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趁热打铁,佳句活用 1.酒驾(drunk driving)正成为中国 人热议的话题。 2.我想发表一下对此事的看法。 3.众所周知,酒驾是一种可怕的行 为。
4.酒驾将威胁到人们的安全,包括 司机本人。
5.许多由酒后驾车造成的交通意 外带来了交通拥堵、受伤甚至死 亡。
经典句型提炼 1.Sth.is becoming a heated topic among... 某事正成为……热议的话题。 2.I’d like to air my views about... 我想对……发表一下看法。 3.As is known to us all,... 众所周知,…… 4....including someone himself. ……包括某人本人。 5.sth.caused by... 由……造成的事
对照修改,再次背诵 1.Drunk driving is becoming a heated topic among people in China. 2.I’d like to air my views about it. 3.As is known to us allБайду номын сангаасdrunk driving is a sort of terrible behavior. 4.Drunk driving will threaten people’s safety,including the driver himself. 5.Many of the traffic accidents caused by drunk driving have brought about traffic jams,injuries and even deaths.
周二 Tuesday 不积小流,无以成江海 Step after step the ladder is ascended.
今天的佳句背诵是为了明天的满分作文 1.此外,要花费大量的时间学习英语,这意味着我休 息很少。 Besides,a great deal of time has to be spent learning English,which means little rest for me. 2.我强烈建议要采取好的学习方法。 I strongly suggest a good studying method be adopted. 3.应加强法律、法规,来惩治贪官污吏。 Laws and regulations should be strengthened to punish the corrupt officials. 4.同时,政府在采取措施控制房价。 Meanwhile,the government is taking measures to control the housing price. 5.我希望通过这样做,使破坏环境成为过去的事。 I hope by doing so,damaging the environment can be a thing of the past.
趁热打铁,佳句活用 1.此外,要花费大量的金钱治 疗伤者和修复破损的汽车,这 意味着浪费金钱。 2.我强烈建议在事情变得更 糟之前采取有效的措施。 3.应加强法律、法规,来惩罚 那些酒驾者。 4.同时,公众,特别是司机,应 更加了解公众安全。 5.我希望通过这样做,使酒后 驾车成为过去的事。
今天的佳句背诵是为了明天的满分作文 趁热打铁,佳句活用 过渡词提炼与拓展 •表递进关系的过渡词有: besides,what’s more,in addition, furthermore,moreover,another,also, especially,in particular... •表示时间顺序的过渡词有: meanwhile,from then on,at the same time, at present,recently,afterwards,after that, to begin with,all of a sudden, at that moment,from now on... 对照修改,再次背诵 1.Besides,a great deal of money has to be spent treating the injured and repairin g the broken cars,which means a waste of money. 2.I strongly suggest effective measures be taken before things get worse. 3.Laws and regulations should be strengthened to punish those performing drunk driving. 4.Meanwhile,the public,especially drivers,should be more aware of public safety. 5.I hope by doing so,drunk driving can be a thing of the past.
周一 Monday 千里之行 始于足下 A journey of one thousand miles begins with the first step!
今天的佳句背诵是为了后天的满分作文 1.买卖房屋正在成为中国人热议的话题。 Buying and selling houses is becoming a heated topic among people in China. 2.我想发表一下对英语学习的看法。 I’d like to air my views about studying English. 3.众所周知,偷窃是一种可怕的行为。 As is known to us all,stealing is a sort of terrible behavior. 4.吸烟将威胁到公众的安全,包括吸烟者本人。 Smoking will threaten the safety of the public, including the smoker himself. 5.许多由地震造成的伤亡给人们的心灵带来了 创伤。 Many of the injuries and deaths caused by the earthquake have brought about scars in people’s hearts.