



常用医学专业期刊的中英文名称1. BMJ(British Medical Journal)英国医学杂志2. JAMA(Journal of the American Medical Association)美国医学会杂志3. NEJM(New England Journal of Medicine)新英格兰医学杂志4. The Lancet柳叶刀5. Nature Medicine自然医学6. Cell医学7. Science Translational Medicine科学翻译医学8. PLOS Medicine公共科学图书馆医学9. Clinical Cancer Research临床肿瘤学研究10. Journal of Clinical Oncology临床肿瘤学杂志11. The Lancet Oncology柳叶刀肿瘤学12. Cancer Cell癌细胞13. Cancer Research癌症研究14. Gut肠道15. Journal of Hepatology肝病学杂志16. The American Journal of Gastroenterology美国胃肠病学杂志17. Circulation循环研究18. European Heart Journal欧洲心脏病学杂志19. The Journal of Clinical Investigation临床调查杂志20. Diabetes糖尿病杂志以上是一些常用的具有国际影响力的医学专业期刊的中英文名称。







12. Traduire Revue fran?aise de traduction : information linguistique et culturelle 13. Translation and literatureTranslation and Literature 'has long been indispensable. It is a large intelligence flitting among the languages, to connect and to sustain. The issues are becoming archival; the substantial articles, notes, documents and reviews practise an up-to-the-minute criticism on texts ancient and modern.' - Times Literary Supplement Translation and Literature is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal focusing on English Literature in itsforeign relations14. Translation review University of Texas at DallasStarted in 1978, Translation Review is published two times a year. The Review is unique in the English-speaking world. While many literary journals publish translations of the works of international authors inEnglish translation,15. The Translator: studies in intercultural communicationThe Translator is a refereed international journal that publishes articles on a variety of issues related to translation and interpreting as acts of intercultural communication.16.The Interpreter and Translator Trainer17. Two Lines (journal of translation)An annual journal of international literature in translation andcommentary on the art of translation.This journal has established a forum for literary translators, encouraging the exchange of ideas on the art and craft of translation.18. Translation Quarterly 翻译季刊 1027-5593 中国香港翻译学会19. Translation and Interpreting Studies29. Language International - -Harvard Translation Co., Cambridge, USA30. International Journal of Translation31. Interpreting: International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting --John Benjamins Publishing Co., (Amsterdam/ Philadelphia) 32. The Bible Translator: Practical Papers and Technical Papers -季刊-United Bible Societies, HK33. Translation JournalQuarterly electronic publication from Poughkeepsie, New York. Full textcurrent issue and archives.32. The Bible Translator: Practical Papers and Technical Papers -季刊-United Bible Societies, HK33. Translation JournalQuarterly electronic publication from Poughkeepsie, New York. Full textcurrent issue and archives.34. Journal of TranslationThe Journal of Translation is an online, peer-reviewed academic journal of translation theory and practice.35. Notes on TranslationThis quarterly publication contained helpful articles about translation theory and procedure, various topics relating to translation or exegesis, and book reviews. See also the "Notes on ..." section of SerialPublications and Journals.36. Journal of Translation and TextlinguisticsThis publication was published by SIL for those interested in studies intranslation.。



国际国内著名翻译学期刊目录1. Across languages and culturesA multidiscipli nary journal for tran slati on and in terpret ing studies. Across Languages and Cultures publishes original articles and reviews on all sub-discipli nes of Tran slati on and In terpret ing (T/l) Studies: gen eral T/l theory, descriptive T/I studies and applied T/I studies. Special emphasis is laid on the questions of multilingualism, language policy and translation policy. Publicati ons on new research methods and models are en couraged. Publishes book revQws, n ews, announ ceme nts and advertiseme nts.2. Alta newsletterAmerican literary translators association《美国文学翻译家协会新闻通讯》3. Babel: International journal of translation季干刊- published by the International Federation of Translators with the assista nee of UNESCO.Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators and in terpreters, yet of in terest also for the non specialist concerned with current issues and events in the field of translation.Babel includes articles on translation theory and practice, as well as discussions of the legal, financial and social aspectsof the translator ' s profession; it reports on new methods of translating, such as machi ne-aided tra nslati on, the use of computerized dicti on aries or word banks; it also focuses on schools, special courses, degrees, and prizes for tran slators. As an established publicati on, Babel will appeal to all those who make tra nslati on their bus in ess.Con tributi ons are writte n in French and En glish and occasi on ally in Germa n, Italia n and Russia n.Babel is published for the Federation of Translators (FIT).This jour nal is peer reviewed and in dexed in: IBR/IBZ, INIST, Lin guistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique, LLBA, MLA Bibliography,Europea n Refere nee In dex for the Huma nities.As an international journal on translation, BABEL is published 4 times a year. Authors can submit their paper in electronic format to Ren©.Haesery n, Director of publicati on:babeli4. In other words : Journal of the Translators associationThe journal of the Translators Association, produced in collaboration with the British Centre for Literary Translation at the University of East An glia. Contains articles on the art of translation and on translating particular authors and texts together with reviews of n ewly published tran slati ons.Bi-annual. Annual subscription: 12 individuals; 25 in^titutions.The Tran slators Associati onThe Society of Authors84 Drayt on Garde nsLon don SW10 9SBTelepho ne: +44 (0)20 7373 6642 +44 (0)20 7373 6642E-mail: in fo@-5. Languages in contrastIntern ati onal journal for con trastive lin guisticsLan guages in Con trast aims to publish con trastive studies of two or more Ian guages. Any aspect of Ian guage may be covered, in cludi ng vocabulary, phono logy, morphology, syn tax, sema ntics, pragmatics, text and discourse, stylistics, socioli nguistics and psycholi nguistics.Languages in Contrast welcomes interdisciplinary studies, particularly those that make links between contrastive linguistics and translation, lexicography, computational linguistics, language teaching, literary and linguistic computing, literary studies and cultural studies.Languages in Contrast provides a home for contrastive linguistics. It enables advocates of different theoretical linguistic frameworks to publish in a single publication to the benefit of all involved in contrastive research.Languages in Contrast provides a forum to explore the theoretical status of the field; stimulates research into a wide range of languages; and helps to give the field of contrastive linguistics a distinct identity.This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ, INIST, Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique, LLBA, European Reference Index for the HumanitiesLanguages in Contrast (Spr?k i kontrast: SPRIK) is a cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional research project focusing on corpus-based contrastive language studies (Norwegian, English, French, German), especially information structure at different levels. The SPRIK project has the over-arching strategic aim of enhancing linguistic research in Norway within contrastive linguistics, stylistics, andsemantics/pragmatics, as well as linguistically oriented translation studies. Central to the project is research on thOslo Multilingual Corpus (OMC). Such parallell corpora represe nt an inv aluable source of in sight into the in terplay of various factors that determ ine in formatio n structure in a Ianguage while also shedding light on the cross-linguistic variation in the structuri ng of senten ces and text. Through con trastive studies of authe ntic Ian guage in con text, the project aims to provide new in sights, methodological renewal and empirically based theory development. In sights gained from the research project will also be releva nt to applied fields such as tran slati on and foreig n Ian guage teachi ng.SPRIK comprises three sub-projects focusing on different aspects of information structuring. Syntactic devices are central to Subproject 1, while the other two focus on lexcial and textual resources.* Subproject 1:Syntactic resources for information structuring: presentatives,topicalizati on, passivizatio n, cleft ing* Subproject 2The in terplay of explicit and implicit in formati on* Subproject 3:Con diti ons for perspectivizati on in text SPRIK is funded by theNorwegian Research Council. The project continues a previous project supported by the Norwegian Research Council and the Faculty of Artsat the University of Oslo.The project will cease in December 2008.Detailed project descripti on (in Norwegia n)6. Machine translationMachi ne Tran slati on covers all bra nches of computati on al li nguistics and Ian guage engin eeri ng, wherever they in corporate a multil in gual aspect. It features papers that cover the theoretical, descriptive or computati onal aspects of any of the followi ng topics:口machi ne tran slati on and machi ne-aided tra nslati on口、huma n tran slatio n theory and practice口multili ngual text compositi on and gen erati on口multili ngual in formati on retrieval口multili ngual n atural la nguage in terfaces口multili ngual dialogue systems口multili ngual message un dersta nding systems口corpus-based and statistical la nguage modeli ng口conn ecti onist approaches to tran slati on口compilati on and use of bi- and multili ngual corpora口、discourse phenomenaand their treatment in (human or machine) tran slati on口kno wledge engin eeri ng口con trastive lin guistics口morphology, syn tax, sema ntics, pragmatics口、computer-aided Ian guage in structi on and lear ning口software localizati on and in ternatio nalizatio n口speech process ing, especially for speech tra nslati on口phon etics, phono logycomputati onal implicatio ns of non-Roma n character sets口multili ngual word-process ing口the multilingual information society (sociological and legal as well as lin guistic aspects)口minority Ian guages口history of machi ne tran slatio n.7. Meta: Tran slators' Jour nal8. MT n ews intern atio nalNewsletter of the International Association for Machine Translation9. Perspectives: studies in tran slatology丹麦著名学术刊物《视角:翻译学研究》(Perspectives : Studiesin Translatology ):该英语季刊创刊于1993年,由丹麦哥本哈根大学英文系和翻译研究中心主办,国际著名翻译学者Cay Dollerup 担任主编。



英文期刊发表翻译As an author of academic papers, getting published in an English journal is a significant achievement. It not only enhances the visibility of your research but also contributes to the advancement of your field. However, the process of translating your work into English and navigating the submission process can be daunting. In this document, I will provide a comprehensive guide to help you successfully publish your work in an English journal.First and foremost, it is essential to ensure that your translation is accurate and maintains the integrity of your original work. Hiring a professional translator or seeking help from a colleague proficient in both languages can be beneficial. It is crucial to convey the nuances and technical details of your research accurately in English to ensure that it is well-received by the journal's audience.Once your translation is ready, it is time to identify potential journals for submission. Consider the scope and focus of your research to target journals that align with your subject area. Review the submission guidelines of each journal carefully to ensure that your manuscript meets their requirements. Pay attention to formatting, word limits, and citation styles to avoid unnecessary delays in the review process.When preparing your manuscript for submission, it is important to craft a compelling cover letter that highlights the significance of your research and its relevance to the journal's readership. Clearly articulate the original contributions of your work and explain why it is suitable for publication in the chosen journal. Additionally, ensure that all co-authors are properly credited and that any conflicts of interest are disclosed.As you submit your manuscript, be prepared for the peer review process. Constructive feedback from reviewers is a valuable opportunity to strengthen your work and improve its quality. Address all reviewer comments and suggestions thoughtfully, providing clear explanations for any revisions made to the manuscript. Demonstrating a willingness to engage with feedback can significantly increase the chances of acceptance.Throughout this process, it is important to remain patient and persistent. Receiving rejections or requests for revisions is a common part of the publication journey. Use feedback to refine your work and consider submitting to alternative journals if necessary. Keep track of submission deadlines and follow up with editors when appropriate to stay informed about the status of your manuscript.In conclusion, publishing in an English journal requires careful attention to translation, journal selection, manuscript preparation, and perseverance through the peer review process. By following the guidelines outlined in this document and staying committed to the quality of your research, you can increase the likelihood of successfully publishing your work in an English journal. Remember that each step of the process contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and the advancement of your academic field. Good luck with your publication endeavors!。



中文翻译英文期刊发表As a Baidu Wenku document creator, I would like to share with you the process of publishing a journal article in English translation.First and foremost, it is important to select a reputable and relevant journal for your research. Consider the scope, impact factor, and audience of the journal to ensure that your article is a good fit. Once you have identified a suitable journal, carefully review the author guidelines and submission requirements. Pay close attention to the formatting, word count, and citation style specified by the journal.Next, you will need to translate your article from Chinese to English. It is essential to ensure that the translation is accurate and maintains the integrity of the original content. If you are not fluent in English, consider seeking the assistance of a professional translator or a colleague who is proficient in both languages. It is also helpful to have a native English speaker review and edit the translated article to ensure that it reads naturally and fluently.After the translation is complete, it is time to prepare the manuscript for submission. Follow the journal's guidelines for formatting the article, including the title, abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references. Pay careful attention to the details, such as font size, line spacing, and margins, to ensure that the manuscript meets the journal's requirements.Before submitting your article, it is advisable to have it reviewed by colleagues or mentors who are familiar with the topic and the publishing process. Their feedback can help identify any areas that need improvement and ensure that the article is of high quality.When you are confident that the article is ready for submission, carefully follow the journal's instructions for online submission or email submission. Provide all the required information, such as author names, affiliations, and contact details, and upload the manuscript and any supplementary materials as specified by the journal.After submitting your article, be prepared to wait for the peer review process to take place. This can take several weeks or even months, depending on the journal and the volume of submissions. During this time, it is important to be patient and responsive to any communication from the journal regarding the status of your article.If your article is accepted for publication, congratulations! You will then work with the journal's editorial team to address any revisions or edits they request. Once the final version of the article is approved, it will be published in the journal and made available to the scientific community.In conclusion, publishing a journal article in English translation requires careful consideration of the journal selection, accurate translation of the content, adherence to formatting guidelines, and a thorough review process. By following these steps and seeking assistance when needed, you can successfully share your research with a global audience.。



3.国内外重要翻译类学术期刊(1)《中国翻译》,中国翻译工作者协会会刊(2)《中国科技翻译》,中国科学院科技翻译工作者协会(3)《上海科技翻译》,上海市科技翻译学会会刊(4)《翻译学报》,香港中文大学翻译系学术期刊(5)Target International Journal of Translation Studies. John Benjamins, PO Box 27519, Philadelphia, PA 19118-0519(6)Babel John Benjamins Publishing Company. PO Box 27519, Philadelphia, PA 19118-0519(7) Translation Review ALTA(American Literary Translators Association), The University of Texas, PO Box 830688, Richardson, TX 75083. Quarterly(8) ATA Chronicle(American Translators Association)(The best periodical publication for translators in the U.S. Monthly, with one issue for November-December), 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314(9)META (Translat ors’ Journal) Presses de l’Université de Montreal, C.P. 6128/ Succursale cen tre ville, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3c 3J7 Quarterly4.国际及部分国家翻译组织机构简介(1) 国际翻译工作者协会(International Federation of Translators //Federation Internationale des Traducteurs) (简称FIT) 地址:P.O. Box 21, Dr. Heinrich Maierstrasse 9, A-1184, Vienna, Austria Phone: +(43) 1-440 36 07 Fax: (43) 1-440 37 56 Web site:(其成员有53个国家和地区共个74成员协会)(2) 中国科技翻译工作者协会(Science and Technology Translators’ Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (STTACAS)(国际译协会员), 中国北京市三里河路52号,邮政编码:100864 电话:+86 10 836 14 53 Fax: +86 10 851 10 95(3) 中国翻译工作者协会(Translators’ Association of China)(国际译协会员), 中国北京市百万庄路24号外文楼,邮政编码:10037 电话/电报:+86 10 68 32 66 81(4) 爱尔兰翻译工作者协会(Irish Translators’ Association), Irish Writers’ Centre, 19 Parnell Square, Dublin 1, Ireland Tel: +353 1 872 13 02 Fax: +353 1 872 62 82 Web site: homepage.tinet.ie/~translation(5)新西兰笔译及口译工作者协会(New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (Inc.) ), c/o Dr. Sabine Fenton, Director, Center for Translation & Interpreting Studies/ Auckland Institute of Technology, Private Bag 92006, Auckland 1020. New Zealand Tel: +64 4 761 216 Fax: +64 4 360 16 41(6)英国翻译工作者协会(The Translators’ Association), 84 Drayton Gardens, LondonSW109SB, England Tel: +44 171 373 66 42(7)美国翻译工作者协会(American Translators’ Associat ion)(简称ATA), 225 Reineckers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314 Tel: +1 703 683 6100 Fax: +1 703 683-6122 Web site: 。



期刊发表英文翻译As a document creator on Baidu Wenku, I would like to share with you the translation of "期刊发表" into English.The translation of "期刊发表" in English is "Journal Publication". In the academic and research world, getting your work published in a reputable journal is a significant milestone. It not only validates the quality of your research but also contributes to the advancement of knowledge in your field. In this document, we will discuss the process of journal publication and provide some tips for increasing the chances of getting your work accepted.The first step in the journal publication process is selecting the right journal for your research. It is essential to choose a journal that aligns with the scope and focus of your study. This involves conducting thorough research on different journals, understanding their target audience, and assessing the impact factor and reputation of each journal.Once you have identified the journal you want to submit your work to, the next step is to carefully follow the journal's submission guidelines. These guidelines typically include formatting requirements, word limits, citation styles, and specific instructions for figures and tables. It is crucial to adhere to these guidelines to avoid rejection based on technicalities.After preparing your manuscript according to the journal's guidelines, the next step is to submit it for peer review. Peer review is a critical part of the publication process, as it involves experts in the field evaluating the quality and validity of your work. It is essential to be open to constructive criticism and feedback from the reviewers and address any concerns or suggestions they may have.Once your manuscript successfully passes the peer review process, the next step is the revision and resubmission phase. It is common for journals to ask for revisions or clarifications before accepting a manuscript for publication. It is crucial to carefullyaddress all the reviewers' comments and make necessary revisions to strengthen your work.Finally, after all the revisions and edits have been made, and the reviewers are satisfied with the quality of your work, your manuscript will be accepted for publication. This is an exciting moment for any researcher, as it marks the culmination of months or even years of hard work and dedication.In conclusion, the process of journal publication is a rigorous and rewarding journey for any researcher. By carefully selecting the right journal, following submission guidelines, engaging in the peer review process, and making necessary revisions, you can increase the likelihood of getting your work published. Remember that persistence and resilience are key traits in the world of academic publishing, and success often comes to those who are willing to learn from feedback and continuously improve their work. Good luck with your journal publication endeavors!。



daily 日报morning edition 晨报evening edition 晚报quality paper 高级报纸popular paper 大众报纸evening paper 晚报government organ 官报part organ 党报trade paper 商界报纸Chinese paper 中文报纸English newspaper 英文报纸vernacular paper 本国文报纸Japanese paper 日文报纸political news 政治报纸Newspaper Week 新闻周刊the front page 头版,第一版bulldog edition 晨版article 记事headline 标题banner headline 头号大标题byline 标题下署名之行dateline 日期、发稿地之行big news 头条新闻hot news 最新新闻exclusive news 独家新闻scoop 特讯feature 特写,花絮criticism 评论editorial 社论review, comment 时评book review 书评topicality 时事问题city news 社会新闻column 栏letters 读者投书栏general news column 一般消息栏cartoon, comics 漫画cut 插图weather forecast 天气预报serial story 新闻小说obituary notice 讣闻public notice 公告advertisement 广告classified ad 分类广告flash-news 大新闻extra 号外the sports page 运动栏literary criticism 文艺评论Sunday features 周日特刊new**eat 记者采访地区news blackout 新闻管制press ban 禁止刊行yellow sheet 低俗新闻tabloid 图片版新闻"Braille" edition 点字版newspaper office 报社publisher 发行人proprieter 社长bureau chief, copy chief 总编辑editor-in-chief 总主笔editor 编辑, 主笔newsman, newspaperman, journalist 新闻记者cub reporter 初任记者reporter 采访记者war correspondent, campaign badge 随军记者columnist 专栏记者star reporter 一流通讯员correspondent 通讯员special correspondent 特派员contributor 投稿家news source 新闻来源informed sources 消息来源newspaper campaign 新闻战free-lancer writer 自由招待会press box 记者席news conference, press conference 记者招待会International Press Association 国际新闻协会distribution 发行circulation 发行份数newsstand, kiosk 报摊newspaper agency 报纸代售处new**oy 报童subscription (rate) 报费newsprint 新闻用纸Fleet Street 舰队街Publicationmagazine 杂志periodical 期刊back number 过期杂志pre-dated 提前出版的world news 国际新闻home news 国内新闻news agency 新闻社editor 编辑commentator 评论员reporter, correspondent, journalist 记者resident correspondent 常驻记者special correspondent 特派记者editorial, leading article 社论feature, feature article 特写headline 标题banner headline 通栏标题news report, news story, news coverage 新闻报导serial, to serialize 连载serial story 小说连载editor's note 编者按advertisement, ad 广告press commnique 新闻公报press conference 记者招待会publication 出版publishing house, press 出版社publisher 发行者circulation 发行量edition 版本the first edition 初版the second edition 再版the third edition 第三版the first impression 第一次印刷the second impression 第二次印刷de luxe edition 精装本paperback 平装本pocket edition 袖珍本popular edition 普及版copyright 版权royalty 版税type-setting, composition 排版proof-reading 校对工作proof-reader 校对(者)editing 编辑(工作)editor 编辑(者)printing 印刷printing machine 印刷机type-setter, compositor 排字工人folio 对开本quarto 四开本octavo 八开本16-mo 十六开本32-mo 三十二开本64-mo 六十四开本reference book 参考书booklet, pamphlet 小册子, 小书periodical 期刊magazine 杂志daily 日报weekly 周刊fortnightly 半月刊monthly 月刊bimonthly 双月刊quarterly 季刊annual 年刊year-book 年鉴extra issue (报纸)号外special issue 特刊daily paper 日报evening paper 晚报morning paper 晨报Sunday newspaper 星期日报manual, handbook 手册document.paper 公文pictorial magazine 画报memorial volume 纪念刊selected works, selections 选集complete works 全集anthology 文集, 文选scientific literature 科学文献index 索引original edition 原版(书)new edition 新版revised edition 修订版reprint 重印, 翻印cheap edition, paperback 廉价本encyclopaedia, encyclopedia 百科全书textbook 教科书reader 读本best seller 畅销书accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告.advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事assignment n.采写任务attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。



期刊论文翻译一:一种纳米级的辐射加固CMOS锁存器设计和性能分析文章英文名称:Design and Performance Evaluation of Radiation Hardened Latches for Nanoscale CMOS作者:Sheng Lin, Yong-Bin Kim, and Fabrizio Lombardi第一作者单位:Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Northeastern University, Boston, United States原文出版出处:IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, v 19, n 7, p 1315-1319, July 2011摘要:深亚微米/纳米CMOS电路对外部辐射现象更敏感,有可能导致所谓的软错误的发生。


























关于目前的问题,本杂志提供充分的文字档案,网址www,/0307-4803.htm网络规模的发现,用户的经验Julia Gross and Lutie Sheridan埃迪斯科文大学图书馆,埃迪斯科文大学,珀斯,澳大利亚摘要:目的:这项研究的目的是看看一小群的大学学生如何使用的新图书馆网页搜索发现的工具,“召唤”,以及他们是否遇到任何有关导航,方便使用和质量的搜索结果的困难设计/方法/方式:研究人员进行了一系列的可用性研究关于观察学生们使用新发现搜索平台进行一些典型的图书馆资源搜索结果:文章的数据分析,描述和报告结果的可用性测试。











2009年,哈德和艾森伯格在报告指出,这是该项目的一部分,从信息素养的纵向研究发现:关于目前的问题,本杂志提供了充分的文字档案,查询该网站的网址为: /0307-4803.htm。



英译汉:The Space Shuttle and Geological Remote Sensing 航天飞机与地质遥感Orchids and Insects兰花和昆虫Study Shows Possible New Way to Treat Glaucoma 治疗青光眼之新途径Tips for Selecting ‘Sun proof’Sunglasses 选购‘防日光’太阳镜的忠告Scanning High Energy Electron Diffraction扫描高能电子衍射On the Units of the Equilibrium Constant试论平衡常数的单位Body Tissue May Soon Repair Damaged Hearts人体组织不久可以修补坏死的心脏Trip to Earth Core : Myth or Reality ?地心旅游: 神话还是现实?Life on Distant P1anets遥远星球上的生命Biological Weapons Date to Classic Age生物武器自古有之It May Be Easy To Live Longer - Just Stop Eating 略带三分饥健康又长寿Robot Home Guard日本推出看门机器人主人出门在外不用愁Wearable Computers You Can Slip Into可穿着电脑’将逐渐走进我们的生活Smog Discriminates Between The Sexes烟雾生‘眼’:性别搞歧视an improved version of the minute paper,记录论文的改良版the information content of share repurchase programs.股票回购计划的信息内容Studies on Catalysts and Hydroprocessing Technology of Low-temperature Coal Tar.中低温煤焦油加氢催化剂及工艺研究Solution-Based Synthesis, Characterization and Property Investigation of Low-Dimensional Functional Nanomaterials低维功能纳米材料的液相合成、表征与性能研究Synthesis and Characterization of Ceria Nanoparticles纳米二氧化铈的制备与表征Speciation Analysis of Mercury and Arsenic in Aquatic Products水产品中砷、汞形态分析研究Problem of Rural Land Transfer System我国农村土地流转问题研究汉译英:我国农村土地流转问题研究Problem of Rural Land Transfer System光子晶体中的反常色散和传导模Anomalous Dispersion and Guide Modes in the Photonic Crystals棉花黄萎病菌T-DNA插入突变体表型特征和侧翼序列分析Analysis of T-DNA Insertional Flanking Sequence and Mutant Phenotypic Characteristics in Verticillium Dahliae苗期弱光对花生光合特性的影响Effects of Weak Light on Photosynthetic Characteristics ofPeanut Seedlings酵母异源互补法鉴定MbNramp1基因的功能Function Analysis of MbNramp1 Gene from Malus baccata(L.) Borkh Through Yeast Complementation Experiments夜间增温对冬小麦生长和产量影响的实验研究Winter Wheat Yields Decline with Spring Higher Night Temperature by Controlled Experiments朝中奖,夕死可矣Magazine Offers a Prize to Die F or压缩感知研究Research on Compressed Sensing可信计算技术研究Research on Trusted Computing Technology压缩传感理论与重构算法The Theory of Compressed Sensing and Reconstruction Algorithm人类大脑、认知与行为进化的整合模型An Integrative Model of Human Brain, Cognitive, and Behavioral Evolution一种PWM整流器直接功率控制方法A New Direct Power Control for PWM Rectifier可信计算的产业趋势和研究Industry Trends and Research in Dependable Computing氧化石墨烯及其氧化铁复合物的原位合成In situ synthesis of graphene oxide and its composites withiron oxide智能电网:改造电力系统Smart Grid: Transforming the Electric System基于NMR的代谢组学方法最新进展及应用Recent Developments and Applications of NMR-Based Metabonomics温度对美拉德反应的研究(Effects of Temperatures on Maillard Reactions基于分子标记的油菜隐性核不育7-7365AB遗传模式探究Analysis of Genetic Model for a Recessive Genic Male Sterile Line 7-7365AB in Brassica napus L. Based on Molecular Markers贵州野生山桐子种群年龄结构及其动态特性Study on Age Structure and Its Dynamic Characteristics ofWild Idesia polycarpa Population in Guizhou Province干旱胁迫对大丽花生理生化指标的影响Effects of drought stress on physiological and biochemical parameters of Dahlia pinnata。































英文期刊发表翻译论文As an author of Baidu Wenku, I would like to share with you the process of publishing a translated paper in an English journal.Firstly, it is important to choose a high-quality paper to translate. The paper should be relevant to your field of study and should address an important research question. Once you have selected a paper, it is essential to obtain the necessary permissions from the original author and the journal for translation and publication.Next, it is crucial to ensure the accuracy of the translation. Translating a paper requires a deep understanding of the original language as well as the ability to convey the same meaning in the target language. It is important to pay attention to the nuances of the language and to use appropriate terminology in the translation.After translating the paper, it is important to have it reviewed by a native speaker of the target language. This will help to identify any errors or awkward phrasings in the translation. It is also important to ensure that the formatting of the paper meets the requirements of the journal.Once the translation has been reviewed and edited, it is time to submit it to the journal. Most journals have specific guidelines for submitting translated papers, so it is important to carefully follow these guidelines. This may include providing information about the original paper, the translation process, and the qualifications of the translator.After submitting the translated paper, it will undergo the same peer review process as any other submission to the journal. It is important to be prepared to address any feedback or revisions requested by the reviewers.If the paper is accepted for publication, it is important to ensure that proper credit is given to the original author. This may include providing a citation to the original paper and acknowledging the original author in the acknowledgements section of the translated paper.In conclusion, publishing a translated paper in an English journal requires careful selection of the original paper, accurate translation, thorough review and editing, adherence to journal guidelines, and proper credit to the original author. It is a challenging process, but it can be a rewarding way to contribute to the dissemination of important research in your field.。



外文期刊发表翻译As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the demand for high-quality translations of foreign language academic journals has grown significantly. The ability to access and understand the latest research and findings from around the world is crucial for the advancement of knowledge and the development of new ideas and technologies. In this document, we will explore the importance of translating foreign language academic journals and the benefits it brings to the academic community.First and foremost, the translation of foreign language academic journals allows for the dissemination of knowledge across linguistic and cultural barriers. It enables researchers, scholars, and students who may not be proficient in the original language of the journal to access and engage with the content. This not only promotes a more inclusive and diverse academic community but also fosters collaboration and the exchange of ideas on a global scale.Furthermore, the translation of foreign language academic journals facilitates the cross-pollination of ideas and the advancement of research in various fields. By making research findings and scholarly discussions accessible to a wider audience, translation helps to spark new insights and perspectives. This, in turn, contributes to the enrichment and evolution of academic discourse, leading to the development of innovative solutions to complex problems.In addition, the translation of foreign language academic journals plays a crucial role in promoting the international visibility and recognition of researchers and scholars. When their work is translated and made available to a wider audience, academics have the opportunity to gain recognition and influence beyond their native language community. This not only enhances their professional reputation but also opens doors to new opportunities for collaboration, funding, and career advancement.Moreover, the translation of foreign language academic journals contributes to the bridging of the gap between different academic traditions and practices. It allows for the cross-fertilization of methodologies, theories, and approaches, leading to a more holisticand comprehensive understanding of various subjects. This interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge fosters a more dynamic and interconnected global academic landscape.In conclusion, the translation of foreign language academic journals is a vital and indispensable part of the scholarly communication process. It serves as a gateway to the global exchange of knowledge and ideas, enriching the academic community and driving the progress of research and innovation. As the demand for high-quality translations continues to grow, it is essential for translators and researchers to collaborate in ensuring the accurate and effective dissemination of scholarly work across linguistic and cultural boundaries.。



国际国内著名翻译学期刊目录1. Across languages and culturesA multidisciplinary journal for translationand interpreting studies. Across Languages and Cultures publishes original articles and reviews on all sub-disciplines of Translation and Interpreting (T/I) Studies: general T/I theory, descriptive T/I studies and applied T/I studies. Special emphasis is laid on the questions of multilingualism, language policy and translation policy. Publications on new research methods and models are encouraged. Publishes book reviews, news, announcements and advertisements.”2. Alta newsletterAmerican literary translators association《美国文学翻译家协会新闻通讯》3. Babel: International journal of translation 季刊- published by the International Federation of Translators with the assistance of UNESCO.Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators and interpreters, yet of interest also for the nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field of translation.Babel includes articles on translation theory and practice, as well as discussions of the legal, financial and social aspects of the translator’s profession; it reports on new methods of translating, such as machine-aided translation, the use of computerized dictionaries or word banks; it also focuses on schools, special courses, degrees, and prizes for translators. As an established publication, Babel will appeal to all those who make translation their business.Contributions are written in French and English and occasionally in German, Italian and Russian.Babel is published for the Federation of Translators (FIT). This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ, INIST, Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique, LLBA, MLA Bibliography, European Reference Index for the Humanities. As an international journal on translation, BABEL is published 4 times a year. Authors can submit their paper in electronicformat to RenéHaeseryn, Director of publication: babel@.4. In other words:Journal of the Translators associationThe journal of the Translators Association, produced in collaboration with the British Centre for Literary Translation at the University of East Anglia.Contains articles on the art of translation and on translating particular authors and texts together with reviews of newly published translations.Bi-annual. Annual subscription: £12 individuals; £25 institutions.The Translators AssociationThe Society of Authors84 Drayton GardensLondon SW10 9SBTelephone: +44 (0)20 7373 6642 +44 (0)20 7373 6642E-mail: info@-5. Languages in contrastInternational journal for contrastive linguistics Languages in Contrast aims to publish contrastive studies of two or more languages. Any aspect of language may be covered, including vocabulary, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, text and discourse, stylistics, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics.Languages in Contrast welcomes interdisciplinary studies, particularly those that make links between contrastive linguistics and translation, lexicography, computational linguistics, language teaching, literary and linguistic computing, literary studies and cultural studies. Languages in Contrast provides a home for contrastive linguistics. It enables advocates of different theoretical linguistic frameworks to publish in a single publication to the benefit of all involved in contrastive research. Languages in Contrast provides a forum to explore the theoretical status of the field; stimulates research into a wide range of languages; and helps to give the field of contrastive linguistics a distinct identity.This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ, INIST, Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique, LLBA, European Reference Index for the HumanitiesLanguages in Contrast(Språk i kontrast: SPRIK) is a cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional research project focusing on corpus-based contrastive language studies (Norwegian, English, French, German), especially information structure at different levels. The SPRIK project has the over-arching strategic aim of enhancing linguistic research in Norway within contrastive linguistics, stylistics, and semantics/pragmatics, as well as linguistically oriented translation studies.Central to the project is research on the Oslo Multilingual Corpus (OMC). Such parallell corpora represent an invaluable source of insight into the interplay of various factors that determine information structure in a language while also shedding light on the cross-linguistic variation in the structuring of sentences and text. Through contrastive studies of authentic language in context, the project aims to provide new insights, methodological renewal and empirically based theory development. Insights gained from the research projectwill also be relevant to applied fields such as translation and foreign language teaching.SPRIK comprises three sub-projects focusing on different aspects of information structuring. Syntactic devices are central to Subproject 1, while the other two focus on lexcial and textual resources.∙Subproject 1:Syntactic resources for information structuring: presentatives, topicalization, passivization, clefting ∙Subproject 2:The interplay of explicit and implicit information ∙Subproject 3:Conditions for perspectivization in textSPRIK is funded by the Norwegian Research Council. The project continues a previous project supported by the Norwegian Research Council and the Faculty of Arts at the University of Oslo.The project will cease in December 2008.Detailed project description (in Norwegian)6. Machine translationMachine Translation covers all branches of computational linguistics and language engineering, wherever they incorporate a multilingual aspect. It features papers that cover the theoretical, descriptive or computational aspects of any of the following topics:machine translation and machine-aided translationhuman translation theory and practicemultilingual text composition and generationmultilingual information retrievalmultilingual natural language interfacesmultilingual dialogue systemsmultilingual message understanding systemscorpus-based and statistical language modelingconnectionist approaches to translationcompilation and use of bi- and multilingual corporadiscourse phenomena and their treatment in (human or machine) translationknowledge engineeringcontrastive linguisticsmorphology, syntax, semantics, pragmaticscomputer-aided language instruction and learningsoftware localization and internationalizationspeech processing, especially for speech translationphonetics, phonologycomputational implications of non-Roman character setsmultilingual word-processingthe multilingual information society (sociological and legal as well as linguistic aspects)minority languageshistory of machine translation.7. Meta: Translators' Journal8. MT news internationalNewsletter of the International Association for Machi ne Translation9. Perspectives: studies in translatology丹麦著名学术刊物《视角:翻译学研究》(Perspectives:Studies in Translatology):该英语季刊创刊于1993年,由丹麦哥本哈根大学英文系和翻译研究中心主办,国际著名翻译学者Cay Dollerup担任主编。



英文期刊发表翻译要求As a Baidu Wenku document creator, I would like to discuss the translation requirements for publishing in English journals.When it comes to translating academic articles for publication in English journals, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. First and foremost, it is crucial to ensure that the translation is accurate and faithful to the original text. This means paying close attention to not only the words themselves, but also the overall tone and style of the original article. Translators must strive to convey the author's intended meaning in a clear and concise manner, while also taking into account the conventions and expectations of the target journal's readership.In addition to accuracy, it is also important to consider the cultural and linguistic nuances that may arise during the translation process. For example, certain idiomatic expressions or cultural references that are common in the original language may not have direct equivalents in English. In such cases, translators must use their judgment and linguistic skills to find suitable alternatives that capture the essence of the original text without sacrificing clarity or precision.Furthermore, it is essential to adhere to the specific guidelines and requirements of the target journal. This may include formatting conventions, citation styles, and word limits, among other considerations. Translators should familiarize themselves with the journal's editorial policies and preferences, and make every effort to tailor the translation to meet these standards.Finally, it is worth noting that the translation process is not simply a mechanical task of replacing words from one language with their equivalents in another. It is a creative and interpretive endeavor that requires careful attention to detail, as well as a deep understanding of the subject matter being translated. Translators should approach their work with a sense of responsibility and professionalism, striving to produce a final product that is not only linguistically accurate, but also engaging and accessible to the journal's readers.In conclusion, the process of translating academic articles for publication in English journals is a complex and multifaceted task that requires careful attention to detail, linguistic skill, and cultural sensitivity. By prioritizing accuracy, adhering to journal guidelines, and approaching the task with a sense of professionalism, translators can ensure that their work meets the high standards expected in the academic publishing world.。




















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翻译一篇英文期刊:对学前儿童基于科学思维技能的学校阅读的研究Ozgul Polat UNUTKANAtatürk Faculty of EducationDepartment of Primary EducationProgram of Pre-school TeachingMarmara UniversityIstanbul-TURKEY一、引言对于不同年龄阶段的人来说,持续不断地积累知识和科学技术的进步是至关重要的,它利于我们去学习科学思维方式,这种科学思维方式构成了知识积累和科学技术发展的基础。
















我们一直在强调构成儿童的生活环境,如文化、家庭、社会经济地位等所有因素(Halle 和Zaff,2000)。





















为了提高儿童的科学思维技能,Lloyd and Howe (2003)强调了提高不同思维技能的重要性,这种思维技能能提供科学的思维,而不是获得以科学思维为目的的方式。











参考文献[1]FRENCH, L. A. (1985a). Real-world knowledge as the basis for social andcognitive development. In J. B. Pryor & J. D. Day (Eds.), Social and developmental perspectives on social cognition (pp. 179–209). New York: Springer-Verlag.[2]FRENCH, L. A. (1985b). Children’s acquisition and understanding ofrelational terms. In S. A. Kuczaj & M. D. Barrett (Eds.), Development of word meaning (pp. 303–338).New York: Springer-Verlag.[3]FRENCH, L. A. (2004). Science as the center of a coherent, integrated earlychildhood curriculum. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, V olume 19, 138-149.[4]HALLE, Z. and ZAFF,C. (2000). “School readiness: Helping communities getchildren ready for school and schools ready for children” Ed: Carol Emig.Trans child research brief: Washington.[5]LLOYD, B. and HOWE, N. (2003). Solitary play and convergent anddivergent thinking skills in preschool children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 18, 22-41.[6]NELSON, K., et al. (1986). Event knowledge: Structure and function in development.Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.[7]TEPPERMAN, J. (1998). National Association for the Education of Young Children.[8]UNUTKAN, O. P. (2003). Development and Standardization of Marmara Scale for Primary School Readiness. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis) Istanbul: Marmara University Educational Science Institute.[9]ZILL, N. (1995). “School Readiness and Children's Developmental Status.” ERIC Identifier: ED389475 ERI C Digest.。
