

JURA Intuita HD8750 47 咖啡机用户指南说明书

JURA Intuita HD8750 47 咖啡机用户指南说明书
flashing, indicating that a priming cycle must be started.
Place a container under the steam wand then press the “ ” button to start the cycle. The machine will then start
Fill a frothing pitcher 1/3 of the way with cold milk.
Immerse the steam wand into the milk. Press the “ ”
button to start dispensing steam.
NOTE: Only use coffee beans. Ground, instant and flavored coffees may damage the machine.
Switch power button on back of machine to the “I” or

JURA Typ 618 IMPRESSA E80 85 使用说明

JURA Typ 618 IMPRESSA E80 85 使用说明

使用说明 IMPRESSA E80/85 5.3 6. ■ ■ 屏幕显示:正在运行显示的程序 屏幕显示:请根据提示操作 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 不按提示更换过滤器 ........................................ 按提示润湿 IMPRESSA E80/85 ....................... 6.1 不按提示润湿 IMPRESSA E80/85 ....... 设置冲煮水量 .................................................... 制作单杯咖啡 .................................................... 制作双杯咖啡 .................................................... 用预磨咖啡粉做咖啡 ........................................ 热水 .................................................................... 蒸汽 .................................................................... 使用自动卡布基诺/拿铁奶沫器(选配) ....... 13.1 连接自动卡布基诺/拿铁奶沫器 ........... 13.2 使用自动卡布基诺/拿铁奶沫器 打奶沫和加热牛奶 . ........................... 13.3 清洗自动卡布基诺/拿铁奶沫器 ........... 关机 .................................................................... 程序设定 ............................................................ 15.1 过滤器设置 ........................................... 15.2 水硬度设置 ............................................ 15.3 设置咖啡香味 ........................................ 15.4 设置自动关机时间 ................................ 15.5 杯数统计 ................................................ 15.6 设置语言 ................................................ 15.7 毫升/盎司 ............................................... 15.8 关机润湿 ................................................ 保养 .................................................................... 16.1 加水 ........................................................ 16.2 清理咖啡机底盘 .................................... 16.3 找不到底盘 ............................................ 16.4 加豆 ........................................................ 16.5 更换过滤器 ............................................ 16.6 清洗须知 ................................................ page 4 page 4 page 4 page 4 page 4 page 5 page 5 page 6 page 6 page 7 page 7 page 7 page 7 page 7 page 7 page 8 page 8 page 8 page 8 page 8 page 9 page 9 page 9 page 9 page 9 page 9 page 10 page 10 page 10 page 10

优瑞咖啡机 xs9 说明书

优瑞咖啡机 xs9 说明书

关机 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2 控制选项
一键式制作 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 饮品制作前和制作时的一次性设置 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
饮品计数 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
3 一键式制作
意式浓缩咖啡 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 美式经典咖啡 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 大壶咖啡 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 拿铁/玛琪雅朵咖啡,卡布基诺咖啡 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19 用咖啡粉做咖啡 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20 热牛奶和奶沫 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20 热水 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21



优瑞咖啡机说明书篇一:咖啡机使用维护大全正确的使用方法能尽大程度的延长你所用咖啡机的使用寿命1.咖啡机豆仓注意事项(不要让水进到豆仓里也不要实用含杂物的咖啡豆以免损坏豆仓下的咖啡机研磨器)2.咖啡机水箱注意事项(不要加温水热水冰水或矿物质水一定要用纯净水)3.加粉注意事项(不要让粉仓内进入水)4. 使用220V专用电源插座,有电流保护设施最佳;关于长期使用中的过保修期的咖啡机有以下需要注意 : 咖啡机是食品机械,关乎食品安全的问题,长期使用要注意清洁保养,以提高咖啡机使用寿命及咖啡制作品质。

咖啡机长期使用会有以下问题需要注意:1.长期使用,因为水质(自来水 / 过滤水 / 矿泉水)原因,或多或少会在咖啡机锅炉内结成水垢,造成热水不热,从而影响咖啡液萃取不充份,影响咖啡口感;解决方式:定期用咖啡机专用除钙药片清洗锅炉除钙。










5. 咖啡粉研磨粗细的简单判定如果流出的咖啡液很淡,粉饼不成型松散且潮湿,此粉太粗如果流出的咖啡液很黑,成滴水状,不成直线,且很长时间流出的液体很少,此粉太细。






一、清洁1. 每次使用完毕后,请务必清洁咖啡机。




2. 清洗水箱时,请务必彻底清除其中的咖啡渣和沉积物。


3. 清洗过滤网时,可将其取出并用清水冲洗,以去除咖啡渣和油脂。


4. 咖啡渣盒的清洁也非常重要。



二、除垢1. 随着使用时间的增长,咖啡机内部可能会产生水垢。


2. 除垢前,请先将咖啡机的水箱清空。


3. 接下来,将咖啡机接通电源,将开关调至除垢模式,并按照说明书上的步骤进行操作。


4. 完成除垢后,务必将咖啡机进行多次冲洗,直至除垢剂的残留物完全清除。


三、保养1. 除了定期清洁和除垢外,咖啡机的保养还需要您的关注。


2. 如果咖啡机长时间不使用,请及时断开电源并清空水箱。


3. 定期检查咖啡机的电源线和插头,确保其完好无损。


四、注意事项1. 请勿将咖啡机放置在易受潮湿和高温环境的地方,以免影响咖啡机的正常工作。

优瑞 ENA Micro 1 说明书

优瑞 ENA Micro 1 说明书
► 仅可加入未加工过的烘焙咖啡豆 ► 打开豆槽盖
首次使用-激活滤芯 ► 按一下滤芯指示灯, 水箱指示灯 亮起 ► 取下水箱 ► 打开滤芯支架 ► 将滤芯置入水箱并固定
ENA Micro 1
► 关闭滤芯支架
滤芯自安装之日两个月后即失去效用, 请在滤芯的日期盒上设置好本次安装的 日期。
加豆 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
初次使用 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
首次使用—激活滤芯 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
损坏 ■ 请勿将机器暴露于雨、雪、霜冻之中,避免
阳光直射 ■ 请勿将机器及其电源线置于水中 ■ 请勿将机器在流水中清洗
1 初次使用
请登陆优瑞网站 或 了解更多信息
装机 当您安装 ENA 时,请注意以下事项:
关机 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 13
程 序 设 置 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 13
安装/激活滤芯 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
1 指示灯含义 除垢 滤芯 清洗 水箱 咖啡粉 粉渣盒
咖啡浓度“普通” 咖啡浓度“浓” 瑞斯崔朵咖啡键 意式浓缩咖啡键 美式经典咖啡键
ENA Micro 1


13.12 设置自动关机时间 .................................................................. page 19 13.13 设置语言 .................................................................................. page 20 13.14 设置显示 .................................................................................. page 21 13.15 信息 .......................................................................................... page 21 14. 保养 ...................................................................................................... page 22 14.1 加水 .......................................................................................... page 22 14.2 清理咖啡机底盘 ...................................................................... page 22 14.3 清空废水盘 .............................................................................. page 22 14.4 找不到底盘 .............................................................................. page 23 14.5 加豆 .......................................................................................... page 23 14.6 清理磨豆器 .............................................................................. page 23 14.7 更换过滤器 .............................................................................. page 23 14.8 清洗咖啡机 .............................................................................. page 24 14.9 除垢咖啡机 .............................................................................. page 24 14.10 清空系统 .................................................................................. page 24 14.11 清洗须知 .................................................................................. page 25 15. 清洗 ...................................................................................................... page 25 16. 除垢 ...................................................................................................... page 26 17. 报废 ...................................................................................................... page 28 18. 教您做一杯好咖啡 .............................................................................. page 28 19. 问题 ...................................................................................................... page 29 20. 法律声明 .............................................................................................. page 29 21. 技术参数 .............................................................................................. page 29



Instructions for useLegend:ⅢDISPLAY: serves as information.ⅢDISPLAY:please follow the instructions shown.= Note= Important= TipFig. 1Fig. 2Fig. 6Fig. 7Fig. 8Fig. 9Fig. 11Fig. 13Fig. 14Fig. 15Fig.17Fig. 16Fig.18Control elements1.Rotary Switch2.Illuminated ring3.ON/OFF key4.Programming key5.Draw-off key 1 cup6.Draw-off key 2 cups7.Maintenance key8.Steam pre-selection key9.Display dialog system10.Water tank with carrying handle 11.Filler funnel for pre-ground coffee:12.Bean tank cover 13.Aroma preservation cover 14.Steam/hot water draw-off valve15.Replaceable Easy Cappuccino Frother with milkpipe see Fig 616.Replaceable hot water nozzle mounted in illustration 17.Height-adjustable coffee spout 18.Coffee grounds container 19.Drip grate 20.Drip tray 21.Power Switch 22.Metal shelf131417183124785615/16Rotary SwitchE5Contents1.Safety information ..........................................page 61.1Warning ..............................................page 61.2Precautions ..........................................page 62.Preparing the IMPRESSA ................................page 62.1Check supply voltage ..............................page 62.2Check electrical fuse ..............................page 62.3Fill water tank ......................................page 72.4Fill coffee beans ....................................page 72.5Adjusting the grinding gear .....................page 72.6Power switch ........................................page 73.First use .......................................................page 74.Adjusting the water hardness ............................page 85.Installation of CLARIS plus filter cartridges ........page 95.1Installing the filter ................................page 95.2Replacing the filter ................................page 96.Rinsing the IMPRESSA ...................................page 107.Adjusting the water quantity for coffee ................page 108.Drawing off 1 cup of coffee ..............................page 109.Drawing off 2 cups of coffee .............................page 1110.Drawing off pre-ground coffee ...........................page 1111.Drawing off hot water .....................................page 1212.Drawing off steam ..........................................page 1213.Dispensing Cappuccino with theEasy Cappuccino Frother .................................page 1313.1Cleaning the Easy Cappuccino Frother .......page 1413.2Rinsing the Easy Cappuccino Frother .........page 1413.3Cleaning the Easy Cappuccino Frother .......page 1414.Switching off the IMPRESSA ...........................page 1515.Programming ................................................page1515.1Programming the filter ...........................page 1515.2Programming the water hardness ..............page1515.3Programming the aroma ROBUSTor STANDARD .....................................page 1515.4Programming the temperature ..................page 1615.5Programming the time ............................page 1615.6Programming the automaticswitch-on time ......................................page 1715.7Programming the automaticswitch-off time ......................................page 1715.8Cup counter .........................................page 1715.9Programming the language ......................page 1815.10Programming Display 24H/AM/PM ...........page 1815.11Programming the display for ML/OZ ..........page 1916.Maintenance .................................................page 1916.1Filling in water .....................................page 1916.2Emptying the coffee grounds container .......page 1916.3Drip tray missing ...................................page 1916.4Fill coffee beans ....................................page 2016.5Replacing the filter ................................page 2016.6Cleaning the IMPRESSA ........................page 2016.7IMPRESSA calcified .............................page 2016.8General cleaning instructions ...................page 2016.9Emptying the system ..............................page 2117.Cleaning .......................................................page 2118.Descaling ......................................................page 2219.Disposal .......................................................page 2320.Tips for perfect coffee .....................................page 2321.Messages ......................................................page 2422.Problems ......................................................page 2523.Legal information ...........................................page 2624.Technical Data ...............................................page 26IntroductionThank you for purchasing the IMPRESSA. To ensure perfect func-tioning of your IMPRESSA, carefully read this operating manual and keep it for future reference.Should you need more information or if you encounter particular problems not specified in these operating instructions in sufficient detail, either contact us directly or contact your local authorized dealer.You will also find useful tips on operation and maintenance of your IMPRESSA on the website at .Don’t forget to check out the K nowledge Builder our ani-mated operating instructions. LEO, our assistant, will take you through all the functions.1. Safety information1.1 WarningⅢChildren do not realize the dangers involved in using electric appliances, for this reason always keep an eye on children when they use electric appliances.ⅢThe coffee machine may only be used by instructed persons.ⅢNever use a defective coffee machine or a machine with a defective mains cable.ⅢNever repair or open the coffee machine yourself. Any repairs may only be carried out by authorized service shops using ori-ginal spare parts and accessories.ⅢNever immerse the coffee machine in water.1.2 PrecautionsⅢNever expose the coffee machine to weather (rain, snow, frost), never touch the machine when your hands are wet.ⅢPlace the IMPRESSA on a firm, level base that is resistant to any water that may leak. Never stand on hot or warm surfaces (oven hobs). Keep out of the reach of children.ⅢIf you don’t use the machine for a longer time (holidays, etc.) always disconnect the mains cable.ⅢAlways disconnect mains cable before cleaning the machine.ⅢWhen disconnecting the mains cable never pull on the mains cable or the machine itself.ⅢThe coffee machine is connected to mains supply via a mains cable. Make sure nobody can trip over the mains cable. Make sure children and pets cannot reach the machineⅢNever put the coffee machine or individual parts of it into a dishwasher.ⅢMake sure to install the machine at a place with sufficient air circulation, to prevent overheating of the machine.2. Preparing the IMPRESSA2.1 Check supply voltageThe IMPRESSA is preset in the factory to the correct mains voltage. Check if your local mains supply voltage complies with the information given on the type plate on the underside of the IMPRESSA.2.2 Check electrical fuseThe IMPRESSA is designed for an electric current of 10 amperes. Check if the electrical fuse has sufficient capacity.67E2.3 Fill water tankOnly use fresh, cold water. Never fill in milk, mineral water or other liquids.ⅢRemove the water tank and rinse it with cold tap water thoroughly (Fig. 4).ⅢThen fill the water tank and reinstall it. Make sure to install the tank properly, it must engage audibly.2.4 Fill coffee beansTo ensure that your machine will work perfectly for a long time and to avoid damage, please note that the grinding gear of your JURA coffee machine is not suitable for coffee beans which were treated, during or after roasting, with additives (e.g. sugar). Such coffee blends may damage the grinding gear. Any repair costs resulting from the use of such blends are not covered by warranty.ⅢOpen the bean tank cover (12) and remove the aroma preser-vation cover (13).ⅢRemove any dirt or foreign matter from the bean tank. ⅢFill coffee beans in the bean tank and close the cover.2.5 Adjusting the grinding gearYou can adjust the grinding gear to the roast of your coffee. We recommenda fine grinding degree Ǟfor bright roasts (the smaller the dots,the finer the grinding)a coarse degree Ǟfor dark roasts (the larger the dots, thecoarser the grinding)The grinding degree may only be adjusted while the grinding gear is running.ⅢOpen the bean tank cover (12) and remove the aroma preser-vation cover (13).ⅢTo adjust the grinding degree, turn the Rotary Switch (Fig. 2) to the required position.2.6 Power switchActuate the power switch (21) on your IMPRESSA before using the machine for the first time.We recommend that you switch off your IMPRESSA with the power switch (21) if you intend not to use the machine for longer periods of time (e.g.during holidays)3. First useⅢFill coffee beans in the bean tank (12).ⅢSwitch on the IMPRESSA using the ON/OFF key (3).ⅢSPRACHEDEUTSCHⅢThe illuminated ring (2) is active.ⅢTurn the Rotary Switch (1) until the required language is dis-played.ⅢFor example LANGUAGEENGLISHⅢConfirm your selection by pressing the Rotary Switch (1).ⅢFILLWATERⅢFill the water tank (10) with fresh water.ⅢOPEN TAPⅢPlace an empty cup under the replaceable hot water nozzle (16).ⅢOpen the steam / hot water draw-off tap (14) (Fig. 13).ⅢFILLING Array SYSTEMⅢCLOSE TAPⅢClose the steam / hot water draw-off tap (14).ⅢHEATINGⅢPRESSRINSEⅢPress the maintenance key (7).ⅢMachine carries out a rinsing operation.ⅢRINSINGⅢREADYIf BEANS FILL is displayed, press the coffee draw-off key again. Machine not filled with coffee beans yet.To get an excellent crema, adjust the coffee spout (17) to the size of your cup (Fig. 3).4. Adjusting the water hardnessWater is heated in the IMPRESSA. As a result, calcification occurs during normal use and is indicated automatically.Before using the IMPRESSA for the first time the hardness of the water used must be adjusted. Use the supplied test sticks for this.1°German hardness is equivalent to 1.79°French hardness.If the filter is activated, the program step Water Hardness no longer appears.The IMPRESSA has 5 hardness degrees which can be usedand are displayed while you are adjusting the water hardness.89EⅢClose the steam/hot water draw-off tap (14), now the IM-PRESSA will heat up to coffee temperature.ⅢHEATING ⅢREADYNow you have activated the filter. In Programming Mode thewater hardness selection function is no longer displayed.5.2 Replacing the filterAfter drawing off approx. 50 litres, the filter cartridge will beused up. A message requesting you to replace the filter will appear on the display. Please monitor the period of use of the CLARIS plus filter cartridge (max. 2 months) using the scale on the cartridge holder by the water tank.ⅢREADY/FILTERⅢSwitch off the IMPRESSA using the ON/OFF key (3).ⅢPress the maintenance key (7) until the following message is displayed: ⅢCHG FILTEROPEN TAPⅢRemove the water tank from the machine and empty it.ⅢFold up the cartridge holder. Install the filter cartridge in the water tank, applying a gentle pressure (Fig. 1).ⅢFold down the cartridge holder again until it engages audibly.ⅢFill the water tank with cold, fresh tap water and reinstall it.ⅢPlace a sufficiently large jug (approx 1 litre) under the replace-able hot water nozzle (16) and open the steam/hot water tap (14).ⅢRINSINGFILTERⅢCLOSE TAPⅢOpen the steam / hot water draw-off tap (14).ⅢHEATINGⅢREADY6. Rinsing the IMPRESSAWhen the IMPRESSA is switched off and has cooled down,a rinsing operation is started when the machine is switchedon again. When the machine is switched off, a rinsing oper-ation is started automatically.ⅢSwitch on the IMPRESSA using the ON/OFF key (3).ⅢHEATINGⅢPRESSRINSEⅢPress the maintenance key (7).ⅢRINSINGⅢREADY7. Adjusting the water quantity for coffeeThe indicated value in ML is a reference value and may deviate from the actual value.If you press the draw-off key for 2 cups (6) the water quantity is doubled automatically.You can change/stop the water quantity during the draw-off operation, too. Turn the Rotary Switch (1) until the required ML value is displayed.You can adjust the water quantity in steps of 5 ML using the Rotary Switch (1).ⅢREADY ⅢTurn the Rotary Switch (1) until the required water quantity is displayed.ⅢFor example, 120 ML8. Drawing off 1 cup of coffeeYou have the possibility of increasing the strength of the coffee at any time in the grinding process by pressing the 1-cup draw-off key again.For Example: by pressing the 1-cup draw-off key three times you get strong coffee.STRONGYou can choose among three strengths at the push of a but-ton. The longer you press the draw-off key for 1 cup (5), the stronger your coffee will be (Display: MILD/ NORMAL/ STRONG).You can adjust the water quantity before the draw-off opera-tion using the Rotary Switch (1).You can stop the draw-off operation at any time by pressing any coffee draw-off key.You can check the water quantity used for the last draw-off operation by pressing the Rotary Switch (1).ⅢREADYⅢPut a cup under the adjustable coffee spout (17).ⅢPress the draw-off key for 1 cup (5) until the required strength is displayed:ⅢMILDⅢ180 ML (water quantity last adjusted)ⅢThe illuminated ring (2) is active.ⅢTurn the Rotary Switch (1) again to select the water quantity individually:1011E10. Drawing off pre-ground coffeeNever use instant coffee or quick-coffee. We recommendthat you always use powder from fresh coffee beans or, pre-ground, vacuum-packed coffee. Never fill in more than 2portions of powder. The pre-ground coffee tank is no storage tank. Make sure that the pre-ground you use is not too fine.This may cause blocking of the system. In this case the coffee only drips out of the coffee spout.If you have filled in too little powder, the message ADD MORE POWDER will be displayed. The IMPRESSA stops the operation and returns to "ready for draw off" mode.You can stop the draw-off operation at any time by pressing any coffee draw-off key.ⅢREADYⅢPut 1 or 2 cups under the adjustable coffee spout (17).ⅢOpen the cover of the filler funnel for pre-ground coffee (11).ⅢFILLPOWDERⅢFill 1 or 2 level spoonfuls of pre-ground coffee in the filler funnel for pre-ground coffee (11) (FIG 11) and close the cover. ⅢPOWDER ⅢSELECTCUP BUTTONⅢPress the required draw-off key for 1 cup (5) or 2 cups (6)Ⅲ120 ML (water quantity last adjusted)ⅢThe illuminated ring (2) is active.ⅢPOWDERⅢTurn the Rotary Switch (1) again to select the water quantity individually:ⅢFor Example: 160 ML ⅢFor Example: MILD ⅢYour product is being prepared.ⅢREADY9. Drawing off 2 cups of coffeeSelecting the coffee strength is not possible when drawing off 2 cups of coffee. You will draw off 2 mild cups auto-matically.You can adjust the water quantity before the draw-off ope-ration using the Rotary Switch (1). The adjusted value (ML)refers to 1 cup.You can stop the draw-off operation at any time by pressing any coffee draw-off key.You can check the water quantity used for the last draw-off operation by pressing the Rotary Switch (1).ⅢREADYⅢPut 2 cups under the adjustable coffee spout (17).ⅢPress the draw-off key for 2 cups (6).Ⅲ 2 CUPSⅢ120 ML (water quantity last adjusted)ⅢThe illuminated ring (2) is active.ⅢTurn the Rotary Switch (1) again to select the water quantity individually:ⅢFor Example: 210 MLⅢ 2 CUPSⅢYour product is being prepared.ⅢREADYⅢFor Example: 210 MLⅢPOWDERⅢYour product is being prepared.ⅢREADY11. Drawing off hot waterIf you do not change the settings using the Rotary Switch(1), the water quantity last adjusted will be drawn off auto-matically.Install the hot water nozzle (see Fig. 5 ) to obtain perfect water flow. Do not replace the replaceable hot water nozzle(16) directly after drawing off water, because the nozzle ishot after the draw-off operation.At the start of the water draw-off operation there can be splashing Avoid direct contact with the skin!ⅢREADYⅢPlace a cup under the replaceable hot water nozzle (16).ⅢOpen the steam / hot water draw-off tap (14) (Fig. 13).ⅢThe illuminated ring (2) is active.ⅢFor example, 140 MLⅢWATERⅢAdjust the required water quantity by turning the Rotary Switch (1).ⅢFor example, 200 MLⅢWATERⅢIf the required water quantity is reached, the following message is displayed:ⅢCLOSE TAP ⅢClose the steam / hot water draw-off tap (14).ⅢREADYBefore CLOSE TAP water may still escape the system.12. Drawing off steamThe steam function is used for the preparation of milk foam as well as for the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15) cleaning programme.With the optionally available 2-stage frothing nozzle, liquids can be heated and frothed using the steam function.Make sure that the nozzle is correctly fitted when drawing steam. If the nozzle becomes blocked with particles of milk residue or is incorrectly assembled, a danger can arise during use whereby the nozzle may jump off.Due to the system design, some water will escape at first when steam is drawn. However, this will not affect the result in any way.When drawing steam, spluttering can occur at the start. The nozzle becomes hot in use. Avoid any direct skin contact.ⅢREADYⅢPress the steam pre-selection key (8).ⅢHEATINGⅢSTEAMREADYⅢTo draw off steam, open the steam/hot water draw-off tap (14) (Fig. 13).ⅢThe illuminated ring (2) is active.1213EⅢYou can adjust the steam draw-off time individually by turning the Rotary Switch (1) until the required SEC are displayed.ⅢFor example, 35 SECⅢIf you do not change the steam draw-off time settings using the Rotary Switch (1), the machine will use the settings last adjusted ⅢDuring the steam draw-off operation, the message STEAM is displayedⅢWhen the steam quantity is reached, the message CLOSE TAP is displayedⅢClose the steam / hot water draw-off tap (14).ⅢSTEAMREADYAs long as STEAM READY is on view in the display, the machine is ready to dispense steam.Before CLOSE TAP, steam may still escape the system.13.Dispensing Cappuccino with theEasy Cappuccino FrotherCappuccino comprises of one third each of Espresso, hot milk and milk foam. You produce the milk portion with the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15).When steam is drawn, a vacuum is produced which, with the aid of the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15), draws in the milk and produces milk foam.To ensure perfect function, the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15) must be cleaned regularly.Make sure that the nozzle is correctly fitted. If the nozzle be-comes blocked with particles of milk residue or is incorrectly assembled, a danger can arise during use whereby the nozzle may jump off.ⅢWhen using for the first time, remove the protective cover from the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15) (Fig. 6). The protective cover is used only during transport as protection to prevent the ingress of contaminated materials.ⅢRemove the milk pipe from the Welcome Pack and connect it to the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15).ⅢInsert the other end of the milk pipe into a Tetra Pak of milk or connect it to a milk container (Fig. 7).ⅢPlace a cup under the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15) (Fig. 7).A useful addition is available for all lovers of milk speciali-ties in the form of high-quality vacuum milk containers.They keep the milk cool the whole day long and are opti-mally suited to the design of your IMPRESSA.All original JURA accessories can be obtained from the specialist shop.ⅢPress the steam pre-selection key (8).ⅢHEATING ⅢSTEAMREADYⅢTo draw off steam open the steam/hot water draw-off tap (14)(Fig. 13). The milkfoam is prepared.ⅢThe illuminated ring (2) is active.ⅢYou can adjust the steam draw-off time individually by turning the Rotary Switch (1) until the required SEC are displayed.ⅢFor example, 35 SECⅢIf you do not change the steam draw-off time settings using the Rotary Switch (1), the machine will use the settings last adjustedAdjust the steam dispensing time to suit the size of your cup.ⅢDuring the steam draw-off operation, the message STEAM is displayed.ⅢWhen the steam quantity is reached, the message CLOSE TAP is displayed.ⅢClose the steam / hot water draw-off tap (14).ⅢSTEAMREADYAt any time, you can stop dispensing steam at an earlier stage by closing the tap for dispensing steam/hot water (14).As long as STEAM READY is on view in the display, the machine is ready to dispense steam.Due to the system design, steam can still escape and some milk may continue to drip before the TAP is closed.ⅢNow, move your cup with the milk foam and place it under the coffee spout and dispense the required coffee product. (Fig. 8) Your Cappuccino is ready.13.1 Cleaning the Easy Cappuccino FrotherTo ensure that the Easy Cappuccino Frother functions per-fectly, you should rinse it with water each time after pre-paring milk.You will not be prompted by your IMPRESSA to rinse the Easy Cappuccino Frother.13.2 Rinsing the Easy Cappuccino FrotherⅢCarefully pull off the Easy Cappuccino Frother.ⅢDismantle the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15) into its individual parts (Fig. 16)ⅢThoroughly rinse all parts of the nozzle under running water.ⅢReassemble the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15) and refit it on to your IMPRESSA.13.3 Cleaning the Easy Cappuccino FrotherTo ensure that the Easy Cappuccino Frother(15) functions perfectly, you should clean it daily if you have prepared milk foam.You will not be prompted by your IMPRESSA to clean the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15).You can obtain the JURA Auto-Cappuccino Cleaner from the specialist shop.ⅢPlace a container under the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15). (Fig. 9)ⅢFill a second container with 2.5 dl of fresh water and add one capful of the Auto-Cappuccino Cleaner.ⅢDip the milk pipe into the second container with the Auto-Cap-puccino Cleaner. (Fig. 9)ⅢPress the steam pre-selection key (8).ⅢHEATINGⅢSTEAMREADYⅢTo draw off steam open the steam / hot water draw-off tap (14) (Fig 13).ⅢDraw steam until the container with the Auto-Cappuccino Clea-ner is empty.This procedure cleans the Easy Cappuccino Frother and the milk pipe.ⅢClose the steam / hot water draw-off tap (14).ⅢSTEAMREADY1415EAs long as STEAM READY os on view in the display, the machine is ready to dispense steam.ⅢFill the container with 2.5 dl of fresh water.Dip the milk pipe into the container with the fresh water.When READY appears in the display, press the steam prese-lect key (8) again to set the machine in readiness for the steam function.ⅢOpen the tap for dispensing steam/hot water (14) (Fig. 13) in or-der to draw steam.ⅢDraw steam until the container with the fresh water is empty.This procedure rinses the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15) and the milk pipe with fresh water.ⅢCleaning of the Easy Cappuccino Frother (15) is now complete,your IMPRESSA is ready for use.14. Switching off the IMPRESSATo ensure perfect operation, please switch your IMPRESSA to standby mode with the (3) symbol first. Then switch the machine off with the power switch (21).ⅢREADYⅢSwitch off the IMPRESSA using the ON/OFF key (3).ⅢRINSINGⅢAn automatic rinsing operation is started.15. ProgrammingWhen your IMPRESSA leaves the factory it is adjusted such that you can draw off coffee without having to change any settings. However, you can programme various parameters individually.1617E1819EⅢREADYThe water tank should be rinsed daily and refilled with freshwater. Only fill in fresh, cold water. Never fill in milk,mineral water or other liquids.16.2 Emptying the coffee grounds containerⅢEMPTYGROUNDSIf this message appears on the display, you can no longer draw off coffee. You must empty the coffee grounds con-tainer first (FIG 14).ⅢCarefully take out the drip tray, it is filled with water.ⅢNOTRAYⅢInsert the empty and clean trip tray again.ⅢREADYThe red water level indicator appears when the drip tray isfull.16.3 Drip tray missingⅢNO TRAYⅢIf this information is displayed, the drip tray (20) is not installed properly or was not installed at all.ⅢInsert the drip tray (20).ⅢREADY16.4 Fill coffee beansⅢFILLBEANSⅢRefill beans as described in Chapter 2.4.The message REFILL BEANS will disappear after you draw off your next cup of coffee.We recommend that you clean the bean tank regularly before refilling beans, using a dry cloth. Before cleaning the tank, switch off the IMPRESSA.16.5 Replacing the filterAfter drawing off 50 litres, the filter cartridge will be used up. A message requesting you to replace the filter will appear on the display.Refer to Chapter 5.2 «Replacing the filter».16.6 Cleaning the IMPRESSAAfter 200 draw-off operations or after 160 rinsing operations, the IMPRESSA must be cleaned. A message appears on the display, telling you to start the cleaning programme. You can still draw off coffee or hot water/steam. However, we recommend you run the cleaning program (Chapter 17) on the same day.ⅢREADYCLEAN 16.7 IMPRESSA calcifiedDuring operation, the machine will calcify. The degree of scaling depends on the hardness of the water in your region. The machine will inform you when descaling is required. You can still draw off coffee or hot water/steam. However, we recommend you run the decalcifying program (Chapter 18) on the same day.ⅢREADYDECALCIFY16.8 General cleaning instructionsⅢNever use scratching objects, pan cleaners, cleaning sponges or caustic chemicals to clean the machine.ⅢWipe off the case on the inside and outside using a soft, moist cloth.ⅢClean the replaceable hot water nozzle after each use.ⅢAfter heating milk, draw off some hot water, to clean the inside of the replaceable Easy Cappuccino Frother, too.ⅢDisassemble the Easy Cappuccino Frother for proper cleaning (Fig. 6).ⅢThe water tank should be rinsed daily and refilled with fresh water.If the water tank shows signs of scaling, remove the scaling using a commercial descaling agent. Take out the water tank (Fig. 4).Remove the CLARIS filter cartridge, if installed, before descaling the water tank.2021E16.9 Emptying the systemPrecondition:IMPRESSA switched offThis operation is required to protect the IMPRESSA against frost damage during transports.ⅢPlace a container under the replaceable hot water nozzle (16).ⅢPress the steam preselection key (8) until the following message is displayed:ⅢOPEN TAP ⅢEMPTYING ⅢCLOSE TAPⅢThe IMPRESSA is switched off.17. CleaningYour IMPRESSA features an integrated cleaning program. The cleaning operation will take some 15 min.Please only use original JURA cleaning tablets: their formu-la is especially tailored to JURA coffee machines. Please note that machine defects or residues in the water cannot be excluded if you use inappropriate cleaning agents.Once started, the descaling operation must not be inter-rupted!After each cleaning operation the filler funnel for pre-ground coffee should be cleaned (11). ⅢREADY CLEANⅢPress the maintenance key (7) until the following message isdisplayed:ⅢEMPTY TRAYⅢEmpty the tray (Fig. 17/18).ⅢNO TRAYⅢInsert the tray again.ⅢRemove the drip grate (19).ⅢPlace a sufficiently large receptacle (Fig. 12) under the coffee spout (17).ⅢPRESS RINSEⅢPress the maintenance key (7).ⅢCLEANING ⅢFILL TABLETⅢFill in the tablet (see Fig. 15).ⅢPRESS RINSEⅢPress the maintenance key (7).ⅢCLEANING ⅢEMPTY TRAY ⅢNO TRAY ⅢREADYⅢWipe coffee powder tank with a dry cloth after the cleaning program has finished.ⅢThe cleaning operation was completed successfully.。



MyMachineOVERVIEW/机器概览Tactile beverage buttons/ 触摸型饮料按钮13ON/OFF button/开/关按钮15Espresso 40 ml/浓缩咖啡(40 ml)16Cappuccino/卡布奇诺17Latte Macchiato/拿铁玛奇朵19Lungo 110 ml/大杯咖啡(110 ml)20 Creamy Latte/拿铁21Warm milk froth/热奶泡Rapid Cappuccino System (R.C.S.)/ 快速卡布奇诺 系统(R.C.S.)22Lid detach button/盖子分离按钮23Milk container Lid/牛奶容器盖24Milk froth density: MIN/奶泡密度:最小25 Position for milk froth regulator knob (insertion/removal)/奶泡调节旋钮的位置:(插入/移开)26M ilk froth regulator knob/奶泡调节旋钮27CLEAN : Rinsing button/清洁:清洗按钮28Milk froth density: MAX/奶泡密度:最大29Rapid Cappuccino System connector/快速卡布奇诺系统连接装置30Milk spout/牛奶喷嘴31Milk Spout Lever/牛奶喷嘴手柄32Milk aspiration tube/牛奶吸管33Milk container (0.35 L)/牛奶容器(0.35升)Overview of machine/机器概览Machine without Rapid Cappuccino System/未配备快速卡布奇诺 系统的装置Machine with Rapid Cappuccino System (for Cappuccino)/ 配备了快速卡布奇诺 系统的装置(用于冲泡卡布奇诺)Machine with Rapid Cappuccino System (for Latte Macchiato and Creamy Latte)/配备了快速卡布奇诺 系统的装置(用于冲泡拿铁玛奇朵 和拿铁)1Lever/手柄2Capsule compartment/胶囊放置口3Water tank (0.9 L)/水箱(0.9 升)4Coffee outlet/咖啡出口5Used capsule container/废弃粉囊储存盒6Drip tray (push inside for Latte Macchiato glass)/滴水盘(如需放置拿铁玛奇朵杯,需向内推动滴水盘)7Left grid/左格栅8Right grid/右格栅9Descaling pipe storage door (pull to open)/除垢管道储存区(拉开即可)10Descaling pipe/除垢管道11Steam connector door/蒸汽连接装置门12Steam connector/蒸汽连接头Alert/警报14 «Descaling» : descaling alert refer to section «Descaling»“除垢”:除垢警报,请参见“除垢”章节内容18 «Clean» : milk system cleaning alert refer to section «Preparing Cappuccino»“清洁”:牛奶系统清洁,请参见“冲泡 卡布奇诺 ”章节CONTENT/内容Nespresso is an exclusive system creating the ultimate Espresso, time after time. Our Nespresso machines are equipped with an extraction system that guarantees up to 19 bar pressure. Each parameter has been calculated with great precision to ensure that all the aromas from each capsule can be extracted, to give the coffee body and create an exceptionally thick and smooth crema.Nespresso 咖啡机拥有卓越的萃取系统,专为制作臻品浓缩咖啡。


1 水箱
2 3
电源线(咖啡机后部) 奶管
4 5
6 咖啡豆槽盖
7 8
热水喷嘴 可调节高度的咖啡喷嘴
9 咖啡杯托盘(废水盘盖)
ENA Micro 9 One Touch
1 咖啡粉槽盖
2 咖啡粉槽
3 显示屏
4c 5 6 7
保卡养布键基诺键 拿铁玛琪雅朵键 旋钮状态显示
J 注意
注意 警告
– –
有可能造成轻度伤害 有可能造成重大伤害
注 意 请注意所述环境因素会导致机器损伤
符号 ► 请立即执行所述操作
E 帮助您使用机器的提示
ENA Micro 9 One Touch
ENA Micro 9 One Touch
■ 使用过程中,请勿将手或电源线接触被加热的部件
■ 请勿使用去污粉或利器擦拭机器
■ 请勿在磨豆器或粉槽中加入速溶咖啡及其他混有如可可粉等的混合
■ 请勿在豆槽中加入经过特殊处理的(如加味、加糖)的咖啡豆,如有
■ 豆槽中只可加入咖啡豆,切勿加入其它如:巧克力豆、大米、坚果、
2 制作咖啡 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
意式,美式咖啡 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 拿铁玛琪雅朵,卡布基诺 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 预设咖啡水量 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 用咖啡粉做咖啡 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 热水 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14






一、优瑞Jura F50C商务全自动咖啡机:型号:Jura F50C 产地:瑞士尺寸:280*345*435mm 重量:9.1千克电源:220V 功率:1450W豆箱容量:200g 水箱容量:1.9L水泵压力:15bar 粉渣盒容量:16块电压/频率 220/240V 50/60Hz产品特性:1.使用专业卡布基诺奶沫器能很方便的为您的卡布基诺、拿铁/玛琪雅朵咖啡制作出完美的奶沫与热牛奶;2.旋转式按钮可用于程序设置,有了它,操作变得十分便捷。

您可以使用此按钮轻松完成对水量及其它参数的设置,只需转动和轻按,即可达到您对咖啡的独特口感要求;3.咖啡杯照明系统;4.动力监测系统;5.红色字幕可选中文;6.Connector System 外接自动发泡系统,可以连接专业卡布基诺奶沫器、简易奶沫器、两段式奶沫器,及热水喷嘴;7.要使淬取的每一杯咖啡都品质完美,这即使对于专业咖啡师来说也不是件很容易的事情。

但优瑞的工程师们为此研发了I.P.B.A.S 智能预润系统,可以使得淬取过程中的咖啡油脂和芳香气味尽善尽美,无疑给真正的咖啡爱好者们带来了福音;8. 饮用水中可能会含有的某些杂质,比如氯化物、重金属、重元素等,这些物质不仅有害于健康,还会影响咖啡口味。


CLARIS plus水质净化滤芯被直接安置在咖啡机水箱内,不需要再添加其它化学药剂,CLARIS plus就能吸附水中杂质,延缓咖啡机加热系统中水垢的形成,同时保留水中有益健康的矿物质成分。





二、准备工作1. 将咖啡机放置在平稳的台面上,并接通电源。

2. 确保咖啡机的水箱中添加足够的清水。

3. 准备好新鲜的咖啡豆并将其研磨至适当的粗细程度。

三、开机与预热1. 按下咖啡机的电源按钮,待指示灯亮起表示咖啡机已开机。

2. 根据咖啡机的说明书设置合适的预热时间。

四、冲泡操作1. 取下咖啡机的滤网,放入适量的咖啡粉,并轻轻均匀地铺平。

2. 将滤网重新放回咖啡机,并确保安装正确。

3. 将咖啡机的壶放置在合适的位置,并确保壶口与滤网底部对齐。

4. 调节咖啡机的出水量、温度和浸泡时间,按下启动按钮开始冲泡。

5. 完成冲泡后,等待咖啡滴满壶。

五、倒出咖啡1. 将咖啡壶从咖啡机中取下,注意壶底可能有热蒸汽,请小心避免烫伤。

2. 轻轻摇动壶体,倒出咖啡至杯子中。


六、清洁与保养1. 在使用完咖啡机后,及时清空废水箱和咖啡渣。

2. 定期清洗滤网、水箱和咖啡壶,避免咖啡残留产生异味。

3. 注意咖啡机的电源安全,避免水溅入电源插座或开关部位。

七、故障处理1. 若咖啡机出现故障,请立即停止使用,并与专业维修人员联系。

2. 不要自行拆卸或修理咖啡机,以免造成更严重的损坏或安全隐患。

八、注意事项1. 在操作咖啡机时,请注意个人安全,避免触碰热水和高温表面。

2. 咖啡机应放置在儿童无法触及的地方,以免发生意外。

3. 注意使用咖啡机的环境,确保通风顺畅。

4. 请勿在空壶的情况下启动咖啡机,以免损坏设备。









一、研磨咖啡豆1. 确认咖啡豆的选择和质量在研磨咖啡豆之前,首先需要确认咖啡豆的选择和质量。



2. 确定适合的研磨度在研磨咖啡豆之前,您需要根据咖啡机的类型和要制作的咖啡类型,选择适合的研磨度。


3. 研磨咖啡豆将咖啡豆放入咖啡机的研磨器中,按下研磨按钮开始研磨。


二、冲泡咖啡1. 准备咖啡机和过滤器首先,将咖啡机准备好并插入电源。



2. 加入咖啡粉根据所制作的咖啡的杯数和个人口味,将适量的研磨好的咖啡粉倒入过滤器中。


3. 加入适量的水接下来,根据咖啡机说明书中的指引,加入合适的热水。


4. 开始冲泡将咖啡机开启,开始进行冲泡。



5. 倒出和享用当咖啡冲泡完成后,将咖啡机关闭,并使用手柄或杯子将咖啡倒出。





4 程序设置 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
饮品参数设置 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 水硬度设置 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 省电模式 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 自动关机设置 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 润湿 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
电源时,请先关闭机器上的所有开关,然后再拔下电源插头 ■ 请勿与其它电器共同使用一路电源 ■ 当使用蒸汽功能时,请注意安全
a. 配置的短电源线可避免长电源线可能导致的缠绕或迁绊,ENA Micro 9 One Touch 配置的是三芯插头
b. 需要时也可使用接线板来延长电源线 c. 当使用接线板时,请:
运输/清空系统 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 回收处理 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
9 技术参数 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 10 授权维修中心 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
ENA Micro 9 One Touch
水量表示单位 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 语言 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17



14. 关机 .................................................................. 13
15. 程序设定 .......................................................... 13
15.1 滤芯设置 .............................................. 14

及的问题,请与 JURA 公司或当地供应商联系。
■ 在清理咖啡机之前请关闭总电源
同样,您也可以登陆我们的网站,, 获取更多关于使用和保养咖啡机的知识。
■ 在将电源线拔离咖啡机时,请不要硬拉电线或机器 ■ 确保连接咖啡机与电源的电线置于不会将人绊倒的地方,远
■ 不要将咖啡机或其某一部分置于洗碗机中清洗
1. 安全操作须知
■ 将咖啡机置于通风良好处,以避免机器散热不良,导致过热
1.1 警告
■ 由于儿童缺乏对于电器的危险意识,不要让儿童独自接触电器 ■ 儿童请在相关责任人的监护下进行咖啡机清洁或维护。 ■ 请勿让儿童玩耍咖啡机。 ■ 请使 8 岁以下儿童远离机器或一直监督他们。 ■ 8 岁及以上儿童只有在被指导如何安全使用机器后才能在不
2.2 检查电源保险负荷 咖啡机安全工作的电流要求为 10 安培,检查保险丝是否符合 10 安 培以上的工作负荷。
2.3 加水 请务必使用纯净水,不要加入牛奶、矿泉水或任何其它液体。
■ 取下水箱,将其在自来水中彻底润湿(图 4) ■ 然后在水箱中注入纯净水,正确安置于机器之中
2.4 加豆







二、使用前准备1. 确保咖啡机处于平稳的水平位置,避免倾斜或倒置。

2. 插上咖啡机的电源线并接通电源。

3. 清洗咖啡机的水箱和滤网,确保无杂质,以免影响咖啡的口感。

三、咖啡冲泡步骤1. 填充水箱:打开咖啡机的水箱盖,倒入适量的水。


2. 加入咖啡粉:根据个人口味,在过滤网中加入适量的咖啡粉。

3. 安装滤网:将滤网装入滤网筛座,确保牢固。

4. 开始冲泡:按下咖啡机上的启动按钮或旋转开关,启动冲泡程序。


5. 收集咖啡:将咖啡杯放在咖啡机的咖啡杯托上,等待冲泡完成。

6. 咖啡完成:当咖啡杯中的咖啡达到理想浓度时,咖啡机将自动停止工作。

四、清洁和保养1. 清洁滤网:在每次使用后,取出滤网并清洗残留的咖啡渣和沉淀物。


2. 清洁水箱:定期清洗水箱,避免水垢的积聚。


五、注意事项1. 在使用咖啡机之前,请仔细阅读本使用说明书,并按照说明进行操作。

2. 请勿在咖啡机无水情况下启动,以免损坏咖啡机。

3. 使用咖啡机时,请不要触摸热水和热咖啡,以免烫伤。

4. 当咖啡机长时间不使用时,请拔出电源插头,并保持咖啡机干燥。

5. 在清洁咖啡机时,务必断开电源并等待咖啡机完全冷却,以确保安全。

六、故障排除1. 咖啡冲泡速度慢:可能是滤网堵塞,请清洗滤网。

2. 咖啡温度不够高:可能是加热系统故障,请联系售后服务。

3. 咖啡机无法启动:可能是电源故障,请检查电源连接是否正常。




IMPRESSA J5 (JURA Typ 652)完全操作手册IMPRESSA J5 – 使用说明Impressa J5 – 使用说明目 录录安全操作须知 (4)咖啡机各部及配件说明 (6)正确使用 (8)安全提示 (8)IMPRESSA J5使用说明 (9)咖啡机型号 (9)符号含义 (9)欢迎加入IMPRESSA新世界 (10)1 IMPRESSA J5 – 咖啡与美的碰撞 (11)网站 (11)flash助手 (11)2 初次使用 (12)标准配备 (12)装机与连接电源 (12)加水 (12)加豆 (13)初次使用 (13)安装滤芯 (14)水硬度设置 (16)磨豆器调节 (16)开机 (17)关机 (18)3 认识您的咖啡机 (19)使用按键制做咖啡 (19)单次设置咖啡参数 (20)如何设置默认参数 (21)可设置的默认参数 (21)查看咖啡机使用与保养情况 (23)4 咖啡菜单 (25)5 单键制做咖啡 (31)专家提示 (31)意式浓缩咖啡 (31)2IMPRESSA J5 – 使用说明普通咖啡 (32)卡布基诺 (32)用咖啡粉做咖啡 (33)加热牛奶 (34)热水 (34)6 设置咖啡水量 (36)7 程序设置模式 (37)按键 (37)省电模式 (38)时间 (39)自动开机时间 (39)自动关机时间 (40)水量/时间表示 (41)语言 (41)8 保养 (43)保养提示 (43)咖啡机润湿 (43)更换滤芯 (44)咖啡机清洗 (45)咖啡机除垢 (47)润湿专业奶沫器 (49)清洗专业奶沫器 (49)分解专业奶沫器 (50)清理豆槽中的异物 (51)清洁豆槽 (51)水箱除垢 (52)9 滤芯- 咖啡品质的保证 (53)10 牛奶 (59)11 配件 (60)12 提示信息 (69)13 故障排除 (70)14 运输与回收处理 (71)15 技术参数 (72)16 核心技术产品 (73)17 授权维修中心 (76)3IMPRESSA J5 – 使用说明安全操作须知此安全操作须知适用于通过UL安全测试的咖啡机。

Eureka Tauro Tron 咖啡机说明书

Eureka Tauro Tron 咖啡机说明书

PRINCIPALES ATRIBUTOS Tolva (1kg) de material irrompible e indeformable (co.poliéster), con sistema de jación rápido y autonivelación fuera del molino de café, con posibilidad de limpieza en lavaplatos 90ºc. - Regulación del molido del café micrométrica, mediante un gatillo regulador. - Nuevo sistema de expulsión de café molido (dejando siempre la cavidad de molturación limpia al pararse el molino de café). - carrocería fabricada en acero inoxidable, con sistema de ventilación. (entrada y salida de aire interno). - Bandeja integrada a la carrocería, con sistema de arrastre de café molido. - Pantalla táctil para una programación y uso fácil (Selección de idioma - Ajuste del programa de molturación para cada dosis - Selección de 1 dosis, 2 dosis o molienda continua - Contador de cafés total o parcial). Prensa café montado al cuerpo. - Muela de acero templado (62/65HRc) de 60 mm de diámetro.Opcional: Opcional sistema de personalización con placas cromadas en el embudo.TAURO TRON INOX Molino de café profesional para todo tipo de cafés FABRICANTES DE MOLINOS DE CAFÉMANUFACTURERS OF COFFEE GRINDERS CARRETERA DE SANTA COLOMA, S/N · APARTADO DE CORREOS Nº 18 · 17410 SILS-MALLORQUINES (GIRONA) SPAIN T+34972168282·F+34972853104·*****************· Professional co ee grinder for all types of co ee.Muela de acero templado (62HRc) ø 60mm.CARACTERÍSTICAS TÉCNICAS310mm0-500gr/6’ Max 1Kg VOLTAJE: 230V / 220V / 110VFRECUENCIA: 50Hz / 60HzFASES: 1(monofásico)RPM: 1.300 / 1.600INTENSIDAD: 1,4A / 3ACONDENSADOR: 12nf / 40nfPOTENCIA: 0,12Hp / 275WGRADO DE PROTECCIÓN: IP21MOTOR PROVISTO DE PROTECTOR TÉRMICOTIEMPO MÁXIMO DE FUNCIONAMIENTO: 30min.MUELAS DE ACERO TEMPLADO (62HRc) ø 60mmDURACIÓN DE LAS MUELAS: 500KgCAPACIDAD DE LA TOLVA: 1KgPANTALLA TÁCTIL MULTI-IDIOMASELECCIÓN DE 1 O 2 CAFÉS MOLIDOS AL INSTANTE O MOLIDO CONTINUOCONTADOR DE CAFÉS TOTAL O PARCIALCRONÓMETRO ASISTENTE DEL PUNTO DE MOLTURACIÓNMEDIDAS ANCHO X LARGO X ALTO: 180X310X560mmPESO: 9KgRUIDO AÉREO: 77dBDiseñado bajo directiva 89/392 CE.COLLECTION CLASSICINOX。

Vero Barista 600 自动咖啡机商品说明书

Vero Barista 600 自动咖啡机商品说明书

Fully automatic coffee machine, Vero Barista 600, SilverTIS65621RW1 x scoop, 1 x test strip, 1 x connection hose for milk frother, 1 x milk pipe, 1 x insulated milk container with fresh-lockTCZ7003 Accessories small appliancesTCZ7033 Water filterTCZ8001A Cleaning tabletsTCZ8002A Descaling tabletsTCZ8004A Care set espressoTCZ8009N 1nsulated milk containerTZ40001 Insulated coffee jugTZ70063A 6 x Brita Filter for EQ Coffee MachineTZ80003A Multipack cleaner and descalerTZ80032A Multipack descaler A variety of coffees at a glance. Quickly and conveniently with just one touch of a button, even for two cups at once if you wish.Dimensions: ........................................................385 x 281 x 468 mm Dimensions of the packed product (HxWxD): .....510 x 430 x 345 mm Pallet dimensions: ..............................................220.0 x 80.0 x 120.0 Standard number of units per pallet: . (24)Net weight: ..............................................................................10.6 kg Gross weight: ..........................................................................11.1 kg Connection Rating: .................................................................1500 W Voltage: ...............................................................................220-240 V Frequency: ............................................................................50/60 Hz Length electrical supply cord: ..............................................100.0 cm Plug type: .......................................................Gardy plug w/ earthing Included accessories: ..1 x scoop, 1 x test strip, 1 x connection hose for milk frother, 1 x milk pipe, 1 x insulated milk container withfresh-lockFully automatic coffee machine, Vero Barista 600, SilverTIS65621RWA variety of coffees at a glance. Quickly and conveniently with just one touch of a button, even for two cups at once if you wish.Flavour- Coffee variety at the touch of a button: Espresso, Espresso macchiato, Coffee, Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato, Caffé Latte. Quick and convenient.- Additional coffee specialties for the outstanding moment: Americano, Flat white, Café cortado.- AromaDouble Shot: Extra-strong coffee with less bitterness thanks to two grinding and brewing processes- optional Brita water filter: Reduces the lime content of water and filters substances affecting smell and tasteconvenience- CoffeeComfort Display: Aromatic coffee and milk specialities can be selected and prepared by simply touching the sensor fields- Favorites: Save up to 4 personalised beverages- cup size 5-level adjustable- Adjustable mixing ratio of milk and espresso for all beverages- Coffee outlet and milk frother height-adjustable: Up to 14,1 cm (max) high Latte Macchiato glasses fit underneath- Cappuccino: Prepare two cups simultaneously for all coffee and milk specialities- Removable 1.7 litre water tank- Flexible milk solution: Decide for yourself if you prefer connecting the yes milk container or using any other container, e.g. a milk carton- Short user manual always at hand inside appliancePerformance- High-value ceramic grinding unit CeramDrive- One-touch coffee milk specialities with especially fine-pored milk froth thanks to an innovative milk frother- In addition to beverages also available separately: milk foam, warm milk, hot water- Reduced heating-up time: fastest first cup!- Water pump with 19 bar pressure- Separate container for pre-grounded coffee- with auto-offHygiene- Removable brewing unit: Easy and hygienic cleaning under running water- Automatic quick rinse programme when switched on or off- steam blast: Fully-automatic steam cleaning of the milk systemafter every beverage- Milk frother removable and dishwasher-proof- Drip tray and coffee grounds container removable anddishwasher-proof- Automatic cleaning and descaling programmeMiscellaneous - with insulationmilk container with fresh lock-lid (0.5 l volume)- Bean container with aroma protection lid (300 g volume)- Grinding fineness adjustable (multi-level)- Different display languages available- Child safety lock: Unintended brewing process not possible- Storage compartment for power cord (1 m)- Wattage: 1500 WAccessories- Included accessories: 1 x scoop, 1 x milk pipe, 1 x test strip, 1 x connection hose for milk frother, insulated milk container with fresh-lock- Separately available accessories: cleaning tablets (TZ80001), descaling tablets (TZ80002), BRITA Intenza water filter (TZ70003), care set for fully-automatic espresso makers (TZ80004), insulated milk container (TZ80009N)。

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