ad a num n 11 fist nfit a & v 12fix v 22flag nflame nflash n 3flashlight nflat1 n 23flat2 a 22flee* ( fled, fled) v flexible* aflesh n3flight n 32float* vflood n & v 3floor n 11flour nflow v 22flower n 22flu nfluency* nfluent afly (flew, flown) v 22fly2 nfocus v & n2fog nfoggy afold vfolk a 2follow v 11fond afood n 11fool n & vfoolish afoot (pl feet) n 11 football n 12for prep & conj 11forbid* (forbade, forbidden) vforce v 31forecast n & vforeheadforeign a 31foreigner nforesee* ( foresaw, foreseen) vforest n 22forever ad 3forget (forgot, forgot / forgotten ) v 11 forgetful* aforgive (forgave, forgiven ) v 3fork nform n & v 11format* n3former* a 21fortnight* n 3fortunate a 3fortune* n 33forty numforward ad 11found v3fountain* nfox nfranc nfragile* afragrant* aframework* n3free a 11freedom n 22freeway n 23freeze (froze, frozen) vfreezing* afrequent a3fresh a 22friction* nfridge = refrigerator n 2friend n 11friendly a 23friendship n3frighten vfrog nfrom prep 11front a & n 11frontier* nfrost nfruit n 22fry v 3fuel n 22full a 11fun n & a 23 function n & v 31 fundamental* a 22 funeral* nfunny a 13fur nfurnished* afurniture n 23future n 11Ggain v 22gallery* n3gallon ngame n 11garage n 2 garbage n 3garden n 11garlic n 3garment* ngas n 12gate n 22gather* v 22gay* a 3general a & n 11 generation n 22 generous agentle a 33 gentleman n 32 geography n geometry* ngesture n3get (got, got) v 11 gift n 22gifted agiraffe ngirl n 11give (gave, given) v 11 glad a 23glance* v3glare* vglass n 11globe* nglory nglove nglue n 3go (went, gone) v 11 goal* n 21goat ngod ngold n & a 22 golden a3golf n 23good (better, best ) a 11 goods* n 22goose (pl geese) ngovern* v3government n 21grade n 33gradual* agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram n 3grammar n 33grand* a 23grandchild n 3 granddaughter n grandma = grandmother n 1 grandpa = grandfather n 1 grandparents n grandson ngranny n 3grape ngraph* ngrasp vgrass n 22grateful* a3gravity* ngreat a & ad 11greedy agreen a & n 12 greengrocer ngreet* vgreeting ngrey (Am gray) a 22grill* ngrocer* ngrocery nground n 11group n 11grow (grew, grown) v 11 growth* n2guarantee* v 23 guard n 33 guess v 13 guest n 22 guidance n3 guide n 22guilty a 23guitar n3gun n 22gym = gymnasium ngymnastics nHhabit n 33hair n 11haircut* nhalf a & n 12hall n 12ham nhamburger nhammer nhand n & v 11handbag n 3handkerchief* nhandle n & v 22handsome ahandwriting nhandy* a 3hang (hung, hung或–ed, -ed) v 12 happen v 11happiness nhappy a 11harbour (Am harbor) nhard ad & a 11hardly ad 22hardship* nhardworking aharm n & v 3harmful aharmony* nharvest n & vhat n 23hatch* vhate v & n 13have (has, had, had) v 11he pron 11head n & v 11headache nheadline* n 3headmaster / mistress nhealth n 11healthy a 33hear (heard, heard) v 11 hearing* n 32heart n 11heat n 22heaven n 3heavy a 11heel nheight n 22 helicopter nhello int 1helmet* nhelp n & v 11helpful a 23hen nher pron 11herb nhere ad 11hero n3hers pron 3herself pron 21 hesitate vhi int 1hide (hid, hidden ) v 22 high a & ad 11 highway n 2hill n 22him pron 11 himself pron 11hire v 3his pron 11history n 21hit (hit, hit ) n & v 12 hobby n 3hold (held, held) v 11 hole n 12holiday n 22holy* a3home n & ad 11 homeland n hometown n homework n 2honest a 13honey nhonour (Am honor) n & v3 hook n & v 3hope n & v 11hopeful ahopeless a 3horrible a 2horse n 31hospital n 21host n & v3hostess nhot a 12hotdog nhotel n 21hour n 11house n 11housewife n housework nhow ad 11however ad & conj 21 howl* vhug vhuge a 22human a & n1human being n3humorous ahumour ( Am humor) nhunger nhungry a 3hunt vhunter nhurricane* nhurry v 3hurt (hurt, hurt) v 23husband n 11hydrogen* nII pron 11ice n 23ice-cream n 2idea n 11 identity n1 identification* n idiom nif conj 11ignore* v 22ill a 33illegal aillness n 23 imagine v 22 immediately ad 21 immigration* n import* v & nimportance n 21 important a 11 impossible a 22 impress* v3 impression n 32 improve v 21in prep & ad 11 inch n 23 incident n2 include v 21 income n 21 increase v & n 21 indeed a 31independence n2 independent a2 indicate v1 industry n 31 influence n & v 21 inform* v 22 information n 11 initial* a2injure vinjury n2ink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert vinside prep & ad 23 insist v 32 inspect v inspire* v instant a 3instead ad 11 institute n2 institution* n1 instruct v instruction n 32 instrument n2 insurance n 32 insure* v intelligence n 33。



bend(bent; bent)
在…下方(面) beneath
书;本子;定(房间、车票) book
除…以外(还有);此外 besides
the Atlantic Ocean
坏的;严重的(adj) bad(worse; worst)
书包;提包;袋子 bag
行李 平衡木 烤;烘(面包) 豆;豆科植物 面包店 豆腐 平衡 负担;承担;容忍 阳台;楼座 熊 球 胡须 舞会
最好的;最好的(人或物) best
较好的;较优者;改善;胜过 better



普通高中附录2 词汇表说明:1.本词汇表共收3000个单词,含义务教育阶段要求掌握的1500个单词。










Aa(an) aboard**abandon** absence**ability absentable absolutely*abnormal** absorb**abroad** abstract**about abuse**above academic**accent** addict*accept addition*access** addressaccident* adjust**accommodation** administration**accompany** admire*according to admit*account* adopt**accurate** adorable**accuse** adult*ache* advance*achieve advantage* achievement* adventure*acid** advertise** acknowledge** advertisement(ad) ** acquire* adviceacross adviseact advocate**action affair*active affect**activity affordactor afraidactress Africaactually* AfricanAD** afteradapt* afternoon adaptation** afterward**add againagainst altogether**age alwaysagency* a.m.*agenda** amateur**ago amazing*agree ambition** agreement ambitious** agriculture* ambulance** ahead* Americaaid* Americanaim* amongair amount*airline** amuse**airport analyse(analyze)** alarm* ancestor** alcohol** ancientalive andall anger**allow angle**almost angryalone animalalong ankle** alongside** announce*aloud annoy**already annual*also another alternative** answeralthough antanticipate** Aprilantique** arch**anxiety** architect** anxious* areaany argue*anybody arise*anyhow** armanyone armyanything aroundanyway arrangement* anywhere arrest**apart** arrive apartment* arrow** apologise(apologize) * art apparently** article appeal** artificial** appear artist appetite** as applaud** ashamed** apple Asia applicant** aside** apply* ask appointment** asleep appreciate** aspect* approach* assess** appropriate** assign** approve** assistant** association** available** assume* average* assumption** avoid astonish** awake astronaut** award* astronomer** aware*at away athlete* awesome** Atlantic* awful atmosphere** awkward* attach* Battack*attain** baby attempt* backattend background attention backward** attitude* bacon** attract* bad audience* badminton* August bagaunt bakery** Australia balance* Australian ball author* ballet* authority* balloon automatic** bamboo autonomous** ban** autumn banana band* beautiful bank beauty** bar* because barbecue** become barely** bedbark** bedroom barrier** beefbase* beer baseball before basic begin basin** behalf** basis* behave** basketball behindbat** being** bath** belief** bathroom believebattery* bellbattle* belong* bay** belowBC** belt*be(am, are, is) bend**\ beach beneath* bean benefit* bean card(tofu) ** beside bear best beard** bet** beat better between board beyond* boatbig bodybike(bicycle) boil**bill bomb** billion** bond** biology** bonebird bonus** birth book birthday boost** biscuit boot*bit border** bite* bored bitter** boring black born blackboard borrow blame** boss blank** botanical** blanket** bothbleed** bother** bless** bottle blind bottom block bounce** blog* bound** blood boundary** blouse bow** blow bowlblue bowling* box buffet** boxing* buildboy building brain bunch** branch* burn brave bury** bread busbreak business breakfast busy breast** but breath** butcher** breathe* butter* brick** button* bride/bridegroom** buy bridge bybrief* Cbrightbrilliant** cabbage** bring cafe* Britain cafeteria** British cage**broad* cakebroadcast** calculate**brochure* calendarbrother callbrown calligraphy**brush calm*budget** calorie**camel** carpet**camera carrotcamp carrycampaign** cartooncampus* carve**can case*Canada cash*Canadian cast**canal** castle**cancel catcancer** catchcandidate** category**candle cattle*candy causecanteen** cave**cap cease**capable* ceiling**capacity** celebratecapital celebrity*capsule** cell**captain** centcar centimetre (centimeter) ** carbon** centralcard centre(center) care centurycareer** certaincareful certainly careless certificate** chain* chest**chair chew** chairman/chairwoman** c hickenchalk chief* challenge* child(pl. children) champion* Chinachance china*change Chinese channel** chocolatechaos** choicechapter* choke** character* choose characteristic** chopsticks charge* chorus** charity* Christmaschart** church**chat* cigarette** cheap cinemacheat** circlecheck circuit**cheek** circumstance cheer circus** cheese** cite**chef** citizen** chemical** citychemist** civil**chemistry civilian**chess civilization(civilization) ** claim** coastclap* coatclarify** coffeeclass coinclassic** coldclassmate collapse**classroom collar**clay** collectclean collection*clear collegeclerk** colour(color)clever column**click* combine**client** comeclimate* comedy**climb comfort**clinic** comfortableclock comic**clone** comment*close comment*close commercial**cloth** commit**clothes commitment**cloud committee*cloudy commonclub communicateclue** communicationcoach communist** coal community company* confirm* compare conflict** comparison** Confucianism** compete** Confucius** competence** confused** competition congratulation* complete consequence** complex** conservation** complicated** consider component** consist** compose** consistent** composition** constant** comprehension** constitution** comprehensive** construction** comprise** consultation** concentrate* consume** concept** consumption** concern* contact* concert contain* conclude** contemporary** conclusion** content* concrete** contest** condition context* conduct* continent* conference* continue confidence* contract** contradictory** country contrary** countrysidecontrast** country* contribution* couplecontrol courageconvenient* course conventional** court* conversation cousinconvince** covercook coverage**cookie cowcool crash*cooperate** crayoncopy crazycore** cream**corn createcorner creative*corporate** creature**correct credit*correspond** crew**cost crime**costume** crisis**cottage** criterion(pl. criteria) ** cotton** critical**cough criticize(criticize) ** could crop**council** crosscount crowd*crucial** datecruel** daughtercry daycuisine** deadculture deadline**cup deafcupboard** dealcure* dearcurious* death*current* debate**curtain** debt**custom* decade** customer Decembercut decent**cute decidecycle** decisionD declare*declinedaily decorate* damage** decrease**damp** deepdance deer*danger defeat** dangerous defence(defense) * dare** defend**dark definitely*data* definition** database** degreedelay** detective** delete** determine* delicate** develop delicious development deliver* device** demand** devote**demonstrate** diagram* dentist** dialogue(dialog) deny** diamond** department** diary departure** dictionary depend diedepress** diet*depth** differ** describe difference description* different desert* difficult deserve** difficulty design* digdesire* digest**desk digital* desperate** dignity** despite* dimension** dessert** dining destination* dinnerdestroy* dinosaur* detail* directdetect** direction director diverse** directory** dividedirty division** disability** dizzy** disabled** dodisappear* doctor disappointed** document* disaster* dogdiscipline** dollar discount** dolphin* discover domain** discovery domestic** discrimination** dominate** discuss donate* discussion door disease* dormitory** dish doubledisk(disc) ** doubt dismiss** down display** download* distance* downstairs* distant** downtown* distinct** dozen** distinguish** draft** distribution** drag** district** dragon* disturb** drama** dive** dramatic** draw earn* drawer** earth dream earthquake dress ease**drill** eastdrink eastern drive easydriver eatdrop ecology** drought* economic**drug** edge**dry editorduck educationdue to* educator** dumpling effect* duration** efficient** during effort*dust** eggduty* eight dynamic** eighteen dynasty** eightheightyE eithereach eldereager* elderly** eagle** election**ear electricity* early electronic elegant** enjoy element* enormous** elephant enough eleven ensure*else enter elsewhere** enterprise** email entertainment** embarrassed** enthusiastic** emerge** entirely* emergency** entitle** emotion** entrance* emperor** entryemphasis** envelope* employ** environment empty envy** enable* episode** encounter** equal* encourage equator** end equipment* enemy era** energetic* eraser energy* error* engage** erupt* engine* escape* engineer especially England essay** English essential** enhance** establish* estate** excuse estimate** exercise Europe exhibition** European exist* evaluate** exit*eve* expand** even expansion** evening expect event* expectation** eventually* expense** ever expensive every experience everybody experiment* everyday expert*everyone explaineverything explode**everywhere exploreevidence** export*exactly expose**exam(examination) exposure**examine** expressexample extend**excellent extension**except extent*exceptional** external*exchange* extinction*excited extra*exciting extraordinary** extremely* fasteye fatfather(dad)F fault**fabric** favour(favor)** face favourite(favorite) facilitate** fearfacility* feature*fact Februaryfactory feedfail feelfailure* feelingfair fellow**faith** female*fall fence** false** festival familiar* fetch** family fever famous fewfan fibre(fiber)** fancy* fiction** fantastic field fantasy** fifteenfar fifthfarm fiftyfarmer fight fashion** figure*file* flour**fill flow**film flower finance** fluent** financial** flyfind focus* finding** foggy**fine fold** finger folk** finish followfire fond**firm** foodfirst foot(pl. feet) fish footballfisherman forfist** forcefit forecast** five forehead**fix foreignflag forestflash* forever**flat* forgetflavor(flavor)** forgive** flexible* forkflight* formflood* formal*floor format** former* from fortunately* frontforty frontier** forward* frost**found** fruit foundation** fry** fountain** fuel**four fullfourteen funfourth function*fox** fund* France fundamental** frank* funnyfree furniture** freedom** further*freeze** futureFrenchfrequency** Gfrequently* gain**fresh gallery** friction** gameFriday gap*fridge(refrigerator) garbage** friend gardenfriendly garlic** friendship gas* frightened* gatefrog** gather*gender** goldgeneral golf** generate** good generation* goodbye(bye) generous* goods*genius** government gentle** grab** gentleman gradegenuine** gradually** geography graduate* geometry** grain** German grammar Germany gramme(gram)** get grand**gift granddaughtergifted** grandfather(grandma)girl grandparentgive grandsonglad grapeglass grasp**global* grassglobe** grateful**glove gravity**glue greatgo greedy**goal* greengoat** greenhouse*greet** handgrey handbag grocery** handkerchief** group handsome grow handwriting** guarantee** hangguard happenguess happyguest hard guidance** hardlyguide harm** guideline* harmfulguilty** harmonious** guitar harmony** gun harvest**guy* hatgym* hatch** gymnastics* hatehave (has) H hehabit head habitat** headache\ hair health half healthy hall hear ham** heart hamburger heatheavy holdheight holehello holidayhelp homehelpful hometownhen homework hence** honesther honey*herb** honour(honor)* here hopehero horrible*hers horseherself hospital hesitate* host*hi hothide hotelhigh hour highlight** househike** household** hill housework him housing** himself howhire** howeverhis hug* historic** huge history humanhit humble** hobby humorousIIiceice-creamideaideal**identical**identify**identity*idiom**ifignore*illillegal**illnessillustrate*image*imagine immediately*impact* imply** import* important impossible impress** impression* improve*ininch** incident** include income* increase incredible** indeed* independent* India indicate* individual* industry infection** infer** influence influential** information initial**initiative** injury** inner** innocent** innovation** input** inquire** insect* inside insight** insist** inspection** inspire* instance** instant** instead institute** institution** instrument insurance** integrate** integrity** intelligent* intend* intense** intention** interaction**interest interesting internal** international Internet interpret** interrupt** intervention** interviewinto introduce introduction invent invention investigate** investment** invite involve** iron** islandissue*ititem**itsitselfJjacketjam** JanuaryJapanese jaw**jazz** jeans*jobjog*joinjoint** joke journal* journalist** journeyjoy* judge* juiceJulyjumpJune jungle** junior* just justice* justify**K kangaroo* keep kettle** key keyboardkidkillkilo(kilogramme, kilogram) kilometer(kilometer)kindkindergarten**kingkingdom**kisskit**kitchenkitekneeknifeknockknowknowledgeLlab(laboratory)label**labour(labor) **lack**ladylakelamb**lamp**landlandscape**languagelantern*lap*laptop** largelastlatelaterlaugh launch** lawlawyer** laylazylead leader leadership** leaf league** leak** learnleast leather** leave lecture*leftleglegal** leisure** lemonlendlength* less lessonletletterlevel liberation** liberty** librarian** library license** lielifeliftlightlikelikely* limit** limited* linelink**lionliquid** listlisten literally** literary** literature* litterlittlelive lively living* load** loan** local location* locklog** logical** London lonely long look loose** lose loss*lotloud love lovely low lower** luck lucky lunar** lunch lung** luxury** Mmad madam** magazine magicmall** main maintain* major* majority* makemale*man(pl. men) manage manager mankind** manner** manymap marathon** March march* mark market marriage* marrymass** massive** master* matchmaths(mathematics) mattermature** maximumMaymaymaybememealmeanmeaningmeans**measure*meatmechanic**medal*medicalmedicinemedium (pl. media) * meetmeetingmember membership** memorial** memory** mentionmentionmenumercy**merry*messmessagemetal*methodmetre(meter) microscope**middlemidnight*mightmild**milemilitarymilkmillimeter(millimeter) ** million**mindminemineral**minimum**minister**minor**minority**minutemirror**Missmissmissile**missingmist** mistakemix mixture** mobile phone mode** model modern moment* Monday money monitor** monkey month monthly** mood** moonmoral** more moreover* morning mosquito** mostmostly** mother(mum) motion** motivate** motive** motor**mountain mouse(pl. male) mouthmove movement* movieMrMrsMsmuchmud** multiple** murder** muscle** museum mushroom** music musicianmustmymyselfNnail**namenarrow* nation* national nationality* native**naturenavy**nearnearby*nearlyneat*necessaryneckneedneedle**negative*negotiate**neighbor(neighbor) neighbourhood neighborhood) ** neithernephew**nervousnest**net**network**nevernevertheless**newnewsnewspapernextniceniece**nightnineteen ninety ninthnonoble** nobody nodnoise noisy none noodle noonnor normal* north northern nosenotnote notebook nothing notice novel** novelist** November now nowadays* nowhere* nuclear**nursenut* nutrition** Oobject objective** observe* obtain** obviously* occasion* occupation** occupy** occur* ocean*o’clock Octoberodd*ofoffofferoffice officer official oftenoilOKold Olympicsononeonion**online**onlyonto*openopera*operation*operator**opinion*opponent**opportunity*oppose**oppositeoptimistic**option*ororangeorbit**orderordinary*organ**organic**organization(organization) * origin**original*otherotherwise*ought to*ours ourselvesour outcome** outgoing** outline** output** outside outstanding** overoverall** overcome** overseas* owe**own oxygen*Ppace** Pacificpack** package* pagepainpaintpairpalacepalepan** pancakepanel**panic**paragraph**parcel**pardonparentparkparking**partparticipate** particular*partner*partypasspassagepassengerpassion**passive*passportpastpatent**path*patience**patientpattern*payPE(physical education) peacepeak**penpencilpeoplepepper**per*perceive** percent* percentage* perfect performance* perhapsperiod permanent** permit*personpersonal personality* persuade** pessimistic**petpetrol*phase** phenomenon** philosophy** phonephoto(photograph) photographer** phrase** physician**piano* pick picnic picturepiepiecepigpill** pilotpink pionner pipe** pityplace plain** plan plane planet plant plastic** plate* platform** play player playground pleasant** please pleasure plentyplug**plus*p.m. *pocketpoempoet** postpoetry postcard point poster* poison* postman polar** postpone* pole* pot** police potato policeman/policewoman potential** policy* pound polish** pour** polite power* political** practical** politics** praise pollute pray** pollution precious** pond** precisely** pool predict** poor prefer* popular(pop) preference** pork** premier** port* preparepose** presentposition* presentation** positive* preserve** possession** presidentpossible press*pressure* programme(program) pretend** progresspretty prohibit**prevent* projectprevent* projectprevious* promiseprice promote**pride pronounceprimary pronunciation primitive** proof**principle** properprint proposal*priority** prospect**prison** protectprivate protein**prize protest*probably proudproblem prove*procedure* provideproceed** province*process* psychology** produce pub**product publicprofession** publish* professional* pudding* professor** pullprofile** punishprofit* pupil purchase** radiopure** radium** purple railway purpose rainpurse** rainbow** pursue** rainypush raiseput random**Q range*rank** qualification** rapidqualify** rare** quality* rate* quantity** rather* quarter rating** queen raw** question ray**quick reachquiet react**quit* reaction* quite readquote** readyR realrealize(realize)race reality**racial** really radiation** reasonrecall** regular* receipt** reject** receive relate** recently relationship receptionist** relativerecipe** relaxrecite** relay** recognise(recognize)* release** recognition** relevant** recommend* reliable** record relief* recording** rely** recover* remain recreation** remarkable** recycle** rememberred remind* reduce* remote**refer* remove* reference** rent**reflect* repairreform** repeatrefresh** replace* refuse replyregard* report regardless** represent* region* representative**regret reputation**request* rhyme** require rice rescue** rich research riddle** reserve** ride resident** right resign** rigid** resistance** ring resolution** ripe** resolve** rise resource* risk respect* river respect* river respective** road respond* roast** response* robot responsibility** rock responsible* rocket** rest role restaurant roll* restore** romantic* restrict** roof** result roomretire* root** return rope reveal* rose review round。



Aa (an)[æn]art. 一(个、件…)abandon [ə’bændən]v. 放弃,遗弃ability [ə’biliti] n. 能力; 才能able ['eibl] adj. 能够;有能力的abnormal [æb'nɔ:məl]adj. 反常的,不正常的, 变态的, 不规则的aboard [ə’bɔ:d]prep。

在船[飞机、车] 上, 上船[飞机、车]abolish [ə'bɔ:d]v. 取消,废除(制度等) abortion [ə'bɔ:ʃən]n。

失败,夭折,中止, 早产about [ə’baut] adv。

大约; 到处; 四处prep. 关于; 在各处;四处above [ə’bʌv]prep。

在…上面adj. 上面的adv. 在…之上abroad [ə'brɔ:d]adv. 到(在)国外abrupt [ə'brʌpt]adj。

突然的,意想不到的absence ['æbsns] n. 不在,缺席absent[’æbsənt]adj。

缺席, 不在absolute['æbsəlu:t]adj. 绝对的;完全的, 纯粹的,净的absorb [əb'sɔ:b] v。

吸收, 吸引abstract [’æbstrækt] n。


抽象的, 深奥的,理论的absurd [əb’sə:d]adj。

荒谬的, 可笑的abundant [ə’bʌndənt] adj。

丰富的, 充裕的abuse [ə'bju:z] v。

滥用, 虐待,辱骂academic [,ækə'demik]adj。

学院的, 理论的academy [ə’kædəmi] n。

学院,研究院,学会accelerate [æk'seləreit] v. 加速, 促进accent['æksənt]n。

高中新课程标准3500词汇-分级(三级)-final version

高中新课程标准3500词汇-分级(三级)-final version

高中英语新课程标准词汇分级列表第一级四会词汇(听说读写词汇) Level 1- Listening, speaking, reading, writing (共1875个一级词汇)Aa (an) art. 一(个、件……)a.m./A.M. n. 午前,上午able a. 能够;有能力的about ad. 大约;到处;四处, prep. 关于;在各处;四处above prep. 在……上面,a. 上面的ad. 在……之上accept vt. 接受accident n. 事故,意外的事according to ad. 按照,根据across prep. 横过,穿过act n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事action n. 行动actor n. 男演员actress n. 女演员actual a. 实际的;现实的add vt.添加,增加address n. 地址admit vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会)adult n. 成年人advantage n. 优点;好处advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议afraid a. 害怕的;担心Africa * n. 非洲African a. 非洲的,非洲人的n. 非洲人after ad. 在后;后来prep. 在…之后;在后面conj. 在…以后afternoon n. 下午,午后again ad. 再一次;再,又against prep. 对着,反对age n. 年龄;时代ago ad. 以前agree v. 同意;应允agreement n. 同意,一致;协定,协议ahead ad. 在前,向前aim n.目的;目标v. 计划,打算;瞄准;针对air n. 空气;大气airmail n. 航空邮件airplane n. (美)飞机airport n. 航空站,飞机场airspace n.领空,(某国的)空域alarm n. 警报alike ad. 很相似地,同样地alive a. 活着的,存在的all ad. 全部地a. 全(部);所有的;总;整pron.全部;全体人员allow vt. 允许,准许almost ad. 几乎,差不多alone a. 单独的,孤独的along ad. 向前;和…一起;一同prep. 沿着;顺着alongside ad.在…旁边,与…同时aloud ad. 大声地already ad. 已经also ad. 也although conj. 虽然,尽管always ad. 总是;一直;永远am v. be的人称形式之一America * n. 美国;美洲American a. 美国的;美国人的n. 美国人among prep. 在…中间;在(三个以上)之间amuse vt. (使人)快乐,逗乐ancient a. 古代的,古老的and conj. 和;又;而anger n. 怒,愤怒angry a. 生气的,愤怒的animal n. 动物another a. 再一;另一;别的;不同的pron. 另一个answer n.回答,答复;回信;答案v.回答,答复;回信;(作出)答案ant n. 蚂蚁anxious a. 忧虑的,焦急的any pron. (无论)哪一个;哪些任何的;(用于疑问句、否定句)一些;什么anybody pron. 任何人,无论谁anyhow ad. 不管怎样anyone pron. 任何人,无论谁anything pron. 什么事(物);任何事(物)anyway ad. 不管怎样anywhere ad. 任何地方appear vi. 出现apple n. 苹果April n. 4月are v.(be) 是area n. 面积;地域,地方,区域;范围,领域arm n. 臂,支架v. 以…装备,武装起来n. (美)武器,武力armchair n. 扶手椅army n. 军队around ad. 在周围;在附近prep. 在……周围;大约arrive vi. 到达;达到art n. 艺术,美术;技艺article n.文章;东西,物品;冠词artist n.艺术家ash n. 灰;灰末Asia * n. 亚洲Asian a. 亚洲(人)的n. 亚洲人aside ad. 在旁边ask v. 问;请求,要求;邀请asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡as ad.& conj.像……一样;如同;因为prep. 作为,当做at prep.在(几点钟);在(某处)August n. 8月aunt n. 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨Australia * n. 澳洲;澳大利亚Australian a. 澳洲的,澳大利亚人的n. 澳大利亚人autumn n. 秋天,秋季avoid v. 避免,躲开,逃避awake (awoke, awoken) v. 唤醒a. 醒着的away ad. 离开;远离Bbaby n. 婴儿back ad. 回(原处);向后a. 后面的n. 背后,后部;背backache n. 背痛backward(s) ad. 向后bad (worse, worst) a. 坏的;有害的,不利的;严重的badly ad. 坏,恶劣地bag n. 书包;提包;袋子ball n. 球n. 舞会banana n. 香蕉bank n. (河海湖的)岸,堤n. 银行bar n. 条(长方)块,棒,横木n. (酒店的)买酒柜台;酒吧;(卖东西的)柜台bark v. 狗叫n. 狗叫声base n. 根据地,基地(棒球)垒baseball n. 棒球basement n. 地下室basic a. 基本的basin n. 水盆,脸盆basket n. 篮子basketball n. 篮球bat n. (棒球、板球的)球棒n. 蝙蝠bath n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆bathe vi. 洗澡;游泳bathtub n. 澡盆bay n. 湾;海湾BC n. 公元前be v. 是(原形),其人称和时态形式有(am, is, are, was, were, being, been);成为beach n. 海滨,海滩bean n. 豆,豆科植物beancurd n. 豆腐bear v. 承受,负担,承担;忍受;容忍n. 熊beast n. 野兽;牲畜beat (beat, beaten) v. 敲打;跳动;打赢n. (音乐)节拍beautiful a. 美,美丽,美观的beauty n. 美丽,美人because conj. 因为become (became, become) v. 变得;成为bed n. 床bedclothes n. 铺盖(被褥等)bedroom n. 寝室,卧室bee n.. 蜜蜂beef n. 牛肉beer n. 啤酒before prep. 在…以前;在…前面ad. 以前conj. 在…之前beg v. 请求,乞求,乞讨begin(began, begun) v.开始,着手beginning n. 开始,开端behind prep. (表示位置)在…后面ad. 在后面;向后Beijing n. 北京being n. 物;生物;人believe v. 相信,认为bell n. 钟,铃;钟(铃)声;钟形物belong vi. 属,附属below prep. 在……下面belt n. (皮)带bench n. 长凳;工作台bend (bent, bent) vt. 使弯曲beneath prep. 在…下方(面)beside prep. 在…旁边;靠近besides prep. 除…以外(还有)ad. 还有,此外best(good, well 的最高级)a. & ad. 最好的;最好地,最n. 最好的(人或物)best--seller n. 畅销书better (good, well 的比较级) a.& ad. 较好的,更好的;好些;更好地;更,更多n. 较好的事物;较优者v. 改善;胜过between prep. 在(两者)之间;在…中间beyond prep. (表示位置) 在…的那边bicycle n. 自行车big a. 大的bike = bicycle n. 自行车bill n.账单;法案,议案;(美)钞票,纸币billion num. 十亿,百亿bird n. 鸟birdcage n. 鸟笼birth n. 出生;诞生birthday n. 生日birthplace n. 出生地;故乡biscuit n. 饼干bit n. 一点,一些,少量的bite (bit, bitten) v. 咬;叮bitter a. 有苦味的;痛苦的,难过的;严酷的black n. 黑色a. 黑色的blackboard n. 黑板blank n.& a. 空格,空白(处);空的;茫然无表情的blanket n. 毛毯,毯子blind a. 瞎的block n. 大块;(木、石等)块;街区;路障vt. 阻塞;阻挡blood n. 血,血液blouse n. 宽罩衫;(妇女、儿童穿的)短上衣blow n. 击;打击blow (blew, blown) v. 吹;刮风;吹气blue n. 蓝色a.蓝色的 a. 悲伤的;沮丧的board n. 木板;布告牌;委员会;(政府的)部v. 上(船、火车、飞机)boat n. 小船,小舟boating n. 划船(游玩),泛舟body n. 身体boat--race n. 划船比赛body--building n. 健美boil v. 沸腾;烧开;煮……bomb n. 炸弹v. 轰炸bone n. 骨头,骨质(复数bones骨骼;骨骸)book n. 书;本子v. 预定,定(房间、车票等)boot n. 长统靴;靴born a. 出生bored a.(对人,事)厌倦的,烦闷的boring a. 乏味的,无聊的borrow v. (向别人)借用;借boss n. 领班;老板both a. 两;双pron. 两者;双方bottle n. 瓶子bottom n. 底部;底bow v.& n. 鞠躬,弯腰行礼bowl n. 碗box n. 盒子,箱子boxing n. 拳击(运动)boy n. 男孩brain n. 脑(子)brave a. 勇敢的bread n. 面包break n. 间隙break (broke, bro ken) v. 打破(断,碎);损坏,撕开breakfast n. 早餐breast n. 乳房,胸脯breath n. 气息;呼吸brick n. 砖;砖块bridge n. 桥brief a. 简洁的bright a. 明亮的;聪明的bring (brought, brought) vt. 拿来,带来,取来Britain * n. 英国;不列颠British a. 英国的;大不列颠的;英国人的broad a. 宽的,宽大的broken a. 弄坏了的broom n. 扫帚brother n. 兄;弟brown n. 褐色,棕色a. 褐色的,棕色的brunch n. 早午饭(晚早饭)brush v. 刷;擦n. 刷子build (built, built) v. 建筑;造building n. 建筑物;房屋;大楼burn (--ed, --ed 或burnt, burnt) v. 燃,烧,着火;使烧焦;使晒黑n. 烧伤;晒伤bus n. 公共汽车bus stop n。



普通高中英语课程标准词汇表(2020年修订)Aa (an)abandon**abilityableabnormal**aboard**aboutaboveabroadabsence**absentabsolutely*absorb**abstract**abuse**academic**accent**acceptaccess**accident* accommodation** accompany** according to account* accurate** accuse**ache*achieve achievement* acid** acknowledge** acquire*acrossactactionactiveactivityactoractressactually*AD**adapt*adaptation**addaddict*addition*addressadjust** administration** admire*admit*adopt**adorable**adult*advance* advantage adventure* advertise** advertisement (ad)** adviceadviseadvocate**affair*affect** afford afraid Africa African after afternoon afterward** again against age agency** agenda** agoagree agreement agriculture* ahead*aid*aim*airairline**airport alarm* alcohol** aliveallallow almost alone along alongside** aloud alreadyalso alternative** although altogether** alwaysa.m.* amateur** amazing* ambition** ambitious**ambulance** America Americanamongamount*amuse** analyse (analyze)** ancestor** ancientandanger**angle**angryanimalankle** announce* annoy**annual*anotheranswerantanticipate**antique**anxiety**anxious*anyanybodyanyhow**anyoneanythinganywayanywhereapart**apartment* apologise (apologize)* apparently** appeal**appearappetite**applaud**appleapplicant** application*apply*appointment** appreciate** approach* appropriate** approve** Aprilarch** architect** areaargue*arise**armarmyaround arrangement* arrest** arrivearrow**artarticle artificial** artistas ashamed** AsiaAsianaside**askasleep aspect* assess** assign** assistant** association** assume* assumption** astonish** astronaut** astronomer** atathlete* Atlantic* atmosphere** attach*attack*attain** attempt* attend attention attitude* attract* audience* Augustaunt Australia Australian author* authority* automatic** autonomous** autumn available** average* avoidawakeaward*aware*away awesome** awfulawkward*B babyback background backward** bacon**bad badminton*bagbakery** balance*ballballet*balloon bambooban**banana band*bankbar* barbecue** barely** bark** barrier** base* baseball basicbasin** basis* basket basketballbat**bath** bathroom battery* battle*bay**BC**be (am, are, is)beachbeanbean curd (tofu)** bearbeard**beatbeautifulbeauty**becausebecomebedbedroombeefbeer*beforebeginbehalf**behave** behaviour (behavior)* behindbeing**belief**believebell belong* belowbelt*bend** beneath* benefit* besidebestbet** better between beyond* bigbike (bicycle) billbillion** biology** birdbirth birthdaybiscuitbitbite* bitter** black blackboard blame** blank** blanket** bleed** bless** blind block blog* blood blouse blowblue board boat bodyboil**bomb** bond** bone* bonus** book boost** boot* border** bored boring born borrow boss botanical** both bother** bottle bottom bounce** bound** boundary** bow**bowlbowling**boxboxing*boybrainbranch*bravebreadbreakbreakfastbreast**breath**breathe*brick**bride / bridegroom** bridgebrief*brightbrilliant**bringBritain British broad* broadcast** brochure* brother brown brush budget** buffet** build building bunch** burnbury**bus business busybut butcher** butter* button* buybyC cabbage**café*cafeteria** cage**cakecalculate** calendarcall calligraphy** calm*calorie** camel** cameracamp campaign** campus*canCanada Canadiancanal**cancel cancer** candidate** candle candy canteen** cap capable* capacity** capital capsule** captain** car carbon* cardcare career** careful careless carpet** carrot carrycartooncarve**case*cash*cast**castle**catcatchcategory**cattle*causecave**cease**ceiling**celebratecelebrity**cell**centcentimetre (centimeter)** centralcentre (center)century certaincertainlycertificate**chain*chairchairman / chairwoman** chalkchallenge*champion*chancechangechannel**chaos**chapter*character* characteristic**charge*charity*chart**chat*cheapcheat**checkcheek**cheercheese**chef** chemical** chemist** chemistry chesschest**chew** chickenchief*child (pl. children) Chinachina* Chinese chocolate choicechoke** choose chopsticks chorus**Christmaschurch**cigarette**cinemacirclecircuit** circumstance**circus**cite**citizen**citycivil**civilian**civilisation (civilization)** claim**clap*clarify**classclassic**classmateclassroomclay** clean clear clerk** clever click* client** climate* climb clinic** clock clone** close cloth** clothes cloud cloudy club clue** coach coal coast coatcoffeecoincold collapse** collar** collect collection* college colour (color) column** combine** come comedy** comfort** comfortable comic** comment* commercial** commit** commitment** committee*common communicate communication communist** community company* compare comparison** compete** competence** competition complain** complete complex** complicated** component** compose** composition** comprehension** comprehensive** comprise** computer concentrate* concept** concern* concert conclude** conclusion** concrete** condition conduct* conference* confidence* confirm* conflict** Confucianism** Confucius** confused** congratulation* connect consequence** conservation** consider consist**consistent** constant** constitution** construction** consultant** consultation** consume** consumption** contact* contain* contemporary** content* contest** context* continent* continue contract** contradictory** contrary** contrast** contribution* control convenient* conventional** conversation convince** cookcookiecool cooperate** copycore**corncorner corporate** correct correspond** cost costume** cottage** cotton** coughcouldcouncil**count country countryside county* couple courage course court* cousin cover coverage** cow crash* crayon crazy cream** create creative* creature** credit* crew** crime**crisis**criterion (pl. criteria)** critical**criticise (criticize)** crop**crosscrowd*crucial**cruel**crycuisine**culturecupcupboard**cure*curious*current*curtain**custom*customercutcutecycle**D dailydamage** damp**dancedanger dangerousdare**darkdata* database**datedaughterdaydeaddeadline**deafdealdeardeath*debate**debt**decade** December decent**decidedecisiondeclare*decline** decorate* decrease**deepdeer*defeat** defence (defense)* defend** definitely* definition** degreedelay**delete** delicate** deliciousdeliver* demand** demonstrate** dentist** deny** department** departure** depend depress** depth** describe description* desert* deserve** design* desire*desk desperate** despite* dessert** destination* destroy*detail*detect** detective** determine* develop development device** devote** diagram* dialogue (dialog) diamond** diary dictionarydiediet*differ** difference different difficult difficultydigdigest**digital*dignity** dimension** diningdinner dinosaur* direct direction director directory ** dirtydisability** disabled** disappear* disappointed** disaster* discipline** discount** discover discovery discrimination** discuss discussion disease* dishdisk (disc)** dismiss** display** distance* distant** distinct** distinguish** distribution** district** disturb** dive** diverse** divide division** dizzy**dodoctor document* dogdollar dolphin* domain** domestic** dominate** donate* door dormitory** double doubt down download* downstairs* downtown* dozen** draft** drag** dragon* drama** dramatic** draw drawer**dreamdressdrill**drinkdrivedriverdropdrought*drug**dryduckdue to* dumpling duration** duringdust**duty*dynamic** dynasty**E eacheager*eagle** earearlyearn* earth earthquake ease** east eastern easyeat ecology** economic** edge** editor* education educator** effect* efficient** effort* eggeight eighteen eightheightyeitherelderelderly** election** electricity* electronic elegant** element* elephant elevenelse elsewhere** email embarrassed** emerge** emergency** emotion** emperor** emphasis**employ** emptyenable* encounter** encourageendenemy energetic* energy* engage** engine* engineer England English enhance** enjoy enormous** enough ensure*enter enterprise** entertainment**enthusiastic** entirely* entitle** entrance* entry** envelope* environment envy** episode** equal* equator** equipment* era** erasererror*erupt* escape* especially essay** essential** establish* estate**estimate** Europe European evaluate**eve*eveneveningevent* eventually*evereveryeverybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence** exactlyexam (examination) examine** example excellent except exceptional** exchange* excited exciting excuse exercise exhibition** exist*exit* expand** expansion** expect expectation** expense** expensive experience experiment* expert* explain explode** explore*export*expose** exposure** expressextend** extension** extent* external* extinction* extra* extraordinary** extremely*eyeF fabric**facefacilitate** facility*factfactor*factoryfail failure*fairfaith**fallfalse**familiar*familyfamousfanfancy*fantasticfantasy**farfarmfarmerfashion**fastfatfather (dad)fault**favour (favor)** favourite (favorite)fearfeature* Februaryfee**feedfeelfeeling fellow** female* fence** festival fetch** feverfewfibre (fiber)** fiction** fieldfifteenfifthfiftyfightfigure* file*fillfilm finally finance** financial** find finding** fine finger finishfirefirm** firstfish fisherman fist**fitfivefixflagflash*flat*flavour (flavor)** flexible*flight*flood*floorflour**flow**flowerflu**fluent**flyfocus*foggy**fold**folk**followfond**foodfoot (pl. feet) footballfor force forecast** forehead** foreign forest forever** forget forgive** forkform formal* format** former* fortunately* forty forward* found** foundation** fountain** four fourteen fourthfox**Francefrank*freefreedom** freeze**French frequency** frequently*freshfriction**Fridayfridge (refrigerator) friendfriendly friendship frightened*frog**fromfrontfrontier**frost**fruitfry**fuel**fullfunfunction*fund* fundamental** funnyfurniture** further*futureG gain**gallery**gamegap*garbage** gardengarlic**gas*gategather* gender** general generate** generation* generous* genius** gentle** gentleman genuine** geography geometry** German Germany getgiftgifted** giraffegirlgivegladglass global*globe**glovegluegogoal*goat**goldgolf**goodgoodbye (bye) goods* government grab**grade gradually** graduate*grain** grammar gramme (gram)** grand** granddaughtergrandfather (grandpa) grandmother (grandma) grandparent grandsongrapegrasp**grassgrateful**gravity**greatgreedy**greengreenhouse*greet**greygrocery**groundgroupgrowguarantee**guardguess guestguidance** guideguideline*guilty**guitargunguy*gym* gymnastics*H habithabitat**hairhalfhallham** hamburgerhandhandbag handkerchief** handle**handsome handwriting** hang happen happyhardhardlyharm** harmful harmonious** harmony** harvest**hathatch**hatehave (has)hehead headache health healthyhear heart heat heavy height hellohelp helpful hen hence** herherb** hereherohers herself hesitate* hihidehigh highlight** hike**hillhimhimselfhire**hishistoric** historyhithobbyholdholeholidayhome hometown homework honesthoney* honour (honor)* hopehorrible* horsehospitalhost*hothotelhour house household** housework housing** how however hug*huge human humble** humorous hundred hungry hunt** hurricane* hurryhurt husband hydrogen**I Iiceice-creamideaideal** identical** identify** identity*idiom**ifignore*illillegal**illness illustrate* image* imagine immediately* impact*imply**import*important impossible impress** impression* improve*ininch** incident** include income* increase incredible** indeed* independent* IndiaIndian indicate* individual* industry infection** infer** influenceinfluential** information initial** initiative** injury** inner** innocent** innovation** input** inquire** insect* inside insight** insist** inspection** inspire* instance** instant** instead institute** institution** instruction instrument insurance** integrate** integrity** intelligent* intend* intense** intention** interaction** interest interesting internal** international Internet interpret** interrupt** intervention** interviewinto introduce introduction inventinvention investigate** investment** inviteinvolve**iron**islandissue*ititem**itsitselfJ jacketjam**JanuaryJapan Japanesejaw**jazz**jeans*job jog*joinjoint**jokejournal* journalist** journeyjoy*judge*juiceJulyjumpJunejungle**junior*justjustice*justify**K kangaroo*keepkettle**keykeyboardkickkidkillkilo (kilogramme, kilogram) kilometre (kilometer) kind kindergarten**kingkingdom**kisskit**kitchenkitekneeknifeknockknowknowledgeL lab (laboratory) label**labour (labor)** lack**ladylakelamb**lamp**land landscape** language lantern*lap*laptop**largelastlatelaterlaughlaunch**lawlawyer**laylazylead leader leadership** leaf league** leak** learnleast leather** leave lecture*leftleglegal** leisure** lemonlend length* lesslesson letletterlevel liberation** liberty** librarian** library license** lielifeliftlightlikelikely*limit** limited* linelink**lionliquid**listlistenliterally** literary** literature* litterlittlelivelively living* load** loan** local location* locklog** logical** London lonely longlook loose** loseloss*lotloudlovelovelylowlower**luckluckylunar**lunchlung**luxury**M machinemadmadam** magazinemagicmail**mainmaintain* major*majority* makemale*man (pl. men) manage manager mankind** manner** manymap marathon** March march* mark market marriage* marrymass* massive** master* match material*maths (mathematics) mattermature** maximum**Maymaymaybememealmeanmeaningmeans**measure*meatmechanic**medal*medicalmedicinemedium (pl. media)* meetmeetingmembermembership** memorial** memory* mental* mention menumercy** merely** merry*mess message metal* method metre (meter) microscope** middle midnight* mightmild**milemilitary*milk millimetre (millimeter)** million**mindminemineral**minimum**minister**minor**minority**minutemirror**Missmissmissile**missingmission**mist**mistakemixmixture**mobile phonemode**model modern moment* Monday money monitor** monkey month monthly** mood** moonmoral** more moreover* morning mosquito** mostmostly** mother (mum) motion** motivate** motive**motor** mount** mountain mouse (pl. mice) mouthmove movement* movieMrMrsMsmuchmud** multiple** murder** muscle** museum mushroom** music musicianmustmymyselfN nail**namenarrow*nation* national nationality* native** naturalnaturenavy**nearnearby*nearlyneat* necessaryneckneedneedle** negative* negotiate**neighbour (neighbor) neighbourhood (neighborhood)** neithernephew**nervousnest**net**network**nevernevertheless**newnewsnewspapernextniceniece**nightninenineteenninetyninthnonoble** nobody nod noise noisy none noodle noonnor normal* north northern nosenotnote notebook nothing notice novel** novelist** November now nowadays* nowhere* nuclear** numbernursenut*nutrition**O object objective** observe*obtain** obviously* occasion* occupation** occupy**occur*ocean* o’clock Octoberodd*ofoffoffer office officer official* oftenoilOKold Olympics ononceoneonion** onlineonlyonto* open opera* operation* operator** opinion* opponent**opportunity*oppose**oppositeoptimistic**option*ororangeorbit**orderordinary*organ**organic**organisation (organization)* origin**original*otherotherwise*ought to*ouroursourselvesoutoutcome** outgoing** outline** output** outside outstanding** overoverall** overcome** overseas*owe**ownoxygen*P pace**Pacificpack** package*pagepainpaintpair palacepalepan** pancake panda panel** panic** paper paragraph** parcel** pardon parentpark parking** part participate** particular* partner* partypass passage passengerpassion**passive*passportpastpatent**path*patience**patientpattern*payPE (physical education) peacepeak**pearpenpencilpeoplepepper**per*perceive**percent* percentage*perfect performance* perhapsperiod permanent** permit*personpersonal personality* persuade** pessimistic**petpetrol*phase** phenomenon** philosophy** phonephoto (photograph) photographer** phrase** physician** physicspiano* pick picnic picture piepiecepigpill** pilotpink pioneer pipe** pity place plain** plan plane planet plant plastic** plate* platform**playplayerplaygroundpleasant**pleasepleasureplentyplot**plug**plus*p.m.*pocketpoempoet**poetry*pointpoison*polar**pole*policepoliceman / policewoman policy*polish** polite political** politician** politics** pollute pollution pond**poolpoor popular (pop) population pork**port*pose** position* positive* possession** possible post postcard poster*postman postpone* pot**potato potential** poundpour** power* practical** practice praisepray** precious** precisely** predict** prefer* preference** prejudice** premier** prepare present presentation**preserve** president press* pressure* pretend** pretty prevent* previous* price pride primary primitive** principle** printprior** priority** prison** private prize probably problem procedure*proceed**process*produceproductprofession** professional* professor**profile**profit* programme (program) progressprohibit**projectpromisepromote** pronounce pronunciationproof**properproperty** proposal*prospect**protect protein** protest* proud prove* provide province* psychology** pub** public publish* pudding* pullpunishpupil purchase** pure** purple purpose purse** pursue** push putQ qualification** qualify** quality* quantity** quarterqueenquestionquickquietquit*quitequote**R rabbitraceracial** radiation** radioradium** railwayrainrainbow** rainyraise random** range*rank**rapidrare**rate*rather* rating**raw**ray**reachreact** reaction* readreadyrealrealise (realize) realistic**reality**reallyreasonrecall**receipt**receiverecently receptionist** recipe**recite**recognise (recognize)* recognition** recommend*recordrecording**recover* recreation** recycle**redreduce*refer*reference**。



《普通高中英语课程标准(2017)》词汇表说明:1. 本词汇表共收3,000个单词,含义务段要求掌握的1,500个单词。




2. 本词汇表采用英式英语拼写形式。

3. 本着在具体语境中学习和使用单词的原则,本词汇表不标注单词的词性和中文释义。

4. 本词汇表不列词组和短语。

5. 本词汇表不列语法术语。

6. 本词汇表不列可根据构词法推导出的部分名词、形容词、副词等。

|7. 数字(含基数词、序数词)、主要国家名称及相关信息等词单独列出,供教学参考。

Aa (an)abandon** abilityableabnormal** aboard**aboutaboveabroad absence** absent absolutely* absorb** abstract** abuse** academic** accent**acceptaccess** accident* accommodation** accompany** according to account* accurate** accuse**ache*achieve achievement* acid** acknowledge**acquire*acrossactactionactiveactivityactoractressactually*AD**adapt*adaptation**addaddict*addition*addressadjust**administration**admire*admit*adopt**adorable**adult*advance*advantageadventure*advertise**advertisement (ad)**adviceadviseadvocate**affair*affect**affordafraidAfricaAfricanafterafternoonafterward**againagainstage20agency**agenda**agoagreeagreementagriculture*ahead*aid*aim*airairline**airportalarm*alcohol**aliveallallowalmost alonealong alongside** aloud alreadyalso alternative** although altogether** alwaysa.m.* amateur** amazing* ambition** ambitious** ambulance** America American among amount* amuse** analyse** ancestor** ancientandanger** angle** angry animal ankle** announce* annoy** annual* another answerant anticipate** antique** anxiety** anxious* any anybody anyhow** anyoneanythinganywayanywhereapart**apartment*apologise*apparently**appeal**appearappetite**applaud**appleapplicant**application*apply*appointment**appreciate**approach*appropriate**approve**Aprilarch**architect**areaargue*arise**armarmyaroundarrangement*arrest**arrivearrow**artarticleartificial**artistasashamed**AsiaAsianaside**askasleepaspect*assess**assign**assistant**association**assume*assumption**astonish**astronaut**astronomer**atathlete*Atlantic*atmosphere**attach*attack*attain**attempt*attendattentionattitude*attract*audience*AugustauntAustralia21Australianauthor*authority*automatic**autonomous**autumnavailable**average*avoidawakeaward*aware*awayawesome**awfulawkward*Bbabyback background backward** bacon**badbadminton*bagbakery** balance*ballballet*balloon bambooban**bananaband*bankbar*barbecue** barely**bark**barrier**base*baseballbasicbasin**basis*basket basketballbat**bath** bathroom battery*battle*bay**BC**be (am, are, is ) beachbeanbean curd (tofu)** bearbeard** beatbeautifulbeauty**becausebecomebedbedroombeefbeer*beforebeginbehalf**behave**behaviour*behindbeing**belief**believebellbelong*belowbelt*bend**beneath*benefit*besidebestbet**betterbetweenbeyond*bigbike =bicyclebillbillion**biology**birdbirthbirthdaybiscuitbitbite*bitter**blackblackboardblame**blank**blanket**bleed**bless**blindblockblog*bloodblouseblowblueboardboatbodyboil**bomb**bond**bone*bonus**bookboost**boot*border**boredboringborn22borrowbossbotanical**bothbother**bottlebottombounce**bound**boundary**bow**bowlbowling**boxboxing*boybrainbranch*bravebreadbreakbreakfastbreast**breath**breathe*brick**bride/bridegroom** bridgebrief*brightbrilliant**bringBritainBritishbroad* broadcast** brochure*brotherbrownbrushbudget**buffet**buildbuildingbunch**burnbury**busbusinessbusybutbutcher**butter*button*buybyCcabbage**café* cafeteria**cage**cakecalculate**calendarcallcalligraphy**calm*calorie**camel**cameracampcampaign**campus*can (can’t/cannot)CanadaCanadiancanal**cancelcancer**candidate**candlecandycanteen**capcapable*capacity**capitalcapsule**captain**carcarbon*cardcarecareer**carefulcarelesscarpet**carrotcarrycartooncarve**case*cash*cast**castle**catcatchcategory**cattle*causecave**cease**ceiling**celebratecelebrity**cell**centcentimetre**centralcentrecenturycertaincertainlycertificatechain*chairchairman/chairwoman**chalkchallenge*champion*chancechange23channel**chaos**chapter*character*characteristic**charge*charity*chart**chat*cheapcheat**checkcheek**cheercheese**chef** chemical** chemist** chemistry chesschest**chew** chickenchief*child (pl. children) Chinachina* Chinese chocolate choicechoke** choose chopsticks chorus** Christmas church** cigarette** cinemacirclecircuit** circumstance** circus**cite**citizen**citycivil**civilian** civilization** claim**clap*clarify**classclassic** classmate classroomclay**cleanclear clerk**cleverclick*client**climate*climbclinic**clockclone**closecloth**clothesclothing**cloudcloudyclubclue**coachcoalcoastcoatcoffeecoincoldcollapse**collar**collectcollection**collegecolourcolumn**combine**comecomedy**comfort**comfortablecomic**comment*commercial**commit**commitment**committee*commoncommunicatecommunicationcommunist**communitycompany*comparecomparison**compete**competence**competitioncomplain**completecomplex**complicated**component**compose**composition**comprehension**comprehensive**comprise**computerconcentrate*concept**concern*concertconclude**conclusion**concrete**conditionconduct*conference*24confidence*confirm*conflict**Confucianism**Confucius**confused**congratulation*connectconsequence**conservation**considerconsist**consistent**constant** constitution** construction** consultant** consultation** consume** consumption** contact* contain* contemporary** content* contest** context* continent* continue contract** contradictory** contrary** contrast** contribution* control convenient* conventional** conversation convince** cookcookiecool cooperate** copycore**corncorner corporate** correct correspond** costcostume** cottage** cotton** coughcouldcouncil** count countrycountrysidecounty*couplecouragecoursecourt*cousincovercoverage**cowcrash*crayoncrazycream**createcreative*creature**credit*crew**crime**crisis**criterion (pl. criteria)**critical**criticize**crop**crosscrowd*crucial**cruel**crycuisine**culturecupcupboard**cure*curious*current*curtain**custom*customercutcutecycle**Ddailydamage**damp**dancedangerdangerousdare**darkdata*database**datedaughterdaydeaddeadline**deafdealdeardeath*debate**debt**decade**Decemberdecent**decidedecisiondeclare*decline**decorate*decrease**25deepdeer*defeat**defence*defend**definitely*definition**degreedelay**delete**delicate**deliciousdeliver*demand** demonstrate** dentist**deny** department** departure** dependdepress**depth**describe description*desert*deserve**design*desire*deskdesperate** despite*dessert** destination* destroy*detail*detect**detective** determine* develop development device**devote**diagram*dialogue (AmE dialog) diamond**diarydictionarydiediet*differ**differencedifferentdifficultdifficultydigdigest** digital*dignity**dimension**diningdinnerdinosaur*directdirectiondirectordirectory **dirtydisability**disabled**disappointed**disaster*discipline**discount**discoverdiscoverydiscrimination**discussdiscussiondisease*dishdisk=disc**dismiss**display**distance*distant**distinct**distinguish**distribution**district**disturb**dive**diverse**dividedivision**divorce**dizzy**dodoctordocument*dogdollardolphin*domain**domestic**dominate**donate*doordormitory**doubledoubtdowndownload*downstairs*downtown*dozen**draft**drag**dragon*drama**dramatic**drawdrawer**dreamdressdrill**drinkdrivedriverdropdrought*drug**dry26duckdue (to)*dumplingduration**duringdust**duty*dynamic**dynasty**Eeacheager*eagle**earearlyearn*earth earthquake ease**easteasterneasyeatecology** economic** edge**editor* education educator** effect* efficient** effort*eggeight eighteen eightheightyeitherelderelderly** election** electricity* electronic elegant** element* elephant elevenelse elsewhere** email embarrassed** emerge** emergency** emotion** emperor** emphasis**employ**emptyenable*encounter**encourageendenemyenergetic*energy*engage**engine*engineerEnglandEnglishenhance**enjoyenormous**enoughensure*enterenterprise**entertainment**enthusiastic**entirely*entitle**entrance*entry**envelope*environmentenvy**episode**equal*equator**equipment*erasererror*erupt*escape*especiallyessay**essential**establish*estate**estimate**EuropeEuropeanevaluate**eve*eveneveningevent*eventually*evereveryeverybodyeverydayeveryoneeverythingeverywhereevidence**exactlyexam (=examination)examine**exampleexcellentexceptexceptional**exchange*excitedexcitingexcuseexerciseexhibition**exist*exit*expand**27expansion**expectexpectation**expense**expensiveexperienceexperiment*expert*explainexplode**explore* export* expose** exposure** express extend** extension** extent* external* extinction* extra* extraordinary** extremely* eyeFfabric**facefacilitate** facility*factfactor* factoryfailfailure*fairfaith**fallfalse** familiar* family famousfanfancy* fantastic fantasy**farfarmfarmer fashion**fastfatfather (dad) fault**favour** favourite (AmE favorite)fearfeature*Februaryfee**feedfeelfeelingfellow**female*fence**festivalfetch**feverfewfibre**fiction**fieldfifteenfifthfiftyfightfigure*file*fillfilmfinallyfinance**financial**findfinding**finefingerfinishfirefirm**firstfishfishermanfist**fitfivefixflagflash*flat*flavour**flexible*flight*flood*floorflour**flow**flowerflu**fluent**flyfocus*foggy**fold**folk**followfond**foodfoot (pl. feet)footballforforceforecast**forehead**foreignforestforever**forgetforgive**forkformformal*28format**former*fortunately*fortyforward*found**foundation**fountain**fourfourteenfourthfox**Francefrank*freefreedom**freeze**Frenchfrequency** frequently*freshfriction**Fridayfridge (=refrigerator) friendfriendly friendship frightened*frog**fromfrontfrontier**frost**fruitfry**fuel**fullfunfunction*fund* fundamental** funnyfurniture**further*futureGgain**gallery**gamegap*garbage**gardengarlic** gas*gategather*gender**generalgenerate**generation*generous*genius**gentle**gentlemangenuine**geographygeometry**GermanGermanygetgiftgifted**giraffegirlgivegladglassglobal*globe**glovegluegogoal*goat**goldgolf**goodgoodbye (bye)goods*governmentgrab**gradegradually**graduate*grain**gram**grammargrand**granddaughtergrandfather (grandpa)grandmother (grandma)grandparentgrandsongrapegrasp**grassgrateful**gravity**greatgreedy**greengreenhouse*greet**greygrocery**groundgroupgrowguarantee**guardguessguestguidance**guideguideline*guilty**guitargunguy*gym*gymnastics*H29habithabitat**hairhalfhallham**hamburgerhandhandbag handkerchief** handle** handsome handwriting** hanghappen happyhardhardlyharm** harmful harmonious** harmony** harvest**hathatch**hatehave (has)hehead headache health healthyhearheartheatheavyheighthellohelphelpfulhenhence**herherb**hereherohersherself hesitate*hihidehigh highlight**highly*hike**hillhimhimselfhire**hishistoric**historyhithobbyholdholeholidayhomehometownhomeworkhonesthoney*honour*hopehorrible*horsehospitalhost*hothotelhourhousehousehold**houseworkhousing**howhoweverhug*hugehumanhumble**humoroushundredhungryhunt**hurricane*hurryhurthusbandhydrogen**IIiceice-creamideaideal**identical**identify**identity*idiom**ifignore*illillegal**illnessillustrate*image*imagineimmediately*impact*imply**import*importantimpossibleimpress**impression*improve*ininch**incident**includeincome*30increaseincredible**indeed*independent*IndiaIndianindicate*individual* industry infection** infer** influence influential** information initial** initiative** injury** inner** innocent** innovation** input** inquire** insect* inside insight** insist** inspection** inspire* instance** instant** instead institute** institution** instruction instrument insurance* integrate** integrity** intelligent* intend* intense** intention** interaction** interest interesting internal** international Internet interpret** interrupt** intervention** interviewintointroduceintroductioninventinventioninvestigate**investment**inviteinvolve**iron**islandissue*ititem**itsitselfJjacketjam**JanuaryJapanJapanesejaw**jazz**jeans*jobjog*joinjoint**jokejournal*journalist**journeyjoy*judge*juiceJulyjumpJunejungle**junior*justjustice*justify**Kkangaroo*keepkettle**keykeyboardkickkidkillkilo (=kilogram)kilometre (AmE kilometer)kindkindergarten**kingkingdom**kisskit**kitchenkitekneeknife (pl. knives)knockknowknowledgeLlab (=laboratory)label**labour**lack**ladylakelamb**lamp**landlandscape**landslide*31languagelantern*lap*laptop**largelastlatelaterlaughlaunch**lawlawyer**laylazyleadleader leadership** leaf (pl. leaves) league** leak**learnleastleather** leavelecture*leftleglegal** leisure** lemonlendlength*lesslessonletletterlevel liberation** liberty** librarian** library license**lielifeliftlightlikelikely*limit** limited* linelink**lionliquid**listlistenliterally**literary**literature*litterlittlelivelivelyliving*load**loan**locallocation*locklog**logical**Londonlonelylonglookloose**loseloss*lotloudlovelovelylowlower**luckluckylunar**lunchlung**luxury**Mmachinemadmadam/madame**magazinemagicmail**mainmaintain*major*majority*makemale*man (pl. men)managemanagermankind**manner**manymapmarathon**Marchmarch*markmarketmarriage*marrymass*massive**master*matchmaterial*maths (=mathematics)mattermature**maximum**mayMaymaybememealmean32meaningmeans**measure*meatmechanic**medal*medicalmedicinemedium (pl. media)* meetmeetingmember membership** memorial** memory*mental*mentionmenumercy**merely**merry*messmessagemetal*methodmetre microscope** middlemidnight*mightmild**milemilitary*milkmillimetre** million**mindminemineral** minimum** minister**minor**minority**minutemirror**Missmissmissile**missing mission**mist**mistakemixmixture**mobile phonemode**modelmodernmoment*Mondaymoneymonitor**monkeymonthmonthly**mood**moonmoral**moremoreover*morningmosquito**mostmostly**mother (mum)motion**motivate**motive**motor**mount**mountainmouse (pl. mice)mouthmovemovement*movieMrMrsMsmuchmud**multiple**murder**muscle**museummushroom**musicmusicianmustmymyselfNnail**namenarrow*nation*nationalnationality*native**naturalnaturenavy**nearnearby*nearlyneat*necessaryneckneedneedle**negative*negotiate**neighbourneighbourhood**neithernephew**nervousnest**net**network**nevernevertheless**33newnewsnewspapernextniceniece** nightnine nineteen ninetyninthnonoble** nobodynodnoisenoisynone noodle noonnornormal* north northern nosenotnote notebook nothing notice novel** novelist** November now nowadays* nowhere* nuclear** number nurse nutrition** Oobject objective** observe* obtain** obviously* occasion* occupation** occupy**occur*ocean*o’clockOctoberodd*ofoffofferofficeofficerofficial*oftenoilOKoldOlympicsononceoneonion**onlineonlyonto*openopera*operation*operator**opinion*opponent**opportunity*oppose**oppositeoptimistic**option*ororangeorbit**orderordinary*organ**organic**organization*origin**original*otherotherwise*ought (to)*ouroursourselvesoutoutcome**outgoing**outline**output**outsideoutstanding**overoverall**overcome**overseas*owe**ownoxygen*Ppace**Pacificpack**package*pagepainpaintpairpalacepalepan**pancakepandapanel**panic**paperparagraph**parcel**34pardonparentparkparking**partparticipate** particular*partner*partypasspassagepassengerpassion**passive*passportpastpatent**path*patience**patientpattern*payPE (=physical education) peacepeaceful**peak**pearpenpencilpeoplepepper**per*perceive**percent* percentage*perfect performance* perhapsperiodpermanent**permit*personpersonalpersonality* persuade** pessimistic**pet petrol*phase**phenomenon**philosophy**phonephoto (=photograph)photographer**phrase**physician**physicspiano*pickpicnicpicturepiepiecepigpill**pilotpinkpioneerpipe**pityplaceplain**planplaneplanetplantplastic**plate*platform**playplayerplaygroundpleasant**pleasepleasureplentyplot**plug**plus*p.m.*pocketpoempoet**poetry*pointpoison*polar**pole*policepoliceman/policewomanpolicy*polish**politepolitical**politician**politics**pollutepollutionpond**poolpoorpopular (pop)populationpork**port*pose**position*positive*possession**possiblepostpostcardposter*postmanpostpone*pot**potatopotential**poundpour**power*practical**35practicepraisepray**precious**precisely**predict**prefer*preference**prejudice**premier**preparepresentpresentation**preserve**presidentpress*pressure*pretend**prettyprevent*previous*priceprideprimaryprimitive**principle*printprior (to)**priority**prison**privateprizeprobablyproblemprocedure*proceed**process*produceproductprofession** professional*professor**profile**profit*programme (AmE program) progress prohibit**projectpromisepromote**pronouncepronunciationproof**properproperty**proposal*prospect**protectprotein**protest*proudprove*provideprovince*psychology**pub**publicpublish*pudding*pullpunishpupilpurchase**pure**purplepurposepurse**pursue**pushputQqualification**qualify**quality*quantity**quarterqueenquestionquickquietquit*quitequote**Rrabbitraceracial**radiation**radioradium**railwayrainrainbow**rainyraiserandom**range*rank**rapidrare**rate*rather*rating**raw**ray**reachreact**reaction*readreadyrealrealise (AmE realize)realistic**reality**reallyreasonrecall**receipt**receiverecentlyreceptionist**recipe**36recite**recognise* recognition** recommend* record recording** recover* recreation** recycle**redreduce*refer* reference** reflect*reform** refresh** refuseregard* regardless (of)** region* register** regretregular*reject**relate** relationship relativerelaxrelay** release** reliable** relief* relevant**rely**remain remarkable** remember remind* remote** remove*rent**repairrepeat replace*reply reportrepresent*representative**republic*reputation**request*requirerescue**researchreserve**resident**resign**resistance**resolution**resolve**resource*respect*respective**respond*response*responsibility**responsible*restrestaurantrestore**restrict**resultretire*returnreveal*reviewrevise*reward**rhyme**ricerichriddle**riderightrigid**ringripe**riseriskriverroadroast**robotrockrocket**roleroll*romantic*roof**roomroot**roperoseroundroute**routine**rowroyal**rubber**rubbishrude**rugby**ruin**rulerulerrunrural**rushRussiaRussianSsadsafesafetysail**saladsalary**salesalesman/saleswoman**saltsalty**same37sample** sand sandwich satellite** satisfaction* satisfy Saturday saucer** sausage** savesaving** saysaying** scare*scarfscene* schedule* scholarship** school schoolbag science scientific** scientist scissors score scream** screen sculpture** seasearch seasonseat second secondary** secret secretary section* secure** security** seeseed** seek*seem seldom select*sellsendsenior*sensesensitive**sentenceseparateSeptemberseries*seriousservant**serveservicesession**setsetting**settle*sevenseventeenseventhseventyseveralsevere**sew**sex*shade**shadow**shakeshallshallow*shameshapeshareshark**sharp*shave**shesheep (pl. sheep)sheet*shelf (pl. shelves)**shelter**shift**shineshipshirtshock*shoeshoot*shopshore**shortshortage**shortsshouldshouldershoutshowshowershutshysicksidesight*signsignal*significant*silencesilentsilksillysilversimilarsimplesincesincerely**singsinglesink**sirsistersitsite*situationsixsixteensixthsixty38sizeskate skateboard** ski*skillskin*skip**skirtskysleep sleepyslice**slide** slightly* slim*slip**slowsmallsmartsmellsmilesmog* smoke smooth snack* snake sneeze** snow snowysosoccer* social socialist** societysocksofasoft software* soil**solar** soldier** solid** solution* solvesomesomebodysomehow*someonesomethingsometimessomewhat**somewheresonsongsoonsorrow**sorrysort*soul**soundsoupsour**source*southsouthernsow**spacesparespeakspeakerspecialspecialist**species**specific*speechspeedspellspendspiritsplendid**sponsor**spoonsportspot**spreadspringspy**squarestability**stadium**staff*stage*stair*stampstandstandardstarstare**startstarve**statestationstatistic**statue**staysteak**stealsteam**steel**stepstickstillstimulate**stomachstomachachestonestopstorestormstorystraightstraightforward**strait**strangestrangerstrategy*strawberrystream**streetstrength*strengthen**。



arrow** art article artificial** artist as ashamed** Asia aside** ask asleep aspect* assess** assign** assistant** association** assume* assumption** astonish** astronaut** astronomer** at athlete* Atlantic* atmosphere** attach* attack* attain** attempt* attend attention attitude* attract* audience* August aunt Australia Australian author* authority* automatic** autonomous** autumn available** average* avoid awake award* aware* away awesome** awful awkward*
advance* advantage* adventure* advertise** advertisement(ad) ** advice advise advocate** affair* affect** afford afraid Africa African after afternoon afterward** again against age agency* agenda** ago agree agreement agriculture* ahead* aid* aim* air airline** airport alarm* alcohol** alive all allow almost alone along alongside** aloud already also alternative** although altogether** always amateur** amazing* ambition** ambitious** ambulance** America American among













Aa(an)aboard**abandon**absence**ability absentable absolutely*abnormal**absorb**abroad**abstract**about abuse**above academic**accent**addict*accept addition*access**address accident*adjust** accommodation**administration** accompany**admire* according to admit*account*adopt** accurate**adorable** accuse**adult*ache*advance* achieve advantage* achievement*adventure*acid**advertise** acknowledge**advertisement(ad)** acquire*adviceacross adviseact advocate** action affair*active affect**activity affordactor afraidactress Africaactually*AfricanAD**afteradapt*afternoon adaptation**afterward**add againagainst altogether**age alwaysagency* a.m.*agenda**amateur**ago amazing* agree ambition** agreement ambitious** agriculture*ambulance** ahead*Americaaid*Americanaim*amongair amount*airline**amuse** airport analyse(analyze)** alarm*ancestor** alcohol**ancientalive andall anger**allow angle**almost angryalone animalalong ankle** alongside**announce* aloud annoy** already annual*also another alternative**answer although antanticipate**Aprilantique**arch**anxiety**architect** anxious*areaany argue*anybody arise* anyhow**arm anyone army anything around anyway arrangement* anywhere arrest** apart**arrive apartment*arrow** apologise(apologize)*art apparently**article appeal**artificial** appear artist appetite**as applaud**ashamed** apple Asia applicant**aside** apply*ask appointment**asleep appreciate**aspect* approach*assess** appropriate**assign** approve**assistant** association**available** assume*average* assumption**avoid astonish**awake astronaut**award* astronomer**aware*at away athlete*awesome**Atlantic*awful atmosphere**awkward* attach*Battack*attain**baby attempt*back attend background attention backward** attitude*bacon** attract*bad audience*badminton* August bagaunt bakery** Australia balance* Australian ball author*ballet* authority*balloon automatic**bamboo autonomous**ban** autumn banana band*beautiful bank beauty** bar*because barbecue**become barely**bedbark**bedroom barrier**beef base*beer baseball before basic beginbasin**behalf** basis*behave** basketball behind bat**being** bath**belief** bathroom believe battery*bell battle*belong* bay**below BC**belt*be(am,are,is)bend**\ beach beneath* bean benefit* bean card(tofu)**beside bear best beard**bet** beat better between board beyond*boatbig body bike(bicycle)boil** bill bomb** billion**bond** biology**bone bird bonus** birth book birthday boost** biscuit boot* bit border** bite*boredbitter**boring black born blackboard borrow blame**boss blank**botanical** blanket**both bleed**bother** bless**bottle blind bottom block bounce** blog*bound** blood boundary** blouse bow** blow bowl blue bowling* box buffet** boxing*buildboy building brain bunch** branch*burn brave bury** bread bus break business breakfast busy breast**but breath**butcher** breathe*butter* brick**button* bride/bridegroom**buy bridge bybrief*Cbrightbrilliant**cabbage** bring cafe* Britain cafeteria** British cage** broad*cake broadcast**calculate** brochure*calendar brother call brown calligraphy** brush calm* budget**calorie** camel**carpet** camera carrot camp carry campaign**cartoon campus*carve** can case* Canada cash* Canadian cast** canal**castle** cancel cat cancer**catch candidate**category** candle cattle* candy cause canteen**cave**cap cease** capable*ceiling**capacity**celebratecapital celebrity*capsule**cell**captain**centcar centimetre(centimeter)** carbon**centralcard centre(center)care centurycareer**certaincareful certainlycareless certificate**chain*chest**chair chew**chairman/chairwoman**chickenchalk chief*challenge*child(pl.children) champion*Chinachance china*change Chinesechannel**chocolatechaos**choicechapter*choke**character*choose characteristic**chopstickscharge*chorus**charity*Christmaschart**church**chat*cigarette**cheap cinemacheat**circlecheck circuit**cheek**circumstancecheer circus**cheese**cite**chef**citizen**chemical**citychemist**civil**chemistry civilian**chess civilization(civilization)** claim**coastclap*coatclarify**coffeeclass coinclassic**coldclassmate collapse** classroom collar**clay**collectclean collection*clear collegeclerk**colour(color)clever column**click*combine**client**comeclimate*comedy**climb comfort**clinic**comfortableclock comic**clone**comment*close comment*close commercial**cloth**commit** clothes commitment** cloud committee* cloudy commonclub communicate clue**communication coach communist** coal community company*confirm* compare conflict** comparison**Confucianism** compete**Confucius** competence**confused** competition congratulation* complete consequence** complex**conservation** complicated**consider component**consist** compose**consistent** composition**constant** comprehension**constitution** comprehensive**construction** comprise**consultation** concentrate*consume** concept**consumption** concern*contact* concert contain* conclude**contemporary** conclusion**content* concrete**contest**condition context*conduct*continent* conference*continue confidence*contract** contradictory**countrycontrary**countryside contrast**country* contribution*couplecontrol courage convenient*course conventional**court* conversation cousinconvince**covercook coverage**cookie cowcool crash*cooperate**crayoncopy crazycore**cream**corn createcorner creative* corporate**creature**correct credit* correspond**crew**cost crime**costume**crisis**cottage**criterion(pl.criteria)** cotton**critical**cough criticize(criticize)** could crop**council**crosscount crowd*crucial**datecruel**daughtercry daycuisine**deadculture deadline**cup deaf cupboard**dealcure*dearcurious*death*current*debate** curtain**debt**custom*decade** customer Decembercut decent**cute decidecycle**decisionD declare*declinedaily decorate* damage**decrease** damp**deepdance deer*danger defeat** dangerous defence(defense)* dare**defend**dark definitely*data*definition** database**degreedelay**detective** delete**determine* delicate**develop delicious development deliver*device** demand**devote** demonstrate**diagram* dentist**dialogue(dialog) deny**diamond** department**diary departure**dictionary depend diedepress**diet*depth**differ** describe difference description*different desert*difficult deserve**difficulty design*digdesire*digest**desk digital* desperate**dignity** despite*dimension** dessert**dining destination*dinner destroy*dinosaur* detail*directdetect**direction director diverse** directory**dividedirty division** disability**dizzy** disabled**do disappear*doctor disappointed**document* disaster*dog discipline**dollar discount**dolphin* discover domain** discovery domestic** discrimination**dominate** discuss donate* discussion door disease*dormitory** dish double disk(disc)**doubt dismiss**down display**download* distance*downstairs* distant**downtown* distinct**dozen** distinguish**draft** distribution**drag** district**dragon* disturb**drama** dive**dramatic** draw earn* drawer**earth dream earthquake dress ease**drill**eastdrink eastern drive easy driver eatdrop ecology** drought*economic** drug**edge** dry editor duck education due to*educator** dumpling effect* duration**efficient** during effort* dust**eggduty*eight dynamic**eighteen dynasty**eightheightyE either each elder eager*elderly** eagle**election** ear electricity* early electronic elegant**enjoy element*enormous** elephant enough eleven ensure* else enter elsewhere**enterprise**email entertainment** embarrassed**enthusiastic** emerge**entirely* emergency**entitle** emotion**entrance* emperor**entry emphasis**envelope* employ**environment empty envy** enable*episode** encounter**equal* encourage equator** end equipment* enemy era** energetic*eraser energy*error* engage**erupt* engine*escape* engineer especially England essay** English essential** enhance**establish* estate**excuse estimate**exercise Europe exhibition** European exist* evaluate**exit*eve*expand** even expansion** evening expectevent*expectation**eventually*expense**ever expensiveevery experienceeverybody experiment*everyday expert*everyone explaineverything explode**everywhere exploreevidence**export*exactly expose**exam(examination)exposure**examine**expressexample extend**excellent extension**except extent*exceptional**external*exchange*extinction*excited extra*exciting extraordinary** extremely*fasteye fatfather(dad)F fault**fabric**favour(favor)** face favourite(favorite) facilitate**fearfacility*feature*fact Februaryfactory feedfail feel failure*feelingfair fellow** faith**female*fall fence** false**festival familiar*fetch** family fever famous fewfan fibre(fiber)** fancy*fiction** fantastic field fantasy**fifteenfar fifthfarm fifty farmer fight fashion**figure*file*flour**fill flow**film flower finance**fluent** financial**flyfind focus* finding**foggy** fine fold** finger folk**finish followfire fond** firm**foodfirst foot(pl.feet) fish football fisherman forfist**forcefit forecast** five forehead** fix foreign flag forest flash*forever** flat*forget flavor(flavor)**forgive** flexible*forkflight*form flood*formal* floor format** former*from fortunately*frontforty frontier** forward*frost** found**fruit foundation**fry** fountain**fuel** four full fourteen fun fourth function*fox**fund* France fundamental** frank*funnyfree furniture** freedom**further* freeze**future Frenchfrequency**G frequently*gain** fresh gallery** friction**game Friday gap*fridge(refrigerator)garbage** friend garden friendly garlic** friendship gas* frightened*gatefrog**gather* gender**gold general golf** generate**good generation*goodbye(bye) generous*goods* genius**government gentle**grab** gentleman grade genuine**gradually** geography graduate*geometry**grain**German grammarGermany gramme(gram)**get grand**gift granddaughtergifted**grandfather(grandma)girl grandparentgive grandsonglad grapeglass grasp**global*grassglobe**grateful**glove gravity**glue greatgo greedy**goal*greengoat**greenhouse*greet**handgrey handbag grocery**handkerchief** group handsome grow handwriting** guarantee**hangguard happen guess happyguest hard guidance**hardlyguide harm** guideline*harmful guilty**harmonious** guitar harmony** gun harvest** guy*hatgym*hatch** gymnastics*hatehave(has)H hehabit head habitat**headache\ hair healthhalf healthyhall hearham**heart hamburger heatheavy holdheight holehello holidayhelp homehelpful hometownhen homeworkhence**honesther honey*herb**honour(honor)* here hopehero horrible* hers horse herself hospital hesitate*host*hi hothide hotelhigh hour highlight**house hike**household** hill housework him housing** himself howhire**however his hug* historic**huge history humanhit humble** hobby humorous IIiceice-cream ideaideal** identical** identify** identity* idiom**ifignore*illillegal** illness illustrate* image* imagine immediately*impact* imply** import* important impossible impress** impression* improve*ininch** incident** include income* increase incredible** indeed* independent* India indicate* individual* industry infection** infer** influence influential** information initial**initiative** injury** inner** innocent** innovation** input** inquire** insect* inside insight** insist** inspection** inspire*instance** instant** instead institute** institution** instrument insurance** integrate** integrity** intelligent* intend* intense** intention** interaction**interest interesting internal** international Internet interpret** interrupt** intervention** interview into introduce introduction invent invention investigate** investment** invite involve** iron** island issue*ititem**itsitselfJjacketjam** January Japan Japanese jaw**jazz** jeans*jobjog*joinjoint** joke journal* journalist** journeyjoy* judge*juiceJulyjumpJunejungle**junior*justjustice*justify**Kkangaroo*keepkettle**keykeyboardkickkidkillkilo(kilogramme,kilogram) kilometer(kilometer)kindkindergarten**kingkingdom**kisskit**kitchenkitekneeknife knockknow knowledgeLlab(laboratory) label** labour(labor)** lack**ladylakelamb**lamp**land landscape** language lantern*lap*laptop** largelastlatelaterlaugh launch**lawlawyer**laylazyleadleaderleadership** leaf league** leak** learn least leather** leave lecture* leftleglegal** leisure** lemon lend length* less lessonletletter level liberation** liberty** librarian** library license** lielifeliftlight like likely* limit** limited* linelink** lion liquid** list listen literally** literary** literature* litter little live lively living* load** loan** local location* locklog** logical** London lonely long look loose**loseloss*lotloudlove lovelylowlower** lucklucky lunar** lunchlung** luxury**M machine mad madam** magazine magicmall** main maintain* major* majority* make male* man(pl.men) manage manager mankind** manner**manymapmarathon** Marchmarch*markmarket marriage*marrymass** massive** master*matchmaterial** maths(mathematics) mattermature** maximumMaymaymaybememealmeanmeaningmeans** measure*meatmechanic** medal*medical medicine medium(pl.media)* meetmeetingmember membership** memorial** memory** mentionmentionmenumercy**merely**merry*messmessagemetal*methodmetre(meter) microscope** middlemidnight*mightmild**milemilitarymilk millimeter(millimeter)** million**mindminemineral**minimum**minister**minor**minority**minutemirror**Missmissmissile**missingmission**mist**mistakemixmixture**mobile phonemode**modelmodernmoment*Mondaymoneymonitor**monkeymonthmonthly** mood** moonmoral** more moreover* morning mosquito** mostmostly** mother(mum) motion** motivate** motive** motor** mount** mountain mouse(pl.male) mouthmove movement* movieMrMrsMsmuchmud** multiple** murder** muscle**museummushroom**musicmusicianmustmymyselfNnail**namenarrow*nation*nationalnationality*native**naturalnaturenavy**nearnearby*nearlyneat*necessaryneckneedneedle**negative*negotiate**neighbor(neighbor) neighbourhood neighborhood)**neither nephew** nervous nest**net** network** never nevertheless** newnews newspaper nextniceniece** nightnine nineteen ninetyninthnonoble** nobodynodnoisenoisynone noodle noonnornormal*north northern nosenotnote notebook nothing notice novel** novelist** November now nowadays* nowhere* nuclear** number nursenut* nutrition** Oobject objective** observe* obtain** obviously* occasion* occupation** occupy** occur* ocean*o’clock October odd*ofoffoffer office officer official oftenoilOKold Olympics ononceoneonion** online** onlyonto* open opera* operation* operator** opinion* opponent** opportunity* oppose** opposite optimistic**option*ororangeorbit**orderordinary*organ**organic** organization(organization)* origin**original*otherotherwise*ought to*ouroursourselvesouroutcome**outgoing**outline**output**outsideoutstanding**overoverall**overcome**overseas*owe**own oxygen*Ppace** Pacific pack** package* pagepainpaintpair palace palepan** pancake panda panel** panic** paragraph** parcel** pardon parent park parking** part participate** particular* partner* party pass passage passengerpassion**passive*passportpastpatent**path*patience**patientpattern*payPE(physical education) peacepeak**pearpenpencilpeoplepepper**per*perceive** percent* percentage* perfect performance* perhapsperiod permanent** permit*person personal personality* persuade** pessimistic** petpetrol*phase** phenomenon** philosophy** phonephoto(photograph) photographer** phrase** physician** physicspiano*pickpicnicpicturepiepiecepigpill**pilotpinkpionnerpipe**pityplace plain**planplaneplanetplantplastic**plate*platform**playplayerplaygroundpleasant**pleasepleasureplentyplot**plug**plus*p.m.*pocketpoempoet**post poetry postcard point poster* poison*postman polar**postpone* pole*pot** police potatopoliceman/policewoman potential** policy*pound polish**pour** polite power* political**practical** politics**praise pollute pray** pollution precious** pond**precisely** pool predict** poor prefer* popular(pop)preference** pork**premier** port*prepare pose**present position*presentation**positive*preserve** possession**president possible press*pressure*programme(program)pretend**progress pretty prohibit** prevent*project prevent*project previous*promise price promote** pride pronounce primary pronunciation primitive**proof** principle**proper print proposal* priority**prospect** prison**protect private protein** prize protest* probably proud problem prove* procedure*provide proceed**province* process*psychology** produce pub** product public profession**publish* professional*pudding* professor**pullprofile**punish profit*pupil purchase**radio pure**radium** purple railway purpose rain purse**rainbow** pursue**rainy push raiseput random** Q range*rank** qualification**rapid qualify**rare** quality*rate* quantity**rather* quarter rating** queen raw** question ray** quick reach quiet react** quit*reaction* quite read quote**readyR realrealize(realize) rabbit realistic** race reality** racial**really radiation**reason recall**regular* receipt**reject** receive relate** recently relationship receptionist**relative recipe**relax recite**relay** recognise(recognize)*release** recognition**relevant**recommend*reliable** record relief* recording**rely** recover*remain recreation**remarkable** recycle**remember red remind* reduce*remote** refer*remove* reference**rent** reflect*repair reform**repeat refresh**replace* refuse reply regard*report regardless**represent* region*representative** region*republic* regret reputation** request*rhyme** require rice rescue**rich research riddle** reserve**ride resident**right resign**rigid** resistance**ring resolution**ripe** resolve**rise resource*riskrespect*river respect*river respective**road respond*roast** response*robot responsibility**rock responsible*rocket** rest role restaurant roll* restore**romantic* restrict**roof** result room retire*root** return rope reveal*rose review round revise*route** reward**routine** row sand royal**sandwich rubber**satellite** rubbish satisfaction* rude**satisfy rugby**Saturday ruin**saucer** rule sausage** ruler saverun saving** rural**sayrush saying**Russia scare* Russian scarfS scene*schedule* sad scholarship** safe school safety schoolbag sail**science salad scientific** salary**scientist sale scissors salesman/saleswoman**scoresalt scream** salty**screen same sculpture** sample**sea search serve season serviceseat session** second set secondary**setting** secret settle* secretary seven section*seventeen secure**seventh security**seventysee severalseed**severe** seek*sew**seem sex*seize**shade** seldom shadow** select*shakesell shall send shallow* senior*shame sense shape sensitive**share sentence shark** separate sharp* September shave** series*she serious sheep servant**sheet* shelf**silent shelter**silkshift**silly shine silver ship similar shirt simple shock*since shoe sincerely** shoot*sing shop single shore**sink** short sir shortage**sister shorts sit should site* shoulder situation shout sixshow sixteen shower sixthshut sixtyshy sizesick skateside skateboard** sight*ski*sign skill signal*skin* significant*skip** silence skirtsky softsleep software* sleepy soil** slice**solar** slide*soldier** slightly*solid** slim*solution* slip**solveslow some small somebody smart somehow* smell someone smile something smog*sometimes smoke somewhat** smooth somewhere snack*son snake songsneeze**soon snow sorrow** snowy sorryso sort* soccer*soul** social sound socialist**soup society sour** sock source* sofa south southern stair* sow**stamp space stand spare standard speak star speaker stare** special start specialist**starve** species**state specific*station speech statistic** speed statue** spell stay spend steak** spirit steal splendid**steam** sponsor**steel** spoon step sport stick spot**still spread stimulate** spring stomach spy**stomachache square stone stability**stop stadium**storestaff*storm stage*story straight subscribe** straightforward**subsequent** strait**substance** strange substantial** stranger suburb** strategy*subway* strawberry succeed stream**success street successful strength*such strengthen**sudden stress*suffer* stretch**sufficient* strict sugar strike**suggest string**suggestion strong suit** structure**suitable** struggle*sum** student summary* studio*summer study sunstuff*Sunday stupid sunnystyle*super* subject superb** subjective**superior** submit**supermarket supply*support T suppose table sure tablet** surf*tackle** surface tail surgeon**tailor** surgery**take surprise tale** surround*talent* surrounding**talk survey tall survive*tank** suspect**tape suspend**target* sustain**task sweat*taste sweater tax** sweep**taxi sweet tea swim teach swimming teacher swing**team switch**teapot**symbol**tear* sympathy**technology system*teenager* telephone then telescope**theory** television(TV)there tell therefore* temperature these temple**they temporary**thick ten thin tend*thing tendency**think tennis thinking** tension**third tenth thirsty term thirteen terrible thirty territory**thistest thorough** text those than though thank thought that thousand the threat** theatre threaten** theft**three their through them throughout* theme*throwthemselves thunder** Thursday toothache thus*topticket topic*tidy totaltie touchtiger tough*tight**tourtime touristtiny tournament** tip*toward(s) tired towel** tissue*towertitle*townto toytoast**track* tobacco**tradetoday tradition* together traditional toilet traffic tolerate**train tomato training tomorrow transform** ton translate tone**transport* tonight trap**too traveltool treasure tooth(pl.teeth)treat treatment*typhoon**tree typical* trend**trial**U trick**ugly trip UK trouble ultimately** trousers umbrella truck uncle true under trunk**underground trust understand truth uniform** try unique*T-shirt unittube**universe** Tuesday university tune**unless turkey*until(till) turn unusual** twelfth up twelve update* twentieth upon twenty upper* twice upset** twin**urban** two urge** type*urgent** US villageus violence** use violinused virtual** useful virtue** usual virus** usually visible** V vision**visit vacation visitor valley**visual** valuable vital** value vivid** variation**vocabulary** variety*voice various*volcano* vary**volleyball vase**volume** vast**volunteer* vegetable vote** vehicle*venue**W version**wage** very waist** victim**wait victory wake video walk view*wall wallet weekend wander**weekly** want weep** war weigh ward**weight warm welcome warn welfare** warning**well wash west washroom**western waste wet watch whale* water what watermelon whatever wave**wheat** way wheel weak whenever wealth where weapon**whether wear which weather while website whisper** wedding*white Wednesday who weed**whole week whom weekday whose why wool** wide word widespread**work wife worker Wi-Fi*world wild worry will worse win worstwind worth window worthwhile** windy worthy** wine*would wing wound winner wrap** winter wrestle** wire**wrinkle** wisdom**wrist** wise write wish writer with wrong withdraw**within*X without X-ray witness**woman(pl.women)Y wonder yard wonderful year wood yellow yes yourself yesterday youth* yetyoghurt*Zyou zero young zone* your zoo yours。





以下是部分词汇的示例:1. Abandon - 放弃2. Ability - 能力3. Able - 能够4. Abnormal - 异常的5. Aboard - 在船(车、飞机)上6. Abroad - 到国外7. Absence - 缺席8. Absent - 缺席的9. Absolute - 绝对的10. Absorb - 吸收11. Abstract - 抽象的12. Abundant - 丰富的13. Academy - 学院14. Accelerate - 加速15. Accent - 口音16. Accept - 接受17. Access - 接近,进入18. Accident - 事故19. Accompany - 陪伴20. Accomplish - 完成21. According - 根据22. Account - 账户23. Accurate - 准确的24. Ache - 疼痛25. Achieve - 实现26. Acid - 酸27. Acknowledge - 承认28. Acquire - 获得29. Across - 穿过30. Act - 行动31. Action - 行动32. Active - 积极的33. Activity - 活动34. Actor - 演员35. Actress - 女演员36. Actual - 实际的37. Adapt - 适应38. Add - 添加39. Address - 地址40. Adequate - 足够的41. Adjust - 调整42. Admire - 钦佩43. Admit - 承认44. Adopt - 收养45. Advance - 进步46. Advantage - 优势47. Adventure - 冒险48. Advise - 建议49. Affair - 事情50. Affect - 影响51. Afford - 负担得起52. Afraid - 害怕的53. After - 在...之后54. Afternoon - 下午55. Again - 再次56. Against - 反对57. Age - 年龄58. Agency - 代理机构59. Agent - 代理人60. Agree - 同意这些词汇只是3500词中的一小部分。



eɪ əˈbaʊt
əˈfreɪd ˈɑːftə ˌɑːftəˈnuːn əˈgen ɔːl
ˈɔːlsəʊ ˈɔːlweɪz æn ənd ˈæŋgə ˈænɪməl ˈɑːnsə
eɪ əˈbaʊt
əˈfreɪd ˈæftər ˌæftərˈnuːn əˈgen ɑːl
ˈɑːlsəʊ ˈɑːlweɪz æn ənd ˈæŋgər ˈænɪməl ˈænsər
“新课标2011版小学、中学(初中高中)英语单词词表(带英美音、词义)A”◆分表 小学和初中分级完全根据最新的《义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)》;高中词表参考《普通高中英语课程
标准(实验)》,是高中生高考必考词汇。 英、美音标等信息参考了《中学英汉双解多功能学习词典》,在此表示感谢!
A 1 小学 a 2 小学 about
标准(实验)》,是高中生高考必考词汇。 英、美音标等信息参考了《中学英汉双解多功能学习词典》,在此表示感谢!
A 17 小学 arm
18 小学 art 19 小学 ask
20 小学 at
21 小学 aunt
22 小学 autumn 1 初中 ability 2 初中 able 3 初中 above
4 初中 abroad 5 初中 absent 6 初中 accept 7 初中 according to 8 初中 achieve 9 初中 across 10 初中 act
11 初中 action 12 初中 active 13 初中 activity 14 初中 actor 15 初中 actress 16 初中 add 17 初中 address 18 初中 advantage 19 初中 advice 20 初中 advise 21 初中 afford

普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版 2020年修订)词汇表

普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版 2020年修订)词汇表

普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版2020年修订)词汇表A1. a (an)2.abandon**3.ability4.able5.abnormal**6.aboard**7.about8.above9.abroad10.absence**11.absent12.absolutely*13.absorb**14.abstract**15.abuse**16.academic**17.accent**18.accept19.access**20.accident*21.accommodation**22.accompany**23.according to24.account*25.accurate**26.accuse**27.ache*28.achieve29.achievement*30.acid**31.acknowledge**32.acquire*33.across34.act35.action36.active37.activity38.actor39.actress40.actually*41.AD**42.adapt*43.adaptation**44.add45.addict*46.addition*47.address48.adjust**49.administration**50.admire*51.admit*52.adopt**53.adorable**54.adult*55.advance*56.advantage57.adventure*58.advertise**59.advertisement(ad)**60.advice61.advise62.advocate**63.affair*64.affect**65.afford66.afraid67.Africa68.African69.after70.afternoon71.afterward**72.again73.against74.age75.agency**76.agenda**77.ago78.agree79.agreement80.agriculture*81.ahead*82.aid*83.aim*84.air85.airline**86.airport87.alarm*88.alcohol**89.alive90.all91.allow92.almost93.alone94.along95.alongside**96.aloud97.already98.also99.alternative**100.although101.altogether**102.always103.a.m.*104.amateur**105.amazing*106.ambition**107.ambitious** 108.ambulance** 109.America110.American111.among112.amount*113.amuse**114.analyse (analyze)** 115.ancestor**116.ancient117.and118.anger**119.angle**120.angry121.animal122.ankle**123.announce*124.annoy**125.annual*126.another127.answer128.ant129.anticipate** 130.antique**131.anxiety**132.anxious*133.any134.anybody135.anyhow**136.anyone137.anything138.anyway139.anywhere140.apart**141.apartment*142.apologise(apologize)*143.apparently**144.appeal**145.appear146.appetite**147.applaud**148.apple149.applicant**150.application*151.apply*152.appointment**153.appreciate**154.approach*155.appropriate**156.approve**157.April158.arch**159.architect**160.area161.argue*162.arise**163.arm164.army165.around166.arrangement*167.arrest**168.arrive169.arrow**170.art171.article172.artificial**173.artist174.as175.ashamed**n178.aside**179.ask180.asleep181.aspect*182.assess**183.assign**184.assistant**185.association**186.assume*187.assumption**188.astonish**189.astronaut**190.astronomer**191.at192.athlete*193.Atlantic*194.atmosphere**195.attach*196.attack*197.attain**198.attempt*199.attend200.attention201.attitude*202.attract*203.audience*204.August205.aunt206.Australia207.Australian208.author*209.authority*210.automatic**211.autonomous**212.autumn213.available**214.average*215.avoid216.awake217.award*218.aware*219.away220.awesome**221.awful222.awkward*B223.baby224.back225.background226.backward**227.bacon**228.bad229.badminton*230.bag231.bakery**232.balance*233.ball234.ballet*235.balloon236.bamboo237.ban**238.banana239.band*240.bank241.bar*242.barbecue**243.barely**244.bark**245.barrier**246.base*247.baseball248.basic249.basin**250.basis*251.basket252.basketball253.bat**254.bath**255.bathroom256.battery*257.battle*258.bay**259.BC**260.be (am, are, is) 261.beach262.bean263.bean curd (tofu)** 264.bear265.beard**266.beat267.beautiful268.beauty**269.because270.become271.bed272.bedroom273.beef274.beer*275.before276.begin277.behalf**278.behave**279.behaviour(behavior)* 280.behind281.being**282.belief**283.believe284.bell285.belong*286.below287.belt*288.bend**289.beneath*290.benefit*291.beside292.best293.bet**294.better 295.between296.beyond*297.big298.bike (bicycle)299.bill300.billion**301.biology**302.bird303.birth304.birthday305.biscuit306.bit307.bite*308.bitter**309.black310.blackboard311.blame**312.blank**313.blanket**314.bleed**315.bless**316.blind317.block318.blog*319.blood320.blouse321.blow322.blue323.board324.boat325.body326.boil**327.bomb**328.bond**329.bone*330.bonus**331.book332.boost**333.boot*334.border**335.bored336.boring337.born338.borrow339.boss340.botanical**341.both342.bother**343.bottle344.bottom345.bounce**346.bound**347.boundary**348.bow**349.bowl350.bowling**351.box352.boxing*353.boy354.brain355.branch*356.brave357.bread358.break359.breakfast360.breast**361.breath**362.breathe*363.brick**364.bride/bridegroom**365.bridge366.brief*367.bright368.brilliant**369.bring370.Britain371.British372.broad*373.broadcast**374.brochure*375.brother376.brown377.brush378.budget**379.buffet**380.build381.building382.bunch**383.burn384.bury**385.bus386.business387.busy388.but389.butcher**390.butter*391.button*392.buy393.byC394.cabbage**395.café*396.cafeteria**397.cage**398.cake399.calculate**400.calendar401.call402.calligraphy**403.calm*404.calorie**405.camel**406.camera407.camp408.campaign**409.campus*410.can411.Canada 412.Canadian 413.canal** 414.cancel 415.cancer** 416.candidate** 417.candle 418.candy 419.canteen** 420.cap421.capable* 422.capacity** 423.capital 424.capsule** 425.captain** 426.car427.carbon* 428.card 429.care 430.career** 431.careful 432.careless 433.carpet** 434.carrot 435.carry 436.cartoon 437.carve** 438.case* 439.cash* 440.cast** 441.castle** 442.cat443.catch 444.category** 445.cattle* 446.cause 447.cave** 448.cease**449.ceiling**450.celebrate451.celebrity**452.cell**453.cent454.centimetre(centimeter)**455.central456.centre (center)457.century458.certain459.certainly460.certificate**461.chain*462.chair463.chairman/chairwoman**464.chalk465.challenge*466.champion*467.chance468.change469.channel**470.chaos**471.chapter*472.character*473.characteristic**474.charge*475.charity*476.chart**477.chat*478.cheap479.cheat**480.check481.cheek**482.cheer483.cheese**484.chef**485.chemical**486.chemist**487.chemistry488.chess489.chest**490.chew**491.chicken492.chief*493.child (pl. children)494.China495.china*496.Chinese497.chocolate498.choice499.choke**500.choose501.chopsticks502.chorus**503.Christmas504.church**505.cigarette**506.cinema507.circle508.circuit**509.circumstance**510.circus**511.cite**512.citizen**513.city514.civil**515.civilian**516.civilisation(civilization)**517.claim**518.clap*519.clarify**520.class521.classic**522.classmate523.classroom524.clay**525.clean526.clear527.clerk**528.clever529.click*530.client**531.climate*532.climb533.clinic**534.clock535.clone**536.close537.cloth**538.clothes539.cloud540.cloudy541.club542.clue**543.coach544.coal545.coast546.coat547.coffee548.coin549.cold550.collapse**551.collar**552.collect553.collection*554.college555.colour (color)556.column**bine**eedy**fort**fortableic**ment* mercial** mit** mitment** mittee* monmunicate munication munist** munity pany* pareparison** pete** petence** petition plain** pleteplex** plicated** ponent** pose** position** prehension** prehensive** prise** puter590.concentrate* 591.concept** 592.concern*593.concert594.conclude** 595.conclusion** 596.concrete** 597.condition598.conduct*599.conference* 600.confidence* 601.confirm*602.conflict**603.Confucianism**604.Confucius**605.confused**606.congratulation*607.connect608.consequence**609.conservation**610.consider611.consist**612.consistent**613.constant**614.constitution**615.construction**616.consultant**617.consultation**618.consume**619.consumption**620.contact*621.contain*622.contemporary**623.content*624.contest**625.context*626.continent*627.continue628.contract**629.contradictory**630.contrary**631.contrast**632.contribution*633.control634.convenient*635.conventional**636.conversation637.convince**638.cook639.cookie640.cool641.cooperate**642.copy643.core**644.corn645.corner646.corporate**647.correct648.correspond**649.cost650.costume**651.cottage**652.cotton**653.cough654.could655.council**656.count657.country658.countryside659.county*660.couple661.courage662.course663.court*664.cousin665.cover666.coverage**667.cow668.crash*669.crayon670.crazy671.cream**672.create673.creative*674.creature**675.credit*676.crew**677.crime**678.crisis**679.criterion(pl. criteria)**680.critical**681.criticise(criticize)**682.crop**683.cross684.crowd*685.crucial**686.cruel**687.cry688.cuisine**689.culture690.cup691.cupboard**692.cure*693.curious*694.current*695.curtain**696.custom*697.customer698.cut699.cute700.cycle**D701.daily702.damage**703.damp**704.dance705.danger706.dangerous707.dare**708.dark709.data*710.database**711.date712.daughter713.day714.dead715.deadline**716.deaf717.deal718.dear719.death*720.debate**721.debt**722.decade**723.December724.decent**725.decide726.decision727.declare*728.decline**729.decorate*730.decrease** 731.deep732.deer*733.defeat**734.defence (defense)* 735.defend**736.definitely*737.definition** 738.degree739.delay**740.delete**741.delicate**742.delicious743.deliver*744.demand**745.demonstrate** 746.dentist**747.deny**748.department** 749.departure** 750.depend751.depress**752.depth**753.describe754.description*755.desert*756.deserve**757.design*758.desire*759.desk760.desperate**761.despite*762.dessert**763.destination*764.destroy*765.detail*766.detect**767.detective**768.determine*769.develop770.development771.device**772.devote**773.diagram*774.dialogue (dialog)775.diamond**776.diary777.dictionary778.die779.diet*780.differ**781.difference782.different783.difficult784.difficulty785.dig786.digest**787.digital*788.dignity**789.dimension**790.dining791.dinner792.dinosaur*793.direct794.direction795.director796.directory **797.dirty798.disability**799.disabled**800.disappear*801.disappointed**802.disaster*803.discipline**804.discount**805.discover806.discovery807.discrimination**808.discuss809.discussion810.disease*811.dish812.disk (disc)**813.dismiss**814.display**815.distance*816.distant**817.distinct**818.distinguish**819.distribution**820.district**821.disturb**822.dive**823.diverse**824.divide825.division**826.dizzy**827.do828.doctor829.document*830.dog831.dollar832.dolphin*833.domain**834.domestic**835.dominate**836.donate*837.door838.dormitory**839.double840.doubt841.down842.download*843.downstairs*844.downtown*845.dozen**846.draft**847.drag**848.dragon*849.drama**850.dramatic**851.draw852.drawer**853.dream854.dress855.drill**856.drink857.drive858.driver859.drop860.drought*861.drug**862.dry863.duck864.due to*865.dumpling866.duration**867.during868.dust**869.duty*870.dynamic**871.dynasty**E 872.each 873.eager* 874.eagle** 875.ear876.early 877.earn* 878.earth 879.earthquake 880.ease** 881.east882.eastern 883.easy 884.eat885.ecology** 886.economic** 887.edge** 888.editor* cation cator** 891.effect* 892.efficient** 893.effort* 894.egg895.eight 896.eighteen 897.eighth 898.eighty 899.either 900.elder 901.elderly** 902.election** 903.electricity* 904.electronic 905.elegant** 906.element* 907.elephant 908.eleven 909.else 910.elsewhere**911.email912.embarrassed**913.emerge**914.emergency**915.emotion**916.emperor**917.emphasis**918.employ**919.empty920.enable*921.encounter**922.encourage923.end924.enemy925.energetic*926.energy*927.engage**928.engine*929.engineer930.England931.English932.enhance**933.enjoy934.enormous**935.enough936.ensure*937.enter938.enterprise**939.entertainment**940.enthusiastic**941.entirely*942.entitle**943.entrance*944.entry**945.envelope*946.environment947.envy**948.episode**949.equal*950.equator**951.equipment*952.era**953.eraser954.error*955.erupt*956.escape*957.especially958.essay**959.essential**960.establish*961.estate**962.estimate**963.Europe964.European965.evaluate**966.eve*967.even968.evening969.event*970.eventually*971.ever972.every973.everybody974.everyday975.everyone976.everything977.everywhere978.evidence**979.exactly980.exam (examination)981.examine**982.example983.excellent984.except985.exceptional**986.exchange*987.excited988.exciting989.excuse990.exercise991.exhibition**992.exist*993.exit*994.expand**995.expansion**996.expect997.expectation**998.expense**999.expensive1000.experience1001.experiment*1002.expert*1003.explain1004.explode**1005.explore*1006.export*1007.expose**1008.exposure**1009.express1010.extend**1011.extension**1012.extent*1013.external*1014.extinction*1015.extra*1016.extraordinary**1017.extremely*1018.eyeF1019.fabric**1020.face1021.facilitate**1022.facility*1023.fact1024.factor*1025.factory 1026.fail 1027.failure* 1028.fair 1029.faith** 1030.fall 1031.false** 1032.familiar* 1033.family 1034.famous 1035.fan 1036.fancy* 1037.fantastic 1038.fantasy** 1039.far 1040.farm 1041.farmer 1042.fashion** 1043.fast 1044.fat 1045.father (dad) 1046.fault** 1047.favour(favor)** 1048.favourite(favorite) 1049.fear 1050.feature* 1051.February 1052.fee** 1053.feed 1054.feel 1055.feeling 1056.fellow** 1057.female* 1058.fence** 1059.festival 1060.fetch** 1061.fever 1062.few1063.fibre (fiber)**1064.fiction**1065.field1066.fifteen1067.fifth1068.fifty1069.fight1070.figure*1071.file*1072.fill1073.film1074.finally1075.finance**1076.financial**1077.find1078.finding**1079.fine1080.finger1081.finish1082.fire1083.firm**1084.first1085.fish1086.fisherman1087.fist**1088.fit1089.five1090.fix1091.flag1092.flash*1093.flat*1094.flavour(flavor)**1095.flexible*1096.flight*1097.flood*1098.floor1099.flour**1100.flow**1101.flower1102.flu**1103.fluent**1104.fly1105.focus*1106.foggy**1107.fold**1108.folk**1109.follow1110.fond**1111.food1112.foot (pl. feet)1113.football1114.for1115.force1116.forecast**1117.forehead**1118.foreign1119.forest1120.forever**1121.forget1122.forgive**1123.fork1124.form1125.formal*1126.format**1127.former*1128.fortunately*1129.forty1130.forward*1131.found**1132.foundation**1133.fountain**1134.four1135.fourteen1136.fourth1137.fox**1138.France1139.frank*1140.free1141.freedom**1142.freeze**1143.French1144.frequency**1145.frequently*1146.fresh1147.friction**1148.Friday1149.fridge(refrigerator)1150.friend1151.friendly1152.friendship1153.frightened*1154.frog**1155.from1156.front1157.frontier**1158.frost**1159.fruit1160.fry**1161.fuel**1162.full1163.fun1164.function*1165.fund*1166.fundamental**1167.funny1168.furniture**1169.further*1170.futureG1171.gain**1172.gallery**1173.game1174.gap*1175.garbage**1176.garden 1177.garlic** 1178.gas*1179.gate1180.gather* 1181.gender** 1182.general 1183.generate** 1184.generation* 1185.generous* 1186.genius** 1187.gentle** 1188.gentleman 1189.genuine** 1190.geography 1191.geometry** 1192.German 1193.Germany 1194.get1195.gift1196.gifted** 1197.giraffe 1198.girl1199.give1200.glad1201.glass 1202.global* 1203.globe** 1204.glove 1205.glue1206.go1207.goal* 1208.goat** 1209.gold1210.golf** 1211.good 1212.goodbye (bye) 1213.goods* ernment 1215.grab**1216.grade1217.gradually**1218.graduate*1219.grain**1220.grammar1221.gramme(gram)**1222.grand**1223.granddaughter1224.grandfather(grandpa)1225.grandmother(grandma)1226.grandparent1227.grandson1228.grape1229.grasp**1230.grass1231.grateful**1232.gravity**1233.great1234.greedy**1235.green1236.greenhouse*1237.greet**1238.grey1239.grocery**1240.ground1241.group1242.grow1243.guarantee**1244.guard1245.guess1246.guest1247.guidance**1248.guide1249.guideline*1250.guilty**1251.guitar1252.gun1253.guy*1254.gym*1255.gymnastics*H1256.habit1257.habitat**1258.hair1259.half1260.hall1261.ham**1262.hamburger1263.hand1264.handbag1265.handkerchief**1266.handle**1267.handsome1268.handwriting**1269.hang1270.happen1271.happy1272.hard1273.hardly1274.harm**1275.harmful1276.harmonious**1277.harmony**1278.harvest**1279.hat1280.hatch**1281.hate1282.have (has)1283.he1284.head1285.headache1286.health1287.healthy1288.hear1289.heart1290.heat1291.heavy1292.height1293.hello1294.help1295.helpful1296.hen1297.hence**1298.her1299.herb**1300.here1301.hero1302.hers1303.herself1304.hesitate*1305.hi1306.hide1307.high1308.highlight**1309.hike**1310.hill1311.him1312.himself1313.hire**1314.his1315.historic**1316.history1317.hit1318.hobby1319.hold1320.hole1321.holiday1322.home1323.hometown1324.homework1325.honest1326.honey*1327.honour(honor)* 1328.hope 1329.horrible* 1330.horse 1331.hospital 1332.host* 1333.hot 1334.hotel 1335.hour 1336.house 1337.household** 1338.housework 1339.housing** 1340.how 1341.however 1342.hug* 1343.huge 1344.human 1345.humble** 1346.humorous 1347.hundred 1348.hungry 1349.hunt** 1350.hurricane* 1351.hurry 1352.hurt 1353.husband 1354.hydrogen**I 1355.I1356.ice1357.ice-cream 1358.idea 1359.ideal** 1360.identical** 1361.identify** 1362.identity* 1363.idiom** 1364.if 1365.ignore*1366.ill1367.illegal**1368.illness1369.illustrate*1370.image*1371.imagine1372.immediately*1373.impact*1374.imply**1375.import*1376.important1377.impossible1378.impress**1379.impression*1380.improve*1381.in1382.inch**1383.incident**1384.include1385.income*1386.increase1387.incredible**1388.indeed*1389.independent*1390.India1391.Indian1392.indicate*1393.individual*1394.industry1395.infection**1396.infer**1397.influence1398.influential**rmation1400.initial**1401.initiative**1402.injury**1403.inner**1404.innocent**1405.innovation**1406.input**1407.inquire**1408.insect*1409.inside1410.insight**1411.insist**1412.inspection**1413.inspire*1414.instance**1415.instant**1416.instead1417.institute**1418.institution**1419.instruction1420.instrument1421.insurance**1422.integrate**1423.integrity**1424.intelligent*1425.intend*1426.intense**1427.intention**1428.interaction**1429.interest1430.interesting1431.internal**1432.international1433.Internet1434.interpret**1435.interrupt**1436.intervention**1437.interview1438.into1439.introduce1440.introduction1441.invent1442.invention1443.investigate**1444.investment**1445.invite1446.involve**1447.iron**1448.island1449.issue*1450.it1451.item**1452.its1453.itselfJ1454.jacket1455.jam**1456.January1457.Japan1458.Japanese1459.jaw**1460.jazz**1461.jeans*1462.job1463.jog*1464.join1465.joint**1466.joke1467.journal*1468.journalist**1469.journey1470.joy*1471.judge*1472.juice1473.July1474.jump1475.June1476.jungle**1477.junior*1478.just1479.justice*1480.justify**K1481.kangaroo* 1482.keep1483.kettle** 1484.key1485.keyboard 1486.kick1487.kid1488.kill1489.kilo(kilogramme,kilogram) 1490.kilometre(kilometer) 1491.kind1492.kindergarten** 1493.king1494.kingdom** 1495.kiss1496.kit**1497.kitchen 1498.kite1499.knee1500.knife1501.knock 1502.know1503.knowledgeLb (laboratory) bel** bour(labor)** ck** dykemb** mp** ndndscape**nguagentern*p*ptop**rgestteterughunch**wwyer**yzy1528.lead1529.leader1530.leadership**1531.leaf1532.league**1533.leak**1534.learn1535.least1536.leather**1537.leave1538.lecture*1539.left1540.leg1541.legal**1542.leisure**1543.lemon1544.lend1545.length*1546.less1547.lesson1548.let1549.letter1550.level1551.liberation**1552.liberty**1553.librarian**1554.library1555.license**1556.lie1557.life1558.lift1559.light1560.like1561.likely*1562.limit**1563.limited*1564.line1565.link**1566.lion1567.liquid**1568.list1569.listen1570.literally**1571.literary**1572.literature*1573.litter1574.little1575.live1576.lively1577.living*1578.load**1579.loan**1580.local1581.location*1582.lock1583.log**1584.logical**1585.London1586.lonely1587.long1588.look1589.loose**1590.lose1591.loss*1592.lot1593.loud1594.love1595.lovely1596.low1597.lower**1598.luck1599.lucky1600.lunar**1601.lunch1602.lung**1603.luxury**M1604.machine1605.mad1606.madam**1607.magazine1608.magic1609.mail**1610.main1611.maintain*1612.major*1613.majority*1614.make1615.male*1616.man (pl. men)1617.manage1618.manager1619.mankind**1620.manner**1621.many1622.map1623.marathon**1624.March1625.march*1626.mark1627.market1628.marriage*1629.marry1630.mass* 1631.massive** 1632.master* 1633.match 1634.material* 1635.maths(mathematics) 1636.matter 1637.mature** 1638.maximum** 1639.May1640.may1641.maybe 1642.me1643.meal1644.mean 1645.meaning 1646.means** 1647.measure* 1648.meat1649.mechanic** 1650.medal* 1651.medical 1652.medicine 1653.medium(pl. media)* 1654.meet1655.meeting 1656.member 1657.membership** 1658.memorial** 1659.memory* 1660.mental* 1661.mention 1662.menu 1663.mercy** 1664.merely** 1665.merry* 1666.mess 1667.message1668.metal*1669.method1670.metre (meter)1671.microscope**1672.middle1673.midnight*1674.mightd**eitary*klimetre(millimeter)**lion**1681.mind1682.mine1683.mineral**1684.minimum**1685.minister**1686.minor**1687.minority**1688.minute1689.mirror**1690.Miss1691.miss1692.missile**1693.missing1694.mission**1695.mist**1696.mistake1697.mix1698.mixture**1699.mobile phone1700.mode**1701.model1702.modern1703.moment*1704.Monday1705.money1706.monitor**1707.monkey1708.month1709.monthly**1710.mood**1711.moon1712.moral**1713.more1714.moreover*1715.morning1716.mosquito**1717.most1718.mostly**1719.mother (mum)1720.motion**1721.motivate**1722.motive**1723.motor**1724.mount**1725.mountain1726.mouse(pl. mice)1727.mouth1728.move1729.movement*1730.movie1731.Mr1732.Mrs1733.Ms1734.much1735.mud**1736.multiple**1737.murder**1738.muscle**1739.museum1740.mushroom**1741.music1742.musician1743.must1744.my1745.myselfN1746.nail**1748.narrow*1749.nation*1750.national1751.nationality*1752.native**1753.natural1754.nature1755.navy**1756.near1757.nearby*1758.nearly1759.neat*1760.necessary1761.neck1762.need1763.needle**1764.negative*1765.negotiate**1766.neighbour(neighbor)1767.neighbourhood(neighborhood)**1768.neither1769.nephew**1770.nervous1771.nest****work**1774.never1775.nevertheless**1776.new1777.news1778.newspaper 1779.next 1780.nice 1781.niece** 1782.night 1783.nine 1784.nineteen 1785.ninety 1786.ninth 1787.no 1788.noble** 1789.nobody 1790.nod 1791.noise 1792.noisy 1793.none 1794.noodle 1795.noon 1796.nor 1797.normal* 1798.north 1799.northern 1800.nose 1801.not 1802.note 1803.notebook 1804.nothing 1805.notice 1806.novel** 1807.novelist** 1808.November 1809.now 1810.nowadays* 1811.nowhere* 1812.nuclear** 1813.number 1814.nurse 1815.nut* 1816.nutrition**O1817.object1818.objective**1819.observe*1820.obtain**1821.obviously*1822.occasion*1823.occupation**1824.occupy**1825.occur*1826.ocean*1827.o’clock1828.October1829.odd*1830.of1831.off1832.offer1833.office1834.officer1835.official*1836.often1837.oil1838.OK1839.old1840.Olympics1841.on1842.once1843.one1844.onion**1845.online1846.only1847.onto*1848.open1849.opera*1850.operation*1851.operator**1852.opinion*1853.opponent**1854.opportunity*1855.oppose**1856.opposite1857.optimistic**1858.option*1859.or1860.orange1861.orbit**1862.order1863.ordinary*an**anic**anisation(organization)*1867.origin**1868.original*1869.other1870.otherwise*1871.ought to*1872.our1873.ours1874.ourselves1875.out1876.outcome**1877.outgoing**1878.outline**1879.output**1880.outside1881.outstanding**1882.over1883.overall**1884.overcome**1885.overseas*1886.owe**1887.own1888.oxygen*P1889.pace**1890.Pacific1891.pack**1892.package*1893.page1894.pain1895.paint1896.pair1897.palace1898.pale1899.pan**1900.pancake1901.panda1902.panel**1903.panic**1904.paper1905.paragraph**1906.parcel**1907.pardon1908.parent1909.park1910.parking**1911.part1912.participate**1913.particular*1914.partner*1915.party1916.pass1917.passage1918.passenger1919.passion**1920.passive*1921.passport1922.past1923.patent**1924.path*1925.patience**1926.patient1927.pattern*1928.pay1929.PE(physicaleducation)。







1. 语言目标(Language Objectives)语言目标是指教师根据英语课程标准设定的学习目标和要求。







4. 课程设计(Curriculum Design)课程设计是指教师根据英语课程标准设计和制定的课程方案。



5. 评估标准(Assessment Criteria)评估标准是指教师根据英语课程标准设定的学习评估标准。



6. 教学资源(Teaching Resources)教学资源是指在英语课程教学过程中使用的各种教学工具和资源。



academy [ə'kædəmi] n. 学院, 研究院, 学会 accelerate [æk'seləreit] v. 加速, 促进 accent ['æksənt] n. 口音, 音调 accept [ək'sept] v. 接受 access ['æ kses] n. 通路, 访问 v. 接近 accessible [æk'sesəbl] adj. 易接近好的 admire [əd'maiə] v. 钦佩; 羡慕 admission [əd'miʃən] n. 准入, 接纳 admit [əd'mit] v. 承认, 准许(入场, 入学)
action ['ækʃən] n. 行动
adolescence [,ædəu'lesns] n. 青春期
学海无 涯
A a (an) [æ n]art. 一(个、件…) abandon [ə'bændən] v. 放弃, 遗弃 ability [ə'biliti] n. 能力; 才能 able ['eibl] adj. 能够; 有能力的 abnormal [æb'nɔ:məl] adj. 反常的, 不正常的, 变态的, 不规则的
above [ə'bʌv] prep. 在…上面 adj. 上面的 adv. 在…之
accommodation [ə,kɔmə'deiʃn] n. 住处, 膳宿 accompany [ə'kʌmpəni] v. 陪伴, 伴奏 accomplish [ə'kɔmpliʃ] v. 完成, 达到, 实现 account [ə'kaunt] n. 账目; 描述 accountant [ə'kauntənt] n.会计师



高中英语新课程标准3000词【编写说明】1、本词汇表共3000词,按字母顺序,依次分级分层包括:(1) 初中英语义务教育阶段要求掌握的1500个单词;(2) 高中英语必修课程应学习和掌握500个单词(词尾加有一个*号);(3) 高中英语选择性必修课程应学习和掌握1000个单词(词尾加有两个*号)。


Aa(an) /ə(n)/ art. (非特指的)一(个);(一类事物中的)任何一个;一;每一;某一ability /ə'bɪləti/ n. 能力;才能,才识,技能 adj.able 反disabilityable /'eɪbl/ adj. 能;有能力的,能干的 v.enable 反unableabout /ə'baʊt/ adv. 大约,左右;在/向周围,四处;将近,差不多prep. 关于;在…周围;到处;随身above /ə'bʌv/ adj. 上述的,上面的adv. (空间)在上面;(数量等)以上;如上所述,在上文prep. 在…上方;(数量/程度/地位等)大于,超出,高于absent /'æbsənt/ adj.缺席的,不在的;缺乏的accept /ək'sept/ vt. & vi. 接受vt. 忍受,承受;接纳;承担(责任/指责) n.acceptance achieve /ə'tʃiːv/ vt. (凭借努力)达到(目标、地位标准);完成,实现vi. 获得成功across /ə'krɒs/ prep. (从一边到另一边)横过,穿过;在…另一边,在…对面;从/在/到…各处;(表情)迅速(从脸上)掠过;浮现act /ækt/ n.行动,行为;作为;法令,条例;装模作样的行为;(戏剧的)一幕;一段表演;表演者vi. 行动;做事;举止,表现vt. & vi. 假装;演(戏);扮演(角色)action /'ækʃn/ n. 行动,行为;诉讼,起诉;作用,影响active /'æktɪv/ adj. (行动、思想)活跃的;积极(参与)的;起作用的;(火山等)活的;主动的activity /æk'tɪvəti/ n.(出于爱好的)活动;(有组织的、有目的的)活动;(正在进行的或正在做的)活动actor /'æktə/ n. 男演员;行动者actress /'æktrəs/ n. 女演员address /ə'dres/ n. 地址;通讯处;(正式的)演讲vt. 演说,演讲;写(收信人)姓名地址;向…说话advantage /əd'vɑːntɪdʒ/ n. 有利条件,优势;优点,好处advice /əd'vaɪs/ n. 忠告,建议advise /əd'vaɪz/ vt. & vi. 劝告;建议vt. 正式通知afford /ə'fɔːd/ vt. 买得起;承担得起(时间、后果等);提供,给予 a.affordableafraid /ə'freɪd/ adj. 害怕的,恐惧的;担心的,忧虑的Africa /'æfrɪkə/ n. 非洲African /'æfrɪkən/ n. 非洲人adj. 非洲(人)的after /'ɑːftə/ adv. 后来;以后prep. 在…之后,在…后面;以…为追求的目标conj. 在…之后afternoon /ˌɑːftə'nuːn/n. 下午,午后again /ə'gen/ adv. 又,再;而且,另外against /ə'genst/ prep. 反对;违背,逆;和…比赛、对抗等;倚靠,向着,对着;防备,以备;以…为背景,衬托age /eɪdʒ/ n. 年龄;很长时间;世纪,年代ago /ə'gəʊ/ adv. 以前agree /ə'griː/ vt. & vi. (意见、观点等)一致;同意,赞同agreement /ə'griːmənt/ n. 同意,(意见)一致;协定,协议air /eə/ n. 空气;天空;空中;神态,样子airport /'eəpɔːt/ n. 航空站,飞机场alive /ə'laɪv/ adj. 活着的;仍存在的;有活力的all /ɔːl/ adj. 所有的,全部的;整个的adv. 完全地;十分pron. 全部,全体;唯一,一切allow /ə'laʊ/ vt. 允许,准许vt. & vi. 使…有可能;留出;给出(时间、金钱、食物等)almost /'ɔːlməʊst/ adv. 几乎,差不多alone /ə'ləʊn/ adj. 单独的;仅仅,只aloud /ə'laʊd/ adv. 出声地;大声地already /ɔːl'redi/ adv. 已经also /'ɔːlsəʊ/ adv. 也,还although /ɔːl'ðəʊ/ conj. 尽管,虽然;然而,但是always /'ɔːlweɪz/ adv. 总是,一直;永远America /ə'merɪkə/ n. 美洲;美国American /əˈmerɪkən/ n.美洲人;(尤指)美国人;美国英语adj.美洲的;(尤指)美国的among /ə'mʌŋ/ prep. 在…中间,在…之中ancient /'eɪnʃənt/ adj. 古代的;古老的and /ənd/; /ænd/ conj.和;又;而;(只要…)就angry /'æŋgri/ adj. 发怒的,生气的animal /'ænɪml/ n. 动物;牲畜another /ə'nʌðə/ adj. 又一的,再一个的,另一的pron. 又一个,再一个,另一个answer /'ɑːnsə/ n. 回答,答复;答案;解决办法vt. & vi. 回答,答复vt. 响应ant /ænt/ n.蚂蚁any /'eni/ adj. 一些;任何pron. 一些;任何一个;任何一些adv. 稍,有点anybody /'enibɒdi/pron. 任何人anyone /'eniwʌn/ pron.任何人anything /'eniθɪŋ/ pron. 任何事(物);无论什么东西;随便什么事情anyway /'eniweɪ/ adv. 无论如何,反正;尽管如此anywhere /'eniweə/ adv. 在/去任何地方;无论何处,随便哪个地方appear /ə'pɪə/ vi. 出现;参加演出;亮相;似乎,显得;出版;刊登,发表 n.appearance apple /'æpl/ n.苹果April /ˈeɪprəl/ n. 四月area /'eəriə/ n. 地区,地带;场所,地方;面积;领域,范围arm /ɑːm/ n. 手臂,胳膊;武器(常用复数)vt. 武装;装备;备战army /'ɑːmi/ n. 陆军(部队)around /ə'raʊnd/; /raʊnd/ prep. 在…周围;环绕着;在…附近;在…各处adv. 在附近,在周围;各处,到处;大约arrive /ə'raɪv/ vi. 到达,到来;送达 n.arrivalart /ɑːt/ n. 艺术(品);美术(品);艺术;人文学科,文科;技术;技巧article /'ɑːtɪkl/ n. 文章;冠词;(一件)物件/物品;(法律)条款artist /'ɑːtɪst/ n. 艺术家;画家as /æz/ conj.当…时候;一面…一面…;随着;因为,既然;虽然,尽管;如,像;按照adv. 同样地prep. 作为;如同Asia /'eɪʃə/ n. 亚洲Asian /'eɪʃn/ adj. 亚洲(人)的n. 亚洲人ask /ɑːsk/ vt. & vi. 问,询问;要求;请求;邀请;索要(价格)asleep /ə'sliːp/ adj. 睡着的,睡熟的at /æt/ prep.在;由于;以attend /ə'tend/ vt. & vi. 出席,参加;上(学)vt. 看护,照料 n.attendantattention /ə'tenʃən/ n. 注意;专心;兴趣,关注;关心,照料;维修;保养;立正姿势August /ˈɔːɡəst/ n. 八月aunt /ɑːnt/ n. 姑妈;姨妈;舅妈;婶母,伯母Australia /ɒˈstreɪliə/ n. 澳大利亚Australian /ɒˈstreɪliən/ adj. 澳大利亚的n.澳大利亚人autumn /'ɔːtəm/ n. 秋季avoid /ə'vɔɪd/ vt. 避免,防止;回避,避开awake /ə'weɪk/ adj. 醒着的(awoke, awoken)vt. & vi. (使)醒来,唤醒away /ə'weɪ/ adv. 离,离开,间隔;朝另一个方向;在别处,在适当的地方;不在,外出;…去,…掉abroad /ə'brɔːd/ adv. 到/在国外according to /əˈkɔːdɪŋtə/ prep.据(…所说);按(…所报道);依照;按照;根据add /æd/ vt.增添,增加;补充说vt. & vi. (使)相加 a.additional ad. Additionallyalong /ə'lɒŋ/ adv. 向前;一道,一起prep. 沿着awful /'ɔːfl/ adj. 糟糕的,恶劣的,讨厌的;非常的,很多的;可怕的,骇人听闻的ache* /eɪk/ n. 疼痛vi. 疼痛achievement* /ə'tʃiːvmənt/ n. 完成,达成;成就;功绩,成就ahead* /ə'hed/ adv. 向前;在前,领先a.m.* /ˌeɪ'em/ abbr. 午前,上午absolutely*/'æbsəluːtli/ad. 绝对地,完全地;确实地adj.absoluteaccident*/'æksɪdənt/ n. 事故;偶然的事,意外的事account* /ə'kaʊnt/ n. 账,账目;账户,账号;叙述,描写,报道v.认为是;视为n.accountant acquire* /ə'kwaɪə/ vt. (经过努力)获得,学到;购得,得到n.acquisitionactually* /'æktʃʊəli/ adv 实际上;事实上adj.actualadapt* /ə'dæpt/ vt. & vi. (使)适应vt. 改编,改写addict* /ə'dɪkt/ n.吸毒成瘾的人;瘾君子;对…入迷的人vt.使沉溺;使上瘾;使自己沾染(某些恶习)a.addicted,addictive n. addictionaddition* /ə'dɪʃn/ n. 加法;增加;增加的人/物;附加物admire* /əd'maɪə/ vt. 钦佩,羡慕,赞美;欣赏,观赏 a.admirableadmit* /əd'mɪt/ vt. 容许…进入;接纳;招收vt. & vi. 承认;供认n.admissionadult* /'ædʌlt/ n. 成年人advance* /əd'vɑːns/ n. 前进;进步,进展;预付款vi. (尤指士兵)前进,向前移动vt. & vi. (使)进展;(使)进步;(时间)提前;(价格)上涨;预支(钱) a.advanced adventure* /əd'ventʃə/ n. 冒险;冒险经历,奇遇 a.adventurousaffair* /ə'feə/ n. 事务;事件,事情;暧昧关系,通奸,私通agriculture* /'ægrɪkʌltʃə/ n. 农业;农学 a.agriculturalaid* /eɪd/ n. 援助,救助,帮助;辅助者,有助之物vt. & vi. 帮助aim* /eɪm/ n. 瞄准;目标,目的vt. & vi. (用…)瞄准;(用…)对准vt. 针对vi. 力求达到alarm* /ə'lɑːm/ n. 警报(器);闹钟;惊恐,惊悚vt. 使惊恐amazing* /ə'meɪzɪŋ/ adj. 令人惊异的v.amazeamount* /ə'maʊnt/ n. 数量,数额;总数vi. 达到(某数量),合计;相当于,等于;意味着announce* /ə'naʊns/ vt. 宣布,宣告;(尤指在机场或火车站)广播通知;宣布…的到来/出席n.announcementannual* /'ænjʊəl/ adj. 每年的,年度的anxious* /'æŋ(k)ʃəs/ adj. 忧虑的,焦虑的;渴望的;令人焦虑的apartment* /ə'pɑːtmənt/ n.(=flat) 一套公寓房间;公寓大楼apologise(apologize)* /ə'pɒlədʒaɪz/ vi. 道歉,表示歉意n.apologyapplication* /ˌæplɪ'keɪʃn/ n. 申请,申请书;申请表;运用,使用;应用(程序)apply* /ə'plaɪ/ vi. 申请vt. 运用,应用,使用;涂,敷;努力;使专注于;手压;脚踩vt. & vi. (对…)适用,(对…)有效approach* /ə'prəʊtʃ/ n. 靠近,接近;通道,入口;(处理…的)方法,(达到…的)途径vt. & vi. (距离上)靠近,(时间上)临近,(数量上)接近vt. 与…打交道,与…接洽;处理argue* /'ɑːgjuː/ vi. 争论,争辩;争吵vt. & vi. 论证n.argumentarrangement* /ə'reɪndʒmənt/ n. 安排;筹备;安排方式;排列;布置;商定;约定v.arrange aspect* /'æspekt/ n. 方面;外观,样子,面貌assume* /ə'sjuːm/ vt. 假定,设想;担任;承担athlete* /'æθliːt/ n. 运动员a.athleticAtlantic* /æt'læntɪk/ adj. 大西洋的attach* /ə'tætʃ/ vt. 系;贴;连接;重视,认为…重要vt. & vi. (与…)有关联attack* /ə'tæk/ n. 攻击,进攻;抨击;(疾病等)侵袭,发作vt. & vi. 攻击,进攻vt. 抨击;(疾病、虫、化学物等)侵袭;侵蚀attempt* /ə'tempt/ n. 试图,尝试,努力vt. 试图,尝试,企图attitude* /'ætɪtjuːd/n. 态度,看法;姿势attract* /ə'trækt/ vt. 吸引,引起(…的兴趣) a.attractive n.attractionaudience* /'ɔːdɪəns/ n. 观众,听众author* /ˈɔːθə(r)/ n.著者;作者;作家;(尤指计划或思想的)创造者,发起人v. 著作;写作;编写authority* /ɔː'θɒrɪti/ n. 权力;当权;官方,当局;(正式的)许可;授权;权威人士,专家;泰斗average* /'ævərɪdʒ/ n. 平均,平均数;一般水平,平均标准adj. 平均的;中等的,适中的;平常的,普遍的award* /ə'wɔːd/ n. 奖,奖金,奖品,奖状vt. 授予,给予,判给aware* /ə'weə/ adj. 意识到的,察觉到的n.awarenessawkward* /'ɔːkwəd/ adj. 尴尬的,别扭的;使用不便的,难以应付的;不方便的absence**/'æbsəns/ n. 缺席,不在;缺乏airline** /'eəlaɪn/ n. 航线;航空公司;航空系统altogether** /ˌɔːltə'geðə/ adv. 全部,总共;总的说来;完全地anger**/'æŋgə/ n. 生气,愤怒vt. 使生气,激怒abandon** /ə'bændən/ vt. 放弃;遗弃;离弃abnormal**/æb'nɔːməl/ adj. 不正常的,反常的,变态的反normalaboard** /ə'bɔːd/ prep. 上船/车/飞机;在船/车/飞机上absorb** /əb'zɔːb/ vt. 吸收;吸纳;了解,掌握;吸引,使专心;缓冲abstract** /'æbstrækt/ adj. 抽象的,深奥的n. 摘要,文摘;抽象派作品abuse** /ə'bjuːz/ vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂academic** /ˌækə'demɪk/ adj. 学校的;学院的;学术的n. 大学教师n.academyaccent** /'æksənt/ n. 口音;腔调;重音access** /'ækses/ n. 通道,入口;进入/到达…的方法或途径;使用/接近…的权利或机会vt. 访问,获取(计算机数据);到达;进入;使用adj.accessibleaccommodation** /əˌkɒmə'deɪʃn/ n. 住处;住宿;工作场所accompany** /ə'kʌmpəni/ vt. 陪伴,伴随;为…伴奏accurate** /'ækjʊrət/ adj. 准确的,精确的n.accuracy ad. accuratelyaccuse** /ə'kjuːz/ vt. 指责;控告,指控acid** /'æsɪd/ adj. 酸的;酸性的n. 酸;酸性物质acknowledge** /ək'nɒlɪdʒ/ vt. 承认;向…打招呼;对…作出反应;(公开)感谢n.acknowledgementAD** /ˌeɪ'diː/ n. 公元adaptation** /ˌædæp'teɪʃn/ n. 适应;改编;改编的作品adjust** /ə'dʒʌst/ vt. 调整,调节vt. & vi. (使)适应,(使)习惯n.adjustment administration** /ədˌmɪnɪ'streɪʃn/ n. (公司或机构的)管理;行政;行政部门adopt** /ə'dɒpt/ vt. & vi. 收养,领养vt. 采用,采纳n.adoptionadorable** /əˈdɔːrəbl/ adj.可爱的;讨人喜爱的v.adoreadvertise** /'ædvətaɪz/ vt.& vi. (为…)做广告/宣传,(为…)登广告;征聘advertisement(ad)** /əd'vɜːtɪsmənt/ n. (=ad) 广告advocate** /'ædvəkeɪt/ vt. 提倡,拥护,主张affect** /ə'fekt/ vt. 影响;使感动,打动;使感染(疾病)afterward** /'ɑːftəwəd(z)/adv. 后来,以后agency** /'eɪdʒənsi/ n. 代理处,经销处,代理机构;(尤指政府内的)机构,局,部,厅n.agent agenda** /ə'dʒendə/ n. 议程;议题alcohol** /'ælkəhɒl/ n. 酒;酒精,乙醇alongside** /əˌlɒŋ'saɪd/ adv. 在旁边;沿着边;并排地alternative** /ɔːl'tɜːnətɪv/ n. 可供选择的事物adj. 可供选择的,二者择一的;非传统的,另类的amateur** /'æmətə/ adj. 业余(爱好)的n.业余爱好者;业余运动员;生手;外行ambition** /æm'bɪʃn/ n. 野心;雄心,抱负ambitious** /æmˈbɪʃəs/ adj.有野心的;有雄心的;费力的;耗资的;耗时的ambulance** /'æmbjʊləns/ n. 救护车amuse** /ə'mjuːz/ vt. 给…提供娱乐/消遣;逗…乐n.amusementanalyse(analyze)** /'ænəlaɪz/ vt. 分析n.analysis pl analysesancestor** /'ænsestə/ n. 祖宗,祖先angle** /'æŋgl/ n. 角;观点,角度,方面ankle** /'æŋkl/ n. 踝,脚踝;踝骨annoy** /ə'nɔɪ/ vt. (使)恼怒,(使)生气;(使)烦恼 a.annoyed,annoyinganticipate** /ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ v.预料;预期;预见,预计(并做准备);期盼;期望antique** /æn'tiːk/ n. 古董,古玩;古代文物anxiety** /æŋ'zaɪəti/ n. 焦虑;不安,担心;渴望anyhow** /'enihaʊ/ adv. 不管怎样,无论如何apart** /ə'pɑːt/ adv. 相隔地,相距地;分开地;零散地,成碎片地adj. 分离的;与众不同的apparently** /əˈpærəntli/ adv 看来(好像);显然;据说appeal** /ə'piːl/ n. 呼吁,恳请;吸引力,魅力;上诉;申诉;上诉权vi. 呼吁,恳请;有吸引力,有感染力vt. & vi. 上诉;申诉appetite** /'æpɪtaɪt/ n. 胃口,食欲;欲望;爱好applaud** /ə'plɔːd/ vt. & vi. 鼓掌;称赞;赞成n.applauseapplicant** /'æplɪkənt/ n. 申请人;应征者appointment** /ə'pɔɪntmənt/ n. 约会;约定;预约;任命;任职;职位v.appoint appreciate** /ə'priːʃɪeɪt/ vt. 欣赏,赏识;感激,感谢;理解,明白n.appreciation appropriate** /ə'prəʊpriət/ adj. 恰当的,适当的approve** /ə'pruːv/vt. 批准;认可vi. 赞成,赞同n.approvalarch** /ɑːtʃ/ n. 拱门;弓形结构;拱形vt. & vi. (使)弯成弓形architect** /'ɑːkɪtekt/ n.建筑师;设计师,缔造师arise** /ə'raɪz/ (arose, arisen) vi. (问题或困难)出现;发生;产生;起身;起立arrest** /ə'rest/ vt. 逮捕,拘留n. 逮捕arrow** /'ærəʊ/ n. 箭;箭头记号artificial** /ˌɑːtɪ'fɪʃəl/ adj. 人造的,人工的;做作的,不自然的ashamed** /ə'ʃeɪmd/ adj.羞耻的,害臊的;惭愧的aside** /ə'saɪd/ adv. 在/到/向旁边assess** /ə'ses/ vt. 评价,评定;估价n.assessmentassign** /əˈsaɪn/ v.分配(某物);分派,布置(工作、任务等);指定;指派;委派;派遣n.assignmentassistant** /ə'sɪstənt/ n. 助手,副手,助理;店员adj. 助理的,辅助的v.assist n.assistance association** /əˌsəʊsɪ'eɪʃn/ n. 协会,社团;联盟;(与人或团体的)关联;交往;联系;联想v.associateassumption** /ə'sʌmpʃn/ n. 假定,设想;承担astonish** /ə'stɒnɪʃ/ vt. 使大为惊讶,使惊骇 a.astonished n.astonishmentastronaut** /'æstrənɔːt/ n. 宇航员astronomer** /ə'strɒnəmə/ n. 天文学家atmosphere** /'ætməsfɪə/ n. 大气层;气体;空气;气氛;环境attain** /ə'teɪn/ vt. & vi. (经过长时间努力)达到;得到,取得 a.attainableautomatic** /ˌɔːtə'mætɪk/ adj. 自动的;无意识的autonomous** /ɔː'tɒnəməs/ adj. 自治的;有自治权的available** /ə'veɪləbl/ adj.可用的;可得到的;(人)有空的awesome** /'ɔːsəm/ adj. 引起敬畏的,可怕的;极好的,了不起的XX-ray /'eks reɪ/ n. X光(检查),X射线Yyear /jɪə/ n. (日历)年;年度,学年;…岁;很长时间yellow /'jeləʊ/ adj. 黄色的,发黄的n. 黄色yes /jes/ adv. 是,是的;(对否定的问句的回答)不;对,是的yesterday /'jestədeɪ/ adv. 昨天n. 昨天yet /jet/ adv. 还,尚(没);已经;甚至,更conj. 然而,可是you /ju/ pron. 你,你们;人,任何人young /jʌŋ/ adj. 年轻的,年幼的;新兴的,新的;年轻有活力的,青春的your /jɔː/ pron. 你的,你们的yours /jɔːz/ pron. 你的,你们的(you的所有格形式)yourself /jɔː'self/ pron.你自己;您自己(pl. yourselves你们自己)yard /jɑːd/ n. 院子,庭院;(长度单位)码yoghurt* /'jɒgət/ n. 酸乳,酸奶youth* /juːθ/ n. 青少年时代;青春,朝气;年轻人,青年Zzero /'zɪərəʊ/ n. (pl. zeros) (数字的)零;(温度的)零度num.(数字的)零;(温度的)零;最低点zoo /zuː/ n. 动物园zone** /zəʊn/ n. 地区,区域,地带。



普通高中英语课程标准词汇表Aa (an) [?n] art. 一(个、件⋯)abandon [?'b?nd?n] v.放弃,遗弃ability [?'biliti]n. 能力 ; 才能able ['eibl]adj. 能够 ; 有能力的abnormal [?b'n?:m ?l] adj.反常的,不正常的,变态的,不规则的aboard [?'b ?:d] prep. 在船 [飞机、车 ] 上 , 上船 [飞机、车]abolish [?'b ?:d] v. 取消 , 废除(制度等 )abortion [?'b ?:??n] n. 失败 , 夭折 , 中止 , 早产about [?'baut]adv. 大约;到处;四处prep.关于;在各处;四处above [?'b ?v] prep. 在⋯上面adj. 上面的adv. 在⋯之上abroad [?'br ?:d] adv. 到(在)国外abrupt [ ?'br ?pt] adj. 突然的 , 意想不到的absence ['?bsns]n. 不在 , 缺席absent ['?bs?nt] adj.缺席,不在absolute ['?bs?lu:t]adj. 绝对的 ; 完全的 , 纯粹的 , 净的absorb [ ?b's ?:b] v. 吸收 , 吸引abstract ['?bstr?kt]n. 摘要 , 概要 , 抽象adj. 抽象的 ,深奥的 , 理论的academic [,?k ?'demik]adj. 学院的 , 理论的academy [?'k?d ?mi] n. 学院 , 研究院 , 学会accelerate [?k'sel?reit]v. 加速 , 促进accent ['?ks?nt] n.口音,音调accept [?k'sept]v.接受access['?kses]n. 通路 , 访问v. 接近accessible[?k'ses?bl] adj.易接近的,可到达的accident ['?ksid?nt] n.事故accommodation [ ?,k ?m ?'dei ?n] n. 住处 , 膳宿accompany [?'k ?mp ?ni] v. 陪伴 , 伴奏accomplish [ ?'k ?mpli ?] v. 完成 , 达到 , 实现account [?'kaunt]n. 账目 ; 描述accountant [?'kaunt ?nt] n.会计师accumulate [?'kju:mjuleit]v. 积聚 , 堆积accuracy ['?kjur?si] n.精确性,正确度accurate ['?kjurit]adj. 正确的 , 精确的accuse [?'kju:z]v. 控告 , 谴责 , 非难accustomed [ ?'k ?st ?md] adj. 通常的 , 习惯的ache [eik] v. & n.痛,疼痛achieve [ ?'t ?i:v] v.达到,取得absurd [ ?b's ?:d] adj. 荒谬的 , 可笑的achievement [?'t ?i:vm ?nt] n. 成就 , 功绩abundant [?'b ?nd ?nt] adj. 丰富的 , 充裕的acid ['?sid]n. [化 ]酸 ,abuse [?'bju:z]v. 滥用 , 虐待 , 辱骂acknowledge [?k'n ?lid ?] v. 承认 , 答谢 , 报偿普通高中英语课程标准词汇表acquaintance [?'kweint ?ns] n. 相识 , 熟人adjustment [?'d ??stm ?nt]n. 调整 , 调节 , 调节器acquire [?'kwai ?] v. 获得 , 学到administration [?d,mini'strei??n] n.管理,经营,行政部门acquisition [,?kwi'zi ??n] n. 获得 , 获得物admirable ['?dm?r?bl] adj.令人倾佩的,值的赞美的, acre ['eik ?] n. 英亩绝妙的 , 极好的across [?'kr ?:s] prep. 横过 , 穿过admire [?d'mai ?] v. 钦佩 ;羡慕act [?kt] n. 行动,法令 v. 表演 , 扮演(角色) ; 行动 , 做admission [ ?d'mi??n] n.准入,接纳事admit [?d'mit] v.承认 , 准许(入场 , 入学)action ['?k ??n] n. 行动adolescence[,?d ?u'lesns]n. 青春期active ['?ktiv]adj. 积极的 , 主动的adolescent [,?d?'lesnt]n. 青春期的 , 青春的activity [?k'tiviti]n. 活动adopt [?'d ?pt]v. 采用 ,收养actor ['?kt ?] n. 男演员adore [?'d ?:] v. 崇拜 , 爱慕 , (口语 )喜爱actress ['?ktris]n. 女演员adult [? 'd ?lt]n. 成年人actual ['?ktju?l]adj. 实际的 ; 现实的advance [ ?d'vɑ:ns] v. 推进 , 促进 ; 前进acute [?'kju:t]adj. 敏锐的 ,急性的advantage [?d'vɑ:ntid?]n. 优点 ; 好处AD n. 公元ad (缩 ) =advertisement [?d'v ?:tism ?nt] n.广告adventure [?d'vent ??] n. 冒险 ; 奇遇adapt [?'d?pt]v. 使适应 , 改编advertise ['?dv?taiz] v.为⋯做广告adaptation [,?d?p'tei??n]n. 适应 , 改编 , 改写本advertisement [ ?d'v ?:tism ?nt n. 广告add [?d] v.添加 ,增加advice [?d'vais]n. 忠告 , 劝告 , 建议addicted [?'diktid]adj. 成瘾的advise [?d'vaiz]v. 忠告 , 劝告 , 建议addition [?'di ??n] n. 增加 ;加法advocate ['?dv?kit] v.提倡,鼓吹address [ ?'dres]n. 地址 v.写姓名地址;演说;称呼affair [ ?'f ??] n. 事 , 事情adequate ['?dikwit]adj. 适当的 , 足够的affect [?'fekt] v. 影响,感动adjust [?'d ??st]v. 调整 , 调节 , 校准 , 使适合affection [ ?'fek ??n] n. 友爱 , 爱情 , 影响普通高中英语课程标准词汇表afford [?'f ?:d] v. 负担得起(⋯的费用) ; 抽得出(时间) ;提供afraid [?'freid]adj. 害怕的 ; 担心Africa ['?frik?] n.非洲African ['?frik?n] adj.非洲的,非洲人的n.非洲人after ['ɑ:ft?] adv. 在后 ; 后来prep. 在⋯之后 ; 在后面conj. 在⋯以后afternoon ['ɑ:ft?'nu:n]n. 下午 , 午后afterwards ['ɑ:ft?w?dz]adv. 后来again [?'gen] adv. 再一次 ; 再 , 又against [ ?'genst] prep. 对着 , 反对age [eid ?] n. 年龄 ; 时代agency ['eid ??nsi] n. 代理处 , 行销处 , 代理 , 中介agenda [?d ?'end ?] n. 议程agent ['eid ??nt] n. 代理人 , 经纪人 ; 代理商 , 经理人aggressive[?'gresiv] adj. 好斗的 , 敢作敢为的 , 有闯劲的 , 侵略性的ago [?'g ?u] adv. 以前agree [?'gri:]v. 同意 ; 应允agreement [?'gri:m ?nt] n. 同意 , 一致 ; 协定 , 协议agricultural [,?gri'k?lt ??r ?l] adj.农业的agriculture ['?grik?lt ??] n.农业,农学ahead [ ?'hed]adv. 在前 , 向前aid [eid]n. 援助 ; 救护 ; 辅助器具AIDS [eidz]n. 艾滋病aim [eim]n.目的 ; 目标v. 计划 , 打算 ; 瞄准 ; 针对air [??] n. 空气 ; 大气aircraft [' ??krɑ:ft] n. 飞机(单复数同 )airline [' ??lain]n. 航空公司 ; 航空系统airmail [' ??meil]n. 航空邮件airplane [' ??plein]n.(美)飞机airport [' ??p?:t] n.航空站 , 飞机场airspace [' ??speis]n. 空域 , 领空alarm [?'lɑ:m] n. 警报album ['?lb?m] n.集邮本,照相簿alcohol ['?lk?h ?l] n.酒精,酒alcoholic [,?lk ?'h ?:lik] adj. 含酒精的algebra ['?ld?ibr ?] adj.代数学alike [?'laik]adj. 相同的 , 相似的 adv.以同样的方式 , 类似于alive [?'laiv]adj. 活着的 , 活跃的all [?:l] adv. 全部地 adj. 全(部);所有的 ; 总 ; 整 pron.全部 ; 全体人员allergic [?'l ?:d ?ik] n. 患过敏症的alley ['?li] n. 小路 , 巷allocate ['?l?keit] v.分派,分配allow [?'lau]v. 允许 , 准许allowance [ ?'lau ?ns] n. 宽容 , 允许 , 津贴 , 补助普通高中英语课程标准词汇表almost [' ?:lm ?ust] adv. 几乎 , 差不多(ambassadress)[?m'b?s?dris]n. 大使 ; 使节(女大使 ;大使夫人 )alone [ ?'l?un] adj. 单独的 , 孤独的ambiguous [?m'bigju?s] adj.暧昧的,不明确的along [ ?'l??] adv. 向前 ; 和⋯一起 ; 一同prep. 沿着 ;ambition [?m'bi??n] n.野心,雄心顺着alongside [?'l ??'said]adv. 在 ...的侧面 ; 傍 ; 沿靠 ; 与 ...ambulance ['?mbjul?ns] n.救护车并排among [?'m ??] prep. 在⋯中间 ; ⋯之一aloud [?'laud]adv. 大声地amount [?'maunt]n. 数量v.(与 to连用)等于;总计alphabet ['?lf ?bit] n. 字母表ample ['?mpl]adj. 充足的 , 丰富的already [?:l'redi]adv. 已经amuse [?'mju:z]v.(使人)快乐 , 逗乐also [' ?:ls ?u] adv. 也amusement [?'mju:zm?nt] n.娱乐alternative [ ?:l't ?:n ?tiv] adj. 选择性的 , 二中择一的analyse/ze ['?n?laiz]v. 分析 , 分解although [ ?:l'e ?u] conj. 虽然 , 尽管analysis [ ?'n?l ?sis] n. 分析 , 分解altitude ['?lti,tju:d]n. (尤指海拔 )高度ancestor ['?nsist?] n.祖宗;祖先altogether [, ?:lt ?'gee ?] adv. 总共anchor ['??k?] v& n.抛锚,锚aluminium [,?lju'mini?m] n.铝ancient ['ein ??nt] adj. 古代的 , 古老的always [' ?:lweiz]adv. 总是 ; 一直 ; 永远and [?nd]conj. 和 ; 又 ; 而am [?m]v. be 的人称形式之一anecdote ['?nik,d?ut] n.轶事,奇闻a. m. /am ; A.M./AM n. 午前 , 上午amateur ['?m?t ?:] adj.业余的anger ['??g?] n.怒火,愤怒amaze [?'meiz]v. 使惊奇;使吃惊angle ['??gl]n. 角 , 角落amazing [?'meizi?]adj. 令人惊异的angry ['??gri]adj. 生气的 , 愤怒的America [ ?'merik?] n.美国;美洲animal ['?nim?l] n.动物American [?'merik?n] adj.美洲的;美洲人的; 美国的;ankle ['?? kl] n. 踝美国人的 n. 美国人 ; 美洲人anniversary [,?ni'v?:s?ri] n.周年纪念ambassador [?m'b?s?d?]普通高中英语课程标准词汇表announce [?'nauns]v. 宣布 , 宣告annoy [?'n ?i] v.(使)烦恼 ; 伤害 ; 骚扰annual ['?nju?l] adj.一年一次的,每年的another [?'n ?e ?] adj. 再一 ; 另一 ; 别的 ; 不同的 pron. 另一个answer ['ɑ:ns?] n. 回答 , 答复 ; 回信 ; 答案v. 回答 , 答复; 回信ant [?nt]n. 蚂蚁Antarctic [?n'tɑ :ktik]adj.南极的antique [?n'ti:k]n. 古董anxiety [??'zai?ti] n.忧虑,渴望anxious ['??k??s] adj.忧虑的;焦虑的,不安的; 渴望的any ['eni]pron.(无论)哪一个; 任何的 ;(用于疑问句、否定句)一些; 什么anybody ['eni,b?di] pron.任何人,无论谁anyhow ['enihau]adv. 无论如何 , 总之anyone ['eniw ?n] pron. 任何人 , 无论谁anything ['eni,θi?]pron.什么事(物);任何事(物)anyway ['eni,wei]adv. 无论如何 , 总之anywhere ['enihw ??] adv. 任何地方apart [?'pɑ:t] adv. 分离 , 分别地 , 分离着adj. 分开的apartment [?'pɑ:tm?nt] n.(美)一套房间apologize [?'p ?l?d ?aiz] v. 道歉 , 谢罪apology [?'p ?l ?d ?i] n. 道歉 ; 歉意apparent [?'p?r ?nt] adj. 显然的 , 外观上的appeal [ ?'pi:l] v. 请求 , 呼吁 ;(常与 to连用)吸引;引起兴趣appear [?'pi ?] v. 出现appearance [?'pir ?ns] n. 出现 , 露面 ; 容貌appendix [?'pendiks]n. 附录 , 附属品appetite ['?pitait]n. 食欲 , 欲望 , 爱好applaud [?'pl ?:d] v. 拍手喝彩 , 称赞 , 赞同apple ['?pl]n. 苹果applicant ['?plik?nt] n.申请者application [,?pli'kei??n] n.申请apply [?'plai]v. 申请 ; 应用;适用appoint [ ?'p ?int]v. 任命 , 委任appointment [?'p ?intm ?nt] n. 约会appreciate [?'pri: ?ieit]v. 欣赏 ; 感激appreciation [?,pri: ?i'ei ??n] n. 感谢 , 欣赏approach [ ?'pr ?ut ?] v. 接近 , 逼近n. 方法 , 步骤 , 途径appropriate [?'pr ?upri ?t] adj. 适当的approval [?'pru:v ?l] n. 赞成 , 承认 , 批准approve [?'pru:v]v. 批准 , 通过 ;(常与 of连用)赞成,赞同approximately [ ?'pr ?ksimitli]adv. 近似地 , 大约apron ['eipr ?n] . 围裙 ,arbitrary ['ɑ:bi,tr?ri]adj. 任意的 , 专断的普通高中英语课程标准词汇表arch [ɑ:t?] n. 拱门 ;拱形artificial [,ɑ:ti'fi??l]adj. 人造的 , 假的architect ['ɑ:kitekt] n. 建筑师artist ['ɑ:tist]n.艺术家architecture ['ɑ:kitekt??] n. 建筑 , 建筑学as [?z] adv. & conj.像⋯一样 ;如同 ;因为 prep. 作为 ,当做Arctic ['ɑ:ktik] adj.北极的 ; n. 北极ash [? ?] n.灰 ;灰末are [ɑ:]v (be的变形 )是ashamed [?'?eimd]adj. 惭愧 ;害臊area [' ??ri ?] n. 面积 ; 区域 ; 范围 , 领域Asia ['ei ??] n. 亚洲argue ['ɑ:gju:] v. 争辩 ,争论Asian ['ei ??n]adj. 亚洲的 , 亚洲人的n. 亚洲人argument ['ɑ:gjum?nt]n. 争论 , 辩论aside [?'said]adv. 在旁边arise [ ?'raiz] (arose [ ?'r ?uz] , arisen) [?'rizn] v. 起来 , 升ask [ɑ:sk] v. 问 , 询问 ; 要求 ; 邀请起 ; 出现;发生arithmetic [?'riθ m?tik]n. 算术asleep [ ?'sli:p]adj. 睡着的 , 熟睡arm [ɑ:m] n. 手臂,胳膊 , 武器 v. 以⋯装备 , 武装起来aspect ['?spekt]n. (问题等的 )方面;样子 , 外表 , 面貌armchair ['ɑ:m,t???] n. 扶手椅assess[ ?'ses]v. 估定 , 评定army ['ɑ:mi] n. 军队assessment[?'sesm ?nt] n. 估定 , 评定around [?'raund]adv. 在周围 ; 在附近 prep. 在⋯周围 ;assist [?'sist]v. 援助 ,帮助大约assistance[ ?'sist ?ns]n. 援助 ,帮助arrange [?'reind?] v.安排,布置assistant [?'sist ?nt]n. 助手 , 助理arrangement [ ?'reind?m ?nt] n.安排,布置associate [?'s?u ?ieit] v. (使 ) 发生联系 , (使 ) 联合arrest [?'rest]v. 逮捕 ,拘留association [?,s ?usi'ei??n] n.协会,联合,结交,联想arrival [ ?'raiv?l] n.到来, 到达assume [?'sju:m] v. 假定 , 设想arrive [?'raiv]v. 到达 ;达到assumption [?'s ?mp ??n] n. 假定 , 设想arrow ['?r ?u] n. 箭 ; 箭头astonish [?s't ?ni ?] v. 使惊讶art [ɑ:t] n. 艺术 , 美术astronaut ['?str?n ?:t]n. 宇航员article ['ɑ:tikl] n. 文章 ;东西, 物品; 冠词astronomer [?'str ?n ?m ?] n. 天文学家astronomy [?st'r ?n ?mi] n. 天文学at [?t]prep. 在 , 于 , 向 , 对准 , 在 ...方面athlete ['?θli:t] n. 运动员athletic [?θ'letik] adj. 运动的 , 体育的Atlantic [?t'l?ntik]adj. 大西洋的atmosphere ['?tm?sfi ?] n.大气;气氛atom ['?t ?m] n. 原子attach [?'t?t ?] v. 附上 , 贴上attack [?'t?k]v. 攻击 , 袭击attain [?'tein]v. 达到 , 获得attempt [?'tempt]v. 试图 , 尝试attend [?'tend]v. 出席 , 参加 , 照顾 , 护理 , 注意attention [ ?'ten ??n] n. 注意 , 关心attitude ['?titju:d]n. 态度 , 看法attract [?'tr?kt]v. 吸引 , 引起attraction [?'tr?k??n] n.吸引,吸引力,吸引人的事物attractive [?'tr?ktiv]adj. 迷人的 , 有吸引力的audience [' ?:di ?ns] n. 观众 , 听众aunt [ɑ:nt] n. 伯母 ; 舅母 ; 婶 ; 姑 ; 姨authentic [?:'θentik]adj. 可信的 , 真正的author [' ?:θ?]n. 作者 , 作家authority [?'θ?:riti]n. 权威 , 威信 , 权威人士automatic [, ?:t ?'m?tik]adj. 自动的 , 无意识的 , 机械的autonomous [ ?:'t ?n ?m ?s] adv. 自治的autumn [' ?:t ?m] n. 秋天 , 秋季available [?'veil ?bl] adj. 可用到的 , 有空的 , 接受探访的avenue ['?vinju:]n. 大道average ['?v ?rid ?] adj. 平均的 ; 普通的n. 平均数avoid [ ?'v ?id] v. 避免 , 躲开 , 逃避awake [?'weik] (awoke [ ?'w ?uk] , awoken [ ?'w ?uk ?n] ) v. 唤醒; adj. 醒着的award [ ?'w ?:d] n. 奖品 , 奖励aware [ ?'w ??] adj. 知道的 , 明白的 , 意识到的away [?'wei] adv. 离开 ; 远离awesome [' ?:s ?m] adj. 引起敬畏的 , 可怕的 ;【俚语】卓越的 ; 杰出的awful [' ?:ful]adj. 可怕的 , 威严的 , <口 >极度的 , 糟糕的awkward [' ?:kw ?d] adj. 难使用的 , 笨拙的Bbaby ['beibi]n. 婴儿bachelor ['b?t??l?] n.学士学位,单身汉,back [b?k]adv. 回(原处) ; 向后adj. 后面的n. 后部 ;背background ['b?kgraund]n. 背景backward(s) ['b?kw?d] adv.向后bacon ['beik ?n] n. 咸猪肉 ; 熏猪肉bacterium [b?k'ti?ri ?m] (pl. bacteria [b?k'ti?ri ?] ) n.细菌bad [b?d](worse, worst) adj. 坏的 ; 有害的 , 不利的 ;严重的badminton ['b?dmint?n] n.羽毛球bag [b?g]n. 书包 ; 提包 ; 袋子baggage ['b?gid?] n.行李bakery ['beik ?ri] n. 面包店balance ['b?l ?ns] n. 平衡balcony ['b?lk?ni] n.阳台;楼座ball [b?:l] n. 球 ; 舞会ballet ['b?lei]n. 芭蕾舞balloon [b ?'lu:n]n. 气球bamboo [b?m'bu:]n. 竹ban [b?n]n. 禁令v. 禁止 ; 取缔banana [b ?'nɑ:n?] n. 香蕉band [b?nd]n. 乐队 , 带子bandage ['b?ndid?] n.绷带bank [b??k]n. 岸 , 堤 ; 银行bar [bɑ:]n. 条 ; 棒 ; 酒吧barbecue ['bɑ:bikju:] n. 烤肉野餐barber ['bɑ:b?] n. 理发师barbershop ['bɑ:b?,??p] n. 理发店bare [b ??] adj. 赤裸的 , 无遮蔽的 , 空的bargain ['bɑ:gin] n. 廉价货v. 讨价还价bark [bɑ:k] v. 狗叫n. 狗叫声barrier ['b?ri?] n.障碍物,栅栏,屏障base [beis]n. 根据地 ,基地; v(.与on, upon连用)根据;基于baseball ['beis,b?:l] n.棒球basement ['beism?nt] n.地下室basic ['beisik]adj. 基本的basin ['beisn]n. 水盆 , 脸盆basis ['beisis]n. 基础 , 基本basket ['bɑ:skit] n. 篮子basketball ['b?skitb?:l] n.篮球bat [b?t]n. 球棒 ; 蝙蝠bath [bɑ:θ]n.洗澡 ; 浴室bathe [beie ] v. 洗澡 ; 游泳bathrobe ['b?θr?ub]n.浴衣bathroom ['b?θrum]n.浴室,盥洗室bathtub ['bɑ:θt?b] n. 澡盆battery ['b?t?ri] n.电池battle ['b?tl]n. 战斗 ; 战役bay [bei]n. 湾 ; 海湾B.C. n. 公元前be [bi:]v. 是 ; 成为beach [bi:t ?] n. 海滨 , 海滩bean [bi:n]n. 豆 , 豆科植物普通高中英语课程标准词汇表beancurd ['bi:nk ?:d] n. 豆腐behaviour [bi'heivj?] n.行为,举止bear1[b ?? v. 承受 , 负担 , 承担 ; 忍受behind [bi'haind]prep.在⋯后面 adv. 在后面 ; 向后2熊being ['bi:i?]n. 物 ; 生物 ; 人bear [b ?? n.beard [bi ?d]n.(下巴上的)胡须belief [bi'li:f]n. 信条 , 信念beast [bi:st]n. 野兽 ; 牲畜believe [bi'li:v] v. 相信 , 认为beat [bi:t](beat, beaten) v. 敲打 ; 跳动 ; 打赢 n.(音乐)bell [bel] n. 钟 , 铃节拍belly ['beli]n. 肚子beautiful ['bju:t ?f ?l] adj. 美的 ,美观的belong [bi'l ??] v. 属于beauty ['bju:ti]n. 美丽 , 美人below [bi'l?u] prep.在⋯下面because [bi'k?:z] conj.因为belt [belt]n.(皮)带become [bi'k ?m] (became, become) v. 变得 ;成为bench [bent?] n.长凳;bed [bed]n. 床bend [bend] (bent, bent) v. 弯曲;使弯曲beddings [bed i? z] n. 被褥 , (家畜 )草垫 , (建筑 )基床beneath [bi'ni:θ]prep.在⋯下方(面)bedroom ['bedrum]n. 寝室 , 卧室beneficial [,beni'fi ??l] adj.有益的bee [bi:]n. 蜜蜂benefit ['benifit]n. 利益 ,好处 v. 有益于 , 有助于 v.beef [bi:f]n. 牛肉受益beer [bi ?] n. 啤酒bent [bent] adj. 弯的 n. 爱好,才能before [bi'f ?:] prep. 在⋯以前 ; 在⋯前面 adv. 以前beside [bi'said]prep. 在⋯旁边 ; 靠近conj. 在⋯之前besides [bi'saidz]prep. 除⋯以外(还有) adv. 此外beg [beg]v. 请求 , 乞求betray [bi'trei] v. 出卖 , 背叛 , 泄露 (秘密 )begin [bi'gin] (began [bi'g?n], begun [bi'g ?n] ) v. 开始 ,between [bi'twi:n]prep. 在(两者)之间 ; 在⋯中间着手behalf [bi'hɑ:f] n. 为 , 利益 ,方面beyond [bi'j ?nd]prep. ( 表示位置 ) 在⋯的那边 ; 为⋯所不能及;晚于;超出behave [bi'heiv] v. 守规矩 ,行为bicycle ['baisikl]n. 自行车普通高中英语课程标准词汇表bid [bid]v.& n 出价 , 投标blanket ['bl??kit]n. 毛毯 , 毯子big [big]adj. 大的bleed [bli:d]v. 出血 , 流血bike [baik] = bicyclen. 自行车bless [bles] v. 保佑 , 降福bill [bil]n.账单 ; 法案 , 议案 ;(美)钞票 , 纸币blind [blaind]adj.瞎的bingo ['bi?g?u] n.一种赌博游戏,烈酒int.瞧!block [bl ?k]n. 大块 ; 街区 ; 路障 v. 阻塞 ; 阻挡billion ['bilj ?n] num. 十亿blood [bl ?d]n. 血 , 血液biochemistry ['bai ?u'kemistri]n. 生物化学blouse [blauz] n. 宽罩衫 ;(妇女、儿童穿的)短上衣biography [bai' ?gr ?fi] n. 传记blow [bl ?u] (blew [blu:], blown [bl ?un] ) v. 吹 ; 刮风 ;吹气biology [bai' ?l ?d ?i] n. 生物(学)blue [blu:] n. 蓝色 adj.蓝色的 ;悲伤的 ; 沮丧的bird [b ?:d] n. 鸟board [b ?:d]n. 木板 ; 布告牌 ;委员会 v. 上(船、火车、birth [b ?:θ]n. 出生 ; 诞生飞机)birthday['b ?: θ dei]n.生日boat [b ?ut] n. 小船 , 小舟birthplace ['b ?:θpleis] n. 出生地 ; 故乡body ['b ?di]n. 身体biscuit ['biskit]n. 饼干boil [b ?il] v.沸腾; 烧开; 煮⋯bishop ['bi ??p] n. 主教bomb [b ?m]n. 炸弹 v. 轰炸bit [bit] n. 一点 , 一些 , 少量的bond [b ?nd]n 结合 (物 ), 粘结 (剂 ), v 结合bite [bait](bit, bitten ['bit ?n] ) v. 咬 ; 叮bone [b ?un]n. 骨头bitter ['bit ?] adj. 有苦味的 ;痛苦的 , 难过的 ; 严酷的bonus ['b ?un ?s] n. 奖金 , 红利black [bl?k]n. 黑色 adj. 黑色的book [buk] n. 书 ;本子 v. 预定(房间、车票等)blackboard ['bl?kb ?:d] n. 黑板boom [bu:m]n. 繁荣 v.兴隆blame [bleim]n.& v. 责备 ;责怪boot [bu:t] n. 长统靴blank [bl??k]n.& adj. 空格 , 空白(处) ; 空的 ; 茫然booth [bu:t]n. 货摊;摊位无表情的border ['b ?:d ?] n. 边缘 ; 边境 , 国界普通高中英语课程标准词汇表bored ['b ?:d] adj. 无聊的brake [breik]n. 闸 v.刹车boring ['b ?:ri?]adj.乏味的 , 无聊的branch [brɑ:nt?] n. 树枝 ; 分枝born [b ?:n] adj.生来的 , 天生的 ; 命中注定的brand [br?nd]n. 商标 , 牌子 , 烙印borrow ['b ?r ?u]v.(向别人)借用 ; 借brave [breiv]adj. 勇敢的boss [b ?s] n. 领班 ;老板bravery ['breiv?ri] n.勇气botanical [b ?'t?nik?l] adj.植物学的bread [bred]n. 面包botany ['b ?t ?ni]n. 植物 ; 植物学break [breik]n. 破损,破裂;裂缝;间隙 ,休息both [b ?uθ]adj. 两 ; 双 pron. 两者 ; 双方break [breik](broke, broken) v. 打破(断 , 碎) ; 损坏 ,撕开bother ['b ?e ?] v. 烦扰 , 打扰 , 费心breakfast ['brekf ?st] n. 早餐bottle ['b ?tl] n. 瓶子breakthrough['breik,θ ru:]n.突破bottom ['b ?t ?m] n. 底部 ; 底breast [brest]n. 胸部 ,乳房bounce [bauns]v. (使 )反跳 , 弹起breath [breθ]n. 气息 ;呼吸bound [baund] adj. 被束缚的 ; 有义务的;决心的;必定 ,breathe [bri:e] v.呼吸一定boundary ['baundri]adj. 边界 , 分界线breathless ['breθlis]adj. 无声息的 , 气喘吁吁的 , 停止呼吸的bow [b ?u] n. 弓;鞠躬 v.弯腰行礼brewery ['bru:?ri] n.酿酒厂bowl [b ?ul] n. 碗brick [brik]n. 砖 ; 砖块bowling ['b ?uli?]n. 保龄球bride [braid]n. 新娘box [b ?ks] n. 盒子 ,箱子bridegroom ['braidgrum]n. 新郎boxing ['b ?ksi?]n. 拳击(运动)bridge [brid?] n.桥boy [b ?i] n. 男孩brief [bri:f]adj. 简洁的boycott ['b ?i,k ?t] v. 联合抵制bright [brait]adj. 明亮的 ; 聪明的brain [brein] n. 脑(子)brilliant ['brilj?nt] adj.灿烂的,闪耀的,有才气的普通高中英语课程标准词汇表bring [bri?] (brought [br?:t] , brought) v.拿来,带来,burn [b ?:n] (-ed, -ed / burnt [b ?:nt] , burnt) v.燃烧, 使取来烧焦 ; 使晒黑 n. 烧伤 ; 晒伤broad [br ?:d]adj. 宽的 ,宽大的burst [b ?:st] v. 突然发生 ; 突然发作broadcast ['br?:dk ɑ :st](broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed)bury ['beri] v. 埋 ; 葬v. 广播;播送bus [b ?s] n. 公共汽车brochure [br ?u' ?ju ?] n. 小册子bush [bu ?] n. 灌木丛 , 矮树丛broken ['br ?uk ?n] adj. 弄坏了的business['biznis] n. 商业;生意 ; 事情 , 职责 ;broom [bru:m]n. 扫帚businessman/men ['biznism?n]n. 商人(男) ; 男企业brother ['br ?e ?] n. 兄 ; 弟家brown [braun]n. 褐色 ,棕色 adj. 褐色的 , 棕色的businesswoman ['biznis,wum?n] /women n.商人(女);女企业家brunch [br ?nt ?] n. 早午饭busy a ['bizi] dj. 忙碌的brush [br ??] v. 刷 ; 擦 n. 刷子but [b ?t]conj. 但是 , 可是 prep. 除了 , 除⋯外Buddhism ['budiz?m] n.佛教butcher ['but ??] n. 屠夫 v. 屠宰 ; 残杀budget ['b ?d ?it]n. 预算butter ['b ?t ?] n. 黄油 , 奶油buffet ['b ?fit]n. 餐具柜 ,小卖部butterfly['b ?t?flai] n.蝴蝶build [bild] (built [bilt] , built) v. 建筑 ;造button ['b ?tn] n. 纽扣 ; 按钮 v. 扣紧building ['bildi?]n. 建筑物 ; 房屋 ; 大楼buy [bai](bought [b ?:t] , bought) v. 买bun [b ?n] n. 馒头 ; 小甜面包by [bai]prep. 靠近 , 在⋯旁 ;不迟于 ; 被; 用;由 ; 乘bunch [b ?nt ?] n. 串 , 束(车)bungalow ['b ??g? l?u] n. (带走廊的 )平房bye [bai]int.再见Cburden ['b ?:dn]n. 担子 , 负担cab [k?b]n.(美)出租车bureauc ['b ?:dn]ratic [bju ?,r ?u'kr?tik]adj. 官僚政治cabbage ['k?bid ?] n. 卷心菜 , 洋白菜的burglar ['b ?:gl ?] n. 夜贼cafe [k ?'fei] n. 咖啡馆普通高中英语课程标准词汇表cafeteria:[,k?fi'ti?ri ?] n.自助餐厅captain ['k?ptin]n.(海军)上校 ; 船长 , 舰长 ; 队长cage [keid ?] n 笼 ; 鸟笼caption ['k?p ??n] n. 标题 , 说明 , 字幕calculate:['k?lkju,leit]v. 计算 , 考虑 , 计划 , 打算 <car [kɑ:]n. 汽车 , 小卧车美>以为 , 认为carbon ['kɑ:b?n] n. 碳cake [keik]n. 蛋糕 ,糕点 ;饼card [kɑ:d] n.卡片 ; 名片 ; 纸牌call [k ?:l]n. 喊 ,叫 ;电话 ,通话 v. 称呼 ; 呼唤 ;喊 , 叫care [k ??] n. 照料 , 保护 ; 小心 v. 介意⋯ , 在乎 ; 关心calm [kɑ:m] adj.镇静的 ; 沉着的v. 镇静 ;沉着careful ['k ??f?l] adj.小心的 , 仔细的 , 谨慎的camel ['k?m ?l] n. 骆驼careless ['k ??lis] adj.粗心的 , 漫不经心的camera ['k?m?r ?] n.照相机;摄像机carpenter ['kɑ:pint?]n. 木匠camp [k?mp]n.(夏令)营v.野营; 宿营carpet ['kɑ:pit] n. 地毯campaign [k?m'pein]n. 战役 ,carriage ['k?rid?] n.四轮马车;(火车)客车厢1can [k?n](could [k?n]) modal v. 可能 ; 能够 ; 可以;carrier ['k?ri?] n.搬运者;媒介can't = can not 不能can2(美)罐头 ;罐子carrot ['k?r?t]n. 胡萝卜canal [k ?'n?l]n. 运河 ;水道carry ['k?ri]v. 拿 , 搬, 带 , 提 , 抬 , 背 , 抱 , 运等cancel ['k?nsl]v. 取消cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] n. 动画片 , 卡通 ; 漫画cancer ['k?ns?] n.癌carve [kɑ:v] v. 刻 ; 雕刻candidate ['k?ndidit]n. 候选人 , 投考者case1[keis]n. 情况 ;病例; 案件;箱 ; 盒candle ['k?ndl]n. 蜡烛cash [k? ?] n. 现金 , 现钞 v. 兑现candy ['k?ndi]n. 糖果cassette[k ?'set] n. 盒子 , 盒式磁带canteen [k?n'ti:n]n. 餐厅 ; 食堂cast [kɑ:st] (cast, cast) v. 扔 , 抛cap [k?p]n. 帽子 ; 盖 ;castle ['kɑ:sl] n. 城堡capital ['k?pitl]n. 首都 , 省会 ; 资本casual ['k? ?ju ?l] adj. 偶然的;不意的 ; 随便的;不拘礼capsule ['k?psju:l]n. 胶囊 , 瓶帽 , 太空舱节的普通高中英语课程标准词汇表cat [k?t] n. 猫century ['sent ?uri]n. 世纪 , 百年catalogue ['k?t ?l?:g]n. 目录certain ['s ?:tn]adj.某个,某些 ; 确定的 , 无疑的 ; 一定会catastrophe [k ?'t?sr?fi] n.大灾难,大祸certificate [s ?'tifikit]n. 证明 , 证明书catch [k?t ?] (caught [k ?:t] , caught) v. 接住 ; 捉住 ; 赶上 ;chain [t ?ein] n. 链 ;链条染上(疾病)chair [t ???] n. 椅子category ['k?tig ?ri]n. 种类 ,类别chairman ['t ???m ?n] n. 主席 , 会长cater ['keit ?] v.满足 (需要 ), 投合chairwoman ['t ???,wum ?n] n. 女主席 , 女会长cathedral [k ?'θi:dr?l] n. 大教堂(天主教)chalk [t ??:k] n. 粉笔catholic ['k?θ?lik]adj. 天主教的challenge ['t ??lind ?] n.&v. 挑战cattle ['k?tl]n. 牛(总称) ,家畜challenging ['t ??lind? i?] adj.具有挑战性的cause [k ?:z]n. 原因 ,起因 v.促使, 引起, 使发生champion ['t ??mpj?n] n.冠军,优胜者caution ['k ?:??n] n. 小心 , 谨慎 , 警告chance [t ?ɑ:ns]n. 机会 , 可能性cautious ['k ?:??s] adj. 谨慎的 , 小心的change [t ?eind?] n.零钱;找头,变化 v. 改变 , 变化 ; cave [keiv]n. 洞 , 穴 ; 地窖更换; 兑换CD=compact disk 激光唱盘changeable ['t ?eind ??bl] adj. 易变的 , 变化无常的ceiling ['si:li?] n. 天花板 , 顶棚channel ['t ??nl]n. 频道 ; 通道 ;水渠celebrate ['selibreit]v. 庆祝chan [t ?ɑ:nt] t v.吟诵celebration [,seli'brei??n] n.庆祝;庆祝会chaos ['kei ?s] n. 混乱cell [sel] n. 细胞character ['k?rikt ?] n.(汉)字 ,性质; 品格cent [sent]n. 美分characteristic [,k?rikt ?'ristik]adj. 特有的 , 表示特性的 ,centigrade ['sentigreid]adj. 摄氏度典型的centimetre ['senti,mi:t?] (centimeter) n.公分,厘米charge [t ?ɑ:d ?] v. 要求收费 ;索价 ; 将 (电池 )充电 n. 费用; 价钱central ['sentr ?l] adj.中心的 , 中央的 ; 主要的chapter ['t ??pt?] n.章centre ['s ?nt ? ] (center ) n. 中心 , 中央普通高中英语课程标准词汇表chart [t ?ɑ:t]n. 图表 ; 航海图choice [t ??is]n. 选择 ; 抉择chat [t ??t] n. & v.聊天, 闲谈choke [t ??uk]n. & v.窒息cheap [t ?i:p]adj. 便宜的choose[t ?u:z](chose [t ??uz] , chosen['t ??uzn] ) v. 选择cheat [t ?i:t]n. 骗子;不诚实的人v. 骗取 , 哄骗 ; 作弊chopsticks ['t ??pstiks]n. 筷子check [t ?ek]n. 支票 v. 校对 , 核对 ;检查; 批改chorus ['k ?:r?s] n. 合唱 , 合唱队 , 齐声cheek [t ?i:k]n. 面颊 , 脸蛋Christian ['krist ??n]n. 基督教徒和天主教徒的总称cheer [t ?i?] n. & v.欢呼; 喝彩Christmas ['krism ?s] n. 圣诞节( 12月 25日)cheerful ['t ?i?f ?l]adj. 兴高采烈的 , 快活的church [t ??:t ?] n. 教堂 ; 教会cheers [t ?i?z] int.干杯; (英口语 )谢谢 , 再见cigar [si'gɑ :]n.雪茄烟cheese[t ?i:z] n. 奶酪cigarette [,sig?'ret] n.纸烟,香烟chef [?ef] n. 厨师cinema ['sinim?] n.电影院;电影艺术chemical ['kemik?l] adj.化学的n.化学品circl ['s ?:kl] e n. & v.圆圈,将⋯圈起来chemist ['kemist]n. 药剂师 ; 化学家circuit ['s ?:kit] n. 电路 , 一圈 , 周游 , 巡回chemistry ['kemistri]n. 化学circulate ['s ?:kjuleit]v. (使 )流通 , (使 )循环cheque ['t ?ek] (check) n. 支票circumstance ['s ?:k ?mst ?ns]n. 环境 , 境况chess[t ?es]n. 棋circus ['s ?:k ?s] n. 马戏团chest [t ?est]n. 胸部;箱子citizen ['sitizn]n. 公民 ; 居民chew [t ?u:] v. 咀嚼city ['siti]n. 市 , 城市 , 都市chicken ['t ?ikin]n. 鸡 ; 鸡肉civil ['sivil]adj. 国内的 ; 平民的 ; 民用的chief [t ?i:f] adj.主要的 ; 首要的 n.领导, 头civilian [si'vilj?n] n.平民, 公务员 , 文官child [t ?aild](pl. children ['t ?ildr ?n] ) n. 孩子 , 儿童civilization [,sivilai'zei??n] /sation n.文明,文化,文明社会childhood ['t ?aild,hud] n. 幼年时代 , 童年clap [kl?p]v. 拍手 ;鼓掌chocolate ['t??k ?lit]n. 巧克力普通高中英语课程标准词汇表clarify ['kl?rifai]v. 澄清 , 阐明class[klɑ:s] n.(学校里的)班; 年级 ; 课classic ['kl?sik]adj. 第一流的classify ['kl?sifai]v. 分类 , 分等classmate ['klɑ:smeit] n. 同班同学classroom ['klɑ:srum] n. 教室claw [kl ?:] n. 爪 , 脚爪clay [klei]n. 粘土 , 泥土clean [kli:n]v. 弄干净 , 擦干净adj. 清洁的 , 干净的cleaner ['kli:n ?] n. 清洁工 ; 清洁器 ;清洁剂clear [kli ?] adj. 清晰的 ; 明亮的 ; 清楚的v.扫除 , 清除 ,晴clerk [klɑ:k] n. 书记员 ; 办事员 ; 职员clever ['klev ?] adj. 聪明的 , 伶俐的click [klik]v. 点击(计算机用语)climate ['klaimit]n. 气候climb [klaim]v. 爬 , 攀登clinic ['klinik]n. 诊所clock [kl ?k] n. 钟clone [kl ?un] vi & n. 克隆close[kl ?uz] adj. 亲密的 ; 近 , 靠近adv. 近 , 靠近v.关, 关闭cloth [kl ?θ]n. 布;擦布clothes [kl ?ue z] n. 衣服 ; 各种衣物clothing ['kl ?uei?]n. (总称 ) 衣服cloud [klaud]n. 云 ; 云状物 ; 阴影cloudy ['klaudi]adj. 多云的 , 阴天的club [kl ?b] n. 俱乐部 ;clumsy ['kl ?mzi]adj. 笨拙的coach [k ?ut ?] n. 教练 ; 马车coal [k ?ul] n. 煤 ; 煤块coast [k ?ust] n. 海岸 ; 海滨coat [k ?ut] n. 外套 ;cocoa ['k ?uk ?u] n. 可可粉coffee ['k ?fi] n. 咖啡coin [k ?in] n. 硬币coincidence [k ?u'insid ?ns] n. 一致 , 巧合coke [k ?uk] n. 可口可乐cold [k ?uld]adj. 冷的 , 寒的n. 寒冷 ; 感冒collar ['k ?l?] n. 衣领 ; 硬领colleague ['k ?li:g]n. 同事collect [k ?'lekt]v. 收集 , 搜集collection [k ?'lek ??n] n. 收藏品 , 收集物college ['k ?lid ?] n. 学院 ; 专科学校collision [k ?'li ??n] n. 碰撞 , 冲突colour ['k ?l ?] (color) n. 颜色v.给⋯着色,涂色comb [k ?um] n. 梳子v. 梳普通高中英语课程标准词汇表combine [k ?m'bain] v. 使联合 ;使结合compensate ['k ?mpenseit] v. 偿还 , 补偿 ,付报酬come [k ?m] (came, come) v. 来 ,来到compete [k ?m'pi:t]v. 比赛 ,竞赛comedy ['k ?midi] n. 喜剧competence ['k ?mpit ?ns] n. 能力comfort ['k ?mf ?t]n. 安慰 ; 慰问competition [,k ?mpi'ti ??n] n. 比赛 , 竞赛comfortable ['k ?mf ?t?bl] adj.舒服的 ;安逸的 ; 舒服自complete [k ?m'pli:t]adj. 全部的 , 完全的;完成的v. 完在的成, 结束command [k ?'mɑ:nd] n. 命令;掌握v. 命令 , 指挥complex ['k ?mpleks]adj. 复杂的 , 合成的 , 综合的 n.联合体comment ['k ?ment]n. 评论component [k ?m'p ?un ?nt]n. 成分commercial [k ?'m ?:??l] adj. 商业的 ,贸易的composition [,k ?mp ?'zi ??n]n. 作文 ; 作曲commit [k ?'mit] v. 犯 (错误 ), 干 (坏事 ),把 ...交托给 ,提comprehension [,k ?mpri'hen??n] n.理解,包含交 , 答应负责commitment [k ?'mitm ?nt] n. 委托事项 , 许诺 , 承担义compromise ['k ?mpr ?maiz]v. 妥协 , 折衷务compulsory [k ?m'p ?ls ?ri] adj. 必需做的 ,必修的 ,被强committe [k ?'miti] e n. 委员会制的 , 义务的common ['k ?m ?n]adj. 普通的 , 一般的 ; 共有的computer [k ?m'pju:t?] n.计算机communicate [k ?'mju:nikeit]v. 交际 ;传达(感情 ,信concentrate ['k ?nsentreit] v. 集中 , 浓缩息等)concept ['k ?nsept]n. 观念 , 概念communication [k ?,mju:ni'kei??n] n.交际;交往;通concern [k ?n's ?:n]v. 涉及 ,关系到 n. 关心 , 关注 , 所讯关心的事communism ['k ?mjuniz?m] n.共产主义concert ['k ?ns ?t] n. 音乐会 ; 演奏会communist ['k ?mjunist]n. 共产主义者adj. 共产党的 ;conclude [k ?n'klu:d]v. 结束 , 终止 , 决定 , 作出结论共产主义的companion [k ?m'p?nj?n] n.同伴;同事conclusion [k ?n'klu:?? n] n.结论;结束company ['k ?mp ?ni]n. 公司concrete ['k ?nkri:t]adj. 具体的 ; 实在的 ; 有形的compare [k ?m'p ??] v. 比较 ,对照condition [k ?n'di ??n] n. 条件 , 状况compass['k ?mp ?s] n. 罗盘 ,指南针 ,圆规condemn [k ?n'dem]v. 具体的 , 有形的conduct [k ?n'd ?kt] v. 引导 ,带领constant ['k ?nst ?nt] adj. 经常的 , 不断的conductor [k ?n'd ?kt ?] n. 领导者 ; 指挥 ; 售票员constitution [,k ?nsti'tju:??n] n.宪法,构造conference ['k ?nf ?r?ns] n. 会议 ; 讨论会construct [k ?n'str ?kt] v. 构筑 ; 建造 , 建设confident ['k ?nfid?nt] adj.自信的,确信的construction [k ?n'str ?k ??n] n. 建造 , 建设 ; 建筑物confidential [,kɑ:nfi'den??l]adj. 秘密的 , 机密的consult [k ?n's ?lt] v. 商量 , 商议 , 请教 , 参考 , 考虑confirm [k ?n'f ?:m] v. 确定 ,批准 , 使巩固 , 使有效consultant [k ?n's ?lt ?nt]n. 顾问 , 商议者 , 咨询者conflict ['k ?nflikt]n. 斗争 , 冲突consume [k ?n'sju:m]v. 消耗 , 消费confuse [k ?n'fju:z]v. 搞乱 , 使糊涂contain [k ?n'tein] v. 包含 ; 包括 ; 容纳congratulate [k ?n'gr?tju,leit]v. 祝贺container [k ?n'tein?] n.容器congratulation [k ?n,gr?tju'lei??n] n.祝贺,庆贺contemporary [k ?n'temp?r?ri] adj.当代的,同时代的connect [k ?'nekt]v. 连接 , 把⋯联系起来content 1[k ?n'tent]adj. 满意的;甘愿的connection [k ?'nek ??n] n. 连接 , 关系content 2['k ?ntent ]n. 内容;目录conscience['k ?n ??ns] n. 良心 , 道德心continent ['k ?ntin ?nt] n. 大陆 , 大洲 ; 陆地consensus[k ?n'sens ?s] n. 一致同意 , 多数人的意见 , 舆continue [k ?n'tinju:]v.继续论contradict [,k ?ntr ?'dikt]v. 同 ...矛盾 , 同 ...抵触consequence['k ?nsikw ?ns] n. 结果 , 后果contradictory [,k ?ntr ?'dikt ?ri] adj. 矛盾的 , 同 ...相反的conservation [,k ?ns ?:'vei ??n] n. 保存 ; 保护contrary ['k ?ntr ?ri]n. 相反 adj.相反的conservative [k ?n's ?:v ?tiv] adj. 保守的 ;保守主义的 ; 谨慎的;contribute [k ?n'tribju:t]v. 捐助 , 贡献 , 投稿consider [k ?n'sid?] v.考虑,照顾,认为contribution [,k ?ntri'bju:??n] n.贡献;捐献,投稿considerate [k ?n'sid ?rit] adj. 体贴的control [k ?n'tr ?ul] v. & n. 控制consideration [k ?nsid ?'rei ??n] n. 考虑 ;关心controversial [,k ?ntr ?'v ?:??l] adj. 争论的 , 争议的consist [k ?n'sist]v. 由 ...组成 , 在于 , 一致convenience [k ?n'vi:nj ?ns] n. 便利consistent [k ?n'sist ?nt] adj.一致的 , 调和的convenient [k ?n'vi:nj?nt] adj.便利的,方便的。

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Aa(n) art 11abandon* v3ability n 11able a 11abnormal*aaboard prepabolish* vabortion* nabout ad & prep 11 above prep, a & ad 21 abroad a & ad 23 abrupt* aabsence* n. 32absent aabsolute* a 23 absorb v3abstract* a & n absurd* aabundant* aabuse* v 23academic a & n2 academy* n accelerate* v accent naccept v 11access* n & v 31 accessible* a accident n 12 accommodation* n 22 accompany* v2 accomplish* v account n 21 accountant* n 3accumulate* v accuracy* naccurate a 23accuse v3 accustomed* aache v & nachieve v 11 achievement n 32acid a2acknowledge* v 33 acquaintance* n acquire* v2 acquisition* n3acre nacross prep 11act n & v 11action n 11active a 22activity n 11actor n3actress nactual a 12acute* aAD nad = advertisement n 33 adapt* v3adaptation nadd v 11addicted* aaddition* n 31address n 22adequate* a 33adjust* v3adjustment* nadministration n 22 admirable* aadmire v 3admission* n3admit v 21adolescence* n adolescent* nadopt* v 22adore vadult n 22advance v & n 32 advantage n 11 adventure nadvertise v advertisement n 3advice n 11advise v 22advocate* vaffair n 11affect* v 11affection* nafford v 13afraid a 12Africa nAfrican a & nafter ad, prep & conj 11 afternoon n 12afterward(s) ad 23again ad 11against prep 11age n 11agency* n 21agenda* n 3agent* n 32aggressive* a 3ago ad 11agree v 11agreement n 11 agricultural* a agriculture* n2ahead ad 22aid n & v 22AIDS naim n & v 22air n 11aircraft n 22airline n 23airmail n airplane nairport n 23airspace nalarm* n & v 2album* n3alcohol n3alcoholic* a & nalgebra* nalike adalive a 23all ad, a & pron 11allergic aalley* nallocate* v 2allow v 11allowance* n 23almost ad 11alone a 21along ad & prep 11alongside* ad3aloud adalphabet nalready ad 11also ad 11alternative* a 22although conj 11altitude* naltogether ad 23aluminium* nalways ad 11am v (be)am. / am, AM. / AM n amateur* aamaze vamazing a 2America nambassador (ambassadress ) ambiguous* aambition* nambulance n 3among prep 11amount n & v 11ample aamuse vamusement nanalyse v3analysis n 31ancestor nanchor* v & nancient a2and conj 11 anecdote* nanger n3angle n 33angry a 33animal n 11ankle n anniversary* nannounce v 21 annoy v 3annual* a 22 another a & pron 11 answer n & v 11ant nAntarctic n antique* nanxiety n 33 anxious a 33any pron & a 11 anybody pron 13 anyhow ad 3 anyone pron 11 anything pron 11 anyway ad 12 anywhere ad 13 apart* ad & a 31 apartment n 23 apologize v 2 apology n 3apparent* a2 appeal* v & n 21 appear v 11 appearance n2 appendix* n appetite* n applaud* v & napple n 23 applicant* n apply v 11appoint* v 22 appointment n 12 appreciate v 23appreciation* n approach n & v 3appropriate* a 11approval* n 23approve* v 22approximately ad 33apron narbitrary* aarch* n 3architect n3architecture* n 33Arctic nare v (be)area n 11argue v 11argument n 11arise (arose, arisen) v 32 arithmetic narm n & n 11armchair narmy n 11around ad & prep 11 arrange v 22arrangement n 22arrest v3arrival n3arrive v 21arrow nart n 11article n 21artificial* a 3artist n 32as ad, conj & prep 11ash nashamed a 3Asia nAsian a & naside ad 33ask v 11asleep a 2aspect n 31assess* v 22assessment* n 22assist* v 33assistance* n 32assistant n 3associate* v 32 association n 31assume* v 11assumption n 22astonish* vastronaut nastronomer nastronomy nat prep 11athlete n athletic* a Atlantic a atmosphere n2 atom nattach n 22 attack v & n 21 attain* v attempt v & n 21 attend* v 22 attention n 11 attitude n 11 attract v 22 attraction* n3 attractive a 22 audience n 22 aunt nauthentic* aauthor n2authority* n1automatic a 3autonomous* aautumn n3available a 11avenue n 3average a & n 22avoid v 21awake (awoke, awaken) v & a 3award n 21aware a 11away ad 11awesome* aawful a 1awkward* a 2Bbaby n 11bachelor* nback ad, a & n 11background n 22backward(s) ad 2bacon n 3bacterium* (pl bacteria ) nbad (worse, worst) a 11 badminton nbag n 12baggage nbakery* nbalance n 22balcony* nball n 12ballet* nballoon nbamboo nban* n & v3banana nband nbandage* nbank n 11bar n 11barbecue nbarber* nbarbershop* nbare* abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier* n3base n 11baseball n 32basement nbasic a 11basin nbasis n 31basket nbasketball n 32bat n 3bath n 23bathe vbathroom n 23bathtub nbattery n 2battle n2bay* nBC nbe (am, is ,are, was ,were, being, been )v 11beach n 32bean n 3bean curd* nbear¹ nbear² v1beard n 3beast nbeat (beat, beaten ) v & n 22beautiful a 12beauty n 32because conj 11become (became, become) v 11bed n 11beddings* nbedroom n 12bee nbeef n 3beer n 23before prep, ad & conj 11 beg vbegin (began, begun ) v 11 behalf* nbehave v 33behaviour n 21behind prep & ad 11being* n 23belief n 32believe v 11bell n 23belly* n 3belong v 22below prep 22belt n 23bench n 23bend (bent, bent) v 33 beneath prep2beneficial* abenefit n & v 31bent* a & nbeside prep 32besides prep & adbetray* vbetween prep 11beyond prep 21bicycle n3bid* v & n3big a 11bike = bicycle n 2bill n 11bingo* nbiochemistry* nbiography* nbiology nbird n 11birth n 22birthday n 23birthplace nbiscuit n 3bishop* n3bit n 11bite (bit, bitten) 2bitter a 33black n & a 11blame n & v 23blank n & a 3blanket nbleed vbless* v 3blind a 23block n & v 22blood 11blouse nblow (blew, blown) v 23 blue n & a 12board n & v 11boat n 12body n 11boil v 3bomb n & v 23bond* n & v3bone n 22bonus n 2book n & v 11boom* n & v 3boot n 23booth* nborder* n 32bored a 3boring a 2born a 12borrow v 23boss n 23botanical* abotany* nboth a & pron 11bother v 13bottle n 12bottom n 13bounce* v 3boundary* n 23bow* v & nbowl n 23bowling nbox n 11boxing nboy n 11boycott* vbrain n 22brake n & vbranch n 12brand nbrave a 3bravery* nbread n 23break (broke, broken ) v & n 11 breakfast n 22breakthrough* nbreast nbreath n 32breathe v 33breathless* abrewery* nbrick* n 23bride nbridegroom nbridge n 22brief a 22bright 22brilliant a 33bring (brought, brought) v 11broad a 22broadcast ( broadcast, broadcast或-ed, -ed) vbrochure* nbroken a 33broom nbrother n 11brown n & a 22brunch* nbrush v & b 3Buddhism* nbudget n 11buffet* nbuild ( built, built) v & n 11building n 11bunch n 2bungalow* nburden* n 33bureaucratic* aburglar nburn (burnt, burnt或-ed, -ed) v & n 23 burst* vbury v 3bus n 11bush nbusiness n 11businessman / woman (pl businessmen / women ) nbusy a 12but conj & prep 11butcher n & v 3butter n 2butterfly nbutton n & v 2buy (bought, bought) v 11by prep 11bye int 11Ccab* ncabbage ncafé ncafeteria*cage ncalculate* v 23cake n 23call n & v 11calm a & v 3camel ncamera n 23camp n & v 33campaign* 31can¹ (could); can’t = can not modal v 11can² n 2canal* ncancel v 2cancer n 22candidate* n2 candle n 3candy n 3 canteen ncap n 3capital n 31 capsule* n captain n3 caption* n car n 11 carbon ncard n 12care n & v 13 careful a 12 careless a carpenter ncarpet n 33 carriage n 3 carrier* ncarrot ncarry v 11cartoon n 3carve* vcase n 11cash n & v 22cassette ncast (cast, cast)* v3castle n3casual* acat n 13catalogue* n3catastrophe* ncatch (caught, caught) v 11category* n 22cater* vcatholic* acattle ncause n & v 11caution* ncautious acave nCD = compact diskceiling n 33celebrate v3celebration* n 3cell* n1cent n 11centigrade acentimetre (Am centimeter ) n 3central a 11centre (Am center ) n 11century n 11ceremony ncertain a 11certificate* n 33chain n 32chair n 12chairman / chairwoman (pl chairmen /women ) n 31chalk nchallenge n 22challenging achampion* n2chance n 11change n & v 11changeable* achannel nchant v & n chaos* ncharacter n 11 characteristic* a 32 charge v & n 11chapter n 31chart n 33chat n & v 2cheap a 12cheat n & vcheck n & v 12cheek n3cheer n & vcheerful acheers* intcheese n 23chef nchemical a & n 33chemist n 3chemistry n 2cheque (Am check ) n 2 chess nchest n 23chew vchicken n 2chief a & n 22child (pl children ) n 11 childhood n3chocolate n 2choice n 11choir* nchoke* n & vchoose (chose, chosen) v 11 chopsticks nchorus* nChristian* nChristmas nchurch n 11cigar ncigarette n 23cinema n 3circle n & v 22circuit* n3circumstance* n 11circus ncitizen n 22city n 11civil a 22civilian* ncivilization nclap vclarify* vclass n 11classic a3classify* vclassmate nclassroom n 33claw nclay* nclean v & a 22cleaner n 3clear a 11clerk nclever a 2click* v 3climate n3climb v2clinic nclock n 23clone vclose a & ad 11cloth n 22clothes n 22clothing ncloud n 33cloudy aclub n 11clumsy* acoach n 33coal n 32coast n 33coat n 23cocoa ncoffee n 12coin n 33coincidence* ncoke ncold a & n 11collar ncolleague* n 32collect v 12collection* n 21college n 12collision* ncolour (Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine* v 32come (came, come) v 11 comedy* n comfort n3 comfortable a 23 command* n & v2 comment n 12 commercial* a 22 commit* v 22 commitment* n 22 committee n 31 common a 11 communicate v 33 communication n 21 communism* ncommunist* n & acompanion n3 company n 11 compare v 11 compass* n compensate* vcompete v 33 competence* n competition n 11 complete a & v 21 complex* a & n 32 component* n 32 composition n3 comprehension n compromise* v compulsory* acomputer n 11 concentrate v 22 concept n 32 concern v & n 11 concert n 33 conclude v 32 conclusion n 12 concrete* a3 condition n 11 condemn* v conduct v 32 conductor n confident a 23 confidential* a conference n 31 confirm v 22 conflict* n 22 confuse v congratulate* v congratulation n 3connect v 22connection n 32 conscience* nconsensus* nconsequence n 32 conservation* n 33 conservative* a consider v 11 considerate* a consideration n 12 consist v3 consistent* a 33 constant a 22 constitution* n2 construct* v3 construction n 32 consult v 33 consultant* n 33 consume* v contain v 21 container* n contemporary a2 content¹ n 22 content² a3 continent n continue v 11 contradict* v contradictory *a contrary n & acontribute* v 22 contribution n 22 control v & n 11 controversial* a convenience n convenient a 3conventional* a3 conversation n 12 convey* v convince* v 33 cook n & v 2 cooker ncookie ncool a3copy n & v 12corn n 3corner n 12 corporation n 32 correct v & a 12 correction n correspond* v corrupt* a & vcost n 11cosy acottage n 23cotton n & acough n & vcould modal v 11count v 13counter* n 3country n 11countryside n 23couple n 11courage n 3course n 11court n 11courtyard ncousin n 3cover n & v 11cow n 2crash* v & ncrayon ncrazy a 33cream* ncreate v 11creature n3credit n 22crew* n 33crime n 22criminal n 32criterion* (pl criteria ) n2 crop n3cross n & v 22crossing* ncrossroads ncrowd n & v 22cruel a 3cry n & v 22cube* ncubic* acuisine* nculture n 21cup n 11cupboard n 2cure* n & vcurious* a 3currency* n2curriculum* n2curtain n 23cushion* n 3custom n3 customer n 11 customs* ncut (cut, cut ) v & n 11 cycle v 33cyclist nDdad = daddy n 12daily a, ad & n 32dam* ndamage n & v 22damp a & ndance n & v 23danger n 22dangerous a 22dare v & modal v3dark n & a 21darkness n3dash* v & ndata n 11database* n 22date n & v 11daughter n 11dawn* nday n 11dead a 11deadline* ndeaf a3deal n 11dear a 1death n 11debate* n & v 12debt n 22decade* n 32decide v 11decision n 11declare* v2decline* v2decorate v 3decoration* n 3decrease vdeed ndeep a & ad 21deer ndefeat v3defence (Am defense ) n 21 defend v 33degree n 31delay* n & v 23delete* v & ndeliberately* ad 33delicate adelicious adelight* ndelighted a 2deliver* v 22demand v 11dentist ndepartment (Dept.) n 31 departure* n3depend v 12deposit* v & n3depth* n 33describe v 11 description n 22desert vt & ndeserve v 23design n, v & n 31 desire v & n2desk n 22desperate* a3dessert ndestination* ndestroy v 22detective n3 determine v1develop v 31 development n1devote vdevotion ndiagram* ndial vdialogue (Am dialog ) n diamond ndiary ndictation ndictionary ndie v 11diet n 32differ v3difference n 11different a 11difficult a 11difficulty n 11dig (dug, dug) v 3digest* vdigital* adignity* n dilemma* n dimension* n3 dinner n 12 dinosaur n dioxide* ndip vdiploma* ndirect a & v 21 direction n 11 director n1 directory* ndirty a 23 disability n disabled a3 disadvantage n disagree v 2 disagreement ndisappear v 22 disappoint* v disappointed adisaster n 23 discount n 3 discourage* vdiscover v 21 discovery n 3 discrimination* ndiscuss v 31 discussion n1disease n 31 disgusting* a2 dish n 3disk = disc n 23 dislike ndismiss v3distance n 22 distant a3 distinction n 32distinguish v 33 distribute* v3 district n 32disturb v disturbing* a dive vdiverse* vdivide v 12division n 31divorce v 3dizzy* ado (did, done) v 11doctor n 21document n2dog n 11doll n 3dollar n 13donate* vdoor n 11dormitory (dorm) ndot* n 2double a & n 12doubt n & v 11down prep & ad 11download* n & vdownstairs ad 2downtown ad, n & a 33dozen n 23Dr = doctor ndraft* n & v 23drag v 33draw (drew, drawn) v 11drawback* ndrawer n 3dream (dreamt, dreamt或-ed, -ed) n & v 22dress n & v 22drill n & vdrink (drank, drunk) v 12drive (drove, driven) v 11driver n 12drop n & v 12drug n 21drum ndrunk adry v & a 22duck n 3due* a 11dull* a 3dumpling nduring prep 11dusk ndust n 33dustbin n 3dusty aduty n 11DVD = digital versatile disk ndynamic* adynasty* nEeach a & pron 11eager* aeagle near n 22early a * ad 11earn v 22earth n 22earthquake neast a, ad & n 22 Easter neastern a2easy a 11eat (ate, eaten) v 11 ecology* nedge n 22edition* n3editor n2educate veducation n 11effect* n 11effort n 11egg n 12eggplant neither a, conj & ad 11 elder nelect* v 23electric a 23electrical a 3electricity n 23 electronic* a 33 elegant* aelephant nelse ad 11e-mail n & v embarrass vembassy nemergency n 23 emperor* nemploy v 22empty a 22encourage v 21 encouragement nend n & v 11ending* nendless* a enemy n2 energetic aenergy n 11engine n 12 engineer n 33enjoy v 11 enjoyable a 3 enlarge* venough n, a & ad 11 enquiry* n 33enter v 11 enterprise* n2 entertainment* n3 enthusiastic a 3entire a 32 entrance n 33entry* n 22 envelope n3 environment n 11 envy v & nequal a & v 12 equality* nequip* vequipment n 22 eraser nerror n 22erupt* vescape n & v 32 especially ad 11 essay n 2Europe nEuropean a * n evaluate* veven ad 11evening n 11event n 11 eventually* ad 12 ever ad 11every a 11 everybody pron 13 everyday a everyone pron 11 everywhere ad 23 evidence nevident* a3 evolution nexact a 3exam = examination n 1 examine v 32example n 11excellent a 12except prep 22 exchange nexcite vexcuse n & v 2exercise n & v 12 exhibition n2exist v 31existence n 32exit nexpand* v 23expect v 11expectation n 22 expense* n 32expensive a 12experience n 11 experiment n 22expert n 32explain v 11explanation n 32 explicit* aexplode vexplore* n & v 32 expose* v3express v & n 21 expression n 22extension* n 23extra a 12extraordinary a 33 extreme a 33eye n 11eyesight nFface n & v 11facial afact n 11factory n 22fade* vfail v & n 21failure n 22fair¹ a 12fair² nfaith* n2fall¹ (fell, fallen) vfall² (Am) = autumn 11false a 33familiar a 22family n 11famous a 22fan nfancy* n, v * a 3fantastic a 3fantasy* nfar ( farther, farthest或further,furthest) a & ad 11fare nfarm n 32farmer n 32fast a & ad 23fasten* vfat n & a 23father n 11fault n 23favour (Am favor ) n 12favourite (Am favorite ) a & n 33 fax n & vfear n 31feast* nfeather n 3federal* afee n 22feed (fed, fed) v 12feel (felt, felt) v 11feeling n 11fellow n3female a & n 32fence n 3ferry* nfestival n & a 33fetch v 2fever nfew pron & a 11fibre* ( Am fiber ) nfiction* nfield n 11fierce afight (fought, fought) n & v 11 figure* n & v 11file n 12fill v 11film n & v 21final a 11finance* n & v 32find (found, found) v 11 fine¹ a 11fine² vfinger n 22fingernail* nfinish v & n 12fire n & v 12fireworks* nfirm n 11firm a 22fish n & v 21fisherman nfirst ad a num n 11fist nfit a & v 12fix v 22flag nflame nflash n 3flashlight nflat¹ n 23flat² a 22flee* ( fled, fled) v flexible* aflesh n3flight n 32float* vflood n & v 3floor n 11flour nflow v 22flower n 22flu nfluency* nfluent afly (flew, flown) v 22 fly² nfocus v & n2fog nfoggy afold vfolk a 2follow v 11fond afood n 11fool n & vfoolish a foot (pl feet) n 11football n 12for prep & conj 11forbid* (forbade, forbidden) vforce v 31forecast n & vforeheadforeign a 31foreigner nforesee* ( foresaw, foreseen) vforest n 22forever ad 3forget (forgot, forgot / forgotten ) v 11 forgetful* aforgive (forgave, forgiven ) v 3fork nform n & v 11format* n3former* a 21fortnight* n 3fortunate a 3fortune* n 33forty numforward ad 11found v3fountain* nfox nfranc nfragile* afragrant* aframework* n3free a 11freedom n 22freeway n 23freeze (froze, frozen) vfreezing* afrequent a3fresh a 22friction* nfridge = refrigerator n 2friend n 11friendly a 23friendship n3frighten vfrog nfrom prep 11front a & n 11frontier* nfrost nfruit n 22fry v 3fuel n 22full a 11fun n & a 23 function n & v 31 fundamental* a 22funeral* nfunny a 13fur nfurnished* afurniture n 23 future n 11Ggain v 22gallery* n3gallon ngame n 11garage n 2garbage n 3garden n 11garlic n 3garment* ngas n 12gate n 22gather* v 22gay* a 3general a & n 11 generation n 22 generous agentle a 33gentleman n 32 geography ngeometry* ngesture n3get (got, got) v 11gift n 22gifted agiraffe ngirl n 11give (gave, given) v 11 glad a 23glance* v3glare* vglass n 11globe* nglory nglove nglue n 3go (went, gone) v 11 goal* n 21goat ngod ngold n & a 22golden a3golf n 23good (better, best ) a 11 goods* n 22goose (pl geese) ngovern* v3government n 21grade n 33gradual* agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram n 3grammar n 33grand* a 23grandchild n 3 granddaughter ngrandma = grandmother n 1 grandpa = grandfather n 1 grandparents ngrandson ngranny n 3grape ngraph* ngrasp vgrass n 22grateful* a3gravity* ngreat a & ad 11greedy agreen a & n 12 greengrocer ngreet* vgreeting ngrey (Am gray) a 22grill* ngrocer* ngrocery nground n 11group n 11grow (grew, grown) v 11 growth* n2guarantee* v 23guard n 33guess v 13guest n 22guidance n3guide n 22guilty a 23guitar n3gun n 22gym = gymnasium ngymnastics nHhabit n 33hair n 11haircut* nhalf a & n 12hall n 12ham nhamburger nhammer nhand n & v 11handbag n 3handkerchief* nhandle n & v 22handsome ahandwriting nhandy* a 3hang (hung, hung或–ed, -ed) v 12 happen v 11happiness nhappy a 11harbour (Am harbor) nhard ad & a 11hardly ad 22hardship* nhardworking aharm n & v 3harmful aharmony* nharvest n & vhat n 23hatch* vhate v & n 13have (has, had, had) v 11he pron 11head n & v 11headache nheadline* n 3headmaster / mistress nhealth n 11healthy a 33hear (heard, heard) v 11hearing* n 32heart n 11heat n 22heaven n 3heavy a 11heel nheight n 22helicopter nhello int 1helmet* nhelp n & v 11helpful a 23hen nher pron 11herb nhere ad 11hero n3hers pron 3herself pron 21hesitate vhi int 1hide (hid, hidden ) v 22 high a & ad 11highway n 2hill n 22him pron 11himself pron 11hire v 3his pron 11history n 21hit (hit, hit ) n & v 12 hobby n 3hold (held, held) v 11 hole n 12holiday n 22holy* a3home n & ad 11homeland nhometown nhomework n 2honest a 13honey nhonour (Am honor) n & v3 hook n & v 3hope n & v 11hopeful ahopeless a 3horrible a 2horse n 31hospital n 21host n & v3hostess nhot a 12hotdog nhotel n 21hour n 11house n 11housewife nhousework nhow ad 11however ad & conj 21 howl* vhug vhuge a 22human a & n1human being n3humorous ahumour ( Am humor) nhunger nhungry a 3hunt vhunter nhurricane* nhurry v 3hurt (hurt, hurt) v 23 husband n 11hydrogen* nII pron 11ice n 23ice-cream n 2idea n 11identity n1 identification* n idiom nif conj 11ignore* v 22ill a 33illegal aillness n 23 imagine v 22 immediately ad 21 immigration* n import* v & nimportance n 21 important a 11 impossible a 22 impress* v3 impression n 32 improve v 21in prep & ad 11 inch n 23incident n2 include v 21 income n 21 increase v & n 21indeed a 31 independence n2 independent a2 indicate v1 industry n 31 influence n & v 21 inform* v 22 information n 11 initial* a2injure vinjury n2ink ninn ninnocent ainsect ninsert vinside prep & ad 23 insist v 32inspect vinspire* vinstant a 3instead ad 11 institute n2 institution* n1 instruct v instruction n 32 instrument n2 insurance n 32。
