



“Spring Festival Gala Evening”
当不了火炬手、上不了春晚,上山寨的总可以吧 !
The feature of COPYCATTING culture
• Imitation • Amusement • Appealing for equity and justice
Zhou Nt
The word “Shan Zhai” (a Chinese Pinyin for Copycatting) was borrowed from Cantonese(广东 人) to refer to the territories and places occupied by villains(恶棍), outlaws(歹徒) and rebels where they reigned and administered in a way to show their protests and revolts against the authorities.
but also spiritual, characterized by antiauthority, anti-official,
in which social mentality, the consciousness of
equity and justice are implanted.
Copycatting Culture
• Low price • Develop rapidly • Abundant functions
• Poor quality • Lack of innovation

Shanzhai culture 山寨文化

Shanzhai culture  山寨文化

Shanzhai culture is a kind of folk innovation. Take shanzhai spring festival gala for example, it can not only help people relax from the working or study pressure with its humor, but can help civilians vent their resentment to some social unfair phenomena.Shanzhai products also have lightspot . Take cellphone for instance, shanzhai cellphone is much more cheaper, and would be updated rapidly . it can cater to most people’s demand. Because many of us would like to change our cellphone when we see a more beautiful and practical one. Moreover, for the low-income people, they can not afford brand goods like iphone, but they are really eager for some upscale and practical products. How ? to buy shanzhai products is the most popular way that people take.In a word, copycat promotes technology innovation and has great influence in developing new type technology .as more and more shanzhai products appear, the machants are going to make efforts to improve their products continuously. and at the meantime, it enrichs our culture.•Civilian culture 平民文化•Fake v 捏造,假装n.假货,骗子adj.伪造的•Tort n.侵权行为•Intellectual property rights 知识产权•Mainstream culture 主流文化•Innovation n.创新,革新•Vanity n.虚荣心;空虚;浮华;无价值的东西•Entertainment n. 娱乐,款待,消遣•Plagiarize v.抄袭,剽窃•Pirate n.盗版v.掠夺,剽窃•High –grade 高档•Extravagant profits 暴利•Enterprise n. 企业,事业•Shortcomings n.缺点•Non-governmental forces 民间力量•Low cost 低成本•Copyright n. 版权•Phenomenon n.现象•Monopolize vt.垄断;独占;拥有…的专卖权•Patent n.专利权adj.专利的•Cater vt. 迎合•Surprise Your Mind. List laughable, ridiculous, outrageous and bizarre ideas. Don’t limit yourself to ideas that other people consider “sane,”“reasonable” or “logical.” The best and most creative ideas stem from silly ones. When you’re in a creative mode, you’re suspending judgment on ideas you generate. You simply list them all down and never worry whether they make sense or not. Allow yourself the freedom to think outside the box.•Believe that Everything has a Solution. An optimistic outlook always leads to solutions, no matter how impossible a problem or task may be. Often when a solution can’t be found, all that’s needed is for the problem to be redefined. Or when you think you’re stumped, surprise your mind with silly solutions then work backwards, leading to the original problem. Cultivate an attitude of continuing search for solutions.Let Go of Your Fear of Failure. Don’t expect to do something perfectly for the first time. Thomas Edison tried about 1800 things for the perfect filament for the incandescent lamp. Fear of failure is one of the major factors that can hinder your creativity. Instead of looking at failed attempts negatively, look at your failures as learning opportunities. Failing isn’t fun, but neither is doing nothing.•Jiang Z emin said, Innovation is the soul of a nation‘s progress, is an inexhaustible motive force for national prosperity, but also the source of the eternal vitality of a political party.(创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个政党永葆生机的源泉)•Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.Nothing is done. Everything in the world remains to be done or done over. The greatest picture is not yet painted, the greatest play isn’t written, the greatest poem is unsung. There isn’t in all the world a perfect railroad, nor a good government, nor a sound law. Physics, mathematics, and especially the most advanced and exact of the sciences are being fundamentally revised. . . Psychology, economics, and sociology are awaiting a Darwin, whose work in turn is awaiting an Einstein.。


1. 仿冒的或伪造的 “山寨 ”首先因聚居地偏僻难管的特点与地下 工厂发生相似联系 ,所以“山寨工厂 ”是指那些偏
间发起的 ,小规模经营的或家庭小作坊式的 ,通过 对原有事物的低成本仿制或制作的 ”,如山寨广告 、 山寨网和山寨红楼梦等 。此时 ,“山寨 ”可以译为 “self2m ade”或“home2made”。例如 :
A b s tra c t: The m os t p op u la r in te rne t s la n g in 2008 m us t b e “s ha nzha i”, w h ic h e x te n d s from “s ha nzh a i p rod uc ts ”to“s h a n zh a i p h e n om e no n ”a n d“s h a n zh a i c u ltu re ”. The tra ns la tio n of“s ha nzha i”b e c om e s a top c on c e rn fo r tra n s la to rs. The a u tho r a ttem p ts to a n a lyze th e m e tap h o ric a l m e a n in g s o f“s ha nzha i”a nd its tra n s la tion from the p e rsp e c tive s of c on te x t.
术 语 周杰伦代言的 MP4,掀起了网友热议 。 英译 : An ad for a MP4 p roduct endorsed by p seu2
do Jay Zhou sparked a heated debate on the internet. 4. 没有营业执照的或未经授权的 “山寨 ”也可以喻指“没有营业执照的 ”或“未



打酱油 get some soy sauce ,buy some sauce
• When a person in Guangzhou was asked to give his opinion often sex scandal involving Hong Kong star Edison Chen ,the man answered, “It is none of my business. I am just out to get some soy sauce.” People have since begun using the words to mean “it„s none of my business”。 • 来源于对一位广州市民的采访,当记者问到他关 于一则报道的看法时,他说:关我什么事情?我 是来打酱油的。此网络潮语表明:我路过,我不 关心的意思
要是有人跟你说 "Do you want to step outside?", 就回他这一句吧. 意思是说, 是喔... 那你找了多少人马要来打架啊?
• Who's side are you on?" 在快要打架时, 你问人家说,你到底是 站在哪一边的
• “倒爷”:profiteer或wheelerdealer • “五好家庭”:Five Virtues Family • “万元户”:ten-thousandyuan household • “大哥大”:GSM mobile telephone • “喇叭裤”:bell-bottomed trousers
做人不能太 CNN don't be too CNN
• It emerged in response to foreign media„s coverage of Tibet. Many Chinese thought it was biased. It gained more popularity after CNN commentator Jack Cafferty‟s rude talk of China。 • 西藏拉萨发生了严重的打、砸、抢、烧暴 力事件,一些外国媒体在对这一事件进行 报道时,出现了大量失实的报道。此句暗 指某些媒体失实报道的举动。



如何看待山寨文化作文500左右英文回答:Shanzhai culture, also known as "copycat culture," is a phenomenon that originated in China and has gainedpopularity in recent years. It refers to the imitation or replication of well-known brands, products, or cultural elements, often with slight modifications or alterations. Shanzhai culture can be seen in various industries,including fashion, electronics, and entertainment.There are mixed opinions on shanzhai culture. Some people argue that it is a form of creativity and innovation, as it allows for the reinterpretation and adaptation of existing ideas. For example, in the fashion industry, shanzhai brands often create affordable versions of high-end designer clothing, making fashion more accessible to a wider audience.On the other hand, critics argue that shanzhai culturepromotes counterfeiting and undermines intellectualproperty rights. They believe that it devalues originality and creativity, as it relies heavily on copying andimitating established brands. For instance, the production and sale of counterfeit electronic goods not only harm the original brand's reputation but also pose potential risksto consumers.中文回答:山寨文化,也被称为“山寨文化”,是一种起源于中国并在近年来广受欢迎的现象。


• “山寨”的提法不是源于广东,而是来自香港。 香港和广东的省会城市广州一样,讲的都是粤 语。 在香港,小规模经营的工厂或家庭小作坊 被称为“山寨厂”,其出产的产品也被港人讥 之为“山寨货”。在粤语中“山寨”一词也含 有“不正规”或“不正统”的意思。 • "Copycat" was not due to Guangdong, but from Hongkong. Hongkong and Guangdong provincial capital city Guangzhou, will speak cantonese. In Hongkong, small scale factory or small family workshop called "copycat factory", and its production of products have also been people called "copycat goods". In Cantonese "copycat" one word also contains "informal" or "unorthodox".
• 我们要善于识别这些山寨货,维护 自身的合法权益,别让自己的利益 得到损害。别让山寨,成为灾难。
• We should be good at identifying these copycat, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, don't let your interests be damage。Don't let the copycat, become a disaster



'Shanzhai' culture now in crosshairs (China Daily)Updated: 2009-05-18 08:06 Comments(0)PrintMailA Geely GE sedan at last month's 2009 Shanghai Auto Show. The model is widely called the Chinese "Shanzhai" version of a Rolls-Royce. AsianewsphotoChina may tighten its control over the rampant "Shanzhai" culture, as top officials from the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) have criticized the phenomenon as piracy.Tian Lipu, director of SIPO, said at a press conference in April that the popular Shanzhai, or copycat culture, is not an example of innovation. He said many Shanzhai products actually have violated others' intellectual property and should be regarded as piracy rather than innovation."There is no country that can survive and thrive on piracy and that's why we have established the national intellectual property protection strategy to fight for these acts," said Tian. He said only by making a shift in the social culture and in people's mindsets can China reduce piracy.Shanzhai, which literally means "mountain village" in Chinese, is now a popular contemporary Internet slang term referring to copycat or clone culture.Originally stemming from the pirating of flagship products of big electronic companies such as Apple's iPhone, the term could now refer to copycats of almost everything, including autos, websites or even super singers. Most big brands such as BMW, OLAY and Nokia have been victims of the Shanzhai products, which have similar designs but are sold at an astonishingly low price.Some people say that Shanzhai products are not all piracy. Some of the products were similar to those of big companies, they argue, but the Shanzhai ones also added new functions. Hiphone, for example, the Shanzhai edition of Apple's iPhone, enables sending of multimedia short messages and receiving radio, which Apple failed to support in its products. These additional functions, they say, can also be called a kind of innovation and should be encouraged.China has the world's largest manufacturing capacity and produces a large share of the world's goods such as electronics, textiles and autos. That has put Chinese manufacturers, especially the small ones, in a unique position in releasing their own copycat products after they have finished what they have been ordered to produce.Some copycat products, such as the fake iPhone Nano, were even released before the authentic products were launched.However, Tian said the Shanzhai culture does not deserve to be applauded because it is an illegal action.Tao Xinliang, dean of Shanghai University Intellectual Property School, said the term Shanzhai is a complex concept that mixes both legal and illegal moves. He said the term may not last long as people's enthusiasm for this culture fades away.In fact, some Chinese elites have already proposed restricting the Shanzhai culture. Ni Ping, a famed television anchorwoman and member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said she has submitted a proposal calling for legal means to get rid of the Shanzhai culture and support the original cultural concept."While the country is cracking down on IPR violations, young people are enjoying infringed work online. The Shanzhai culture hurts the cultural industry's interest," Ni said on the sidelines of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in March. "If we don't do something to eliminate Shanzhai, we will soon see a country with a sea of similar books, TV programs, movies and dwindling cultural creativity."However, launching a fight with Shanzhai culture may prove to be a tough task. According to the research firm GFK, Shanzhai mobile phones make up about 30 percent of China's handsets market. In the emerging netbook market, Shanzhai products also take up about eight percent worldwide, according to DRAMeXchange Technology Inc, a Taiwanese market watcher. Many Shanzhai products produced in China have also been exported to emerging countries where consumers are also price-sensitive. And the current economic slowdown could make Shanzhai products even more popular than before.Is English langu age teaching overemphasized in Chinese educat ion?Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the issue of English teaching in our education. Some people think that it is overemphasized because almost all kind of tests include English test. Others do not think so. I do not think English language theaching is overemhpasized, and I think English teaching should be improved. Because English is the only lauguage could be conversation all over the world.First, most research articles and books are published in English. Almost all imformation we need in our reseach was written in English. We must read a lot of English paper, in order to know the researching level about some subject in the world. In the same time, results of our researching would be written in English for easy to communication with other researchers in the world.Second, many direction of device, reagent and medicine applied in our daily work and living are written in English. It would be difficult anddangerous if we could not understand their direction. Not only the direction of imported device and reagent are written in English, but also our product direction which will be exported to other countries must be written in English. With more and more economic globalizing, importing and exporting more and more frequence, most factories and hospitales must write or read English direction everyday.Third, most imformation in the net are written in English. Many data bank in the net which we must use in our research work everyday, are written in English, for example Gene Bank and MLST. The results of all over the world research are put into Gene Bank, so that they could be searched, compared, analysised by everyone in the world. It is English that the only language all over the world scientists could communicate with in order to they could work together for science advancement.In sum, English become a necessary tool in our daily work and study. But nowaday our English teaching could not catch up with the demand of our daily work and study. Our English teaching should adapt to daily work and practice, increase teaching how to read and written direction and paper. Our graduated should be capable of read and written English direction of medicine or device, and be capable of search, compare and analysised English data in the net. The aim of our education should be satisfy the need of actually production and researching.Do you think that students today are less knowledgeable b ecause they read fewerQuite a few teachers complain about students reading fewer books than before. In fact, students nowadays spend more time surfing on the internet and watching movies on DVD’s. Naturally they spend less time reading books. But, I think students nowadays are more knowledgeable than before, because knowledge are easier to access in the net than in the print book. First, electric books in the net are less expensive than print books. Eveyone know it is money that students are most lack of. Buying print book is a heavy burden to s tudents, so as to library. The student’s subsidy is always too limited to afford more than three print books one year. Facing the same question, the number of school library purchaseing print book decreased year by year. Books in libray are too limited, and not updated in time for scarce of fund. Almost every student and teacher have encountered this problem, that they could not borrow the book their wanted from school library. Contrast to this, many websites provide free E-books and information, and many school library have purchased down-load article service from some rental web library. Thus, student could get more information with less money from E-books and E-library than from print books and print journalSecond, getting knowledge from the web, cost less time than from print books. In past, for searching information about his subject, a student must look up many bunches catalog of school library at first, then look for many heavy print book from dusty bookshelves, and copy the pages from the books. After several weeks searching, a student generally could not get enough imformation about the subject he was researching on. Now, by moving mouse and clicking keyboard, several minutes, a lot of information would take on the screen. Searching information is not a time consume work in the net. Now, a student writting a review about some subject only costs several days, in past that would cost several months.Third, E-book could be access to easyer than print book. It is a mission impossible to know detailed researching situation of some subject in country and abroad from print books and journals, because no library could collect all books and journal published in the world. Now, a student is able to read all articles he interested in, that published all over the world from CNKI , NCBI and other websites. Asked a question, nowadays students could answer perfectly and detailed in several minutes by the web assisted, past students maybe reply ‘ I have not found the answer in the text book.’ .It is universally recognized that the quality and quantity of articles students writed increase sharply year by year, and novels writed by younger writer are in bloom now. All these fact can draw one conclusion that nowaday student are more knowledgeable than before, and surfing on the net are capable of get more knowledge than print booksImportant role of migrant workers in China urbanizationWith transforming from agricuture to industrization society , China step into urbanization at high speed. More and more factories set up, more and more laborer are desired. It is need of soceity development that laborer are emancipated from field and pour into factories. Migrant worker cater for the thirst of industry for free laborer. The emergence of migrant worker, is necessary in trend of society development.It is vital for maket economy that laborer could flow freely from one area to another. In past, US must take a civil war to emancipate slave from agricuture to industry. Now, our country encourage migrant worker flowing into urban by pacific means. It reflect the wise of our central government.But, some people and partly goernment are ignorance the important of freely flowing laborer to market economy. They settle some obstacle to block migrant worker pour into urban. For example, migrant worker could not share with registered permanent residence for equal job chance , education right, society insurance, dwell right , ect. It is very danger to the safe of society that citizen could not share equal right . Forexample, Palestinian girl had no enough job chance in Israel, and did not know how to make a living . They had no hope to future , because they had no equal education and dwell right to neighbor Jew. They goto despaired, then became fresh bomb. Our country need no fresh bomb, so that equal citizen right was written in our constitution and law. Everyone beside registered residenc and migrant workers, should share the equal citizen right endowed by constitution and law, liking share the same sunshine. It is the only way to enforce our constitution and law, promote sceity harmonious, advance ecomony flourish.Migrant worker is very impotant in China urbanization. Everyone should kown it in brain, and make great effort to promote migrant worker flowing or settling down freely beween cities.'shanzhai' electronic products An opinion from 'Red Net' says that in China, 'shanzhai' is an modifier usually put before electronic products such as mobile phones and MP3s, to indicate that these products, though with similar brand names or appe arances as with famous products, are actually manufactured in village workshops. 'Shanzhai' products are low-cost products which unfairly challenge the original companies. They are also often of poor quality. But 'shanzhai' culture such as 'shanzhai' MTV, most of which are significantly different from the originals, are just good entertainment and useful supplements for mainstream culture. The article says that for 'shanzhai' electronic products, people should remain rational. But for 'shanzhai' MTV, creative diversity should be welcomed.One 'China Youth Daily' article comments that 'shanzhai' culture is actually a culture of piracy, of infringement of rights, and of thievery. 'Shanzhai' products are manufactured without approval from the authorities, saving hundreds of thousands of yuan in license fees. They are packaged similar to genuine products to flood the market with low prices. Since 'shanzhai' products have become popular under the title 'shanzhai' culture, they sway the public's judgment about how to choose the best product. However, it adds that since pirated products are never as good as genuine versions, they won't exist too long.An article from the 'Qianjiang Evening News' says that certain products are always used by wealthy people before they spread to the lower levels of society. 'Shanzhai' culture breaks the chain and offers high-tech products directly to ordinary people. Shanzhai products have been popular at grassroots level for a long time, now it has even attracted mainstream attention. The Rise of Shanzhai CultureThe vast array of knockoff name-brand products, such as cell phones, DVDs, MP3 players, have made “shanzhai” the hottest word of the year. Now we wear shanzhai watches, talk through shanzhai cell phones, play shanzhai video games, use shanzhai computers, even watch shanzhai TV shows. Once a term used before some electronic products to suggest a copycat version of inferior quality, shanzhai now suggests to many Chinese creativity and trendiness. With the media all over the rise of shanzhai culture, public opinions are clearly divided.Advocates invariably associate it with innovation, stylishness, the DIY spirit, open-mindedness and practicality, as shanzhai products often mix imitation with innovation – a similar skin but a different heart. The end products are usually more functional and much cheaper than the original. Besides, they respond to the market more swiftly and they are more considerate in design. Thanks to them, more people at the grassroots level can enjoy the benefit of modern technology.However, other people, including myself, hold more reserved attitudes towards the shanzhai fever. For all the popularity it has won, a copycat is a copycat. The mockery of the prestige products not only steals their profits but also upsets market competition. Moreover, shanzhai products thrive on the current legal loopholes. Under the disguise of anti-dominance slogans, they make illegal profits by violating intellectual property rights and evading taxes. And to top it off, the so-called innovation is only senseless talk as true innovation always faces huge costs and potential failures, while plagiarism simply builds success on other people’s risks.。



度米作文汇编之高考英语作文模板:The Rise of Shanzhai Culture山寨文化的兴起 the rise of shanzhai culturethe vast array of knockoff name-brand products, such as cell phones, dvds, mp3 players, have made”shanzhai” the hottest word of the year. now we wear shanzhai watches, talk through shanzhai cell phones, play shanzhai video games, use shanzhai computers, even watch shanzhai tv shows. once a term used before some electronic products to suggest a copycat version of inferior quality, shanzhai now suggests to many chinese creativity and trendiness. with the media all over the rise of shanzhai culture, public opinions are clearly divided.仿冒名牌产品繁多,如手机,dvd,mp3播放器,这些使得“山寨”成了一年中最热的词。




advocates invariably associate it with innovation, stylishness, the diy spirit, open-mindedness and practicality, as shanzhai products often mix imitation with innovation – a similar skin but a different heart. the final products are usually more functional and much cheaper than the original. besides, they respond to the market more swiftly and they are more considerate in design. thanks to them, more people at the grassroots level can enjoy the benefit of modern technology.支持者总是把创新,时尚,diy精神,开放性和实用性联系在一起,山寨产品往往混合模仿与创新——类似的外表但不同的核心。



如何看待山寨文化作文500左右英文回答:Counterfeit Culture: A Multifaceted Phenomenon.Counterfeit culture, also known as knockoff or copycat culture, encompasses the unauthorized replication or imitation of original products, often at a lower cost. While counterfeiting has been prevalent throughout history, its proliferation in the 21st century has raised concerns regarding intellectual property rights, consumer safety, and economic implications.The reasons behind the popularity of counterfeitculture are complex. Globalization and advancements in manufacturing technology have facilitated the ease and affordability of producing knockoff goods. Additionally, consumer demands for affordable alternatives to luxury products and brand-name goods have fueled the market for counterfeits.Counterfeit culture has both positive and negative consequences. On the one hand, it provides consumers with access to inexpensive alternatives to high-priced items. It can also contribute to the preservation of traditional crafts and cultural practices by providing a low-cost option for products that may otherwise be inaccessible.On the other hand, counterfeiting poses significant risks to consumers and legitimate businesses. Counterfeit goods often lack quality control, leading to substandard products that may pose health or safety hazards. Additionally, counterfeiting undermines the value of original products, depriving creators of their deserved profits and potentially stifling innovation.Addressing the issue of counterfeit culture requires a multifaceted approach. Governments must enforceintellectual property laws and work with law enforcement to crack down on counterfeit production and distribution. Consumers should be educated about the risks associated with counterfeit goods and encouraged to purchase genuineproducts. Legitimate businesses need to invest in anti-counterfeiting measures to protect their brands and customers.Ultimately, reducing the prevalence of counterfeit culture depends on shifting societal attitudes towards intellectual property rights. By fostering a culture that values originality and creativity, we can create an environment where counterfeit products are less desirable and legitimate businesses are supported.中文回答:山寨文化,一种多面性的现象。



了过去一年中发生在中国的重要事件和现象, 其中排 “ ” 。 2008 12 3 名第一的就是 山寨 在 年 月 日, 作为政 《新闻联播》 “山寨 ” 府官方媒体的节目 也提及到了 一 :“ ‘山寨 ’ 词, 对其做了如下简单的评价 一词已经从 ” , “山 目前 经济行为逐渐演变为一种社会文化现象 。 。“山寨 ” 寨” 一词存在着的语义泛化 ② 的情形 一词不 仅具有语言的魅力, 同时也在不断的传播中, 将自身 词义的所指和能指玩得娴熟而不露痕迹 。 市场经济 和消费主义的力量正在悄然地不断改变文化的公共 , “山寨 ” 空间 在自身的流行中, 语义已经悄然改变。 恰恰是这种改变, 它有可能为改革政治和革新文化带 来某种新的契机。 “山寨” 一词正在经历着语义泛化的情形。 应当 , “山寨 ” 作为一个在网络和民间首先兴起的概念 说, 其实并没有被准确定义。 因为“山寨 ” 的草莽性, 它 而是在自身流行的过程中 不需要一个被正名的概念, 。“多元竞争的价 完成了自身概念的语义泛化过程
全国中文核心期刊 艺术百家 2011 年 第 2 期 总第 119 期 HUNDRED SCHOOLS IN ARTS
。“草根人士对中心、 地 主流、 精英的模仿客观上推 动了后者的增殖、 播撒、 再生产。 只要分析山寨春晚 我们就可以清晰地领受到这种复制对主 的运作过程, 流的增殖、 播撒、 再生产机制: 几个民间人士欲排演自 己的春晚, 貌似向央视叫板, 但实际上却将央视春晚 ”⑦ 当作了原型、 榜样、 目标。 有意思的是, 现在我们正面临着一个有意思的现 象: 不同美学之间的壁垒虽然还在, 还在各自标榜着 所代表的阶级, 但是一种美学战胜另一种美学已不可 能, 出现的是一种混杂的美学 。在大众文化发展到了 必然会出现大众文化与主流、 精英 比较成熟的阶段, 文化的相互交融。它们不是互相排斥的, 它们会在某 相互补充。 些具体的语境之中, 伴随着改革开放和市场经济大潮, 大众文化迅速 壮大, 成为与来自官方的主流文化 、 来自学界的精英 三足鼎立的社会主干性文化形态 。在 文化并驾齐驱、 面临到大众文化冲击的时候, 主流文化和精英文化也 。 做出了调整 为达到动员社会和教化公众的主流文 化, 为尽可能赢得和征服最大量的公众, 作为官方的 主流媒体也开始借鉴有效的娱乐手段, 赢得最佳的社 “承袭 20 世纪 80 年代理性沉思 会效果。而精英文化 传统和从事形式试验的那部分精英文化人从广场退 向书斋, 另一些精英文化人则不得不暂且放弃孤芳自 赏旧习, 努力向大众文化吸取成功的娱乐手段, 以便 传递独特审美体验, 或者通过言语的狂欢获得个体的 ”⑧ 满足, 从而也带有了娱乐文化的特性 。 从主流、 精英文化对于大众文化最初的抵触, 到 之后的融合, 都表明了这样一个不争的事实: 大众文 化的出现打破了主流文化一统天下的局面 。 它使主 精英文化开始反思自己, 认识到运用多种文 流文化、 。“山 化形式以满足不同层次的受众需求的重要性 “草莽 ” 因其 出身, 在全社会引起轩然大波, 人们 寨” 对此各执一词, 褒贬难定。在面对山寨文化这种现象 主流和精英文化表达了对山寨“伪创造性 ” 等问 时, 题的忧虑。部分来自主流和精英文化层的声音认为: “山寨” 文化的命运亦如“山寨政权 ” 一样, 最后只能 “山寨 ” 走向被招安的命运。但是对 正面的肯定的声 而且更多的是对“山寨 ” 文化持以一 音也不绝于耳, 种比较 乐 观 的 态 度。 作 为 目 前 大 众 文 化 最 典 型 的 “山寨” 文化现象, 已经不再是传统意义上的精英文 化和高雅文化的对立, 而是一个有层次的相对无等级 但是最后发展 的文化概念( 最初面向的是草根阶层, 到任何阶级、 任何身份都能参与其中) 。 商业的根本 利益需要打破消费活动的等级限制, 这种文化之间的 暧昧状态也在说明某种文化现象的出现其实“是一 种心理代偿, 是在娱乐中虚幻地满足自己无法实现或 ”⑨“山寨 ” 无法成功的商业投机的需要 。 消解的不仅 是文化的含义和等级, 也消解的是不同文化之间的差 异。



山寨文化作文500字左右英文回答:Counterfeit Culture.Counterfeit culture, also known as copycat culture, is a phenomenon in which individuals or businesses imitate or duplicate existing products, designs, or ideas without authorization or permission. This practice often involves the production and sale of goods that are similar to or identical to the original, but with lower quality orinferior materials. Counterfeit culture can havesignificant economic and legal implications, as it can infringe on intellectual property rights, damage brand reputations, and deceive consumers.Counterfeit culture can manifest in various industries, including fashion, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and luxury goods. In the fashion industry, for example, counterfeiters may produce knock-off versions of designer clothing andhandbags, often using inferior fabrics and construction techniques. In the electronics industry, counterfeiters may copy popular smartphone designs and sell them at lower prices, but with reduced functionality or substandard components. Counterfeiting in pharmaceuticals can have more serious consequences, as fake medications may pose health risks to consumers.Counterfeiting can have several negative consequences. First, it violates intellectual property rights and deprives creators of fair compensation for their work. Second, it can damage the reputation of legitimate businesses, as consumers may associate counterfeit products with the original brand. Third, counterfeiting can deceive consumers and lead to financial losses, as counterfeit products may not perform as expected or may be unsafe.To address the issue of counterfeit culture, several measures can be taken. Governments can implement stricter laws and regulations against counterfeiting, including increased penalties and enforcement efforts. Businesses can invest in anti-counterfeiting technologies, such asholograms and unique identification codes, to deter counterfeiters. Consumers can also play a role by being vigilant and purchasing products from authorized sources.By working together, governments, businesses, and consumers can help to combat counterfeit culture and protect intellectual property rights. This collective effort can contribute to a more ethical and competitive marketplace that benefits creators, legitimate businesses, and consumers alike.中文回答:山寨文化,又称仿冒文化,是一种未经授权或许可,个人或企业模仿或复制现有产品、设计或创意的现象。



• You Are the One (非诚勿扰)
• With the development of the TV shows, it brings many common people opportunities to realize their star dreams. Unfortunately, a large number of persons will choose to imitate the superstars.
Daily products
Daily products
One question that people have always wondered about these shows is, how many of these people actually fall in love? However, do the relationships last? Well, these kinds of relationships can and do work out-sometimes. However, more often than not they end very quickly.
• Before we decide to purchase a product, have a knowledge of it and check it carefully. This will help us not to be cheated to some degree.
3 Television Dating Game Shows
Oቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱher things
Other things
The heated online debate about wheth er shanzhai should be encouraged or denounced is arguably due to Ni Ping , a well-known CCTV host’s proposal d uring the "two conferences“(两会) . She proposed to establish relevant le gislation that will eliminate the shanz hai phenomenon by arguing that the c opycat culture associated with shanz hai will stifle genuine creativity an ha mper awareness of property rights.
















































new oriental 新东方

new oriental 新东方
KEYWORDS: “Shanzhai” or “copycat”(山寨)
As is indicated in the illustration given above, one well-known historical notability named Li Kui is being astonished by his another-self, who is standing in the opposite side, with a disgraceful note in his hand announcing “giving you the parallel experience as the original edition could pay”. So, paid for what? Definitely, he would be paid for his special reputation as a so-called “Copycat Big Star” or “Shanzhai Superstar” which is rampant in today’s China.
Then, the question goes to another orientation, that is, whether or not should we admit the existence of “Copycat Culture” or to what extent could we make efforts to protect the rights of original authority? It goes with no denying that the engine of the development of a country is subject to the nation’s creative power, which needs the much strongest protection from no matter government or civilian to fight with any behavior ravaging this kind of ecological balance. Fortunately, the first good news has been coming in --- “a unique 15-digit code, the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), is being applied to China’s more than 200 types of registered mobile phones. The effort will combat “Shanzhai” mobile phones, or copycat phones, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said recently. ”










The abuse of the knock-off products and the shanzhai culture: 1, Copycat Culture harms holders of IP rights , and does impact the real innovation. 2, as the quality of many knock-off products are substandard,it damages the interests of consumers. 3, it leads to unfair competition. 4. it disrupt the socialist market economic order. 5, endanger people's safety. 7. mislead the next generation of teenagers.8, affect the international image.总的来说,山寨是不诚信的体现。

中华民族的文化应该是诚信文化,是精英文化,中华民族的素质不只是这些草根的文化,应该是一种提炼!Overall, Shanzhai is a manifestation of unhonest. Chinese culture should be an ethical culture, elite culture, the quality of the Chinese nation, not just the culture of these grass-roots, it should be a refined.从IT产品到文化产业,几乎一夜之间“山寨”林立。



Copycatting-Chinese Style Revelry in Network
作者: 付小平[1];郑欢[2]
作者机构: [1]四川烹饪高等专科学校艺术系,四川成都610072;[2]成都理工大学外语学院,四川成都610059
出版物刊名: 西南交通大学学报:社会科学版
页码: 62-67页
主题词: 山寨文化;网络语境;广场语境;庙堂语境;狂欢精神




copycat是 什 么 意 思
copycat是盲目模仿者的意思。例句:The Beatles have copycats all over the world.披头士乐队的模仿者遍布全世界。
1copycat是 什 么 意 思
copycat 英[ˈkɒpikæt] 美[ˈkɑ:pikæt] n. 盲目模仿者; [例句]The Beatles have copycats all over the world. 披头士乐队的模仿者遍布全世界。 [其他] 复数:copycats 1.She is just a copycat who follows her sister's lead in everything. 她只是个盲目模仿别人的人,什么都跟她姐姐学. 2.Skeptics raise other concerns , ones that go beyond the copycat effect. 怀疑论者提出了其他思考挑战copycat效应. 3.A copycat is someone who imitates someone else. 嗯,copycat就是指模仿别人的人. 4.A copycat is someone who acts just like someone else or copies another person's work. Copycat(山寨猫)是指行为极像别人,或抄袭他人作品的人.
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• copycat movies are another profit-driven copycat phenomenon • These movies usually have low budgets, yet achieve commercial success by parodying, making fun of or borrowing elements from high-end Hollywood blockbuster movies.
Daily products
Daily products
One question that people have always wondered about these shows is, how many of these people actually fall in love? However, do the relationships last? Well, these kinds of relationships can and do work out-sometimes. However, more often than not they end very quickly.
• Nowadays we can see copycatting in almost every aspect of our life: food, medicine, digital products, TV shows and even people.
• The Manufacturers use a similar trademark or symbol to take advantage of a well-known popular brand to create confusion in the marketplace.
Other things
Customers may not be able to tell copycat goods from real goods at first sight, but when they find out that the manufacturer produces only inferior or shoddy products that cheat them out of their money, they may become so angry that they will never purchase another of their products.
• Before we decide to purchase a product, have a knowledge of it and check it carefully. This will help us not to be cheated to some degree.
3 Television Dating Game Shows
•4 The frequent reference to shanzhai cell phones on internet and in traditional media made people start labeling low-cost imitation cultural activities as shanzhai as well. One thing the activities have in common is that they all imitate high-end, popular yet authoritative events in which grass-roots power usually has no participating role.
Other things
• Copycat goods attract customers for their superior quality and attractive prices, but what about the real quality of these things, we have no idea before we use them.
1 The culture of copycat
-----山寨文化Biblioteka Interpretation
• The word 山寨(copycat) hails from Cantonese, and means “petty factory” or “underground factory”. The main features are the high capacity of copying, the fast speed and common people-orientation.
• We almost can’t distinguish the tiny difference. And we are not sure if the things are healthy for people.
• There is nothing but he can’t do! As we can see in the above pictures people “try their best to invent” a lot of strange things in order to cheat other people of their money!
• You Are the One (非诚勿扰)
• With the development of the TV shows, it brings many common people opportunities to realize their star dreams. Unfortunately, a large number of persons will choose to imitate the superstars.
Revolutionize the World of Dating
• United Kingdom Take Me Out • Taken Out is an Australian television dating game show • The Bachelor
• Take Me Out(我