图像处理 毕业设计 英文翻译
人脸识别 面部 数字图像处理相关 中英对照 外文文献翻译 毕业设计论文 高质量人工翻译 原文带出处

人脸识别相关文献翻译,纯手工翻译,带原文出处(原文及译文)如下翻译原文来自Thomas David Heseltine BSc. Hons. The University of YorkDepartment of Computer ScienceFor the Qualification of PhD. — September 2005 -《Face Recognition: Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Techniques》4 Two-dimensional Face Recognition4.1 Feature LocalizationBefore discussing the methods of comparing two facial images we now take a brief look at some at the preliminary processes of facial feature alignment. This process typically consists of two stages: face detection and eye localisation. Depending on the application, if the position of the face within the image is known beforehand (fbr a cooperative subject in a door access system fbr example) then the face detection stage can often be skipped, as the region of interest is already known. Therefore, we discuss eye localisation here, with a brief discussion of face detection in the literature review(section 3.1.1).The eye localisation method is used to align the 2D face images of the various test sets used throughout this section. However, to ensure that all results presented are representative of the face recognition accuracy and not a product of the performance of the eye localisation routine, all image alignments are manually checked and any errors corrected, prior to testing and evaluation.We detect the position of the eyes within an image using a simple template based method. A training set of manually pre-aligned images of feces is taken, and each image cropped to an area around both eyes. The average image is calculated and used as a template.Figure 4-1 - The average eyes. Used as a template for eye detection.Both eyes are included in a single template, rather than individually searching for each eye in turn, as the characteristic symmetry of the eyes either side of the nose, provides a useful feature that helps distinguish between the eyes and other false positives that may be picked up in the background. Although this method is highly susceptible to scale(i.e. subject distance from the camera) and also introduces the assumption that eyes in the image appear near horizontal. Some preliminary experimentation also reveals that it is advantageous to include the area of skin justbeneath the eyes. The reason being that in some cases the eyebrows can closely match the template, particularly if there are shadows in the eye-sockets, but the area of skin below the eyes helps to distinguish the eyes from eyebrows (the area just below the eyebrows contain eyes, whereas the area below the eyes contains only plain skin).A window is passed over the test images and the absolute difference taken to that of the average eye image shown above. The area of the image with the lowest difference is taken as the region of interest containing the eyes. Applying the same procedure using a smaller template of the individual left and right eyes then refines each eye position.This basic template-based method of eye localisation, although providing fairly preciselocalisations, often fails to locate the eyes completely. However, we are able to improve performance by including a weighting scheme.Eye localisation is performed on the set of training images, which is then separated into two sets: those in which eye detection was successful; and those in which eye detection failed. Taking the set of successful localisations we compute the average distance from the eye template (Figure 4-2 top). Note that the image is quite dark, indicating that the detected eyes correlate closely to the eye template, as we would expect. However, bright points do occur near the whites of the eye, suggesting that this area is often inconsistent, varying greatly from the average eye template.Figure 4-2 一Distance to the eye template for successful detections (top) indicating variance due to noise and failed detections (bottom) showing credible variance due to miss-detected features.In the lower image (Figure 4-2 bottom), we have taken the set of failed localisations(images of the forehead, nose, cheeks, background etc. falsely detected by the localisation routine) and once again computed the average distance from the eye template. The bright pupils surrounded by darker areas indicate that a failed match is often due to the high correlation of the nose and cheekbone regions overwhelming the poorly correlated pupils. Wanting to emphasise the difference of the pupil regions for these failed matches and minimise the variance of the whites of the eyes for successful matches, we divide the lower image values by the upper image to produce a weights vector as shown in Figure 4-3. When applied to the difference image before summing a total error, this weighting scheme provides a much improved detection rate.Figure 4-3 - Eye template weights used to give higher priority to those pixels that best represent the eyes.4.2 The Direct Correlation ApproachWe begin our investigation into face recognition with perhaps the simplest approach,known as the direct correlation method (also referred to as template matching by Brunelli and Poggio [29 ]) involving the direct comparison of pixel intensity values taken from facial images. We use the term "Direct Conelation, to encompass all techniques in which face images are compared directly, without any form of image space analysis, weighting schemes or feature extraction, regardless of the distance metric used. Therefore, we do not infer that Pearson's correlation is applied as the similarity function (although such an approach would obviously come under our definition of direct correlation). We typically use the Euclidean distance as our metric in these investigations (inversely related to Pearson's correlation and can be considered as a scale and translation sensitive form of image correlation), as this persists with the contrast made between image space and subspace approaches in later sections.Firstly, all facial images must be aligned such that the eye centres are located at two specified pixel coordinates and the image cropped to remove any background information. These images are stored as greyscale bitmaps of 65 by 82 pixels and prior to recognition converted into a vector of 5330 elements (each element containing the corresponding pixel intensity value). Each corresponding vector can be thought of as describing a point within a 5330 dimensional image space. This simple principle can easily be extended to much larger images: a 256 by 256 pixel image occupies a single point in 65,536-dimensional image space and again, similar images occupy close points within that space. Likewise, similar faces are located close together within the image space, while dissimilar faces are spaced far apart. Calculating the Euclidean distance d, between two facial image vectors (often referred to as the query image q, and gallery image g), we get an indication of similarity. A threshold is then applied to make the final verification decision.d . q - g ( threshold accept ) (d threshold ⇒ reject ). Equ. 4-14.2.1 Verification TestsThe primary concern in any face recognition system is its ability to correctly verify a claimed identity or determine a person's most likely identity from a set of potential matches in a database. In order to assess a given system's ability to perform these tasks, a variety of evaluation methodologies have arisen. Some of these analysis methods simulate a specific mode of operation (i.e. secure site access or surveillance), while others provide a more mathematicaldescription of data distribution in some classification space. In addition, the results generated from each analysis method may be presented in a variety of formats. Throughout the experimentations in this thesis, we primarily use the verification test as our method of analysis and comparison, although we also use Fisher's Linear Discriminant to analyse individual subspace components in section 7 and the identification test for the final evaluations described in section 8. The verification test measures a system's ability to correctly accept or reject the proposed identity of an individual. At a functional level, this reduces to two images being presented for comparison, fbr which the system must return either an acceptance (the two images are of the same person) or rejection (the two images are of different people). The test is designed to simulate the application area of secure site access. In this scenario, a subject will present some form of identification at a point of entry, perhaps as a swipe card, proximity chip or PIN number. This number is then used to retrieve a stored image from a database of known subjects (often referred to as the target or gallery image) and compared with a live image captured at the point of entry (the query image). Access is then granted depending on the acceptance/rej ection decision.The results of the test are calculated according to how many times the accept/reject decision is made correctly. In order to execute this test we must first define our test set of face images. Although the number of images in the test set does not affect the results produced (as the error rates are specified as percentages of image comparisons), it is important to ensure that the test set is sufficiently large such that statistical anomalies become insignificant (fbr example, a couple of badly aligned images matching well). Also, the type of images (high variation in lighting, partial occlusions etc.) will significantly alter the results of the test. Therefore, in order to compare multiple face recognition systems, they must be applied to the same test set.However, it should also be noted that if the results are to be representative of system performance in a real world situation, then the test data should be captured under precisely the same circumstances as in the application environment.On the other hand, if the purpose of the experimentation is to evaluate and improve a method of face recognition, which may be applied to a range of application environments, then the test data should present the range of difficulties that are to be overcome. This may mean including a greater percentage of6difficult9 images than would be expected in the perceived operating conditions and hence higher error rates in the results produced. Below we provide the algorithm for executing the verification test. The algorithm is applied to a single test set of face images, using a single function call to the face recognition algorithm: CompareF aces(F ace A, FaceB). This call is used to compare two facial images, returning a distance score indicating how dissimilar the two face images are: the lower the score the more similar the two face images. Ideally, images of the same face should produce low scores, while images of different faces should produce high scores.Every image is compared with every other image, no image is compared with itself and nopair is compared more than once (we assume that the relationship is symmetrical). Once two images have been compared, producing a similarity score, the ground-truth is used to determine if the images are of the same person or different people. In practical tests this information is often encapsulated as part of the image filename (by means of a unique person identifier). Scores are then stored in one of two lists: a list containing scores produced by comparing images of different people and a list containing scores produced by comparing images of the same person. The final acceptance/rejection decision is made by application of a threshold. Any incorrect decision is recorded as either a false acceptance or false rejection. The false rejection rate (FRR) is calculated as the percentage of scores from the same people that were classified as rejections. The false acceptance rate (FAR) is calculated as the percentage of scores from different people that were classified as acceptances.For IndexA = 0 to length(TestSet) For IndexB = IndexA+l to length(TestSet) Score = CompareFaces(TestSet[IndexA], TestSet[IndexB]) If IndexA and IndexB are the same person Append Score to AcceptScoresListElseAppend Score to RejectScoresListFor Threshold = Minimum Score to Maximum Score:FalseAcceptCount, FalseRejectCount = 0For each Score in RejectScoresListIf Score <= ThresholdIncrease FalseAcceptCountFor each Score in AcceptScoresListIf Score > ThresholdIncrease FalseRejectCountF alse AcceptRate = FalseAcceptCount / Length(AcceptScoresList)FalseRej ectRate = FalseRejectCount / length(RejectScoresList)Add plot to error curve at (FalseRejectRate, FalseAcceptRate)These two error rates express the inadequacies of the system when operating at aspecific threshold value. Ideally, both these figures should be zero, but in reality reducing either the FAR or FRR (by altering the threshold value) will inevitably resultin increasing the other. Therefore, in order to describe the full operating range of a particular system, we vary the threshold value through the entire range of scores produced. The application of each threshold value produces an additional FAR, FRR pair, which when plotted on a graph produces the error rate curve shown below.False Acceptance Rate / %Figure 4-5 - Example Error Rate Curve produced by the verification test.The equal error rate (EER) can be seen as the point at which FAR is equal to FRR. This EER value is often used as a single figure representing the general recognition performance of a biometric system and allows for easy visual comparison of multiple methods. However, it is important to note that the EER does not indicate the level of error that would be expected in a real world application. It is unlikely that any real system would use a threshold value such that the percentage of false acceptances were equal to the percentage of false rejections. Secure site access systems would typically set the threshold such that false acceptances were significantly lower than false rejections: unwilling to tolerate intruders at the cost of inconvenient access denials.Surveillance systems on the other hand would require low false rejection rates to successfully identify people in a less controlled environment. Therefore we should bear in mind that a system with a lower EER might not necessarily be the better performer towards the extremes of its operating capability.There is a strong connection between the above graph and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, also used in such experiments. Both graphs are simply two visualisations of the same results, in that the ROC format uses the True Acceptance Rate(TAR), where TAR = 1.0 - FRR in place of the FRR, effectively flipping the graph vertically. Another visualisation of the verification test results is to display both the FRR and FAR as functions of the threshold value. This presentation format provides a reference to determine the threshold value necessary to achieve a specific FRR and FAR. The EER can be seen as the point where the two curves intersect.Figure 4-6 - Example error rate curve as a function of the score threshold The fluctuation of these error curves due to noise and other errors is dependant on the number of face image comparisons made to generate the data. A small dataset that only allows fbr a small number of comparisons will results in a jagged curve, in which large steps correspond to the influence of a single image on a high proportion of the comparisons made. A typical dataset of 720 images (as used in section 4.2.2) provides 258,840 verification operations, hence a drop of 1% EER represents an additional 2588 correct decisions, whereas the quality of a single image could cause the EER to fluctuate by up to 0.28.422 ResultsAs a simple experiment to test the direct correlation method, we apply the technique described above to a test set of 720 images of 60 different people, taken from the AR Face Database [ 39 ]. Every image is compared with every other image in the test set to produce a likeness score, providing 258,840 verification operations from which to calculate false acceptance rates and false rejection rates. The error curve produced is shown in Figure 4-7.Figure 4-7 - Error rate curve produced by the direct correlation method using no image preprocessing.We see that an EER of 25.1% is produced, meaning that at the EER threshold approximately one quarter of all verification operations carried out resulted in an incorrect classification. Thereare a number of well-known reasons for this poor level of accuracy. Tiny changes in lighting, expression or head orientation cause the location in image space to change dramatically. Images in face space are moved far apart due to these image capture conditions, despite being of the same person's face. The distance between images of different people becomes smaller than the area of face space covered by images of the same person and hence false acceptances and false rejections occur frequently. Other disadvantages include the large amount of storage necessaryfor holding many face images and the intensive processing required for each comparison, making this method unsuitable fbr applications applied to a large database. In section 4.3 we explore the eigenface method, which attempts to address some of these issues.4二维人脸识别4.1功能定位在讨论比较两个人脸图像,我们现在就简要介绍的方法一些在人脸特征的初步调整过程。

同时在“低通滤波”及“小波降噪”中分别引入“快速傅里叶变换”和“Mallat 算法”,使得其取得更快速的计算,有效地解决了其计算量太大,运算时间过长的弊端,从而达到更好的综合降噪效果。
关键词:图像降噪;滤波;傅里叶降噪;小波降噪AbstractTaking VC++6.0 as the programming language, this paper is a study about image noise reduction technology. Furthermore, introducing several noise reducing measures through the introduction of the basic processing and the operation to put the salt and pepper noise into the image.The paper introduces Averaging Filter, Median Filter,Fourier Lowpass Filtering and Wavelet Filter to achieve image noise reducing. Here we introduce the basic principles, implement methods, detailed arithmetic, and make comparison and analysis the noise reducing effects.Averaging Filter operates every pixel by using 8 pixels meanly. It can make the images smoothing, fast and easy to calculate. Median Filter Fourier is a common nonlinear filtering way and also common preprocessing technique when processing images. Introducing FFT and Mallat Algorithm separately into Lowpass Filtering and Wavelet Filter, and then we can make faster calculating and solve the massive calculating more efficiently. Therefore, we can have a more effective noise reducing.Keywords:Image Noise Reduction;Filter;Fourier Filter;Wavelet filter毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。

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大学各专业名称英文翻译—— 理科 SCIENCE范文

大学各专业名称英文翻译——理科SCIENCE理科 SCIENCE课程中文名称课程英文名称矩阵分析 Matrix Analysis面向对象程序设计方法 Design Methods of Object oriented Program李代数 Lie Algebra代数图论 Algebraic Graph Theory代数几何(I) Algebraic Geometry(I)泛函分析 Functional Analysis论文选读 Study on Selected PapersHoof代数 Hoof Algebra基础代数 Fundamental Algebra交换代数 Commutative Algebra代数几何 Algebraic GeometryHoof代数与代数群量子群 Hoof Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua numb G roup量子群表示 Representation of Quantum Groups网络算法与复杂性 Network Algorithms and Complexity组合数学 Combinatorial Mathematics代数学 Algebra半群理论 Semigroup Theory计算机图形学 Computer Graphics图的对称性 Graph Symmetry代数拓扑 Algebraic Topology代数几何(II) Algebraic Geometry(II)微分几何 Differential Geometry多复变函数 Analytic Functions of Several Complex Varian les代数曲面 Algebraic Surfaces高维代数簇 Algebraic Varieties of Higher Dimension数理方程 Mathematics and Physical Equation偏微分方程近代方法 The Recent Methods of Partial Differential Equatio ns激波理论 The Theory of Shock Waves非线性双曲型守恒律解的存在性 The Existence of Solutions for Non-linea r Hyperbolic Conservation Laws粘性守恒律解的稳定性 Stability of Solutions for Viscous Conservation Laws微分方程数值解 Numerical Methods for Differential Equations小波理论与应用 Wavelet Theory and Application非线性方程组的数值解法 Numerical Methods for No-linear System s of Eq uations网络算法与复杂性 Network Algorithms and Complexity Graph Theory 60近世代数 Modern Algebra高等量子力学 Advanced Quantum Mechanics统计力学 Statistical Mechanics固体理论 Solid State Theory薄膜物理 Thin Film Physics计算物理学 Computational Physics量子场论 Quantum Field Theory非线性物理导论 Introduction to Nonlinear Physics固体磁性理论 Theory of Magnetism in SolidC语言科学计算方法 Scientific Computation Method in C功能材料原理与技术 Principle and Technology of Functional Materials 超高真空科学与技术 Science and Technology of Ultrahigh Vacuum 60现代表面分析技术 Modern Technology of Surface Analysis现代传感技术 Modern Sensor Technology数学模型与计算机模拟 Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations计算物理谱方法 Spectral Method in Computational Physics蒙特卡罗方法在统计物理中的应用 Applications of the Monte Carlo Method in Statistical Physics理论物理 Theoretical Physics固体物理 Solid-State 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Discipline微生物学 Microbiology细胞生物学 Cell Biology生理学 Physiology电生理技术基础 Basics of Electrophysiological Technology 生理学 Physiology生物化学 Biochemistry高级水生生物学 Advanced Aquatic Biology藻类生理生态学 Ecological Physiology in Algae水生动物生理生态学 Physiological Ecology of Aquatic Animal 水域生态学 Aquatic Ecology水生态毒理学 Aquatic Ecotoxicology水生生物学研究进展 Advance on Aquatic Biology水环境生态学模型 Models of Water Quality藻类生态学 Ecology in Algae生物数学 Biological Mathematics植物生理生化 Plant Biochemistry水质分析方法 Water Quality Analysis水产养殖学 Aquaculture环境生物学 Environmental Biology专业文献综述 Review on Special Information分子生物学 Molecular Biology学科前沿讲座 Lectures on Frontiers of the Discipline植物学 Botany动物学 Zoology普通生态学 General Ecology生物统计学 Biological Statistics分子遗传学 Molecular Genetics基因工程原理 Principles of Gene Engineering高级生物化学 Advanced Biochemistry基因工程技术 Technique for Gene Engineering基因诊断 Gene Diagnosis基因组学 Genomics医学遗传学 Medical Genetics免疫遗传学 Immunogenetics基因工程药物学 Pharmacology of Gene Engineering 高级生化技术 Advanced Biochemical Technique基因治疗 Gene Therapy肿瘤免疫学 Tumor Immunology免疫学 Immunology免疫化学技术 Methods for Immunological Chemistry 毒理遗传学 Toxicological Genetics分子病毒学 Molecular Virology分子生物学技术 Protocols in Molecular Biology神经免疫调节 Neuroimmunology普通生物学 Biology生物化学技术 Biochemical Technique分子生物学 Molecular Biology生殖生理与生殖内分泌 Reproductive Physiology & Reproductive Endocrino logy生殖免疫学 Reproductive Immunology发育生物学原理与实验技术 Principle and Experimental Technology of Dev elopment免疫学 Immunology蛋白质生物化学技术 Biochemical Technology of Protein受精的分子生物学 Molecular Biology of Fertilization免疫化学技术 Immunochemical Technology低温生物学原理与应用 Principle & Application of Cryobiology不育症的病因学 Etiology of Infertility分子生物学 Molecular Biology生物化学 Biochemistry分析生物化学 Analytical Biochemistry医学生物化学 Medical Biochemistry医学分子生物学 Medical Molecular Biology医学生物化学技术 Techniques of Medical Biochemistry生化与分子生物学进展 Progresses in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 高级植物生理生化 Advanced Plant Physiology and Biochemistry拟南芥—结构与发育 Arabidopsis-Structure and Development开花的艺术 Art of Flowering蛋白质结构基础 Principle of Protein Structure生活在美国 Living in America分子进化工程 Engineering of Molecular Evolution生物工程下游技术 Downstream Technique of Biotechnology 仪器分析 Instrumental Analysis临床检验与诊断 Clinical Check-up & Diagnosis药理学 Pharmacology。

常用课程的英文翻译高等数学A dvanc ed Ma thema tics工程数学 Engi neeri ng Ma thema tics中国革命史 His toryof Ch inese Revo lutio nary程序设计 Prog rammi ng De sign机械制图 Mech anica l Dra wing社会学Socio logy体育P hysic al Ed ucati on物理实验P hysic al Ex perim ents电路C ircui t物理 Phys ics 哲学 Ph iloso phy 法律基础Basis of L aw理论力学T heore tical Mech anics材料力学 Mat erial Mech anics电机学 Elec trica l Mac hiner y政治经济学P oliti cal E conom y自动控制理论Autom aticContr ol Th eory模拟电子技术基础Basis of A nalog ue El ectro nic T echni que 数字电子技术 Dig italElect rical Tech nique电磁场 Elec troma gneti c Fie ld微机原理P rinci ple o f Mic rocom puter企业管理 Bus iness Mana gemen t专业英语 Sp ecial izedEngli sh可编程序控制技术 Co ntrol lingTechn iquefor P rogra mming金工实习 Met al Wo rking Prac tice毕业实习 Grad uatio n Pra ctice毕业设计 Gra duati on Pr ojectXX课程设计P rojec t ofXX电力系统稳态分析 St eady-State Anal ysisof Po wer S ystem电力系统暂态分析 Tran sient-Stat e Ana lysis of P owerSyste m电力系统继电保护原理P rinci ple o f Ele ctric al Sy stem's Rel ay Pr otect ion 电力系统元件保护原理 Prot ectio n Pri ncipl e ofPower Syst em 's Elem ent 电力系统内部过电压PastVolta ge wi thinPower syst em大学英语 Col legeEngli sh高等代数A dvanc ed Al gebraPAS CAL语言 PASC AL La nguag eC语言 C L angua ge汇编语言A ssemb ly La nguag e操作系统 Op erati ng Sy stem微机接口技术 Mi croco mpute r Int erfac e Tec hniqu e数据结构 Da ta St ructu re计算机网络Compu ter N etwor k计算机控制技术 Comp uterCortr ol Te chniq ue数据库技术Datab ase T echni que 专家系统Exper t Sys tem 毕业设计Gradu ation Proj ect 高等数学Advan ced M athem atics体育Physi cal E ducat ion 德育 Mo ralis m机械制图 Me chani cal D rawin g工程数学 En ginee ringMathe matic s电工学 Ele ctrot echni cs计算方法C omput ing M ethod微机原理 Pri ncipl e ofMicro compu ter 概率学P robab ility信息系统分析与设计 Inf ormat ion S ystem Anal yse a nd de sign编译方法 Tran slate andeditMetho d专业英语阅读Speci alize d Eng lishReadi ng普通物理学Gener al Ph ysics数字电子技术D igita l Ele ctric al Te chniq ue高等代数E lemen taryAlgeb ra数学分析M athem atica l Ana lysis中共党史 His toryof th e Chi neseCommu nistParty算法语言 Alg orith mic L angua ge体育 Phy sical Educ ation英语Engli sh La nguag e力学实验 Me chani cs-Pr actic al德育 Mor al Ed ucati onP ASCAL语言 PA SCALLangu age 政治经济学 Poli tical Econ omics电学实验 Ele ctric al Ex perim ent 数字逻辑Mathe matic al Lo gic 普通物理Gener al Ph ysics计算方法 Com putin g Met hod 离散数学Discr ete M athem atics汇编原理 Pri ncipl es of Asse mbly概率与统计 Pro babil ity & Stat istic s数据结构 Da ta St ructu re哲学 Phi losop hy微机原理P rinci plesof Mi croco mpute r编译方法 Co mpila tionMetho d系统结构 Sy stemStruc ture操作系统原理 Pr incip les o f Ope ratin g Sys tem 文献检索docum ent.t ion R etrie val 数据库概论 Intr oduct ion t o Dat abase网络原理 Pri ncipl es of Netw ork 人工智能Artif icial Inte llige nce 算法分析Algor ithmAnaly sis 毕业论文Gradu ation Thes is---------------------自然辩证法N atura l Dia lecti cs英语 Eng lishLangu age 数理统计Numer al St atist ic/Nu meric al St atist ic人工智能及其体系结构Artif icial Inte llige nce & itsArchi tectu re高级数理逻辑 Adva ncedNumer icalLogic高级程序设计语言的设计与实现 Adv anced Prog rammi ng La nguag e's D esign & I mplem entat ion 软件工程基础 Fou ndati on of Soft wareEngin eerin g专业英语 Sp ecial izedEngli sh计算机网络Compu ter N etwor k高级计算机体系结构 Ad vance d Com puter Arch itect ure IBM汇编及高级语言的接口I BM As sembl y & i ts In terfa ces w ith A dvanc edP rogra mming Lang uages分布式计算机系统 Dist ribut ed Co mpute r Sys tem / Dist ribut ed Sy stem计算机网络实验C omput er Ne twork Expe rimen tAd vance d Com putat ional Flui d Dyn amics高等计算流体力学Adva ncedMathe matic s 高等数学Ad vance d Num erica l Ana lysis高等数值分析A lgori thmic Lang uage算法语言Anal ogica l Ele ctron ics 模拟电子电路Art ifici al In telli gence Prog rammi ng 人工智能程序设计Au dit 审计学A utoma tic C ontro l Sys tem 自动控制系统Aut omati c Con trolTheor y 自动控制理论Auto-Measu remen t Tec hniqu e 自动检测技术Basis of S oftwa re Te chniq ue 软件技术基础Calc ulus微积分Catal ysisPrinc iples催化原理Che mical Engi neeri ng do cumen t.nbs pRetr ieval化工文献检索C ircui try 电子线路Colle ge En glish大学英语Col legeEngli sh Te st (B and 4) CET-4C olleg e Eng lishTest(Band 6) C ET-6Coll ege P hysic s 大学物理Co mmuni catio n Fun damen tals通信原理Comp arati ve Ec onomi cs 比较经济学Compl ex An alysi s 复变函数论C omput ation al Me thod计算方法Comp uterGraph ics 图形学原理comp uterorgan izati on 计算机组成原理com puter arch itect ure 计算机系统结构Co mpute r Int erfac e Tec hnolo gy 计算机接口技术Con tract Law合同法CostAccou nting成本会计Cir cuitMeasu remen t Tec hnolo gy 电路测试技术Data basePrinc iples数据库原理De sign& Ana lysis Syst em 系统分析与设计Dev elopm ental Econ omics发展经济学di scret e mat hemat ics 离散数学Digit al El ectro nics数字电子电路Di gital Imag e Pro cessi ng 数字图像处理Digi tal S ignal Proc essin g 数字信号处理Econo metri cs 经济计量学Econo mical Effi cienc y Ana lysis forChemi cal T echno logy化工技术经济分析Ec onomy of C apita lism资本主义经济El ectro magne tic F ields & Ma gneti c Wav es 电磁场与电磁波Ele ctric al En ginee ringPract ice 电工实习Enter prise Acco untin g 企业会计学E quati ons o f Mat hemat icalPhysi cs 数理方程E xperi mentof Co llege Phys ics 物理实验Exper iment of M icroc omput er 微机实验E xperi mentin El ectro nic C ircui try 电子线路实验Fib er Op tical Comm unica tionSyste m 光纤通讯系统Finan ce 财政学Fi nanci al Ac count ing 财务会计FineArts美术F uncti ons o f a C omple x Var iable单复变函数Fu nctio ns of Comp lex V ariab les 复变函数Funct ionsof Co mplex Vari ables & In tegra l Tra nsfor matio ns 复变函数与积分变换F undam ental s ofLaw 法律基础Fuzzy Math emati cs 模糊数学G enera l Phy sics普通物理Grad uatio n Pro ject(Thesi s) 毕业设计(论文)Gr aph t heory图论HeatTrans fer T heory传热学Hist ory o f Chi neseRevol ution中国革命史In dustr ial E conom ics 工业经济学Info rmati on Se arche s 情报检索In tegra l Tra nsfor matio n 积分变换In telli gentrobot(s);Intel ligen ce ro bot 智能机器人Inte rnati onalBusin ess A dmini strat ion 国际企业管理Int ernat ional Clea rance国际结算Int ernat ional Fina nce 国际金融Inter natio nal R elati on 国际关系I ntern ation al Tr ade 国际贸易Intro ducti on to Chin ese T radit ion 中国传统文化Int roduc tionto Mo dernScien ce &Techn ology当代科技概论I ntrod uctio n toRelia bilit y Tec hnolo gy 可靠性技术导论Jav a Lan guage Prog rammi ng Ja va 程序设计L ab of Gene ral P hysic s 普通物理实验Linea r Alg ebra线性代数Mana gemen t Acc ounti ng 管理会计学Manag ement Info rmati on Sy stem管理信息系统Me chani c Des ign 机械设计Mecha nical Grap hing机械制图Merc handi se Ad verti semen t 商品广告学M etalw orkin g Pra ctice金工实习Mic rocom puter Cont rol T echno logy微机控制技术Mi croec onomi cs &Macro econo mics西方经济学Mic rowav e Tec hniqu e 微波技术Mi litar y The ory 军事理论Moder n Com munic ation Syst em 现代通信系统Mode rn En terpr ise S ystem现代企业制度M oneta ry Ba nking货币银行学Mo tor E lemen ts an d Pow er Su pply电机电器与供电M oving Comm unica tion移动通讯Musi c 音乐Netw ork T echno logy网络技术Num ericCalcu latio n 数值计算Oi l App licat ion a nd Ad ditio n Age nt 油品应用及添加剂Op erati on &Contr ol of Nati onalEcono my 国民经济运行与调控O perat ional Rese arch运筹学Optim um Co ntrol最优控制Pet roleu m Che mistr y 石油化学Pe trole um En ginee ringTechn ique石油化工工艺学P hilos ophy哲学P hysic al Ed ucati on 体育Pol itica l Eco nomic s 政治经济学p rinci ple o f com pilin g 编译原理Pr imary Circ uit (反应堆)一回路P rinci ple o f Com munic ation通讯原理Pri ncipl e ofMarxi sm 马克思主义原理Pri ncipl e ofMecha nics机械原理Prin ciple of M icroc omput er 微机原理P rinci ple o f Sen singDevic e 传感器原理P rinci ple o f Sin gle C hip C omput er 单片机原理Princ iples of M anage ment管理学原理Pro babil ity T heory & St ochas tic P roces s 概率论与随机过程Pro cedur e Con trol过程控制Prog rammi ng wi th Pa scalLangu age P ascal语言编程Prog rammi ng wi th CLangu age C语言编程Prop ertyEvalu ation工业资产评估P ublic Rela tion公共关系学Pul se &Numer icalCircu itry脉冲与数字电路R efine ry He at Tr ansfe r Equ ipmen t 炼厂传热设备Satel liteCommu nicat ions卫星通信Semi condu ctorConve rting Tech nolog y 半导体变流技术SetTheor y 集合论Sig nal & Line ar Sy stem信号与线性系统S ocial Rese arch社会调查soft wareengin eerin g 软件工程SP C Exc hange Fund ament als 程控交换原理Spe cialt y Eng lish专业英语Stat istic s 统计学Sto ck In vestm ent 证券投资学Stra tegic Mana gemen t for Indu stria l Ent erpri ses 工业企业战略管理T echno logic al Ec onomi cs 技术经济学Telev ision Oper ation电视原理The ory o f Cir cuitr y 电路理论Tu rbule nt Fl ow Si mulat ion a nd Ap plica tion湍流模拟及其应用Visua l C++ Prog rammi ng Vi sualC++程序设计W indow s NTOpera tingSyste m Pri ncipl es Wi ndows NT操作系统原理Word Proc essin g 数据处理生物物理学 Bio physi cs真空冷冻干燥技术 Va cuumFreez ing & Dryi ng Te chnol ogy 16位微机 16 D igitMicro compu ter ALGOL语言 AL GOL L angua geB ASIC语言 BA SIC L angua geB ASIC语言及应用 BASI C Lan guage & Ap plica tionC 语言 C La nguag eCA D 概论Intro ducti on to CADCAD/CAM C AD/CA MCO BOL语言 COBO L Lan guageCOB OL语言程序设计C OBOLLangu age P rogra m Des ignin gC与UNIX环境 C L angua ge &UnixEnvir onmen tC语言与生物医学信息处理 C La nguag e & B iomed icalInfor matio n Pro cessi ng d BASEⅢ课程设计 C ou rse E xerci se in dBAS E ⅢFORTR AN语言FORTR AN La nguag eIB M-PC/XT Fu ndame ntals of M icroc omput er IB M-PC/XTI BM-PC微机原理Funda menta ls of Micr ocomp uterIBM-P CLS I设计基础 Basi c ofLSI D esign ing PASCA L大型作业 PASC AL Wi de Ra nge W orkin gPA SCAL课程设计C ourse Exer cisein PA SCALX射线与电镜 X-ray & Elec tricMicro scopeZ-80汇编语言程序设计Z-80Pragr ammin g inAssem bly L angua ges 板壳理论Plate Theo ry板壳力学P lateMecha nics半波实验 Semi waveExper iment半导体变流技术Semic onduc tor C onver tingTechn ology半导体材料 Se micon ducto r Mat erial s半导体测量M easur ement of S emico nduct ors 半导体瓷敏元件 Se micon ducto r Por celai n-Sen sitiv e Ele ments半导体光电子学Semic onduc tor O pticElect ronic s半导体化学S emico nduct or Ch emist ry半导体激光器 Semi condu ctorLaser Unit半导体集成电路Semic onduc tor I ntegr atedCircu itry半导体理论 Sem icond uctiv e The ory 半导体器件 Semi condu ctorDevic es半导体器件工艺原理T echno logic al Fu ndame ntals of S emico nduct or De vice半导体物理 Sem icond uctor Phys ics 半导体专业 Semi condu ction Spec ialty半导体专业实验Speci altyExper iment of S emico nduct or薄膜光学F ilm O ptics报告文学专题S pecia l Sub jectOn Re porta ge报刊编辑学Newsp aper& Mag azine Edit ing 报纸编辑学 News paper Edit ing 泵与风机Pumps andFans泵与水机 Pump s & W aterTurbi nes 毕业设计Gradu ation Thes is编译方法M ethod s ofCompi ling编译技术 Tech nique of C ompil ing 编译原理Funda menta ls of Comp iling变电站的微机检测与控制C omput er Te sting & Co ntrol in T ransf ormerSub stati on变分法与张量 Calc ulusof Va riati ons & Tens or变分学 Ca lculu s ofVaria tions变质量系统热力学与新型回转压 Var iable Qual ity S ystem Ther mal M echan ics &Neo-R o表面活性物质Surfa ce Re activ e Mat erial s并行算法 Pa ralle l Alg orith mic 波谱学W ave S pectr um材料的力学性能测试M easur ement of M ateri al Me chani cal P erfor mance材料力学 Mec hanic s ofMater ials财务成本管理 Fi nanci al Co st Ma nagem ent 财政学P ublic Fina nce 财政与金融 Fina nce & Bank ing 财政与信贷 Fina nce & Cred it操作系统D isk O perat ing S ystem操作系统课程设计 Cour se De signin Di sk Op erati ng Sy stem操作系统原理 Fu ndame ntals of D isk O perat ing S ystem策波测量技术T echni que o f Whi p Wav e Mea surem ent 测量原理与仪器设计Measu remen t Fun damen tals& Met er De sign测试技术 Test ing T echno logy测试与信号变换处理 Test ing & Sign al Tr ansfo rmati on Pr ocess ing 产业经济学 Indu stria l Eco nomy产业组织学 Ind ustri al Or ganiz ation Tech noool igy 场论 Fi eld T heory常微分方程 Or dinar y Dif feren tical Equa tions超导磁体及应用Super condu ctive Magn et &Appli catio n超导及应用S uperc onduc tive& App licat ion 超精微细加工 Sup er-Pr ecisi on &Minut eness Proc essin g城市规划原理Funda menta ls of City Plan ning城市社会学 Urb an So ciolo gy成组技术G roupi ng Te chniq ue齿轮啮合原理 Prin ciple s ofGearConne ction冲击测量及误差Punch ing M easur ement & Er ror 冲压工艺Sheet Meta l For mingTechn ology抽象代数 Abs tract Alge bra 传动概论Intro ducti on to Tran smiss ion 传感器与检测技术S ensor s & T estin g Tec hnolo gy传感器原理Funda menta ls of Sens ors 传感器原理及应用F undam ental s ofSenso rs &Appli catio n传热学 Hea t Tra nsfer传坳概论 Int roduc tionto Pa ss Co l船舶操纵 Sh ip Co ntrol ing 船舶电力系统 Shi p Ele ctric al Po wer S ystem船舶电力系统课程设计 Co urseExerc ise i n Shi p Ele ctric al Po wer S ystem 船舶电气传动自动化 Shi p Ele ctrif ied T ransm issio n Aut omati on船舶电站S hip P owerStati on船舶动力装置 Ship Powe r Equ ipmen t船舶概论 In trodu ction to S hips船舶焊接与材料W eldin g & M ateri als o n Shi p船舶机械控制技术 Mec hanic Cont rol T echno logyfor S hips船舶机械拖动 Sh ip Me chami c Tow age 船舶建筑美学 Art istic Desi gning of S hips船舶结构力学 St ructu al Me chami cs fo r Shi ps船舶结构与制图 Shi p Str uctur e & G raphi ng船舶静力学ShipStati cs船舶强度与结构设计D esign ing S hip I ntens ity & Stru cture船舶设计原理P rinci plesof Sh ip De signi ng船舶推进S hip P ropel ing 船舶摇摆ShipSwayi ng船舶阻力S hip R esist ance船体建造工艺 Sh ip-Bu ildin g Tec hnolo gy船体结构S hip S truct ure 船体结构图 Ship Stru cture Grap hing船体振动学 Shi p Vib ratio n创造心理学C reati vityPsych ology磁测量技术 Ma gneti c Mea surem ent T echno logy磁传感器 Magn eticSenso r磁存储设备设计原理 Fu ndame ntalDesig n ofMagne tic M emory Equi pment 磁记录技术 Ma gneto graph ic Te chnol ogy 磁记录物理 Magn etogr aphic Phys ics 磁路设计与场计算M agnet ic Pa th De signi ng &Magne tic F ieldCalcu lati磁盘控制器 Mag netic Disk Cont roler磁性材料 Mag netic Mate rials磁性测量 Mag netic Meas ureme nt磁性物理M agnet ophys ics 磁原理及应用 Pri ncipl es of Cata lyzat ion & Appl icati on大电流测量Super-Curr ent M easur ement大电源测量 Su per-P owerMeasu remen t大机组协调控制 Coor dinat ion & Cont rol o f Gen erato r Net works大跨度房屋结构Large-Span Hous e str uctur e大型锅炉概况Intro ducti on to Larg e-Vol ume B oiler s大型火电机组控制 Con trolof La rge T herma l Pow er Ge nerat or Ne twork s大学德语 Co llege Germ an大学俄语C olleg e Rus sian大学法语 Coll ege F rench大学日语 Col legeJapan ese 大学英语Colle ge En glish大学语文 Col legeChine se大众传播学MassMedia代用运放电路S imula ted T ransm ittal Circ uit 单片机原理 Fund ament als o f Mon o-Chi p Com puter s单片机原理及应用 Fun damen talsof Mo no-Ch ip Co mpute rs &Appli catio ns 弹性力学T heory of E lasti c Mec hanic s当代国际关系Conte mpora ry In terna tiona l Rel ation ship当代国外社会思维评价 Eva luati on of Cont empor ary F oreig n Soc ial T hough t 当代文学 Co ntemp orary Lite ratur e当代文学专题Topic s onConte mpora ry Li terat ure 当代西方哲学 Con tempo raryWeste rn Ph iloso phy 当代戏剧与电影 Co ntemp orary Dram a & F ilms党史H istor y ofthe P arty导波光学 Wave Guid ing O ptics等离子体工程P lasma Engi neeri ng低频电子线路 LowFrequ encyElect ric C ircui t低温传热学C ryo C onduc tion低温固体物理 Cr yo So lid P hysic s低温技术原理与装置 Fu ndame ntals of C ryo T echno logy& Equ ipmen t低温技术中的微机原理P ricip les o f Mic rocom puter in C ryo T echno logy低温绝热 Cryo Heat Insu latio n低温气体制冷机 Cryo GasRefri gerat or低温热管C ryo H eat T ube 低温设备CryoEquip ment低温生物冻干技术Biolo gical Cryo Free zingDryin g Tec hnolo gy低温实验技术 Cryo Expe rimen tatio n Tec hnolo gy低温物理导论 Cryo Phys ic Co ncept s低温物理概论CryoPhysi c Con cepts低温物理概念C ryo P hysic Conc epts低温仪表及测试C ryo M eters & Me asure ment低温原理 Cryo Fund ament als 低温中的微机应用A pplic ation of M icroc omput er in Cryo Tech nolog y低温装置 Cr yo Eq uipme nt低噪声电子电路 Low-Nois e Ele ctric Circ uit 低噪声电子设计 Lo w-Noi se El ectro nic D esign ing 低噪声放大与弱检L ow-No ise I ncrea sing& Dec reasi ng低噪声与弱信号检测D etect ion o f Low Nois e & W eak S ignal s地理 Geog raphy第二次世界大战史 Hist ory o f Wor ld Wa r II电测量技术 Ele ctric Meas ureme nt Te chnol ogy 电厂计算机控制系统Compu ter C ontro l Sys tem i n Pow er Pl ants电磁测量实验技术Elect romag netic Meas ureme nt Ex perim ent & Tech nolog y 电磁场计算机Elect romag netic Fiel d Com puter s电磁场理论T heory of E lectr omagn eticField s电磁场数值计算 Nume rical Calc ulati on of Elec troma gneti c Fie lds 电磁场与电磁波 El ectro magne tic F ields & Ma gneti c Wav es电磁场与微波技术 El ectro magne tic F ields & Mi cro-W ave T echno logy电磁场中的数值方法 Nume rical Meth ods i n Ele ctrom agnet ic Fi elds电磁场中的数值计算 Nume rical Calc ulati on in Elec troma gneti c Fie lds 电磁学E lectr omagn etics电动力学 Ele ctrod ynami cs电镀 Pla ting电分析化学 Ele ctro-Analy tical Chem istry电工测试技术基础 Test ing T echno logyof El ectri cal E ngine ering电工产品学 El ectro techn icalProdu cts 电工电子技术基础E lectr icalTechn ology & El ectri cal E ngine ering电工电子学 El ectro nicsin El ectri cal E ngine ering电工基础 Fun damen tal T heory of E lectr icalEngin eerin g电工基础理论Funda menta l The ory o f Ele ctric al En ginee ring电工基础实验 Ba sic E xperi mentin El ectri cal E ngine ering电工技术 Ele ctrot echni cs电工技术基础 Fund ament als o f Ele ctrot echni cs电工实习E lectr icalEngin eerin g Pra ctice电工实验技术基础 Expe rimen t Tec hnolo gy of Elec trica l Eng ineer ing 电工学E lectr icalEngin eerin g电工与电机控制 Elec trica l Eng ineer ing & Moto r Con trol电弧电接触 Ele ctric al Ar c Con tact电弧焊及电渣焊E lectr ic Ar c Wel ding& Ele ctros lag W eldin g电化学测试技术 Elec troch emica l Mea surem ent T echno logy电化学工程 Ele ctroc hemic al En ginee ring电化学工艺学 El ectro chemi cal T echno logy电机测试技术 Mo tor M easur ing T echno logy电机电磁场的分析与计算 An alysi s & C alcul ation of E lectr icalMotor &E lectr omagn eticField s电机电器与供电 Moto r Ele ments andPower Supp ly电机课程设计 Cour se Ex ercis e inElect ric E ngine电机绕组理论T heory of M otorWindi ng电机绕组理论及应用T heory & Ap plica tionof Mo tor W indin g电机设计 De signof El ectri cal M otor电机瞬变过程 El ectri cal M otorChang e Pro cesse s电机学 Ele ctric al Mo tor 电机学及控制电机E lectr icalMachi neryContr ol &Techn ology电机与拖动 El ectri cal M achin ery & Towa ge电机原理P rinci ple o f Ele ctric Engi ne电机原理与拖动 Pri ncipl es of Elec trica l Mac hiner y & T owage电机专题 Lec tures on E lectr ic En gine电接触与电弧 El ectri cal C ontac t & E lectr icalArc 电介质物理 Diel ectri c Phy sics电镜E lectr onicSpecu lum 电力电子电路 Pow er El ectro nic C ircui t电力电子电器Power Elec troni c Equ ipmen t电力电子器件Power Elec troni c Dev ices电力电子学 Pow er El ectro nics电力工程 Elec trica l Pow er En ginee ring电力生产技术 Te chnol ogy o f Ele ctric al Po wer G enera tion电力生产优化管理Optim al Ma nagem ent o f Ele ctric al Po wer G enera tion电力拖动基础 Fu ndame ntals forElect rical Towa ge电力拖动控制系统 El ectri cal T owage Cont rol S ystem s电力系统 Po wer S ystem s电力系统电源最优化规划Optim al Pl annin g ofPower Sour ce in a Po wer S ystem 电力系统短路 Pow er Sy stemShort cuts电力系统分析 Po wer S ystem Anal ysis电力系统规划 Po wer S ystem Plan ning电力系统过电压H yper-Volta ge of Powe r Sys tems电力系统继电保护原理 Pow er Sy stemRelay Prot ectio n电力系统经济分析 Eco nomic al An alysi s ofPower Syst ems 电力系统经济运行E conom icalOpera tionof Po wer S ystem s电力系统可靠性 Powe r Sys tem R eliab ility电力系统可靠性分析 Pow er Sy stemRelia bilit y Ana lysis电力系统无功补偿及应用N on-Wo rk Co mpens ation in P owerSyste ms &Appli cati电力系统谐波 Harm oniou s Wav es in Powe r Sys tems电力系统优化技术Optim al Te chnol ogy o f Pow er Sy stems电力系统优化设计 Opti mal D esign ing o f Pow er Sy stems电力系统远动O perat ion o f Ele ctric Syst ems 电力系统远动技术O perat ion T echni que o f Ele ctric Syst ems 电力系统运行 Ope ratio n ofElect ric S ystem s电力系统自动化 Auto matio n ofElect ric S ystem s电力系统自动装置 Pow er Sy stemAutom ation Equi pment电路测试技术C ircui t Mea surem ent T echno logy电路测试技术基础Funda menta ls of Circ uit M easur ement Tech nolog y电路测试技术及实验 Ci rcuit Meas ureme nt Te chnol ogy & Expe rimen ts电路分析基础 Basi s ofCircu it An alysi s电路分析基础实验 Bas ic Ex perim ent o n Cir cuitAnaly sis 电路分析实验 Exp erime nt on Circ uit A nalys is电路和电子技术 Cir cuitand E lectr onicTechn ique电路理论 Theo ry of Circ uit 电路理论基础 Fun damen tal T heory of C ircui t电路理论实验Exper iment s inTheor y ofCircu ct电路设计与测试技术C ircui t Des ignin g & M easur ement Tech nolog y电器学 Ele ctric al Ap plian ces 电器与控制 Elec trica l App lianc es &Contr ol电气控制技术 Elec trica l Con trolTechn ology电视接收技术T elevi sionRecep tionTechn ology电视节目 Tel evisi on Po rgram s电视节目制作Telev ision Porg ram D esign ing 电视新技术 NewTelev ision Tech nolog y电视原理 Pr incip les o f Tel evisi on电网调度自动化 Aut omati on of Elec tricNetwo rk Ma nagem ent 电影艺术Art o f Fil m Mak ing 电站微机检测控制C omput erize d Mea surem ent & Cont rol o f Pow er St atio电子材料与元件测试技术 Me asuri ng Te chnol ogy o f Ele ctron ic Ma teria l andEle ment电子材料元件 El ectro nic M ateri al an d Ele ment电子材料元件测量Elect ronic Mate rialand E lemen t Mea surem ent 电子测量与实验技术Techn ology of E lectr onicMeasu remen t & E xperi ment电子测试 Elec troni c Tes ting电子测试技术 El ectro nic T estin g Tec hnolo gy电子测试技术与实验E lectr onicTesti ng Te chnol ogy & Expe rimen t电子机械运动控制技术T echno logyof El ectro nic M echan ic Mo vemen t Con trol电子技术T echno logyof El ectro nics电子技术腐蚀测试中的应用A pplic ation of E lectr onicTechn ology in E rosio nMeas ureme nt电子技术基础 Basi c Ele ctron ic Te chnol ogy 电子技术基础与实验Basic Elec troni c Tec hnolo gy &Exper iment电子技术课程设计 Cour se Ex ercis e inElect ronic Tech nolog y电子技术实验Exper iment in E lectr onicTechn ology电子理论实验E xperi mentin El ectro nic T heory电子显微分析E lectr onicMicro-Anal ysis电子显微镜 Ele ctron ic Mi crosc ope 电子线路Elect ronic Circ uit 电子线路设计与测试技术 Ele ctron ic Ci rcuit Desi gn &Measu remen t Tec hnolo gy 电子线路实验E xperi mentin El ectro nic C ircui t电子照相技术Elect ronic Phot ograp hingTechn ology雕塑艺术欣赏A pprec iatio n ofSculp tural Art调节装置 Regu latio n Equ ipmen t动态规划 Dy namic Prog rammi ng动态无损检测 Dyna mic N on-De struc tionMeasu remen t动态信号分析与仪器 Dy namic Sign al An alysi s & A ppara tus 锻压工艺Forgi ng Te chnol ogy 锻压机械液压传动H ydrau lic T ransm issio n inForgi ng Ma chine ry锻压加热设备 Forg ing H eatin g Equ ipmen t锻压设备专题Lectu res o n For gingPress Equi pment s锻压系统动力学 Dyna micsof Fo rging Syst em锻造工艺F orgin g Tec hnolo gy断裂力学F ractu re Me chani cs对外贸易概论 Intr oduct ion t o Int ernat ional Trad e多层网络方法Multi-Laye r Net workTechn ology多目标优化方法Multi purpo se Op timal Meth od多项距阵M ulti-Nomin al Ma trix多元统计分析 Mu lti-V ariat e Sta tisti cal A nalys is发电厂 Po wer P lant发电厂电气部分E lectr ic El ement s ofPower Plan ts法律基础F undam ental s ofLaw 法学概论An In trodu ction to S cienc e ofLaw 法学基础Funda menta ls of Scie nce o f Law翻译Trans latio n翻译理论与技巧 Theo ry &Skill s ofTrans latio n泛函分析 Fu nctio nal A nalys is房屋建筑学Archi tectu ral D esign & Co nstru ction非电量测量 No n-Ele ctric ity M easur ement非金属材料 No n-Met al Ma teria ls非线性采样系统 Non-Line ar Sa mplin g Sys tem 非线性光学 Non-Linea r Opt ics 非线性规划 Non-Linea r Pro gramm ing 非线性振荡 Non-Linea r Ocs illat ion 非线性振动 Non-Linea r Vib ratio n沸腾燃烧 Bo iling Comb ustio n分析化学 An alyti cal C hemis try 分析化学实验 Ana lytic al Ch emist ry Ex perim ent 分析力学Analy tical Mech anics风机调节 Fan Regu latio n风机调节.使用.运转R egula tion,Appli catio n & O perat ion o f Fan s风机三元流动理论与设计Tri-V ariat e Mov ement Theo ry &Desig n ofFans风能利用 Wind Powe r Uti lizat ion 腐蚀电化学实验 Ex perim ent i n Ero siveElect roche mistr y复变函数 Co mplex Vari ables Func tions复变函数与积分变换 Fun ction s ofCompl ex Va riabl es &Integ ral Trans forma tion复合材料力学 Co mpoun d Mat erial Mech anics傅里叶光学 Fo urier Opti cs概率论 Pr obabi lityTheor y概率论与数理统计 Pro babil ity T heory & Ma thema tical Stat istic s概率论与随机过程 Pro babil ity T heory & St ochas tic P roces s钢笔画 Pen Draw ing 钢的热处理 Heat-Trea tment of S teel钢结构Steel Stru cture钢筋混凝土 Re infor ced C oncre te钢筋混凝土及砖石结构Reinf orced Conc rete& Bri ck St ructu re钢砼结构R einfo rcedConcr ete S truct ure 高层建筑基础设计D esign ing b asesof Hi gh Ri singBuild ings高层建筑结构设计Desig ningStruc tures of H igh R ising Buil dings高等材料力学A dvanc ed Ma teria l Mec hanic s高等代数 Ad vance d Alg ebra高等教育管理 Hi gherEduca tionManag ement。
2018年关于图像的英文翻译-精选word文档 (2页)

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Image scanner
图像扫描仪Picture processing
图像处理Animated graphics
活动图像Contiguous graphics
连通图像vision transmitter
图像发射机 vision amplifier
图像放大器 veiled sounds; the image is veiled or foggy.
The computer programmer morphed the image.
No one was able to make head or tail of the figures.
It is the microcosmic image of the macrocosm of the entire planet.

本实验所使用的药剂均为分析纯,如无特别说明均购买自日本片山化工。铅离子储备液通过溶解Pb(NO3)2配制,使用时稀释到需要的浓度。HEPES缓冲液购买自Sigma–Aldrich。5 mol/L的HCl和NaOH用来调整pH。
(1)Adsorption of Pb(II) from glucose solution on thiol-functionalized cellulosic biomass
铅离子的浓度用分光光度计在616 nm波长处用铅与偶氮氯膦-III络合物进行分析。葡萄糖含量采用苯酚—硫酸分光光度法测定。所有的实验均进行三次,已经考虑好误差。
图1是脱脂棉、改性脱脂棉在400-4000 cm-1(A)和2540-2560 cm-1(B)范围内的红外光谱图。可以看出,改性后改性脱脂棉的红外光谱图中在1735.71 cm-1处出现了一个新的吸收峰是酯基C=O的拉伸振动峰,可见改性脱脂棉中已经成功引入巯基官能团。同时,在2550.52 cm-1出现的一个新吸收峰代表的是S-H官能团的弱吸收峰,更深一层的证明了巯基已经嫁接到脱脂棉上。图1(b)是2540-2560 cm-1光谱范围的一个放大图像,可以清楚的观察到S-H官能团的弱吸收峰。进一步证明了酯化改性脱脂棉引入巯基是成功的。而从吸附后的曲线可以看到,2550.52cm-1处S-H的吸收峰消失,证明了硫原子和Pb(II)络合物的形成,同时1735.71cm-1处C=O的吸收峰强度看起来有轻微的减弱可能也是和Pb(II)的络合吸附有关。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:数字信号处理文献、资料英文题目:Digital Signal Processing 文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14数字信号处理一、导论数字信号处理(DSP)是由一系列的数字或符号来表示这些信号的处理的过程的。

关键词:图像采集,图像预处理,边缘检测,二值化,车牌定位ENGLISH SUBJECTABSTRACTThe subject of the automatic recognition of license plate is one of the most significant subjects that are improved from the connection of computer vision and pattern recognition. In LPSR, the first step is for locating the license plate in the captured image which is very important for character recognition. The recognition correction rate of license plate is governed by accurate degree of license plate location.Firstly, the paper gives a deep research on the status and technique of the plate license recognition system. On the basis of research, a solution of plate license recognition system is proposed through the software MATLAB,by the M-files several of methods in image manipulation are compared and analyzed. The methods based on edge map and das differential analysis is used in the process of the localization of the license plate,extracting the characteristics of the license plate in the car images after being checked up for the edge, and then analyzing and processing until the probably area of license plate is extracted,then come out the resolutions for localization of the car plate.KEY WORDS:imageacquisition,image preprocessing,edge detection,binarization,licence,license plate location目录前言 (1)第1章绪论 (2)§1.1 课题研究的背景 (2)§1.2 车牌的特征 (2)§1.3 国内外车辆牌照识别技术现状 (3)§1.4车牌识别技术的应用情况 (4)§1.5 车牌识别技术的发展趋势 (5)§1.6车牌定位的意义 (6)第2章MATLAB简介 (7)§2.1 MATLAB发展历史 (7)§2.2 MATLAB的语言特点 (7)第3章图像预处理 (10)§3.1 灰度变换 (10)§3.2 图像增强 (11)§3. 3 图像边缘提取及二值化 (13)§3. 4 形态学滤波 (18)第4章车牌定位 (21)§4.1 车牌定位的主要方法 (21)§4.1.1基于直线检测的方法 (22)§4.1.2 基于阈值化的方法 (22)§4.1.3 基于灰度边缘检测方法 (22)§4.1.4 基于彩色图像的车牌定位方法 (25)§4.2 车牌提取 (26)结论 (30)参考文献 (31)致谢 (33)前言随着交通问题的日益严重,智能交通系统应运而生。
BI YE SHE JI 利用直方图均衡化进行图像的增强院(系):计算机科学与工程专业:计算机科学与技术班级:学生:学号:指导教师:任务书1.毕业设计(论文)题目:利用直方图均衡化进行图像的增强2.题目背景和意义:图像增强是数字图像处理技术中最基本的内容之一,是图像预处理方法之一,图像预处理是相对于图像识别、图像理解而言的一种前期处理,直方图均衡化就是把一已知灰度概率分布的图像经过一种变换,使之演变成一副具有均匀灰度概率分布的新图像。
5.毕业设计(论文)的工作量要求① 实验(时数)*或实习(天数):② 图纸(幅面和张数)*:③ 其他要求:指导教师签名:年月日学生签名:年月日系(教研室)主任审批:年月日说明:1本表一式二份,一份由学生装订入附件册,一份教师自留。

毕业设计(论文)题目:基于visual c++的图像处理软件设计A系别信息工程系专业名称电子信息工程班级学号学生姓名指导教师二O一O 年五月毕业设计(论文)任务书I、毕业设计(论文)题目:基于visual c++的图像处理软件设计AII、毕业设计(论文)使用的原始资料(数据)及设计技术要求:本系统以visual c++作为工具,开发一个图像处理软件,系统。
1.图像增强:包括平滑、锐化功能模块;2. 图像加噪:包括对图像加各种形式的噪声;3.图像滤波:包括中值滤波、最大最小值滤波、均值滤波功能模块;4.图像镜像、转置、反色等操作;该毕业设计要求对面向对象语言和图象处理算法有相当程度掌握;工作量偏大。
III、毕业设计(论文)工作内容及完成时间:第1 ~ 3周:查阅资料、方案论证、英文资料翻译、开题报告撰写;第 4 ~8周:完成系统维护、图像增强、图像加噪模块;第9 ~11周:完成图像滤波、其它图像操作模块;第12 ~14周:系统整体调试;第 15 ~18周:撰写论文和答辩。
Ⅳ、主要参考资料:[1] 章毓晋.图象工程(上册) 图象处理和分析[M].北京:清华大学出版社.2000年[2] 谢凤英;赵丹培.Visual C++数字图像处理[M].北京:电子工业出版社.2008年[3] 何斌马天予.VISUAL C++数字图像处理 [M]. 北京:电子工业出版社.2001.[4] 王占全等.精通VISUAL C++数字图像处理技术与工程案例[M].北京:人民邮电出版社.2009年[5] 求是. VISUAL C++数字图像处理典型算法及实现[M].北京:人民邮电出版社.2006[6] 王锋,阮秋琦.基于灰度期望值和二值化高精度图像处理算法[J].铁路计算机应用.2001年10卷第07期信息工程系电子信息工程专业类0682051 班学生(签名):填写日期:20010年 05 月 20 日指导教师(签名):助理指导教师(并指出所负责的部分):信息工程系主任(签名):学士学位论文原创性声明本人声明,所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立完成的研究成果。
Asphyre增强版帮助文档 英文翻译

淮阴工学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系(院):计算机工程学院专业:计算机1062姓名:李楠学号:1061301201外文出处:Asphyre增强版帮助文档(用外文写)the help of Asphyre eXtreme附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
附件1:外文资料翻译译文Asphyre增强版帮助文档关于Asphyre 加强版Asphyre加强版是创造电脑游戏和交互式程序的一个Delphi VCL组件的框架。
其组件包括以下类别:广泛的 2 D 支持:简单的几何图形例如线、长方形、圆等等;图行变换 (旋转, 裁剪, 拉伸及其他变换) 和多种混合效果;容易对目标图像进行渲染并把它们当做来源图像显示到电脑屏幕上;动态纹理支持: 无论是2 D或3D模型中都能快速更改纹理目录并加以应用;使用多纹理的先进多通道效果;通过字体工具对已渲染的字体文本进行显示。
文本有多种风格(阴影效果,浮雕效果), 可以拉伸也可以包含本文标签;强大的可拉伸的粒子引擎可以显示爆炸, 透镜和其他的效果。
图形用户接口支持 + WYSIWYG 编者:完全可订制的控制;容易使用和加入Asphyre 应用;支持半透明和多幅图画重叠效果;通过使用透明度通道的4角梯度渐变使用户界面更加友好;标签, 编辑框, 列表框,按钮以及其他的控制应用;带有常用图形用户接口组件的类集合。
局部 3D支持:载入和显示静态模型;通过增加高阶层点阵式类来提供一个完全的数学单元;本地公告技术支持爆炸,烟和其他的视觉 3D立体效果;可将原始事物以简单形式显示,好像它在 2D 中–比如测定体积的爆炸, 树和而且其他效果;高清晰的摄相机类;多种光源和材质的支持;通过简单的几个调用就能设置立方体材质和环境映像;用深度缓冲器渲染目标;本地多种材质支持。
用精确的时间表现现实的时间:尽可能快速显示, 程序 (比如移动的物体) 以恒定速度运行;通过限制渲染速度提高系统资源利用率–仅使用一小部分处理器的运算时间, 就能将渲染效果发挥到极致;延迟和帧频的计算。

人工智能毕业设计选题范文(中英文实用版)Title: Example Themes for Artificial Intelligence Graduation Projects Title: 人工智能毕业设计选题范文Introduction:Choosing the right topic for your artificial intelligence graduation project is crucial.It sets the foundation for your research and determines the direction of your studies.Here are some example themes to help you get started.引言:选择正确的人工智能毕业设计选题至关重要。
I.Machine Learning and Data AnalysisI.机器学习和数据分析Machine learning is a subset of AI that focuses on developing algorithms that can learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data.Data analysis involves the process of examining data sets to draw conclusions and support decision-making.机器学习是人工智能的一个子集,它专注于开发能够从数据中学习并基于数据进行预测或决策的算法。
II.Natural Language Processing (NLP)II.自然语言处理(NLP)LP is a field of AI that focuses on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language.It involves tasks such as language translation, sentiment analysis, and chatbot development.自然语言处理(NLP)是人工智能的一个领域,它专注于计算机和人类之间的自然语言交互。

英文简历常用词汇able 有才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的active 主动的,活跃的 aggressive 有进取心的ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办理仔细的 candid 正直的competent 能胜任的 constructive 建设性的cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的dedicated 有奉献精神的 dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的 disciplined 守纪律的dutiful 尽职的 well--educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的expressivity 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的frank 直率的,真诚的 generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的humorous 有幽默 impartial 公正的independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的 motivated 目的明确的intelligent 理解力强的 learned 精通某门学问的logical 条理分明的 methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的 objective 客观的precise 一丝不苟的 punctual 严守时刻的realistic 实事求是的 responsible 负责的sensible 明白事理的 sporting 光明正大的steady 踏实的 systematic 有系统的purposeful 意志坚强的 sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的 tireless 孜孜不倦的education 学历 educational history 学历educational background 教育程度 curriculum 课程major 主修 minor 副修educational highlights 课程重点部分 curriculum included 课程包括specialized courses 专门课程 courses taken 所学课程special training 特别训练 social practice 社会实践part-time jobs 业余工作 summer jobs 暑期工作vacation jobs 假期工作 refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activities 课外活动 physical activities 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动 academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动 rewards 奖励scholarship 奖学金 excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部 student council 学生会off-job training 脱产培训 in-job training 在职培训educational system 学制 academic year 学年semester 学期(美) term 学期(英)supervisor 论文导师 pass 及格fail 不及格 marks 分数examination 考试 degree 学位post doctorate 博士后 doctor(Ph.D) 博士master 硕士 bachelor 学士graduate student 研究生 abroad student 留学生abroad student 留学生 undergraduate 大学肆业生government-supported student 公费生 commoner 自费生extern 走读生 intern 实习生prize fellow 奖学金生 boarder 寄宿生graduate 毕业生 guest student 旁听生(英)auditor 旁听生(美) day-student 走读生work experience 工作经历 occupational history 工作经历professional history 职业经历 specific experience 具体经历responsibilities 职责 second job 第二职业achievements 工作成就,业绩 administer 管理assist 辅助 adapted to 适应于accomplish 完成(任务等) appointed 被认命的adept in 善于 analyze 分析authorized 委任的;核准的 behave 表现break the record 打破纪录 breakthrough 关键问题的解决control 控制 conduct 经营,处理cost 成本;费用 create 创造demonstrate 证明,示范 decrease 减少design 设计 develop 开发,发挥devise 设计,发明 direct 指导double 加倍,翻一番 earn 获得,赚取effect 效果,作用 eliminate 消除enlarge 扩大 enrich 使丰富exploit 开发(资源,产品) enliven 搞活establish 设立(公司等);使开业 evaluation 估价,评价execute 实行,实施 expedite 加快;促进generate 产生 good at 擅长于guide 指导;操纵 improve 改进,提高initiate 创始,开创 innovate 改革,革新invest 投资 integrate 使结合;使一体化justified 经证明的;合法化的 launch 开办(新企业)maintain 保持;维修 modernize 使现代化negotiate 谈判 nominated 被提名;被认命的overcome 克服 perfect 使完善;改善perform 执行,履行 profit 利润be promoted to 被提升为 be proposed as 被提名(推荐)为realize 实现(目标)获得(利润) reconstruct 重建recorded 记载的 refine 精练,精制registered 已注册的 regenerate 更新,使再生replace 接替,替换 retrieve 挽回revenue 收益,收入 scientific 科学的,系统的self-dependence 自力更生 serve 服务,供职settle 解决(问题等) shorten 减低……效能simplify 简化,精简 spread 传播,扩大standard 标准,规格 supervises 监督,管理supply 供给,满足 systematize 使系统化test 试验,检验 well-trained 训练有素的valuable 有价值的 target 目标,指标working model 劳动模范 advanced worker 先进工作者name 姓名 in. 英寸pen name 笔名 ft. 英尺alias 别名 street 街Mr. 先生 road 路Miss 小姐 district 区Ms (小姐或太太) house number 门牌Mrs. 太太 lane 胡同,巷age 年龄 height 身高bloodtype 血型 weight 体重address 地址 born 生于permanent address 永久住址 birthday 生日province 省 birthdate 出生日期city 市 birthplace 出生地点county 县 home phone 住宅电话prefecture 专区 office phone 办公电话autonomous region 自治区 business phone 办公电话nationality 民族;国籍 current address 目前住址citizenship 国籍 date of birth 出生日期native place 籍贯 postal code 邮政编码duel citizenship 双重国籍 marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况 married 已婚single 未婚 divorced 离异separated 分居 number of children 子女人数health condition 健康状况 health 健康状况excellent (身体)极佳 short-sighted 近视far-sighted 远视 ID card 身份证date of availability 可到职时间 membership 会员、资格president 会长 vice-president 副会长director 理事 standing director 常务理事society 学会 association 协会secretary-general 秘书长 research society 研究会应聘职位objective 目标 position desired 希望职位job objective 工作目标 employment objective 工作目标career objective 职业目标 position sought 谋求职位position wanted 希望职位 position applied for 申请职位离职原因for more specialized work 为更专门的工作 for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任 for wider experience 为扩大工作经验due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭 due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满sought a better job 找到了更好的工作 to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作业余爱好hobbies 业余爱好 play the guitar 弹吉他reading 阅读 play chess 下棋play 话剧 long distance running 长跑play bridge 打桥牌 collecting stamps 集邮play tennis 打网球 jogging 慢跑sewing 缝纫 travelling 旅游listening to symphony 听交响乐 do some clay scultures 搞泥塑常用课程的英文翻译(高等数学 Advanced Mathematics工程数学 Engineering Mathematics中国革命史 History of Chinese Revolutionary程序设计 Programming Design机械制图 Mechanical Drawing社会学 Sociology体育 Physical Education物理实验 Physical Experiments电路 Circuit物理 Physics哲学 Philosophy法律基础 Basis of Law理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics材料力学 Material Mechanics电机学 Electrical Machinery政治经济学 Political Economy自动控制理论 Automatic Control Theory模拟电子技术基础 Basis of Analogue Electronic Technique数字电子技术 Digital Electrical Technique电磁场 Electromagnetic Field微机原理 Principle of Microcomputer企业管理 Business Management专业英语 Specialized English可编程序控制技术 Controlling Technique for Programming金工实习 Metal Working Practice毕业实习 Graduation Practice毕业设计 Graduation ProjectXX课程设计 Project of XX电力系统稳态分析 Steady-State Analysis of Power System电力系统暂态分析 Transient-State Analysis of Power System电力系统继电保护原理 Principle of Electrical System's Relay Protection 电力系统元件保护原理 Protection Principle of Power System 's Element 电力系统内部过电压 Past Voltage within Power system大学英语 College English高等代数 Advanced AlgebraPASCAL语言 PASCAL LanguageC语言 C Language汇编语言 Assembly Language操作系统 Operating System微机接口技术 Microcomputer Interface Technique数据结构 Data Structure计算机网络 Computer Network计算机控制技术 Computer Cortrol Technique数据库技术 Database Technique专家系统 Expert System毕业设计 Graduation Project高等数学 Advanced Mathematics体育 Physical Education德育 Moralism机械制图 Mechanical Drawing工程数学 Engineering Mathematics电工学 Electrotechnics计算方法 Computing Method微机原理 Principle of Microcomputer概率学 Probability信息系统分析与设计 Information System Analyse and design 编译方法 Translate and edit Method专业英语阅读 Specialized English Reading普通物理学 General Physics数字电子技术 Digital Electrical Technique高等代数 Elementary Algebra数学分析 Mathematical Analysis中共党史 History of the Chinese Communist Party算法语言 Algorithmic Language体育 Physical Education英语 English Language力学实验 Mechanics-Practical德育 Moral EducationPASCAL语言 PASCAL Language政治经济学 Political Economics电学实验 Electrical Experiment数字逻辑 Mathematical Logic普通物理 General Physics计算方法 Computing Method离散数学 Discrete Mathematics汇编原理 Principles of Assembly概率与统计 Probability & Statistics数据结构 Data Structure哲学 Philosophy微机原理 Principles of Microcomputer编译方法 Compilation Method系统结构 System Structure操作系统原理 Principles of Operating System文献检索 document.tion Retrieval数据库概论 Introduction to Database网络原理 Principles of Network人工智能 Artificial Intelligence算法分析 Algorithm Analysis毕业论文 Graduation Thesis---------------------自然辩证法 Natural Dialectics英语 English Language数理统计 Numeral Statistic/Numerical Statistic人工智能及其体系结构 Artificial Intelligence & its Architecture高级数理逻辑 Advanced Numerical Logic高级程序设计语言的设计与实现 Advanced Programming Language's Design & Implementation软件工程基础 Foundation of Software Engineering专业英语 Specialized English计算机网络 Computer Network高级计算机体系结构 Advanced Computer ArchitectureIBM汇编及高级语言的接口 IBM Assembly & its Interfaces with Advanced Programming Languages分布式计算机系统 Distributed Computer System / Distributed System计算机网络实验 Computer Network ExperimentAdvanced Computational Fluid Dynamics 高等计算流体力学Advanced Mathematics 高等数学Advanced Numerical Analysis 高等数值分析Algorithmic Language 算法语言Analogical Electronics 模拟电子电路Artificial Intelligence Programming 人工智能程序设计Audit 审计学Automatic Control System 自动控制系统Automatic Control Theory 自动控制理论Auto-Measurement Technique 自动检测技术Basis of Software Technique 软件技术基础Calculus 微积分Catalysis Principles 催化原理Chemical Engineering document.nbspRetrieval 化工文献检索Circuitry 电子线路College English 大学英语College English Test (Band 4) CET-4College English Test (Band 6) CET-6College Physics 大学物理Communication Fundamentals 通信原理Comparative Economics 比较经济学Complex Analysis 复变函数论Computational Method 计算方法Computer Graphics 图形学原理computer organization 计算机组成原理computer architecture 计算机系统结构Computer Interface Technology 计算机接口技术Contract Law 合同法Cost Accounting 成本会计Circuit Measurement Technology 电路测试技术Database Principles 数据库原理Design & Analysis System 系统分析与设计Developmental Economics 发展经济学discrete mathematics 离散数学Digital Electronics 数字电子电路Digital Image Processing 数字图像处理Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理Econometrics 经济计量学Economical Efficiency Analysis for Chemical Technology 化工技术经济分析Economy of Capitalism 资本主义经济Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves 电磁场与电磁波Electrical Engineering Practice 电工实习Enterprise Accounting 企业会计学Equations of Mathematical Physics 数理方程Experiment of College Physics 物理实验Experiment of Microcomputer 微机实验Experiment in Electronic Circuitry 电子线路实验Fiber Optical Communication System 光纤通讯系统Finance 财政学Financial Accounting 财务会计Fine Arts 美术Functions of a Complex Variable 单复变函数Functions of Complex Variables 复变函数Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformations 复变函数与积分变换Fundamentals of Law 法律基础Fuzzy Mathematics 模糊数学General Physics 普通物理Graduation Project(Thesis) 毕业设计(论文)Graph theory 图论Heat Transfer Theory 传热学History of Chinese Revolution 中国革命史Industrial Economics 工业经济学Information Searches 情报检索Integral Transformation 积分变换Intelligent robot(s); Intelligence robot 智能机器人International Business Administration 国际企业管理International Clearance 国际结算International Finance 国际金融International Relation 国际关系International Trade 国际贸易Introduction to Chinese Tradition 中国传统文化Introduction to Modern Science & Technology 当代科技概论Introduction to Reliability Technology 可靠性技术导论Java Language Programming Java 程序设计Lab of General Physics 普通物理实验Linear Algebra 线性代数Management Accounting 管理会计学Management Information System 管理信息系统Mechanic Design 机械设计Mechanical Graphing 机械制图Merchandise Advertisement 商品广告学Metalworking Practice 金工实习Microcomputer Control Technology 微机控制技术Microeconomics & Macroeconomics 西方经济学Microwave Technique 微波技术Military Theory 军事理论Modern Communication System 现代通信系统Modern Enterprise System 现代企业制度Monetary Banking 货币银行学Motor Elements and Power Supply 电机电器与供电Moving Communication 移动通讯Music 音乐Network Technology 网络技术Numeric Calculation 数值计算Oil Application and Addition Agent 油品应用及添加剂Operation & Control of National Economy 国民经济运行与调控Operational Research 运筹学Optimum Control 最优控制Petroleum Chemistry 石油化学Petroleum Engineering Technique 石油化工工艺学Philosophy 哲学Physical Education 体育Political Economics 政治经济学principle of compiling 编译原理Primary Circuit (反应堆)一回路Principle of Communication 通讯原理Principle of Marxism 马克思主义原理Principle of Mechanics 机械原理Principle of Microcomputer 微机原理Principle of Sensing Device 传感器原理Principle of Single Chip Computer 单片机原理Principles of Management 管理学原理Probability Theory & Stochastic Process 概率论与随机过程Procedure Control 过程控制Programming with Pascal Language Pascal语言编程Programming with C Language C语言编程Property Evaluation 工业资产评估Public Relation 公共关系学Pulse & Numerical Circuitry 脉冲与数字电路Refinery Heat Transfer Equipment 炼厂传热设备Satellite Communications 卫星通信Semiconductor Converting Technology 半导体变流技术Set Theory 集合论Signal & Linear System 信号与线性系统Social Research 社会调查software engineering 软件工程SPC Exchange Fundamentals 程控交换原理Specialty English 专业英语Statistics 统计学Stock Investment 证券投资学Strategic Management for Industrial Enterprises 工业企业战略管理Technological Economics 技术经济学Television Operation 电视原理Theory of Circuitry 电路理论Turbulent Flow Simulation and Application 湍流模拟及其应用Visual C++ Programming Visual C++程序设计Windows NT Operating System Principles Windows NT操作系统原理Word Processing 数据处理生物物理学 Biophysics真空冷冻干燥技术 Vacuum Freezing & Drying Technology16位微机 16 Digit MicrocomputerALGOL语言 ALGOL LanguageBASIC 语言 BASIC LanguageBASIC 语言及应用 BASIC Language & ApplicationC 语言 C LanguageCAD 概论 Introduction to CADCAD/CAM CAD/CAMCOBOL语言 COBOL LanguageCOBOL语言程序设计 COBOL Language Program DesigningC与UNIX环境 C Language & Unix EnvironmentC语言与生物医学信息处理 C Language & Biomedical Information ProcessingdBASE Ⅲ课程设计C ourse Exercise in dBASE ⅢFORTRAN语言 FORTRAN LanguageIBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XTIBM-PC微机原理 Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PCLSI设计基础 Basic of LSI DesigningPASCAL大型作业 PASCAL Wide Range WorkingPASCAL课程设计 Course Exercise in PASCALX射线与电镜 X-ray & Electric MicroscopeZ-80汇编语言程序设计 Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly Languages板壳理论 Plate Theory板壳力学 Plate Mechanics半波实验 Semiwave Experiment半导体变流技术 Semiconductor Converting Technology半导体材料 Semiconductor Materials半导体测量 Measurement of Semiconductors半导体瓷敏元件 Semiconductor Porcelain-Sensitive Elements半导体光电子学 Semiconductor Optic Electronics半导体化学 Semiconductor Chemistry半导体激光器 Semiconductor Laser Unit半导体集成电路 Semiconductor Integrated Circuitry半导体理论 Semiconductive Theory半导体器件 Semiconductor Devices半导体器件工艺原理 Technological Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device半导体物理 Semiconductor Physics半导体专业 Semiconduction Specialty半导体专业实验 Specialty Experiment of Semiconductor薄膜光学 Film Optics报告文学专题 Special Subject On Reportage报刊编辑学 Newspaper & Magazine Editing报纸编辑学 Newspaper Editing泵与风机 Pumps and Fans泵与水机 Pumps & Water Turbines毕业设计 Graduation Thesis编译方法 Methods of Compiling编译技术 Technique of Compiling编译原理 Fundamentals of Compiling变电站的微机检测与控制 Computer Testing & Control in Transformer Substation变分法与张量 Calculus of Variations & Tensor变分学 Calculus of Variations变质量系统热力学与新型回转压 Variable Quality System Thermal Mechanics &Neo-Ro表面活性物质 Surface Reactive Materials并行算法 Parallel Algorithmic波谱学 Wave Spectrum材料的力学性能测试 Measurement of Material Mechanical Performance材料力学 Mechanics of Materials财务成本管理 Financial Cost Management财政学 Public Finance财政与金融 Finance & Banking财政与信贷 Finance & Credit操作系统 Disk Operating System操作系统课程设计 Course Design in Disk Operating System操作系统原理 Fundamentals of Disk Operating System策波测量技术 Technique of Whip Wave Measurement测量原理与仪器设计 Measurement Fundamentals & Meter Design测试技术 Testing Technology测试与信号变换处理 Testing & Signal Transformation Processing产业经济学 Industrial Economy产业组织学 Industrial Organization Technoooligy场论 Field Theory常微分方程 Ordinary Differentical Equations超导磁体及应用 Superconductive Magnet & Application超导及应用 Superconductive & Application超精微细加工 Super-Precision & Minuteness Processing城市规划原理 Fundamentals of City Planning城市社会学 Urban Sociology成组技术 Grouping Technique齿轮啮合原理 Principles of Gear Connection冲击测量及误差 Punching Measurement & Error冲压工艺 Sheet Metal Forming Technology抽象代数 Abstract Algebra传动概论 Introduction to Transmission传感器与检测技术 Sensors & Testing Technology传感器原理 Fundamentals of Sensors传感器原理及应用 Fundamentals of Sensors & Application传热学 Heat Transfer传坳概论 Introduction to Pass Col船舶操纵 Ship Controling船舶电力系统 Ship Electrical Power System船舶电力系统课程设计 Course Exercise in Ship Electrical Power System 船舶电气传动自动化 Ship Electrified Transmission Automation船舶电站 Ship Power Station船舶动力装置 Ship Power Equipment船舶概论 Introduction to Ships船舶焊接与材料 Welding & Materials on Ship船舶机械控制技术 Mechanic Control Technology for Ships船舶机械拖动 Ship Mechamic Towage船舶建筑美学 Artistic Designing of Ships船舶结构力学 Structual Mechamics for Ships船舶结构与制图 Ship Structure & Graphing船舶静力学 Ship Statics船舶强度与结构设计 Designing Ship Intensity & Structure船舶设计原理 Principles of Ship Designing船舶推进 Ship Propeling船舶摇摆 Ship Swaying船舶阻力 Ship Resistance船体建造工艺 Ship-Building Technology船体结构 Ship Structure船体结构图 Ship Structure Graphing船体振动学 Ship Vibration创造心理学 Creativity Psychology磁测量技术 Magnetic Measurement Technology磁传感器 Magnetic Sensor磁存储设备设计原理 Fundamental Design of Magnetic Memory Equipment 磁记录技术 Magnetographic Technology磁记录物理 Magnetographic Physics磁路设计与场计算 Magnetic Path Designing & Magnetic Field Calculati 磁盘控制器 Magnetic Disk Controler磁性材料 Magnetic Materials磁性测量 Magnetic Measurement磁性物理 Magnetophysics磁原理及应用 Principles of Catalyzation & Application大电流测量 Super-Current Measurement大电源测量 Super-Power Measurement大机组协调控制 Coordination & Control of Generator Networks大跨度房屋结构 Large-Span House structure大型锅炉概况 Introduction to Large-Volume Boilers大型火电机组控制 Control of Large Thermal Power Generator Networks 大学德语 College German大学俄语 College Russian大学法语 College French大学日语 College Japanese大学英语 College English大学语文 College Chinese大众传播学 Mass Media代用运放电路 Simulated Transmittal Circuit单片机原理 Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers单片机原理及应用 Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers & Applications 弹性力学 Theory of Elastic Mechanics当代国际关系 Contemporary International Relationship当代国外社会思维评价 Evaluation of Contemporary Foreign Social Thought 当代文学 Contemporary Literature当代文学专题 Topics on Contemporary Literature当代西方哲学 Contemporary Western Philosophy当代戏剧与电影 Contemporary Drama & Films党史 History of the Party导波光学 Wave Guiding Optics等离子体工程 Plasma Engineering低频电子线路 Low Frequency Electric Circuit低温传热学 Cryo Conduction低温固体物理 Cryo Solid Physics低温技术原理与装置 Fundamentals of Cryo Technology & Equipment低温技术中的微机原理 Priciples of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology低温绝热 Cryo Heat Insulation低温气体制冷机 Cryo Gas Refrigerator低温热管 Cryo Heat Tube低温设备 Cryo Equipment低温生物冻干技术 Biological Cryo Freezing Drying Technology低温实验技术 Cryo Experimentation Technology低温物理导论 Cryo Physic Concepts低温物理概论 Cryo Physic Concepts低温物理概念 Cryo Physic Concepts低温仪表及测试 Cryo Meters & Measurement低温原理 Cryo Fundamentals低温中的微机应用 Application of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology低温装置 Cryo Equipment低噪声电子电路 Low-Noise Electric Circuit低噪声电子设计 Low-Noise Electronic Designing低噪声放大与弱检 Low-Noise Increasing & Decreasing低噪声与弱信号检测 Detection of Low Noise & Weak Signals地理 Geography第二次世界大战史 History of World War II电测量技术 Electric Measurement Technology电厂计算机控制系统 Computer Control System in Power Plants电磁测量实验技术 Electromagnetic Measurement Experiment & Technology 电磁场计算机 Electromagnetic Field Computers电磁场理论 Theory of Electromagnetic Fields电磁场数值计算 Numerical Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields电磁场与电磁波 Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves电磁场与微波技术 Electromagnetic Fields & Micro-Wave Technology电磁场中的数值方法 Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Fields电磁场中的数值计算 Numerical Calculation in Electromagnetic Fields电磁学 Electromagnetics电动力学 Electrodynamics电镀 Plating电分析化学 Electro-Analytical Chemistry电工测试技术基础 Testing Technology of Electrical Engineering电工产品学 Electrotechnical Products电工电子技术基础 Electrical Technology & Electrical Engineering电工电子学 Electronics in Electrical Engineering电工基础 Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering电工基础理论 Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering电工基础实验 Basic Experiment in Electrical Engineering电工技术 Electrotechnics电工技术基础 Fundamentals of Electrotechnics电工实习 Electrical Engineering Practice电工实验技术基础 Experiment Technology of Electrical Engineering电工学 Electrical Engineering电工与电机控制 Electrical Engineering & Motor Control电弧电接触 Electrical Arc Contact电弧焊及电渣焊 Electric Arc Welding & Electroslag Welding电化学测试技术 Electrochemical Measurement Technology电化学工程 Electrochemical Engineering电化学工艺学 Electrochemical Technology电机测试技术 Motor Measuring Technology电机电磁场的分析与计算 Analysis & Calculation of Electrical Motor & Electromagnetic Fields电机电器与供电 Motor Elements and Power Supply电机课程设计 Course Exercise in Electric Engine电机绕组理论 Theory of Motor Winding电机绕组理论及应用 Theory & Application of Motor Winding电机设计 Design of Electrical Motor电机瞬变过程 Electrical Motor Change Processes电机学 Electrical Motor电机学及控制电机 Electrical Machinery Control & Technology电机与拖动 Electrical Machinery & Towage电机原理 Principle of Electric Engine电机原理与拖动 Principles of Electrical Machinery & Towage电机专题 Lectures on Electric Engine电接触与电弧 Electrical Contact & Electrical Arc电介质物理 Dielectric Physics电镜 Electronic Speculum电力电子电路 Power Electronic Circuit电力电子电器 Power Electronic Equipment电力电子器件 Power Electronic Devices电力电子学 Power Electronics电力工程 Electrical Power Engineering电力生产技术 Technology of Electrical Power Generation电力生产优化管理 Optimal Management of Electrical Power Generation电力拖动基础 Fundamentals for Electrical Towage电力拖动控制系统 Electrical Towage Control Systems电力系统 Power Systems电力系统电源最优化规划 Optimal Planning of Power Source in a Power System电力系统短路 Power System Shortcuts电力系统分析 Power System Analysis电力系统规划 Power System Planning电力系统过电压 Hyper-Voltage of Power Systems电力系统继电保护原理 Power System Relay Protection电力系统经济分析 Economical Analysis of Power Systems电力系统经济运行 Economical Operation of Power Systems电力系统可靠性 Power System Reliability电力系统可靠性分析 Power System Reliability Analysis电力系统无功补偿及应用 Non-Work Compensation in Power Systems & Applicati电力系统谐波 Harmonious Waves in Power Systems电力系统优化技术 Optimal Technology of Power Systems电力系统优化设计 Optimal Designing of Power Systems电力系统远动 Operation of Electric Systems电力系统远动技术 Operation Technique of Electric Systems电力系统运行 Operation of Electric Systems电力系统自动化 Automation of Electric Systems电力系统自动装置 Power System Automation Equipment电路测试技术 Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术基础 Fundamentals of Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术及实验 Circuit Measurement Technology & Experiments电路分析基础 Basis of Circuit Analysis电路分析基础实验 Basic Experiment on Circuit Analysis电路分析实验 Experiment on Circuit Analysis电路和电子技术 Circuit and Electronic Technique电路理论 Theory of Circuit电路理论基础 Fundamental Theory of Circuit电路理论实验 Experiments in Theory of Circuct电路设计与测试技术 Circuit Designing & Measurement Technology电器学 Electrical Appliances电器与控制 Electrical Appliances & Control电气控制技术 Electrical Control Technology电视接收技术 Television Reception Technology电视节目 Television Porgrams电视节目制作 Television Porgram Designing电视新技术 New Television Technology电视原理 Principles of Television电网调度自动化 Automation of Electric Network Management电影艺术 Art of Film Making电站微机检测控制 Computerized Measurement & Control of Power Statio电子材料与元件测试技术 Measuring Technology of Electronic Material and Element电子材料元件 Electronic Material and Element电子材料元件测量 Electronic Material and Element Measurement电子测量与实验技术 Technology of Electronic Measurement & Experiment电子测试 Electronic Testing电子测试技术 Electronic Testing Technology电子测试技术与实验 Electronic Testing Technology & Experiment电子机械运动控制技术 Technology of Electronic Mechanic Movement Control电子技术 Technology of Electronics电子技术腐蚀测试中的应用 Application of Electronic Technology in ErosionMeasurement电子技术基础 Basic Electronic Technology电子技术基础与实验 Basic Electronic Technology & Experiment电子技术课程设计 Course Exercise in Electronic Technology电子技术实验 Experiment in Electronic Technology电子理论实验 Experiment in Electronic Theory电子显微分析 Electronic Micro-Analysis电子显微镜 Electronic Microscope电子线路 Electronic Circuit电子线路设计与测试技术 Electronic Circuit Design & Measurement Technology电子线路实验 Experiment in Electronic Circuit电子照相技术 Electronic Photographing Technology雕塑艺术欣赏 Appreciation of Sculptural Art调节装置 Regulation Equipment动态规划 Dynamic Programming动态无损检测 Dynamic Non-Destruction Measurement动态信号分析与仪器 Dynamic Signal Analysis & Apparatus锻压工艺 Forging Technology锻压机械液压传动 Hydraulic Transmission in Forging Machinery锻压加热设备 Forging Heating Equipment锻压设备专题 Lectures on Forging Press Equipments锻压系统动力学 Dynamics of Forging System锻造工艺 Forging Technology断裂力学 Fracture Mechanics对外贸易概论 Introduction to International Trade多层网络方法 Multi-Layer Network Technology多目标优化方法 Multipurpose Optimal Method多项距阵 Multi-Nominal Matrix多元统计分析 Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis发电厂 Power Plant发电厂电气部分 Electric Elements of Power Plants法律基础 Fundamentals of Law法学概论 An Introduction to Science of Law法学基础 Fundamentals of Science of Law翻译 Translation翻译理论与技巧 Theory & Skills of Translation泛函分析 Functional Analysis房屋建筑学 Architectural Design & Construction非电量测量 Non-Electricity Measurement非金属材料 Non-Metal Materials非线性采样系统 Non-Linear Sampling System非线性光学 Non-Linear Optics非线性规划 Non-Linear Programming非线性振荡 Non-Linear Ocsillation非线性振动 Non-Linear Vibration沸腾燃烧 Boiling Combustion分析化学 Analytical Chemistry分析化学实验 Analytical Chemistry Experiment分析力学 Analytical Mechanics风机调节 Fan Regulation风机调节.使用.运转 Regulation,Application & Operation of Fans风机三元流动理论与设计 Tri-Variate Movement Theory & Design of Fans 风能利用 Wind Power Utilization腐蚀电化学实验 Experiment in Erosive Electrochemistry复变函数 Complex Variables Functions复变函数与积分变换 Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformation复合材料力学 Compound Material Mechanics傅里叶光学 Fourier Optics概率论 Probability Theory概率论与数理统计 Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics概率论与随机过程 Probability Theory & Stochastic Process钢笔画 Pen Drawing钢的热处理 Heat-Treatment of Steel钢结构 Steel Structure钢筋混凝土 Reinforced Concrete钢筋混凝土及砖石结构 Reinforced Concrete & Brick Structure钢砼结构 Reinforced Concrete Structure高层建筑基础设计 Designing bases of High Rising Buildings高层建筑结构设计 Designing Structures of High Rising Buildings高等材料力学 Advanced Material Mechanics高等代数 Advanced Algebra高等教育管理 Higher Education Management高等教育史 History of Higher Education高等教育学 Higher Education高等数学 Advanced Mathematics高电压技术 High-Voltage Technology高电压测试技术 High-Voltage Test Technology高分子材料 High Polymer Material高分子材料及加工 High Polymer Material & Porcessing高分子化学 High Polymer Chemistry高分子化学实验 High Polymer Chemistry Experiment高分子物理 High Polymer Physics高分子物理实验 High Polymer Physics Experiment高级英语听说 Advanced English Listening & Speaking高能密束焊 High Energy-Dense Beam Welding高频电路 High-Frenquency Circuit高频电子技术 High-Frenquency Electronic Technology高频电子线路 High-Frenquency Electronic Circuit高压测量技术 High-Voltage Measurement Technology高压测试技术 High-Voltage Testing Technology高压电场的数值计算 Numerical Calculation in High-Voltage Electronic Field高压电器 High-Voltage Electrical Appliances高压绝缘 High-Voltage Insulation高压实验 High-Voltage Experimentation高压试验技术 High-Voltage Experimentation Technology工程材料的力学性能测试 Mechanic Testing of Engineering Materials工程材料及热处理 Engineering Material and Heat Treatment工程材料学 Engineering Materials工程测量 Engineering Surveying工程测试技术 Engineering Testing Technique工程测试实验 Experiment on Engineering Testing工程测试信息 Information of Engineering Testing工程动力学 Engineering Dynamics工程概论 Introduction to Engineering工程概预算 Project Budget工程经济学 Engineering Economics工程静力学 Engineering Statics工程力学 Engineering Mechanics工程热力学 Engineering Thermodynamics工程项目评估 Engineering Project Evaluation工程优化方法 Engineering Optimizational Method工程运动学 Engineering Kinematics工程造价管理 Engineering Cost Management。

计算机专业课程名称英文翻译(计算机科学与技术(教师教育)专业的课程名称和英文名称)4 中国现代史纲要 Outline of Moderm Chinese History5 大学英语 College English6 大学体育 College PE7 心理学 Psychology8 教育学 Pedagogy9 现代教育技术 Modern Technology10 教师口语 Teachers' Oral Skill11 形势与政策 Current Situation and Policy12 大学生就业与指导 Career Guidance13 学科教学法 Course Teaching Methodology14 生理与心理健康教育 Health and Physiology Education15 环境与可持续发展 Environment and Sustainable Development16 文献检索 Literature Retrieval17 大学体育 College PE18 大学语文 College Chinese19 高等数学 Higher Mathematics20 计算机导论 Introduction to ComputerScience21 程序设计基础 Programming Foundations22 程序设计基础实验 Experimentation of ProgrammingFoundations23 线性代数 Linear Algebra24 大学物理 College Physics25 大学物理实验 Experimentation of CollegePhysics26 电路与电子技术 Circuits and Electronics27 电工与电子技术实验 Experimentation of Circuits andElectronics28 数字逻辑电路 Digital Logic Circuit29 数字逻辑电路 Experimentation of DigitalLogic Circuit30 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics31 数据结构 Data Structures32 数据结构实验 Experimentation of DataStructures33 计算机组成与系统结构 Computer Organization and Architecture34 操作系统 Operating System35 操作系统实验 Experimentation of Operating System36 计算机网络 Computer Network37 计算机网络实验 Experimentation of Computer Network38 面向对象程序设计 Object-Oriented Programming39 面向对象程序设计实验 Experimentation of Object-Oriented Programming40 汇编语言程序设计 Assembly Language41 汇编语言程序设计实验 Experimentation of Assembly Language42 概率与数理统计 Probability and Statistics43 JAVA语言 Java Language45 JAVA语言实验 Experimentation of Java Language46 数据库原理 Databases Principles47 数据库原理实验 Experimentation of Databases Pninciples48 专业英语 Discipline English49 人工智能导论 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence50 算法设计与分析 Design and Analysis Of Algorithms51 微机系统与接口 Microcomputer System and Interface52 编译原理 Compiling Principles53 编译原理实验 Experimentation of Compiling54 数学建模 Mathematics Modeling55 软件工程 Software Engineering计算机专业课程名称英文翻译下(2)(计算机科学与技术(教师教育)专业的课程名称和英文名称)56 软件工程实验 Experimentation of Software Engineering57 嵌入式系统 Embedded System58 嵌入式系统实验 Experimentation of Embedded System59 多媒体技术 Multimedia Technology60 Experimentation of Multimedia Technology61 信息系统分析与设计 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design62 UNIX操作系统分析 UNIX System Analysis63 UNIX/Linux操作系统分析Experimentation of UNIX/Linux SystemAnalysis64 单片机原理 Principles ofSingle-ChipComputer65 信息安全与保密概论Introduction to Security andm Cryptography66 Web应用技术 Applications of Web67 高级数据库应用技术Advanced Application of Database Technology68 组网技术 Technology ofBuildingNetwork69 组网技术实验 Technology of Building Network70 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics71 嵌入式接口技术 Embedded Interface72 嵌入式接口技术实验Experimentation of Embedded Interface73 数字图像处理 Digital Images Processing74 数字图像处理实验 Digital Images Processing75 网络应用软件开发 Network Application Development76 XML原理与应用 XML Principle and Application77 XML原理与应用实验 Experimentation ofXML PrincipleandApplication78 计算机系统维护 Maintenance of Computer System79 计算机系统维护实验 Experimentation of Computer Maintenance80 网络管理技术 Network Management Technology81 网络管理技术实验Experimentation of NetworkManagement82 数据仓库与数据挖掘 Data Storage and Data Digging83 项目管理 Project Management84 软件开发实例 Cases of Sotiware Development85 企业资源规划( ERP) Enterprise Resource Planning86 新技术 New Technology87 科研创作指导Supervision in Science ResearchCreation88 电子商务概论 Introduction of ElectronicBusiness89 计算机辅助教学 Computer Aided Teaching另:计算机导论 Introduction to ComputerScience程序设计基础 Foundations ofProgramming电路与电子技术 Circuits and Electronics数字逻辑电路 Digital Logic Circuit离散数学 Discrete Mathematics数据结构 Data Structures计算机组成与系统结构 Computer Organization and Architecture操作系统 Operating System计算机网络 Computer Network面向对象程序设计 Object-Oriented Progjamming数据库原理 Databases Principles。

Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics 高等计算流体力学Advanced Mathematics 高等数学Advanced Numerical Analysis 高等数值分析Algorithmic Language 算法语言Analogical Electronics 模拟电子电路Artificial Intelligence Programming 人工智能程序设计Audit 审计学Automatic Control System 自动控制系统Automatic Control Theory 自动控制理论Auto-Measurement Technique 自动检测技术Basis of Software Technique 软件技术基础Calculus 微积分Catalysis Principles 催化原理Chemical Engineering Document Retrieval 化工文献检索Circuitry 电子线路College English 大学英语College English Test (Band 4) CET-4College English Test (Band 6) CET-6College Physics 大学物理Communication Fundamentals 通信原理Comparative Economics 比较经济学Complex Analysis 复变函数论Computational Method 计算方法Computer Graphics 图形学原理computer organization 计算机组成原理computer architecture 计算机系统结构Computer Interface Technology 计算机接口技术Contract Law 合同法Cost Accounting 成本会计Circuit Measurement Technology 电路测试技术Database Principles 数据库原理Design & Analysis System 系统分析与设计Developmental Economics 发展经济学discrete mathematics 离散数学Digital Electronics 数字电子电路Digital Image Processing 数字图像处理Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理Econometrics 经济计量学Economical Efficiency Analysis for Chemical Technology 化工技术经济分析Economy of Capitalism 资本主义经济Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves 电磁场与电磁波Electrical Engineering Practice 电工实习Enterprise Accounting 企业会计学Equations of Mathematical Physics 数理方程Experiment of College Physics 物理实验Experiment of Microcomputer 微机实验Experiment in Electronic Circuitry 电子线路实验Fiber Optical Communication System 光纤通讯系统Finance 财政学Financial Accounting 财务会计Fine Arts 美术Functions of a Complex Variable 单复变函数Functions of Complex Variables 复变函数Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformations 复变函数与积分变换Fundamentals of Law 法律基础Fuzzy Mathematics 模糊数学General Physics 普通物理Graduation Project(Thesis) 毕业设计(论文)Graph theory 图论Heat Transfer Theory 传热学History of Chinese Revolution 中国革命史Industrial Economics 工业经济学Information Searches 情报检索Integral Transformation 积分变换Intelligent robot(s); Intelligence robot 智能机器人International Business Administration 国际企业管理International Clearance 国际结算International Finance 国际金融International Relation 国际关系International Trade 国际贸易Introduction to Chinese Tradition 中国传统文化Introduction to Modern Science & Technology 当代科技概论Introduction to Reliability Technology 可靠性技术导论Java Language Programming Java 程序设计Lab of General Physics 普通物理实验Linear Algebra 线性代数Management Accounting 管理会计学Management Information System 管理信息系统Mechanic Design 机械设计Mechanical Graphing 机械制图Merchandise Advertisement 商品广告学Metalworking Practice 金工实习Microcomputer Control Technology 微机控制技术Microeconomics & Macroeconomics 西方经济学Microwave Technique 微波技术Military Theory 军事理论Modern Communication System 现代通信系统Modern Enterprise System 现代企业制度Monetary Banking 货币银行学Motor Elements and Power Supply 电机电器与供电Moving Communication 移动通讯Music 音乐Network Technology 网络技术Numeric Calculation 数值计算Oil Application and Addition Agent 油品应用及添加剂Operation & Control of National Economy 国民经济运行与调控Operational Research 运筹学Optimum Control 最优控制Petroleum Chemistry 石油化学Petroleum Engineering Technique 石油化工工艺学Philosophy 哲学Physical Education 体育Political Economics 政治经济学principle of compiling 编译原理Primary Circuit (反应堆)一回路Principle of Communication 通讯原理Principle of Marxism 马克思主义原理Principle of Mechanics 机械原理Principle of Microcomputer 微机原理Principle of Sensing Device 传感器原理Principle of Single Chip Computer 单片机原理Principles of Management 管理学原理Probability Theory & Stochastic Process 概率论与随机过程Procedure Control 过程控制Programming with Pascal Language Pascal语言编程Programming with C Language C语言编程Property Evaluation 工业资产评估Public Relation 公共关系学Pulse & Numerical Circuitry 脉冲与数字电路Refinery Heat Transfer Equipment 炼厂传热设备Satellite Communications 卫星通信Semiconductor Converting Technology 半导体变流技术Set Theory 集合论Signal & Linear System 信号与线性系统Social Research 社会调查software engineering 软件工程SPC Exchange Fundamentals 程控交换原理Specialty English 专业英语Statistics 统计学Stock Investment 证券投资学Strategic Management for Industrial Enterprises 工业企业战略管理Technological Economics 技术经济学Television Operation 电视原理Theory of Circuitry 电路理论Turbulent Flow Simulation and Application 湍流模拟及其应用Visual C++ Programming Visual C++程序设计Windows NT Operating System Principles Windows NT操作系统原理Word Processing 数据处理生物物理学Biophysics真空冷冻干燥技术Vacuum Freezing & Drying Technology16位微机16 Digit MicrocomputerALGOL语言ALGOL LanguageBASIC 语言BASIC LanguageBASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & ApplicationC 语言C LanguageCAD 概论Introduction to CADCAD/CAM CAD/CAMCOBOL语言COBOL LanguageCOBOL语言程序设计COBOL Language Program DesigningC与UNIX环境C Language & Unix EnvironmentC语言与生物医学信息处理C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计C ourse Exercise in dBASE ⅢFORTRAN语言FORTRAN LanguageIBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XTIBM-PC微机原理Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PCLSI设计基础Basic of LSI DesigningPASCAL大型作业PASCAL Wide Range WorkingPASCAL课程设计Course Exercise in PASCALX射线与电镜X-ray & Electric MicroscopeZ-80汇编语言程序设计Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly Languages板壳理论Plate Theory板壳力学Plate Mechanics半波实验Semiwave Experiment半导体变流技术Semiconductor Converting Technology半导体材料Semiconductor Materials半导体测量Measurement of Semiconductors半导体瓷敏元件Semiconductor Porcelain-Sensitive Elements半导体光电子学Semiconductor Optic Electronics半导体化学Semiconductor Chemistry半导体激光器Semiconductor Laser Unit半导体集成电路Semiconductor Integrated Circuitry半导体理论Semiconductive Theory半导体器件Semiconductor Devices半导体器件工艺原理Technological Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device半导体物理Semiconductor Physics半导体专业Semiconduction Specialty半导体专业实验Specialty Experiment of Semiconductor薄膜光学Film Optics报告文学专题Special Subject On Reportage报刊编辑学Newspaper & Magazine Editing报纸编辑学Newspaper Editing泵与风机Pumps and Fans泵与水机Pumps & Water Turbines毕业设计Graduation Thesis编译方法Methods of Compiling编译技术Technique of Compiling编译原理Fundamentals of Compiling变电站的微机检测与控制Computer Testing & Control in Transformer Substation变分法与张量Calculus of Variations & Tensor变分学Calculus of Variations变质量系统热力学与新型回转压Variable Quality System Thermal Mechanics & Neo-Ro 表面活性物质Surface Reactive Materials并行算法Parallel Algorithmic波谱学Wave Spectrum材料的力学性能测试Measurement of Material Mechanical Performance材料力学Mechanics of Materials财务成本管理Financial Cost Management财政学Public Finance财政与金融Finance & Banking财政与信贷Finance & Credit操作系统Disk Operating System操作系统课程设计Course Design in Disk Operating System操作系统原理Fundamentals of Disk Operating System策波测量技术Technique of Whip Wave Measurement测量原理与仪器设计Measurement Fundamentals & Meter Design测试技术Testing Technology测试与信号变换处理Testing & Signal Transformation Processing产业经济学Industrial Economy产业组织学Industrial Organization Technoooligy场论Field Theory常微分方程Ordinary Differentical Equations超导磁体及应用Superconductive Magnet & Application超导及应用Superconductive & Application超精微细加工Super-Precision & Minuteness Processing城市规划原理Fundamentals of City Planning城市社会学Urban Sociology成组技术Grouping Technique齿轮啮合原理Principles of Gear Connection冲击测量及误差Punching Measurement & Error冲压工艺Sheet Metal Forming Technology抽象代数Abstract Algebra传动概论Introduction to Transmission传感器与检测技术Sensors & Testing Technology传感器原理Fundamentals of Sensors传感器原理及应用Fundamentals of Sensors & Application传热学Heat Transfer传坳概论Introduction to Pass Col船舶操纵Ship Controling船舶电力系统Ship Electrical Power System船舶电力系统课程设计Course Exercise in Ship Electrical Power System 船舶电气传动自动化Ship Electrified Transmission Automation船舶电站Ship Power Station船舶动力装置Ship Power Equipment船舶概论Introduction to Ships船舶焊接与材料Welding & Materials on Ship船舶机械控制技术Mechanic Control Technology for Ships船舶机械拖动Ship Mechamic Towage船舶建筑美学Artistic Designing of Ships船舶结构力学Structual Mechamics for Ships船舶结构与制图Ship Structure & Graphing船舶静力学Ship Statics船舶强度与结构设计Designing Ship Intensity & Structure船舶设计原理Principles of Ship Designing船舶推进Ship Propeling船舶摇摆Ship Swaying船舶阻力Ship Resistance船体建造工艺Ship-Building Technology船体结构Ship Structure船体结构图Ship Structure Graphing船体振动学Ship Vibration创造心理学Creativity Psychology磁测量技术Magnetic Measurement Technology磁传感器Magnetic Sensor磁存储设备设计原理Fundamental Design of Magnetic Memory Equipment 磁记录技术Magnetographic Technology磁记录物理Magnetographic Physics磁路设计与场计算Magnetic Path Designing & Magnetic Field Calculati磁盘控制器Magnetic Disk Controler磁性材料Magnetic Materials磁性测量Magnetic Measurement磁性物理Magnetophysics磁原理及应用Principles of Catalyzation & Application大电流测量Super-Current Measurement大电源测量Super-Power Measurement大机组协调控制Coordination & Control of Generator Networks大跨度房屋结构Large-Span House structure大型锅炉概况Introduction to Large-V olume Boilers大型火电机组控制Control of Large Thermal Power Generator Networks大学德语College German大学俄语College Russian大学法语College French大学日语College Japanese大学英语College English大学语文College Chinese大众传播学Mass Media代用运放电路Simulated Transmittal Circuit单片机原理Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers单片机原理及应用Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers & Applications 弹性力学Theory of Elastic Mechanics当代国际关系Contemporary International Relationship当代国外社会思维评价Evaluation of Contemporary Foreign Social Thought 当代文学Contemporary Literature当代文学专题Topics on Contemporary Literature当代西方哲学Contemporary Western Philosophy当代戏剧与电影Contemporary Drama & Films党史History of the Party导波光学Wave Guiding Optics等离子体工程Plasma Engineering低频电子线路Low Frequency Electric Circuit低温传热学Cryo Conduction低温固体物理Cryo Solid Physics低温技术原理与装置Fundamentals of Cryo Technology & Equipment低温技术中的微机原理Priciples of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology低温绝热Cryo Heat Insulation低温气体制冷机Cryo Gas Refrigerator低温热管Cryo Heat Tube低温设备Cryo Equipment低温生物冻干技术Biological Cryo Freezing Drying Technology低温实验技术Cryo Experimentation Technology低温物理导论Cryo Physic Concepts低温物理概论Cryo Physic Concepts低温物理概念Cryo Physic Concepts低温仪表及测试Cryo Meters & Measurement低温原理Cryo Fundamentals低温中的微机应用Application of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology低温装置Cryo Equipment低噪声电子电路Low-Noise Electric Circuit低噪声电子设计Low-Noise Electronic Designing低噪声放大与弱检Low-Noise Increasing & Decreasing低噪声与弱信号检测Detection of Low Noise & Weak Signals地理Geography第二次世界大战史History of World War II电测量技术Electric Measurement Technology电厂计算机控制系统Computer Control System in Power Plants电磁测量实验技术Electromagnetic Measurement Experiment & Technology电磁场计算机Electromagnetic Field Computers电磁场理论Theory of Electromagnetic Fields电磁场数值计算Numerical Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields电磁场与电磁波Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Fields & Micro-Wave Technology电磁场中的数值方法Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Fields电磁场中的数值计算Numerical Calculation in Electromagnetic Fields电磁学Electromagnetics电动力学Electrodynamics电镀Plating电分析化学Electro-Analytical Chemistry电工测试技术基础Testing Technology of Electrical Engineering电工产品学Electrotechnical Products电工电子技术基础Electrical Technology & Electrical Engineering电工电子学Electronics in Electrical Engineering电工基础Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering电工基础理论Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering电工基础实验Basic Experiment in Electrical Engineering电工技术Electrotechnics电工技术基础Fundamentals of Electrotechnics电工实习Electrical Engineering Practice电工实验技术基础Experiment Technology of Electrical Engineering电工学Electrical Engineering电工与电机控制Electrical Engineering & Motor Control电弧电接触Electrical Arc Contact电弧焊及电渣焊Electric Arc Welding & Electroslag Welding电化学测试技术Electrochemical Measurement Technology电化学工程Electrochemical Engineering电化学工艺学Electrochemical Technology电机测试技术Motor Measuring Technology电机电磁场的分析与计算Analysis & Calculation of Electrical Motor & Electromagne tic Fields电机电器与供电Motor Elements and Power Supply电机课程设计Course Exercise in Electric Engine电机绕组理论Theory of Motor Winding电机绕组理论及应用Theory & Application of Motor Winding电机设计Design of Electrical Motor电机瞬变过程Electrical Motor Change Processes电机学Electrical Motor电机学及控制电机Electrical Machinery Control & Technology电机与拖动Electrical Machinery & Towage电机原理Principle of Electric Engine电机原理与拖动Principles of Electrical Machinery & Towage电机专题Lectures on Electric Engine电接触与电弧Electrical Contact & Electrical Arc电介质物理Dielectric Physics电镜Electronic Speculum电力电子电路Power Electronic Circuit电力电子电器Power Electronic Equipment电力电子器件Power Electronic Devices电力电子学Power Electronics电力工程Electrical Power Engineering电力生产技术Technology of Electrical Power Generation电力生产优化管理Optimal Management of Electrical Power Generation电力拖动基础Fundamentals for Electrical Towage电力拖动控制系统Electrical Towage Control Systems电力系统Power Systems电力系统电源最优化规划Optimal Planning of Power Source in a Power System 电力系统短路Power System Shortcuts电力系统分析Power System Analysis电力系统规划Power System Planning电力系统过电压Hyper-V oltage of Power Systems电力系统继电保护原理Power System Relay Protection电力系统经济分析Economical Analysis of Power Systems电力系统经济运行Economical Operation of Power Systems电力系统可靠性Power System Reliability电力系统可靠性分析Power System Reliability Analysis电力系统无功补偿及应用Non-Work Compensation in Power Systems & Applicati 电力系统谐波Harmonious Waves in Power Systems电力系统优化技术Optimal Technology of Power Systems电力系统优化设计Optimal Designing of Power Systems电力系统远动Operation of Electric Systems电力系统远动技术Operation Technique of Electric Systems电力系统运行Operation of Electric Systems电力系统自动化Automation of Electric Systems电力系统自动装置Power System Automation Equipment电路测试技术Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术基础Fundamentals of Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术及实验Circuit Measurement Technology & Experiments电路分析基础Basis of Circuit Analysis电路分析基础实验Basic Experiment on Circuit Analysis电路分析实验Experiment on Circuit Analysis电路和电子技术Circuit and Electronic Technique电路理论Theory of Circuit电路理论基础Fundamental Theory of Circuit电路理论实验Experiments in Theory of Circuct电路设计与测试技术Circuit Designing & Measurement Technology电器学Electrical Appliances电器与控制Electrical Appliances & Control电气控制技术Electrical Control Technology电视接收技术Television Reception Technology电视节目Television Porgrams电视节目制作Television Porgram Designing电视新技术New Television Technology电视原理Principles of Television电网调度自动化Automation of Electric Network Management电影艺术Art of Film Making电站微机检测控制Computerized Measurement & Control of Power Statio电子材料与元件测试技术Measuring Technology of Electronic Material and Element 电子材料元件Electronic Material and Element电子材料元件测量Electronic Material and Element Measurement电子测量与实验技术Technology of Electronic Measurement & Experiment电子测试Electronic Testing电子测试技术Electronic Testing Technology电子测试技术与实验Electronic Testing Technology & Experiment电子机械运动控制技术Technology of Electronic Mechanic Movement Control电子技术Technology of Electronics电子技术腐蚀测试中的应用Application of Electronic Technology in Erosion Measure ment电子技术基础Basic Electronic Technology电子技术基础与实验Basic Electronic Technology & Experiment电子技术课程设计Course Exercise in Electronic Technology电子技术实验Experiment in Electronic Technology电子理论实验Experiment in Electronic Theory电子显微分析Electronic Micro-Analysis电子显微镜Electronic Microscope电子线路Electronic Circuit电子线路设计与测试技术Electronic Circuit Design & Measurement Technology电子线路实验Experiment in Electronic Circuit电子照相技术Electronic Photographing Technology雕塑艺术欣赏Appreciation of Sculptural Art调节装置Regulation Equipment动态规划Dynamic Programming动态无损检测Dynamic Non-Destruction Measurement动态信号分析与仪器Dynamic Signal Analysis & Apparatus锻压工艺Forging Technology锻压机械液压传动Hydraulic Transmission in Forging Machinery锻压加热设备Forging Heating Equipment锻压设备专题Lectures on Forging Press Equipments锻压系统动力学Dynamics of Forging System锻造工艺Forging Technology断裂力学Fracture Mechanics对外贸易概论Introduction to International Trade多层网络方法Multi-Layer Network Technology多目标优化方法Multipurpose Optimal Method多项距阵Multi-Nominal Matrix多元统计分析Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis发电厂Power Plant发电厂电气部分Electric Elements of Power Plants法律基础Fundamentals of Law法学概论An Introduction to Science of Law法学基础Fundamentals of Science of Law翻译Translation翻译理论与技巧Theory & Skills of Translation泛函分析Functional Analysis房屋建筑学Architectural Design & Construction非电量测量Non-Electricity Measurement非金属材料Non-Metal Materials非线性采样系统Non-Linear Sampling System非线性光学Non-Linear Optics非线性规划Non-Linear Programming非线性振荡Non-Linear Ocsillation非线性振动Non-Linear Vibration沸腾燃烧Boiling Combustion分析化学Analytical Chemistry分析化学实验Analytical Chemistry Experiment分析力学Analytical Mechanics风机调节Fan Regulation风机调节.使用.运转Regulation,Application & Operation of Fans风机三元流动理论与设计Tri-Variate Movement Theory & Design of Fans风能利用Wind Power Utilization腐蚀电化学实验Experiment in Erosive Electrochemistry复变函数Complex Variables Functions复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformation 复合材料力学Compound Material Mechanics傅里叶光学Fourier Optics概率论Probability Theory概率论与数理统计Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics概率论与随机过程Probability Theory & Stochastic Process钢笔画Pen Drawing钢的热处理Heat-Treatment of Steel钢结构Steel Structure钢筋混凝土Reinforced Concrete钢筋混凝土及砖石结构Reinforced Concrete & Brick Structure钢砼结构Reinforced Concrete Structure高层建筑基础设计Designing bases of High Rising Buildings高层建筑结构设计Designing Structures of High Rising Buildings高等材料力学Advanced Material Mechanics高等代数Advanced Algebra高等教育管理Higher Education Management高等教育史History of Higher Education高等教育学Higher Education高等数学Advanced Mathematics高电压技术High-V oltage Technology高电压测试技术High-V oltage Test Technology高分子材料High Polymer Material高分子材料及加工High Polymer Material & Porcessing高分子化学High Polymer Chemistry高分子化学实验High Polymer Chemistry Experiment高分子物理High Polymer Physics高分子物理实验High Polymer Physics Experiment高级英语听说Advanced English Listening & Speaking高能密束焊High Energy-Dense Beam Welding高频电路High-Frenquency Circuit高频电子技术High-Frenquency Electronic Technology高频电子线路High-Frenquency Electronic Circuit高压测量技术High-V oltage Measurement Technology高压测试技术High-V oltage Testing Technology高压电场的数值计算Numerical Calculation in High-V oltage Electronic Field 高压电器High-Voltage Electrical Appliances高压绝缘High-Voltage Insulation高压实验High-Voltage Experimentation高压试验技术High-V oltage Experimentation Technology工程材料的力学性能测试Mechanic Testing of Engineering Materials工程材料及热处理Engineering Material and Heat Treatment工程材料学Engineering Materials工程测量Engineering Surveying工程测试技术Engineering Testing Technique工程测试实验Experiment on Engineering Testing工程测试信息Information of Engineering Testing工程动力学Engineering Dynamics工程概论Introduction to Engineering工程概预算Project Budget工程经济学Engineering Economics工程静力学Engineering Statics工程力学Engineering Mechanics工程热力学Engineering Thermodynamics工程项目评估Engineering Project Evaluation工程优化方法Engineering Optimizational Method工程运动学Engineering Kinematics工程造价管理Engineering Cost Management工程制图Graphing of Engineering工业分析Industrial Analysis工业锅炉Industrial Boiler工业会计学Industrial Accounting工业机器人Industrial Robot工业技术基础Basic Industrial Technology工业建筑设计原理Principles of Industrial Building Design工业经济理论Industrial Economic Theory工业经济学Industrial Economics工业企业财务管理Industrial Enterprise Financial Management工业企业财务会计Accounting in Industrial Enterprises工业企业管理Industrial Enterprise Management工业企业经营管理Industrial Enterprise Adminstrative Management 工业社会学Industrial Sociology工业心理学Industrial Psychology工业窑炉Industrial Stoves工艺过程自动化Technics Process Automation公差Common Difference公差技术测量Technical Measurement with Common Difference公差与配合Common Difference & Cooperation公共关系学Public Relations公文写作Document Writing古代汉语Ancient Chinese古典文学作品选读Selected Readings in Classical Literature固体激光Solid State Laser固体激光器件Solid Laser Elements固体激光与电源Solid State Laser & Power Unit固体物理Solid State Physics管理概论Introduction to Management管理经济学Management Economics管理数学Management Mathematics管理系统模拟Management System Simulation管理心理学Management Psychology管理信息系统Management Information Systems光波导理论Light Wave Guide Theory光电技术Photoelectric Technology光电信号处理Photoelectric Signal Processing光电信号与系统分析Photoelectric Signal & Systematic Analysis光辐射探测技术Ray Radiation Detection Technology光谱Spectrum光谱分析Spectral Analysis光谱学Spectroscopy光纤传感Fibre Optical Sensors光纤传感器Fibre Optical Sensors光纤传感器基础Fundamentals of Fibre Optical Sensors光纤传感器及应用Fibre Optical Sensors & Applications光纤光学课程设计Course Design of Fibre Optical光纤技术实验Experiments in Fibre Optical Technology光纤通信基础Basis of Fibre Optical Communication光学Optics光学测量Optical Measurement光学分析法Optical Analysis Method光学计量仪器设计Optical Instrument Gauge Designing光学检测Optical Detection光学设计Optical Design光学信息导论Introduction of Optical Infomation光学仪器设计Optical Instrument Designing光学仪器与计量仪器设计Optical Instrument & Gauge Instrument Designing 光学仪器装配与校正Optical Instrument Installation & Adjustment广播编辑学Broadcast Editing广播新闻Broadcast Journalism广播新闻采写Broadcast Journalism Collection & Composition广告学Advertisement锅炉燃烧理论Theory of Boiler Combustion锅炉热交换传热强化Boiler Heat Exchange,Condction & Intensification锅炉原理Principles of Boiler国际金融International Finance国际经济法International Economic Law国际贸易International Trade国际贸易地理International Trade Geography国际贸易实务International Trade Affairs国际市场学International Marketing国际市场营销International Marketing国民经济计划National Economical Planning国外社会学理论Overseas Theories of Sociology过程(控制)调节装置Process(Control) Adjustment Device过程调节系统Process Adjustment System过程控制Process Control过程控制系统Process Control System海洋测量Ocean Surveying海洋工程概论Introduction to Ocean Engineering函数分析Functional Analysis焊接方法Welding Method焊接方法及设备Welding Method & Equipment焊接检验Welding Testing焊接结构Welding Structure焊接金相Welding Fractography焊接金相分析Welding Fractography Analysis焊接冶金Welding Metallurgy焊接原理Fundamentals of Welding焊接原理及工艺Fundamentals of Welding & Technology焊接自动化Automation of Welding汉语Chinese汉语与写作Chinese & Composition汉语语法研究Research on Chinese Grammar汉字信息处理技术Technology of Chinese Information Processing毫微秒脉冲技术Millimicrosecond Pusle Technique核动力技术Nuclear Power Technology合唱与指挥Chorus & Conduction合金钢Alloy Steel宏观经济学Macro-Economics宏微观经济学Macro Micro Economics红外CCD Infrared CCD红外电荷耦合器Infrared Electric Charge Coupler红外探测器Infrared Detectors红外物理Infrared Physics红外物理与技术Infrared Physics & Technology红外系统Infrared System红外系统电信号处理Processing Electric Signals from Infrared Systems厚薄膜集成电路Thick & Thin Film Integrated Circuit弧焊电源Arc Welding Power弧焊原理Arc Welding Principles互换性技术测量基础Basic Technology of Exchangeability Measurement互换性技术测量Technology of Exchangeability Measurement互换性与技术测量Elementary Technology of Exchangeability Measurement互换性与技术测量实验Experiment of Exchangeability Measurement Technology 画法几何及机械制图Descriptive Geometry & Mechanical Graphing画法几何与阴影透视Descriptive Geometry,Shadow and Perspective化工基础Elementary Chemical Industry化工仪表与自动化Chemical Meters & Automation化工原理Principles of Chemical Industry化学Chemistry化学反应工程Chemical Reaction Engineering化学分离Chemical Decomposition化学工程基础Elementary Chemical Engineering化学计量学Chemical Measurement化学文献Chemical Literature化学文献及查阅方法Chemical Literature & Consulting Method化学粘结剂Chemical Felter环境保护理论基础Basic Theory of Environmental Protection环境化学Environomental Chemistry环境行为概论Introduction to Environmental Behavior换热器Thermal Transducer回旧分析与试验设计Tempering Analysis and Experiment Design回转式压缩机Rotary Compressor回转压缩机数学模型Mathematical Modeling of Rotary Compressors会计学Accountancy会计与财务分析Accountancy & Financial Analysis会计与设备分析Accountancy & Equipment Analysis会计原理及外贸会计Principles of Accountancy & Foreign Trade Accountancy 会计原理与工业会计Principles of Accountancy & Industrial Accountancy活力学Energy Theory活塞膨胀机Piston Expander活塞式制冷压缩机Piston Refrigerant Compreessor活塞式压缩机Piston Compressor活塞式压缩机基础设计Basic Design of Piston Compressor活塞压缩机结构强度Structural Intensity of Piston Compressor活赛压机气流脉动Gas Pulsation of Piston Pressor货币银行学Currency Banking基本电路理论Basis Theory of Circuit基础写作Fundamental Course of Composition机床电路Machine Tool Circuit机床电器Machine Tool Electric Appliance机床电气控制Electrical Control of Machinery Tools机床动力学Machine Tool Dynamics机床设计Machine Tool design机床数字控制Digital Control of Machine Tool机床液压传动Machinery Tool Hydraulic Transmission机电传动Mechanical & Electrical Transmission机电传动控制Mechanical & electrical Transmission Control机电耦合系统Mechanical & Electrical Combination System机电系统计算机仿真Computer Simulation of Mechanic/Electrical Systems机电一体化Mechanical & Electrical Integration机构学Structuring机器人Robot机器人控制技术Robot Control Technology机械产品学Mechanic Products机械产品造型设计Shape Design of Mechanical Products机械工程控制基础Basic Mechanic Engineering Control机械加工自动化Automation in Mechanical Working机械可靠性Mechanical Reliability机械零件Mechanical Elements机械零件设计Course Exercise in Machinery Elements Design机械零件设计基础Basis of Machinery Elements Design机械设计Mechanical Designing机械设计基础Basis of Mechanical Designing机械设计课程设计Course Exercise in Mechanical Design机械设计原理Principle of Mechanical Designing机械式信息传输机构Mechanical Information Transmission Device机械原理Principle of Mechanics机械原理和机械零件Mechanism & Machinery机械原理及机械设计Mechanical Designing机械原理及应用Mechanical Principle & Mechanical Applications机械原理课程设计Course Exercise of Mechanical Principle机械原理与机械零件Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Elements机械原理与机械设计Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Design机械噪声控制Control of Mechanical Noise机械制造概论Introduction to Mechanical Manufacture机械制造工艺学Technology of Mechanical Manufacture机械制造基础Fundamental of Mechanical Manufacture机械制造基础(金属工艺学) Fundamental Course of Mechanic Manufacturing (Meta 机械制造系统自动化Automation of Mechanical Manufacture System机械制造中计算机控制Computer Control in Mechanical Manufacture机制工艺及夹具Mechanical Technology and Clamps积分变换Integral Transformation积分变换及数理方程Integral Transformation & Mathematical Equations积分变换控制工程Integral Transformation Control Engineering积分变换与动力工程Integral Transforms & Dynamic Engineering激光电源Laser Power Devices激光焊Laser Welding激光基础Basis of Laser激光技术Laser Technology激光加工Laser Processing激光器件Laser Devices激光器件与电源Laser Devices & Power Source激光原理Principles of Laser激光原理与技术Laser Principles & Technology极限分析Limit Analysis集合论与代数结构Set Theory & Algebraical Structure技术管理Technological Management技术经济Technological Economy技术经济学Technological Economics。
图像分割英文资料及翻译 2

The Development of A Kind of Online Image CodeRecognition System一种在线图像编码识别系统的设计Zhen Jie Li( ShanDong University Information Science and Engineering College JiNan,250100,ShanDong,China)Abstract: This paper describes the design and the implement of online image coding char recognition system. It analyses and researches the important contents about the system. Then it provides the solutions of main problems.In recognition algorithm, combining template matching with feature recognition, it put forword an improved template matching algorithm based on feature weights. The algorithm can obviously improve the char recognition ratio.摘要:本文介绍了在线图像编码字符识别系统的设计与实现过程,对其中重点环节进行了分析与研究,给出了主要环节问题的解决方法,在识别算法上,结合模板匹配与特征识别,提出了基于特征加权的模板匹配算法,该算法对提高字符识别率提到了较好的作用。
Keyword: image processing; pattern recognition; feature weights; software design0 IntroductionCharacter recognition of image coding is still the subject of intense study at home and abroad, it has broad applications, such as Automatic number plate recognition, postal code of the automatic identification, automatic reading papers, reports, automatic processing, because of this online image coded character recognition has some common, this paper online tire coding character recognition system for the general image coding character recognition system has been elaborated on the key link of the research and analysis, the method of the other online image coded character system Development of guiding significance.0引言图像编码字符识别的研究目前仍是国内外一个重点研究课题,它具有广泛的应用背景,比如车牌号码自动识别、邮政编码的自动识别、试卷自动阅读、报表自动处理等,由于这种在线图像编码字符的识别都具有一些共性,本文结合在线轮胎编码字符识别系统的设计,对一般图像编码字符识别系统进行了阐述,对关键环节进行了研究与分析,该方法对其它在线图像编码字符系统的开发具有一定指导意义。

High-resolution Fourier lens designSong Gu, Chunyu Liu, Guang Jin Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Changchun, China gusongl26@, mmliucy@ jing@ Chunyu Liu Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China mmliucv@,l 63 .comAbstract—This Fourier lens system is often used in optical signal processing system. Based on the design principles of Fourier lens system and the requirements of some particles observation experiment, a Fourier optical system whose working wavelength was 532nm was designed using ZEMAX. The testing experiment using the visual microscope, showed that the system's resolution was 2501p/mm. And the system was successfully used in the particles observation experiment.Keywords- Fourier lens system; optical design; Optic information processingI. INTRODUCTIONFourier lens system is widely used in optical information processing, such as image conversion and transmission, spatial filtering, holography, holographic storage in the Fourier, because of its diffraction field is the Fourier spectrum of surface-screen function , you can use the natureof the Fourier transform lens, through the Change the spectrum to transform the image information processing. For example, place the filter in the spectrum plane can inhibit high-frequency noise and limited bandwidth, low-frequency signals without attenuation. Using Fourier lens system you can transform the image of the flow field and particle field which are difficult to measure directly. This paper describes a particle field for recording high-resolution large face of the Fourier lens system design.II. DESIGN PRINCIPLESFourier lens designed have to comply with following principles: first, Fourier lens design requires to control aberrations on two pairs of conjugate position. The object of the first conjugate position is the diffraction parallel light, the imaging plane corresponding to the spectrum plane; The second conjugate position of the object-image is the input plane as the object, the corresponding image at infinity. Therefore, To control aberrations of the conjugate position, both need to control the object surface, but also need to control the optical path aberration. Second, the Fourier transform lens must satisfy the sine condition. Third, the Fourier system are generally used in coherent light, so dust, scratches, bubbles and other defects which might cause strong coherent noise and the system can also cause stray light in the noise, this effect increases with the number of pieces have become the lens Serious. Therefore, the design should minimize the number of lensesIII. THE INITIAL STRUCTURE DESIGNAccording to the needs of measuring field particles, the object field of view as®80mm, the system was like a ratio of 1:1, the working wavelength of 532 nm, resolution is better than 4um. Because of the system is a no optical power system, the first group and the back group of System after are completely symmetrical, Therefore only need to consider the design of the back group. To design the back group, first consider of the simplest structure that can correct all the aberrations, that is, three-piece lens structure. It has eight variables, namely, the radius of curvature and two intervalsof six, just seven aberration correction and focal length to meet the requirements of the total. Solving the half-step structure to simplify all the operations. On the half-step structure, there:Where: Selected glass combination , using the above formula to solve the SIV on the n, v, and the expression of h2. When the chromatic aberration does not exist, Cl = 0, optical power is:However, you can handle and a spout (7) and (8) as the independent equations to solve w2 and h2. At the same time so that you can find the correct spherical aberration and astigmatism of the h2 and w2 to h2 as independent variables obtained by using the same sequential approach w2, and then can be from (4) Find Ol, O 2, d, and calculate the SIV. Calculated through a series of combinations of glass, the glass can also be seen on the correct combination of SIV in the best interests of the glass, the relation between w2 and Q2is:Combine the two symmetrical half of the three objectives. On this basis, in order to better senior aberration correction, to obtain the three-piece structure is farther complicated, in a compact structure to achieve diffraction limited performance. And further reduce the aperture to the mirror group distance, and thus shorten the tube length optical systems. The structure optimized by Zemax is shown in Figure 3 after the group.IV. DESIGN RESULTS AND IMAGE QUALITY EV ALUA TIONThe optical system is designed and optimized using Zemax.The structure type is shown in Figure4. A group of flat glass is added to first group system according to user's requirements. Therefore, changing the contribution of axisaberrations by optimizing the optical system, a full symmetry system is achieved, and it is conducive to improving the processing and reliability. Optical transfer fiinction of an optical system of the main evaluation tools, the optical system transfer function (MTF) as shown in Figure (5) below:Design transfer function curve shows the diffraction limit has been reached. The system have made good quality image was achieved in all the field. The above analysis shows that the lens image quality is excellent. The system designed meets the actual requirements.V. TEST RESULTSTo verify if the 4F system can meet the requirements of particle testing, the method of microscope method is applied. The testing equipment is shown in Fig. 8. After testing, the system can easily see the No. 1 plate number identification rate of 25 units, corresponding to a resolution of 250LP/mm.VI. CONCLUSIONA Fourier lens system for particle observation is designed according to the basic principle of Fourier optical. The working wave length of the system is 532nm and 694nm. Complication design method of "TRIPLER" is applied to meet the system's requirements. Through theoreticalcalculation and optimization of ZEMAX, we made a good correction for off-axis astigmatism, spherical aberration and distortion. Test results show that the system resolution reached 2501p/mm and the system has good aberration correction. Mounting a CCD or holographic system behind the proposed system can make the real time observation of micro particle possible and provide a way for observing the particle field hard to measure directly. The design has high application value in fields like optical information processing, etc. The results of the research also have reference significance in design and research of other types of high resolution Fourier lens system.[1] An Baoqing, Xiangli Bin, Gao Zhan, Xue Mingqiu, "Study on Precise Symmetric Fourier Transform Lens," Acta Photonica Sinica, V ol. 26, Otc. 1997, pp. 956-959. [2] Ji Y anfeng, He Shurong, He Qingsheng, Wu Minxian, Jin Guofan, "Design of Fourier transform lenses in VHDSS," Optical Technique, V ol. 30, Jan. 2004, pp. 17-19 [3] Lv Xiankui, "Design of Large Aperture Monochromatic Fourier Transform Lens," Master Dissertation of Chongqing University, May. 2005.[4] Lv Li, "Design of Fourier transform lens," Dissertation submitted to Chongqing University for Master Degree of Engineering, May. 2003.[5] Yin Wei, "Design of Fourier Transform Lens," A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Engineering, April. 2009.高分辨率傅里叶透镜设计Gu Song , Liu Chunyu, Jin Guang1.中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所2. 中国科学院研究生院,北京摘要:傅立叶透镜系统广泛的应用于光信号处理系统中。
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正如在接下来的段落中阐述的,Simulink模块库开发(IP-Image Processing 图像处理)由四个部分组织在一起:数据流结尾、加工操作、接收器和其他参数。