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Financial Intermediation Real Estate Leasing and Business Services
Leasing Services Business Services Scientific Research and Technic Services Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and Public Facilities Services to Households Repair and Other Services Education Health and Social Service Health Social Service Culture,Sports and Entertainment News Publishing Company Radio, Television, Movies and Video Recordings Sports Public Management Social Securities and Social Organization
Wage 83298
81802 87759 80813
50757 78805 85249
50757 71133 80284 110790 72739 79656 103596 57845 91525 45082 104948
nits by Sector
国有单位 Stateowned Units
集体单位 Collective-
owned Units
其他单位 Unit of
Other Type of Ownership
100863 88738 80821
54968 78188 82059
80246 64294 72409
71295 98018 86637
28668 49535 69969
102894 48732
104743 81799
132008 64267 63973 63559 63981 95520 50574 46821 87861 91883 93292 48727 86338
107100 92013 94136 79535
155488 55219 64431 64651 64430 96521 57459 73429 90623 93358 94483 50867 98553
44317 77812 82544
71295 83928 49726 110682 50953 134814 142896 59441 82884 47426 105089
28668 77565 48891 52562 48349 41299 42279 40321 56398 51149 133060
批发业 零售业 交通运输、仓储和邮政业 住宿和餐饮业 信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业
Total By Enterprises,Institutions and Agencies
Enterprises Institutions Agencies By Three Industries Primary Industry Secondary Industry Tertiary Industry By Sector Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Mining Manufacturing Production and Supply of Electricity,Heat, Gas and Water Construction Wholesale and Retail Trades
Wholesale Retail Trades Transport,Storage and Post Hotels and Catering Services Information Transmission,Software and Information Technology
平均工资 Average
44317 70656 80789 111671 74277 67488 83108 58029 93405 44860 104868
金融业 房地产业 租赁和商务服务业
租赁业 商务服务业 科学研究、技术服务业 水利、环境和公共设施管理业 居民服务、修理和其他服务业 教育 卫生和社会工作 卫生 社会工作 文化、体育和娱乐业 #新闻和出版业 广播、电视、电影和影视录音制作业 体育 公共管理、社会保障和社会组织
108167 112955
68825 79526
193490 42968 41817
41817 57643 114207 59416 70338 72143 73187 26769 35734
15286 36843 76193
128934 64731 64794 63511 64823 95331 47738 44004 60367 79548 83004 43208 69756
4-8 非私营单位各行业从业人员平均工资(2019) Average Wages of Working Staff and Workers in Non-private Units by Sector
总计 按企事业、机关分
企业 事业 机关 按产业分 第一产业 第二产业 第三产业 按国民经济行业分 农、林、牧、渔业 采矿业 制造业 电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业 建筑业 批发和零售业