生理学名词中英文对照第一章绪论1.机体的内环境(internal environment)2.稳态(homeostasis)3.反射(reflex)4.反射弧(reflex arc)5.旁分泌调节(paracrine regulation)6.自身调节(autoregulation)7.负反馈(negative feedback)8.正反馈(positive feedback)9.前馈(feed-forward)第二章细胞的基本功能10. 被动转运(passive transport)11. 单纯扩散(simple diffusion)12. 经载体易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via carrier)13. 经通道易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via ion channel)14. 电压门控通道(voltage gated ion channel)15. 离子通道(ion channel)16. 化学门控通道(chemically gated ion channel)17. 机械门控通道(mechanically gated ion channel)18. 原发性主动转运(primary active transport)19. 继发性主动转运(secondary active transport)20. 同向转运(symport)21. 反向转运(antiport)22. 出胞(exocytosis)23. 入胞(endocytosis)24. 跨膜信号转导(transmembrane signal transduction)25. 刺激(stimulation) 26. 兴奋(excitation)27. 兴奋性(excitability) 28. 阈值(threshold)29. 极化(polarization)30. 去极化(depolarization)31. 超极化(hyperpolarization)32. 复极化(repolarization)33. 内向电流(inward current)34. 外向电流(outward current)35. 电化学驱动力(electrochemical driving force)36. 静息电位(resting potential) 37. K+平衡电位(K+ equilibrium potential)38. 动作电位(action potential) 39. 超射(overshoot)40. “全或无”现象(“all or none”phenomenon)41. 阈电位(threshold potential)42. 局部电位(local potential)43. 时间性总和(temporal summation)44. 空间性总和(spatial summation)45. 量子释放(quantal release)46. 兴奋-收缩耦联(excitation-contraction coupling)47. 等长收缩(isometric contraction)48. 等张收缩(isotonic contraction)49. 前负荷(preload)50. 后负荷(afterload)51.肌肉收缩能力(contractility) 52.不完全强直收缩(incomplete tetauns)53.完全强直收缩(complete tetanus)54.运动单位(motor unit)第三章血液55. 血细胞比容(hematocrit)56. 血浆渗透压(plasma osmotic pressure)57. 血浆晶体渗透压(plasma crystal osmotic pressure)58. 血浆胶体渗透压(plasma colloid osmotic pressure)59. 悬浮稳定性(suspension stability)60.红细胞沉降率(erythrocyte sedimentation rate)61.红细胞渗透脆性(osmotic fragility)62.血小板黏附(platelet adhesion)63.血小板聚集(platelet aggregation)64.生理性止血(hemostasis)65.出血时间(bleeding time)66.凝血时间(clotting time)67.血液凝固(blood coagulation)68.血清(serum)69.凝血因子(clotting factor)70.内源性凝血途径(intrinsic pathway)71.外源性凝血途径(extrinsic pathway)72.纤维蛋白溶解(fibrinolysis)73.血型(blood group)74.红细胞凝集(agglutination)75.凝集原(agglutinogen)76.凝集素(agglutinin)77.交叉配血试验(corss-match test)第四章血液循环78. 心动周期(cardiac cycle)79. 等容收缩期(period of isovolumic contraction)80. 等容舒张期(period of isovolumic relaxation)81. 每搏输出量(stroke volume)82. 射血分数(ejection fraction)83. 心输出量(cardiac output)84 心指数(cardiac index)85. 异长调节(heterometric regulation)86.心室功能曲线(ventricular function curve)87.心肌收缩能力(myocardial contractility)88.等长调节(homometric regulation)89.快反应细胞(fast response cell)90.慢反应细胞(slow response cell)91.期前收缩(premature systole)92.代偿间歇(compensatory pause)93.自动节律性(autorhythmicity) 94.正常起搏点(normal pacemaker)95.潜在起搏点(latent pacemaker)96.异位起搏点(ectopic pacemaker)97.房室延搁(atrioventricular delay)98.膜反应曲线(membrane responsiveness curve)99.钙触发钙释放(calcium-induced Ca2+ release)100.外周阻力(peripheral resistance)101.动脉血压(arterial blood pressure)102.收缩压(systolic pressure)103.舒张压(diastolic pressure)104.平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure)105.中心静脉压(central venous pressure)106.微循环(microcirculation)107.压力感受性反射(baroreceptor reflex)第五章呼吸108.肺通气(pulmonary ventilation)109.肺换气(gas exchange in lungs)110.呼吸运动(respiratory movement)111.弹性阻力(elastic resistance)112.顺应性(compliance) 113.肺的静态顺应性(static compliance)114.比顺应性(specific compliance) 115.肺表面活性物质(pulmonary surfactant)116.气道阻力(airway resistance) 117.潮气量(tidal volume)118.余气量(residual volume)119.功能余气量(functional residual capacity)120.肺活量(vital capacity) 121.用力肺活量(forced vital capacity)122.用力呼气量(forced expiratory volume)123.肺通气量(pulmonary ventilation)124.解剖无效腔(anatomical dead space) 125.肺泡无效腔(alveolar dead space) 126.肺泡通气量(alveolar ventilation)127.通气/血流比值(ventilation/perfusion ratio)128.血氧容量(oxygen capacity) 129.血氧含量(oxygen content)130.血氧饱和度(oxygen saturation) 131.氧解离曲线(oxygen dissociation curve) 132.肺牵张反射(pulmonary stretch reflex)第六章消化与吸收133.消化(digestion)134.机械性消化(mechanical digestion)135.化学性消化(chemical digestion)136.吸收(absorption)137.慢波(slow wave)138.胃肠激素(gastrointestinal hormone)139.脑-肠肽(braingut peptide)140.黏液-碳酸氢盐屏障(mucus bicarbonate barrier)141.胃黏膜屏障(gastric mucosal barrier)142.容受性舒张(receptive relaxation)143.紧张性收缩(tonic contraction)144.胃的排空(gastric emptying)145.肠-胃反射(entero-gastric reflex)146.分节运动(segmentation contraction)147.胆盐的肠-肝循环(enterohepatic circulation of bile salt)第七章能量代谢与体温148. 能量代谢(energy metabolism)149. 食物的热价(thermal equivalent of food)150. 氧热价(thermal equivalent of oxygen)151. 呼吸商(respiratory quotient) 152. 基础代谢率(basal metabolic rate) 153. 体温(body temperature)154.温热性发汗(thermal sweating)155.精神性发汗(mental sweating 156.热敏神经元(warm-sensitive neuron) 157.冷敏神经元(cold-sensitive neuron)第八章尿的生成和排出158. 管-球反馈(tubuloglomerular feedback)159. 肾小球滤过率(glomerular filtration rate)160. 滤过分数(filtration fraction)161. 有效滤过压(effective filtration pressure)162. 肾糖阈(renal threshold for glucose)163. 葡萄糖吸收极限量(transfer maximum of glucose)164. 渗透性利尿(osmotic diuresis)165. 球-管平衡(glomerulotubular balance) 166. 水利尿(water diuresis)167.清除率(clearance)第九章感觉器官的功能168. 感受器(receptor)169. 感觉器官(sense organ)170. 适宜刺激(adequate stimulus)171. 换能作用(transducer function)172. 瞳孔对光反射(pupillary light reflex)173.互感性对光反射(consensual light reflex)174. 瞳孔近反射(near reflex of the pupil)175.视敏度(visual acuity)176.暗适应(dark adaptation)177.明适应(light adaptation)178.视野(visual field)179.听阈(hearing threshold)180.耳蜗内电位(endocochlear potential)181.耳蜗微音器电位(cochlear microphonic potential)182.眼球震颤(nystagmus)第十章神经系统的功能183.突触(synapse)184.经典的突触(classical synapse)185.兴奋性突触后电位(excitatory postsynaptic potential)186.抑制性突触后电位(inhibitory postsynaptic potential)187.非定向突触(non-directed synapse)188.电突触(electric synapse)189.神经递质(neurotransmitter)190.神经调质(neuromodulator)191.受体(receptor)192.激动剂(agonist)193.拮抗剂(antagonist)194.上调(up regulation)195.下调(down regulation)196.胆碱能纤维(cholinergic fiber)197.肾上腺素能纤维(adrenergic fiber)198.突触后抑制(postsynaptic inhibition)199.传入侧支性抑制(afferent collateral inhibition)200.回返性抑制(recurrent inhibition) 201.突触前抑制(presynaptic inhibition)202.特异投射系统(specific projection system)203.非特异投射系统(nonspecific projection system)204.牵涉痛(referred pain)205.脊休克(spinal shock)206.牵张反射(stretch reflex)207.腱反射(tendon reflex)208.肌紧张(muscle tonus) 209.去大脑僵直(decerebrate rigidity)210.α僵直(α-rigidity)211.γ僵直(γ-rigidity)212.自发脑电活动(spontaneous electric activity of the brain)213.脑电图(electroencephalogram)214.脑干网状结构上行激动系统(ascending reticular activating system)215.慢波睡眠(slow wave sleep)216.异相睡眠(paradoxical sleep)第十一章内分泌217. 激素(hormone) 218. 允许作用(permissive action) 219. 长反馈(long-loop feedback)220. 短反馈(short-loop feedback)221. 超短反馈(ultra-short-loop feedback)222. 下丘脑调节肽(hypothalamic regulatory peptides)223. 应激反应(stress reaction)224.应急反应(emergency reaction)第十二章生殖225. 月经(menstruation)226. 月经周期(menstrual cycle)227. 增生期(proliferative phase)228. 黄体期(luteal phase)。
第1章英文专业词汇(英汉对照)Aacclimatization, accustomization 习服acute animal experiment 急性动物实验afferent nerve 传入神经autoregulation * 自身调节Bbody fluid 体液Ccell physiology 细胞生理学center 中枢chronic animal experiment 慢性动物实验closed-loop system 闭环系统control system 控制系统cybernetics 控制论Eeffecter 效应器efferent nerve 传出神经experiment in vivo 在体实验experiment in vitro 离体实验extracellular fluid, ECF 细胞外液Ffeedback * 反馈feed-forward * 前馈Ggeneral physiology 普通生理学Hhuman physiology 人体生理学humoral regulation * 体液调节homeostasis ** 稳态hormone 激素Iinternal environment ** 内环境interstitial fluid, ISF 组织间液intracellular fluid, ICF 细胞内液Nnegative feedback ** 负反馈neurohormone 神经激素neurohumoral regulation 神经 - 体液调节neuroregulation * 神经调节neurosecretion 神经分泌Oorganism 生物体organ physiology 器官生理学Pparacrine 旁分泌physiological experiment 生理学实验physiology ** 生理学plasma 血浆positive feedback * 正反馈Rreceptor 感受器reflex * 反射reflex arc ** 反射弧resetting 重调定Sset point ** 调定点Ttarget cell 靶细胞telecrine 远距分泌tissue fluid 组织液第2章英文专业词汇(英汉对照)Aabsolute refractory period** 绝对不应期acetylcholine, ACh** 乙酰胆碱acetylcholinesterase** 乙酰胆碱酯酶actin* 肌动蛋白 ; 肌纤蛋白action potential** 动作电位activation** 激活active transport** 主动转运adenylyl cyclase, AC** 腺苷酸环化酶after depolarization* 后去极化after hyperpolarization* 后超极化after-potential* 后电位afterload** 后负荷all-or-none response** “全或无”反应amphiphilic molecule* 双嗜性分子analogue signal 模拟信号antigen 抗原antiport** 反向转运antiporter* 反向转运体aquaporin, AQP 水孔蛋白arrhythmia 心律失常atrial natriuretic peptide, ANP* 心房钠尿肽autophosphorylation 自身磷酸化autorhythmicity** 自律性Bbarrier function 屏障功能blocker 阻断剂brain natriuretic peptide, BNP* 脑钠尿肽a -bungarotoxin a - 银环蛇毒CCa 2+ -binding protein, CaBP* 钙结合蛋白calcium channel 钙通道calcium-induced Ca 2+ release, CICR** 钙触发钙释放calcium pump* 钙泵calcium release channel** 钙释放通道calmodulin, CaM ** 钙调蛋白cardiac muscle* 心肌carrier** 载体cell* 细胞cell membrane* 细胞膜central nervous system 中枢神经系统channel* 通道chemically-gated ion channel** 化学门控通道chloride channel 氯通道cholesterol* 胆固醇Cl - equilibrium potential, E Cl* Cl - 平衡电位clathrin 网格蛋白close** 关闭coated pit 有被小窝coated vesicle 有被囊泡competitive inhibition* 竞争抑制complete tetanus 完全性强直收缩concentration gradient 浓度梯度conformational change 构象变化connexin* 连接蛋白connexon* 连接子contractility** 肌肉收缩能力cross-bridge* 横桥cross-bridge cycling* 横桥周期cyclic adenosine monophosphate, cAMP** 环一磷酸腺苷cyclic guanosine monophosphate, cGMP** 环一磷酸鸟苷cytokine 细胞因子cytosol 胞质Ddark band 暗带deactivation** 去激活dense band 致密带dense body* 致密体dense patch 致密斑dephosphorylation 去磷酸化depolarization** 去极化detachment 解离diacylglycerol, DG* 二酰甘油duration of stimulus 刺激持续时间Eelectrical gradient 电位梯度electrical synapse* 电突触electrically excitable cell 电可兴奋细胞electrocardiogram, ECG 心电图electrochemical driving force* 电化学驱动力electroencephalogram, EEG 脑电图electromechanical coupling* 电 - 机械耦联electromyogram 肌电图electrotonic potential** 电紧张电位electrotonic propagation** 电紧张扩布endocytosis** 入胞endocytotic vesicle 吞饮泡endplate membrane* 终板膜endplate potential, EPP** 终板电位ensemble current 总体平均电流enzyme-linked receptor* 酶联型受体equilibriam potential* 平衡电位exchanger** 交换体excitability** 兴奋性excitable cell** 可兴奋细胞excitation** 兴奋excitation-contraction coupling** 兴奋 - 收缩耦联excitation-secretion coupling** 兴奋 - 分泌耦联exocytosis** 出胞Ffacilitated diffusion via carrier** 经载体易化扩散facilitated diffusion via ion channel** 经通道易化扩散fluid mosaic model* 液态镶嵌模型fluid-phase endocytosis* 液相入胞Ggap junction** 缝隙连接gap junction channel** 缝隙连接通道gastric parietal cell 壁细胞gate 闸门gating** 门控generator potential 发生器电位genetic expression 基因表达G protein* G 蛋白G protein effector** G 蛋白效应器G protein-linked receptor** G 蛋白耦联受体glucose 葡萄糖D-glucose carrier 右旋葡萄糖载体glucose transporter, GLUT** 葡萄糖转运体glycolipid* 糖脂glycoprotein* 糖蛋白growth factor 生长因子guanine nucleotide-binding protein** 鸟苷酸结合蛋白guanyly l cyclase, GC** 鸟苷酸环化酶guanylyl cyclase receptor** 鸟苷酸环化酶受体Hheavy chain 重链heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein 三聚体 G 蛋白homeodomain 同源结构域hyperpolarization** 超极化Iinactivation** 失活incomplete tetanus 不完全强直收缩initial length** 初长度inositol triphosphate, IP 3 ** 三磷酸肌醇integral protein* 整合蛋白intensity of stimulus 刺激强度intercalated cell 闰细胞intermediate filament 中间丝inward current** 内向电流ion channel** 离子通道ion-channel receptor** 离子通道型受体ion pump** 离子泵ionic selectivity* 离子选择性iontropic receptor** 促离子型受体IP 3 receptor, IP 3 R** IP 3 受体isometric contraction** 等长收缩isotonic contraction** 等张收缩Jjunctional cleft* 接头间隙junctional SR, JSR* 连接肌质网KK + equilibriam potential, E K ** K + 平衡电位K + leak channel** 钾漏通道Lligand* 配体ligand-gated ion channel* 配体门控通道light band 明带light chain 轻链lipid* 脂质lipid bilayer* 脂质双层load 负荷local current** 局部电流local potential** 局部电位longitudinal SR, LSR* 纵行肌质网longitudinal tubule 纵管low-density lipoprotein, LDL* 低密度脂蛋白L-type Ca 2+ channel* L 型钙通道Mmacroscopial current* 宏膜电流mechanically-gated ion channel** 机械门控通道membrane capacitance, C m * 膜电容membrane conductance** 膜电导membrane potential** 膜电位membrane protein-mediated transport膜蛋白介导的跨膜转运membrane resistance* 膜电阻metabotropic receptor** 促代谢型受体Michealis constant, K m * 米氏常数miniature endplate potential, MEPP** 微终板电位mitogen-activated protein kinase, MAPK丝裂原激活的蛋白激酶M line M 线molecular switch* 分子开关motor unit** 运动单位muscle tonus** 肌紧张multi-unit smooth muscle* 多单位平滑肌myofibril 肌原纤维myofilament sliding theory** 肌丝滑行理论myosin* 肌球蛋白 ; 肌凝蛋白myosin light chain, MLC* 肌球蛋白轻链myosin light chain kinase, MLCK*肌球蛋白轻链激酶myosin light chain phosphatase , MLCP*肌球蛋白轻链磷酸酶NN 2 -A C h receptor cation channel**N 2 型 ACh 受体阳离子通道**Na + -Ca 2+ exchanger Na + -Ca 2+ 交换体Na + equilibrium potential, E Na ** Na + 平衡电位Na + -glucose symporter Na + - 葡萄糖同向转运体Na + -H + exchanger Na + -H + 交换体Na + , K + -ATPase* Na + , K + -ATP 酶Na + , K + , Cl - cotransporter Na+,K+,Cl - 同向转运体negative after-potential* 负后电位nerve impulse 神经冲动neuromuscular junction* 神经 - 肌接头nitric oxide, NO** 一氧化氮NO synthase, NOS** 一氧化氮合酶non-synaptic chemical transmission* 非突触性化学传递nonselective cation channel 非选择性阳离子通道Ooligosaccharide 寡糖open probability 开放概率optimal initial length** 最适初长度outward current** 外向电流overshoot** 超射Ppacemaker** 起步点passive electrical property 被动电学特性passive transport** 被动转运patch clamp** 膜片钳performance of contraction** 收缩效能peripheral protein* 表面蛋白permeability* 通透性phagocytosis* 吞噬pharmacomechanical coupling* 药物 - 机械耦联phosphatase 磷酸酶phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate, PI2 *二磷酸磷脂酰肌醇phosphodiesterase , PDE** 磷酸二酯酶phospholipase A 2 , PLA 2 * 磷脂酶 A 2 phospholipase C, PLC** 磷脂酶 Cphospholipid* 磷脂phosphorylation 磷酸化physical diffusion 物理扩散pinocytosis* 吞饮plasma membrane* 质膜polarization** 极化polysaccharide 多糖positive feedback 正反馈postsynaptic potential 突触后电位potassium channel 钾通道positive after-potential* 正后电位prejunctional membrane* 接头前膜preload** 前负荷primary active transport** 原发性主动转运protein* 蛋白质propagation 传播protein kinase 蛋白激酶protein kinase A, PKA 蛋白激酶 Aprotein kinase C , PKC 蛋白激酶 Cprotein kinase G, PKG 蛋白激酶 Gproton pump 质子泵Qquantal 量子quantal release** 量子式释放Rrate of change of intensity to time 强度对时间的变化率receptor 受体receptor-mediated endocytosis** 受体介导入receptor potential 感受器电位receptor tyrosine kinase 受体酪氨酸激酶recovery from inactivation** 复活relative refractory period** 相对不应期repolarization** 复极化resting potential** 静息电位retched action* 棘齿作用ryanodine receptor, RYR** ryanodine 受体Ssaltatory conduction** 跳跃式传导sarcomere* 肌节sarcoplasmic reticulum, SR* 肌质网sarcotubular system 肌管系统saturation* 饱和现象second messenger** 第二信使secondary active transport** 继发性主动转运selectivity filter 选择性滤器shortening 缩短signaling transduction** 信号转导simple diffusion** 单纯扩散single channel conductance 单通道电导single channel current* 单通道电流single-unit smooth muscle* 单个单位平滑肌size principle** 大小原则skeletal muscle* 骨骼肌slow wave 慢波smooth muscle* 平滑肌sodium channel 钠通道sodium-potassium pump** 钠 - 钾泵sodium pump* 钠泵spatial summation** 空间总和spike potential** 锋电位stimulation** 刺激striated muscle* 横纹肌subnormal period** 低常期subthreshould stimulus 阈下刺激summation** 总和supranormal period** 超常期suprathreshold stimulus 阈上刺激symport** 同向转运symporter* 同向转运体synaptic vesicle 突触囊泡 ; 突触小泡Ttemporal summation** 时间总和tension 张力terminal cistern* 终池tetanus** 强直收缩tetraethylammonium, TEA 四乙铵tetrodotoxin, TTX 河豚毒thick filament 粗肌丝thin filament 细肌丝three-legged protein 三脚蛋白threshold** 阈值threshold intensity** 阈强度threshold potential** 阈电位threshold stimulus** 阈刺激time-dependence* 时间依赖性transmembrane current 跨膜电流transmembrane diffusion* 跨膜扩散transmembrane a helice 跨膜 a 螺旋transmembrane potential** 跨膜电位7-transmembrane receptor 7 次跨膜受体transmitter-gated ion channel* 递质门控通道transporter** 转运体transverse tubule 横管triad 三联管tropomyosin* 原肌球蛋白 ; 原肌凝蛋白troponin* 肌钙蛋白troponin C, TnC* 肌钙蛋白 C troponin I, TnI* 肌钙蛋白 I troponinT, TnT* 肌钙蛋白 TT tubule* T 管tubocurarine 筒箭毒twitch** 单收缩tyrosine-kinase-associated receptor*酪氨酸激酶结合型受体tyrosine kinase receptor, TKR** 酪氨酸激酶受体Uuniport** 单(物质)转运uniporter* 单(物质)转运体Vvaricosity* 曲张体visceral smooth muscle* 内脏平滑肌voltage clamp* 电压钳voltage-dependence* 电压依赖性voltage-gated ion channel** 电压门控通道Wwater channel 水通道wave front** 波前ZZ disk Z 盘Z line Z 线第3章英文专业词汇(英汉对照)Aagglutination ** 红细胞凝集agglutinin ** 凝集素agglutinogen ** 凝集原Albumin 白蛋白antihemophilic factor 抗血友病因子a 2 - antiplasmin a 2 - 抗纤溶酶antithrombin ** 抗凝血酶a 1 antitrypsin a 1 抗胰蛋白酶aplastic anemia 再生障碍性贫血Bbasophil * 嗜碱性粒细胞basophilic normoblast 早幼红细胞bleeding time * 出血时间blood* 血液blood cells * 血细胞blood coagulation ** 血液凝固blood component therapy ** 成分输血blood group ** 血型blood volume ** 血量bone marrow 骨髓bone marrow transplantation , BMT 骨髓移植burst forming unit-erythroid, BFU-E*爆式红系集落形成单位burst promoting activity, BPA * 爆式促进活性Cchemokine * 趋化因子chemotaxis * 趋化性C 1 inhibitor C 1 抑制物clotting time, CT * 凝血时间coagulation factor; clotting factor ** 凝血因子collagen 胶原colloid osmotic pressure ** 胶体渗透压colony forming unit, CFU * 集落形成单位colony forming unit-erythroid, CFU-E* 红系集落形成单位colony-forming unit-granulocyte-macrophage, CFU-GM粒 - 单核系祖细胞colony-forming unit-megakaryocyte, CFU-MK 巨核系祖细胞colony stimulating factor, CSF * 集落刺激因子committed progenitors * 定向祖细胞contact factor 接触因子 ; Hageman 因子cross-match test ** 交叉配血试验cycloxygenase 环加氧酶crystal osmotic pressure ** 晶体渗透压Ddemarcation membrane system, DMS * 分界膜系统dendritic cell 树突状细胞diapedesis 白细胞渗出Eeosinophil * 嗜酸性粒细胞eosinophile chemotactic factor A 嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子 Aerythrocyte; red blood cell, RBC * 红细胞erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR ** 红细胞沉降率erythropoietin, EPO* * 促红细胞生成素extramedullary hemopoiesis 骨髓外造血extrinsic pathway ** 外源性凝血途径FFerri 铁fibrin ** 纤维蛋白fibrin-stabilizing factor , FSF 纤维蛋白稳定因子fibrinogen * 纤维蛋白原fibrinolysis ** 纤维蛋白溶解 ; 纤溶folic acid 叶酸forward typing 正向定型GGlobulin 球蛋白glycoprotein, GP 糖蛋白granulocyte 粒细胞granulocyte- colony stimulating factor, G-CSF 粒细胞集落刺激因子granulocyte-macrophage- colony stimulating factor,GM-CSF粒 - 巨噬细胞集落刺激因子Hhematocrit ** 血细胞比容hemoglobin, Hb * 血红蛋白hemopoiesis * 造血hemopoietic microenvironment ** 造血微环境hemopoietic stem cells * 造血干细胞hemostasis ** 止血heparin ** 肝素heparin cofactor Ⅱ肝素辅因子Ⅱhereditary spherocytosis 遗传性球形红细胞增多症high molecular weight kininogen, HMWK高分子量激肽原histamine 组胺human leukocyte antigen, HLA ** 人类白细胞抗原5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT 5 - 羟色胺hypoxia 缺氧hypoxia-inducible factors-1, HIF-1 * 低氧诱导因子 - 1 Iinterferon- a , INF- a 干扰素 - ainterleukin, IL 白细胞介素 ; 白介素intrinsic factor ** 内因子intrinsic pathway ** 内源性凝血途径iso-osmotic solution * 等渗溶液isotonic solution * 等张溶液Lleukocyte; white blood cell, WBC * 白细胞leukotrienes, LT 白(细胞)三稀lymphocyte * 淋巴细胞Ma 2 - macroglobulin a 2 - 巨球蛋白macrophage* 巨噬细胞macrophage- colony stimulating factor, M-CSF巨噬细胞集落刺激因子major basic protein , MBP 主要碱性蛋白megakaryocyte * 巨核细胞monocyte * 单核细胞Nnatural killer, NK* 自然杀伤细胞neutrophil * 中性粒细胞Newtonian fluid 牛顿液体Oorthochromatic normoblast 晚幼红细胞osmotic fragility ** 红细胞渗透脆性 ; 脆性osmotic pressure ** 渗透压Pperoxydase 过氧化物酶phagocytosis * 吞噬phosphatidylserine, PS 磷脂酰丝氨酸phospholipase A 2 , PLA 2 磷脂酶 A 2plasma * 血浆plasma proteins * 血浆蛋白plasma thromboplastin 血浆凝血活酶plasma thromboplastin antecedent 血浆凝血活酶前质plasmin ** 纤溶酶 ; 血浆素plasminogen ** 纤维蛋白溶解酶原 ; 纤溶酶原 ; 血浆素原plasminogen activator * 纤溶酶原激活物plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1, PAI-1 *纤溶酶原激活物抑制物 - 1 plastic deformation ** 可塑变形性platelet; thrombocyte * 血小板platelet adhesion ** 血小板黏附platelet aggregation ** 血小板聚集platelet-derived growth factor, PDGF 血小板源生长因子platelet factor 4, PF 4 血小板因子 4platelet factor V, PF 5 血小板因子 Vplatelet release ** 血小板释放platelet secretion ** 血小板分泌polychromatic normoblast 中幼红细胞polymorphonuclear leukocyte * 多形核白细胞precursors * 前体细胞prekalikrein 前激肽释放酶proaccelerin 前加速素易变因子proconvertin 前转变素稳定因子prostacyclin, PGI 2 * 前列环素protein C, PC ** 蛋白质 Cprothrombin 凝血酶原prothrombinase complex ** 凝血酶原酶复合物Rreticulocyte 网织红细胞reverse typing 反向定型rouleaux formation ** 红细胞叠连Sself renewal 自我复制serum ** 血清slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis, SAS-A过敏性慢反应物质survival factor 存活因子suspension stability ** 悬浮稳定性Tthrombin ** 凝血酶b -t hromboglobulin b - 血小板球蛋白thrombomodulin, TM ** 凝血酶调节蛋白thrombopoietin, TPO * 血小板生成素thrombospondin 凝血酶敏感蛋白thromboxane A 2 , TXA 2 ** 血栓烷 A 2tenase complex * 因子Ⅹ酶复合物tissue factor, TF * 组织因子tissue factor pathway 组织因子途径tissue factor pathway inhibitor, TFPI **组织因子途径抑制物tissue plasminogen activator, t-PA **组织型纤溶酶原激活物transferrin * 转铁蛋白tumor necrosis factor a , TNF a 肿瘤坏死因子 aUuniversal donor 万能供血者universal recipient 万能受血者Vvascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF血管内皮生长因子viscosity ** 粘度vitamin B 12 维生素 B 12vit amin K 维生素 K第4章英文专业词汇(英汉对照)Aabsolute refractory period, ARP ** 绝对不应期action potential duration ** 动作电位时程adrenomedulin, ADM * 肾上腺髓质素angiotensin Ⅱ , Ang Ⅱ ** 血管紧张素Ⅱangiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE **血管紧张素转换酶angiotensinogen 血管紧张素原antidiuretic hormone,ADH ** 抗利尿激素aortic nerve 主动脉神经arterial baroreceptor ** 动脉压力感受器arterial blood pressure 动脉血压arterial pulse 动脉脉搏arteriole 微动脉arteriovenous shunt * 短路血管atrial natriuretic peptide, ANP ** 心房钠尿肽atrioventricular delay ** 房 - 室延搁autorhythmic cell * 自律细胞autorhythmicity ** 自动节律性 ; 自律性axial flow 轴流axon reflex * 轴突反射Bbaroreceptor reflex ** 压力感受性反射blood flow ** 血流量blood pressure ** 血压blood-brain barrier ** 血 - 脑屏障blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier ** 血 - 脑脊液屏障blood viscosity * 血液粘滞度blood pressure in the capillary 毛细血管血压bradykinin ** 缓激肽brain ischemic response * 脑缺血反应brain natriuretic peptide, BNP * 脑钠尿肽buffer nerve ** 缓冲神经Ccapacitance vessel * 容量血管capillary filtration coefficient * 滤过系数capture * 抢先占领cardiac cycle ** 心动周期cardiac efficiency * 心脏的效率cardiac index ** 心指数cardiac output ** 心输出量cardiac reserve ** 心泵功能储备 ; 心力储备cardiac sympathetic tone * 心交感紧张cardiac vagal tone * 心迷走紧张cardiac working cell * 工作细胞cardiopulmonary receptor ** 心肺感受器cardiovascular center * 心血管中枢cardiovascular reflex * 心血管反射cardiovascular system 心血管系统carotid sinus nerve 颈动脉窦神经caudal ventrolateral medulla, CVLM 延髓尾端腹外侧部central venous pressure ** 中心静脉压cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊液chemoreceptor ** 化学感受器chemoreceptor reflex ** 化学感受性反射colloid osmotic pressure of plasma 血浆胶体渗透压colloid osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid组织液胶体渗透压compensatory pause ** 代偿性间歇conductivity ** 传导性coronary circulation ** 冠脉循环C-type natriuretic peptide, CNP* C 型钠尿肽Ddelayed rectifier K + current * 延迟整流钾流depressor reflex ** 减压反射diastole ** 舒张期diastolic pressure ** 舒张压distribution vessel * 分配血管Eectopic pacemaker * 异位起搏点edema 水肿effective filtration pressure, EFP ** 有效滤过压effective refractory period, ERP ** 有效不应期ejection fraction ** 射血分数electrocardiogram, ECG ** 心电图end-diastolic pressure * (心室)舒张末期压力end-diastolic volume * (心室)舒张末期容积b -endorphin* b - 内啡肽endothelin, ET * 内皮素endothelium-derived relaxing factor, EDRF *内皮舒张因子endothelium-derived vasoconstrictorfactor, EDCF *内皮缩血管因子end-systolic volume 收缩末期容积epinephrine ** 肾上腺素exchange vessel * 交换血管Ffast channel * 快通道fast response action potential * 快反应动作电位fast response cell 快反应细胞filtration ** 滤过Hheart rate ** 心率heart sound ** 心音hemodynamics * 血流动力学heterometric regulation ** 异长调节high pressure receptor * 高压力感受器histamine * 组胺homometric regulation ** 等长调节hydrostatic pressure 静水压hydrostatic pressure in interstitial fluid组织液静水压Iinotropic state * 变力状态integration pattern 整合型式interstitial fluid 组织液inward rectification * 内向整流inward rectifier K + channel * 内向整流钾通道Kkallidin * 血管舒张素kallikrein* 激肽释放酶kinin * 激肽kininogen 激肽原Llaminar flow 层流latent pacemaker * 潜在起搏点local response period * 局部反应期long lasting calcium current * L 型钙电流long-term regulation 长期调节low pressure receptor * 低压力感受器lymph 淋巴lymphatic system 淋巴管系统Mmaximal repolarization potential * 最大复极电位mean arterial pressure * 平均动脉压mean circulatory filling pressure ** 循环系统平均充盈压metarteriole 后微动脉minute volume * 每分输出量minute work * 每分功 ; 分功membrane responsiveness curve ** 膜反应曲线microcirculation ** 微循环momentum 动量myocardial contractility ** 心肌收缩能力myogenic activity * 肌源性活动NNa + background current * 钠背景电流natriuretic peptide, NP * 钠尿肽negative chronotropic action * 负性变时作用negative dromotropic action * 负性变传导作用negative inotropic action * 负性变力作用Newtonian fluid 牛顿液nitric oxide, NO * 一氧化氮non-Newtonian fluid 非牛顿液norepinephrine ** 去甲肾上腺素normal pacemaker ** 正常起搏点nucleus of the tractus solitarius , NTS 孤束核Oopioid peptide * 阿片肽overdrive suppression * 超速驱动压抑Ppacemaker current * 起搏电流parasympathetic vasodilator nerve fiber副交感舒血管神经纤维period of atrial systole * 心房收缩期period of isovolumic contraction ** 等容收缩期period of isovolumic relaxation ** 等容舒张期period of rapid ejection ** 快速射血期period of rapid filling ** 快速充盈期period of slow ejection * 减慢射血期period of slow filling * 减慢充盈期period of ventricular ejection ** 射血期peripheral resistance ** 外周阻力peripheral venous pressure * 外周静脉压phase 4 spontaneous depolarization * 4 期自动去极化phonocardiogram * 心音图plateau ** 平台期Poiseuille's law 泊肃叶定律positive chronotropic action ** 正性变时作用positive dromotropic action ** 正性变传导作用positive inotropic action ** 正性变力作用postcapillary resistance vessel ** 毛细血管后阻力血管precapillary resistance vessel **毛细血管前阻力血管precapillary sphincter 毛细血管前括约肌preferential pathway * 优势传导通路premature excitation * 期前兴奋premature systole ** 期前收缩pressure dieresis 压力性利尿prostacyclin * 前列环素prostaglandin, PG * 前列腺素prostaglandin I 2 , PGI 2 * 前列腺素 I 2 (即前列环素)pulmonary circulation * 肺循环pulse pressure ** 脉搏压 ; 脉压pump current * 泵电流Rreabsorption ** 重吸收relative refractory period, RRP ** 相对不应期renal-body fluid system 肾 - 体液控制系统rennin ** 肾素renin-angiotensin-system, RAS **肾素 - 血管紧张素系统resetting * 重调定resistance of blood flow ** 血流阻力rostral ventrolateral medulla, RVLM * 延髓头端腹外侧部Sshear rate * (血流)切率shear stress 切应力short-term regulation 短期调节sinus rhythm ** 窦性节律slow channel * 慢通道slow response action potential * 慢反应动作电位slow response cell 慢反应细胞specialized conduction system (心内)特殊传导系统staircase phenomenon; treppe 阶梯现象Starling law of the heart ** 心的定律stroke volume ** 每搏输出量 ; 搏出量stroke work ** 每搏功 ; 搏功supranormal period, SNP ** 超常期sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerve fiber *交感缩血管神经纤维sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone * 交感缩血管紧张sympathetic vasodilaor nerve fiber 交感舒血管神经纤维systole ** 收缩期systolic pressure ** 收缩压Ttetrodotoxin, TTX 河豚毒thoroughfare channel ** 直捷通路tonus ** 紧张transient outward current * 一过性外向电流transmural pressure * 跨壁压turbulent flow 湍流true capillary 真毛细血管Vvascular system 血管系统vasoconstrictor nerve fiber ** 缩血管神经纤维vasodilator never fiber * 舒血管神经纤维vasomotion * 血管舒缩活动vasomotor nerve fiber 血管运动神经纤维vasopressin, VP ** 血管升压素velocity of blood flow ** 血流速度ventricular compliance * 心室顺应性ventricular function curve ** 心室功能曲线volume conductor 容积导体volume receptor ** 容量感受器WWindkessel vessel ** 弹性储器血管第5章英文专业词汇(英汉对照)Aabdominal breathing** 腹式呼吸abdominal muscle 腹肌airway 气道airway resistance** 气道阻力alveolar dead space** 肺泡无效腔alveolar ventilation** 肺泡通气 ; 肺泡通气量alveolus (复 alveoli )肺泡anatomical dead space** 解剖无效腔aortic body 主动脉体apnea 呼吸暂停 ; 窒息apneusis 长吸式呼吸area of respiratory membrane 呼吸膜面积arterial blood 动脉血液artificial respiration 人工呼吸Bbaroreceptor 压力感受器bicarbonate ion 碳酸氢根离子Biot breathing 比奥呼吸body position 体位Bohr effect* 波尔效应breathing 呼吸的bronchial 支气管的bronchiole; bronchiolus 细支气管bronchus (复 bronchi )支气管Ccarbaminohemoglobin* 氨基甲酰血红蛋白carbon dioxide 二氧化碳carbon dioxide dissociation curve* CO2解离曲线carbon monoxide 一氧化碳carbonic anhydrase* 碳酸酐酶carotid body* 颈动脉体central chemoreceptor ** 中枢化学感受器chemoreceptive reflex** 化学感受性反射chemoreceptor** 化学感受器Cheyne-Stokes breathing 陈 - 施呼吸chloride shift Cl - 转移compliance* 顺应性compliance of chest wall 胸廓的顺应性compliance of lung 肺的顺应性cough reflex * 咳嗽反射cross-sectional area 横截面积cyanosis 紫绀Ddead space* 无效腔deep breathing 深呼吸defensive reflex 防御反射diaphragm 膈肌diffusion 扩散diffusing capacity of lung* 肺扩散容量diffusion coefficient 扩散系数diffusion rate 扩散速率dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline*二棕榈酰卵磷脂2,3-diphosphoglycerate 2,3 - 二磷酸甘油酸distensibility 可扩张性dorsal respiratory group 背侧呼吸组driving force 驱动力dyspnea* 呼吸困难Eelastic resistance* 弹性阻力emphysema; pneumonectasis 肺气肿eupnea** 平静呼吸exhalation 呼出 ; 呼出物 ; 呼气exhale 呼出 ; 呼气expiration** 呼气expiratory movement 呼气运动expiratory muscle 呼气肌expiratory neuron 呼气神经元expiratory reserve volume** 补呼气量expiratory-inspiratory phase spanning neuron呼气 - 吸气跨时相神经元expired air 呼出气external environment 外环境external intercostals muscle 肋间外肌external respiration 外呼吸Ffibrosis 纤维化forced breathing* 用力呼吸forced expiratory volume** 用力呼气量forced vital capacity* 用力肺活量functional residual capacity**功能余气量 ; 功能残气量Ggas diffusion* 气体扩散gas exchange* 气体交换gas exchange in lungs* 肺换气gas exchange in tissues* 组织换气gas partial pressure* 气体分压gasping 喘息样呼吸gasping center 喘息中枢HHaldane effect* 何尔登效应hemoglobin 血红蛋白Herin g-Breuer reflex* 黑 - 伯反射hydrogen ion concentration 氢离子浓度hypercapnia 高碳酸血hyperventilation 通气过度hypocapnia 低碳酸血hypoventilation 通气不足hypoxemia 低氧血hypoxia 缺氧 ; 低氧hysteresis 滞后现象Iinelastic resistance* 非弹性阻力inertial resistance* 惯性阻力inhalation 吸入(法) ; 吸入剂inhale 吸入 ; 吸气inspiration** 吸气inspiratory capacity** 深吸气量inspiratory movement 吸气运动inspiratory muscle 吸气肌inspiratory neuron 吸气神经元inspiratory reserve volume ** 补吸气量inspiratory-expiratory phase spanning neuron 吸气 -呼气跨时相神经元inspired air 吸入气interface between liquid and gas 液 - 气界面internal intercostals muscle 肋间内肌internal respiration* 内呼吸intrapleural pressure** 胸膜腔内压intrapulmonary pressure** 肺内压Jjuxtacapillary receptor 毛细血管旁感受器Llung 肺Mmaximal voluntary ventilation* 最大随意通气量maximum expiratory flow volume , MEFV *最大呼气流速 - 容积medulla 延髓metabolic acidosis 代谢性酸中毒metabolic alkalosis 代谢性碱中毒minute ventilation ( volume ) **每分钟肺通气量Nneonatal respiratory distress syndrome新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征Oobstructive hypoventilation 阻塞性通气不足oxidation 氧化oxygen 氧oxygen capacity of blood* 血液氧容量oxygen capacity of Hb** Hb 氧容量oxygen content of blood* 血液氧含量oxygen content of Hb** Hb 氧含量oxygen dissociation curve** 氧解离曲线oxygen saturation of blood* 血液氧饱和度oxygen saturation of Hb** Hb 氧饱和度oxygenation 氧合oxyhemoglobin * 氧合血红蛋白Ppartial pressure 分压partial pressure of carbon dioxide 二氧化碳分压partial pressure of oxygen 氧分压p eripheral chemoreceptor * 外周化学感受器phrenic nerve 膈神经physiological dead space* 生理无效腔pleural cavity 胸膜腔pneumotaxic center* 呼吸调整中枢pneumothorax* 气胸pons 脑桥pontine respiratory group 脑桥呼吸组pre-B tzinger complex 前包钦格复合体pulmonary capacity* 肺容量pulmonary capillary 肺毛细血管pulmonary deflation reflex 肺萎陷反射pulmonary inflation reflex 肺扩张反射pulmonary stretch reflex ** 肺牵张反射pulmonary surfactant** 肺表面活性物质pulmonary ventilation** 肺通气 ; 肺通气量pulmonary volume* 肺容积Rresidual volume** 余气量 ; 残气量respiration; breath; breathe** 呼吸respiratory acidosis 呼吸性酸中毒respiratory alkalosis 呼吸性碱中毒respiratory bronchiole; alveolar bronchiole 呼吸性细支气管respiratory center* 呼吸中枢respiratory membrane* 呼吸膜respiratory movement* 呼吸运动respiratory muscle 呼吸肌respiratory neuron 呼吸神经元respiratory rhythm; breathing rhythm* 呼吸节律respiratory tract 呼吸道respiratory-related neuron 呼吸相关神经元restrictive hypoventilation 限制性通气不足Ssneeze reflex* 喷嚏反射specific compliance** 比顺应性static compliance* 静态顺应性surface tension 表面张力surfactant** 表面活性物质surfactant-associated protein 表面活性物质结合蛋白Ttension 张力terminal bronchiole 终末细支气管thickness of respiratory membrane 呼吸膜厚度thoracic breathing* 胸式呼吸thorax 胸 ; 胸廓tidal volume** 潮气量timed vital capacity* 时间肺活量total lung capacity** 肺总量transmural pressure* 跨壁压transport of gas* 气体运输transpulmonary pressure* 跨肺压Vvenous blood 静脉血液ventilation volume* 肺通气量ventilation/perfusion ratio** 通气 / 血流比值ventral respiratory group 腹侧呼吸组viscous resistance* 粘滞阻力vital capacity** 肺活量Wwork of breathing* 呼吸功第6章英文专业词汇(英汉对照)Aabsorption * * 吸收acetylcholine, ACh** 乙酰胆碱adaptive cytoprotection 适应性细胞保护作用adenosine* 腺苷amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation* APUD 细胞apoferritin 脱铁铁蛋白atropine 阿托品A uerbach plexus * 欧氏神经丛Bbasic electrical rhythm, BER * * 基本电节律basic secretion* 基础分泌bile ** 胆汁bile pigments 胆色素bile salt ** 胆盐bombesin ** 蛙皮素bradykinin 缓激肽brain-gut peptide* 脑 - 肠肽Brunner gland 十二指肠腺bulbogastrone * 球抑胃素Ccalcium-binding protein, CaBP 钙结合蛋白CCK-releasing peptide, CCK-RP C CK 释放肽cephalic phase* 头期chemical digestion* 化学性消化cholecystokinin, CCK * * 缩胆囊素cholesterol 胆固醇chylomicron * 乳糜微粒chime 食糜chymotrypsin ** 糜蛋白酶chymotrypsinogen * 糜蛋白酶原cimetidine 西咪替丁colipase * 辅脂酶countercurrent exchange mechanism 逆流交换机制cytoprotection* 细胞保护Ddefecation reflex * * 排便反射deglutition 吞咽digestion * * 消化direct cytoprotection 直接细胞保护作用Eelectrogenic sodium pump 生电性钠泵endocrine 内分泌enkephalin 脑啡肽enteric nervous system * 肠神经系统enterochromaffin-like cell, ECL cell 肠嗜铬样细胞entero-gastric reflex * * 肠 - 胃反射enterogastrone ** 肠抑胃素enterohepatic circulation of bile salt **胆盐的肠 - 肝循环enterokinase * * 肠激酶 ; 肠致活酶entero-oxyntin * 肠泌酸素epidermal growth factor, EGF 表皮生长因子extrinsic nervous system * 外来神经系统Ffast wave 快波ferritin 铁蛋白Ggap junction 缝隙连接gastric acid 胃酸gastric emptying * * 胃的排空gastric inhibitory polypeptide, GIP * * 抑胃肽gastric juice** 胃液gastric mucosal barrier* 胃黏膜屏障gastric phase* 胃期gastrin * * 胃泌素gastrin-releasing peptide, GRP ** 胃泌素释放肽gastrointestinal hormone * * 胃肠激素gastrointestinal peptides 胃肠肽glucagons 胰高血糖素gut brain 肠脑Hhelichobacter pylori, Hp 幽门螺杆菌histamine ** 组胺hydrochloric acid, HCl ** 盐酸Iinterstitial Cajal cell, ICC* Cajal 间质细胞intestinal juice; succus entericus 小肠液intestinal phase* 肠期intrinsic factor* 内因子intrinsic nervous system * 内在神经系统LLieberkuhn crypt 小肠腺lower esophageal sphincter, LES* 食管下括约肌Mmass peristalsis* 集团蠕动mastication 咀嚼mechanical digestion* 机械性消化meisser plexus * 麦氏神经丛micelle * 微胶粒microvillus 微绒毛migrating motor complex, MMC* 移行性复合运动mixed micelle * 混合微胶粒mucus * 黏液。
生理学名词中英文对照第一章绪论1. internal environment机体的内环境() 细胞生活的液体环境即细胞外液2. homeostasis稳态()内环境的化学成分及理化性质保持相对稳定的状态称为内环境稳态。
现也指机体所有保持相对稳定的生理过程3. reflex反射()中枢神经系统参与下,机体对内外环境变化做出的适应性反应4. reflex arc反射弧() 完成反射所必需的结构。
包括感受器、传入神经、神经中枢、传出神经、效应器等五个环节5. paracrine regulation旁分泌调节()激素等化学物质通过组织液扩散,影响邻近细胞活动的调节方式,又称为局部性体液调节6. autoregulation自身调节()内、外环境变化时,细胞、组织不依赖于神经、体液调节而产生的适应性反应7. negative feedback负反馈()在自动控制系统中,反馈调节使受控部分的活动向和它原先活动相反的方向改变。
8. positive feedback正反馈()在自动控制系统中,反馈调节使受控部分的活动向和它原先活动相同的方向改变。
9. feed-forward前馈() 指干扰信号对控制部分的直接作用,它能使输出变量在出现偏差而引起反馈调节之前就能得到纠正。
第二章细胞的基本功能10. passive transport被动转运()物质依靠电化学驱动力或渗透梯度进行不需要消耗生物能的跨膜转运过程。
11. simple diffusion单纯扩散()没有生物学转运机制参与的简单的物理扩散。
12. facilitated diffusion via carrier经载体易化扩散()水溶性小分子物质依靠膜上载体蛋白的介导,顺浓度梯度或电位梯度的跨膜转运成为经载体易化扩散13. facilitated diffusion via ion channel经通道易化扩散()离子或水依靠膜上通道蛋白的介导,顺电化学驱动力或依靠渗透压差的跨膜转运成为经通道易化扩散15. (ion channel)离子通道:一类贯穿脂质双分子层的、中央带有亲水性孔道的并能选择性地允许离子通过的膜蛋白14. (voltage gated ion channel)电压门控通道:膜电位控制开闭的通道16. chemically gated ion channel化学门控通道():化学物质(激素、递质等)控制开闭的通道。
接下来为大家整理了生理学词汇中英对照,希望对你有帮助哦!fibrinolysis 纤溶blood 血,血液blood cell 血细胞blood clot 血凝块blood coagulation 血液凝固blood flow 血流量blood group 血型blood pressure 血压blood transfusion 输血body surface area 体表面积body temperature 体温Bohr effect 玻尔效应bradykinin 缓激肽physiology 生理学absolute refractory period 绝对不应期absorption 吸收,吸收作用action potential 动作电位activation 激活,活化active reabsorption 主动重吸收active transport 主动运输,主动转运acute experiment 急性实验adaptation 适应adequate stimulus 适宜刺激adrenergic 肾上腺能的adrenergic receptor 肾上腺素受体afterload 后负荷afterpotential 后电位agglutination of erythrocyte 红细胞凝集agglutinin 凝集素agglutinogen 凝集原airway resistance 气道阻力albumin 白蛋白,清蛋白aldosterone 醛固酮alveolar capillary membrane 肺泡-毛细血管膜alveolar dead space 肺泡死腔,肺泡无效腔alveolar fluid 肺泡液体anabolism 同化作用,合成代谢anatomical dead space 解剖无效腔或死腔androgen 雄激素angiotensin 血管紧张素anticoagulation 抗凝antidiuresis 抗利尿aortic body 主动脉体apneustic breathing 长吸式呼吸arch of aorta 主动脉弓arterial pressure 动脉血压arterial pulse 动脉脉?arteriole 微动脉arteriovenous shunt 动静脉短路artificial respiration 人工呼吸atrial systole 心房收缩atrioventricular bundle 房室束audition 听力auditory threshold 听阈automatic respiratory rhythm 自主呼吸节律automaticity 自律性autonomic nervous system 植物性神经系统,自主神经系autonomic thermoregulation 自主性体温调节autoregulation 自身调节axoplasm 轴浆,轴质baroreceptor reflex 压力感受性反射basal metabolism 基础代谢behavioral thermoregulation 行为性体温调节bidirectional propagation 双向传导bioelectricity 生物电biphasic action potential 双相动作电位bleeding time 出血时间erythropoietin 红细胞生成素,促红素intrapleural pressure 胸膜腔内压,胸内压intraspindle muscle 梭内肌intrinsic pathway 内源性途径iodine pump 碘泵ionic channel 离子通道mass peristalsis 集团蠕动maximal acid output 最大胃酸排出量maximum diastolic potential 最大舒张电位maximum repolarizing potential 最大复极电位mean arterial pressure 平均动脉压mean circulatory filling pressure 循环系统平均充盈压membrane potential 跨膜电位,膜电位metarteriole 后微动脉minute respiratory volume 每分钟通气量motor unit 运动单位myocardial contractility 心肌收缩性negative chronotropic action 负性变时效应negative dromotropic action 负性变传导效应negative inotropic action 负变力效应oxygen capacity 血氧容量oxygen content 血氧含量oxygen dissociation curve 氧离曲线oxygenation 氧合oxyhemoglobin saturation 血氧饱和度pacemaker 起搏器pacemaker current 起搏电流paracrine 旁分泌passive reabsorption 被动重吸收passive transport 被动运输,被动转运patch clamp 膜片钳pepsin 胃蛋白酶peripheral resistance 外周阻力peristalsis 蠕动permeability 磁导率,通透性permissive action 允许作用photosensory cell 感光细胞physiology 生理学pinocytosis 胞饮作用plasma clearance 血浆清除率plasmin 纤溶酶plasminogen 纤溶酶原,纤维蛋白溶酶原plastic deformation of erythrocyte 红细胞可塑性变形plateau 平台期platelet plug 血小板栓子polarization 极化positive chronotropic action 正性变时效应positive dromotropic action 正性变传导效应positive feedback 正反馈positive inotropic action 正性变力效应preload 前负荷premature systole 期前收缩presynaptic inhibition 突触前抑制primary hemostatic response 初级止血反应proprioceptors 本体感受器prothrombin 凝血酶原pulmonary diffusion capacity 肺扩散容量pulmonary exchange 肺换气pulmonary ventilation 肺通气pulse pressure 脉压pupillary reflex 瞳孔反射Purkinje fiber 蒲肯野纤维Purkinje system 蒲肯野系统rapid ejection phase 快速射血相rapid repolarization 快速复极reduced eye 简化眼reflex 反射reflex arc 反射弧refractoriness 不应性refractory period 不应期relative refractory period 相对不应期renal glucose threshold 肾糖阈renin 肾素repolarization 复极resistance 耐药性,阻力respiratory zone 呼吸带resting potential 静息电位resting state 备用状态rheobase 基强度rhesus monkey 恒河猴,猕猴saltatory conduction 跳跃式传导second message 第二信使secondary active transport 继发性主动转运secondary phase of hemostasis 继发性止血反应secretin 促胰液素secretion 分泌segmentation 分节运动sensation 感觉sense organ 感觉器官sensory coding 感觉编码sensory receptor 感觉器shell temperature 体表温度simple diffusion 简单扩散single twitch 单收缩slow ejection phase 减慢射血相slow wave 慢波somatostatin 生长抑素spasm 痉挛specific conduction system 特殊传导系统spike 刺突,锋电位spontaneous depolarization 自动除极stretch receptors 肺牵张感受器stretch reflex 牵张反射stroke work 搏出功subnormal period 低常期supernormal period 超常期surface activation 表面激活surfactant 表面活性物质synaptic delay 突触延搁synergetic effect 协同作用tension 张力first heart soundsecond heart sound 第二心音thermoregulation 体温调节thoracic respiration 胸式呼吸thoroughfare channel 直捷通路或直通血毛细血管threshold 阈threshold intensity 阈强度threshold potential 阈电位threshold stimulus 阈刺激tissue exchange 组织换气tonic activity 紧张性活动tonic contraction 紧张性收缩。
Internal environment:内环境refers to the liquid surrounding the cells in the body of multicellular animals, that is extracellular fluid.Homeostasis稳态: refers to a state of relatively constant of physical and chemical properties of internal environment, such as temperature, pH, osmotic pressure and all kinds of liquid ingredients in the body, and so on.positive feedback正反馈: A change in a condition leads to responses from the effectors which a mplifies that changenegative feedback负反馈: A change in a condition leads to responses from the effectors which counteracts that changefacilitated diffusion via carrier经载体易化扩散: Water soluble small molecules and ions under the carrier protein mediated, cross the plasma membrane follow concentration gradientfacilitated diffusion via ion channel经通道易化扩散: All kinds of charged ions under the channel proteins mediated, cross the plasma membrane follow concentration gradient and potential gradientPrimary active transport原发性主动转运:making direct use of energy derived from ATP to transport the ions across the cell membraneSecondary active transport次级主动转运:The ion gradients established by primary active transport permits the transport of other substances against their concentration gradientsresting potential静息电位: A potential difference across the membranes of inactive cells, with the inside of the cell negative relative to the outside of the cellaction potential动作电位: Some of the cells (excitable cells) are capable to rapidly reverse their resting membrane potential from negative resting values to slightly positive values. This transient and rapid change in membrane potential is called an action potential Excitation-contraction coupling兴奋收缩耦联: the mediation process of striated muscle cells generate action potentials and muscle filament contraction and relaxation. Hematocrit血细胞比容: The capacity percentage of the blood cells in the blood erythrocyte sedimentation rate红细胞沉降率: The distance that red blood cells settle in a tube of blood in one hourHemostasis止血: Small damaged blood vessels stop bleeding after a few minutes automaticallyBlood coagulation血凝固: blood change from sol to illiquid gel stateBlood group血型: The type of specific antigen on the surface of blood cellseffective refractory period:premature systole期前收缩: if ventricle is stimulated after ventricular muscle effective refractory period, before The next sinoatrial node excitement arrive, it will produce a contraction in advance.compensatory pause代偿间歇: A longer ventricular diastolic after premature systole. Atrioventricular delay房室延搁: Excitement slowly spread in atrioventricular junction and take longer time.Cardiac cycle心动周期: A cycle of heart contraction and relaxationStroke volume每搏输出量: One side of the ventricular injection volume of blood by a heart throbEjection fraction射血分数: The percentage stroke volume account for ventricularend-diastolic volumeCardiac output心输出量: The blood volume inject by one side of the ventricular per minuteCardiac index心指数: calculate cardiac output by unit surface areasystolic pressure收缩压: The highest blood pressure at mid ventricular systolic .diastolic pressure舒张压: The lowest blood pressure at ventricular end-diastolic.pulse pressure脉压: Systolic blood pressure minus diastolic blood pressurecentral venous pressure中心静脉压: The blood pressure in right atrium and chest cavity vena cavaMicrocirculation: Blood circulation between arteriole and micro veinEffective filtration pressure有效滤过压:the pressure difference between filtration and reabsorptionRespiration: The process of gas exchange between the body and its environmentvital capacity肺活量: After inhalation complete, the largest gas exhaled from the lungs forced vital capacity用力肺活量: After inhalation complete, exhale the largest gas from the lungs as fast as possibleforced expiratory volume用力呼气量: After inhalation complete, the gas exhaled from the lungs in a certain timeAlveolar Ventilation肺泡通气量: amount of inhaled the fresh air in the alveoli per minute. Pulmonary stretch reflex牵张反射: The reflection of inspiratory inhibit or inhale excited caused by pulmonary inflation and pulmonary deflation.Digestion消化: break down of food into small molecular components small enough to absorb.Mechanical digestion and chemical digestion.Absorption吸收: the small molecules that formed by digestion across the digestion tract mucosa go into blood and lymph.Small wave小波: the spontaneous rhythmic, subthreshold depolarization of the cell membrane of the gastrointestinal tract that characterizes the underlying electrical activity of the bowel.胃液主要成分1.HCl,parietal cell ,acid sterilization. Activation of pepsinogen, promotion of secretin secretion. Assisted effect of Fe and Ca absorption.2.Pepsinogen胃蛋白酶, chief cell, active in stomach, initially by H ions and then by active pepsin, autocatalytic activation. Pepsin an endopeptidase, which attacks peptide bonds in the interior of large protein molecules.3.Mucus粘液, neck cell and goblet cell, lubrication of the mucosal surface. Protection of the tissue from mechanical damage by food particle.4.intrinsic factor内因子, parietal cell. The intrinsic factor binds to vit B12 and facilitated its absorption.Stimulate gastric secretion刺激胃液分泌ACH gastrin histamine/ somatostatin Digestion phase gastric secretion消化期胃液分泌Cephalic gastric intestinal phase Regulation inhibitory gastric juice secretion胃液分泌抑制性调节1.HCl:inhibite G cell release gastrin;stimulate D cell release somatostatin;in the gastric antrum,inhibition of G cells,release of SST;in the duodenum ,release of secretin,bulbogastrone.2,fat:initiating release of enterogastrone.3,hepertonic solution:entero-gastric reflex.Receptive relaxation 容受性舒张:stimulation of receptor reflex muscle relax in the f undus and stomach body when chew and swallow.Pancreatic juice composition effect胰液成分作用:pancreatic amylase,pancreatic lip ase, trypsin,chymotrypsin,HCO3 bicarbonate balance the HCl in duodenum. Protect i ntestinal mucosa TPS and chymolase, pancreatic lipase, pancreatic amylase.Enteroh epatic circulation of bile salt.Bile salts were emptied into the small intestine with hepatic bile, about 95% is absorbed into the blood in the terminal ileum, and then synthesizing bile again after the hepatic vein to the liver, then empty into intestine.Physiological functions of bile胆汁生理作用1.Emulsifying or detergent function of bile salts.2.Help in the absorption of: fatly acid, lmonoglycerides, cholesterol, other lipids Peristalsis蠕动: the rhythmic waves of muscular relaxation and contraction are called peristalsis.Receptive relaxation 容受性舒张: stimulation of food on pharynx and esophagus produce relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter and stomach.Gastric emptying胃排空: the process that the gastric contents are delivered to the duodenum.Thermal equivalent of food热价: calories liberated by 1g food oxidized in body. (kJ/g) Thermal equivalent of oxygen氧热价: heat production by consuming one liter of oxygen to oxidize a specific type of blood. (kJ/L)Respiratory quotient(RQ)呼吸商: in the process of oxidizing food, the ratio of CO2 produced to O2 used。
1. 细胞(cell)细胞是生物体的基本结构和功能单位。
2. 组织(tissue)组织是由一组具有相似功能的细胞组成的。
3. 器官(organ)器官是由多种组织结合而成,共同执行特定功能的结构。
4. 系统(system)系统是由多个器官组成的复杂结构,共同执行特定功能。
5. 内分泌系统(endocrine system)内分泌系统由一组产生激素的腺体组成,用于调节全身的生理过程。
6. 神经系统(nervous system)神经系统由大脑、脊髓和神经组织组成,负责传递神经信号和控制身体各部分的活动。
7. 循环系统(circulatory system)循环系统由心脏、血管和血液组成。
8. 呼吸系统(respiratory system)呼吸系统由鼻腔、气管、支气管和肺组成。
9. 消化系统(digestive system)消化系统由口腔、食管、胃、小肠和大肠组成。
10. 泌尿系统(urinary system)泌尿系统由肾脏、输尿管、膀胱和尿道组成。
11. 免疫系统(immune system)免疫系统是身体抵抗疾病和保护身体免受感染的防线。
2.旁分泌调节(paracrine regulation):指激素等化学物质经组织液扩散,改变临近细胞活动的调节方式。
4.负反馈(negative feedback):指在自动控制系统中,反馈调节使受控部分的活动向和它原先活动相反的方向改变。
5.正反馈(positive feedback):指在自动控制系统中,反馈调节使受控部分的活动向和它原先活动相同的方向改变。
第二章细胞的基本功能7. 经载体易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via carrier):水溶性小分子物质依靠膜上载体蛋白的介导,顺浓度梯度或(和)电位梯度的跨膜转运成为经载体易化扩散。
8. 经通道易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via ion channel):离子或水依靠膜上通道蛋白的介导,顺电化学驱动力或依靠渗透压差的跨膜转运称为经通道易化扩散。
9. 电压门控通道(voltage gated ion channel) :受膜电位调控离子通道的开闭。
10. 化学门控通道(chemically gated ion channel) :由化学物质(激素、递质等)控制离子通道的开闭,又称配体门控通道。
11. 机械门控通道(mechanically gated ion channel):由机械因素控制离子通道的开闭。
12. 原发性主动转运(primary active transport):离子泵利用分解ATP产生的能量,将离子逆浓度梯度或(和)电位梯度进行跨膜转运的过程称为原发性主动转运。
生理学名词中英文对照第一章绪论1. 稳态(homeostasis)2. 旁分泌(paracrine)3. 自身调节(autoregulation)4. 负反馈(negative feedback)5. 正反馈(positive feedback)6. 前馈(feed-forward)第二章细胞的基本功能7. 经载体易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via carrier)8. 经通道易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via channel)9. 电压门控通道(voltage-gated ion channel)10. 化学门控通道(chemical-gated ion channel)11. 机械门控通道(mechanically-gated ion channel)12. 原发性主动转运(primary active transport)13. 继发性主动转运(secondary active transport)14. 同向转运(symport)15. 反向转运(antiport)16. 兴奋性(excitability)17. 阈强度(threshold intensity)18. 极化(polarization)19. 去极化(depolarization)20. 超极化(hyperpolarization)21. 复极化(repolarization)22. 内向电流(inward current)23. 外向电流(outward current)24. 电化学驱动力(electrochemical driving force)25. 静息电位(resting potential)26. 平衡电位(equilibrium potential)27. 动作电位(action potential)28. “全或无”现象(“all or none” phenomenon)29. 阈电位(threshold potential)30. 局部电位(local potential)31. 兴奋-收缩耦联(excitation-contraction coupling)32. 等长收缩(isometric contraction)33. 等张收缩(isotonic contraction)34. 钙触发钙释放(calcium induced calcium release)35. 前负荷(preload)36. 后负荷(afterload)37.肌肉收缩能力(contractility)38. 运动单位(motor unit)第三章血液39. 血细胞比容(hematocrit)40. 血浆晶体渗透压(plasma crystal osmotic pressure)41. 血浆胶体渗透压(plasma colloid osmotic pressure)42. 悬浮稳定性(suspension stability)43. 红细胞渗透脆性(osmotic fragility)44. 血小板聚集(platelet aggregation)45. 生理性止血(hemostasis)46. 出血时间(bleeding time)47. 凝血时间(clotting time)48. 血液凝固(blood coagulation)49. 血清(serum)50. 凝血因子(clotting factor or coagulation factor)51. 内源性凝血途径(intrinsic pathway)52. 外源性凝血途径(extrinsic pathway)53. 纤维蛋白溶解(fibrinolysis)54. 血型(blood group)55. 红细胞凝集(agglutination)56. 交叉配血试验(cross-match test)第四章血液循环57. 心动周期(cardiac cycle)58. 等容收缩期(period of isovolumic contraction)59. 等容舒张期(period of isovolumic relaxation)60. 每搏输出量(stroke volume)61. 射血分数(ejection fraction)62. 心输出量(cardiac output)63. 心指数(cardiac index)64. 异长自身调节(heterometric autoregulation)65. 心室功能曲线(ventricular function curve)66. 心肌收缩能力(myocardial contractility)67. 等长调节(homometric regulation)68. 快反应细胞(fast response cell)69. 慢反应细胞(slow response cell)70. 期前收缩(premature systole)71. 代偿间歇(compensatory pause)72. 自动节律性(autorhythmicity)73. 正常起搏点(normal pacemaker)74. 潜在起搏点(latent pacemaker)75. 异位起搏点(ectopic pacemaker)76. 房室延搁(atrioventricular delay)77. 血流阻力(blood resistance)78. 动脉血压(arterial blood pressure)79. 收缩压(systolic pressure)80. 舒张压(diastolic pressure)81. 平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure)82. 中心静脉压(central venous pressure)83. 微循环(microcirculation)84. 有效滤过压(effective filtration pressure)85. 压力感受性反射(baroreceptor reflex)第五章呼吸86. 肺通气(pulmonary ventilation)87. 肺换气(gas exchange in lungs)88. 弹性阻力(elastic resistance)89. 顺应性(compliance)90. 比顺应性(specific compliance)91. 肺表面活性物质(pulmonary surfactant)92. 气道阻力(airway resistance)93. 潮气量(tidal volume)94. 余气量(residual volume)95. 功能余气量(functional residual capacity)96. 肺活量(vital capacity)97. 用力肺活量(forced vital capacity)98. 用力呼气量(forced expiratory volume)99. 解剖无效腔(anatomic dead space)100.肺泡无效腔(alveolar dead space)101.肺泡通气量(alveolar ventilation)102.通气/血流比值(ventilation/perfusion ratio) 103.氧容量(oxygen capacity)104.氧含量(oxygen content)105.氧饱和度(oxygen saturation)106.氧解离曲线(oxygen dissociation curve)107.肺牵张反射(pulmonary stretch reflex)第六章消化与吸收108.机械性消化(mechanical digestion)109.慢波(slow wave)110.胃肠激素(gastrointestinal hormone)111.黏液-碳酸氢盐屏障(mucus-bicarbonate barrier)112.胃黏膜屏障(gastric mucosal barrier)113.容受性舒张(receptive relaxation)114.胃的排空(gastric emptying)115.肠-胃反射(entero-gastric reflex)116.分节运动(segmental motility)第七章能量代谢与体温117. 能量代谢(energy metabolism)118. 食物的热价(thermal equivalent of food)119. 氧热价(thermal equivalent of oxygen)120. 呼吸商(respiratory quotient)121. 基础代谢率(basal metabolism rate)122. 体温(body temperature)123. 温热性发汗(thermal sweating)第八章尿的生成和排出124.管-球反馈(tubuloglomerular feedback)125.肾小球滤过率(glomerular filtration rate)126.滤过分数(filtration fraction)127.溶剂拖曳(solvent drag)128.肾糖阈(renal threshold for glucose)129.渗透性利尿(osmotic diuresis)130.球-管平衡(glomerulotubular balance)131.清除率(clearance rate)第九章神经系统的功能132.突触传递(synaptic transmission)133.电突触(electrical synapse)134.经典的突触(classical synapse)135.非定向突触(non-directed synapse)136.兴奋性突触后电位(excitatory postsynaptic potential) 137.抑制性突触后电位(inhibitory postsynaptic potential) 138.神经递质(neurotransmitter)139.神经调质(neuromodulator)140.激动剂(agonist)141.拮抗剂(antagonist)142.上调(up regulation)143.下调(down regulation)144.胆碱能纤维(cholinergic fiber)145.肾上腺素能纤维(adrenergic fiber)146.突触后抑制(postsynaptic inhibition)147.回返性抑制(recurrent inhibition)148.突触前抑制(presynaptic inhibition)149.适宜刺激(adequate stimulus)150.换能作用(transducer function)151.特异投射系统(specific projection system)152.非特异投射系统(nonspecific projection system)153.牵涉痛(referred pain)154.瞳孔对光反射(pupillary light reflex)155.瞳孔近反射(near reflex of the pupil)156.视敏度(visual acuity)157.暗适应(dark adaptation)158.视野(visual field)159.耳蜗内电位(endocochlear potential)160.耳蜗微音器电位(cochlear microphonic potential)161.眼震颤(nystagmus)162.脊髓休克(spinal shock)163.牵张反射(stretch reflex)164.腱反射(tendon reflex)165.肌紧张(muscle tonus)166.去大脑僵直(decerebrate rigidity)167.α僵直(α-rigidity)168.γ僵直(γ-rigidity)169.脑电图(electroencephalogram)170.网状结构上行激动系统(ascending reticular activating system)171.慢波睡眠(slow wave sleep)第十章内分泌172.激素(hormone)173.允许作用(permissive action)174.长反馈(long-loop feedback)175.短反馈(short-loop feedback)176.超短反馈(ultrashort-loop feedback)177.下丘脑调节肽(hypothalamic regulatory peptides)178.碘阻滞效应(Wolff-Chaikoff effect)179.应激(stress)180.应急反应(emergency reaction)(温州医科大学基础医学院生理学教研室)2013年9月2日。
医学常用生理学名词英汉翻译医学常用生理学名词英汉翻译(Medical Physiology Terms: English to Chinese Translation)Introduction:医学常用生理学名词是医学领域中不可或缺的基础内容。
一、细胞生理学(Cell Physiology)1. 细胞(Cell)- 生物体的基本结构和功能单位。
2. 细胞膜(Cell Membrane)- 包裹和保护细胞的透过半透膜。
3. 溶质(Solute)- 溶解在溶剂中的物质。
4. 入外去内形式(Endo-Exocytosis)- 物质从细胞内进出的过程。
5. 离子(Ion)- 带电荷的原子或分子。
二、心血管生理学(Cardiovascular Physiology)1. 心脏(Heart)- 泵血器官,将氧和养分输送到全身。
2. 血管(Blood Vessels)- 导管系统,包括动脉、静脉和毛细血管。
3. 血压(Blood Pressure)- 衡量血液对血管壁的压力。
4. 心肌收缩(Myocardial Contraction)- 心肌收缩将血液推向体循环。
5. 心输出量(Cardiac Output)- 心脏每分钟泵出的血液量。
三、消化生理学(Digestive Physiology)1. 消化系统(Digestive System)- 约束口腔、食管、胃和肠道的器官组织。
2. 蛋白酶(Protease)- 分解蛋白质的酶。
3. 胆囊(Gallbladder)- 存储胆汁的器官。
4. 葡萄糖(Glucose)- 最常见的糖类,是能量的重要来源。
5. 肠道吸收(Intestinal Absorption)- 营养物质从肠道进入血液。
四、泌尿生理学(Renal Physiology)1. 肾脏(Kidneys)- 过滤血液,产生尿液,并维持体液平衡。
生 生理 理学 学中 中英 英文 文名 名词 词对 对照照 Aabdominal breathing 腹式呼吸 accessory sexual organ 附属性器官* absolute refractory period 绝对不应期 absorption 吸收 accommdotion 调节 acetylcholine,Ach 乙酰胆碱 muscarine -like action 毒覃碱样作用(M 样作用)* nicotine -like action 烟碱样作用(N 样作用)* tropic action 营养样作用* acromegaly 肢端肥大症 acrosin 顶体素* acrosom action 顶体样反应* actin 肌纤蛋白(肌动蛋白) action potential 动作电位 activation 激活 active force 主动张力* active transport 主动转运 active zone 激活区 addition 成瘾 adaptation 适应(感觉器) adenosine 腺苷* adenosine diphosphate, ADP 二磷酸腺苷 adenosine triphosphate, ATP 三磷酸腺苷 adenylate cyclase, AC 腺苷酸环化酶 adequate stimulus 适宜刺激 adrenal cortex 肾上腺皮质 Adrenal medulla 肾上腺髓质 adrenaline, Adr 肾上腺素 adrenergic fiber 肾上腺素能纤维 adrenocorticotropin, ACTH 促肾上腺皮质激素 afferent arteriole 入球小动脉 after discharge 后放 afterdepolarization 后去极化 afterload 后负荷 afterpotential 后电位 agglutinin 凝集素 agglutinogen 凝集原 agonist 激动剂 air condution 气传导 airway resistance 气道阻力 aldosterone 醛固酮aldosteronebinding globulin 醛固酮结合蛋白* aldosteroneinduced protein 醛固酮诱导蛋白*all or none phenomenon“全或无”现象alveolar dead space 肺泡无效腔alveolar pressure 肺泡压alveolar surfactant 肺泡表面活性物质alveolar ventilation 肺泡通气量 -aminobutyric acid -氨基丁酸 amnesia 记忆障碍anterograde ameesia 顺行性遗忘症* reterograde ameesia 逆行性遗忘症* anatomical dead space 解剖无效腔androgen 雄激素angiotensin 血管紧张素antagonist 拮抗剂anticoagulative system 抗凝系统antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素antiport 逆向转运anxiety 焦虑aphasia 失语症motor aphasia 运动失语症sensory aphasia 感觉失语症apical membrane 顶端膜*apnea 呼吸暂停apoptosis 凋亡appetite 欲望*arrestin 阻抑蛋白*arterial blood pressure 动脉血压arterial pulse 动脉脉搏ascending reticular activating system网状结构上行激动系统 ascenging inhibitory system上行抑制系统astigmatism 散光*atrial natriuretic peptide心房利尿钠肽atrial systole 心房收缩期atrioventricular delay 房室延搁atropine 阿托品autocrine 自分泌autoinhibitory funtion 自抑作用autologous transfusion 自体输血 autoregulation 自身调节autorhythmicity自动节律性(自律性)avoidance system 回避系统axial flow 轴流axon 轴突axon hillock 轴丘axon telodendria 轴突终端axon reflex轴突反射axoplaxmic flow 轴浆流动axoplasmic transport, 轴浆运输antrograde, 顺向轴浆运输fast, 快速轴浆运输retrograde, 逆向轴浆运输slow, 慢速轴浆运输BBabinski’s sign巴彬斯基征backleak回漏baroreceptor压力感受器baroreflex压力感受性反射basal body temperature,BBT基础体温basal metabolic rate,BMR基础代谢率basic electrical rhythm基本电节律basal membrane 基底侧膜basophils 嗜碱性粒细胞bile 胆汁bile salt 胆盐binocular vision 双眼视觉*biologic clock 生物钟biorhythm生物节律biot breathing 比奥呼吸*bleeding time 出血时间blind spot 盲点 -block 波阻断blood 血液blood-brain barrier 血脑屏障blood-cerebrospinal barrier 血脑脊液屏障blood clotting factor凝血因子blood coagulation 血液凝固blood group 血型blood flow 血流量blood pressure 血压blood transfusion 输血blood volume 血量body surface area 体表面积body temperature 体温bohr effect 波尔效应bone condution 骨传导bradykinin 缓激肽brain gut peptide 脑肠肽brain-derived neurotrophic factor,bdnf 脑源型神经生长因子* bulbogestrone 球抑胃素burst promoting activator 爆式促进活性物质*Ccalcitonin,CT降钙素calcitonin gene-related peptide 降钙素基因相关肽 calcium 钙calcium-induced calcium release 钙触发钙释放calcium pump 钙泵calcium-sodium channel 钙钠通道calcium transient 钙瞬变*calmodulin,CaM 钙调蛋白calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, 依赖钙调蛋白的蛋白激酶 calorigenic effect 生热效应*capacitance vessel容量血管capacitation 精子获能capillary 毛细血管carbaminohemoglobin 氨基甲酸血红蛋白*carbon dioxide dissociation curve 二氧化碳解离曲线carbon monoxide, CO 一氧化碳carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶cardiac conduction system 心脏传导系统cardiac cycle 心动周期cardiac efficiency 心脏的效率cardiac index心指数cardiac output心输出量cardiac reserve 心力贮备cardiopulmonary receptor 心肺感受器 cardiopulmonary receptor reflex 心肺感受器反射 cardiovascular center心血管中枢cardiovascular reflex心血管反射carrier载体catecholamine, CA 儿茶酚胺cell 细胞cell membrane 细胞膜center 中枢feeding, 摄食中枢satiety 饱中枢central chemoreceptor中枢化学感受器central delay 中枢延搁central nervous system 中枢神经系统central temperature receptor 中枢温度感受器central venous pressure 中心静脉压cerebellum 小脑cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊液channel通道characteristic frequency 特征频率chemoreceptor化学感受器chemically gated ion channel化学门控通道chemoreflex化学感受器性反射cheyne-stokes respiration 陈施活呼吸*chloride shift 氯转移cholecystokinin(CCK)胆囊收缩素cholesterol 胆固醇cholinergic fiber 胆碱能纤维chronotropic action 变时作用chylomicron 乳糜微粒circadian rhythm 日节律cold receptor 冷感受器coldsensitive neuron 冷敏神经元collecting duct 集合管colloid osmotic pression 胶体渗透压colony-forming unit, CFU 集落形成单位colony stimulating factor, CSF集落刺激因子color vision 颜色视觉committed progenitor定向祖细胞*compensatory pause 代偿性间歇competitive inhibition 竞争抑制complement 补体complete tetanus完全强直收缩compliance 顺应性conditioned reflex条件反射conduction传导conduction block传导阻滞conductivity传导性cone 视锥细胞contractility 收缩能力(肌)convection对流convergence 会聚convergence reflex辐辏反射core temperature 体核温度coronary circulation 冠脉循环cortical association area 皮层联络区corticotropinreleasing hormone,CRH 促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素 cortisol皮质醇cotransport 同向转运countercurrent multiplication 逆流倍增*creatine phosphate 磷酸肌酸creatinine 肌苷cross bridge 横桥cross bridge cycling 横桥周期crossmatch test交叉配血试验cross-talk 交互对话crystal osmotic pressure 晶体渗透压cyanosis 发绀cyclic AMP,cAMP环一磷腺苷Cyclic GMP,cGMP环一磷鸟苷Cytokine 细胞因子Cytoskeleton 细胞骨架DDale’s principle 戴尔原则dark adaptation暗适应deactivation 去激活decapacitation 精子去能defecation reaction 排便反射defense reaction 防御反应defense zone 防御反应区deglutition 吞咽dendrite 树突dendritic spine 树突棘dense area 致密区dense body 致密体deoxyhemoglobin 去氧血红蛋白 dendrodendrtic inhibition树突树突型抑制depolarzation 去极化(除极)depolariting afterpotential去极化后电位depressor reflex 降压反射(减压反射) desensitization 脱敏diacylglycerol,DG二酰甘油diapedesis 血细胞渗出*diastole 舒张(心舒)期diastolic pressure 舒张压dicrotic nothch 降中峡differential sensitivity 特异敏感性diffusion 扩散diffusion rate 扩散速率digestion消化1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol 1,25-双羟维生素 D3* direct calorimetry 直接测热法distribution vessel 分配血管*diuresis 利尿dominant cerebral hemisphere 优势半球* dopamine, DA 多巴胺down regulation 减量调节dromtropic action变传导作用dynamic compliance 动态顺应性dynamic lung volume 动态肺活量Eearly pregnancy factor 早孕因子ectopic pacemaker 异位起博点effective filtration pressure 有效滤过压effective refractory period 有效不应期ejection fraction 射血分数ejection period(phase)射血期(相)elastic resistance 弹性阻力electric synapse 电突触electrocardiogram心电图electrochemical potential电化学势 electroencephalogram,EEG脑电图electrotonic propagation 电紧张性扩布emergency reaction 应急反应emotion 情绪emotion reaction 情绪反应emmetropia 正视眼*encoding编码(作用)endocrine 内分泌endocytosis 入胞endothelin 内皮素endothelium-derived relaxing factor,EDRF内皮舒张因子 endplate potential终板电位energy metabolism rate 能量代谢率energy metabolism能量代谢enteric nervous system 肠神经系统 enterogastric reflex肠胃反射enterogastrone 肠抑胃素*enterokinase 肠致活酶*eosnophils 嗜酸性粒细胞epidermal growth factor 表皮生长因子 epinephrine,E 肾上腺素erection 勃起erythrocyte 红细胞erythrocyte sedimentation rate 红细胞沉降率erythrocyte suspension stability 红细胞悬浮稳定性 erythropoiesis 红细胞生成*erythropoietin,EPO 促红细胞生成素Estradiol,E2 雌二醇estriol雌三醇estrone 雌酮*eupn(o)ea (quiet breathing)平静呼吸evaporation 蒸发evoked potential诱发电位exchange vessel交换血管excitability 兴奋性excitable cell可兴奋细胞excitation 兴奋excitationcontraction coupling 兴奋收缩耦联excitatory postsynaptic potential兴奋性突触后电位 exocrine 腔分泌*exocytosis 出胞expiration 呼气expiratory reserve volume 补呼气量external respiration 外呼吸extinction 消退*extracellular fluid 细胞外液extracellular matrix, ECM 细胞外基质* extrafuxla fiber梭外肌纤维*extrapyramidal system锥体外系extrasystole 期外收缩*extrinsic route 外源性激活途径*Ffacilitated diffusion 易化扩散facilitated diffusion through ion channel经通道的易化扩散 facilitated diffusion via carrier经载体的易化扩散 facilitation易化postsynaptic, 突触后易化 presynaptic, 突触前易化facilitatory region 易化区fast pain快痛feedback反馈negative, 负反馈positive, 正反馈feedback control反馈控制feedforward 前馈ferritin 铁蛋白*fibrinogen 纤维蛋白原fibrinolytic system纤维蛋白溶解系统filling period(phase) 充盈期(相)filtration 滤过filtration coefficient 滤过系数filtration pressure equilibrium滤过压平衡firing level 燃点*fluid massaic model液态镶嵌模型folic acid 叶酸*folliclestimulating hormone,FSH 卵泡刺激素*food specific dynamic effect 食物特殊动力效应 force velocity relation curve 张力速度关系曲线forced expiratory volume 用力呼气量forced vital capacity 用力肺活量forced breathing 用力呼吸frequency range of hearing 听域*functional residual volume 功能余气量GG protein G蛋白G protein effector G蛋白效应器G protein-linked receptor G蛋白偶联受体gap junction 缝隙连接gas eschange 气体交换gastric empty 胃排空gastric inhibitory polypeptide(GIP) 抑胃肽*gastrin 胃泌素*gastrointestinal hormone 胃肠激素gated theory 闸门学说*generator potential 发生器电位*glomerular filtration 肾小球滤过glomerular filtration rate 肾小球滤过率 glomerulotubular balance 球管平衡*glucagon 胰高血糖素*glucocorticoids 糖皮质激素*glutamate 谷氨酸glycine 甘氨酸gonadotropinreleasing hormone,GnRH 促性腺激素释放激素 gonads 性腺*granulocyte 粒细胞growth hormone releaseinhibiting hormone 生长抑素 growth hormone releasing hormone,GHRH 生长素释放激素 growth hormone,GH 生长素guanine nucleotidebinding protein(Gprotein)鸟苷酸结合蛋白(G蛋白)*Hhabituation 习惯化*hearing threshold 听域*heart sound 心音hematocrit 血细胞比容*hematopoietic growth factor,HGF造血生长因子 hemoglobin,Hb血红蛋白hemopoiesis 造血hemopoiesis microenvironment 造血微环境*hemopoitric stem cells 造血干细胞*hemostasis 止血*heparin 肝素histamine 组胺homeostasis 稳态hormone 激素human chorionic gonadotropin,HCG人绒毛膜促性腺激素* human leukocyte antigen,HLA人白细胞抗原*Humoral regulation 体液调节hydrochloric acid 盐酸*5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT 5-羟色胺 hyperalgesia 痛觉过敏 hyperpolarization 超极化hypophyseal portal system 垂体门脉系统* hypothalamus regulatory peptide,HRP下丘脑调节肽Iimmediateearly gene 快速(即早)基因inactivation失活incomplete tetanus 不完全强直收缩inhibin抑制素inhibitory postsynaptic potential抑制性突触后电位initial length 初长度initial segment 始段inositol triphosphate 三磷酸肌醇inotropic action变力作用insensible evaporation 不感蒸发(不显汗)inspiration 吸气inspiratory capacity 深吸气量inspiratory offswitch mechanism吸气切断机制* inspiratory reserve volume 补吸气量insulin 胰岛素insulin like growth factor,IGFI 胰岛素样生长因子 I* internal environment 内环境interstitial fluid 组织液intrafusal fiber梭内肌纤维*intrapulmonary pressure 肺内压intrapulmonary pressure 胸膜腔内压intrinsic factor内因子intrinsic route 内源性激活途径inulin 菊粉*ion channel 离子通道ion pump 离子泵isometric contraction 等长收缩isotonic contraction等张收缩isotonic solution 等张溶液isovolumic diastole 等容舒张期isovolumic systole 等容收缩期Jjunctional cleft 接头间隙*juxtaglomerular apparatus 近球小体*KK+ equilibrium potential K+平衡电位 kallikreinkinin system激肽释放酶激肽系统kinocilium动毛*Llactation 授乳*laminar flow 层流*laterality cerebral dominance 一侧优势lengthtension curve 长度张力曲线learning 学习leukocyte 白细胞ligand 配体light adaptation明适应limbic system 边缘系统*lipase 胰脂肪酶*local circuit neuron 局部回路神经元*local excitation局部兴奋local neuronal circuit 局部神经元回路*long term depression,LTD 长时性抑制*longterm potentiation,LTP长时程增强lung compliance 肺顺应性lung volume 肺容积luteinizing hormone,LH 黄体生成素*lymph 淋巴液lymphocyte 淋巴细胞Mmacular densa 致密斑*mastication 咀嚼mass peristalsis 集团蠕动*maximal repolarization potential最大复极电位*mean circulatory filling pressure 循环系统平均充盈压 mechanoreceptor 机械感受器* megakaryocytes 巨核细胞*melanocyte-stimulating hormone,MSH 促黑细胞激素* melatonin 褪黑素*menstruation 月经mental sweating 精神性发汗*metabolism新陈代谢microcirculation 微循环microphonic potential微音器电位microvilli 微绒毛micturition 排尿micturition desire 排尿欲*migrating motility complex(MMC)移动性运动综合波milk-ejection reflex 射乳反射*minute ventilation volume 每分通气量minute volume(heart) 每分输出量minute work(heart) 每分功(心脏)modulator调质monocyte 单核细胞motilin 胃动素*motor column 运动柱mucus 粘液mucusbicarbonate barrier粘液碳酸氢盐屏障multiunit smooth muscle 多单位平滑肌*muscarinic receptor毒蕈碱受体muscle spindle 肌梭muscle tonus 肌紧张myocardial contractility 心肌收缩能力myofilament sliding theory 肌丝滑行理论myofibril肌原纤维*myosin 肌凝蛋白(肌球蛋白)Nnerve 神经nervous regulation 神经调节 neurocrine 神经分泌*neuroendocrine system 神经内分泌系统 neuroglia 神经胶质细胞 neurohormone 神经激素neuromodulator 神经调质*neuron 神经元afferent neuron 传入神经元efferent neuron 传出神经元 neurotransmitter神经递质neurotrophin,NT 神经营养因子* neutrophil中性粒细胞nitric oxide, NO 一氧化氮* nicotinic receptor菸碱型受体nonassociative learning 非联合型学习nonprotein respiratory quotient,NPRQ非蛋白呼吸商 nonrhythmic cell非自律细胞nonspecific projection system非特异投射系统nonsynaptic chemical transmission 非突触性化学传递 norepinephrine,NE 去甲肾上腺素Ooperate conditioned reflex操作条件反射*opsin 视蛋白*optimal length 最适初长度optimal preload 最适前负荷osmotic diuresis 渗透性利尿osmotic fragility 渗透脆性osmotic pressure of plasma 血浆渗透压overdrive suppression 超速驱动压抑ovulation 排卵oxygen capacity 氧容量oxygen content氧含量oxygen dissociation curve 氧离曲线oxygen saturation 氧饱和度oxytocin,OXT催产素Ppacemaker起搏点pain 痛觉paracrine 旁分泌paradoxical sleep 异相睡眠paralysis 麻痹paralysis agitans 震颤麻痹*parapyramidal system旁锥体系*parasympathetic nerve 副交感神经parathyroid hormone,PTH 甲状旁腺激素*passive transport 被动转运patch clamp 膜片钳pencreatic amylase 胰淀粉酶*pepsinogen 胃蛋白酶原*periodic breathing 周期性呼吸peripheral chemoreceptor外周化学感受器peripheral resistance 外周阻力peripheral venous pressure 外周静脉压peristalsis 蠕动permeability 通透性permissive action允许作用phonocardiogram心音图*phospholipid 磷脂photopic vision昼视觉physiological dead space 生理无效腔physiology 生理学pinocytosis 吞饮*plasma 血浆plasma cell浆细胞plasma membrane 质膜plasmin 纤维蛋白溶解酶原*plasticity 可塑性platelets,thrombocyte 血小板pleural cavity 胸膜腔pneumotaxic center呼吸调节中枢*pneumothorax气胸poiseuilli’s law 泊隶叶定律*polarization 极化postcapillary resistance 毛细血管后阻力postsynaptic inhibition突触后抑制postural refelex姿势反射potential 电位precapillary resistance 毛细血管前阻力precapillary sphincter毛细血管前括约肌* preferential channel通血毛细血管*preferential pathway优势传导通路preload 前负荷premature systole(extrasystole) 期前收缩(期外收缩) presynaptic inhibition突触前抑制presynaptic receptor突触前受体progesterone,P孕酮*prolactin,PRL催乳素*proopiomelanocrtin,POMC 促阿片黑素细胞皮质素原* prostaglandin,PG前列腺素*protein kinase C,PKC 蛋白激酶 Cprotooncogene 原癌基因pulmonary circulation 肺循环pulmonary diffusion capacity肺扩散容量*pulmonary stretch reflex肺牵张反射pulmonary surfactant 肺表面活性物质pulmonary ventilation 肺通气pulse pressure 脉搏压*purkinje cell 浦肯野细胞pyramidal system锥体系Qquantal release 量子式释放Rradiation 辐射rapid ejection period(phase)快速射血期(相)reabsorption 重吸收receptive relaxation 容受性舒张receptor 感受器,受体receptor-mediated endocytosis 受体介导的入胞receptor potential 感受器电位reflex arc 反射弧reflex 反射conditioned, 条件反射crossed extensor, 对侧屈肌反射*operant conditioning, 操作式条件反射*stretch, 牵张反射*tendon, 腱反射*unconditioned, 非条件反射reactivation复活reciprocal synapse 交互性突触recurrent inhibition回返性抑制reduced eye 简化眼referred pain牵涉痛relative refractory period 相对不应期renal blood flow 肾血流量renal clearence 肾清除率renal plasma flow 肾血浆流量reninangiotensinaldosterone system肾素血管紧张素醛固酮系统 reninangiotensin sysem肾素血管紧张素系统reninangiotensinaldosterone system肾小球滤过率Renshaw cell闰绍细胞*repolarization 复极化reproduction生殖*residual volume 余气量resistance vessel阻力血管respiration 呼吸respiratory movement 呼吸运动respiratory quotient呼吸商resting potential 静息电位resting cardiac index静息心指数resting tension静息张力retinal视黄醛*retrograde amnesia 逆行性遗忘症*rh blood group system rh 血型系统rhodopsin 视紫红质*rigidity 僵直decerebrate,去大脑僵直decorticate, 去皮层僵直rhythmic cell自律细胞righting reflex翻正反射*rod 视杆细胞*Ssaltatory conduction跳跃式传导sarcomere 肌小节*scotopic vision暗视觉second messenger第二信使secondary active transport 继发性主动转运secretin 促胰液素*secretion 分泌segmentation contraction 分节运动sensible perspiration 可感蒸发sensory area 感觉区sensory column 感觉柱sensory projection system感觉投射系统serum血清set point调定点sex hormonebinding globulin,SHBG性激素结合球蛋白* sham rage 假怒shamfeeding 假饲short term memory 短时性记忆*shivering 寒颤signal transduction信号转导simple diffusion 单纯扩散single twitch 单收缩singleunit smooth muscle 单位平滑肌单位*sinus rhythm 窦性节律skin temperature 皮肤温度slow pain 慢痛slow wave sleep 慢波睡眠sodium pump 钠泵somatomedin,SM生长介素*specific compliance 比顺应性specific dynamic action 食物的特殊动力作用specific projection system特异投射系统spike potential锋电位spinal shock脊休克spatial summation 空间性总和split brain 裂脑*spontaneous depolarization 自动去极化stereocilia 静毛*stimulus 刺激stress 应激stretch reflex牵张反射stroke volume 每搏输出量stroke work搏功subliminal(subthreshold)stimulus 阈下刺激subnormal period 低常期supplementary motor area 运动辅助区*suppressor region 抑制区*supranormal period 超常期swallowing 吞咽sweating(perspiration) 发汗sympathetic nerve 交感神经synaptic knob,synaptic bouton突触小体systole 收缩(心缩期)systolic pressure 收缩压Ttempoal summation 时间性总和testosterone,T睾酮*tetanus 强直收缩tetraethylammonium四乙基铵*tetrodotoxin 河豚毒*theory of traveling wave 行波理论thermal equivalent 热价thermal equivalent of oxygen 氧热价thoracic breathing胸式呼吸threshold 阈值threshold potential阈电位thrombin 凝血酶*thymosin 胸腺素*thyroglobulin,TG甲状腺球蛋白*thyroid stimulating hormone,TSH 促甲状腺激素thyrotropinreleaxing hormone,TRH 促甲状腺激素释放激素3,5,3’triiodothyronine,T3 三碘甲腺原氨酸thyroxin,3,5,3’,5’tetraiodlthyronine,T4 甲状腺素(四碘甲腺原氨酸)* thyroxinebinding globulin,TBG甲状腺素结合球蛋白*tidal volume 潮气量timed vital capacity时间肺活量total lung capacity肺总量transducin 传递蛋白*transmembrane resting potential跨膜静息电位 transmembrane signal transduction跨膜信号转换 transmembrane signaling 跨膜信号传递trophic action营养性作用tropnin 肌钙蛋白(原宁蛋白)*tropomyosin 原肌凝蛋白*trypsinogen 胰蛋白酶原*tubuloglomerular feedback管球反馈turbulence 湍流tyrosine kinase receptor酪氨酸蛋白激酶受体*Uup regulation 上调upper motorneuron paralysis 上行运动神经元麻痹* Vvagus nerve 迷走神经varicosity 曲张体vasoconstrictor fiber缩血管神经纤维vasodilator fiber舒血管纤维vasopressin,vp升压素velocity of blood flow 血流速度venous return 静脉回心血量venrticular diastole 心室舒张期ventilationperfusion ratio 通气/血流比值ventral respiratory group 腹侧呼吸组*ventricular function curve 心室功能曲线 ventricular systole 心室收缩期visceral pain内脏痛viscosity 粘滞度visual acuity 视敏度*visual field 视野vital capacity肺活量voltage clamp 电压钳voltagegated channel电压门控通道volume receptor容量感受器vomiting 呕吐vullus 绒毛Wwarmsensitive neuron 热敏神经元water diuresis 水利尿working(cardiac)cell工作(心肌)细胞αboockα波阻断αmotor neruon α运动神经元γmotor neuron γ运动神经元注:带*者为七年制本硕班应额外掌握的单词。
生理学名词中英文对照第一章绪论1.机体的内环境(internal environment)2.稳态(homeostasis)3.反射(reflex)4.反射弧(reflex arc)5.旁分泌调节(paracrine regulation)6.自身调节(autoregulation)7.负反馈(negative feedback) 8.正反馈(positive feedback)9.前馈(feed-forward)第二章细胞的基本功能10. 被动转运(passive transport) 11. 单纯扩散(simple diffusion)12. 经载体易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via carrier)13. 经通道易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via ion channel)14. 电压门控通道(voltage gated ion channel)15. 离子通道(ion channel)16. 化学门控通道(chemically gated ion channel)17. 机械门控通道(mechanically gated ion channel)18. 原发性主动转运(primary active transport)19. 继发性主动转运(secondary active transport)20. 同向转运(symport) 21. 反向转运(antiport)22. 出胞(exocytosis) 23. 入胞(endocytosis)24. 跨膜信号转导(transmembrane signal transduction)25. 刺激(stimulation) 26. 兴奋(excitation)27. 兴奋性(excitability) 28. 阈值(threshold)29. 极化(polarization) 30. 去极化(depolarization)31. 超极化(hyperpolarization) 32. 复极化(repolarization)33. 内向电流(inward current) 34. 外向电流(outward current)35. 电化学驱动力(electrochemical driving force)36. 静息电位(resting potential) 37. K+平衡电位(K+ equilibrium potential)38. 动作电位(action potential) 39. 超射(overshoot)40. “全或无”现象(“all or none”phenomenon)41. 阈电位(threshold potential) 42. 局部电位(local potential)43. 时间性总和(temporal summation) 44. 空间性总和(spatial summation)45. 量子释放(quantal release)46. 兴奋-收缩耦联(excitation-contraction coupling)47. 等长收缩(isometric contraction) 48. 等张收缩(isotonic contraction)49. 前负荷(preload) 50. 后负荷(afterload)51.肌肉收缩能力(contractility) 52.不完全强直收缩(incomplete tetauns)53.完全强直收缩(complete tetanus) 54.运动单位(motor unit)第三章血液55. 血细胞比容(hematocrit) 56. 血浆渗透压(plasma osmotic pressure)57. 血浆晶体渗透压(plasma crystal osmotic pressure)58. 血浆胶体渗透压(plasma colloid osmotic pressure)59. 悬浮稳定性(suspension stability)60.红细胞沉降率(erythrocyte sedimentation rate)61.红细胞渗透脆性(osmotic fragility) 62.血小板黏附(platelet adhesion)63.血小板聚集(platelet aggregation) 64.生理性止血(hemostasis)65.出血时间(bleeding time) 66.凝血时间(clotting time)67.血液凝固(blood coagulation) 68.血清(serum)69.凝血因子(clotting factor) 70.内源性凝血途径(intrinsic pathway)71.外源性凝血途径(extrinsic pathway) 72.纤维蛋白溶解(fibrinolysis)73.血型(blood group) 74.红细胞凝集(agglutination)75.凝集原(agglutinogen)76.凝集素(agglutinin)77.交叉配血试验(corss-match test)第四章血液循环78. 心动周期(cardiac cycle)79. 等容收缩期(period of isovolumic contraction)80. 等容舒张期(period of isovolumic relaxation)81. 每搏输出量(stroke volume)82. 射血分数(ejection fraction)83. 心输出量(cardiac output)84 心指数(cardiac index)85. 异长调节(heterometric regulation)86.心室功能曲线(ventricular function curve)87.心肌收缩能力(myocardial contractility)88.等长调节(homometric regulation)89.快反应细胞(fast response cell) 90.慢反应细胞(slow response cell)91.期前收缩(premature systole) 92.代偿间歇(compensatory pause)93.自动节律性(autorhythmicity) 94.正常起搏点(normal pacemaker)95.潜在起搏点(latent pacemaker) 96.异位起搏点(ectopic pacemaker)97.房室延搁(atrioventricular delay)98.膜反应曲线(membrane responsiveness curve)99.钙触发钙释放(calcium-induced Ca2+ release)100.外周阻力(peripheral resistance)101.动脉血压(arterial blood pressure)102.收缩压(systolic pressure)103.舒张压(diastolic pressure) 104.平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure)105.中心静脉压(central venous pressure)106.微循环(microcirculation) 107.压力感受性反射(baroreceptor reflex)第五章呼吸108.肺通气(pulmonary ventilation) 109.肺换气(gas exchange in lungs)110.呼吸运动(respiratory movement) 111.弹性阻力(elastic resistance)112.顺应性(compliance) 113.肺的静态顺应性(static compliance)114.比顺应性(specific compliance) 115.肺表面活性物质(pulmonary surfactant)116.气道阻力(airway resistance) 117.潮气量(tidal volume)118.余气量(residual volume)119.功能余气量(functional residual capacity)120.肺活量(vital capacity) 121.用力肺活量(forced vital capacity) 122.用力呼气量(forced expiratory volume)123.肺通气量(pulmonary ventilation)124.解剖无效腔(anatomical dead space) 125.肺泡无效腔(alveolar dead space) 126.肺泡通气量(alveolar ventilation)127.通气/血流比值(ventilation/perfusion ratio)128.血氧容量(oxygen capacity) 129.血氧含量(oxygen content)130.血氧饱和度(oxygen saturation) 131.氧解离曲线(oxygen dissociation curve) 132.肺牵张反射(pulmonary stretch reflex)第六章消化与吸收133.消化(digestion) 134.机械性消化(mechanical digestion)135.化学性消化(chemical digestion) 136.吸收(absorption)137.慢波(slow wave) 138.胃肠激素(gastrointestinal hormone)139.脑-肠肽(braingut peptide)140.黏液-碳酸氢盐屏障(mucus bicarbonate barrier)141.胃黏膜屏障(gastric mucosal barrier)142.容受性舒张(receptive relaxation)143.紧张性收缩(tonic contraction) 144.胃的排空(gastric emptying)145.肠-胃反射(entero-gastric reflex) 146.分节运动(segmentation contraction)147.胆盐的肠-肝循环(enterohepatic circulation of bile salt)第七章能量代谢与体温148. 能量代谢(energy metabolism)149. 食物的热价(thermal equivalent of food)150. 氧热价(thermal equivalent of oxygen)151. 呼吸商(respiratory quotient) 152. 基础代谢率(basal metabolic rate) 153. 体温(body temperature) 154.温热性发汗(thermal sweating)155.精神性发汗(mental sweating 156.热敏神经元(warm-sensitive neuron) 157.冷敏神经元(cold-sensitive neuron)第八章尿的生成和排出158. 管-球反馈(tubuloglomerular feedback)159. 肾小球滤过率(glomerular filtration rate)160. 滤过分数(filtration fraction)161. 有效滤过压(effective filtration pressure)162. 肾糖阈(renal threshold for glucose)163. 葡萄糖吸收极限量(transfer maximum of glucose)164. 渗透性利尿(osmotic diuresis)165. 球-管平衡(glomerulotubular balance) 166. 水利尿(water diuresis) 167.清除率(clearance)第九章感觉器官的功能168. 感受器(receptor) 169. 感觉器官(sense organ)170. 适宜刺激(adequate stimulus) 171. 换能作用(transducer function)172. 瞳孔对光反射(pupillary light reflex)173.互感性对光反射(consensual light reflex)174. 瞳孔近反射(near reflex of the pupil)175.视敏度(visual acuity)176.暗适应(dark adaptation) 177.明适应(light adaptation)178.视野(visual field) 179.听阈(hearing threshold)180.耳蜗内电位(endocochlear potential)181.耳蜗微音器电位(cochlear microphonic potential)182.眼球震颤(nystagmus)第十章神经系统的功能183.突触(synapse) 184.经典的突触(classical synapse)185.兴奋性突触后电位(excitatory postsynaptic potential)186.抑制性突触后电位(inhibitory postsynaptic potential)187.非定向突触(non-directed synapse) 188.电突触(electric synapse)189.神经递质(neurotransmitter) 190.神经调质(neuromodulator)191.受体(receptor) 192.激动剂(agonist)193.拮抗剂(antagonist) 194.上调(up regulation)195.下调(down regulation) 196.胆碱能纤维(cholinergic fiber)197.肾上腺素能纤维(adrenergic fiber) 198.突触后抑制(postsynaptic inhibition)199.传入侧支性抑制(afferent collateral inhibition)200.回返性抑制(recurrent inhibition) 201.突触前抑制(presynaptic inhibition)202.特异投射系统(specific projection system)203.非特异投射系统(nonspecific projection system)204.牵涉痛(referred pain) 205.脊休克(spinal shock)206.牵张反射(stretch reflex) 207.腱反射(tendon reflex)208.肌紧张(muscle tonus) 209.去大脑僵直(decerebrate rigidity)210.α僵直(α-rigidity) 211.γ僵直(γ-rigidity)212.自发脑电活动(spontaneous electric activity of the brain)213.脑电图(electroencephalogram)214.脑干网状结构上行激动系统(ascending reticular activating system) 215.慢波睡眠(slow wave sleep) 216.异相睡眠(paradoxical sleep)第十一章内分泌217. 激素(hormone) 218. 允许作用(permissive action) 219. 长反馈(long-loop feedback) 220. 短反馈(short-loop feedback)221. 超短反馈(ultra-short-loop feedback)222. 下丘脑调节肽(hypothalamic regulatory peptides)223. 应激反应(stress reaction) 224.应急反应(emergency reaction)第十二章生殖225. 月经(menstruation) 226. 月经周期(menstrual cycle)227. 增生期(proliferative phase) 228. 黄体期(luteal phase)。
接下来小编为大家整理了生理学词汇中英对照,希望对你有帮助哦!fibrinolysis 纤溶blood 血,血液blood cell 血细胞blood clot 血凝块blood coagulation 血液凝固blood flow 血流量blood group 血型blood pressure 血压blood transfusion 输血body surface area 体表面积body temperature 体温Bohr effect 玻尔效应bradykinin 缓激肽physiology 生理学absolute refractory period 绝对不应期absorption 吸收,吸收作用action potential 动作电位activation 激活,活化active reabsorption 主动重吸收active transport 主动运输,主动转运acute experiment 急性实验adaptation 适应adequate stimulus 适宜刺激adrenergic 肾上腺能的adrenergic receptor 肾上腺素受体afterload 后负荷afterpotential 后电位agglutination of erythrocyte 红细胞凝集agglutinin 凝集素agglutinogen 凝集原airway resistance 气道阻力albumin 白蛋白,清蛋白aldosterone 醛固酮alveolar capillary membrane 肺泡-毛细血管膜alveolar dead space 肺泡死腔,肺泡无效腔alveolar fluid 肺泡液体anabolism 同化作用,合成代谢anatomical dead space 解剖无效腔或死腔androgen 雄激素angiotensin 血管紧张素anticoagulation 抗凝antidiuresis 抗利尿aortic body 主动脉体apneustic breathing 长吸式呼吸arch of aorta 主动脉弓arterial pressure 动脉血压arterial pulse 动脉脉?arteriole 微动脉arteriovenous shunt 动静脉短路artificial respiration 人工呼吸atrial systole 心房收缩atrioventricular bundle 房室束audition 听力auditory threshold 听阈automatic respiratory rhythm 自主呼吸节律automaticity 自律性autonomic nervous system 植物性神经系统,自主神经系autonomic thermoregulation 自主性体温调节autoregulation 自身调节axoplasm 轴浆,轴质baroreceptor reflex 压力感受性反射basal metabolism 基础代谢behavioral thermoregulation 行为性体温调节bidirectional propagation 双向传导bioelectricity 生物电biphasic action potential 双相动作电位bleeding time 出血时间erythropoietin 红细胞生成素,促红素intrapleural pressure 胸膜腔内压,胸内压intraspindle muscle 梭内肌intrinsic pathway 内源性途径iodine pump 碘泵ionic channel 离子通道mass peristalsis 集团蠕动maximal acid output 最大胃酸排出量maximum diastolic potential 最大舒张电位maximum repolarizing potential 最大复极电位mean arterial pressure 平均动脉压mean circulatory filling pressure 循环系统平均充盈压membrane potential 跨膜电位,膜电位metarteriole 后微动脉minute respiratory volume 每分钟通气量motor unit 运动单位myocardial contractility 心肌收缩性negative chronotropic action 负性变时效应negative dromotropic action 负性变传导效应negative inotropic action 负变力效应oxygen capacity 血氧容量oxygen content 血氧含量oxygen dissociation curve 氧离曲线oxygenation 氧合oxyhemoglobin saturation 血氧饱和度pacemaker 起搏器pacemaker current 起搏电流paracrine 旁分泌passive reabsorption 被动重吸收passive transport 被动运输,被动转运patch clamp 膜片钳pepsin 胃蛋白酶peripheral resistance 外周阻力peristalsis 蠕动permeability 磁导率,通透性permissive action 允许作用photosensory cell 感光细胞physiology 生理学pinocytosis 胞饮作用plasma clearance 血浆清除率plasmin 纤溶酶plasminogen 纤溶酶原,纤维蛋白溶酶原plastic deformation of erythrocyte 红细胞可塑性变形plateau 平台期platelet plug 血小板栓子polarization 极化positive chronotropic action 正性变时效应positive dromotropic action 正性变传导效应positive feedback 正反馈positive inotropic action 正性变力效应preload 前负荷premature systole 期前收缩presynaptic inhibition 突触前抑制primary hemostatic response 初级止血反应proprioceptors 本体感受器prothrombin 凝血酶原pulmonary diffusion capacity 肺扩散容量pulmonary exchange 肺换气pulmonary ventilation 肺通气pulse pressure 脉压pupillary reflex 瞳孔反射Purkinje fiber 蒲肯野纤维Purkinje system 蒲肯野系统rapid ejection phase 快速射血相rapid repolarization 快速复极reduced eye 简化眼reflex 反射reflex arc 反射弧refractoriness 不应性refractory period 不应期relative refractory period 相对不应期renal glucose threshold 肾糖阈renin 肾素repolarization 复极resistance 耐药性,阻力respiratory zone 呼吸带resting potential 静息电位resting state 备用状态rheobase 基强度rhesus monkey 恒河猴,猕猴saltatory conduction 跳跃式传导second message 第二信使secondary active transport 继发性主动转运secondary phase of hemostasis 继发性止血反应secretin 促胰液素secretion 分泌segmentation 分节运动sensation 感觉sense organ 感觉器官sensory coding 感觉编码sensory receptor 感觉器shell temperature 体表温度simple diffusion 简单扩散single twitch 单收缩slow ejection phase 减慢射血相slow wave 慢波somatostatin 生长抑素spasm 痉挛specific conduction system 特殊传导系统spike 刺突,锋电位spontaneous depolarization 自动除极stretch receptors 肺牵张感受器stretch reflex 牵张反射stroke work 搏出功subnormal period 低常期supernormal period 超常期surface activation 表面激活surfactant 表面活性物质synaptic delay 突触延搁synergetic effect 协同作用tension 张力first heart soundsecond heart sound 第二心音thermoregulation 体温调节thoracic respiration 胸式呼吸thoroughfare channel 直捷通路或直通血毛细血管threshold 阈threshold intensity 阈强度threshold potential 阈电位threshold stimulus 阈刺激tissue exchange 组织换气tonic activity 紧张性活动tonic contraction 紧张性收缩。
第一章绪论:Internal environment内环境homeostasis稳态positive feedback正反馈negative feedback负反馈第二章细胞的基本功能facilitated diffusion via carrier经载体异化扩散facilitated diffusion via ion channel经通道异化扩散Primary active transport原发性主动转运Secondary active transport继发性主动转运resting potential 静息电位action potential 动作电位Excitation-contraction coupling兴奋——收缩偶联第三章血液Hematocrit 血细胞比容erythrocyte sedimentation rate 红细胞沉降率Hemostasis 止血Blood coagulation 血液凝固Blood group血型第四章血液循环effective refractory period 有效不应期premature systole 期前收缩compensatory pause代偿性间歇Atrioventricular delay 房室延搁Cardiac cycle 心动周期Stroke volume 每搏输出量Ejection fraction 射血分数Cardiac output 心输出量Cardiac index 心指数systolic pressure 收缩压diastolic pressure 舒张压pulse pressure 脉压central venous pressure 中心静脉压Microcirculation 微循环Effective filtration pressure 有效率过压第五章呼吸Respiration 呼吸vital capacity 肺活量forced vital capacity 用力肺活量forced expiratory volume 用力呼气量Alveolar Ventilation 肺泡通气量Pulmonary stretch reflex 肺牵张反射第六章消化和吸收Digestion 消化absorption 吸收Peristalsis 蠕动Receptive relaxation 容受性舒张Gastric emptying胃排空第七章能量代谢和体温thermal equivalent of food 热价thermal equivalent of oxygen 氧热价respiratory quotient 呼吸商basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率body temperature体温第八章尿的生成与排出autoregulation of renal blood flow 肾血流量的自身调节glomerular filtration rate 肾小球滤过率filtration fraction 滤过分数renal threshold for glucose 肾糖阈osmotic diuresis 渗透性利尿glomerulotubular balance 球管平衡water diuresis 水利尿clearance 清除率第九章感觉器官的功能visual acuity 视力或视敏度visual accommodation 视力调节dark adaptation 暗适应light adaptation 明适应visual field 视野nystagmus眼震颤第十章神经系统synaptic transmission 突触传递excitatory postsynaptic potential 兴奋性突触后电位neurotransmitter 神经递质inhibitory postsynaptic potential 抑制性突触后电位receptor 受体agonist 激动剂antagonist 拮抗剂ligand 配体cholinergic fiber 胆碱能受体adrenergic fiber 肾上腺素能受体afferent collateral inhibition 传入侧支性抑制recurrent inhibition 回返性抑制specific projection system 特异投射系统nonspecific projection system 非特异投射系统referred pain 牵涉痛spinal shock 脊休克stretch reflex 牵张反射decerebrate rigidity去皮质僵硬第十一章内分泌Hormone 激素Permissive action 允许作用Hypothalamic regulatory peptides 下丘脑调节肽Dwarfism 侏儒症Gigantism 巨人症Acromegaly 肢端肥大症Cretinism 呆小症Stress reaction 应激反应Insulin胰岛素第十二章生殖androgen 雄激素Testosterone 睾酮menstrual cycle 月经周期estrogens 雌激素progesterone孕酮。
10. 主动转运:物质逆浓度差或电位差,消耗能量通过细胞膜进出细胞的过程。
11. 跨膜电位:当膜上的的离子通道开放而引起带电离子跨膜流动时,从而在膜两侧形成电位,称为跨膜电位。
1. 细胞膜 (Cell Membrane)细胞膜是细胞的外皮,由双层磷脂分子、蛋白质和其他分子组成。
2. 激素 (Hormone)激素是由内分泌腺分泌的一种化学物质,通过血液传递到目标细胞,并对其产生特定的影响。
3. 神经元 (Neuron)神经元是构成神经系统的基本单位。
4. 血液循环 (Blood Circulation)血液循环是指血液在循环系统中流动的过程。
5. 呼吸系统 (Respiratory System)呼吸系统负责人体的氧气摄取和二氧化碳排出。
6. 消化系统 (Digestive System)消化系统将食物分解为营养物质,以便身体吸收和利用。
7. 兴奋传导 (Excitation Conduction)兴奋传导是指神经信号在神经元之间传递的过程。
8. 基因 (Gene)基因是生物遗传信息的基本单位。
9. 免疫系统 (Immune System)免疫系统负责识别和抵御外来的病原体,保护身体免受感染和疾病的侵害。
10. 代谢 (Metabolism)代谢是生物体内化学反应的总称。
生理学基本概念的中英文名词解释绝对不应期absolute refractory periodThe time interval during which a cell is incapable of initiating a second action potential.动作电位action potentialAn action potential is a rapid change in the membrane potential. Each action potential begins with a sudden change from the normal resting negative potential to a positive membrane potential (depolarization) and then ends with an almost equally rapid change back to the negative potential (repolarization).主动转运active transportThe movement of substances across the membrane occurs against the electrochemical gradient with the necessity of consumption of metabolic energy后负荷afterloadAfterload is the load that is given to the muscle after the beginning of the contraction.自身调节autoregulationIn certain cases, a tissue or organ can respond directly to the environmental changes, depending neither on nervous nor on humoral control. This form of regulation is called auto-regulation.完全强直收缩complete tetanusWhen the frequency of stimulation reaches a critical level, the successive contractions are so rapid that they literally fused together, and the contraction appears to be completely smooth and continuous. This is called completely tetanus.去极化depolarizationThe change in membrane potential away from the resting potential and toward the sodium equilibrium.入胞endocytosisVery large particles enter the cell by a specialized function of the cell membrane called endocytosis. The principle forms of endocytosis are pinocytosis and phagocytosis.平衡电位equilibrium potentialElectrochemical equilibrium is a steady state, as in the resting membrane potential of a cell ,in which an electrical potential and chemical potential gradient are in balance and no net movement of charged particles occurs.兴奋性excitabilityExcitability is the ability of certain kinds of cells (excitable cell) to generate active changes in their membrane potential. Excitability is a fundamental property common to all tissues and cells.兴奋excitationExcitation signifies and increases in activity, such as contraction of a muscle, acceleration of the heart beat.出胞exocytosisA stimulus to secrete causes the intracellular vesicles to fuse with the plasma membrane and to release the vesicles contents is called exocytosis.易化扩散facilitated diffusionIn facilitated diffusion, transport proteins (carrier and channel proteins) hasten the movement of certain substances across a membrane down their concentration gradients.以通道为中介的转运facilitated diffusion via ion channelChannels are membrane proteins that contain small, highly selective aqueous pores. Channels usually allow specific ion, eg ,Na+,K+,Ca2+ or Cl- to move down their electrochemical gradients across the membrane.反馈feedbackFeedback is a flow of information along a closed loop. Usually, a constancy of physiological variable requires a feedback mechanism that feeds the output information back to the control system so as to modify the nature of control.稳态HomeostasisHomeostasis is the maintenance of a constant state with special reference to the internal medium.体内in vivoExperiments performed on the whole body.内环境internal environmentAll cells of the body live in the extracellular fluid, extracellular fluid is called the internal environment of the body.等长收缩isometric contractionTension increases but the length of the muscle does not change when a muscle contracts.等张收缩isotonic contractionTension remains constant but the muscle shortens when a muscle contracts.负反馈negative feedbackA regulated variable is sensed, information is sent to a controller, and action is taken to oppose change from the desire value.神经肌肉接头neuromuscular junctionThe complex structure responsible for signal transmission from nerve to skeletal muscle.正反馈positive feedbackWith positive feedback, a variable is sensed and action is taken to reinforce change of the variable, so it promotes a change in one direction.前负荷preloadPreload is the load that is given to the muscle prior to its contraction.相对不应期relative refractory periodA period follows the end of the absolute refractory period, during which it is possible to elicit a second action potential, but the threshold stimulus intensity is higher than usual.复极化repolarizationShortly after depolarization, the sodium channels begin to close and the potassium channels open more than they normally do. Then, rapid diffusion of potassium ions to the exterior re-establishes the normal resting potential. This is called repolarization of the membrane.静息电位resting potentialThe difference in electrical potential across the membrane of an undisturbed cell, having a positive sign on the outside surface and a negative sign in the interior.跳跃传导salutatory conductionConduction of a nerve impulse down a myelinated nerve fiber by skipping from node to node.单纯扩散simple diffusionDiffusion means simply movement through the membrane caused by random motion of the molecules of the substances, moving either through cell membrane pores or through the lipid matrix of the membrane.钠-钾泵sodium-potassium pumpThe sodium-potassium pump is responsible for the coupled active transport of Naせout of cells and Kせinto cells. Sodium-potassium pump is also an adenosine triphosphatase, an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP to adenosine diphosphate (ADP).凝集agglutinationDuring blood transfusion, the red blood cells aggregated together in clumps which were sufficiently large to block minor blood vessels. This clumping is known as agglutination.血液凝固blood coagulationThe coagulation system consists of cofactors and a series of zymogens which sequentially activate one another, leading to formation of fibrin at a site of vascular injury.血型blood groupBlood groups are system of genetically determined antigenic substances on the membrane of red blood cells.血压blood pressureBlood pressure means the force exerted by the blood against any unit area of the vessel wall.交叉配血cross-match testSerum from recipient is tested against the donor's cells, and serum from donor is tested against the recipient's cells, this test is called cross-matching test.红细胞沉降率erythrocyte sedimentation rateWhen blood to which an anticoagulant has been added stands in a narrow tube, the red cells gradually sediment, leaving a clear zone of plasma above. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is measured as the length to column of clear plasma after one hour.红细胞生成素erythropoietinErythropoietin is a hormone secreted by the kidneys which stimulates hemoglobin synthesis and erythropoiesis.纤维蛋白溶解fibrinolysisIn many cases fibrin within blood vessels is rapidly dissolved to restore the fluidity of the blood, and in others the fibrin becomes hyalinized or is removed by phagocytes and replaced by connective tissue. The process of liquefaction of fibrin is known as fibrinolysis.血红蛋白hemoglobinHemoglobin is a chromoprotein found in the red blood cells and having a great affinity for oxygen.自动节律性autorhythmicityAutorhythmicity is the ability to initiate its own beat. Many cardiac tissues are found to have autorhythmicity, for example sinoatrial node, intraventricular tracts and Purkinje cells. In addition to the cardiac tissue, the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract has also autorhythmicity.容量血管capacitance vesselsThe veins have wide lumen and contain a greater volume of blood than any other section of the circulation does, thus the veins are referred to as the capacitance vessels.心动周期cardiac cycleThe cardiac events that occur from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next are called a cardiac cycle . Cardiac cycle is composed of two periods: systole and diastole.心指数cardiac indexCardiac index is the cardiac output per square meter of body surface area.心输出量cardiac outputThe product of the frequency of pumping (heart rate) and the stroke volume is the cardiac output; it is also called minute volume.心力储备cardiac reserveThe ability of the heart to adapt need of organism for expelling a largerquantity of blood above the basal level.心血管中枢cardiovascular centerThe cardiovascular centers are responsible for integration of sensory information and subsequent modification of efferent autonomic nerve activity to the heart and blood vessels.中心静脉压central venous pressureThe venous pressure as measured at the right atrium.代偿间歇compensatory pauseThe pause between the extra beat and the next normal beat is slightly longer than the usual beat interval, which is called compensatory pause.舒张压diastolic pressureDiastolic pressure is the lowest blood pressure in an artery during the diastole of the heart.有效不应期effective refractory periodThe duration from the beginning of phase 0 to -60mV of repolarization fails to produce action potential to any stimulus, no matter how strong. This duration is called ERP. In the ERP, the excitability is almost zero.射血分数ejection fractionThe proportion of the end-diastolic volume that is ejected (i.e. stroke volume/end diastolic volume).心电图electrocardiogramThe synchronized depolarizations spreading through the heart cause currents that establish field potential, whose differences can be amplified and detected by electrodes placed on the body surface. The record produced is called electrocardiogram.交换血管exchange vesselThe capillaries are tubes formed by a single layer of endothelial cells,. They create a very large area where the material exchanges between blood and the tissue cells take place.心音heart soundWhen the valves close, the vanes of the valves and the surrounding fluids vibrate under the influence of the sudden pressure differentials that develop, giving off sound that travels in all directions through the chest. These sounds are called heart sounds.异常自身调节heterometric autoregulationRegulation of cardiac output as a result of changes in cardiac muscle fiber length is called heterometric regulation.平均动脉压mean arterial pressureThe mean arterial blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries, average over time.微循环microcirculationMicrocirculation is the circulation between arterioles and venules. In the microcirculation, the most purposeful function of the circulation occurs: transport of nutrients to the tissues and removal of cellular excreta.起搏点pacemakerThe automatic cells that ordinarily fire at the highest frequency which are located in the sinoatrial node, excitation of the heart normally begins in the sinoatrial (SA) node.期前收缩premature systoleWhen a second action potential is triggered at the very start of the relative refractory period, the second contraction is superimposed on the semirelaxed phase of the first contraction. This phenomenon is called premature systole.脉压pulse pressureThe pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.每搏输出量stroke volumeStroke volume is referred to the volume ejected at each contraction by one side of the heart.每搏功stroke workThe stroke work of the heart is the amount of energy that the heart converts to work during each heart beat while pumping blood into arteries.收缩压systolic pressureThe pressure rises during cardiac systole and falls during diastole. The peak pressure value reached during systole is termed the systole pressure. Usually, at rest systolic pressure of the healthy young adult is 100~120mmHg.肺泡通气量alveolar ventilationThe amount of air reaching the alveoli per minute, at rest it generally amounts to 4.2L/min.解剖无效腔anatomic dead spaceThe space in the conducing zone of the airways occupied by gas that does not exchange with blood in the pulmonary vessels, such as in the nose, pharynx, and trachea since these area is not useful the gas exchange process but instead goes to fill respiratory passages.波尔效应Bohr effectThe increased oxygen release by hemoglobin in the presence of elevated carbon dioxide levels (the effects shift the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left and upward). By forming hydrogen ions, carbon dioxide loading facilitates oxygen unloading, i.e., the decrease in O2 affinity of hemoglobin when the pH of blood falls, which is closely related to the fact that deoxygenated hemoglobin (deoxyhemoglobin) binds H+ more actively than does oxyhemoglobin.顺应性complianceDistensibility, the ability of the lungs to tolerate changes in volume, a property that reflects the presence of elastic fibers. It is defined as the change in volume per unit change in pressure (△V/△P), the reciprocal of the compliance.弹性阻力elastic resistanceA term used to describe the elastic properties of the lung and chest wall;the resistance or elastance (△V/△P),the reciprocal of the compliance.机能余气量functional residual capacityIt equals to the expiratory reserve volume plus the residual volume. This is the amount of air that remains in the lungs at the end of normal expiration (about 2300ml).何尔登效应Haldane effectThe increase in carbon dioxide unloading from hemoglobin in response to the combination of oxygen with hemoglobin, i.e., when oxygen binds with hemoglobin, carbon dioxide is released.补吸气量inspiratoy reserve volumeThe air inspired with a maximal inspiratoy effort in excess of the volume.i.e., the maximum extra volume of air that be inspired over and above the normal tidal volume, it is usually equal to about 3000ml.胸内压intrapleural pressureThe pressure within the pleural cavity is called intrapleural pressure.肺内压intrapulmonary pressureThe pressure within the alveoli of the lungs, also called intrapulmonary pressure.氧含量oxygen contentThe oxygen content is used to indicate how much O2 per liter of blood is attached to the hemoglobin in normal arterial blood, described as percent saturated.氧离曲线oxygen dissociation curveThe graph of the relationship between the partial pressure of oxygen and the degree of hemoglobin saturation with oxygen, which has a characteristic sigmoid shape表面活性物质pulmonary surfactantA detergent-like mixture of phospholipids and lipoproteins that lowers the surface tension of water, produced by surfactant-secreting (Type-II) cells. It isa mixture of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC), other lipids, and proteins.肺通气pulmonary ventilationThe total amount of new air moved into the respiratory passages each minute; equal to the tidal volume times the respiratory rate. The minute respiratory volume generally amounts to 6L/min.余气量residual volumeThe air left in the lungs after a maximal expiratory effort. This volume averages about 1200 milliliters.潮气量tidal volumeThe amount of air that moves into the lungs with each inspiration (or the amount that moves out with each expiration) i.e., the volume of air inspired or expired with each normal breath; it amounts to about 500ml.肺总容量total lung capacityThe maximum volume to which the lungs can be expanded with the greatest possible effort (about 5800ml); it is equal to the vital capacity plus the residual volume.通气-血流比ventilation /perfusion ratioThe ratio of pulmonary ventilation to pulmonary blood flow for the whole lung, at rest about 0.8 (4.2 L/min ventilation divided by 5.5 L/min blood flow).吸收absorptionAbsorption is the process of transporting small molecules from the lumen of the gut into blood stream.基础代谢率basal metabolic rateThe basal metabolic rate is the metabolic rate determined under basal conditions which includes complete mental and physical relaxation in a room or a comfortable temperature and 12~14 hours after the last meal.体温body temperatureThe body temperature is often referred to core temperature. The core refers to the central area of the body, including the brain and viscera, whichare maintained at a constant temperature.消化digestionDigestion is a process essential for the conversion of food into a small and simple form.能量代谢energy metabolismThe energy metabolism means the liberation, transformation and utilization of energy produced by the material metabolism in the body.胃排空gastric emptyingGastric emptying is promoted by the intense peristaltic contractions in the stomach antrum. At the same time, emptying is opposed by varying degrees of resistance to the passage of chyme at the pylorus.胃泌素gastrinGastrin is a gut hormone secreted by the endocrine G cells in the gastric pyloric mucosa and duodenum mucosa. Gastrin is secreted in two forms, a large form called G-34, and a smaller form, G-17.调定点set pointAt a critical body core temperature, drastic changes occur in the rate of both heat loss and heat production. That is, all the temperature control mechanisms continually attempt to bring the body temperature back to this set-point level.慢波slow waveIf an electrode is inserted into a smooth muscle, it records a recurring depolarization, they are called slow waves or basic electrical rhythm (BER). Slow waves are not action potential, but show undulating changes in the resting membrane potential.出汗sweatingSweating is an active secretory process from eccrine sweat glands which are widely distributed over the surface of body.醛固酮aldosteroneAldosterone is a sodium-retaining hormone of the adrenal cortex.Aldosterone reduces sodium excretion and increases potassium excretion by the kidneys, this increasing sodium and decreasing potassium in the body.抗利尿激素antidiuretic hormoneA product of neurohypophyseal which, through its action on kidneys, promotes the conservation of body water.皮质肾单位cortical nephronThe nephrons have their glomerular located in the outer and middle portion of the renal cortex are called cortical nephrons.肾小球有效滤过压glomerular effective filtration pressureThe effective filtration pressure of glomerular represents the sum of the hydrostatic and colloid osmotic forces that either favor or oppose filtration across the glomerular capillaries.肾小球滤过分数glomerular filtration fractionThe glomerular filtration fraction is the filtration rate as percentage of the total renal plasma flow that passes through both kidneys.球管平衡glomerulotubular balanceOne of the most basic mechanisms for controlling tubular reabsorption is the intrinsic ability of the tubules to increase their reabsorption rate in response to increased tubular inflow. This phenomenon is referred to asglomerular-tubular balance.渗透性利尿osmotic diuresisAn increase in urine flow due to excretion of an osmotic active solute.肾糖阈renal glucose thresholdWhen the plasma glucose concentration increases up to a value about 180 to 200 mg per deciliter, glucose can first be detected in the urine, this value is called the renal glucose threshold.肾素reninAn enzyme of renal origin that catalyzes the conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I.水利尿water diuresisThe volume of urine increases when water intake exceeds body needs, it is resulted from suppression of ADH secretion适应adaptationWhen a maintained stimulus of constant strength is applied to a receptor, the frequency of the action potential in its sensory nerve deadens over time. This phenomenon is known as adaptation.适宜刺激adequate stimulusThe stimulus that a receptor is specialized to receive and transduce. In the case of the eye, the adequate stimulus would be visible light, in the ear it would be sound waves, and so on.暗适应dark adaptationOn going from a light environment into a darker one, there is a gradual increase in sensitivity allowing dimmer lights to be seen, a mechanism known as dark adaptation.简化眼reduced eyeIf all the refractive surfaces of the eye are algebraically added together and then considered to be one single lens, the optics of the normal eye may be simplified and represented schematically as a "reduced eye".视敏度visual acuityVisual acuity is defined as the ratio of the distance of the individual from the chart to the distance at which the details of the correctly read line subtend 1'of arc.视野visual fieldThe field of vision is the area seen by an eye at a given instant. The area seen to nasal side is called the nasal field of vision, and the area seen to lateral side is called the temporal field of vision.胆碱能神经纤维cholinergic fiberA kind of neuron that liberates acetylcholine at its synaptic knobs with activity.条件反射conditioned reflexA conditioned reflex is a reflex response to a stimulus that previously elicited little or no response, acquired by repeatedly pairing to stimulate with another stimulus that normally does produce the response.去大脑僵直decerebrate rigidityWhen the brain stem is sectioned below the midlevel of the mesencephalon, the rigidity occurs in the antigravity muscles. This phenomenon is called decerebrate rigidity.脑电图electroencephalogramThe minute electrical currents spontaneously generated by neuronal activity which recorded from the scalp or directly from the cortical surface.诱发电位evoked potentialThe various discrete electrical changes in the encephalon or the spinal cord which can be produced by stimulation of sense organs or of some point along the ascending pathways to it.兴奋性突触后电位. excitatory postsynaptic potentialThe excitatory postsynaptic potential is the local postsynaptic depolarization due to release of excitatory transmitter from presynaptic terminals. EPSP brings the membrane closer to threshold and makes it more likely that an action potential will be triggered.抑制性突触后电位inhibitory postsynaptic potentialA hyperpolarizing potential at a synapse that reduced the excitability of the postsynaptic cell.运动单位motor unitA motor axon, together with all of the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates.非特异性传导系统nonspecific projection systemDiffuse projections from the nonspecific thalamic nuclei connecting the ascending reticular activating system to widespread areas of cortex have a role in modifying the states of consciousness which is called nonspecific projection system.突触后抑制postsynaptic inhibitionThe presynaptic neuron liberates an inhibitory transmitter increasing the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane to potassium ions and /or chloride ions thereby increasing the negativity of the postsynaptic membrane potential. In this hyperpolarized state it is difficult to stimulate.突触前抑制presynaptic inhibitionA process which reduces the amount of synaptic transmitter liberated by action potentials arriving at excitatory synaptic knobs. The neuron producing presynaptic inhibition ends on an excitatory synaptic knob.牵涉痛referred painDamage to an internal organ is commonly associated with pain or tenderness not in the organ but in some skin region sharing the same segmental innervation. This phenomenon is called referred pain.第二信使second messengerA small, diffusible molecule produced when a hormone combines with a cell membrane receptor and which carries the message to the inside of the cell.特异性传导系统specific projection systemThe specific sensory projection system uses relatively direct pathways through specific thalamic nuclei to restricted cortical regions.脊休克spinal shockComplete transection of the spinal cord results in the immediate paralysis and loss of sensation in all body regions innervated by spinal cord segments below the lesion, this phenomenon is called spinal shock.牵张反射stretch reflexWhen a skeletal muscle with an intact nerve supply is stretched, the muscle being stretched contracts. This is a monosynaptic reflex called the stretch reflex.非条件反射unconditioned reflexA fixed reflex whose mechanism may be supposed to be inherited as itsfunctioning does not depend on previous experience.激素hormoneA hormone can be defined as a chemical substance (a compound), which is synthesized and secreted by a specific cell type. It is generally transported in the circulation and at very low concentrations elicits a specific response in target tissues affecting the activities of cells in another portion of the body.胰岛素insulinA hormone secreted by the beta cells of the pancreatic islets; causes a reduction in plasma glucose concentrations. Insulin lowers blood glucose mainly by facilitating glucose uptake in muscle and adipose tissue and by inhibiting hepatic glucose output.甲状腺激素thyroid hormoneThe thyroid hormone is referred to thyroxine and triiodothyronine which increase the rate of chemical reactions in almost all cells of the body, thus increasing the general level of body metabolism.。
如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!常用生理学中英文名词对照按照中文第一个字母顺序查找:A-G H-N O-T U-ZAAPUD细胞amine precursor uptakedecarboxylation cell氨基甲酰血红蛋白carbaminohemoglobin暗视觉scotopic vision暗适应dark adaptationα僵直αrigidityB靶细胞target cell被动转运passive transport本体感受性反射proprioceptive reflex比奥呼吸Biot breathing比顺应性specific compliance编码(作用)coding变传导作用dromotropic action变力作用inotropic action变时作用chronotropic action波尔效应Bohr effect补呼气量expiratory reserve volume补吸气量inspiratory reserve volume不感蒸发insensible perspiration不完全强直收缩incomplete tetanusC残气量residual volume层流laminar flow长反馈long-loop feedback长时程记忆long-term memory长时程压抑long-term depression长时程增强long-term potentiation肠-胃反射enterogastric reflex肠-胰岛轴entero-insular axis超常期supranormal peiod超短反馈ultra-short-loop feedback超极化hyperpolarization超射overshoot超速驱动压抑overdrive suppression如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!潮气量tidal volume陈-施呼吸Cheyne-Stokes breathing重调定resetting重吸收reabsorption出胞exocytosis出血时间bleeding time初长度initial length传导conduction传导散热thermal conduction传导性conductivity传入侧支抑制afferent collateral inhibition垂体门脉系统hypophysial portal system刺激stimulation粗肌丝thick filament促垂体区hypophysiotropic area促红细胞生成素erythropoietin促甲状腺激素thyroid stimulatinghormone促甲状腺激素释放激素thyrotropin-releasinghormone促肾上腺皮质激素adrenocorticotropichormone促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素corticotropin-releasing hormone促胃动素motilin促胃液素gastrin促胰液素secretinD呆小症cretinism代偿性间歇compensatory pause戴尔原则Dale principle单纯扩散simple diffusion单收缩twitch单通道电流single channel current单突触反射monosynaptic reflex胆碱能受体cholinergic receptor胆碱能纤维cholinergic fiber胆盐bile salt胆盐的肠肝循环enterohepatic circulationof bile salt等长调节homometric regulation等长收缩isometric contraction等容收缩期isovolumic systole如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!等容舒张期isovolumic diastole等渗溶液iso-osmotic solution等张溶液isotonic solution等张收缩isotonic contraction低常期subnormal period递质transmitter递质共存neurotransmitter co-existence递质门控通道transmitter-gated ion channel第一信使first messenger第一信号系统first signal system第二信使second messenger第二信号系统second signal system电化学驱动力electrochemical driving force电紧张传播electrotonic propagation电紧张电位electrotonic propagation电突触electrical synapse电压门控通道voltage-gated ion channel电压钳voltage clamp定比重吸收constant fraction reabsorption定向突触directed synapse顶体反应acrosomal reaction动-静脉短路arteriovenous shunt动脉脉搏arterial pulse动脉血压arterial blood pressure动作电位action potential窦性节律sinus rhythm短时程记忆short-term memory短反馈short-loop feedback对侧伸肌反射crossed extensor reflex对流散热thermal convectionE儿茶酚胺catecholamine,CA耳蜗内电位endochochlear potential耳蜗微音器电位cochlear microphonicpotential二氧化碳解离曲线carbon dioxidedissociation curveF发汗sweating, perspiration发生器电位generator potential反馈feedback反馈控制系统feedback control system如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!反射reflex反射弧reflex arc反向转运antiport反向转运体antiporter房-室延搁atrioventricular delay非蛋白呼吸商non-protein respiratoryquotient, NPRQ非联合型学习nonassociative learning非特异投射系统non-specific projectionsystem非条件反射unconditioned reflex非突触性化学传递non-synaptic chemicaltransmission非正视眼ametropia肺表面活性物质pulmonary surfactant肺活量vital capacity肺扩散容量diffusing capacity of lung肺扩张反射pulmonary inflation reflex肺内压intrapulmonary pressure肺泡通气量alveolar ventilation肺泡无效腔alveolar dead space肺牵张反射pulmonary stretch reflex肺容积pulmonary volume肺容量pulmonary capacity肺通气pulmonary ventilation肺通气量pulmonary ventilation肺萎陷反射pulmonary deflation reflex肺总量total lung capacity分节运动segmentation contraction分泌secretion锋电位spike potential缝隙连接gap junction辐辏反射convergence reflex辐散式联系divergent connection辐射散热thermal radiation负反馈negative feedback负后电位negative after-potential复极化repolarizationFrank-Starling定律Frank-Starling lawGγ僵直γrigidity钙触发钙释放calcium-induced calciumrelease, CICR如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!钙泵calcium pump钙调蛋白calmodulin, CaM钙释放通道calcium release channel钙通道calcium channelG蛋白耦联受体G-protein coupled receptor感觉阈值sensory threshold感受器receptor感受器编码sensory coding感受器适应sensory adaptation感受器电位receptor potential工作(心肌)细胞working (cardiac) cell功能残气量functional residual capacity骨传导bone conduction骨骼肌牵张反射muscle stretch reflex冠状循环coronary circulation管球反馈tubuloglomerular feedback,TGFH何尔登效应Haldane effect黑-伯反射Hering-Breuer reflex横管transverse tubule横桥cross-bridge横桥周期cross-bridge cycling红细胞沉降率erythrocyte sedimentationrate红细胞叠连rouleaux formation红细胞渗透脆性osmotic fragility红细胞悬浮稳定性erythrocyte suspensionstability宏膜电流macroscopical current后电位afterpotential后发放after discharge后负荷afterload呼气expiration呼吸respiration呼吸功work of breathing呼吸节律respiratory rhythm呼吸困难dyspnea呼吸商respiratory quotient呼吸调整中枢pneumotaxic center呼吸运动respiratory movement呼吸中枢respiratory center化学感受器chemoreceptor如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!化学感受性反射chemoreceptor reflex化学门控通道chemically-gated ion channel化学性突触chemical synapse缓冲神经buffer nerves回返性抑制recurrent inhibition环式联系recurrent connection混合微胶粒mixed micelles黄体corpus luteumJ机械感受器mechanoreceptor机械门控通道mechanically-gated channel肌动蛋白actin肌钙蛋白troponin肌管系统sarcotubular system肌质网sarcoplasmic reticulum, SR肌节sarcomere肌紧张muscle tonus肌凝蛋白myosin肌肉收缩能力contractility肌丝滑行理论myofilament sliding theory肌源性自身调节myogenic theory ofautoregulation基本电节律basic electrical rhythm基础代谢basal metabolism基础代谢率basal metabolic rate, BMR极化polarization激素hormone脊休克spinal shock机械性消化mechanical digestion继发性主动转运secondary active transport简化眼reduced eye减慢充盈期period of slow filling减慢射血期period of slow ejection腱反射tendon reflex腱器官tendon organ交叉配血试验cross-match test交感-肾上腺髓质系统sympatho-adrenomedullary system交感缩血管紧张sympathetic vasomotor tone交互性突触reciprocal synapses胶体渗透压colloid osmotic pressure阶梯现象staircase phenomenon, treppe解剖无效腔anatomical dead space如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!近点near point近视myopia经通道易化扩散facilitated diffusion viachannel经载体易化扩散facilitated diffusion viacarrier晶体渗透压crystal osmotic pressure胶体渗透压colloid osmotic pressure静脉血压venous pressure静息电位resting potential静息心指数resting cardiac index精子获能capacitation ofspermatozoa局部电流local current局部回路神经元local circuit neurons局部神经元回路local neuronal circuit局部反应local response局部兴奋local excitation聚合式联系convergent connection绝对不应期absolute refractory period集团运动mass movementsK抗利尿激素antidiuretic hormone, ADH抗凝anticoagulation可感蒸发sensible evaporation可兴奋细胞excitable cell空间总和spatial summation跨壁压transmural pressure跨膜电位transmembrane potential跨膜信号转导transmembrane signaltransduction快反应细胞fast response cell快速射血期period of rapid ejection快速充盈期period of rapid filling快速眼球运动睡眠rapid eye movement sleep, REM sleep快波睡眠fast wave sleep,FWSL老视presbyopia冷敏神经元cold-sensitive neuron立体视觉stereopsis离子泵ion pump离子通道ion channel如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!联合型学习associative learning链锁式联系chain connection量子释放quantal release临界融合频率critical fusion frequency淋巴液生成formation of lymph滤过filtration滤过分数filtration fraction, FF滤过膜filtration membrane滤过平衡filtration equilibrium滤过系数filtration coefficient氯转移chloride shiftM脉搏压pulse pressure慢波slow wave慢波睡眠slow wave sleep, SWS慢反应细胞slow response cell慢痛slow pain每搏功stroke work每搏输出量stroke volume每分功minute work每分输出量minute volume每分通气量minute ventilation volume迷走紧张vagal tone迷走-迷走反射vagovagal reflex迷走神经vagus never敏感化sensitization明视觉photopic vision明适应light adaptation膜电导membrane conductance膜电容membrane capacitance膜电位membrane potential膜电阻membrane resistance膜片钳patch clampN钠泵sodium pump钠-葡萄糖同向转运体sodium-glucosesymporter脑-肠肽brain-gut peptides脑电图electroencephalogram, EEG脑缺血反应brain ischemic response内分泌系统endocrine system内环境internal environment如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!内淋巴电位endolymphatic potential内皮舒张因子endothelium-derived relaxingfactor, EDRF内皮缩血管因子endothelium-derivedvasoconstrictor factor, EDCF内源性凝血途径intrinsic pathway内向电流inward current内向整流inward retification内因子intrinsic factor能量代谢energy metabolism逆流倍增countercurrent multiplication逆流交换countercurrent exchange逆向转运antiport粘液-碳酸氢盐屏障mucus-bicarbonatebarrier粘液性水肿myxedema凝集原agglutinogen凝集素agglutinin凝血因子blood clotting factor,coagulation factorO呕吐vomitingP排泄excretion旁分泌paracrine旁分泌调节paracrine regulation配体门控通道ligand-gated ion channel皮层电图electrocorticogram, EcoG皮层诱发电位evoked cortical potential皮肤温度skin temperature平静呼吸eupnea平均动脉压mean arterial pressure平均体温mean body temperaturePQ间期PQ intervalQ期前收缩premature systole期前兴奋premature excitation起搏点pacemaker气传导air conduction气道阻力airway resistance气胸pneumothorax如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!牵涉痛referred pain牵张反射stretch reflex前负荷preload前馈feed-forward潜在起搏点latent pacemaker强直后增强posttetanic potentiation强直收缩tetanus抢先占领capture清除率clearance球管平衡glomerulotubular balance,GTB屈肌反射flexor reflex去大脑僵直decerebrate rigidity去极化depolarization去皮层僵直decorticate rigidity趋化性chemotaxis.趋化因子chemokine“全或无”现象“all or none ”phenomenonQT间期QT intervalR热敏神经元warm-sensitive neuron人工呼吸artificial respiration日周期节律circadian rhythm容量血管capacitance vessel容受性舒张receptive relaxation蠕动peristalsis蠕动冲peristaltic rush入胞endocytosisS三联管triad散光astigmatism射血分数ejection fraction射血期ejection period射乳反射milk ejection reflex深吸气量inspiratory capacity神经冲动nerve impulse神经递质neurotransmitter神经分泌neurosecretion, neurocrine神经激素neurohormone神经-肌接头neuromuscular junction神经内分泌neuroendocrine神经调节neural regulation神经调质neuromodulator神经肽neuropeptide神经元neuron肾上腺素能受体adrenergic receptor肾上腺素能纤维adrenergic fiber肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system肾素-血管紧张素系统renin-angiotensinsystem肾糖阈renal threshold for glucose肾小球滤过率glomerular filtratioin rate, GFR肾小管和集合管重吸收reabsorption of renal tubule and collecting duct 肾小管和集合管分泌secretion of renal tubule and collecting duct渗透性利尿osmotic diuresis渗透压osmotic pressure生理盲点blind spot生理无效腔physiological dead space生理学physiology生物节律biorhythm生长激素介质somatomedin, SM时间肺活量timed vital capacity时间总和temporal summation食物的热价thermal equivalent of food食物的特殊动力作用specific dynamic actionof food视觉vision视力visual acuity视敏度visual acuity视野visual field视紫红质rhodopsin适宜刺激adequate stimulus适应adaptation收缩末期容积end-systolic volume收缩能力contractility收缩压systolic pressure受精fertilization舒张末期容积end-diastolic volume舒张末期压力end-diastolic pressure舒张期diastole舒张压diastolic pressure水利尿water diuresis水通道water channel顺应性complianceST段ST segment双眼视觉binocular visionT弹性贮器血管Windkessel vessel特异投射系统specific projection system体温body temperature体温调节thermoregulation体液调节humoral regulation条件反射conditioned reflex调定点set point跳跃式传导salutatory conduction听阈hearing threshold通气/血流比值ventilation/perfusion ratio同向转运symport瞳孔调节反射pupillary accommodationreflex瞳孔对光反射pupillary light reflex瞳孔近反射near reflex of pupil突触synapse突触小体synaptic knob突触传递synaptic transmission突触后电位postsynaptic potential, PSP突触后抑制postsynaptic inhibition突触后易化postsynaptic facilitation突触前抑制presynaptic inhibition突触前易化presynaptic facilitation突触延搁synaptic delay吞噬phagocytosis吞饮pinocytosisW外源性凝血途径extrinsic pathway外向电流outward current外周化学感受器peripheral chemoreceptor外周静脉压peripheral venous pressure外周阻力peripheral resistance完全性强直收缩complete tetanus网状结构上行激动系统ascending reticular activating system, ARAS 微循环microcirculation微音器电位microphonic potential微终板电位miniature endplate potential,MEPP胃肠激素gastrointestinal hormones胃排空gastric emptying如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!胃蠕动gastric peristalsis稳态homeostasisX吸气inspiration吸收absorption细胞内液intracellular fluid细胞外液extracellular fluid下丘脑调节肽hypothalamic regulatorypeptide, HRP纤维蛋白溶解fibrinolysis相对不应期relative refractory period消化digestion心电图electrocardiogram, ECG心动周期cardiac cycle心房钠尿肽atrial natriuretic peptide,ANP心肺感受性反射cardiopulmonary receptorreflex心肌绝对不应期absolute refractory period心肌有效不应期effective refractory period心肌相对不应期relative refractory period心肌超长期supranormal period心肌收缩能力myocardial contractility心力贮备cardiac reserve心率heart rate心室功能曲线ventricular function curve心室顺应性compliance心输出量cardiac output心血管交感紧张cardiovascular sympathetictone心音heart sound心指数cardiac index心脏的效率cardiac efficiency兴奋excitation兴奋-收缩耦联excitation-contractioncoupling兴奋性excitability兴奋性突触后电位excitatory postsynapticpotential, EPSP行波traveling wave胸膜腔内压intrapleural pressure胸式呼吸thoracic breathing悬浮稳定性suspension stability如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!血浆胶体渗透压plasma colloid osmoticpressure血浆晶体渗透压plasma crystal osmoticpressure血浆清除率plasma clearance血量blood volume血流动力学hemodynamics血流量blood flow血流速度velocity of blood flow血流阻力resistance to blood flow血-脑脊液屏障blood-cerebrospinal fluidbarrier血-脑屏障blood-brain barrier血清serum血细胞比容hematocrit血小板聚集platelet aggregation血小板粘附platelet adhesion血小板释放platelet release血型blood group血压blood pressure血压的长期调节long-term regulation ofblood pressure血压的短期调节short-term regulation ofblood pressure血液凝固blood coagulation血液循环blood circulation血液粘滞度blood viscosity循环系统平均充盈压mean circulatory fillingpressureY压力感受性反射baroreceptor reflex压力感受器baroreceptor氧饱和度oxygen saturation氧含量oxygen content氧解离曲线oxygen dissociation curve氧热价thermal equivalent ofoxygen氧容量oxygen capacity夜盲症nyctalopia颜色视觉color vision液态镶嵌模型fluid mosaic model一侧优势laterality of cerebraldominance如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!移行性复合运动migrating motility complex,MMC异长调节heterometric regulation异位起搏点ectopic pacemaker遗忘loss of memory异相睡眠paradoxical sleep, PS抑制性突触后电位inhibitory postsynapticpotential, IPSP易化facilitation易化扩散facilitated diffusion应激stress应激反应stress response应急反应emergency reaction营养性作用trophic action用力肺活量forced vital capacity用力呼气量forced expiratory volume用力呼吸forced breathing优势半球dominant hemisphere有效不应期effective refractory period有效滤过压effective filtration pressure诱发电位evoked potential阈刺激threshold stimulus阈下刺激subthreshold stimulus阈电位threshold potential阈值threshold原发性主动转运primary active transport远点far point of vision远视hyperopia远距分泌telecrine允许作用permissive action运动单位motor unitZ载体carrier震颤麻痹paralysis agitans蒸发散热evaporation整合integration正常起搏点normal pacemaker正反馈positive feedback正后电位positive after-potential直立性低血压orthostatic hypotension止血hemostasis中枢化学感受器central chemoreceptor中枢延搁central delay如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!中枢抑制central inhibition中枢易化central facilitation中心静脉压central venous pressure终板电位endplate membrane轴浆运输axoplasmic transport轴突axon轴突反射axon reflex主动转运active transport自动节律性autorhythmicity自动去极化spontaneous depolarization自发脑电活动spontaneous electric activityof the brain自分泌autocrine自律细胞rhythmic cell自身调节autoregulation总和summation总外周阻力total peripheral resistance阻力血管resistance vessel组织液interstitial fluid组织液生成formation of interstitial fluid最大复极电位maximal repolarizationpotential最大随意通气量maximal voluntaryventilation最后公路final common path最适初长度optimal initial length最适前负荷optimal preload。
部分生理学专业英文名词及英文解释absolute refractory period 绝对不应期:The time interval during which a cell can initiate a second AP.action potential 动作电位:An action potential is a rapid change in the membrane. It begins with a sudden change from the normal RP to a positive membrane potential.active transport 主动转运:The movement of substances across the membrane,against the electrochemical gradient with energy.afterload后负荷:Afterload is the load that is given to the muscle after the beginning of the contraction.agglutination 凝集:If the blood in different groups be mixed, the red cells will clump.This clumping is known as agglutination.autorhythmicity 自动节律性:Autorhythmicity is the ability to initiate its own beat.!alveolar ventilation 肺泡通气量:The amount of air reaching the alveoli per nunute. absorption 吸收:Absorption is the process of transporting small molecules from the lumen of the gut into blood stream.antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素:A product of neurohypophyseal which, through its action on kidneys, promotes the conservation of body water.anatomic dead space 解剖无效腔:The space in the conducing zone of the airways occupied by gas that does not exchange with blood in the pulmonary, vessels.blood coagulation 血液凝固:The process of the blood changes from aq. system to coagualate system.blood group 血型:Blood groups are system of genetically determined antigenic substances on the membrane of red blood cells.blood pressure 血压:Blood pressure means the force exerted by the blood agaxnst any unit area of the vessel wall.basal metabolic 基础代谢率:The basal metabolic rate is the metabolic rate determined under basal conditions which includes complete mental and physical relaxation in a room or a comfortable temperature and 12 to 14 hours after the last meal.body temperature 体温:The body temperature is often referred to core temperature. The core refers to the central area of the body, including the brain and viscera, which are maintained at a consiant temperature.complete tetanus 完全强直收缩:When tile frequency of stimulation reaches a critical level, it will make successive contractions appears to be completely smooth and continuous.cross-matching test 交叉配血试验:Scram from recipieat is tested against the donors cells, and serum from donor is tested against the recipients cells, this test is called cross-matching test.cardiac cycle 心动周期:The cardiac events that occur from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next are called a cardiac cycle.cardiac index 心指数:Cardiac index is the cardiac output per square meter of body surface area. cardiac output 心输出量:The product of the frequency of pumping (heart rate) and the stroke volume is the cardiac output;it is also called minute volume.cardiac reserve 心力储备:The ability of the heart to adapt need of organism for expelling alarger quantity of bloodcardiovascular center 心血管中枢:The cardiova.scular tearers arc responsible for integration of sensory information and subsequent modification of efferent autonomic nerve activity to the heart and blood vessels.central venous pressure 中心静脉压:The venous pressure as measured at the right atrium. compensatory pause 代偿间歇:The pause between the extra beat and the next normal beat is slightly longer than the usual beat interval, which is called compensatory pausecompliance 顺应性:Distensibility,the ability of the lungs to tolerate changes in volume, a property that reflects the presence of elastic fibers.cholinergic fiber 胆碱能神经纤维:A kind of neuron that liberates acetylcholine at its synaptic knobs with activity.conditioned reflex 条件反射:A conditioned reflex is a reflex response to a stimulus that previously elicited little or no response, acquired by repeatedly pairing to stimulate with another stimulus that normully does produce the response.depolarization 去极化:The change in membrane potential away from the resting potential and toward the sodium equilibrium.diastolic pressure 舒张压:Diastolic pressure is the lowest blood pressure in an artery during the diastole of the heart.digestion 消化:Digestion is a process essential for the conversion of food into a small and simple form.decerebrate rigidity 去大脑僵直:When the brain stem is sectioned below the midlevel of the mesencephalon, the rigidity occurs in the antigravity muscles. This phenomenon is called decerebrate rigidity.equilibrium potential 平衡电位:an electrical potential and chemical potential gradient are in balance and no net movement of charged particles occurs.excitability 兴奋性:Excitability is the ability of excitable cell to generate active changes in their membrane potential.excitation 兴奋:Excitation signifies and increases in activity,such as contraction of a muscle,acceleration of the heart beat.erythrocyte sedimentation rate 红细胞沉降率:The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is measured as the length to column of clear plasma after one hour.effective refractory period 有效不应期:The duration from the beginning of phase 0 to 60mv of repolarization fails to produce action potential to any stimulus, no matter how strong. This duration is called ERP.ejection fraction 射血分数:The proportion of the end-diastolic volume that is ejected.elastic resistance 弹性阻力:A term used to describe the elastic properties of the lung and chest wall; the resistance or elastance(A V/AP), the reciprocal of the compliance.energy metabolism 能量代谢:The energy metabolism means the liberation, transformation and utilization of energy produced by the material metabolism in the body.evoked potential 诱发电位:The various discrete electrical changes in the encephalon or the spinal cord which can be produced by stimulation of sense organs or of some point along the ascending pathways to it.excitatory postsynaptic potential 兴奋性突触后电位:The excitatory postsynaptic potential isthe local postsynaptie depolarization due to the release of excitatory transmitter from presynaptic terminals.facilitated diffusion 易化扩散:In facilitated diffusion, transport proteins (carder and channel proteins) hasten the movement of certain substances across a membrane down their concentration gradients.feedback 反馈:Feedback is a flow of information along a closed loop.gastric emptying 胃排空:Gastric emptying is promoted by the intense peristaltic contractions in the stomach antrumglomerular effective filtration pressure 肾小球有效滤过压:The effective filtration pressure of glomerular represents the sum of the hydrostatic and colloid osmotic forces that either favor or oppose filtration across the glomerular capillaries.glomerular filtration fraction 肾小球滤过分数:The glomerular filtration fraction is the filtration rate as percentage of the total renal plasma flow that passes through both kidneys. glomerulotubular balance 球管平衡:One of the most basic mechamsms for controlling tubular reabsorption is the intrinsic ability of the tubules to increase their reabsorption rate in response to increased tubular inflow.homeostasis 稳态:Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant state with special reference to the internal medium.hemoglobin 血红蛋白:Hemoglobin is a chromoprotein found in the red blood cells and having a great affinity for oxygen.heterometric autoregulation 异长自身调节:Regulation of cardiac output as a result of changes in cardiac muscle fiber length is called heterometric regulation.internal environment 内环境:All cells of the body live in the extracellular fluid, extracellular fluid is called internal environment of the body.isometric contraction 等长收缩:Tension increases but the length of the muscle does not change when a muscle contracts.isotonic contraction 等张收缩:Tension remains constant but the muscle shortens when a muscle contracts.inspiratoy reserve volume 补吸气量:The air inspired with a maximal inspiratoy effort in excess of the volume.intrapleural pressure 胸内压:The pressure within the pleural cavity is called intrapleural pressure.intrapulmonary pressure 肺内压:T he pressure within the alveoli of the lungs, also called intrapulmonary pressure.inhibitory postsynaptic potential 抑制性突触后电位:A hyperpolarizing potential at a synapse that reduced the excitability of the postsynaptic cell.microcirculation 微循环:Microcirculation is the circulation between arterioles and venules. motor unit 运动单位:A motor axon, together with all of the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates. negative feedback 负反馈:A regulated variable is sensed, information is sent to a controller, and action is taken to oppose the change from the desire value.neuromuscular junction 神经肌肉接头:The complex structure responsible for signal transmission from nerve to skeletal muscle.nonspecific projection system 非特异性传导系统:Diffuse projections from the nonspecific thalamic nuclei connecting the ascending reticular activating system to widespread areas of cortexhave a role in modifying the states of consciousness which is called nonspecific projection system. oxygen content 氧含量:The oxygen content is used to indicate how much O2 per liter of blood is attached to the hemoglobin in normal arterial blood,described as percent saturated.osmotic diuresis 渗透性利尿:An increase in urine flow due to excretion of an osmotic active solute.positive feedback 正反馈:With positive feedback, a variable is sensed and action is taken to reinforce change of the variable, so it promotes a change in one direction.preload 前负荷:Preload is the load that is given to the muscle prior to its contraction. pacemarker 起搏点:The automatic cells that ordinarily fire at the highest frequency which are located in the sinoatrial node, excitation of the heart normally begins in the sinoatrial (SA) node. premature systole 期前收缩:When a second action potential is triggered at the very start of lhe relative refractory period,the second contraction is superimposed on the semirelaxed phase of the first contraction.This phenomenon is called premature systole.pulse pressure 脉压:The pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure.pulmonary surfactant 肺泡表面活性物质:A detergent-like mixture of phospholipids and lipoproteins that lowers the surface tension of water, produced by surfactant-secreting ( type- Il ) cells. It is a mixture of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC), other lipids, and proteins. pulmonary ventilation 肺通气:The total amount of new air moved into the respiratory passages eaeh minute.postsynaptic inhibition 突触后抑制:The presynapfic neuron liberates an inhibitory transmitter increasing the permeabilily of the postsynaptic membrane to potassium ions and/or chloride ions thereby increasing the negativity of the postsynaptic membrane potential. In this hyperpolarized state it is diffcult to stimulate.presynaptic inhibition 突触前抑制:A process which reduces the amount of synaptic transmitter liberated by action potentials arriving at excitatory synaptic knobs. The neuron producing presynaptic inhibition ends on an excitatory synaptie knob.relative refractory period 相对不应期:A period follows the end of the absolute refractory period, during which it is possible to elicit a second action potential, but the threshold stimulus intensity is higher than usual.repolarization 复极化:Shortly after depolarization the membrance potential return to the normal resting potential. This is called repolarization of the membrane.resting potential 静息电位:The difference in electrical potential across the membrane of an undisturbed cell, having a positive sign on the outside surface and a negative sign in the interior. residual volume 余气量:The air left in the lungs after a maximal expiratory effort. This volume averages about 1200 milliliters.renal glucose threshold 肾糖阈:When the plasma glucose concentration increases up to a value about 180 to 200 mg per deciliter, glucose can first be detected in the urine, this value is called the renal glucose threshold.renin 肾素:An enzyme of renal origin that catalyzes the conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin.referred pain 牵涉痛an internal organ is commonly associated with pain or tenderness not in the organ but in some skin region sharing the same segmental innervation. This phenomenon is called referred pain.salutatory conduction 跳跃传导:Conduction of a nerve impulse down a myelinated nerve fiber by skipping from node to node.simple diffusion 单纯扩散means simply movement through the membrane down the gradient. sodium-potassium pump 钠-钾泵:The sodium-potassium pump is responsible for the coupled active transport of Na; out of cells and K; into cells.stroke volume 每搏输出量:Stroke volume is referred to the volume ejected at each contraction by one side of the heart.systolic pressure 收缩压:The pressure rises during cardiac systole and falls during diastole.set point 调定点:At a critical body core temperature, drastic changes occur in the rate of both heat loss and heat production. That is, all the temperature control mechanisms continually attempt to bring the body temperature back to this set-point level.slow wave 慢波:If an electrode is inserted into a smooth muscle,, it records a recurring depolarization,they are called slow waves or basic electrical rhythm (BER).second messenger 第二信使:A small, diffusible molecule produced when a hormone combines with a cell membrane receptor and which carries the message to the inside of the cell.specific projection system 特异性传导系统:The specific sensory projection system uses relatively direct pathways through specific thalamic nuclei to restricted cortical regions.spinal shock 脊休克:Complete transection of the spinal cord results in the immediate paralysis and loss of sensation in all body regions innervated by spinal cord segments below the lesion, this phenomenon is called spinal shock..stretch reflex 牵张反射:When a skeletal muscle with an intact nerve supply is stretched, the muscle being stretched contracts. This is a monosynaptic reflex called the stretch reflex.tidal volume 潮气量:The amount of air that moves into the lungs with each inspiration (or the amount that moves out with each expiration) i.e. , the volume of air inspired or expired with each normal breath;it amounts to about 500 mL.total lung capacity 肺总容量:The maximum volume to which the lungs can be expanded with the greatest possible effort(about 5800 mL); it is equal to the vital capacity plus the residual volume.unconditioned reflex 非条件反射:A fixed reflex whose mechanism may be supposed to be inherited as its functioning does not depend on previous experience.ventilation/perfusion ratio 通气-血流比:The ratio of pulmonary ventilation to pulmonary blood flow for the whole lung.water diuresls 水利尿:The volume of urine increases when water intake exceeds body needs, it is resulted from suppression of ADH secretion.。
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1 / 9生理学名词中英文对照第一章绪论1.机体的内环境(internal environment)2.稳态(homeostasis)3.反射(reflex)4.反射弧(reflex arc)5.旁分泌调节(paracrine regulation)6.自身调节(autoregulation)7.负反馈(negative feedback)8.正反馈(positive feedback)9.前馈(feed-forward) 第二章细胞的基本功能10.被动转运(passive transport)11.单纯扩散(simple diffusion)12.经载体易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via carrier)13.经通道易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via ion channel)14.电压门控通道(voltage gated ion channel) 15.离子通道(ion channel)16.化学门控通道(chemically gated ion channel) 17.机械门控通道(mechanically gated ion channel) 18.原发性主动转运(primary active transport)19.继发性主动转运(secondary active transport)20.同向转运(symport)21.反向转运(antiport)22.出胞(exocytosis)23.入胞(endocytosis)24.跨膜信号转导(transmembrane signal transduction)25.刺激(stimulation) 26.兴奋(excitation)2 / 927.兴奋性(excitability) 28.阈值(threshold) 29.极化(polarization)30.去极化(depolarization)31.超极化(hyperpolarization)32.复极化(repolarization)33.内向电流(inward current)34.外向电流(outward current)35.电化学驱动力(electrochemical driving force)36.静息电位(resting potential) 37. K平衡电位(Kequilibrium potential)38.动作电位(action potential) 39.超射(overshoot)40.“全或无”现象(“all or none”phenomenon)41.阈电位(threshold potential)42.局部电位(local potential)++43.时间性总和(temporal summation)44.空间性总和(spatial summation)45.量子释放(quantal release)46.兴奋-收缩耦联(excitation-contraction coupling)47.等长收缩(isometric contraction)48.等张收缩(isotonic contraction)49.前负荷(preload)50.后负荷(afterload)51.肌肉收缩能力(contractility) 52.不完全强直收缩(incomplete tetauns)53.完全强直收缩(complete tetanus)54.运动单位(motor unit)第三章血液55.血细胞比容(hematocrit)56.血浆渗透压(plasma osmotic pressure)57.血浆晶体渗透压(plasma crystal osmotic pressure)3 / 958.血浆胶体渗透压(plasma colloid osmotic pressure)59.悬浮稳定性(suspension stability)60.红细胞沉降率(erythrocyte sedimentation rate)61.红细胞渗透脆性(osmotic fragility)62.血小板黏附(platelet adhesion)63.血小板聚集(platelet aggregation)64.生理性止血(hemostasis)65.出血时间(bleeding time)66.凝血时间(clotting time)67.血液凝固(blood coagulation)68.血清(serum)69.凝血因子(clotting factor)70.内源性凝血途径(intrinsic pathway)71.外源性凝血途径(extrinsic pathway)72.纤维蛋白溶解(fibrinolysis)73.血型(blood group)74.红细胞凝集(agglutination)75.凝集原(agglutinogen)76.凝集素(agglutinin)77.交叉配血试验(corss-match test)第四章血液循环78.心动周期(cardiac cycle)79.等容收缩期(period of isovolumic contraction)80.等容舒张期(period of isovolumic relaxation)81.每搏输出量(stroke volume)82.射血分数(ejection fraction)83.心输出量(cardiac output)84心指数(cardiac index)85.异长调节(heterometric regulation)86.心室功能曲线(ventricular function curve)87.心肌收缩能力(myocardial contractility)4 / 988.等长调节(homometric regulation)89.快反应细胞(fast response cell)90.慢反应细胞(slow response cell)91.期前收缩(premature systole)92.代偿间歇(compensatory pause)93.自动节律性(autorhythmicity)94.正常起搏点(normal pacemaker)95.潜在起搏点(latent pacemaker)96.异位起搏点(ectopic pacemaker)97.房室延搁(atrioventricular delay)98.膜反应曲线(membrane responsiveness curve)99.钙触发钙释放(calcium-induced Carelease)100.外周阻力(peripheral resistance)101.动脉血压(arterial blood pressure)102.收缩压(systolic pressure)103.舒张压(diastolic pressure)104.平均动脉压(mean arterialpressure)105.中心静脉压(central venous pressure)106.微循环(microcirculation)107.压力感受性反射(baroreceptor reflex)2+第五章呼吸108.肺通气(pulmonary ventilation)109.肺换气(gas exchange in lungs)110.呼吸运动(respiratory movement)111.弹性阻力(elastic resistance)112.顺应性(compliance) 113.肺的静态顺应性(static compliance)114.比顺应性(specific compliance) 115.肺表面活性物质(pulmonary surfactant)116.气道阻力(airway resistance) 117.潮气量(tidal volume)5 / 9118.余气量(residual volume)119.功能余气量(functional residual capacity)120.肺活量(vital capacity) 121.用力肺活量(forced vital capacity) 122.用力呼气量(forced expiratory volume) 123.肺通气量(pulmonary ventilation)124.解剖无效腔(anatomical dead space) 125.肺泡无效腔(alveolar dead space) 126.肺泡通气量(alveolar ventilation)127.通气/血流比值(ventilation/perfusion ratio)128.血氧容量(oxygen capacity) 129.血氧含量(oxygen content) 130.血氧饱和度(oxygen saturation) 131.氧解离曲线(oxygen dissociation curve)132.肺牵张反射(pulmonary stretch reflex) 第六章消化与吸收133.消化(digestion)134.机械性消化(mechanical digestion)135.化学性消化(chemical digestion)136.吸收(absorption)137.慢波(slowwave)138.胃肠激素(gastrointestinalhormone)139.脑-肠肽(braingut peptide)140.黏液-碳酸氢盐屏障(mucus bicarbonate barrier)141.胃黏膜屏障(gastric mucosal barrier)142.容受性舒张(receptive relaxation)143.紧张性收缩(tonic contraction)144.胃的排空(gastric emptying)6 / 9145.肠-胃反射(entero-gastricreflex)146.分节运动(segmentationcontraction)147.胆盐的肠-肝循环(enterohepatic circulation of bile salt)第七章能量代谢与体温148.能量代谢(energy metabolism)149.食物的热价(thermal equivalent of food) 150.氧热价(thermal equivalent of oxygen)151.呼吸商(respiratory quotient)152.基础代谢率(basal metabolicrate) 153.体温(body temperature)154.温热性发汗(thermal sweating)155.精神性发汗(mental sweating156.热敏神经元(warm-sensitive neuron) 157.冷敏神经元(cold-sensitive neuron) 第八章尿的生成和排出158.管-球反馈(tubuloglomerular feedback)159.肾小球滤过率(glomerular filtration rate) 160.滤过分数(filtration fraction)161.有效滤过压(effective filtration pressure) 162.肾糖阈(renal threshold for glucose)163.葡萄糖吸收极限量(transfer maximum of glucose)164.渗透性利尿(osmotic diuresis)165.球-管平衡(glomerulotubular balance) 166.水利尿(water diuresis)167.清除率(clearance)第九章感觉器官的功能7 / 9168.感受器(receptor)169.感觉器官(sense organ)170.适宜刺激(adequate stimulus)171.换能作用(transducer function)172.瞳孔对光反射(pupillary light reflex)173.互感性对光反射(consensual light reflex)174.瞳孔近反射(near reflex of the pupil)175.视敏度(visual acuity)176.暗适应(dark adaptation)177.明适应(light adaptation)178.视野(visual field)179.听阈(hearing threshold)180.耳蜗内电位(endocochlear potential)181.耳蜗微音器电位(cochlear microphonic potential)182.眼球震颤(nystagmus)第十章神经系统的功能183.突触(synapse)184.经典的突触(classical synapse)185.兴奋性突触后电位(excitatory postsynaptic potential) 186.抑制性突触后电位(inhibitory postsynaptic potential)187.非定向突触(non-directed synapse)188.电突触(electric synapse)189.神经递质(neurotransmitter)190.神经调质(neuromodulator)191.受体(receptor)192.激动剂(agonist)193.拮抗剂(antagonist)194.上调(up regulation)195.下调(down regulation)196.胆碱能纤维(cholinergic fiber)197.肾上腺素能纤维(adrenergic fiber)198.突触后抑制(postsynaptic inhibition)8 / 9199.传入侧支性抑制(afferent collateral inhibition)200.回返性抑制(recurrent inhibition) 201.突触前抑制(presynaptic inhibition)202.特异投射系统(specific projection system) 203.非特异投射系统(nonspecific projection system) 204.牵涉痛(referred pain)205.脊休克(spinal shock)206.牵张反射(stretch reflex)207.腱反射(tendon reflex)208.肌紧张(muscle tonus) 209.去大脑僵直(decerebrate rigidity)210.α僵直(α-rigidity)211.γ僵直(γ-rigidity)212.自发脑电活动(spontaneous electric activity of the brain)213.脑电图(electroencephalogram)214.脑干网状结构上行激动系统(ascending reticular activating system) 215.慢波睡眠(slow wave sleep)216.异相睡眠(paradoxical sleep)第十一章内分泌217.激素(hormone)218.允许作用(permissive action)219.长反馈(long-loop feedback)220.短反馈(short-loop feedback)221.超短反馈(ultra-short-loop feedback)222.下丘脑调节肽(hypothalamic regulatory peptides)223.应激反应(stress reaction)224.应急反应(emergency reaction)第十二章生殖225.月经(menstruation)226.月经周期(menstrual cycle)9 / 9227.增生期(proliferative phase)228.黄体期(luteal phase)。